
BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL KESERVE SYSTEM (For Immediate Release) March 10, 1949 BANK DEBITS—DEBITS TO DEPOSIT ACCOUNTS EXCEPT INTERBANK ACCOUNTS Bank debits as reported by banks i n 535 leading centers for the mcnth of February aggregated 89,806 million dollars. During the past three months total debits for the same centers amounted to 317,353 million dollars cr 1 per cent above the total reported for the corresponding period a year ago. At banks in Few York City there was a nominal increase as compared with the corresponding three-months period a year ago, and at the 332 other centers there was an i n - crease of 2 per cent. SUMMARY BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS (In millions of dollars) Federal Reserve district February 192*9 February 1948 3 months ended Federal Reserve district February 192*9 February 1948 Feb. 1949 Feb. 1948 Boston Mew York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total, 333 centers New York City* lUO other centers* 192 other centers 3,737 3,870 35,011 35,258 3.855 3,94l 6,217 5,909 3,521+ 3,363 3,712- 3,548 13,386 14,112 2.856 2,749 1,838 1,955 3,477 3,377 3,50 5 3,259 8,688 8,931 13,059 13,288 126 ,928 126.054 13,369 13,434 21,711 20,486 12,038 11 ,650 12,511 12,031 47,686 47,91$ 9,998 9,740 6,542 6,963 12 ,068 11,781 12,275 11,208 29,167 29,295 Boston Mew York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St. Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dallas San Francisco Total, 333 centers New York City* lUO other centers* 192 other centers 89,806 90,273 31,982 32,271 48,194 48,507 9,629 9,495 317,353 313,848 116,606 116,110 167,644 165,158 33,102 32,580 DEBITS BY BANKS IN EACH REPORTING CENTER (In thousands of dollars) February 19L9 February 1948 3 months ended Feb. 1949 1 Feb. 1948 DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOSTON Hartford* Conn. 425,294 400,807 1,420,854 1, 371,616 New Haven* 11 166,042 183,199 576,295 578,439 New London f! 18,68(5 18,392 65,134 62,203 Waterbury* t! 56,775 54, 207 - 190,594 183,135 Bangor* Maine 35,649 37,102 126,989 126,603 Lewiston-Auburn 11 25,543 23,686 84,907 84,571 Portland 11 66,356 72,810 257,669 253,897 Boston* Mass 2,088,407 2,192,364 7,550,214 7,553,014 Brockton it 35,267 33,340 118 ,240 110,542 Fall River* 11 39,642 45,397 131 ,577 152,571 Holyoke* 11 26,485 28,172 92 ,475 94,389 Lowell* w 24,975 26,483 89 ,096 91,703 Lynn 11 38,066 37,493 129,962 126,653 New Bedford* 11 45,546 47,424 148,110 150,780 Pittsfield V 27,482 30,213 97,348 96,059 Springfield tt 151.697 140,974 465,011 500,270 Worcester* if 122,836 119,581 428,941 410,190 Concord N. H. 21,201 20,416 71,454 69,293 Manchester 11 40,474 38,713 142,615 137,712 Providence* R. I . 282,189 297,381 1,016,948 1,054,253 Burlington Vt. 22,369 22,192 78,897 80,392 •^Included in the national series covering 141 centers,, available beginning in 1919* Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

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  • BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL KESERVE SYSTEM (For Immediate Release) March 10, 1949


    Bank d e b i t s as r epor t ed by banks i n 535 leading cen te r s f o r t he mcnth of February aggrega ted 89,806 mi l l i on d o l l a r s . During the pas t t h r ee months t o t a l deb i t s f o r the same cen te r s amounted t o 317,353 mi l l i on d o l l a r s cr 1 per cent above t he t o t a l r epor t ed f o r the corresponding period a year ago . At banks in Few York Ci ty t h e r e was a nominal i nc r ea se as compared wi th the corresponding three-months per iod a year ago, and a t the 332 other cen te r s t h e r e was an i n -crease of 2 pe r c e n t .

