garden of eden - second draft by caleb browning

Garden of Eden Written By Caleb Browning PRODUCTION DRAFT Blue Revised Nov 15, 2013

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Page 1: Garden of Eden -  second draft by caleb browning

Garden of Eden

Written By

Caleb Browning

PRODUCTION DRAFTBlue Revised Nov 15, 2013

Page 2: Garden of Eden -  second draft by caleb browning




1Blue Revised Nov 15, 2013


ZENHello, I take it that you are Jox?

JOXYe-Yeah... That's me.

ZEN puts his hand on JOX's shoulder reassuringly, to which *Jox stops being so tense.

ZENDon't be afraid, it's okay. My name is Zen and I am the principal of the Garden of Eden Academy. We accommodate for all young adults like you.

Zen smiles at Jox, but Jox frowns.

JOXBut I don't like to remember that i'm not normal...

ZENDon't worry, you-

Zen teleports around Jox, while Jox looks around him trying to keep up with Zen's image

ZEN...Are just like everyone else here. Here you can learn to make use of your ability that you have learnt. Come, let me show you around.

Zen and Jox begin to walk around the corridors of the Garden of Eden. As they walk through the school, children pass him, showing all types of abilities. One child holds fire in his hand, while another creates a double of himself and high fives himself. A girl plays with a miniature tornado that she's conjured up. Zen and Jox reach the basketball field.


ZENGo on then, go and play basketball. You will have your first lesson at noon, in a hour's time. Don't be late!

Blue Revised Nov 15, 2013

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2Blue Revised Nov 15, 2013

JOX looks nervous, looking into the distance as ZEN walks *off, back into the building. Nearby, a group of 5 *basketball players watch him as JOX walks towards them. *ROCKY comes running over.

ROCKYYou must be the new guy, welcome *dude! I'm Ricky, but the others call me Rocky. Probably because of my power!

Rocky pushes up a pillar made of rock up to lean on. Jox looks bewildered but impressed.

JOXHey, i'm Jox. I didn't believe *that anyone else had powers and *I especially didn't believe *there was a school for people *like me, but that's cool! *

ROCKYOh yeah, me too man! what's your *power?

Jox suddenly flares up and becomes a light source, light beams off him. Rocky and the basketballers in the background look away, 3 of them rubbing their eyes and *moaning about the flare. *

ROCKYI admit, that's pretty cool. Come play basketball with us! There's me, Jordan, Daniel, Nick and Sylvastas.

Sylvastas, Jordan, Daniel and Nick are all saying hello *simultaneously. *


JORDANWhat's up?

DANIELHey dude.

NICKHey man.

ROCKYGuys, this is Jox. He's new here, he's playing with us. One rule: No powers!

JOX, ROCKY and the others all start playing basketball.

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3Blue Revised Nov 15, 2013


JOX takes his seat in class nervously. JAYNE walks in to *the classroom full of first time students. *

JAYNE *Good morning guys, my name is *Jayne Harboris, but you can just *call me Jayne. I'm going to be *teaching you all how to mentor *and work with your powers *throughout your time here. *

As JAYNE talks, the scene cuts to children in the class *playing around with their powers. SYVLASTAS creates fire *in his hand and plays with it in his palm, while NICK *creates ice in his hand. *

JAYNE *While you are here, I, as well *as many other mentors, will *watch you turn your powers into *something you can use to become *second- *

NICK drops his ice and it smashes onto the ground. *

NICK *Sorry. *

JAYNE *...nature. It's okay, you'll *learn how to control that later. *Firstly though, we need a *volunteer. *

SYLVASTAS smiles at JOX. *

SYLVASTAS *You should put your hand up. *

JOX *Are-are you sure? *

SYLVASTAS puts JOX's hand up for him. *

JAYNE *Ahh, here we are? What's your *name? *

JOX *They-they call me Jox. *

JAYNE *Duh, genius! Your name is Jox! *Okay, show everyone what you *got! *

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4Blue Revised Nov 15, 2013

JOX shines brighter than he has shined before, as everyone *turns back after he has shone, many are moaning and *rubbing their eyes. JAYNE groans as she rubs her eyes. *

JAYNE *Well... I'm dizzy, and that was *one of the best uses of powers *from a first student i've ever *seen. Well done. *


Blue Revised Nov 15, 2013

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Sharmin: I like the supporting teacher

Caleb Browning 15 Nov, 2013 13:58

Sharmin: It's quite typical of the story line.Caleb Browning 15 Nov, 2013 13:59

Moddy: Works well as it gives the spectator a bigger view of the school.Caleb Browning 15 Nov, 2013 13:59

More description so I added more!Caleb Browning 15 Nov, 2013 14:04

Sharmin: Why doesn't he know about the collage? Edit: I changed it all so that he knows but he didn't believe it. -CCaleb Browning 15 Nov, 2013 13:59

Added some extra in to give a better effect.Caleb Browning 15 Nov, 2013 14:00

Moddy: Nice introduction to your characters.Caleb Browning 15 Nov, 2013 14:00