futures of social media for connexxions in moscow

Slava Kozlov, Summ( )n, for Conexxions in Moscow, June 2011 So called ‘Social Media’: What do we do with it? What does it do with us? ICYMI LFG #RTW ←TYSMOMLG bit.ly @rep FTW LOL

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Page 1: Futures of Social Media for Connexxions in Moscow

Slava Kozlov, Summ( )n, for Conexxions in Moscow, June 2011

So called ‘Social Media’:

What do we

do with it?

What does it

do with us?



←TYSM♥OMLG bit.ly


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[The trouble with our times is that]

The future is not what it used to be

Будущее уже не то, что было раньше

Paul Valéry

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LiMe (Living Memory) 1997

Joint research project, supported

by EU/ Cordis Programme.

• Philips Design• Queen Margaret University College• Domus Academy• Imperial College of Science• Universite Rene Descartes

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LiMe: Ethnographic study of the ‘now’

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LiMe: Understanding collective memory

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LiMe: Cafe Table

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LiMe: Humane interface

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LiMe: Metaphors of memory

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LiMe: Microsoft Surface X (Facebook + Foursquare)

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Commemorate 100th anniversary of ….

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“You don’t know anything of Marshal McLuhan!”

1911-1980 1964

The famous maxim was first

written in the book with a title

“Understanding Media”.

The book had a subtitle

“The Extensions of Man”

“внешние расширения человека”

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Communication as transformation Medium is the message

“Mine is a transformation


How are people changed

by the instruments they


“It’s a hidden environment of


that changes people, not the


Few words of wisdom

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Few more words of wisdom

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we blog

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‘Robot Wisdom’, a collection of the weblinks by Jorn Barger, widely considered as the first blog (from web-log).

The very first blog

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Where do you blog?

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One of the postings, in one of the many millions personal blogs .

Writing small pieces of text, about the most mundane things, re-writing own texts, coping with the ‘writer’s blocks’, copy-pasting, planning, integrating into other daily activities But also reading the blogs of others, commenting, reacting, critiquing.

A typical blog

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- contrary to all ‘serious bets’.

30 mln


The fad refuses to disappear -

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70 mln

170 mln

Instead, the ‘fad’ explodes exponentially

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More than a half of the US (adult?) population run own blogs, and almost 80% read the blogs regularly. 77%


Blog usage in the US

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Business attitude and usage

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…I admit that the past three years of blogging have altered me in some rather dramatic ways that do, in fact, begin to call my very existence into question.

I am not referring to the ways that blogging has caused a career change, granted me political and media access that I still find shocking, almost entirely ended my participation in old social circles and presented me with new ones, allowed me to work from home, or otherwise had an impact on the day to day activities of my life.

Instead, I am actually referring to an important way in which blogging has altered my very consciousness. … Blogging has not just changed the activities in which I engage – the activities in which I engage in order to be a successful blogger have profoundly altered the way my mind operates and the way I conceptualize my agency in relation to others.

In effect, I do not exist in the same way I once existed.

Chris Bowers, MyDD blog (c 2009)

Blog as a mind-changer

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Brain activity while readingof a person not used to using the


Brain activity while reading of an active user of the web

Dr Gary Small

Blog as a mind-changer - literally

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Active attitude to life

Creativity and courage


“I feel there is more of me when I blog”

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Those who got it right

“Podcasting is my lifestyle!”

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From text… to everything else

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, vel illum dolore eu feugiat nulla facilisis at vero eros et accumsan et iusto odio dignissim qui blandit praesent luptatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feugait nulla facilisi. Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend option congue nihil imperdiet doming id quod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qui facit eorum claritatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam processus dynamicus, qui sequitur mutationem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica, quam nunc putamus parum claram, anteposuerit litterarum formas humanitatis per seacula quarta decima et quinta decima. Eodem modo typi, qui nunc nobis videntur parum clari, fiant sollemnes in futurum.

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Music…. pictures… videos…

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“The Social Object, in a nutshell, is the reason two people are talking to each other, as opposed to talking to somebody else.” - Hugh MacLeod

Everything becomes a Social Object

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Social music

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Social pictures

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Image hosting becomes a social institution

US Civil War 1861 Royal Wedding 2011

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But be ready for surprises (and don’t feed the trolls!)

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…to sophisticated video-replies…

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..to new art/media genre

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Life is getting brighter! But not only.

