gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1909-09-23...

TUB DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 28 1U09 f f IT w Ib 1 e Y or rr r r 1c t b u w > HEWS OF CITY AND COUNTY CONDENSED MATTERS OF GENERAL SECURED BY SUN REPORTERS What HM Happened and What U Go fnf t Happen Personal and Social Items of the City Kovf car of horses and mules the third one Olhor Kite Loulo Bartlett of nigh Springs was visitor to tho city yesterday E J Baird left yesterday for a short business trip to Leesburg C C Myers of High Springs was among the visitors to tho city yester- day AL Baldwin of yaldo was among stho visitors to tho county capital yes- terday J R Williamson one of the prom- inent citizens of Quincy was a visitor o tub city yesterday- J M Turner one of the farmers oaf tho Lake View section was visi- ting in Gainesville yesterday Parents would do well to Inspect the largo stock of solid leather school shoes to be found at Hyde Tenchs For firstclass resin barrel staves and heading write or phone T J Cone Raleigh Fla Can make prompt shipment at market prices II C Brown of Grove Park was Among the visitors to the city yeste- rday Ho says that things are lively In his section of tho county To call It a hotel will not change it to one if it is run on boarding Jhouso principles For uptodate serv- ice table and general tone stop at rtho Drown House WE Brown the trucker of Archer was transacting business here yester- day lie says that the vegetable men aro busy with their work making ready for the fall crops H II Rogers of Levyvllle one of nho turpentine producers of that sec Zion was a visitor to the city He now has that Ilea ant smllo that wont come oft since the advance In spirits and rosin Mrs D II Scott nee Miss Edith IBaird Is in tho city from her home at Arcadia on a short visit to her pa rents Mr and Mrs J Baird Fast Gainesville She expects to remain lujre Atoma week before returning o her toad Nell hale accompanied by his son Joe Of the JoncHVillc section were visitors to Gainesville yesterday Mr Hals ta ORe of the largest and wellto ido platen of that place and has a of friends In Gainesville who are always pleased to greet him DoWltts Little Early Risers the safe sure easy gentle little liver Sllls The original Carbollzed Witch llazel Salvo Is DeWltts The name Ti plainly stamped on every box It Is good for cuts burns t raises sores bolls and sunburn but it is especially good for piles Sold by all druggists GAINESVILLE FLA CAPITAL 7500000 SURPLUS 52500000 OFFICERS W R Thomas President 0 K Broome Firat VicePrealdent E D Turner Cashier W B Tailor Second DIRECTORS 3 K Broome J G Nichols J 0 Padgett M Venable F Dutton W R Thomas J A Maultsby W B Taylor 4 Per Cent Paid Savings Department 8 E lilt DUTTOM BAnn 0 I t t i in INTEREST- S a r yes- terday cost r r Vic President 1 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ° < Delicious Puddings trade from JELLO Powder Mix together one JdW let r w4er flavor and two heap law of corn starch Di solve in a little cold milk Stir this mix tune iota one quart of toiling milk cook until sufficiently thick usually one to two minutes Serve with cream or any good sauce l w double orvtir constantly prevent scorching Stay be tarn i hed with straw- berries or any small fruits Stir package of JellO Ice Cream Powder into a quart of milk and make two quarts ice cream at- one cent a Illustrated Book tree The GcKsee rare feLe icy N Y For Sale Thirtygallon gasoline tank Inquire this office- T W Fielding reiumed yesterday front a short business visit to Jack- sonville C Denton a trucker of Mlcanopy was transacting business in the city yesterday W D Sheppard representing the C W Hart let on Company Is In the city looking after his interests Baird Theatre Motion Pictures and Vaudeville Show will begin October 1st and continue through season W A Shaw and ton Henry of Montcocha were visitors to the city yesterday on a trading expedition Mules and have car of firstclass driving and saddle horses also farm and log mulos Oliver Kite Flavor your desserts with Blue Ribbon Vanilla Extract and see how delicately and deliciously they are flavored Chas PInkoson has returned from a short business visit to Jacksonville where he has been In the interest- of the Atlantic Coast Line T J McRae the furniture broker left yesterday for a business visit to Lake Butler atilt other points where he goes In the Interest of his line None better than the solid leather childrens schodl shoes to be found at Hyde Tenchs The best values you ever saw for the hard use of the children Orlando B Weeks of Waldo was In the city yesterday He says that