fundamental concepts of particle accelerators

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators Koji TAKATA KEK [email protected] Accelerator Course, Sokendai, Second Term, JFY2010 Oct. 28, 2010

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Page 1: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators



[email protected]://

Accelerator Course, Sokendai,Second Term, JFY2010

Oct. 28, 2010

Page 2: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

ContentsI The Dawn of Particle Accelerator Technology

I DC high voltage generatorsI Use of magnetic induction: betatronI Drift tube linac and cyclotronI Great progress just after world war II

I Basic ConceptsI Principle of RF phase stabilityI Strong focusingI Synchrotron radiation (SR)I ColliderI Technical issues

I Accelerators in FutureI ERL (Energy Recovery Linac) : SR source of new typeI LC : Linear ColliderI µ-µ Collider and/or µ-FactoryI Laser-plasma acceleration

I Livingston ChartFundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 3: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator Technology

I Artificial disintegration of atomic nuclei

I First Accelerators

I from DC Acceleration to RF Acceleration

I Problems in RF Acceleration

I Rapid Development of Electronics aroundWorld War II (1941 - 1945) or after

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 4: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

First artificial disintegration of atomic nuclei (1)

I Ernest Rutherford’s discovery of nuclear disintegration(1917 - 1919)I He confirmed that protons were produced in a nitrogen-gas

filled container in which a radioactive source emitting alphaparticles was placed.

α + 147N → p + 16


I This provoked strong demand for artificially generate highenergy beams to study the nuclear disintegration phenomenain more detail.

I Thus started the race for developing high energy accelerators,and Rutherford himself was a great advocator.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 5: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

First artificial disintegration of atomic nuclei (2)

I The first disintegration of atomic nuclei with acceleratorbeams was achieved at the Cavendish Laboratory in 1932 byJohn D. Cockcroft and Ernest T. S. Walton, who used 800 kVproton beams from a DC voltage-multiplier.

p + 73Li → α + α

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 6: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

DC HV Accelerators

I DC Generators:two major methodsI Cockcroft & Walton’s 800 kV voltage-multiplier circuit with

capacitors and rectifier tubes

I Van de Graaff’s 1.5 MV belt-charged generator (1931)

I Electrostatic accelerators are still in use for the massspectroscopy, because of their fine and stable tunability of theacceleration voltage.

I analysis of the ratio 14C/12C : an important tool forarchaeology

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 7: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Cockcroft & Walton’s voltage-multiplier circuit

6V 0

V(3+cos ωt)V(1+cos ωt)V cos ωt


V(5+cos ωt)


Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 8: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Cockcroft around 1932

See the picture in From X-rays to Quarks, page 227 by Segre, E.(W. H. Freeman and Company, 1980) .

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 9: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Glass Tube with Beam Acceleration Gaps

Visit the home page :

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 10: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

750 keV Cockcroft-Walton Accelerator Used at KEK

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 11: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Van de Graaff’s 1.5MV Belt-charged Generator

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 12: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Limitations in Electrostatic Accelerators

I DC acceleration is limited by high-voltage breakdown (BD).I typical BD voltages for a 1cm gap of parallel metal plates

Ambience Typical BD Voltagesair (1 atm) ≈ 30 kVSF6 (1 atm) ≈ 80 kVSF6 (7 atm) ≈ 360 kVtransformer oil ≈ 150 kV

UHV ≈ 220 kV

I no drastic increase in BD limits for much larger plate gaps.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 13: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

High Voltage Breakdown of a Van de Graaff generator

A demonstration of BD to housing walls.

Search for the key word ”van der graaf generator” at

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 14: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Intermediate stage towards RF Acceleration

Use of Faraday’s law of induction

I Irrotational electric field due to magnetic flux change,a prelude to RF acceleration [Donald W. Kerst’s betatron(1940)]:

∇×E = −∂B∂t,

then ∮CEsds = − ∂


∫∫SB · n dxdy = − ∂


Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 15: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Kerst’s Betatron

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 16: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Start of Real RF Accelerators

Linear and/or CircularI Linear accelerator (linac) :

I Gustaf Ising’s proposal (1925)

I Rolf Wideroe made a prototype of the Ising linac (1928)

I Multiple RF acceleration in a magnetic fieldI Ernest Lawrence’s cyclotron (1931):

the first circular accelerator

I repeated acceleration at the cyclotron frequency :

ωc = eB⊥/m

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 17: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

The first linac by Wideroe

I 25 kV per gap ×2 with the drift tubeI he convinced the scheme can be repeated indefinitely many

times to reach higher beam energies




So urce

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 18: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

First Cyclotrons

See the picture in From X-rays toQuarks, page 229 by Segre, E.(W. H. Freeman and Company,

1980) .

