functional approach to teaching chinese as a foreign language

Functional Approach to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Lening Liu Columbia University in the City of New York Univ. of Nottingham July 3-5, 2013

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Functional Approach to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language. Lening Liu Columbia University in the City of New York Univ. of Nottingham July 3-5, 2013. 语言和语法究竟为何物?. What is language ? What is grammar? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Functional Approach to Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

Lening LiuColumbia University in the City of New


Univ. of Nottingham July 3-5, 2013

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1. What is language ? What is grammar?

a. Nativism: Language is one of the results of human evolution. For modern mankind, it is something genetically “hard wared” in their brain. Chomsky sees it as a kind of “competence” that is governed by rules and linguistic rules are algebraic procedures for combining words and morphemes that do not themselves contribute to meaning. All human languages share a core, namely so-called “universal grammar.” The difference among human languages is only the result of parameter setting.

b. Functionalist: language is the means by which human societies organize their activities by communicating among their members. The difference among human languages is not the result of parameter setting, but different societies various communicative regularities which reflects the social and cultural conventions.“grammar is to be seen as the codification of socially and historically situated set of such (communicative) regularities, endorsed and hence fixed through institutions such as education and writing.” Hopper ( 1987 )

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This tradition sees grammar as the product of language use. As Wittgenstein observed: language is like a tool-box, an inventory of linguistic constructions. Language use is like a chess game, every move is negotiated between players. “The essence of language is its symbolic dimension, with grammar being derivative…the grammatical dimension of language is a product of a set of historical and ontogenetic process referred to collectively as grammarticalization. When human beings use symbols t communicate with one another, stringing them together into sequence, patterns of use emerge and become consolidated into grammatical constructions.

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This approach conceives linguistic constructions as themselves meaningful linguistic symbols-----since they are nothing other than the patterns in which meaningful linguistic symbols are used in communication.” (Tomasello, 2003). Someone uses a piece of language with a certain communication intention, and so we may say that that piece of language has a certain function (meaning).

One’s linguistic competence with a natural language

consists of the mastery of all its items and structures. They

include the highly canonical (core), the highly idiosyncratic

(periphery ), and many things in between, such as ritualized

greetings, idioms, metaphors, and non-canonical phrasal

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collocations. In other words, the mature linguistic

competence, then, is a structured inventory of constructions,

some of which are similar to many others and so reside in a

more core-like center, and others of which connect to very

few other constructions and so reside more toward the


Functionalism views language in terms of form-to-function

and function-to-form mappings. It claims that language

serves communication and form serves function. It,

therefore, always work on multiple levels of language.

There is no formal separation of the traditionally recognized

subcomponents in language, i.e., morphosyntax, semantics

and pragmatics (Cooreman and Kilorn, 1991)

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Grammar is the product of language use and grammaticalization:

Grammaticalization: grammar arises from discourse and pragmatic motives.

grammaticality: from ungrammatical to grammatical occurrence of individual grammatical structures: from

pragmatic pattern to grammatical patterndiachronically : loose collocation to integrated structure Givon ( 1979, 1894) Lehmann (1982, 1991)

Mary is going to New York. Mary is going to marry Peter. (be going as futurity


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History of 就 , its evolution.

Source meaning: motion verb, to approach

1. 婚姻 之 故 , 言 就 爾 居。 marriage PRT reason PRT JIU you reside

“Because of our affinity by marriage, I came to reside with you.”

<Book of Songs> (600 B.C.)

2. 王 就 見 孟子。 king JIU visit Mencius

“The king came to see Mencius.”

<Mencius> (300 B.C.)

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3. 主人 晨 起 , 見 赤 衣 人 master morning get up see red-clothes person 數 千 圍 其 家 , several thousand surround POSS house 就 視 則 滅。 JIU look then disappear

“The master got up in the morning and saw thousands of people in red clothes surrounding his house, once he got close to take a look, they all disappeared.

<Journey of God Searching> (263-420, A.D.)

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4. 見 使者 , 就 請 之。 see envoy JIU invite PRO“Upon seeing the envoy, (he) went over/immediately to invite him.”

