futuristic learning2

FUTURISTIC LEARNING: How Advanced Technology is Teaching Our Youth.

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FUTURISTIC LEARNING:How Advanced Technology is Teaching Our Youth.

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Table of Contents:

Computer Software and Education Slides 3-5 "Computer Curriculum Corporation Celebrates the Anniversary of the Educational

Software Industry with 30 Years of Success in Classrooms Around the World; With Millions of "Cyber Boomers" Learning with Interactive Technology, Company Begins Another Decade of Innovation in Educational Software." Business Wire. Business Wire. 1997. High Beam Research. 7 Dec. 2008 www.highbeam.com.

Internet in the Classrooms Slides 6-8 Domine, Vanessa. "Student attitudes about classroom internet use." Academic

Exchange Quarterly. Rapid Intellect Group, Inc. 2006. High Beam Research. 7 Dec. 2008 www.highbeam.com.

Technology and Education an interesting mix Slide 9 Dugger, William E., Jr.. "The status of technology education in the United States: a

Triennial Report of the findings from the States.(Report)(Survey)." The Technology Teacher. International Technology Education Association. 2007. High Beam Research. 7 Dec. 2008 www.highbeam.com.

Conclusion Slide 10

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Computer Software and Education

1966-Computer Curriculum Corporation (CCC) created the first interactive education Website.

1967- CCC created the first educational software.

1966- Two Stanford University professors founded CCC and developed educational software.

CCC’s primary education focus was on Mathematics and Language Arts.

CCC offers educational projects over the Web, and adult education programs.

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How is Computer Usage different today compared to 40

years ago???

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Looking back it’s hard to imagine classrooms and households without computers. I remember when I was a fourth grader and our school received two computers for each classroom. Little did I know then that I would be using computers from then on. Computers were first developed in the 1940’s and were the size of a large room. Nowadays a computer is so small that it can fit into your pocket and you can use a lot of the programs that you use on your PC.

Educational Software is critical to children's learning because it helps keep them focused on important material. If you compare a child learning with basic instruction, i.e.. Teacher and black board, vs. a child learning on a computer there would be a big difference. Teachers sometimes have the inability to make learning fun while a computer program can make it seem like you aren’t learning whatsoever. Now there are drawbacks to computer based learning but I feel everything should be done in moderation even learning on the Computer.

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Internet in the Classrooms.

Since 1999 nearly 100 percent of schools in the US have been wired for internet access 58 percent of children actually use the internet at school Teachers feel that internet use in the classroom is a necessity 22% of students achieve higher test scores while using internet education vs. teacher based education

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Teachers feel sometimes pressured to learn the internet technology so they can teach it effectivelyTeachers are integrating Blogging into their lesson plansInternet encourages children to “turn off their brains.”Will the internet replace standardized teaching???

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The Internet and it’s Effect

The internet truly has an effect on our whole society. There are five year olds who know how to “surf the web” and find different sites in the favorites tab. The internet is a gift and a curse. The internet is a gift because it is like having every encyclopedia, newspaper, and magazine at your fingertips but it could also be a curse because it is so easy to find everything which enables you to not have to use your brain so to speak.

Internet in the classroom helps students get ready for society. In most job settings you will need to engage in some type of web activity, so why not start kids out early.

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Technology and Education…an interesting mix

In 2007 13% of U.S. schools didn't have Education Technology included in their education curriculum

There are approximately 38,000 Technology Teachers in the U.S.

There is a demand for teachers interested in teaching technology based curriculums

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As we can see Technology influences our everyday behavior. When our internet isn’t working or we don’t get coverage on our cell phone we are ready to lose out minds. Our society depends on technology and new technology emerges everyday. The only way to stay on top of the new innovations is by teaching our youth. Almost all children and adults up to age 39 are computer literate but a lot of adults past 40 need help with computing. I too will be one of the ones that needs help with keeping up with the newest form of technology, but if it isn’t in our schools how will our youth learn it effectively.