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BDS Bid Data Sheet

CFR Cost and FreightCIF Cost, Insurance and FreightCIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to (named place of destination)CPM Critical Path MethodCPT Carriage Paid toCV Curriculum Vitae

DAF Delivery at FrontierDDP Delivered Duty Paid (named place of destination)

DD Delivered Duty n!aidD"S Delivered "# Shi!D"$ Delivered "# $uay

"%& "# 'actory, e# (or)s or e# (arehouse

FAS Free alongside Shi!FCA Free CarrierFIDIC F*d*ration Internationale des Ing*nieurs Conseils +International

Federation o' Consulting "ngineersF-B Free on Board

.CC .eneral Conditions o' Contract

.-/ .overnment o' /amaica

ICC International Cham0er o' CommerceIFB Invitation 'or BidsITB Instructions to Bidders

-T -!en Tender

SBD Standard Bidding DocumentSCC S!ecial Conditions o' Contract

TS Technical S!eci'ications and Dra(ings

1CITRA2 nited 1ations Commission on International Trade 2a(1DP nited 1ation Develo!ment Programme

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Issued on: ____________________






Project:Gantry Crane Rails Repair 

Procurin Entity: Port Authority of Jamaica

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T!"#e of Contents

PA$T % & Biddin Procedures...............................................................................................

Section I3 Instructions to Bidders........................................................................................

Section II3 Bidding Data Sheet +BDS................................................................................Section III3 "valuation and $uali'ication Criteria..........................................................

Section IV3 Bidding Forms...................................................................................................

PA$T ' & Su((#y $e)uirements.........................................................................................

Section V3 Schedule o' Re4uirements...............................................................................

PA$T * + Contr!ct.................................................................................................................

Section VI3 .eneral Conditions o' Contract....................................................................

Section VII3 S!ecial Conditions o' Contract....................................................................

Section VIII3 Contract Forms..............................................................................................Invitation 'or Bids +IFB........................................................................................................

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PA$T % & Biddin Procedures

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Section I, Instructions to Bidders

T!"#e of C#!uses

A, Gener!#,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

53 Sco!e o' Bid3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333363 Source o' Funds333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333373 Fraud and Corru!tion33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333383 "ligi0le Bidders333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333393 "ligi0le .oods and Related Services3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

B, Contents of Biddin Documents,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

:3 Sections o' Bidding Documents3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333;3 Clari'ication o' Bidding Documents33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333<3 Amendment o' Bidding Documents33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

C, Pre(!r!tion of Bids,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

=3 Cost o' Bidding333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333335>3 2anguage o' Bid3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333553 Documents Com!rising the Bid3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333563 Bid Su0mission Form and Price Schedules33333333333333333333333333333333333333333573 Alternative Bids33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333583 Bid Prices and Discounts3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333593 Currencies o' Bid33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333335:3 Documents "sta0lishing the "ligi0ility o' the Bidder33333333333333333333333333335;3 Documents "sta0lishing the "ligi0ility o' the .oods and Related Services

33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333335<3 Documents "sta0lishing the Con'ormity o' the .oods and Related

Services3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333335=3 Documents "sta0lishing the $uali'ications o' the Bidder333333333333333333333336>3 Period o' Validity o' Bids3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333653 Bid Security and Bid?Securing Declaration3333333333333333333333333333333333333333663 Format and Signing o' Bid33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

D, Su"mission !nd O(enin of Bids,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

673 Su0mission, Sealing and Mar)ing o' Bids333333333333333333333333333333333333333333683 Deadline 'or Su0mission o' Bids33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333693 2ate Bids333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333336:3 &ithdra(al, Su0stitution, and Modi'ication o' Bids33333333333333333333333333336;3 Bid -!ening3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

E, E-!#u!tion !nd Com(!rison of Bids,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

6<3 Con'identiality33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333336=3 Clari'ication o' Bids33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333337>3 Res!onsiveness o' Bids333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333753 1on?con'ormities, "rrors, and -missions333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

763 Preliminary "#amination o' Bids3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333773 "#amination o' Terms and Conditions@ Technical "valuation3333333333333333333783 Conversion to Single Currency333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333793 Domestic Pre'erence333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333337:3 "valuation o' Bids333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

7;3 Com!arison o' Bids33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333337<3 Post4uali'ication o' the Bidder333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333337=3 Procuring "ntitys Right to Acce!t Any Bid, and to Reect Any or All Bids3333

., A/!rd of Contr!ct,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

8>3 A(ard Criteria3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333853 Procuring "ntitys Right to Vary $uantities at Time o' A(ard333333333333333333863 1oti'ication o' A(ard33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333873 Signing o' Contract3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333883 Per'ormance Security33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

Section I, Instructions to Bidders

• Gener!#

• Sco(e of Bid %,% The Procuring "ntity indic!ted in t0e Biddin D!t! S0eet1BDS23 issues these Bidding Documents 'or the su!!ly o' .oods and Related Services incidental thereto ass!eci'ied in Section V, Schedule o' Re4uirements3 Thename and identi'ication num0er o' this InternationalCom!etitive Bidding +ICB !rocurement are s(ecified int0e BDS, The name, identi'ication, and num0er o' lotsare (ro-ided in t0e BDS,

%,' Throughout these Bidding Documents

+a the term in (ritingE means communicated in(ritten 'orm +e3g3 0y mail, e?mail, 'a#, tele# (ith!roo' o' recei!t@

+0 i' the conte#t so re4uires, singularE means !luralEand vice versa@ and

+c dayE means calendar day3

• Source of


635 The Procuring "ntity has committed 'unds to(ard the costo' the !roect and intends to a!!ly the 'unds to eligi0le

!ayments under the contract3

• .r!ud !nd


735 The .overnment o' /amaica re4uires that Bidders,Su!!liers, Contractors, and Consultants, o0serve the higheststandard o' ethics during the !rocurement and e#ecution o' such contracts3 In !ursuit o' this !olicy, .-/

()a de'ines, 'or the !ur!oses o' this !rovision, the termsset 'orth 0elo( as 'ollo(s

()i corru!t !racticeE means the o''ering, giving,receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, o' anything o' value to in'luence the action o' a!u0lic o''icial in the !rocurement !rocess or incontract e#ecution@

()ii 'raudulent !racticeE means amisre!resentation or omission o' 'acts in orderto in'luence a !rocurement !rocess or thee#ecution o' a contract to the detriment o' .overnment o' /amaica and includes collusive!ractice among 0idders +!rior to or a'ter 0id

su0mission designed to esta0lish 0id !rices atarti'icial non?com!etitive levels and to de!rive

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

.overnment o' the 0ene'its o' 'ree and o!encom!etition@

()iii collusive !racticeE means a scheme orarrangement 0et(een t(o or more 0idders,

(ith or (ithout the )no(ledge o' the Procuring"ntity, designed to esta0lish 0id !rices atarti'icial non?com!etitive levels or to in'luencethe action o' any !arty in the !rocurement!rocess or the e#ecution o' a contract@ and

()iv coercive !racticeE means harming orthreatening to harm, directly or indirectly,!ersons or their !ro!erty to in'luence their!artici!ation in the !rocurement !rocess ora''ect the e#ecution o' a contract@

()b (ill reect a !ro!osal 'or a(ard i' it determines thatthe Bidder recommended 'or a(ard has, directly orthrough an agent, engaged in corru!t, 'raudulent,collusive or coercive !ractices in com!eting 'or theContract in 4uestion@

()c (ill sanction a 'irm or individual, including declaringthem ineligi0le, either inde'initely or 'or a stated!eriod o' time, to 0e a(arded a .-/?'inancedcontract i' it at any time determines that they have,

directly or through an agent, engaged, in corru!t,'raudulent, collusive or coercive !ractices incom!eting 'or, or in e#ecuting, a .-/?'inancedcontract@ and

()d (ill have the right to re4uire that a !rovision 0eincluded in Bidding Documents and in contracts'inanced 0y a .-/, re4uiring 0idders, su!!liers,contractors and consultants to !ermit .-/ to ins!ecttheir accounts and records and other documentsrelating to the Bid su0mission and contract

!er'ormance and to have them audited 0y auditorsa!!ointed 0y the .-/3

736 Furthermore, Bidders shall 0e a(are o' the !rovisionstated in Su0?Clause 7835 +a +iii o' the .eneralConditions o' Contract3

• E#ii"#e


835 A Bidder, and all !arties constituting the Bidder, may havethe nationality o' any country3 A Bidder shall 0e deemedto have the nationality o' a country i' the Bidder is acitien or is constituted, incor!orated, or registered and

o!erates in con'ormity (ith the !rovisions o' the la(s o' that country3 This criterion shall also a!!ly to the

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

determination o' the nationality o' !ro!osedsu0contractors or su!!liers 'or any !art o' the Contractincluding Related Services3

836 A Bidder shall not have a con'lict o' interest3 All 0idders

'ound to have a con'lict o' interest shall 0e dis4uali'ied3Bidders may 0e considered to have a con'lict o' interest(ith one or more !arties in this 0idding !rocess, i' they

+a are or have 0een associated in the !ast, (ith a 'irmor any o' its a''iliates (hich have 0een engaged 0ythe Procuring "ntity to !rovide consulting services'or the !re!aration o' the design, s!eci'ications, andother documents to 0e used 'or the !rocurement o' the goods to 0e !urchased under these BiddingDocuments @ or

+0 su0mit more than one 0id in this 0idding !rocess,e#ce!t 'or alternative o''ers !ermitted under ITBClause 573 Go(ever, this does not limit the!artici!ation o' su0contractors in more than one0id@

837 A Bidder that is under a declaration o' ineligi0ility 0y the.-/ in accordance (ith ITB Clause 7, at the date o' contract a(ard, shall 0e dis4uali'ied3

 838 .overnment?o(ned enter!rises in /amaica shall 0eeligi0le only i' they can esta0lish that they +i are legallyand 'inancially autonomous, +ii o!erate undercommercial la(, and +iii are not a de!endent agency o' the Procuring "ntity3

839 In accordance (ith the .overnment o' /amaicaGand0oo) o' Pu0lic Sector Procurement Procedures1ovem0er, 6>>< +htt!HH(((3mo'3gov3m the Biddershall have to demonstrate that they have !aid suchta#es, duties, 'ees and other im!ositions as may 0e

levied in /amaica3

83: &here deemed necessary, the 0idders should 0eregistered (ith the 1ational Contracts CommissionRegistry o' Pu0lic Sector ContractorsE+htt!HH(((3ocg3gov3m3

• E#ii"#e Goods

!nd $e#!tedSer-ices

935 For !ur!oses o' this Clause, the term goodsE includescommodities, ra( material, machinery, e4ui!ment, andindustrial !lants@ and related servicesE includes servicessuch as insurance, installation, training, and initial


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Section II Instruction to Bidders

936 The term originE means the country (here the goodshave 0een mined, gro(n, cultivated, !roduced,manu'actured or !rocessed@ or, through manu'acture,!rocessing, or assem0ly, another commercially recogniedarticle results that di''ers su0stantially in its 0asic

characteristics 'rom its com!onents3

• Contents of Biddin Documents

• Sections of


:35 The Bidding Documents consist o' Parts 5, 6, and 7, (hichincludes all the Sections indicated 0elo(, and should 0eread in conunction (ith any Addendum issued inaccordance (ith ITB Clause <3

PA$T % Biddin Procedures

Section I3 Instructions to Bidders +ITB• Section II3 Bidding Data Sheet +BDS

• Section III3 "valuation and $uali'ication Criteria

• Section IV3 Bidding Forms

PA$T ' Su((#y $e)uirements

• Section V3 Schedule o' Re4uirements

PA$T * Contr!ct

• Section VI3 .eneral Conditions o' Contract +.CC

• Section VII3 S!ecial Conditions o' Contract +SCC

• Section VIII3 Contract Forms

:36 The Invitation 'or Bids issued 0y the Procuring "ntity isnot !art o' the Bidding Documents3

:37 The Procuring "ntity is not res!onsi0le 'or the

com!leteness o' the Bidding Documents and theiraddendum, i' they (ere not o0tained directly 'rom theProcuring "ntity3

:38 The Bidder is e#!ected to e#amine all instructions, 'orms,terms, and s!eci'ications in the Bidding Documents3Failure to 'urnish all in'ormation or documentationre4uired 0y the Bidding Documents may result in thereection o' the 0id3

• C#!rific!tion of 


7.1 A !ros!ective Bidder re4uiring any clari'ication o' the

Bidding Documents shall contact the Procuring "ntity in(riting at the Procuring "ntitys address s(ecified in t0e

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

BDS,  The Procuring "ntity (ill res!ond in (riting to anyre4uest 'or clari'ication, !rovided that such re4uest isreceived no later than t(enty?one +65 days !rior to thedeadline 'or su0mission o' 0ids3 The Procuring "ntityshall 'or(ard co!ies o' its res!onse to all those (ho have

ac4uired the Bidding Documents directly 'rom it,including a descri!tion o' the in4uiry 0ut (ithoutidenti'ying its source3 Should the Procuring "ntity deemit necessary to amend the Bidding Documents as a resulto' a clari'ication, it shall do so 'ollo(ing the !rocedureunder ITB Clause < and ITB Su0?Clause 68363

• Amendment of 


<35 At any time !rior to the deadline 'or su0mission o' 0ids,the Procuring "ntity may amend the Bidding Documents0y issuing addendum3

<36 Any addendum issued shall 0e !art o' the BiddingDocuments and shall 0e communicated in (riting to all(ho have o0tained the Bidding Documents directly 'romthe Procuring "ntity3

<37 To give !ros!ective Bidders reasona0le time in (hich tota)e an addendum into account in !re!aring their 0ids,the Procuring "ntity may, at its discretion, e#tend thedeadline 'or the su0mission o' 0ids, !ursuant to ITB Su0?Clause 6836

• Pre(!r!tion of Bids

• Cost of


=35 The Bidder shall 0ear all costs associated (ith the!re!aration and su0mission o' its 0id, and the Procuring"ntity shall not 0e res!onsi0le or lia0le 'or those costs,regardless o' the conduct or outcome o' the 0idding!rocess3

• 4!nu!e of


10.1 The Bid, as (ell as all corres!ondence and documentsrelating to the 0id e#changed 0y the Bidder and theProcuring "ntity, shall 0e (ritten in the language

s(ecified in t0e BDS,  Su!!orting documents and !rintedliterature that are !art o' the Bid may 0e in anotherlanguage !rovided they are accom!anied 0y an accuratetranslation o' the relevant !assages into the languages(ecified in t0e  BDS3  in (hich case, 'or !ur!oses o' inter!retation o' the Bid, such translation shall govern3 

• Documents

Com(risint0e Bid

5535 The Bid shall com!rise the 'ollo(ing

+a Bid Su0mission Form and the a!!lica0le PriceSchedules, in accordance (ith ITB Clauses 56, 58,and 59@

+0 Bid Security in accordance (ith ITB Clause 65, i' 

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Section II Instruction to Bidders


+c (ritten con'irmation authoriing the signatory o' theBid to commit the Bidder, in accordance (ith ITBClause 66@

+d documentary evidence in accordance (ith ITBClause 5: esta0lishing the Bidders eligi0ility to 0id@

+e documentary evidence in accordance (ith ITBClause 5;, that the .oods and Related Services to 0esu!!lied 0y the Bidder are o' eligi0le origin@

+' documentary evidence in accordance (ith ITBClauses 5< and 7>, that the .oods and RelatedServices con'orm to the Bidding Documents@

+g documentary evidence in accordance (ith ITBClause 5= esta0lishing the Bidders 4uali'ications to!er'orm the contract i' its 0id is acce!ted@ and

+h any other document re)uired in t0e BDS,

• Bid Su"mission

.orm !ndPriceSc0edu#es

5635 The Bidder shall su0mit the Bid Su0mission Form using the'orm 'urnished in Section IV, Bidding Forms3 This 'ormmust 0e com!leted (ithout any alterations to its 'ormat,and no su0stitutes shall 0e acce!ted3 All 0lan) s!acesshall 0e 'illed in (ith the in'ormation re4uested3

5636 The Bidder shall su0mit the Price Schedules 'or .oods andRelated Services, according to their origin as a!!ro!riate,using the 'orms 'urnished in Section IV, Bidding Forms

• A#tern!ti-e


13.1 nless other(ise s(ecified in t0e  BDS3  alternative 0idsshall not 0e considered3

• Bid Prices !nd


%5,% The !rices and discounts 4uoted 0y the Bidder in the BidSu0mission Form and in the Price Schedules shall con'ormto the re4uirements s!eci'ied 0elo(3

%5,' All lots and items must 0e listed and !riced se!arately inthe Price Schedules3

%5,* The !rice to 0e 4uoted in the Bid Su0mission Form shall0e the total !rice o' the 0id, e#cluding any discountso''ered3

%5,5 The Bidder shall 4uote any unconditional discounts andindicate the method 'or their a!!lication in the BidSu0mission Form3

%5,6 The terms "%&, CIP, and other similar terms shall 0egoverned 0y the rules !rescri0ed in the current edition o' Incoterms, !u0lished 0y The International Cham0er o' 

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

Commerce, as s!eci'ied in the BDS,

%5,7 Prices shall 0e 4uoted as s!eci'ied in each Price Scheduleincluded in Section IV, Bidding Forms3 The disaggregationo' !rice com!onents is re4uired solely 'or the !ur!ose o' 

'acilitating the com!arison o' 0ids 0y the Procuring"ntity3 This shall not in any (ay limit the Procuring"ntitys right to contract on any o' the terms o''ered3 In4uoting !rices, the Bidder shall 0e 'ree to usetrans!ortation through carriers registered in any eligi0lecountry, in accordance (ith Section V "ligi0le Countries3Similarly, the Bidder may o0tain insurance services 'romany eligi0le country in accordance (ith Section V "ligi0leCountries3 Prices shall 0e entered in the 'ollo(ingmanner

(a) For .oods manu'actured in the Procuring "ntitysCountry

+i the !rice o' the .oods 4uoted "%& +e# (or)s,e# 'actory, e# (arehouse, e# sho(room, oro''?the?shel', as a!!lica0le, including allcustoms duties and sales and other ta#esalready !aid or !aya0le on the com!onentsand ra( material used in the manu'acture orassem0ly o' the .oods@

+ii any Procuring "ntitys Country sales ta# and

other ta#es (hich (ill 0e !aya0le on the.oods i' the contract is a(arded to the Bidder@and

+iii the !rice 'or inland trans!ortation, insurance,and other local services re4uired to convey the.oods to their 'inal destination +Proect Sites!eci'ied in the BDS,

+0 For .oods manu'actured outside the Procuring"ntitys Country, to 0e im!orted

1i2 the !rice o' the .oods, 4uoted CIP named!lace o' destination, in the Procuring "ntitysCountry, or CIF named !ort o' destination, ass!eci'ied in the BDS8 

1ii2 the !rice 'or inland trans!ortation,insurance, and other local services re4uiredto convey the .oods 'rom the named !laceo' destination to their 'inal destination+Proect Site s!eci'ied in the BDS8

1iii2   in addition to the CIP !rices s!eci'ied in+0+i a0ove, the !rice o' the .oods to 0e

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

im!orted may 0e 4uoted FCA +named !laceo' destination or CPT +named !lace o' destination, i' so s!eci'ied in the BDS8

+c For .oods manu'actured outside the Procuring

"ntitys Country, already im!orted

[For previously imported Goods, the quoted price shalle distin!uishale from the ori!inal import value of these Goods declared to customs and shall include any reate or mar"#up of the local a!ent or representativeand all local costs e$cept import duties and ta$es,%hich have een and&or have to e paid y theProcurin! 'ntity For clarity the idders are as"ed toquote the price includin! import duties, and additionally to provide the import duties and the price

net of import duties %hich is the difference of thosevalues 

1i2 the !rice o' the .oods, including theoriginal im!ort value o' the .oods@ !lus anymar)?u! +or re0ate@ !lus any other relatedlocal cost, and custom duties and otherim!ort ta#es already !aid or to 0e !aid onthe .oods already im!orted3