Figure 4. First structural reanalysis of JIU

[Subj. vp[V1 就 + V2 +Obj.]]

[Subj. vp[ 就 [V + Obj]]]

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5. 是 夕 兒 忽 得 驚風 病 , this evening son suddenly get infantile convulsion 家 人 次 日 置 黃 幡 family member next day make yellow flag 一 合 於 彼 龛 兒 就 脱然 平貼。 0ne-CL on that niche son JIU thoroughly recover

“That evening, their son contracted infantile convulsion as a result of fright. The next day, the family members made a pair of yellow streams and put them in the niche. The child then recovered completely. ”

<Records of Farces> (1123-1201 A.D.)

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Figure 5. Further structure reanalysis of JIU

[Subj. vp[ 就 [V + Obj]]] [Subj. + 就 vp [ V + Obj.]]

[Subj. + 就 vp [ V ]]

Figure 6. Human cognitive metaphor.

space time cause condition

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6. 旦 昨 欲 出 謁 , 曾 借 just yesterday want go-out visit ASP borrow

帽子 , 既而 不 用 就 還。 cap afterward NEG use JIU return

“(He) just borrowed a hat yesterday when he

was going out to visit (someone), but since

he found that he could not use it, he return it

soon afterward.”

<Records of Farces> (1123-1201.A.D.)

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7. 若 心 粗 只 從 事 皮膚 上

if heart careless only from thing skin upon 戳 過 若 此 行 權 便 就 錯 了。 sweep past like this use power then JIU wrong ASP

“If (one) is careless and only makes superficial observations, and uses his power likewise, then that is wrong.”

<Analects of Zhuzi> (1127-1279)

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8.  甲:昨天 晚上 我 看見 你 了   yesterday night I see you ASP

跟 一 個 男 的   with one-CL male NOM

乙:昨 天  晚上 我 就 沒  出 門。yesterday night I JIU NEG exit door

“A: Last night, I saw you, with a man.

B: I did not even walk out my door last night.”

<Editing Office Story> (1989)   

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汉语由 synthetic language to analytical language?

Language ,轻动词的产生 Causative: 斫而小之 春风又绿江南岸Putative: 吾妻美我者,私我也

登泰山而小天下Purposive :死国可乎?Denominative: 君子不器进行: Researchers studied the causes of the greenhouse


研究人员对温室效应的成因进行了研究。 科研人员研究了温室效应的成因。

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What has been said by masters of language use:


汪曾祺:语言是有内容的,写小说就是写语言。汉字(词 语)无一字无来历。


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The Theory Cognition Learning Representation

Universal Grammar

Autonomous induction

Linguistic: nativism, modularity

Implicit abstract deduction

symbolic and unconscious


Skill acquisition

Psychological: general cognitive architecture

Implicit induction association

explicit deduction automatization


declarative, then procedural

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Input processing






Psychological, underspecified

Explicit-implicit interface?


Explicit-implicit interface?

UG? Functional universal

Functional universal

Both conscious and implicit

Socialcultural theory

Social: relational,


Conscious, goal-driven, mediated

Conscious, inter-mental, then, intra-mental

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The Theory Effects Optimal Feature Instructional design

Universal Grammar

Autonomous induction

No effect possible on the subconscious core knowledge

Implicit abstract deduction

None offered


Skill acquisition


Explicit and implicit learning interface

Helping explicit knowledge become proceduralized

None offered

Cycle of carefully sequenced explanation and deliberate practice

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Input processing







Limited effects, cannot override universal forces


Comprehension exercises

Consider developmental learner readiness when choose targets

Attention attracted to language form in the course of meaningful task performance

Processing instruction

None offered

Focus on form, task-based language teaching

Socialcultural theory

beneficial Learning environment should foster meaningful events and other assistance

None offered

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早期的 SLA 理论1. 行为主义的语言习得理论—基于行为主义的心

理学理论和结构主义语言学,试图单纯从外部环境对动物和人类的行为给予解释,不涉及思维事件和内部过程( mental events or internal process )。

