ftebrim betterfor on stockmarket very.attractivs west-end ... · lflf activity. onstockmarket due

lflf ACTIVITY . ON STOCK MARKET Due Largeiy to Crop of Rumors df Cojn'blnation. BONDS QUIET AND ACTIVE ilroad Slocks Vovcd Witfclj, But Sircngth of Aiarkzl Was Not fit AU V.'cl! nistrii- ufcd. (Bj issoantcC Pres*.) W V'i]!K, Oct Hl.<Sreat spccula- <¦. to-day. i.'.n ii was centered tq a cxlonl in thn Transcontinenta' s, led ny S:. ivni. v !ij- U rose S9J and closed 1 poim below the !><>!. appearance ol tbc marke. suRgested ays ni' last s irXrii! dear t<> the mem- if ihe professional speculators, when >. -.ii don ... .. ... w railroad' system new transcontinental .combiita».on .::¦¦¦¦¦ ... i. .. ¦¦ ssivc day, and ... ;. ¦. i-;.! .! in ii),- CTCdulOUS IllOod' acUvJty ol to'-day*s market was ly du" t-. ihe crop <.i' rumors revivod usterday's various rctoorts ol the isod phni for consoliaaUng Uie coh- ,: rCoi liern Pacific. Greal Northern Burlington in orse proprietary com- As a matter of fact, the oflicial tlniers this morning of Ui accuracy '- published r< poi an ihe prt mut :-. ,:, Uie ri .. of Great Northi rn :-., d and 1 tl ra Pacific preCcrred. si ntiment. 'fhe sea ral accord of ¦-?.!¦.'. rumors iu allowlng Uial the of Xorthi rn Pacific itself was not ir ¦¦ :.!¦ for ln Uie plan. the alli g. .1 ::¦ bj :... H .. n ::.;¦ n sl is i sertt J. was :i..: .i participarit i:i the plan. seem d :.> open up a vista of renewed cbntenUbm As the day progressed Oiere was a re¬ vival of old rumoir ilini 1-tiion Pacilic was to acrjulrc St. Paul in exclianfce for new bonds. ln the presence of these pleasant old associations, speculative en- iliusinrm seemed to take fire. Tho buv- iiifr of St. Paul was nuite i:i Uie ol<i prodi- cil fashion of last year. and Oilon Paci¬ fic Southern Pacific and Alchison were consplcuous followers. The extreme ad¬ vance in Union Pacific was 'J-'K.. and In Southern Pacific -1-. Rock ls:.-m<i was- un 4 polnts at one timo mi lichi dealings. Missouri Pacific by no means kepl pace with ihx othcr transconUnental railroads. :n;i the stocks as a whole were Inggards. Soutbwesterns were affeeted by poor earnings for Uie iirsl week in October. but Uie activity or strcr«th -¦: Uie market was bv no means ireneral or v, ii dlstributefi. The coalers and Uie steel stocks seemed to bc IltUe affeeted and moved narowly. Expcctation of a gobd bank statement waa treneral. Tho railroad bond market was cpuot and acUve. and showed an increasing strength. Total sales. par value. $3,540.- i- n) i'niti d Stafrs ''' upon ad\ anced Y* 't: ..' ,,'.'¦'' ¦.-..!. .s of stocks to-day wcrc MOXET AND EXCITANGE.Moncr on .-.'i closecT st.-a.lv a1 3@3K oer cent.: last loar) ::l. per cent- prime mercantile -.-iin'r 4'i/,(gi5 iinr cent Sterling exchange sllc-htiv easier with actual business ln bankers' bills at 54.m-/ v,\ for demand. na.r at s-l [email protected] for sixty days: postea rates s-1 P '.'¦ '¦<' >." and S.S7: commercial bills." $4.S.W.«f4.S35J. Bar silver, iu.1*; Mexican dollaVs. 4:.',. Government bonds flrm: Stato bonds inacUve: railroad bonds strong. Total bnnk clearings for week ended October 10th. S2.-04.13C7.4!W: [njcrease. .._»> per cent. Outside Xew York. .-;,-!(..<«'-.' .. Increase, 13.4 per cent. 5TOCK QUOTATIONS. rmnlFbo,'. l.v Mow<r«. srolT & STr.lXrtTKI.LO'W, McniberaXew Yorl; stock Kxcliancr. Olion. llillli. Low. O105-. f,MriT,,n"oTloi,Vo. 101K 102K 101% I'.r.ltt.i.ovo.tOhio pW. .... -. -"- " ^^ii!!^;^:^::::::: & ^ ^ g riiriT.peskc.tOlilo.»-8 **** «¦''. *p- Cliicnro &. Alton. i' Cilrnco 4- Aiton I'T'l. ,-__;-- ,;.-. *. * ClitoncoGreM Western. 2-'« . A ^h* <^-« C'litcnt-o i.real IV.-t'll pM . J-H riilrnco (ii IVi'M'n pl«l. B . - 4* c.il.A st. I.ni.n pW. "--^ WSi '-'S «Mi !-\*NornVwMt.'.'.'.'.'.'."."¦-"' IVS^ !*i« 1954 JBPJ4 (I,ln.fco lt. 1. (t I'hcKIc... 14...', 141 HOX M> cliiiiiet.'l'wi". .<I inn...... . :' (.'liii-nco'lorm..\;'I ran".. pfu . JJ Col.Soutl.m. 13*- 1S4 1SU, 18%, Cul Bonthern Int t>M. .'.< ..'^ r,s .'-'> (ol.Soutluin 2d ]>fO. -4 "*T-n 24 :<U f.-i T.clnTrnrc & T.u.l.'w.n. H* 16*1. -*«. i$$ I)*1..I_i.k.A Western... . I23H 224 _?«.}. -*I**"V' IH-iivrrA-iloGranU.. 44*. 45X 41s!. 4SX Wmvcr*. Mo CJrs-ndepfd.. --!- .>."¦!-'. -"-^i ErK.:. 42 4Wh 413. BrlelfttpT,.. "O1. .¦>"- .¦> ICrfeM trfd. .;;. G;est>:orth.*rn pfd. tt'J., -H*1-* m^ H.-.ili.-Cnal. ... "" Qoclch.? Valley. ..;:.¦« 5S>- ""4 Ho-attnc Velley pld. -..- ._- llHnoi.Cem._J. 115 146 J44-» loivn Centrai. -. lf.. s('rnliiilii''l. i l.nl;e Kiio ,t ,,Vc4.-*ni. .- l.o;ilRvllU..'_Xa,l.vlllo.... 10^. Mg >«« «J1** M«_«ti.pt iteiitTfir.:S!« *::.5 3;'.i? *:;L iMexicnnCeiltrnl. -.".'» -3X ""'* r'.."i Mrslrsn National. __y Mlnnciip .- St. l.ouls. .-.- -_. ^.y ~ N-f__--__rf.Kwu-fcTe-_.pft-. .;'-,. 5"' Jls .J, KeY._fer-.e2- Centrai. »«-» .... .,;;.* '.-v r*_rfo.__:AVesteni.*... .**"» 'NoiTotl" A- Wr-t-Mii i-i'I..;. ,_:,.. Sot-OirrnPnclfle pf<l. I Oiitnilo _fc Western. r,.n.c.--:.'.i.:. Ife'nn-vivr.nm. Rvndtlii......... Reafl.-V-d pf'l. El.I".-A-San: Fr. '¦'- . t±tg££:28E: @ gS s. <;i I ftoulbwesteni. ..'?*'._ 2n 2S". Ri";',. souru*v_5i<..ru ;,fa. :>*.'._ .",-.*., .*¦¦¦"*.:. Ki'ponl . l-Wi li7 ¦5S**» i_;'v.... .f,i. i«i is.ij; i*-g BonIn*-ri.I'»c.'n"..:.-.. s"« 39!- ||W S.til i,«-> >i '¦*.«¦ Iwrry. S"'". *":"*- ..;*-» -t...:.:.T,; itr.ilwuypM....: ¦"¦W *.¦.*.. ?r" -l,.us .Vfn-.lflc..". 4»<_i Jl 40 Ti.l.-do.St. I.. .V West. ToI'edo'.St. I.. A:\Vcst. pf.t. Ciilonl'nclflc. Pnlonl'aciflc pfd. «*niift_li. . Wnbnslipfd. W3ie*1liie.*-.'lr»k-'R-rt*. l-** ls Wli-eJ.fc-_Kr-c 2d pf<l. ..¦. Wlsconsln Centrnl. "U". *¦{< Wiscoiism Centrnl pfd.... 41»_i 4.J. EXl-lli:.!- COMl'AXIES. S4K SSJi lli-i 144*. -1U 4(l«{ .<"-<;_ 76*4 5_lf ..!._, tmit^S-tftte.. . ...* 1M Wells-Cw"*!*. M15"CKI.I-ANi:Oi:S. An.rrfsM.Ml ^ ;'.*']:. ....... «: < « ^ ffi| LliisetdOll.-. 4S L-.u-rcdOil Pf-i. ..... ;;** ,:;..; « Atinco.idnMi.iJl.KCo. SG-, S| SH« t^ !v;,.-,:n||r.,..iP.-u.--r....... _^4 *--- ;. ":. Internntlonnl Pnperyfd... <?'- '-* -< ^!. li tcn.ntloiinl l'orrer...... j**"?. Lr.ri<"<:<-<;R*<. rnSi!-encr.:::::::::::: »s ^' ss -r SortiiAinerlcnn. "' »^°r.".".^:::.^ »^ >5 fb ^ Prrcsed Steel Cbt. __[ ¦.¦".' *-Su "¦':!,. Tennessee Coal -fclron. 61 '" '*' n '^"V* Union Vac. . ""* -.'-.. Uiiioll Kas |.f.l.¦¦. .* .'" Ttiilort^lP.'"-'1-enliier. 1-fi ---. ,":*. _Z_f United State. l_ea.Ju-r.prd -"_". *,' *';.-, l!nfte<lSt:itfi niiln.rr. 15)4 J-'1** _-<iited_tnie_ Uul>l>er ofd. ,;."" ".- Westernutilou . "!>' ;'.. \_ f]1' Kep. lron&.Steei. l':* ¦. - (., .;,H It.),. Iiou AStc.-t i«ld. "|. 0l |;»5. ("ill 1..IKI.IV. '-'¦'. ..¦-_: Cni¦ l"..u:.<irv nM. Kl ¦-.- 4_',; /' Int. .-.10:111. J*uir.i>. ¦¦.''._ ''¦ "s-"H lm. Steam l-ump t»«. **** -"G Sloss-Slietl .-. A lr,,:,. .- ;'."*. Sloss-^jl.ell. K. & Iron pfd. ,s Nnllonnl Salt. .;uI_ SutlonnlSaltpfd. <¦' *-- ..:; t1 U-S. Steel...... 4r;--. 435. "* 4MH 0. S. Steel pfd. vs. »l g,? 'j:'"''- Amei-icanCoitotiOil. 30<a 3f,:i ¦* s2'"* Va. nfolilia lien. '* ¦"". \ ;..-i.:.inliii:i L'licni pfd. 11S EOXDS T "= ri. T."f:n. rep.. 3CS lin.-icii-.« Vsl 4-<'_ 10b V S _.., Kefini.coui*. -.(¦', J..-X Uni_ed.4's...lC15_ US Jt*«, r-*_.lOT'i Mexican Cen 4's... F4 l > :". coupon. ..20R Mexican <"'ii lst i" *.' llSiH ¦.. - ii ¦¦* *.?.u Minh&St Louis t'_ 10:.'