gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-03-26...

THE GAINESVILLE SUN MARCH 2fi 1906 a r 7 z U D CS AT STARKE Delegation of Gainesville Ladies Were Highly Entertained f has f liw ij eh w I pnve of interest to rov y jo i and vleimt Joseph r Lj r Il 1 Daughter of tt C wfedenuy recent Ij in Starke were fmm ym- ciously rtttertNiiieJ UVlutnlny by J I iatkino bt her hue pital home on Madison This wa tits iiiMt interesting meeting of the Chapter held tine its organization mule o by pretence Mesdames H II McCreary J E Wainwright and J F McKinatry Jr leading members of Kirby youth Chap Mr of Gaiaetville These devoted worker iu the cause of the U D C ewes over to lead a aitance to the local chapter ia perfecting organ izatioa sad their kiadlj Interest ha called forth the hearty appreciation of member of the local chapter AI the meeting Wedaeaday after nooa Mesdames MeKiastry Bad Mc Creary gave iatereatiag and instruc- tive talk oo the administrative affaire of the orgaalzatioa ite aims and ob Jeeta aid Mr Wainwright who past historian of Kirby Smith delighted the company with a hl tory of the United Daughter of the Confederacy from its organization wa anisttd in ruler tainiok by her drier Mr Okra Lane and to them the U D C are in a most delightful afternoon The house was decorated with palm and pot plants ant a color red and preen very tayteful ly carriid uut IKli litful refresh- ment were served in the i wring Mr and J M- Alararez tendered an informal recep- tion at their handsome rew home mi- Waltioi street in honor ol the visitor froth Galnetville which tens largely attrniied and greatly eiijiuJ The guest w re i ntort in d at card and an advertising guersii content Prize were utT red ii tin latter anti tits com petition lively Tine report of the Judges awanttd the flr t prixi n hniil- psttMvl china cake plate to Mr Paul E Cinrva and the cups Ymtiiu i pretty vinaigrette to Mr I M Oiriito fpnctiitift hall and ptirlnri wtre- hrlhaiitly ilumlnatid with lectric lights and depurated with ehiie pot plant amt the glowing t r en the hearths triad nn i ct er ltojethe- r pKaiii t Light refreshments were lerred Mr iril Alvarez were diIiRrt fun ih their hospitality avid their gusts had the twofold pleasure If IhaiikitiR them for a mo t enjoyable evenini and of cot pratulatiiiR them on the comple ton and occupancy f their new hunt Thursday mnrninu Mo dnme Wain- wright McKinttry Bud MeCreary were given a drive about the city aud sub- urb and departed on the noun train for Gainesville hers they were entertained by Mr N D Waiuwrijhi sod J M AUimz Clears the Complexion Own Iaxntive Fruit Syrup timu late the liver mid thoroughly ilfaritie the sj tein ami elenr the fotupleiiou- Df tmpli Motels It i the bei t- IstXR v fur auivrn eiildren i it- i ruM nnil plihftiit nail lint IT ruketi orino i tuneh rune run to pile iii whins and all jrdtnnry cmnnrtu rt it doi not irri tat tl e inmrch and lW l J McCollnm v Co NONEQUAL kind Patent Colt Round Foxed Blucher Oxford Bus Kid Iniertion Dart Last Tip and Sin- gle Sole a new narrow receding toe I 40 27513 15 and 3 75 We Ruar antee all oar 1240 and 12 75 Oxford to be jut what you buy at for 3 and S60 and 375 to be the 4 and 5 styles L C SMITH North Side Square Gainesville Fla The Stark a the 1 ty t t street Ih of its i Chap- ter Mrs Sebttd for ehrnte of Trot tJ < While aid t aril W OXFORDS otherpla ell our and i ntpb the test tlir 1 1 tit after- noon Mrs r a A every m Y Gs kin Mrs z dN ass 4 cut glass t pen