gainesville daily sun. (gainesville, florida) 1906-02-27...

THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA FEBRUARY 2 19t1 sw s l- Yr 6 ii CHARRED IIODY FOUND IN RUINS Onkr f Cartertville Burned to Death CuicnrlU Ca Feb 5 The ckarred body of S P batterfield late aal of Cartersville vas found MMMIX rsiss cf hb L ir by Ire be having perished in Barnes evidently in an v leavor to Way their progres- He was keeping a number of board era his patrons being men employed s the sew I ulsTlII aad zteaaiom front here to Knoxville The Ire broke out la the kitchen tad qalckly spread to the dining room Where the cook slept She awoke Mr iatterttoR who got his family out the MUBBoslac the other inmates vho saved theaselve- Mr Satterteld entered the dining cane H l supposed to attach a hose to tBlfot there when the door fastea 4 kwH beWad him the latch betas a spftec latch and the Same and woke It I supposed at once suffo- cated as his body was found near the door The house was beyond the Tech of the city service and the fire Bad gained such headway that no pml- hie assistance could have reached Mr atteraeld to save him He was about 40 yearn old and widow and seven children lie wa a tttmber of the orders of Odd Fellows and tae United Workmen both of vhkh orders officiated at his funeral He kid marshal of Cartersvllle several years supvr led In the else by J A Henderson a few weeks o I I tub rlcsr Nashville I tteek a his i M too d r t kit- a been bring > > Startling Rut True People the world er were horrifle- de IraraiBR of the burning of a Chica- go tbeatar ia which nearly viz hundred people tort their lives yet more than five tines thi number or over 3GOG people died from pneuaaooU in Chtcs ft dariaf the same year with tearcely parsing aotlee Every one of these MM ef aaeumoaia reulted from cold tad eeuld have been are vested by the tiasely ae of Chaatherlaiai Cough Eemedy A treat many who had every reasoD ta fear paeaaaonia have warded- it off by the use of this The following is aa instance of Toe wweL cannot be said iu laver of Ohanbertalas Cough Rem edy especially for cold and in fuensa I know that it eared my daughter of a severe old and Believe saved her life when she threateaed with D WUrot Logan New York Sold by draggiM Pre Delivery for Tilt Tiftoa Ga Feb 1G A telegram from CongresHmun J M Crl gs an that he has secured an order from the pomoiTtce department Install tag a complete systtm tf rural free mall service for Tilt county The service will begin Immediately after that for Grady county which will bt put on at A map of the county roads will be made to facilitate the system Tift county Is already cov- ered by rural delivery but the complete system will be a great con- venience to the people every citizen of whom when the service la put on 1H get his mall every day I talOn wu W trounces free f LI y t rem- edy y and aura all- y de- liver once ti C > ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ Health Means the ability to do a good day work without undue fatigue and to fid life worth living You cannot have mdijrotion or conttipttion upttttiiig the liver sod lutitK the blond Such a coudition may b and jutcliri relieved by the bet livir regulator thai the world hu ever known Mrs I W Smith April 3 02 I uel- lerbine and Mod it the b t m dicint- fi r constipation and rejtulstinjt the liver I eviir used 80 cent Sold by W M Johnson Legler Held for Murder New York Feb 2fiJudge Hlgplnn of Jersey Ciry has declilfd that police Chief Murphy had a prima facie tase aeinst Alex l Ier anl the young man who Is accused of tin murder of his brother Carl was com- mitted to the county jail Fpeer will submit the evidence to the grand Jury its best H J with- out pool FIt rbnr write 1 f pre nttd Prosecu- tor ¬ > > < If the Baby is Cutting Teeth Be mid ne that old and well tried remedy Mrs Vir low Sooth- ing Syrup for children ethinc It the Mitt oft it the aunt allay nil pain cures wind colic Mint Ile remedy for diarrhoea Tw n- Qve cert a bottle Found Dead In His Bed Comer Ga Job 2G Mack Cooper- a prosperous farmer who resided miles south of this place was found dead la his bed Ha war 60 years old and was bora and reared In Mad IMS county He had always been healthy maa and his death ABlte a shock Ha leaves a wife and laves children t a sure soothes ter h F a- very wan j ¬ + + DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME BACK KUny TrouMi XaLcs y u Xl raMc i s ri t eninv t kiirx a l- taMrr cciilit atvl is oj Icrfuv- ucc r ful in r mj curn large uric acct catarrh of tar Bh hts IHsca which is the ort form of kidney irvuVc Dr Kilmer SwaiapRoot n t ree l for everything lest if Ian kidney liver or