futurenet marketingplan english 2016 -

Plan Marketingowy Plan Marketingowy

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Plan MarketingowyPlan Marketingowy

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Make MoneyHaveFun


CareerPlan JoinUsFutureNetClub

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1. LoginBonus2. SocialMediaBonus3. MultimediaBonus4. SalesBonus5. Friends Bonus6. NewPositionBonus7. Matching Bonus8. Advertising Bonus=passive income9. LeaderBonus(Infinity)10.CareerPlan(prizes)


Marketing PlanMarketing Plan

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Login BonusLogin Bonus

Login Bonus rewards each FutureNet platform user after log in.Following activity minutes will result in a higher bonus

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WepayforyouractivityonthesocialmediaplatformYour Activity on the FutureNet Platform is rewarded.FutureNet advertising revenue is divided betweenactive Users of the FutureNet Social Platform.

Social Media Bonus is a reward for active Users of the Social Platform. It is calculated daily according to special script, taking into account specific parameters of activity. Your activity paramerers will be especially rewarded while using the internal comunication tool - Futurenet chat.

On the basis of the specific Parameters there is calculated your activity and an amount of daily bonus: Social Media Bonus.

Social Media BonusSocial Media Bonus

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Multimedia BonusMultimedia BonusYoumayuploadyourmultimedia filesonourPlatformandresellthemtootherUsers.

Doyouhaveyourownmultimediafiles?YoumayresellthemtootherUsersontheFutureNet Platform.Loadyourfilesinthe"Products"tab,specifythepriceyouwanttochargeandmakemoneyeverytimeotherUsersdownloadthefiles.

Youmayuseexternallinkstoshareyourproducts,andFutureNet servers– tostorethefiles.Foreachsaleyouwillkeep50%oftheprice,40%goestotheMarketingPlanintheformofturnover,and10%istheFutureNetcommission.

Attention:TheproductsforthefurtherresellcanbeonlyuploadedbyPREMIUMmembersafteracceptingtheTermsandRegulationsof the FutureNet


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Sales BonusSales BonusForeachsaleoftheFutureNet productsyouwillreceivea30%ofdirectcommission.Inaddition,youarerewardedforeachsaleinyourteamupto10levelsinside:

1. Level 5%2. Level 5%3. Level 5%4. Level 5%5. Level 5%6. Level 3%7. Level 3%8. Level 3%9. Level 3%10.Level 3%

SalesBonusdoesnotapplytopurchasesmadewithMediaPoints.• Future-Landing-Page-System• Future-Video-Mail• Future-Blog• Future-Cloud• Websitetemplates• MomentumSystem• FutureNetGames

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Become Premium Member Let’s Purchase Matrixes

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Premium MatrixesPremium Matrixes

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+Matrixesworth685$+ 15%MediaPoint+RefLinkatFutureNetPage+CareerPlan+LeaderBonus


Business MatrixesBusiness Matrixes

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Premium PackagesPremium Packages

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Business PackagesBusiness Packages

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ThePartnerineachFriendsTreecanhavethreefriendsatthefirstlevelabove,thefourthandeachnextfriendwillbeplacedathigher levelsoftheFriendsTree.


Friends BonusFriends Bonus

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Friends bonus pays commissions up to 10 levels.

3x10 Matrix

Frends Bonus

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Level Partners Percent Commisions1 3 5% 27.75$2 9 5% 83.25$3 27 5% 249.75$4 81 5% 749.25$5 243 5% 2.247,75$6 729 5% 6.743,25$7 2.187 5% 20.229,75$8 6.561 5% 60.689,75$9 19.683 5% 182.067,75$10 59.049 5% 546.203,25$

FriendsTreein Exclusive package ( )FriendsTreein Exclusive package (185$)


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New Positions Bonus New Positions Bonus Each Partner gets additional free positions * (new matrixes)

1. New Position: When you reach 40 Partners in Friends Tree

2. New Position: When you reach 80 Partners in Friends Tree

* Requirement: The first level in Friends Tree must be filled, howeverthe matrix can be placed at least in the third level.

BusinessPartnersthatdecidedtostarttheir businesswiththeSapphireor Royalpositions,right afterthepurchasetheywillgetadditionalmatrixesworth685$forSapphireand1685$forRoyal.

From the moment, when you achieve or purchase the Exclusive positionyou have 14 days to upgrade, in order to get free new positions.

Placing onematrixinanotheryoucanmultiplyyourincomeinFriendsTree

* free matrixes are commission-free.

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Decide where you want to place your matrix.By placing your matrix in the previous matrixyou double your Friends Bonus

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Matching BonusMatching Bonus




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Matching BonusMatching Bonus

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From 1 Personal Partnerup to 50 % Matching Bonus


3 Personal Partnersup to 50% Matching Bonus from each one



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Personal Partners = up to 50% Matching Bonus

PersonalPartner PersonalPartner PersonalPartnerPersonalPartner


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ThebonusdirectedonlyforPartnersSTARTING theirbusinesswithRoyal position*10%ofadvertsincomegoestothepoolandisdividedbetweenthePartnersofRoyalposition.