    SUMMARY BY FEDERAL RESERVE DISTRICTS ( I n millions of dollars)

    Federa l Reserve d i s t r i c t

    February 192*9

    February 1948

    3 months ended Federa l Reserve d i s t r i c t

    February 192*9

    February 1948 Feb. 1949 Feb. 1948

    Boston Mew York Ph i l ade lph i a Cleveland Richmond At lan ta Chicago S t . Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dal las San Franc isco

    To ta l , 333 cen t e r s New York City* lUO o the r cen t e r s* 192 o ther c e n t e r s

    3,737 3,870 35,011 35,258

    3.855 3 , 9 4 l 6,217 5,909 3,521+ 3,363 3,712- 3,548

    1 3 , 3 8 6 14,112 2 . 8 5 6 2,749 1,838 1,955 3,477 3,377 3,50 5 3,259 8,688 8 ,931

    13,059 13,288 1 2 6 , 9 2 8 1 2 6 . 0 5 4

    1 3 , 3 6 9 1 3 , 4 3 4 21,711 20,486 1 2 , 0 3 8 1 1 , 6 5 0 1 2 , 5 1 1 1 2 , 0 3 1

    47,686 47,91$ 9,998 9,740 6,542 6,963

    1 2 , 0 6 8 11,781 1 2 , 2 7 5 1 1 , 2 0 8 2 9 , 1 6 7 29,295

    Boston Mew York Ph i l ade lph i a Cleveland Richmond At lan ta Chicago S t . Louis Minneapolis Kansas City Dal las San Franc isco

    To ta l , 333 cen t e r s New York City* lUO o the r cen t e r s* 192 o ther c e n t e r s

    89,806 90,273 31,982 32,271 48,194 48,507

    9,629 9,495

    317,353 313,848 1 1 6 , 6 0 6 1 1 6 , 1 1 0

    167,644 165,158 33,102 32,580

    DEBITS BY BANKS IN EACH REPORTING CENTER ( In thousands of d o l l a r s )

    February 1 9 L 9

    February 1948

    3 months ended Feb. 1949 1 Feb. 1948

    DISTRICT NO. 1 - BOSTON Har t ford* Conn. 425,294 400,807 1,420,854 1 , 3 7 1 , 6 1 6 New Haven* 11 166,042 183,199 576,295 578,439 New London f! 18,68(5 18,392 65,134 62,203 Waterbury* t! 56,775 5 4 , 2 0 7 - 190,594 183,135 Bangor* Maine 35,649 37,102 126,989 126,603 Lewiston-Auburn 11 25,543 23,686 84,907 84,571 Po r t l and 11 6 6 , 3 5 6 72,810 2 5 7 , 6 6 9 253,897 Boston* Mass 2,088,407 2,192,364 7 , 5 5 0 , 2 1 4 7,553,014 Brockton it 35,267 33,340 1 1 8 , 2 4 0 110,542 F a l l River* 11 39,642 45,397 1 3 1 , 5 7 7 152,571 Holyoke* 11 26,485 28,172 9 2 , 4 7 5 94,389 Lowell* w 24,975 26,483 8 9 , 0 9 6 91,703 Lynn 11 38,066 37,493 1 2 9 , 9 6 2 126,653 New Bedford* 11 45,546 47,424 148,110 150,780 P i t t s f i e l d V 27,482 30,213 97,348 96,059 S p r i n g f i e l d tt 151.697 140,974 465,011 500,270 Worcester* if 122,836 119,581 428,941 410,190 Concord N . H . 21,201 20,416 71,454 69,293 Manchester 11 40,474 38,713 142,615 137,712 Providence* R. I . 282,189 297,381 1,016,948 1,054,253 Bur l ington Vt. 2 2 , 3 6 9 22,192 78,897 80,392

    ^Included i n the n a t i o n a l s e r i e s covering 141 centers, , a v a i l a b l e beginning in 1919* Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

  • G.6a DEBITS BY BANKS IN EACH REPORTING CEHTEB ( I n thousands of d o l l a r s )

    Feb rua ry Februa ry 3 months ended 1949 191+8 Feb. 191+9 I ! Feb . 191+8

    DISTRICT NO. 2 - N E T YORK 419,365 Br idgepor t Conn. 126,9^9 126,1+00 1)1+5,757 419,365