应用于语言教学:专注于教室内的语言教学。 “ 美国陆军法—听说法” “ US Army Method

—Audio-Lingual Method” 习惯的建立:刺激 - 反应,频率的重要性,行

为条件( reinforcement and punishment) ,第一语言的作用(迁移,对比分析)。

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教学要领 : 提供正确的句型或模式,大量的重复,避免错误并提供合适的反馈。

对行为主义语言习得理论的批判:幼儿语言能力的习得不可能由模仿和重复获得,语言特征的习得有其自己内在的顺序。语言学习不同于其他知识的学习,它由与生俱来的语言机制引导。 SLA 在很大程度上与母语习得没有区别。( Creative Constructive Hypothesis. Dulay &Burt, 1975)

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2. 监控器理论( Monitor Theory, Stephen Krashen): 首个 SLA 理论。虽然 Krashen本人从未明说,他的理论显然与乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论暗合。其结论是: SLA 与孩童的母语习得没有大的区别。

a. 习得与学习理论( The Acquisition- Learning Hypothesis)

b. 监控器理论 (Monitor Hypothesis) c. 自然顺序理论 (The Natural Order


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d. 输入理论 (The Input Hypothesis, i + 1)

e. 效力过滤器理论 (The Affective Filter


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功能主义的 SLA 理论: 1. 概念取向的理论

功能主义者认为,语言是为交际而存在的,没有语言的使用者便没有语言。功能主义者关注于形式 -功能和功能 - 形式之间的对应( mapping) 。应用于 SLA ,功能主义者调查中介语中间的这种对应,以及随着时间的推移这种对应的变化。功能主义的基本立场是对意义和功能对语言结构和语言习得的核心地位的强调:语言服务于交际而结构服务于功能。功能主义者主张打破传统的句法、语义和语用之间的界限,在多个层面对语言进行描写。

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概念取向理论的出发点是学习者表达概念 (如时间、空间、形态),或一个大概念下某个意义(如时间概念下的过去与未来)的需要。它调查学习者为表达这些概念或意义所使用的方法和手段( means) ,专注于单向的形式 -功能的对应,具体来说就是从功能到形式的对应。

应用于 SLA ,概念取向理论认为成人在学习第二语言时可以提取建立于以往语言经验和认知经验的全部语义概念,不必重新学习。因而,成人的二语学习不同于孩童的一语习得。他们只需学习对概念和意义的具体表达手段。而这些具体表达手段,也就是语言形式,正是概念取向理论的焦点。

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如对“将来”这个概念的不同表达手段:副词,形态,词汇特征( want, need to)等。概念取向理论关注这些语言手段在学习者中介语中的发展和平衡。


2. 技能习得理论: (DeKeyser, 2001, 2006; Carlson,2003; Anderson, Leliere &Q, 2004) 。该理论的要点 :

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语言教学的实质是语言技能的培养,而语言技能的获得与人类其他技能的获得并无区别: the learning of a wide variety of skills shows a remarkable similarity in development from initial representation of knowledge through initial changes in behavior to eventual fluent, spontaneous, largely effortless, and highly skilled behavior, and that this set of phenomena can be accounted for by a set of basic principles common to the acquisition of skills (DeKersy, 2007).

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一般来说,技能的获得需要经由三个阶段 : 认知( cognitive ) , 联系( associative )和自动化 ( autonomous ) (Fitts and Poster, 1967), 或称作陈述( declarative ) , 程序( procedural )和自动化( automatic ) (Anderson, 1993; Anderson, Bothell, Byrne, Douglass, Lebiere &Qin, 2004) 。

体现在教学上就是所谓的三 P 教学法:导入、练习和产出( presentation, practice and production ) (Byrne, 1986).

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学习的力量法则:( Power law of learning): 成人由陈述性知识到程序性知识的或得过程极为快捷,而由程序性知识到自动化能力的形成则需长期的、大量的练习。

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技能习得理论的适用范围:由于它对学习初始阶段显性和陈述性知识的强调,技能习得理论最易于应用于: (a) high-aptitude adults learners engaged in (b) the learning of simple structures at (c) fairly early stages of learning in (d) instructional contexts.