Wal do Is picking up considerably and business Is much better than Jpr sonic time Stops earache In two minutes toothache or pain of burn or scald in five minutes hoarseness one hour muscleache two hours sore throat twelve hours Dr Thomas Eclectric 011 monarch over pain Mrs C A Falrcloth who has been spending the past summer In Ala bama Is expected to arrive In the city today During her absence she was joined byMr Faircloth and they visited a number of places J B Brooks of the Gainesville Bottling Works made a short busi- ness trip to Worthington Springs yes- terday He Is now handling his goods- in all sections and Is doing a most satisfactory mail order business J M Wolfenden of Worthington Springs was a business visitor to Gainesville yesterday He was form- erly engaged In the crate and basket business at Sampson City but now a lnrr plant of the saint kind at the stove plncr Take cart of your stomach Let Ko tlol tHgift all the food you eat for tlat Is Kodol does Every table- spoonful of Kodol 1 4 Pounds of food Try it today It Is guaran- tied to relieve you or your money Link Sold by all druggists F B Godfrey raoliltr of the Hunk of Alachua was transacting business n Gainesville yesterday lie tate U the little city l ury active now over the cotton situation and that the streets present a lively scene with the wagons loaded with the fleecy staple dally Gus A Morton of WlllUton one cf the largest truckers of that place sad a jolly good fellow was meeting his host of Gainesville friends yesterday He says that much preparation is being made by the planters and that the spring crops will be large- G W Peacock of Hawthorn a suc- cessful planter of the East End was transacting business In the city yes- terday He was accompanied by his brother J W Peacock and they both made a pleasant call at this office the former renewing his subscription- to the semiweekly for another year I 1 1 ICE REAM I tabluP and fro milk a 2 r I i HorsesWe digests general o xi G tarry p ne Said N meat 25s inn that all ruund ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ J V Denton of New York City wellknown In this county was here for a short while yesterday- Mrs J W Ataop leaves today for Archer WilllMon and Cedar Key where she will be absent for the next two weeks visiting friends- R B Bostick claim agent for the Atlantic Coast Line returned yester- day from a short visit to points the southern part of the State- N C Petltt of Waldo Is among the prominent visitors to the city He has a large number of acquaintances- here who are always pleased to meet MM McCahey of McIntosh who has ben here for the past number of days visiting her sister Mr Jas 3 Bodlfurd returned to her home ttida Judge Syd L Carter returned yes- terday from Bronson where he has been since Monday attending the regular full term of circuit court for Levy county- S E Row who Is engaged In busi- ness at Ocala was among the vis- itors here yesterday He was form- erly Interested In Dunnellon but for the last five years has been In Ocala J H Tench the clever freight igent of the Atlantic Coast Line re turned Wednesday from New York City nod other points where he enjoying his vacation He re- ports a good time Born to Mr and Mrs G Hartwell Kelley a line boy at their home at Prairie Creek on Wednesday Both mother cad child are reported as do Ing nicely while Papa Kelley Is the proudest man In the county School Shoes for have just what you arc looking for and having purchased extra heavy will retail them out to our custom ers at a bargain Guaranteed solid leather and are wearers See theta at Hyde Tenchs W M Torloy the efficient jailor at the county jail returned yesterday front his annual vacation which has been spent with relatives at Waco- liooUi and other points He states that he has bad a most pleasant time and returns to his duties much J U Weinberg who was formerly engaged in the realty business here with R E Lartlgue arrived in the city last night on a short business visit For the past number of weeks he has been located at Live Oak where he has been doing a good busi- ness In the Insurance line H A Williams one of the promi- nent citizens of Waldo and an ex- tensive planter of that place was a visitor to Gainesville yesterday For- a number of years he was one of the largest merchants of that section and It Is highly probable that he will shortly engage In the business again Mrs W L Hill and children who have been spending the past two months at Cumberland Md returned- to their home here last night They have had a most delightful trip and feel that the same has been highly beneficial The greater part of the lime was