f&tll - university of hawaii · 2015-05-30 · bell 414 telephones mutual 414 coal at mckiiiley...

VOL. V. NO. 656. THE DAILY BULLETIN MINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY AFTERNOON EXCEPT SUNDAY DT TIIK Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd., AT THE OFFICE. Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. SUBSCRIPTION Six Dollars a Yeah. Delivered in Honolulu nt Fifty Oknts a Month, in advance. THE WEEKLY BULLETIN IS PUBLISHED At Four Dollars a Year to Domestic, and Five Dollars to Foreign Subscribers. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING DONE IN SUPERIOR STYLE. 250 BOTH TELEPHONES 25G P. 0. BOX 89, Address letters for tho paper "Editor Bulletin," and business letters " Manager Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cause delay in at- tention. DANIEL LOOAN, Editor and Manager. Businooo Cards. LEWEBS & COOKE, ImronxKKS and Dealers in Lcmiier and ALL KINDS OF BuiLDINO MATERIALS. Fort Street, Honolulu. WILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Salt and Building Materials of every kind. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS, IUP0RTER8 AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fort Street, Honolulu. H. HACKFELD & CO. General Commission Agents. Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu. G. W. MACFABILANE Sc CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Kaaliumann Street, Honolulu. JNO. S. SMITHIES, Auctioneer and General Business Aoent. Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii. WENNER & CO., Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers, 92 Fort Street, Honolulu. THOS. LINDSAY, Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch- maker. Kukui Jewelry a specialty. Particular attention tid to all kinds of ropairs. Mclnemy Block, Fort Street. ATLAS ASSURANCE OO. OF LONDON. H. W. Schmidt & Sons, " Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU IRON WORKS, Steam Ekuinf.s, Suoar Mills, Boilers, Coolers. Iron, Brass, and Lead Castinhs. Machinery of Evory Description Mudo to Order. Particular attention paid to Ships' Blueksmithliig. Job Work executed at Short Notieo. 0. B. RIPLEY, AROHITBIOT, Complete plans and specifications for evory description of building. Contracts drawn and curolul superintendence 0f ,.0. utructlon given when required, Call and examine plans. New designs. Modern buildings. Olllce, RooiiiS.Kjia'ckuls' Block. Mutual Tel. m m. G. IRWIN & CO. (Limited) OFFER FOlt SALE FERTILIZERS ALEX. CI10B8 A SONS' Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures. Wo ore also prepared to take orders for Messrs. JST. OlT.ln.nclt Be Co.'s Fertilizers, Insuring prompt delivery. BOILED LUCOL! TMu Tc n 0iiiini.;nf Tn;n. n:i suming less pigment than Linseed Oil, and giving u mating urununcy to colors. Used with drier it gives a splendid floor surface. Lime, Cement, REFINED SUGARS, SALMON. Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef PARAFFINE PAINT CO.'S Compounds, Roofing & Papers, Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering, Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever- lasting Paint Especially designed for Vacuum Pans. t FIRE, LIFE and MARINE INSURANCE Hartford Fire Insurance Co., Assets, 86,219,458.98. London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co., Assets, 84,317,052. Tliames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co., (Limited) Assets, 86,124,057. New York Life Ins. Co., Assets, 8125,947,290.81. C. 0. BERGER, General Agent for Hawaiian Islands. HONOLULU. Wm.G. Irwin & Co. (LIMITED) Wm. G. Irwin. - President and Manager Claus Sprockets, - - - - nt W. M. Giflard, - Secretary and Treasurer Theo. 0. Porter Auditor Siagar Factors AND Commission Agents. AGENTS OF THE Oceanic Steamship Company, OF SAN FRANCISCO, OAL. C. BREWER & CO. (LIMITED) General Mercantile AND- - Commission Agents J. 0. Carter President and Malinger (1. H. Robertson. Treasurer K. H. lllshoi W. t Allen Auditor Hon, O. R. Bishop H. 0. Allen. .. . . Directors 11, Wuturhotibo.... f&tll HONOLULU, The Markets of San Francisco ARE BROUGHT TO YOUR DOORS DY MEANS OK THE EXAMINER. PurchasingBureau Which is Oporatcd Directly by the Greatest I Newspapers THE SAN FRANCISCO We Are Constantly Making Purchases FOR THE Residents Hawaii Do Ton Need Something from San Francisco? IF SO Write To Us About It ! We can save yon money ; our bnycrs havo secured hundreds of special con-- .. tracts which enables us "' to oiler Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clothing, Dress Goods, Agricultural Implements, And Thousands of Other Articles At prices which will astonish you. A LETTER WILL DO IT ALL CSP Write us for quotations on any- - thing that you may need. Ton Can See the Advantages of Purchas- ing Through Us I We aro buying for our customers at wholesale and you reap the benefit. tW Address all communications EXAMINER PURCHASING DEPARTMENT, San Franoiaoo, California, U. S. A. Baldwin Locomotives. i&y!.eW The undersigned having been appointed Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands FOR TIIK CELEUItATKD Baldwin Locomotives FROM THE WORKS OF Burham, Williams & Co., Philadelphia, Ponn., Aro now prepared to give Estimates and receive unions for those JSnirliies. of any size and style. The Baldwin Locomotive Works ARE NOW MANUFACTURING A STYLE OF LOCOMOTIVE PARTICULARLY Adapted for Plantation Purposes A number of which havo recciitlv been received at thou Islands, and u wilt havo pleasure in furnishing plantation agents and managers slth particulars of same. The Superiority of these Locomotives over all otlmr makes is known not only here but Is acknowledged throughout the United States. WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd., Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands. IUuUj HullrUn, CO cent a month, delivered free, II. I., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 18)3. DAILY AND WEEKLY Hawaiian Newspapers ARK THE I Loading Journals In tho Kingdom. The "Daily Hawaii Holomurf i" Has tho Largo-t- t Circulation on tho Islands and is tho Best Medium for Advertising. ' '" ' 'M Mr. Titos. K. Nathaniel will rccolvo all advertisements and transact all business matters. 4)Sr Office: ','Brcnig Block," corner Nuuanu and Queen street (upstairs). 54i-t- f FOR SALE. 2-Hor- se Power UPRIGHT Baxter Engine & Boiler ! IN GOOD WORKING ORDER. tW For particulars or terms apply to the BULLETIN OFFICE. Union Gas Engine Co. (Incorporated May 10, 1802.) MANUFACTURERS OF THE Regan Vapor Engines AND PACIFIC GAS ENGINES. Horizontal it Upright, Stationary & Marine, Gas it Gasoline Engines, Pumps A: Launches. JOS. TIISTEIEJK,, 518-t- f Sole Agent for Hawaiian Islandi. CHAS. T. GULICK, Notary Public for tlie Island or Oahu. Agent to take Acknowledgements to La- bor Contracts. Agent to grant Marriago Licenses, Hono- lulu, Oahu. Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt & Scott's Freight and Parcel Express. Agent for the Burlington Route. REAL ESTATE BROKER and GENERAL AGENT. Bell 318 TELEPHONE Mutual 139 P. O. Box 415 38 Merchant at. Honolulu. H. I. BEAVER SALOON, The Best Lunch in Town. Tea. axici Coffee AT ALL HOURS. THE FINEST BRANDS OF Cigars and Tobacco ALWAYS OK HAND. TE3L J. 3STQ3LiTEi, Prop. METROPOLITAN MEAT CO., EjtJVjSy 81 KING ST. Wholesale and Retail Butchers AND NAVY CONTRACTORS. Gh J. 'Wallor, Managor. For Local Xuws Fitly ) resent ud Pake tho Bulletin lityury time. i i' IZZI " "T!? IHtl&fl S. Moork, SupU W. II. Tavi.hr, I'res. w tuss llilOUUll HUH H U11UJ oli were those: Parliament was to do San Francisco, BUILDERS OF Improved Sugar Machinery BOILERS & ENGINES. Pumping Machinery For Irrigating and Water Works purposes of any capacity. Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Flumlng DAVIDSON FTTMFS, MATHKSON LOCK-JOIN- T PIPE, HEINE SAFETY BOILER, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc. Ef9 For further particulars mid cata- logues, address IRiscion. Iron. Works, San Francisco, California. Bell 414 TELEPHONES Mutual 414 COAL At McKiiiley Prices ! Departure Bay Coal AT- - 12 JL T03ST1 Delivered to any part of Honolulu FREE. HUSTAOE & CO. & Ring up No. 114 on Both Tcle-580-- 1 phones. til HUSTACE & CO., DEALERS IN WOOD and COAL. ALS- O- White and Black Sand Which wo will sell at the Very Lowest Market Rates. Bell 41 - - TELEPHONE - - Mutual 414 Honolulu Carriage Co. BOTH TEL. No. 335. Stand: Corner Fort & Morchant Sis. Hacks can be had at any hour of the day up to V2 o'clock at night, on terms to suit tho times. Hacks Hos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 70, 73, 97, 196 EDWIN A. JONES Has opened an ollleo for transacting all business in connection with Trusts, Purchase and Sale of Bonds, Stock and Boal Estato, And is propared to Audit Accounts. Ollico: No. 42 Merchant street, olllce lately occupied by the lato Jona. Austin. P. 6. Box 55. HORSE CLIPPING By A. M. BKTTENCOURP, Veterinary Surgeon and Dealer In Horses, corner lleretauia and Punchbowl sts. Mutual Mulophone 377. cu-t- f W. A, WALIi, SURVEYOR. (Lute with the Government .Survey.) p. 0. Box 10.1. Mutual Tele. 110. Ollico over lllidiop's IIiiiiK. W. II. STONE, .A.O aoTTNT.A.isr'r. P. O. Box 17. 77te IhiUy Jlulklin U dtlivrml by camera fur 60 ceU jw month, PRICE 5 CENTS. M HinMoraMMaMarnmaaaNMaBNaaNHBMMgHMMnMMHi tflBS LATE FOREIGN NEWS. m Sun Frtvnchco, 1'rh. Chiim). EUROPE. home hum: dkiuth. An enormous crowd gathered around Parliainont House, London, on the 13th iust., many hours boforo tho sitting opened. At noon the in- ner lobby was packed with members and tho approaches were crowded. When tho doors woro opened there was a disorderly rush for seats, tho members shouting and struggling like a mob of excursionists. The vet- eran member, Caleb Wright, wa borno down and trampled on, and was rescued with difficulty. Gladstone entered tho" House at 3:30 p.m. and was greeted with pro- longed and enthusiastic cheers by tho Liberal and Irish mombors. A quarter of an hour later, when he rose to introduce tho homo rule bill, thoro was another demonstration, lasting several minutes. Gladstone spoke in a clear, strong and resonant voico. His speech opened by recalling tho homo rule policy of 1880. They had then, coma to where two road's parted, ono leading to autonomy for Ireland and tho other to coercion. All tho schemes of their opponents to give local nt in tho provinces, etc., had vanished into thin air. Tho roads woro slill there, to autonomy or to coercion. Gladstono went back to the time of tho Union, and said: "It was then prophesied confidently that Irish- men would take their places in the Cabinet of the United Kingdom. But it has boon my honored destiny to sit in Cabinets with no less than sixty or seventy statesmen of whom only ono, tho Duko of Wellington, was an Irishman, while Cast loreagh was tho only other Irishman who had sat in tho Cabinet since the union. Pitt promised coital laws when tho union was formed, but the broken promises made to Ireland aro unhappily written in indelible char-acto- rs in tho history of the country. "Coining down to 1832, when the resurrection of tho people began, and thence down to 1S80, Ireland could present only a small minority in favor of restoring to her .som- ething in tho nature of constitutional rights and practical It is to mo astonishing that so little woight is attached by many to tho fact that boforo 18S(J lief ore 1885, indeed tho Irish wishes of woro ropre&ented only by a small minority. Since 1880, when tho wide extension of tho fran- chise was protected by tho secret ballot, Ireland's position has boon improved in Parliament. In 188(5 thoro woro ejghty-fiv- o Nationalists, or moro than live-eighth- s. (Cheers.) They havo boon reduced from eighty-fiv- e to eighty under circum- stances somowhat peculiar (Hoar! Hoarl), and 1 must frankly own, to mysolf, among others, for reasons totalby and absolutely unintelligi ble. (.Iouti cheors.) The venerable statesman wont on in a facetious vein, to show just what tho strength of Ireland's homo rule sentiment was. "Lot us look at tho state of tho case as it now stands. Thoro aro but eighty out of 100; that is to sa3', tho wishes of Ireland for Irish in Irish matters aro represented only by four-fifth- s. Laughter. Tho honorable gentlemen seem to have no respect for such a majority as that. Do they recollect, sir, that never in England has thoro boon such a majority? I Cheors. No Parliament of tho last fifty years has come within a measurable distance of it. If thoro bo anything in tho great principlo of it never can work oxcopt through tho machinery and by tho laws of representation. At any rato, tho voico of tho Irish peo- ple, tho persistency of tho Irish peo ple in delivering that voice, and tho peaceful constitutional circum- stances tinder which it has boon do- - liverod Ministerial cheors and oppo- sition laughter constitute a great fact in history." Ho would refrain from declaring that England would find herself ex- hausted aud her work made imprac- ticable by resislanco to Irish de- mands, lie could well eoneoio England maintaining, if so minded, resisianco 10 jriHii uomatuis, out England's conversion to homo rule had boon rapid. Jn 188(5 England's majority advoiso to homo rule was 211. It had now declined to 71. In tho face of such facts who would guarantee tho porinaneuco of tho opposition of the remainder? Cheers. Mr. Gladstone thou asked tho pa- tient iuriulgoiu'o of I lie House while ghing an account of the bill. Ho could not iindertako to supply more iiinu a laimioi its contents. If ho did it would probably bewilder his hearers. The bill iUolf would soon bo in their hands. it should bo remembered, ho Mtiri, (hat tho bill of 188(5 laid down five propositions as cardinal principles, to which lie endeavored to closely adhere. Change thorn was, but not a trenchant change from the priuci pies of 18811. Tho object or tho bill lomaiiied, as in 1880, to establish a h'ginlatiwt body in Dublin for tho conduct both of legislation and atl- - ministration in Irish, na Uibtluot from imperial affairs. Cheers. Tho con- - 2JB unions, which nuru men uoservou t m nothing inconsistent with imporial unity. Tho did not wish to impair it; "tho3 wished to strongthou it. First, then, imporial unity is ob- served and tho equality of all is ob- served; secondly, tho equality of all tho kingdom would bo borno in mind ; thirdly, there would bo an equi- table repartition of imperial charges; fourthly, any and ovory practicable provision for tho protection of minorities would bo included. Tho plan proposb'd ought to bo such as to present tho necessary character- istics of real aud continued settle- ment. Ho would not attempt to measure tho numerical strength of tho min- ority. It was said that a minority in the north of Ireland was arrayed in unalterable opposition to homo rule. Unhappily an attempt to di- vide tho Irish people at tho tinio of Union, through tho medium chiefly of Orange lodges, had boon partly successful. But ho pointed out that (ho Protestants of Ireland, during tho period of the independent Irish Pailiamont, woro themselves not only willing but zealous and enthu- siastic supporters of Irish national- ity, inasmuch as their political lio was at that period moro highly de- veloped than that of tho Roman Catholic population in tho political movement which distinguished that period. (Cheors.) This is writton broadcast upon tho history of tho time. A genuine national sentiment, in tho sense of national unit, at one time existed among tho north of Ire- land Protestants. Wo who havo seen them altorod since, not through their own fault, aro not ready to bo persuaded that they will not altor back again to tho sentiments of their own ancestors (Cheers), standing with their own blood and their own people in one noble and glorious unity. Express mention was mado in tho bill of tho supremacy of the Im- porial Parliament. Thoy had chosen a preamble as tho worthier and hot- ter method, for if done b- - a clause it would bo too much in the charac- ter of a mere enactment. The bill constitutes an Irish Legis-latui- e, composed of a legislative council aim a legislative assembly. Its scope of legislation was restrict- ed to local concerns. "Tho subjects of peace and war, tho public defense, tioatios aud foreign relations, digni- ties, titles and the law of treason do not belong to tho Irish Legislature. The law of alienage does not bolong to it, nor anything that bolongs to external trade, coinage and other subsidiary subjects. Tho othor in- capacities imposed are similar to tho.-- o contained in the bill of 18SG. These provide for tho soeuritj- - of religious freedom, tho safeguard of education and tho security of per- sonal freedom. Then wo retain tho vicoroyalty of Ireland, but divost it of tho party character it has hereto- fore borno by making tho appoint- ment run six years, subject to tho revoking power of tho crown, and' the post is freed from all religious uisaoiiit'. LUheers.l" Tho number of members of tho Legislative Assembly would bo 103 and tho form bo five years. As to tho Legislative Council, Gladstone said thoy had come to tho conclusion that a nominated council would bo a weak council and, therefore, thoy proposed an elective council. Tho number would bo 18 with an oight years tonn of ollico. To prevent a deadlock it is providod that where a bill is adopted ly tho assembly moro than onco and where thoro is an interval of two years botwoon tho two adoptions, or a dissolution of Parliament, thnn, upon its second adoption, tho two assemblies may bo required to moot and tho fato of the bill is to bo decided in joint assem- bly, ichors. All appeals against Irish laws shall lie to the Privy Council alone and not to tho Privy Council and the Lords. Two Exchequer Judges shall bo appointed under tho authority of tho Crown? mainly for financial busi- ness. For six all judges shall bo appointed tis now. Their salaries will bo ffxod in Ireland, so that thoir appointments will bo under joint-contro- Thoy proposed a gradual reduction and ultimate dissolution or disappearance of the constabulary force. It would bo replaced by a force owing its existence to tho Irish authorities in local areas. Mr. Gladstono then came to tho much discufcsod question of tho re- tention of Irish members in tho Im- perial Parliament. Thoy were to bo retained. While not admitting that the parliamentary supremacy on the retention of tho Irish members, ho quite admitted that the retention of those mombors had great practical importance because it exhibited supremacy in a manner intelligible to tho people. Besides, it gave Ireland a full voico in all parliamentary matters. Ho know of no argument against the retention of the Irish uiomburs, but ho did not think it was in tho wit of man to .suggest n plan for thoir retention which would not bo open to some Minotin practical difficulties. Ac- cording to tho chaugo in the pro-poitio- u of population between Ire- land and Great Britain, tho number of Irish mombois in Parliament should bo reduced fioiu 103 to 80. .Mr, Gladstone argued that tho Irish members should have the power of voting on all questions, otherwise a great parliamentary tradition would bo broken, liut as t ho whole subject was full of thorns and brninblos, and (,C'qiiHiiu(( oh .fta i'uyc.) v.fi vSfi i IS 1 33 U1 3 'Jft Sk- - M wh r.W EM $s 't f .b f JB ',f