As learners enter more advanced stages of

learning, the likelihood of implicit learning of

frequent and relatively concrete patterns in

the grammar increase substantially.

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3. Usage-based Language Acquisition

If there is no clean break between the more rule-based and

then more idiosyncratic items and structures of a language,

then all constructions may be acquired with the same basic

set of acquisitional processes----namely, those falling under

the general headings of intention-reading and pattern-

finding. If linguistic constructions are meaningful linguistic

symbols in their own right, then children can use function or

meaning to assist in their acquisition, just as they do in

their acquisition of smaller linguistic constructions such as

individual words. (Tomasello, 2003)

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The usage-based acquisition theory may be summarized in

three emphases: First, it is thoroughly functionalist---based

explicitly in the expressions and comprehension

of communicative intentions (intention-reading). Linguistic

representation should contain information about how

language used to direct people’s attention to events and

entities in the current joint attentional frame. Second, it is

construction-based. It means that, one, the focus is on

whole utterances and constructions which are most direct

embodiment of a speakers communicative intentions, not

isolated words and morphemes; two, the focus is on use of

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particular words, phrases, and expressions, as concrete

linguistic entities. Third, it is usage-based: language

structures emerge from language use, both historically and


甲 : 你好 ! 乙:你好! * 我很好。(greeting, unchangeable situation)

甲:你好吗? 乙:我很好! (questioning, changeable situation)

What’s the difference among 门外有一棵树… , 门外种着一棵树… and 门外种着树… ?

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宏观考察:(张振生, 2011 ) Multi-dimension, multi-feature analysis of register variation (Biber,

1988)frequency distribution of features in registerscorrelation between featuresextraction of a small number of dimensions

Lancaster Corpus of Mandarin Chinese McEnery & Xiao (2004) 1,000,000 words (1988-1992) , balanced, 15 registers

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15 Registers in Lancaster Corpus

Register LabelsNews reportage NewsRepNews editorials NewsEdNews reviews NewsRevReligion Religion

Skills, trades and hobbies HobbiesPopular lore PopLore

Essays and biographies Biography

Reports and official documents Official

Science (academic prose) AcademicGeneral fiction FicGen

Mystery and detective fiction FicDecScience fiction FicSci

Adventure/martial arts fiction FicMartRomantic fiction FicRomHumor Humor

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60 features :

POS: N, V, ADJ, ADV, P, POST, CLAS, CON, NN, VV, etc.Sub-class of POS: ATTR, aV, vN, etc.Particles: le, zhe, guo, PART., etc.Construction markers: ba/jiang, bei, shi, deN/deV/Vde, etc.Individual pronouns: 1s, 1p, 2s, 2p, 3f, 3m, 3pIndividual lexical items: jx, etc.Word components: PRE, SUF, Semantic categories: TIME, PERS, PLACEPunctuations: ?、!、《》 (<) 、‘、 (\)’‘;’‘)’Misc. : Idiom, ONO, ABBR, DESC,

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Distribution of features on 2 dimensions

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The two dimensions in written Chinese

Dimension 1: ‘Literate’ (Biber), ( 正式度 )narrative vs. expository concrete vs. abstract fragmentary vs. integrative unpolished vs. polishedsubjective vs. objective

Dimension 2: ‘literary’ (典雅度 )

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Features related to literary Chinese

monosyllabic POS : n, v, adj, adv

individual words : yi, suo, wei, zhi, yu_, yu/

construction marker : jiang (vs. ba)

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Dimension 1: non-literateliterate

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Dimension 2: Literarynon-literary

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微观的: Passive voice in Chinese Author: Feng Jicai 冯骥才 Title:《抬头老婆低头汉》 Genre Type: Narrative Total Characters: 10,650 Sentence Type Number of

occurrences Ba 把 36Jiang 将 2 Na 拿 1Bei 被 3Non-Syntactic Passive 3

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Author: He Tian 何恬Title:《世界主义和地方主义 》Genre Type: Expositive Total Characters: 7,289

Sentence Type Number of occurrences

Ba 把 0 Jiang 将 19

Bei 被 11Shou 受 6Zao 遭 1

Non-Syntactic Passive 2

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功能主义各家理论共享的教学原则 :1. 以学生为中心、意义驱动( meaning-driven) 的语境化

教学。以意义表达和完成交际迫使学生寻求所需的语言形式,实现语言形式和其功能的 mapping.