spent with Mrs Hills rela- tives Lost Ladles solid gold hunting case Osize watch with small scratched number- In back case X7171 on fob was n RandolphMacon pin and halfdollar charm May have been lost on GalnesvllliRoclielltMlcanopy road Seward for return of saint to ihl tiff Ice A J Ilrlgsuice of Ocala was In tits city yestirdny IU was en route lo Dmnson where he goes for five iiUonir at the present u rni of court mid tfittcnced to the State Penitentiary Mr Brksance a hire number of friends In iuliuKville who are always pitused to meet him Do not be deceived by uitscrupnluu Imitators who would have you belliM hat ImltntJon pills are as good- as DiWltf Kidney and Bladder Pills There I ft anything just as good as these wonderful pills for the relief of backache weak buck Inflammation of the bladder urinary disorders and all kidney complaints Anyone can take DfWItfs Kidney and Bladder Pills as directed In perfect confidence of good results Sold by all druggists Street Sprinkler Out The street sprinkler was placed In commission again Wednesday which added much to the con- venience of the people that were compelled to be on the streets It also saves the merchants a good deal In protecting their goods and should- be run regularly I Iota i h- ahn ChildrenWe d bas the yet recu- perated 11altltam movement after- noon ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ + THE GAINESVILLE NATIONAL BANK Conssrvattsm foes Not Mean Stagnation We Are Progressive SB Long As It Is We Slow Down This Bank Is Not Merely a Place ti Store Your Is a Human Organization Lending Its Aid ti Its Patrons So Long as It Feels Safe in Doing So THE GAINESVILLE NATIONAL BANK J SafeThen fundsIt 5 Cents Per Line Insertloa but no advertise meat taken for less than 20 cents Six words make a line ao fractional lines every word over each six coui ting a an additional line CASi In advance must accompany all order for inner Lions in tLls column HELP WANTED Combination male stci raplierbooklseeper by Gainesville concern Address B II care Sun FOR STOCK FOR SALE Another carload of good horses and tunics Quick sales and small profits Oliver Kite FOR RENT FOR RENT Sevenroom house near square Apply to J A Phlfer FOR HENTCottage In Veltchs Addi- tion South Gainesville to colored tenant only Apply at Sun office FOR RENT Three sixroom cottages with all modern Improvements In East Gainesville Gaines- ville Furniture Co ACME APARTMENT HOTEL V J Shlpman Manager Nice comfortable rooms at reason able rates Roomers wanted by day or week Rates reasonable FOR SALE FOR SALE gasoline tank Inquire this office FOR SALE Typewriter ribbons both copy and record 75 cents each Sun office FOR SALE Celery plants ready af- ter Oct 1st also lettuce plants Write for prices G A Diane Day tona Florida FOR 100x123 feet corner West Main and Boundary streets Half cash balance on own terms with eight per cent Interest H H McCreary LOST LOST Ladles solid gold hunting cat Oize Walthanwmm ment watch with small scratched Number In barl JD fb was a RndnlphMncnn pin and mar Mn have In n lot nn Gangs iMeRocholIo Mlrnnojy rovl Reward for return of to this office WANTS Each WANTEDMALE SALELIVE 10 month SALELot rare Xii jl I I Jack- sonville half Ii rpt sauce ¬ ¬ ¬ EASY GLASSES for UNEASY EYES nine Your Eyes 1neaxj They Be jrinniii to Rebel Make Them Comfortable Put Them at Their Ease k J I Wlar P GLASSES C H COLES SON Jewelers aril Opticians Miss N Norton Novelties Books Stationer Somenirc Sbeet Pictures and Picture Frames 206 East Llbeny Stroat- GMIESYIHE DONT BOTHERW- ith White the Weather Is St Warm Take a rest durinjr the remainder of the summer and try our bakiv We hardly expect you to say it is as good as your own but way down in your heart yonll think so just the same Bat try it anyway you are entitled to rest as well aa anybody KEYSTONE BAKERY Phone 185 RT Schafer Prep DEMPSEY WISE FURNITURE DEALER Buy SVII nr Exchange Repair mjr n Alco Pa king and Unpacking of Furniture by Men 219221 West Main St S Gainesville Dr A Dolan Residence Maenolin Motel Gainesville I 0 A HI SEoiIIII ji i PLO 1D1- n J f31g STORAGE m J t Home Baki9 dome made l 511 ° UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY First National Bank GAINESVILLE FLORIDA Capital 10000000 Surplus 6000000 CONSERVATIVE PROGRESSIVE We pleasure in placing our facilities at your disposal and will be pleased to have you write or call on us if you contemplate opening either a checking or savings account FOUR PER CENT PAID IN OUR SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Jas M Graham Prea E Baird VicePrea H E Taylor Cashier Graham Cashier j ll I I I tall Lee I I 0J Ace t