will 1 the rcme ly y u net It hs Ken m M nuny i h v tl work and in jraciicc ari has prove1 so succtssful in cery ca c that t i arranvetntiit ha Utn irw l y which all readers f thi wls l vc not it may lnvt a Niire- lttlc Kn free 1 y nail al a UK uWat aw how to f i itifyrmhavekilrtyor 1 cr r u 1 Vhc rta1 t- KtneroiiMffer in th uj r t aMrcM KillitT f- bi Co Itin N Y Tfcv T r iiit- il lir se UtIi s ax HUM i tRt In lnKt I ti t r c v y misttlf lt retnvnVr the rime Swatnr Ro 1 v Mrer s iwanpKool- anl the rtUlre jjuuiton N Y oa every bottle r I C pet IL L- I 1 r- tt r lr oOt I I e r i 1 1 J- II I D j I ions I Sadder and i I i JU it fmmt jut h I I lai i i tell I I t- I Ill 1le r I lilt i I a i aP t c- r i w tr t t t t I- Iassnerah r rev five e s troue r lug t rr I y celt Poll Burl > < > > < > > < = > > > = > + > + > + + Unions Want Bill Vetoed Chicago Fe1 iClaSor In Chicago hah appealdl to lriu nt to the urcent deficiency bill parsed by rorsre which aboti the el hthour work y on the Ian ama canal The nature of John Fitz- Patrick president and Secretary E N Nockels of the Chicago Federatlot of labor were signed to a telegram sent to Washington as follows Or ganlzed labor in unanimously protest- ing against the urgent deficiency bill so long It contalaa the prcvMont repealing the law or any part of It and most respectfully re- quest a veto Man Past Sixty In Danger More thin half mankind over sixty year of ape suffer from kidney and bladder us- ually enlargement of the pro tratf gland This i both painful arid dangerous and Foiey Kidney Cure hould be taken at the fist of dangtr a it corrects irregularit has cured many old tern of th dt Mr Rodney Burnett Rock Port Mo write I uffired with enlarged prostrate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foleys Kidney Cure I feel better than I have for M war although I am now 91 yarold J W McCollum A Co Released from Murder Charge Moultrle Fob J Drs Harris Daniel wM conlucul the rnortetn examination In the case of Mr K V Tucker have repori Ml that they found no poison In the stomach It was alleged that the had jx ls i Aol disorder and tae n a and I n most vet bee a eh ht hour sign punt lit ¬ + + + + oned by her husband to s Insurance under this charge Turk er has Uen In Jail here ten days Uu way rtl a d un an order from lli Kollcltor Kcatral physicians hold tn tSiirv t tt death was caus- ed sonic brain affection For Biliousness and Sick Headache laiativc Fruit It vtoftrn the tomach aid dig tion sod a a entitle stimulant un the liver and bowel without irritating theie arcane Orino Ijisativt Fruit Syrup cur s bi iou ne and hsliiitial- conttipation Doe not nauseate or gripe and i mild and lait to take U inernhr the tmme Orian and rffu f to seiett any ubititute J V- Mcloiluin A Cj Long orths for Mardi Gras New Orleans F b t It l r rt ed u the units f tai r ctal- raette frutu Havana that Mr and Mra Nicholas who are now in Cuba have reseed pas on the cruse I Th Iht b Take Oritiu syrup II 1 any acts t a worth ¬ > + + + + Suufcirn i Htn r Irlnre Ar- thur which Havana Hntur lay wIn arrt in New Oreau n- Monav In tin to jartlripatc in f Ili ji ngwiirhB t iAj a tiI PrN us an1- r u a T lay 1 it artt al t t I loaves and ha- t ru ¬ Ga Feb 2C The rv- Clrks with Aair W Vilsht pi i Or alzatlon as terfeot i M- M A Buuinrur of Savannah It f- or RSzvr hi lift for M rs ti- or Aim whir he will orrat1 v- c rk there Mr then frairi brar j cl r U Albany Uu and AiuertfUs la Tu National A xurior f Iv otSr Clerk A win Its next corvtitMn lu Savannah Meade It Made a Suburb Nahrtle Tenn fb 20 Bel- MMI one of the most famou breed- ing establishments of thoroughbred of thl country will become a re- denc suburb of Nashville Plans have been made to cut the c l farm up Into town lot are several hundred d er and Ik in park and it has yet been r mine wha tl f 5ittun will b tin r f antna H K M a r rtr came Into the hand f j r rirr 1 finis of tl lllji CYnTa r I 2CCO fVes Oft cf f C is- V I T A n ft a jt r ra T n N rn an hlj i- uMfh ha n m lr 1 r- and hjr ua giv T fi r nrrhrd a IrtAnselus Vnh I in li en blown mill out t h- cour nade port with ai hoard were well and pit r to tat A Card e n t M t T Iln ur I 10 local n hull Thr not ra I 01 on I w w Coun mss 6ratt 4 dal ac Nat rat drat a r tt Belle i tit the r w art 2 y F bid t > > > < > < > > > > > < > < > < = = + This it a card to certify tlat all art authorized to refjnd your money if Foteyt Honey and Tar fait to earp your cough or cold It the cough heal the lung and prevent eriou results a cold Cures la grippe rough and prevent pneumonia and consumption Con lairs no opiate The Knume i in a nacktBe Rffuie ut tit jf McCollum Co Diitlngultucd