^, !>. jn.t3H M U" .. i-i" .i .'s, I,--.112 MK&T2d'_. SlJs ¦>.coupon.*;. J'Y Ceuu_.I 1st's...l0">._ V I-;,-. .,.._i>toie_,....n7l. N V Cen cen »£-?«'.1C9 l S5'a Sronp..ii.i07X NJ Cer. eeneral _'s.3S0*_ A1clii.ou_rencrai4'_ !0S"__ KorDieru Pac. 4's.;.104i_, AlclilsonndJusU's.. 9_ Norttaernl'aclCcS't. "2?£ Kal-4-Ol.io .'...lOi -." A kVconsol 4'!....:C2X UaltiOliioSJi's**" '"o';, Beadiue jjeneral 4's SO Dalt .v Oliioeonv ""*:?:¦'. m LA I >l cousol3's.ll5"_ ChiihJ:i Sonth'n'.d'a '.f.T**_ Cen of Ha 5's. con ''.ii -lt I... Sl" 4's... i. & S W lft's. Cen .f Ua Istln.... 7i st l. i s W JJ's. ,S_ c .ii of _M l:i. 26 San An fc.Al'ass... 85}_ ClKS J_ 01iIo4i_'s.. 3H7 Soutlicrn l'ac 4's.... 92!. ClilciAJtS.S's. ?4-V Soutliern llya's.ll*"<4 li ii .V -..> :ie»-4*., 98 Tex &l'wcitic :.sl's..H9 CM'fcSt'l'gen-l's, !10_. T. St L_.*.V4'5. slS' C.t X ..¦.'< c.n-ol 7'.-. ¦.:.'.*'U Union Pacific 4's...103}_ C 11 I >*. P 4'.-.10BS lHion l'm- .".mv 4's 107Vj CCCfcStr.gcn?'_ 10! \V:.b:i_"u _sfs.<1<u,. Chicago Term 4's... <-;;*^, Wabash "d's.Ili ColomdoSouthn4'. >'.-U Wabash Bel. Ii. M-Vi DenverfcKioG 4"s..lO'_iK WestShore 4's.1122. Eiic prior llen Vs. 9S Wheel A 1. l.iie 4's. hvi. genernl4's. 6S Wlsconsln Cen 4's.'. SbJ. l*t>V____ienCitist's 103 MiOI's . Ul (."ou 'lol< 4's. 653* 3AZ.TnHOT_E STOCK MARKET. BALTIJirORE. MD., Oct H..Seabi common, 'S<:^r'i2i\";'i: do. oreferred, ,"ii OOTi. Seaboard 4's, S-VfcCcfS^U. RICHMOND STOCK MARKET. Richmond. ya.. Oct. 11, 1!»01. SAL.ES. Virginia-Carolina CliemicaJ preferred.20 shares af l-<»-: 10 shares .-u V.m'..: _.'! shares at l_.ii'-: L'O shares :;i i"_<>'-'.. Virffinia Centurles-^-5100 at :'iV.*.; $1.S00 at 0G<_. Richmonfi Trust aiul Safe Dci.iosit Co.. RKAIi ES'A'ATE AT PRIVATE SAIiE To Investors We are authorized to offer for sale the most desirable IZ^Testi Grace S>1bi.'»<a©'S C;o2?s'2.^s]^¦, 3L*ot; in the city. The property is most attractiyely located in the very best residence section, and offers an opportunity for improvement such as is rarely given to investors. The let has a front of SO FEEi, and extends back to a paved alley in the rear. Handsome residences built here would be eagerly taked. O- L-. & W. L.-. DENdpM; 82. E. MAIN STREET. the . . - ! THE lKSTiTUTSO?: FQH THE | PEOPLE. Ccptvsits in sotis of Savings Bank j e? Richmond, j cne dollar 1117 EAST MAIN STREET, allowed. Ke*t to tictel Lexinrjton. } LOANS MADE ON RU1. ESTATE. Opp.^ite « Richmond Dispatch." I N'EGOIMBLE rAPES DlSCGUNTED. R. A. PATURSOX, Pre3. L. Z. MORRIS, Ylcc-Pres. JAMES M. BALL, Cosiiiar. & W, Braooh & Oo. BANKERS and BRGKERS. Members ol New Vork Cotlsn L'xchsiijc aad Clilcsjo Fiosrd of Iradc | New York Corrcspondenls: LADENBURG. THALMANN & CO, PRINCE & WHITfcLY, j l.LhMAN BROS. 1 t new york; Private Wires to-* BO:sTO.\.aad { CHICAGO John L Williams & Sons, BANKERS -AND DEALERS IN- iNVESTIKENT SECURITIES. COEXKR TESTH ATCD AtAIIC STS. FATALlTiES !N PULASKI Fireman Killed ia Resr-Ead Collisioa.A Boy Killed By Thrcsliing Machine. (Spocla.' DIspatcli t-j Tbe Time* ) DUBL1X, va., October 11..A rcar- end collision caused by an engine crash- ing- Into a freight train that was stand¬ ing ori the main track at iliis place Hiis morning. caused the death of Fireman Frank Lavindexv of the colliding engine. His home was ih Pulaski and he was married in September. The wreck as to property is not a sericus cne, and thc track was clearcd In a few hours. Fred Klrg, a young man, 22 years of age, was icstaritly killed this afternoon on the farm of H. L. Wysor. of thls county, by tho ovrturning; of a threshlng ma¬ chine. Rcftiblican Candidate. (Speclal Dispatch to The Times.) ROANOKE, VA.. October 11..R. H. An- gol, prcsident of the Central Manufactur¬ lng Company, a Republican. but one of the most prominent and popular citizens of the city, has announeed his candidacy for thc House of Delegates, ln opposition tn John "Wood. tha De:coo.ra.tlc ncvmin*c» fteBriM .AND. Members of' New York Stock Exchange. Private Wire to New York 10 shares at 142; STATE SECURITIES. Bld. Asked. North Carolina 4's. C. J910.. 105 North Carolina 6 s. C. 1919.. 13D Va.'.Ts. new. C. and R.. 1032.. 96 96% Va. Centurics. 2-3. C. and R... 90VJ 90% CITY SECURITIES. Rich. City 5"s. R.. 1920-1022.. lis Rieh. City 4's. R.. 1920-1930.. 100 RAIROAD BONDS. Ga. Pac: lst O's, C, 1922.120 Ga.. Soull.ern anci Fla., 1:.4.'>.. 111 G. and A. R. R. Con. .Vs. 107 N. and XV. Ry. 4's, .11)00. 10114 ... Pet. Class.A iVs. R. C 1920.. Tn; Pet. Class B O's. R. C. 1920.. 125 Rich. anci Meck. lst 4's. UMiS.. S2 Seaboard Bond Certiilcates... Sl% S2% W. N. C. lst O'S, C. 1914- l-> RAILROAD STOCKS. Atlantic Coast L. of CoriniiOO 155 1C0 Norfolk and Western com:. 100 50 K. and P. and Ii., F. and P. Connection .70 130 Seaboard Air Line pfd'.100 50% 50% BANK A..D TRUST CO. STOCKS. American National .100 110 Citv .25 3u'i ... First National .100 175 Metropolitan .2-". :. 25 Pet. Sav. and 1ns. Co-20 55 05 Plariters National .100 305 Rich. T. ano S. Dep. Co:..100 142 142% Savings Bank Of Rich.25 45 State Bank of Va.100 100 Southern Trust Co.100 108 Uniori Bank of Rich.-.50 10j Virginia Trust Co .100 12S ... INS. COMPANIES. Va. Fire and Marine .25 3S ... Virginia State .25 20 2S .UISCELLANEOUS. Amer. Tob. Co. pfd, S's..:.10O 140 150 Oid Dominion S. S. Co.100 120 130 S. I. and S. Co. 1st bonds tis. 100 .S. I. and S. Co. Con. 4%'s- 75 ... S.-S. S. an.l I. Co. pfd. 7's. .100 .< . 82 Va.-Car. Chem. pfd. S's.. .100 120% 121 Va.-Car. Chem. com.WO 59 59-;* GRAIN AND COTTON EXCHANGE. WHEAT. _ Longberry.74 ®'j* Mixed . 74 ®7o Shortberry ."4 «i?75 No. 2 red . 75 Va. bag lots . 00 ©74 CORN. White fVa.) bag lots. 05% No. 2 white. 05% No. 3 white . 0" No. 2 mixed . 031*. No. 2 mixed . 03 No. 3 mixed . 03 OATS. No. 2 mixed . 40 No. 3 mixed . S9% No. 2 white . 41% Winter seed . 50 @54 RYE . "> CrfUO PSAKTjT MAP.KET3. NORFOLK, VA.. Oct. 11..PEANUTS. Dull; fancy, 2:*ie.; strictly prime. 2%e.; prime, 2ft2>-ic.: Spanish,-75ff77c.; machine picked, l%(S>l%c. PETERSBURG. VA.. Oct. 11..(Re¬ ported bv Martin &: Son.l-l'KA.Ntns- Markct verv qui: t in Virginians: shell- Itig stock. l'v/iiv.; prime, 2<g!2%x: extra. ish: Buyers offering 77%c: scllers asking higher prices. COTTON MARKETS. NKW YORK, Cet. 11..The cotton markot. opened easy with prices CfiU points lower iri sympathy with .surprisinsly weak Livcrpool cablcs ano" some foreign sel!in__r orders. Following the call expdrters be¬ came free buyers. devoting attention chiefly to near months. This support caused shorts lo turn for cover. and within the first hour prices were back to last night's closing Hgures, with tlie un- dertorie lirm. But later prices settled point by point under scatterinjr sales for profits. Small. cstnliates for to-morrow's rcceipts and tlie large clearances for ex¬ port caused a further decrease in port stocks. which led to a further general buying. At the close the market was stcady in tone with prices 2^(0 points lower. No one attem'pted to account for the debres- sion abroad". iriasmuch a? receipts on this side continue v'erl ight, the weeklv statis- ticial statement from Livcrpool. the s'trongest received here in many months; the crop reports unfavorable, tlie weaihei- forecast predieting colder weather it; tlie cotton belt.