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Page 1: f&tll - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · Bell 414 TELEPHONES Mutual 414 COAL At McKiiiley Prices! Departure Bay Coal AT--12 JL T03ST1 Delivered to any part of Honolulu FREE

VOL. V. NO. 656.




Dally Bulletin Publishing Co., L'd.,


Merchant St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

SUBSCRIPTION Six Dollars a Yeah.Delivered in Honolulu nt Fifty Oknts aMonth, in advance.



At Four Dollars a Year to Domestic,and Five Dollars to Foreign Subscribers.



P. 0. BOX 89,

Address letters for tho paper "EditorBulletin," and business letters " ManagerBulletin Publishing Company." Using apersonal address may cause delay in at-

tention.DANIEL LOOAN, Editor and Manager.

Businooo Cards.


ImronxKKS and Dealers in Lcmiier andALL KINDS OF BuiLDINO MATERIALS.

Fort Street, Honolulu.


Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails,Salt and Building Materials

of every kind.

Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.



Fort Street, Honolulu.


General Commission Agents.

Corner Fort and Queen Streets, Honolulu.


Importers and Commission Merchants.

Kaaliumann Street, Honolulu.


Auctioneer and General Business Aoent.

Mahukona, Kohala, Hawaii.


Manufacturing and Importing Jewelers,

92 Fort Street, Honolulu.


Manufacturing Jeweler and Watch-


Kukui Jewelry a specialty. Particularattention tid to all kinds of ropairs.

Mclnemy Block, Fort Street.



H. W. Schmidt & Sons,

" Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


Steam Ekuinf.s, Suoar Mills, Boilers,Coolers. Iron, Brass, and Lead


Machinery of Evory Description Mudo toOrder. Particular attention paid to Ships'Blueksmithliig. Job Work executed atShort Notieo.



Complete plans and specifications forevory description of building. Contractsdrawn and curolul superintendence 0f ,.0.utructlon given when required, Call andexamine plans. New designs. Modernbuildings. Olllce, RooiiiS.Kjia'ckuls' Block.

Mutual Tel. m

m. G. IRWIN & CO.

(Limited)OFFER FOlt SALE


Celebrated High Grade Cane Manures.

Wo ore also prepared to take orders for

Messrs. JST. OlT.ln.nclt Be Co.'sFertilizers,

Insuring prompt delivery.

BOILED LUCOL!TMu Tc n 0iiiini.;nf Tn;n. n:i

suming less pigment than Linseed Oil, andgiving u mating urununcy to colors.Used with drier it gives a splendid floorsurface.



Fairbank Canning Co.'s Corned Beef


Compounds, Roofing & Papers,

Reed's Patent Steam Pipe Covering,

Jarboes' Diamond, Enamel & Ever-

lasting Paint

Especially designed for Vacuum Pans. t


LIFE and



Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, 86,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire Ins. Co.,Assets, 84,317,052.

Tliames and Mersey Marine Ins. Co.,(Limited)

Assets, 86,124,057.

New York Life Ins. Co.,Assets, 8125,947,290.81.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Wm.G. Irwin & Co.


Wm. G. Irwin. - President and ManagerClaus Sprockets, - - - - nt

W. M. Giflard, - Secretary and TreasurerTheo. 0. Porter Auditor

Siagar FactorsAND

Commission Agents.


Oceanic Steamship Company,




General Mercantile

AND- -

Commission Agents

J. 0. Carter President and Malinger(1. H. Robertson. TreasurerK. H. lllshoiW. t Allen AuditorHon, O. R. BishopH. 0. Allen. .. . . Directors11, Wuturhotibo....


The Markets of San Francisco





Which is Oporatcd Directly by the

Greatest I Newspapers


We Are Constantly Making Purchases


Residents Hawaii

Do Ton Need Something fromSan Francisco?


Write To Us About It !

We can save yon money ; our bnycrs havosecured hundreds of special con-- ..

tracts which enables us"' to oiler

Watches, Jewelry, Silverware,

Clothing, Dress Goods,Agricultural Implements,

And Thousands of Other Articles

At prices which will astonish you.


CSP Write us for quotations on any- -thing that you may need.

Ton Can See the Advantages of Purchas-ing Through Us I

We aro buying for our customers atwholesale and you reap the benefit.

tW Address all communications


San Franoiaoo,California, U. S. A.

Baldwin Locomotives.


The undersigned having been appointed

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands


Baldwin Locomotives


Burham, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, Ponn.,

Aro now prepared to give Estimates andreceive unions for those JSnirliies.

of any size and style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Works



Adapted for Plantation Purposes

A number of which havo recciitlv beenreceived at thou Islands, and u wilt havopleasure in furnishing plantation agentsand managers slth particulars of same.

The Superiority of these Locomotivesover all otlmr makes is known not onlyhere but Is acknowledged throughout theUnited States.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,

Solo Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

IUuUj HullrUn, CO cent a month,delivered free,



Hawaiian Newspapers


ILoading Journals In tho Kingdom.

The "Daily Hawaii Holomurfi"Has tho Largo-t- t Circulation on tho Islands

and is tho Best Medium forAdvertising. ' '" '

'MMr. Titos. K. Nathaniel will rccolvo all

advertisements and transact all businessmatters.

4)Sr Office: ','Brcnig Block," cornerNuuanu and Queen street (upstairs).

54i-t- f


2-Hor- se PowerUPRIGHT

Baxter Engine & Boiler !


tW For particulars or terms apply tothe


Union Gas Engine Co.

(Incorporated May 10, 1802.)


Regan Vapor EnginesAND

PACIFIC GAS ENGINES.Horizontal it Upright,

Stationary & Marine,Gas it Gasoline Engines,

Pumps A: Launches.

JOS. TIISTEIEJK,,518-t- f Sole Agent for Hawaiian Islandi.


Notary Public for tlie Island or Oahu.

Agent to take Acknowledgements to La-bor Contracts.

Agent to grant Marriago Licenses, Hono-lulu, Oahu.

Agent for tho Hawaiian Islands of Pitt &Scott's Freight and Parcel Express.

Agent for the Burlington Route.


Bell 318 TELEPHONE Mutual 139P. O. Box 415

38 Merchant at. Honolulu. H. I.


The Best Lunch in Town.

Tea. axici CoffeeAT ALL HOURS.


Cigars and TobaccoALWAYS OK HAND.



Wholesale and Retail Butchers



Gh J. 'Wallor, Managor.

For Local Xuws

Fitly ) resent ud

Pake tho


lityury time.



IZZI ""T!? IHtl&fl

S. Moork, SupU W. II. Tavi.hr, I'res.

w tussllilOUUll HUH H U11UJ oli were those: Parliament was to do

San Francisco,


Improved Sugar Machinery


Pumping Machinery

For Irrigating and Water Works purposesof any capacity.

Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Flumlng



HEINE SAFETY BOILER,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

Ef9 For further particulars mid cata-logues, address

IRiscion. Iron. Works,San Francisco, California.

Bell 414 TELEPHONES Mutual 414

COALAt McKiiiley Prices !

Departure Bay Coal

AT- -

12 JL T03ST1Delivered to any part of Honolulu



& Ring up No. 114 on Both Tcle-580-- 1

phones. til




White and Black Sand

Which wo will sell at the Very LowestMarket Rates.