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1909-09-23 · TUB DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 28 1U09 f f IT w


f f IT wIb 1

e Y or rr r r









What HM Happened and What U Go

fnf t Happen Personal and

Social Items of the City

Kovf car of horses and mules thethird one Olhor Kite

Loulo Bartlett of nigh Springs wasvisitor to tho city yesterdayE J Baird left yesterday for a

short business trip to LeesburgC C Myers of High Springs was

among the visitors to tho city yester-day

AL Baldwin of yaldo was amongstho visitors to tho county capital yes-

terdayJ R Williamson one of the prom-

inent citizens of Quincy was a visitoro tub city yesterday-

J M Turner one of the farmersoaf tho Lake View section was visi-ting in Gainesville yesterday

Parents would do well to Inspectthe largo stock of solid leather schoolshoes to be found at Hyde Tenchs

For firstclass resin barrel stavesand heading write or phone T JCone Raleigh Fla Can make promptshipment at market prices

II C Brown of Grove Park wasAmong the visitors to the city yeste-rday Ho says that things are livelyIn his section of tho county

To call It a hotel will not changeit to one if it is run on boardingJhouso principles For uptodate serv-

ice table and general tone stop atrtho Drown House

W E Brown the trucker of Archerwas transacting business here yester-day lie says that the vegetable menaro busy with their work makingready for the fall crops

H II Rogers of Levyvllle one ofnho turpentine producers of that secZion was a visitor to the city

He now has that Ilea antsmllo that wont come oft since theadvance In spirits and rosin

Mrs D II Scott nee Miss EdithIBaird Is in tho city from her homeat Arcadia on a short visit to her parents Mr and Mrs J Baird FastGainesville She expects to remainlujre Atoma week before returning

o her toadNell hale accompanied by his son

Joe Of the JoncHVillc section werevisitors to Gainesville yesterday MrHals ta ORe of the largest and welltoido platen of that place and has a

of friends In Gainesville who arealways pleased to greet him

DoWltts Little Early Risers thesafe sure easy gentle little liverSllls The original Carbollzed Witchllazel Salvo Is DeWltts The nameTi plainly stamped on every box ItIs good for cuts burns t raises soresbolls and sunburn but it is especially

good for piles Sold by all druggists


CAPITAL 7500000SURPLUS 52500000

OFFICERSW R Thomas President0 K Broome Firat VicePrealdentE D Turner CashierW B Tailor Second


3 K Broome J G Nichols

J 0 Padgett M VenableF Dutton W R Thomas

J A Maultsby W B Taylor

4 Per Cent PaidSavings Department



lilt DUTTOM BAnn














rVic President










Delicious Puddingstrade from


PowderMix together one JdW letr w4er flavor and two heap

law of corn starch Disolve in a little cold milk Stir this mixtune iota one quart of toiling milkcook until sufficiently thick usuallyone to two minutes Serve withcream or any good sauce l wdouble orvtir constantly preventscorching Stay be tarn i hed with straw-berries or any small fruits

Stir package of JellO Ice CreamPowder into a quart of milk andmake two quarts ice cream at-

one cent a

Illustrated Book treeThe GcKsee rare feLe icy N Y

For Sale Thirtygallon gasolinetank Inquire this office-

T W Fielding reiumed yesterdayfront a short business visit to Jack-sonville

C Denton a trucker of Mlcanopywas transacting business in the cityyesterday

W D Sheppard representing theC W Hart let on Company Is In thecity looking after his interests

Baird Theatre Motion Pictures andVaudeville Show will begin October1st and continue through season

W A Shaw and ton Henry ofMontcocha were visitors to the cityyesterday on a trading expedition

Mules and have car offirstclass driving and saddle horsesalso farm and log mulos OliverKite

Flavor your desserts with BlueRibbon Vanilla Extract and see howdelicately and deliciously they areflavored

Chas PInkoson has returned froma short business visit to Jacksonvillewhere he has been In the interest-of the Atlantic Coast Line