-and the demand for spot cot¬ ton throughout the South very active. Cotton futures openOl easy; closed' steadv. . Opened. Closed. Oct< ber .S.OO 8.03 November . . 7.!»7 S.02 December . S.01 S a> January .¦s"" S.04 February .7.9S S.9.| March . -US 7.99 Anril . 8.02 ..9 Mav . '.." '.JS Siiot cotton closed quiet: middling up¬ lands s7-lCc.; middling gulf, Sll-10c; sales,' 707 bales. Cetion steady: middling. $7Wc.: nrt recipfs. 0o0 baloc; stock. 4.29:' bales- sales. 797 bales; stock, St'i.f.i:' babs Total Lo-dav.Net rc.-cipts." ....,'-">2 bales; cj.port to Great Britain. 12.J M:bales: to France, 9;750 bales: to the Continent, i!,- 459 bales: stock. -:::0.317 bales Consolidated.Net receipts. 2. 1,9.12 bales, export to Great Britam, 51301 bnb.s: to Frar.ee, :'2.-lii baics; to the Continent, .6,- "";|-otaiesince September lst-Xi-t ^ceirits, S5S.10S bales: export to Great Britain .'ii-:'.'.il bales; to France. iG.S^Js bdc*.. to tbc Continent, 202.945 bales. .!he following are the total net receipts of rbttori at all ports smce September 1. *:,01:. . Bales. girS^'::::::::::.::;::::;::!! M Savannah . H*.2g) Charleston .M*i Wilmington . -i'-.v Norfolk .'?,%% Baltimore .;. =-.J:' new York. '.¦]:::: Boston . i'"-; Newport News. 2 Philadelphia . -¦";' Brunswick . .>.!£?, Fei'sacola -. ~'l°* Total .^.S5S.10S PETERSBURG. VA.. Oct. ll.-(Rc- ported by Martin & Son.j-COi fOXs- Quiet at S-lic. CKTCAGO MARKET-- CHIC\GO. ILL-., Oct. 11..The Govern- ment rcilort' of a'slight decrease£n.the condition of the com crop was. a^eckled lv bullish factor in an otharwise beansn market io-d'av, affecting wheat as much a" [t did coriK 'Do cember con,i closed^^c. hlgher; December '-vheat "^c-*.\^l._' .m> December oats a shade depiess^o. ProvislomTclosed from 5r.12V-o. higher. The lcadi"g features ranged as follows: .Uie ieaau.b ^^ High Lqw close< WHEAT.Nc. 2. GS 0SV. 68 GS!/. Oct .. 0S i^'-- ";;. i." '! Bee. 09% -10^ 09'j May.-» ««w COcf "K0" " ^5^ ooV. 55,; 'See- :::::: U p :¦¦«* p May ..'_ 5tf* oii,JL ^ °°/'-' OATS.No. 2. ^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ I I 11 I MESS PORK.bbl. ?an' "*!!!l5.66 15!6s l4!S7V& 15'.05 May 'I!....15.07*6 15.15 14.97% 15.15 LARD-100 lbs. Oct .0-30 0-37% 9.30 9.37^ jan .S.S7 8.97% S.S2U S.97U May" .S.S7% &97% 8.85 8.97% SHORT RIBS.100 lbs. SS; ::::::-%P S f:?i% f:iF May.-.87i/_ 7.65 7.9_V_ 7.f._. Cash ouotations were as follow . Flour steady. No. :i snring . wheat. GTtSUS-'Ji.c.: jJJo. 2 red. GO-Xc. -No. 2 oats, 35%<_?30p.: T«.Ti.> 2 white, :,.v*./.lV"i,e.: No. ;s white ;.TV_«f. :.SMc. No. rye, 5o4i_5^c.v Fair to choice malting barley, uSSESJc. No. 1 tlaxseed. $1.47: No. 1 northwestem. $1.52. Prime Tlmothv seed, $5.5*5. Mess pork. per bar¬ rel. $13.85@i:_.no; lard. per 100 pounds. $!..35@_.-7. short rib sides (loo'sc), ..S.^Vit S.40; dry salted should.rs (boxed), §7.t;'[email protected]; short clear sides (boxed), _*.S._0®--i.»0. "Whiskey, basis of high wlnes, 81.30. Butter stead'y: creamery, I4©2___c.; dalry. 13*_fc_!)cl Cheese steady at '.VJjfi.lO-Tic. Eggs iirm; fresh, 17.0c. Re- ceipts.Wheat. 170,lK)<) bushels: corn. 200.- 000 bushels; oats, 20i),000 bushels; hoss, 10,000 head. irnr.TIMOKI. AiABICET' BALTIMORE, MD.. Oct. 11..Flour quiet and unchanged. .Wheat firmer, but verv cTull; spot. 72.4@72&c.; the month. 7__«@72:-<.c.; November. i-h'fi-i'c.;. De- cenioer, 73t_-fr73.se.: southern by sample, l50©73c Corn dull: mlxed. spot and the mor.th, ¦"'.'..''f-.'i'.iu.c.; year, 5t**&@57c.; southern white corn. G0@6*_c. Oats Iirm; No 2 white, '..Oy.640c. Rye dull; No. 2 nearby. 55c. Butter, eggs,, cheese anu sugar, firm and unchanged. tjaval stoues. V.-IBMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 11..Spirits turip-.'Uine iirm at .'':;. _'''.".-!-_e.; receipts. 4.}-' Rosin Iirm at Oo&Ooc. receipts. 1 barrels Crude turpentine iirm at Sl@ 1.90; receipts, 110 barrels. Tar iirm at sl .-¦ir receipts. 103 barrels. sA-Ai*NAli, GA.. Oct. Jl.-Splriis tur¬ pentine iirm at **-V_.c.. receipts. uOO casks: sales 371 casks; exports, none. Rosin firm and" unchahgad: receipts, 2.075 bar¬ rels, sales, 549 barrels; exports, l,u00 bar- r°i1SHARLESTON*. S. C. Oct. 11..Turpen¬ tine.Nothing doing. Rosin iirm and un¬ changed. LYNCHBURG TOBACCO MARKET. Lynchburg. Va.. Oct. 11, 1901. The new year in tobacco has opened' in Lynchburg and the fwarehouses are-.ex- ..ectirie heavy reetip.sat an-early date. The offerings lor the ;;ast.v.eek have iu.l boen large, but prices have been satis¬ factory. Quotatlon*. are ns follows: DARK Gl-L-.DJ---. Cumrnon. dark lug- .S 2.50'SS 8.0U Medium dark lugs . t<'St. 3.10 Good dark lugs . 3.S0® 4.50 Leaf. Cohimbn dark leaf. ?!.50© 5.00 Medium ,00@ ">.:.'.< Good dark leaf. t>XK^p S...U Fine dark leaf . 10.00© 11..0 Extra flni dark leaf. ll.-mi U_.0 Biaeit wrabpers . ir>.00*_j 25.00 BiUGliT TCBACCCS. L"\.1___iion . 2...0.J 3.00 Medium bright . 3.50*ai -t.vn Good. 4.00?? f..'J0 Common eutters . 5.00"_p C.00 Medium eutters. S.Wti.i 7.00 ."Jood eutters . OAHX& 9.00 Fine eutters. lti.OiKtf 12.50 Bright Wrappers. Common. 8.00@ 10.00 Medium. 11.00^ 15.00 Good . VS.ttton 20.00 Flno . 20.00© 30.00 fclahogany Wrappers. C-ood .,....14.000 20.00 Meaiuin . lO.-Oftf 14.00 Common . T.00@ 10.00 DANVILi.K 'tYHi. *"'"-' .--.I'l.-i.- Danviile. Va.. Oct. 11. 1901. The market siands as ioiiows: _\tajor jiowarc, cniei ui 1'olicc, has a letter addressed to Lit: Cummins, whicn he wouid be giad to turn over to the person t'or whom it is intehded by ap¬ plication at police headquarters. Noudoscript goods.S '2.u6@)$ 4.C. Gn-nu'pjrs . 4.50® 7.C3 Smokers. Commcu . 3.50*3 G.GO Good. . O.OOfa' ROO Flne . S.OOTii 0.50 Cutters. Common . S.OO'gi 10.00 Good. lO.OtK.*' 12.50 Fine . 12.000 22.50 Fillers. Common. 3.0nff 4.S0 Good. 4.0016 S.00 Fine. S.OO© 12.00 Wra p *..-*---. Common . 8.00*0)12.00 Medium . 12.50m 17.50 Good . 17.50**** 35.00 Fancy . 35.00© 55.00 PETERSBURG TOBACCO ATARKFT. Petersburg, Va.. Oct. 11, 1901. fRerorted by Martin i_ Sr >..l Nothing doing ir. tobacco. A few prlrtr Ines have been sold at S2.G0. Prices quoted are: Common lu^s.S 3.50*f*fS 4.00 Good lugs . 4.50-tI --"'> Long leafy lugs . 5.50.. 7.00 Short leaf . 5.00*3) ,:,;"> .Medium leal' . 0.50® 7.D0 Medium to good shioping loaf S.O0*?. 10.00 Flne to very Hne shipplng ^ ^^ short .«¦_¦-».:..... ^.,,wr',? Medium wrappers..... ll.OO«B J..> Fine wrapner. .-... * 13*O0;__) 1S.00 MARINK INTEI-L,TGi3NCE. PORT OF RTCT1MOXD. Oct. 11. 1901. ARRIVED. Steamer Albemarle. Glover, Norfolk, merchandise and passengers, Old Pcmin- i-jii L.lne. SAILED. Steamer Yemassee, O'Neil, Philadelphia. Pa., merchandise and passengers. Clyde Line. , . Steamer Albemarle. Glover. Norfollr. merchandise and passengers, Old Domin¬ ion line. ¦_ Steamer Pocahontas, Grav-ps. .Tames River landings and Norfolk, merchandise aml passenger. Virginia Navigation Coin¬ pany._ PORT NEWPORT NEWS. Oct. 11. 