Bell 41 - - TELEPHONE - - Mutual 414

Honolulu Carriage Co.

BOTH TEL. No. 335.

Stand: Corner Fort & Morchant Sis.

Hacks can be had at any hour of the dayup to V2 o'clock at night, on terms

to suit tho times.

Hacks Hos. 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 70, 73, 97, 196


Has opened an ollleo for transacting allbusiness in connection with

Trusts, Purchase and Sale of Bonds,Stock and Boal Estato,

And is propared to Audit Accounts.

Ollico: No. 42 Merchant street, olllce latelyoccupied by the lato Jona. Austin.

P. 6. Box 55.


Veterinary Surgeon and Dealer In Horses,corner lleretauia and Punchbowl sts.

Mutual Mulophone 377. cu-t- f

W. A, WALIi,

SURVEYOR.(Lute with the Government .Survey.)

p. 0. Box 10.1. Mutual Tele. 110. Ollicoover lllidiop's IIiiiiK.


.A.O aoTTNT.A.isr'r.

P. O. Box 17.

77te IhiUy Jlulklin U dtlivrml by

camera fur 60 ceU jw month,




Sun Frtvnchco, 1'rh.



home hum: dkiuth.An enormous crowd gathered

around Parliainont House, London,on the 13th iust., many hours boforotho sitting opened. At noon the in-

ner lobby was packed with membersand tho approaches were crowded.When tho doors woro opened therewas a disorderly rush for seats, thomembers shouting and strugglinglike a mob of excursionists. The vet-eran member, Caleb Wright, waborno down and trampled on, andwas rescued with difficulty.

Gladstone entered tho" House at3:30 p.m. and was greeted with pro-longed and enthusiastic cheers bytho Liberal and Irish mombors. Aquarter of an hour later, when herose to introduce tho homo rule bill,thoro was another demonstration,lasting several minutes. Gladstonespoke in a clear, strong and resonantvoico.

His speech opened by recallingtho homo rule policy of 1880. Theyhad then, coma to where two road'sparted, ono leading to autonomy forIreland and tho other to coercion.All tho schemes of their opponentsto give local nt in thoprovinces, etc., had vanished intothin air. Tho roads woro slill there,to autonomy or to coercion.

Gladstono went back to the timeof tho Union, and said: "It was thenprophesied confidently that Irish-men would take their places in theCabinet of the United Kingdom.But it has boon my honored destinyto sit in Cabinets with no less thansixty or seventy statesmen of whomonly ono, tho Duko of Wellington,was an Irishman, while Cast loreaghwas tho only other Irishman whohad sat in tho Cabinet since theunion. Pitt promised coital lawswhen tho union was formed, but thebroken promises made to Ireland arounhappily written in indelible char-acto- rs

in tho history of the country."Coining down to 1832, when the

resurrection of tho people began,and thence down to 1S80, Irelandcould present only a small minorityin favor of restoring to her .som-ething in tho nature of constitutionalrights and practicalIt is to mo astonishing that so littlewoight is attached by many to thofact that boforo 18S(J lief ore 1885,indeed tho Irish wishes of

woro ropre&ented onlyby a small minority. Since 1880,when tho wide extension of tho fran-chise was protected by tho secretballot, Ireland's position has boonimproved in Parliament. In 188(5

thoro woro ejghty-fiv- o Nationalists,or moro than live-eighth- s. (Cheers.)They havo boon reduced fromeighty-fiv- e to eighty under circum-stances somowhat peculiar (Hoar!Hoarl), and 1 must frankly own, tomysolf, among others, for reasonstotalby and absolutely unintelligible. (.Iouti cheors.)

The venerable statesman wont onin a facetious vein, to show just whattho strength of Ireland's homo rulesentiment was. "Lot us look at thostate of tho case as it now stands.Thoro aro but eighty out of 100;that is to sa3', tho wishes of Irelandfor Irish in Irishmatters aro represented only by four-fifth- s.

Laughter. Tho honorablegentlemen seem to have no respectfor such a majority as that. Do theyrecollect, sir, that never in Englandhas thoro boon such a majority?I Cheors. No Parliament of tholast fifty years has come within ameasurable distance of it. If thorobo anything in tho great principlo of

it never can workoxcopt through tho machinery andby tho laws of representation. Atany rato, tho voico of tho Irish peo-ple, tho persistency of tho Irish people in delivering that voice, andtho peaceful constitutional circum-stances tinder which it has boon do- -liverod Ministerial cheors and oppo-sition laughter constitute a greatfact in history."

Ho would refrain from declaringthat England would find herself ex-

hausted aud her work made imprac-ticable by resislanco to Irish de-mands, lie could well eoneoioEngland maintaining, if so minded,resisianco 10 jriHii uomatuis, outEngland's conversion to homo rulehad boon rapid. Jn 188(5 England'smajority advoiso to homo rule was211. It had now declined to 71. Intho face of such facts who wouldguarantee tho porinaneuco of thoopposition of the remainder?Cheers.

Mr. Gladstone thou asked tho pa-tient iuriulgoiu'o of I lie Housewhile ghing an account of the bill.Ho could not iindertako to supplymore iiinu a laimioi its contents.If ho did it would probably bewilderhis hearers. The bill iUolf wouldsoon bo in their hands.

it should bo remembered, ho Mtiri,(hat tho bill of 188(5 laid down fivepropositions as cardinal principles,to which lie endeavored to closelyadhere. Change thorn was, but nota trenchant change from the priucipies of 18811. Tho object or tho billlomaiiied, as in 1880, to establish ah'ginlatiwt body in Dublin for thoconduct both of legislation and atl- -ministration in Irish, na Uibtluot from

imperial affairs. Cheers. Tho con- - 2JBunions, which nuru men uoservou t

mnothing inconsistent with imporialunity. Tho did not wish to impairit; "tho3 wished to strongthou it.

First, then, imporial unity is ob-served and tho equality of all is ob-served; secondly, tho equality of alltho kingdom would bo borno inmind ; thirdly, there would bo an equi-table repartition of imperial charges;fourthly, any and ovory practicableprovision for tho protection ofminorities would bo included. Thoplan proposb'd ought to bo such asto present tho necessary character-istics of real aud continued settle-ment.

Ho would not attempt to measuretho numerical strength of tho min-ority. It was said that a minorityin the north of Ireland was arrayedin unalterable opposition to homorule. Unhappily an attempt to di-vide tho Irish people at tho tinio ofUnion, through tho medium chieflyof Orange lodges, had boon partlysuccessful. But ho pointed out that(ho Protestants of Ireland, duringtho period of the independent IrishPailiamont, woro themselves notonly willing but zealous and enthu-siastic supporters of Irish national-ity, inasmuch as their political liowas at that period moro highly de-veloped than that of tho RomanCatholic population in tho politicalmovement which distinguished thatperiod. (Cheors.) This is writtonbroadcast upon tho history of thotime. A genuine national sentiment,in tho sense of national unit, at onetime existed among tho north of Ire-land Protestants. Wo who havoseen them altorod since, not throughtheir own fault, aro not ready to bopersuaded that they will not altorback again to tho sentiments of theirown ancestors (Cheers), standingwith their own blood and their ownpeople in one noble and gloriousunity.

Express mention was mado in thobill of tho supremacy of the Im-porial Parliament. Thoy had chosena preamble as tho worthier and hot-ter method, for if done b- - a clauseit would bo too much in the charac-ter of a mere enactment.

The bill constitutes an Irish Legis-latui- e,

composed of a legislativecouncil aim a legislative assembly.Its scope of legislation was restrict-ed to local concerns. "Tho subjectsof peace and war, tho public defense,tioatios aud foreign relations, digni-ties, titles and the law of treason donot belong to tho Irish Legislature.The law of alienage does not bolongto it, nor anything that bolongs toexternal trade, coinage and othersubsidiary subjects. Tho othor in-

capacities imposed are similar totho.--o contained in the bill of 18SG.These provide for tho soeuritj- - ofreligious freedom, tho safeguard ofeducation and tho security of per-sonal freedom. Then wo retain thovicoroyalty of Ireland, but divost itof tho party character it has hereto-fore borno by making tho appoint-ment run six years, subject to thorevoking power of tho crown, and'the post is freed from all religiousuisaoiiit'. LUheers.l"

Tho number of members of thoLegislative Assembly would bo 103and tho form bo five years. As totho Legislative Council, Gladstonesaid thoy had come to tho conclusionthat a nominated council would boa weak council and, therefore, thoyproposed an elective council. Thonumber would bo 18 with an oightyears tonn of ollico. To prevent adeadlock it is providod that wherea bill is adopted ly tho assemblymoro than onco and where thoro isan interval of two years botwoon thotwo adoptions, or a dissolution ofParliament, thnn, upon its secondadoption, tho two assemblies may borequired to moot and tho fato of thebill is to bo decided in joint assem-bly, ichors.

All appeals against Irish laws shalllie to the Privy Council alone andnot to tho Privy Council and theLords. Two Exchequer Judges shallbo appointed under tho authority oftho Crown? mainly for financial busi-ness. For six all judges shallbo appointed tis now. Their salarieswill bo ffxod in Ireland, so that thoirappointments will bo under joint-contro-

Thoy proposed a gradualreduction and ultimate dissolutionor disappearance of the constabularyforce. It would bo replaced by aforce owing its existence to tho Irishauthorities in local areas.

Mr. Gladstono then came to thomuch discufcsod question of tho re-tention of Irish members in tho Im-perial Parliament. Thoy were to boretained. While not admitting thatthe parliamentary supremacy

on the retention of tho Irishmembers, ho quite admitted that theretention of those mombors hadgreat practical importance becauseit exhibited supremacy in a mannerintelligible to tho people. Besides,it gave Ireland a full voico in allparliamentary matters. Ho know ofno argument against the retentionof the Irish uiomburs, but ho didnot think it was in tho wit of manto .suggest n plan for thoir retentionwhich would not bo open to someMinotin practical difficulties. Ac-cording to tho chaugo in the pro-poitio- u

of population between Ire-land and Great Britain, tho numberof Irish mombois in Parliamentshould bo reduced fioiu 103 to 80..Mr, Gladstone argued that tho Irishmembers should have the power ofvoting on all questions, otherwise agreat parliamentary tradition wouldbo broken, liut as t ho whole subjectwas full of thorns and brninblos, and

(,C'qiiHiiu(( oh .fta i'uyc.)


i IS











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Of Govornmont Land at Iiaupahoo-hoo- ,

Hilo, Hawaii.

On THURSDAY, March 2, 1893, nt 12

o'clock noon, nt tho front ontrnnco of Alll-ola- nl

Halo, will bo sold at Public Auctiontho Lcaso of all tlint Tract of GovernmentLand In tho District of HUo, Hawaii, lyingbotweon tho boundary of Maulua Nul, andtho eastern edgo of Laupahoehoo Gulch,and extending from the sea to tho lino of

forest as surveyed about 1 miles mnuknfrom shore.

Reserving to tho Government tho rightof way for three roads running mauka frommain road to tho Forest. An area of 20 5--

acres known as tho "Lydgato Homestead,"and bIbo tho spring supplying tho I.aupa-hooho- o

Water Works. Area, 3,000 nores alittle moro or less.

For furthor information apply to thoLand Ofllco, Interior Department.

Term Lease ior 15 years.Upset prlco $1,200 per annmn, payable

in advance.J. A. KING,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, Jan. 30, 1893.



Of a Tract of Govornmont Land,Hilo, Hawaii.

On WEDNESDAY, March 8, 1893, at 12

o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alii-ola- nl

liale, will bo sold at Public Auctiontho Lease of that Tract of GovernmentLand lying between the land of Humuulaand tho land of Kaiwiki, L. C. A. 91)71, InHilo District, Hawaii, and extending fromsea to boundary about 14,000 feet mauka oftamo and containing an arcaof 1300 acresluorc or less.

Term Lcaso for 20 years.Upset price, $402 per annum, payable

semi-annual- in advance.J. A. KING,

Minister of tho Interior.Interior Ofllce, February 7, 1893.

044-- lt


Government Lot at Kaluaopalena,Kalihi, Oahu.

On WEDNESDAY, March 15, 1893, at 12

o'clock noon, at tho front entrance of Alii-ola- ni

Hale, will bo sold at Public Auction,Government Building Lot No. 19 at Kalua-opalena, Kalihi, Oahu, containing an areaof one 01-1- acres, a little more or less.

Upset price $200.J. A. KING,

Minister of tho Interior.Interior Offlco, Feb. 13, 1893.

649-- It


Holders of Water Privileges, or thosepaying Water Bates, are hereby notifiedthat the Hours for using water for Irriga-tion purposes are from 0 to 8 o'clock a. m.,and 4 to 6 o'clock p. m., until further notice.

JOHN C. WHITE,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved:G. N. Wilcox,

Minister of the Interior.Honolulu, H. I., Jan. 5, 1893.

017-- tf


AH Brands must, by law, beprior to July 1, 1893, or they will be

forfeited, and can thereafter be appro-priated by any one.

Registration on Oahu shall be made atthe Interior Office.