2. 导入:从明确的语境和隐性的语言结构到明确的语言结构。学生在教师的引导下归纳 (induction) 。

3. 练习:课内与课外多样化地练习,从明确的、显性的语言结构到下意识的、隐形的语言能力。学生在与教师及同学的互动中的推理 (deduction)

4. 产出:学生产出能力的培养始终是教学的焦点,接受能力的培养主要在课堂外进行。要想方设法为学生创造语言使用的机会,提供更多的个别辅导。课堂教学要与“遭遇性学习”相结合

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The Pedagogical Implications

1. Teaching grammar in concrete context. It means to re-create the contexts in which linguistic structures are formed so that the semantic and pragmatic functions (intentions) encoded in these structures could be read by students inductively or “noticed” by the instructor explicitly.

2. students map linguistic forms and their functions and enable themselves use the linguistic structures appropriately. To do so we have to pay attentions to the relationship between registers and grammar. Registers: 4W determines register and register determines the selection of linguistic forms, as result, we got different genres. This means we should practice so-called

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“register-oriented teaching”:The purpose of language instruction is to enable learners use the target language APPROPRIATELY. This goal can’t be achieved if students can’t differentiate registers. The characteristics of different registers are reflected in the selections of linguistic forms, should it be vocabulary, sentence types or textural structures. When it comes to select teaching materials, we should follow a certain order, in terms of register. At the elementary and intermediate level we should use standard and literate registers, not the literary ones. At third year level, which serves as a transition from colloquial expression to the literate registers, we should choose relatively neutral registers and increase the degree of the formality gradually. At the superior level, the so-called literary genres could also be used.

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a. Instruction at lower levels:“ 结构、功能、文化” 三个层面的教学理念。 Teaching Chinese at

structural, functional and cultural three levels.

Feng (2012): “三一语法” :初级语法当以日常口语(日常体 / 非正式体)为习得对象、以“三一语法”为理论体系。什么是三一语法?1 )句子的形式结构 2 )结构的功能作用 3 )功能的典型语境 , 三位一体

Feng proposed so-called “three-in-one” grammar for early stage of Chinese instruction. He specifies “culture” as “context”. We consider context as the situation determined by 4W, namely speaker’s registers. In this sense, We are in agreement with Feng. We should start with expressing meaning (setting register and creating context) and then select the appropriate linguistic forms for such purpose and highlight their functions, both semantic and pragmatic, in the actual language use.

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For instance: the disposal construction in Chinese, so-called “把 construction”:

[Form] A 把 B V-R/PP ( 1 ) B needs to be definite NP;( 2 ) V needs to be action verb;( 3 ) V needs to be followed either by a complement, mostly directional or resultative, or a locative PP.

It is often used in imperative voice. [Function] Ba Construction is used to express

( 1 ) position-changing movement of objects 物体的移位;( 2 ) results caused by an action 行为引发的结果。

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[Typical contexts] situation concerning changing position of objects and results of an action:

( 1 ) moving or cleaning room. 把床放在房子中间 (Please put the bed in the middle of the room);

( 2 ) describing the scenes of natural disasters or accidents. 风把树吹倒了 ( Wind took down

the trees). But a more appropriate pedagogical context might be: to

re-arrange the classroom.

Another example: 教授“过敏”这个话题和与之相关的语言形式:又…又… ., 对… . 过敏 , 形容词:红,肿,痒;动词:去医院,做试验,打针,吃药。

导入:“什么是过敏” vs. “你的眼睛怎么了?”