1001. ARRIVED. Steamer Orthea, Glasgbw. Barge Dessong, Providence. __A1LED. Barge Virginia Palmer, Allyn'a Point. Schooner M. D. Cressy, Boston. Steamer Archtar, Hamburg. APPRECIAt'i A F0E, .Varsity AroVses a Spirit of Pritl-* in ihe Game to-Duy. (Special Pispatch to Thn Timos.) CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA., Oct. 11.. The students of the University of Vir¬ ginia held a mass-meetiug in the pifblic hall to-night to arouse interest in to- morrow's game with Gallaiidet. lt was the first of the season, and was designed to raise the proper college spirit among new men and revive college spirit among tlie bld folks. Speeches were made by Head Coach Abbott and Half Back Cole¬ man, captain of tho 'Varsity eleven, and others. The students reaiize that the Gallaudet College team is unusually strong this year,°and it is desired that the Virginia team shall have the support ol" the entire sttulont body. The practice this afternoon was rather disappointing. The 'Varsity was lined up against the scrub for ten minutes, antl in that time failed to scoro a touchdown. Tiic scrtibs used the close formation, which is the style of play at Gallaudet, and the "Varsity was unable to stop it to the satisfaction of the coaches. The remaindcr of practice was spent iri re- hearsing the slgnals. The. team will be haridicapped to-mbrrow by the loss of Harris at left tackle. Harris is now on crutehes as a result of a sprainedt ankle received iit Wednesday"® contest. Benet will take Harris' place while hurt. Major Bryce Stswart Decorated. Major Bryce Stewart. of the Royal Munster Fusilecra. who has for tv.-o yoara been doing stait service in South Africa, has been awarded the Distinguished Scr-* vice Order by King Edward VII. Major Stewart's name stood third on the list of those so-honored by this decoration, which ls only surpassed by the Vlctorla, Cross. Major Stewart ls well known in Rich¬ mond, having often visited his aunt, Mrs. John Stewart, of Brook Hill. Rev. Dr. Tracey, the cvangeKst, wlll preach at Fairmoant-Avenue Church Sun- dav at 11 A. AL. The pastor, Rev. J. O. Babcock. wlU AH tl*e Pulpit at night. BETTER PRICES FOR SECURITIES Stocks Co ifnue Buoyant in an Active Market. ST. PAUL TAKES A LEAP Advanccs Eight Poiuts on Rumors oi aa Alleged Deai Entire Railroad List Shows Sharp Gains .Good Back Slatcmcni Expected. Opinions ditler as to the cause, but the face remains thac the buoyaricy attained by the stock market on Tnursday con- tinutd until the close yesterday afternoon. Some hnanctal authorities c.aim that th-i rise was due to manipulatiort oy proies- sional traders. Others that the general railroad list advanced as the result. of heavy buying of St. Paul stock. Others believe that the ineyitable turn has been made in the market. and lhat this is but the beginning of a buil movement. HUDSON'S OPINION. C. I. Hutlson & Co., the weii known New York broKeis, in their evening ietter to patrons, stated: "The advance in stocks contlnued al¬ most uriinterruptedly to the eicse, which, consequently, was at the hightst prices of the clay. St. Paul remained by all odds the buoyant feature, but there was re- markabie activity, especially in Union Pacitic and Southern Pacitic. together with uniform strength throughout the railroad list. Dealings in the aggregate approxfmated a miilioti shares. "It is worthy cf note that the Morgan stocks, including the coalers and United States Steel. were comparatively quiet, undergoing no marke'd price changes. St. Paul's advance of more than eight points, of course, gave rise to numerous rumors. One was that the iM'organ holdings are to be surrendered in ret-urn tfor the Union Pacific holdings of Northern Pacific, but nothing like confirmation has been ob¬ tainable concerning this or any of the other rumors, which, therefore, seem to have been put out tor purposes of manipti- latlon. "A good bank statement is expected, be¬ cause the prelimniary returns show a cash gain of neariy two million dollars. while a decrease in tbe loan account is believed to have been foreshadowed." The sales yesterday represented the , heaviest day's business for many weeks j past. Among the. conspicuous advances were the following: Sugar, from 118 1-2 to 310 1-4; Atchison common, from 76*3-4 to 7^ 7-S: Atchison preferred, <n-om"S6 3-S .'to lo 7-S; Baltimore and Ohio. from 101 1-2 to 102 1-2; St. Paul, from 15!) 3-4 to 166; Chesapeake and Ohio. from 45 5-S to 45 7-S: Louisville and Nash¬ ville. from 103 5-S to 104 1-4: New- York Crhtral, from 155 3-4 to 157 1-2; Southern Pacific, from 57 5-S to 50 3-S. TIME TO BUY. Town Topics yesterday made the follow- ing statement: "Now is the time to buy on any de- clincs in anticip.ttion-of advance that is certain within the next sixty days." It is claimed that the Standard Oil in¬ terests. which have for some time past been upon the bear side of the market. have switched and will now encourage a rallv. LOCAL OPINION. A prominent Richmond broker yesterday received the following query from a New York trader: "Do you think the bull mar¬ ket has started, or is this only a drive at the shorts." The following answer was sent: "There is no particubir time for buIII markets. The situation is so healthy it can come at any time. Everybody has heen waitihg for money to get easier. but if after it comes plentiful the situation is as good as it is now, then it will be too late to buy." Trying lo Break His Fathcr's Will. CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA.. October 11. .Tlie circuit Court is engaged in hearing the case of A. C. Austin vs. Mrs. Sallie Austin, to set aside his father's wiil. This is the third trial of this case, the iirst of which took place last N> vemb< r. when one ot" the jurymen was taken sick and tbe trial had to be coiitinued. When the caso was again heard, in February, ih- jurv could not agree. Dr. H. O. Austin left all of his property to his daughter; Mrs. Sallie Austin, the defeHdant in this suit. The plaintiff was disinherited under his father's will, and he claims that his sister, Mrs. Sallie Aus¬ tin, used undue infiuence on their father in order to get him to leave aU of his property to her. Messrs. G. XV: Perkins arid J. XV. Fish- burne represent Mrs. Sallie Austin. aud Messrs. D. Harmon, J. R. Moon, and R. T. W. Duke, Jr., represent A. C. Austin. JUSTICE JOHN'S COURT. The Mnximism Fine Imposed fcr Carrying Cinc^ated Weapcns. Quite a number of ctises of Carnival dsorder were before Justice Crutchfield yesterday. in tlie larger number of cases a moderate line was imposed, for His Honor is determined that the majesty of law and order shall be upheld. Probably the most interesting caso of the morning was that of Dr. A. AVilliam Gray Farrar (colored), who, it appears, imbibed ii little too freely Thursday. As a. result there was a drunk and disorder¬ ly charge against him and also a charge carrying concealed weapons.a pistol and a d'.rk. Farrar was represented by Oiles Jackson: and President Hewins of the colored Anti-Veapon League, ap- nili llOVAL 810NIH AM> TIIK U .jL.ki, LHaKAiilO. Sudden changes of weather are es¬ pecially trying, and probably to noiiK tnore so tb^n io ihe scrofuious and con¬ sumptive. 