further quantum physics

Further Quantum Physics Concepts in quantum physics and the structure of hydrogen and helium atoms Prof Andrew Steane January 18, 2005

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Further Quantum Physics

Concepts in quantum physics and the structure of hydrogen and helium


Prof Andrew Steane

January 18, 2005



1 Introduction 7

1.1 Quantum physics and atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1.1.1 The role of classical and quantum mechanics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.2 Atomic physics—some preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

1.2.1 Textbooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

2 The 1-dimensional projectile: an example for revision 11

2.1 Classical treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Quantum treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2.1 Main features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

2.2.2 Precise quantum analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Hydrogen 17

3.1 Some semi-classical estimates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3.2 2-body system: reduced mass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

3.2.1 Reduced mass in quantum 2-body problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

3.3 Solution of Schrodinger equation for hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

3.3.1 General features of the radial solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.3.2 Precise solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

3.3.3 Mean radius . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.3.4 How to remember hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.3.5 Main points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

3.3.6 Appendix on series solution of hydrogen equation, off syllabus . . . . . . . . . . 26



4 Hydrogen-like systems and spectra 27

4.1 Hydrogen-like systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

4.2 Spectroscopy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.2.1 Main points for use of grating spectrograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

4.2.2 Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.2.3 Usefulness of both emission and absorption methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

4.3 The spectrum for hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

5 Introduction to fine structure and spin 33

5.1 Experimental observation of fine structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5.2 The Dirac result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

5.3 Schrodinger method to account for fine structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

5.4 Physical nature of orbital and spin angular momenta . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

5.4.1 Dirac notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

5.4.2 Main points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

6 Perturbation Theory 41

6.1 First order non-degenerate time-independent perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

6.1.1 Simple examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

6.2 2nd and higher orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

6.2.1 Energy levels ‘repel’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

6.3 Examples in hydrogen ground state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

6.3.1 Nuclear volume correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

6.3.2 Relativistic kinetic energy correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

7 Degenerate perturbation theory 49

7.1 A summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

7.1.1 Degenerate sub-space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

7.1.2 The general method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

7.2 Constants of the motion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51


7.3 Example: charged gyroscopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

7.3.1 Quantum gyroscopes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

7.4 Appendix: An exact analysis of a simple example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

8 Hydrogen fine structure according to Schrodinger 57

8.1 Relativistic kinetic energy correction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

8.2 Spin–orbit interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

8.2.1 Magnetic dipoles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58

8.2.2 Magnetic field experienced by the electron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

8.2.3 The Hamiltonian and perturbation calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

8.3 Darwin term for l = 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

8.3.1 Main points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

8.4 Appendix on the correct choice of eigenstates for hydrogen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

8.4.1 Commutation of vector operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

9 The Zeeman effect 65

9.1 Weak B field: Zeeman effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

9.1.1 Classical treatment and normal Zeeman effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

9.1.2 Quantum treatment: Zeeman effect for s states . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

9.1.3 Effect on the emission spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

9.2 Strong B field: Paschen-Back effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

9.3 Uses of the Zeeman effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

9.3.1 Main points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

10 Helium: gross structure 71

10.1 Main features of the structure, screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

10.1.1 Ground state . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

10.2 The variational method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

10.2.1 Application to helium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

10.2.2 Main points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76


11 Exchange symmetry and the Pauli exclusion principle 77

11.1 Identical particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

11.1.1 Classical situation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

11.1.2 Quantum case: Exchange Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

11.1.3 Pauli Exclusion Principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

11.2 Example to illustrate exchange effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

11.2.1 Non-identical particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

11.2.2 Identical Bosons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

11.2.3 Identical Fermions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

11.2.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

11.2.5 More than two particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

11.2.6 Exchange symmetry of eigenstates of summed operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

11.2.7 When can identical particles be treated as if they were non-identical? . . . . . 88

11.3 Exchange symmetry in helium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90

11.4 Appendix: detailed derivation of states and splitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

12 Time-dependent perturbation theory 95

12.1 First order time-dependent perturbation theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95

12.1.1 Limit of slow and fast perturbations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

12.2 Periodic perturbation: Fermi Golden Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98

12.2.1 Forbidden transitions and selection rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

13 Interaction of atoms with light 103

13.1 Emission of light waves from an atom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

13.1.1 Electric dipole radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

13.1.2 Selection rules for electric dipole radiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105

13.1.3 An example of non-Fermi Golden Rule behaviour: magnetic resonance . . . . . 107

13.1.4 Main points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

Chapter 1


1.1 Quantum physics and atoms

The main aim of this lecture course is to take you further into quantum physics. However I want toavoid the subject appearing too abstract, so we shall be studying realistic examples as we go along.Most of these examples will be in the behaviour of the electron(s) in hydrogen and helium atoms. Thecourse therefore also acts as an introduction to some aspects of atomic physics.

The big ideas we will meet are precise calculations for hydrogen and related systems, spin, perturbationtheory, the idea of a degenerate space of states, constants of the motion, relativistic effects in hydrogen,the variational method, exchange symmetry, the treatment of time-dependent Hamiltonians, and thebasic interaction between light and matter.

Some important quantum ideas are not covered, such as a thorough discussion of symmetries and theirconsequences, a full treatment of angular momentum coupling, the quantisation of fields and quan-tum entanglement. However, there is enough here to make those further ideas reasonably accessibleshould the student wish to explore them. The atomic physics covered in these lectures is only a veryincomplete introduction, because it is restricted to hydrogen and helium atoms, and even for themseveral important issues will be ignored, such as the nuclear effects leading to ‘hyperfine structure’,the Zeeman effect in general and the fine structure of helium. The opportunity to get to grips with atightly bound system of large numbers of electrons (i.e. any one of all the other atoms of the periodictable) is provided in the third year.

Let us consider why we might want to learn about atoms.

If you take an everyday object such as a brick and crumble it up into little pieces, then the smallestpiece which you could say is somewhat like a very small piece of brick is an atom. Once you try togo to something smaller, by looking inside the atom, suddenly what you find is nothing at all likea brick or anything from everyday life. It is a springy cloud of electrons surrounding an incrediblydense nucleus; it is an electric system with more resonances than a piano, some of which are themost precisely defined quantities in all of physics, and the classical physics of Newton’s equationscompletely fails to give any sort of correct description of what is going on.

Atomic physics is the study of those properties of an atom which are associated primarily with thesystem of electrons, and with how they interact with light. Understanding hydrogen and helium isthe beginning of the subject. It is of immense practical importance, from allowing us to probe theouter reaches of space to designing street lamps. It also plays a significant role in physics educationby introducing many of the significant concepts of quantum mechanics in a precise way. These can



then be taken up and applied in other areas such as particle physics and condensed matter physics.These concepts include not just quantisation of energy, but also more subtle ideas such as exchangesymmetry and many-particle wavefunctions.

Before we try to understand the quantum mechanics of a solid material, it is useful first to understanda single atom. Interestingly, it is also useful to understand an atom first before we try to understanda proton, because the quantum theory of the electron in hydrogen is a lot easier than the quantumtheory of the quarks in a proton. In fact, the hydrogen atom is the most precisely understood system inall of physics. For example, the difference in binding energies of the two most strongly bound states ofthe electron-proton system has been measured1 to a fractional precision 1.8×10−14. The Schrodingerequation is not precise to this degree because it does not account correctly for special relativity—yeteven when we replace the Schrodinger equation by the relativistically correct Dirac equation (outsidethe syllabus) the theory is still not precise enough. There is a part per million contribution whicharises, roughly speaking, from the nature of the vacuum, whose theoretical treatment is provided by thefull relativistic quantum theory of the electromagnetic interactions, called Quantum Electrodynamics(QED). With QED, however, we do at last find agreement between experiment and theory to fantasticprecision (up to order α8, see later for the meaning of this). This agreement is one of the triumphsof modern physics—it allows us to be confident that our understanding of the natural world is builton accurate foundations. If the human race knows anything at all, it knows what happens when anelectron orbits a proton.

Atomic physics allows us to explore our fundamental understanding of Nature in several other ways.Continuing the theme of precision, we can for example test for a variation in time of fundamental‘constants’ such as the charge on the electron; such variation is certainly small since if a variation byone part in 1014 had taken place during the year 2000 then the atomic clocks in Paris would havenoticed because comparisons of frequencies of different atoms are sufficiently precise2! The mass ofthe Z boson, normally associated with vast particle accelerator experiments, was measured in thebasement of the Clarendon laboratory using two optical tables, associated lasers, polarizers, and atube of bismuth gas in 1996 to a precision3 of 5%, by detecting a transition in bismuth atoms whichviolates the principle that left-handed and right-handed fundamental processes must occur equallyoften. Such ‘parity violating’ processes are only caused by the so-called weak interaction which ismediated by the Z particle; this is the link between the observed optical effect (a polarization rotationwith a special frequency-dependence) and the underlying fundamental physics.

The interaction of light and matter is central to atomic physics because the primary way in whichlight is produced or absorbed in the natural world is by interactions betweens photons and electronsin atoms or molecules. This is in contrast to radio waves, for example, which interact with electronsmoving in larger objects such as a metal wire. Almost all the light we see streaming to and fro inthe world, bringing to us a sense of the leaves on the trees and the waves on the sea shore and thestars around us, was emitted by atoms or molecules in the leaf or the water or the star, rather thanby something smaller or larger. In this sense, we may truly say that if you want to see what atomslook like, look around you.

Properties of atoms are basic tools of several other branches of physics—for example the speed of starsis deduced from the Doppler shift of the light they emit, and the reason it is possible to know the lightwavelength emitted by the star is because we can recognise the signatures of the atoms in the outerlayer of the star, which only emit at a set of characteristic wavelengths. The set is recognisable, butis found uniformly shifted in frequency. Observation of many other properties of stars also relies onarguments from atomic physics, for example we can deduce magnetic fields from the Zeeman effect.Experiments involving plasmas, such as fusion power research, similarly require detailed knowledge of

1Niering et. al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5496 (2000), also Holzworth et. al in Atomic Physics 17: Proceedings of theXVII International Conference on Atomic Physics (ICAP 2000) (American Institute of Physics, New York 2001). Theresult: f1s−−2s = 2466 061 413 187 103 ±46 Hz.

2C. Salomon at al. in “Cold Atom Clocks,” Atomic Physics 17: Proceedings of the XVII International Conferenceon Atomic Physics (ICAP 2000), pp 23-40 (American Institute of Physics, New York 2001).

3The experiment was precise to 2%; the theoretical extraction of the Z mass relied on highly complex atomic structurecalculations which were precise to 5%.


the properties of free atoms and ions. Finally, to return to the humble street light; this is based onsome simple properties of sodium atoms.

1.1.1 The role of classical and quantum mechanics

Quantum mechanics is the only way to understand physics properly. However, because classicalmechanics is so much more familiar, it a very useful tool for providing physical insight and estimatesof various quantities such as energies, distances, etc. One should develop a feel for both.

1.2 Atomic physics—some preliminaries

The atomic physicist counts “one, two, lots.” That is to say, hydrogen and helium are both specialcases, and the rest are understood in terms of concepts borrowed from them. Hydrogen is special be-cause it can be solved exactly (ignoring quantum electrodynamics) and because the various relativisticeffects are all of a similar order of magnitude, while in other atoms one of these tends to dominate(the spin-orbit interaction, more of this later). Helium is special because the many-electron averagingwhich we use in atoms with many electrons is not so successful, and also various spin effects are all ofthe same order of magnitude (see chapter 5).

The following table gives the values of constants which will be much used and should be committedto memory to 3 significant figures. Their meaning will become clear as we go along.

Fine structure constant α =e2


Rydberg energy ER = 12mα2c2 13.6056981 eV

Bohr radius a0 = h/mαc 0.529177249 ABohr magneton µB = eh/2m h × 13.9962418 GHz/T

electron g factor g = 2(1 + α2π − 0.328α2

π2 + . . .) 2 × 1.0011596

The diagram in the lecture shows how to think about an atom. It is useful to pick hydrogen as astarting point, and then go on to a ‘typical’ atom having atomic number of order 10. Here are theorder-of-magnitude sizes of some physical features which come up:

feature hydrogen range for units(Z = 1) Z = 1 to 100

mean radius 0.79 0.5—2.7 Aionization potential 13.6 4—24 V

r.m.s. speed of an electron 0.01 0.001—1 c (speed of light)electric field at mean radius 1011 1011—1012 V/m

electric field at edge of nucleus 1021 1021—2 × 1022 V/mmean magnetic field experienced by outer electron 3 3—1000 T

magnetic field experienced by the nucleus 100 10—1000 Telectric dipole moment of the atom 0 0 Cm

magnetic dipole moment of the atom 10−23 0—4 × 10−23 J/T

The aim at this stage is to note the order of magnitude and the fact that for some properties awide range is possible, while others do not vary much. In particular, notice that the electric andmagnetic fields inside any atom are huge. The large electric field is simply because the region insidethe atom is at a very small distance (one angstrom down to one fermi) from the charge-carryingparticles (electrons, protons). The large magnetic field is because the electrons are moving quicklythrough this large electric field, at speeds approaching the speed of light. These statements will befurther clarified and justified as we go on.


1.2.1 Textbooks

There are many excellent textbooks on quantum mechanics. My own favourite is R. Shankar, “Prin-ciples of Quantum Mechanics”, Plenum Press. Shankar starts with the mathematics of state vectorsand operators, and only later introduces wavefunctions. This will suit strong students but possiblynot the majority. I also like the book by Gasiorowicz. Merzbacher is good as a further reference onceyou have got some familiarity with the subject. The treatment by A. Peres is more at a graduate levelbut it is very good on basic interpretational issues and may be an attractive additional resource forphilosophers for that reason.

The atomic physics we are dealing with at this stage is only a small part of the complete subject, butin any case you will be learning more in the third year. The following are useful in different ways:

C. Foot, “Atomic Physics”, Oxford University Press, highly recommended. It covers the right materialfor 2nd and 3rd year, including some of the B2 as well as B1 material, and good on experimentalmethods as well as the basic theory.

Woodgate, “Elementary Atomic Structure,” excellent and thorough, though aimed at a level whichmay test the average student.

Eisberg and Resnick, good summary, some very nice pictures, I recommend you read it. We will seethat some aspects of the discussion of exchange symmetry are less clear than they might be.

Leighton, “Principles of Modern Physics,” chapters 5,6,7,8. Still a good clear introduction, though isslightly muddled when dealing with exchange symmetry, so not recommended for that.

Haken and Wolf is accessible and fills in experimental details which are missing elsewhere.

Kuhn, “Atomic Spectra” an old book, is a good source of information on general atoms (spectra, termdiagrams) and is thorough on X ray atomic spectra. We won’t need it at this stage but I wanted youto be aware of it.

T. P. Softley, “Atomic Spectra”, summary of physics of atoms from a chemist’s point of view. It issuccinct and down-to-earth, which is helpful, but some subtler points are not treated thoroughly.

Chapter 2

The 1-dimensional projectile: an

example for revision

A cannon shoots a rubber ball straight up into the air: what happens?

2.1 Classical treatment

We shall not analyze the gunpowder explosion. Instead, we take the muzzle velocity vm (the velocityof the rubber ball as it leaves the cannon) as a ‘given’. Hence, at time t1 we have:

initial conditions: position x = L, momentum p = mvm (2.1)

Notice that two variables (position and momentum) are sufficient and necessary to give completeinformation about the state of motion of the rubber ball.

Equations of motion: Newton’s 2nd law (‘F = ma’) tells us the rate of change of one variable (p)while the rate of change of the other variable (x) is given by the definition of momentum:

F =dp





Note that both these equations are first-order differential equations. Together they are a pair ofcoupled first-order differential equations. The standard way to solve them is to substitute the 2ndinto the first and thus get a single second-order differential equation.

The force is the familiar gravitational force F = −mg. In order to make the comparison with thequantum treatment more obvious, we shall write this as F = −dV/dx where V (x) is the potentialenergy function for a uniform gravitational field:

V (x) = mgx for x > 0 (2.3)

(we shall assume the ground is at x = −R where R is the radius of the rubber ball, so when x = 0the ball is just touching the ground).

The solution of these classical equations of motion is simple and well-known. The result is

p(t) = mvm − mgt, (2.4)

x(t) = L + vmt − 1

2gt2. (2.5)



−0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 10











Figure 2.1: Potential energy function for the bouncing ball. The quadratic behaviour for x < 0 isthere but is hard to see on the graph because the elastic force is large compared to gravity.

0 1 20













0 1 2−5













Figure 2.2: Classical solution for the bouncing ball. The left hand graph shows the position as afunction of time, the right hand graph shows the momentum as a function of time.

This solution is accurate until x reaches zero, at which point the ball hits the ground.

To analyse the bounce on the ground, the standard method is to claim that energy is conserved, andthat the state of motion of the ground (i.e. of planet earth) is unaffected. However, in order to keepthe treatment uniform, we shall instead again use the method of solving the equations of motion (2.2).To do this, we need to know the potential energy of the ball as it impacts on the ground. As theground and the ball are squeezed, the potential energy rises sharply. There is still a contribution fromgravitational potential energy, but now most of the energy is elastic potential energy so we shall ignorethe small gravitational part. We shall assume Hooke’s law (force proportional to displacement) forthe elastic force, so:

V (x) =1

2κx2 for x ≤ 0 (2.6)

where κ is the spring constant which is large enough so that only a small displacement of the ball isenough to reduce its velocity to zero and then throw it back upwards again.

The equations of motion (2.2) are once again easy to solve: they give simple harmonic motion for theperiod when x ≤ 0, and then the ball flies upwards again.


2.2 Quantum treatment

2.2.1 Main features

State at time just before 0: the wavefunction ψ of the ball is a smooth function, with no wiggles,peaked near x = 0. The expectation value of momentum 〈ψ| p |ψ〉 = 0.

Result of impulse produced by the gunpowder (time t = 0): the wavefunction is now centred nearx = L, and now has many wiggles (i.e. the real part of ψ oscillates with wavelength λ = h/(mvm)where h is Plank’s constant and vm is the muzzle velocity). These wiggles imply that the secondderivative d2ψ/dx2 is large, and hence the ball has a large kinetic energy. Note that this illustratesthe fact that the wavefunction contains all the information about the state of motion of the ball. Forexample, the wiggles result in an expectation value of momentum 〈ψ| p |ψ〉 = mvm.

Further motion: the main peak of the wavefunction rises upwards until it reaches a height H. Thewavefunction also spreads out (diffraction). Meanwhile the wiggles become more spread out (i.e. alarger wavelength), indicating that the momentum is getting smaller, until at x = H there are onceagain no wiggles and the mean momentum is zero. Subsequently, the peak of the wavefunction movesback down towards x = 0 and the wiggles again appear.

As the front-most part of the wavefunction reaches the ground at x = −R, it is reflected, and for ashort time a standing wave is set up as the reflected part of the wavefunction interferes with the partstill moving towards the ground. Then the peak in the wavefunction moves upwards and the mainfeatures of the motion are repeated. The main thing which does not exactly repeat is the overallspreading out of the wavefunction: this continues until eventually the wavefunction is spread over thefull range of heights from the ground to H and slightly higher.

2.2.2 Precise quantum analysis

As in the classical treatment, we shall not analyse the gunpowder explosion. Instead, we take thewavefunction ψ(x, 0) of the rubber ball as it leaves the cannon as a given. To be precise, t = 0 is takento be the time when the mean position of the ball is is 〈ψ| x |ψ〉 = L, and we assume that by this timethe gunpowder explosion has ceased to provide any further energy, and the mean momentum reachesthe value 〈ψ| p |ψ〉 = mvm.

initial conditions: ψ(x, 0) =1



where hk = mvm and σ is the spread in position. We assume σ ≪ L so that this wavefunction does notreach the ground to any significant degree, and therefore we can neglect the influence of the ground atthis point. Notice that specifying the initial wavefunction is sufficient and necessary to give completeinformation about the initial state of motion of the rubber ball.

To analyse the subsequent motion, we need to solve Schrodinger’s equation:

Hψ(x, t) = ih∂ψ(x, t)


where H is the Hamiltonian, which is the operator for total energy, which can be written

H ≡ p2

2m+ V (x) = − h2



∂x2+ V (x). (2.9)

Hence Schrodinger’s equation is

− h2


∂2ψ(x, t)

∂x2+ V (x)ψ(x, t) = ih

∂ψ(x, t)

∂t. (2.10)


This is a single partial differential equation, in contrast to the classical case where we had a pair ofordinary differential equations. Both the quantum and the classical case have in common that theequation is a first-order differential equation in time. The potential energy function V (x) is exactlythe same in the quantum and classical treatments, equations (2.3) and (2.6) and figure 2.1.

Since we have the initial conditions, i.e. complete wavefunction at a given time, (2.7), and theequation of motion is first order in time, it follows that the equation of motion completely specifiesthe subsequent evolution of the wavefunction. In other words there is a unique solution ψ(x, t) for allsubsequent times and positions.

The standard way to find this solution is as follows. First, we find the solutions of the time-independentSchrodinger equation Hφ = Eφ, i.e.

− h2



∂x2+ V (x)φ(x) = Eφ(x). (2.11)

This is itself a difficult mathematical problem. If we assume it can be solved, then we have a set offunctions φi(x), each of which is an energy eigenstate for the problem we are dealing with, i.e. that ofmotion in a uniform gravitational field with a quadratic potential barrier (the ground) at the bottom.The energy eigenstates have energies Ei.

Now, since the Hamiltonian is hermitian, and since the eigenfunctions of any hermitian operator forma complete set, it follows that the initial state ψ(x, 0) can be written as a superposition of energyeigenfunctions:

ψ(x, 0) =∑


ciφi(x) (2.12)

Note that this is a function purely of x, because it is the wavefunction only at one particular instantof time, t = 0. To find the coefficients, multiply (2.12) by φ∗

j and integrate, and use the fact that theeigenfunctions are mutually orthogonal:

φ∗jψ(x, t1)dx =



φ∗jφi(x)dx = cj (2.13)

This mathematical procedure should by now be very familiar to you. I will underline its importanceby re-writing the final result (2.13):

cj = 〈φj |ψ〉 (2.14)

and hence

ψ =∑


〈φi|ψ〉φi(x) (2.15)



φi(x) 〈φi|ψ〉 . (2.16)

In Dirac notation this takes the memorable form

|ψ〉 =∑


|φi〉 〈φi|ψ〉 . (2.17)

The precise values of the coefficients ci are given by (2.13). However, we should also use our physicalinsight to tell us some general features. Note that the total energy of the rubber ball is of order(1/2)mv2

m + mgL. Therefore we should expect the largest coefficients ci for those energy levels whichhave energies close to this. Also, if (1/2)mv2

m is large compared to the ground-state energy E1, thenwe should expect the coefficient c1 to be small, etc.

So far we have done two things: (1) found the energy eigenfunctions, and (2) expressed the initialstate as a superposition of energy eigenfunctions. It is now very simple to find the wavefunction at all


subsequent times. We know that each energy eigenfunction will evolve in time simply as exp(−iEit/h),so the complete wavefunction at any later time is

ψ(x, t) =∑


ciφi(x)e−iEi(t−t1)/h =∑


〈φi|ψ(x, 0)〉φi(x)e−iEi(t−t1)/h. (2.18)

Note that this solution includes all the bouncing motion and everything. This completes the math-ematical treatment of the evolution of the quantum system (assuming that we have been able todiscover the energy eigenfunctions φi and their energies Ei). It remains to provide a physical state-ment to say what this mathematical result tells us about the rubber ball. For this we quote one ofthe basic postulates of the theory: the probability of funding the rubber ball between x and x + dxat time t is |ψ(x, t)|2dx.

Now we shall use the general machinery of quantum mechanics to add some further useful information.

0 10 20 30 40 500











mean height of ball as a function of time

Figure 2.3: Quantum solution for the bouncing ball. The graph shows the expectation value of theheight of the ball as a function time.

First, we know that quantum mechanical expectation values obey the laws of motion of classicalmechanics. This implies, for example, that should the mean position of our rubber ball return to〈ψ| x |ψ〉 = L then we know the mean momentum must at that time reach the value precisely 〈ψ| p |ψ〉 =mvm. More generally, the classical results shown in figure 2 also apply quite closely to the quantumexpectation values, see figure 3, the difference arising from the fact that the expectation value of thepotential function 〈V 〉 is not quite the same as the function V itself, especially near x = 0.

Secondly, we can give further very useful physical statements. If, when the ball has wavefunctionψ(x, t), a physical property Q (such as energy, or momentum, etc.) is measured, then the measurementwill yield one of the eigenvalues of the operator Q, and the probability that eigenvalue qi is obtainedis given by

P (obtain qi) = |〈ui|ψ〉|2 (2.19)

where ui(x) is the eigenfunction of Q associated with eigenvalue qi.

Combining this general result with equation (2.18) we can see that the measurement of total energyhas a special property: the probability to obtain any particular energy Ei does not change in time.This is to be compared with the classical result that the total energy does not change at all as theball goes through its motion. On the other hand, we could instead ask about measurement of justthe kinetic energy (i.e. the operator −(h2/2m)∂2/∂x2). For this observable, we would find that theprobability of getting a high result (large kinetic energy) is large at first, when the ball leaves thecannon, and then falls as the ball slows down near the top of its trajectory, and then increases againas the ball falls to the ground, etc.


Chapter 3


3.1 Some semi-classical estimates

When we wish to understand some aspect of the physical world, whether in this area of physics orany other, it is good practice to begin with what we call a “back of the envelope” calculation. This isany sort of very rough calculation which gives a useful initial impression of what might be going on,and some estimated order of magnitude.

To this end, let us consider a semi-classical model of hydrogen, as follows. Consider a classical particleof charge −e moving at speed v in a circular orbit of radius r about a fixed charge +e. The force ise2/4πǫ0r

2 so Newton’s law “F = ma” gives


4πǫ0r2= m


r=⇒ e2

4πǫ0r= mv2. (3.1)

This shows that the potential energy is equal to minus twice the kinetic energy, and it is also arelationship between v and r. Next (this is the quantum part), we will use Heisenberg’s UncertaintyRelation ∆x∆p ≥ h/2. This is a precise statement about standard deviations, but in the presentcontext we use it in a rough way. It is reasonable to guess that the radius r of the classical orbit givesthe right order of magnitude for ∆x, and similarly the value of vx varies between ±v so mv gives anorder of magnitude estimate for ∆p. We argue that in general it is found that the wavefunction forthe ground state in a single potential well gives spreads ∆x and ∆p such that ∆x∆p ≃ h. Thus weobtain

rmv ≃ h. (3.2)

Combining this with (3.1) we have

r ≃ 4πǫ0e2


m≃ 0.5 × 10−10 m

andv = e2/4πǫ0h ≃ c/137 ≃ 2000 km/s.