Soldier Dead Nashville 1 nn Feb 1C C iorcl John Ttrrll a tlnKulihed federal foitlir and for yar a mtm bT of the consular rvic under Ire lden grant Johnson iad at his in this city G Col- onel was rnnul central to Scotlanil urUr l iit Johnson He was later nmV consul to Tangier Ho also ferv l in the consular service at other point Frightfully Burnea Cha U Moore a machinist of Ford City Pa had hu hart frightfully burned in an eeotrical furnace He- appltfd Bucklen Arnica Sulvr with the u ual result a quick and per- fect cure Oreatet healrr on earth for burn wound or eczema and pile 25c at all druc itor Coat Operators Meet City Feb The Siith which rnmiirls H of Missou- ri Kansas Oklahoma anal In llan Ter- ritory Arkansas unit Texas met here Saturday to hear report of the com- mittee that wur to Iiillanai to confer with the lnle Mine Vork rs and to dlscus the iruviiir Nearly IIQ were prevent I stops from J H n and I Rube llu I I I I I I II I Kansas j Wittr ml f IoJdallm I th I operators druggist yellow rest fence ages Pre r the dds ¬ > + + + + The Best Physic When you want H ph ic that i mild and gentle eaiy t ink and ctrtmii to net nlftay me Stom- ach and Livrr Tablet For nle by all druggit Railroad Counsellor Murdered Varss Iolitl Fib 2 i rivy- Councillor I auti 1T r fviirral of tht Vistula railnad has b n sho and ktll l l nn unknown mail was eiur2 tie in the n cent rallr a t snke and missed a great many of employe for partici paMns In it Are You Restless at And li rnp d by h tM 2 Ife- ittllhrdr HorettOwiid yrup It fill prompt urd rkdical re wK hy M Johnson Will aify PublIC Lands VBhJi n 2 Before lit th had i tllr jot 1 utt rBrtt a w C Itt 1 pro Cratnb rt tin ill super tug Night oi 3d and Re > ¬ > > ± + + + way f f r in the hou a- ur lay s v ra mtn r were t by ur niri ion ent Tn y nr a bill HUhriitJj the serene f t classify the public in Alabama ce4I1n IIrt r L Inc l r rt to pr han t atiun w1 I the I P bills l land > < > < > = tea v yeses Stxtv art Ha the iociors en r F Th n 4 t a t I O r of htern s 1 1 u I Bit dS oor C r1rc K 1 1- r lttt a J c t t rt in tat u h iyr sat art the arr r DRAGGING down pain re a ccme Irfgar ty cr profuse pericd vartefu Ing backache headache ncrvcusiriS dirsnsss Irri- tability tired InabUty to walk lea of appetite cbr and beau The cure I Womans Relief that marvelous curative extract or natural essence of herbs which exerts such a wonderful strengthening Influence on all female organs Cardul relieves pain regulates the menses steps drains and stim- ulates the muscles to pull the up Into place- It Is a safe and permanent cure all female complaints VfTUTS US A LETTER IfUlTOID AWFUL PAW ta strictest c r n telling M all In y womb and ovaries writes Mrs your trsw s uU sent d Naomi Bake of Webster GrovesMo via in r j envelope Ad and my menses very painful dress L ry Dept Th and Irregular Since taking CarJul dutu te Co ChatU feel like a new woman and do not nova T uflerasldU- UKNOVYILIUil TilE BEST MACHINE UN Tilt Has Tabulator MS Every Machine Lightest Shift lightest Running The Champion Speed Writer of the World the FayShole More FayShole in in GainetviHe any other machine For Sale bj THE SON Gainesville Fla xm Need of JOB PRINTING end THE SUN JOB OFFICET- ake The Atlantic Coast rrtm cf the mcst trouble which em attack a vi ct the womb th r uI feeling CARDUI for 1 t Typewriter ilL UU II than Order to f q Li ne sericts e a farg Wirth c generally nful weaken revs drrs WINE OF free acre e FaySholi- l r iARLE- 1UM1YFKSAI I i Use use ben Your 4 ¬ > > FOR ALL EARTHLY POINTS v DJIOLI Vis- Dttwsl v HT j v p ACT j 1 s xwv II v e Lac vUlMosuozt For 310pm Daily Daily l fa p tn Rapid Transit and Unsurpassed Service Time Tabe in effect Feb 121 0 GAINESVILLE Arrive Frra High Spring and Inter mediate Point Ocala Leeaburg and Tampa and Intermediate Point Ialatka JackionrHl North Eat and West 12 5 a High spring Wayoro iiVanuah Brunswick D ily AllhuyAtmiti nil pniut North Knt W t lr pra- r Rochtlle Micimupy and Cira S i a tc 3 50nm Daily exMonday 7 t tn Paij- ex Samlft- rew FRANK C jail on QOODWIN Agent Qlnevllle Pass A w D STARK Tray Pass J or or N ort i j Depart 11f 1 Iiil a r flail 13lr- LJ j4 lady it I if Inli 1 H ti p t1 Ticket good over 13CO mtjr of among the in the rn State on principal agents Through Pullman Port Tampa to via tlanlic 1in alo Atlantic Coast Line For complete information J A Ticket dd Air tas W tt Jacksonville Fla H M EMERSON na Teal Mgr W1 CRAIG Tnt Wtlmington C WilmingtonN O East ° South e- 11eCtwlre p m aU r Ially 315 pax i ors C s R Interchangeable Mileage tin are sale the sleefer New Coats via Railway BOY LSTON Die Bay Astor Pat Mgt ° < > = = = = = = = = +