A Riken cyclotron acceleratedprotons to 9 MeV and deuterons to

14 MeV (1939)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 19: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Circular Orbit of Charged Particles in Magnetic Field

Search for the key word ”Cyclotron” in

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 20: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Principle of Cyclotron Operation

RF Generator

rn rn+1(> rn)

Electric FieldMagnetic Field






Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 21: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Problems in RF Acceleration

I Linacs:I poor RF sources; electron tube technology was yet in its


I Cyclotrons:I relativistic increase of particle mass→ decrease of ωc

→ asynchronism with RF

I Betatrons:I intensity of trapped beam depends critically on the injected

beam’s positions and angles.I analysis of transverse oscillations of particles led to the theory

of betatron oscillations of today.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 22: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

DC high voltage generatorsUse of magnetic induction: betatronDrift tube linac and cyclotronGreat progress just after world war II

Advances during World War II (1941 - 1945)

I High power microwave tubes for the radars were put topractical use

I magnetrons and klystrons

I Discovery of the phase stability principle in RF acceleration

I Vladimir Veksler (1944) and Edwin M. McMillan (1945)

I cyclotron → synchrocyclotron → synchrotron

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 23: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

The Principle of Phase Stability

I Particles of different energies haveI differences in velocity and in orbit length;I then, particles may be asynchronous with the RF frequency.

I The RF field, however, may have a restoring force at a certainphase, around which asynchronous particles be captured, thatis to say bunched.

I This enables a stable, continuous acceleration of the wholeparticles in a bunch to high energies.

I Circular accelerators based on this principle are called“synchrotron.”

I This principle is also applicable to linacs, particularly in lowenergy range, to bunch continuous beams emitted from asource and to lead bunches to downstream acceleratorsections.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 24: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Synchrotron Oscillation (1)

I Assume a sinusoidal RF electric field in an RF cavity gap:

V = V0 sinωt


I Assume a synchronous particle pass the gap center at

ωt = 0, 2π, 4π, . . .

and its acceleration voltage be Va(< V0).

I Then in one RF period, there are there are two ϕ’s whichsatisfy

Va = V0 sinϕ.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 25: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Sinusoidal RF Wave



φπ/2 π0


Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 26: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Synchrotron Oscillation (2)

I Only one of the two ϕ’s can capture particles, which makeoscillations around the phase.

I These oscillations are called synchrotron oscillation and thephase is the synchronous phase ϕs.

I Which one is the ϕs depends on that the revolution time islonger or shorter for a energy deviation ∆E(> 0) from thesynchronous energy.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 27: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Synchrotron Oscillation in an RF Bucket (1)

For the case of ϕs = 30

abscissa : ∆ϕ = ϕbeam − ϕs, ordinate : ∆E = Ebeam − Es

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 28: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Synchrotron Oscillation in an RF Bucket (2)

For the case of ϕs = 0

abscissa : ∆ϕ = ϕbeam − ϕs, ordinate : ∆E = Ebeam − Es

-3 -2 -1 1 2 3







-3 -2 -1 1 2 3





time sequence of motion ofparticles initially on the abscissa(particles of a larger ∆ϕ moveslower or have a smaller ωs)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 29: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Advances in Beam Focusing Technique

I Magnetic, not electric, focusing for high energy particles

I Weak focusing in early cyclotrons and betatrons

I Strong focusingI Nicholas C. Christofilos (1950)

I Ernest D. Courant, M. Stanley Livingston,and Hartland S. Snyder (1952)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 30: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Equation of Motion

I In electric field E and magnetic field B, the equation motionof a particle is


dt= e (E+ v ×B)

wherep = mv = γm0v

withm0 : rest mass

γ = 1/√

1− β2 : Lorentz factor

β = |v| /c = v/c

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 31: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Coordinate System

I In the analysis of beam focusing, it is usually important todescribe the equation of motion of particles only for smalldeviations x and y along the path s of the reference orbit of asynchronous particle

I Thus, a Frenet-Serret frame with respect to the referenceorbit is preferred:

I unit vector tangent to the curve,I unit vector in the direction of curvature,I and the cross product of the them.




reference orbit

tangent at s



Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 32: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Typical Weak-Focusing Magnetic Field

Cylindrically symmetric magnet poles and magnetic fields of theearly cyclotrons



Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 33: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Betatron Oscillations : Weak FocusingI First order approximation of the field pattern of the previous


By = B0

(1− n


ρ+ . . .