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b. Instruction at upper levels: 高中年级教学,我们主张“语体集中教学”,即在某一段时间里集中教授一种语体,使学生真正掌握得体使用该语体的能力。主要以正式语体为习得对象,逐渐增加正式度。 超高年级适当照顾典雅语体,但仅限于阅读,不要求产出。At the middle and upper levels, we propose a “register

(genre) based teaching”, namely concentrating on a certain register at a certain time and for a while to make sure students could use the register appropriately. At this level, we focus on literate (formal) registers, increasing the level of formality gradually. At the superior level, it would be alright to introduce some literary registers such as religious documents and letters of Chinese scholars, but only for reading training. We shoudn’t expect students to produce such genres.

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3. 突显汉语词语搭配的能力,通过搭配形式教授语义和语用功能复杂的语言成分。实行语块教学。 Respect the fact that Chinese favors collocation and tolerates linguistic variants. Teaching grammatical markers in collocation. Practicing chunk teaching. For instance,

Chinese aspect marker 了 is difficult for students. But it often appears in collocation with a number of adverbs.

已经……了。 already… 了 要……了。 will… 了

快……了。 be about to… 了太……了! too… 了。太热了!( It’s too hot!)

4. Focusing on fostering students’ productive abilities. Breaking the boundaries between 4 skills, particularly bridging the speaking and writing.

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從 的 方式上,我們可以看出… 文化特點

即使你 這樣的説法,你也得承認:

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中國人對 的重視 & 講究可以說在世界上



而且,飯館 要 上檔次

有時,一頓 的價格超過一個…一年……



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地上有腿的除了 都…


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(煎炒 )

中國菜的做法…… (清蒸)

很多人覺, … 講究吃,為什麽 不多?


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中國地方……,每個地方的 ……

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…… ,至于……

香港中文大学汉语语言学及语言获得 2012级



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话题 A ,


至于B ,

至于B , 相关话题

B 。 B

我会打篮球和羽毛球,至于网球,我一点。 我会打篮球和羽毛球,至于网球,我一点。

As for

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我爱吃 _____ ,至于 _____ ,我不怎么爱吃。

饺子 汉堡包 火锅

面条 烤鸭 寿司

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我认为小孩子应该学 _____ ,至于 _____ ,可以长大后再学。

艺术艺术 体育运动体育运动科学科学家务家务

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我想去旅游,至于 _________ ,我还没想好。

什么时候去什么时候去 怎么去怎么去 和谁去和谁去去哪儿去哪儿

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买 ____ ,我觉得 ______ 最重要, 至于 ______ ,我觉得并不重要。

外观外观 质量质量 价格价格 品牌品牌

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zhāopìn 招聘 (Recruiting)

zhāopìn 招聘 (Recruiting)

教育背景 Educational Background

教育背景 Educational Background

工作经验Working Experience

工作经验Working Experience





我认为 _______ 最重要,至于 ______ ,我不做要求。

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6. Teaching Chinese characters truly as means of writing Chinese language.

a. teaching characters as secondary linguistic symbols not as something in their own rights.

b. teaching characters as means of “composing speech”, not independent “表意符号” ; making students produce “written products.”

c. teach students perceive characters as entireties, not as the combinations of parts.

d. the exercise book for character reflects the

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ideas above and integrated with the learning

of vocabulary and language use.

7. Teaching Chinese culture through language materials

Learning language is learning culture, and learning

culture has to go through language. One can’t

separate the linguistic forms from the cultural

elements that they carry.

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What are the functions of language?

To communicate, to embody cultures, to identify yourself.

Do we have to teach language always as an entirety? Not

necessarily. Actually, we can’t.

Teaching Chinese to minorities in China, teaching Chinese

to overseas Chinese and teaching Chinese to foreigners

should emphasize different aspects of the language. And

this could be done and should be done by providing

different language materials, namely could be done


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What is the direct goal for a language class?To teach language by provoking students’ cultural curiosity or to teach culture through language? The teaching standards in California State has given this issue the right answer: teaching linguistic relevant cultural knowledge, so called “small culture”.Chinese society is highly secular and has very few social taboos. Who, then, will offend 13 billion Chinese people and because of what? Only those who would do it on purpose or those who have poor linguistic knowledge!