1ii2 the custom duties and other im!ort ta#es

already !aid +need to 0e su!!orted (ithdocumentary evidence or to 0e !aid on the.oods already im!orted@

1iii2 the !rice o' the .oods, o0tained as thedi''erence 0et(een +i and +ii a0ove@

1i-2 any Procuring "ntitys Country sales andother ta#es (hich (ill 0e !aya0le on the.oods i' the contract is a(arded to theBidder@ and

1-2 the !rice 'or inland trans!ortation,insurance, and other local services re4uiredto convey the .oods 'rom the named !laceo' destination to their 'inal destination+Proect Site s!eci'ied in the BDS,

+d 'or Related Services, other than inlandtrans!ortation and other services re4uired toconvey the .oods to their 'inal destination,(henever such Related Services are s!eci'ied inthe Schedule o' Re4uirements

+i the !rice o' each item com!rising the

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

Related Services +inclusive o' anya!!lica0le ta#es3

583; Prices 4uoted 0y the Bidder shall 0e 'i#ed during theBidders !er'ormance o' the Contract and not su0ect to

variation on any account, unless other(ise s!eci'ied inthe BDS,  A Bid su0mitted (ith an adusta0le !rice4uotation shall 0e treated as non res!onsive and shall 0ereected, !ursuant to ITB Clause 7>3 Go(ever, i' inaccordance (ith the BDS3 !rices 4uoted 0y the Biddershall 0e su0ect to adustment during the !er'ormance o' the Contract, a 0id su0mitted (ith a 'i#ed !rice4uotation shall not 0e reected, 0ut the !rice adustmentshall 0e treated as ero3

583< I' so indicated in ITB Su0?Clause 535, 0ids are 0eing

invited 'or individual contracts +lots or 'or anycom0ination o' contracts +!ac)ages3 nless other(iseindicated in the BDS3 !rices 4uoted shall corres!ond to5>> o' the items s!eci'ied 'or each lot and to 5>> o' the 4uantities s!eci'ied 'or each item o' a lot3 Bidders(ishing to o''er any !rice reduction +discount 'or thea(ard o' more than one Contract shall s!eci'y thea!!lica0le !rice reduction in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 5838 !rovided the 0ids 'or all lots are su0mittedand o!ened at the same time3

• Currencies ofBid

15.1 The Bidder shall 4uote in the currency o' the Procuring"ntitys Country the !ortion o' the 0id !rice thatcorres!onds to e#!enditures incurred in the currency o' the Procuring "ntitys country, unless other(ise s!eci'iedin the BDS,

• Documents

Est!"#is0int0e E#ii"i#ityof t0e Bidder

5:35 To esta0lish their eligi0ility in accordance (ith ITB Clause 8,Bidders shall com!lete the Bid Su0mission Form, included inSection IV, Bidding Forms3

• DocumentsEst!"#is0int0e E#ii"i#ityof t0e Goods!nd $e#!tedSer-ices

5;35 To esta0lish the eligi0ility o' the .oods and RelatedServices in accordance (ith ITB Clause 9, Bidders shallcom!lete the country o' origin declarations in the PriceSchedule Forms, included in Section IV, Bidding Forms3

• Documents

Est!"#is0int0eConformity of

t0e Goods !nd$e#!ted

5<35 To esta0lish the con'ormity o' the .oods and RelatedServices to the Bidding Documents, the Bidder shall'urnish as !art o' its Bid the documentary evidence thatthe .oods con'orm to the technical s!eci'ications and

standards s!eci'ied in Section V, Schedule o' 

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

Ser-ices Re4uirements3

5<36 The documentary evidence may 0e in the 'orm o' literature, dra(ings or data, and shall consist o' adetailed item 0y item descri!tion o' the essential

technical and !er'ormance characteristics o' the .oodsand Related Services, demonstrating su0stantialres!onsiveness o' the .oods and Related Services to thetechnical s!eci'ication, and i' a!!lica0le, a statement o' deviations and e#ce!tions to the !rovisions o' theSchedule o' Re4uirements3

5<37 Standards 'or (or)manshi!, !rocess, material, ande4ui!ment, as (ell as re'erences to 0rand names orcatalogue num0ers s!eci'ied 0y the Procuring "ntity inthe Schedule o' Re4uirements, are intended to 0e

descri!tive only and not restrictive3 The Bidder mayo''er other standards o' 4uality, 0rand names, andHorcatalogue num0ers, !rovided that it demonstrates, to theProcuring "ntitys satis'action, that the su0stitutionsensure su0stantial e4uivalence or are su!erior to thoses!eci'ied in the Schedule o' Re4uirements3

• Documents

Est!"#is0int0e9u!#ific!tionsof t0e Bidder

5=35 The documentary evidence o' the Bidders 4uali'icationsto !er'orm the contract i' its 0id is acce!ted shallesta0lish to the Procuring "ntitys satis'action

+a that, i' re)uired in t0e BDS3 a Bidder that does notmanu'acture or !roduce the .oods it o''ers to su!!lyshall su0mit the Manu'acturers Authoriation usingthe 'orm included in Section IV, Bidding Forms todemonstrate that it has 0een duly authoried 0y themanu'acturer or !roducer o' the .oods to su!!lythese .oods in the Procuring "ntitys Country@

(b) that, i' re)uired in t0e BDS3 in case o' a Bidder notdoing 0usiness (ithin the Procuring "ntitys Country,the Bidder is or (ill 0e +i' a(arded the contractre!resented 0y an Agent in the country e4ui!!edand a0le to carry out the Su!!liers maintenance,re!air and s!are !arts?stoc)ing o0ligations!rescri0ed in the Conditions o' Contract andHorTechnical S!eci'ications@ and

(c) that the Bidder meets each o' the 4uali'icationcriterion s!eci'ied in Section III, "valuation and$uali'ication Criteria3

• Period of

!#idity of Bids

6>35 Bids shall remain valid 'or the !eriod s(ecified in t0eBDS a'ter the 0id su0mission deadline date !rescri0ed 0ythe Procuring "ntity3 A 0id valid 'or a shorter !eriod shall

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

0e reected 0y the Procuring "ntity as non res!onsive3

6>36 In e#ce!tional circumstances, !rior to the e#!iration o' the 0id validity !eriod, the Procuring "ntity may re4uest0idders to e#tend the !eriod o' validity o' their 0ids3 The

re4uest and the res!onses shall 0e made in (riting3 I' aBid Security is re4uested in accordance (ith ITB Clause65, it may also 0e e#tended3 A Bidder may re'use there4uest 'or e#tension (ithout 'or'eiting its Bid Security3 ABidder granting the re4uest shall not 0e re4uired or!ermitted to modi'y its 0id3

• Bid Security 6535 The Bidder shall 'urnish as !art o' its 0id, a Bid Securityor a Bid?Securing Declaration, i' re4uired, as s(ecified int0e BDS, 

6536 The Bid Security shall 0e in the amount s!eci'ied in theBDS and denominated in the currency o' the Procuring"ntitys Country or a 'reely converti0le currency, andshall

+a at the 0idders o!tion, 0e in the 'orm o' either aletter o' credit, or a 0an) guarantee 'rom a 0an)inginstitution, or a 0ond issued 0y a surety@

+0 0e issued 0y a re!uta0le institution selected 0y the0idder and located in any eligi0le country3 I' the

institution issuing the 0ond is located outside theProcuring "ntitys Country, it shall have acorres!ondent 'inancial institution located in theProcuring "ntitys Country to ma)e it en'orcea0le3

+c 0e su0stantially in accordance (ith one o' the 'ormso' Bid Security included in Section IV, BiddingForms, or other 'orm a!!roved 0y the Procuring"ntity !rior to 0id su0mission@

+d 0e !aya0le !rom!tly u!on (ritten demand 0y the

Procuring "ntity in case the conditions listed in ITBClause 6539 are invo)ed@

+e 0e su0mitted in its original 'orm@ co!ies (ill not 0eacce!ted@

6537 I' a Bid Security is re4uired in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 6535, any 0id not accom!anied 0y a su0stantiallyres!onsive Bid Security in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause6535, shall 0e reected 0y the Procuring "ntity as non?res!onsive3

6538 The Bid Security o' unsuccess'ul Bidders shall 0e returnedas !rom!tly as !ossi0le u!on the success'ul Bidders

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

'urnishing o' the Per'ormance Security !ursuant to ITBClause 883

6539 The Bid Security may 0e 'or'eited

+a i' a Bidder (ithdra(s its 0id during the !eriod o' 0idvalidity s!eci'ied 0y the Bidder on the BidSu0mission Form, e#ce!t as !rovided in ITB Su0?Clause 6>36@ or

+0 i' the success'ul Bidder 'ails to

+i sign the Contract in accordance (ith ITBClause 87@

+ii 'urnish a Per'ormance Security in accordance(ith ITB Clause 883

653: The Bid Security o' a /V must 0e in the name o' the /Vthat su0mits the 0id3 I' the /V has not 0een legallyconstituted at the time o' 0idding, the Bid Security shall0e in the names o' all 'uture !artners as named in theletter o' intent mentioned in Section IV Bidding Forms,EBidder In'ormation Form Item ;3

• .orm!t !nd

Sinin of Bid

6635 The Bidder shall !re!are one original o' the documentscom!rising the 0id as descri0ed in ITB Clause 55 andclearly mar) it O$IGINA43E In addition, the Bidder shall

su0mit co!ies o' the 0id, in the num0er s!eci'ied in theBDS and clearly mar) them ;COP<,=  In the event o' anydiscre!ancy 0et(een the original and the co!ies, theoriginal shall !revail3

6636 The original and all co!ies o' the 0id shall 0e ty!ed or(ritten in indeli0le in) and shall 0e signed 0y a !ersonduly authoried to sign on 0ehal' o' the Bidder3

6637 Any interlineations, erasures, or over(riting shall 0e validonly i' they are signed or initialed 0y the !erson signing

the Bid3

• Su"mission !nd O(enin of Bids

• Su"mission3

Se!#in !ndM!r>in ofBids

6735 Bids shall 0e su0mitted 0y hand in hard co!ies3 The0idder shall enclose the original and each co!y o' the Bid,including alternative 0ids, i' !ermitted in accordance (ithITB Clause 57, in se!arate sealed envelo!es, duly mar)ingthe envelo!es as ;O$IGINA4=  and ;COP<,=  Theseenvelo!es containing the original and the co!ies shall then0e enclosed in one single envelo!e3 The rest o' the

!rocedure shall 0e in accordance (ith ITB su0?Clauses 6736

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

and 67373

6736 The inner and outer envelo!es shall

+a Bear the name and address o' the Bidder@

+0 0e addressed to the Procuring "ntity in accordance(ith ITB Su0?Clause 6835@

+c 0ear the s!eci'ic identi'ication o' this 0idding!rocess indicated in ITB 535 and any additionalidenti'ication mar)s as s(ecified in t0e BDS8 and

+d 0ear a (arning not to o!en 0e'ore the time and date'or 0id o!ening, in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause6;353

6737 I' all envelo!es are not sealed and mar)ed as re4uired,the Procuring "ntity (ill assume no res!onsi0ility 'or themis!lacement or !remature o!ening o' the 0id3

6738 The !ro!osals shall 0e de!osited in the T"1D"R B-%!rovided in the address stated in the BDS

• De!d#ine for

Su"mission ofBids

'5,% Bids must 0e received 0y the Procuring "ntity at theaddress and no later than the date and time s(ecified int0e BDS,

'5,' The Procuring "ntity may, at its discretion, e#tend thedeadline 'or the su0mission o' 0ids 0y amending theBidding Documents in accordance (ith ITB Clause <, in(hich case all rights and o0ligations o' the Procuring"ntity and Bidders !reviously su0ect to the deadline shalltherea'ter 0e su0ect to the deadline as e#tended3

• 4!te Bids 6935 The Procuring "ntity shall not consider any 0id thatarrives a'ter the deadline 'or su0mission o' 0ids, inaccordance (ith ITB Clause 683 Any 0id received 0y theProcuring "ntity a'ter the deadline 'or su0mission o' 0ids

shall 0e declared late, reected, and returned uno!enedto the Bidder3

• ?it0dr!/!#3

Su"stitution3!ndModific!tionof Bids

6:35 A Bidder may (ithdra(, su0stitute, or modi'y its Bid a'terit has 0een su0mitted 0y sending a (ritten notice inaccordance (ith ITB Clause 67, duly signed 0y anauthoried re!resentative, and shall include a co!y o' theauthoriation +the !o(er o' attorney in accordance (ithITB Su0?Clause 6636, +e#ce!t that no co!ies o' the(ithdra(al notice are re4uired3 The corres!ondingsu0stitution or modi'ication o' the 0id must accom!any

the res!ective (ritten notice3 All notices must 0e

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

+a su0mitted in accordance (ith ITB Clauses 66 and 67+e#ce!t that (ithdra(al notices do not re4uireco!ies, and in addition, the res!ective envelo!esshall 0e clearly mar)ed ;?IT@D$A?A43=;SUBSTITUTION3= or ;MODI.ICATION8E and

+0 received 0y the Procuring "ntity !rior to thedeadline !rescri0ed 'or su0mission o' 0ids, inaccordance (ith ITB Clause 683

6:36 Bids re4uested to 0e (ithdra(n in accordance (ith ITBSu0?Clause 6:35 shall 0e returned uno!ened to theBidders3

6:37 1o 0id may 0e (ithdra(n, su0stituted, or modi'ied in theinterval 0et(een the deadline 'or su0mission o' 0ids andthe e#!iration o' the !eriod o' 0id validity s!eci'ied 0ythe Bidder on the Bid Su0mission Form or any e#tensionthereo'3

• Bid O(enin 6;35 The Procuring "ntity shall conduct the 0id o!ening in!u0lic at the address, date and time s(ecified in t0eBDS,  Any s!eci'ic electronic 0id o!ening !roceduresre4uired i' electronic 0idding is !ermitted in accordance(ith ITB Su0?clause 6735, shall 0e as s(ecified in t0eBDS, 

6;36 First, envelo!es mar)ed ;?IT@D$A?A4E shall 0e o!ened

and read out and the envelo!e (ith the corres!onding 0idshall not 0e o!ened, 0ut returned to the Bidder3 I' the(ithdra(al envelo!e does not contain a co!y o' the!o(er o' attorneyE con'irming the signature as a !ersonduly authoried to sign on 0ehal' o' the Bidder, thecorres!onding 0id (ill 0e o!ened3 1o 0id (ithdra(alshall 0e !ermitted unless the corres!onding (ithdra(alnotice contains a valid authoriation to re4uest the(ithdra(al and is read out at 0id o!ening3 1e#t,envelo!es mar)ed ;SUBSTITUTION= shall 0e o!ened and

read out and e#changed (ith the corres!onding Bid 0eingsu0stituted, and the su0stituted Bid shall not 0e o!ened,0ut returned to the Bidder3 1o Bid su0stitution shall 0e!ermitted unless the corres!onding su0stitution noticecontains a valid authoriation to re4uest the su0stitutionand is read out at 0id o!ening3 "nvelo!es mar)ed;MODI.ICATION= shall 0e o!ened and read out (ith thecorres!onding Bid3 1o Bid modi'ication shall 0e !ermittedunless the corres!onding modi'ication notice contains avalid authoriation to re4uest the modi'ication and isread out at Bid o!ening3 -nly envelo!es that are o!ened

and read out at Bid o!ening shall 0e considered 'urther3

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

6;37 All other envelo!es shall 0e o!ened one at a time,reading out the name o' the Bidder and (hether there isa modi'ication@ the Bid Prices, including any discountsand alternative o''ers@ the !resence o' a Bid Security orBid?Securing Declaration, i' re4uired@ and any other

details as the Procuring "ntity may consider a!!ro!riate3-nly discounts and alternative o''ers read out at Bido!ening shall 0e considered 'or evaluation3 1o Bid shall0e reected at Bid o!ening e#ce!t 'or late 0ids, inaccordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 69353

6;38 The Procuring "ntity shall !re!are a record o' the Bido!ening that shall include, as a minimum the name o' the Bidder and (hether there is a (ithdra(al,su0stitution, or modi'ication@ the Bid Price, !er lot i' a!!lica0le, including any discounts, and alternative o''ers

i' they (ere !ermitted@ and the !resence or a0sence o' aBid Security or Bid?Securing Declaration, i' one (asre4uired3 The Bidders re!resentatives (ho are !resentshall 0e re4uested to sign the attendance sheet3 A co!yo' the record shall 0e distri0uted to all Bidders (hosu0mitted 0ids in time3

• E-!#u!tion !nd Com(!rison of Bids

• Confidenti!#ity 6<35 In'ormation relating to the e#amination, evaluation,

com!arison, and !ost?4uali'ication o' 0ids, andrecommendation o' contract a(ard, shall not 0e disclosedto 0idders or any other !ersons not o''icially concerned(ith such !rocess until !u0lication o' the Contract A(ard3

6<36 Any e''ort 0y a Bidder to in'luence the Procuring "ntity inthe e#amination, evaluation, com!arison, and !ost?4uali'ication o' the 0ids or contract a(ard decisions mayresult in the reection o' its Bid3

6<37 1ot(ithstanding ITB Su0?Clause 6<36, 'rom the time o' 

0id o!ening to the time o' Contract A(ard, i' any Bidder(ishes to contact the Procuring "ntity on any matterrelated to the 0idding !rocess, it should do so in (riting3

• C#!rific!tion of 


6=35 To assist in the e#amination, evaluation, com!arison and!ost?4uali'ication o' the 0ids, the Procuring "ntity may,at its discretion, as) any Bidder 'or a clari'ication o' itsBid3 Any clari'ication su0mitted 0y a Bidder in res!ect toits Bid and that is not in res!onse to a re4uest 0y theProcuring "ntity shall not 0e considered3 The Procuring"ntitys re4uest 'or clari'ication and the res!onse shall 0e

in (riting3 1o change in the !rices or su0stance o' the Bidshall 0e sought, o''ered, or !ermitted, e#ce!t to con'irm

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

the correction o' arithmetic errors discovered 0y theProcuring "ntity in the "valuation o' the 0ids, inaccordance (ith ITB Clause 753

• $es(onsi-eness

of Bids

7>35 The Procuring "ntitys determination o' a 0ids

res!onsiveness is to 0e 0ased on the contents o' the 0iditsel'3

7>36 A su0stantially res!onsive Bid is one that con'orms to allthe terms, conditions, and s!eci'ications o' the BiddingDocuments (ithout material deviation, reservation, oromission3 A material deviation, reservation, or omissionis one that, i' acce!ted, (ould

+a a''ect in any su0stantial (ay the sco!e, 4uality, or!er'ormance o' the .oods and Related Servicess!eci'ied in the Contract@ or

+0 limit in any su0stantial (ay, inconsistent (ith theBidding Documents, the Procuring "ntitys rights orthe Bidders o0ligations under the Contract@ or

+c i' recti'ied, (ould un'airly a''ect the com!etitive!osition o' other 0idders !resenting su0stantiallyres!onsive 0ids3

7>37 I' a 0id is not su0stantially res!onsive to the BiddingDocuments, it shall 0e reected 0y the Procuring "ntity

and may not su0se4uently 0e made res!onsive 0y theBidder 0y correction o' the material deviation,reservation, or omission3

• Non+conformi+

ties3 Errors3!nd Omissions

7535 Provided that a Bid is su0stantially res!onsive, theProcuring "ntity may (aive any non?con'ormities oromissions in the Bid that do not constitute a materialdeviation3