Hence the total energy is (P.E. + K.E.) = (−K.E.) = −(1/2)mv2 ≃ 13.6 eV.

The radius and speed given by this semi-classical argument are good guides to what we will find inthe full quantum treatment. We will find the radius r is the Bohr radius a0 which is close to the meanradius of the ground state of hydrogen. The speed v is αc where α is the fine structure constant, tobe discussed, and this equals the r.m.s. speed of the electron in the ground state of hydrogen. Finally,it so happens that the energy came out exactly right: the ground state energy of hydrogen is indeed−13.6 eV.



Notice that we could have obtained the estimate (3.2) by claiming that the angular momentum rmvshould be of order 1 unit of h, instead of by using the Uncertainty Principle. That would be a fairthing to do, but it turns out that the true quantum ground state doesn’t have any orbital angularmomentum, so the ‘classical orbit’ picture isn’t completely successful.

In the limit of large energy and angular momentum quantum numbers, certain superpositions ofquantum energy eigenstates give probability densities which do look like a lump of high probability(a wavepacket) going around the nucleus in an elliptical orbit, and thus the quantum and classicaldescriptions merge. There is one possible area for confusion, however: the classical orbit with thelargest angular momentum for given energy is the circular one, while the quantum wavefunction withthe least angular momentum for a given energy is the spherically symmetric one.

The elliptical orbits of the classical solution, when combined with some statements about quantisationof angular momentum, are called Bohr orbits. Bohr in fact arrived at the correct energy levels ofhydrogen by an argument like the one above, but made precise rather than ‘rough and ready’, inthat his criteria were to make specific assumptions about quantisation of angular momentum, andto ensure that the limit of high quantum numbers agreed with classical physics (the correspondenceprinciple). I will not discuss the Bohr theory here, however. Although it has historical importance,I feel it may confuse more than it illuminates at this stage. What we need to do next to understandhydrogen is write down and solve the Schrodinger equation for the system.

3.2 2-body system: reduced mass

The concept of reduced mass for a 2-body system arises in classical mechanics, and also in quantummechanics.

I won’t go through the full textbook treatment for the classical case (since you can look it up in atextbook), but I want to comment on it in order to convey physical insight.

Consider for example an electron and a proton initially at rest and a distance of r = 1 metre apart,with the proton at the origin and the electron on the positive x axis. The force on the electron owingto the Coulomb attraction by the proton is F = e2/(4πǫ0r

2) = 2.3071 × 10−28 N in the negative xdirection. The force on the proton owing to the Coulomb attraction by the electron is 2.3071× 10−28

N in the positive x direction. The electron therefore accelerates in the negative x direction withacceleration ae given by |ae| = F/me = 253.26 ms−2, and the proton accelerates in the positive xdirection with acceleration ap = F/mp = 0.14 ms−2.

Now consider the relative coordinate x = xe − xp, i.e. the position of the electron relative to theproton. The acceleration d2x/dt2 of the relative coordinate is




me− F




where µ =








me + mp. (3.5)

This example gives the essential physical insight: when 2 bodies mutually attract (or repel), then theacceleration of the relative coordinate is the sum of the two accelerations of the particles, and theresulting equation of motion for the relative coordinate is exactly the same as the equation of motionfor a single particle with mass µ given by equation (3.5). This mass is called the reduced mass, becauseit is smaller than either of the masses of the two particles involved.

In the example just given, the two accelerations were 253.26 and 0.14 ms−2, so they add to make 253.40


ms−2. Using the concept of reduced mass, we get the same result by first calculating µ = 9.1044×10−31

kg (= 0.9995 me), with force F = 2.3071 × 10−28 N as before, leading to acceleration F/µ = 253.40ms−2.

The only thing I have omitted here is the generalization to 3 dimensions: this is left as an exercise forthe reader, or you may like to look it up.

Notice that the example using an electron and a proton shows that the reduced mass is a smallcorrection to the lighter mass when the masses of the two bodies are very different. The fact that weare interested in getting this calculation exactly right is a first example of the fact that atomic physicsis an especially precise part of physics.

3.2.1 Reduced mass in quantum 2-body problem

To show how the reduced mass concept carries over to quantum mechanics, we first write the completeenergy operator of a two-body system such as hydrogen. To do this, we must add the kinetic energiesof the proton and the electron, and the potential energy from their Coulomb interaction:

Hfull =p2




2me− e2

4πǫ0|re − rp|(3.6)

Next, write down the position of the centre of mass:

R =mprp + mere

mp + me(3.7)

and also define the relative coordinater = re − rp. (3.8)

The operator for the momentum of the system as a whole is P = −ih∇R and the operator for themomentum associated with changes in the relative coordinate is p = −ih∇r, where

∇R ≡(





, ∇r ≡(






Finally, prove (exercise for the reader) that the total kinetic energy of the system can be written





P 2

2(me + mp)+



i.e. it is now expressed as a sum of kinetic energy of translation of the system as a whole, pluskinetic energy associated with the motion of the relative coordinate, where the latter term involvesthe reduced mass.

By expressing the kinetic energy this way, the Hamiltonian becomes a sum of two parts, where thefirst part depends only on R and the second part depends only on r:

Hfull =


P 2

2(me + mp)





2µ− e2




This means the complete Schrodinger equation for the two-body system is separable. Writing thetime-independent Schrodinger equation for convenience, it separates into one equation for the motionof R:


2(me + mp)∇2

RΨ(R) = EcmΨ(R), (3.11)


and a separate equation for the motion of r:



rψ(r) − e2

4πǫ0rψ(r) = Eψ(r). (3.12)

The energy Ecm is kinetic energy of translational motion of the centre of mass of the system, theenergy E is the sum of kinetic and potential energy in the centre of mass frame. The total energy ofthe pair of bodies is Ecm + E. We are usually interested in a stationary atom, where Ecm = 0.

3.3 Solution of Schrodinger equation for hydrogen

Hydrogen consists of an electron orbiting a proton. By far the greatest contribution to the potentialenergy of the system is the simple Coulomb attraction. Therefore to an excellent approximation theSchrodinger equation for the system is the one we have just derived, equation (3.12). Recall thatthe first term −h2∇2/2µ is the kinetic energy in the centre of mass frame, and the second term isthe potential energy which is negative because the particles attract one another. The reason thisequation is approximate rather than exact is that it ignores relativistic corrections which are smallbut non-negligible owing to the high velocities involved, and it treats the proton as a point-like particlewhereas in fact it is composed of quarks and gluons and has a non-zero volume.

To solve (3.12), first, since the potential is spherically symmetric (called a central potential), treat theproblem in spherical polar coordinates. The Laplacian operator ∇2, multiplied by −h2/2µ to expresskinetic energy, is in spherical polar coordinates


2µ∇2 =






r2 ∂





where L is the operator for angular momentum (defined by L = r ∧ p). The first term is thecontribution to kinetic energy coming from radial motion, i.e. motion in and out, while the secondterm is the kinetic energy of angular motion, i.e. rotation. (You might recognize the form L2/2µr2

as L2/2I where I = µr2 is the moment of inertia.)

Multiplying the whole equation by r2, and remembering that L2 is a function of angular variablesonly, not radial ones, it is possible to see that the Schrodinger equation can be solved by the methodof separation of variables. There exists a complete set of solutions having the form ψ(r, θ, φ) =R(r)Y (θ, φ). The Y part you should recall from previous lectures, it is an eigenstate of the operator

L2, with eigenvalue l(l + 1)h2 where l = 0, 1, 2, · · · is a non-negative integer. It is also an eigenstateof the operator for the z-component of angular momentum Lz, having eigenvalue mh where m is aninteger in the range −l ≤ m ≤ l. Therefore we will label the Y by the subscripts l,m to remind us ofthis:

L2Yl,m(θ, φ) = l(l + 1)h2 Yl,m(θ, φ) (3.14)

LzYl,m(θ, φ) = mhYl,m(θ, φ). (3.15)

The Y functions are called the spherical harmonics.

The radial part remains to be solved. It is a solution of the equation







r2 d



+h2l(l + 1)

2µr2+ V (r)


RE(r) = ERE(r). (3.16)

We have written V (r) rather than the explicit form −e2/4πǫ0r as a reminder that the results so farare valid for any central potential.


3.3.1 General features of the radial solution

Before solving this equation precisely, it is very useful at this stage to use our general knowledgeto estimate the approximate form of the solutions. The term h2l(l + 1)/2mr2 is rotational kineticenergy, but it plays a role in the radial equation mathematically equivalent to a contribution to radialpotential energy. It is called the ‘centrifugal barrier’ since it prevents the system reaching r = 0 whenit has non-zero angular momentum. Combining the centrifugal barrier with the Coulomb attraction,the net ‘potential energy’ is shown in figures 3.1 and 3.2 for l = 0, 1, 2, 3. For each value of l, wesee that an infinite number of solutions is possible, with increasing energy and increasing numbers ofnodes in the wavefunction, see figure 3.3. The energy curves in figure 3.1 imply that the wavefunctionswith larger l will have more energy, and will be associated with a larger mean value of r, i.e. theelectron is on average further away from the proton. These general features will be true no matterwhat the detailed form of V (r), (as long as it roughly resembles a 1/r curve), but for the case whereV (r) varies exactly as 1/r there is a set of coincidences: the k’th member of the set of energy levelsfor a given value of l (counting up from the one of least energy) has exactly the same energy as thek + 1’th member of the set associated with the next smaller angular momentum, l − 1. This fact isillustrated by the horizontal lines in figure 3.2 which show the energy level values for hydrogen.

0 1 2−15




r (nm)


t (eV


0 1 2−8





r (nm)


t (eV


0 1 2−4





r (nm)


t (eV


0 1 2−2





r (nm)


t (eV


Figure 3.1: The full curves show the sum of the Coulomb energy and the centrifugal barrier appearingin the radial Schrodinger equation for hydgrogen, for l = 0, 1, 2, 3 (top left, top right, bottom left,bottom right respectively). The horizontal lines show the lowest four energy levels in each case. Notethat the vertical scales are different.

3.3.2 Precise solution

To gain some more precise information, we next use a standard trick, which is to write RE(r) =PE(r)/r. Note that RE(r) is the radial part of the wavefunction, while PE(r) is simply a related


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1−15




r (nm)


t (eV


Figure 3.2: All the curves of figure 3.1 plotted on a single graph. For hydrogen (1/r potential) it isfound that energy levels of different l exactly equal one another, so for the n’th level (starting fromn = 1 as the lowest) there are n different radial wavefunctions all of the same energy.

function which we have introduced for convenience1. Substituting it in, we find





V (r) +l(l + 1)h2



PE = EPE . (3.17)

Now let’s guess the solutions. Since V (r) is only linear in 1/r, the so-called “centrifugal barrier” terml(l+1)/r2 will dominate when r → 0. Trying P ∼ rβ we obtain β(β−1) = l(l+1) which has solutionsβ = l + 1 or (−l). Rejecting the latter as unphysical (tends to infinity at origin), we find

RE(r) ∝ rl as r → 0. (3.18)

This is already a useful observation: we see that the states of least angular momentum, l = 0, canbe finite at the origin (the wavefunction is proportional to r0 = 1) while states of higher and higherangular momentum are flatter and flatter at the origin. This is important because the origin is wherethe nucleus is: we see that states of low angular momentum are more sensitive to the details of thenucleus, such as the fact that it is not really a point particle.

As r → ∞ the potential and the centrifugal term fall off, so the kinetic energy dominates, and thesolution is one which falls off exponentially as exp(−κr) where κ2h2/2µ = −E (this is a positivequantity since E is negative for bound states). The equation can be solved by a further change offunction, followed by the method of series solution (see appendix). The energy eigenvalues are foundto be

E = − µe4



(k + l + 1)2(3.19)

and the associated wavefunctions are also obtained. They should be looked up in the textbooks. Thequantum number k is an integer in the range k = 0, 1, 2, . . ., which counts through the set of energy

1Well, P doesn’t have a direct physical interpretation, but |P |2 does. It should be obvious to you, after a littlethought, that |P |2 = r2|R|2 is interesting because it is (when correctly normalised) the probability density for findingthe electron at r, i.e. anywhere in the spherical shell of radius r, thickness dr.


0 0.5 10



15x 10



r (nm)



0 0.5 1−2




x 1014


r (nm)



0 0.5 1−1




3x 10



r (nm)



0 0.5 1−2









0 0.5 1−2









0 0.5 1−2









Figure 3.3: Wavefunctions for hydrogen. The top three graphs show the radial part R(r) for n = 1, 2, 3and all values of l (i.e. l = 0 · · ·n− 1). The line type indicates the value of l: l = 0, 1, 2 for full curve,dashed, dash-dot, respectively. The bottom three graphs show the θ dependence of Yl,m(θ, φ) forl = 0, 1, 2 and all values of m (i.e. m = −l · · · l). The line type indicates the value of m: m = 0,±1,±2for full curve, dashed, dash-dot, respectively. The normalization is such that |Y |2 integrates to 4πover all solid angles.

levels of given l. We met it above when discussing the approximate expected form of the wavefunctions.k is equal to the number of nodes (zero crossings) in the radial part of the wavefunction.

The wavefunction of the ground state is worth remembering, it is:

ψ(r, θ, φ) = Ae−r/a0 (3.20)

where A is a normalisation constant which need not be memorized since it can be easily calculated.a0 is the Bohr radius. Note that the left hand side of the expression emphasizes that the completewavefunction over all space has been written down, in spherical polar coordinates. It so happens thatthis ground state wavefunction does not have any θ and φ dependence: it is spherically symmetric,but other states are not necessarily spherically symmetric (those with l > 0 are not).

There are two important simplifications of equation (3.19). First we notice that the energies are allgiven by a constant divided by an integer squared. The integer k+ l+1 is called the principal quantumnumber and is indicated by the symbol n. We can now drop k since it is given by n and l, and wenote that n and l have the ranges:

n = 1, 2, 3, . . .∞ (3.21)

l = 0, 1, 2 . . . n − 1 (3.22)

Both n and l arise for any central potential, not just the 1/r potential, and n − l − l is always thenumber of nodes in the radial wavefunction, but for potentials with some other dependence than 1/rthe energy depends on both n and l. This case arises for atoms other than hydrogen.


The next simplification of equation (3.19) is to express the constant in a more physically meaningfulway. A useful insight is gained by considering the fine structure constant α defined by

α =e2


where c is the speed of light. Consider the dimensions of this quantity: e2/4πǫ0 has the dimensionsof an energy multiplied by distance, so e2/4πǫ0c has dimensions of energy multiplied by time (Joule-seconds in SI units), therefore α is dimensionless. The fine structure constant is absolutely centralto the quantum physics of electromagnetic interactions: it is a combination of fundamental constantswhich compares electromagnetic quantities with Planck’s constant. The value of α is 7.29735× 10−3,and it is easy to remember this as α ≃ 1/137 which is accurate to one part in 4000.

You can show (see problems) and it is easy to remember that the mean speed (strictly, the r.m.s.speed) of the electron in the ground state of hydrogen is equal to αc. Furthermore, the potentialenergy is equal to minus twice the kinetic energy (this is a consequence of the virial theorem) andtherefore the total energy equals minus the kinetic energy:

E = −1

2µα2c2 (3.24)

for the ground state. You should confirm that this agrees with equation (3.19), that is, it is just aconvenient way of expressing the answer obtained by solving the Schrodinger equation. We will seelater (chapter 5) that the expression in terms of αc arises naturally out of a relativistically correcttreatment (i.e. one valid for speeds of order c).

Finally, then, all the energy levels of hydrogen are given by

En = −1

2µα2c2 1

n2. (3.25)

The quantity

R∞ =1



hc= 10 973 731.568 549(83) m−1 (3.26)

is called the Rydberg, where me is the mass of a free electron (∼ 9.10939 × 10−31 kg). Note thatby convention the Rydberg is defined in terms of the full electron mass, not the reduced mass. Thedimensions of the Rydberg are inverse distance, so it is directly related to wavenumber (inverse ofwavelength) measurements. The ionisation energy of the hydrogen ground state is not exactly 1Rydberg multiplied by hc but slightly less than this (even before relativistic corrections are taken intoaccount) owing to the reduced mass.

The ground state wavefunction is found to be

ψ1(r, θ, φ) =1


1/2e−r/a0 (3.27)

where the constant a0 = 4πǫ0h2/µe2 is called the Bohr radius. The Bohr radius is important because

it gives the size of the hydrogen atom—that is, we know the wavefunction does not have a sharpcut-off, but a0 gives the distance scale over which the wavefunction is falling off as r increases. It isuseful to remember a0 in terms of α, which can be done by noting that an electron moving at speedαc at a distance of a0 from some point has angular momentum h about that point, hence a0µαc = h,from which

a0 =h

µαc≃ 0.5 A (3.28)


What is the meaning of n? Out of the smoothness of the Schrodinger equation an integer, a discretething, has emerged. Why? Because out of all the continuous infinity of candidate solutions to the




∫ ∞


∫ π


∫ 2π


ψ(r, θ, φ)∗rkψ(r, θ, φ) r2 sin θdrdθdφ =

∫ ∞


R(r)∗rkR(r) 4πr2dr



5n2 + 1 − 3l(l + 1))


〈r〉 =(

3n2 − l(l + 1))



= 1/(n2a0)⟨



(l + 1/2)n3a20




l(l + 1/2)(l + 1)n3a30


Table 3.1: Expectation values of some powers of r for hydrogen energy eigenstates.

Schrodinger equation, only a discrete set behave correctly as r → 0 and r → ∞. The wavefunction islike a standing wave which has to have a specific form at these two ‘boundaries’, and in between it canoscillate up and down an integer number of times. To be specific, it passes through zero n − (l + 1)times. The reason we choose to call n the ‘principal quantum number’ rather than n − (l + 1) is todraw attention to the fact that the energy eigenvalue depends primarily on n. Indeed, for the 1/rpotential, by a mere chance (actually by a hidden symmetry) the energy depends only on n and noton l at all. However, n is primarily associated with the eigenfunctions, rather than the eigenvalues,and an equivalent quantum number will appear whenever we have a central potential, of whateverdependence on r. The eigenvalues will then still be related to n and l, but not by a simple formula.

3.3.3 Mean radius

It will be valuable later to have some information about the mean value of the radial coordinate, andof some of its powers. This is given in table 3.1. The expressions for the ground state are easy toderive and are treated in the problems. Notice the result 〈1/r〉 = 1/a0 for the ground state, and noticethat the main features of the variation with with n and l are as expected from the shape of the energycurves in figure 3.2 and the wavefunctions in figure 3.3.

3.3.4 How to remember hydrogen

The ground state Bohr orbit has v/c = αThe ground state energy is E1 = −T1

= − 12mα2c2

an electron orbiting at speed αc at the Bohr radiushas one unit of angular momentum, so mva0 = hfrom which a0 = h/(mαc)and more generally 〈r〉 ∝ n2

3.3.5 Main points

The main points of this chapter have been:reduced mass; Schrodinger equation for a central potential; RYl,m; n, l,m quantum numbers and theirmeaning; ER = − 1

2meα2c2; Bohr radius; the form of the wavefunctions; hydrogen-like systems and

scaling with Z; the semi-classical picture.


3.3.6 Appendix on series solution of hydrogen equation, off syllabus

This calculation is “off syllabus” in the sense that it would not normally be set as an atomic physicsquestion in finals, but as a part of mathematical methods in physics it is a standard example of theseries solution of a differential equation, which you should know how to handle.

The radial Schrodinger equation for a 1/r potential will be solved, using previous knowledge of theangular part of the solution. This is a long calculation, and the detailed working between steps willinvolve further algebra which is not set down here. In other words, there is no quick derivation of thefamiliar E ∼ 1/n2 answer. The derivation will nevertheless illuminate some important features of thesolution wavefunctions, and the meaning of the quantum number n.

With the clue that the solution falls off exponentially at large r, adopt the dimensionless variable

ρ =√−2mE r/h [ N.B. E < 0 so the sqrt is real

and let PE = e−ρu (3.29)

=⇒ 0 =d2u

dρ2− 2








ρ− l(l + 1)



u [ using V (r) = e2/4πǫ0r

Try u = ρl+1∞∑


Ckρk [ remember u ∼ rl+1 at r → 0

=⇒ Ck+1


−(−2mα2c2/E)1/2 + 2(k + l + 1)

(k + l + 2)(k + l + 1) − l(l + 1)[ after some work!

=⇒ E = −12mα2c2

(k + l + 1)2[ for the series to terminate

= −E1

n2[ Hydrogen energy levels

where n = k + l + 1, k = 0, 1, 2, . . . ; l = 0, 1, 2, . . .


Chapter 4

Hydrogen-like systems and spectra

‘Spectroscopic notation’

A spherically symmetric quantum system always has energy eigenstates of definite total orbital an-gular momentum, so the quantum number l arises. For historical reasons, this quantum number l isassociated with a letter, according to the following table:

l = 0 1 2 3 4 5 . . .s p d f g h . . .

(the letters arose from observations on spectra: ‘s’ for sharp, ‘p’ for principal, ‘d’ for diffuse, ‘f’ forfundamental (for some reason!), then g,h,. . . .)

Using this notation the radial part of the wavefunctions of hydrogen can be indicated by giving thevalues of n and l in the form shown by the table:

n l notation radial wavefunction

1 0 1s (πa30)

−1/2 exp(−r/a0)2 0 2s (8πa3

0)−1/2 (1 − r/2a0) exp(−r/2a0)

2 1 2p (8πa30)

−1/2 (r/2√

3a0) exp(−r/2a0)3 0 3s etc.3 1 3p . . . look them up in Leighton/Woodgate/. . . !3 2 3d


In this table, the radial part of the wavefunction has been normalised such that∫ ∞0

R∗R 4πr2dr = 1,but note that other ways of normalising are possible, depending on how the normalization of the fullwavefunction R(r)Y (θ, φ) is apportioned between the radial and angular parts—a matter of conventionand convenience.

4.1 Hydrogen-like systems

Our understanding of hydrogen can be applied almost unchanged to any system involving a pair ofoppositely charged particles bound to each other. We simply adjust for the charge and mass of theparticles. Any atom can be converted into a hydrogen-like ion by removing all but the last electron.Then if the atomic number is Z we have a nucleus of charge Z and the reduced mass of the electronis slightly changed since the nucleus is now heavier. We can immediately solve the problem without



significant further work by looking carefully at the Schrodinger equation


2µ∇2ψE − Ze2

4πǫ0rψE = EψE , (4.1)

and reasoning as follows: the only change compared to hydrogen is the Z which multiplies e2/4πǫ0 inthe equation (the fact that the reduced mass will not be the same as for hydrogen is already implicitlyallowed for since µ in the equation is the reduced mass). When we solve for the behaviour, everywherein the maths where previously e2/4πǫ0 occurred, there will now instead be Ze2/4πǫ0. It follows thatwe can just write down the answer, using the rule that wherever you see e2, now put Ze2. When wewrite the solution in terms of the fine structure constant α for convenience, it means that whereverpreviously we had α we now have Zα. Here is what we find:

The ground state Bohr orbit has v/c = ZαThe ground state energy is E1 = −T1

= − 12µZ2α2c2

from the expression for a0, we deduce 〈r〉 ∝ n2/Zµ

Notice that these results make physical sense: a highly charged nucleus pulls the electron in closer toit, and it can move at higher speeds while remaining bound.

The case of deuterium has Z = 1 but the mass of the nucleus is approximately twice that of hydrogen[Problem: how many times precisely?: Look it up in a book of physical constants], therefore thereduced mass of the electron changes, and all the energy levels are slightly shifted. Such a differencebetween the energy levels of different isotopes of the same element is called an isotope shift1.

Two other interesting cases are positronium, and muonic atoms. Positronium is the system of anelectron and a positron orbiting one another. The two particles will annihilate each other after abouta microsecond (or 10 nanoseconds, depending on the state, see Leighton p. 624) but up until that timethey form a hydrogen-like system with the important property that both particles are truly point-like:there is no internal structure, in contrast to the quarks inside the proton in hydrogen. This meansthe properties can be calculated even more precisely than for hydrogen, and one can test in particularthe theory of the Coulomb interaction down to very small distances, small compared to the size of aproton, by very precise measurements of the spectrum.

If atoms are placed in a beam of muons from a particle accelerator, occasionally an atomic electronwill be knocked out and a muon captured. The muon is 206.8 times heavier than an electron, so itswavefunctions have a much smaller Bohr radius. It soon decays to the ground state and then owing tothe small Bohr radius it sits inside the majority of the charge distribution provided by the electrons.Therefore it experiences almost the whole nuclear charge and its energies are approximated by thehydrogen formula with Zα where Z is almost the full charge of the nucleus, and µ is now the reducedmuon mass. The only thing is, the muon orbit can be so small that it spends most of its time rightinside the nucleus! Therefore the whole calculation needs to be reworked, we can no-longer assume apoint-like nucleus and measurements on muonic atoms yield much information on nuclear properties.

Finally, another important hydrogen-like system is antihydrogen (!): a positron bound to an anti-proton. Accurate comparisons between the spectra of hydrogen and antihydrogen are just becomingfeasible in laboratory experiments, and needless to say they give direct evidence of the nature ofthe fundamental symmetries of particles and their anti-particles. Antihydrogen, being the anti-atomwhich is easiest to fabricate, will also provide the first experimental test to ensure that gravity acts thesame on particles and anti-particles. [Problem: why can’t we test that using anti-protons or positronswhich are more readily available from particle accelerators?]

1Isotopes of a given element have the same number of electrons and protons, but differ in the number of neutrons inthe nucleus.


4.2 Spectroscopy

The main experimental techniques to investigate the structure of free atoms are emission and ab-sorption spectroscopy. In absorption spectroscopy, light from a source with a continuous spectrumover a wide enough range is directed through a vapour cell containing a vapour of the atoms to beinvestigated. The spectrum of the transmitted light is measured, and found to contain a continuousbackground interrupted by narrow absorption lines at those wavelengths which the atoms can absorb.In emission spectroscopy atoms in a vapour are excited, typically by means of electron bombardmentin a discharge, and the spectrum of the emitted light is measured. It is found to consist of a set ofnarrow lines.

The workhorse instrument for examining the gross structure of the spectrum is the diffraction grating.This is especially so for emission spectroscopy, since many of the wavelengths for neutral atoms are inthe range near-ultra-violet to near-infra-red, which can be investigated using gratings. In absorptionspectroscopy, wavelengths are generally shorter (for a simple reason we will examine in a moment)and diffraction gratings with sufficient reflectivity may not be available. A quartz prism spectrometercan be used in the ultra-violet region.

The details of emission and absorption spectroscopy are well described in two experiments on thepractical course: I recommend obtaining the manuscripts and doing the experiments. The mainpoints to consider in any form of spectroscopy are resolution, i.e. the smallest separation betweenspectral features which can be resolved by the instrument, and signal to noise ratio, in this casedetermined by the overall transmission from source to detector.