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Page 1: Gainesville Daily Sun. (Gainesville, Florida) 1906-02-27 · to the urcent deficiency bill parsed by rorsre which aboti the


sw s l-




Onkr f Cartertville Burned toDeath

CuicnrlU Ca Feb 5 Theckarred body of S P batterfield late

aal of Cartersville vas foundMMMIX rsiss cf hb L ir

by Ire be having perished inBarnes evidently in an v leavor toWay their progres-He was keeping a number of board

era his patrons being men employed

s the sew I ulsTlII aadzteaaiom front here to Knoxville

The Ire broke out la the kitchentad qalckly spread to the dining roomWhere the cook slept She awoke Mr

iatterttoR who got his family out theMUBBoslac the other inmates

vho saved theaselve-Mr Satterteld entered the dining

cane H l supposed to attach a hose totBlfot there when the door fastea

4 kwH beWad him the latch betasa spftec latch and the Same andwoke It I supposed at once suffo-

cated as his body was found nearthe door The house was beyond theTech of the city service and the fireBad gained such headway that no pml-hie assistance could have reached Mratteraeld to save him

He was about 40 yearn old andwidow and seven children lie wa

a tttmber of the orders of Odd Fellowsand tae United Workmen both ofvhkh orders officiated at his funeralHe kid marshal of Cartersvllleseveral years supvr led In theelse by J A Henderson a few weeks




tub rlcsr






M too



t kit-a




Startling Rut TruePeople the world er were horrifle-

de IraraiBR of the burning of a Chica-

go tbeatar ia which nearly viz hundredpeople tort their lives yet more thanfive tines thi number or over 3GOG

people died from pneuaaooU in Chtcsft dariaf the same year with tearcely

parsing aotlee Every one of these

MM ef aaeumoaia reulted from coldtad eeuld have been are vested by thetiasely ae of Chaatherlaiai Cough