7536 Provided that the Bid is su0stantially res!onsive, theProcuring "ntity shall correct arithmetical errors on the'ollo(ing 0asis

+a i' there is a discre!ancy 0et(een the unit !rice andthe line item total that is o0tained 0y multi!lyingthe unit !rice 0y the 4uantity, the unit !rice shall!revail and the line item total shall 0e corrected,unless in the o!inion o' the Procuring "ntity there isan o0vious mis!lacement o' the decimal !oint in theunit !rice, in (hich case the line item total as4uoted shall govern and the unit !rice shall 0ecorrected@

+0 i' there is an error in a total corres!onding to theaddition or su0traction o' su0totals, the su0totals

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

shall !revail and the total shall 0e corrected@ and

+c i' there is a discre!ancy 0et(een (ords and 'igures,the amount in (ords shall !revail, unless the amounte#!ressed in (ords is related to an arithmetic error,

in (hich case the amount in 'igures shall !revailsu0ect to +a and +0 a0ove3

31.3 I' the Bidder that su0mitted the lo(est res!onsive 0iddoes not acce!t the correction o' errors, its Bid shall 0ereected3

• Pre#imin!ry

E!min!tionof Bids

7635 The Procuring "ntity shall e#amine the 0ids to con'irmthat all documents and technical documentationre4uested in ITB Clause 55 have 0een !rovided, and todetermine the com!leteness o' each documentsu0mitted3

7636 The Procuring "ntity shall con'irm that the 'ollo(ingdocuments and in'ormation have 0een !rovided in theBid3 I' any o' these documents or in'ormation is missing,the o''er shall 0e reected3

+a Bid Su0mission Form, in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 5635@

+0 Price Schedules, in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause5636@

(c) Bid Security in accordance (ith ITB Clause 65, i' a!!lica0le3

• E!min!tion

of Terms !ndConditions8Tec0nic!#E-!#u!tion

7735 The Procuring "ntity shall e#amine the Bid to con'irmthat all terms and conditions s!eci'ied in the .CC and theSCC have 0een acce!ted 0y the Bidder (ithout anymaterial deviation or reservation3

7736 The Procuring "ntity shall evaluate the technical as!ectso' the Bid su0mitted in accordance (ith ITB Clause 5<, to

con'irm that all re4uirements s!eci'ied in Section V,Schedule o' Re4uirements o' the Bidding Documents have0een met (ithout any material deviation or reservation3

7737 I', a'ter the e#amination o' the terms and conditions andthe technical evaluation, the Procuring "ntity determinesthat the Bid is not su0stantially res!onsive in accordance(ith ITB Clause 7>, it shall reect the Bid3

• Con-ersion to



34.1 For evaluation and com!arison !ur!oses, the Procuring"ntity shall convert all 0id !rices e#!ressed in amounts in

various currencies into an amount in a single currencys(ecified in t0e  BDS3  using the selling e#change rates

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

esta0lished 0y the source and on the date s(ecified int0e BDS,

• Domestic


35.1 Domestic !re'erence shall not 0e a 'actor in 0idevaluation, unless other(ise s(ecified in t0e BDS, 

• E-!#u!tion of


7:35 The Procuring "ntity shall evaluate each 0id that has 0eendetermined, u! to this stage o' the evaluation, to 0esu0stantially res!onsive3

7:36 To evaluate a Bid, the Procuring "ntity shall only use allthe 'actors, methodologies and criteria de'ined in ITBClause 7:3 1o other criteria or methodology shall 0e!ermitted3

7:37 To evaluate a Bid, the Procuring "ntity shall consider the'ollo(ing

+a evaluation (ill 0e done 'or Items or 2ots, ass(ecified in t0e BDS8 and  the Bid Price as 4uoted inaccordance (ith clause 58@

+0 !rice adustment 'or correction o' arithmetic errorsin accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 7537@

+c !rice adustment due to discounts o''ered inaccordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 5838@

+d adustments due to the a!!lication o' the evaluationcriteria s(ecified in t0e BDS 'rom amongst those setout in Section III, "valuation and $uali'icationCriteria@

+e adustments due to the a!!lication o' a margin o' !re'erence, in accordance (ith ITB Clause 79 i' a!!lica0le3

7:38 The Procuring "ntitys evaluation o' a 0id (ill e#clude andnot ta)e into account

+a In the case o' .oods manu'actured in the Procuring"ntitys Country, sales and other similar ta#es, (hich(ill 0e !aya0le on the goods i' a contract is a(ardedto the Bidder@

+0 in the case o' .oods manu'actured outside theProcuring "ntitys Country, already im!orted or to 0eim!orted, customs duties and other im!ort ta#eslevied on the im!orted .ood, sales and other similarta#es, (hich (ill 0e !aya0le on the .oods i' thecontract is a(arded to the Bidder@

+c any allo(ance 'or !rice adustment during the

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

!eriod o' e#ecution o' the contract, i' !rovided inthe 0id3

7:39 The Procuring "ntitys evaluation o' a 0id may re4uire theconsideration o' other 'actors, in addition to the Bid Price

4uoted in accordance (ith ITB Clause 583 These 'actorsmay 0e related to the characteristics, !er'ormance, andterms and conditions o' !urchase o' the .oods andRelated Services3 The e''ect o' the 'actors selected, i' any, shall 0e e#!ressed in monetary terms to 'acilitatecom!arison o' 0ids, unless other(ise s!eci'ied in SectionIII, "valuation and $uali'ication Criteria3 The 'actors,methodologies and criteria to 0e used shall 0e ass!eci'ied in ITB 7:37 +d3

36.6 I' so s(ecified in t0e BDS3 these Bidding Documents shall

allo( Bidders to 4uote se!arate !rices 'or one or morelots, and shall allo( the Procuring "ntity to a(ard one ormulti!le lots to more than one Bidder3 The methodologyo' evaluation to determine the lo(est?evaluated lotcom0inations is s!eci'ied in Section III, "valuation and$uali'ication Criteria3

• Com(!rison of 


37.1 The Procuring "ntity shall com!are all su0stantiallyres!onsive 0ids to determine the lo(est res!onsive 0id, inaccordance (ith ITB Clause 7:3

• Post+)u!#ific!+

tion of t0eBidder

7<35 The Procuring "ntity shall determine to its satis'action(hether the Bidder that is selected as having su0mittedthe lo(est evaluated and su0stantially res!onsive 0id is4uali'ied to !er'orm the Contract satis'actorily3

7<36 The determination shall 0e 0ased u!on an e#amination o' the documentary evidence o' the Bidders 4uali'icationssu0mitted 0y the Bidder, !ursuant to ITB Clause 5=3

38.3 An a''irmative determination shall 0e a !rere4uisite 'ora(ard o' the Contract to the Bidder3 A negativedetermination shall result in dis4uali'ication o' the 0id, in

(hich event the Procuring "ntity shall !roceed to thene#t lo(est res!onsive 0id to ma)e a similardetermination o' that Bidders ca!a0ilities to !er'ormsatis'actorily3

• Procurin

Entitys $i0tto Acce(t AnyBid3 !nd to$eject Any orA## Bids

7=35 The Procuring "ntity reserves the right to acce!t or reectany 0id, and to annul the 0idding !rocess and reect all0ids at any time !rior to contract a(ard, (ithout there0yincurring any lia0ility to Bidders3

 [N.B. The Procuring Entity reserves the right not to award a contract to any party with whom it 

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

is currently in litigation or with whom it has been previously involved in litigation] 

• A/!rd of Contr!ct

• A/!rd Criteri! 40.1 The Procuring "ntity shall a(ard the Contract to theBidder (hose o''er has 0een determined to 0e the lo(estres!onsive 0id and is su0stantially res!onsive to theBidding Documents, !rovided 'urther that the Bidder isdetermined to 0e 4uali'ied to !er'orm the Contractsatis'actorily3

• Procurin

Entitys $i0tto !ry9u!ntities !t

Time of A/!rd

41.1 At the time the Contract is a(arded, the Procuring "ntityreserves the right to increase or decrease the 4uantity o' .oods and Related Services originally s!eci'ied in SectionV, Schedule o' Re4uirements, !rovided this does not

e#ceed the !ercentages s(ecified in t0e BDS3  and(ithout any change in the unit !rices or other terms andconditions o' the 0id and the Bidding Documents3

• Notific!tion of 


8635 Prior to the e#!iration o' the !eriod o' 0id validity, theProcuring "ntity shall noti'y the success'ul Bidder, in(riting, that its Bid has 0een acce!ted3

8636 ntil a 'ormal Contract is !re!ared and e#ecuted, thenoti'ication o' a(ard shall constitute a 0inding Contract3

8637 The Procuring "ntity shall !u0lish on the 1ationalContracts Commissions (e0site the results identi'yingthe 0id, lot num0ers, name o' the (inning Bidder, and the!rice it o''ered, as (ell as the duration and summarysco!e o' the contract a(arded3 A'ter !u0lication o' thea(ard, unsuccess'ul 0idders may re4uest in (riting to theProcuring "ntity 'or a de0rie'ing see)ing e#!lanations onthe grounds on (hich their 0ids (ere not selected3 TheProcuring "ntity shall !rom!tly res!ond in (riting to anyunsuccess'ul Bidder (ho, a'ter Pu0lication o' contracta(ard, re4uests a de0rie'ing3

8638 !on the success'ul Bidders 'urnishing o' the signedContract Form and !er'ormance security !ursuant to ITBClause 88, the Procuring "ntity (ill !rom!tly noti'y eachunsuccess'ul Bidder and (ill discharge its 0id security,!ursuant to ITB Clause 65383

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

• Sinin of


8735 Prom!tly a'ter noti'ication, the Procuring "ntity shallsend the success'ul Bidder the Agreement and the S!ecialConditions o' Contract3

8736 &ithin t(enty?eight +6< days o' recei!t o' the

Agreement, the success'ul Bidder shall sign, date, andreturn it to the Procuring "ntity3

• Perform!nce


8835 &ithin t(enty eight +6< days o' the recei!t o' noti'ication o' a(ard 'rom the Procuring "ntity, thesuccess'ul Bidder, i' re4uired, shall 'urnish thePer'ormance Security in accordance (ith the .CC, using'or that !ur!ose the Per'ormance Security Form includedin Section VIII Contract 'orms, or another Formacce!ta0le to the Procuring "ntity3 The Procuring "ntityshall !rom!tly noti'y the name o' the (inning Bidder to

each unsuccess'ul Bidder and discharge the Bid Securitieso' the unsuccess'ul 0idders !ursuant to ITB Su0?Clause65383

8836 Failure o' the success'ul Bidder to su0mit the a0ove?mentioned Per'ormance Security or sign the Contractshall constitute su''icient grounds 'or the annulment o' the a(ard and 'or'eiture o' the Bid Security or e#ecutiono' the Bid?Securing Declaration3 In that event theProcuring "ntity may a(ard the Contract to the ne#tlo(est res!onsive 0idder, (hose o''er is su0stantially

res!onsive and is determined 0y the Procuring "ntity to0e 4uali'ied to !er'orm the Contract satis'actorily3

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

  Section II, Biddin D!t! S0eet 1BDS2The 'ollo(ing s!eci'ic data 'or the goods to 0e !rocured shall com!lement,

su!!lement, or amend the !rovisions in the Instructions to Bidders +ITB3&henever there is a con'lict, the !rovisions herein shall !revail over those in ITB3

ITB C#!use$eference

A, Gener!#

ITB %,% The Procuring "ntity is Port Authority of Jamaica

ITB %,% The name and identi'ication num0er o' the ICB are [insert nameand identification numer 

The num0er, identi'ication and names o' the lots com!rising thisICB are [insert numer* list the lots and related Goods  

ITB ',% The name o' the Proect is Gantry Rail Repairs3

ITB 5,6 At the time o' the tender the 0idder shall !resent to the Procuring"ntity a valid Ta# Com!liance Certi'icate 'or due ta#es in /amaica3

-verseas 0idders (ill 0e re4uired to o0tain a valid Ta# Com!lianceCerti'icate i' they are selected 'or contract a(ard and (here anyas!ect o' the contract (ill re4uire (or) to 0e done in /amaica3

 ITB 5,7 At the time o' tender, i' indicated herein in ITB 83: 0elo(, the0idder must 0e registered (ith the 1ational Contracts CommissionRegister o' Pu0lic Sector ContractorsE3

nder the 1ational Contracts Commission Register o' Pu0licSector ContractorsE, the re4uired registration grade is +&A

-verseas 0idders (ill 0e re4uired to o0tain 1CC Registration i'they are selected 'or contract a(ard3

For more in'ormation htt!HH(((3ocg3gov3m 

B, Contents of Biddin Documents

ITB ,% For C #!rific!tion of "id (ur(oses only, the Procuring "ntitysaddress is

Attention Senior ice President &

Enineerin Port De-e#o(ment

  Port Aut0ority of !m!ic!

%6 & % Du>e Street

  Finston !m!ic!3 ?I,

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 31/95

Section II Instruction to Bidders

Tele!hone 876-922-0290 – 9

Facsimile num0er 876-922-0290 – 9

"lectronic mail address cnelsonJ!ortam3com

C, Pre(!r!tion of Bids

ITB %,% The language o' the 0id is En#is0

ITB %%,% 102 The Bidder shall su0mit the 'ollo(ing additional documents in its0id anufacturer Certification - .pecification for all aterials

ITB %*,% Alternative Bids /shall not be0 considered3

ITB %5,6 The Incoterms edition is Incoterms '%

ITB %5,7 1"21i2 !nd 1c21iii2

Place o' Destination Kingston Container 1erminal, 2in!ston, Jamaica

ITB %5,7 1!21iii281"21ii2!nd 1c21-2

Final destination +Proect SiteE Kingston Container 1erminal,2in!ston, Jamaica

ITB %5,7 1"21iii2

In addition to the CIP !rice s!eci'ied in ITB 583: +0+i, the !rice o' the .oods manu'actured outside the Procuring "ntitys Countryshall 0e 4uoted CIF 

ITB %5, The !rices 4uoted 0y the Bidder /shall not0 0e adusta0le3 I'!rices shall 0e adusta0le, the methodology is s!eci'ied in SectionIII "valuation and $uali'ication Criteria3

ITB %5,H Prices 4uoted 'or each lot shall corres!ond at least to N/A  o' theitems s!eci'ied 'or each lot3

Prices 4uoted 'or each item o' a lot shall corres!ond at least to N/A!ercent o' the 4uantities s!eci'ied 'or this item o' a lot3

ITB %6,% The Bidder /is not03 re4uired to 4uote in the currency o' theProcuring "ntitys Country the !ortion o' the 0id !rice thatcorres!onds to e#!enditures incurred in that currency3

ITB %H,* Period o' time the .oods are e#!ected to 0e 'unctioning +'or the!ur!ose o' s!are !arts 180 MONTHS

ITB %,% 1!2 Manu'acturers authoriation is “required” 

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

ITB %,% 1"2 A'ter sales service is not required 

ITB ',% The 0id validity !eriod shall 0e 10days3

ITB '%,% Bid shall include a Bid Security +issued 0y 0an) or suretyincluded in Section IV Bidding Forms

ITB '%,' The amount o' the Bid Security shall 0e !

ITB '',% In addition to the original 0id, the re4uired num0er o' co!ies isONE 1%2

D, Su"mission !nd O(enin of Bids

ITB '*,% Bidders “shall not” have the o!tion o' su0mitting their 0ids


ITB '*,' 1c2The inner and outer envelo!es shall 0ear the 'ollo(ing additional identi'ication mar)sSenior ice President &

Enineerin Port De-e#o(ment

  Port Aut0ority of !m!ic!

%6 & % Du>e Street

  Finston !m!ic!3 ?I,

ITB '5,% For 0id su0mission !ur!oses, the Procuring "ntitys address is

Attention Senior ice President & En, Port De-,

Address Port Aut0ority of !m!ic!

%6 & % Du>e Street

  Finston !m!ic!3 ?I,

The deadline 'or the su0mission o' 0ids is

Date 45 +ovemer 4677

Time 4866pm

E, E-!#u!tion !nd Com(!rison of Bids

ITB *5,% Bid !rices e#!ressed in di''erent currencies shall 0e converted in "S #O$$A%S

ITB *6,% Domestic !re'erence shall not 0e a 0id evaluation 'actor3

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Section II Instruction to Bidders

ITB *7,*1d2 The adustments shall 0e determined using the 'ollo(ing criteria,'rom amongst those set out in Section III, "valuation and$uali'ication Criteria [refer to .chedule 999, 'valuation and:ualification Criteria* insert complementary details if necessary L

(a) Deviation in Delivery schedule [insert ;es or +o 9fyes insert the ad<ustment factor 

() Deviation in !ayment schedule [insert ;es or +o 9fyes insert the ad<ustment factor 

(c) the cost o' maor re!lacement com!onents, mandatorys!are !arts, and service +o

(d) the availa0ility in the Procuring "ntitys Country o' s!are!arts and a'ter?sales services 'or the e4ui!ment o''ered inthe 0id +o,

(e) the !roected o!erating and maintenance costsduring the li'e o' the e4ui!ment +o,

(f) the !er'ormance and !roductivity o' the e4ui!mento''ered@ +o

ITB *7,7 Bidders /shall not0 0e allo(ed to 4uote se!arate !rices 'or one ormore lots3 [refer to .ection 999 'valuation and :ualificationCriteria, for the evaluation methodolo!y, if appropriate  

., A/!rd of Contr!ct

ITB 5%,% The ma#imum !ercentage 0y (hich 4uantities may 0e increased is+&A

The ma#imum !ercentage 0y (hich 4uantities may 0e decreasedis +&A

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 34/95

Section III, E-!#u!tion !nd 9u!#ific!tion

Criteri!This Section com!lements the Instructions to Bidders3 It contains the criteriathat the Procuring "ntity may use to evaluate a 0id and determine (hether aBidder has the re4uired 4uali'ications3 1o other criteria shall 0e used3

JT0e Procurin Entity s0!## se#ect t0e criteri! deemed !((ro(ri!te for t0e(rocurement (rocess3 insert t0e !((ro(ri!te /ordin usin t0e s!m(#es"e#o/ or ot0er !cce(t!"#e /ordin3 !nd de#ete t0e tet in it!#icsK


53 Domestic Pre'erence +ITB 7935

63 "valuation Criteria +ITB 7:37 +d

73 Multi!le Contracts +ITB 7:3:

83 Post?4uali'ication Re4uirements +ITB 7<36

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Section IV Bidding Fors

%, Domestic Preference 1ITB *6,%2

I' the Bidding Data Sheet so s!eci'ies, the Procuring "ntity (ill grant a margin o' !re'erence to goods manu'actured in the Procuring "ntitys country 'or the

!ur!ose o' 0id com!arison, in accordance (ith the !rocedures outlined insu0se4uent !aragra!hs3

Bids (ill 0e classi'ied in one o' three grou!s, as 'ollo(s8

+a Grou( A:  Bids o''ering goods manu'actured in the Procuring "ntitysCountry, 'or (hich +i la0or, ra( materials, and com!onents 'rom (ithinthe Procuring "ntitys Country account 'or more than thirty +7> !ercento' the "%& !rice@ and +ii the !roduction 'acility in (hich they (ill 0emanu'actured or assem0led has 0een engaged in manu'acturing orassem0ling such goods at least since the date o' 0id su0mission3

+0 Grou( B: All other 0ids o''ering .oods manu'actured in the Procuring"ntitys Country3

+c Grou( C: Bids o''ering .oods manu'actured outside the Procuring"ntitys Country that have 0een already im!orted or that (ill 0eim!orted

To 'acilitate this classi'ication 0y the Procuring "ntity, the Bidder shallcom!lete (hichever version o' the Price Schedule 'urnished in the BiddingDocuments is a!!ro!riate !rovided, ho(ever, that the com!letion o' anincorrect version o' the Price Schedule 0y the Bidder shall not result in

reection o' its 0id, 0ut merely in the Procuring "ntitys reclassi'ication o' the0id into its a!!ro!riate 0id grou!3

The Procuring "ntity (ill 'irst revie( the 0ids to con'irm the a!!ro!riateness o',and to modi'y as necessary, the 0id grou! classi'ication to (hich 0iddersassigned their 0ids in !re!aring their Bid Forms and Price Schedules3

All evaluated 0ids in each grou! (ill then 0e com!ared to determine the lo(estres!onsive 0id o' each grou!3 Such 0ids shall 0e com!ared (ith each other andi' as a result o' this com!arison a 0id 'rom .rou! A or .rou! B is the lo(est, itshall 0e selected 'or the a(ard3

I', as a result o' the !receding com!arison, the lo(est res!onsive 0id is 'rom.rou! C, those 0ids (ill then 0e 'urther com!ared (ith the lo(est res!onsive0id 'rom .rou! A, a'ter adding to the evaluated 0id !rice o' goods o''ered inthe 0id 'or .rou! C, 'or the !ur!ose o' 'urther com!arison only an amount e4ualto 'i'teen +59 !ercent o' the CIP +named !lace o' destination 0id !rice3 Thelo(est res!onsive 0id determined 'rom this last com!arison shall 0e selected 'orthe a(ard3

', E-!#u!tion Criteri! 1ITB *7,* 1d22

The Procuring "ntitys evaluation o' a 0id may ta)e into account, inaddition to the Bid Price 4uoted in accordance (ith ITB Clause 583:, one or

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Section IV Bidding Fors

more o' the 'ollo(ing 'actors as s!eci'ied in ITB Su0?Clause 7:37+d and in BDSre'erring to ITB 7:37+d3 using the 'ollo(ing criteria and methodologies3

+a Delivery schedule3 +as !er Incoterms s!eci'ied in the BDS

1he Goods specified in the =ist of Goods are required to e delivered %ithin the acceptale time ran!e (after the earliest and efore the

 final date, oth dates inclusive) specified in .ection >, ?elivery .chedule +o credit %ill e !iven to deliveries efore the earliestdate, and ids offerin! delivery after the final date shall e treated as non responsive @ithin this acceptale period, an ad<ustment, asspecified in ?. .u#Clause BB(d), %ill e added, for evaluation

 purposes only, to the id price of ids offerin! deliveries later thanthe /'arliest ?elivery ?ate0 specified in .ection >, ?elivery .chedule

+0 Deviation in !ayment schedule3 [insert one of the follo%in!  

