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1 Gamlingay Parish Council Annual Report 2013 -2014 5.5.14 - MP Andrew Lansley opens Millbrook Meadows 10.10.13 – Allotments open day

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Gamlingay Parish Council

Annual Report 2013 -2014

5.5.14 - MP Andrew Lansley opens Millbrook Meadows

10.10.13 – Allotments open day

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Chairman’s Report Gamlingay Parish Council Chairman’s Report 2013

I can report with confidence that the past year, from April 2013 to date has been another exceptionally busy and productive year for the Parish Council. Firstly some facts and figures. We have had: 11 Full Council Meetings (monthly) 15 Planning meetings (fortnightly) 9 Finance & General Purpose meetings 4 general update meetings with the Hub trustees 4 update meetings with the working party for the new Cemetery 2 staffing meetings; 1 consultation meeting with the residents of Church St; 1 special meeting regarding new cemetery regulations; 4 meetings with Keir Housing about the new Station Road development and 2 meetings with Merton College regarding the general progress of all the projects we are working on. In addition we have held quarterly management group meetings for the WI Hall, Old Methodist Chapel, Millbridge Brook, Gamarch, and the allotments. This year we have welcomed new councillors Brian Perry, Eileen Atkinson, Grace Brass and Steve Hemmings and are about to welcome Ray Spurling Very sadly, we had also had to say goodbye to two of our longest standing councillors, both of whom have been previous Chairmen – Nick Telford Reed and Chris Tomsett. They will be very sorely missed. We currently have 12 active councillors and have 3 vacancies. As many of you will know we encourage local groups and charities to apply for grants in February and October each year, and over the last year we have donated around £18,000 to village organisations including Gamlingay Environmental Action Group; Sunshine Playgroup; Rainbow Playgroup, the Gamlingay Gazette, the Scouts as well as local branches of the British Legion, MAGPAS, victim support and Motor Neurone. Through village charity Forward Gamlingay, we continue to fund the Youth Cafe and Youth Club, held here at the Hub on Thursday nights, and this provides support and mentoring for many of our young people. The County withdrew all funding and youth workers to Gamlingay two years ago, so we took the decision back then to run it ourselves and this has proved to be a good decision for the village. We have a very committed team running these very busy clubs and the skill and hard work of the staff is to be commended. The Hub is busy and active and is looking forward to the completion phase 2 extension, and surrounding landscaping which was always in the original plans for the building, but couldn't be done at the time of the first build due to budget limitations. Dan Jones, the architect will be talking about that in more detail later. The library, contained here within the Hub continues to thrive, and it is about to celebrate its tenth year in Gamlingay. Kate, our library manager will also be talking about this in more detail later. The Station Road Development, now called Millbrook Meadows, is currently full steam ahead and the houses are going up very fast. We have worked alongside Keir Homes at every stage of this development and they have proved to be a careful and responsive company who have tried hard to minimise the disruption caused by the building work, especially for traffic coming in and out of the village on Station Road. It's nice to see that people have been mostly very patient and understanding about the endless traffic lights and roadworks here, and where there have been problems, Kier have worked fast to put them right. The very wet winter has taken its toll, especially with the building of the new cycleway from the houses to the Village College, and this has resulted in the work here being about two months behind schedule – the main casualty being the removal of a hedge in the nesting season, which I know has caused some upset. Right next to the new development is our own Millbridge Brook Meadow, which is due to be officially opened this bank holiday Monday. We have put leaflets through every door in the village