On the other Islands it shall be done atthe Offices of the several Sheriffs.

G. N. WILCOX.Minister of-th-e Interior.

Interior Office, Dec. 2, 1892. 539-- tf

J. K. KEALO, Esq., has this day beenappointed Commissioner of Fences forKoolaupoko, Island of Oahu, vice JohnAwa resigned. The Board now consists asfollows:


J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Feb. 21, 1893.C5G--

D. KAHAULELIO, Esq., has this daybeen appointed a member of the HoadBoard of the Taxation District of Lahaina,Maul, for the unexpired term mado vacantby the resignation of Geo. Kauhi."

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Feb. 21, 1893.G50-3- t.

R. W. MEYER, Esq., has this day beenappointed Notary Public for the SecondJudicial Circuit of the Hawaiian Islands.

J. A. KING,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Ofllce, Feb. 21, 1893.C50-- 3t

PAY DAYS hereafter, at tho InteriorOffice, will he MONDAYS and WEDNES-DAYS, for General Payment ; and SATUR-DAYS, for Pay Rolls only.

J. A. KING,Minister of tho Interior.

Interior Office, Feb. 17, 1893. 054-- 3t

Mr. Albert Favorito, of ArkansasCity, Kan., wishes to give our readersthe benefit of his experience withcolds. Ho says: "I contracted acold early last spring that sottled onmy lungs, and had hardly recoveredfrom it when I caught another thathung on all mimmor and loft mowith a hacking cough which Ithought I would novor get rid of. Ihad usod Chamberlain's Cough Rem-od- y

somo fourteen yoars ago withmuch success, and concluded to tryit again. Whon I had got throughwith one bottle my cough had loftmo, and I have not sulTorod with acough or cold sinco, I have recom-mended it to others, and all speakwoll of it." B0 cout bottles for soloby all doalora. Benson, Smith & Co.,Atronts or tho Hawaiian Ialauda.


Pledged to neither Seel nor Party,But Established for the. Benefit ofAll.

TUESDAY, FED. 21, 1893.

A lotlor wi3 received from Vionnaby tho China's mail addressed,"Walter M. Gibson, Minister ofForoign Affairs." Whothor or notit offered tho support of tho Tri-pl- o

Alliance to Hawaii wo cannotnow say.

Tho delivery of a speech of twohours by a statesman oighty-thro- o

yoars of ago, and that giving a luciddoscription.of tho contents of a mastorly and ponderous measure, thowork of tho passed octogenarianhimself, is unparalloled. Suroly thisroally sublime spectaelo goos againstcroakings over tho alleged degener-acy of the times. A fair synopsis ofMr. Gladstone's speech, introducinghis Irish homo rulo schomo, will bofound in this issue. Woighing thovarious opinions of parties andpapers on tho measure, whoso divul- -

gonco has boon so oagorly awaited,tho verdict must bo that it oxcoedstho anticipations of tho friends andis a sourco of no little embarrass-ment to tho foes of Irish local


Section 1 of an Act "to preventwanton destruction of gaino," approved on tho loth day of October,188G, roads as follows:

It shall bo unlawful to tako, killor destroy any migratory wild duck,plover, snipe, turnstoue, curlew, orstilt, between tho 1st day of Mayand 1st da' of October; to tako, killor destroy any nativo wild duck,quails, or pheasant botweon tho 1stday of March and the 1st daj' ofSeptember; to tako, kill or destroyany wild hen phoasaut at any time;to tako, kill or destroy any wild dove,wild pigeon, or mud-he- n betweent ho 1st day of February and the. 1stday of Jul; to take, gathor or des-troy tho eggs of any wild duck,mud-he- n, pheasant, dove, pigeon, orquail at any tiuio; to buy, sell, offerfor salo, transport or have in posses-sion any of said game at any timewhen it is unlawful to kill tho same.

Tho penalty for violating tho pro-visions of this law, provided in Sec-

tion 2, is a lino of not less than tondollars, nor moro than fifty dollars;or, in default of payment of suchfine, imprisonment not loss than tendays, nor moro than two months.

An Act passed tho samo session"to license tho carrying of firearmsfor hunting purposes." It providosfor tho licensing for tho term of onoyear, of, any applicant on the pay-ment of a liconso fee of five dollarsto use and carry firearms for hunt-ing purposes on tho island of Oahu,and requires ovory person so liconsedto "give any information which homay have of his own knowledge ofthe law to prevent wanton destruc-tion of game, to tho Marshal of thoKingdom, or, in default thereof," to"forfeit his liconse."

Those laws ought to have provedan effective preventive against thewanton and unreasonable destruc-tion of game. Information has beenfurnished to us, however, whichwould indicate tho prevalence of agreat deal of unlawful killing ofcame. It is assorted that thoro is aconsiderable class of pot-hunti-

sportsmen, whoso members do notscruplo to shoot doves in tho breed-ing season and on breeding grounds.The dove season closes on February1. Native wild duck end pheasantare also said to bo slaughtered inthe close season. This beginss Marchland it bohoovos tho authorities andall licensed hunters to see that suchviolation of law is not repeated thisyear.

Men calling thomsolvos sportsmenhave been known to habitually defytho game law, and have yearly shotboth pheasant and nativo teal dur-

ing their brooding season, alsoin wholosalo slaughter of

plover before tho season had fairlybegun. Tho indiscriminate shoot-

ing of hen pheasants will eventuallybring about a scarcity of tho birds ofthat breed.

Besides tho sportsmanreferred to, thoro is tho poachor,who is making sad depredations onour gamo birds throughout tho year.Wo are told a numbor ofthis class are committing havocamong tho birds in Koolau districtright straight along. Those pooploaro not contented with defying thogamo laws, but shoot without tholiconso required by law.

It is also ovidont that there is con-

siderable iguoranco among both na-

tives and white men throughout thoislands regarding tho gamo laws.Sportsmen should combine to raisoa fuud for hnviug tho laws printedin ditto rout languages and pojtod inconspicuous places at the dilTorontcourt houses on the islands.

If discretion bo used by our sports-men, thoro is no reason why anabundance of game cannot be hadin its soasou. But unless a stop boput to tho indiscriminate shootingof birds out of season and againsttho law, tho time will cortio whunthoBo rs will have provedmoro of a curse than tho mongoose,


Tho Quoor Light of Aunoxatlou to A.Somo Pooplo.


Tho Washington politicians aroalready alarmed nt the somewhatremote prospect of having a momborfrom Hawaii with a name as longas an oxcursion train, and withvowels rolling in it in most disquiot- -

iug maimer uouuiug up in moHouse. Thoy think that n Spoakorin tho future, momentarily uuableto say "whore ho was at," might bounablo to distinguish bowoon Hawaiiand Iowa, and might mako totalwreck of tho noble names of Kalai-aiain- n

and Ukauoioiuieia.Thoro is also tho contingency that

now and thou a nativo Congressmanmight stalk into tho Houso arrayedin nothing but a stovopipo hat, anda flower tucked behind his ear.Such broaches or lack of brooches,as wo might say of decorum wouldupsot tho gravity of Congress. NewYork Journal.

"wasn't in oun PLATronn."

If Governor Pock had his waythose Hawaiians would not bo an-nexed to tho United States untilthat deposed quoou Liliuokalani.and hor daughter, tho Princess Vic-

toria Kawekiu Kaiulani LunaliloKalauinuiahilapalapa, havo nownames. The governor camo to townyesterday and whon interviewedprocooded promptly to placo him-self on record as opposed to tho an-

nexation of suoh royal names. TheUnited States, ho said, could standtho addition of a fow little islandsin tho Pacific ocean, but thosonames, noverl unless somo ingeniousYaukco hammer thorn togothor fora bridge from San Francisco to Ho:nolulu. Ho declared that ho wasopposed to monopolies of all kindsand tho idea of an island quoon cor-nering tho alphabet was preposte-rous. Furthor than this, ho doclarodthat telegraphers and compositorsmust bo protected.

"Supposo this objection could beobviated," tho govornor was asked,"would you then favor annexation?"

"Woll, I don't know,'.' ho replied."You seo it was'nt in our platformin Wisconsin and wo didu't discussit." Chicago Herald.


Thoro is a G. A. It. post in Hono-lulu that has been trjung'toboss thoSandwich Islands this long timo,and when tho whole truth about thedethronement of tho Queen comesout it is long odds that tho G. A. R.post will bo shown to havo engineer-ed tho entire conspiracy. St. LouisRepublic.


Views of Country Newspapers onHawaiian Annexation.

Tho San Joso Horald thinks it seesan ovidont intention on the part oftho politicians to force the annexa-tion policy upon tho Government.The Santa Cruz Surf thinks'thequestion will bo hard to solve. TheRecord of tho samo city is inclinedio accept uio responsioiiiiy on cueground that it is practically a choicebotweon annexation and an Englishprotectorate.

Tho Petaluma Courier thinks itwould bo tho wiser policy to unitewith othor nations in guaranteeingan independent republican govern-ment to tho islands. The StocktonMail, which is, in many respects, anexponent of Democratic opinion inthis State, beholds the AmericanGovernment in the role of a fomon-to- r

of revolutions in a potty king-dom. Tho Mail wants an investi-gating committee appointed to ex-

amine into recent proceedings.The Stockton Independent takes a

moral view of tho question anddoubts tho ability of the UnitedStates to assimilate such a largonumber of people who aro So incom-patible with American institutions.

Tho Santa 'Cruz Sentinel thinksthat tho Amorican policy should be"hands off."

Its New Name.

Editor Bulletin:Mr. E. C. Macfarlane, according

to tho Advortisor, in alleged inter-views, "roasts everything and every-body with tho exception of PresidentDole." The "groat paper" neverhaving "told a lie," like GeneralGeo. Washington, does it not thinkthat Mr. Macfarlane should be allow-ed tho samo privilege? Tho Adver-tiser draws too often from a luridimagination and views groat princi-ples through colored glasses. Withit all it is entitled to a uamo , latelyhoard on tho street, "Tho GroatGall." Syntax.

Fob. 21, 1893.

Tho Sampson brothers, potters, atEdgorton, Wis., destroyed severalhundred dollars' worth of statuaryon which they had boon working fortho World's Fair, because a revivalistfrom California told thorn thoy couldnot bo Christians and coutinuo tomold such statuos.

Mrs. Talmago, wife of Rov. Dr. T.Do Witt Talmngo, and hor daugh-ters, Miss Daisy Taluiago and Mrs.Donnan, and Mr. Donuan and thochildren, wore poisonod latoly atRichmond, Va., bj' oating creampuffs bought from a confoctionor.Thoy aro now all out of dangor.

The Congregational Ministers' As-

sociation, comprising nearly twohundrod ministers in Boston andvicinity, has passed resolutions,which woro sent to President Harri-so- u,

earnestly imploring him to usehis inlluenco with the AmericanGovernment and foroign nations sothat tho exportation of intoxicatingliquors and firearms to tho islandsin tho Pacific may bo prevented.

Boatnor, of tho Houso JudiciaryCommittee, in his report says hofinds nothing whntevor in tho Con-stitution which authorizes Congressto intorforo with, regulato or pro-hibit tho employment of Pinkortouor any othor doleotivo by persons orcorporations, except so far as theymay I hi engaged in lutorstnte Com-merce. The trouble at Homestead,he says, was boyond Federal or Congrebsioual jurisdiction,


L. Johnson Shirt Oo. vs. Tho Poo-

plo ex rol.

(Summon with Notice.)

The SmrmtAKEit, attorney for plaintiff,corner King and Alakca streets.

HANn-MK-Do- Skirt, defendant's nttor-no- y

for all tho stores.


lrou are hereby summoned and com-manded to appear, all othor businossoxcusos, notwithstanding tuat, A. li.Johnson makes tho bost and cheap-est liuo of all kinds of Shirts nt hisfactory, cornor King and AlnkoaBtroot in tho City of Honolulu, Coun-ty of Good Govornmout, State ofOahu, botweon tho hours of 8 a. m.and 5 p. m., on and nftor tho Gth dayof Ootobor, 1892, and thou nud thoroshow causo why you should not bopunished for not patronizing tholonfj established shirtmakor and totostify to tho bost of your kuowlodgoas to tho quality and mnko of John-son's Shirts with all tho latest andbost improvomonts mado to ordor,and for salo by tho above plaintiff intho abovo said promises. Shouldyou fail to put in an appoaranco intho abovo snicl placo 3011 will boadjudged guilty of contempt, for-feit a good shirt and bo sentencedfor lifo oating Poi.

A. L. JOHNSON,Plaintiff's Attorney, cornor King and

Alnkoa stroots.N. B. Orders rocoived by mail.

Prove all things, and hold fast tothat which is good.

No shyster collectors need appear.

Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of thoBloomfiold, Iowa, Farmer, says: Ican recommend Chamborlain'sCoughItemody to all sufferers with coldsand croup. I havo usod it in myfamily for tho past .two years andhave found it tho best I over usedfor tho purposo for which it is in-tended. 50 cent bottles for salo byall dealers. Benson, Smith and Co.,Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.