+i idders shall state their id price for the payment scheduleoutlined in the .CC ids shall e evaluated on the asis of thisase price idders are, ho%ever, permitted to state analternative payment schedule and indicate the reduction in id 

 price they %ish to offer for such alternative payment schedule1he Procurin! 'ntity may consider the alternative paymentschedule and the reduced id price offered y the idder selected on the asis of the ase price for the payment scheduleoutlined in the .CC 


+ii 1he .CC stipulates the payment schedule specified y theProcurin! 'ntity 9f a id deviates from the schedule and if suchdeviation is considered acceptale to the Procurin! 'ntity, theid %ill e evaluated y calculatin! interest earned for any earlier payments involved in the terms outlined in the id ascompared %ith those stipulated in the .CC, at the rate per annum specified in ?. .u#Clause BB (d)

+c Cost o' maor re!lacement com!onents, mandatory s!are !arts, andservice3 [insert one of the follo%in! 

+i 1he list of items and quantities of ma<or assemlies,components, and selected spare parts, li"ely to e required durin! the initial period of operation specified in the ?. .u#Clause 7DB, is in the =ist of Goods An ad<ustment equal to thetotal cost of these items, at the unit prices quoted in each id,shall e added to the id price, for evaluation purposes only


+ii 1he Procurin! 'ntity %ill dra% up a list of hi!h#usa!e and hi!h#

value items of components and spare parts, alon! %ithestimated quantities of usa!e in the initial period of operation

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 37/95

Section IV Bidding Fors

specified in the ?. .u#Clause 7DB 1he total cost of theseitems and quantities %ill e computed from spare parts unit

 prices sumitted y the idder and added to the id price, for evaluation purposes only

+d Availa0ility in the Procuring "ntitys Country o' s!are !arts and a'tersales services 'or e4ui!ment o''ered in the 0id

An adustment e4ual to the cost to the Procuring "ntity o' esta0lishingthe minimum service 'acilities and !arts inventories, as outlined inBDS Su0?Clause 7:37+d, i' 4uoted se!arately, shall 0e added to the 0id!rice, 'or evaluation !ur!oses only

+e Proected o!erating and maintenance costs3

-!erating and maintenance costs3 An adustment to ta)e into accountthe o!erating and maintenance costs o' the .oods (ill 0e added to

the 0id !rice, 'or evaluation !ur!oses only, i' s!eci'ied in BDS Su0?Clause 7:37+d3 The adustment (ill 0e evaluated in accordance (iththe methodology s!eci'ied in the BDS Su0?Clause 7:37+d3

+' Per'ormance and !roductivity o' the e4ui!ment3 [insert one of the follo%in! 

+i  Per'ormance and !roductivity o' the e4ui!ment3 An adustmentre!resenting the ca!italied cost o' additional o!erating costsover the li'e o' the !lant (ill 0e added to the 0id !rice, 'orevaluation !ur!oses i' s!eci'ied in the BDS Su0?Clause 7:37+d3

The adustment (ill 0e evaluated 0ased on the dro! in theguaranteed !er'ormance or e''iciency o''ered in the 0id 0elo(the norm o' 5>>, using the methodology s!eci'ied in BDS Su0?Clause 7:37+d3


+ii An adustment to ta)e into account the !roductivity o' the goodso''ered in the 0id (ill 0e added to the 0id !rice, 'or evaluation!ur!oses only, i' s!eci'ied in BDS Su0?Clause 7:37+d3 Theadustment (ill 0e evaluated 0ased on the cost !er unit o' the

actual !roductivity o' goods o''ered in the 0id (ith res!ect tominimum re4uired values, using the methodology s!eci'ied in BDSSu0?Clause 7:37+d3 

+g S!eci'ic additional criteria

Ether specific additional criteria to e considered in the evaluation,and the evaluation method shall e detailed in ?. .u#ClauseBB(d)  

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Section IV Bidding Fors

*, Mu#ti(#e Contr!cts 1ITB *7,72

The Procuring "ntity shall a(ard multi!le contracts to the Bidder that o''ersthe lo(est evaluated com0ination o' 0ids +one contract !er 0id and meets the!ost?4uali'ication criteria +this Section III, Su0?Section ITB 7<36 Post?

$uali'ication Re4uirements

The Procuring "ntity shall

+a evaluate only lots or contracts that include at least the !ercentages o' items !er lot and 4uantity !er item as s!eci'ied in ITB Su0 Clause 583<

• +0 ta)e into account

+i the lo(est res!onsive 0id 'or each lot and

+ii the !rice reduction !er lot and the methodology 'or its

a!!lication as o''ered 0y the Bidder in its 0idE

5, Post+)u!#ific!tion $e)uirements 1ITB *H,'2

A'ter determining the lo(est res!onsive 0id in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause7;35, the Procuring "ntity shall carry out the !ost?4uali'ication o' the Bidder inaccordance (ith ITB Clause 7<, using only the re4uirements s!eci'ied3Re4uirements not included in the te#t 0elo( shall not 0e used in the evaluationo' the Bidders 4uali'ications3

+a Financial Ca!a0ility

The Bidder shall 'urnish documentary evidence that it meets the'ollo(ing 'inancial re4uirement+s [list the requirement(s) 

+0 "#!erience and Technical Ca!acity

The Bidder shall 'urnish documentary evidence to demonstrate that itmeets the 'ollo(ing e#!erience re4uirement+s [list therequirement(s) 

+c The Bidder shall 'urnish documentary evidence to demonstrate thatthe .oods it o''ers meet the 'ollo(ing usage re4uirement [list therequirement(s) 

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Section IV Bidding Fors

Section I, Biddin .orms

T!"#e of .orms

Bidder In'ormation Form333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

/oint Venture Partner In'ormation Form33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Bid Su0mission Form33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Price Schedule .oods Manu'actured -utside the Procuring "ntitys Country, to0e Im!orted333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Price Schedule .oods Manu'actured -utside the Procuring "ntitys Country,already im!orted333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Price Schedule .oods Manu'actured in the Procuring "ntitys Country33333333333333

Price and Com!letion Schedule ? Related Services33333333333333333333333333333333333333

Bid Security +Ban) .uarantee 3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Bid Security +Bid Bond33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Manu'acturers Authoriation 333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 40/95

Section IV Bidding Fors

Bidder Inform!tion .orm

[1he idder shall fill in this Form in accordance %ith the instructions indicated elo% +o alterations to its format shall e permitted and no sustitutionsshall e accepted 

Date [insert date (as day, month and year) of id .umissionLICB 1o3 [insert numer of iddin! process 

Page o' !ages

53 Bidders 2egal 1ame [insert idder3s le!al name 

63 In case o' /V, legal name o' each !arty [insert le!al name of each party in J> 

73 Bidders actual or intended Country o' Registration [insert actual or intendedCountry of Re!istration 

83 Bidders Near o' Registration [insert idder3s year of re!istration 

93 Bidders 2egal Address in Country o' Registration [insert idder3s le!al addressin country of re!istration 

• :3 Bidders Authoried Re!resentative In'ormation

  1ame [insert Authoried Representative3s name 

  Address [insert Authoried Representative3s Address 

  Tele!honeHFa# num0ers [insert Authoried Representative3s telephone&fa$numers 

  "mail Address [insert Authoried Representative3s email address 

;3 Attached are co!ies o' original documents o' [chec" the o$(es) of theattached ori!inal documents 

Articles o' Incor!oration or Registration o' 'irm named in 5, a0ove, in

accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clauses 835 and 8363

In case o' /V, letter o' intent to 'orm /V or /V agreement, in accordance (ith

ITB Su0?Clause 8353

In case o' government o(ned entity 'rom the Procuring "ntitys country,

documents esta0lishing legal and 'inancial autonomy and com!liance (ithcommercial la(, in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 8393

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Section IV Bidding Fors

oint enture P!rtner Inform!tion .orm

[1he idder shall fill in this Form in accordance %ith the instructions indicated elo%

Date[insert date (as day, month and year) of id .umission

LICB 1o3 [insert numer of iddin! process 

Page o' !ages

53 Bidders 2egal 1ame [insert idder3s le!al name 

63 /Vs Party legal name [insert J>3s Party le!al name 

73 /Vs Party Country o' Registration [insert J>3s Party country of re!istration 

83 /Vs Party Near o' Registration [insert J>3s Part year of re!istration 

93 /Vs Party 2egal Address in Country o' Registration [insert J>3s Party le!aladdress in country of re!istration 

:3 /Vs Party Authoried Re!resentative In'ormation

1ame [insert name of J>3s Party authoried representative 

Address [insert address of J>3s Party authoried representative 

Tele!honeHFa# num0ers [insert telephone&fa$ numers of J>3s Party

authoried representative 

"mail Address [insert email address of J>3s Party authoried representative 

;3 Attached are co!ies o' original documents o' [chec" the o$(es) of theattached ori!inal documents 

Articles o' Incor!oration or Registration o' 'irm named in 6, a0ove, in

accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clauses 835 and 8363

In case o' government o(ned entity 'rom the Procuring "ntitys country,

documents esta0lishing legal and 'inancial autonomy and com!liance (ithcommercial la(, in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 8393

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Section IV Bidding Fors

Bid Su"mission .orm[1he idder shall fill in this Form in accordance %ith the instructions indicated +o alterations to its format shall e permitted and no sustitutions shall eaccepted 

Date [insert date (as day, month and year) of id .umission ICB 1o3 [insert numer of iddin!

 process Invitation 'or Bid 1o3 [insert +o of 9F 

Alternative 1o3 [insert identification +o if this is a id for an alternative 

To [insert complete name of Procurin! 'ntity 

&e, the undersigned, declare that

(a) &e have e#amined and have no reservations to the Bidding Documents,including Addenda 1o3 [insert the numer and issuin!date of each Addenda* 

() &e o''er to su!!ly in con'ormity (ith the Bidding Documents and inaccordance (ith the Delivery Schedules s!eci'ied in the Schedule o' Re4uirements the 'ollo(ing .oods and Related Services  [insert a rief description of the Goods and Related .ervices* 

(c) The total !rice o' our Bid, e#cluding any discounts o''ered in item +d

0elo(, is [insert the total id price in%ords and fi!ures, indicatin! the various amounts and the respectivecurrencies*

(d) The discounts o''ered and the methodology 'or their a!!lication are

Discounts, I' our 0id is acce!ted, the 'ollo(ing discounts shalla!!ly3  [.pecify in detail each discount offered and the specificitem of the .chedule of Requirements to %hich it applies

Met0odo#oy of A((#ic!tion of t0e Discounts, The discounts shall 0ea!!lied using the 'ollo(ing method [.pecify in detail themethod that shall e used to apply the discounts*

(e) -ur 0id shall 0e valid 'or the !eriod o' time s!eci'ied in ITB Su0?Clause6>35, 'rom the date 'i#ed 'or the 0id su0mission deadline in accordance(ith ITB Su0?Clause 6835, and it shall remain 0inding u!on us and may 0eacce!ted at any time 0e'ore the e#!iration o' that !eriod@

(f) I' our 0id is acce!ted, (e commit to o0tain a !er'ormance security inaccordance (ith ITB Clause 88 and .CC Clause 5; 'or the due !er'ormance

o' the Contract@

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Section IV Bidding Fors

(!) &e, including any su0contractors or su!!liers 'or any !art o' the contract,have nationality 'rom eligi0le countries [insert the nationality of the idder, includin! that of all parties that comprise the idder, if theidder is a J>, and the nationality each sucontractor and supplier  

(h) &e have no con'lict o' interest in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 836@

(i) -ur 'irm, its a''iliates or su0sidiariesOincluding any su0contractors orsu!!liers 'or any !art o' the contractOhas not 0een declared ineligi0le 0y.-/, under the Procuring "ntitys country la(s or o''icial regulations, inaccordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 837@

(<) The 'ollo(ing commissions, gratuities, or 'ees have 0een !aid or are to 0e!aid (ith res!ect to the 0idding !rocess or e#ecution o' the Contract[insert complete name of each Recipient, its full address, the reason for %hich each commission or !ratuity %as paid and the amount and currency of each such commission or !ratuity 

1ame o' Reci!ient Address Reason Amount


+I' none has 0een !aid or is to 0e !aid, indicate none3E

+) &e understand that this 0id, together (ith your (ritten acce!tancethereo' included in your noti'ication o' a(ard, shall constitute a 0indingcontract 0et(een us, until a 'ormal contract is !re!ared and e#ecuted3

+l &e understand that you are not 0ound to acce!t the lo(est res!onsive 0idor any other 0id that you may receive3

Signed [insert si!nature of person %hose name and capacity are sho%n  

In the ca!acity o' [insert le!al capacity of person si!nin! the id .umission Form  

1ame [insert complete name of person si!nin! the id.umission Form   

Duly authoried to sign the 0id 'or and on 0ehal' o' [insert completename of idder 

Dated on day o' ,   [insert date of si!nin! 

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Section IV Bidding Fors

Price Sc0edu#e .orms

[1he idder shall fill in these Price .chedule Forms in accordance %ith theinstructions indicated 1he list of line items in column 7 of the &ri'eS'hedules shall coincide %ith the =ist of Goods and Related .ervices specified y the Procurin! 'ntity in the .chedule of Requirements 

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Section IV Bidding Fors 41

Price Sc0edu#e: Goods M!nuf!ctured Outside t0e Procurin Entitys Country3to "e Im(orted

+.rou! C 0ids, goods to 0e im!orted

Currencies in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 59

DateICB 1o

Alternative 1o Page 1°  o'

5 6 7 8 9 : ; < =2ineItem1°

Descri!tion o' .oods Country o' -rigin

DeliveryDate as

de'ined 0yIncoterms

$uantity and!hysical unit

nit !riceCIP [insert place of 

destination in accordance (ith

ITB 583:+0+i

CIP Price !er lineitem

+Col3 9#:

Price !er line item 'orinland trans!ortation

and other servicesre4uired in the

Procuring "ntityscountry to convey the.oods to their 'inal

destination s!eci'ied inBDS

Total Price !er 2ine item+Col3 ;<

[insertnumer of theitem 

[insert name of !ood [insertcountry ofori!in ofthe Good 


[insert numer of units to esupplied andname of the physical unit 

[insert unit price C9P per unit 

[insert total C9P price per lineitem 

[insert thecorrespondin! price per line item 

[insert total price of the lineitem 

Total Price1ame o' Bidder [insert complete name of idder Signature o' Bidder [si!nature of person si!nin! the id  Date [9nsert ?ate 

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 46/95

Section IV Bidding Fors 4!