    Stamford it 50,673 1+5,871 174,844 9142,968

    154,087 J e r s e y C i ty N

  • G*6b DEBITS BY BAiKS IN EACH RSP011TING CENTER ( I n thousands of d o l l a r s )

    February 19U9

    February 191*8

    3 nonths ended Feb, 191+9 | F e b , 191+8

    DISTRICT NO, h - CLEVELAND (Cont 'd) But le r Penna. 27,779 26,51+3 Er ie* 11 75,1+1+6 76,276 Frankl in 11 6,730 5,958 Greensburg* II 18,330 17,251 Oil City* It 16,966 16,902 P i t t sbu rgh* It 1,839,857 1,595,981+ Sharon 11 25,1)76 23,316 Wheeling* W.Va, 50,586 1+8,783 DISTRICT MO. 5 - RICHMOND

    630,321+ Washington D ; c . 668,01# 630,321+ Balt imore* Mde 831,293 826,086 Cumberland 11 18,181 17,825 Freder ick 11 15,6lB 16,087 Hagerstown 11 23 ,101 22,911 Ashevi l le H. C, 1+1,789 1+2,311 Char lo t te* ti 2114,765 203,827 Durham N 76,329 7k,211 Greensboro n 69,657 65,360 Kinston it 12,735 9,719 Raleigh* it 108,318 78,199 T/i lnington ii 27,768 28,815 Wilson ti 12,830 10,21+5 Winston-Salem ii 103,803 103,110 Charleston s. c . 53,877 45,655 Columbia* 11 83,38b 87,895 Greenvi l le* II 70,739 71 , i+90 Spartanburg II 42,363 42,315 C h a r l o t t e s v i l l e Va. 19,299 17,129 Danvi l le n 21,77b 22,351 L:v IRHBURG ii 3 2 , 0 1 3 33,585 Newport Nevrs n 2 8 , 2 6 5 27,791 Norfolk* it 156,509 153,337 Portsmouth it 1 7 , 7 3 6 17,239 Richmond* n 127,929 388,338 Roanoke ii 7 8 , 2 6 1 + 73,228 B l u e f i e l d W.Va, 1+0 ,706 36,905 Char les ton n l2l+,0l+2 1 1 9 , 9 0 5 Clarksburg it 2 5 , 8 5 2 26,768 Huntington ti 53,119 1+9,177 Parkersburg ii 23,191+ 21,321+ DISTRICT NO, 6 - ATLANTA Anniston A la , 2 0 , 1 7 2 17,81+6 Birmingham*- I I 292,3hl 291,53k Dothan n 1 1 , 9 1 8 9 , 9 9 1 Gadsden II 1 6 , 6 1 7 11,725 Mobile* II 1 1 7 , 7 6 5 122,301+ Montgomery* II 65,0li9 67,711 Jacksonv i l l e* F l a , 253,659 21+2,900 Miami n 250,l+7b 2 5 5 , 9 1 0 Orlando I I IB,793 1+5,998 Pensacola* II 3 0 , 1 3 6 28,91+8 S t . Pe te rsburg II 5 6 , 7 8 9 52,221+ Tampa* II 1 1 8 , 2 1 2 126,581

    91+.138 89,371 262,980 257,598

    22,918 26,613 63,398 60,260 57,030 57,071+

    6,299,1+38 5,561,590 86,61+1+ 77,897

    185,1(70 185,1+15

    2 ,192,356 2,11+0,871 2,885,820 2,867,811

    59,980 62,675 50,651+ 53,219 80,027 77,755

    11+8,590 11+8,561 702,306 685,970 253,170 277,287 227,729 227,972

    la ,057 37,1+71+ 336,377 285,001+ 93,808 99,375 1+5,719 1+8,557

    352.15U 356,716 178,890 163,606 275,781 27I+, 225 21+3,91+0 237,809 11+3,355 U+9,230 67,1+17 69,613 77,91+6 91,397

    115,821 118,808 98,638 95,037

    559,901+ 536,905 62,778 61,173

    1,1+78,090 1,320,000 277,229 252,081+ 150,711 133,969 1+63,613 1+23,296

    96,911+ 99,51+5 193,531+ 177,712 63,3U+ 76,21+2

    69,255 62,1+50 1,000,627 986,202

    1+1,1+90 37,257 57,222 51,512

    1+07,1+15 1+21+, 793 225,509 226,357 817,977 803,938 801,055 801,631+ 160,667 152,539 102,1+12 99,661+ 178,901 165,866 383,1+63 387,878

    Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis


    ( I n thousands of d o l l a r s )

    February 19h9

    February 19U8

    DISTRICT NO. 6 - ATLANTA (Cont 'd) Albany At lan ta* Augusta* Brunswick Columbus Elber ton Macon?:-Newnan Savannah* Valdosta Baton Rouge Lake Charles New Orleans* Hat t iesburg Jackson Meridian VicksburgK-Chattanooga* r j Knoxville* Nashvi l le* DISTRICT NO. 7 -Aurora Bloomington* Champaign-Urbana Chicago* Danvi l le Decatur* Elgin J o l i e t Moline Peor ia* Rockford* S p r i n g f i e l d For t Wayne* Gary Hammond Ind ianapo l i s* La faye t t e Muncie South Bend* Terre Haute

    3 months ended 1 Feb. 19U8 Feb. 19k9

    Ga. 21,359 It 7kl+,6oo 11 k9,382 If 7 ,635 11 1+5,105 11 3,136 11 51,k2k 11 7,8k8 11 75,062 11 10,669

    La. 96,01+0 ti 32,270 11 633,793

    Miss* lk ,825 it 121,836 ti 22,192 11 21,051

    Tenn. 12k, 979 11 96,76k it 2k9 ,9 lk


    111. 29,k23 11 35,k2k

    r / ' 32,998 - z 11 6,779,890

    II 27,01+7 11 5L869 11 19,337 11 35,ok8 11 21+,812 11 11+7,689 11 81,562 11 62,587

    Ind . 93,752 11 50,730 n 27,867 11 552,590 n 33,966 11 31,727 11 178,kl+2 57,901

    16,220 700,996 k3,938

    8,029 50 , lk2

    3,016 51,185 "7,k02 74,683 9,219

    75,o5k 26,727

    57k,175 11,283

    108,k6k 22,022 20,91k

    120,009 97,903


    28,971 3k,155 33,22a

    7,kk9,095 29,086 57,230" 20,355 32,891 23,365

    161,123 87,29k 6k,110

    106,6k5 k6,6k3 25,398

    532,291 30,283 31,259

    192,907 55,3k7

    69,298 2,510,920

    171,891 26,727

    15k, 672 11,222

    175,865 27,236

    26k., 766 35.986

    318,222 108,610

    2 ,083,825 k8,525

    k 2 1 , l k l 76,606 77,937

    kk.6,17k 366,106 869,328

    103,093 119,171 111,390

    21+,702, k8 5 96,670

    193,177 69.161

    117,962 81,317

    k89,865 286,719 216,607 3 5 1 , k k 9 lTk ,5? l 97.162

    1,922,300 l l k ,0k7 110,156 597,376 20k,657

    58,929 2,382,789

    16k,909 26,199

    173,k05 l l , k ? 8

    175,058 29,061

    277,968 33,178

    2 k 5 , l l l 90,kk2

    1,919,215 k6,k82

    377,k87 78 , lk9 73,862

    kk8,603 358,185 860,683

    97,868 121,088 115,897

    25,k55,k93 100,785 21k,999

    70,327 110,388

    79,997 53k,112 283,879 213,011 383,96k 162,k85

    88,615 I , 8 k 5 , k l 3

    98,27k 1 0 7 , 3 0 2 6k5,lkk 187,5kk

    r / Revised f i g u r e s $ Champaign - Urbana, I l l i n o i s j January 19k-9, 39,611.

    Inc ludes deb i t s of an a d d i t i o n a l r epo r t ing bank. Previous f i g u r e s have not been r ev i s ed , but publ ished t o t a l s f o r 19k8 would be inc reased by approxi -mate ly k- per c e n t .

    Chattanooga, Tenn., January 19k9, 160,860.