Eemedy A treat many who had everyreasoD ta fear paeaaaonia have warded-

it off by the use of thisThe following is aa instance of

Toe wweL cannot be saidiu laver of Ohanbertalas Cough Remedy especially for cold and in

fuensa I know that it eared my

daughter of a severe old andBelieve saved her life when shethreateaed with DWUrot Logan New York Sold bydraggiM

Pre Delivery for TiltTiftoa Ga Feb 1G A telegram

from CongresHmun J M Crl gs anthat he has secured an order

from the pomoiTtce department Installtag a complete systtm tf rural free

mall service for Tilt county Theservice will begin Immediately afterthat for Grady county which will btput on at A map of the countyroads will be made to facilitate thesystem Tift county Is already cov-

ered by rural delivery but thecomplete system will be a great con-

venience to the people every citizenof whom when the service la put on1H get his mall every day

























HealthMeans the ability to do a good day

work without undue fatigue and to

fid life worth living You cannothave mdijrotion or conttipttion

upttttiiig the liver sodlutitK the blond Such a couditionmay b and jutcliri relieved by

the bet livir regulator thaithe world hu ever known Mrs I

W Smith April 3 02 I uel-

lerbine and Mod it the b t m dicint-fi r constipation and rejtulstinjt theliver I eviir used 80 cent Sold byW M Johnson

Legler Held for MurderNew York Feb 2fiJudge Hlgplnn

of Jersey Ciry has declilfd that police

Chief Murphy had a primafacie tase aeinst Alex l Ier anlthe young man who Is accused of tin

murder of his brother Carl was com-

mitted to the county jailFpeer will submit the evidence

to the grand Jury






out pool

FIt rbnr


fpre nttd





> <

If the Baby is Cutting TeethBe mid n e that old and well

tried remedy Mrs Vir low Sooth-

ing Syrup for children ethinc It

the Mitt oft it the auntallay nil pain cures wind colic Mint

Ile remedy for diarrhoea Tw n-

Qve cert a bottle

Found Dead In His BedComer Ga Job 2G Mack Cooper-

a prosperous farmer who residedmiles south of this place was founddead la his bed Ha war 60 yearsold and was bora and reared In MadIMS county He had always been

healthy maa and his deathABlte a shock Ha leaves a wife andlaves children









very wanj






KUny TrouMi XaLcs y u Xl raMc

i s ri t

eninv t kiirx a l-

taMrr cciilit atvl is oj Icrfuv-ucc r ful in r mj curn large

uric acct catarrh of tarBh hts IHsca which is the ortform of kidney irvuVc

Dr Kilmer SwaiapRoot n t reel for everything lest if Ian

kidney liver or will 1

the rcme ly y u net It hsKen m M nuny i h v tlwork and in jraciicc ari hasprove1 so succtssful in cery ca c that t

i arranvetntiit ha Utn irw l y

which all readers f thi wls l vc

not it may lnvt a Niire-lttlc Kn free 1 y nail al a UK

uWat aw how to

f i itifyrmhavekilrtyor 1 cr r u1 Vhc rta1 t-

KtneroiiMffer in th uj r t

aMrcM KillitT f-bi Co ItinN Y Tfcv T r

iiit-il lir se UtIi s ax HUM i tRt

In lnKt I ti t r c

v y misttlf lt retnvnVr the rimeSwatnr Ro 1 v Mrer s iwanpKool-anl the rtUlre jjuuiton N Y oaevery bottle



petIL L-

I1 r-



I I e

r i1




ions I

Sadder andi



itfmmt jut

h I



i tell



IIll 1le








aP t c-

r i w


t t t I-

Iassnerah r

rev five



troue r

lug t rr I

y celt

Poll Burl








> >






> +


Unions Want Bill VetoedChicago Fe1 iClaSor In Chicago

hah appealdl to lriu ntto the urcent deficiency billparsed by rorsre which abotithe el hthour work y on the Ianama canal The nature of John Fitz-

