game introduction the consensus hunt game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a...

Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the best solution for a problem occurring in their everyday lives. The game is developed by a group of four teenage children (12-16 years old). The game consists of a decision-tree presentation with inter-linked slides directing the user from the problem definition through various action decisions, each with a subsequent outcome, in order to reach the best solution to the situation. There is only one correct path through the decision tree, only one set of decisions will lead the user to the desired outcome. Thus, players are learning consensus techniques as a process, about decision outcomes which frequently involve a consensus scenario. As every community faces unique challenges, the game can be usefully tailored to each playing audience. As a result, the game needs to be tailored by local, knowledgeable game developers in order for the game to have its intended outcome.

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Post on 14-Dec-2015




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Page 1: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Game Introduction

The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the best solution for a problem occurring in their everyday lives. The game is developed by a group of four teenage children (12-16 years old). The game consists of a decision-tree presentation with inter-linked slides directing the user from the problem definition through various action decisions, each with a subsequent outcome, in order to reach the best solution to the situation. There is only one correct path through the decision tree, only one set of decisions will lead the user to the desired outcome. Thus, players are learning consensus techniques as a process, about decision outcomes which frequently involve a consensus scenario. As every community faces unique challenges, the game can be usefully tailored to each playing audience. As a result, the game needs to be tailored by local, knowledgeable game developers in order for the game to have its intended outcome.

Page 2: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Game Rules

To play this game the user will follow the steps listed below: After reading the rules and introduction to the game, the user analyzes the

situation laid out in the game, and selects the solution that he or she thinks is the best.

Once the user clicks through on this solution, a subsequent slide will appear with additional outcome alternatives. Once again, the user clicks through the most suitable solution, is presented with an additional set of options, and so on.

If the user feels that he or she is going in the wrong direction, he or she can use the links provided either to go back one level or to the beginning and restart the game.

Once he or she reaches the final stage, a message will be displayed to inform the user if they reached the right answer. If so, the user will be congratulated; if not, the user will have the error explained, and will be advised to restart the game and to find another route through the decision tree which will lead to a better solution.

Page 3: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

I was only 12 years old when this incident happened. My friend invited me to a party in a club to

celebrate his birthday …So I wanted to go, and I knew that my mom won’t let me

go to a club, So I had to choose between one of these three decisions :

A: should I Lie?

B: Should I ask my parents?

C: Should I forge about the party?

Page 4: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

A: Well, I lied and told them that:

A1: I’m going todine at a friend’s

house A2: I’m going tostudy at a

classmate’s house

A3: My friend is celebrating his Birthday at the McDonald’s

and not in A club

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Page 5: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

B: On the birthday’s evening,

I asked them if I could go, but they disagreed, as I

have expected.What a bad situation I

was facing. What should I have done?

B1: I kept insisting

and I wanted to argue

with them…Thinking this might


B2: I got mad

and I started shouting

and crying. maybe

they'll feel bad for me

B3: I started begging them and

I promised that I’ll do

extra house work…

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Page 6: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

C: I apologized to my friend & I explained why I won’t show up at the party.

But my presencemeant a lot for him ,so he proposed that he will speak to my parents, maybe he’ll

convince them .So what was the best choice I had to take?

C1: I disagreeddesperately C2: I


C3: I didn’t like the

Idea, because I was

afraid of myparents

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Page 7: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

A1: My friend askedme If everything was ok,

so what should I have told him?

A1a: thatmy mom has

accepted that I go tothe party with him

(I lied)

A1b:That I lied to my mom

pretending that I’mdining at his house

A1c: Ignored the question

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Page 8: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

A2: But I noticed that my Mom doubted

about thesituation.

In this case how should I have behaved?

A2a: I didn't giveup & I kept lying…

A2b: I had a badfeeling about my lie

so I decided to confess, but it was

too late…

A2c: I didn’t feel anything because itwasn’t my first lieto my mom, but maybe the last…

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Page 9: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

A3: So my mom seemedto be convinced, but she

was skeptic .So a fewhours before the party she

went to McDonald’s to check if there would be any parties there.

There were no parties .Back home,she asked me for an explanation

So I:

A3a: kept lyingand I told herthat my friendhas changedthe place of

the party

A3b: I was so afraid that Mom caught me at the

end .So I couldn’t keeplying, and I gave up.I told her the truth…

A3c: I couldn’ttake any risk.So I told herthat the party

was canceled…

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Page 10: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

B1: I insisted and Ikept arguing. In your

opinion, how was I supposed to argue?

B1a: By explaining that

my friend means a lot

to me

B1b:By saying that

I loveparties anddancing…

B1c:By statingthat

I will eat cakes and drinks and

I won’t be late…

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Page 11: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

B2: Instead of givingme any attention,they shouted at

me.So, how should

I have reacted!!!

B2a:I cried more and more,

thinking this will make them feel bad and

they will let me go to the party.

B2b: I desperately

forgot about it

B2c: I shouted back

at my parentsand started swearing…

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Page 12: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

B3: First of all, they seemedto like my idea of doing house

chores, but at the end they insistedthat I stay at home.How should I have

convinced them more?

B3a: I told them thatI wanted

to go, so I packedmy things and I ran

away from thehouse, straightto the party…

B3b: I doubled myoffer to three

months of housechores

B3c: I suggestedthat

I’ll baby-sitmy little sis in the

weekends ifthey let me go to

the party…

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Page 13: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

C1: I disagreed with my friend’s idea ,but I really wanted to go to the party

so I decided to:

C1a:runaway From the house, and to go

to the party.

C1b:Lock my room

door ,sneak fromthe window ,go

to the party and thenCome back home..

C1c:Pack my things,

leave a notein my bedroom

and leavestraight to the


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Page 14: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

C2: I liked my friend’s ideaand I asked him


C2a: lie to mymom and tell her

that I’m goingto sleep at his house

C2b: tell her the truth, maybe shewill be convinced

C2c: tell her the truth but

miss the clubbing part

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Page 15: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

C3: I didn't like my friend’s idea.He was very sad , so I:

C3a: kissed him andhugged him andI wished him a

very Happy Birthday…

C3b: wished him a happy birthday

C3c: I bought hima nice presentfor his birthday

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Page 16: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

Maybe I didn’tlose my

friend, butI didn’t go to the


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Page 17: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Congratulation!You won!

I I didn’t lose my friendship,

I went to the partyand I had my parent’s



Page 18: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

I I don’t know howbut my mom

discovered thatI was lying!

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Page 19: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Loose

It didn’t matterhow much I cried

or begged ,because at the

end my parentsdidn’t let me


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Page 20: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

I don’t know how,but at the end

my friend knewthat I was lying!

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Page 21: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

At the end, my friend knew

that I didn’t havemy parent’s

permission sohe didn’t want

me to lie to them &I didn’t go to

the party!

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Page 22: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

My friend didn’twant me to lie tomy parents .So he asked me to tell Them the

truth And sadlyI didn’t go to

the party

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Page 23: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

It was too late!My lie cost me

a punishment fortwo weeks.

So I missedthe party!!

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Page 24: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

At the end, theyForbid me

form going tothe

party becauseI was tooinsisting!

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Page 25: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

My parentscaught me beforeI got to the party

and I was grounded!

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Page 26: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

I I wasgroundedbecause I

shouted on them!Sadly no Party!!!

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Page 27: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

I forgot aboutit and I didn’t go

to the party!

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Page 28: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

Sorry you Lost

I forgot aboutit and I didn’t go

to the party!

Go back to the beginning

Page 29: Game Introduction The Consensus Hunt Game is an entertaining, game-based process which allows a group of ideally four developers to consensually find the

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