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    ( I n thousands of d o l l a r s )

    February February 3 months ended 1949 1948 Feb. 1949 Feb, 1948

    DISTRICT NO. 7 - CHICAGO (Cont 'd) Eo. "l ing ton Iowa 15,585 Cedar Rapids* II 62,418 Cl in ton I I 14,896 Davenport* I I 57,774 Des Moines* II 219,529 Dubuque* II 35,841 Mason C i ty II 24,486 Muscatine 11 9,872 Ottumsra II 29,080 Sioux City* II 123,062 Waterloo* 11 49,707 Adrian Mich. 11,889 B a t t l e Creek 11 35,614 Bay City* 11 27,794 D e t r o i t * 11 2,737,037 F l i n t * n 73,421 Grand Rapids* 11 153,718 Jackson 11 38,222 Kalamazoo* 11 53,885 Lansing* 11 73,112 Muskegon 11 45,469 Po r t Huron 11 22,797 Saginaw- 11 58,360 Green Bay Wis. 48,649 Madison 11 85,542 Manitowoc 11 20,631 Milwaukee* it 778,300 Oshkosh 11 22,997 Racine ii 58,516 Sheboygan 11 40,029 DISTRICT NO. 8 - ST. LOUIS E l Dorado Ark. 18,651 Fo r t Smith II 32,258 Helena II 7 ,159 L i t t l e Rock* 11 105,849 Pine Bluf f II 24,066 Tsxarkana

    (See a l s o Tex.) 11 8 ,721 Al ton 111. 21,371 East S t . Louis &


    N a t ' 1 Stock Yards " 93,431 Quincy II 24,932 Evansv i l l e* Ind . 91,133 L o u i s v i l l e * Ky, 477,813 Owensboro 11 29,302 Paducah it 12,854 Greenv i l l e Miss 20,108 Cape Girardeau Mo. 9 ,506 Hannibal 11 6,276 J e f f e r s o n Ci ty II 40,021 S t . Louis* II 1,299.750 Seda l ia VI 8,568 S p r i n g f i e l d II 42..,488 Jackson Tenru 15,320 Memphis* 11 464,858

    16,391 67,218 15,833 63,275

    303,430 3k,597 25,72b 11,593 28,083

    129,022 53,329 12,215 35,915 26,633

    2,599,665 70,999

    159,688 39,169 59,356 75,122 50,613 23,977 59,61b 19,151 97,121 18,651

    822,265 22,979 52,43k 12,523

    17.619 31,167 6,545

    9 8 , 4 2 0 18,546

    7,863 20,008

    92.620 26,444

    90,413 441,851

    25,928 12,946 15,643

    9,254 6,167

    44,565 1,273,459

    8,621 46,482 14,410


    56,469 218,307

    50,457 203,739 771,326 124,432 92 ,031 43 ,364 99,109

    432,071 175,576 40,695

    123,388 93,902

    9,544,656 239,254 525,784 135,633 196,756 242,252 160,585 76,664

    2 0 0 , 5 9 1 159,941 296,071

    67,804 2 ,742,499

    76 ,441 200,320 137,025

    66,081 114,449 27,928

    364,4.13 89,760

    29,837 71,764

    331,378 84,460

    325,504 1 ,547,164

    94,019 44,768 75 ,315 34,485 21,953

    161,752 4 , 5 8 0 , 7 6 4

    28,729 153,861

    53.777 1,696,060

    55,483 231,433 54,373

    213,023 973,585 126,799

    94,938 44,508 99,687

    492,743 187,027

    39,105 123,205

    91,818 8,820,170

    234,580 524,549 133,883 207,280 253,853 168,865

    77,729 204,974 159,538 298,343 62,182

    2,638,612 78,094

    171,311 138,164

    60,972 112,390

    24,329 333,305


    29,177 70,802

    355,270 90,349

    325,863 1 ,540,111

    94,702 46,113 59,443 31,450 22,928

    130,387 4,476,346

    29,734 162,128

    52,066 1,615,162

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  • DEBITS BY BANKS IN EACH REPORTING CENTER ( I n t h o u s a n d s of d o l l a r s )