Price Sc0edu#e: Goods M!nuf!ctured Outside t0e Procurin Entitys Country3!#re!dy im(orted

+.rou! C 0ids, .oods already im!orted

Currencies in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 59

DateICB 1o Alternative 1o Page 1°  o'

5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = 5> 55 562ineItem1°

Descri!tion o' .oods

Country o' -rigin

DeliveryDate as

de'ined 0yIncoterms



nit !riceincluding

Custom Dutiesand Im!ort

Ta#es !aid, i naccordance

(ith ITB583:+c+i

Custom Dutiesand Im!ort

Ta#es !aid !erunit in

accordance (ithITB 583:+c+ii ,

Qto 0e su!!orted0y documentsL

nit Pricenet o' custom

duties andim!ort ta#es,in accordance(ith ITB 583:

+c +iii +Col3 : minus


Price !er lineitem net o' 

Custom Dutiesand Im!ort

Ta#es !aid, inaccordance

(ith ITB583:+c+i+Col3 9×<

Price !er lineitem 'or inlandtrans!ortation

and otherservices re4uiredin the Procuring"ntitys countryto convey thegoods to their

'inal destination,as s!eci'ied in

BDS inaccordance (ithITB 583: +c+v

Sales and otherta#es !aid or!aya0le !er

item i' Contract isa(arded +inaccordance

(ith ITB583:+c+iv

Total Price !er lineitem

+Col3 =5>

[insertnumerof theitem 

[insert name ofGoods 

[insertcountryof ori!inof theGood 


[insertnumerof unitsto esuppliedand name

of the physicalunit 

[insert unit price perunit 

[insert customduties and ta$es paid per unit 

[insert unit price net ofcustomduties andimport ta$es 

[ insert price per line itemnet of customduties andimport ta$es 

[insert price perline item forinlandtransportationand otherservices required 

in the Procurin!'ntity3s country 

[insert salesand otherta$es payale per item ifContract isa%arded 

[insert total price per line item 

Total BidPrice

1ame o' Bidder [insert complete name of idder Signature o' Bidder [si!nature of person si!nin! the id Date [insert date 


8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 47/95

Section IV Bidding Fors 43

Price Sc0edu#e: Goods M!nuf!ctured in t0e Procurin Entitys Country

Procuring "ntitys Country


+.rou! A and B 0ids

Currencies in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 59

DateICB 1o Alternative 1o Page 1°  o'

5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = 5>2ineItem1°

Descri!tion o' .oods DeliveryDate as

de'ined 0yIncoterms



nit !rice"%&

Total "%&!rice !er line

item+Col3 8×9

Price !er line item 'orinland trans!ortation

and other servicesre4uired in the

Procuring "ntitysCountry to convey the

.oods to their 'inaldestination

Cost o' local la0or,ra( materials andcom!onents 'rom(ith origin in theProcuring "ntitys

Country o' Col3 9

Sales and other ta#es!aya0le !er line item i' Contract is a(arded +in

accordance (ith ITB583:+a+ii

Total Price !erline item+Col3 :;

[insertnumer of theitem 

[insert name of Good [insertquoted?elivery?ate 

[insertnumerof unitsto esupplied andname ofthe physicalunit 

[insert '@unit price 

[insert total'@ price per lineitem 

[insert thecorrespondin! price per line item 

[9nsert cost oflocal laor, ra%material andcomponents from%ithin thePurchase3s country as a H of the '@ price per lineitem 

[insert sales and otherta$es payale per lineitem if Contract isa%arded 

[insert total price per item 

Total Price

1ame o' Bidder [insert complete name of idder Signature o' Bidder [si!nature of person si!nin! the id Date [insert date 


8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 48/95

Section IV Bidding Fors 44

Price !nd Com(#etion Sc0edu#e + $e#!ted Ser-ices

Currencies in accordance (ith ITB Su0?Clause 59DateICB 1o Alternative 1o Page 1°  o'

5 6 7 8 9 : ;Service

Descri!tion o' Services +e#cludes inland

trans!ortation and other services re4uired in theProcuring "ntitys country to convey the goods to

their 'inal destination

Country o' 


Delivery Date at

!lace o' Finaldestination

$uantity and !hysical uni t nit !ri ce Total Price !er

Service+Col3 9: or estimate

[insertnumerof the.ervice  

[insert name of .ervices [insertcountry ofori!in of the.ervices 

[insert delivery dateat place of finaldestination per.ervice 

[insert numer of units to e suppliedand name of the physical unit 

[insert unit price per item 

[insert total price per item 

Total Bid Price

1ame o' Bidder [insert complete name of idder Signature o' Bidder [si!nature of person si!nin! the id Date [insert date 


8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 49/95

Section IV Bidding Fors

Bid Security 1B!n> Gu!r!ntee2

[1he an" shall fill in this an" Guarantee Form in accordance %ith theinstructions indicated 

 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII[an"3s +ame, and Address of 9ssuin! ranch or Effice 

Benefici!ry:  [+ame and Address of Procurin! 'ntity 



&e have 0een in'ormed that  [name of the idder   +hereina'ter called the

Bidder has su0mitted to you its 0id dated +hereina'ter called the Bid 'or thee#ecution o' [name of contract   under Invitation 'or Bids 1o3 [9F numer +the IFBE3

Furthermore, (e understand that, according to your conditions, 0ids must 0esu!!orted 0y a 0id guarantee3

At the re4uest o' the Bidder, (e [name of an" here0y irrevoca0ly underta)eto !ay you any sum or sums not e#ceeding in total an amount o' [amount in

 fi!ures +[amount in %ords  u!on recei!t 0y us o' your 'irst demand in (ritingaccom!anied 0y a (ritten statement stating that the Bidder is in 0reach o' its

o0ligation+s under the 0id conditions, 0ecause the Bidder

+a has (ithdra(n its Bid during the !eriod o' 0id validity s!eci'ied 0y theBidder in the Form o' Bid@ or

+0 having 0een noti'ied o' the acce!tance o' its Bid 0y the Procuring "ntityduring the !eriod o' 0id validity, +i 'ails or re'uses to e#ecute theContract Form@ or +ii 'ails or re'uses to 'urnish the !er'ormance security,i' re4uired, in accordance (ith the Instructions to Bidders3

This guarantee (ill e#!ire +a i' the Bidder is the success'ul 0idder, u!on ourrecei!t o' co!ies o' the contract signed 0y the Bidder and the !er'ormancesecurity issued to you u!on the instruction o' the Bidder@ or +0 i' the Bidder isnot the success'ul 0idder, u!on the earlier o' +i our recei!t o' a co!y o' yournoti'ication to the Bidder o' the name o' the success'ul 0idder@ or +ii t(enty?eight days a'ter the e#!iration o' the Bidders Bid3

Conse4uently, any demand 'or !ayment under this guarantee must 0e received0y us at the o''ice on or 0e'ore that date3 This guarantee is su0ect to theni'orm Rules 'or Demand .uarantees, International Cham0er o' CommercePu0lication 1o3 89<3



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Section IV Bidding Fors

Bid Security 1Bid Bond2

[1he .urety shall fill in this id ond Form in accordance %ith the instructionsindicated 

B-1D 1-3

BN TGIS B-1D [name of idder  as Princi!al +hereina'ter called the Princi!alE,and [name, le!al title, and address of surety, !ut0oriLed to tr!ns!ct "usinessin [name of country of Procurin! 'ntity , as Surety +hereina'ter called theSuretyE, are held and 'irmly 0ound unto [name of Procurin! 'ntity  as -0ligee+hereina'ter called the Procuring "ntityE in the sum o' [amount of ond 5

[amount in %ords , 'or the !ayment o' (hich sum, (ell and truly to 0e made,(e, the said Princi!al and Surety, 0ind ourselves, our successors and assigns,ointly and severally, 'irmly 0y these !resents3

&G"R"AS the Princi!al has su0mitted a (ritten Bid to the Procuring "ntitydated the day o' , 6>, 'or the construction o' [name of Contract +hereina'ter called the BidE3

1-&, TG"R"F-R", TG" C-1DITI-1 -F TGIS -B2I.ATI-1 is such that i' thePrinci!al

+a (ithdra(s its Bid during the !eriod o' 0id validity s!eci'ied in the Form o' Bid@ or

+0 having 0een noti'ied o' the acce!tance o' its Bid 0y the Procuring "ntity

during the !eriod o' Bid validity@ +i 'ails or re'uses to e#ecute theContract Form@ or +ii 'ails or re'uses to 'urnish the Per'ormance Security,i' re4uired, in accordance (ith the Instructions to Bidders3

then the Surety underta)es to immediately !ay to the Procuring "ntity u! tothe a0ove amount u!on recei!t o' the Procuring "ntitys 'irst (ritten demand,(ithout the Procuring "ntity having to su0stantiate its demand, !rovided that inits demand the Procuring "ntity shall state that the demand arises 'rom theoccurrence o' any o' the a0ove events, s!eci'ying (hich event+s has occurred3

The Surety here0y agrees that its o0ligation (ill remain in 'ull 'orce and e''ect

u! to and including the date 6< days a'ter the date o' e#!iration o' the Bidvalidity as stated in the Invitation to Bid or e#tended 0y the Procuring "ntity atany time !rior to this date, notice o' (hich e#tension+s to the Surety 0einghere0y (aived3

I1 T"STIM-1N &G"R"-F, the Princi!al and the Surety have caused these!resents to 0e e#ecuted in their res!ective names this day o'   6>3

1  "#e aount o$ t#e Bond s#a%% be denoinated in t#e currenc& o$ t#e 'rocuring ntit&s countr& or 

t#e e*uiva%ent aount in a $ree%& convertib%e currenc&.


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Section IV Bidding Fors

Princi!al Surety 

Cor!orate Seal +(here a!!ro!riate


 (.i!nature) (.i!nature)(Printed name and title) (Printed name and title)


8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 52/95

Section IV Bidding Fors

 M!nuf!cturers Aut0oriL!tion

[1he idder shall require the anufacturer to fill in this Form in accordance%ith the instructions indicated 1his letter of authoriation should e on the

letterhead of the anufacturer and should e si!ned y a person %ith the proper authority to si!n documents that are indin! on the anufacturer 1heidder shall include it in its id, if so indicated in the (#S)  

Date [insert date (as day, month and year) of id .umission ICB 1o3 [insert numer of iddin! process 

Alternative 1o3 [insert identification +o if this is a id for an alternative 

To [insert complete name of Procurin! 'ntity  


&e [insert complete name of anufacturer, (ho are o''icial manu'acturers o' [insert type of !oods manufactured , having 'actories at Qinsert 'ull address o' Manu'acturers 'actoriesL,  do here0y authorie [insert complete name of idder  to su0mit a 0id the !ur!ose o' (hich is to !rovide the 'ollo(ing .oods,manu'actured 0y us [insert name and or rief description of the Goods , and tosu0se4uently negotiate and sign the Contract3

&e here0y e#tend our 'ull guarantee and (arranty in accordance (ith Clause6; o' the .eneral Conditions o' Contract, (ith res!ect to the .oods o''ered 0y

the a0ove 'irm3

Signed  [insert si!nature(s) of authoried representative(s) of theanufacturer

1ame [insert complete name(s) of authoried representative(s) of theanufacturer 

Title [insert title  

Duly authoried to sign this Authoriation on 0ehal' o' [insert complete nameof idder 

Dated on day o' , [insert date ofsi!nin! 


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PA$T ' & Su((#y $e)uirements


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Section , Sc0edu#e of $e)uirements


53 2ist o' .oods and Delivery Schedule333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

63 2ist o' Related Services and Com!letion Schedule 333333333333333333333333333333333

73 Technical S!eci'ications333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

83 Dra(ings333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

93 Ins!ections and Tests333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

Section V. Sc#edu%e o$ ,e*uireents

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 55/95

+otes for Preparin! the .chedule of Requirements

The Schedule o' Re4uirements shall 0e included in the 0idding documents 0ythe Procuring "ntity, and shall cover, at a minimum, a descri!tion o' the goodsand services to 0e su!!lied and the delivery schedule3

The o0ective o' the Schedule o' Re4uirements is to !rovide su''icientin'ormation to ena0le 0idders to !re!are their 0ids e''iciently and accurately,in !articular, the Price Schedule, 'or (hich a 'orm is !rovided in Section IV3 Inaddition, the Schedule o' Re4uirements, together (ith the Price Schedule,should serve as a 0asis in the event o' 4uantity variation at the time o' a(ardo' contract !ursuant to ITB Clause 853

The date or !eriod 'or delivery should 0e care'ully s!eci'ied, ta)ing intoaccount +a the im!lications o' delivery terms sti!ulated in the Instructions toBidders !ursuant to the 9ncoterms rules +i3e3, "%&, or CIF, CIP, F-B, FCA termsOthat deliveryE ta)es !lace (hen goods are delivered to t0e c!rriers, and +0the date !rescri0ed herein 'rom (hich the Procuring "ntitys deliveryo0ligations start +i3e3, notice o' a(ard, contract signature, o!ening orcon'irmation o' the letter o' credit3

Section V. Sc#edu%e o$ ,e*uireents

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 56/95


%, 4ist of Goods !nd De#i-ery Sc0edu#e

[1he Procurin! 'ntity shall fill in this tale, %ith the e$ception of the column /idder3s offered ?elivery date0 toe filled y the idder 


Descri(tion of Goods 9u!ntity P0ysic!#unit

.in!#1Project Site2Destin!tion!s s(ecified

in BDS

De#i-ery 1!s (er Incoterms2 D!te

E!r#iestDe#i-ery D!te

4!test De#i-eryD!te

Bidders offeredDe#i-ery d!te Jto

be *ro+ided b, thebidder K


[insert description ofGoods 

[insertquantityof itemto esupplied 

[insert physicalunit for thequantity 

[insert placeof ?elivery 

[insert thenumer of days follo%in! thedate ofeffectivenessthe Contract 

[insert thenumer of days follo%in! thedate ofeffectiveness theContract 

[insert the numerof days follo%in!the date ofeffectiveness theContract 

Section V. Sc#edu%e o$ ,e*uireents

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 57/95


', 4ist of $e#!ted Ser-ices !nd Com(#etion Sc0edu#e

[ 1his tale shall e filled in y the Procurin! 'ntity 1he Required Completion ?ates should e realistic, andconsistent %ith the required Goods ?elivery ?ates (as per 9ncoterms)

Ser-ice Descri(tion of Ser-ice 9u!ntity% P0ysic!# Unit

 P#!ce /0ere Ser-icess0!## "e (erformed

.in!#Com(#etionD!te1s2 of 


[ insertSer+i'e No  

[ insert des'ri*tion o- %elatedSer+i'es  

[ insertquantit, o-ite.s to besu**lied   

[ insert *h,si'al unit -or the ite.s  

[ insert na.e o-the &la'e   

[ insertrequired 


53 I' a!!lica0le

Section V. Sc#edu%e o$ ,e*uireents

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 58/95

Section IV Bidding Fors

*, Tec0nic!# S(ecific!tions

1he purpose of the 1echnical .pecifications (1.), is to define the technicalcharacteristics of the Goods and Related .ervices required y the Procurin!'ntity 1he Procurin! 'ntity shall prepare the detailed 1. ta"in! into accountthat8

• 1he 1. constitute the enchmar"s a!ainst %hich the Procurin! 'ntity %ill

verify the technical responsiveness of ids and susequently evaluate theids 1herefore, %ell#defined 1. %ill facilitate preparation of responsiveids y idders, as %ell as e$amination, evaluation, and comparison of theids y the Procurin! 'ntity

•1he 1. shall require that all !oods and materials to e incorporated in the !oods e ne%, unused, and of the most recent or current models, and thatthey incorporate all recent improvements in desi!n and materials, unless

 provided for other%ise in the contract

• 1he 1. shall ma"e use of est practices .amples of specifications from

successful similar procurements may provide a sound asis for draftin! the1.

• .tandardiin! technical specifications may e advanta!eous, dependin! on

the comple$ity of the !oods and the repetitiveness of the type of 

 procurement 1echnical .pecifications should e road enou!h to avoid restrictions on %or"manship, materials, and equipment commonly used inmanufacturin! similar "inds of !oods

• .tandards for equipment, materials, and %or"manship specified in the

iddin! ?ocuments shall not e restrictive Reco!nied internationalstandards should e specified as much as possile Reference to rand names, catalo!ue numers, or other details that limit any materials or items to a specific manufacturer should e avoided as far as possile@here unavoidale, such item description should al%ays e follo%ed y the%ords /or sustantially equivalent0 @hen other particular standards or 

codes of practice are referred to in the 1., %hether from the orro%er3s or  from other eli!ile countries, a statement should follo% other authoritative standards that ensure at least a sustantially equal quality,then the standards mentioned in the 1. %ill also e acceptale

• Reference to rand names and catalo!ue numers should e avoided as far 

as possile* %here unavoidale the %ords /or at least equivalent0 shallal%ays follo% such references

• 1echnical .pecifications shall e fully descriptive of the requirements in

respect of, ut not limited to, the follo%in!8

(a) .tandards of materials and %or"manship required for the production and manufacturin! of the Goods

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 59/95

() ?etailed tests required (type and numer)

(c) Ether additional %or" and&or Related .ervices required toachieve full delivery&completion

(d) ?etailed activities to e performed y the .upplier, and  participation of the Procurin! 'ntity thereon

(e) =ist of detailed functional !uarantees covered y the @arranty and the specification of the liquidated dama!es to e applied inthe event that such !uarantees are not met

• 1he 1. shall specify all essential technical and performance characteristics

and requirements, includin! !uaranteed or acceptale ma$imum or minimum values, as appropriate @henever necessary, the Procurin! 'ntity shall include an additional ad#hoc iddin! form (to e an Attachment to theid .umission .heet), %here the idder shall provide detailed information

on such technical performance characteristics in respect to thecorrespondin! acceptale or !uaranteed values

@hen the Procurin! 'ntity requests that the idder provides in its id a partor all of the 1echnical .pecifications, technical schedules, or other technicalinformation, the Procurin! 'ntity shall specify in detail the nature and e$tentof the required information and the manner in %hich it has to e presented y the idder in its id

I- a, o- the Te'hni'al S*e'i-i'ations TS has to be *ro+ided2 the&ro'urin3 4ntit, shall insert in-or.ation in the table belo5) The (idder 

shall *re*are a si.ilar table to 6usti-, 'o.*lian'e 5ith the, o- Te'hni'al S*e'i-i'ations 1he Goods and Related .ervices shallcomply %ith follo%in! 1echnical .pecifications and .tandards8

Ite. No Na.e o- oods or  %elated Ser+i'e

Te'hni'al S*e'i-i'ations and Standards

[insert item +o [insert name [insert 1. and .tandards  

?etailed 1echnical .pecifications and .tandards [%henever necessary



Section V. Sc#edu%e o$ ,e*uireents

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 60/95

5, Dr!/ins

These Bidding Documents includes the follo%in! dra(ings3

[9f documents shall e included, insert the follo%in! =ist of ?ra%in!s 

4ist of Dr!/ins

Dr!/in Nr, Dr!/in N!me Pur(ose

Section V. Sc#edu%e o$ ,e*uireents

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 61/95

6, Ins(ections !nd Tests

The 'ollo(ing ins!ections and tests shall 0e !er'ormed [insert list ofinspections and tests 

Section V. Sc#edu%e o$ ,e*uireents

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PA$T * + Contr!ct

Section V. Sc#edu%e o$ ,e*uireents

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 63/95

Section I, Gener!# Conditions of Contr!ct

T!"#e of C#!uses

53 De'initions3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

63 Contract Documents3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

73 Fraud and Corru!tion333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

83 Inter!retation33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

93 2anguage33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

:3 /oint Venture, Consortium or Association333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

;3 "ligi0ility33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

<3 1otices33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

=3 .overning 2a(33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

5>3Settlement o' Dis!utes3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

553Sco!e o' Su!!ly333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

563Delivery and Documents33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

573Su!!liers Res!onsi0ilities333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

583Contract Price33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

593Terms o' Payment3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

5:3Ta#es and Duties333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333335;3Per'ormance Security33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


5=3Con'idential In'ormation33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


653S!eci'ications and Standards333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

663Pac)ing and Documents333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


683Trans!ortation3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3

693Ins!ections and Tests333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

6:32i4uidated Damages3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333


6<3Patent Indemnity33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

6=32imitation o' 2ia0ility33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

7>3Change in 2a(s and Regulations33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

753Force Maeure33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

763Change -rders and Contract Amendments33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

773"#tensions o' Time333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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783Termination3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3


7:3"#!ort Restriction3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

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Section I, Gener!# Conditions of Contr!ct

% Definitions 535 The 'ollo(ing (ords and e#!ressions shall have themeanings here0y assigned to them

+a .-/E means the .overnment o' /amaica3

+0 ContractE means the Contract Agreement enteredinto 0et(een the Procuring "ntity and the Su!!lier,together (ith the Contract Documents re'erred totherein, including all attachments, a!!endices,and all documents incor!orated 0y re'erencetherein3

+c Contract DocumentsE means the documents listed

in the Contract Agreement, including anyamendments thereto3

+d Contract PriceE means the !rice !aya0le to theSu!!lier as s!eci'ied in the Contract Agreement,su0ect to such additions and adustments theretoor deductions there'rom, as may 0e made !ursuantto the Contract3

+e DayE means calendar day3

+' Com!letionE means the 'ul'illment o' the RelatedServices 0y the Su!!lier in accordance (ith theterms and conditions set 'orth in the Contract3

+g .CCE means the .eneral Conditions o' Contract3

+h .oodsE means all o' the commodities, ra(material, machinery and e4ui!ment, andHor othermaterials that the Su!!lier is re4uired to su!!ly tothe Procuring "ntity under the Contract3

+i Procuring "ntitys CountryE is /amaica3

+ Procuring "ntityE means the .-/ entity!urchasing the .oods and Related Services, ass!eci'ied in the SCC,

+) Related ServicesE means the services incidental tothe su!!ly o' the goods, such as insurance,installation, training and initial maintenance andother such o0ligations o' the Su!!lier under theContract3

+l SCCE means the S!ecial Conditions o' Contract3

+m Su0contractorE means any natural !erson, !rivate

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or government entity, or a com0ination o' thea0ove, to (hom any !art o' the .oods to 0esu!!lied or e#ecution o' any !art o' the RelatedServices is su0contracted 0y the Su!!lier3