)and Bx = B0


ρ+ . . .


where n =dBy

By/dρρ : the n value

I Equation of motion



1− n

ρ2x = 0 and



ρ2y = 0

I Focusing both horizontally and vertically → 0 < n < 1I Betatron wavelength

λβ,x = 2πρ/√1− n

λβ,y = 2πρ/√n

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 34: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Quadrupole Magnetic Fields for Stronger Focusing

I No limitations for the n value.I Focusing in one direction, defocusing in the other.I Later we will see the focusing is superior to the defocusing

-2 -1 1 2x






Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 35: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Q magnets and B magnets of JPARC RCS synchrotron (1)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 36: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Q magnets and B magnets of JPARC RCS synchrotron (2)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 37: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Q magnets and B magnets of JPARC Main Ring (1)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 38: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Q magnets and B magnets of JPARC Main Ring (2)

Sextupole magnets are sometimes used. Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 39: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Optical Lens Equivalent of a Quadrupole Magnet

convex lens in one direction and concave lens in the perpendiculardirection


Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 40: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Strong Focusing with a Standard FODO Array

F : focusing Q, D : defocusing Q, O : drift section vspace3mm

I In the following figure, convex lenses are for horizontalfocusing and concave lenses for vertical focusing.

I The red curves are beam envelopes for a unit emittance.

0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3





Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 41: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Emittance Ellipse for a periodic sequence of Q magnets

-1 0.5 1



PSfrag replacements











x2 +x′2

k2= x20 where k =





(1− L


)f : focal length, L : length between neighboring focusing Q’sFundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 42: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Betatron Oscillations : Strong Focusing (1)

I Use quadrupole magnets with |n| ≫ 1, but with changing thesign of n alternatively

I Equation of motion


ds2+Kx (s)x = 0


ds2+Ky (s) y = 0

I Focusing/Defocusing forces Kx (s) and Ky (s) are periodicfunctions for the ring circumference L.

I They are Mathieu-Hill type functions

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 43: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Betatron Oscillations : Strong Focusing (2)

I General solution:x = Ax

√β(s) cos (ψ(s)− ψ0) (similar too

for y)I Ax and Ay are constants proper to each particles and are

independent of the position s on the orbit

A2x =

4 + β′2

4βx2 − β′βxx′ + βx′2

I measure a particular particle’s (x, x′) or (y, y′) for many turnsat a position s, the points trace an ellipse on thecorresponding phase space.

I ellipse’s direction and eccentricity are functions of s,but area= πA2

x (y) is conservedI the largest area is, roughly speaking, called the emittance of

the bunch

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 44: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Betatron Oscillations : Strong Focusing (3)

I Beta function βx (y)(s) is defined as the betatron amplitudefor Ax (y) = 1 :

2ββ′′ − β′2 + 4β2K (s) = 4.

I Phase ψ of betatron oscillation :

ψ =

∫ s


I Wavelength λβ of the betatron oscillation : the lengthcorresponding the phase advance ∆ψ = 2π.

I Betatron tune νβ ≡ L/λβ .

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 45: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Colliders (1)

I In order to observe the high energy particle reactions : targetsin laboratory frame were solely used (fixed target experiment).

I The reaction, however, depends not on the laboratory energyof the projectile from an accelerator, but on the center ofmass energy of the projectile and target.

I Touschek’ idea to use colliding beams (1960)

I The first collider:AdA (Frascati, 1961)

200MeV e− ⇒⇐ 200MeV e+

I The collider has become a paradigm of high energyaccelerators of today.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 46: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Colliders (2) : ECM

I Consider collision of particles of the same rest mass m0.

I In a fixed target case with the projectile accelerated to γm0c2

I the total energy: ET /m0c2 = (γ + 1)

I the total momentum: pT /m0c = βγ =√γ2 − 1

I since E2 − c2p2 is a Lorentz invariant,

ECM/m0c2 =

√2γ + 2 ≈


I In a collision of two particles of the same energy γm0c2

ECM/m0c2 = ET /m0c

2 = 2γ

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 47: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Colliders (3) : Luminosity

I For reaction cross section σ and beam cross section at thecollision point S, the probability of reaction for a pair ofparticles is,