I will not describe the grating spectrometer in detail here. However, it is poor practice to try tolearn physics without some idea of how the experimental methods work, so I will outline some ofthe considerations, to show a selection of the issues which arise. I will then quote without proof afundamental result concerning the resolution of any optical spectroscopic instrument.

4.2.1 Main points for use of grating spectrograph

A diagram was given in the lecture. The main considerations for correct use of the instrument are

• Is the grating of high quality? It needs to be flat to less than a wavelength (e.g. λ/10) of thelight being examined, and have good reflectivity at the wavelengths of interest.

• Is full use made of the light available from the source? A condenser lens is used to focus the lightonto the entrance slit. Note, however, that too narrow a focus will not help since the beam afterpassing through the slit expands again, and much of it will miss the collimation lens altogetherif the focus was too tight.

• Is full use of the width of the grating made? The whole width of the grating must be illuminatedto obtain the best resolution. The condenser lens should be chosen appropriately to bring thisabout.

• Is the light properly collimated at the grating? The collimation lens must be carefully adjustedto one focal length from the slit; this can be done by observing the transmitted light through atelescope which is known to be accurately focussed at infinity.

• Is a sharp image of the slit formed in the detection plane? The imaging lens is adjusted whilethe slit image is observed.

• Is the slit as narrow as it usefully can be? The minimum useful slit size is determined by theimperfect sharpness of the image owing to diffraction effects associated with the finite size ofthe diffraction grating and collimation/imaging optics. Below this limit, further reduction of slitsize merely causes the image to be less bright.


• Is stray light reaching the detector reduced to a minimum?

4.2.2 Resolution

The resolution of all optical spectroscopy instruments can be understood by one simple result:

The minimum resolvable wavenumber difference is equal to the inverse of the longest path differenceover which interference occurs in the instrument.

(Wavenumber is one over wavelength, ν = 1/λ).

For example, for a diffraction grating of width w used at normal incidence, if one of the diffractedorders for some wavelength λ is found to be at angle θ, then the longest path difference for interferenceis w sin θ, therefore the minimum resolvable wavenumber difference is

δν =1

w sin θ(4.2)

Combining this with the fact that the n’th order diffraction occurs at angle θ given by d sin θ = nλfor a grating of spacing d we have

δν =d


⇒ δν




where N = w/d is the number of lines in the grating.

High-quality diffraction gratings are readily available with widths of a few centimetres, and reallygood ones go up to around 20 cm. Taking sin θ of order 0.5, equation (4.2) gives δν ≃ 0.1 cm−1 forthe best gratings. Note that it is common to discuss atomic spectra in wavenumber units, rather thanwavelength or frequency. This is because wavenumber is proportional to energy, so useful for gettinginsight into the energy level structure, and because is not always good practice to convert it intoenergy or frequency, because the value of Planck’s constant may not be as accurately known as themeasured wavenumbers, therefore such a conversion would involve a large loss in precision, or wouldrequire different texts to make clear what value for Planck’s constant was being used.

4.2.3 Usefulness of both emission and absorption methods

Emission spectroscopy can be used to examine all the transitions of any atom (within technical limits),so it might be asked whether absorption spectroscopy adds anything. Both are useful because thespectra of atoms (and of anything else more complicated than an atom) are extremely complex andhard to interpret. One is faced with a plethora of lines and a lot of ingenuity is required to makesense of the data. The great boon of the absorption method is that a simpler spectrum is obtained:if the atoms are at typical temperatures (below a few thousand degrees C) then they will almost allbe in the ground state, therefore only transitions from the ground state are observed. This enablesthe ground state transitions to be identified in the emission spectrum, which is the first step towards


0 50 100 150wavelength (nm)

0 500 1000 1500wavelength (nm)

Figure 4.1: Left: The complete absorption spectrum of hydrogen. Only the positions of the spectrallines are shown, not their relative intensities. There are many lines close together near the series limitat 91 nm, but no further lines of wavelength shorter than this or longer than 122 nm. Right: Partialemission spectrum of hydrogen. Only the positions of the spectral lines are shown, not their relativeintensities. The group near 100 nm are at the same wavelengths as the absorption spectrum. Thereare further lines at longer wavelengths, not shown.

interpreting it.

4.3 The spectrum for hydrogen

For hydrogen the energy level formula En = −E1/n2 enables us to calculate the transition frequencies:for a transition from n = j to n = k the frequency is

ν =|Ek − Ej |





k2− 1



The absorption spectrum is shown in figure 4.1: it consists of a sequence of lines of increasing frequency(decreasing wavelength), the longest wavelength is approximately 122 nm (make sure you confirm thisby calculation, to be sure you know where it comes from), the lines get closer and closer at shorterwavelengths, up to a ‘series limit’ at approximately 91 nm (confirm this yourself too). [Problem:91/122 ≃ 0.75. Is the ratio between the series limit and the longest wavelength exactly 3/4? If notthen with what degree of precision do you expect it to agree approximately with 3/4? (Hint: considerwhether the Schrodinger equation we have been using is exact).]

The emission spectrum has lines at the same wavelengths as the absorption spectrum, and also furtherlines at the frequencies of all the other transitions. These occur as a set of identifiable groups or series,each being the set of transitions to a given lower level. The first few series are named after atomicphysicists who first studied them, Lyman (n = 1), Balmer (n = 2), Paschen (n = 3), Brackett (n = 4)and Pfund (n = 5). Only the Balmer and Paschen series were first detected experimentally. AfterBohr introduced his model, he predicted the presence of the others; their subsequent experimentalobservation was an important success of the model. The series limit of each group enables the energyof the common lower level to be deduced immediately. Similar series occur in more complicated atoms,where this observation is a useful pointer to aid the interpretation process.

The transition n = 3 to n = 2 is the beautiful red “Balmer-alpha” line of wavelength 656 nm.


[Problem. Light from a distant star has a sequence of absorption lines at 134.3 nm, 113.3 nm, 107.5nm, 104.9 nm, and further lines getting closer and closer as they approach a limit near 101 nm. It isargued that these lines are due to absorption by hydrogen gas in the atmosphere of the star. Is thisexplanation consistent with the spectrum of hydrogen? If so, how fast is the star moving relative tous?]

What is going on when atoms emit and absorb light

We will discuss the coupling between atoms and light more thoroughly towards the end of the course.For now, I would simply like to give some guides to your physical intuition.

When an atom (or any other physical system) is in an energy eigenstate, it is in a certain importantsense a static system. It is correct to picture the wavefunction ψ as oscillating in time, and the electronde Broglie waves as moving from place to place, but in an energy eigenstate all this wave motion alwayshas the overall result that the probability distribution |ψ|2 is completely static. Therefore when youthink about an atom in one of its energy eigenstates, if you want to contemplate the net chargedistribution within the atom, you should imagine something completely fixed, as unmoving as if itwere set in concrete.

When an atom emits or absorbs light, on the other hand, it is temporarily in a superposition of energyeigenstates and the charge distribution oscillates. The oscillation continues for as long as it takes theatom to complete the absorption or emission process. The oscillation frequency is the frequency ofthe emitted or absorbed light.

Another interesting point is that when it comes to absorption and emission, a given atom is a com-pletely different ‘beast’, depending on what state it is in. For example, hydrogen in the ground statehas resonant frequencies at 2466 THz, 2923 THz, 3083 THz, etc., and can only absorb, while hydrogenin the 4s state has resonant frequencies at 3083 THz, 617 THz, 160 THz at which it can emit, and 74THz, 114 THz, etc. at which it can absorb.

Main points

The main points of this chapter have been: spectroscopic notation s, p, d etc.; hydrogen-like systemsand Z2 scaling; isotope shift from reduced mass; basic features of experimental method for emis-sion and absorption spectroscopy; use of and resolution of the diffraction grating spectrometer; thehydrogen spectrum; physical picture of absorption and emission process.

Chapter 5

Introduction to fine structure and


5.1 Experimental observation of fine structure

When the emission spectrum of an element such as sodium or potassium is observed, using a standardgrating spectrometer, then careful examination of the emission lines reveals that most of them are nota single line at a single wavelength, but a pair of wavelengths close together, a so-called doublet. Otherelements produce groups containing more lines close together, triplets, quadruplets, etc. When theenergy separation within each group is small compared to the energy separation between one groupand another, then this phenomenon is called fine structure.

It is found that the hydrogen emission spectrum has complicated fine structure, the emission linesappearing as groups of several lines together. In hydrogen the fine structure is especially small andalmost undetectable by grating spectrographs, higher resolution instruments such as Fabry-Perotetalons have to be used. Many of the groups of lines have themselves a pattern of two separate sub-groups, so that when the spectrum is slightly blurred the lines merge to form two ‘lumps’, therefore tofirst approximation we have a doublet. For an example see figure 5.1 which shows the fine structureof the Balmer-alpha (n = 2 → 3) line. The fine structure is approximately ten-thousand times smallerthan the gross structure. For example for the Balmer-alpha line the observed splitting is

10 GHz in frequency units0.3 cm−1 in wavenumber units40 µeV

None of this structure was predicted by our treatment of hydrogen up till now. However, it should notcome as a surprise that our treatment of hydrogen so far has ‘only’ been accurate to relative precision10−4 because we have seen that the speed of the electron is of order αc ≃ 10−2c. Corrections fromspecial relativity always appear as a power series in (v/c)2 so we can expect the predictions so far tobe inaccurate by of order a part in 104.



−0.2 −0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6−1






wavenumber (1/cm)








Figure 5.1: Fine structure of the n = 2 → n = 3 Balmer alpha line of hydrogen. The energylevel splittings and the observed emission spectrum are shown in wavenumber units (cm−1). Thezeros of the scales have been set arbitrarily at the lowest energy level of those shown, and at thesmallest wavenumber of the transitions in this group. The top group of 5 levels (two pairs and asingleton) belongs to the n = 3 configuration, the bottom group of 3 levels belongs to n = 2; thebreak in the vertical lines is to show that the gross structure splitting between n = 3 and n = 2(1/656 × 10−7 ≃ 15000 cm−1) has been suppressed. The dashed line shows the effect of blurring ofthe spectrum by the Doppler shift from random motion of the atoms in a gas of hydrogen at roomtemperature. Then the detailed structure is smoothed away and only a pair of lines (a doublet) isresolved.

In many branches of physics a precision better than one in a thousand would already be regarded asvery good, but here at the fundamentals we have to do better than that. Furthermore, our treatmentof other hydrogen-like systems such as highly charged ions has been less accurate still, because theelectron moves quicker when it is near a more highly-charged nucleus. For hydrogen-like Uranium,

92U91+, our treatment is essentially unusable because the electron is moving at speeds of order half the

speed of light. [Problem (easy): use the hydrogen results, including their scaling with Z, to confirmthis statement.]

5.2 The Dirac result

To cope with relativity (to be technically precise, to cope with Lorentz covariance) properly we haveto reject the Schrodinger equation altogether, and replace it with an equation which behaves the rightway under changes of reference frame. Such an equation was discovered by Dirac. It had all the rightproperties, only it had the surprising feature that instead of treating one wavefunction at a time, itused a vector of four wavefunctions to describe a single particle! The genius of Dirac was not onlyto discover the equation, but also to reason that the four-wavefunction vector described the two spinstates of the electron, and predicted a previously unknown form of the electron, which we now knowas its anti-particle, the positron.


The Dirac equation for two point-particles interacting by a 1/r potential can be solved exactly, if weassume one particle is fixed (i.e. it has infinite mass). The answer for nuclear charge Z = 1 is

Enj = mc2


1 + α2



n − (j + 12 ) + [(j + 1

2 )2 − α2]1/2



where j is the total angular momentum quantum number (j = l+ s) for the electron. The combinationof orbital and spin angular momenta will be discussed shortly. To allow for a nucleus of charge Z,just replace α by Zα. Note that this energy includes the rest energy mc2, so if we want to recoverthe Schrodinger prediction we should expand the square root in powers of α, and then take off themc2 contribution. [Problem: confirm that you then get the hydrogen energy (−(1/2)mα2c2/n2) to2nd order in α].

The Dirac equation itself is beyond this level of the course, but you should be aware that it is the rightrelativistic equation, and you should notice two things about the prediction for the energy levels:

1. The formula contains α only in the form α2, so when expanded in a power series, the next termafter the hydrogen gross structure (−(1/2)mα2c2) will be of order α4. Allowing for a nucleus ofcharge Z, this becomes order Z4α4.

2. The formula depends on j, and therefore predicts slightly different energies for two states of thesame n but different j. This difference is the fine structure.

I can’t resist adding that even the Dirac equation is slightly off: in 1947 Lamb and Retherford1

(not Rutherford), in a triumph of experimental physics, precisely measured a small splitting betweenstates of different l but the same j, which is not predicted by Dirac on its own. The splitting is nowcalled the Lamb shift (another Nobel prize here). This greatly stimulated the discovery of QuantumElectrodynamics which accounts for this further effect and pretty much everything else about electronsand photons.

Dirac summary

The summary of the Dirac equation prediction, up to order Z4α4, is

power of Zα i.e. coefficient interpretation

0 1 mc2 rest energy2 Z2α2 −mc2/2n2 gross structure

4 Z4α4 +mc2

8n4 (3 − 4nj+1/2 ) fine structure


This power series gives an easy way to remember that the fine structure in hydrogen-likeions scales as Z4.

5.3 Schrodinger method to account for fine structure

The fine structure of hydrogen and of other atoms can be calculated in an approximate way by treatingthe relativistic effects as small corrections to the basic Schrodinger equation which we have used up tillnow, equation (3.12). This approach has the advantage that it gives some good physical insights, andfor atoms other than hydrogen the Dirac equation quickly leads to intractable calculational problems,while the method of using Schrodinger’s equation with changes in the Hamiltonian can be calculatedwith greater success. The method is an example of an important general technique called perturbationtheory which will be the subject of the next two chapters. We shall then examine its application tothe fine structure of hydrogen in chapter 8.

1W. E. Lamb and R. C. Retherford, Physical Review 72, 241(1947).


We have already seen that the Dirac result refers to the total angular momentum of the electron,obtained from the sum of its orbital and spin angular momenta. These were introduced in the previouspart of the course, but I shall comment further on them here as a revision.

5.4 Physical nature of orbital and spin angular momenta

Orbital angular momentum and spin angular momentum have some similarities but also some impor-tant differences. Most of the similarities are in the mathematics of the operators which describe them,and their associated eigenvalues. The most clear differences are in the physical embodiment of thesetwo types of angular momentum, and the associated quantum states.


1. Both are forms of angular momentum.

2. Both are described by operators which obey the set of commutation rules for angular momentumoperators:

[Jx, Jy] = ihJz (5.3)

for J composed of entirely orbital or entirely spin angular momentum, or of a combination ofthe two types.

3. The eigenvalues of the operator J2 are of the form J(J +1)h2 independent of whether orbital orspin angular momentum is involved, and the eigenvalues of Jz are Mh where the possible valuesof M are −J,−J + 1, · · · J − 1, J .

4. Total angular momentum is conserved in an isolated physical system, irrespective of what typeof angular momentum it may be composed of.

5. Many physical interactions do not couple spatial and spin degrees of freedom. If only such inter-actions are involved, then orbital and spin angular momentum are each individually conservedin isolated physical systems. If coupling between spin and spatial degrees of freedom is present(e.g. spin-orbit interaction in atoms, see later) then the orbital and spin angular momenta maynot be conserved individually, but their sum is.

The upshot of all this is that for many purposes we can work with angular momentum without caringwhich type it is. However, there are important differences also.



1. Orbital angular momentum is completely described by and contained in the spatial wavefunction.Spin angular momentum is not: it is a completely new degree of freedom which requires anextension to the mathematical structure of quantum mechanics (see below).

2. The orbital angular momentum of a single particle can have any size and any direction, dependingon its state of motion; the spin angular momentum of a single particle is fixed in size, and alwaysthe same for the same type of particle, though it can have any direction (and for zero rest-massparticles such as photons the spin direction is related to the direction of propagation).

3. Orbital angular momentum always involves a movement of matter, i.e. a non-zero currentdensity; spin angular momentum does not.

4. The quantum number L associated with purely orbital angular momentum is always an integer;the quantum number S associated with spin angular momentum can be an integer or a half-integer.

5. The gyromagnetic ratio (ratio of magnetic dipole moment to angular momentum, see later) is1 (in standard units) for orbital angular momentum, but need not be, and usually is not, 1 forspin angular momentum.

I have written these differences in order of importance, with the most important first. The extensionto quantum mechanics which is mentioned in point 1 did not appear in the list of similarities, becauseit is to do with the states rather than the operators.

The full extension is the one introduced by Dirac, in which an electron is described not by a singlewavefunction, but by a set of four, and this treatment can handle relativistic calculations and anti-particles. However, in the limit of kinetic energies small compared to the rest energy, we can ignorepair creation and then it is sufficient to use two wavefunctions to describe a single electron. The mostconvenient way to think about this pair is to regard it as a two-component vector. Some exampleswill help to clarify this.

Before we became aware of the spin degree of freedom, we would have described a single electronmoving along the y axis by a wavefunction such as

ψ(x, y, z, t) = Nei(ky−ωt).

We now need to include the spin state by replacing this with a more complete statement. The spinis described by an operator S. For a single electron, we know the mathematics of this operator isthe same as the mathematics of a certain set of 2 × 2 matrices (the Pauli spin matrices), so the mostconvenient way to represent the spin state is to use a two-component vector. We define the entity




to be a mathematical representation of the spin state called ‘spin up’ (i.e. eigenstate of Sz witheigenvalue (+1/2)h) and we define the entity




to be a mathematical representation of the spin state called ‘spin down’ (i.e. eigenstate of Sz witheigenvalue (−1/2)h). These definitions will prove to be sensible ones, because the matrix methodsturn out to model the observed physical behaviour of electron spin perfectly, and that is all we requireof a physical description.


For a spin-half particle, a general spin state can be written as a combination of spin-up and spin-down:





+ b









normalized such that |a|2 + |b|2 = 1. For spin greater than one half (e.g. a photon of spin 1, or twoelectrons together, whose total spin could be 0 or 1) we need spin vectors of more components.

Note that the spin vectors are abstract mathematical entities. The vector space they live in is notpart of our everyday space of position and time, but is rather a ‘spin space’ in which only quantummechanical spin can live and move and have its being. In case this makes you worried that a wholenew dimension has been added to the world which you didn’t know was there, you should not worry,because since you are composed of electrons as well as other things, you already live in this spin spaceas well as in the everyday space which you have already noticed. (Efforts to relate spin to ‘ordinary’spatial degrees of freedom are active in areas of theoretical physics such as string theory, and it doesappear that spin can be regarded as arising from certain subtleties of motion of strings at a minutescale, but then these theories involve plenty of extra dimensions in any case, so the world is still morecomplicated than you thought.)

Now we need to combine the spatial wavefunction with the spin state. In many situations, a simpleproduct is sufficient (to be precise, this is a tensor product). So if our electron moving along the yaxis has spin state ‘up’ along the z axis, then the total state is

Ψ(x, y, z, ζ, t) = Nei(ky−ωt)





where the symbol ζ simply serves to remind us that the total state depends on a spin ‘coordinate’ aswell as on the familiar x, y, z (we are now using the word ‘coordinate’ in a generalized sense to includespin as well as spatial degrees of freedom).

If the electron’s spin state is along the x direction, the total state is

Ψi(x, y, z, ζ, t) = Nei(ky−ωt) 1√2





which is again a simple product. However, we need to be aware that states can also involve a more inti-mate mixture of spatial and spin degrees of freedom. For example, suppose the electron just describednow enters a Stern-Gerlach apparatus oriented with a gradient of magnetic field in the z direction.Then the spin-up component will experience a force upwards, while the spin-down component expe-riences a force downwards. Upon emerging from the magnet, the electron is in a superposition of onebeam propagating along and upwards, the other propagating along and downwards, where the finalmotional state depends on the spin state because of the action of the magnet. The result is

Ψf (x, y, z, ζ, t) = N1√2






+ ei(ky−∆z−ωt)





where h∆/m is the size of the upward or downward velocity imparted to the electron by the magnet.


Notice that the state of the electron cannot now be written as a product of spatial and spin parts:

Ψf (x, y, z, ζ, t) 6= ψ(x, y, z, t)




for any ψ, a, b (5.8)

This is a subtle idea, it means we can no longer say what the spin state is, in and of itself, becauseit is entangled with the spatial state, and similarly we cannot say what the spatial state is, in and ofitself, because it is entangled with the spin state.

5.4.1 Dirac notation

Throughout these notes I am taking pains not to assume the reader is familiar with Dirac notation.However, Dirac notation is powerful and elegant and I recommend it. In Dirac notation we regard thequantum state as a vector in an abstract space called Hilbert space. It does not matter whether theunderlying physical observables are of spatial or spin character, since the only observable quantititiesare overlaps (dot products) between one Dirac ket and another. In Dirac notation a spin state canbe written simply by giving the quantum numbers for the total spin and its projection along thequantisation axis, e.g.

|s = 1/2,ms = +1/2〉 for ‘spin up’ state of a spin-half particle

|s = 1/2,ms = −1/2〉 for ‘spin down’ state of a spin-half particle

Spin-half is sufficiently common that for this special case a short-hand is also adopted:

|↑〉 ≡ |s = 1/2,ms = +1/2〉 (5.9)

|↓〉 ≡ |s = 1/2,ms = −1/2〉 (5.10)

Simply as a reminder that spin states other than spin-half are possible, I shall now quote a resultwhich you have met in previous lectures, concerning possible total spin states of a pair of spin-halfparticles:

|S = 0〉 =1√2

(|↑〉1 |↓〉2 − |↓〉1 |↑〉2) (5.11)


|S = 1,MS = 1〉 = |↑〉1 |↑〉2|S = 1,MS = 0〉 =


(|↑〉1 |↓〉2 + |↓〉1 |↑〉2)

|S = 1,MS = −1〉 = |↓〉1 |↓〉2 (5.13)

We shall return to this subject when we come to consider a pair of electrons (the helium atom).

5.4.2 Main points

The main points of this chapter have been:the fact that the Dirac equation gives a full relativistic treatment; the formula for the energy levelscan be written as a power series in Z2α2; hence the Z4 scaling of fine structure; the nature of spinand its mathematical representation.


Chapter 6

Perturbation Theory

Perturbation theory is an important and powerful method in physics. It enables us to make progresswhen a physical system is too complicated to be analysed exactly. The essential idea is to solve thebehaviour in steps. First we approximate the system by some simple Hamiltonian whose Schrodingerequation we know how to solve. Then we add the bit missed out, and use perturbation theory tocalculate how our previous results (energy eigenfunctions and eigenvalues) must be changed.

6.1 First order non-degenerate time-independent perturba-

tion theory

The main result is as follows. If a system has a Hamiltonian of the form

H = H0 + δH (6.1)

where the effects of δH are small compared with those of H0, then we can solve the Schrodingerequation

Hψk = Ekψk (6.2)

by using the form

ψk = ψ0k + δψk

Ek = E0k + δEk

where ψ0k and E0

k are the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of H0, i.e.

H0ψ0k = E0

kψ0k, (6.3)

and δEk and δψk express the difference between the energies and eigenstates of H and those of H0.It is always possible to do this. The notation has the following logic. We use the subscript k to countthe different eigenstates, and the superscript zero is applied to quantities related to the zeroth orderHamiltonian H0 which is present before the perturbation is applied. Our aim will be to find δEk andδψk.

Plugging all this into (6.2) we have(

H0 + δH) (

ψ0k + δψk


= (E0k + δEk)


ψ0k + δψk


Multiplying out the brackets we obtain:

H0ψ0k + H0δψk + δHψ0

k + δHδψk = E0k ψ0

k + E0k δψk + δEk ψ0

k + δEk δψk (6.4)

So far everything we have done is exact, there are no approximations involved.



At this stage we make an approximation: we ignore 2nd order small quantities, and thus obtain

H0ψ0k + H0δψk + δHψ0

k ≃ E0k ψ0

k + E0k δψk + δEk ψ0


⇒ H0δψk + δHψ0k = E0

k δψk + δEk ψ0k, (6.5)

where we used (6.3) to cancel two terms. Now multiply by (ψ0k)∗ and integrate:



∣ H0 |δψk〉 +⟨


∣ δH∣




∣ E0k |δψk〉 +


∣ δEk




∣ δH∣


= δEk. (6.6)

The last step cancelled two terms by using the result


∣ H0 |δψk〉 = E0k


∣ δψk

. (6.7)

To prove this, use the fact that H0 is Hermitian, which implies that⟨


∣ H0 |δψk〉 = 〈δψk|H0∣



and then examine the integral, use (6.3) and to finish recall that the energy E0k is real. The more

expert quantum mechanic can see (6.7) immediately by operating H0 to the left inside the bracket,but if you don’t know what I mean by that, then ignore it.

So far we have derived in equation (6.6) the important result that a small perturbing Hamiltonianwill shift the energy of the k’th state by an amount equal to the expectation value of the perturbationin the original state:

δE(1)k =


∣ δH∣


. (6.8)

I have inserted the superscript (1) to act as a reminder that this result is only valid to first order—the2nd order small quantities have been neglected.

Next we would like to know the effect on the wavefunction. To find this, return to equation (6.5) andmultiply by one of the eigenstates different from ψ0

k before integrating:


∣ H0 |δψk〉 +⟨


∣ δH∣




∣ E0k |δψk〉 +


∣ δE∣





∣ δH∣




∣ δψk

(E0k − E0

n) (6.10)

using the same reasoning as before. Next, use the fact that δψk, the change in wavefunction, canalways be written in terms of the zeroth order wavefunctions, since they form a complete set:

δψk =∑


cnψ0n where cn =


∣ δψk


The perturbation theory result (6.10) tells us the coefficients, so we have

δψ(1)k =



∣ δH∣


E0k − E0


ψ0n. (6.11)

I have again inserted the superscript (1) to remind us that the result is a first order approximationto the complete δψk. Note that the term n = k is omitted from this sum: this is ok since anycontribution from ψ0

k to δψk is taken care of at the end by imposing an overall normalisation of thenew state ψ0

k + δψk (to first order approximation).

As long as, for the energy level k we are considering, no other level has the same energy, then all is well.However, if there is degeneracy E0

n = E0k then the answer (6.11) blows up. The case of degenerate

states will be considered in chapter 7.

6.1.1 Simple examples

These were treated in the lecture:


A particle is in a one-dimensional box (infinite square well potential) of width a. A small potentialstep is introduced at the centre of the box, raising the potential energy in the right hand half of thebox by V0. Calculate the energy eigenstates and their energies using first order perturbation theory,and comment on the accuracy of the calculation.

A one-dimensional simple harmonic oscillator has potential energy function V = (1/2)mω2x2. Asmall additional potential energy of the form V ′ = ax2 is introduced, where a ≪ mω2. Calculate theenergies of the lowest two energy eigenstates using first order perturbation theory, and comment onthe accuracy of the calculation.