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inviting everyone to come along and we hope that we will see some of you there. The transformation from an overgrown field and weed choked brook is truly remarkable, and will only get better as nature beds in the trees and shrubs, the wildflower meadow and the community orchard. Again, the wet winter has set us back so that the park will not be as finished for the opening as we had hoped, but the structure will all be there, and another month or two of growing time should start to see it looking really lovely. One, almost invisible part of the transformation has been the restoration of the Victorian railway bridge at the entrance to the park by the tennis courts. Last summer, craftsmen spent a few weeks carefully strengthening the structure of the bridge and then restoring the brickwork on the arches, so that it would not only be safe to use, but much more lovely to look at. When you are next down there, I encourage you to take a look. Other projects of note include the great success of the new allotments on Long Lane, which are completely full, with 88 plots taken, and a waiting list. Our new Cemetery behind St Mary's is currently awaiting planning permission, and we hope to have that come through very soon so that we can get started, hopefully this Autumn. Speeding is a constant concern to the village, and putting in more signs and restrictions is something most residents support. The fact is that there is always more needing to be done than there are funds to do it, but we can claim some success in three areas. Firstly, we have secured some funding from South Cambridgeshire to lower the speed limit out on Heath Road (towards Everton) from 60 to 40 around the junction of Drove Road and the Iron Church. New signage will be going up soon. We will also be purchasing a moveable speed sign, similar to the one that flashes your speed as you come into Potton, which can be placed at key entrances to the village, like Mill Hill, Heath Road, and Green End. The idea is that the sign is moved around to keep motorists on their toes and that it flashes their speed to them as they pass to encourage them to slow down. The signs can also record the speed of each car so that we can build some useful data on the volume and speed of cars passing through. Thirdly, we have agreed with Highways that the speed limit on Station Road will be lowered from 40 to 30 as you enter the village over the old railway bridge and then down to 20 as you start to come past Millbrook Meadows and the Village College, up to the junction of Stocks Lane. We have tried to improve our communication skills this year and we now update the website regularly so that the latest information can be easily accessed. We have also set up a Facebook page which is a wonderful way of posting pictures and comments relating to the village – this may be a picture of bluebells in Gamlingay wood, a lost tee shirt looking for an owner or an update on the tree planting at Millbridge Brook. This page is starting to be well used and people are posting their own thoughts and comments, and letting us know about any problems they see around the village. So as you can see, Gamlingay is very busy improving and changing and this is an exciting and interesting time for us. But, as I said last year, I can't emphasise enough how equally important it is for us to keep on top of the everyday, sometimes mundane stuff that goes on all year, and is so crucial to the smooth running and attractive appearance of our village. Cutting the grass in all the public areas, checking and managing tree safety, keeping the cemetery tidy and well cared for, nagging highways to repair roads and pavements, replacing old playground equipment, clearing the recreation field of litter on a Monday morning and caring and maintaining the WI Hall and Old Methodist Chapel is all our responsibility, and that alone is enough to keep most Parish Councils busy. This winter did not bring us the usual challenges of keeping the paths clear of ice and snow, but instead, the County Council decided to send us some new street lights, which kept us very busy throughout most of January and February trying to help residents sort out the myriad of problems these created! Some of these problems are still not resolved and we will continue to work with those residents who are still suffering overly bright lights and damage to their properties. As always, we owe a debt of gratitude to those people who keep the wheels turning, and without whom the Council just couldn't function. Our wonderful Handyman, Mr Keith Woolcott is to be found out and about most days, usually with a wheelbarrow and tools. The area he has to cover is getting bigger and bigger and this year we will be getting him a vehicle, hopefully an electric one, which will allow him to move from place to place

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more easily and efficiently and to carry his equipment with him. He is a real asset to the village, so thank you Keith. Mr Daisley. who does metalwork repairs and is always ready to tackle whatever the clerks ask him to do. Thank you Mr Daisley. Library manager Kate Laugharne has once again done a wonderful job this year with all the challenges that running a busy library gives her, and I would like to thank her and all her volunteers who man the library and welcome so many adults and children to the Hub on a daily basis. Our meetings just wouldn't be the same with Sebastian Kindersley and Bridget Smith, who as District and County Councillors update us on all we need to know. They both work tirelessly for the village, and are always a great source of advice and help with anything and everything that comes up. Of particular help is their ability to act as a 'connector' between us and people at South Cambs District Council and the County Council which is invaluable when we need to solve a problem or get the right information on an issue. As most people know, Bridget also works hard for us in her role as project coordinator for the Hub and Millbridge Brook. Her energy is legendary, and I think she has managed to perfect the art of functioning on very little sleep! Our clerks, Kirstin and Leanne, are both the backbone and the brains of our Council, and we thank them always for their patience, resilience and humour. They are the first point of contact for any parishioner who walks into their office, with a question, a complaint, or a need for information, and they will tell you that each day brings a fresh challenge! One of my favourite things is to drop into their office with my dog for a catch up or a meeting, and I know my dog would like to thank Leanne for the delicious biscuits she so kindly provides! And finally, I would like to thank my fellow councillors for their time and energy this year. It's never easy finding time to give, and I know that some councillors have struggled with work commitments and ill health to attend meetings and have not always been able to be as involved as they would like. But I am grateful to you all for giving what you can, and I value each of your skills, knowledge and expertise. We are a good team. Thanks particularly to Jackie, my vice chair, who has been a great source of advice and support this year. So, once again it has been an interesting and challenging year for both me and the council. It's been fun, sometimes stressful but always interesting!

