g-telp 美國通用國際英語能力分級檢定

測測測測測測 測測測測測測 G – General T – Tests E – English L – Language P – Proficiency

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G – General T – Tests E – English L – Language P – Proficiency. G-TELP 美國通用國際英語能力分級檢定. 測驗說明簡介. G-TELP 的歷史. 1986 年 由 加州州立大學 (SDSU) 的國際測試中心 ITSC 與 ACT 集團,共同研究開發。 對象:以非英語為母語之地區。 2000 年起自加州大學聯盟獨立後,正式成為多國採用的國際英檢。. 驚豔奧運 :. 1988 年漢城奧運及 2008 北京奧運遴選志願工作者英語測試工具。 攻堅之戰 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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G – General T – TestsE – English L – LanguageP – Proficiency

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G-TELPG-TELP 的歷史的歷史 1986年由加州州立大學 (SDSU)的國際測試中心 ITSC 與 ACT集團,共同研究開發。 對象:以非英語為母語之地區。 2000年起自加州大學聯盟獨立後,正式成為多國採用的國際英檢。

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驚豔奧運驚豔奧運::1988年漢城奧運及 2008北京奧運遴選志願工作者英語測試工具。 攻堅之戰攻堅之戰 2005年北京考試院採用G-TELP檢定,做為評斷英語能力的標準考試。中國國家旅遊局召集專家論證, G-TELP雀屏中選

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世界之光世界之光:台灣綻放:台灣綻放2008年高雄市運暖身:亞洲盃健力比賽,接待外賓人員指定英檢。2009年教育部錄供 CEFR架構, G-


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GEPT 、 TOEIC 、 G-TELP 比較:工具項目比較 全民英檢



國際認證 以 GEPT公告為準 國際 國際測驗分級 有 無 有證照適用 以 GEPT公告為準 國際 國際成績診斷 無 無 有奧運指定 無 無 有到校測驗 以 GEPT公告為準 有 有

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工具項目比較 全民英檢GEPT



證照取得 初試 + 複試 就分數認定 筆、口試分試取照考試內容 聽 + 讀、說 + 寫 文法 聽力 閱讀 文法 聽力 閱讀節費機制 無 無 有

( 前測 + 後測 )能力分班參考 無 無 有測後分析 無 無 有

縣市區域中心 無 無 有費用 (CEF A2) 1,080 1,500 960

評比 ★☆☆☆☆ ★★★☆☆ ★★★★★

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國內外各英語能力檢測工具與 CEF 對照表參考 以各測驗中心公告為準CEF

劍橋國際 劍橋國際 留學英語測驗 電腦化托福 多益測驗 全民英檢 外語能力測驗 美國通用英語認證測驗 商務英語測驗 IELTS TOEFL TOEIC GEPT FLPT 國際英語檢定

Main Suit BULATS   ( CBT )       G-TELP


7.5 以上 109 以上 950 以上 優級 -----Level 1

LEVEL 5 效標 91 分以上


6.5 以上 83 以上 880 以上 高級 315Level 1

LEVEL 4 效標 75~90 分


5.5 以上 71 以上 750 以上 中高級 240Level 2

LEVEL 3 效標 75 分以上


4 以上 47 以上 550 以上 中級 195Level 3

LEVEL 2 效標 75 分以上


3 以上 29 以上 350 以上 初級 150Level 4

LEVEL 1 效標 75 分以上

A1 無 無 無 無 無 無 無 Level 5

效標 75 分以上資料來源:整理自財團法人語言訓練測驗中心( 2004 )資料整理:台北科大張仁家教授( 2006)

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筆試各級數檢測題數及時間分級測驗 測驗目標 建議報考對象 測驗項目 測驗題數 測驗時間 測驗總時間

LEVEL 1對所有聽到、讀到的信息聯想內容。能由不同的口頭書面信息作摘要,在簡報中做論述及說明,甚至能於更複雜的情況下,隨心所欲地自我表達且精準地分別出言外之意。

碩博士及專業人士文法 此級數不測驗文法

約 105 分鐘聽力 30 題 30 分鐘閱讀 60 題 75 分鐘

LEVEL 2針對具體及抽象主題的複雜文字,能瞭解其重點。主題涵蓋個人專業領域的技術討論。能即時地以英語作互動,有一定的流暢度且不會感到緊張。能針對相當多的主題撰寫出一份完整詳細的文章。

大學以上程度文法 26 題 12 分鐘

約 85 分鐘聽力 26 題 39 分鐘閱讀 28 題 34 分鐘



文法 22 題 15 分鐘約 75 分鐘聽力 24 題 20 分鐘

閱讀 24 題 40 分鐘


能了解大部分切身相關領域的句子及常用辭 ( 例如:非常基本之個人及家族資訊、購物、當地地理環境,工作 ) 。針對單純例行性任務能夠做好溝通工作,此一任務要求簡單直接地對所熟悉例行性的事務交換訊息。能簡單地敘述出個人背景、週遭環境及切身需求事務等狀況。適合高中及高中以上

文法 20 題 10 分鐘約 51 分鐘聽力 20 題 16 分鐘

閱讀 20 題 25 分鐘



文法 16 題 15 分鐘約 55 分鐘聽力 16 題 13 分鐘

閱讀 18 題 27 分鐘

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G-TELPG-TELP 的特色的特色1. 試題生活化。2. 明確的測驗範圍 ( 分級測驗 ) 。3. 語境化的聽力能力。4. 反饋與診斷功能。5. 運用分析協助取照。6. 筆試、口試分流,獨立取照。

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G-TELPG-TELP 筆試測驗內容筆試測驗內容PART1:文法PART2:聽力 ( 先唸題目→本文→再唸題目→作答 )PART3:閱讀聽力部分實例演練: You will hear questions 32 through 34 about a conversation between a man and a woman. Choose the best response for each in the time provided. First you will hear the questions. Then you will hear the conversation.