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Innovation DIY

Commercial book scanner

from $10,000

DIY scanner by Daniel Reetz

less $300

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DIY Video Leading to Community - to Wiki - to Movement

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Dark Matter of Innovation

“…the amount of

efforts (time x

money) individual

consumers spent


and improving

products is more

than twice as large

(2.3 times, to be


as the amount

spent by

all British firms


on product

research and


- Erik von

Hippel, MIT

Loan School

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3D printing - of the new world

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MIT is aimed at developing programmable molecular assemblers that will be able to make *almost* anything.

…and helps to spread these technologies for innovation globally and to different social groups .

MIT Center of Bits and Atoms

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DIY Genomics

Who needs doctors in the new era of health hacking?

Raymond McCauley is betting on cheap gene tests plus some amateur science to minimize his chances of succumbing to a sight-threatening syndrome

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change yourself to change the world to change yourself to change the world to change

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(Global) Village… leading to ‘digital maoism’?

Reconstruction of Aztecan village The phrase ‘Global Village” was used by Marshal McLuhan in his book Guttenberg Galaxy in 1962.

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Early Online Communities: PLATO

PLATO (Programmed Logic for Automated Teaching Operations)was one of the first computer-assisted educational systems, and an example of earlier digital community (mid1970s).

It has established the key concepts of any online community thereafter: forums, message boards, online testing, e-mail, chat rooms, picture languages, instant messaging, remote screen sharing, and even multi-player games.

Participation in PLATO community is widely referred as one of the most uplifting and life changing experiences by its members.

Peripheral (i.e. Lurker) – An outside, unstructured participationInbound (i.e. Novice) – Newcomer is invested in the communityInsider (i.e. Regular) – Full committed community participantBoundary (i.e. Leader) – A leader, with long-time membership and often mediating/supervising rolesOutbound (i.e. Elder) – Someone who is about to leave

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LiveJournal - A community of bloggers

LiveJournal offere a unique system combining individual blogs and a membership in a larger online community.

User could easily build their own network of ‘friends’ and also, if necessary, set up their own specialized communities.

Individual blog (‘journal’). An online stream created by the entries of the ‘friends’, with an embedded options to comment and interact. An example of LJ


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Online communities for the sake of online communities

Proliferation of the ‘social networking services’, online platforms that focus primarily on building and managing social networks or social relations among people.

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Sex connects

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Even more professional online communities

Online collaboration platforms Online co-creation


Mass multiplayer R&D

Online innovation ‘jams’.

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Wikipedia, a collaborative

knowledge creation and

sharing service and the

largest info-vault - but

also an active, constantly

evolving community.

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Understanding complex relationships in complex networks

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Lunux refers to the family of the Unix-like computer OS (operating systems), but also widely used a symbol of open-source code/code development practice, both a community and a collaborative enterprise.

It is also often describes as

an interdependent ecosystem, characterized by passionate engagement and stigmergic production.

Linux Community

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When right things happen magically, as if ‘themselves’

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Tweet, tweet

A microblogging service that started

in 2006 and was universally regarded

as the ‘stupidiest online service ever’.

It is currently estimated to have 200

million users, generates 65 million

tweets a day and runs over 800,000

search queries daily.

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What the tweet?

Clive Thompson, from Wired, called it ‘our sixth sense’ of the web, a sense of digital social proprioception.

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Location, location, location

From letting the system to know your location…

…to proactively pushing information about your location in time and space via different channels

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World changing, one game at a time

Creative tools using your location to link you with community - and with services…

…leading to changes in your behavior and lifestyle

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Social Media in Your Shoes, Your Flower, You Can of Cola

“My shoe likes your shoe!” Your plant twittering that it needs to be watered

Social vending machine Make-up is a social business!

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Internet of Things

Pachube: a platform to stream, store, connect and interlink the real-time data streams from objects, devices, buildings - and ‘what-not-else’ - from all around the world.

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“Facebook has 610,736,920 member profiles. That’s one for every ELEVEN people on the planet.

Every minute people send 230,000 messages, update 95,000 statuses, write 80,000 wall posts, tag 65,000 photos, share 50,000 links - and affirm or disparage them all with half a million comments.

Each month, the average user creates 90 pieces of content and spends 6+ hours on the site.

Zynga has 19 games that attract 275 million users a month.

Analysts estimate that Facebook pulled in $1.86 billion in advertising in 2010, and expected to grow 118% in 2011 year, to $4 billion.

Virtual goods for sale on the site make up an estimated $835 million market.”

From the Fast Company, April 2011

(here should be a mirror)

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Omnipotent mechanging the world

Stigmergic systemshelping me JIT - provided I ping

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… to extremistan

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where wermanent transformation is the Key

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Thank you !