I Hence the probability for N+ and N− particles at a rate off times per second

f ×N+ ×N− × σ


I Coefficient of σ is the luminosity L

L = f × N+ ×N−S

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 48: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Synchrotron Radiation (1)

I The synchrotro radiation, SR, is an electric dipole radiationfrom a charged particle in acceleration v

I Radiation power in the rest frame is given by Larmour’sformula

P =2reme









where re ≡ e2/(4πε0mec2) = 2.82× 10−15m is the electron’s

classical radius.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 49: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Electric Dipole Radiation : Electric Field Pattern

Radiation pattern (cylindrically symmetric) ofan electric dipole at rest

0 1 2 3 4 5






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! (m)

s = 0

s = 0 + nLs = L


s = L


s = 0+ + nL

s = 0+

s = 0+

s = L" + nL = 0" + (n + 1)L


s (m)

f = 1.6L

" = 50 m

L = 2 m




Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 50: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Synchrotron Radiation (2)

I Since P is the ratio of radiated energy to elapsed time, bothof which transform in the same manner under Lorentztransformations, P must be an invariant.

I Then ( )2 in the right hand side of the equation should havethe following invariant form

(dp/ds)2 − (dE/ds)2 /c2

where ds is the differential of proper time

ds =√dt2 − (dx2 + dy2 + dz2) /c2 = dt/γ.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 51: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Synchrotron Radiation (3)

I Hence in laboratory frame the radiated power is

P =2reme


[d (γv)



[d (γc)


]2I The radiated energy per turn ∆E for a ring with radius ρ





I A practical formula for ∆E(keV), E(GeV) and ρ(m)

∆E(keV) ≈ 88.5 [E(GeV)]4 /ρ(m).

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 52: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Synchrotron Radiation (4)

I Pattern of electric dipole radiation in electron’s rest frame(x′, y′, z′, ct′)

dP/dΩ ∝ sin2 θ

where Ω being the solid angle and θ the angle from z′ axis.I Transformation to laboratory frame

x′ = x, y′ = y, z′ = γ (z − vt) ,

ct′ = γ (ct− vz/c) .

I Angles of axes x′ and y′ with respect to z axis are ∼ 1/γ.I forward radiation power is within a cone of

a full angle of ∼ 2/γ.I electron is observable for an arc length of ∼ 2ρ/γ.I doppler effect shortens the wavelength by (1− v/c) ∼ 1/2γ2.

I Critical wavelength (Schwinger-Jackson’s definition)

λc ≡ 4πρ/3γ3

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 53: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Accelerating Cavity (1)

There are many types of accelerating cavity, which, however,basically are variations of a cylindrical cavity (or pillbox cavity),

I operating on the fundamental TM010 mode.

Hθ Ez





0.5 1 1.5 2













Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 54: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Accelerating Cavity (2)

Single-Cell Accelerating Cavity for Photon Factory Storage Ring(fRF = 500MHz, Vpeak = 0.7MV )








Ez (r=0)



Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 55: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Accelerating Cavity (3)

Global behavior of a resonant cavity is well describedby an equivalent circuit comprising three parameters

L, C, R.




Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 56: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Accelerating Cavity (4)

I first of all, the resonant frequency and the Q value are derivedfrom the following two equations :

ω0 = 1/√LC and Q = ω0RC.

I one more independent relation is required to determine thethree parameters L, C, andR.

I for this sake, we choose the peak acceleration voltage alongthe beam orbit

I this choice is reasonable, because it satisfies the energyconservation of the(EM fields + beam)system.∫∫∫

VJ ·EdV +

∫∫S(E×H) · ndS = 0.

(J : beam current distribution, E×H : Poynting vector,V : cavity volume, S : cavity surface)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 57: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

High Gradient Electric Fields and Breakdown

I Kilpatrick’s empirical rule

I Fowler-Nordheim’s theory for field emission

I Surface damage on an X-band copper structure

I Weak discharge: multipacting

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 58: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Kilpatrick Criterion

W. D. Kilpatrick, Rev. Sci. Instr. 28 (1957) 824

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 59: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Fowler-Nordheim’s LawR. H. Fowler and L. Nordheim, Proc. Roy. Soc. A 119 (1928) 173

J. W. Wang and G. A. Loew, SLAC-PUB-7684 (1997)

I DC field emission current density jF [A/m2] :

jF =1.54× 10−6 × 104.52ϕ



(−6.53× 109ϕ1.5


)I microscopic surface gradient E [V/m]

I metal work function ϕ [eV]