6.2 2nd and higher orders

So far we have obtained the first order correction to the energies, equation (6.8) and the wavefunctions(6.11). We can now do better. Examining the exact equation (6.4), we can now substitute in thevalues of δEk and δψk, but in doing so we need to keep in mind that we have not calculated themprecisely, we have just got a result which is valid when 2nd order quantities are neglected. In orderto make further progress, it is useful to make the notation more powerful, in order to clarify what isapproximate and what is not.

To this end, we now write

δEk = δE(1)k + δE

(2)k + δE

(3)k · · · (6.12)

δψk = δψ(1)k + δψ

(2)k + δψ

(3)k · · · (6.13)

The superscript indicates the degree of approximation involved, as follows: δE(1)k is an approximation

to δE which is valid when 2nd and higher order quantities are neglected; (δE(1)k + δE

(2)k ) is an

approximation to δE which is valid when 3rd and higher order quantities are neglected, and so on. Asimilar statement applies to each term in the sequence for δψk.

The quantities which we have calculated so far, equations (6.8) and (6.11), are δE(1)k and δψ

(1)k where

the superscript (1) was already introduced with the new notation in mind.

Substituting (6.12) and (6.13) into the exact equation (6.4) gives

H0ψ0k = E0

kψ0k (6.14a)

+H0δψ(1)k + δHψ0

k +E0kδψ

(1)k + δE

(1)k ψ0

k (6.14b)

+H0δψ(2)k + δHδψ

(1)k +E0

kδψ(2)k + δE

(1)k δψ

(1)k + δE

(2)k ψ0

k (6.14c)

+ · · · + · · · (6.14d)

where I have gathered all the zeroth order terms on line a, all the first order terms on line b, and soon.


We have already seen that the zeroth order terms cancel, and we have expressions for the first orderterms. To obtain the 2nd order terms, notice that the first order result is such that line b cancels.Therefore we are just left with line c (in 2nd order we are ignoring the further lines of the equation):

H0δψ(2)k + δHψ

(1)k = E0

kδψ(2)k + δE

(1)k δψ

(1)k + δE

(2)k ψ0

k. (6.15)

Multiply by (ψ0k)∗ and integrate, and use the same observation we employed in equation (6.7) to cancel

the first term on each side. What remains is


∣ δH∣





∣ δE(1)k





∣ δE(2)k


. (6.16)

Now recall that ψ0k does not appear at all in the expression (6.11) for δψ

(1)k , and therefore the first

term on the right hand side is zero. Hence

δE(2)k =


∣ δH∣




which is nice and memorable. Now substituting in (6.11) we obtain the 2nd order energy correction:

δE(2)k =


∣ δH



∣ δH∣


E0k − E0






∣ δH∣




E0k − E0


. (6.18)

You should now be able to see how the method proceeds to all orders. The next step is to get the 2ndorder correction to the wavefunctions, then with that information we can get the 3rd order correction

to the energies, and so on. Provided the series of terms E0k + δE

(1)k + δE

(2)k + · · · converges, then

the series sum will be exactly the correct energy Ek under the perturbed Hamiltonian. In practice,we usually are content to calculate just the first order, or a few low-order terms, and accept thedegree of approximation involved. However, it is important to have some idea of what that degree ofapproximation is.

Here we shall just consider how accurate the first order result is. To this end, reason that when theperturbation is small, then the series converges quickly, so we expect the inaccuracy of the first orderapproximation to be given mostly by the 2nd order term. Examining (6.18) and (6.8) we find

|δE(2)k |

|δE(1)k |

≈ |δE(1)k |

|E0n − E0


where the symbol ≈ is here used to mean ‘is the same order of magnitude as’. This result says the 2ndorder correction is small compared to the 1st order one, when the first order shift is small comparedto the energy level spacing of the original (unperturbed) Hamiltonian.

6.2.1 Energy levels ‘repel’

We just remarked on the size of the 2nd order correction δE(2)k . It is useful to note its sign as well. The

series in (6.18) is dominated by the terms for which the denominator is small, in others words by thecontribution from energy levels close to the one whose shift is being calculated. Since the numeratorof each term is always positive, the sign of the contribution is given by the denominator. For a givenenergy level k, the 2nd order shift is upwards (positive sign) whenever the other energy level n hasless energy (E0

n < E0k), and downwards whenever the other energy level as more energy (E0

n > E0k).

The net effect is always such that levels ‘repel’, i.e. the 2nd order shift tends to push energy levelsapart from one another.


For example, the 2nd order contribution to the shift of the ground state energy is always such as tolower it.

6.3 Examples in hydrogen ground state

We shall next apply non-degenerate perturbation theory to two problems of interest in the hydrogenatom and hydrogen-like ions. Since at this stage we can only treat the non-degenerate case, we willbe limited to calculations for the ground state. The other states of hydrogen will be treated later.

6.3.1 Nuclear volume correction

Up till now we have treated the proton at the centre of the hydrogen atom as if it were a point-likeparticle. In fact it is a system of quarks and gluons with a size of order 10−15 m. The details of thecomplex set of interactions between the electron in hydrogen and the quarks in the nucleus need notconcern us, but we can easily consider the main effect: this is that the nuclear charge is spread outover a finite volume of space.

Let us model the nucleus (a single proton for hydrogen, or a system of protons and neutrons for ahydrogen-like ion or an isotope) as a sphere of radius R having constant charge density smeared outover its volume (4/3)πR3. The value of R will be in the region of 10−15 m, it can be deduced fromscattering experiments, or else we can calculate a formula for the effect on the spectrum of hydrogen,and then use the observed spectrum to deduce R. We shall do this using perturbation theory.


0 0.5 1 1.5 2−4









Figure 6.1: Potential energy for volume effect calculation, in units of e2/(4πǫ0R). Full curve: fullpotential energy V (eq. (6.23)). Dashed curve: zero order potential energy V 0. Dotted curve:perturbation δV = V − V0 (eq. (6.25)).

The zeroth order Hamiltonian is the one we have used up till now:

H0 =p2

2µ− e2

4πǫ0r. (6.20)

To find the perturbing Hamiltonian, we need to do a bit of electrostatics to deduce the electric potentialfrom a sphere of charge. Outside the sphere it follows from Gauss’s theorem that the electric field isthe same as the one from a point charge, leading to potential energy

V = − e2

4πǫ0rfor r ≥ R. (6.21)

Inside the sphere, the electric field is still spherically symmetric and outwards, but now Gauss’stheorem tells us it is equal to that of the charge enclosed by a sphere of radius r, which is a fraction(r/R)3 of the total amount e, hence the magnitude of the electric field E inside the nucleus is

E =(r/R)3e

4πǫ0r2for r ≤ R. (6.22)

This equation says the field increases linearly with r. Integrating it with respect to r we find the electricpotential is quadratic in r. The constant of integration must be such that the electric potential iscontinuous at r = R (since there cannot be an infinite electric field there), hence the potential energyof the electron when it is inside the nucleus is

V = − e2




2− r2



for r ≤ R. (6.23)

Equations (6.21) and (6.23) together tell us the correct Hamiltonian for our problem:

H =p2

2µ+ V (r). (6.24)

Therefore the perturbation is

δH = H − H0 =




− 32 + r2

2R2 + Rr


for r ≤ R

0 for r ≥ R(6.25)

This perturbation is shown in figure 6.1. Notice that δH tends to infinity as r → 0, but this does notimply it is a ‘large’ perturbation, since its effects (the change in energy levels and eigenfunctions) willbe small. Notice also that we avoided the mistake of thinking equation (6.23) itself is the perturbation,which of course would be quite wrong.


Applying the theory to the ground state of hydrogen, we find the energy shift

δE(1) =⟨


∣ δH∣



∫ R


∫ π


∫ 2π
















e−r/a0r2 sin θdrdθdφ

using equation (3.27) for the wavefunction and (6.25) for the perturbation. Notice that the radialintegral stops at r = R because the perturbation is zero for r > R. Our integral looks a little tricky,but as good atomic physicists we should think about the size of the quantities involved. The nuclearradius R is of order 1 fermi, i.e. 10−15 m, but the electron wavefunction size a0 is of order 1 Angstrom,i.e. 10−10 m for hydrogen, therefore to very good approximation exp(−r/a0) ≃ 1 for all values of rwhich appear in the integral. Using this insight, the integral is trivial, and we have

δE(1) =4



4πǫ0R2. (6.26)

The order of magnitude of this quantity is 10−8 eV, so it is very small compared to the zero-orderenergy separations which are of order a few eV, therefore this 1st order perturbation calculation isvery accurate. However, we are about to consider relativistic considerations which will show thatin truth the hydrogen atom is not as simple as we have assumed here, so in fact we can only trustthe general form of this calculation of the nuclear volume effect. The main point is that the shift isfound to be proportional to the mean square nuclear radius, and has a size of order (R/a0)

2 times thezero-order energies.

Such a small shift is not easy to observe directly, but it can be seen by comparing the spectrum ofone isotope with another. However in such a comparison we need to keep in mind that the energylevels are shifted both by the nuclear volume effect and by the change in reduced mass of the electron.If more than two isotopes are available, then the two contributions can be distinguished by takingadvantage of their different dependence on the relative atomic mass. Alternatively, we can bring inother information, such as the nuclear masses which can often be accurately measured another way(e.g. by comparing the motional frequencies of ions of the relevant isotopes confined in an ion trap).

6.3.2 Relativistic kinetic energy correction

According to special relativity, the kinetic energy of a particle of rest mass m and momentum p is

T = (p2c2 + m2c4)1/2 − mc2 [ relativistic kinetic energy

≃ p2

2m− 1






+ . . . (6.27)

we shall apply this result to the quantum theory of hydrogen, replacing p by its operator p. It is,however, questionable whether this replacement is strictly correct, since we are combining a classicalrelativity result with a quantum non-relativistic equation of motion, whereas we ought to replace thewhole equation of motion (and then we would be dealing with the Dirac equation). However, it isfound that this approach does reproduce the results of the Dirac equation correctly, and it yieldsphysical insight, so we shall stay with it.

We next consider whether to replace m in (6.27) by the reduced mass µ. For the first term, p2/2m,this is the right thing to do since it then reproduces the low-velocity limit correctly. However it shouldbe kept in mind that the dynamics of a two-body system cannot be simplified by the reduced massconcept in the relativistic limit, therefore it is questionable whether the reduced mass should be usedin the relativisitic corrections. However, when the nuclear mass is large compared to the electron mass(i.e. all cases except for positronium) this is a correction to a correction, and we shall not concernourselves with it at the level of these notes. We shall therefore quote the small energy shift using therest mass m of the electron.


In order to simplify the further calculations, we now use the neat trick of expressing the kinetic energyp2/2m as total energy minus potential energy, and hence the perturbing Hamiltonian is

δH = − 1

2mc2(En − V )2. (6.28)

This example is treated in the problems. The result is

δE(1)1 = −5

8Z4α4mc2. (6.29)

The size of the shift is smaller than the unperturbed energies by a factor of order Z2α2 ≃ v2/c2, aswe should expect for a relativistic correction. This is a small perturbation for hydrogen, though it islarge compared to the nuclear volume effect.

Chapter 7

Degenerate perturbation theory

When two of more energy eigenstates are degenerate, then perturbation theory as we have discussedit so far breaks down, because it is impossible for the shift caused by the perturbation to be smallcompared to the separation between the energy levels before the perturbation was applied. This isfound in practice to be a very common situation, so it is important to know how to handle it. Thischapter is dedicated to a careful consideration of what we need to do.

7.1 A summary

Before going into the reasons why, I am going to tell you at the outset both our problem and itssolution.

Problem: equation (6.11), and hence equation (6.18) etc. all blow up when En = Ek for one or moreterms in the sum.

Solution: we arrange that whenever E0n = E0

k, then⟨


∣ δH∣


= 0. Then we use the expressionsalready calculated, dropping the terms whose numerator is zero.

The essence of the solution is as simple as that! What we now need to do is (1) find out how toarrange


∣ δH∣


= 0 when we need it, and (2) in so doing, prove that it is always possible toarrange this for the case of degenerate states.

Notice that when the matrix element⟨


∣ δH∣


is zero for the case of degenerate energy levels,then in the sum (6.11) we have a “zero divided by zero” and hence mathematically ill-defined quantity.Therefore we need to return to the previous equation (6.10). This equation says 0 = 0 for this case,which is mathematically well-defined (and correct!), but it means we now have no information aboutthe value of


∣ δψk

. However, by looking into this more fully it is possible to show that whenever⟨


∣ δH∣


= 0, then δψk does not contain any contribution from ψ0n, so it is correct simply to omit

the term from the sum.



The mathematical procedure which arranges that⟨


∣ δH∣


= 0 (for n 6= k) is called ‘diagonal-ising the perturbing Hamiltonian’. This phrase refers to the matrix which represents the perturbingHamiltonian in the basis provided by the zeroth order states. We are arranging that off-diagonalelements of this matrix are zero, hence the phrase. However, notice that we don’t in fact need allthe off-diagonal elements to be zero, and in practice they won’t be all zero: only the ones for whichthe states were degenerate before the perturbation is applied are made zero by the ‘diagonalization’(which is therefore, strictly speaking, only a partial diagonalization).

7.1.1 Degenerate sub-space

To get to grips with the concepts here, we need to think hard about energy eigenstates in the presenceof degeneracy. Let E0

k be a set of energy levels, and ψ0k the associated energy eigenfunctions (all

normalized and mutually orthogonal), of some Hamiltonian H0. Consider the state

u = aψ01 + bψ0

2 (7.1)

This is a perfectly allowable wavefunction as long |a|2 + |b|2 = 1, which we assume. The crucialquestion is:

is u an eigenstate of energy?

You must be absolutely clear in your mind about this! The answer is:

if ψ01 and ψ0

2 are degenerate, then yes, otherwise no.

(Proof: operate H0 onto u and see what you get.)

So, in the case of degeneracy we have an interesting situation. Not only ψ01 and ψ0

2 , but also any linearcombination of them, are all eigenfunctions of H0. This is an infinite number of states, all havingthe same energy. The better way to think about this is to see that an arbitrary linear combination oftwo orthogonal quantum states is enough to span a complete ‘space’ of states, just as two orthogonalvectors span a two-dimensional vector space. Therefore, rather than thinking in terms of an infinitenumber of states, it is more insightful to think of the degenerate states as a two-dimensional space ofstates.

More generally, if some number m of mutually orthogonal states are all degenerate, then they forman m-dimensional space of degenerate states.

This observation is crucial to degenerate perturbation theory, because it enables us to see that thereis some flexibility in how we define the set of zero-order states which are used in the perturbationexpansion. For example, if for some perturbation


∣ δH∣


6= 0, which will cause trouble in theperturbation expansion when E0

1 = E02 , then we can always try some other pair of mutually orthogonal

states in the degenerate space. For example, try

ψ0+ = (ψ0

1 + ψ02)/

√2 (7.2)

ψ0− = (ψ0

1 − ψ02)/

√2. (7.3)

These are equally good candidates to be used as the zero-order states in the perturbation theorycalculation, because they are eigenstates of the zero order Hamiltonian H0, and they are orthogonalto each other and to all the other eigenstates of H0. If we find


∣ δH∣


= 0 then our work isdone: the perturbation is ‘diagonal in the new set of states’ and we can use the standard perturbationtheory results.


In the example just given, we got lucky: the states ψ0+ and ψ0

− were simply found by a guess. Ingeneral, it can be shown that it is always possible to diagonalize a Hamiltonian in a given space. Theset of mutually orthogonal states (the diagonal basis) which achieves this will not usually be as simpleas ψ±, but it can be found. The proof relies on some matrix methods which I won’t go into here,please consult the text books if you are interested. It is essentially the standard method to diagonalizea matrix (find the eigenvectors, form a matrix U out of them, and then use U to change basis).

7.1.2 The general method

We can now see how the method works in general:

Degenerate perturbation theory proceeds exactly as non-degenerate perturbation theory, as long as weensure that the zero-order states satisfy


∣ δH∣


= 0 whenever E0n = E0




∣ δH∣


= 0 we say the perturbation δH does not “connect” the two states. The degeneratestates can always be manipulated into a form which ensures this. The manipulation is referred to as“diagonalizing the perturbing Hamiltonian”, and can be achieved by an automatic though somewhatinvolved mathematical procedure. However, we can almost always avoid the full complexities of thatprocedure, by using methods which carry more physical insight. The methods to be tried first are

• make use of some symmetry of the problem, which enables one to guess the appropriate basis

• identify constants of the motion

7.2 Constants of the motion

The phrase ‘constant of the motion’ can be used in either classical or quantum mechanics, it refersto some physical property which does not change in time, although the physical system in questionmay be changing in time in other ways. For example, for a ball thrown across a tennis court, thehorizontal component of momentum is a constant of the motion (in the absence of air resistance) whilethe vertical component of momentum, and height, and the horizontal position, are not. For a throwngyroscope (or a spinning tennis ball) the angular momentum as well as the horizontal velocity is aconstant of the motion.

In the quantum context, a constant of the motion is a physical observable Q such as position, momen-tum, angular momentum (orbital or spin), etc. whose value does not change in time for the systemunder consideration. That is, if the observable were to be measured, the set of values which could beobtained, and their probability distribution, are independent of the time at which the measurement ismade. You should know by now that if an observable Q does not evolve in time, then its operator mustcommute with the Hamiltonian. But this in turn implies that the eigenstates of Q can simultaneouslybe eigenstates of the Hamiltonian and hence that any state of definite energy can also have a definitevalue of Q, so the eigenvalues of Q are good quantum numbers.

term meaning mathematical implication

constant of the motion quantity which does not the operator commutes with

vary in time the Hamiltonian: [Q, H] = 0

good quantum number quantum number associated eigenstate of Q iswith an operator which is simultaneously an

a constant of the motion eigenstate of H


These concepts are useful in perturbation theory when we can identify an observable which is aconstant of the motion under the original Hamiltonian H0 and also under the perturbed HamiltonianH0 + δH. Suppose Q is such an observable. Then we know two useful things:

• the zeroth order energy eigenstates can be (they don’t have to be, but they can be) eigenstatesof Q:

Qψ0k = qkψ0

k for energy eigenstates ψ0k

• Q commutes with the perturbation:

[Q, δH] = 0 ⇒ Q δH = δH Q

From these we can prove the crucial condition⟨


∣ δH∣


= 0 for zero-order energy eigenstates ψ0n

as follows:


∣ δH∣





∣ δHqk





∣ δHQ∣


[ since ψ0k is eigenstate of Q (as well as of H0)




∣ QδH∣


[ since Q commutes with δH




∣ qnδH∣


[ Hermitian Q and ψ0n eigenstate of Q




∣ δH∣




∣ δH∣



1 − qn



= 0




∣ δH∣


= 0 or qn = qk

i.e. the perturbation does not connect states of different Q.

1For a slicker proof, just consider 0 =⟨


∣ [Q, δH]∣





∣ δH∣



(qn − qk).


The method to apply degenerate perturbation theory by means of constants of the motion is as follows.

1. Find an observable which is a constant of the motion under both the original and the perturbingHamiltonian. Call this observable Q.

2. We know it is possible to find states which are eigenstates both of the zero-order Hamiltonianand of Q, so find them.

3. As long as we use these zero-order states, the standard results of perturbation theory will applywithout problem (as proved above).

Sometimes the states identified in step (2) still have the problem of simultaneous degeneracy withrespect to both energy and Q, in which case either a further constant of the motion must be foundor else the brute force ‘diagonalisation’ procedure (which I have not described) has to be resortedto. Assuming this does not happen (it will not for the cases we meet in this introduction to atomicphysics), the only subtlety is that the states to be identified in step (2) might not be exactly thesame as the states you were used to for the physical system under consideration. For example, in thehydrogen atom, we found so far that the energy eigenstates are a product of a radial part R(r), a spinpart χ(ζ) (not treated in detail yet, but we know it is there), and an angular part in the form of aspherical harmonic Yl,m(θ, φ). However, once we include relativistic corrections to the Hamiltonian, itwill emerge that we should not use zeroth order eigenstates in the form R(r)Yl,m(θ, φ)χ(ζ). Instead,we will have to combine together states of different m and spin direction, but of the same n and l.This is an example of the coupling of two angular momenta (orbital and spin in this example). Thecase of coupled angular momentum is very prevalent in atomic physics. I will finish this chapter bydiscussing it in detail, first for classical mechanics, and then with the main quantum ideas.

7.3 Example: charged gyroscopes

Suppose we have two classical gyroscopes in a space station, so that they are in free fall and we canignore gravity. The gyroscopes are spinning fast, and their axes are not parallel. Each gyroscopewill have a fixed orientation in space because the angular momentum about any axis in space doesnot change in time (conservation of angular momentum). Now suppose that each gyroscope has asmall lump of electric charge placed somewhere on the flywheel—think of an insulating plastic patchcharged by a few electrons for example. The gyroscopes will now influence each other by Coulombrepulsion, and the exact form of this influence as a function of position and time is very complicatedbecause the gyroscopes are rotating. However, imagine that the charge really is very small, so theinfluence of the gyroscopes on each other is tiny compared with the size of each one’s rotation aboutits own axis. What will happen? We can make three predictions, two of them certain and exact, theother approximate but correct to a high degree of accuracy.


What is certain is that

1. Something will happen—the motion will change in some way.

2. The total angular momentum of both gyroscopes together will not change. This is certainbecause internal forces (i.e. internal to the system consisting of the pair of gyroscopes) cannotproduce a net torque on the whole system.

A very reasonable (and in fact quite accurate) approximation is that the speed of rotation of eachgyroscope about its own axis will not change. I am not going to prove this here, [Problem: (hard)find a way to treat the small extra torques which arise in this scenario and see if you can prove theclaim], but I claim that it is physically reasonable. What happens is that both gyroscopes begin toprecess slowly, and they do so in such a way that the total angular momentum of the whole systemstays constant. That means they precess about the direction of the total angular momentum. Thinkabout it!—draw a vector diagram of the two individual angular momentum vectors adding up to makethe total angular momentum, and figure out a way to have the two vectors move with constant lengthbut changing direction in such a way that their sum does not change.

In mathematical terms, the size of the two classical angular momenta l1, l2 does not change, whiletheir changing direction means their individual z components fluctuate in time. Meanwhile the totalangular momentum vector L = l1 + l2 is fixed, i.e. fixed in both size and direction. l1 and l2 precessabout L.

7.3.1 Quantum gyroscopes

Now we will analyse the same problem using quantum mechanics. In order to have a reasonable picture,assume the gyroscopes are very small and rotating very fast, and the charge is just one electron’sworth—in fact our two gyroscopes will be simply two electrons in an atom! This is a classic exampleof degenerate perturbation theory. Before we allow for the influence of the electron-electron repulsion,the energy eigenstates ψ0

k are angular momentum eigenstates having quantum numbers l1,ml1, l2,ml2

where the labels 1, 2 label the two electrons. The fact that these are eigenstates of z-component ofangular momentum lz1, lz2, as well as of total angular momentum squared for each electron, indicatesthat the gyroscopes have a fixed orientation in space. Next we allow for the perturbation causedby their Coulomb repulsion. We find that the energy eigenstates ψk of the complete HamiltonianH0 + δH are still, to good approximation, eigenstates of l21, l22, but they are no longer eigenstates of

lz1, lz2. Therefore the numbers ml1, ml2 are not good quantum numbers any more. This expressesthe fact that the z component of angular momentum of each electron now wanders up and down dueto precession (see diagram in lecture).

The total angular momentum of the pair of electrons is represented by the operator L = l1 + l2.Let L and ML be the quantum numbers associated with eigenstates of the total angular momentumoperators L2 and Lz.

Allowing for the Coulomb repulsion between the electrons, the energy eigenstates ψk now combinestates of the same li but different mli, so as to produce states of definite L and ML. This correspondsto the statement that the total angular momentum L remains constant under the perturbation, havingboth a constant size and a constant direction.


Actually, and this illustrates the importance of the idea of the degenerate space of states, we couldhave used states of definite L and ML all along. That is, instead of picking ψ0

k to be a state givenby quantum numbers l1,ml1, l2,ml2, we could have chosen it to be a state of definite l1, l2, L,ML,because that would have been an eigenstate of H0 as well. This is the trick of degenerate perturbationtheory: we have some choice about exactly which form the zero order states have, because we cantake groups of degenerate states and combine together the members within each group. If we can dothis in such a way as to obtain degenerate states which are not connected to one another by theperturbation, then our work is done since the blowing-up problem of equation (6.11) is avoided, andwe simply use the standard results (6.8), (6.11) for the energy shift and change in wavefunction.

In this example the perturbation can’t connect states of different L,ML, so these are the stateswhich the system naturally adopts as its energy eigenstates (recall the behaviour of the 2D harmonicoscillator and of the vibrating drum skin) and each acquires a well-defined energy shift. The energyshift is given by

δE =⟨

q., L,ML


∣q., L,ML


where q. is the list of all the other relevant quantum numbers, which in this case is n1, n2, l1, l2 butN.B. not ml1,ml2.

Some complete worked examples of degenerate perturbation theory will be provided in the nextchapter. The appendix below gives an example problem for which an exact solution is possible, sothat the perturbation result can be confirmed.

7.4 Appendix: An exact analysis of a simple example

To get some insight into perturbation theory in the degenerate case, we will consider an examplewhere we can work out the exact answer without using perturbation theory. The example we willexamine is a 2-dimensional harmonic potential well V0 = (1/2)mω2(x2 + y2), with a perturbation tobe described in a moment.

The situation before the perturbation is applied can be analyzed by separation of variables, givingsolutions of the form ψ0(x, y) = u0(x)v0(y). The energy levels of the 1-dimensional Schrodingerequations are Ex,m = (m+1/2)hω and Ey,n = (n+1/2)hω, so the total energy is Em,n = (m+n+1)hω.All the energy levels apart from the ground state are degenerate. For example the two different states

f0(x, y) = Axe−x2/2a2


, g0(x, y) = Aye−x2/2a2



where a = (h/mω)1/2 and A =√

2/πa4 both have energy E1,0 = E0,1 = 2hω.

Suppose now a perturbing potential of the form

V ′ = ǫ(x + y)2

is applied to the system (for example, if the system is an electron in a trap, this perturbation couldbe caused by an electric field along the diagonal x = y and increasing linearly with distance). It isquite easy to see what must happen: the potential energy is no longer circularly symmetric, the wellnow has an elliptical shape, being more tightly confining along the diagonal x = y.

In order to analyze the problem, it is convenient to introduce new coordinates x′ = (x + y)/√

2, y′ =(x − y)/

√2, so the total potential energy can be written

V0 + V ′ =1

2mω2(x2 + y2) + ǫ(x + y)2 =



2mω2 + 2ǫ


x′2 +1


Define ω′ by putting (1/2)mω2 + 2ǫ = (1/2)mω′2 and we obtain the exact solution by separation intotwo one-dimensional problems as before, in the new coordinate system x′, y′. The energy levels arenow E = (m+1/2)hω′ +(n+1/2)hω and the energy eigenstates are of the form ψ = u(x+y)v(x−y).