firs i Mrs k 4 i W I out- grip r nl 1 1 e r t 1315 j < ¬ > ¬ ¬ < > ¬ < + + + + + + ° WHY TAKE lvac lu IMI 5H SI1 jxr hot at ijl Drug Stores LEMON ELiXli- io THURSDAYS FIRE ALARMS Three Alarms Turned In But Little Damage Resulted There were three alarms of fire turned in Thursday but in each iu atanee where a blaae was dlfcovmd there was little damage The flrat alarm was turned in about 1050oclock a ra which umraoned the depart meat to the home of I A Hoberuon- t Main street N The llnme were quickly ntniKUi hf however The origin from a df 0tin II10- At 3 oclock in the ftftcrtioon Knottier alarm wn turned m The repondtd with the uual pruniptiu thi tiini the jim if the ciiitlajrn- ttti b 4iiK the Innilunf home of ft tire wti tlicov rcl in lire however itl the result that there vm titter damage I In tlnnl sin wn turned in from Mux 32 Ht 540 iVlook The alarm w p emitire how r r u tio fire be dMi ti rHi The ulimn WR rut in by n party hn had bfin H- ttractcd ly te huts rij ut of cliiin- nrj in tlo building 21 Main Iriet N VEGETATION UNINJURED Superintendent Cutler Says Crops on G G Are All Right SuperiMitulent J Cutler of the and Uilf Rnilrniid ha re- turned from n trip to Miiamipy Fair Ii t er point aiuJ tats of tli gnat twoIH Inn not aT oied the trick farm in tlio te- tioti Mr Citler nyf till te table ffeif utiiijund nvd that the move Uient proniif t be Uliile the told WM quite netere the cnrrred tender and sensitive with the result that there was little or nothing loat The prowir of the totion viiiteil by Mr Cutter are pro peroue and an- Icipate a cood protlt from their vari prtMluct which promise to le of extra pialiiy Do Not Be Imposed Upon Foley A Co Cliiirftfo originated Honey anti far a a threat and lunp remedy and on account of n rit popularity Fuleja Honey Tar nuny itriati n offend for the genuine There viorthliri im hive rimilarnutnlit burnt Beware of ibem nol genuine Fty Honey iil Tar IH III H ilow paekMire for it aril refuse nny til tituJe it 5 the remedy for ionuh and coM J W McCuIliim V i i C- oVjrtsd In Several Places Mm on Mar h I IM Ni h- n nrsrr Ai I jint l on chur M nf- robbitiK the Suntliini railway of lntr amounts of cotton by throwing It trains while in motion hats been ar fostfil hrro Nah Ii also wanfe1 In- Monti nipry A hi fur the hurnln it n fo n birril mur that city in whit rue nKiK their Ire The Best Cough Syrup- S Apple xprobat Jnlfje county K ni 8 writes Thi I have iiycd Hallard llorifhouiid Syrup fur years and that I do not hesitate to recommend it a bet cough pyrup I have ever used 25c W and 1 wold b- M Jihnwu Strike General- l ns March 25 lleports from ous minis centers show that the HtnKci- ta now some disorder occur- ring and a number of company wag oaa have been smashed Twelve additional troops havo arrived here A Lively Tussle With that old enemy of the race constipation often ends in To avoid all serious trouble with stomach liver and bowels take Dr Kings New Life Pills They perfectly regulate these organs without pain or discomfort 5c at all druggist CAt f l I 11 I 11 I t o- ogrlj 1 I 1 t it AfDZura- c department I ltd lt rather 8 n East q I Ih ht I i ors t cr1 cud I to k t < I U it to tr that th Is general hun- dred I Unto was lit coo d tic n vsllr Wand l that rind cry rasa lane the aid I are lint iolls g 1 li a 1 rut S Ot- tawa a van appendi- citiS 1 > > > > < > > ¬ < < ¬ > > > + ± + = + ± + + + + + + + TWENTYTHIRD ANNVERSARY LaCrosse Scrdav School Will Cele- brate in Early April A t n nj tt H I i