T J McRae the furniture brokerleft yesterday for a business visit toLake Butler atilt other points wherehe goes In the Interest of his line

None better than the solid leatherchildrens schodl shoes to be foundat Hyde Tenchs The best valuesyou ever saw for the hard use of thechildren

Orlando B Weeks of Waldo was In

the city yesterday He says that Waldo Is picking up considerably andbusiness Is much better than Jprsonic time

Stops earache In two minutestoothache or pain of burn or scald infive minutes hoarseness one hourmuscleache two hours sore throattwelve hours Dr Thomas Eclectric011 monarch over pain

Mrs C A Falrcloth who has beenspending the past summer In Alabama Is expected to arrive In thecity today During her absence shewas joined byMr Faircloth and theyvisited a number of places

J B Brooks of the GainesvilleBottling Works made a short busi-ness trip to Worthington Springs yes-

terday He Is now handling his goods-

in all sections and Is doing a mostsatisfactory mail order business

J M Wolfenden of WorthingtonSprings was a business visitor toGainesville yesterday He was form-erly engaged In the crate and basketbusiness at Sampson City but now

a lnrr plant of the saint kindat the stove plncr

Take cart of your stomach Let Kotlol tHgift all the food you eat fortlat Is Kodol does Every table-spoonful of Kodol 1 4 Poundsof food Try it today It Is guaran-tied to relieve you or your moneyLink Sold by all druggists

F B Godfrey raoliltr of the Hunkof Alachua was transacting businessn Gainesville yesterday lie tate

U the little city l ury active nowover the cotton situation and that thestreets present a lively scene with thewagons loaded with the fleecy stapledally

Gus A Morton of WlllUton onecf the largest truckers of that placesad a jolly goodfellow was meeting his host ofGainesville friends yesterday Hesays that much preparation is beingmade by the planters and that thespring crops will be large-

G W Peacock of Hawthorn a suc-

cessful planter of the East End wastransacting business In the city yes-

terday He was accompanied by hisbrother J W Peacock and they bothmade a pleasant call at this officethe former renewing his subscription-to the semiweekly for another year














xi G




Said N meat 25s



all ruund









J V Denton of New York City

wellknown In this county was herefor a short while yesterday-

Mrs J W Ataop leaves today forArcher WilllMon and Cedar Key

where she will be absent for the nexttwo weeks visiting friends-

R B Bostick claim agent for theAtlantic Coast Line returned yester-

day from a short visit to pointsthe southern part of the State-

N C Petltt of Waldo Is among theprominent visitors to the city He

has a large number of acquaintances-here who are always pleased to meet

MM McCahey of McIntosh who

has ben here for the past numberof days visiting her sister Mr Jas3 Bodlfurd returned to her homettida

Judge Syd L Carter returned yes-

terday from Bronson where he hasbeen since Monday attending theregular full term of circuit court forLevy county-

S E Row who Is engaged In busi-

ness at Ocala was among the vis-

itors here yesterday He was form-

erly Interested In Dunnellon but forthe last five years has been In Ocala

J H Tench the clever freightigent of the Atlantic Coast Line returned Wednesday from New YorkCity nod other points where he

enjoying his vacation He re-

ports a good timeBorn to Mr and Mrs G Hartwell

Kelley a line boy at their home atPrairie Creek on Wednesday Bothmother cad child are reported as doIng nicely while Papa Kelley Is theproudest man In the county

School Shoes forhave just what you arc looking forand having purchased extra heavywill retail them out to our customers at a bargain Guaranteed solidleather and are wearers See thetaat Hyde Tenchs

W M Torloy the efficient jailorat the county jail returned yesterdayfront his annual vacation which hasbeen spent with relatives at Waco-liooUi and other points He statesthat he has bad a most pleasant timeand returns to his duties much

J U Weinberg who was formerlyengaged in the realty business herewith R E Lartlgue arrived in thecity last night on a short businessvisit For the past number of weekshe has been located at Live Oakwhere he has been doing a good busi-ness In the Insurance line

H A Williams one of the promi-nent citizens of Waldo and an ex-

tensive planter of that place was avisitor to Gainesville yesterday For-a number of years he was one of thelargest merchants of that section andIt Is highly probable that he willshortly engage In the business again