1 he progress of scrofula dur- uig a normal t'ctober is comiuonly great. vVfj never think oi scrofula.its bunches, cutaiieous eruptions, and wasting of the bodiiy substahce-withoi.it thinking of the great good many sufferers from it have derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, whose radical and permanent cures of this one* disease are enough to make it the most fanious medicine in the world. There is probably not a city or town where Hood's Sarsaparilla has not proved its merits in moro homes than one. in arresting ar.a completely cradicatiriK SGrofula. which is almost as serious and as much to bc feared as its near relative..consumpton. I.Y\CMRURG FAJR VIA C. & 0. ROUTE' One fare for th<=> round trip pltis 50c. for one admission. Tickets sold October 12th to ISth inc'riisive, limited for return until October 21st. \VK WANT YOUII OJIDEKS for coal and rrood the ensuins seaaon. Our long experience in dhe b.isiness en- ables us to guarantee you entiro satisfac¬ tion. Office ana yara, aeventeenth Street, between Cary and Dock. J. H. WARDEN & CO. K0RSE SHOW MATINEE, Th final performance at the Horse- show Saturday Matinee will conclude tho most successful and attractive enter¬ tainment ever given in Richmond. Desir¬ able seats cin be obtained by applying at once at Branch R. Allen's. No. 01S East Main Street AUCTION SALES.Ftitare Days C. L. & H. L. Denoon. Real Estate Auctioneers, S21 E. Alain Street. TRUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF Desirabie Brick Dwelling, NO. <JOS TWENTY-FIF.ST OR PICKETT STREET, NEAR IHE BEAUTIFUL JEFFERSON PARK. GOOD LOT. By virtue of a deed of trust dated Au¬ gust 10, IS97, recored ln Richmond Chan¬ cery Court, D. B. 101 B-. nase. £08. and at request of beneticiary. default having been made in payment of debt secured. I *.vil*. sell by public auction. on the prem¬ ises. on THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1901, at 5 o'clock P. M.. the property named | above. ano' described In said' deed as all that certain lot or parcel of land in the cit" of Richmond. Va.. with tho Brick House No. cox thereon. frontius 2&A feet on tho western line of Twenty-tirst or Pickett Stroet between Pleasant Street and Jefferson Park. nnd running back Westwardly 150 .eet to an tllev. This property Is well and convemcntly located for a home. or will make a rouu' investment. TERMS.Cash for expenses of saie. any taxes due. and to pay tlie debt of >.t.iMHi wiii. interest from August 10. 15)01; tne balance at one a:id two y-.-ars. with b per cent. interest, or all cash at the option of purchaser. GEO. S. VASHON. Trustee. C. L. & H. L. Denoon. A'uctioneers. j..-\.\ii sT.i'nou.M'-*-- REF0RT OF THK CONDITION OF THE DIAIE SAVINGS BANK. A I Rl_H- £._.._._>. _>. t-N tri-- ¦_0.vi..-0.*. v\ k_-l_i .1 OF VIRGINIA; AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, SEPT. 20. 1201, MADE TO THE AUDITOFt OF PUBLIC AC¬ COUNTS OF THE COMMONWEALIH OF VIRGINIA. I RESOURCES. ' Loans and discounts.S1C3.9S- jS Due from National Banks. _.__. 00 Due from State Banks and Bankers . 2.10.S 4, Insurance premiums in course of collection . *...>,.> 0s Furniture and Fixtuns. IUSU.jm Premiums paid . '.'¦'":__' Suteie.. nickels and cents. _8J iS Paper currency._*'"'*.' '*.* Total .*?l>*;'- '¦'¦¦'.- :;l LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in.S 4S.3S7 50 Ur.diviucd prodts . !>..,-', _?_ Inc-'ividtial deposits subject to . check . 114.030 ll Time certiticatcs of deposit- U).S2r, 3 Interest due depositors. .¦o's St Due insurance companies and _ at.ents '. l.*»i*> 41 Total .sis-rnag st Slate of Virginia, City of Richmond.ss. : 1. J. H. Southall. cashier of the above- named bank. d<> sblemnly swear that tne above statement is true to the best ot ray knowledge and belief. j. H. SOUTHALL. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Hth dav of October. 1901. SAM'L. THOMSON PI LLIAX Notary rublic. Correct.Attest: A C. BECKER. H SW1NEFORD. C. LORRAINE. Directors. John H, DlGksrsan & Co. Maanfacturers of Sadrfies, harness and Coliars. Who'.esalc and Retail. 1402 E. Main Sl, R1CHKGND, VA THE LBXIIIglMll a-*fi 712 EAST BKOAD. prompt del1very. best Workmanship. 'Phones.New, M&5: Old, 2164. peared in the interest of that organiza¬ tion. Hewins made a very good. clear and straight-forward statement of the aims and purp'oses of his organization and their application to the present case. During Hewins" statement. Farrar took out his prescription blank and wrote the following note: "If vou have an enemy you must resort to one of three things*: Scldioppetto. carbine; stiletto.dagger: stra.la-tlight." This he attempted to pass to Hewins. but Justice John's eagle eye detected the movement and he ordered _.uit the note be handed to him. Attorney Giles Jack¬ son laborcd long and eamestly In be- half of his client. >>"t he evidently felt that he was up ngalnst the real thing. His references to his rival attorney He¬ wins as a "would-be Comtnonwealth's Attorney,*' were well recelyed'. Finally, nfter Giles got through, J :stice John srot into the g-irne.510 for the drunk and disorderly sqnared o" 'hit t-n-3 of .he charge. but. in view of the threate..- ing note the regular $53 anri i-.Vr-..- .inys for ccncealed weapons was put tro to the i'mit of the l<-w S1C0 :i-d thirty cTavs. An appeal was *alron ..ncl the.a'T'air v. i!l come ut; in th-a Hustings Court in November. Cbmmonwealth's Attorney R-ehardso-i pobketed rhe threatening note and Far¬ rar was bailed] _JFC;/I MEcTING CALLED. The CommcD CourrcirWHI Consider tbe Bel Franchise V.orday. x- call has been issued for a meetln*. of the Common Councii on Monday nicht next to consider and act upon the veto of the franchise ordinance of the South¬ ern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Com¬ pany by Mayor Taylor. The votes in the Common Councii on this measure.10 tu f». on July 3d, and 22 to 5 on Monday night last when the amencied ordinance was passed along to the Mayor--1 early indicate that the measure wiii pass th-> Common Councii c-ver the Mayor's veto. Onlv a' majority of the two branches of the Councii is required. The ordinance will reach the Bcard of Aldermen at irs regu¬ lar meeting on Tuesday night next. As that bodv Ls eor.