r I ui V C inr rn t- i i Ja 1 1 it- W I e t tin J tt t VIT nf Ii Rill f rm ny ynr n tit Irtl f I H i r i irjt 1 II in t relt f l i Utru u tlc PH I i r rt Cit tnn Urt f j wirkff a man of ititlnctce std aivorn- I lihe a Iesl fur r t tvv ii of the SunJay in t i wlnoh duly predated Aa th s i bfing an- ticipated by the RooJ p ope of the La Crorae lection with a great des of in- terest and pleat ure The day will spent a enjoyable mnnncr a Superiutrndent Parker has promised a program full of interest This prc gram will be published later PROF HOLLOWAY HERE State Superintendent of Public Instruc tion Arrived Thursday From Fridays Daily Sm lion V M UollowKy Mate Super of Pub Inntriiction ar rived in the city Prof Hoi liway came for the purpose of tram erring the totd He of the Seminary property purcha rd by the rnuity- iiiy and iniliviiliHi in the nme and by nuthority ve t J by the State Hoard uf Control Prof llollocity i alo on a tour of inITti tl of the fcJlol of lhi tl lion and ftnte Ih it he i irrntitfeii to dud the majority of thtm in Ro t co ililion Hi h i are glad t- WelCMlle him G B Burhansl estifirs After 4 Years CT H lurhui if Crater N At tiit four ire HCO I wrote ymi tntiim tlint I Imil hien- tntirey rural n kidney trouble by 1 5 than two bu- tte of Folej Kulney ir f It fn- tirely stopped the irtk dirt e liiin tt Mil ntnl iipti ii ut kidney ii- ituit I htve never hail H return of ni- uf thi e ymptitiiH dlini u the envy learn that iwve ra eil and I am curd niiii hirtilynr m mend Fole N Kuhiev Cine to Hiiynnt fleeing from kidney or lilaiiihr- ruubie J V McOIIim l No Tiuth in Rumor A vllV N Match X Tin re no trifl In ti iuni r M m on i llritii Trim iH vni HilliMis hiu1 rn Klllei n nan it a ratlroml em- fiiructiin Marlon A MICI Irotn Marion that onr lat wiil a titan hml a llsht Ialliins on the wrath at I Western r ui ttunion limes and that were Injnreil hit S TOIIV It i SIIJJNI il t a thu catise i the rumor nf ov n i atis- AHIicted With Rheumatism I and nm yet alllictcd with rheumitii m rayo Mr 1 C Hay tie elttor of The Hcrilil AdditiRton Indi mi Territory but thank to Chain b rliin Pom nn able once mure 10 attend tn lUi tie It Ii1 th IMI of liniment If troiibed will rlHijmntiMtn giv Ifin Ialm n trial Aiul j i are certan t tie mure than H I with the relief which M hi inl One plication relirvei- i the For R by till JroKKijl Methodist Parsonage Dynamited lllrntlrvhitni Ma March A 1 patch tears Item Ah ay hi M Ofilst parPntlMKe o rllpinl v V F Harnos family teas b n ilvna lt v UK t nes was on mission vitrk S viral nivmbiT nf the famly itKhtly Injureil others made narrow i eafie th hoiMi being nunpbt ly wrcrhiNl Th rt 1 abHilifil n rl w ns f iuotlv or per Invaluable For Rheumatism- I have been nflerinR for the few year with a severe attack of and found that Ballard Liniment was the only thing that Rave me latisfaclion and turned 1 Sold by V M Seller f Keni tratleM bercoy thai rfrfMr tion- MHVor AUctm count for the rebU tlon- tor in xx s a t I oo r I rhrht I l I hlt JI 1 ill fun tiol t- in most inlenl lIt nrli h Y I I lull t In dtrl I I Ill tin liluts I film II I It i I I1 ah and I raur past now t pains larch 24 OJJohn O KUllman III 26c Johnson I uf rleetur 11I1e un Irtb I at Ihe 1lIrt bOJ orce of the nll lJr of 1tf1ftraUun lntll h ICh 1011 UUJI for rfrttraUon Irow en to t m and row 2 to C tn Tb- edlulct rrrltratlon IJ oloen Ion Ii In each frw o a and from I Im for rrllltrlUOD of te otto two week and dllrtct retfbtraUOD nuncc br lotltta ume