Tho article of special conveniencein every household and officethroughout tho islands, and tho mostaccoptablo to send to friends abroad

because it deals only with factsand figuros is a copy of tho Ha-waiian Annual for 1893. Price, 75cents each, or 85 cents mailed abroad.

Subscribe for the Daily Bulletin, 60cents per month.


For children a mediA Cough cine should be abso-

lutely reliable. Aand Croup mother must be able toMedicine. pin her faith to it as to

her Bible. It mustcontain nothing violent, uncertain,or dangerous. It must be standardin material and manufacture. Itmust be plain and simple to admin-ister; easy and pleasant to take.The child must like it. It must beprompt in action,-- giving immedi-ate relief, as childrens' troublescome quick, grow fast, and endfatally or otherwise in a very shorttime. It must not only relieve quickbut bring them around quick, aschildren chafe and fret and spoiltheir constitutions under long con-finement. It must do its work inmoderate doses. A large quantityof medicine in & child is not desira-ble. It must not interfere with thechild's spirits, appetite or generalhealth. These things suit old aswell as young folks, and make

German Syrup the favoritefamilv medicine.


THE PREMISESoccupied by

LATE,1. P, &$

Kanoa on King stre 'lhas a Larco Yard ai 10 TTnTTTM3J3House is very convenient. For termsapply to

li53-2- JOHN F. C'OLRURN.


s&P OX

UNDERSIGNED DKSIRES TOTHE thq. public that he is preparedto Propagate any kind of Tree, Shrub orHush by Grafting, llndding, Vining, orother methods. No payments will bo re-

quired until they are well rooted, whichwill take from six weeks to six months, ac-cording to its genus. Now is the time forladies to make presents whether exotics ornatives, to her friends. I will also under-take to cradicato all insects that prey uponor suck tho sap from trees and other vege-tables, which can bo expelled from 50 to HO

hours; no cure no pay.V The Coileo and Orango family a

specialty. AddressW. I...

G53-l- Bulletin Oflh-o- .

JustReceivedA FRESH LOT OF





For Sale in Quantities to Suit


'- -. V.

Hawaiian HariwarG Co., L'a

Saturday, Feb. IS, 1893.

It's a remarkable fact thatthere are men who wouldrather fight than colne outwinner in a newspaper prizecontest. And the ugly featurein the whole business is theencouragement these bellige-

rents receive from outsiders.For the past year or two NewOrleans has been the rendev-ou- z

for "pugs" who wanted tocontest in the arena. Honoluluhas been singularly free fromany such objectionable sport.During the past month theseislands have been in a state offerment over a little affairwhich took place about themiddle of January, butwehavenot seen an instance wheremen directly interested, oreffected by the change,thought it necessary to spoileach others faces. Outsiderswho scarcely know whatbrought about the change be-lieve that their first duty, afterimbibing liquid with a keenedge, is to stand side by sideat the bar and make them-selves hoarse singing, "YankeeDoodle" and "Rule Britannia"and then get mad because thetwo airs don t harmonize. Ifthe matter would end with therival singers getting real madno serious results would follow,but' when a lot of bleachers inthe outer circle sic the Britishbull dog on the North Ameri-can cayuse some body's sureto get kicked. Unfortunatelyit seldom happens to be thebleacher in the outer circle.

The respective crews of theGarnet and Boston will remem-ber the little episode in Chiliwhere Boatswain's Mate Rig-gi- n

lost his life. The rowstarted not unlike the rumpuswhich took place here on Friday and it required privatesubscriptions from Mr. Rig-gin- 's

friends to pay for theremoval of his body to hisformer home. Besides, hisdeath caused serious inter-national complications. Justnow the Hawaiians object toany new features appearingon the political horizon, nor arethe people prepared to contri-bute toward the funeral ex-

penses of foreigners who comedown here and try to palm off"Rule Britannia," "YankeeDoodle" and "Sweet Violets"as late musical compositions.

Last week we mentionedthe new glassware in red andwhite; they, are going out oithe store with marvelousrapidity. We have nevershown any thing half so beauti-ful for the money. There aremore of them, perhaps adozensets left. If you want to addto the beauty of your tableservice take one home withyou.

The southerly rain windsare over for the present andthe roads and lawns are dry-ing up; another fortnight, if careis not taken, the lawns willturn yellow with dry rot. Ourrubber hose is the best andour reels the most substantialin the city. If you want yourgrounds to look like velvetcarpet the means of making itso are at your command. Youcan have our assistance in theway of reel, hose or a lawnmower for the asking.

For trimming the grass atthe walks you will find a pairof sheep shears the most con-

venient thing a lawn mowerwill not do this part of thework. The shears are convenient too, for trimming thegrass around the rose bushes.

The "Delusion" mouse trapis built on the same principleis the famous French rat trap;and are quite as effectual forthe smaller game. The otherday the buyer of a large com-mission house came in thestore to buy a trap on an or-der. When we were showingthem to him we found that amouse had been caught in thetrap without its having beenset for him. They're econo-mical in the matter of bait.

Hawaiian Hardware Co., L'dOpposite BprevkuU' lilock,

IFort Street.

Bruoo & A. J. Oartwrlght.

To Let or Lease

At Prices to Suit the Times.

isro. l.THAT VERY

Rcsidenco at pro-sc- ut

occupied by JamesLove as a homostcad. sltu- -ato on King street opposite tho residenceof Dr. Q. P. Androws. Houso containsLargo Parlor, Dining-roo- 3 Iirgo Bed-rooms, Kitchen, etc. Roomy Stables andServant's Quartern In rear; only 10 min-utes' walk to tho Post OfUou. Possessiongiven in March, 18!.l. 693--tf


Two-stor- y JtricK Jiuiiuuuwith Pleasant Grounds "formerly tho rosldonco of tho late H. J.Hart, situato on Nuuanu Avonuo bolowSchool streot. Terms easy. C23-- tf

NOTE Before seeking or closing bar-gains elsowhorc, it will pay you to scan ourcolumn, and to at once consult tho under-signed at their olllce.

KKT-W-o keep property in llrst-ela- s con-dition. Our terms aro moderate, und aslandlords wo will always bo found reason-able in our 'dealings.


Apply in each caso to


"Cartwright Building," Merchant street.54!)-- tf

To Lot or Loaso.


ANIOKI.Y hear town.Enquire at Bulletin

011-- tf

Olllco. (ffi'fyiupi--.



nished Rooms, cen-trally located. Inquire ntBulletin Ofllce. 353-- tf


HOUSE ON KINAU,Pensacola street.

Inquire ofi'i. It. UlSiMMlY.

C07-- tf Hawaiian Hardware Co.'s store.

TO i,ET.

HOUSE OF FIVErooms, on Mugazine imstreet, with Bathroom, pat-

ent W. O.. etc. Commandsone of tho finest views in Honolulu. Applyto J.JU, V1VAU,


NICE COTTAGE ONA Beretania street, near MSPiikoi street, containingParlor, 2 Bedrooms. Bathroom, Diningroom, Pantry and Kitchen,ocrvanvs room, uarnage Mouse, statue, etc,Tramcais pass every :u minutes. Apply atuuicc ui was iupur. 458-- tf


COTTAGE AT NO.THE King street, latelyoccupied by Mr. M. S. Levy, (Si jit&tj7Sncontaining 3 Bedrooms, Pur- -1 TAi..I.. lflLi J ..!iui, .LMimig-ruu- jiiicnuii uim jMiuiroom ;Stablo in yard; Artesian Water laid on.For particulars and terms, apply to

ABU. FERNANDEZ,043-- tf at E. O. Hall & Sons'.

IEox SstleOn Account of Departure.

A TRACT OF LAND, NEARMoiliili and Beretania

street, of about 8 Acres, favor-ably located for division intoBuildine Lots: at present cultivated for vegetables, rico and bananas;water from two Artesian Wells. Applv to

"M. A.,'1P. O. Box 442, Honolulu.

WLY BUI LTANE contain-ing

24x30,fife 1) 'li IMrttoL4 Rooms, Kitchen and

Bathroom, on a Lot 50 feetfrontaee on Bcckwith streot ncarPunahou:5 minutes' walk from the tramcars; Arte-sian Water. Apply to

"M. A.,"019-l- w P. O. Box 442, Honolulu.

The following choice hit of word paintingoccurs in Hawthorne's Marble Faun:

" Women bo they of what uurtlilr runkthoy may, however gifted with intolleot orgenius, or eiuioweuwjuiuu'iul iK'imty, navealways some little handiwork ready to 1111

tho tiny gap of every vacant moment. Aneedle is familiar to tho lingers of them all.A queen, no doubt, plies it on occasion; thowoman poet can use it us adroitly as horpen; tho woman's eye, that has discovereda now star, turns from its glory to sond thopolished little instrument gleaming alongthe hem of her keruhiof, or to darn a casualfruy in her dress. And thoy have greatlythe advantage of us In this respect.- - Thoslender thread of silk or cotton keeps themunited with tho small, familiar, gentle

life, tho continnallyoperuting In-

fluences of which do so much for the healthof tho ohuraeter, and carry oil' what wouldotherwise be a dangorous accumulation ofiiioillid sunslblllty. A vast deal of humansympathy runs along this electric line,stretching from thu tlironn to tho wickerchair of the humblest seamstress, andkeeping high and low in u species oi com-munion with their kindred beings.'.'

Housewives, while you ply tno needle,hove yon over reflected .on the vicissitudesof life? Boo to It that your husbands pro-vide for tho future 'welfare of their familiesby lit once applying for a Poliov in thetiQWTA RLE LIFE ASSUHA.N'CU SO-

CIETY of the United States. No morusuitable gift could bo otl'ercd to you.


General Agents for-th- u Hawaiian IslandsEilititablo Life Assurunce Society of theUnited States.

tb 1LANIWA1"

A FIRST.OLABB FAMILY BATHINGRetort at Wuiklkl. Tranifura puns

the gate. Special arrangements van beniudu for Family Picnics und EveningUuthliiK Purtles. W8--U

- mM&uw AlMiv Mk. JlU.'-- '

PaciftcIailS.S.Co.--AND TH- E-

Occidental and Oriental S, S, Co.


Steamers of tho abovo Companies willcall nt Honolulu on tholr way to tho abovoports on or about tho following dates:

Stmr "OAEMO" April 11, 1803Stmr "BELaifJ".. . ...... May 11, 1893Stmr "CHINA" .TulyO, 181)3

Stmr "OC10ANIO" Aug.'7, 18! 13

Stmr "CHINA" Sept. 18, 18!)3Stmr "OOKAN1C" Oot. 10, 1893Stmr "OHINA" Nov. 27, 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Deo. 25, 1893Stmr "CHINA" Fob. 5, 1891Stmr "OOKANIO" March 5, 18!MStmr "CHINA" April 10, 1891


Steamers of tho abovo Companies will"call at Honolulu on their way from Hong-kong and Yokohama to tho abovo port onor about tho following dates:

Stmr "OHINA" April 0, 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" May 7, 1893Stmr "GAELIC" May 29, 1893Stmr "CITY OF PEKING"

JunoO, 1893Stmr "OHINA" Jnnu 19, 1893Stmr "BELGIC" Juno 27, 1893Stmr "PERU" Jul v 7, 1893Stmr "OOKANIO" July 17, 1893Stmr ''CITY OF RIO DE JANEIRO"

July2o, 1893Stmr "GAELIC" Aug. 0, 1893Stmr "CITY OF PEKING"

Aug.' 15,-18-

Stmr "OCEANIC" Sept. 25, 1893Stmr "CHINA" Nov. 0, 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Dce.4, 1893Stmr "CITY OF PEKING"

Jan. 2. 1894Stmr "OCEANIC" Feb. 12, 1891Stmr "CHINA"- March 2(1, 1891Stmr "GAELIC" May 14, 1891

Round Trip TicketsTO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $350.

CSf For Freight and Passage apply to


2G7tf Agents.

Golden Rule Bazaar

"W. F. REYNOLDS, Prop.

Just Received Ex "Australia"

Lawn Tennis Backets, $3.50 to $3." " Nets, ftM court.

" Poles.Tops, 5c. to 10c.Croquet Sets, $1.50 to $12.Base Balls, 10c. to $1.60.Base Ball Bats, 10c. to 90c.Masks, $1 to $4.Catcher's Gloves, 50c. to $7J50.


Children's Picture Books

Pocket Knives & Scissors,FULL AND COMPLETE LINK OF

Royal Irish Liaen Stationery

Fnll Bound Blank BooksAt San Francisco Prices,

Blank Books & Office Supplies


Sewing lactones

The Nippon Yusen Koisha's Al Steamer


Will bo due at this port on or about thu28th Inst, and will leave for


On SATURDAY, March 4th,tXf For information regarding Freight

and Passage, apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd.,General Agent Nippon Yusen Kaisha.

0lu-3- w


TOWER'SFishferand Oil Clothing


THEO. H. DAVIES & CO.014-- tf



Store To Let !

