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For more great secrets about the raw and living food lifestyle, visit ! Raw Summit Interview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens Kevin: Hi everyone, this is Kevin Gianni, Optimal Health Expert, and I’d like to welcome you to a very special Raw Summit Teleseminar, which can be found online at The purpose of this Raw Summit is to pass along cutting edge information about raw and living food technologies for you to reach optimal health wellness, and success. Today, I have an incredible guest on the line. He is the founder of the Tree of Life in Patagonia, Arizona, author of many books and articles about and around optimal health, holistic nutrition, and diabetes. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, it’s an honor to have you aboard. Gabriel: I’m very pleased to be with you. Kevin: Good, so let’s start just for those people who might not know who you are in the life of raw…I’m sure it’s very few. Let’s just start by giving a brief explanation of what the Tree of Life is and what you’ve done. Gabriel: In 1976, I had an awakening Kundalini and a message and as I came down out of the nothing, this most amazing thing happen. There’s a voice rang out and said, “You should learn to eat and live in a way that supports the unfolding of the Kundalini energy.” At that time, I was basically vegetarian meaning having dairy and very quickly became a vegan. And over the next, those five or six years began to explore what’s the best diet for spiritual life and it got clear working with thousands of people here, India, and so forth, here being in the US that the best diet, the most activating diet for spiritual life was 100% live-food diet. We got into it. Then, what we saw was and then became 100% live foods in 1983. Then, I noticed that just telling people about it didn’t quite do the job and so we created in 1993, the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona. We’re on 174 acres. We have the 260 degree view of the horizon. We’re on the a mesa and it’s an integration of the spiritual life with the live food as one of the six foundations for enhancing spiritual life and feeding the Kundalini energy. What’s Kundalini energy? The nondual, holographic experience of our oneness, of I am that. It’s awakened by shaktipat, which is the descent of grace that awakens it and what is interesting is when people…here we do spiritual fasting as well as spiritual detox - as well as fasting detox programs. We have sacred relationship courses. We have a conscious eating course. We have a course which is a kind of form of Western Jnana Yoga called The Zero Point. We do a lot of Essene Training; we have a Priesthood Training Program which their foundation was live foods and many other programs. Those are the main things that David Wolfe and myself do a very special retreat on July 4th where we…just David and I, plus we have all kinds of entertainment, but we do questions and answers primarily to help people

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Raw Summit Interview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens Kevin: Hi everyone, this is Kevin Gianni, Optimal Health Expert, and I’d like to

welcome you to a very special Raw Summit Teleseminar, which can be found online at The purpose of this Raw Summit is to pass along cutting edge information about raw and living food technologies for you to reach optimal health wellness, and success.

Today, I have an incredible guest on the line. He is the founder of the

Tree of Life in Patagonia, Arizona, author of many books and articles about and around optimal health, holistic nutrition, and diabetes. Dr. Gabriel Cousens, it’s an honor to have you aboard.

Gabriel: I’m very pleased to be with you. Kevin: Good, so let’s start just for those people who might not know who you are

in the life of raw…I’m sure it’s very few. Let’s just start by giving a brief explanation of what the Tree of Life is and what you’ve done.

Gabriel: In 1976, I had an awakening Kundalini and a message and as I came

down out of the nothing, this most amazing thing happen. There’s a voice rang out and said, “You should learn to eat and live in a way that supports the unfolding of the Kundalini energy.” At that time, I was basically vegetarian meaning having dairy and very quickly became a vegan. And over the next, those five or six years began to explore what’s the best diet for spiritual life and it got clear working with thousands of people here, India, and so forth, here being in the US that the best diet, the most activating diet for spiritual life was 100% live-food diet. We got into it. Then, what we saw was and then became 100% live foods in 1983.

Then, I noticed that just telling people about it didn’t quite do the job and

so we created in 1993, the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona. We’re on 174 acres. We have the 260 degree view of the horizon. We’re on the a mesa and it’s an integration of the spiritual life with the live food as one of the six foundations for enhancing spiritual life and feeding the Kundalini energy. What’s Kundalini energy? The nondual, holographic experience of our oneness, of I am that. It’s awakened by shaktipat, which is the descent of grace that awakens it and what is interesting is when people…here we do spiritual fasting as well as spiritual detox - as well as fasting detox programs. We have sacred relationship courses. We have a conscious eating course. We have a course which is a kind of form of Western Jnana Yoga called The Zero Point. We do a lot of Essene Training; we have a Priesthood Training Program which their foundation was live foods and many other programs. Those are the main things that David Wolfe and myself do a very special retreat on July 4th where we…just David and I, plus we have all kinds of entertainment, but we do questions and answers primarily to help people

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answer all the questions that you can’t get in books and together on this, it’s really a lot of fun.

So, we do a lot of work that way. But the Tree of Life is designed to help

people transition from the culture of death into the culture of life. Now what is that? That’s the essence of the whole thing. See the culture of death is living in separation from our own soul, from the living planet and from the people around us. It’s the belief of better looking chemistry, pharmaceuticals, pesticide, and herbicide soil. It’s when where we are really disconnected from our own self and the living planet.

The culture of life is about living organically, feeling your oneness with the

living planet with all beings, being really moved by love, live by liberation, live by love, and it’s also obviously include living foods as part of it. And it is about creating and living in that sense of unity and beauty and a real deep connection on the so level with yourself and all people with very different paradigms. The culture of life has to do with better living through better living, culture of death has been living through chemistry and – it of course doesn’t work. And symptoms of culture of death are chronic disease, misery, depression, anxiety, and separation from life in general.

Diabetes which is we’re doing a lot of work right now is a beautiful

example of a symptom of the culture of death. Its pandemic, what’s the result? What do you get from, you know the culture of death? You get a meat-centered diet and you get a high sugar, high junk food diet, lots of pesticides and herbicides, you get an economy that’s not about health and well-being for the planet, but about the wealth for a few versus the ill health for the many.