The first significant point is that the new choice of coordinates was open to us all along: we couldjust as readily have written the eigenstates of the original unperturbed Hamiltonian in this coordinatesystem. We would have obtained for the first excited states, for example,

ψ0+(x, y) = A

x + y√2



=1√2(f0(x, y) + g0(x, y)) (7.6)

ψ0−(x, y) = A

x − y√2



=1√2(f0(x, y) − g0(x, y)) (7.7)

where the reader should check the final equality by expanding the squared terms in the exponents.

Now let us examine how perturbation theory deals with this example. If we picked the original wayof writing the states, f0(x, y) and g0(x, y), then we would have an infinity in equation (6.11) andtherefore the original approximation in going from (6.4) to (6.5) has broken down. However, if wepick the equally valid zero-order states ψ0

+(x, y) and ψ0−(x, y) then in equation (6.10) the left hand

side, which is here⟨


∣ δH∣


, is equal to zero, which is consistent with the right hand side, soeverything is mutually consistent and correct, and the first order perturbation theory results are valid.To prove


∣ δH∣


= 0 simply examine the integral:


∣ δH∣



∫ ∞


∫ ∞



ǫx′2 Ay′e−x′2/2a2


dx′ dy′ = 0. (7.8)

To confirm the perturbation theory value for the energy shifts, evaluate

δE+ =⟨


∣ ǫx′2 ∣




δE− =⟨


∣ ǫx′2 ∣



and compare with the exact expression expanded to first order in the perturbation size ǫ:

E+ =3

2hω′ +


2hω ≃ 2hω +


E− =1

2hω′ +


2hω ≃ 2hω +


mω. (7.12)

Chapter 8

Hydrogen fine structure according

to Schrodinger

We have already commented that the Schrodinger equation is not quite perfect when it comes tounderstanding relativistic effects, but nevertheless we can use it by treating the relativistic effectsas small perturbations (ok for hydrogen, but not ok for hydrogen-like uranium). This gives a lot ofphysical insight which we can then apply to other atoms.

The relativistic corrections naturally divide into 3 parts: relativistic kinetic energy correction (some-times called a relativistic ‘mass correction’); ‘spin–orbit interaction’; and ‘Darwin term’.

8.1 Relativistic kinetic energy correction

This was discussed in section 6.3, and calculated for the ground state. Here we will extend thetreatment to all states.



The perturbation Hamiltonian is (eq. (6.28)),

δH = − 1

2mc2(H0 − V )2. (8.1)

It so happens that for this perturbation, the zero-order states which we have already used, namelyRn,l(r)Yl,m(θ, φ), are appropriate, because the perturbing Hamiltonian does not connect states ofdifferent l. The proof is given (for you to complete) in the problem set. Therefore the first-orderenergy shift is simply the expectation value of δH in the familiar zeroth-order states. The integral hasthree terms which involve the zero order energy and mean values of 1/r and 1/r2. These are given intable 3.1. The result is

δE(1)n = −Z2α2




3 − 4n

l + 1/2


= Z4α4 µc2



3 − 4n

l + 1/2


. (8.2)

Note that (8.2) looks like the full Dirac result (5.2) except that we have l instead of j. The furtherterms which, together with this kinetic energy correction, reproduce Dirac fully are the spin-orbitinteraction and the Darwin term, these are discussed next.

8.2 Spin–orbit interaction

This is the interaction between the magnetic dipole moment of the electron and the magnetic field itexperiences owing to its motion through the electric field of the nucleus. (Alternatively, one may saythat the nucleus moves with respect to the electron and so produces a magnetic field at the positionof the electron.) We will calculate the contribution by an argument which is fairly simple and hasgood physical insight but which unfortunately needs fixing at the end by a factor of two. To fix thecalculation a further piece of physics is needed, the result of which will merely be quoted here.

8.2.1 Magnetic dipoles

To understand magnetic dipoles, first let’s examine how they come about in classical physics. Forexample, consider a classical electron moving in a circular orbit of radius r. If it has speed v then theorbital angular momentum l = rmv and the current around the loop is ev/2πr. The magnetic dipolemoment of a current loop is the current times the area, so

|µ| =πr2ev



2rv =


2ml (8.3)

Examining the signs and directions carefully, we find that the full relationship is

µ = − e

2ml, (8.4)

More generally, we need to consider non-circular orbits. It is found that the result extends to thiscase [Problem (fairly easy): prove it yourself]). Hence we have the quantum operator relationship

µ = − e

2ml (8.5)

for the magnetic moment produced by the orbital motion of an electron.


It is useful to gather all the dimensional quantities on the right hand side together in one place, givingus a unit of magnetic dipole moment called the Bohr magneton:

µB =eh

2m. (8.6)

We can expect spin angular momentum also to have a magnetic moment associated with it, and itdoes, but it turns out that the proportionality constant is twice that for orbital angular momentum(Dirac’s equation predicts this1, I know of no simpler argument for it). To allow for all eventualitieswe therefore introduce a dimensionless factor called the g factor, and write:

µ = −gjµBj

h, (8.7)


gl = 1

gs = 2.

N.B. you will often see equation (8.7) written µ = −gjµB j. In the latter version it is understood that

the angular momentum j is in units of h. We shall not make that choice for now.

8.2.2 Magnetic field experienced by the electron

The above serves as an introduction to some notations, and a reminder on magnetic dipoles. Now wewill consider the magnetic field experienced by the electron in hydrogen. One way to think about thisis to say that the electron sees the nuclear charge going around it, so the nuclear charge q movingat velocity vn with respect to the electron produces a magnetic field at the electron according to theBiot-Savart law:

B(r) =µ0

qvn ∧ r


= µ0ǫ0q


vn ∧ r


=−v ∧ E


where E is the electric field of the nucleus at the position of the electron, and v = −vn is the velocityof the electron in the reference frame of the nucleus.

For an atom of many electrons, any given electron experiences a magnetic field from the nucleus andall the other electrons which move with respect to it. Each of the contributions has the form (8.10)with E being the contribution to the electric field at the electron in question, so the total magneticfield is still given by (8.10), with E now the total electric field at the electron in question.

This suggests that the relation (8.10) can be obtained by a more direct insight into the fields them-selves. In fact it is a simple result of special relativity2.

1In fact Quantum Electrodynamics makes a slight adjustment, and the true g factor for spin is greater than 2 by anamount of order α, see formula in section 1.2

2See also Panofsky and Phillips pp. 330-331.


Here is the relativistically insightful way to think about equation (8.10). Consider a particle of chargeq moving at velocity v with respect to reference frame S. If the electric and magnetic field in thisreference frame are E and B, then the Lorentz force on the particle is F = q(E+v∧B). Now considerthe motion in reference frame S′ in which the particle is at rest. Relativistic corrections to mass andacceleration are 2nd order in v/c, so to first order in v, the force is still q(E + v ∧ B). However, inframe S′ the particle is not moving, therefore this force must arise completely from the electric fieldE′ in the new reference frame. We conclude that the formula relating the electric field in a movingframe to the electric and magnetic fields in the original frame is

E′ = E + v ∧ B to first order in v. (8.11)

Now, the equation we are discussing, eq. (8.10), is simply the corresponding result for the magneticfield in a moving frame:

B′ = B − v ∧ E

c2to first order in v. (8.12)

The Biot-Savart formula is an approximation to the full relativistic result, being valid up to first orderin v/c.

Notice that for the case of a radial field, E is in the direction of r and therefore B is in the directionof −v ∧ r = l/m, i.e. in the direction of the orbital angular momentum vector.

8.2.3 The Hamiltonian and perturbation calculation

The magnetic field interacts with the magnetic dipole moment of the electron, to give the perturbationHamiltonian

Hso = −µ · B

= gseh



h· −v ∧ E



mc2s ·



4πǫ0r3r ∧ v






r3l · s [ using r ∧ mv = l

This calculation is correct but the question-mark highlights a subtlety: we have just done a calculationin the reference frame of the electron, which owing to the orbital motion is not an inertial referenceframe. When we transform back to the centre of mass frame using special relativity, a further preces-sion is introduced, called the Thomas precession, and the result in the centre of mass frame is exactlyhalf what we have calculated:

Hso =1





r3l · s [ for V = −e2/4πǫ0r. [ correct result (8.13)

More generally, we can apply the same analysis to the case of an electron orbiting in any radial electricfield (thus a central potential energy function V (r)), and one obtains (exercise for the reader):

Hso =1







drl · s. (8.14)

N.B. you may meet formulae for Hso which appear to look like (8.13) and (8.14) multiplied by afactor h2. This is because some authors use dimensionless versions of angular momentum operators,and move the h factors into the coefficient. However in fact there is nothing especially to do withquantum mechanics (and hence h) in the calculation so far: it is just the classical physics analysis ofthe interaction between a magnetic dipole and the magnetic field it experiences when it moves througha central electric field.


Now let’s see what happens when we apply this interaction to the hydrogen atom using perturbationtheory—here comes the quantum part. We have an interaction between l and s but we can be surethis will not manage to change the total angular momentum j = l + s because, as we discussed atlength in sections 7.3 and 7.3.1, the total angular momentum can’t be affected by internal forces.Therefore the quantities j2 and jz are constants of the motion. Furthermore, we can express l · s interms of j2, l2 and s2 quite easily:

j2 = j · j (8.15)


l + s)


l + s)


= l2 + s2 + l · s + s · l (8.17)

= l2 + s2 + 2l · s [ since s commutes with l

=⇒ l · s =1



j2 − l2 − s2)


This is an exact relationship between the operators3.

This result is very convenient because the magnitudes of all three angular momenta (orbital, spin andtotal) are constants of the motion under the zeroth-order Hamiltonian, which means the zeroth-orderenergy eigenstates, i.e. the eigenstates before we take spin-orbit coupling into account, are eigenstatesof l2, s2, and j2 (when they are chosen appropriately in the case of degenerate sets of states). Thesezeroth-order states may conveniently be written |n, l, s, j〉 and we have (using (8.18)):

l · s |n, l, s, j〉 =1

2h2 (j(j + 1) − l(l + 1) − s(s + 1)) |n, l, s, j〉 . (8.19)

It is now easy to apply the perturbation theory: to get the energy shift to first order we just take theexpectation value of Hso in a state of well-defined j, l and s:

δEso = 〈n, l, s, j|Hso |n, l, s, j〉 =1







2(j(j + 1) − l(l + 1) − s(s + 1)) , (8.20)

where we used (8.13) and (8.19).

The vector model picture of this spin-orbit coupling is that l and s are precessing about j.

More generally, when an electron moves in any central potential V (r),

δEso = 〈n, l, s, j|Hso |n, l, s, j〉 =1









2(j(j + 1) − l(l + 1) − s(s + 1)) . (8.21)

Since the energy of the levels now depends on j, we extend the term notation to indicate j as asubscript, thus

l, s, j are indicated by 2s+1lj

For example, the ground state of hydrogen is 1s 2S1/2, and the group of states with n = 2 is2s 2S1/2, 2p 2P1/2, 2p 2P3/2.

3Some textbooks quote a cosine rule involving |l||s| cos θ, but this is an unnecessary departure from strictly accuratequantum theory.


Finally, let us evaluate⟨


in hydrogen. Recalling a0mαc = h for the Bohr radius a0, we can see



should be proportional to 1/a30 = m3α3c3/h3 and hence

δEso = 〈Hso〉 ∝1





h3 =1

2mc2α4. (8.22)

The full result is given in table 3.1, leading to

δEso =mc2α4


j(j + 1) − l(l + 1) − s(s + 1)

l(l + 1/2)(l + 1)(8.23)

for l > 0. Note that the dependence on 1/r3 leads to a dependence on 1/n3. When the spin-orbitinteraction is combined with the effect of the mass correction, we obtain the correct Dirac result toorder α4, except for the l = 0 case, where the kinetic energy correction is non-zero but the spin-orbiteffect is zero.

8.3 Darwin term for l = 0

The final relativistic correction to the Schrodinger equation for hydrogen is a special case which onlyapplies to l = 0. It is to do with the fact that the wavefunction for l = 0 does not vanish at theorigin, so the non-relativistic approximation Ze2/4πǫ0r ≪ mc2 is seriously violated. The interactionHamiltonian is

HD = − h2

4m2c2eE · ∇ (8.24)

and the associated energy shift is proportional to |ψ(0)|2 (the electron probability density at thenucleus). By a strange luck the energy shift due to the Darwin term for l = 0 is exactly given bysubstituting l = 0 in the formula for the energy shift given by the sum of the two previous interactions!(kinetic energy correction and spin–orbit interaction.) Actually this luck is not so strange since thiswhole perturbative calculation is somewhat artificial, introducing relativistic phenomena such as spinand mass energy without bothering to make the fundamental equation (Schrodinger) relativistic. Weare bound to keep introducing terms until we get the correct Dirac result!

Now, the above details of the Darwin term are off the syllabus, but as a matter of general knowledgeyou should know that(1) the states of the same j (and n) are degenerate in hydrogen according to all but QED(2) the spin-orbit shift is zero for l = 0(3) the mass shift plus spin-orbit is the whole story for l 6= 0, but not for l = 0.

Adding the contributions of the three terms outlined above, we get the Dirac energy correct to orderZ4α4, see the Dirac summary (5.2).


You should check your understanding by working out the size of the fine structure from the formula.The observed fine structure of hydrogen is given in many textbooks. To have an order of magnitudein mind, notice that the splitting of the 2p 2P3/2 level from the 2p 2P1/2 level is about 10 GHz.

8.3.1 Main points

The main points of this chapter have been:the Schrodinger treatment by perturbation theory with three contributions: kinetic energy correction,spin-orbit interaction, Darwin term for l = 0; the relationship between spin and magnetic moment;gyromagnetic ratio g and Bohr magneton µB ; the magnetic field experienced by an electron in anatom; the general form of δEso.

8.4 Appendix on the correct choice of eigenstates for hydro-


Did you notice that we solved the problem of degenerate perturbation theory in hydrogen withoutever explicitly calculating the zero-order states and making sure the perturbation did not connectdegenerate pairs of them? This is because we used the powerful method of constants of the motion:this told us enough information about the states (i.e. it specified which obervables they had tobe eigenstates of) that we didn’t have to write the states down explicitly. However, to check ourknowledge, it is a good exercise to take a look at some of these states.

We saw that the kinetic energy shift is diagonal in states of definite l, and the spin-orbit interaction isdiagonal in states of definite j, where the underlying operators are related by j = l+ s. What we need,therefore, is a set of states of definite l and j. Such states can exist because l2 and j2 commute (even

though j and l do not, see below for explanation). They are given by the quantum theory of couplingof angular momentum, whose general treatment is outside the syllabus. However, we will quote someexamples without proof. Only the angular and spin parts will be shown. The complete state is aproduct of this and the radial part Rn,l(r). All have definite spin quantum number s = 1/2, but thespin state is also involved because the direction of the spin (associated with quantum number ms) isno longer well-defined: it is not a constant of the motion, so the energy eigenstates are superpositionsof states of different ms. Similar statements apply to l and the quantum number ml.


Here are the examples for l = 0 and 1. On the left hand side of each equation the angular momentumquantum numbers are specified using spectroscopic notation, and the equation shows how the state iscomposed from the spherical harmonics and the spin states:

2s1/2, mj = 1/2⟩

= |Y0,0〉 |↑〉∣

2s1/2, mj = −1/2⟩

= |Y0,0〉 |↓〉 (8.25)

2p1/2, mj = 1/2⟩



3|Y1,1〉 |↓〉 −

1√3|Y1,0〉 |↑〉

2p1/2, mj = −1/2⟩

= −√


3|Y1,−1〉 |↑〉 +

1√3|Y1,0〉 |↓〉 (8.26)

2p3/2, mj = 3/2⟩

= |Y1,1〉 |↑〉∣

2p3/2, mj = 1/2⟩



3|Y1,0〉 |↑〉 +

1√3|Y1,1〉 |↓〉

2p3/2, mj = −1/2⟩



3|Y1,0〉 |↓〉 +

1√3|Y1,−1〉 |↑〉

2p3/2, mj = −3/2⟩

= |Y1,−1〉 |↓〉 (8.27)

8.4.1 Commutation of vector operators

The commutation of vector operators needs a little thought. With classical vectors we have a·b = b·a,but a ∧ b = −b ∧ a, so we should not expect vector operators to commute in general in quantumphysics. If in doubt, always work in terms of the components and see what you find. In the discussionof hydrogen fine structure we used the fact that if J = L+ S then eigenstates of J2 are not eigenstatesof Lz or Sz. To show this we will prove that [J2, Lz] 6= 0:


J2, Lz



L2 + S2 + 2L · S, Lz



2L · S, Lz



2(LxSx + LySy + LzSz), Lz


= 2([

Lx, Lz


Sx +[

Ly, Lz




= 2ih(

−LySx + LxSy


= 2ihCz where C = L ∧ S.

A similar argument would apply to [J2, Sz].

Chapter 9

The Zeeman effect

We have now finished our discussion of a free hydrogen atom or hydrogen-like ion, that is, one withno external influences on it. We now turn to the influence of an externally applied magnetic field.Such a field causes a further splitting of the energy levels, and hence further structure in the emissionand absorption spectrum. This is called the Zeeman effect. When the field is large (exactly how largewill be seen below) the way the components vary with B can change and this regime is called thePaschen-Back effect.

At this introductory stage, we will only consider the restricted case of the Zeeman effect for s states,that is, when there is no orbital angular momentum (but there is spin). This will permit us to examinesome of the basic ideas. The full Zeeman effect which involves both orbital and spin contributions isan important tool in the analysis of atomic spectra and in other applications, it will be treated nextyear.

9.1 Weak B field: Zeeman effect

An external magnetic field will interact primarily with the net magnetic dipole moment µ of an atomif it has one. From basic electromagnetic theory, the interaction Hamiltonian is

HZ = −µ · B. (9.1)

9.1.1 Classical treatment and normal Zeeman effect

First let us consider the classical physics of this situation. The external field exerts a torque on themagnetic dipole, tending to make it parallel with the field. Owing to the non-zero angular momentumof the system, this torque causes the magnetic dipole to precess around the magnetic field direction.This can be compared to the situation when a toy gyroscope stands on a table. The torque producedby the combination of gravity acting through its centre of mass, and the normal reaction force fromthe table top on the tip of the gyroscope’s axis, tends to give it angular momentum in such a directionas to tip it over. However, when added to the angular momentum the gyroscope already possesses,the net result is to cause the gyroscope not to fall down but to precess. See the problems for moredetails, where you should deduce that the angular frequency of the precession of a magnetic dipole ina magnetic field B is the Larmor frequency ωL = gµBB/h where µB is the Bohr magneton introducedin section 8.2.1 and g is the gyromagnetic ratio.



Now, for an electron moving around an orbit, the magnetic dipole moment associated with the orbitalmotion has gyromagnetic ratio g1 = 1 (section 8.2.1)—in both a classical as well as a quantumtreatment. Hence before spin was discovered, the Larmor frequency was expected to be ωL = µBB/h.

If, while undergoing such a precession, the electron also oscillates so as to emit light, then one expectsthe frequency of the emitted light to be shifted up or down by ωL, or not changed, depending onits direction of polarization. For example, any oscillatory motion of the electron along the B fielddirection is not affected by the precession, so light polarized parallel to B is unshifted in frequency(and light polarized perpendicular to B is shifted in frequency by ±ωL).

The classical treatment therefore leads to an expected emission spectrum consisting of three compo-nents of frequencies ω0 and ω0 ± µBB/h, where ω0 is the transition frequency in the absence of amagnetic field. An observed emission spectrum with this spacing and structure is called the “normalZeeman effect”. However, in practice the Zeeman spectrum is usually found to be different from this,in which case it is called an “anomalous Zeeman effect”. The word “normal” is here used in the senseof “not strange”: the “anomalous” Zeeman effect is in fact more typical.

A normal Zeeman emission spectrum is what is predicted by both a classical and a quantum treatmentwhen the initial and final states both have zero spin. Hence the observation of the anomalous Zeemaneffect was evidence (and remains evidence) that something other than movement of charge causes atleast part of the magnetic behaviour of atoms.

In the following quantum treatment, we will examine the opposite extreme: when there is spin, butthere is no orbital angular momentum. We will find that in this case the prediction remains a patternof three lines, but now with the spacing 2µBB/h.

9.1.2 Quantum treatment: Zeeman effect for s states

We treat the influence of the Zeeman Hamiltonian (9.1) by first order perturbation theory.

Before this external perturbation acts, the Hamiltonian has spherical symmetry, and therefore the totalangular momentum is a constant of the motion and so j and mj are both good quantum numbers.States of the same j but different mj are degenerate. When the external magnetic field is turned on,there is a torque which results in the magnetic dipole precessing about the field direction. Withoutloss of generality we can choose the field direction to be the z axis. The precession then changes thedirection of j, but not the value of its projection along the z direction. Therefore, in the presence ofthe field, jz is still a constant of the motion, and mj remains a good quantum number (as does j).

This means that degenerate perturbation theory proceeds straightforwardly by using eigenstates of jz

as the zeroth order states.

We already met the connection between magnetic dipole moments and angular momentum. For asystem with orbital angular momentum l and spin angular momentum s, the net magnetic dipolemoment is

µ = −(glµB l + gsµB s). (9.2)

where g1 = 1 and gs = 2, and we are using notation in which the operators l and s are dimensionless.


To keep things simple, we will only discuss s states here, i.e. the case where the orbital angularmomentum is zero (the phrase ‘s states’ refers to spectroscopic notation for l = 0). In this case themagnetic dipole moment arises wholly from the spin of the system, so we have

µ = −gsµB s = −gsµB j, (9.3)

where j = l + s is the operator for total angular momentum. The purpose in using j rather than s isbecause in general, in the presence of spin-orbit coupling, s is not a constant of the motion, while j is.Of course, l = 0 states don’t have any spin-orbit coupling, so for them s is a constant of the motion,but it is useful to adopt a notation which uses the same quantum numbers (j and mj , not ms) as theones which are needed to describe the atomic structure. Choosing the z axis to lie along B, we obtain

−µ · B = −µzB = 2µBBjz (9.4)

and the first order shift in the energy levels is

∆E = 〈j,mj | 2µBBjz |j,mj〉 = 2µBBmj , (9.5)

where we have labeled the states by the total angular momentum quantum numbers, and the finalevaluation of the matrix element was easy because the states are eigenstates of the operator in question,jz.

In hydrogen s states, j = 1/2 and mj = ±1/2, but other systems can have larger values of spin, andhence more possible values of mj . In any case, the energy level which at zero magnetic field had its2j + 1 states all degenerate, is now split into 2j + 1 states all of different energy, one for each valueof mj . For j = 1/2 and g = 2 the states are at energies ±2µBB(1/2) = ±µBB, hence the separationbetween them is 2µBB.

9.1.3 Effect on the emission spectrum

The easiest way to observe the Zeeman effect is by observing the emission spectrum of the atom inthe presence of a magnetic field. The emission spectrum does not reveal the energy levels directly,but rather the differences between them, but in the presence of the Zeeman splitting there are manymore such differences. As the magnetic field is increased, each emission line is observed to divide intoa group of closely spaced lines.

The strongest transitions (producing the brightest emitted light) in atoms involve so-called “electricdipole radiation”, to be discussed in chapter 13, but this type of radiation is only possible for arestricted set of transitions which obey certain selection rules. The selection rules will be discussed indetail in chapters 12 and 13, but for now we will simply comment that one rule is that the parity of theatomic state must change in order for the transition to be possible by the strongest (electric dipole)mechanism. The parity of the spherical harmonics is equal to (−1)l so the parity rule implies that lmust change by an odd integer during the transition, and therefore it rules out transitions between sstates (in fact a state with l = 0 can only be connected by electric dipole transitions to a state withl = 1). Therefore our restricted study of the Zeeman effect will have to consider non-electric-dipoletransitions. Although not the strongest transitions, they still include some interesting and importantexamples.

One example is the 1s–2s transition in hydrogen. Whereas allowed (electric dipole) transitions involvethe emission of a single photon, this transition can only take place by the emission of two photons, inorder that angular momentum is conserved (a photon carries 1 unit of intrinsic angular momentum).This has two important implications. First, the transition is weak, so the 2s state only decays slowly,which means it can have a very well-defined energy. This means the transition frequency can inprinciple be measured very precisely. Its study now provides one of the most stringent tests of ourbasic physical theories. Secondly, by probing the transition with counter-propagating laser beams, theDoppler shift associated with motion of the hydrogen atoms is cancelled, since the photons from onebeam are shifted up in frequency by the same amount as those in the other beam are shifted down,hence one important source of imprecision in the experiment is removed.


For the 1s–2s transition, both the upper and the lower state are split into 2 by the Zeeman effect. Let∆mj = m′

j − mj where m′j is the magnetic quantum number of the upper state (2s) and mj is the

magnetic quantum number of the lower state (1s). The transitions in which ∆mj = 0 are called πtransitions, those in which ∆mj = ±1 are called σ+ and σ− transitions, respectively. For 1s–2s thereare four cases. The two π transitions (∆mj = 0) have the same frequency, equal to the unshiftedfrequency of the line (i.e. the same as the value at zero B field). The σ transitions have frequenciesshifted from this by ±2µBB/h. Therefore the whole pattern consists of three equally spaced spectrallines, with separations 2µBB/h, centred on the unshifted value.

A few moments’ thought will show you that whenever the splittings of upper and lower states are thesame, transitions associated with ∆mj = ±1, 0 will always have this pattern of three equally spacedemission lines. Therefore we have the result that when there is spin but there is no orbital angularmomentum, the Zeeman spectrum has the form of three components as in the normal Zeeman effect,but with double the spacing, owing to the g = 2 value for spin.

More generally, when both orbital and spin angular momentum is involved in the states, the patternof emission lines is more complicated. This will be treated next year. This anomalous effect givesa multitude of different patterns, depending on the values of l, s and j, hence its observation oftenpermits these quantum numbers to be deduced. Thus it gives much useful information which greatlyfacilitates the interpretation of atomic spectra.

9.2 Strong B field: Paschen-Back effect

The above perturbation theory is valid as long as the Zeeman shift ∆E is small compared to theseparation of the energy eigenstates before the perturbation was applied. If the Zeeman shift issimilar to the fine structure, for example, then the analysis based on first-order perturbation theorycan no longer be expected to be exact. The limit where the field-induced splitting is large compared tothe fine structure is called the Paschen-Back effect. It is analysed by treating the Zeeman Hamiltonianas the first perturbation to the gross structure of the atom, and then introducing the fine structurecontribution (spin-orbit effect, etc.) after that. However, because the s states don’t have any finestructure (they have no spin-orbit contribution and their energies are shifted but not split by kineticenergy corrections), for the restricted case we have been discussing, the Paschen-Back effect leads tothe same pattern of splittings as the low-field Zeeman effect.