Fixtures For Sale !

tf Inijiilru of

OHAS. J. FISHEL,021.1m t'or, Fort & HoUl U,


Page 3: f&tll - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · Bell 414 TELEPHONES Mutual 414 COAL At McKiiiley Prices! Departure Bay Coal AT--12 JL T03ST1 Delivered to any part of Honolulu FREE


Time Table



a.m. a.m; r.M. r.M.

l,eavo Honolulu... 0:15 8:15 1:45 4:35tArrlvo IIonoultull.7:20 0:57 2:57 5:35tLcavoHonoulIull..7:80 10:43 3:43 5:42fArrlvo Honolulu. ,8:35 11:55 4:55 0:50t

Pearl City Local.

Lcavo Honolulu 5:105 ....Arrlvo Pearl City. 6:48$ ....Lcavo Pearl Oity..U:55Arrlvo Honolulu. 7:30

Bundays cxcoptcd. t Saturdays only.S Saturdays oxceptod.

Tidoo, Sun and Moon.


L.B..S . SDAY. SE"& M

P.S H E H g Hi; . ; -- .i. o. P.r p, p. - p


p.m. a.m.lri.mMon.riios.wca.Tliurs.Ft I.Nut.

" 8llll.

0 27 0 01 10 218 20 00 0 30 1 00 0 27 0 01 11 228 50, 7 10 1 00 3 30 0 20 0 02....

10 50 9 00 3 00 0 00 IB 25 0 02 0 2011 30 10 10' 3 2G 7 00 024 0 03 1 30U 50.10 50, 4 60 8 00 0 24 0 03 2 30

.... '12 00 0 00' 8 201 0 231 0 0T 3 37

First Quarter ot tho moon on tho 23d nt 31i.42m. a. in.

Tiino Wlllstlo blows at 111. 28m. 34s. p.m OtHonolulu time, which Is the samp as 12h. 0m.0s. p.m. of Greenwich time.


TUESDAY, FEB. 21, 1893.

OA.K.I3SrE3 NEWS.Arrivals.

Tufsday, Feb. 21.Am bk Matilda, Svcnson, 20 das from

Port BlakolyAm bk Hespcr, Sodorgren, 01 days from

.Now castle, NSWAm" whaling bark Win BaylissStmr Kilauea Hou from Han ail

Departures.Tuesday, Feb. 21.

Am tern Queen for Ban FranciscoStmr Wuialcalo for Lahaina and Hania--

kuaStmr W G Hall for Maui and HawaiiStmr Leliua for HamakuaStmr Olaudino for Maui at 5 p mStmr Mikahala for KauaiStmr Iwalani for Kauai

Vessels LeavingStmr Pelo for Makaweli

Cargoes from Island Forts.Kilauea Hou 1892 bags sugar.


For San Francisco por tern Queen, Feb21 Peter Overmore.

For Mani and Hawaii per stmr W OHall, Feb. 21 W Q Waite, W Mueller, Mrand Mrs Blake, Mrs Hoy and daughter, DrH G McGrew, Col 8 Norris, Kclubi and 40deck.

For Yokohama and Hongkong, per P M8 8 China, Feb 20 F M Swanzy and wife,Mrs G S Morgan, C T Kumberbach, CMuller, D H Woodbury, and 43 Chinese insteerage, and 144 passengers in transit.

Vessels in Fort.H I J M 8 Kon-g- o, Tashiro, from San

FrancbeoUSPS Mohican from San FranciscoUBS Boston. Wiltse. from HiioU8S Alliance, Whiting, from SamoailllMB uarnet from AlcapulcoAm bk Ceylon, Calhoun, from San Fran- -


Am schr Aloha, Dabel, from San Fran-cisco

Br schr Tacora, Thorton, fromLiverpool

Gor bk H Hackfeld, Hilgerloh, from Liver-pool.

Am ship Eclipse, Peterson, from Nanaimo

Foreign Vessels Expected.U S 8 Ranger, from San FranciscoU S 8 Adams, from Ban FranciscoAm bktnc W H Dimond, Nelson, from San

FranciscoAm schr Lyman D Foster, Dryer,

from Newcastle, N S WAm schr Puritan, Warner, from

Nowt4istle, NSWAm bk O D Bryant, Jucobson, from San

Francisco, duo Feb 10thAm schr Alice Cooke, Penhallow,

from Newcastle, NSWHaw bk R P Rithet, Morrison, from San

FraniiseoMis bkt Morning Star from Micronesia,

duo May 26Br ship Honolulu from Newcastle, NSWAm Hclir Oceania Vance to Hiio

Shipping Notes.The steamer Hawaii will leave for Maui

and ports on Hamakua on Thursday..Tho bark Matilda, Bveuson master,

which arrived to-d- 20 days from PortBlakely, is lying out in the stream, Shehas a cargo of lumber consigned to Allen& Robinson.

The tern Queen, Thornagel master, Isexpected to leave this afternoon for thoGolden Gate with 7309 bags sugar, shippedby W. G. Irwin ii Co. Domestic value ofoxport, 27,142.

Tho American bark Hcsper, Capt Soder-gre- n,

arrived this morning, about 01 daysfrom Newcastle, N. S. W. Sho brought ucargo of 1182 tons of coal and 6000 feet ofhardwood lumber consigned to the OceanicSteamship Co.

Born.INMAN In Honolulu, February 11), to the

wife of A. V. Iniuuu, n sou.


JONK8 In Lexington, Ky Vebruarv 13,lb'J.1. Mrs. Lnov M. Jones, belovedmother of Mrs. YY. T. Monsnrrnt, agedoi years.

uosepu v. uory , uif wnmn,ltuiaun, j.ain ,was troubled with rheumatism amitriod a number of difloroiit remedies,ma says none ol them sooinocl to tlohim any good, but finally ho gothold of one that spoodily cured him.Ho was much pleased with it, andfult sum that othonj similarly ulllict-o- il

would liko to know what thoroinedy was that uu rod him. Ho statesfor tho benefit of tlio public that itis called Chamberlain's Pain Balm.For sale by all dealers. Buubou,Smith & Co., Agents for the Huwai-la- u



will bo Washington'sbirthday.

Boat racos afternoon at1:80 o'clock.

Frosh frozou oystors at tho BoavorSaloon

Hon. and Mrs. W. G. Irwin arooxpoctod homo on tho S. S. Austra-lia.

Tho S. S. Australia may bo oxpoct-o- d

from San Francisco at 9 o'clockmorning.

By ordor of Vico-Prosido- nt Damontho Qovornmont schools of Honoluluwill bo closed

At tho California Fruit Markotaro to bo found Japanoso corn strawhats, and cork and patont ventilatorpith hats.

Captain Potorson secured bondsfor Mnto Brown of tho wrookod barkLady Lampson. Brown was roloasodon Saturday.

The military tactics of tho U. S.Boston's mon in the now drill onPalaco Square attract a goodly num-ber of people.

Invitations have boon issued foran "at homo" on board of tho U. S.Flagship Mohican from 2 to 5o'clock afternoon.

A Japanoso concorn on Alakoastreet bears tho sign, "ImplymontContractor," which implios that thoJapanoso are contracting bad spoils.

Tho annual mooting of tho Amer-ican Belief Fund, for the oloction ofofficers, will bo hold at tho Chamberof Commerce at 10 a.m.

H. B. M. S. Garnet and H. I. J. M.S. Kon-g- o will participate in tho re-gatta and swimming racos to com-mence at 1:30 o'clockafternoon.

Prof. F. Lombard, A. B., will con-tinue giving instruction in privateand in classes; French, Spanish,aud Latin. Residence, Alakoa street,near Y. M. C. A.

Archer and Trask's bid of $2050for building the now school housoand teacher s cottage at Hanamaulu,Kauai, has been accepted by thoBoard of Education.

Miss M. Krous, a reporter of thoChicago Inter-Ocea- n, is on her wayto Honolulu. Sho met with an acci-dent, which will not, howoer, deterher from her determination to visittho Paradise of tho Pacific.

Yesterday was the last day ofmourning for tho latoHayes or tho United States. Thoflags on the different war vesselswore placed at half-ma- st aud half-hour- ly

guns were fired during thoday.

A party of native hula dancers arobeing instructed in tho old stj'lo ofhula dancing at Waikiki. It is ru-mored that there is a movement onfoot to take the trippers of tho lightfantastic to Sau Francisco to giveexhibitions there.

Four more Chinamen wore repri-manded and discharged this morningfor letting off firecrackers outsidethe time limitod for such. PoliceMagistrate Fostor has promised thonext batch a fiue, as ho thinks thoyhave had enough New Year's.

The San Francisco Call containeda report of an interview with Rev.H. H. Gowen, formerly of this city,now in British Columbia. Mr. Gow-en- 's

remarks wore concise and inevery particular true. Ho said thatnine-tent- of tho Hawaiian peoplewere against annexation.

W. A. Kerr was ordered to give abond of $50 in the District Court to-day, to commit no offenso againstthe persons or property of Mr. andMrs. V. R. Johnson for one yearfrom date. Mrs. Johnson complain-ed that Korr annoyed her considera-bly and several times called hernames.

Ah Lam was arrested last nightfor tho theft of a pair of boots, theSroporty of a Japanese living on

street. This morning intho District Court he gave as an ex-cuse that he was making tho Jap aNew Year's call. He was given six-ty days on the reef for his nocturnaldepredation.

A model of tho Hawaiian shipJohn Ena is on exhibition at thoMerchant's Exchange in San Francisco. It is nearly seven feet long,and is perfect even to tho smallestdetails. A full description of thoJohn Ena is published in tho SanFrancisco Commercial. News, whichsays sho is about tho handsomestsailing vessel in tho world.

Anniversary of the Death of theBishop of Olba.

Fob. 22d, being tho an-niversary of tho death of his Lord-ship tho Right Reverend Bishop ofOlba, a solemn pontifical mass willbe celebrated at tho Catholic Cathe-dral of Honolulu, at 9 a.m., for theroposo of his soul. Low masses at0 aud 7 a.m. for tho same. All cor-dially invited. R. I. P.


R. W. Meyer has boon appointedNotary Public for tho Second Judi-cial Circuit.

J. K. Koalo has boon appointedCommissioner of Fences for Koolau- -poko, his colleagues boing Win. H.Lowell and Win. Henry.

D. Kahaulelio has boon appointeda moinber of tho Road Board ofLahaina.

To arrivo, per S. S. Australia, to-

morrow, Wednesday, 22d February,for the California Fruit Markot, onico: Celery, cauliflower, fresh oys-

ters, shell mid in tins; salmon, Humi-

dor, crabs, etc. Also, our usual sup-ply of apples, pears, dried fruits,nuts and raisins, dates, etc; Califor-nia figs, in boxes; prunes, potatoesand onions. All fresh and sound;prices to suit tho timo.

P, G. Oamaiunos,Cor. King and Alakoa streets.

Mutual Telopboiio U78.


Verdict of EJootmont Opium Prison-er- a


In tho case of Talula L. Haysol-do- n

vs. Wahinoaoa, ojoctmout, amixed jury at 1:15 p. m. to-da- y

a verdict for tho dofondaut,throo dissenting. Plaintiff boughtland on Quoon street sold undor fore-closure of mortgagp a fow years ago.It appeared in tlio trial that a por-tion of tho land was ospocially re-served from tho mortgogo. What isloft is, however, worth moro thantho purchaso prico. Ashford forplaintiff; Nawahi for defendant.

James I. Dowsott vs. Maukoala otal., ojoctmont, was begun trial thisaftornoon by a mkod jury boforoJudge Whiting. C. Brown for plain-tiff; Ashford for defendants.


Judge Whiting this aftornoon filoda decision in tho caso of Tho Quoonvs. Ah Foo and Ng Chin, opium un-lawfully in possession. Tho casocamo up on appeal from tho DistrictCourt, whoro a motion for dischargowas ovor-rulo- d which was based ontho ploa that tho opium law asamended in 1890, under which thodofondauts woro convicted, was

by tho opium liconso lawpassod tho latter part of tho sessionof 1892.

Tho decision recites tho caso insubstance as follows: Tho Act ofJan. 13, 1893, provides that it shall bo-co-

law from and after tho dato ofits approval in so far as it providesfor the importation and bonding ofopium, but for tho purposes of thoissue of such licenses and tho saleand uso of opium thereunder thisAct shall not tako effect until tho1st day of April, 1893. There aroalso provisions for tho punishmentof unlawful possession of opiumBut tho laws undor which de-fendants woro convicted are speci-ally repealed, and there is no savingclause in tho law which exceptsponding prosecutions of offensescommitted undor such repealedlaws.

This opium liconso law has siucobeen repealed by Act of tho Provi-sional Government. This Act pro-vides for tho punishment of offousosof unlawful possession of opium,and also specially provides that"nothing in this Act shall bo construed to affect any prosecutionspending at the date of the approvalof this Act."

"I am of opinion," says tho Court,"that this saving clause can only ap-ply to such prosecutions ponding ascould bo prosecuted undor tho opiumact of the Legislature of 1892. Ifthe defendants cannot bo hold andprosocutod under tho act of 1892this last act, No. 16 of tho Pro-visional Government's Gouncils, can-not revive tho prosecution and thesaving clauso cannot affect tho de-fendants."