So, all these things are part of what’s going on. When you kind of get it

you see the whole picture, so what causes diabetes? Dr. Cleve out of England, he was head of the British Navy, the medical aspect of it, studied all different cultures and he found that 20 years after white sugar was introduced, he had outbreak diabetes.

Other research, in addition, has shown that cooked animal flesh and fat

significantly contributes to diabetes and then we also have trans fatty acids and we have pesticides and herbicides, and also heavy metal toxicity are kind of the main issues that they result in your obesity, 90% of diabetics - type 2 diabetics are obese for example.

So, that lifestyle that comes out of that, of the junk food, the white sugar,

the white flour which is filled with relaxin which is actually something that actually destroys the beta cells in the pancreas, all contribute to diabetes which is really a pandemic over 240 million people in the world have diabetes and about 3 million people a year die from it, that way more than the AIDS population. It’s an understanding and the projections are even more amazing and that in some parts of the world, they expect 100% increased in the next 10 years like in Central America.

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And New York City, for example, actually has the highest rate of diabetes in the country. In the last 10 years, its rate of diabetes increased to 140%. In the country in general, 80%, well that’s significant and what we’re seeing in New York City is that it’s related to the junk food and poor lifestyle, but also there is a class and a race part of it.

Generally speaking, Latinos have twice as much diabetes as Caucasians

and slightly though less than twice in the rate of Native Americans and Afro Americans and slightly more than twice are Asians, you know in terms of genetic tendencies.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: So, it’s actually quite significant that its China have more diabetics than

anywhere in the world than, excuse me, India has more diabetics anywhere in the world, China is second, US is third. Now, what’s the point? The point is we are able to reverse diabetes. We’ve developed a program here at the Tree of Life where we’re able to really released type 2 diabetes in a very short time. In one to four days, most people are off their medications and even if their blood sugar was unmanaged like the normal is about 85 and these people are running 300, 350 of blood sugars on medications and just a very short time, they’re dropping to 150, 120 and off all medications insulin and so forth in one to four days. We’ve seen people completely reversed in 2 weeks.

Now, let’s qualify what we need. We can drop it with our program, the 21

day program. We fast for a week on green juices. We do - we have certain supplements but the real test is sustaining it over at least six months before we consider somebody is healed. So, we reversed the physiology, okay we can do that, but are you able to sustain it and that is where we go really into the culture of life versus death because people go back in the world and say, “Well, you know what’s wrong with little meat? My friends are having meat like can I have some meat? Why not a little sugar? And it’s hard.”

So, what we’ve done now in order to make the program successful is set

up monthly kind of gatherings all around the country and Alive with Gabriel which is a way of tuning in where we do spiritual questions and answers and nutritional questions as support because the shadow of the culture of death is very, very powerful and so the struggle is can people make the transition from the culture of death into the culture of life and that’s really the essence. Live food is about the culture of life. That’s the beauty of it. Now, what also makes our program work is that we…it’s a 100% live foods to get started and what that does is that stimulates the anti-aging, anti-diabetes, anti-oxidant, and anti-inflammatory genes literally and when we do all live, we get a very powerful boost into the reversing of diabetes because diabetes is a downgrading of our genetic expression. Let me explain what that means. You have the genotype and you have a phenotype. Genotype is what we call your hard drive in the computer.

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Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And you may have a genetic tendency to diabetes. Okay, that’s cool. But

the phenotype is your actual expression. If you live a live-food lifestyle, you will not express diabetes. You will keep a genotype - a phenotype that’s really healthy. And so what we do with the live-food diet is the foundation of basically turning on the healthy phenotype and turning off the diabetes phenotype, genetic expression. Now that’s the key to the program. That’s why it works.

Kevin: And once it’s turned on so let’s say someone comes to you and the

phenotype is turned on and then you turn it off using live foods and then someone goes back to the culture of death as you were talking about. Is it more readily turned on again?

Gabriel: Yes because the body has some familiarity. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: You can keep bringing it back. I mean, the body does not like to be

switched around so much, but it still does it and thus - will do it. Kevin: Right. You talked about Six Foundations. You know living foods is one of

them, correct? Gabriel: Living foods and spiritual fasting is one especially in a certain way is the

spiritual fast where we’re meditating twice a day, we’re doing a - where we Kali Ray Tri yoga which is a very high prana, yoga that supports the Kundalini. Okay…

Kevin: Um hum. Gabriel: Once we get past the spiritual fasting and the live food, the second

foundation is building prana in general… Kevin: Um hum. Gabriel: …and that includes like all yogas, but we like the Kali Ray Tri yoga and it

includes pranayama, breathing exercises. It maybe T’ai Chi, Qi Gong, sacred dance, all of them are great. They all build the prana. Third is service and charity because when you’re in service, you feel a heart connection to the world.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Fourth is spiritual inspiration, that’s with a teacher, with a general group or

a specific group whatever. Reading the great scriptures and be inspired by them. There is a course I teach called the Zero Point which is the Western Jnana Yoga, the yoga of the mind which is very important. And then also being in nature can be very important. Those are all really good. Next is silence, meditation, prayer, mantra repetition, and chanting

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and the sixth is the awakening of the Kundalini known as the shaktipat. Gabriel here was empowered by his teacher, one of the – he had two teachers had meaning they both have left their bodies. So I looked at it and it empowered me to awaken the Kundalini. So you do all those things and those are the Six Foundations that nourish the unfolding of the Kundalini when it ultimately takes into merging in the crown and chakra and you experience the oneness that we were meant to be.

Kevin: When you talk about building prana, what do you ultimately think is the

purpose of that? Gabriel: Well from my point of view, in my book Spiritual Nutrition, we look at the

Six Foundations I’m going to answer your question a little bit of sideways, okay?

Kevin: Great. Gabriel: The Six Foundations have two purposes. They are not spiritual practices.

They are a lifestyle to be lead. Okay? You are not going anywhere. You are just living a lifestyle that brings…that quiets the mind and builds the vessels to hold the increased prana or energy. Okay?