9.3 Uses of the Zeeman effect

With modern computers we can make a fair stab at calculating atomic structure from scratch, but theproblem is so complicated for some atoms that even this is only moderately successful. Historically,the problem of working out the identities of all the different atomic energy levels from the observedspectral lines was like trying to deduce the structure of a piano from the noise it makes when throwndown stairs. The general Zeeman effect is a very powerful tool in this analysis. Merely by countingcomponents in the Zeeman spectrum (anomalous effect) one can make a pretty fair guess at the valuesof J for the two levels involved in the transition. The relative positions of the Zeeman lines then leadrapidly to confirming J and identifying orbital and spin angular momentum quantum numbers.

Nowadays, the mere identities of atomic levels are not exactly hot news, but occasionally we needto know the details of some particular transition, in order to use it for some purpose, and the vastmajority of transitions in all but the most simple atoms will (rightly) forever remain uncalculatedand unobserved until they are needed. The Zeeman effect therefore retains its old usefulness as anidentifier of levels.


However, the more common uses of the Zeeman effect are as a diagnostic of magnetic fields in aninaccessible environment such as the atmosphere of a star or the inside of a tokamak fusion reactor,and as a tool for manipulating atoms. The Zeeman effect is used for example to define an axis inspace so that atoms in atomic clocks don’t wander in direction. It is also a central ingredient inother magnetic resonance experiments. A more ingenious use is in atom traps, where a magneticfield gradient provides a force to confine cold atoms. A Zeeman effect which varies with position isalso used in one laser cooling method to compensate for the changing Doppler effect when atoms areslowed down to very low speeds by laser light.

9.3.1 Main points

H = −µ ·B; precession in the vector model; Zeeman effect giving level splittings and three transitionlines; normal Zeeman effect; Paschen-Back effect in strong fields; uses of the Zeeman effect.


Chapter 10

Helium: gross structure

The Schrodinger equation for helium is:

H Ψ(r1, θ1, φ1, ζ1; r2, θ2, φ2, ζ2) = E Ψ(r1, θ1, φ1, ζ1; r2, θ2, φ2, ζ2)

where the Hamiltonian is, ignoring small corrections,

H =p2




2m− Ze2

4πǫ0r1− Ze2



4πǫ0r12. (10.1)

The last term is the Coulomb repulsion between the electrons, their distance from one another isr12 = |r1 − r2|. We are using ζ as the spin ‘coordinate’.

Since the Hamiltonian is a sum of spatial and spin parts (in which the spin part is zero), it is separableand hence there exist solutions which have the form of a product of spatial and spin parts:

Ψ(r1, θ1, φ1, ζ1; r2, θ2, φ2, ζ2) = ψ(r1, θ1, φ1; r2, θ2, φ2) ⊗ χ(ζ1, ζ2). (10.2)

We will treat the spatial part first. Recall that the quantity |ψ|2dx1dy1dz1dx2dy2dz2 is the probabilityto find the first electron between x1, y1, z1 and x1 + dx1, y1 + dy1, z1 + dz1 and the second electronbetween x2, y2, z2 and x2 +dx2, y2 +dy2, z2 +dz2. We can think of helium as the two electrons movingaround the stationary nucleus, though strictly speaking it is the motion in the centre of mass framewhich we are discussing.

10.1 Main features of the structure, screening

Unfortunately, there is no known way to find an exact solution of the Helium Schrodinger equationby analytical methods. This is the quantum equivalent of the famous 3-body problem which can’t beexactly solved in classical mechanics. However, we can get a good understanding by learning fromhydrogen and using some common sense.

It turns out that the higher-lying energy levels of helium are quite close to those of hydrogen (seeproblems). We can understand this as follows: imagine building a helium atom by starting withthe bare nucleus, and adding the two electrons. Clearly, when we add the first electron we havea hydrogen-like system with Z = 2. Let this first electron occupy the ground state, then it has aspherically symmetric wavefunction. When the second electron is brought in, while it is far from thenucleus it experiences the electric field due to a spherically symmetric charge distribution of bothnucleus and inner electron together, making a total charge of 1. Hence we would expect its energylevels to be close to those of the hydrogen atom.



This simple idea is called screening—we say the charge of the inner electron partially ‘screens’ thecharge of the nucleus.

In more detail, we are arguing that when at least one electron is in the ground state, then the totalpotential energy of the system can be approximated

V = − Ze2

4πǫ0r1− Ze2



4πǫ0r12≃ Veff(r1) + Veff(r2) (10.3)


Veff(r) ≃

− Ze2

4πǫ0r for r → 0

− (Z−1)e2

4πǫ0r for r → ∞(10.4)

Thus, the potential energy of either electron is dominated by its interaction with the nucleus whenit is close to the nucleus, while when it is far from the nucleus it sees the nuclear charge ‘screened’by the other electron’s charge, i.e. reduced by 1. The true potential energy depends in a complicatedway on the two electron positions, but the approximation (10.3) captures the main features and it hastwo very useful properties.

First, it is simply a sum of a term dependent only on r1, and a term dependent only on r2, thereforethe Schrodinger equation becomes separable in r1 and r2.

Secondly, the approximation (10.3) involves a purely central field for either electron, therefore theSchrodinger equation further separates into radial and angular parts, in which the angular solutionsare spherical harmonics, and the radial solutions are counted by quantum numbers n and l. The radialsolutions are not the same as the ones for hydrogen, (though they are similar in the limit r → ∞), butthey are still counted by two quantum numbers n and l where n is in the range 1 · · ·∞ and l is theorbital angular momentum quantum number, in the range 0 · · ·n−1. To understand this, recall figure(3.1) which showed the effective potential energy curves of hydrogen including the centrifugal barrier.We now have a different shape of the potential energy function (it is no longer simply 1/r), but thegeneral idea of a set of energy levels for each l value is retained. The main difference is that states ofthe same n but different l are now expected to have different energy—recall that the degeneracy w.r.t.l in hydrogen was a surprise, it is a special property of the 1/r potential.

Bringing all this together, we find there exist overall solutions, in the central field approximation(10.3), which have the form

ψ(r1, θ1, φ1; r2, θ2, φ2) ≃ φ1s(r1) φnlm(r2, θ2, φ2) [ to be adjusted later (10.5)

where to keep things simple we only wrote states in which at least one electron is in the ground state.The wavefunctions φ1s and φnlm are labeled by the quantum numbers n, l,m, but they are not exactlythe same as the hydrogen ones, though they have similar features (same number of nodes, vary as rl

near the origin, etc.).

We will see later that the true energy eigenstates involve sums and differences of these productwavefunctions, but this is the best way to proceed with the analysis at this juncture.

Using the idea of screening, it is easy to see that in helium we should expect states of lower l to havelower energy, because the wavefunctions of low l have a greater probability near the nucleus thanstates of high l. Therefore the low l states ‘feel’ the full nuclear charge more, they are less screened,and are hence more tightly bound. You are invited to examine this in the problems, where the energiesare compared to hydrogen ones by making an adjustment to the nuclear charge.

Since the wavefunctions for the two electrons are specified by quantum numbers n and l, the eigenstatesof the helium atom are labeled 1s2s, 1s2p, 1s3s, 1s3p, 1s3d etc. The ground state is 1s1s, which iswritten 1s2 for brevity. It will be discussed in the next section.

The list of quantum numbers nsn′p, given in spectroscopic notation, is called the configuration.


In helium we are only concerned with excitation of one electron. That is, we don’t have states such as2s2p, 2s3s etc. The reason is simply that it takes more energy to excite both electrons, and in heliumand other light atoms the energy required is more than the ionization energy. That is, an atom withthis much energy rapidly dissociates into an ion plus free electron. In some other elements, however,excitation of two or more electrons in bound states is possible.

10.1.1 Ground state

So far we have missed out the lowest lying energy level. The second electron has a lowest energy statewith principal quantum number 1, giving the state 1s2 for the whole atom. Note that in this casethe approximation of spherical symmetry of the net potential experienced by each electron remainsvery good, so the quantum numbers n, l remain correct labels for this case also, though the screeningis now very different from before so the energy level is not at all close to the hydrogen value. . . it islow down, at −25 eV, because the nucleus is not well screened. Therefore the spectrum of helium hasthe following pattern: a bunch of transitions way off in the far ultra-violet, and then all the rest atnoticeably longer wavelengths (mid ultra-violet upwards). The former are transitions between groundand excited states, the latter are transitions between one excited state and another.

Helium was in fact first discovered through its distinctive absorption spectrum (rather than by theusual way of finding some lying around, or by chemistry). It was discovered in the outer layer of thesun before it was ever found on earth, and this is the origin of its name (from helios, Greek for thesun).

Note that the ionization potential of 24.580 eV is large in helium, indeed it is the largest of anyneutral atom. This is because both electrons are close the nucleus, and they each experience aneffective nuclear charge significantly greater than 1. The effective nuclear charge (i.e. after screeningis taken into account) can be estimated from the measured ionisation energy—see problems.

[Problem: helium is smaller (has a smaller mean radius) than hydrogen. Why?]

[Problem (tricky): estimate how far one would expect 2s2 to be above 1s2 in helium].


To get a good calculated estimate of the ground state energy, we need a method to solve the Schrodingerequation approximately. We could try perturbation theory, starting with the Hamiltonian withoutthe electron-electron repulsion, but then the perturbation would be similar in size to the zero orderenergy level separations, so perturbation theory does not work well1. A better approach is to use thevariational method, to be discussed next.

10.2 The variational method

The variational method is a method to find approximate solutions to Schrodinger’s equation. Thestarting point is the observation (which we will prove in a moment) that

〈ψ|H |ψ〉 ≥ E0 (10.6)

where E0 is the lowest eigenvalue of H, i.e. the ground state energy. The content of (10.6) is that ifwe try any wavefunction ψ whatsoever, and calculate the mean energy (i.e. the expectation of valueH in the trial state), then the answer is guaranteed to be greater than or equal to the ground stateenergy. Therefore it gives us an upper bound on E0. The essential idea of the variational method is totry lots of different states ψ, then the one giving the smallest mean energy gives the closest estimateof E0, and therefore is the best approximation (out of the states tried) to the true ground state.

1To get a quick order-of-magnitude estimate of the electron-electron repulsion energy, one may consider the workrequired to assemble a sphere of charge whose radius is the Bohr radius and which contains two electrons’ worth ofcharge.


This is best understood by an example. One is discussed in the lecture, and further examples are in thetext books. In practice one makes a sensible guess of the general functional form to be expected for ψ,and one makes the exact shape of the function depend on one or more parameters. For example, in aone-dimensional potential well, an appropriate guess might be a Gaussian function, with a parametera which sets its width:

ψa(x) =






. (10.7)

We then evaluate the mean energy, which will depend on the parameter a:

E(a) = 〈ψa|H |ψa〉 . (10.8)

Next, find the value of the parameter a which gives the least energy, i.e. solve dE/da = 0. The valueof a which minimizes E(a) indicates which form of ψ was the best approximation to the true groundstate, and the associated mean energy is the lowest upper bound on E0. The method does not giveany information on how close an estimate to E0 one has, but by trying more and more adjustmentsto the wavefunction, one gets a feel for whether one is approaching a ‘hard bound’.

Proof of (10.6)

Let un(x) be the true eigenfunctions of H, and En the eigenvalues. Then any trial function ψ can beexpanded in terms of the un(x):

ψ =∑


un 〈un|ψ〉 (10.9)

Putting this in (10.6)

〈ψ|H |ψ〉 = 〈ψ|H∑


|un〉 〈un|ψ〉



〈ψ|En |un〉 〈un|ψ〉



En| 〈ψ|un〉 |2



E0| 〈ψ|un〉 |2 = E0

Notes for lecture example

We treat a very simple example to illustrate the method. The system is the harmonic oscillator,having potential energy V = (1/2)mω2x2. We propose the guessed wavefunction

ψ =


a2 − x2)

for − a ≤ x ≤ a0 for |x| > a


The wavefunction must be normalised, so N = (15/16a5)1/2. Now evaluate

〈H〉 = N2

∫ a



a2 − x2)


− h2








a2 − x2)






and minimise w.r.t. a:∂ 〈H〉∂a

= 0 when a4 =35h2


Substituting back, this gives 〈H〉 = 0.598hω. The true ground state energy is 0.5hω: even our verysimple guess at ψ leads to quite a close estimate of E0.


10.2.1 Application to helium

In the helium atom, a suitable first guess for the state would be to give both electrons the samewavefunction of exponential form, with the distance scale of the exponential decay as a parameter:

ψ(r1, θ1, φ1; r2, θ2, φ2) =Z3


e−Z(r1+r2)/a0 . [ trial wavefunction (10.11)

We have set the distance scale a0/Z in terms of a parameter Z which thus acts like an effective chargeof the nucleus in the presence of screening. Make sure you understand the normalization of (10.11):we get 1 upon integrating over all possible positions for both electrons. We next evaluate 〈ψ|H |ψ〉using the full Hamiltonian (10.1). The integrals are tricky and will not be discussed here; they leadto the mean energy

E(Z) = −2ER


4Z − Z2 − 5Z/8)

where ER is the Rydberg energy2. Upon minimizing E(Z) (for you to do—see problems), we obtaina minimum value −77.5 eV. Note, this is energy of both electrons. If one electron were now removedfrom the system, the remaining electron would see a hydrogenic potential of nuclear charge 2 andhence the energy of the system would be −4ER = −54.4 eV. Hence our prediction for the ionizationenergy is 77.5 − 54.4 = 23.1 eV, which isn’t too bad compared with the correct value of 25 eV.

The above gives a rough approximation to the ground state wavefunction and energy. To do better,considerable skill is needed in selecting appropriate trial wavefunctions and parameters. A generalmethod called the self consistent field or Hartree method can be applied to helium and other atoms,this will be treated next year.

10.2.2 Main points

Schrodinger equation for helium and main features of the energy levels; comparison with hydrogenenergy levels; configuration notation based on spherical symmetry; screening; variational method.

2We don’t care whether full or reduced mass of the electrons is used, since the calculation is only approximate.

Chapter 11

Exchange symmetry and the Pauli

exclusion principle

One of the most important, perhaps the most important idea in physics is that of symmetry. Bythis we mean not just mirror reflection, but symmetry as the general concept of a physical systemstaying unchanged when something is done to it. For example, a sphere is symmetric with respect torotations, and the behaviour of any group of particles doesn’t change when we displace the systemin space, a property referred to as translational symmetry. The latter idea can be used, through aquantum mechanical argument, to derive that momentum is conserved! (See Feynman Lectures onPhysics, vol 1, chapter 52). This is a truly staggering insight. It is also a strong hint at how powerfula concept symmetry is in physics, especially quantum physics.

The concept of symmetry allows us to see, for example, that the electric field produced by a sphericallysymmetric charge distribution must also be spherically symmetric. It must be, since if there were somenon-symmetric kink in the field, how would the electric field ‘know’ where the kink should go? Indeedsuch a situation would be like a contradiction: if the field produced by some object were not sphericallysymmetric, if follows that the object can’t have been spherically symmetric after all.



One can think of this in terms of information. The laws of the universe are cagey: Nature is like apoker player holding her cards close to her chest, never allowing any physical phenomenon to revealmore information in any situation than the minimum logically required by the conditions. So forexample, a kink in an electric field gives information by picking out a direction in space, but if thereis no direction picked out by the underlying charge distribution, this information has appeared fromnowhere, which does not happen.

11.1 Identical particles

The symmetry we will be concerned with is concerned with identical particles. If two particles areidentical with one another, then the system is not affected if we swap the particles; this is the symmetryoperation we want to discuss. I recommend the excellent discussion in Shankar. These notes do notreplace that, or another textbook, but they give the main points.

11.1.1 Classical situation

Consider the case of two billiard balls discussed in the lecture. In classical physics, we can imaginetwo identical billiard balls as an idealization: we know real billiard balls will differ slightly from oneanother in one way or another, but there is no problem with the abstract concept of a pair of identicalballs in classical physics. It means two balls, which, no matter how carefully we examine them, wecannot tell apart.

Suppose we have two such balls near two pockets of a snooker table. We can refer to the balls bygiving them labels 1 and 2. These labels do not refer to any intrinsic property of either ball, ratherthey refer to their environment. For example we can say ‘let’s call the ball near the bottom left handpocket ball 1, and the ball near the bottom right hand pocket 2’. Suppose the balls are now causedto move up the table. We will consider two possible predictions for the outcome:

Prediction A: “Ball 1 ends up in top left pocket, ball 2 ends up in top right pocket.”Prediction B: “Ball 1 ends up in top right pocket, ball 2 ends up in top left pocket.”

Now, if someone came to the snooker table after the balls have finished moving, and did not witnesstheir trajectories, then they would have no way of telling which of predictions A and B was correct,because they cannot tell the balls apart.

However, in classical physics, each ball must have followed some particular trajectory, so anyone whocarefully watched the balls moving along their trajectories would be able to tell which pocket ‘ball1’ (the ball starting near the bottom left pocket) went to, and similarly for ‘ball 2’ (the one startingnear the bottom right pocket). Such a person could tell which of predictions A and B was true, andwhich false.


Now, this argument does not require that anyone actually does the observations. The essential pointis that the balls are distinguished by their histories. Therefore in classical physics, two configurationsrelated by exchanging identical particles are physically nonequivalent. By ‘exchanging’ here we meanreally physically swapping the particles around by some physical process. Later when we considerquantum systems, we will discuss the effects of exchanging the labels which we artificially assign toparticles.

11.1.2 Quantum case: Exchange Principle

By contrast, in quantum mechanics, there is strictly no physical basis for distinguishing betweenidentical particles. This is because it is not possible to keep track of particles through their trajectories:when wavefunctions of two identical particles overlap, it is strictly impossible to keep track of whichparticle is which.

This truth is encapsulated in the

Exchange Principle: Two physical configurations related by the exchange of identicalparticles must be treated as one and the same configuration and described by the samestate vector.

More colloquially: if there is nothing to distinguish between two particles, then the quantum statemust not give any information which depends on which particle is which.

We can mathematically express this idea as follows:

Exchange principle: If ψ(q1, q2) is the state of two identical particles which havesets of coordinates1 (such as position and spin) q1 and q2, where 1 and 2 label theparticles, then

|ψ(q1, q2)|2 = |ψ(q2, q1)|2 (11.1)

i.e. the modulus squared of the wavefunction does not change when the labels on the particlesare exchanged. Note that we take the modulus squared of the wavefunction because the physicallyobservable quantities depend on |ψ|2 not on ψ directly. This is important, because it leads to twopossibilities, both of which are observed in Nature:

either ψ(q1, q2) = ψ(q2, q1) (Bosons) (11.2)

or ψ(q1, q2) = −ψ(q2, q1) (Fermions) (11.3)

If you discover a relationship like this, or a remarkable implication of it, then you might get half theparticles in the universe named after you! The first case is called ‘symmetric with respect to exchangeof particles’, the second case is called ‘antisymmetric with respect to exchange of particles’.

1Here the word “coordinates” is being used in a generic way, to refer to any complete set of physical parameterswhich are needed to specify a state, including both spatial and spin “coordinates”.


Proof of (11.2), (11.3). We need to show that the only possibilities in (11.2) and (11.3) are the plussign or the minus sign, not some general complex number exp(iθ) of modulus 1. Suppose we measuresome observable Q on each of a pair of identical particles. We get two eigenvalues a and b, but wecannot say which particle had which eigenvalue. Let f(r, ζ) be the eigenstate of Q of eigenvalue a,and g(r, ζ) be the eigenstate of Q of eigenvalue b. Then the measured outcome is consistent with theproduct state

φ1,2 = f(r1, ζ1) g(r2, ζ2)

and also with the product stateφ2,1 = f(r2, ζ2) g(r1, ζ1).

There are no other product states consistent with the measured outcome, therefore the state of thepair of particles must be somewhere in the space spanned by φ1,2 and φ2,1:

ψ(r1, ζ1, r2, ζ2) = αφ1,2 + βφ2,1. (11.4)

The Exchange Principle requires

ψ(r1, ζ1, r2, ζ2) = γψ(r2, ζ2, r1, ζ1)

for some γ to be discovered. Hence

αφ1,2 + βφ2,1 = γ (αφ2,1 + βφ1,2) .

Equating coefficients of φ1,2 and φ2,1 we have

α = γβ, β = γα

which have the only solutions γ = ±1, hence the Bose and Fermi possibilities.

Our analysis has also showed us how to form wavefunctions of a pair of particles which satisfy thesymmetry requirement. When γ = 1 (Bosons) we have α = β so the state is

ψS =1√2

(φ1,2 + φ2,1) . (11.5)

When γ = −1 (Fermions) we have α = −β so the state is

ψA =1√2

(φ1,2 − φ2,1) . (11.6)

You should yourself try swapping the labels for these states, and observe that ψA changes sign butψS does not.

“Once a boson always a boson”: there does not exist in the universe any physical interaction whichcan cause a symmetric state (w.r.t. particle exchange) to evolve into an antisymmetric one, or viceversa 2.

“All photons are photons.” Exchange symmetry is not just an artificial construct, it has real physicalconsequences, which we will discuss. This means that if any one pair of photons (for example) is foundto be in a symmetric state, then it follows that all pairs of photons must be in symmetric states, sinceotherwise we could distinguish some photons from others.

2This follows from the fact that Hamiltonian operators can’t depend on labeling of identical particles, see problemsfor proof.


We find in practice that particles of half-integer spin such as electrons and protons are fermions, whileparticles of integer spin such as photons are bosons. This relationship between spin and exchangesymmetry is called the spin-statistics theorem, which may itself be derived from a subtle higher-ordersymmetry which is beyond the scope of this course.

Comment: an atom on the far side of the moon

Let’s consider some implications of (11.2) and (11.3). To keep things simple we will concentrate on thespatial part of the total states (the illustrative examples in this section will assume pairs of particleswhose spin state is symmetric under exchange of particle labels). Suppose we have a photon in somestate φ(r1). Suppose another photon is then placed in the same state φ(r2) (this means the secondphoton overlaps the other, having the same frequency and direction). The total state of the twophotons is then

ψ(r1, r2) = φ(r1)φ(r2) (11.7)

Now, although we called the photons 1 and 2, there is nothing in this state which depends on whichphoton is called 1, and which is called 2. It is therefore a possible state and it obeys the boson relation(11.2). Photons from a laser are like this: lots of them in the same quantum state.

Now consider two different states f and g for a photon. For example, these could be states of the samefrequency and polarization, but different direction (think of two laser beams shining onto a screenwith a small angle between them). If the first photon is in state f(r1), then the second photon is ing(r2). However, who told us which photon to put in f , and which in g?—the state could equally bef(r2) combined with g(r1). When there is nothing to choose between two cases, both occur, and thetrue state of the photons will be

ψ(r1, r2) =1√2

(f(r1) g(r2) + f(r2) g(r1)) . (11.8)

Make sure you convince yourself that this state obeys the Bose relationship (11.2).

Now consider the experiment we are discussing: two laser beams illuminating a screen. The lighthitting the screen is composed of two plane waves with a small angle between them. This is likethe Michelson interferometer with the mirrors at a small angle, or the Young’s slits experiment: aninterference pattern of straight lines will be observed on the screen. The pattern is still observed evenwhen the intensity of the light emitted by the lasers is so low that less than one photon at a time,on average, is present in the system (we can arrange this without disturbing the lasers’ operation byattaching thick absorption filters to both laser outputs). Now, if each of the photons arrived simply inone beam or the other, then we would never have an interference effect. However, fringes are observed.Think hard about the fact that this is a really remarkable observation: if each photon emerges fromeither one laser or the other, which is surely what we would guess, then no interference fringes wouldbe seen. Yet they are seen. This seems to imply that each photon was somehow created by bothlasers at once, even though the lasers never interact. Indeed, we could imagine in principle that theyare situated light-years apart.

In case you are not sufficiently impressed by this observation, perhaps because you think photonsare insubstantial, you may be interested to learn that the same experiment can be done, and hasbeen done3, with independently prepared beams of Bosonic atoms. A large number of atoms areprepared all in the same state (by Bose-Einstein condensation) in a small trap, and a second groupis independently prepared and an adjacent trap. When the atoms are released they fall under gravity,spreading out until the two clouds overlap. They arrive one by one at a position-sensitive detector,and their arrival positions are observed to form a pattern of lines, consistent with interference of theirde Broglie waves. Once again even if the atoms fall one by one, the interference is still observed (aslong as it is not possible to tell which trap a given atom fell from).

3M. R. Andrews, C. G. Townsend, H.-J. Miesner, D. S. Durfee, D. M. Kurn, W. Ketterle, “Observation of InterferenceBetween Two Bose Condensates”, Science 275, 637-641 (1997).


Exchange symmetry provides an explanation of this phenomenon. It is not true that two non-interacting sources can collaborate in the emission of a single particle, but they can independentlyemit identical particles. This means that when a particle is detected, it can be the case (and it is thecase in this experiment) that it is strictly impossible to identify which source emitted the particle. Onemight describe the result as implying that a given atom was emitted by both sources, but by saying“a given atom” we have already committed the error of implying that one atom (of given properties)can be distinguished from another. Rather, we ought to keep clear in the discussion the fact thatboth sources exhibit a propensity to emit atoms, and therefore the total wavefunction of the atomshas terms in it accounting for each atom being emitted from all available sources, merely from theexchange symmetry requirement4 (c.f. eq. (11.8)). The implication is that the atoms in your coffeecup have some sort of shared existence with the atoms on the far side of the moon5.

11.1.3 Pauli Exclusion Principle

Consider the case of two fermions such as two electrons. This time the total state is of type (11.3).Suppose two electrons are both in some state φ. Then the total state would be ψ = φ(r1, ζ1)φ(r2, ζ2),but this has the wrong symmetry so is not allowed according to (11.3). To understand what is goingon, take the case where the two electrons are in different states f and g. Then the total state, withthe correct symmetry (i.e. antisymmetric with respect to exchange) is

ψ(r1, ζ1, r2, ζ2) =1√2

(f(r1, ζ1) g(r2, ζ2) − f(r2, ζ2) g(r1, ζ1)) . (11.9)

Now, observe what happens if we let g become the same as f : in that case ψ vanishes. The upshot ofthis is

The Pauli Exclusion Principle: no two identical Fermions can ever be in the same quantum state.

The Pauli Exclusion Principle underlies atomic structure through and through, and has many conse-quences in many areas of physics.

11.2 Example to illustrate exchange effects

Unfortunately, although exchange symmetry is a beautiful and fascinating concept, many textbookscontain misleading and sometimes even wrong statements about it. For example, sometimes the spindegree of freedom is left out, or only included in an unclear way as an afterthought. Sometimes energylevel splittings are ascribed to exchange effects, even though they would still be present if the particleswere non-identical.