ocoer t s CUttS ch I i p r- t if I- an Itt try t sty t i 3 r Itr a i Las great 1 are usual TLur day fri nd antes severe tit inc airs a e ii lat gln ray the L I eau tear rata rays lat Ali count steel ral nut t was l p OUt t I pane situ nut el eat were rheu- matism trey Ws and given the w upca Monilar 11- it the u fat etcRcI irlet ct to Item to stem will darts In- eacb nmeen- wtil der- bey rvLorite 5Cuuatr- yh I4 r ¬ < < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > < > > > > > > > > > > > > < > = < + + + + + + + + ± + + + + > me1 s ne i MUT t t c surest u t of tO YEARS w rta tlc ttt ii thiv t f i fs ss v ir i pr i c p I M stcccsiti I a3 it U n t iv U n tJic i vn at1 nst iiUlv ustl Mr I- riT v n tic wtM r ii oises such as Rheumatism Catarrh Scrofula i 11 in N K 1 I ers Cntiuus HlixU Poison and other trouble due t an nivtfi av i incj condition of the uo remedy M 1 tu ly as does S S S and thousands throughout the EXISTENCE HAVt a pr jxrtus nrcos5tr toeure bl x l trnubUfl every character k and harks chosen for their healing purifying and proper it does nut injure any of the delicate organs or tissues of the body those medicines which contain Potash Mrrrury HUB era s but cures safely as well as permanently S S S reaches deepseated- and inherited cases oa which the ordinary Sarsaparillas and bav M t lb Ba n proven its worth and ability by its forty years of cures If you cad begin tbe use S S S us about your case and kt advise you and send book oa the blood no charge for either The Oldest Whiskey House in Georgia Established stet l 0111 SIIAUPC WILLIAMS l jfc riii ii it rye Itj the gallon 3k- l r full unart 3 Dinc front iMiiuteit ntu uliJ Uy rnllun i quart 1 V Ilirt IViiti lvnnia Uye Inch and m Miw y the u nui fJ 73 Four lull ijnnrt ft Oil KXPHESS PREPAID y ANVIL UVE Purr family whiskey By HenNllon IJM Four full qinrt I V KXIHKtS PUKPAID- CLltlOKU I RlE- I the calluu 2 full W PREPAID OLI IUINTl lLl U CORX- Itcli iitut mellow tty the enllun 2SC Four full i iart 9290- EXIUESS PREPAID XVi liumJle nil lli lead K orstuU of It v and rlourbmi VliUkie In the mar- ket and will yon ruin i i fri on our pimhii tfeiul for price lift uiul Intalo ue Clot apilicntion THE ALTMAYER FLATAU LIQUOR COMPANY BARGAINSA- T THE WRITE US FOR PRICES AND CATALOGUE Corns Univsrsity and E Union Sts Giinisvillt Fli Advertise in THE SUN J i d I Ilk 1 CURES t I I j II F t acts cottitt oi 11 II t luh t1 ITS FORTY OF raIlS OF CURES S S S a purifier of the hig and which nuke it the t of It into the blood dri impurities and makes this stream of life strong healthy ant htn this i lone main roots herbs effect It is no experiment to use S S S remedy with a record it u1RC ce AJIMJA fl r F4 twi J 1 r rri r t IRFPAiD tfi i I J t J t4 h i f II o n I i 1 j t t1 l 1 I Fun OUt Ifyrn I I I FXriiF GA GAINESVillE SUPPLY CO 10 ID CVI g- 1i III- II I I TUr QAlnrsvllu IPln1 4ouR RECORD With m runt ttr of t tit s 1 l lilt ii1- i so- pr tnt rlaS are tlti vs Cnn1111etaltrtlittofatbetsltimi k oil Yritir3 FORTY is hes- torkrc all lnnics goes sad ro- aoutanvand all and disease Being made entirely from Y ties Arsenic orotherherctful has a surf 1 SIN T tN SI N C4 3 1- r 1KIItlS k r 1111 lUL1Mti- t I 4 t- tr r il tip rub tnntisl L r t fi1 ft1J 4 F IltF war lnna Nn4 the q wile 1n1 Tali s save t per Jet nt MACON r- w w a b as 1- P SUPPLY > > > > > > < > > < = = + + + + > +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-03-26 · Delegation of Gainesville Ladies Were Highly Entertained f




