g o o g l e custom search

Google Custom Search Sharing web resources across the District

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Post on 02-Jan-2016




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G o o g l e Custom Search. Sharing web resources across the District. G o o g l e Custom Search. What is a GCS Advantages Creating a GCS for a campus Sample websites Finding reliable websites Posting a GCS link to eChalk. What is a G o o g l e Custom Search ?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Google Custom SearchSharing web resources across the District

• What is a GCS

• Advantages

• Creating a GCS for a campus

• Sample websites

• Finding reliable websites

• Posting a GCS link to eChalk

Google Custom Search

What is a Google Custom Search?

• Personalized, customizable search engine • Searches only across sites that you specify• Displays results that are right for your students• Gives you a landing page with a unique URL• Invite friends and colleagues to

collaborate and contribute to your search engine

• Provides your own search refinements within results pages so it's easier for your users to find the information they're looking for.

• Allows you to easily add more sites to your search engine's index


• Allows students access child-safe sites• Creates unlimited custom search engines

(CSE) for the educational community • Reflects specific subjects, interests, and

purposes• Includes web resources for teachers and

students • Hosts the search box and results on the

school’s or District’s own website • Enhances its usefulness to your community• Customizes the look and feel of the results

Garcia Elementary Student Search SiteGarcia Elementary Student Search Site


Search Video

Sample Websites

• For Students & Parents– Homework Help– Academic Interactive Websites (funbrain.com)– Academic Games (spellingcity.com)– Online Resources (visuwords.com)– Resources for Topic Research (DKC)

• For Teachers– Resource sites (http://www.science-class.net)

– Lesson Plans– Creators (www.flashcardmachine.com)

*Can duplicate

Reliable Websites

• Step 1: Seek government or educational websites (.edu and .gov)

• Step 2: Determine creditability of site

• Step 3: Find publication dates & keep current

• Step 4: Scan links to other sources for use

• Step 5: Evaluate the intentions of information (bias)


• Collect student and teacher resources from your campus via email, Google docs, form, faculty meeting, etc.

• Create the Google Custom Search page for students/parents and teachers

• Submit the Custom Search page links to campus eChalk representative