gender statistics in the republic of uzbekistan · gender statistics in uzbekistan: data sources...

STATISTICS COMMITTEE OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Davron Yussupov Gender Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan

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Page 1: Gender Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan · Gender statistics in Uzbekistan: data sources and frequency of data collection, ways to present data Demographic indicators –


Davron Yussupov

Gender Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Page 2: Gender Statistics in the Republic of Uzbekistan · Gender statistics in Uzbekistan: data sources and frequency of data collection, ways to present data Demographic indicators –

*Gender statistics. Overview.

*Gender statistics in Uzbekistan: data sources and frequency of

data collection, ways to present data.

*Gender equality in Uzbekistan: legislation and gender policies.

*Gender statistics of Uzbekistan.

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Gender statistics is a field of statistics that cuts across the traditional fields to identify, produce and disseminate

statistics that reflect the realities of the lives of women and men and policy issues relating to address gender

issues*. Gender statistics allow for a systematic study of gender differentials and gender issues. Gender issues are

all aspects and concerns of how women and men interrelate, their differences in access to and use of resources,

their activities, and how they react to changes, interventions and policies.

In general, there are three main requirements for gender statistics**:

1. all statistics on individuals should be collected, collated and presented disaggregated by sex;

2. all variables and characteristics should be analyzed by and presented with sex as a primary and overall


3. specific efforts should be made to identify gender issues and provide data that address these.

* As per the definition of gender statistics by the UNECE, http://www.

* * Loren Corner, ‘From Margins to Mainstream: From Gender Statistics to Engendering Statistical Systems’, UNIFEM Asia-Pacific and Arab States, p. 2.

Gender statistics. General Overview.

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Gender statistics. General Overview

The Women’s Committee and the Foreign Ministry and the National Human Rights Committee closely collaborate

with the Statistics Committee to produce national reporting on the international obligations under the Convention on

the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), Beijing Platform for Action and

Millennium Development Goals.

At the national level, governments are implementing programmes and activities to improve the situation of women

and to expand their economic rights. More pro-active efforts of government bodies, non-governmental and academic

organizations in the country in addressing gender issues fostered increased domestic demand for statistics

demonstrating the extent of gender equality, and there are now more users of such statistics.

The first steps in promoting gender statistics in Uzbekistan were made back in late 1990-s. This was the time when

Uzbekistan started and continues publishing brochures gender indicators. Each publication is a step forward, a

milestone in developing and disseminating gender indicators. Thus, brochure ‘Women and Men in Uzbekistan’

published in 2002 by the Ministry of Macroeconomics and the Women’s Committee (with the support of UNDP and

ADB) was the first publication which brought together the indicators in 9 strategic areas, including first published data

related to governance, politics and entrepreneurship. Since then, similar publications were issued with the assistance

of international organizations in 2002, 2007, 2010 and 2012. All of them contain key gender indicators produced from

administrative sources and surveys.

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Введение Gender statistics.

Gender Overview

Общее положение.

Web site is the first attempt to create an electronic gender statistics database in order to

improve further gender-related data and to produce on time gender-disaggregated data. The Web site

builds on the recommendations of international organizations on systematization, and takes into account

the introduction and development of new indicators which support comparable analysis of the situation of

women and men. These activities are part of the overall national statistics development aimed to

adequately reflect new dimensions of social and economic development of the country driven by

deepening of reforms and democratization of the society.

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Gender statistics in Uzbekistan:

data sources and frequency of data collection,

ways to present data

Demographic indicators – offices of vital statistics, internal affairs bodies, health facilities (on a monthly basis).

Education and science

Education - preschool, secondary, vocational and post-secondary

educational institutions, once a year (at the beginning of an academic year)

using statistical reporting forms:

1-ta’lim shakli ‘Report of a pre-school educational institution’;

2-ta’lim shakli ‘Report of a secondary educational institution’;

3-ta’lim shakli ‘Report of an academic lyceum, vocational college’;

4-ta’lim shakli ‘Report of a higher educational institution’;

5-ta’lim shakli ‘Report of an out-of-school educational institution’;

6-ta’lim shakli ‘Report of an educational institution for orphaned children and children without parental custody’;

Science – post-secondary educational institutions and research organizations, once a year using form of statistical

reporting 1-fan ‘R&D report’.

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Gender statistics in Uzbekistan:

data sources and frequency of data collection,

ways to present data

Health and disability

Health – health facilities annually, Ministry of Health once a year for specific


1-tibbiyot shakli ‘Report on activities of health facilities’;

2-tibbiyot shakli ‘Report on health services to pregnant women, obstetric patients,

abortion and contraception services;

3-tibbiyot shakli ‘Report on health services to children’;

4-tibbiyot shakli ‘Report on HIV-positive patients and results of HIV tests’;

7-tibbiyot shakliga ilova ‘Report on infectious and parasitic diseases’.