To clarify these points, let us consider a simple situation and compare the behaviours when there areeither two non-identical particles, or two identical Bosons, or two identical Fermions. The situationwill be a pair of particles confined in a one-dimensional box, and interacting with one another bya repulsive force which depends on their separation. We assume the repulsive force is such that itincreases when the particles are close, and its effects will be described by a potential energy functionV (|x1 − x2|). To be specific, you could imagine a Coulomb potential if you like, but in any case tokeep the mathematics simple, we will assume V only makes a small contribution to the total energy.

4N.B. it is a very severe test of our physical intuition to arrive at the clearest way to describe this experiment interms of particles: your tutors will probably not all agree on which statements are least misleading, though they willagree on the fringe pattern observed.

5This implication may be questioned if it is not possible to bring these atoms together in a controlled way that leavesstrictly no evidence of their previous history, since then they will remain effectively labelled by their history, so thatexchange symmetry effects will be unobservable. A full discussion of this brings us to the interpretational problems ofquantum theory which remain unresolved and which are outside the remit of these notes.


We assume the two particles have the same mass M . The Schrodinger equation for our problem is

− h2








+ (U(x1) + U(x2) + V (|x1 − x2|)) ψ = Eψ (11.10)

where U(x) is the potential energy for the box, which we take to be an infinite potential well of widtha.

11.2.1 Non-identical particles

If the two particles are not identical (e.g. think of a neutron and a proton, which have almost thesame mass, but which are not identical), then we can simply ignore the requirements of the ExchangePrinciple: they do not arise.

Solving Schrodinger’s equation, we see immediately we can separate spatial and spin parts, so thework to be done is to solve the spatial part. In the limit where V is small, the problem is separableand reduces to the familiar infinite potential well, with eigenfunctions and energies

u0n(x) =


asin(nπx/a), E0

n =h2π2

2Ma2n2. (11.11)

For the pair of particles in the well, if V were zero, a complete set of solutions would be

ψ0n,m(x1, x2) = u0

n(x1)u0m(x2), E0

n,m =h2π2

2Ma2(n2 + m2). (11.12)

In this complete set, notice that when n 6= m then there is a pair of degenerate states, namelyu0

n(x1)u0m(x2) and u0

m(x1)u0n(x2), both of which have energy (n2 + m2)h2π2/2Ma2.

Now allow V to be non-zero. Since V is positive we expect all the energy levels to be increased, andwe are about to find that in the presence of V , the degeneracy is lifted. Analyzing this by degenerateperturbation theory, we need to select zero-order states in each degenerate space so that they are notconnected by V . The appropriate combinations are

ψ0n,m,+ =



0m(x2) + u0




2 (11.13)

and ψ0n,m,− =



0m(x2) − u0




2. (11.14)

(You should confirm that⟨


∣ V∣


= 0.) In the presence of V , therefore, the energyeigenstates are ψ0

n,m,+ and ψ0n,m,− plus small corrections.

Now consider the energies. Each pair ψ0n,m,+ and ψ0

n,m,− were degenerate before the perturbation wasintroduced. To calculate their first order energy shift we need to calculate

δE+ =⟨


∣ V∣



and δE− =⟨


∣ V∣


. (11.16)

Both of these are shifts upwards in energy, because V > 0, but by different amounts. Withouttroubling to do the integrals, we can see which will be larger by a physical argument. We know thatV gets larger when the particles are close together. Therefore, whichever state has the particles closertogether on average will have the greater energy shift contributed by V . Now, the particles are closetogether when x1 ≃ x2, so we need to examine the probability densities represented by |ψ0

n,m,+|2and |ψ0

n,m,−|2 in the region where x1 ≃ x2. For example, when x1 = x2, we can choose to call bothpositions simply x, and we have

ψ0n,m,+(x1 = x2 = x) =

√2 u0

n(x)u0m(x) (11.17)

ψ0n,m,−(x1 = x2 = x) =


n(x)u0m(x) − u0

m(x)u0n(x)) = 0 (11.18)

Thus in state ‘+’, the particles can readily be close together, while in state ‘−’, they are highly unlikelyto be.


The overall conclusion is that

• the particles are on average closer together when they are in state ψ0n,m,+ than when they are

in state ψ0n,m,−.

This means the energy shift is larger for ψ0n,m,+ than for ψ0

n,m,−, hence in the presence of V , stateψ0

n,m,+ has the greater energy.

Now, it won’t have escaped your notice that the states we have been talking about have definitesymmetry with respect to exchange of particle labels. However, they arose simply as solutions toSchrodinger’s equation, not from the Exchange Principle. In fact, we should now recall that we havenot discussed the spin state of our pair of particles. Since the particles are not identical, and the spindoes not appear in the Hamiltonian, it follows that any spin state is possible, so in fact the full stateincluding spin might not have definite symmetry w.r.t. exchange of particle labels.

The argument relied on perturbation theory, and you may be wondering what happens to the statewhen we include all orders of perturbation theory, and thus get an exact solution. Notice that theinteraction V (|x1 − x2|) is strictly unchanged when we swap particle labels. It doesn’t even changesign. From this it is easy to show that V does not connect states of different exchange symmetry (tryit yourself now, or see problems for general proof). Therefore, in all the higher order corrections to thestates in perturbation theory, only symmetric contributions are added to ψ0

n,m,+ and antisymmetriccontributions are added to ψ0

n,m,−. The exact solutions therefore come in pairs, one symmetric, oneantisymmetric. The changes introduced by the perturbation do mean the states are not exactly equalto ψ0

n,m,+ and ψ0n,m,−. Instead they become

ψn,m,+ = (un(x1)um(x2) + um(x1)un(x2)) /√


and ψn,m,− = (vn(x1)vm(x2) − vm(x1)vn(x2)) /√

2. (11.19)

where the functions v need not be the same as the functions u (and neither are the same as u0).

The exchange symmetry of energy eigenstates can be analysed in a more general way by introducingan exchange operator X which is defined such that its influence on any state is to swap the labelsattached to a given pair of particles. It is easy to show X 2 = 1 and from this that X has eigenvalues±1. The eigenstates of eigenvalue +1 are symmetric w.r.t. exchange, those of eigenvalue −1 areantisymmetric w.r.t. exchange. It can be further be shown that when the Hamiltonian is unchangedby swapping particle labels, then X commutes with the Hamiltonian, [X ,H] = 0. In this case X andH can have joint eigenstates (see problems).

11.2.2 Identical Bosons

Now suppose the two particles in our box are identical bosons, such as alpha-particles. In this casethe solution of the Schrodinger equation proceeds exactly as before. Once we have our set of solutions,the Exchange Principle can be invoked to see which of them are physically possible.

At first sight, since we are now discussing identical bosons, we might feel that the eigenstates ψ0n,m,−

are not allowed, because they have the wrong exchange symmetry. However, we should recall the spindegree of freedom as well. The total state of the pair of particles is

Ψ = (spatial state) ⊗ (spin state)

We have seen that the spatial states under consideration each have definite symmetry w.r.t exchangeof particles, some of them symmetric, and some antisymmetric. For Bosons we require the overallstate, when all labels are exchanged (i.e. including both spatial and spin degrees of freedom), to besymmetric. There are two possibilities:


either (symmetric spatial state) ⊗ (symmetric spin state)or (antisymmetric spatial state) ⊗ (antisymmetric spin state)

Now, in practice alpha particles will usually have spin zero, in which case the spin state can only besymmetric, and then only the first possibility occurs. However, there exist Bosons of non-zero spin,such as photons and various atoms and nuclei, and for them both possibilities will be observed.

In more general physical problems, it is found that any Hamiltonian which describes identical particlesmust have exchange symmetry, and therefore [X ,H] = 0. This implies the energy eigenstates can havedefinite symmetry w.r.t. exchange, so at least some of them are allowed under the requirements ofthe Exchange Principle. However, we don’t always require that the spatial and spin parts of thestate appear in the form of a product. If the Hamiltonian involves a coupling between spatial andspin degrees of freedom, as in spin-orbit coupling, for example, then the eigenstates will not usuallyseparate. Instead the overall state is a combination of spatial and spin parts which cannot be writtenas a product, but which still retains overall symmetry w.r.t. exchange of particle labels. To have anexample for illustration, here is such a state:


(f(r1) |+〉1 g(r2) |−〉2 + f(r2) |+〉2 g(r1) |−〉1) (11.20)

where the |±〉 states are the spin-one, ms = ±1 spin states.

11.2.3 Identical Fermions

The treatment of our example problem for a pair of Fermions is now straightforward. The Schrodingerequation has again the same solutions for the spatial part of the state and for the energies. The overallresult must be antisymmetric, so the possibilities are

either (symmetric spatial state) ⊗ (antisymmetric spin state)or (antisymmetric spatial state) ⊗ (symmetric spin state)

In the case where the two fermions have spin half, which is the most common situation, then thespin states are easy to analyse. They were given in section 5.4.1. It is seen that the ‘singlet’ (totalspin S = 0) is antisymmetric w.r.t. exchange, and the ‘triplet’ (total spin S = 1) is symmetricw.r.t. exchange. Therefore for two identical spin-half particles, whenever the space and spin parts areseparable, we have

either (symmetric spatial state) ⊗ (singlet (S = 0) spin state)or (antisymmetric spatial state) ⊗ (triplet (S = 1) spin state)


In more general problems, the further comments made above about bosons apply. The state doesnot always have to be seperable into spatial and spin parts, but for fermions it must be overallantisymmetric w.r.t. exchange of particle labels.

11.2.4 Discussion

We examined a physical problem where two particles were in a common potential well, and theparticles had an interaction with one another. There are many examples in physics of this genericsituation, such as the electrons in the helium atom, the electrons in other atoms with larger atomicnumber, nucleons in a nucleus, etc. It is sometimes asserted that the observation of a splitting ofthe energy levels into pairs, associated with eigenstates whose spatial part has definite symmetry, is‘because of the exchange interaction’. However, this is quite wrong, because the splitting, and thesymmetric and antisymmetric (spatial part of the) energy eigenstates, is observed for non-identicalparticles too. There is no ‘exchange interaction’ as such. That is, there is no source of potentialenergy associated with the exchange requirements for identical particles. The only interactions in theuniverse are the familiar Coulomb interaction, the gravitational interaction, the strong interaction,and the weak interaction.

While the Exchange Principle does not affect the energy values, what it does do is restrict the availablestates. Thus, for example, we saw that for non-identical particles in the situation we have discussed,there was no restriction on the spin states, but for identical particles there was: a spatial state ofgiven symmetry could only be associated with a particular class of spin states.

Since there is no ‘exchange interaction’, there are no ‘exchange forces’. However, both terms haveacquired a certain currency in physics. They are used to refer to the following idea. Owing to therestrictions on the type of states which are imposed by symmetry requirements, the mean separationbetween pairs of electrons of given spin state will depend on the spin state. That is, other things beingequal (i.e. in a given environment) the states with symmetric spin part will have a spatial contributionsuch that the electrons are on average further apart, and the states with antisymmetric spin will havea spatial contribution such that the electrons are on average closer together. This is not owing toany change in the mean position of either electron alone, it is because of a correlation between theirpositions.

For a physical picture of the correlation, imagine two classical particles moving to and fro in thesame one-dimensional potential well and with the same amount of energy. Each particle has the sameaverage position, and the same excursion in position. However, if the particles are moving in oppositedirections, then much of the time they are far apart, but if they are moving in the same direction,and begin close to one another, then on average they remain close. Thus the nature of the correlationbetween the motions of the two particles affects the mean value of the separation.


Owing to the different mean separation, the Coulomb repulsion will cause the state having symmetricspin part to have less energy. As a short-hand way of speaking, the contribution to the total Coulombenergy which depends on the symmetry of the state is said to arise from an ‘exchange force’. When thetwo single-particle wavefunctions involved in the superposition ψ+ or ψ− do not appreciably overlapone another, this contribution is negligible. In many situations, wavefunctions fall off exponentiallywith distance: in this case so will the ‘exchange force’.

11.2.5 More than two particles

States of three or more identical particles must be either symmetric (bosons) or antisymmetric(fermions) with respect to exchange of any pair. Suppose energy measurements of three identicalparticles show that they have energies Ef , Eg and Eh. The total state must then involve productsof the form f(xi)g(xj)h(xk) where f, g, h are the energy eigenstates and i, j, k ∈ 1, 2, 3 label theparticles, but there is no way to say which particle has which energy. The task of finding a statewith all the right exchange symmetry might be quite difficult for many particles, but fortunately theproperties of determinants do the job for us. The joint state of three fermions is given by

ψa,b,c(x1, x2, x3) =1


f(x1) g(x1) h(x1)f(x2) g(x2) h(x2)f(x3) g(x3) h(x3)


= (3!)−1/2 (f(x1)g(x2)h(x3) − f(x1)h(x2)g(x3) + g(x1)h(x2)f(x3)

−g(x1)f(x2)h(x3) + h(x1)f(x2)g(x3) − h(x1)g(x2)f(x3)) (11.22)

In atomic physics, such determinants are called Slater determinants. You should check that theresulting state is indeed antisymmetric w.r.t. exchange of any pair—in fact it follows immediatelyfrom standard properties of determinants.

To find a totally symmetric state, write the same sequence of product states as given by the determi-nant, but don’t include the sign changes associated with the determinant.


To include spin, a method which always succeeds in generating states of the right symmetry is simplyto include it in each state in the determinant. For example



f(x1) ↑1 g(x1) ↓1

f(x2) ↑2 g(x2) ↓2


21/2(f(x1) ↑1 g(x2) ↓2 −f(x2) ↑2 g(x1) ↓1) (11.23)

is an allowed state for two spin-half particles, in (what I hope is) an obvious notation. This state isnot separable into a product of spatial and spin parts. Space/spin-separable states can be found fortwo particles, we already met some examples above. For example



f(x1) ↑1 g(x1) ↓1

f(x2) ↑2 g(x2) ↓2



f(x1) ↓1 g(x1) ↑1

f(x2) ↓2 g(x2) ↑2


2(f(x1)g(x2) − f(x2)g(x1)) (↑1↓2 + ↑2↓1) .

(11.24)However, such a space/spin separation is rare for allowed states of three or more identical particles,even though the Hamiltonian may be separable.

11.2.6 Exchange symmetry of eigenstates of summed operators

We are often interested in physical properties which have the form of a sum of single-particle observ-ables. For example, we may be interested in the total kinetic energy

i pi2/2m or the total orbital

angular momentumL = l1 + l2 + l3 + · · · . (11.25)

I have written this out explicitly in order to make it obvious that this operator, and more generallyall operators in the form of such a simple sum, do not change when the particle labels are swappedaround. From this it follows that they commute with the exchange operator and therefore theireigenstates have definite exchange symmetry. This means that states which are allowed according tothe exchange symmetry rules can be eigenstates of the total properties of the system such as L2 andLz, while usually they are not eigenstates of individual operators such as lz1.

This feature is important, because it underlies the notion of a composite system: it confirms that formany purposes a composite system can be treated as a single entity with overall properties, withoutworrying about its internal structure. It is hard to imagine a physical world without the property ofallowing well-defined composite systems. Our ability to make sense of our surroundings even in themost basic way for everyday life depends on it.

11.2.7 When can identical particles be treated as if they were non-identical?

Until this subject of exchange symmetry came up, we happily did our classical mechanics withoutever worrying about it. We were happy to say things like ‘an atom was emitted by the oven andpassed through the magnetic field and hit the detector’, and we did not find that this way of thinkinggave misleading predictions. Furthermore, even in the quantum mechanical discussion of the electronin hydrogen, we did not worry about all the other electrons in the universe. What these examplesillustrate is that for many purposes identical particles can be treated as if they could be told apart.This fact is highly important to our ability to make sense of our surroundings: it would be veryconfusing if every time we picked up an object on the earth, its behaviour could only be made senseof by taking into consideration other objects on the moon, or elsewhere in the universe.


For a more detailed discussion of this important point, I refer you once again to Shankar or othertextbooks. The essence of the result is

• If, during the course of a given sequence of events, two or more particles always occupy stateswith negligible overlap, then the particles are said to be distinguishable and their behaviour canbe accurately modelled by treating them as if they were non-identical.

To clarify what is meant by “occupy states with negligible overlap”, let us consider an example.Consider a pair of spin zero particles, one on the earth, the other on the moon. We could in principlemeasure the system and learn that near the earth there was just one particle, and near the moonthere was just one particle, without learning which particle was which. Assuming this has been done,a possible state is

ψEM,S = 2−1/2(φE(r1)φM (r2) + φE(r2)φM (r1)) (11.26)

where φE and φM are two example wavefunctions, such that φE is peaked near the earth and φM ispeaked near the moon.

Now, if the particles were not identical, then a measurement could in principle tell us not only thatone was near the earth and one near the moon, but also which was which. Instead of labelling them1 and 2, we could call them Fred and Kate. A possible state would then be

ψEM = φE(rF )φM (rK) (11.27)

in the case where Fred is found on the earth, and Kate on the moon.

Now, the essential idea is that as long as the wavefunctions peaked near E and M do not overlapwith one another, then the predictions using ψEM,S (equation (11.26)) are the same as the predictionsusing ψEM (equation (11.27)). For, all the observable quantities can be written as matrix elements〈ψ| Q |ψ〉. Upon evaluating such matrix elements, state (11.26) includes ‘cross terms’ of the form

〈φE(r1)φM (r2)| Q |φM (r1)φE(r2)〉 (11.28)

while state (11.27) does not. Assuming the operator Q does not dramatically alter φM so thatit overlaps with φE , the cross term is close to zero and can be neglected. When we recall thatwavefunctions centred in potential wells typically decay exponentially with distance outside the well,we see that cross terms really can be absurdly small and to neglect them is not just ok, but quitecorrect. To include them would be ridiculous because physics is not an exact science anyway—I meannot exactly exact.


The concept of distinguishability is most important in statistical mechanics, where you have alreadymet it. There, its main use is as an aid to counting orthogonal states of a system of several particles.If the particles are distinguishable, then it can be shown that the number of properly symmetrizedstates is the same as the number of product states. The latter are easier to count, so this is a usefulobservation. For an example, consider the available spin states of two spin-half nuclei in two differentatoms. We argue that the nuclei are distinguishable because they are located in different atoms, andtherefore we may count product spin states. These are up-up, up-down, down-up and down-down: atotal of four. This is the correct total, although the states available to the system are really

ψS(spatial) ⊗ (singlet),

ψA(spatial) ⊗ (triplet,M=1),

ψA(spatial) ⊗ (triplet,M=0),

and ψA(spatial) ⊗ (triplet,M=-1).

11.3 Exchange symmetry in helium

In chapter 10 we analysed the Helium atom using a central potential model which included theattraction to the nucleus and which included in an approximate way most of the electron-electronrepulsion energy. Now that we are familiar with exchange symmetry, we can go further.

First, notice that the exact Hamiltonian must be symmetric w.r.t. exchange of the two electrons,therefore the true energy eigenstates don’t have the form (10.5) but rather they come in pairs of theform

ψS =1√2

(φ1s(r1) φnlm(r2, θ2, φ2) + φ1s(r2) φnlm(r1, θ1, φ1))

and ψA =1√2

(φ1s(r1) φnlm(r2, θ2, φ2) − φ1s(r2) φnlm(r1, θ1, φ1)) .

Also, owing to the smaller mean separation between the electrons in state ψS compared to state ψA,the former will have more energy (from Coulomb repulsion between electrons) than the latter6.

Everything we have said so far would be so for non-identical particles. However, electrons are in factidentical, and the Exchange Principle restricts the states such that ψS is only associated with anantisymmetric spin state, while ψA is only associated with a symmetric spin state. Spin states fora pair of spin-half particles were listed in section 5.4.1. It is seen that the ‘singlet’ is antisymmetricw.r.t. exchange, and the ‘triplet’ is symmetric w.r.t. exchange.

Hence the overall conclusion is that, for each pair of states in helium,

• the one with lower energy must be a triplet, the one with higher energy must be a singlet.

It is possible to confirm this experimentally by using the Zeeman effect.

For the ground state of helium 1s2, we have a special case because the two wavefunctions φ1s and φnl

are one and the same wavefunction. This means the antisymmetric form ψA vanishes, and we onlyhave the symmetric form

ψS(ground state) = φ1s(r1)φ1s(r2).

The Exchange Principle then requires that the associated spin state must be the singlet. Another wayof putting it is to say the 1s2 triplet state is ruled out by the Pauli Exclusion Principle.

6Actually, there is a subtlety here. Whereas the two states must each have definite symmetry, they don’t necessarilyhave to have the form f(1)g(2)± f(2)g(1). Rather, if the symmetric state is f(1)g(2)+ f(2)g(1), then the antisymmeticone can be u(1)v(2) − u(2)v(1) where u and v are functions different from f and g, recall equations (11.19). This iswhat really happens in helium, and the lower energy of the triplet state is mostly because the electrons are closer tothe nucleus, rather than further from each other. This point is not treated in textbooks, and is off-syllabus for us.


These conclusions are remarkable, because they say the energy of the helium atom depends on its spinstate, even though the Hamiltonian does not depend on spin! The first time one meets the explanationfor this remarkable fact, the argument seems long and tortuous. However, once we have got the hangof it, it is not so bad. The summary is as follows.

1. States which are degenerate under the central field Hamiltonian are shifted and split by the electron-electron interaction Hamiltonian.2. The spatial parts of the eigenstates of the total Hamiltonian have definite symmetry w.r.t. exchangeof the electrons, the symmetric spatial state having more energy than the antisymmetric one.3. The requirement of asymmetry for identical fermion states means that each spatial state must beassociated with a specific spin state.4. The combination of (1)-(3) leads to an energy splitting between spin singlet and triplet states, eventhough no spin-dependent interactions are involved.5. The singlet terms are the higher in energy since they are antisymmetric in spin, so must havesymmetric spatial part, and when the spatial state is symmetric, the mean separation of the electronsis smaller, leading to a higher energy of repulsion between them.

One can readily see that the above summary will carry over to the case of many electrons. Thisexplains the splitting between singlet and triplet states observed in all atoms from group 2 of theperiodic table, and related observations in all atoms of more than one electron.

Main points

The main points of this chapter have been:identical particles; Exchange Principle; symmetry w.r.t. particle exchange: Bosons and Fermions;Pauli Exclusion Principle; symmetric and antisymmetric spatial states and their energy splitting;implications for spin state from Exchange Principle; application to helium atom: each triplet statelies lower in energy that the corresponding singlet; brief comments on the extension to many particles;concept of distinguishability and wavefunction overlap.

11.4 Appendix: detailed derivation of states and splitting

I will do the calculation for helium, starting by neglecting the electron-electron repulsion all togetherto begin with. This serves to bring out the features of the calculation, which we will then make moreprecise at the end. The level of this material is just about on the syllabus: you would not be expectedto reproduce the full derivation in detail, but you should be familiar with the main points.


So, considering just the attraction to the nucleus, we have the Hamiltonian

H0 =





2m− Ze2

4πǫ0r1− Ze2




where Z = 2. Let f and g be eigenstates of the single-electron Hamiltonian p2/2m−Ze2/4πǫ0r, witheigenvalues Ea and Eb respectively. Then, by the fact that H0 is separable, the product states

ufg ≡ f(r1)g(r2),

ugf ≡ g(r1)f(r2),

are eigenstates of H0, both having the eigenvalue E0 = Ef +Eg. Note that the separation of variablesmethod has converted our single Schrodinger equation into the pair of equations

H0ufg = E0ufg

H0ugf = E0ugf


If we write a general combination of ufg and ugf as αufg + βugf where α and β are any complexnumbers satisfying |α|2 + |β|2 = 1, then the pair of Schrodinger equations can be expressed as a singlematrix equation


〈fg|H0 |fg〉 〈fg|H0 |gf〉〈gf |H0 |fg〉 〈gf |H0 |gf〉




= E0




, (11.31)

which is just the simple expression


E0 00 E0

) (



= E0




. (11.32)

We have a degeneracy (two states of the same energy), which will be removed by the electron-electroninteraction Hr = e2/4πǫ0r12. Let’s assume that this interaction is small enough that the energy shiftsof the initially degenerate states ufg and ugf are primarily due to the coupling between them, ratherthan to the influence of further states of energy 6= (Ea +Eb). Hence we can approximate the problemas a two-state system, with the Schrodinger equation


E0 + Hr11 Hr


Hr21 E0 + Hr





= E





Hr11 = 〈fg|Hr |fg〉 =



≡ J [ ‘direct’ integral

Hr22 = 〈gf |Hr |gf〉 =



= Hr11 [ since Hr only depends on relative coordinate r12

Hr12 = 〈fg|Hr |gf〉 =



≡ K [ ‘exchange’ integral

= Hr21 [ real and Hermitian Hr

The names ‘direct’ and ‘exchange’ integrals come from the fact that the direct integral can be inter-preted as the mutual energy caused by repulsion between two overlapping charge distributions |f |2and |g|2, while the exchange integral does not have such a simple interpretation. This is simply anexample of the problems which can arise when trying to interpret a two-particle quantum state interms of single-particle states. It has become common practice to call the off-diagonal part of Hr an‘exchange interaction’, but this is to some extent misleading because there is no new interaction here:it is just the electrostatic interaction acting on a two-particle state.


Our Schrodinger equation now has the very simple form


E0 + J KK E0 + J

) (



= E




which is just that of the familiar situation of coupled pendula. By now we know how to solve this inour sleep, (E0 + J − λ)2 − K2 = 0 ⇒ E0 + J − λ = ±K, and the answer is:eigenvalues: E0 + J + K, E0 + J − Keigenstates: β = α, β = −α.

Therefore the two-electron energy eigenstates are ufg ± ugf , i.e.

f(1)g(2) + g(1)f(2)√2

,f(1)g(2) − g(1)f(2)√

2, (11.33)

and the first of these has more energy than the second. The physical reason why the first state has moreenergy is that in this symmetric state, those parts of f and g which overlap interfere constructively,making an enhanced probability for the electrons to be close to one another (and hence have a higherenergy of interaction) while in the antisymmetric state the overlapping parts interfere destructively,so the electrons are further apart and have less energy of interaction.

In the case of coupled classical pendulums we would have similar results: one normal mode has ahigher energy than the other because the different correlations in the motions of the pendulums causea different energy from the coupling.

Note that we have obtained the answer without appealing either to the spin or to the exchange symmetryof the states. As far as spin goes, at the moment it looks as though each spatial wavefunction canbe associated with any spin state. As far as symmetry goes, the electrons could be distinguishable,for all we care (e.g. one painted blue, somehow, and the other painted red). N.B. many (in fact themajority) of textbooks are quite confused on this point, or downright wrong.