Delegation of Gainesville Ladies WereHighly Entertained


has f liw ij eh w I pnve ofinterest to rov y jo i

and vleimtJoseph r Lj r Il 1

Daughter of tt C wfedenuy recentIj in Starke were fmm ym-ciously rtttertNiiieJ UVlutnlny

by J I iatkino bt her huepital home on Madison

This wa tits iiiMt interestingmeeting of the Chapter held tine itsorganization mule o by pretence

Mesdames H II McCreary J EWainwright and J F McKinatry Jrleading members of Kirby youth ChapMr of Gaiaetville These devotedworker iu the cause of the U D Cewes over to lead a aitance to thelocal chapter ia perfecting organizatioa sad their kiadlj Interest hacalled forth the hearty appreciation of

member of the local chapterAI the meeting Wedaeaday after

nooa Mesdames MeKiastry Bad McCreary gave iatereatiag and instruc-tive talk oo the administrative affaireof the orgaalzatioa ite aims and obJeeta aid Mr Wainwright whopast historian of Kirby Smith

delighted the company with a hltory of the United Daughter of theConfederacy from its organization

wa anisttd in rulertainiok by her drier Mr Okra Laneand to them the U D C are in

a most delightful afternoonThe house was decorated with

palm and pot plants ant a colorred and preen very tayteful

ly carriid uut IKli litful refresh-ment were served

in the i wring Mr and J M-

Alararez tendered an informal recep-

tion at their handsome rew home mi-

Waltioi street in honor ol the visitorfroth Galnetville which tens largelyattrniied and greatly eiijiuJ Theguest w re i ntort in d at card andan advertising guersii content Prizewere utT red ii tin latter anti tits competition lively Tine report of theJudges awanttd the flr t prixi n hniil-

psttMvl china cake plate to Mr PaulE Cinrva and the cupsYmtiiu i

pretty vinaigrette to Mr I

M Oiriitofpnctiitift hall and ptirlnri wtre-

hrlhaiitly ilumlnatid with lectriclights and depurated with ehiie potplant amt the glowing t r en the

hearths triad nn i cter


pKaiii t Light refreshments werelerred

Mr iril Alvarez were diIiRrtfun ih their hospitality avid their gustshad the twofold pleasure If IhaiikitiRthem for a mo t enjoyable evenini andof cot pratulatiiiR them on the completon and occupancy f their new hunt

Thursday mnrninu Modnme Wain-

wright McKinttry Bud MeCreary weregiven a drive about the city aud sub-

urb and departed on the noun trainfor Gainesville hers they were

entertained by Mr N D Waiuwrijhisod J M AUimz

Clears the Complexion

Own Iaxntive Fruit Syrup timulate the liver mid thoroughly ilfaritiethe sj tein ami elenr the fotupleiiou-Df tmpli Motels It i the bei t-

IstXR v fur auivrn eiildren i it-

i ruM nnil plihftiit nail lintIT ruketi orino i tuneh rune

run to pile iii whins and alljrdtnnry cmnnrtu rt it doi not irritat tl e inmrch and lW l JMcCollnm v Co