+n Su!!lierE means the natural !erson, !rivate orgovernment entity, or a com0ination o' the a0ove,(hose 0id to !er'orm the Contract has 0eenacce!ted 0y the Procuring "ntity and is named assuch in the Contract Agreement3

+o The Proect Site,E (here a!!lica0le, means the!lace named in the SCC,

' Contr!ctDocuments

635 Su0ect to the order o' !recedence set 'orth in theContract Agreement, all documents 'orming the

Contract +and all !arts thereo' are intended to 0ecorrelative, com!lementary, and mutually e#!lanatory3The Contract Agreement shall 0e read as a (hole3

* .r!ud !ndCorru(tion

737 .overnment o' /amaica re4uires that Bidders, Su!!liers,Contractors, and Consultants, o0serve the higheststandard o' ethics during the !rocurement and e#ecutiono' such contracts3 In !ursuit o' this !olicy, .-/

a de'ines, 'or the !ur!oses o' this !rovision, the termsset 'orth 0elo( as 'ollo(s

i3 corru!t !racticeE means the o''ering, giving,receiving, or soliciting, directly or indirectly, o' anything o' value to in'luence the action o' a!u0lic o''icial in the !rocurement !rocess or incontract e#ecution@@

ii3 'raudulent !racticeE means a misre!resentationor omission o' 'acts in order to in'luence a!rocurement !rocess or the e#ecution o' acontract, to the detriment o' .overnment o' 

/amaica and includes collusive !ractice among0idders +!rior to or a'ter 0id su0missiondesigned to esta0lish 0id !rices at arti'icial non?com!etitive levels and to de!rive .overnment o' the 0ene'its o' 'ree and o!en com!etition@

iii3 collusive !racticeE means a scheme orarrangement 0et(een t(o or more 0idders, (ithor (ithout the )no(ledge o' the Procuring "ntity,designed to esta0lish 0id !rices at arti'icial non?com!etitive levels or to in'luence the action o' 

any !arty in the !rocurement !rocess or the

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e#ecution o' a contract@ and

iv3 coercive !racticeE means harming orthreatening to harm, directly or indirectly,!ersons or their !ro!erty to in'luence their

!artici!ation in the !rocurement !rocess ora''ect the e#ecution o' a contract@

0 (ill reect a !ro!osal 'or a(ard i' it determines thatthe Bidder recommended 'or a(ard has, directly orthrough an agent, engaged in corru!t, 'raudulent,collusive or coercive !ractices in com!eting 'or theContract in 4uestion@

c (ill sanction a 'irm or individual, including declaringthem ineligi0le, either inde'initely or 'or a stated

!eriod o' time, to 0e a(arded a .-/?'inancedcontract i' it at any time determines that they have,directly or through an agent, engaged, in corru!t,'raudulent, collusive or coercive !ractices incom!eting 'or, or in e#ecuting, a .-/?'inancedcontract@ and

d (ill have the right to re4uire that a !rovision 0eincluded in Bidding Documents and in contracts'inanced 0y a .-/, re4uiring 0idders, su!!liers,contractors and consultants to !ermit .-/ to ins!ect

their accounts and records and other documentsrelating to the Bid su0mission and contract!er'ormance and to have them audited 0y auditorsa!!ointed 0y the .-/3

5 Inter(ret!tion 835 I' the conte#t so re4uires it, singular means !lural andvice versa3

836 Incoterms

()a nless inconsistent (ith any !rovision o' the

Contract3 the meaning o' any trade term and therights and o0ligations o' !arties thereunder shall0e as !rescri0ed 0y Incoterms3

()b The terms "%&, CIP, FCA, CFR and other similarterms, (hen used, shall 0e governed 0y the rules!rescri0ed in the current edition o' Incotermss!eci'ied in the SCC  and !u0lished 0y theInternational Cham0er o' Commerce in Paris,France3

837 "ntire Agreement

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The Contract constitutes the entire agreement 0et(eenthe Procuring "ntity and the Su!!lier and su!ersedes allcommunications, negotiations and agreements +(hether(ritten or oral o' the !arties (ith res!ect theretomade !rior to the date o' Contract3

838 Amendment

1o amendment or other variation o' the Contract shall0e valid unless it is in (riting, is dated, e#!ressly re'ersto the Contract, and is signed 0y a duly authoriedre!resentative o' each !arty thereto3

839 1on(aiver

()a Su0ect to .CC Su0?Clause 839+0 0elo(, norela#ation, 'or0earance, delay, or indulgence 0y

either !arty in en'orcing any o' the terms andconditions o' the Contract or the granting o' time0y either !arty to the other shall !reudice, a''ect,or restrict the rights o' that !arty under theContract, neither shall any (aiver 0y either !artyo' any 0reach o' Contract o!erate as (aiver o' anysu0se4uent or continuing 0reach o' Contract3

()b Any (aiver o' a !artys rights, !o(ers, or remediesunder the Contract must 0e in (riting, dated, andsigned 0y an authoried re!resentative o' the !arty

granting such (aiver, and must s!eci'y the rightand the e#tent to (hich it is 0eing (aived3

83: Severa0ility

I' any !rovision or condition o' the Contract is!rohi0ited or rendered invalid or unen'orcea0le, such!rohi0ition, invalidity or unen'orcea0ility shall nota''ect the validity or en'orcea0ility o' any other!rovisions and conditions o' the Contract3

6 4!nu!e935 The Contract as (ell as all corres!ondence and

documents relating to the Contract e#changed 0y theSu!!lier and the Procuring "ntity, shall 0e (ritten inthe language s!eci'ied in the SCC,  Su!!ortingdocuments and !rinted literature that are !art o' theContract may 0e in another language !rovided they areaccom!anied 0y an accurate translation o' the relevant!assages in the language s!eci'ied3  in (hich case, 'or!ur!oses o' inter!retation o' the Contract, thistranslation shall govern3

936 The Su!!lier shall 0ear all costs o' translation to thegoverning language and all ris)s o' the accuracy o' such

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translation, 'or documents !rovided 0y the Su!!lier3

7 oint enture3Consortium orAssoci!tion

:35 I' the Su!!lier is a oint venture, consortium, orassociation, all o' the !arties shall 0e ointly and severallylia0le to the Procuring "ntity 'or the 'ul'illment o' the

!rovisions o' the Contract and shall designate one !arty toact as a leader (ith authority to 0ind the oint venture,consortium, or association3 The com!osition or theconstitution o' the oint venture, consortium, orassociation shall not 0e altered (ithout the !rior consento' the Procuring "ntity3

E#ii"i#ity ;35 A Su!!lier or Su0contractor shall 0e deemed to have thenationality o' a country i' it is a citien or constituted,incor!orated, or registered, and o!erates in con'ormity(ith the !rovisions o' the la(s o' that country3

;36 For the !ur!ose o' this Clause, origin means the country(here the goods have 0een gro(n, mined, cultivated,!roduced, manu'actured, or !rocessed@ or throughmanu'acture, !rocessing, or assem0ly, anothercommercially recognied article results that di''erssu0stantially in its 0asic characteristics 'rom itscom!onents3

H Notices <35 Any notice given 0y one !arty to the other !ursuant tothe Contract shall 0e in (riting to the address s!eci'iedin the

SCC,  The term in (ritingE means communicated

in (ritten 'orm (ith !roo' o' recei!t3

<36 A notice shall 0e e''ective (hen delivered or on thenotices e''ective date, (hichever is later3

Go-ernin 4!/ +.1 The Contract shall 0e governed 0y and inter!reted inaccordance (ith the la(s o' the Procuring "ntitysCountry, unless other(ise s!eci'ied in the SCC,

% Sett#ement ofDis(utes

5>35 The Procuring "ntity and the Su!!lier shall ma)e everye''ort to resolve amica0ly 0y direct in'ormal negotiationany disagreement or dis!ute arising 0et(een them underor in connection (ith the Contract3

5>36 I', a'ter t(enty?eight +6< days, the !arties have 'ailed toresolve their dis!ute or di''erence 0y such mutualconsultation, then either the Procuring "ntity or theSu!!lier may give notice to the other !arty o' its intentionto commence ar0itration, as hereina'ter !rovided, as tothe matter in dis!ute, and no ar0itration in res!ect o' (hich a notice is given3 Any dis!ute or di''erence inres!ect o' (hich a notice o' intention to commencear0itration has 0een in accordance (ith this Clause shall

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0e 'inally settled 0y ar0itration3 Ar0itration may 0ecommenced !rior to or a'ter delivery o' the .oods underthe Contract3 Ar0itration !roceedings shall 0e conductedin accordance (ith the rules o' !rocedure s!eci'ied in theSCC3

5>37 1ot(ithstanding,

+a the !arties shall continue to !er'orm their res!ectiveo0ligations under the Contract unless they other(iseagree@ and

+0 the Procuring "ntity shall !ay the Su!!lier anymonies due the Su!!lier3

%% Sco(e of


5535 The .oods and Related Services to 0e su!!lied shall 0e

as s!eci'ied in the Schedule o' Re4uirements3%' De#i-ery !nd

Documents1!.1 Su0ect to .CC Su0?Clause 7635, the Delivery o' the .oods

and Com!letion o' the Related Services shall 0e inaccordance (ith the Delivery and Com!letion Schedules!eci'ied in the Schedule o' Re4uirements3 The details o' shi!!ing and other documents to 0e 'urnished 0y theSu!!lier are s!eci'ied in the SCC,

%* Su((#iers$es(onsi"i#ities

5735 The Su!!lier shall su!!ly all the .oods and RelatedServices included in the Sco!e o' Su!!ly in accordance(ith .CC Clause 55, and the Delivery and Com!letionSchedule, as !er .CC Clause 563

%5 Contr!ct Price 14.1 Prices charged 0y the Su!!lier 'or the .oods su!!liedand the Related Services !er'ormed under the Contractshall not vary 'rom the !rices 4uoted 0y the Su!!lier inits 0id, (ith the e#ce!tion o' any !rice adustmentsauthoried in the SCC, 

%6 Terms ofP!yment

15.1 The Contract Price, including any Advance Payments, i' a!!lica0le, shall 0e !aid as s!eci'ied in the SCC,

5936 The Su!!liers re4uest 'or !ayment shall 0e made to theProcuring "ntity in (riting, accom!anied 0y invoicesdescri0ing, as a!!ro!riate, the .oods delivered andRelated Services !er'ormed, and 0y the documentssu0mitted !ursuant to .CC Clause 56 and u!on'ul'illment o' all other o0ligations sti!ulated in theContract3

%7 T!es !ndDuties

5:35 For goods manu'actured outside the Procuring "ntitysCountry, the Su!!lier shall 0e entirely res!onsi0le 'or allta#es, stam! duties, license 'ees, and other such levies

im!osed outside the Procuring "ntitys Country3

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5:36 For goods Manu'actured (ithin the Procuring "ntityscountry, the Su!!lier shall 0e entirely res!onsi0le 'or allta#es, duties, license 'ees, etc3, incurred until deliveryo' the contracted .oods to the Procuring "ntity3

16.3 I' any ta# e#em!tions, reductions, allo(ances or !rivilegesmay 0e availa0le to the Su!!lier in the Procuring "ntitysCountry, the Procuring "ntity shall use its 0est e''orts toena0le the Su!!lier to 0ene'it 'rom any such ta# savings tothe ma#imum allo(a0le e#tent3

% Perform!nceSecurity

5;35 I' re4uired as s!eci'ied in the SCC, the Su!!lier shall,(ithin t(enty?eight +6< days o' the noti'ication o' contract a(ard, !rovide a !er'ormance security 'or the!er'ormance o' the Contract in the amount s!eci'ied inthe SCC,

5;36 The !roceeds o' the Per'ormance Security shall 0e!aya0le to the Procuring "ntity as com!ensation 'or anyloss resulting 'rom the Su!!liers 'ailure to com!lete itso0ligations under the Contract3

5;37 As s!eci'ied in the SCC, the Per'ormance Security, i' re4uired, shall 0e denominated in the currency+ies o' the Contract, or in a 'reely converti0le currencyacce!ta0le to the Procuring "ntity@ and shall 0e in oneo' the 'ormat sti!ulated 0y the Procuring "ntity in the

SCC3 or in another 'ormat acce!ta0le to the Procuring"ntity3

5;38 The Per'ormance Security shall 0e discharged 0y theProcuring "ntity and returned to the Su!!lier not laterthan t(enty?eight +6< days 'ollo(ing the date o' Com!letion o' the Su!!liers !er'ormance o0ligationsunder the Contract, including any (arranty o0ligations,unless s!eci'ied other(ise in the SCC,

%H Co(yri0t 5<35 The co!yright in all dra(ings, documents, and other

materials containing data and in'ormation 'urnished tothe Procuring "ntity 0y the Su!!lier herein shall remainvested in the Su!!lier, or, i' they are 'urnished to theProcuring "ntity directly or through the Su!!lier 0y anythird !arty, including su!!liers o' materials, theco!yright in such materials shall remain vested in suchthird !arty

% Confidenti!#Inform!tion

5=35 The Procuring "ntity and the Su!!lier shall )ee!con'idential and shall not, (ithout the (ritten consento' the other !arty hereto, divulge to any third !arty any

documents, data, or other in'ormation 'urnisheddirectly or indirectly 0y the other !arty hereto in

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connection (ith the Contract, (hether such in'ormationhas 0een 'urnished !rior to, during or 'ollo(ingcom!letion or termination o' the Contract31ot(ithstanding the a0ove, the Su!!lier may 'urnish toits Su0contractor such documents, data, and other

in'ormation it receives 'rom the Procuring "ntity to thee#tent re4uired 'or the Su0contractor to !er'orm its(or) under the Contract, in (hich event the Su!!liershall o0tain 'rom such Su0contractor an underta)ing o' con'identiality similar to that im!osed on the Su!!lierunder .CC Clause 5=3

5=36 The Procuring "ntity shall not use such documents, data,and other in'ormation received 'rom the Su!!lier 'orany !ur!oses unrelated to the contract3 Similarly, theSu!!lier shall not use such documents, data, and other

in'ormation received 'rom the Procuring "ntity 'or any!ur!ose other than the !er'ormance o' the Contract3

5=37 The o0ligation o' a !arty under .CC Su0?Clauses 5=35and 5=36 a0ove, ho(ever, shall not a!!ly to in'ormationthat

()a the Procuring "ntity or Su!!lier need to share (ith.-/ or other institutions !artici!ating in the'inancing o' the Contract@

()b no( or herea'ter enters the !u0lic domain through

no 'ault o' that !arty@

()c can 0e !roven to have 0een !ossessed 0y that !artyat the time o' disclosure and (hich (as not!reviously o0tained, directly or indirectly, 'rom theother !arty@ or

()d other(ise la('ully 0ecomes availa0le to that !arty'rom a third !arty that has no o0ligation o' con'identiality3

5=38 The a0ove !rovisions o' .CC Clause 5= shall not in any(ay modi'y any underta)ing o' con'identiality given 0yeither o' the !arties hereto !rior to the date o' theContract in res!ect o' the Su!!ly or any !art thereo'3

5=39 The !rovisions o' .CC Clause 5= shall survive com!letionor termination, 'or (hatever reason, o' the Contract3



6>35 The Su!!lier shall noti'y the Procuring "ntity in (ritingo' all su0contracts a(arded under the Contract i' notalready s!eci'ied in the 0id3 Such noti'ication, in theoriginal 0id or later shall not relieve the Su!!lier 'rom

any o' its o0ligations, duties, res!onsi0ilities, or lia0ility

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under the Contract3

6>36 Su0contracts shall com!ly (ith the !rovisions o' .CCClauses 7 and ;3

'% S(ecific!tions!nd St!nd!rds 6535 Technical S!eci'ications and Dra(ings

()a The .oods and Related Services su!!lied under thisContract shall con'orm to the technicals!eci'ications and standards mentioned in SectionV, Schedule o' Re4uirements and, (hen noa!!lica0le standard is mentioned, the standardshall 0e e4uivalent or su!erior to the o''icialstandards (hose a!!lication is a!!ro!riate to the.oods country o' origin3

()b The Su!!lier shall 0e entitled to disclaimres!onsi0ility 'or any design, data, dra(ing,s!eci'ication or other document, or anymodi'ication thereo' !rovided or designed 0y or on0ehal' o' the Procuring "ntity, 0y giving a notice o' such disclaimer to the Procuring "ntity3

()c &herever re'erences are made in the Contract tocodes and standards in accordance (ith (hich itshall 0e e#ecuted, the edition or the revisedversion o' such codes and standards shall 0e those

s!eci'ied in the Schedule o' Re4uirements3 DuringContract e#ecution, any changes in any such codesand standards shall 0e a!!lied only a'ter a!!roval0y the Procuring "ntity and shall 0e treated inaccordance (ith .CC Clause 763

'' P!c>in !ndDocuments

6635 The Su!!lier shall !rovide such !ac)ing o' the .oods asis re4uired to !revent their damage or deteriorationduring transit to their 'inal destination, as indicated inthe Contract3 During transit, the !ac)ing shall 0esu''icient to (ithstand, (ithout limitation, rough

handling and e#!osure to e#treme tem!eratures, saltand !reci!itation, and o!en storage3 Pac)ing case sieand (eights shall ta)e into consideration, (herea!!ro!riate, the remoteness o' the goods 'inaldestination and the a0sence o' heavy handling 'acilitiesat all !oints in transit3

!!.! The !ac)ing, mar)ing, and documentation (ithin andoutside the !ac)ages shall com!ly strictly (ith suchs!ecial re4uirements as shall 0e e#!ressly !rovided 'orin the Contract, including additional re4uirements, i' any, s!eci'ied in the SCC3 and in any other instructions

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ordered 0y the Procuring "ntity3

'* Insur!nce !3.1 nless other(ise s!eci'ied in the SCC3  the .oodssu!!lied under the Contract shall 0e 'ully insuredOin a'reely converti0le currency 'rom an eligi0le countryO

against loss or damage incidental to manu'acture orac4uisition, trans!ortation, storage, and delivery, inaccordance (ith the a!!lica0le Incoterms or in themanner s!eci'ied in the SCC, 

'5 Tr!ns(ort!tion !4.1 nless other(ise s!eci'ied in the SCC3 res!onsi0ility 'orarranging trans!ortation o' the .oods shall 0e inaccordance (ith the s!eci'ied Incoterms3

'6 Ins(ections!nd Tests

6935 The Su!!lier shall at its o(n e#!ense and at no cost tothe Procuring "ntity carry out all such tests andHorins!ections o' the .oods and Related Services as ares!eci'ied in the SCC,

6936 The ins!ections and tests may 0e conducted on the!remises o' the Su!!lier or its Su0contractor, at !oint o' delivery, andHor at the .oods 'inal destination, or inanother !lace in the Procuring "ntitys Country ass!eci'ied in the SCC,  Su0ect to .CC Su0?Clause 6937, i' conducted on the !remises o' the Su!!lier or itsSu0contractor, all reasona0le 'acilities and assistance,including access to dra(ings and !roduction data, shall0e 'urnished to the ins!ectors at no charge to the

Procuring "ntity3

6937 The Procuring "ntity or its designated re!resentativeshall 0e entitled to attend the tests andHor ins!ectionsre'erred to in .CC Su0?Clause 6936, !rovided that theProcuring "ntity 0ear all o' its o(n costs and e#!ensesincurred in connection (ith such attendance including,0ut not limited to, all traveling and 0oard and lodginge#!enses3

6938 &henever the Su!!lier is ready to carry out any such

test and ins!ection, it shall give a reasona0le advancenotice, including the !lace and time, to the Procuring"ntity3 The Su!!lier shall o0tain 'rom any relevant third!arty or manu'acturer any necessary !ermission orconsent to ena0le the Procuring "ntity or its designatedre!resentative to attend the test andHor ins!ection3