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What causes the breakdown in communication? Cultural knowledge or linguistic competence?

中国篮球队连败数场。 中国篮球队连败数队。

The deep cultural difference is hidden in linguistic forms: The bed has been slept. ?床被人睡了。 张家姑娘被人睡了。

How to translate 梅花香自苦寒来?

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Two tendencies in teaching Chinese culture

in a language class : a. oversimplifying

Chinese culture as symbolic pieces such as

功夫,熊猫,中国结 or emphasizing its

“uniqueness” (长城,家庭观念) and

stereotyping Chinese people. 中国人爱财,却取之有道。北京男人都是大老爷们儿。是中国人就会点儿拳脚。

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东北人都很野蛮,爱喝酒。四川姑娘很漂亮。b. Over-reading the meaning behind linguistic forms

at the wrong time and the obsession of “culture of Chinese characters”.( 汉字文化)

行不行 东西 红 vs. 赤 蓝 vs. 青 诗 汉语对亲属称谓分类比英语细说明中国文化对其社会空间更敏感?

A more appropriate approach should be to emphasize the common values we share with other peoples and cultures and cherish the cultural diversity.求价值之同,存表现方式之异。

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For instance: AA 制 和轮流坐庄 感恩节 和 春节

suggestion: teaching culture through

language materials and linguistic forms;

Making the textbook language linguistically

rich and culturally appropriate by focusing on

the suitability of teaching materials for

different students and emphasizing

different aspects of the language to different


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教材为教学服务• 教材应具有三个基本点:( 1 )在语言框架中编排学生应学的、能反映文化差异的语言点;

( 2 )在文化框架中找到激发学生学习的兴趣点;

( 3 )为老师的课堂教学提供启动点,促进语言点和词汇的学习。

朱永平 ( 2012 )

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语言 /文化的两个框架

文化框架(兴趣点 )

语言框架( 语言点 /启动点 )




1. 语言的适用性(可说性)

2. 语言的操作性 (可教性)

3. 语言的复习性(可练性)

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1. Teaching culture through linguistic forms:

?街上有很多老中国人跳舞。 (focusing on Chinese word order would help students avoid offending elder Chinese people)



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2. Focusing on the suitability of teaching

materials for different students and

emphasizing different aspects of the

language to different students.

Beginners vs. advanced learners

Principle: 由浅入深,循序渐进from “communicative culture to “content cultural”;

from standard forms to “more authentic forms”.

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Personally, I consider “communicative culture” universal. Cooperative principle is observed by all educated people. The difference is the forms.

How to express 客气?

不谢 vs. 不会 谢谢 vs. 哪里哪里

progressive reading on the same subject

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《大学语文》 《人文天下》1. 中国人的姓名 2. 中国人的家庭 1. 天地人 2. 黄帝的传说

3. 大江南北 4. 十个太阳 3. 孔子 4. 司马迁和《史记》

5. 天和地 6. 成语故事 5. 画蛇添足 6. 走马观花

7. 万里长城 8. 李白学习的故事

7. 人与世界 8. 我

9. 神农和中药 10. 中国菜 9. 寻梦 10. 聪明人和傻子 和奴才

11. 生肖 12. 过年 11. 塞翁失马 12. 琴棋书画

13. 红楼梦故事 14. 少林功夫 13. 王羲之换鹅 14. 曹植的七步诗

15. 孔子 16孟母三迁 15.曹雪芹和《红 楼梦》

16. 天衣无缝

17. 蚕的故事 18. 中国茶 17. 胸有成竹

19. 中国陶瓷 20. 竹子的品格

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孔子 孔子是中国历史上最有名的思想家和教育家。他的名字叫