Patrick president and Secretary EN Nockels of the Chicago Federatlotof labor were signed to a telegramsent to Washington as follows Organlzed labor in unanimously protest-ing against the urgent deficiency billso long It contalaa the prcvMontrepealing the law or anypart of It and most respectfully re-

quest a veto

Man Past Sixty In Danger

More thin half mankind oversixty year of ape suffer from

kidney and bladder us-

ually enlargement of the protratf gland This i both painful arid

dangerous and Foiey Kidney Curehould be taken at the fist of

dangtr a it corrects irregularithas cured many old tern of th dt

Mr Rodney Burnett Rock PortMo write I uffired with enlargedprostrate gland and kidney trouble foryears and after taking two bottles of

Foleys Kidney Cure I feel better thanI have for M war although I am now91 yarold J W McCollum ACo

Released from Murder ChargeMoultrle Fob J Drs Harris

Daniel wM conlucul thernortetn examination In the case ofMr K V Tucker have repori Ml thatthey found no poison In the stomachIt was alleged that the had jx ls








and I




eh ht hour









oned by her husband to s

Insurance under this charge Turker has Uen In Jail here ten days Uuway rtl a d un an order from lli

Kollcltor Kcatral physicianshold tn tSiirv t tt death was caus-

ed sonic brain affection

For Biliousness and Sick Headache

laiativc Fruit It

vtoftrn the tomach aid dig tionsod a a entitle stimulant un theliver and bowel without irritatingtheie arcane Orino Ijisativt FruitSyrup cur s bi iou ne and hsliiitial-

conttipation Doe not nauseate or

gripe and i mild and lait totake U inernhr the tmme Orian andrffu f to seiett any ubititute J V-

Mcloiluin A Cj

Long orths for Mardi GrasNew Orleans F b t It l r rt

ed u the units f tai r ctal-raette frutu Havana that Mr and MraNicholas who are now inCuba have reseed pas on the




Take Oritiu syrup

II 1



t a worth







Suufcirn i Htn r Irlnre Ar-

thur which Havana Hntur laywIn arrt in New Oreau n-

Monav In tin to jartlripatc inf Ili ji ngwiirhB

t iAj a tiI PrN us an1-

r u a T lay

1 it

artt al t







Ga Feb 2C The rv-

Clrks with Aair W Vilsht pi i

Or alzatlon as terfeot i M-

M A Buuinrur of Savannah It f-or RSzvr hi lift for M rs ti-

or Aim whir he will orrat1 v-

c rk there Mr then frairibrar j cl r U

Albany Uu and AiuertfUs la TuNational A xurior f Iv otSr

Clerk A win Its next corvtitMn luSavannah

Meade It Made a SuburbNahrtle Tenn fb 20 Bel-

MMI one of the most famou breed-

ing establishments of thoroughbredof thl country will become a re-

denc suburb of Nashville Planshave been made to cut the c lfarm up Into town lot areseveral hundred d er and Ik inpark and it has yet been r

mine wha tl f 5ittun will b tin r

f antna H K M a r rtrcame Into the hand f j r rirr 1

finis of tl lllji CYnTa r I

2CCO fVes Oft cf f C is-V I T

A n ft a jt r ra T n N

rn an hlj i-

uMfh ha n m lr 1 r-

and hjr ua giv T fi r

nrrhrd a IrtAnselus Vnh I

in li en blown mill out t h-

cour nade port with aihoard were well and pit r

to tatA Card

e n

t M


Iln ur I


local n









w w

Coun mss

6ratt 4 dal acNat rat

drat a










2 y





>> <






> > <








This it a card to certify tlat allart authorized to refjnd

your money if Foteyt Honey and Tarfait to earp your cough or cold It

the cough heal the lung andprevent eriou results a coldCures la grippe rough and preventpneumonia and consumption Conlairs no opiate The Knume i in a

nacktBe Rffuie ut tit jfMcCollum Co

Diitlngultucd Soldier DeadNashville 1 nn Feb 1C C iorcl

John Ttrrll a tlnKulihedfederal foitlir and for yar a mtmbT of the consular rvic under Irelden grant Johnson iad athis in this city G Col-

onel was rnnul central toScotlanil urUr l iit Johnson Hewas later nmV consul to Tangier Hoalso ferv l in the consular serviceat other point