Mrs W L Hill and children whohave been spending the past twomonths at Cumberland Md returned-to their home here last night Theyhave had a most delightful trip andfeel that the same has been highlybeneficial The greater part of thelime was spent with Mrs Hills rela-tives

Lost Ladles solid gold huntingcase Osizewatch with small scratched number-In back case X7171 on fob was nRandolphMacon pin and halfdollarcharm May have been lost onGalnesvllliRoclielltMlcanopy roadSeward for return of saint to ihltiff Ice

A J Ilrlgsuice of Ocala was Intits city yestirdny IU was en routelo Dmnson where he goes for fiveiiUonir at the presentu rni of court mid tfittcnced to theState Penitentiary Mr Brksance

a hire number of friends IniuliuKville who are always pitusedto meet him

Do not be deceived by uitscrupnluuImitators who would have you belliMhat ImltntJon pills are as good-as DiWltf Kidney and Bladder PillsThere I ft anything just as good asthese wonderful pills for the reliefof backache weak buck Inflammationof the bladder urinary disorders andall kidney complaints Anyone cantake DfWItfs Kidney and BladderPills as directed In perfect confidenceof good results Sold by all druggists

Street Sprinkler OutThe street sprinkler was placed In

commission again Wednesdaywhich added much to the con-

venience of the people that werecompelled to be on the streets Italso saves the merchants a good dealIn protecting their goods and should-be run regularly











11altltam movement



















Conssrvattsm foes Not Mean Stagnation

We Are Progressive SB Long As It Is We Slow Down

This Bank Is Not Merely a Place ti Store Your

Is a Human Organization Lending Its Aid ti Its

Patrons So Long as It Feels Safe in Doing So





5 Cents Per Line

Insertloa but no advertisemeat taken for less than 20 cents Six

words make a line ao fractional linesevery word over each six coui ting aan additional line CASi In advancemust accompany all order for innerLions in tLls column


WANTED Combination male stciraplierbooklseeper by Gainesvilleconcern Address B II careSun


FOR SALE Another carload of goodhorses and tunics Quick salesand small profits Oliver Kite


FOR RENT Sevenroom house nearsquare Apply to J A Phlfer

FOR HENTCottage In Veltchs Addi-tion South Gainesville to coloredtenant only Apply at Sun office

FOR RENT Three sixroom cottageswith all modern Improvements InEast Gainesville Gaines-ville Furniture Co


Nice comfortable rooms at reasonable rates Roomers wanted by dayor week Rates reasonable


FOR SALE gasolinetank Inquire this office

FOR SALE Typewriter ribbons bothcopy and record 75 cents eachSun office

FOR SALE Celery plants ready af-

ter Oct 1st also lettuce plantsWrite for prices G A Diane Daytona Florida

FOR 100x123 feet cornerWest Main and Boundary streetsHalf cash balance on own termswith eight per cent Interest H HMcCreary


LOST Ladles solid gold huntingcat Oize Walthanwmm mentwatch with small scratched NumberIn barl JD fb wasa RndnlphMncnn pin andmar Mn have In n lot nnGangs iMeRocholIo Mlrnnojy rovlReward for return of to thisoffice





10 month


rare Xii jl




halfIi rpt






nine Your Eyes


They Be

jrinniii to Rebel

Make ThemComfortable

Put Them atTheir Ease

k J I Wlar P


C H COLES SONJewelers aril Opticians

Miss N Norton

Novelties Books Stationer

Somenirc Sbeet Pictures

and Picture Frames

206 East Llbeny Stroat-



ith White

the Weather Is St Warm

Take a rest durinjr the remainder of thesummer and try our bakivWe hardly expect you to say it is as goodas your own but way down in yourheart yonll think so just the same Battry it anyway you are entitled to rest

as well aa anybody

KEYSTONE BAKERYPhone 185 RT Schafer Prep




Buy SVII nr Exchange Repairmjr n Alco Pa kingand Unpacking of Furniture by


219221 West Main St S Gainesville

Dr A Dolan


Maenolin Motel Gainesville


0 A




PLO 1D1-







Home Baki9

dome made






Capital 10000000 Surplus 6000000CONSERVATIVE PROGRESSIVE

We pleasure in placing our facilities at your disposal and will bepleased to have you write or call on us if you contemplate opening either


Jas M Graham PreaE Baird VicePrea

H E Taylor CashierGraham Cashier






Lee I



Ace t