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32. How much did the sweater cost? (a) $ 36.99 (b) $ 36.00 (c) $ 6.99 (d) $ 3.69

33. How much was the refund? (a) $ 38.84 (b) $ 8.84 (c) $ 3.84 (d) $ 38.00

34. Why did the man return the sweater? (a) something was wrong (b) he wanted something else (c) nothing was wrong (d) he didn’t want anything else

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各國 G-TELP官網美國



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非英語系國家共有 14國使用

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附錄: level 4 文法題型– 10題1. Yesterday the weather was wonderful. We ________ our lunch in the park. (a) have eaten(b) had eaten(c) ate(d) eat


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My parents are tired today. They __________ very busy last night. (a) are(b) were(c) had been(d) have been


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Our city has too many cars. Next year we __________ more highways. (a) will build(b) would build(c) have built(d) were building


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My car is very dirty. I __________ it tomorrow.

 (a) will wash(b) have washed(c) was washing(d) would wash


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I saw an old friend this morning. We __________ dinner together after work.

(a) have eaten(b) would be going to eat(c) had eaten(d) are going to eat


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My husband and I went to Chicago last year. His sister invited __________ to visit her.

(a) us(b) we(c) our(d) Ourselves


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Excuse me, can you tell me if there are any flights to Shanghai this morning? (a) Yes , there are.(b) Yes , there be.(c ) Yes , there have been.(d) Sure, they are.


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The old man wants to know ________ the bus terminal is. (a) whose(b) which(c ) what(d) Where


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Michael went to college for four years. He last June. (a) graduates (b) has graduated(c ) graduated(d) had graduated


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I enjoyed my vacation, but I to work next week. (a) return(b) returned(c ) returning(d) will return


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聽力題型 ex1 31. 34. (a) Sue’s friend. (a) 8 p.m. (b) Jack. (b) 8:30 p.m. (c) Jack’s friend. (c) 7 p.m. (d) Sue’s brother. (d) 7:30 p.m.

32. 35. (a) She was outing. (a) at the cinema. (b) She was out shopping. (b) at Sue’s apartment. (c) She was not home. (c) at the park. (d) She was inside her house. (d) at Jack’s.

33. (a) to a dinner. (b) to a movie. (c) to a concert. (d) to go shopping. bcbab

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聽力題型 ex2

36. (a) She wants to travel in Beijing. (b) She needs some help in her room. (c) She needs another room. (d) She wants to change her room.

37. (a) The lady's friend. (b) The lady's sister. (c) The lady's daughter. (d) The lady's doctor.

38. (a) Yes, there are many rooms available. (b) Yes, there is one room available. (c) No, there is no room left. (d) No, because there is no extra bed.

39. (a) He is going to put in an extra bed. (b) He is going to clean the room. (c) He is going to change the room. (d) He is going to do extra work. ccca

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閱讀測驗 ex1 There will be a meeting on Saturday, September

12, for all students who want to join the “International Friends” organization. All students are welcome to come. This will be the first meeting of the school year. Peter Baxter, an art student, will show slides he took while on a trip through Nepal. There will also be food and drinks from different countries and a discussion of the activities planned for this year. Membership is free. This is a good chance for international students to practice their English. The meeting will be held in Phillips Library, Room 314, at 7:00 p.m.

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49. Where will the International Friends meeting be?  (a) in Nepal (b) in Peter Baxter's room (c) in Phillips Library (d) in a restaurant

50. When is the meeting?  (a) during class time (b) on the weekend (c) during the day (d) during summer vacation

51. Why should international students join the organization?  (a) They can study in the library. (b) They can travel to Nepal. (c) They can practice speaking English. (d) They can make money selling food and drinks. cbc

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閱讀測驗 ex2 May 20, 1989Dear Bill, I got your letter today. I am very happy that you will have time to visit my sister Helen when you go to Chicago in the fall. I am sure that she will be glad to see you. I will write to Helen to let her know that you will arrive at the end of September. Call her when you arrive. She has three children, but they are all in school. She can show you some of the buildings by the lake. One of them is the tallest building in the world. Bring your camera so you can take pictures. And ask Helen to take you to some good music places, too. Chicago has some excellent jazz clubs. I will write again soon. Your friend, Michael 

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54. Which of the following sentences about Bill is probably true? (a)He knows many people in Chicago. (b)He has visited Chicago many times. (c)He is a good friend of Helen. (d)He will visit Chicago for the first time.

55. What is special about one building in Chicago?  (a)It has very good music. (b)It is in a beautiful lake. (c)It is the world's tallest. (d)It looks like a big camera.

56. In this passage, the word excellent means__________.   (a)very good (b)costs a lot of money (c)difficult to find (d)disappointing bca

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