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: So, now as we build those vessels to hold the prana, what does prana

do? Prana moves the Kundalini to the system. It builds the life, the spiritual life force energy and in that way eventually purifies the whole system, that’s why we’re building the prana, and then eventually when it is purified it merges in the sahasrara chakra. Now that’s the idea. Think about it this way, when you start the Kundalini oasis, the fire under the log. It smokes, it sputters, you know it smells.

Kevin: Uh hum. Gabriel: But eventually the fire is going and you keep burning and putting wind on

the fire, right? Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: The wind is prana. It keeps the fire going which is the Kundalini and

eventually that log, which was impure so forth and so on become sacred ash and then the prana or wind comes and blows it away and all is left is pure being. That’s how the prana works.

Kevin: Got you. When…so you’re saying it’s just not enough to cleanse with just

living food? Gabriel: It’s enough to do it if that’s how you want in your life. Kevin: Got you.

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Gabriel: But at this point of life, from Gabriel’s point of view here is to know God, is to merge with God. Well it just depends on what you want. Many people in the live food or in life, it’s enough. Hey look, I can feel healthy, I got more energy, I got more sexual energy, I can do more things, and that’s enough for them. What Gabriel has brought into the live-food movement is let’s extend this a little bit to the purpose of life which is to know God. If you are interested, this is what we are doing and what we’ve done with the book’s conscious eating, spiritual nutrition, Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine has looked at all the let’s say potholes on the road so that everybody will be successful on 80% to 100% live foods. That is basically what we are saying.

Kevin: Uh hum. What happens when you know God? Gabriel: Say it again, when you know God? Kevin: Yes. What happens? Gabriel: You heard me talking in the third person. When you know God, there is

no “you” left. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: There is only that and so you are what we call the body, mind, I am

complex disappears and you will understand you’re a central nature which is that.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And there is no you, there’s no I there. Kevin: So… Gabriel: You become a third person in the sense and you’re whole perception of

the world changes and you feel the essential unity of who you are, the essential love of who we are, and you feel what we call non-causal love.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And the reason non-causal peace, non-causal joy, and non-causal

contentment and that’s nothing. It’s not a yoga practice. It is just something that happens. It’s also your natural emotions and it’s a deep feeling of peace that goes on and you that deep unity awareness. That’s what happens.

Kevin: And…and… Gabriel: Roughly speaking, more than that happens. Kevin: Now how do you function? Maybe, how do you function in a world where

most people don’t have that experience?

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Gabriel: Better. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Why? Because when you know the deep truth, you are much more

balanced in your everyday life. You are not getting stuck on all the small things of life and you have more energy and clarity to be able to deal with the endless complications of being a human being in our complex, terror-ridden society. So you function better. You have more joy. You’re more turned on to life. It’s like you are experiencing life as the expression of the Divine and all life becomes a Divine service or sacrifice into the Divine. Well it’s a very turn on way to live. It’s very true. It’s basically a complete, ongoing, concrete experience. We are not talking just sexuality. We are talking about the whole world being the arrows of the Divine radiating right in your, you know radiating and you are just radiating with it. It’s a very different way to live.

Kevin: How do you go about your day? How do you start and then move

through it? I mean there must be – there’s obviously a spiritual practice through how you go through the day. Can you explain them?

Gabriel: Really good. You go through the day just like everybody else. The only

difference is that you’re experience of the day is different. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: It’s like the Divine unfolded in front of you all the time. It’s like it is a

wonder med. Its like, “Oh my goodness, this is what’s going on, isn’t this beautiful?” And you are feeling the love, and even when you’re really, really busy you’re still feeling it on the inside. There’s like, for Gabriel it’s like a hollow space that’s at the core which where the nothing resides and out of the nothing comes that love and compassion and its like “Whoa! This is really deep.” You know like life is like a, “Oh my goodness! This is incredible.” So you go through the day very turned on.

Kevin: Wow and as you’re doing those things, things like stress and things like

everyday things that have to go on, you still do them yes? Gabriel: Well I mean you can actually handle more. Your capacity to handle the

external stress is magnified because you’re in that inner bliss and you’re not spaced out. I mean Gabriel here is writing books, giving talks, doing interviews like this, running to the center as an active physician or holistic physician. All these things are going on. A grandfather, you know? Time to do, you know still doing whatever, jumping in the chaplain, doing your yoga, and everything is a turn on. But you are able to actually do more because you are so turned on.

Kevin: Got you. Now that you’ve found where you are now, where this place is

of knowing God, what is the mission now? What’s like – is there a drive or no?

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Gabriel: Very interesting question. If you…like you understand immediately that

you’re never going anywhere. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Okay. It’s like as King Salmon said in his book, you know in his writings,

“Vanity of vanities, everything under the sun is for naught, all that counts is to know God.” Now when you get that that’s what’s going on, then everything becomes a celebration of the divine and everything becomes an essence, a sacrifice, and an offering into the divine.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Alright. So that’s the turn on, you see? So whatever your doing doesn’t

matter. Kevin: Wow! Gabriel: You’ve got to keep that in mind, it doesn’t matter. Kevin: Wow! Gabriel: Now here’s the tip. It is really weird okay? Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: But at the same time, you know usually at that level, you know you are

more aligned with the will of God and so you are in service and so you’re guided.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: At expression of the Divine or rather than your dream or your, you know

vision. There’s nothing of you in there anymore. And so you’re just in service so you can work, you know sometimes you can work really hard. You’re not laying back. There are times when that’s going to happen but you know, there are times in service that you’re just in service and that’s it. It doesn’t really matter.

Kevin: So you don’t do anymore based on what your outcome is that’s kind of

given to you. Gabriel: Exactly. The outcome is you’re living a life. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And you truly aren’t going anywhere. And you know it’s hard because

people see, Gabriel would show it right now at these days and Gabriel’s life here is like, he’s working really hard, you know at time hours and so forth, but knowing deep down it isn’t about that. It’s just that is a part of

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the sacrifice of the law of God as it’s unfolding and in tradition we say, guru palpa. The world is the guru.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: All your experiences deepen your understanding because just you wake

up and you’re liberated doesn’t mean you’re done. You’re just beginning the next evolutionary step whereas Kundalinis are major evolutionary step, being liberated is a major evolutionary step that is just the next phase and that keeps going. There is no stopping here. See what I mean?

Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: It’s a constant unfolding with more and more surrender into the will and

you simply are the offering. You’re not offering something, you are the offering. You’re being lived by love and you’re being lived by liberation. It’s just living you, your not living it.

Kevin: Wow. Gabriel: And the live food turns you into a super conductor of the Divine. Kevin: How? Gabriel: In the… let’s say the subtle physiology of that, what happens is you have

the - what we call in India is 72,000 nadis which are the subtle nervous system and there goes three – of those are three main ones, and then there’s the main one called the Shushumna, okay?

Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: And when you’re on live foods you minimize the toxicity of the system, I

mean, obviously being off dairy and flesh food, which are basically had the energy of the culture of death and misery in them, and pain, and suffering and all the pesticides and herbicides. When you are eating live foods, you’re getting the life force of the whole living planet. And you bite into, you know live food whatever, then you’re biting into the living planet. That’s pretty electrifying when you think about it.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And you’re feeling all that’s involved and in a deep way, even the act of

eating when you’re doing it and I’m going to mention…we’ve been talking yoga, but I’m going to switch to kabbalah for a moment. When you bless the food before and after, in kabbalah we bless it afterwards as well, you create the cycle of not only with the living planet, but with all the angels; this is more esoteric and is what goes on. And in the kabbalistic teachings there are souls in the rock. There are four levels of life. Rock sprouting, plant life, higher the animal life, and human life. Okay?

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And you’re releasing souls that have transmigrated backwards into the plants or moving forward and when you’re conscious enough, when you’re chewing, you know the food you’re creating a release of those souls to go to higher levels. I mean every move you’re making is an offering. Okay? Everything you’re doing, you’re turned on and when you’re eating live food you don’t have the toxins coming because obviously live food is more connected to organic and you don’t have any of the clogs in nadi such as dairy and the issues of the vibrations of death, then you become more and more pure, right? So the energy moves to you more directly and you become resonant with not only living planet, but with the cosmos in that way you become a super conductor for the Divine.

Now let’s play physics for a second. Different paradigm, but it’s very

helpful. Quantum physics has made the point that all of creation is a living biophoton cloud. Biophotons are subatomic particles all connected to each other. They could be millions of miles apart, but they may know each other, okay? Really connected. Now we as human beings particularized out of that living, biophoton cloud, okay?

Kevin: Um hum. Gabriel: Step further. Live food has five times as much – organic live foods have

five times as much biophoton energy as commercial foods and wire-crafted foods have twice as much as inorganic, okay? Now they’ve done some research with biophoton energy in Europe. This is really fascinating. So basically junk food people have about 1000 units of biophoton, okay?

Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: Babies… newborn babies have about 40,000 units. A person who’s just

eating cooked organic has about 20,000 units and live food has about 83,000 units. That’s double of a newborn.

Kevin: Wow. Gabriel: Okay? And one guy tested about 110,000 units because he is doing

fasting and herbs as well as the live foods. So what are we saying? We’re saying, “Oh my goodness! We’re talking about you are pulling in a tremendous amount of biophoton energy into your system.” But what’s biophoton energy do? Well first, it makes the cell wall communicate better with the nucleus. It also helps the inner communication between cells. It also helps in the communication between what appears to be distinct entities meaning this human being not human being. If you see a school of fish, you know how they move all at once?

Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: That’s all biophoton energy. They’re just communicating instantaneously.

So, when you get that it’s all one biophoton energy and is a live fooder,

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you have the highest amount of biophoton energy of any species eating anything. Right?

Kevin: Um-hum. Gabriel: And you understand it makes everything work better from inside the cell

to outside the cell, between cells, between humans, and it also helps you better in a sense the conscious of your oneness with the total biophoton energy mother ships, so to speak.

Kevin: Okay. So you suddenly become in tune with all the other energy that’s

around you? Is that what you’re saying? Gabriel: Exactly! And basically, we see that happen with people on live foods.

They get more psychic. They get more tuned in. They feel more their oneness, just naturally. And that’s what we mean by being a “Super Conductor of the Divine.” All your channels are open. Okay. It’s easier to have a clean new wagon. Usually, there’s need for shock depart which does disintegrate. And that’s what we do at the Tree and that’s why we give a dozen when he’s traveling. That’s really part of the Divine Mission that his job is to awaken that. So we’ll be out, you know at different places. And you know, whether it’s around the world. In Israel, I’ve done it in Muslim countries, they get it. Everybody gets it. You know, South America, Central America. This is the awakening of the divine force. We call it “The Divine Kiss” but it’s like when you’re on live food, it just happens so much easier. So much easier because all your channels are ready to receive and hold the energy and maintain the energy. That’s how you become a superconductor.

Kevin: Um hum. Gabriel: And that’s one of the secrets of live foods. It just that Gabriel herein this

book Spiritual Nutrition has completely outlined it because he understands it form his own experience.

Kevin: Yes. And when people make the switch, transitioning is an interesting

experience - went from cooked foods to live foods and emotions come out and things surface. What’s your explanation to that?

Gabriel: Umm… Kevin: I’m sure you see a lot of it? Gabriel: Yes, and this is often why we recommend people to just go 80% first

because usually with the dead food you’re putting dead food in the dead places.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: You’re suppressing. The more you eat, it’s like a made ego too for

suppressing your consciousness. You go to live foods and suddenly,

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you’re putting live food in that place because you’re activating all the suppressed stuff that comes up. So, we like people to get up to 80%. Okay. And just hold there until they kind of emotionally detox and physically detox because the live food is just forcing out every level of toxin. That’s how we look at it. So, maybe you need it to be refreshed after three months or six months. When people do spiritual fasting and the zero point which follows up which is part of our program here; you know we have right here then that process is greatly excoriated and really fasting on green, this is just probably the fastest way to make a transition because you lose your cell memory for the cooked food but you also detox very quickly.