Thebonus ispaideachmonthuntil theamount reaches$3.370(200%ofRoyalPackagevalue)

*Fromthemoment,whenyouachieveorpurchasetheExclusivepositionyouhave14daystoupgrade, inordertogetAdvertisingBonus

Double your moneyfrom $1685 up to $3370

Advertising BonusAdvertising Bonus

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WiththeLeaderBonusyouget%incomefromallyourstructurewithout anydepthlimits,fromthefirstlevel,to infinity.Theamountof%incomedepends onyourqualification.IfyourPersonalPartneralsoqualifytothespecifiedleveloftheLeaderBonus,thenyouearnthe%difference.


Leader Bonus (infinity) Leader Bonus (infinity)

Ifyougetthe7%LeaderBonus inyourgroupandoneofyourpartnersalsoachieve7%,thenyouqualifyforthe5%shareintheWORLDPOOL

Your Leader Bonus

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LeaderBonusLeaderBonus% Requirements Total


Turnover division


6 personal partners; 3 of them with 3 personal partners 2.000$ -

Maximum 50% from one team


3 personal partnersqualified for 1% 10.000$ -

Maximum 50% from one team


3 personal partnersqualified for 2% 25.000$ -

Maximum 50% from one team


3 persoanl partners qualified for 3% 100.000$ -

Maximum 50% from one team

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LeaderBonusLeaderBonus% Requirements Total Turnover Monthly

TurnoverTurnover division


3 personal partners qualified for 4% or 6 personal partners qualified for 3%

250.000$ 5000$Maximum 50% from one team


3 personal partners qualified for 5% or 6 personal partners qualified for 4%

500.000$ 15.000$Maximum 50% from one team


3 personal partners qualified for 6% or 6 personal partners qualified for 5%

1.000.000$ 25.000$Maximum 50% from one team


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The bonus directed only for Partners, who START their business with ROYAL position.10% of income from adverts goes to the pool and is splited between Partners with the Royal position.

The bonus is paid each month until the total amount reaches 3.370$, which stands for 200% of Royal purchase value.When you purchase an Exclusive position, you have 14 days to upgrade to the Royal position if you also want to get Advertising Bonus

Values added to the Royal MatrixesValues added to the Royal Matrixes



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Business Partners, who decide to start with the Sapphire or Royal matrixes will receive additional matrixes worth 685$ for Saphire and 1685$ forRoyal.

Placing one matrix in another you can double your income in Friends Tree

EXCLUSIVE, SAPPHIRE & ROYAL: 50% Matching Bonus from each direct Partner



Sapphire & RoyalSapphire & Royal

* Requirement: The first level in Friends Tree must be filled, howeverthe matrix can be placed at least in the third level.

the matrix can be placed at least in

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Prizes in Career Plan from the Exclusive position

Referral links at Sapphire and Royal packages are being rotated at the Company’s home page, provide lots of new partners.

Exclusive, Sapphire & RoyalExclusive, Sapphire & Royal

Exclusive, Sapphire & RoyalExclusive, Sapphire & Royal

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Additional Media Points, which you can spend on FutureNet products

Leader Bonus is directed to Business Partners from the Exclusive position

Exclusive, Sapphire& RoyalExclusive, Sapphire& Royal

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Career PlanCareer Plan

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FutureNet Career PlanFutureNet Career Plan


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All the scores from your structure are counted into your Career Plan.

Turnoverfromall packages andupgrades 1$=1 Points

Turnover fromproductsales 1$=2 Points

TurnovermadeasaresultofPowerMatrix sales1$=0.5Points


Scoring SystemScoring System

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Smartphone20.000Points5 PersonalBusinessPartners


Smartphones Tablets/Laptops

Career PlanCareer Plan



*Pointsforthequalification aredividedbytheturnoverfrom3teamsinanycombination: 40%,30%,30%

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150.000 Points 10 Personal Partners Business3 Business Partners qualified for laptop or tablet prizes


Career PlanCareer Plan

Each of the mentioned prizes you can get only once



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1.500.000Points2.000BusinessPartners20PersonalPartnersBusiness3Partnersqualifiedfor Trip

1.800.000Points3.000BusinessPartners30PersonalPartnersBusiness3Partnersqualifiedfor Trip

AudiA3 AudiA4 AudiA6

Career Plan – Car ProgramCareer Plan – Car Program


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Grand Prize: Porsche PanameraGrand Prize: Porsche Panamera

3.500.000points5.000 Business Partners30 PersonalPartnersBusiness3 PartnersqualifiedfortheCarProgram

Your Partners total points from the Car Programmust be 5.000.000 points

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Payment MethodsPayment Methods

Credit Cards Online Payments Bank Transfer

Payment Processors

FutureNet Payments

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Withdrawal MethodsWithdrawal Methods


Each partner has a possibility to withdraw his money from Online account with registration codesThe code can be sold to other partner.

Only Partners with at least „Basic” position can make a cash withdrawal. Minimum amounts:20$ - only Bitcoin50$ - all withdrawal methods

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