6939 The Procuring "ntity may re4uire the Su!!lier to carryout any test andHor ins!ection not re4uired 0y theContract 0ut deemed necessary to veri'y that thecharacteristics and !er'ormance o' the .oods com!ly

(ith the technical s!eci'ications codes and standardsunder the Contract, !rovided that the Su!!liers

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Section VI -enera% onditions o$ ontracts

reasona0le costs and e#!enses incurred in the carryingout o' such test andHor ins!ection shall 0e added to theContract Price3 Further, i' such test andHor ins!ectionim!edes the !rogress o' manu'acturing andHor theSu!!liers !er'ormance o' its other o0ligations under the

Contract, due allo(ance (ill 0e made in res!ect o' theDelivery Dates and Com!letion Dates and the othero0ligations so a''ected3

693: The Su!!lier shall !rovide the Procuring "ntity (ith are!ort o' the results o' any such test andHor ins!ection3

693; The Procuring "ntity may reect any .oods or any !artthereo' that 'ail to !ass any test andHor ins!ection or donot con'orm to the s!eci'ications3 The Su!!lier shalleither recti'y or re!lace such reected .oods or !arts

thereo' or ma)e alterations necessary to meet thes!eci'ications at no cost to the Procuring "ntity, andshall re!eat the test andHor ins!ection, at no cost to theProcuring "ntity, u!on giving a notice !ursuant to .CCSu0?Clause 69383

693< The Su!!lier agrees that neither the e#ecution o' a testandHor ins!ection o' the .oods or any !art thereo', northe attendance 0y the Procuring "ntity or itsre!resentative, nor the issue o' any re!ort !ursuant to.CC Su0?Clause 693:, shall release the Su!!lier 'rom any

(arranties or other o0ligations under the Contract3'7 4i)uid!ted

D!m!es!6.1 "#ce!t as !rovided under .CC Clause 75, i' the Su!!lier

'ails to deliver any or all o' the .oods 0y the Date+s o' delivery or !er'orm the Related Services (ithin the!eriod s!eci'ied in the Contract, the Procuring "ntitymay (ithout !reudice to all its other remedies underthe Contract, deduct 'rom the Contract Price, asli4uidated damages, a sum e4uivalent to the !ercentages!eci'ied in the SCC  o' the delivered !rice o' thedelayed .oods or un!er'ormed Services 'or each (ee)

or !art thereo' o' delay until actual delivery or!er'ormance, u! to a ma#imum deduction o' the!ercentage s!eci'ied in those SCC, -nce the ma#imumis reached, the Procuring "ntity may terminate theContract !ursuant to .CC Clause 783

' ?!rr!nty 6;35 The Su!!lier (arrants that all the .oods are ne(,unused, and o' the most recent or current models, andthat they incor!orate all recent im!rovements in designand materials, unless !rovided other(ise in theContract3

6;36 Su0ect to .CC Su0?Clause 6535+0, the Su!!lier 'urther(arrants that the .oods shall 0e 'ree 'rom de'ects

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arising 'rom any act or omission o' the Su!!lier orarising 'rom design, materials, and (or)manshi!, undernormal use in the conditions !revailing in the country o' 'inal destination3

6;37 nless other(ise s!eci'ied in the SCC3  the (arrantyshall remain valid 'or t(elve +56 months a'ter the.oods, or any !ortion thereo' as the case may 0e, have0een delivered to and acce!ted at the 'inal destinationindicated in the SCC3 or 'or eighteen +5< months a'terthe date o' shi!ment 'rom the !ort or !lace o' loadingin the country o' origin, (hichever !eriod concludesearlier3

6;38 The Procuring "ntity shall give notice to the Su!!lierstating the nature o' any such de'ects together (ith all

availa0le evidence thereo', !rom!tly 'ollo(ing thediscovery thereo'3 The Procuring "ntity shall a''ord allreasona0le o!!ortunity 'or the Su!!lier to ins!ect suchde'ects3

6;39 !on recei!t o' such notice, the Su!!lier shall, (ithinthe !eriod s!eci'ied in the SCC3 e#!editiously re!air orre!lace the de'ective .oods or !arts thereo', at no costto the Procuring "ntity3

6;3: I' having 0een noti'ied, the Su!!lier 'ails to remedy the

de'ect (ithin the !eriod s!eci'ied in the SCC3  theProcuring "ntity may !roceed to ta)e (ithin areasona0le !eriod such remedial action as may 0enecessary, at the Su!!liers ris) and e#!ense and(ithout !reudice to any other rights (hich theProcuring "ntity may have against the Su!!lier under theContract3

'H P!tentIndemnity

6<35 The Su!!lier shall, su0ect to the Procuring "ntityscom!liance (ith .CC Su0?Clause 6<36, indemni'y andhold harmless the Procuring "ntity and its em!loyees

and o''icers 'rom and against any and all suits, actionsor administrative !roceedings, claims, demands, losses,damages, costs, and e#!enses o' any nature, includingattorneys 'ees and e#!enses, (hich the Procuring "ntitymay su''er as a result o' any in'ringement or allegedin'ringement o' any !atent, utility model, registereddesign, trademar), co!yright, or other intellectual!ro!erty right registered or other(ise e#isting at thedate o' the Contract 0y reason o'

()a the installation o' the .oods 0y the Su!!lier or the

use o' the .oods in the country (here the Site is

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located@ and

()b the sale in any country o' the !roducts !roduced 0ythe .oods3

Such indemnity shall not cover any use o' the .oods orany !art thereo' other than 'or the !ur!ose indicated 0yor to 0e reasona0ly in'erred 'rom the Contract, neitherany in'ringement resulting 'rom the use o' the .oods orany !art thereo', or any !roducts !roduced there0y inassociation or com0ination (ith any other e4ui!ment,!lant, or materials not su!!lied 0y the Su!!lier,!ursuant to the Contract3

6<36 I' any !roceedings are 0rought or any claim is madeagainst the Procuring "ntity arising out o' the mattersre'erred to in .CC Su0?Clause 6<35, the Procuring "ntityshall !rom!tly give the Su!!lier a notice thereo', andthe Su!!lier may at its o(n e#!ense and in theProcuring "ntitys name conduct such !roceedings orclaim and any negotiations 'or the settlement o' anysuch !roceedings or claim3

6<37 I' the Su!!lier 'ails to noti'y the Procuring "ntity (ithint(enty?eight +6< days a'ter recei!t o' such notice thatit intends to conduct any such !roceedings or claim,then the Procuring "ntity shall 0e 'ree to conduct the

same on its o(n 0ehal'36<38 The Procuring "ntity shall, at the Su!!liers re4uest,

a''ord all availa0le assistance to the Su!!lier inconducting such !roceedings or claim, and shall 0ereim0ursed 0y the Su!!lier 'or all reasona0le e#!ensesincurred in so doing3

6<39 The Procuring "ntity shall indemni'y and hold harmlessthe Su!!lier and its em!loyees, o''icers, andSu0contractors 'rom and against any and all suits,actions or administrative !roceedings, claims, demands,losses, damages, costs, and e#!enses o' any nature,including attorneys 'ees and e#!enses, (hich theSu!!lier may su''er as a result o' any in'ringement oralleged in'ringement o' any !atent, utility model,registered design, trademar), co!yright, or otherintellectual !ro!erty right registered or other(isee#isting at the date o' the Contract arising out o' or inconnection (ith any design, data, dra(ing,s!eci'ication, or other documents or materials !rovidedor designed 0y or on 0ehal' o' the Procuring "ntity3

' 4imit!tion of4i!"i#ity

6=35 "#ce!t in cases o' criminal negligence or (ill'ul

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+a the Su!!lier shall not 0e lia0le to the Procuring"ntity, (hether in contract, tort, or other(ise, 'orany indirect or conse4uential loss or damage, loss o' 

use, loss o' !roduction, or loss o' !ro'its or interestcosts, !rovided that this e#clusion shall not a!!ly toany o0ligation o' the Su!!lier to !ay li4uidateddamages to the Procuring "ntity and

+0 the aggregate lia0ility o' the Su!!lier to theProcuring "ntity, (hether under the Contract, intort or other(ise, shall not e#ceed the totalContract Price, !rovided that this limitation shallnot a!!ly to the cost o' re!airing or re!lacingde'ective e4ui!ment, or to any o0ligation o' the

su!!lier to indemni'y the Procuring "ntity (ithres!ect to !atent in'ringement

* C0!ne in4!/s !nd$eu#!tions

7>35 nless other(ise s!eci'ied in the Contract, i' a'ter thedate o' 6< days !rior to date o' Bid su0mission, any la(,regulation, ordinance, order or 0yla( having the 'orceo' la( is enacted, !romulgated, a0rogated, or changedin the !lace o' the Procuring "ntitys country (here theSite is located +(hich shall 0e deemed to include anychange in inter!retation or a!!lication 0y thecom!etent authorities that su0se4uently a''ects the

Delivery Date andHor the Contract Price, then suchDelivery Date andHor Contract Price shall 0ecorres!ondingly increased or decreased, to the e#tentthat the Su!!lier has there0y 0een a''ected in the!er'ormance o' any o' its o0ligations under theContract3 1ot(ithstanding the 'oregoing, suchadditional or reduced cost shall not 0e se!arately !aidor credited i' the same has already 0een accounted 'orin the !rice adustment !rovisions (here a!!lica0le, inaccordance (ith .CC Clause 583

*% .orce M!jeure 7535 The Su!!lier shall not 0e lia0le 'or 'or'eiture o' itsPer'ormance Security, li4uidated damages, ortermination 'or de'ault i' and to the e#tent that itsdelay in !er'ormance or other 'ailure to !er'orm itso0ligations under the Contract is the result o' an evento' Force Maeure3

7536 For !ur!oses o' this Clause, Force MaeureE means anevent or situation 0eyond the control o' the Su!!lierthat is not 'oreseea0le, is unavoida0le, and its origin isnot due to negligence or lac) o' care on the !art o' the

Su!!lier3 Such events may include, 0ut not 0e limitedto, acts o' the Procuring "ntity in its sovereign ca!acity,

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(ars or revolutions, 'ires, 'loods, e!idemics, 4uarantinerestrictions, and 'reight em0argoes3

7537 I' a Force Maeure situation arises, the Su!!lier shall!rom!tly noti'y the Procuring "ntity in (riting o' such

condition and the cause thereo'3 nless other(isedirected 0y the Procuring "ntity in (riting, the Su!!liershall continue to !er'orm its o0ligations under theContract as 'ar as is reasona0ly !ractical, and shall see)all reasona0le alternative means 'or !er'ormance not!revented 0y the Force Maeure event3

*' C0!ne Orders!nd Contr!ctAmendments

7635 The Procuring "ntity may at any time order the Su!!lierthrough notice in accordance .CC Clause <, to ma)echanges (ithin the general sco!e o' the Contract in anyone or more o' the 'ollo(ing

()a dra(ings, designs, or s!eci'ications, (here .oodsto 0e 'urnished under the Contract are to 0es!eci'ically manu'actured 'or the Procuring "ntity@

()b the method o' shi!ment or !ac)ing@

()c the !lace o' delivery@ and

()d the Related Services to 0e !rovided 0y the Su!!lier3

7636 I' any such change causes an increase or decrease in the

cost o', or the time re4uired 'or, the Su!!liers!er'ormance o' any !rovisions under the Contract, ane4uita0le adustment shall 0e made in the ContractPrice or in the DeliveryHCom!letion Schedule, or 0oth,and the Contract shall accordingly 0e amended3 Anyclaims 0y the Su!!lier 'or adustment under this Clausemust 0e asserted (ithin t(enty?eight +6< days 'rom thedate o' the Su!!liers recei!t o' the Procuring "ntityschange order3

7637 Prices to 0e charged 0y the Su!!lier 'or any Related

Services that might 0e needed 0ut (hich (ere notincluded in the Contract shall 0e agreed u!on inadvance 0y the !arties and shall not e#ceed the!revailing rates charged to other !arties 0y the Su!!lier'or similar services3

7638 Su0ect to the a0ove, no variation in or modi'ication o' the terms o' the Contract shall 0e made e#ce!t 0y(ritten amendment signed 0y the !arties3

** Etensions of


7735 I' at any time during !er'ormance o' the Contract, the

Su!!lier or its su0contractors should encounterconditions im!eding timely delivery o' the .oods or

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com!letion o' Related Services !ursuant to .CC Clause56, the Su!!lier shall !rom!tly noti'y the Procuring"ntity in (riting o' the delay, its li)ely duration, and itscause3 As soon as !ractica0le a'ter recei!t o' theSu!!liers notice, the Procuring "ntity shall evaluate the

situation and may at its discretion e#tend the Su!!lierstime 'or !er'ormance, in (hich case the e#tension shall0e rati'ied 0y the !arties 0y amendment o' theContract3

7736 "#ce!t in case o' Force Maeure, as !rovided under .CCClause 75, a delay 0y the Su!!lier in the !er'ormance o' its Delivery and Com!letion o0ligations shall render theSu!!lier lia0le to the im!osition o' li4uidated damages!ursuant to .CC Clause 6:, unless an e#tension o' timeis agreed u!on, !ursuant to .CC Su0?Clause 77353

*5 Termin!tion 7835 Termination 'or De'ault

()a The Procuring "ntity, (ithout !reudice to anyother remedy 'or 0reach o' Contract, 0y (rittennotice o' de'ault sent to the Su!!lier, mayterminate the Contract in (hole or in !art

()i i' the Su!!lier 'ails to deliver any or all o' the

.oods (ithin the !eriod s!eci'ied in theContract, or (ithin any e#tension thereo' granted 0y the Procuring "ntity !ursuant to.CC Clause 77@

()ii i' the Su!!lier 'ails to !er'orm any othero0ligation under the Contract@ or

()iii i' the Su!!lier, in the udgment o' the Procuring"ntity has engaged in 'raud and corru!tion, asde'ined in .CC Clause 7, in com!eting 'or or ine#ecuting the Contract3

()b In the event the Procuring "ntity terminates theContract in (hole or in !art, !ursuant to .CCClause 7835+a, the Procuring "ntity may !rocure,u!on such terms and in such manner as it deemsa!!ro!riate, .oods or Related Services similar tothose undelivered or not !er'ormed, and theSu!!lier shall 0e lia0le to the Procuring "ntity 'orany additional costs 'or such similar .oods orRelated Services3 Go(ever, the Su!!lier shallcontinue !er'ormance o' the Contract to thee#tent not terminated3

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7836 Termination 'or Insolvency3

()a The Procuring "ntity may at any time terminate theContract 0y giving notice to the Su!!lier i' theSu!!lier 0ecomes 0an)ru!t or other(ise insolvent3

In such event, termination (ill 0e (ithoutcom!ensation to the Su!!lier, !rovided that suchtermination (ill not !reudice or a''ect any right o' action or remedy that has accrued or (ill accruetherea'ter to the Procuring "ntity

7837 Termination 'or Convenience3

()a The Procuring "ntity, 0y notice sent to the Su!!lier,may terminate the Contract, in (hole or in !art, atany time 'or its convenience3 The notice o' termination shall s!eci'y that termination is 'or theProcuring "ntitys convenience, the e#tent to (hich!er'ormance o' the Su!!lier under the Contract isterminated, and the date u!on (hich suchtermination 0ecomes e''ective3

()b The .oods that are com!lete and ready 'orshi!ment (ithin t(enty?eight +6< days a'ter theSu!!liers recei!t o' notice o' termination shall 0eacce!ted 0y the Procuring "ntity at the Contractterms and !rices3 For the remaining .oods, the

Procuring "ntity may elect(i) to have any !ortion com!leted and delivered at

the Contract terms and !rices@ andHor

(ii) to cancel the remainder and !ay to the Su!!lieran agreed amount 'or !artially com!leted.oods and Related Services and 'or materialsand !arts !reviously !rocured 0y the Su!!lier3

*6 Assinment 7935 1either the Procuring "ntity nor the Su!!lier shallassign, in (hole or in !art, their o0ligations under this

Contract, e#ce!t (ith !rior (ritten consent o' the other!arty3

*7 E(ort$estriction

7:35 In case the conclusion o' the contract is !revented 0yany e#!ort restrictions attri0uta0le to the Procuring"ntity, to the country o' the Procuring "ntity or to theuse o' the !roductsHgoods or systems to 0e su!!lied in!articular 0y sanctions arising 'rom trade regulations'rom a country su!!lying those !roductsHgoods, systemsor services, the su!!lier shall not 0e 0ound 0y its 0id,al(ays !rovided, ho(ever, that the su!!lier can

demonstrate to the satis'action o' the Procuring "ntitythat it has com!leted all 'ormalities in a timely

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manner, including a!!lying 'or !ermits, authoriationsand licenses necessary 'or the delivery o' the!roductsHgoods, systems or services under the terms o' the contract3

7:36 1ot(ithstanding any o0ligation under the contract tocom!lete all e#!ort 'ormalities, any e#!ort restrictionsattri0uta0le to the Procuring "ntity, to the country o' the Procuring "ntity or to the use o' the!roductsHgoods, systems or services to 0e su!!lied, in!articular any e#!ort restrictions arising 'rom traderegulations 'rom a country su!!lying those!roductsHgoods, systems or services, that su0stantiallyim!ede the su!!lier 'rom meeting its o0ligations underthe contract shall release the su!!lier 'rom theo0ligation to !rovide deliveries or services, al(ays

!rovided, ho(ever, that the su!!lier can demonstrate tothe satis'action o' the Procuring "ntity that it hascom!leted all 'ormalities in a timely manner, includinga!!lying 'or !ermits, authoriations and licensesnecessary 'or the delivery o' the !roductsHgoods,systems or services under the terms o' the contract3

Section II, S(eci!# Conditions of Contr!ct

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The 'ollo(ing S!ecial Conditions o' Contract +SCC shall su!!lement and H oramend the .eneral Conditions o' Contract +.CC3 &henever there is a con'lict,the !rovisions herein shall !revail over those in the .CC

[1he Procurin! 'ntity shall select insert the appropriate %ordin! usin! the

samples elo% or other acceptale %ordin!, and delete the te$t in italics 

GCC %,%1j2 The Procuring "ntitys country is !m!ic!

GCC %,%1>2 The Procuring "ntity is 1he Port Authority of Jamaica

GCC %,% 1)2 The Proect Site+sHFinal Destination+s isHare 2in!ston Container 1erminal, 2in!ston

GCC 5,' 1!2 The meaning o' the trade terms shall 0e as !rescri0ed 0yIncoterms,

GCC 5,' 1"2 The version edition o' Incoterms shall 0e Incoterms '%,

GCC 6,% The language shall 0e En#is0

GCC H,% For notices/ t#e 'rocuring ntit&s address s#a%% be

ttention Senior Vice President – Engineering & Port Development

Street ddress 151! "u#e $treet% &ingston% 'amaica% (.).

F%oor2 ,oo nuber : First Floor

it& ingston


"e%e#one 876-922-0290-9 

Facsii%e nuber 876+!!7463

%ectronic ai% address: [email protected]

GCC ,% The governing la( shall 0e the la( o' 8 !m!ic!