-i.lerat-ly more evenly divided there may be otiite an interest¬ ing light. The last critical dlvision in this branch was 9 to S -n lavor of tne Bell Company. Th'e r-dnrn of Mayor Allen wil! be a DOint gained by tbe r.py»*-.sition. and th'* addition of the maxfrnum vi.;e amer"'' ment which has won over to the measure the vote oi* Mr. Thomason is a point gained by the Bell Company. JL'RY COULD NOT AGREE. Case Against Terry in the United States Dis¬ trict Court Still Undecided. The jury,after considering the evidence in the case of thii Governmcnt against "--. Terry, charged with illicit distilling, for two days, waa unable to agree. The ar¬ gument in the case wa_> concluded Thurs- dav morning by Terry, who made his own delense and laid before the court and jury an able argument which has been the topic of the term. Terry Is from Pow¬ hatan county and has" been a prisoner in the United States Courts for several t**-rms. His analytical argument upon tho evidence in the case- and the sklll with which he handled the witness was re¬ markable for a man of no experlence in courts save as a prisoner. District At¬ torney Allan conducted the prccecution. O. J. Percy. of Lunenburg. arraigned before the bar for illicit distilling, piead guilty. The Judge tempered justice with mcrcy and sentenced him for thirty days. Miss Annie Burton Grigg, of Jarra.fs. who has b_en visiting Miss S'l-.ie Creath. of No- i*-02 Floyd Avenue. during the Car- nrval. left vesterday evening for her home. AUCTION SAIjKS.Fntnro D»y s. By C. L. & H. ti. Oenoon. R'-ai Estate Agonts and Auctioneers. Sil Maln Street. TRUSTEES" salp: I OF Very.Attractivs West-End Building Lots, FRONTIN'G ON MEADOW. POWHA¬ TAN' WINDER. ROBINSON AND WALKER STREETS. TO¬ GETHER WITH THE Attractive Modern Brick Residence ON MEADOW STREET NEAR POWHATAN STREET. By virtue of a certain deed of trust dated December M. IS08. and recorded ir» D. R. 136 A.. page 160. Henrieo County Court default having been made in th*i payment of a certain note secured thcre¬ ln. we wiil sell at publit auction. or. tha l-retni"'1?, on MONDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1001. at 4 o'clock F. M.. thc followinjr very valuabie property: First.Lot of land frontlng. 41^> feet or* the north side of Powhatan Street. run¬ ning baek on Ihe western line of Robinson Stttet i:>0 feet to Winder Street. and runnimr back on the line of the land of J. H Shields' estate. oblftiuely 135 feet to said Winder Street. on which it has j* frontage of 432 feet. Second.All those certain lots num'oercd 74. 7.">. 7i">. 77 and 7S tn the plan of Hope- daie, having a frontage of 30 feet each on Winder Street. and lot mirajtrnl 70 ln said plan, frontlng t'i-1 feet on said U'alker Street and runninir baek between irregu¬ lar lines 130 feet, moro or less. to said Winder Street. The residence abovo-mentior.eil is an at¬ tractive Two-Story Modern Brick struc- ture. containinjj: about nine rooms. wich a!I convenier.ces and will make a very delightful home. This property wiil be offerod in sucjj parcels as will suit the views of bidderft TERMS.One-third cash: balance at 3. 12 and IS mouth. C. I.. DENOON. HENRY S. HFTZRER. Trustees. C L. & H- L. Donoon. Auctioneers. Bv E. A. Catlin. Auctioneer. No. {J North Eleventh Slrcet. lapfeot Lot, 40X199 FEET. Auction Sale of i!!7 GROVE AVENUE. At the reouest of the owner. who de- sires to realize. I will sell at public auc¬ tion. upon the premises. oa TUESDAY OCTOBER 13. 1001. at ."> o'clock I'. M.. that most cligibly lo¬ cated LOT on the south side of Grove Avenue between Beech aml Morris Streets. ou whicli there is a medium Frame Dwelt- in= in good repair. The LOT FRONTS 10 FEET BY 191) Feet T<> AN ALLEY. Too much cannot be said about the location of this property; Its altitude makes it .;.- Ifcrhtful during ihe warm months. am ad jacenl t>> the beautiful H>>wrzer Monu¬ ment Park. The neighborhood i-i utn-.-f- celted and it is very convenfent :<> iho car lines, yet far enough removed to avold the' noise aud dust. Ihe size :a very attractive for a handsome ret idence ei- the erectlon ->t' Hats, which would have ample iight and every condition t'> maka them pay handsomely on the Investment. I therafore commend! it t<> home-seekers amf investors alike. TERMS.Usual. E. A. CATLIN. Auctioneer. By A. L. Adamson, Reui i-.sti-.n- Aucctonuer. Manchester, Va. T'RUSTEE'S AUCTION SALZT i OF TIIK "FRANK BRANCH CHEATHAM" FARM. CONTAIXING 31-1 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. ON WHICH IS \ LARGE BODY OF ORIGI¬ NAL AND SECOND GROWTH TIMBER. FRONTING ONTHE GOODE'S RRIDG2. ROAD. IN CHESTP:RFIELD COUNTY. VA. By virtue of a deed of trust dated Sep¬ tember 23, 1800. and- recorded in D. B. 1)8, page ".'Ao. default having been made irt the payment of ono «f tho notes secured therebv and being requestetl so to do bv the holder thereof, I will sell at nublin aurtion. in front of Cheste-iieid Court- MOXPAY. 1-1TFI DAY OF OCT. 1001. (that beins court day) at 12 o'clock M.. The above Farm. contalning IR4 acres. more or less. frohting .on the Goode'u Brldge Road. about one mil- from thd F. and P. R- R-. and adjoining the landj of t.ee B. Lester. Good. stronc land. about one-half cleared. upon which is a large dwelling. barns. cuthouses and. large orchard: the other half is in oafc and nine timber, a large part of which ta original growth. TERMS.Cash . _, A. I.. ADAMSON. Trustee. By T. M. Wortham & Co., Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers, 1013 E. Main Street. RUSTEE'S AUCTION SALE OF" T iioo Detached Fraaia Oweiiiog NO. 1711 TAYLOR STREET. AND LARGE LOT. By virtue of a certain deed of trust to me." the undersigned. dated April S, l.SOO. and duly recorded iu Henrieo County Court iri D. B. 131 A.. page 164. default having been made in the payment of a sum of money thereiu secured. and' being rcquired by the benenciary thereunder so to do. 1 will sell, on the premises. on TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1001. at 3 o'clock P. M., ths property described in said (feed. The house contains 7 rooms, is a, well- constructed Frame Dwellinjc: the Lot fronts 23x120 feet to an alley. This is an opportunity for a bargain. TERMS. Cash as to expense? of sale-, any taxes that may be duo. and enough to pay a note for $200 and interest from Mav 16. 1001. Balance cash. T. M. WORTHAM. Trustee. ,_,.-¦..-'-¦* Bv E. A. Catlin, Auctioneer. No. 0 North Eleventh Street. Centrally Located Brick Dwelling. AT AUCTION" Wednesday. October iS'h.iaOJ^ AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M.. NO. 410 NORTH SECOND STREET. At the time named I will sell the above- mentioned property. lt is in excellenl condition, convenient to business. a good rehter, comfortable home, a car-fare saver and within reach of moderala means. lt has two stores anc» basement You are invited to inspect it. aad If it is what you want do not fail to attend th« sale, for if you are wi'iinfc to pay eoit ot improvements. will throw in the iot. TERMS. Usual. E. A. CATLIN. Auctioneer. By the Valentine Auction Co.. Auctioneers. T>ECEIVER'S AUCTION SALE J\, STOCK OF WINES. EJQCORS. CIGARS TOBACCO^ CASH REGISTER. BAR FlX't L'RES. BEER PUMP, REFRIGERATOR. BAR AND OYSTER COl'NT- ER CITY AND STATE LI- CENSES. BOOK AC¬ COUNTS. ETC. In pursuance of an order of the Unite* Sta,tes District Court for the Eastern Dis. rrist of Virginia. tn the matter of >. S. Hntzler. bankrupt. T will sell at P«bU« puction at his bar-room. Nos. oOS and «IU Ncrth Sixth Street, MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 11TK, commencing ac 11:30 o'clock. his ctitir* stock.viz. in part: Whiaxeys. Brandies, Wlnes, Gin, Beer, &c. Cigars. Tobacco* Bar Decantera and Glassea. Iron aafa, Barrel Rack. Handsome* Oak Back Bar, witb three large Mlrrors. flne Bar Coun- ter and Oyster Counter. Beer Pump. laxge Refrigerator (flne one) Nat.ocaj Cash Register. city and State Ucen3P9 fo* eonducting the bar and* tobacco business. Wlll also sell lot of Chalrs, Tables. Emp- I tv Bottles, Book Accounts. etc. iy oou R B ULLMAN. Receiver, 1 The Valentine Auction Co.. Auctioneer^