NONEQUAL kind Patent Colt

Round Foxed Blucher Oxford Bus

Kid Iniertion Dart Last Tip and Sin-

gle Sole a new narrow receding toe

I 40 27513 15 and 3 75 We Ruar

antee all oar 1240 and 12 75 Oxford

to be jut what you buy atfor 3 and S60 and375 to be the 4 and 5 styles

L C SMITHNorth Side Square Gainesville Fla

The Stark athe

1 ty









Sebttd for

ehrnte of





aidt aril



otherpla ell

our and

i ntpb the test


11 tit

after-noon Mrs





Gs kin





4 cut glass




i Mrs





gripr nl


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lvac lu IMI

5H SI1 jxr hotat ijl Drug Stores



Three Alarms Turned In But LittleDamage Resulted

There were three alarms of fireturned in Thursday but in each iuatanee where a blaae was dlfcovmdthere was little damage The flratalarm was turned in about 1050oclocka ra which umraoned the departmeat to the home of I A Hoberuon-

t Main street N The llnme werequickly ntniKUi hf however Theorigin from a df 0tin II10-

At 3 oclock in the ftftcrtioon Knottieralarm wn turned m Therepondtd with the uual pruniptiuthi tiini the jim if the ciiitlajrn-ttti b 4iiK the Innilunf home of ft

tire wti tlicov rcl inlire however itl the result thatthere vm titter damage

I In tlnnl sin wn turned in fromMux 32 Ht 540 iVlook The alarm w

p emitire how r r u tio firebe dMi ti rHi The ulimn WR

rut in by n party hn had bfin H-

ttractcd ly te huts rij ut of cliiin-

nrj in tlo building 21 MainIriet N


Superintendent Cutler Says Crops onG G Are All Right

SuperiMitulent J Cutler of theand Uilf Rnilrniid ha re-

turned from n trip to Miiamipy FairIi t er point aiuJ tats

of tli gnat twoIH Inn notaT oied the trick farm in tlio te-

tioti Mr Citler nyf till te tableffeif utiiijund nvd that the moveUient proniif t be

Uliile the told WM quite netere thecnrrred tender and sensitive

with the result that there waslittle or nothing loat

The prowir of the totion viiiteilby Mr Cutter are pro peroue and an-

Icipate a cood protlt from their variprtMluct which promise to le of

extra pialiiy

Do Not Be Imposed Upon

Foley A Co Cliiirftfo originatedHoney anti far a a threat and lunpremedy and on account ofn rit popularity Fuleja Honey

Tar nuny itriati n offendfor the genuine There viorthliri im

hive rimilarnutnlit burntBeware of ibem nol genuine FtyHoney iil Tar IH III H ilow paekMire

for it aril refuse nny til tituJeit 5 the remedy for ionuh and

coM J W McCuIliim V




oVjrtsd In Several PlacesMm on Mar h I IM Ni h-

n nrsrr Ai I jint l on chur M nf-

robbitiK the Suntliini railway of lntramounts of cotton by throwing Ittrains while in motion hats been arfostfil hrro Nah Ii also wanfe1 In-

Monti nipry A hi fur the hurnln itn fo n birril mur that city inwhit rue nKiK their Ire

The Best Cough Syrup-

S Apple xprobat Jnlfjecounty K ni 8 writes Thi

I have iiycd Hallardllorifhouiid Syrup fur years and thatI do not hesitate to recommend it a

bet cough pyrup I have everused 25c W and 1 wold b-

M Jihnwu

Strike General-

l ns March 25 lleports from

ous minis centers show that the HtnKci-

ta now some disorder occur-

ring and a number of company wag

oaa have been smashed Twelveadditional troops havo arrived


A Lively Tussle

With that old enemy of the race

constipation often ends in

To avoid all serious trouble with

stomach liver and bowels take Dr

Kings New Life Pills They perfectly

regulate these organs without pain or

discomfort 5c at all druggist

CAt f lI


11 It o-

ogrlj 1


1 t it




ltd lt

rather 8







i ors

t cr1cud








it to tr that









coo d

tic n vsllr

Wand l thatrind



theaid I


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S Ot-













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LaCrosse Scrdav School Will Cele-brate in Early April

A t n nj tt H

I i r I uiV C inr

rn t-

i i Ja 1 1 it-W I e t tin J tt t VITnf Ii Rill f r m ny ynr ntit Irtl f I H i r i irjt 1 II int relt f l i Utru u tlc PH I

i r rt Cit tnnUrt f j wirkffa man of ititlnctce std aivorn-I lihe a Iesl fur r t tvv ii ofthe SunJay in t i wlnoh dulypredated