GCC %,' Amic!"#e Sett#ement

Any claim 'or loss or damage arising out o' 0reach or terminationo' Agreement shall 0e settled 0et(een the Procuring "ntity andSu!!lier 0y negotiation3 I' this negotiation is not success'ullysettled (ithin 'i'teen +59 days a'ter the date o' initiation ornegotiation or (ithin such longer !eriod as the !arities maymutually agree, then the !arties (ill ointly agree, (ithin ten +5>days a'ter the date o' e#!iration o' the !eriod in (hich the!arties should have success'ully concluded their negotiations, toa!!oint a Mediator to assist in reaching an amica0le resolution o' dis!ute3 This !rocedure shall 0e !rivate and (ithout !reudice3I' the !arties 'ail to agree u!on the a!!ointment o' a Mediator

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(ithin the sti!ulated !eriod, then, (ithin seven +; days o' e#!iration o' this !eriod, the Procuring "ntity shall re4uesta!!ointment o' a Mediator 0y the Dis!ute Resolution Foundationo' /amaica3 The Mediator shall not have the !o(er to im!ose asettlement on the !arties3 I' the dis!ute is not resolved 0et(een

the !arties (ithin thirty +7 days a'ter the a!!ointment o' theMediator 0y the Dis!ute Resolution Foundation o' /amaica, ora'ter such longer !eriod as the !arties may mutually agree, themediator shall advise the !arties o' the 'ailure o' the Mediation3

For the !ur!oses o' this clause, a negotiation is deemed to have0een initiated as o' the date o' recei!t o' notice 0y one !arty o' are4uest 'rom the other !arty to meet and negotiate the matter indis!ute3

For the !ur!oses o' this clause, a Mediator is deemed to have

0een a!!ointed as o' the date o' notice o' such a!!ointment0eing given to 0oth !arties3

Dis(ute Sett#ement

In the event o' the 'ailure o' the mediation 0et(een !arties, themediator (ill record those veri'ia0le 'acts that the !arties haveagreed3 Su0se4uently the case (ill 0e handled 0y ar0itration3The !arties agree to acce!t the a(ard o' the Ar0itrator as 0indingand irrevoca0le (ith in the !rovisions o' the Ar0itration Act o' /amaica3 The mediators role in the dis!ute resolution !rocess

shall cease u!on a!!ointment o' the Ar0itrator3 During thedis!ute settlement !rocess, the Su!!lier shall continue to !er'ormthe (or) in accordance (ith this contract3 Failure to do so shall0e considered a 0reach o' contract3


The seat o' the ar0itration shall 0e /amaica and dis!utes shall 0esettled in accordance (ith the Ar0itration Act o' /amaica3 Ruleso' !rocedure to 0e ado!ted shall 0e those as !u0lished 0y thenited 1ations Commission on International Trade 2a(+1CITRA2 Aritration Rules of 7K

GCC %',% Details o' Shi!!ing and other Documents to 0e 'urnished 0y theSu!!lier are [insert the required documents, such as a ne!otialeill of ladin!, a non#ne!otiale sea %ay ill, an air%ay ill, arail%ay consi!nment note, a road consi!nment note, insurancecertificate, anufacturer3s or .upplier3s %arranty certificate,inspection certificate issued y nominated inspection a!ency,.upplier3s factory shippin! details etc

The a0ove documents shall 0e received 0y the Procuring"ntity 0e'ore arrival o' the .oods and, i' not received, the

Su!!lier (ill 0e res!onsi0le 'or any conse4uent e#!enses3

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GCC %5,' The !rices charged 'or the .oods su!!lied and the relatedServices !er'ormed [insert /shall0 or /shall not,0 as appropriate  0e adusta0le3

I' !rices are adusta0le, the 'ollo(ing method shall 0e used to

calculate the !rice adustment [see attachment to these .CC fora sample Price Ad<ustment Formula 

GCC %6,%.CC 5935OThe method and conditions o' !ayment to 0emade to the Su!!lier under this Contract shall 0e as 'ollo(s

P!yment for Goods su((#ied from !"ro!d:

Payment o' 'oreign currency !ortion shall 0e made in +  [currency of the Contract Price  in the 'ollo(ing manner

+i Ad-!nce P!yment: [insert fi!ure o' the ContractPrice shall 0e !aid (ithin thirty +7> days o' signing o' the Contract, and u!on su0mission o' claim and a 0an)guarantee 'or e4uivalent amount valid until the .oodsare delivered and in the 'orm !rovided in the 0iddingdocuments or another 'orm acce!ta0le to the Procuring"ntity3

+ii On S0i(ment: [insert fi!ure  o' the Contract Price o' the .oods shi!!ed shall 0e !aid through irrevoca0le

con'irmed letter o' credit o!ened in 'avor o' theSu!!lier in a 0an) in its country, u!on su0mission o' documents s!eci'ied in .CC Clause 563

+iii On Acce(t!nce: [insert fi!ure   o' the Contract Priceo' .oods received shall 0e !aid (ithin [insert numer days o' recei!t o' the .oods u!on su0mission o' claimsu!!orted 0y the acce!tance certi'icate issued 0y theProcuring "ntity3

Payment o' local currency !ortion shall 0e made in

[currency   (ithin [insert numer days o' !resentation o' claim su!!orted 0y a certi'icate 'rom the Procuring "ntitydeclaring that the .oods have 0een delivered and that allother contracted Services have 0een !er'ormed3

P!yment for Goods !nd Ser-ices su((#ied from /it0in t0eProcurin Entitys country:

Payment 'or .oods and Services su!!lied 'rom (ithin theProcuring "ntitys country shall 0e made in [currency ,as 'ollo(s

+i Ad-!nce P!yment: [insert fi!ure o' the Contract

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Price shall 0e !aid (ithin thirty +7> days o' signing o' the Contract, and u!on su0mission o' claim and a 0an)guarantee 'or e4uivalent amount valid until the .oodsare delivered and in the 'orm !rovided in the 0iddingdocuments or another 'orm acce!ta0le to the Procuring


 +ii On De#i-ery: [insert fi!ure   o' the Contract Priceshall 0e !aid on recei!t o' the .oods and u!onsu0mission o' the documents s!eci'ied in .CC Clause563

+iii On Acce(t!nce: The remaining [insert fi!ure  o' theContract Price shall 0e !aid to the Su!!lier (ithin[insert numer days a'ter the date o' the acce!tancecerti'icate 'or the res!ective delivery issued 0y the

Procuring "ntity3

GCC %,% A Per'ormance Security [ insert /shall0 or /shall not0 erequired 

[9f a Performance .ecurity is required, insert /the amount of thePerformance .ecurity shall e8 [insert amount

[1he amount of the Performance .ecurity is usually e$pressed asa percenta!e of the Contract Price 1he percenta!e variesaccordin! to the Procurin! 'ntity3s perceived ris" and impact of

non performance y the .upplier A 76H percenta!e is used undernormal circumstances  

GCC %,* I' re4uired, the Per'ormance Security shall 0e in the 'orm o' [insert /a an" Guarantee0 or 0a Performance ond0 

I' re4uired, the Per'ormance security shall 0e denominated in [insert /a freely convertile currency acceptale to the Procurin!'ntity0 or / the currencies of payment of the Contract, inaccordance %ith their portions of the Contract Price0 

GCC %,5 Discharge o' the Per'ormance Security shall ta)e !lace [ insert

date if different from the one indicated in su clause GCC 7K5 

GCC '',' The !ac)ing, mar)ing and documentation (ithin and outside the!ac)ages shall 0e [insert in detail the type of pac"in! required,the mar"in!s in the pac"in! and all documentation required

GCC '*,% The insurance coverage shall 0e as s!eci'ied in the Incoterms

I' not in accordance (ith Incoterms, insurance shall 0e as 'ollo(s

[insert specific insurance provisions a!reed upon, includin!covera!e, currency an amount 

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GCC '5,% Res!onsi0ility 'or trans!ortation o' the .oods shall 0e as s!eci'iedin the Incoterms3

I' not in accordance (ith Incoterms, res!onsi0ility 'ortrans!ortations shall 0e as 'ollo(s [insert /1he .upplier is

required under the Contract to transport the Goods to aspecified place of final destination %ithin the Procurin! 'ntity3scountry, defined as the Pro<ect .ite, transport to such place ofdestination in the Procurin! 'ntity3s country, includin! insuranceand stora!e, as shall e specified in the Contract, shall earran!ed y the .upplier, and related costs shall e included inthe Contract Price0* or any other a!reed upon trade terms(specify the respective responsiilities of the Procurin! 'ntityand the .upplier) 

GCC '6,% The ins!ections and tests shall 0e [insert nature, frequency,

 procedures for carryin! out the inspections and tests 

GCC '6,' The Ins!ections and tests shall 0e conducted at [insert name(s)of location(s) 

GCC '7,% The li4uidated damage shall 0e Qinsert numer  !er (ee)

GCC '7,% The ma#imum amount o' li4uidated damages shall 0e [insertnumer 

GCC ',* The !eriod o' validity o' the &arranty shall 0e [insert numer    days

For !ur!oses o' the &arranty, the !lace+s o' 'inal destination+sshall 0e

[insert name(s) of location(s) 

GCC ',6 The !eriod 'or re!air or re!lacement shall 0e [insert numer(s)  days3

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 88/95

Section VI -enera% onditions o$ ontracts

Section III, Contr!ct .orms

T!"#e of .orms

%, Contr!ct Areement333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333 3

', Perform!nce Security33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

*, B!n> Gu!r!ntee for Ad-!nce P!yment33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 89/95

%, Contr!ct Areement

[1he successful idder shall fill in this form in accordance %ith theinstructions indicated 

TGIS C-1TRACT A.R""M"1T is made

the [ insert8 nu.ber    day o' [ insert8 .onth  , [ insert8 ,ear   3


+5 T0e Port Aut0ority of !m!ic!%6+% Du>e Street3Finston3 !m!ic!

+6 [ insert name of .upplier    , a cor!oration incor!orated under the la(s o' [ insert8 country of .upplier     and having its !rinci!al !lace o' 0usinessat [ insert8 address of .upplier   +hereina'ter called the Su!!lierE3

&G"R"AS the Procuring "ntity invited 0ids 'or certain .oods and ancillaryservices, vi3, [insert rief description of Goods and .ervices  and has acce!teda Bid 0y the Su!!lier 'or the su!!ly o' those .oods and Services in the sum o' [insert Contract Price in %ords and fi!ures, e$pressed in the Contractcurrency(ies)    +hereina'ter called the Contract PriceE3

1-& TGIS A.R""M"1T &IT1"SS"TG AS F-22-&S

53 In this Agreement (ords and e#!ressions shall have the same meanings asare res!ectively assigned to them in the Conditions o' Contract re'erredto3

63 The 'ollo(ing documents shall constitute the Contract 0et(een theProcuring "ntity and the Su!!lier, and each shall 0e read and construed asan integral !art o' the Contract

(a) This Contract Agreement

() S!ecial Conditions o' Contract

(c) .eneral Conditions o' Contract

(d) Technical Re4uirements +including Schedule o' Re4uirements andTechnical S!eci'ications

(e) The Su!!liers Bid and original Price Schedules

(f) The Procuring "ntitys 1oti'ication o' A(ard

(!)  [Add here any other document(s) 

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 90/95

Section VIII. ontract Fors

73 This Contract shall !revail over all other Contract documents3 In the evento' any discre!ancy or inconsistency (ithin the Contract documents, thenthe documents shall !revail in the order listed a0ove3

83 In consideration o' the !ayments to 0e made 0y the Procuring "ntity to the

Su!!lier as hereina'ter mentioned, the Su!!lier here0y covenants (ith theProcuring "ntity to !rovide the .oods and Services and to remedy de'ectstherein in con'ormity in all res!ects (ith the !rovisions o' the Contract3

93 The Procuring "ntity here0y covenants to !ay the Su!!lier in considerationo' the !rovision o' the .oods and Services and the remedying o' de'ectstherein, the Contract Price or such other sum as may 0ecome !aya0leunder the !rovisions o' the Contract at the times and in the manner!rescri0ed 0y the Contract3

I1 &IT1"SS (hereo' the !arties hereto have caused this Agreement to 0e

e#ecuted in accordance (ith the la(s o' [insert the name of the Contract !overnin! la% country  on the day, month and year indicated a0ove3

For and on 0ehal' o' the Procuring "ntity

Signed [insert si!naturein the ca!acity o' [ insert title or other appropriate desi!nation  in the !resence o' [insert identification of official %itness 

For and on 0ehal' o' the Su!!lier

Signed [insert si!nature of authoried representative(s) of the .upplier  in the ca!acity o' [ insert title or other appropriate desi!nation  in the !resence o' [ insert identification of official %itness 

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 91/95

Section VIII. ontract Fors

', Perform!nce Security

 A [1he an", as requested y the successful idder, shall fill in this form inaccordance %ith the instructions indicated

B3Date [insert date (as day, month, and year) of id .umission 

ICB 1o3 and title8 [insert no and title of iddin! process C3D3Ban)s Branch or -''ice [insert complete name of Guarantor  

Benefici!ry:  T0e Port Aut0ority of !m!ic!%6+% Du>e Street3Finston3 !m!ic!

PE$.O$MANCE GUA$ANTEE No,: [insert Performance Guaranteenumer 

&e have 0een in'ormed that [insert complete name of .upplier   +hereina'tercalled the Su!!lier has entered into Contract 1o [insert numer   dated[insert day and month, [insert year  (ith you, 'or the su!!ly o' [description of Goods and related .ervices  +hereina'ter called the Contract3

Furthermore, (e understand that, according to the conditions o' the Contract,a Per'ormance .uarantee is re4uired3

At the re4uest o' the Su!!lier, (e here0y irrevoca0ly underta)e to !ay you anysum+s not e#ceeding [insert amount(s4) in fi!ures and %ords u!on recei!t 0yus o' your 'irst demand in (riting declaring the Su!!lier to 0e in de'ault underthe Contract, (ithout cavil or argument, or your needing to !rove or to sho(grounds or reasons 'or your demand or the sum s!eci'ied therein3

This .uarantee shall e#!ire no later than the [insert numer  day o' [insertmonth  [insert year ,B and any demand 'or !ayment under it must 0e received0y us at this o''ice on or 0e'ore that date3

!   The Bank shall insert the amount(s) specified in the SCC and denominated, as specified in the

SCC, either in the currency(ies) of the Contract or a freely convertile currency acceptale to the

 !rocurin" #ntity.3   $ates estalished in accordance %ith Clause &'. of the eneral Conditions of Contract 

(*CC+), takin" into account any %arranty oli"ations of the Supplier under Clause &.- of the CC 

intended to e secured y a partial !erformance uarantee. The !rocurin" #ntity should note that in

the event of an etension of the time to perform the Contract, the !rocurin" #ntity %ould need to

re/uest an etension of this uarantee from the Bank. Such re/uest must e in %ritin" and must e

made prior to the epiration date estalished in the uarantee. 0n preparin" this uarantee, the

 !rocurin" #ntity mi"ht consider addin" the follo%in" tet to the 1orm, at the end of the penultimate

 para"raph: *2e a"ree to a one3time etension of this uarantee for a period not to eceed 4simonths5 4one year5, in response to the !rocurin" #ntity6s %ritten re/uest for such etension, such

re/uest to e presented to us efore the epiry of the uarantee.+ 

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Section VIII. ontract Fors

This guarantee is su0ect to the ni'orm Rules 'or Demand .uarantees,International Cham0er o' Commerce Pu0lication 1o3 89<, e#ce!t thatsu0!aragra!h +ii o' Su0?article 6>+a is here0y e#cluded3

[si!natures of authoried representatives of the an" and the .upplier  

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 93/95

Section VIII. ontract Fors

*, B!n> Gu!r!ntee for Ad-!nce P!yment

[1he an", as requested y the successful idder, shall fill in this form inaccordance %ith the instructions indicated

Date [insert date (as day, month, and year) of id .umission ICB 1o3 and title [insert numer and title of iddin! process 

[an"3s letterhead

Benefici!ry: [insert le!al name and address of Procurin! 'ntity  

ADANCE PA<MENT GUA$ANTEE No,: [insert Advance Payment Guarantee no 

&e, [insert le!al name and address of an", have 0een in'ormed that [insertcomplete name and address of .upplier   +hereina'ter called the Su!!lier hasentered into Contract 1o3 [insert numer   dated [insert date of A!reement (ith you, 'or the su!!ly o' [insert types of Goods to e delivered  +hereina'tercalled the Contract3

Furthermore, (e understand that, according to the conditions o' the Contract,an advance is to 0e made against an advance !ayment guarantee3

At the re4uest o' the Su!!lier, (e here0y irrevoca0ly underta)e to !ay you anysum or sums not e#ceeding in total an amount o' [insert amount(s)5 in fi!ures

and %ords u!on recei!t 0y us o' your 'irst demand in (riting declaring that theSu!!lier is in 0reach o' its o0ligation under the Contract 0ecause the Su!!lierused the advance !ayment 'or !ur!oses other than to(ard delivery o' the.oods3

It is a condition 'or any claim and !ayment under this .uarantee to 0e madethat the advance !ayment re'erred to a0ove must have 0een received 0y theSu!!lier on its account [insert numer  and domicile of the account 

This .uarantee shall remain valid and in 'ull e''ect 'rom the date o' theadvance !ayment received 0y the Su!!lier under the Contract until [insert


4   The ank shall insert the amount(s) specified in the SCC and denominated, as specified in the

SCC, either in the currency(ies) of the Contract or a freely convertile currency acceptale to the

 !rocurin" #ntity.5   0nsert the $elivery date stipulated in the Contract $elivery Schedule. The !rocurin" #ntity should 

note that in the event of an etension of the time to perform the Contract, the !rocurin" #ntity %ould 

need to re/uest an etension of this uarantee from the ank. Such re/uest must e in %ritin" and 

must e made prior to the epiration date estalished in the uarantee. 0n preparin" this uarantee,

the !rocurin" #ntity mi"ht consider addin" the follo%in" tet to the 1orm, at the end of the

 penultimate para"raph: *2e a"ree to a one3time etension of this uarantee for a period not to

eceed 4si months54one year5, in response to the !rocurin" #ntity6s %ritten re/uest for such etension, such re/uest to e presented to us efore the epiry of the uarantee.+

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Section VIII. ontract Fors

This .uarantee is su0ect to the ni'orm Rules 'or Demand .uarantees,International Cham0er o' Commerce Pu0lication 1o3 89<3

 [si!nature(s) of authoried representative(s) of the an"  

8/20/2019 Gantry Rails Bidding Documents 95/95

In-it!tion for Bids 1I.B2antr, %ails %e*air9 :CT $td) 

1) The &ort Authorit,  of !m!ic! no( invites sealed 0ids 'rom eligi0le and 4uali'ied0idders 'or the su**l, o- rail .aterials -or ;00. o- rail se'tions and 'orres*ondin3 *ads2 base *lates2 H# (olts2 le+elin3 s're5s2 et',

) Bidding (ill 0e conducted through the International Com!etitive Bidding +ICB!rocedures s!eci'ied in the .overnment o' /amaica, Gand0oo) o' Pu0lic SectorProcurement Procedures htt!HH(((3mo'3gov3m and is o!en to all 0idders 'rom allcountries3

<) Interested eligi0le 0idders may o0tain 'urther in'ormation 'rom The &ort Authorit, o-'a and o0tain the Bidding Documents at the address given 0elo( %6+%Du>e Street3 Finston3 !m!ic!, 'rom Monda, >Frida, ?@00 > 1@00, 

;) A com!lete set o' Bidding Documents in En#is0 may 0e !urchased 0y interested0idders on the su0mission o' a (ritten A!!lication to %6+% Du>e Street3 Finston3!m!ic!  and u!on !ayment o' a non re'unda0le ' ee  .i-e T0ous!nd 1A 62!m!ic!n Do##!rs  The method o' !ayment (ill 0e Cash or (anBers Cheque  TheBidding Documents (ill 0e sent 0y air .ail or 'ourier ser+i'es

) Bids must 0e delivered to %6+% Du>e Street3 Finston3 !m!ic!  at or 0e'ore

No+e.ber 182 0113 2ate 0ids (ill 0e reected3 Bids (ill 0e o!ened in the!resence o' the 0idders re!resentatives (ho choose to attend in !erson or on?lineat the address 0elo( %6+% Du>e Street3 Finston3 !m!ic! at ':(m No+e.ber 182 011, 

;$!i# $e(!irs to P0!se ' Gordon C!y=