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孔子中华文化以孔子的儒家学说为主要核心 * ,所以有




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孔子在教学时,很重视启发学生。他根据每个学生的性格、优点和缺点,给他们相应的教育。子路曾经问孔子:“我听说有一个主张很好,是不是应该马上实行?”孔子说:“还有比你更有经验的人呢,你应该先向他们请教请教再说 * ,怎么能马上就做呢?”过了几天,冉有也来问孔子:“我听说有一个主张很好,是不是应该马上实行呢?” 孔子回答说:“当然应该马上实行。”孔子的两次回答都被一个学生听到了,这个学生就问孔子为什么他两次的回答不同,孔子说:“冉有这个人遇到事情的时候总是不够勇敢,前怕狼后怕虎的 * ,所以要鼓励他勇敢;子路这个人做事太轻率,所以要教他慎重。”

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Heritage learners vs. non-heritage learners

Humanity majors vs. social science majors

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《大学语文》 《走近中国》1. 中国人的姓名 2. 中国人的家庭 1. 新学生 2. 上课第一天

3. 大江南北 4. 十个太阳 3. 我的家 4. 请人吃饭

5. 天和地 6. 成语故事 5. 中餐馆 6. 语伴儿

7. 万里长城 8. 李白学习的故事

7. 感恩节 8. 要考试了

9. 神农和中药 10. 中国菜 9. 老朋友见面 10. 春节

11. 生肖 12. 过年 11. 爱好 12. 失恋了

13. 红楼梦故事 14. 少林功夫 13. 约会 14. 中国城

15. 孔子 16孟母三迁 15.快乐的一年级

17. 蚕的故事 18. 中国茶

19. 中国陶瓷 20. 竹子的品格

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《感受中国》 《人文天下》1. 有朋自远方来 2. 一路畅通 1. 天地人 2. 黄帝的传说3. 红墙里的星巴克

4. 正在消失的历史

3. 孔子 4. 司马迁和《史记》

5. 打工 6. 拇指族 5. 画蛇添足 6. 走马观花7. 前途?钱途? 8. 一个都不能少 7. 人与世界 8. 我9. 爱情进入中学课 堂

10. 你网恋了吗? 9. 寻梦 10. 聪明人和傻子 和奴才

11. 爱情只要八分 钟

12. 常回家看看 11. 塞翁失马 12. 琴棋书画

13. 留守家庭 14. 丁克族 13. 王羲之换鹅 14. 曹植的七步诗15. 中国的小皇帝 16. 代沟 15.曹雪芹和《红

楼梦》16. 天衣无缝

17. 过洋节 18. 超级女声 17. 胸有成竹

19. 三大件 20. 被开除的女大 学生

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Chinese teachers must have sharp eyes and good taste in Chinese language and literature. Otherwise, they won’t be able to select or compile appropriate and high quality teaching materials. 余秋雨的文化散文? 徐慧芬的小小说? 于丹的文化经典解读?How about 余华的《两个人的历史》,牛正寰的《风雪茫茫》,汪曾祺的《陈小手》,阿城的《平反》,缪哲的散文?

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老母姓毌。 单位里的人,都叫她老母。老毌纠正了几次



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老母在大学念的无线电。一个女的回折腾焊锡,烙铁,会跑电料行挑零件儿,大家心里都有点儿奇怪。就好像看女子足球,明知道女的也能踢球,就是觉得女的踢球有点儿怪。女的打排球,打手球,打羽毛球,打乒乓球,游泳,跑,都不觉得怪,不知道为什么。觉得怪是一回事儿,电器坏了,都愿意去找老母修,还帮着传名声儿:我们单位的老母会修无线电, SONY 的?没问题,拿来吧

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老母是右派。 七九年,有消息了,说中央要给右派平反。大家



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的声音:我说了,我就是右派,无反可平。右派是一个派,左派也应该是一个派嘛,也许人数上多一点。 老母出来了,一边拿自己的碗,一边问,谁要带饭?

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美国专栏作家路易斯 ·托玛斯有一篇谈标点的文章,写得风趣而中肯,译其中的几节,作本文的结尾:



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ConclusionFor a functionalist, grammar is the product of language use. Grammatical structures emerge in historically and socially situated settings. They are meaningful communicative symbols. To teach language effectively, we should teach linguistic constructions in concrete contexts. We should enable students select appropriate linguistic forms for specific intentions (registers). To do so, one must posses good knowledge of functional grammar and certain teaching techniques.