Aa th s i bfing an-ticipated by the RooJ p ope of the LaCrorae lection with a great des of in-

terest and pleat ure The day willspent a enjoyable mnnncr aSuperiutrndent Parker has promised aprogram full of interest This prcgram will be published later


State Superintendent of Public Instruction Arrived Thursday

From Fridays Daily Smlion V M UollowKy Mate Super

of Pub Inntriiction arrived in the city Prof Hoiliway came for the purpose of tramerring the totd He of the Seminaryproperty purcha rd by the rnuity-iiiy and iniliviiliHi in the nme andby nuthority ve t J by the State Hoarduf Control

Prof llollocity i alo on a tour ofinITti tl of the fcJlol of lhi tllion and ftnte Ih it he i irrntitfeii todud the majority of thtm in Ro t coililion Hi h i are glad t-

WelCMlle him

G B Burhansl estifirs After 4 YearsCT H lurhui if Crater

N At tiit four ire HCOI wrote ymi tntiim tlint I Imil hien-

tntirey rural n kidneytrouble by 1 5 than two bu-tte of Folej Kulney ir f It fn-

tirely stopped the irtk dirt e liiin ttMil ntnl iipti ii ut kidney ii-

ituit I htve never hail H return of ni-

uf thi e ymptitiiH dlini u the envy

learn that iwve ra eil and I amcurd niiii hirtilynr m

mend Fole N Kuhiev Cine to Hiiynntfleeing from kidney or lilaiiihr-ruubie J V McOIIim l

No Tiuth in RumorA vllV N Match X Tin re

no trifl In ti iuni r M m on i

llritii Trim iH vni HilliMis hiu1

rn Klllei n nan it a ratlroml em-

fiiructiin Marlon A

MICI Irotn Marion that onrlat wiil a titan hml allsht Ialliins on the wrath at I

Western r ui ttunion limes and thatwere Injnreil hit

S TOIIV It i SIIJJNI il t a thucatise i the rumor nf ov n i atis-

AHIicted With RheumatismI and nm yet alllictcd with

rheumitii m rayo Mr 1 C Hay tie

elttor of The Hcrilil AdditiRton Indimi Territory but thank to Chainb rliin Pom nn able once

mure 10 attend tn lUi tie It Ii1 thIMI of liniment If troiibed willrlHijmntiMtn giv Ifin Ialm n trialAiul j i are certan t tie mure than

H I with the relief whichM hi inl One plication relirvei-

i the For R by till JroKKijl

Methodist Parsonage Dynamitedlllrntlrvhitni Ma March A 1

patch tears Item Ah ay hi M

Ofilst parPntlMKe o rllpinl v V

F Harnos family teas b n ilvnalt v UK t nes was on

mission vitrk Sviral nivmbiT nfthe famly itKhtly Injureilothers made narrow i eafie th hoiMibeing nunpbt ly wrcrhiNl Th rt 1

abHilifil n rl w ns f iuotlv or per

Invaluable For Rheumatism-

I have been nflerinR for thefew year with a severe attack of

and found that Ballard

Liniment was the only thing that Rave

me latisfaclion and turned

1 Sold by V M

Seller f Keni tratleMbercoy thai rfrfMr tion-

MHVor AUctm count for the rebU tlon-

tor in xx s

a t I

oo r I





hlt JI

1 ill

fun tiol


in most

inlenl lIt

nrli hY


I lull t In





tin liluts







I I1



I raur




pains larch 24 OJJohn O

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riT v n tic wtM r ii oises such as Rheumatism Catarrh Scrofulai 11 in N K 1 I ers Cntiuus HlixU Poison and other troubledue t an nivtfi av i incj condition of the uo remedy

M 1 tu ly as does S S S and thousands throughout the


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and harks chosen for their healing purifying and properit does nut injure any of the delicate organs or tissues of the body

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