    February 1949

    February 1948

    3 months < Feb, 1949 1

    ended Feb. 1948

    DISTRICT NO. 9 - MINNEAPOLIS Duluth* Minn. 83,420 85,159 312,073 318,396 Mankato n 16,12^ 17,147 56,627 58,396 Minneapolis* It 834,889 919,359 2 ,925,495 3,257,801 l e d Wing 11 4,079 4,654 14,869 16,217 Rochester h 18,12? 17,950 61,200 62,828 S t . Cloud ti 10,069 11,146 36*764 38,349 S t . Paul* it 389,276 420,414 1,409,725 1,471,438 South S t , Pau l it 60,927 68,304 255,539 278,604 Winona it 13,586 15,027 49,485 55,117 B i l l i n g s * Mont. 30,359 31,029 111,073 110,362 Butte it 37,944 31,858 129,549 111,328 Great F a l l s it 34,078 33,223 128,972 124,582 Helena* it 2 0 , 5 5 4 18,708 69,759 67,265 Bismarck N. Dak. 4 0 , 1 0 1 32,888 110,622 95,741 Dickinson II 4,248 4,469 .17,626 17,218 Fargo* It 59,151 59,617 210', 614 214,120 Grand Forks* II 1 8 , 5 2 2 17,866 6 5 , 3 0 0 63,709 Jamestown 11 5,466 5,262 19,046 19,090 Minot 11 13,896 13,836 52,998 52,085 Aberdeen* S. Dak# 19,557 17,504 77,718 87,953 Sioux F a l l s 41 61,861' 62,852 212,684 221,975 Eau Cla i re Wis* 23,642 29,367 8 4 , 0 6 1 96,26d La Crosse n 27,3^2 27,024 93,365 87,699 Super ior* it 10,988 10,563 37,182 36,556 DISTRICT NO. 10 -r K A N S A S C I T Y Colorado Springs* Colo. 32,859 31,868 114,456 1 0 9 , 1 9 1 Denver# 408,457 420.>082 1,427,473 1,440,339 Grand Junc t ion it 10,957 11,038 38 *,666 38,695 Greeley ti 16,241 18,481 53,242 66,815 Pueblo* ii 33,722 30,155 117,398 108,578 Atchison Karis# 12,750 13,584 42,462 35,019 Emporia ti 7,705 8,067 28,315 30,091 Hutchinson n 35,222 36,154 135,196 136,937 Independence ii 6,019 6,000 20,410 21,258 Kansas City* ii 6 3 , 8 9 6 51,966 2 0 6 , 6 4 0 183,771 Lawrence it 9,018 9,138 3 0 , 9 0 1 31,314 P i t t s b u r g it 1 0 , 3 2 0 11,443 3 5 , 8 6 3 37,098 Sa l ina it 28,207 33,123 1 0 1 , 3 6 6 119,679 Topeka* it 8 0 , 0 0 5 7U,072 2 6 1 , 4 3 1 250,311 Wichita* it 192,266 177,410 6 8 8 , 3 3 0 674,215 Jop l in* Mo, 23,551 24,562 8 1 , 4 5 2 81,871 Kansas City* it 886,526 900,920 3,157,348 3,207,254 S t . Joseph* it 79,122 83,321 2 9 7 , 6 5 6 314,965 Fremont Neb, 14,123 13,632 47,585 46,912 Grand I s l a n d 11 17,538 18,502 5 8 , 6 5 0 62,766 Lincoln II 69,996 68,229 228,205 223,552 Omaha* 11 399,090 421,784 U 390,179 1,502,371 Albuquerque* N H 6 9 , 6 4 o 58,837 237,536 208,421 B a r t l e s v i l l e * Okla. 133,498 81,018 398,801 255,781 Enid H 28,322 33,918 .108,899 124,308 Guthrie It 3,278 .3 ,390 12,129 12,111 Muskogee* It 19,113 21,095 72 ,514 76,458 Oklahoma City* ft 268,041 254,328 906,224 873,344 Okmulgee If 6,124 6,083 20,277 21,609 Tulsa* ft 461,435 414,695 1,574,062 1,333,964 Casper Wyo, 24,446 18,963 87,747 70,822 Cheyenne II 2 5 , 0 2 5 20,987 86,290 8 0 , 9 6 4