Sarah Groom, Chair – Gamlingay Parish Council

Wildflower verge planting Willow sculptures Water vole – Millbridge Brook

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Welcome to the Annual Report on the activities of the parish council.

The parish has: 3865 electors 15 parish councillors

Gamlingay parish council was reaccredited with Quality Status on 17th July 2012. With the exception of August, the parish council meets on the second Tuesday throughout the year. The Finance and General Purposes committee meets on the fourth Tuesday each month. Both this meeting and the council meeting are preceded by a meeting of the Planning committee. With a few exceptions, all meetings now take place at the Eco Hub, Stocks Lane, Gamlingay. Agendas are posted on notice boards outside the Eco Hub on Mill St and on the website Responsibilities

• Recreation ground, Butts playground, Skatepark, BMX track, Millbrook Meadows and the lower field, St Marys field, Merton Field (off Greenacres – leased from Merton College),open space at Chapelfields, Northfield Close and the Pitt on Waresley Rd and Cinques Common (managed by the wildlife Trust on the PC’s behalf)

• The Old Methodist Chapel and the WI Hall

• Cemetery

• Maintenance of closed churchyards (St Mary’s and the Baptist Chapel)

• Gamlingay Eco Hub (leased to Gamlingay Community Centre Ltd)

• Grass cutting of the above areas and verges within the village

• 47 street lights Staff All part time - 2 clerks (job share), grounds man, 2 cleaners, library manager and project facilitator.

Plans for 2014-2015 Launch Neighbourhood Plan. Open new Cemetery Complete scheme for parking improvements for Church Street Open new permissive footpaths Launch speed reduction scheme – cameras/Speed Watch Complete and open Phase 2 of the Eco Hub – car parking, landscaping and extension Complete and open Youth pavilion Other potential projects – cycle way to Potton, community transport scheme, improvements to

Playground, protection and enhancement of open spaces, set up ecology and diversity group, research grant funding and provide assistance with projects such as a butterfly park.

New Allotments – now full, waiting list in operation.

The parish council is delighted to announce that all 88 allotments for the parish are all taken. The allotments are situated on the North side of Long Lane, adjacent to the track that leads up to the permissive path to Gamlingay Woods and 8 at Green End. Gamlingay Allotment Gardeners Association (GAGA) is responsible for the running of the allotments. They can be contacted on [email protected] Beautiful pictures of the allotments can be seen on Mike Hudson’s blog

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Summary of Accounts 2013-14


2012/2013 2013/2014

£223,684.05 BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD £261,632.71

£391,503.00 ADD TOTAL RECEIPTS £471,371.10

£353,554.34 LESS TOTAL PAYMENTS £463,852.96

£261,632.71 BALANCE CARRIED FORWARD £269,150.85


31.3.2013 31.3.2014

£151,076.45 CO OP CURRENT ACCOUNT £16,166.57



£65,187.20 SANTANDER CURRENT ACCOUNT £107,744.21



£50,005.48 SANTANDER BOND £50,053.70

£2,099.80 CASH IN HAND £950.60

£7,079.66 OUTSTANDING DEBITS £4,908.06

£261,632.71 £269,150.85



£2,699.18 DEBTORS £9,985.20

£261,627.23 CASH IN HAND £269,150.85

£264,326.41 £279,136.05


£1,300.00 CREDITORS £1,500.00

£18,510.74 ACCRUALS £0.00

£19,810.74 £1,500.00

£244,515.67 ASSETS LESS LIABILITIES £277,636.05



£254,280.52 GENERAL FUND BROUGHT FORWARD £244,521.15

£345,326.42 ADD TOTAL INCOME £478,657.12

£355,085.79 LESS TOTAL EXPENDITURE £445,542.22

£244,521.15 BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD £277,636.05

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Contact Details To contact your local parish councillor please either – Write to the clerks (Leanne Bacon/Kirstin Rayner) at The Eco Hub, Stocks Lane, Gamlingay, SG19 3JR Telephone us on 01767 650310 E –mail the clerks at [email protected] Your parish councillors are-

Sarah Groom (Chairman)

Jayne Wright

Gerry Burne

David Finnigan

Peter Dolling

Jackie McGeady (Vice Chairman)

Colin Smith

Grace Brass

Brian Perry

Ray Spurling

Steve Hemmings

4 vacancies – if you are interested in joining your parish council please contact us as above.

The Butts playground - Gamlingay