Frightfully Burnea

Cha U Moore a machinist of FordCity Pa had hu hart frightfullyburned in an eeotrical furnace He-

appltfd Bucklen Arnica Sulvr withthe u ual result a quick and per-

fect cure Oreatet healrr on earthfor burn wound or eczema andpile 25c at all druc itor

Coat Operators MeetCity Feb The Siith

which rnmiirls H of Missou-

ri Kansas Oklahoma anal In llan Ter-

ritory Arkansas unit Texas met hereSaturday to hear report of the com-

mittee that wur to Iiillanai toconfer with the lnle Mine Vork rsand to dlscus the iruviiir NearlyIIQ were prevent




H n

and I

Rube llu









Kansas j

Wittr ml f IoJdallm

I th





rest fence ages


rthe dds





+ +

The Best Physic

When you want H ph ic that i mild

and gentle eaiy t ink and ctrtmii tonet nlftay me Stom-

ach and Livrr Tablet For nle by

all druggit

Railroad Counsellor MurderedVarss Iolitl Fib 2 i rivy-

Councillor I auti 1T r fviirralof tht Vistula railnad has b n shoand ktll l l nn unknown mailwas eiur2 tie in the ncent rallr a t snke and missed agreat many of employe for participaMns In it

Are You Restless at

And li rnp d by h tM 2 Ife-

ittllhrdr HorettOwiid yrup It fill

prompt urd rkdical re wK hyM Johnson

Will aify PublIC Lands

VBhJi n 2 Before




tllr jot 1 utt rBrtt aw


Itt 1 pro

Cratnb rt tin


super tug


oi 3d and










way f f r in the hou a-

ur lay s v ra mtn r were t

by ur niri ion ent Tn y nr

a bill HUhriitJj the serene f t

classify the public

in Alabama

ce4I1nIIrt r


Inc l r rt

to pr han t atiun w1 Ithe I P

bills l


> < >




tea v

yeses Stxtv

art Ha the iociors en


F Thn 4 t a t


O r of htern s 1


I Bit dSoor C r1rcK 1 1-


lttt aJc t t rtin tat u h iyr

sat art the arrr

DRAGGINGdown pain re a

ccme Irfgar ty cr profuse pericd vartefu

Ing backache headache ncrvcusiriS dirsnsss Irri-

tability tired InabUty to walk lea of appetite cbr and

beau The cure I

Womans Reliefthat marvelous curative extract or natural essence of herbs which

exerts such a wonderful strengthening Influence on all female organs

Cardul relieves pain regulates the menses steps drains and stim-

ulates the muscles to pull the up Into place-

It Is a safe and permanent cure all female complaints


ta strictest c r n telling M all In y womb and ovaries writes Mrs

your trsw s uU sent d Naomi Bake of Webster GrovesMo

via in r j envelope Ad and my menses very painful

dress L ry Dept Th and Irregular Since taking CarJul

dutu te Co ChatU feel like a new woman and do not

nova T uflerasldU-



Has TabulatorMS

Every Machine

Lightest Shift lightest Running The

Champion Speed Writer of the World

the FayShole More FayShole in

in GainetviHe any other machine

For Sale bjTHE SON Gainesville Fla

xm Need of



ake The Atlantic Coast

rrtm cf the mcst trouble which em

attack a vi ct the womb th










Order to f


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Rapid Transit and Unsurpassed ServiceTime Tabe in effect Feb 121 0

GAINESVILLE Arrive FrraHigh Spring and Inter

mediate PointOcala Leeaburg and Tampa and

Intermediate Point

Ialatka JackionrHlNorth Eat and West

12 5 a High spring Wayoro iiVanuah BrunswickD ily AllhuyAtmiti nil pniut North Knt W t

lr pra-r Rochtlle Micimupy and Cira

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jail onQOODWIN Agent QlnevlllePass A w D STARK Tray Pass

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Ticket good over 13CO mtjr of among thein the rn State on principal agentsThrough Pullman Port Tampa to via tlanlic1in alo Atlantic Coast Line

For complete informationJ A Ticket


tas W tt Jacksonville FlaH M EMERSON na Teal Mgr W1 CRAIG TntWtlmington C WilmingtonN O

East °South e-11eCtwlre


m aU r


315 pax

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Interchangeable Mileage tinare sale the

sleefer New Coatsvia Railway

BOY LSTON DieBay Astor

Pat Mgt

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