There is some doubt undor Soc.40 of tho Act of 1892, but Soc. 38specially repealing tho law undorwhich defendants wore convicted isclear and definite and leaves nodoubt. The Court is of opinionthat it cannot bo construed into asaving clauso.

"Tho liberty of the person underthe law is sacred until restrained bylegal processes, and all laws for suchrestraint should bo clear and definiteas to their meaning aud intent.'.'Tho Court citos authority to showthat no prosecution or convictionunder a repealed law can be sus-tained. The motion of defendantsis sustained and tho defendantsmay bo discharged. Attorney-Gener- al

Smith for tho prosecution;Hartwoll and Peterson for tho de-fendants.

This decision will roleaso a num-ber of persons in custody for opiumin possession.


A Native Committed for StealingThem.

Kailipaka was tried hi tho DistrictCourt this morning on a chargo oflarceny of two-gol- watches, valuedat $125, tho property of Hock Chow,a Chinese watchmaker on Kingstreet. Chow stated that on Friday,Fob. 3rd, tho had loft tho store for afew minutes in chargo of a smallboy aud noticed defendant standingby tho door. When ho returned thoboy called his attention to tho lossof two watches. Defendant hadthen disappeared around Nuuanustreet, and into a lane near the Empire saloon, followed by witness.Defendant had latos returned andasked Chow whether ho ownod awatch ho displayed, which, of course,was not tho ono.

Another Chinose jeweler statedthat dofondaut had come to himwith a watch which ho wanted fixed.Another time ho wantod to know theprico of a silver watch which ho had.Tho watches vtoro displayed inCourt.

A Rosa for dofondaut asked fordischargo, which motiou boing do-

med, Kailipaka was committed fortrinl to tho Circuit Court of thoFirst Circuit. Bail was fixed at $250.


Tho Flag Mado by tho Mother ofGeneral Phil Sheridan.

Tho first articlo nccoptod for ex-

hibition iu tho woman's building oftho "World's Fair nt (Jhicnuo was ournational Hag. This Hag lias a his-

tory. It is tho work of GonoralI'liil Slioridun's motltor, who is over8(5 years old, and roprosonts a woalthof toil ami patriotism on tlio part ofthat noblo uiothor.

It was prosontod a short timo ayoto Shoridan's faorito Grand Armypost in Ohio by his lit tlo grand-daughter. Tho poit wanted lohao the flag exhibited at Chicago,whoro it woul be placed in a posi-tion of honor.

The Hug is entirely of bilk, eightfoot long and of proportionatewidth. Tlio Held is or blue bilk withthe stars d upon itin white silk, while the stripes areformed of broad silken ribbons ofred and white which are joined to-

gether with embroidery until thoyreach the necessary breadth.


Evory Chinaman With OhickonsHasn't Stolon Thorn.

Ono of tho patrol guards arrostoda Chinaman carrying a baskot ofchickons at 5 o'clock this morning.Tho Chinaman stated at tho Stationthat ho was a chicken peddler andhad boon such for a long timo past.John was locked up, however, andappeared in tho District Court at9:30 o'clock. Thoro being no ovi-don-

against tho Chinaman ho waspromptly discharged.

Somo people who livo in tho vicin-ity of tho Chinaman's ranch statedthat thoy kuow tho man well andoften saw him taking his fowls tomarkot.

Tlio guard made a mistake thistimo. Such things sometimes

tho Govornmont in liabilityfor damago3.


Root Boor on draught at Bouson,Smith & Co.'s.

Aftor shaving uso Cucumbor SkinTonic. Benson, Smith & Co., Agents.

Nativo Fans and Curios in groatvariety at tho "Elito Ico Cream Par-lors."

Sunburn roliovod at ouco by Cu-cumbor Tonic. Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents.

Dr. McLennan, 131 Fort street,above Hotel. Chronic and Sugicalcases. Mutual Tolophono 082.

Mechanics' Homo, 59 and 61 Hotelstreet. Lodging by day, wook ormonth 25c. and 50c. a night; $1aud $1.25 a week.

A halo old man, Mr. Jas. Wilson,of Aliens Springs, 111., who is overGO yoars of ago, says: "I have in mytime triod a great many medicines,somo of excellent quality; but novorbefore did I find any that would socompletely do all that is claimed forit as Chamberlain's Colic, Choleraaud Diarrhoea Remedy. It is trulya wonderful medicine.'' For salo byall dealers. Bonson, Smith & Co.,Agents for tho Hawaiian Islands.


ANNUAL MEETING FORTHE of Olllceri will be held WED-NESDAY. Feb. 22d, ut 10 o'clock a. m., atthe Chamber of Commerce. A full attend-ance is desired.

W. T. ALLEN,650--lt

SOMETHING NEWOn Consignment Lx h. 8. "China"

OHE OR CORN STRAWHuts, stjlish. AKu a large assort-

ment of Cork and Patont Ventilator PithHat, all shapes and sizes. For pale at the

CAL. FRUIT MARKET,5G-- 3t Cor. King & AlaUea sts.


KAUAI POSTAL SAVINGS BANKON Book No. 4534. Finder please notifythe Bum ftin Office. O.'iS-'- lt


HAWAIIAN BREDTHREE Can be seen at work 9.hetw cell tlio Kaineliamelia Schoolsand the Masonic Temnlo am il.iv.

Apply to E. B. TilOMAS,C20-l- m


OR TWO NICELYONE Rooms, nottoo fur from tow n, by a Res-pectable Younc Man. Reference given. Please sond application andprice 10 "j.'. lf. iiox u." uki-- si



inn of the Daily Bum etin Puiuisn- -ino Compaky, (L'n), will be held at theUui.w-.ti- Oilico on THURSDAY, Feb.'ii, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m.

H. E. MoTNTYIlE,, Secretary.

Honolulu, Fob. 20, 1BU3. W5-S- t


GAUGE L. C.Smith Hammcrless iirShotgun in Alorderwith

2 Cases and Cleaning Im- -hljltftWh4-- fill fcrkm wilnl n

also, 200 Sipiire's Hand-loade- d ShellsW particulars, inquire of

W. M. CUNNINGHAM,lU4-- tf Anchor baloon.


T AWN M OWE K8 TO LET I1Y THEO- -i day, week or month' Keiiairinc.Gleaning aud Sharpening done; DuplicatePieces funiiHhid whonrcduircd. Mai hineqcalled for and returned. Also, RepairingGarden Hose in fact, can do anythingnecessary around tlio liouu . or stable.Hint; up Mutual Telophonc 112.

681-t- f N. F. HUROESS.


RAM'H MUKIIOW, MINOTMaine, left home seven years

ago; was then 20 years of age; r feet 10inches in height; dufk hair and ejos; tirstjoint of thumb on left hand koiic. If hewill communicate with tin undersigned liewill liear of Hoiiietliiui; to his advantage,

0. II. NORTON.(119-l- Honolulu.

Mulberry TreesFive Different Varieties

ron bam: uy

Lewis J. Levey,Ur5 lw Cor. Tort & Queen sts.

Veterinary . Infirmary,kino 8Tui:i;t.

W. T. MONSARRAT,Veterinary : Surgeon..

Qovoruuient Vutoriiinry burgeon. Inspectorof bloik, Port of Honolulu.

Excellent Accommodation for Patients. NoRisk In Throwing Horses.

Improved Veterinary Operating Table,


tm Orders for 1'huitiition uud Hauehhtock will rioeUu prompt uttcntiuu.

Mutual 103 TELEPHONES Bell 00.

'imik w'KKKiA'mji.bKnN-a- T ooTT.X minis of luteruatiiiK Hcudiuu Mutter.Inlands, It; mailed to (urvlgu oouutrlea,4&.

R. S. Moons, Supt. W. H. Tatlob, Pros.

Kisdon Iron Works

San Franoisoo, - Cal.


Improved Sugar Machinery


Pumping Maohinery

For Irrigating and Water Works jmri)ososof any capacity.

Wrought Iron & Steel Water Pipe & Pluming



HEINE SAFETY BOILER,Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.

For fllrl.lipr linrtfimlnra nn.1 nnin- -loguos, address

Risdon. Iron "Works,San Francisco, California.

Bull 4H - TELEPHONES Mutual 414

COALAt McEinley Prices!

Departure Bay Coal

AT- -

12 .A. TOUST!Delivered to any part of Honolulufkei:.


tfF-- King up No. 414 on Both 1



dealeks in

WOOD and COAL.also

White and Black Sand

Which ve will sell at tho Very LowestMarket Kates.

Bell 414 TELEPHONE Mutual 414

ft L, MINER, D. Y. S,i

Veterinary Surgeon, Physician and



ojfiue nouns:

8 to 10 a. m.: 1:30 to 3:30 p. m.

Ctf" HrsiiiKNCK: With'Dr. F. L. Miner,Berutania stroct.

All Calls Will Receive Prompt Attention.-- . .. .. .

Honolulu Carriage Co.

BOTH TEL. No. 335.

Btand: Corner Fort & Merchant Sts.

Hacks can be had at any hour of the dayup to 12 o'clock at night, on terms

to suit the times.

Backs Hos, 33, 45, 62, 63, 67, 70, 73, 97, 146


Has opened an of lieu for tranmicting allLmsimay in connection with

Trusts, Purchase and Sale of Bonds,Stock and Real Estate,

And is prepared to Audit Accounts.

Oillce: No. 42 Merchant street, offlce latelyoccupied hy tho lato Jona. Austin.

P. O. Box 55.


Veterinary Burgeon and Dealer in Horses,eoflmr lleretunia and Punchbowl uts.

pat" Mutual Melephone 377. mi-t- f


STJRTVEYOie..(I.utovUtli the Government Survey.)

P. O. llox 10 i. Mutual Tele. 110. Olllcuover llishop's lliuik.



P. O. llui 17.

The Dully Jltilletin (tdtliti-nt- l by

eurricri or 60 cent m tnimli.

Pacific Hardware Co, L'dOummixis Bloolc, Fort Street.


Leather Belting Lace Leather

of vkhy supnuion quality, an invoice of


to complete ouh line of sizes.

Sand Paper, Emery Cloth Sacks,

Criarit No.il Fullers, Iia,rlo.t Swivels,Turner's Snips and Shears,

a.nd Tools, Garden Trowels,

Egg Bitters, Cork Screws, Openers,'

Scrub Brashes, Faints, Putty, Etc., Etc.


Jlenthol Inhalerpott

Catarrh, Hay Fever, AsthmaHead Golds, Sore Throat,


Is endorsed by eminent physicians, leading medical worksand thousands of grateful users.It contains nothing but crystalsof pure menthol; is neat, clean,convenient to carry, pleasant touse; costs so cents and lastsone year. It is guaranteed togive satisfaction in one week'shonest trial or money refunded.Headache and Facial Neuralgiayield like magic to the soothingand antiseptic properties of in-haled Menthol, and once used itbecomes an pocket-piec- e.

A trial will convince you.

H. D. Cnnhman,Three Rivers, Bllcb.CnsnuAN's MENTnoL Balm is a perfect anti-

septic ointment, It cures where others falland In all cases is quieter to relieve pain andInflammation. Try It tor Wounds, Chilblains,Piles. Chapped Hands, Silt Blienra and allskin diseases. 26 cents per box.

109 Fort



SESr is

at than









Tried aMenthol







110110103113., H. I.

now to Clothing

has ever been offered iu this




Commencing January 3, 1893.


At Greatly Reduced Prices CASH!

Prices Marked in Plain Figures

Theto Urder perfect fit guaranteed and made of GradeGoods Lower PricesCity.





offered obtain







Curtains in White, Cream and Colored!Al half the former eoxt.

"Vel-ve- t & Smyrna, RugsIn nil Mrcr natly re.luted

Woolen Goods in Plain, Striped & Plaids, Below Cost!

KM-- In (nil u oiler IiumeiiM) lliiri;liu iu nil Departments, -

IU' DreuBUklng Under the Mjuuaement ol MISS K. QL&1UL j)





Page 4: f&tll - University of Hawaii · 2015-05-30 · Bell 414 TELEPHONES Mutual 414 COAL At McKiiiley Prices! Departure Bay Coal AT--12 JL T03ST1 Delivered to any part of Honolulu FREE


ran. 4





r'-v- -












Steel & Iron RangesBpgWBjgm5BSS5u9?mmjBBMBB



Agate "Ware


Crockery, Rubber Hose, Lift and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, "Water and Soil Pipes.





Fresh California Roll


Goods Received by Every

All faithfully attended to.and packed with care.





IT:Lx:t-u.re- s


Large Variety,SILVER-PLATED- ;.

Butter and Island Batter


Steamer from San Francisco

Satisfnction guaranteed. Island Orders

Bet. Fort and Alakea Streets.

P. O. BOX 372.

3c GO-- ,

STREET. P. 0. Box 297.

--P. O. BOX 145.


Groceries and Provisions.ON IOE By each steamer of the O. S. S. Co. from California Fresh California Roll

Butter, Frozen Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc.

