garry nichols 2010 entry

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  • 7/30/2019 Garry Nichols 2010 Entry


    Garry Nichols 2010 Entry

    Stations Heard: 94

  • 7/30/2019 Garry Nichols 2010 Entry


    Well this year I decided to try 40 M CW for the HomeBrew Radio Contest. The circuit originally

    came from Owen Pool's web site:

    It worked surprisingly well on the BCB so I took it up to 80 M CW and then 40 M CW. I also

    made a few changes. I use only 1 turn on the tickler coil. I also moved the audio pickup point tothe drain lead to make things louder. I did not notice any significant degradation in performance

    when I did this, but I am not expert at evaluating this.

    That change required adding a .001 pF to ground from the drain. Without that I got nothing in the

    phones. I guess the RF needed to circulate to ground from the drain and was blocked by the high

    impedance of the phones.

    Since the phones served also as source resistance in the original circuit, I added a pot in the

    source lead. The best operating point seemed to be at about 2k, Rs, which is what my oldBrandes phones measure in DC resistance. Less Rs causes the gain to roll off rather rapidly and

    more causes it to roll off slowly, based on listening tests.

    I tried an RFC between the .001 and phones, but it seemed to add no benefit so I removed it.
  • 7/30/2019 Garry Nichols 2010 Entry


    Body capacity effects are not too bad.

    I added a screwdriver set bandset variable and a bandspread variable made up of a 10 pF ceramicin series with a 149 pF variable. Once I get things set to 40 M the bandset is left alone. The large

    jar lid stuck to a regular knob gives sufficient vernier action and is comfortable to the fingers.

    The tickler coil is swung near the cold end of the tank coil by the wooden lever, which is pivoted

    on a screw counter sunk under the vertical wood post holding the tickler. It is not difficult to

    operate at all.

    This circuit has never presented me with any unpleasant sounds on any of the three bands thatI've tried it out on. So I decided to stay with the Brandes and not use a Bogen transformer and

    SPP and risk getting some sort of blast of sound because of this change. Sensitivity is pretty good

    with the Brandes.

    I think that a stage of audio amplification and a bit of backoff on the gain of the MPF-102 might

    make this set an even better performer.

    My antenna system for 40 M makes use of a two draw steel filing cabinet as ground, a 5 foot run

    to the window of my second floor room and then 24 feet sloping to an insulator and a brick on

    the lawn. (This is surprisingly good on the BCB, also!) It is resonant just above the 40 M band,according to my dip oscillator.

    Antenna coil coupling used while listening is a bit closer than depicted in the photo. When I was

    down on the BCB I was experimenting with the antenna coil inside the tank coil, so that is why it

    is mounted on an arm. Notice the big brass nut stuck to the opposite side of the wood block?

    Keeps the assembly from tipping down with the weight of the antenna coil!

    word of thanks to Scotch/3M for their "permanent" foam mounting squares, from which I seem

    to be lashing up everything lately. It is to me what Duct Tape is to Red Green!

  • 7/30/2019 Garry Nichols 2010 Entry