Kevin: Is that cell memory? Gabriel: Cell memory for the cooked food, yes. Kevin: Yes. But it’s a physical or it’s emotional or you’re...? Gabriel: Oh both. Kevin: You’re grouping them into both. Okay. Gabriel: Well, you have some memory for the cooked foods. You know all the

taste and all that. You have a new program but the emotional stuff comes up that it comes up in more conscious way and we also have the zero-point course which teaches you how to dissolve all that junk that you’ve been suppressing with the cooked food.

Kevin: Is there a difference between the physical and the emotional? Gabriel: Well, there’s a difference but they’re not as quite as different as people

make them. When people fast and they clear out the toxins in the system, it seems to free up and release the negative emotions. So, the toxins are kind of stored. The physical toxins are also stored in the brain and in the nervous system. And when you’re clearing those then you start to release that. So, what we see in the past and these first few days, there’s more release of the physical toxins and then day 4, 5, 6...either on 4 or 5, you start to release more of the emotional toxins. People will start having dreams, you know sometimes, you know different things come up and the whole process goes pretty quickly and then that’s how it tends to work. So in a sense, the emotions are stored in the physical structures and the toxins kind of seal more of or suppressing. Does that make sense?

Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: You get the toxins out then you stop having them. And these are real

toxins, you know. We’re not talking a metaphor, we’re talking about skatole, 5-hydroxy, 6-hydroxy, skatole, that kind of thing.

Kevin: What is skatole?

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Gabriel: It’s a bowel toxin from pathogenic bacteria in the bowel. Kevin: Um-hum. Gabriel: But it’s actually stored often in the brain and what the Russians found

when they worked with the research with interval schizophrenics… Kevin: Um-hum. Gabriel: And they fasted my work for 28 days and 65% of them became normal. Kevin: Are you serious? Gabriel: Yes. It’s pretty impressive and what they found is that when they went

back to meet, they relapsed. And then they were able to sort it out and see that whatever the genetic thing is, that they have a tendency to produce about five times more 6-hydroxy skatole which is a toxin to the nervous system. See what I’m saying?

Kevin: Wow. Gabriel: That’s the kind of….it’s an irritant. So, there are lots of ammonias and

other toxins but there are lots of toxins. Indican is a toxin and it takes about a week to get the bowel toxins out.

Kevin: Wow! And what do you think are some of the most prevalent toxins that

you see that clear out? Gabriel: Well, the bowel toxins are number one. In the one week fast, when

you’re doing enemas everyday, you’re going to clear really at the end of one week, six to seven days according to our testing with the indican which is a measure of bowel toxins, you go clear at six days or seven.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Now, we are also looking at pesticides, herbicides, heavy metals and

what I found using NCD… Kevin: Um hum. Gabriel: A purified zeolite with some lava that hits the ocean and it’s purified and it

draws these heavy metals - pesticides and herbicides. We’ve done research on about 60 people, you know measuring 26 different toxins, all the heavy metals, depleted uranium, you know, all the bad news pesticides and herbicides and basically after one week when it combined with fasting and the NCD, natural cellular defense, when you link those two together, in one week 86% of the people become toxin free. After 2 weeks, 100%.

Kevin: After 2 weeks?

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Gabriel: Yes. So, because sometimes people fast for two weeks too and those

are all safe levels of fasting. There’s no big deal with that. So, we want to get out the actual pesticides and herbicides that irritate the nervous system to know when and the heavy metals that really helped basically destroy the nervous system. And in diabetes for example, it’s one reason to do fasting, is a mercury and arsenic are heavy toxins to the pancreas.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Yes. So, that’s how we kind of look at it and how we approach it. Kevin: With the zeolite, I’ve done some research on that and what exactly is it

doing? I mean it’s a cage-like molecule, right? Trapping some of these? Gabriel: Basically, it’s been used for 800 years. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And then stopped. It’s been used to heal maybe 15 years in the US and

the best we can say is, based on the you know more journal published research, Gabriel’s research here is kind of, you know it’s more in-house personal research. You know what I’m saying?

Kevin: Sure. Gabriel: It’s not published in a journal. But the published researcher, about to be a

published research, basically shows it pulls heavy metals out. How does it do it? It traps it in these cages. Okay. That’s fine. I mean, you know but it does look more than that. For example, research that isn’t released yet is suggesting it helps a lot with autism within a day or two. Well, these are people who many of them have had a year of chelation. What’s going on? So it’s not just heavy metals. Other things are happening which we don’t really understand. It also seems to get out the pesticide dermatitis.

We’re talking about; you know DDT and all the levels of that...depleted

uranium. There’s a study ongoing now which we don’t have the results of, but it suggests that it gets out depleted uranium and other radiation products out of the system, strength to 90 and things like that. So, all those things are being pulled out. There are bigger pictures because what we see we’re getting a little of but I’ll just try to get it back to where we want to go - is that the radiation products really affect your mental health because they oxidize the brain tissue.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And what we see is in every country, where there’s use of nuclear

facilities where people, you know what we have a higher rates of depression. We also, I’m not saying this is a cause of the craziness in Iraq, but clearly since the use of depleted uranium in Iraq which has erased the radiation exposure by 2000 times higher than before, you’re

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looking at not only a 600% increase in all major congenital defects, you know people being born without...babies being born without arms, eyes, legs whatever.

Kevin: Wow! Gabriel: But also 1000% increase in the rates of cancer but also, you’re also

looking about a mental disturbance because the brain tissues is very sensitive and it’s being oxidized by the free radicals from the radiation, so it affects your mental health as well. So we’re pulling all that out with the NCD. Wow that’s quite interesting.

Kevin: Sure Gabriel: And so they are doing research, you know we have...gave us clinical

impressions based on, you know just testing people and so forth, but based on that, the DA is doing some research in depleted uranium, you know which is great and NCD with depleted uranium, so it’s kind of like its nice that what we’re doing in this local clinical level then they’re going to do, you know what I call journal level research.