Disability – extra-budgetary Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance, annually using statistical reporting form

1-TMEK ‘Reasons of disabilities’.

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Gender statistics in Uzbekistan:

data sources and frequency of data collection,

ways to present data

Welfare – extra-budgetary Pension Fund under the Ministry of Finance and other ministries, annually using

statistical reporting form 1-ijtimoiy shakli ‘Report on the number of pensioners and granted pensions’;

Employment – Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, State Tax Committee, legal entities – on a quarterly basis

using statistical reporting form 1-mehnat shakli ‘Report on labour’;

Safety and workplace injuries – legal entities and their separate subdivisions in industry, construction,

transportation and communication, once a year, using statistical reporting form 1-MSh shakli ‘Report on safety and

workplace injuries’;

Culture, sports and tourism

Culture – museums, clubs, zoos, recreation and entertainment parks, circuses, concert

organizations, once a year using statistical reporting form 1-madaniyat shakli ‘Report on

library activities’;

Fitness and sports - Ministry of Culture and Sports, once a year, using the statistical

reporting forms:

1-sport shakli ‘Report on fitness and sports’;

2-sport shakli ‘Report on sports educational institutions’

Tourism – State Customs Committee, on a quarterly basis, using statistical

reporting form 1-turizm shakli ‘Report on persons who left and entered Uzbekistan’.

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Statistical digests (‘Men and Women’, etc.)

Statistics Committee’s

web site

Provision of information as requested by the

Government, international organizations

Provision of information as requested by legal entities

and individuals

ways to present gender statistics data

Gender statistics in Uzbekistan:

data sources and frequency of data collection,

ways to present data

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Gender statistics in Uzbekistan:

data sources and frequency of data collection,

ways to present data

The Statistics Committee’s web site was

designed by the Statistics Committee in conjunction with the

Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan. The web site contains

information in three languages: Uzbek, Russian and English.

It provides gender-sensitive information to users in such

areas as population, healthcare, labour, welfare, etc.

Apart from statistics, the web site contains definitions of the

gender statistics indicators.

The information on the web site is accessible to users

without the need for registration. – Statistics

Committee’s web site

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Gender statistics in Uzbekistan:

data sources and frequency of data collection,

ways to present data

- Cabinet of Ministers;

- Ministries and agencies;

- Women’s Committee of Uzbekistan;

- Social Research Institution;

- Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Studies;

- International organizations (UNESCO, UNICEF, UNECE, UNFPA, UNDP, etc.);

- Post-secondary educational institutions;

- Non-governmental organizations;

- Legal entities and individuals


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Gender Equality in Uzbekistan:

Legislation and Gender Policies

* Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated 08.12.1992 Article 46.

* Two national Actions Plans on the Implementation of CEDAW Committee’s Recommendations,

issued in 2006 and 2010. (Annex 1 to the Minutes of Meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 10-7)

* C100 Convention concerning Equal Remuneration for Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal

Value (ratified by the Resolution of the Oliy Majlisi Ruz dated 30.08.1997 No. 493-1)

* National Strategy for Improving Welfare.

http://wis. P. 78

* Labour Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Gazette of Oliy Majlisi of the Republic of Uzbekistan,

1996, Annex 1; (Articles 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, and other articles of Para 1 of Chapter 14)

* Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan ‘On Government Statistics’ dated 12.12.2002

* Convention on the Political Rights of Women (Uzbekistan joined the Convention in accordance with the

Resolution of Oliy Majlisi RUz dated 30.08.1997 No. 501-1)

* Millennium Declaration, specifically MDG 3 ‘Promote gender equality and empower women

(Uzbekistan as a signee of the Declaration committed to integrate MDGs into the national development

programmes and to meet the targets by 2015)

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Gender Equality in Uzbekistan:

Legislation and Gender Policies

Amendments to Article 22 of the Oliy Majlis Elections Law

became an important measure of legislative support to increasing the

role of women in the society. Such amendments provide for a 30%

quote for female candidates to the Parliament from political parties.

The Presidential Decree dated 2 March 1995, ‘On measures to

increase the role of women in state and public building in

Uzbekistan, provides for larger representation of women at decision-

making levels.

In addition, in the Cabinet of Ministers there is a position of Deputy

Prime Minister responsible for protection of women’s rights and

interests; similar positions have been created at all subnational government levels.

Family Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan (1998)

guarantees the equality of personal and property rights of women and men in marital relationship

and the responsibilities of both marriage partners in child care and

education, as well as in any other family issues.

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Gender Equality in Uzbekistan:

Legislation and Gender Policies

The Government of Uzbekistan focuses on both supporting the role of women in all areas of social life and social

protection of women at work.

Article 225. Works where female labour is forbidden

It is forbidden to use female labour for works with adverse working conditions as well as underground works,

except for some underground works (non-physical work or health-related and community services).

Women are forbidden to lift and move weights exceeding standards limits applicable to them.