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Page 1: fteBriM BETTERFOR ON STOCKMARKET Very.Attractivs West-End ... · lflf ACTIVITY. ONSTOCKMARKET Due


ON STOCK MARKETDue Largeiy to Crop of Rumors df



ilroad Slocks Vovcd Witfclj, But Sircngthof Aiarkzl Was Not fit

AU V.'cl! nistrii-


(Bj issoantcC Pres*.)W V'i]!K, Oct Hl.<Sreat spccula-

<¦. to-day. i.'.n ii was centered tq acxlonl in thn Transcontinenta'

s, led ny S:. ivni. v !ij- U rose S9J

and closed 1 poim below the !><>!.appearance ol tbc marke. suRgestedays ni' last s irXrii! dear t<> the mem-if ihe professional speculators, when>. -.ii don ... .. ... w railroad' systemnew transcontinental .combiita».on.::¦¦¦¦¦ ... i. .. ¦¦ ssivc day, and

... ;. ¦. i-;.! .! in ii),- CTCdulOUS IllOod'

acUvJty ol to'-day*s market wasly du" t-. ihe crop <.i' rumors revivodusterday's various rctoorts ol theisod phni for consoliaaUng Uie coh-,: rCoi liern Pacific. Greal NorthernBurlington in orse proprietary com-As a matter of fact, the oflicial

tlniers this morning of Ui accuracy'- published r< poi an ihe prt mut:-. ,:, Uie ri .. of Great Northi rn:-., d and 1 tl ra Pacific preCcrred.

si ntiment. 'fhe sea ral accord of¦-?.!¦.'. rumors iu allowlng Uial theof Xorthi rn Pacific itself was not

ir ¦¦ :.!¦ for ln Uie plan. the alli g. .1

::¦ bj :... H .. n ::.;¦ n sl is i sertt J.