Kevin: Right Gabriel: So you know... Kevin: How does someone know if they have some of these levels of mercury or

uranium? What if someone hasn’t got… Gabriel: Well of 40 people, 39 had depleted uranium. Kevin: Okay. So basically I’m going to have it done. Gabriel: Pretty much Kevin: Yes Gabriel: And most everybody has some mercury, mostly from fillings but also they

eat fish, you know a lot of people have mercury. Kevin: Right Gabriel: And even though if you’re on my foods for years you may have, you know

three quarters of the toxins. I test 26 different toxins. Wow, that was very interesting. I always felt like foods got rid of it all but when it combined with NCD in passing - boom! We get really great results.

Kevin: Really? Gabriel: Things work synergistically, okay. Positively and negative, so that’s the


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Kevin: Right. So anyone would benefit from. Is NCD the best for removal toxins?

Gabriel: Well, let’s put it this way, anyone who’s breathing the air, eating the food,

and drinking the water, its going to benefit because our level of exposure is so amazingly high.

Kevin: Got you. It’s amazing stuff to, we don’t see it, and a lot of people I think

have a challenge with that. If they don’t see it, they don’t believe it. Gabriel: Yes, that’s right. Kevin: And you know, I guess this is what we do. This is why we’re here, right? Gabriel: Yes. We’re clever right? So we have been putting around these issues.

That’s the key. You know we think it’s true. We think, okay, now how do we, here’s the problem, here’s the solution. No need to worry, we have solutions for all these problems, and that’s really what’s up. Now, there is something that people know about food movement need to pay very close attention to and that’s Codex Alimentarius.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Have you heard about that or not? Kevin: I have not. Gabriel: Okay. About twenty years ago, people from the pharmaceuticals got

together to World Health Organization and decided to do an in-run around their competition called Natural Living. So the culture of that thinking, okay, we have a plan here, and what are they going to do? What are they trying to do is basically that they call a harm immunization. Harm part. Okay what they’re doing is see the World Health Organization to the United Nations that by the World Trade Association, which is the enforcer are basically redefining what’s healthy and what they’re saying is anything that’s healing is a medicine and therefore even growing your own organic food, please I’m going to repeat that, even growing your own organic food or your own personal garden will become legal in December 31, 2009.

Okay, they’re going to outlaw...they’re defining it as toxins, vitamins and

minerals, and all kinds of nutrients super food, organic food, juicing, massage and at the same time they’ve taken off the upper limits of pesticides and herbicides and we brought back 7 of the 12 most potent pesticides and herbicides that have been banned because they’re carcinogenic. Okay, I’ll just keep going. This is, you know all the bad news out. They’re going to insist that all growing pesticides and herbicide, all food that comes into the country be irradiated and then please understand that coconuts from Thailand are already irradiated.

Kevin: Okay.

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Gabriel: And etc., etc. We have an opportunity to stop this from happening and

we can do that by lobbying okay? Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: What does lobbying mean? The 3rd world countries understand what this

means. The World Health Organization has made it real clear. They expect to do this forced under in malnutrition that half the world population, 3 billion up to the 5 billion people will die over the next 10 years because they have weakened immune systems, okay?

Kevin: Really? Gabriel: Yes. That’s their predictions and 3rd world countries understand this.

The African countries understand it very well because they are the first in line because you’re the weakest, right? So our work is to raise money to get people who are doing lobbying the other way. We’re going out to the 3rd countries and saying, you know here’s what up, you need to vote against this at the United Nations level because the big countries, US, some European countries and Canada are really pushing the agenda of the agri business in the pharmaceuticals because they’re going to put their plan explicitly to put the natural healing out of business. At least when they tell you, you can’t grow your own, they mean it. They’ve already began to explore forcing everybody who has a garden for growing commercially but also privately to have their land registered and then they have to follow the restrictions meaning, everyday they have pesticides and herbicides - that’s being defined as healthy.

We can turn that around and get enough people, enough nations to say,

“Well let’s actually go by the health and let’s actually make it that everything has to be organic. We could do that. But right now, we haven’t quite risen to the occasion and the force at best [ph 48:44], you know I think that the upper hand but their role is to stimulate the forces that of life to pay attention, and we need to raise money. I don’t have the website with me but its natural solutions and…because I didn’t actually wasn’t looking when we’re going to talk about this. But if people want to get it, they can just do and you know tune in to where to go or they can simply call 866-394-2520 and we can give you the information where you can make donations. I believe the people who are doing this that includes some physicians and that if they with $2 million or $3 million, we can actually win this battle.

Kevin: Um hum. Gabriel: And a lot because they’re involved…the codex is involved in what we call

crimes against wisdom and there’s enough people who understand this and then you understand.

Kevin: Um hum.

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Gabriel: If somebody takes away your vitamins and minerals, super food concentrate and doesn’t let you grow your own organic live food, this is not very wise from the health point of view. It’s wise if you try to dominate the food chain and make people sick through malnutrition.

Kevin: So, the prediction…now, this is from the World Health Organization...5-10

years? Gabriel: Yes. Kevin: Three billion people you said? Gabriel: Yes. That’s half the world’s population. Kevin: And is there any reason why? Just…epidemic obviously, I would

imagine. Gabriel: There are some people in the world who feel that there is too many

people and population control isn’t working through wars and restricting pregnancies.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: I’ll just leave it like that. Kevin: I got it. Gabriel: That goes back to the 1920s. Kevin: Wow! Gabriel: And so this is important because people have to know that the whole

lifestyle, you know the culture of life is at risk. I mean, they’ve already taken away many nutrients in Australia. Many in the health food stores have been basically out of business, also in Germany. Even vitamin C is seen as a toxin and you’re not allowed to have anything, you know such a miniscule dose is meaningless.

Kevin: Is it possible that vitamin C from a non-organic extracted source is a

toxin? Gabriel: Well, the answer would be yes. And we’re talking about all vitamin C. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Either it’s some herbal or… Kevin: A mulberry or something like that.

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Gabriel: Yes. It is still going to be…it is a food concentrate and they understand that the healthy food concentrates are medicine because they make you better.

Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: And not will become illegal because it hasn’t been tested for, you know

even it may be used for 5000 years, it has not been pharmaceutically tested and they’re controlling that. You see what I’m saying?

Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: For your protection. Kevin: For your protection, got you. Gabriel: Yes. And so, that’s what we’re talking about. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And growing your own food is for your health and therefore it is a

medicine. That’s how they define it. This is pretty serious. I want to alert everybody in the whole live food movement, the vegan movement, you know that we got to wake up and pay attention here and raise a small amount of fund as needed to win this victory because it is people get it’s a crime against wisdom.

Kevin: Yes. Well, it’s something. It’s incredible. I do want to talk a little bit about

vitamin B12 in the last... Gabriel: Sure. Kevin: Maybe five or seven minutes that we have. Gabriel: Well, we’re down to 6-1/2 minutes or so. Let’s go for it. Kevin: The vitamin B12 in the raw and vegan community is a big issue. I just

read an article in the magazine Living Nutrition that you had contributed to that you’ve spoken about, so what’s the deal?

Gabriel: Well, there is a chapter in Spiritual Nutrition that’s extensive. Okay? So,

I’m going to answer it but I just want you to know that we’re really haven’t completed answering this.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And when you’re conscious eating, it was absolutely clear that you could

get all your B12 from your food. Okay? Kevin: Okay.

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Gabriel: Because the research, I’ve found human-active B12 and all the C-vegetables and B-power or whatever. But, what I didn’t understand was that there were analogs that blocked the uptake of human-active B12. And later, as the research has gotten better, there is a breakdown product which is now the, let say the gold standard for measuring it and that is what we’re using and in some days my mind just went blank on it, but it’s alpha-linolenic acid. What we are seeing is that the old standard was 200 nanograms and now it looks like at the blood level of measurement, it should be about 400 nanograms. Now, that’s important because it’s at around 400 where your homocysteine levels goes to normal. Okay? A homocysteine is a toxin to the nervous system and to the circulatory system. So, you have to have about 400 nanograms or 450 nanograms to go to normal. Now, how do we measure if what we’re eating is raising the B12? It’s simple. You just do the test. It’s a urine test.

Kevin: Um hum. Gabriel: And we get the answer. If your urine test goes to normal then you're fine.

Okay. So far, we haven't yet found any food that will decrease the B12 deficiency. Now, let's just say…let's go back for a second. There’s 18 studies of vegans and live fooders, three on live every single study, 18 out of 18 shows that when you, after about six years, about 80% of vegans or live fooders become B12 deficient.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Please note that 39% of meat-eaters are B12 deficient. So the rate is

about twice as much. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: So, given that picture, what we're looking at is that, you know there are a

few people that’s six years or 10 years 20% were not B12 deficient. But at 30 years, they may turn out to be B12 deficient but I don't know if you want to wait to find out.

Kevin: Sure. Gabriel: Because at that point, it's almost too late. Now, for children, it's very

serious and the research suggests that, you know you give B12 to kids, they're fine. They’ll be having no problems - vegan kids or live food kids. But, if you don't give B12 to kids and they will get deficient and they may not be able to recover.

Kevin: Wow. Gabriel: Study with 12 kids that they followed from, you know early age on up,

who were discovered to be B12 deficient, pay the price and the sins and then they were put on the supplement that really about three-quarters of

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them, you know when they even reach their teens, were still suffering from some neurological problems.

Kevin: Wow. Gabriel: Well, you know that's not acceptable. You know, I’m not interested in

theory. We’re interested in, you know clinical results. As a physician it’s like I can't tell mothers not to give their kids B12. That is criminal.

Kevin: Yes. Gabriel: Even what our data tells us. Given what our data tells us, maybe we will

find a combination to have one of our masters students working on that, that will work. But, we don't know that yet. So, we have to be a little conservative about this. So, now there’s a guy who for example who was a vegan who was 30 years above B12. He's in his 80s, suddenly he can't stand up. Suddenly he gets tremors. Suddenly, his memory goes away. Suddenly, he becomes incontinent and people say, “This guy is just gone. You know, he’s 85.” And then they do a test...the B12 test. She’s got zero B12. They give her a B12 shot and, you know each day for a week and suddenly he's back to normal.

Kevin: Really. Gabriel: That took him 30 years. Well, if you want to wait 30 years and go, you

know downhill, you know and you think, “Well, yes. I didn't get it, therefore I'm the exception and therefore everybody doesn't need to have B12.” That's a real miscommunication, if you see what I'm saying.

Kevin: Absolutely. Gabriel: So, if you're in the 20% then it's fine. It’s 6 to 10 years. Don't think that in

20 years you may suddenly, you know be this away and some people go within a year or 2 and, you know they crave meat and there have been two fruitarian communities who have tried it. Johnny Lovewisdom, have you ever heard of him?

Kevin: Um-hum. Gabriel: Okay. He, as far as what we can tell is with a year their community

started to get bizarre, crazy, sick. He himself became paralyzed. It definitely appeared that we didn't test him but he was B12 deficient among other things.

Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: There was another community in Australia the last two or three years and

they had higher congenital defects to babies. Two or three years, you know most of the community really begin to degenerate mentally and physically. So we just, for what we know, it's somewhat very dangerous

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to stay with theory and make it religion when you have 18 studies that always show the thing like.

Kevin: Yes, and where do you get your B12 from? Gabriel: So what Gabriel does is we take a Nano B-complex which is a living B12

B-complex made by bacteria. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: A liquid and that is what I recommend to mothers. You know, it's a half a

teaspoon twice a day. Done deal. No big deal. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Living food. It has all the frequencies and it's not synthetic. So, you're

getting it from a living food, that's just the concentrate of that. Kevin: Is this something that you guys make? Gabriel: No, no. We buy it. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: We sell it at the Tree of Life. Kevin: Okay. What’s the name of it? Gabriel: It's called Nano B-Complex. Kevin: Okay. That’s exactly what it is. Okay. Gabriel: Yes. It’s great because you got it. It’s a living food. It’s never been

cooked and has the frequency. The difference than synthetics, they don’t have the frequencies of the live foods.