Article 231. Privileges for women in scheduling annual leaves

Article 232.Additional leaves for women with children under 12 or a disabled child under 16

Article 236. Child feeding breaks

Article 237. Guarantees for pregnant women and women with children in case of employment contract


• Labour Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Gazette of Oliy Majlisi RUz, 1996,

Annex 1; (specifically Articles 225, 228, 229, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, and other articles of

Para 1 of Chapter 14 )

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Uzbekistan: Gender statistics

Resident population

(as of 1 January)


Total %

Women and

men Men Women Men Women

2014 30,492.8 15,277.5 15,215.3 50.1 49.9

2015 31,022.5 15552.2 15,470.3 50.1 49.9

2016 31,575.3 15838.9 15,736.4 50.2 49.8

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Uzbekistan: Gender statistics



GENDER, 2007-2014


Women Men

Born Died

Of whom


under 1


increase Born Died

Of whom


under 1



Total population

2007 295,001 63,876 3,309 231,125 313,916 73,554 4,753 240,362

2008 313,124 64,506 3,327 248,618 332,972 74,286 4,648 258,686

2009 314,389 62,031 3,144 252,358 336,931 71,579 4,454 265,352

2010 305,902 64,426 2,952 241,476 328,908 73,985 4,086 254,923

2011 299,395 66,345 2,716 233,050 323,440 76,908 3,810 246,532

2012 300,408 66,734 2,634 233,674 324,698 79,254 3,756 245,444

2013 326,535 66,878 2,657 259,657 352,984 78,794 3,912 274,190

2014 344,759 68,296 3,282 276,463 373,277 81,465 4,406 291,812

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Uzbekistan: Gender statistics









2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014


Женщины родившиеся Женщины умершие Женщины естественный прирост

Мужчины родившиеся Мужчины умершие Мужчины естественный прирост

Women born

Men born

Women died

Men died

Women, natural increase

Men, natural increase

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Uzbekistan: Gender statistics



Main gender statistics indicates related to health:

Hospital beds per 10,000 children


Health status

Health facilities


Specific diseases


Doctors by categories

Sexual diseases

Mental disorders

Alcohol abuse

Abortions, deliveries

Infectious diseases

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Uzbekistan: Gender statistics



Main gender statistics indicates related to education:






Graduates of higher educational institutions, by gender

and training modes


2013/2014 2014/2015

Women Men Women Men

Total students 21.1 42.0 24.3 43.3


full-time 21.1 42 24.3 43.2

part-time 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1

Graduates per 10,000


14.0 28.0 16.0 28.0

% of total

Total students 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0


full-time 100.0 99.9 99.9 99.8

part-time 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2

By gender, %

Total students 33.4 66.6 35.9 64.1


full-time 33.4 66.6 35.9 64.1

part-time 7.9 92.1 27.6 72.4

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Uzbekistan: Gender statistics



Pensioners and welfare recipients, by gender and types of benefits

2013 2014

Women Men Women Men

Total pensioners and welfare recipients 1,698.2 1,142.3 1,714.7 1,135.7

including those who receive:

old-age pension 1,440.9 706.6 1455.5 726.2

disability pension 157.1 234.8 154.6 225.9

other pensions 100.1 177.7 104.5 183.6

% of total number

Total pensioners and welfare recipients 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

including those who receive:

old-age pension 84.8 63.1 84.9 63.9

disability pension 9.3 21.0 9.0 19.9

other 5.9 15.9 6.1 16.2

By gender, %

Total pensioners and welfare recipients 60.3 39.7 60.2 39.8

including those who receive:

old-age pension 67.1 32.9 66.7 33.3

disability pension 40.1 59.9 40.6 59.4

other 36.0 64.0 36.3 63.7

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Uzbekistan: Gender statistics



Participation in labour, 2010-2014


2010 2011 2012 2013 2014

Economically active population, total 12,286.6 12,541.5 12,850.1 13,163.0 13,505.4

women 5,648.5 5,691.3 5,829.5 6,004.8 6,149.6

men 6,638.1 6,850.2 7,020.6 7,158.2 7,355.8

Employed 11,628.4 11,919.1 12,223.8 12,523.3 12,818.4

women 5,295.1 5,416.6 5,554.1 5,723.7 5,848.1

men 6,333.3 6,502.5 6,669.7 6,799.6 6,970.3

Unemployed 658.2 622.4 626.3 639.7 687

women 353.4 274.7 275.4 281.1 301.5

men 304.8 347.7 350.9 358.6 385.5


Economically active population, total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

women 46.0 45.4 45.4 45.6 45.5

men 54.0 54.6 54.6 54.4 54.5

Employed 94.6 95.0 95.1 95.1 94.9

women 43.1 43.2 43.2 43.5 43.3

men 51.5 51.8 51.9 51.7 51.6

Unemployed 5.4 5.0 4.9 4.9 5.1

women 2.9 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.2

men 2.5 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.9

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