full-fat canola as protein source in diets for finishing lambs

Full-fat canola as protein source in diets for ®nishing lambs T.S. Brand a,* , G.D. van der Merwe b , D. Young b a Elsenburg Agricultural Research Centre, Private Bag X1, Elsenburg 7607, South Africa b Outeniqua Agricultural Development Centre, P.O. Box 249, George 6530, South Africa Accepted 17 April 2001 Abstract Full-fat canola seed 22.5% crude protein CP) and 42.4% crude fat on a dry matter DM) basis) was evaluated in the diets of ®nishing South African Mutton Merino lambs. Four diets were formulated on an iso-protein basis approximately 15.2% CP on an as-fed basis) so that ®shmeal and barley were gradually substituted by increasing levels of full-fat canola 0, 6, 12 and 18%). The lambs n 60) were fed ad libitum from 18 to 41 kg while housed individually. No signi®cant differences occurred in the daily DM intake DMI) of lambs consuming the four different diets. Lambs on the diet with 0% full-fat canola tended to grow 14% P < 0:10) slower than lambs on the diet with 6% full-fat canola and had a 21% lower P < 0:05) feed conversion ratio FCR) than lambs on diets with 6, 12 or 18% full-fat canola. It is concluded that although DMI decreased by 36 g per lamb per day with every 6% increment of full-fat canola inclusion, an increase in full-fat canola inclusion of up to 18% had no negative in¯uence on the average daily gain ADG) or FCR of lambs. # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Finishing lambs; Full-fat canola; Sheep 1. Introduction Edible rapeseed or canola was selected from the rapeseed varieties Brassica napus and Brassica cam- pestris to contain less than 2% erucic acid as a percentage of the fatty acids in the oil and less than 30 mmol/g of glucosinolate in the oil-free meal Bell, 1993). Canola is currently produced on a large scale and according to Mielke 1989) it has the third highest production level of oil seed in the world. Although canola is mainly produced for the extraction of edible oil, it is also available for use in livestock diets. Several researchers have evaluated full-fat canola as a protein source for monogastric animals Aherne and Bell, 1990; Brand et al., 1999) and dairy cattle Murphy et al., 1990). Lough et al. 1991) found no effect on performance of ram lambs consuming diets with 6% canola seed. Haurd et al. 1998) found no signi®cant differences in the performance or digest- ibility of lambs receiving either whole or ground canola seed. Ewing 1997) recommends a 0% inclu- sion rate of full-fat rapeseed in diets for lambs or ewes. Limited information is, however, available on the use of relatively high levels full-fat canola in diets for sheep. Due to a high oil content, canola seed is high in energy. High levels of fat/oil in the diets of ruminants may, however, adversely effect production, by a suppressing effect on microbic activity in the rumen Chalupa et al., 1986), feed intake Dinous et al., 1986) and cellulose digestion Henderson, 1973). In practice, therefore, fats are usually limited to 5% in the diets of ruminants Murphy et al., 1990). The experiment Small Ruminant Research 41 2001) 235±238 * Corresponding author. Tel.: 27-21-8085225; fax: 27-21-8085120. E-mail address: [email protected] T.S. Brand). 0921-4488/01/$ ± see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII:S0921-448801)00217-6

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