Kevin: And can you get it anywhere else? Or do you have to... Gabriel: Yes, you can. It’s made but with like premium research and we don’t

make it as I say, we carry it. We think we’ll find a solution but at this point until we do. We want people to be successful and happy. Now, there’s been a variety of people. You know, not right. There’s been a few people who really became B12 deficient very quickly and ended up denouncing live foods whether you like without even paying attention to the fact that there was a B12 deficiency. You see what I mean? And that’s a big problem so our work is to find all the difficulties. And the main thing is the B12 issue. Obviously, some groups who or one group particularly says you get everything from your food. It just doesn’t show. They did a research for example in natural hygiene people, 90% of them were B12 deficient.

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Kevin: Wow! Gabriel: Okay, 90%. What does that mean? That means less than 200 and I

think 25% of them were less than 100. That’s really low! We were saying we need about 400 to 450 to be good.

Kevin: What is the name of the test for B12? Gabriel: The gold standard test is called the methylmalonic acid test and all they

do is test your urine. You take your urine from anywhere. You freeze it and certain laboratories will do it. What it is… it’s a metabolite and if you’re B12 deficient methylmalonic acid coenzyme A does not transfer with this succinyl-coA which you need for energy in your system. That’s one reason that B12 deficiency leads to lower energy. But the MMA test is the gold standard, methylmalonic acid test. It’s really the best test there is. It’s much more accurate than the serum B12.

Kevin: You can find that online? Gabriel: Almost any laboratory, I mean, we’ll do it here for people but almost any

laboratory can do it. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: And when here, we send it out to a laboratory, you know, local. Here in

Patagonia. We have them do it then we requested they set it up and they do it. We’re doing it from all over the world but basically people should be able to get it locally. It is a really a wise idea. In the normal, some 400…well, basically it should be normal. If it’s not normal, if it’s high, it means the methylmalonic acid is not being metabolized correctly and that because you have the B12 deficiency.

Kevin: Okay. So, I’d say it again, if it’s over 400, if it’s like 2000? Gabriel: I said two things that the equivalent of a normal methylmalonic acid test is

usually a serum B12 of between 400 and 450. Kevin: Okay. Gabriel: Each level has its own standard. It should be left in a certain number and

it’s going to vary. That’s why I’m not giving the number because apparently I don’t have the standard.

Kevin: So you’ll know on the report that comes back. Gabriel: Yes, because they have to be less than a certain number. If it’s less, it’s

above that certain number that means you’re deficient in B12. Kevin: I got you.

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Gabriel: Because the B12 is needed to metabolize the methylmalonic coenzyme A to succinyl-coA which you need for energy. You’re missing the B12, aid goes to methylmalonyl-CoA and methylmalonic acid which gets excreted in the urine.

Kevin: Got you! So then you can tell. Great! Gabriel: It’s an extremely simple test. Kevin: Great! Gabriel: It simply test your urine and you’re going to say okay this food is good for

it. If it raise it or it doesn’t. It’s really simple. This is not an argument. Either it raises it or it doesn’t. We know that to see vegetables don’t do it, spraying doesn’t do it, little green house just doesn’t do it. All year for managed foods don’t do. We just know that that’s all been tested. Doesn’t raise it.

Kevin: Wow! Gabriel: It’s just a straight math. If it raises it, great! Let’s find something to raise

it. If it doesn’t, then let’s not tell people they can get B12 from it. Kevin: This is an incredible insight. I’m glad that we actually got into that

because it’s an issue. It’s definitely an issue. Gabriel: Well, it’s a harmful issue. It’s just not an issue. It’s not theory. If you

don’t give your kids B12, initially they have three cases. There’s a community there that’s a Black African community living in Israel who didn’t believe in the B12 and they’ve had at least in the literature. Now, we’re talking literature, I don’t know what else is going on. There are at least three important cases of kids dying of B12 deficiency. Okay? We have no idea of the amount of cases of kids who become neurologically impaired because you need B12 for the development of your neurological system. You see what I mean? And your hematological system. We do know that once you’ve been deficient for a child, a high percentage of those kids never really go back to normal. Not that there’s been extensive studies but they’ve done enough studies to make a big hint that that’s the way it is.

Kevin: It’s not worth finding out anymore, really. Gabriel: Well, not on your own kids. That’s what this guy at Australia the fruitarian

community, he was very ethically said no. I got what’s going on. We’re stopping this. We’ve done a social experiment. We’ve been the guinea pigs. We’re stopping. Not good. He had the ethics. Johnny Lovewisdom didn’t quite get to that place. He didn’t quite get it but he ended up having dairy in his diet and so forth. So he got a little bit that there’s some clue at the end and there are other people going back to dairy and it’s like you don’t need to go to dairy. Dairy has so many problems which will take us an hour to talk about. But basically, it’s so

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simple. Just take the Nano B Complex. It’s a natural thing. It’s live food. Done.

Kevin: That’s it. Well, I want to thank you so much for your time. This has been

an awesome interview. Why don’t you just tell people where they can go to find out some more information?

Gabriel: You can reach us at on the website and read all about

our programs. You can call us directly at 866-394-2520 and get the information as well. Both work really well. We send out whatever you want - brochures and so forth. You can check at any bookstore for conscious eating Rainbow Green Life Food Cuisine and Spiritual Nutrition. Our new diet book on diabetes is coming out from Random House Books in January.

Kevin: Oh, wow! That’s great. What’s the title of that? Do you know? Gabriel: There Is A Cure For Diabetes. Kevin: Great. Gabriel: We do have a really phenomenal three-week diet that we call the 21-

Day+ Program. Because we as I’ve mentioned we have the year followup so people can really make that transition from the culture of death into the culture of life.

Kevin: We’ve also set up a page where everyone can go to get more information

about Dr. Cousens and that is So thank you so much for your time. I appreciate it.

Gabriel: Well, it’s a delight to speak to you and thank you for your good work. Kevin: Again, this is Kevin Gianni from Thank you everyone for

listening and see you next time. Gabriel: Okay, Kevin. Take care.