Now, as it happens, we are dealing with two identical electrons, rather than one ‘red’ and one ‘blue’.Therefore, by the principles of quantum mechanics as they apply to identical particles, the total statemust be one of definite symmetry with respect to exchange of the particles. Indeed, since electronsare fermions the state must be antisymmetric. Therefore at first sight only the second of our twosolutions (11.33) looks physically possible. In fact both solutions are possible because each electronhas a further degree of freedom, namely its spin, but the implication is that not every spin state cango with every spatial state, as discussed in section 11.3.

An exact (within numerical error) treatment would involve a full (numerical) solution of the Schrodingerequation including all the parts of the Hamiltonian from the start. The solutions are then found tohave the same general features as given here, but the precise values of energy and the shape of thewavefunctions would differ from those given by the approximate method.


Chapter 12

Time-dependent perturbation


Up till now, all the problems we have treated have had Hamiltonians which do not depend on time.Time-dependent perturbation theory provides a general method to calculate the effects of a smalltime-dependent contribution to the Hamiltonian.

If the Hamiltonian varies in time, it means the energy of the system varies in time, so one of the mostobvious results is that the system can gain or lose energy.

12.1 First order time-dependent perturbation theory

(This section is copied from Shankar with a few notation changes). Suppose a system has a Hamilto-nian of the form

H = H0 + δH(t) (12.1)

where H0 is time-independent, but δH depends on time. Since the eigenstates of H0 form a completeset, we can always write the exact wavefunction at any time in terms of them:

ψ(t) =∑


cn(t)ψ0n (12.2)

where the zeroth-order wavefunctions ψ0n do not depend on time. All the time-dependence is taken

up by the coefficients cn. Now, if δH were not there, we know these would vary as

cn(t) = cn(0)e−iE0

nt/h. [ when δH = 0 (12.3)

So let us use this information, and write

ψ(t) =∑



nt/hψ0n, (12.4)

then if dn changes with time, it is because of δH. We expect therefore that the evolution of dn canbe written as a nice power series in δH.



Now operate on both sides of (12.4) with ih∂/∂t − H to get

0 =∑



ihdn − dnδH(t))


nt/hψ0n (12.5)




nt/hψ0n =



nt/hψ0n. (12.6)

Multiply by (ψ0f )∗ and integrate:


f t/h =∑





∣ δH(t)∣


. (12.7)

To tidy this up a little, definehωfn = E0

f − E0n (12.8)


ihdf =∑




∣ δH(t)∣


. [ exact (12.9)

This result is exact and fully equivalent to the original Schrodinger equation Hψ = ihψ.

Let us consider the case where, at t = 0, the system is in state ψ0i . Then

dn(0) = δni.

What happens next? To zero order approximation, we ignore δH altogether, and equation (12.9) tellsus df = 0, i.e. the state doesn’t change with time. To get the first order result, notice that in (12.9)the δH is already of first order, so we should substitute in the zero order expression for dn. This givesus the first-order result

ihdf = eiωfit⟨


∣ δH(t)∣


. (12.10)

whose solution is

df (t) = δfi −i


∫ t


eiωfit′ ⟨


∣ δH(t′)∣


dt′. (12.11)

You should note that the integral here is a Fourier transform1.

The next step is to apply this result to a few examples and so gain familiarity with it: please consulttextbooks and problems.

12.1.1 Limit of slow and fast perturbations

You need to be aware of what happens in the cases of a very slow and a very fast perturbation. I willjust quote results here rather than derive them: consult the textbooks for more information.

1A full Fourier analysis integral must extend from t′ = −∞ to t′ = ∞ but at any time t the perturbation δH canonly have acted between times 0 and t, so as far as the Fourier integral is concerned, δH is zero for t′ < 0 and for t′ > t.


How slow is slow, and how fast is fast? Every quantum system has a set of natural time-scales, givenby the inverse of the frequencies ωfi which come from its energy level separations. If a change inHamiltonian occurs on a time-scale fast compared to the highest of these frequencies, then it can beregarded as sudden, and if it is slow compared to the lowest frequency, then it can be regarded as

adiabatic. A more detailed statement, in which the matrix elements⟨




are examined

along with the frequencies ωfi, is needed in the case of very high or very low ωfi (e.g. degeneracy).

Sudden perturbation

If the Hamiltonian changes abruptly in a short interval of time, say t = 0 to t = ǫ, then the state ofthe system immediately after the abrupt change is the same as it was before: ψ(t = ǫ) = ψ(t = 0).After the change, the system has a new Hamiltonian, so its subsequent evolution for times t > ǫ maywell be different from what it was for times t < 0, but there was no appreciable change in the stateduring the short interval 0 < t < ǫ. You should recall the well-known behaviour of a collection ofcrockery on a table when the table-cloth is abruptly whisked away.

Example: a mass on a spring, of potential energy (1/2)mω2x2, is in the ground state of motion. Thespring constant is suddenly (in a time small compared to 1/ω) doubled. What is the wavefunction ofthe mass immediately after this change? Answer: the same as it was before the change, i.e.

ψ =(mω




Note, however, that this is not the ground state of the new oscillator potential, in fact it is not anenergy eigenstate of the new Hamiltonian at all, so the state will subsequently evolve away from ψ.

Adiabatic perturbation

Adiabatic theorem: If the Hamiltonian H(t) changes slowly enough from HA to HB ina time T , then if the system starts out at time t = 0 in an eigenstate ψA

n of HA, it willfinish in the corresponding eigenstate ψB

n of HB .

The meaning of the ‘corresponding’ eigenstate is as follows. As the Hamiltonian slowly changes, allthe energy levels slowly change. We keep track of the movement of the energy levels, and the stateψB

n is the one whose energy under HB was linked continuously to the energy of ψAn under HA. In

the case where energy levels cross (degeneracy) or come very close to one another, there is a dangerthe change may not be adiabatic. We then have to keep track of the changes in the wavefunctions toavoid any ambiguity.

Example: a mass on a spring (with vibrational frequency ω) is in the ground state, before the springconstant changes. The spring constant is then slowly doubled, on a time scale long compared to 1/ω.What is the wavefunction after this change? Answer: the mass ends up in the ground state of thenew Hamiltonian. Doubling the spring constant will increase the vibrational frequency by

√2, so the

new state is

ψ = eiθ







This is an eigenstate of the new Hamiltonian, and so does not further evolve.


Note, the adiabatic theorem says what state the system ends up in, but during the change the statewill pick up a phase, owing to its energy and to phases associated with the change itself. This is whywe need to include the factor exp(iθ) in the answer. For a system in a single energy eigenstate, thisphase is unobservable, but if the system started in a superposition of energy eigenstates, then it willend in a superposition, and the phase difference between the two or more components can be revealedby interference effects (c.f. “Aharonov-Bohm effect” and “Berry phase”).

12.2 Periodic perturbation: Fermi Golden Rule

The case of a periodic perturbation is quite common: think of an atom being illuminated by a lightwave, for example. Such perturbations will in reality vary as sines or cosines, but for mathematicalconvenience we consider the case

δH(t) = H ′e−iωt. (12.12)

Note, H ′ is the amplitude of the oscillation. H ′ is small and time-independent.

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 10










Figure 12.1: The function t2sinc2(tδ/2) plotted for times t = 5, 10, 15, 20. The transition probabilityfrom state i to state f is proportional to this, where δ = ωfi −ω is the detuning from resonance. Thefunction gets more and more sharply peaked as t increases. The height is t2, the first zeros occur atδ = ±2π/t.

Applying our general first-order result (12.11), we have for the amplitude to arrive in a state otherthan the one the system started in:

df (t) = − i


∫ t


eiωfit′ ⟨


∣ H ′ ∣∣ψ0


e−iωt′dt′. (12.13)

= − i



∣ H ′ ∣∣ψ0


⟩ ei(ωfi−ω)t − 1

i(ωfi − ω)(12.14)

= − iei(ωfi−ω)t/2



∣ H ′ ∣∣ψ0


sinc [(ωfi − ω)t/2] t [ recall sinc(x) = sin(x)/x (12.15)

The perturbation has appeared as a ‘square pulse’ acting from time 0 to t, and the system has ‘Fourieranalysed’ it into a sinc function. The probability for the transition i → f is

Pi→f = |df |2 =1



∣ H ′ ∣∣ψ0



2sinc2 [(ωfi − ω)t/2] t2. (12.16)

This is shown in figure 12.1 for various times t. The transition probability is appreciable for finalstates such that |(ωfi − ω)t/2| ≤ π, which means for energies in the range

E0f ∼ E0

i + hω ± 2πh/t. (12.17)

As time goes on, the system gets more and more ‘choosy’ as to which final states it will go to, until forlarge times the only final state with a non-negligible probability is the one with E0

f = E0i + hω (if there


In the limit t → ∞ the system will only go to a final state of perfectly correct energy, but of course thereis no such thing as either infinity or perfection in the physical world. To get some useful information,instead of assessing the probability to go to a final state of specific energy, it is better to ask for theprobability of going to any state at all. Thus we want to calculate

P =∑

f 6=i

Pi→f . (12.18)

If the quantum system has dN quantum states in each energy range E to E + dE, then we define the

density of states ρ(E) =dN

dE. (12.19)

This permits us to convert the sum (12.18) into an integral over energy. The number of states atenergy E is ρ(E)dE, so

P ≃∫ ∞

−∞Pi→f ρ(E)dE (12.20)



∫ ∞



∣ H ′ ∣∣ψ0





(E − (E0i + hω))t/2h


t2 ρ(E)dE (12.21)

where in the sinc function the energy of the final state is E0f = E. If we assume t is long enough that

the sinc2 function is much more sharply peaked as a function of energy than either the matrix elementor the density of states, then these are both approximately constant in the interval over which theintegrand is non-zero, so they can be brought out the front:

P ≃ 1



∣ H ′ ∣∣ψ0




i + hω)

∫ ∞



(E0f − (E0

i + hω))t/2h]

t2 dE (12.22)

To do the integral, change variable to x = (E − (E0i + hω))t/2h, then dE/dx = 2h/t, and use the

result∫ ∞

−∞sinc2(x)dx = π. (12.23)


P ≃ 2π



∣ H ′ ∣∣ψ0



2ρ(E) t. (12.24)

We find the probability now increases linearly with time, whereas in equation (12.16) the increase wasquadratic in time. What is happening is that the sinc2 function picks out a narrower and narrowerrange of final energies as time goes on, and hence the time-dependence of the total transition prob-ability is brought ‘down’ from a quadratic to a linear function of time. The linear result means thatnow we have a constant transition rate

R =dP

dt≃ 2π



∣ H ′ ∣∣ψ0




f ) [ Fermi Golden Rule (12.25)

Equation (12.25) is called the Fermi Golden Rule. It is useful whenever we are interested in transitionsfrom one state to another, so it pops up in many areas of physics. It says that with a periodicperturbation, the transition rate is constant, and is proportional to the density of states at energyE0

f = E0i + hω and to the square of the matrix element2.

Which expression is relevant?

We remarked that the time-dependence of the excitation probability went over from a quadratic to alinear function in passing from (12.16) to (12.24). The change is related to the integration over states,(12.18) and (12.20). Understanding the proper use of these two results involves a consideration oftime-scales, as follows.

2The final state f0 appearing in the matrix element can be taken to be any state whose energy is in the rangeE0

i+ hω ± 2πh/t, since we assumed the matrix element was the same for all such states.


To get the general idea, it is useful to express everything in time and frequency units. We alreadyexpressed the energy change Ef − Ei in terms of a transition frequency ωfi = (Ef − Ei)/h. Wealso noted that the length of time t for which the oscillating perturbation acts introduces an energyselectivity ±h/t, and hence a frequency selectivity ±1/t via the sinc2 function. We argued that forlong times this sinc2 function is sharp compared to the density of states function, but to quantify howlong, we need some idea of how ρ(E) depends on energy.

In a system such as an atom, up till now we have used the idea of energy eigenstates, and assumedthat these were precisely defined in energy. However, that is an idealisation which arises from treatingan atom as an isolated system. In fact, atoms are weakly coupled to their environment, and as aresult no atom stays in an excited state forever: it decays by emitting one or more photons, a processcalled spontaneous emission. Each excited state therefore has a natural lifetime τ , and its energy isonly well-defined to within ∆E = h/τ . The density of states function allows us to incorporate thisfact: in the vicinity of an an energy level of natural lifetime τ , ρ(E) has a peak of width h/τ , and theheight of the peak is “one state per energy range ∆E”, i.e.

ρ(E = Ef ) ≃ 1/∆E = τ/h. (12.26)

The Fermi Golden Rule involved the approximation that the sinc2 function is sharply peaked comparedto the density of states function. In the case we just assumed, where the transition is to a single finalstate of natural lifetime τ , we deduce that this requires

t ≫ τ. (12.27)

There is another timescale set by how long we have to wait for the transition to happen: this is todo with the matrix element 〈ψ0

f |H ′ ∣∣ψ0


. We put this into frequency units by defining the “Rabi(pronounced ‘Rah-bee’) frequency”:

Ω =2



∣ H ′ ∣∣ψ0



∣ . (12.28)

The reason for including the factor 2 will emerge in a moment.

We can now see that there are two regimes where transitions driven by a periodic perturbation takea simple form, and a more complicated intermediate regime.

1. Strongly driven transition: Ω ≫ 1/τ.

In this case the quadratic dependence predicted by (12.16) is relevant. This is because evenfor times t < τ , i.e. long before the Fermi Golden Rule is accurate, there is an appreciableprobability of transition. We have from (12.16)

Pi→f = |df |2 = Ω2t2/4 (12.29)

when the perturbation is “on resonance”, i.e. ω = ωfi. This gives at t = τ the transitionprobability Pi→f = Ω2τ2/4 ≫ 1 which is of course impossible, it simply means that for strongdriving the first-order perturbation theory is only valid for times t ≪ τ . For a system whereonly one transition is near resonance (i.e. there are no further close-lying energy levels), the fulltime dependence is in fact Pi→f = sin2(Ωt/2), i.e. an oscillation of angular frequency Ω, whichexplains the factor 2 in the definition of Ω. The result (12.29) is the small-t approximation tothis complete dependence.

2. Weakly driven transition: Ω ≪ 1/τ.


In this case the transition probability only becomes appreciable for times t ≫ τ , and by thistime the Fermi Golden Rule applies, so a constant transition rate is expected.

Most atomic excited states have natural lifetimes of order a few ns, so for transitions involving anexcited state, usually the transition is found to be weakly driven and the Fermi Golden Rule applies3.States with very long lifetimes (which can be from seconds to millions of years!) are called metastable.Transitions between the ground state (which is stable) and a metastable state, or between metastablestates, can often in practice be strongly driven by an applied laser beam or microwave field. Examplesare given in the next chapter.

12.2.1 Forbidden transitions and selection rules

One important implication of the Fermi Golden Rule is that some transitions don’t happen! That is,we can deduce that if the matrix element is zero, i.e. the perturbing Hamiltonian does not connecta given pair of initial and final states, then the system won’t be driven between those states by thatinteraction. The transition is said to be ‘forbidden’. We can often show mathematically or physicallythat certain classes of matrix element are zero, and hence a whole class of transitions is forbidden.Such deductions are called selection rules. Whenever a selection rule prevents a transition i → f ,that does not mean the quantum system cannot ever go from state i to state f , it simply means theHamiltonian H ′ under consideration cannot drive it on its journey: it has to go by some other physicalprocess.

For an example of a selection rule, suppose H ′ ∝ z = r cos θ, and consider a system with sphericalsymmetry:

〈Rn′,l′Yl′,m′ | z |Rn,lYl,m〉 = (12.30)∫ ∞




∫ π


W ∗l′,m′(θ) cos θWl,m(θ) sin θdθ

∫ 2π



where Wl,m(θ) is the θ-dependent part of Yl,m(θ, φ). From the φ integral, we deduce the selection rule

m′ = m for interaction H ′ = z (12.31)

That is, an interaction ∝ z can only drive transitions between states having the same z-component ofangular momentum (m).

Main points

The main points of this chapter have been:basic result of first-order time-dependent perturbation theory; the sudden and the adiabatic cases; theeffect of a periodic perturbation; the Fermi Golden Rule; transition matrix element; selection rules.

3The spontaneous emission process requires special consideration, because the system providing the perturbation tothe atom, namely the surrounding radiation field in its vacuum state, is itself strongly affected by the transition, since itgains a photon where previously it had none. Therefore the effect has to be treated as a coupling between two quantumsystems, and the density of states function accounts for the available states of the radiation field as well as of the atom.It is found to be extremely broad as a function of frequency. This, combined with the small matrix element, means thatspontaneous emission in atoms is described to extremely good approximation by a constant transition rate.


Chapter 13

Interaction of atoms with light

We have already remarked on the fact that atoms can emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation.Now that we have examined the Fermi Golden Rule we also have some idea of the quantum mechanicsof this: the electric field of the light wave interacts with the charge in the atom and thus provides aperiodic perturbation, resulting in transitions. Before looking at this in a bit (but not much) moredetail, we should take a moment to think in physical terms about what is going on.

13.1 Emission of light waves from an atom

One of the most immediately obvious and important features of atoms is that they interact stronglywith light. A single sodium atom illuminated by a modest laser beam will scatter 30 million photonsper second. This is a lot of photons for such a small emitter! A human dark-adapted eye looking atthis atom from a distance of 10 cm would receive around 6000 photons per second. [Problem: checkthis calculation.] This is enough to make the light emitted by a single atom detectable to the nakedeye.

The primary way in which electromagnetic waves are produced is by accelerating charge. Beforequantum mechanics was understood, it was thought that the electrons in an atom could not beorbiting the nucleus because if they were then the high accelerations involved would produce strongelectromagnetic radiation and the electrons would rapidly lose energy and plunge into the nucleus in afraction of a nanosecond. There is some correct insight in this argument: any accelerating charge willindeed emit electromagnetic waves, quantum mechanics is fully in agreement with that. The reasonthat the energy eigenstates in an atom are much more stable than the classical argument suggests isthat the charge is not accelerating: it is smeared out around the atom and does not move when theatom is in an energy eigenstate. To be precise, the probability distribution |ψ|2 of the electrons iscompletely independent of time. This is in fact just the standard property of energy eigenstates whichyou should know already: it is why they are called stationary states.



Absorption or emission of electromagnetic radiation happens when an atom is stimulated to absorbor decay by some external time-dependent perturbation. In the middle of such a transition process,the atom is for a while in a superposition of energy eigenstates. Consider two energy eigenstatesof hydrogen, for example ψ1s and ψ2p having energies E1 and E2 respectively. According to thetime-dependent Schrodinger equation, the wavefunction of each of these states has a time-dependenceexp(−iEt/h). Therefore if the atom is in a superposition of the two, then its wavefunction dependson time in the following way:

ψr,t = c1ψ1s(r)e−iE1t/h + c2ψ2p(r)e−iE2t/h (13.1)

The charge density of the electron is equal to

−e|ψ|2 = −e(

|c1ψ1s|2 + |c2ψ2p|2 + 2Re[




To be absolutely clear on what is going on, we will take the case that c1ψ1s and c2ψ2p are real, thoughthe argument will not depend on this. Then we have

−e|ψ|2 = −e(


21s + c2

2ψ22p + 2c1c2ψ1sψ2p cos ω21t



where ω21 = (E2 − E1)/h. We now have a charge density distribution which is oscillating at thefrequency ω21. That is how an atom can emit light, and that is why the frequency of the light wavescoming out is equal to the frequency difference of two energy eigenstates of the atom.

Once the atom is in such a superposition, therefore, light waves1 are emitted. Therefore the atommust be losing energy. In terms of the wavefunction, what happens is that the coefficients c1 andc2 vary (smoothly) in time: c2 decreases and c1 increases. Typical timescales for a strong opticaltransition at 600 nm wavelength are as follows:

period of one oscillation of the emitted light 2 fs = 2 × 10−15 stime for c2 to fall to 0 and c1 to rise to 1 20 ns = 2 × 10−8 s⇒ number of oscillation periods in the emitted pulse 107

The final number is also the number of wavelengths long which the pulse of light is; we find a lengthof 6 metres in this example (but note the pulse length can be very different for other transitions).

There are two things which remain to be worked out: first, how does the atom get into a superpositionof energy eigenstates in the first place, and secondly what determines the speed with which thecoefficients c1 and c2 change. More fully, we would like to know how the coefficients change as afunction of time. You should not be surprised to learn that for the case of spontaneous emission, theanswer is exponential decay of |c2|2, and |c1|2 = 1 − |c2|2.

The atom gets into a superposition of energy eigenstates because it is jiggled by a light wave of theright frequency. This is called stimulation. However, it is remarkable that even in the absence of anylight, atoms still decay. We now understand this in terms of the quantum vacuum state: the vacuumstate has zero mean energy, but its r.m.s. energy is not zero: there are continual fluctuations at allfrequencies, and these stimulate atoms to decay.

1Throughout this section when I refer to light waves, of course in general I mean electromagnetic waves of frequencyω, which might be anywhere from radio waves to X rays etc.


The calculation of the atomic decay in terms of these vacuum fluctuations is very complicated, andbeyond undergraduate level. However, the case of absorption is more straightforward: we consider asingle travelling-wave of light (e.g. a laser beam) interacting with an atom, and apply time-dependentperturbation theory (see below). There is a very beautiful argument due to Einstein which links thespontaneous decay process to the absorption process and to stimulated emission. This will be treatednext year. The essential point is that strong absorbers are strong emitters, which you should recallfrom your study of thermodynamics and Kirchoff’s theorem relating emissivity and absorptivity .

13.1.1 Electric dipole radiation

The way an incident light beam couples to an atom is primarily through the electric field E of the lightcoupling to the charges in the atom. We will consider hydrogen in order to have a simple example,the argument can then be generalised to other atoms.

Let E be the electric field of the light wave, at some instant of time. The forces due to this field onthe proton and the electron are ±Ee respectively. When the light wavelength is large compared tothe dimensions of the atom, at any given instant the field is the same over the whole of the atom togood approximation. Therefore the potential energy function whose gradient gives the forces on theparticles is

V = −e (E · rp − E · re) = eE · r. (13.4)

where r = re − rp is the relative coordinate.

The quantity d = −er is the electric dipole moment of the atom (make sure this is clear to you).Therefore the interaction is a coupling δH = −d · E between the electric field of the light and theelectric dipole moment of the atom. For this reason the associated pattern of radiation is called electricdipole radiation.

In an energy eigenstate, the atom has no dipole moment, but an oscillating electric dipole appearsduring a transition, owing to the oscillating charge distribution shown by equation (13.3).

Invoking the Fermi Golden Rule (12.25), we find the transition rate is proportional to the electricdipole matrix element squared:

R ∝ |〈ψ2| eE · r |ψ1〉|2 (13.5)

where ψ1, ψ2 are the atomic wavefunctions for the two states involved in the transition. An examplecomplete calculation of a transition rate is given in the lecture, see also the problems.

13.1.2 Selection rules for electric dipole radiation

The selection rules (recall section 12.2.1) which can be deduced for electric dipole radiation are asfollows.


1. total angular momentum:a. J = 0 ↔/ J = 0b. MJ = 0 ↔/ MJ = 0 when ∆J = 0c. ∆J = 0,±1d. ∆MJ = 0,±12. parity:a. parity must changeb. =⇒ ∆l = ±13. Configuration:

only one electron jumps4. when L and S are good quantum numbers:a. ∆S = 0,b. ∆L = 0,±1, and L = 0 ↔/ L = 0

These rules have been given in order of how strict they are. The rules in the first box are strict. Rules1a.–d. follow immediately from the principle of conservation of angular momentum, once we realizethat the electric dipole interaction operator can impart at most one unit of angular momentum to anyquantum system. One way to derive this fact is to allow the operator eE · r = e(Exx + Eyy + Ezz) toact on a spherical harmonic Yl,m, and examine the overlap integral

∫ ∫

Y ∗l+∆l,m+∆me(Exx + Eyy + Ezz)Yl,m sin θdθdφ. (13.6)

It is found that if the integral is to be non-zero, l and m can change by at most 1 (and if l = 0,∆l = 1). The reason why the rule is nevertheless quoted in terms of total angular momentum J isthat the essential point is the conservation of total angular momentum. For example, in hydrogenthere are transitions with δJ = 0, even though δl = 0 is ruled by another selection rule (2b.). All therules 1a.–d. can be grouped together as a single

‘triangle rule’: to ensure angular momentum is conserved, it must be possible to form atriangle out of the three angular momentum vectors whose lengths are J , J + ∆J and 1.

Rule 2a. is strict: because the operator e(Exx + Eyy + Ezz) has odd parity (this means it changessign when x → −x, y → −y, z → −z), it follows that the matrix element can only be non-zero whenthe final state has opposite parity to the initial state.

The rules in the second box apply when the approximation of spherical symmetry of the Hamiltonianholds. Thus rule 2b. applies the parity rule to the case where the wavefunctions are sphericalharmonics: then to change parity, l must change by an odd number (and we have already ruled outchanges by more than 1).

Rules 3–4b are only relevant to atoms of more than one electron. I include them here only forcompleteness, they will be discussed next year. L and S are quantum numbers associated with thetotal orbital and total spin angular momentum of all the electrons in an atom.


ViolationsWhen a transition occurs which is not allowed by the electric dipole selection rules, it typically meansit happened by a process other than electric dipole radiation. Examples are a coupling between theelectric field of the light and the quadrupole moment of the atom, or between the magnetic field ofthe light and the magnetic dipole moment of the atom. However, these interactions are intrinsicallymuch weaker than the electric dipole interaction, so the associated transition rates are much slower.

Do electrons jump?

It is common parlance to talk about an electron ‘jumping’ in an atomic transition, but in fact neitherthe emission nor the absorption process is abrupt. As we have seen, absorption or emission is acontinuous process whose time scale can be short (10 ns for allowed optical transition) or long (millionsof years for microwave transitions). When a photon detector registers a ‘click’, that does not implythe atomic emission was an abrupt process, it implies that the mechanism of the detector had a shorttime-scale.

13.1.3 An example of non-Fermi Golden Rule behaviour: magnetic reso-


If the electric dipole matrix element between two states is non-zero, then it almost always happens (Ihave not been able to think of a counter-example) that one or both of the states has a short naturallifetime because it can decay by electric dipole radiation (whether via the transition in question oranother one). As a result, physical phenomena involving electric dipole transitions are almost alwaysin practice in the regime where the transition rate is constant and well described by the Fermi GoldenRule.

An important example of non-Fermi Golden Rule behaviour involves metastable states and anotherway of driving transitions: magnetic resonance. Here the system is subject to an oscillating magneticfield B(t) = B0 exp(iωt), and the field couples to the magnetic dipole moment µ of the system:δH = −µ · B0 exp(iωt). Both initial and final states can be metastable with very long naturallifetimes if, for example, they are different Zeeman levels of the ground state of the system. Thisexample is discussed in the lecture and the problems.

13.1.4 Main points

The main points of this chapter have been:absorption or emission of light requires accelerating charge, which happens when an atom is in asuperposition of energy eigenstates; electric dipole matrix element and selection rules.