A complete line of Crosse & Blackwell's and J. T. Morton's Canned and Bottled Goodsalways on hand.

Just received a Fresh Lino of German Pates nnd Potted Meats and Bottled PreservedFruits, Lewis & Co.'s Mnltcso Brand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, Now BreakfastCereals, Cream Oat Flakes and Cream Wheat Flakes, Sicily Lomons, California Rivor-sid- o

Oranges, Oregon Burbank Potatoes, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed.

02.- -



O-rooerie- s, Provisions and Feed.New Goods Receivod by Evory Packet from the Eastern States and Euroio.


All Ordors faithfully attended to and Goods delivered to any part of tlio City free.

Island Orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Bast Oornor Fort & Kins Streets,


JxE.A..L EST.ATE BROKERFire Insurance Placed. Collections Attended To.



i-- V. , -


Miter's Steamsliip Co.


W. 0. "Wiuiitn, Prcs. 8. R. Rose, See.Oatt. J. A. Kino, Port Hupt.

Stmr. KINATJ,CLARKE, Comniandor,

Will lcavo Honolulu nt 2 r. m.. touching atLahatna, Mnnlnea Ray ntul Jlnkona tliosumo day; Mahukona, Kawaihnonnd Lnu--panoeuoo tua louowing any, arriving ntHilo at midnlirht.


Prldnv Feb. 21Tuesday Mnr. 7Friday. Mnr. 17

Returning leaves HUo, touching ntsame day; Kawaihnc a. m.;

10 a. m.; Makcna 4 i. m.; MnalacaUny Or. m.; Lnhnlnn 8 i m. tlio followingdny; nrriving nt Honolulu 0 a. m. Wednes-days and Saturdays.


Wednesday Fob. 22Saturday Mnr. 4Wednesday Mar. 15Saturday. Mnr. 25

tW No Freight will bo received nfter12 noon on dny of Bailing.

Stmr. CLAUDINE,DAVIES, Commander,

Will lcavo Honolulu every Tnosdnv at 5p. m., touching at Kahului, Huclo, Hunn,Hiunon and kipahulu.

Returning will arrive nt Honolulu everySunday morning.

BF No Freight will bo received nfter4 p. m. on day of filing.

Consignees must bo nt the landings torccoivo their Freight, as wo will not holdourselves responsible nfter such Freighthas been landed.

While the Company will use duo dili-gence in handling Live Stock, we declineto assume any responsibility in caie of theloss of same.

Tlio Company will not be responsible forMoney or Jewelry unless placed in the careof Pursers.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Australian Mail Service.

For San Francisco :

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu from Sydney and Auck-land on or about

March. 9th,And will leave for tho above port withMails and Passengers on or about that date.

For Sydney and Auckland:The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"MONOWAI"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company willbe due at Honolulu, from San Francisco,on or about

March 10th,And will have prompt despatch withMails and Pnssengers for the above ports.

The undersigned arc now prepared to issue



For further narticulars rcirardint?Freight or Passage apply to

WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Ltd.,

oi General Agents.

Oceanic Steamship Co.

Time Table.LOCAL LINE.

S. S. AUSTRALIA.Arrive Honolulu Leave Honolulu

from 8. F. for S. F.

Feb. 22 Mnr. 1

Mnr. 22 Mnr. 2!)Apr. 1!) Apr. 20

THROUGH LINE.From San Francisco From Sydney for

for Sydney. San Francisco.

Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.


SEED COCOANUTSA Small Lot of tho Noted


Just Received from Samoa, alsoa lot of


These Nuts are curofiillv Hnlnctndfor nlantinu and aru lust .' tosprout. A photograph of tho Dwarf Cocon-n- ut

may bo seen nt the store of

H. E. McINTYRE & BRO.G22-2- w


JiastPer H. 8. "MONOWAI"

3,000Ripley Queen Pineapples Plants


Lewis J. L,evey,OI7.w (,'nr, Fort it 0,ui'Uii (its,

Continued from 1st Pane.)

it would bo a gront anomaly if thoIrish mbnibors woro continually tointorvono in matters purely British,thoy added to tho paragraph con-corni-

this question tlio Words,"excepting and until Parliamentshall dotormino tho coming financiallegislation."

Mr. Gladstono noxt gavo what hocalled tho hoynoto of tho financialpropositions of tho bill. Tho rovo-uuo- s

loviod in Ireland should botlincA linlrtllrriur in Tf.ilntwl. Mini inw.vu ..v,..b...(S lv null. ll.l, uiilir in,tho revenue from- goods consumedin Ireland. Tho authority and thowhole control over tho rates of ex-cise and post and t olograph will boabsolutely in tho hands of Irish ofli-cor- s.

As to tho portion of thoso tobo paid to tho Imperial treasury, howas bound to say that, ho thoughtthoro was very littlo fear from trust-ing the patriotism and liberality oftho Irish Legislature. Stinginesswas never a vico of tho Irish people,and, if thoy looked forward verymuch, ho was afraid Ireland's suffer-ing would bo duo to gonorous ex-

travagance rathor than meanness.Ho give figures showing results ofbringing tho Irish charges up to.5,1(JO,000, and itoms to Ireland'scredit amounting to 5,000,000.Thus sluv will havo a cloar surplus. of1 r tr rt ii i.ii i iAi)uv,uuu wiin wnicn 10 siarc on normission.

Tho speech closed with tho follow-ing magnificont pororation:

"I will now release tho Housefrom the painful consideration ofthe details which it has pursuedwith unexampled patience. I havotried to convoy tho fundamen-tal conception and spirit of thoscheme. Although thoro may bofriendly and unfriendly criticismsI hopo I shall not give offenso whonI express my deep conviction that aplan closely resombling this mayshortly becomo a law. Thoro is 0110risk, and that is that if the contro-versy is unduly and unwarrantodlyprolonged tho cry for

in Irish affairs may become ademand for the repeal of tho unionaim tlio of a dualsupremacy .m thoso islands. I hopothat tho ship of state may bo steor-e- d

from that rock. Ireland oversinco 1880, if not before, but un-equivocally and nationally sinco, hasabandoned tho wholo argumentthat, perhaps, she is ontitlod tomake on tho subject of union. Shohas asked you to save for yourselvesevery imperial power. Sho has con-sented to accept tho Houso of Com-mons and tlio universal supremacyof tho empire. In return sho hasasked j'ou onh tho management ofher own affairs, which reason andjustice, combined with lovo of herpeople, I hopo, will soon move thisnation to say soon shall bo awardedher. If this is to bo tho ond of thomatter I think dispassionate menwould say the sooner it is ended thobettor; the sooner wo stamp tho sealwhich will efface all former animosi-ties and open an era of peace andgood will tho bettor.

"But this is a matter which humanvision is hardly equal to ponotrato.It would bo misory for mo if I hadforegone or omitted in tho closingyears of my life any measures possi-ble for mo to take toward upholdingand promoting tlio cause which Ibelieve to bo tho cause, not of oneparty or of a nation, but of all par-ties and all nations. To these na-tions, with lasting opportunities un-der a living union for powor andhappiness, Jto these nations I say:Lot me entreat you if it bo with1113' last breath I would so entreatyou lot tho dead bury tho dead, andcast behind you former recollectionsof bygone evils; cherish, lovo andsustain one another through all thovicissitudes of human affairs in thotimes that aro to conio." ProlongedLiberal cheors.

When tho cheering had died outSir Edward Clarke, Attomoy-Gou-or- al

in Salisbury's administration,congratulated Gladstone on thomagnificont physical effort which liehad just made, and proceeded to en-large on tho proposals of tho bill.Ho dwelt with particular severityupon tho absence of any provisionswhich would roinovo tho objectionsof tho people of Ulster to homo ruleand then wont on to declare thattho bill as outlined would not satis-fy oven tho nationalists.

Tho members trooped out to tliolobbies to discuss Gladstone's speech.Conservatives and both factions ofhomo rulors, as well as GladstonoLiberals, considered tlio moasurooutlined as superior to tho bill of1880.

Among tho distinguished auditorsin tho Houso wero the Prince of"Wales, tho Duke of York and thoDuke of Took. On tho tablo laytho Premier's familiar lozongo pot,an item of all his long speeches.Tlio presence of a lamp to aid hisfailing sight added pathos to thoscono. Gladstono started offin slow, measured tones, but hisvoice, though fine at tho start, weak-ened manifestly. Ho recovered hisvoice somewhat during tho porora-tion, which was remarkably lino andimpressive.

JUstico Harlan, of tho UnitedStates Supremo Court, in conversa-tion with Gladstone's secretary, de-clared that tlio onliro speech wasmatchless and that tho perorationwas tho most beautiful in pathos hohad ovor hoard.

Mr. Albort Favorite, of ArkansasCR3', Kan., wihlios to givoour readerstho benefit of his oxporionce withcolds. Ho says: "I contracted ncold oarly last spring that settled onmy lunu. and had hardly recoveredfrom it Wlien 1 caught another thathung on all summer and loft mowith a hacking cough which Ithought 1 would never got rid of. Ihad used Cliamborlain's Cough Jom-cd- y

some fourteen years ago withmuch success, and concluded to tryit again. Wlieu I had got throughwith 0110 bottle my cough had loftmo, and 1 have not hufferod with acough or cold since. 1 have rccom-moiido- d

it to others, and all nponkwell of it." r() cent bottles for saleby all dealers. Honson, Smith A: Co.,AgontH for the Hawaiian Islands.

rpilK WKKKLVJUUJ.'bK'nN-- 28 COL-J- .tilling of Interesting Reading Matter,

Inlands, Hj mnllod to furulf.ii countries, 5.

PaciflcIailS.S.Co.AND TH- E-

Occidental and Oriental S. S. Co,


Steamers of tho abovo Companies willcall at Honolulu on their way to tho abovoports on or about tho following dates:

fitmr "GAELIC" April H, 1893Stmr "UELGIC" .. . .May 11 18MStmr "OH INA" July n isaiStmr "OCEA NIC" Aug. 7 18!):iStmr ''CHINA" Bopt.18 18J3Stmr "OCEANIC" Oct. 10 1893Stmr "CHINA" Nov. 27, 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Doc. 25 1893Btmr "CHINA"' Fob. 6 1801Stmr "OCEANIC" March G 1S91Stmr "CHINA" April 10 1891


Steamers of the abovo Companies willcall at Honolulu on their wny from Hong-kong nnd Yokohnmn to the nbovo port onor about tho following dates:

Stmr "CHINA" Anril 0. 1893Btmr "OCEANIC" May 7 1893Stmr "GAELIC" May 29, 1803Stmr "CITY OF PEKING". .;.. . .

Juno 0, 1893Stmr "CHINA" Juno 19 1893Btmr "UELGIC" June 27, 1893Stmr "PERU" July 7 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Juiv 17 1893Stmr "OITYOFRIODE JANEIRO"


1893Stmr "GAELIC" Aug. 0, 1893Stmr "CITY OF PEKING" ... ....

Aug. 15,1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Sept. 2j, 1893Stmr "CHINA" Nov. 0, 1893Stmr "OCEANIC" Dec. 4, 1893Stmr "CITY OF PEKING"

Jan. 2, 1894Stmr "OCEANIC" Feb. 12. 1894Stmr "CHINA" March 20, 1891Stmr "GAELIC" May 14, 1891

Bound Trip TicketsTO YOKOHAMA AND RETURN $300.

fiP For Freight and Passage apply to


207 tf Agents.

Goto m UCLMiaiko7nni11


Just Received Ex "Australia"

Lawn Tennis Rackets, $3.50 to $6." " Nets, full court.

Poles.Tops, fc. to 10c.Croquet Sets, $1.50 to $12.Base Baljs, 10c. to $1.50.Base Ball Bats, 10c. to 90c.Masks, $1 to $4.Catcher's Gloves, 50c. to $7.50.


Children's Picture Books

Pocket Knives & Scissors,KUM. AKI COMl'J.r.Ti: LINE OF

lioyal Irish Linen Stationery

Fall Bound Blank Books

At San Francisco Prices,

Blank Books & Office Supplies


Sewing Machines

The Nippon Yusen Kaisha's Al Steamer


Will bo duo nt this port on or about the28th inst. and will leave for


On SATURDAY, March 4th,$P For information regarding Freight

nnd Passage, apply to

WW. G. IRWIN & CO., L'd.,Gencrnl Agent Nippon Yusen ICnlsha.

01'J-3- v


TOWER'SFishbrand Oil Clothing


014-- tf


Store To Let !

Fixtures For Sale !

Inquire of

OHAS. J. FISHEL,021.1m Cor. Fort Ss Hotel U.

Hll TC-











Merchant Street,


-AJsr5r,i Vv




Printing Office,

Honolulu, H. I.







Etc., HILO.,

In Fact Anything in Printing Line!


Island, annum,

Foreign, annum,


Etc, Etc.,



liWK1j j aiite. w o

4. & -- && L.'jssiSat, . ...,L;ik m, ..I.jIH .e n

&Bi , v !5&fcy