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    ( I n thousands of d o l l a r s )

    February 1969

    February 1968

    3 months ended Feb. 1969 Feb. 1968

    DISTRICT NO. 11 * DALLAS Tucson* Aria. 56,651 Monroe La. 31,622 Shreveport* 11 120,257 Roswell N, M. 11,800 Abilene Tex. 29,839 Amaril lo II 76,018 Aust in* 11 117,603 Beaumont* II 93,681 Corpus C h r i s t ! Corsicana

    II II

    66,972 8,968

    Dal las* 11 926,118 El Paso* II 120,266 For t Worth* 11 269,698 Galveston II 62,763 Houston* II 1,026,137 Laredo ft 16,117 Lubbock 11 56,666 Por t Authur 11 33,788 San Angelo 11 26,217 San Antonio II 215,389 Texarkana*

    (See a l so Ark.) II 12,302 Tyler ft 36,181 Waco* II 65,791 Wichita F a l l s 11 5 0 , 6 2 3 DISTRICT NO. 12 - SAN FRANCISCO Phoenix Ar i z . 176,908 B a k e r s f i e l d C a l i f . 92,166 Berkeley II 76,890 Fresno* II 118,625 Long Beach* II 151,760 Los Angeles* 11 2,739,735 Oakland* II 379,189 Pasadena* II 9 5 , 8 8 8 Rivers ide . II 33,779 Sacramentotr 11 516,626 San Bernardino 11 63,759 San Diego* 11 210,662 San Francisco* It 2,077,802 San Jose II 96,713 Santa Barbara It 31,655 Santa Rosa If 20,706 Stockton* 11 51,611 Boise* Idaho 62,556 Reno* Nev. 63,266 Eugene Ore. 35.392 Por t land* II 663,935 Salem II 68,676 Ogden* Utah 61,783 Sa l t Lake City* 11 187,599 Bellingham Wash. 15,795 Evere t t 11 23,617 S e a t t l e * it 576,061 Spokane* 11 127,021 Tacoma* 11 115,632 Walla Walla 11 18,016 Yakima* 11 37,655

    55,238 28,506

    116,087 11,718 29,127 71,763 99,199 86,886 65,778

    8 ,361 856,176 117,546 262,063 68,951

    896,615 13,103 60,920 32,063 27,831


    12,971 3b,528 68,156 Uli, 689

    182,815 85,3U3 76,663

    163,960 151,190

    2,850,821 401,626 102,887

    32,021 123,673

    65 ,606 223,976

    2,150,563 103,868

    36,675 22,500 55,756 61,202 33,708 63,302

    509,971 68,653 65,718

    176,170 17,560 26,793

    568,059 135,107 118,982

    18,638 37,268

    182,966 1 1 0 , 2 5 3 626,057

    65,031 99,339

    262,229 388,606 3 0 0 , 7 8 0 228,280

    33,962 3,365.677

    602,065 981,935 227,995

    3,536,960 53,576

    197,896 1 0 8 . 8 6 5 85,633

    7 6 1 ; , 5 6 2

    66,979 125,991 168,128 173,976

    607,659 3 1 1 , 1 7 2 252,529 602,807 689,686

    9 , 1 9 7 , 6 6 6 1,258,067

    317.866 107,876

    1,357,633 161,625 7 0 3 , 1 0 8

    7 , 0 2 6 , 1 7 0 312.360 107,206 72,517

    181,979 222,366 169,876 136,666

    1,581,302 159,075 168,913 681,911

    60,699 81,180

    2 ,020,995 638,169 389.361 66,782


    185,687 100,191 386,762 63,286

    101,308 253,653 336,682 272,578 226,015

    33,869 3,065,699

    383,078 953,878 198,809

    2,997,895 68,233

    229,813 100,786 93,080


    65,077 117,992 159,690 152,008

    597,085 299,997 266,962 685,032 682,725

    9,606,911 1,292,831

    323,877 110,961

    1,158,095 157,952 724,775

    6,908,617 363,213 118,817

    79,799 189,960 210,633 128,678 151,061

    1,686,993 161,786 199,699 666,510

    65,636 92,767

    1,970,525 651,950 603,808 66,678


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