I Averaged over one RF cycle, jF is modified as:

jF =5.7× 10−12 × 104.52ϕ



(−6.53× 109ϕ1.5


)I Field enhancement factor β : E = βEmacro

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 60: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Surface Damage on the Iris of an X-band Linac Structure

R. E. Kirby, SLAC-PEL, 2000

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 61: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Multipacting : a weak discharge phenomenon

A. J. Hatch and H. B. Williams, Phys. Rev. 112 (1958) 581

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 62: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Superconductor and RF

I Niobium is mostly used, which is a Type II superconductorI critical temperature Tc = 9.2K

I critical field Hc = 2× 103Oe

I in meissner state for H ≤ Hc1 = 1.7× 103Oe

I in normal state for H ≥ Hc2 = 2.3× 103Oe

I Maxwell equations + London equationsI London’s penetration depth λL

• about 50 nm for niobium

I coherent length ξ0• about 40 nm for niobium

I wall losses do still exist, although very small, which are causedby normal electrons

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 63: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Equations for Superconducting State

I Maxwell’s equations:


∂t= 0 and ∇×H− ∂D

∂t= J

I London equations:

Js = −j nse2

ωmeE and ∇× Js = −nse



I Field equations:

∇2 (J,E,H) =(λ−2L + jωσµ0 − ω2ε0µ0


I London’s penetration depth: λL =√me/nse2µ0

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 64: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Klystron (1)

I Also an accelerator with decelerating electric fields

I Perveance µpI Child-Langumuir law for space-charge limited flow

• µp ∝ I/V 3/2

• cf. M. Reiser:Theory and Design of Charged Particle Beams,John Wiley & Sons, 1994.

I Efficiency vs. perveanceI cf. R. B. Palmer and R. Miller: SLAC-PUB-4706, September


Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 65: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

Klystron (2)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 66: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Principle of RF phase stabilityStrong focusingcollidersynchrotron radiation (SR)Technical issues

500 MHz-1 MW CW Klystron for KEKB

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 67: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Future Accelerators

I ERL: Energy Recovery Linac

I LC : Linear Collider

I µ-µ Collider and/or µ-Factory

I Laser-plasma acceleration

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 68: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

KEK-PF-ERL : A Future Plan

I An SR source with a superconducting linac energy-recoveredby returned electron beams

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 69: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Linear Collider: schematic layout

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 70: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

µ-µ Collider

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 71: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Laser Plasma Acceleration (1)

cf. C. Joshi and T. Katsouleas’s article in Physics Today, June2003, p.47.

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 72: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Laser Plasma Acceleration (2)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 73: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

Livingston Chart

Proton Synchrotron


(Equivalent Energy)

Proton Linac

Electrostatic Accelerator


Electron Linac

Electron SynchrotronSynchro-cyclotron


DC Generator




1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

















r E



y (




I Originally given by M. S. Livingston &J. P. Blewett: ”Particle Accelerators,p.6”, MacGraw Hill, 1962

I Energies for the colliders are equivalentvalues for the fixed target system

I Maximum beam energy ever achievedI Electron Synchrotron : 2 × 100 GeV

(2000, CERN LEP)I Proton Synchrotron : 2 × 7 TeV

(2010, CERN LHC)

I Electron-positron linear collider2 × 500 GeV? (2025 or later?)

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 74: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

References (1)

I Segre, E. : From X-rays to Quarks (W. H. Freeman andCompany, 1980).

I Historical introduction to the evolution of high energy physicsand accelerator science

I Chao, A. W. and Tigner, M. (ed.) : Handbook of AcceleratorPhysics and Engineering (World Scientific, 1999).

I Compact encyclopedia of accelerator science and technology

I Wiedemann, H. : Particle Accelerator Physics I, II (Springer,1999).

I Text book on accelerator physics

I Courant, E. D. and Snyder, H. S.: Annals of Physics, 3(1958) p.1.

I A classical paper on the theory of the strong focusing

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

Page 75: Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators

The Dawn of Particle Accelerator TechnologyBasic Concepts

Accelerators in FutureLivingston Chart

References (2)

I Schwinger, J. : Physical Review, 75 (1949) p.1912.I A classical paper on the theory of the synchrotron radiation

I Gilmour, A. S. : Microwave Tubes (Artech House, 1986).I Text book on the electron tube technology

I Padamsee, H., Knobloch, J. and Hays, T. :RF Superconductivity for Accelerators (John Wiley & Sons,1998).

I Text book on RF superconductivity and its application toenergy accelerators

Fundamental Concepts of Particle Accelerators