was :i..: .i participarit i:i the plan. seem d:.> open up a vista of renewed cbntenUbmAs the day progressed Oiere was a re¬

vival of old rumoir ilini 1-tiion Pacilicwas to acrjulrc St. Paul in exclianfce fornew bonds. ln the presence of thesepleasant old associations, speculative en-iliusinrm seemed to take fire. Tho buv-iiifr of St. Paul was nuite i:i Uie ol<i prodi-cil fashion of last year. and Oilon Paci¬fic Southern Pacific and Alchison wereconsplcuous followers. The extreme ad¬vance in Union Pacific was 'J-'K.. and InSouthern Pacific -1-. Rock ls:.-m<i was- un4 polnts at one timo mi lichi dealings.Missouri Pacific by no means kepl pacewith ihx othcr transconUnental railroads.:n;i the stocks as a whole were Inggards.Soutbwesterns were affeeted by poorearnings for Uie iirsl week in October.but Uie activity or strcr«th -¦: Uiemarket was bv no means ireneral or v, iidlstributefi. The coalers and Uie steelstocks seemed to bc IltUe affeeted andmoved narowly. Expcctation of a gobdbank statement waa treneral.Tho railroad bond market was cpuot

and acUve. and showed an increasingstrength. Total sales. par value. $3,540.-i- n) i'niti d Stafrs ''' upon ad\ anced Y*

't: ..' ,,'.'¦'' ¦.-..!. .s of stocks to-day wcrc


.-.'i closecT st.-a.lv a1 3@3K oer cent.: lastloar) ::l. per cent- prime mercantile-.-iin'r 4'i/,(gi5 iinr cent Sterling exchangesllc-htiv easier with actual business lnbankers' bills at 54.m-/ v,\ for demand.na.r at s-l [email protected] for sixty days: postearates s-1 P '.'¦ '¦<' >." and S.S7: commercialbills." $4.S.W.«f4.S35J. Bar silver, iu.1*;Mexican dollaVs. 4:.',. Government bondsflrm: Stato bonds inacUve: railroad bondsstrong.

Total bnnk clearings for week endedOctober 10th. S2.-04.13C7.4!W: [njcrease. .._»>per cent. Outside Xew York. .-;,-!(..<«'-.'..Increase, 13.4 per cent.

5TOCK QUOTATIONS.rmnlFbo,'. l.v Mow<r«. srolT & STr.lXrtTKI.LO'W,

McniberaXew Yorl; stock Kxcliancr.Olion. llillli. Low. O105-.

f,MriT,,n"oTloi,Vo. 101K 102K 101% 1«I'.r.ltt.i.ovo.tOhio pW. .... -. -"- "

^^ii!!^;^:^::::::: &̂̂griiriT.peskc.tOlilo.»-8 **** «¦''. *p-Cliicnro &. Alton. i'Cilrnco 4- Aiton I'T'l. ,-__;-- ,;.-. *. *

ClitoncoGreM Western. 2-'« .A ^h* <^-«C'litcnt-o i.real IV.-t'll pM . J-Hriilrnco (ii IVi'M'n pl«l. B . - 4*

c.il.A st. I.ni.n pW. "--^ WSi '-'S «Mi

!-\*NornVwMt.'.'.'.'.'.'."."¦-"' IVS^ !*i« 1954 JBPJ4(I,ln.fco lt. 1. (t I'hcKIc... 14...', 141 HOX M>cliiiiiet.'l'wi". .<I inn...... . :'(.'liii-nco'lorm..\;'I ran".. pfu . JJCol.Soutl.m. 13*- 1S4 1SU, 18%,Cul Bonthern Int t>M. .'.< ..'^ r,s .'-'>

(ol.Soutluin 2d ]>fO. -4 "*T-n 24 :<U


T.clnTrnrc & T.u.l.'w.n. H* 16*1. -*«. i$$I)*1..I_i.k.A Western... . I23H 224 _?«.}. -*I**"V'IH-iivrrA-iloGranU.. 44*. 45X 41s!. 4SXWmvcr*. Mo CJrs-ndepfd.. --!- .>."¦!-'. -"-^iErK.:. 42 4Wh 413.BrlelfttpT,.. "O1. .¦>"- .¦>ICrfeM trfd. .;;.G;est>:orth.*rn pfd. tt'J., -H*1-* m^H.-.ili.-Cnal. ... ""

Qoclch.? Valley. ..;:.¦« 5S>- ""4Ho-attnc Velley pld. -..- ._-llHnoi.Cem._J. 115 146 J44-»loivn Centrai. -.

lf.. s('rnliiilii''l.i l.nl;e Kiio ,t ,,Vc4.-*ni. .-

l.o;ilRvllU..'_Xa,l.vlllo.... 10^. Mg >«« «J1**M«_«ti.pt iteiitTfir.:S!« *::.5 3;'.i? *:;L

iMexicnnCeiltrnl. -.".'» -3X ""'* r'.."iMrslrsn National. __yMlnnciip .- St. l.ouls. .-.- -_. ^.y ~

N-f__--__rf.Kwu-fcTe-_.pft-. .;'-,. 5"' Jls .J,KeY._fer-.e2- Centrai. »«-» .... .,;;.* '.-v

r*_rfo.__:AVesteni.*... .**"»'NoiTotl" A- Wr-t-Mii i-i'I..;. ,_:,..Sot-OirrnPnclfle pf<l.

I Oiitnilo _fc Western.r,.n.c.--:.'.i.:.

Ife'nn-vivr.nm.Rvndtlii.........Reafl.-V-d pf'l.El.I".-A-San: Fr. '¦'-.

t±tg££:28E: @ gS s.<;i I ftoulbwesteni. ..'?*'._ 2n 2S".Ri";',. souru*v_5i<..ru ;,fa. :>*.'._ .",-.*., .*¦¦¦"*.:.Ki'ponl . l-Wi li7 ¦5S**»i_;'v.... .f,i. i«i is.ij; i*-gBonIn*-ri.I'»c.'n"..:.-.. s"« 39!- ||WS.til i,«-> >i '¦*.«¦ Iwrry. S"'". *":"*- ..;*-»-t...:.:.T,; itr.ilwuypM....: ¦"¦W *.¦.*.. ?r"-l,.us .Vfn-.lflc..". 4»<_i Jl 40Ti.l.-do.St. I.. .V West.ToI'edo'.St. I.. A:\Vcst. pf.t.Ciilonl'nclflc.Pnlonl'aciflcpfd.«*niift_li. .

Wnbnslipfd.W3ie*1liie.*-.'lr»k-'R-rt*. l-** lsWli-eJ.fc-_Kr-c 2d pf<l. ..¦.

Wlsconsln Centrnl. "U". *¦{<Wiscoiism Centrnl pfd.... 41»_i 4.J.

EXl-lli:.!- COMl'AXIES.


lli-i 144*.-1U 4(l«{.<"-<;_ 76*45_lf ..!._,

tmit^S-tftte.. . ...*


An.rrfsM.Ml ^ ;'.*']:. ....... «: < « ^ ffi|LliisetdOll.-.4SL-.u-rcdOil Pf-i. ..... ;;** ,:;..; «

Atinco.idnMi.iJl.KCo. SG-, S| SH« t^

!v;,.-,:n||r.,..iP.-u.--r....... _^4 *--- ;. ":.

Internntlonnl Pnperyfd... <?'- '-* -< ^!.li tcn.ntloiinl l'orrer...... j**"?.Lr.ri<"<:<-<;R*<.

rnSi!-encr.:::::::::::: »s ^' ss -rSortiiAinerlcnn. "'

»^°r.".".^:::.^ »^ >5 fb ^Prrcsed Steel Cbt. __[ ¦.¦".' *-Su "¦':!,.

Tennessee Coal -fclron. 61 '" '*' n '^"V*Union Vac. .""* -.'-..

Uiiioll Kas |.f.l.¦¦. .* .'"Ttiilort^lP.'"-'1-enliier. 1-fi ---. ,":*. _Z_fUnited State. l_ea.Ju-r.prd -» -"_". *,' *';.-,l!nfte<lSt:itfi niiln.rr. 15)4 J-'1** *»

_-<iited_tnie_ Uul>l>er ofd. ,;."" ".-

Westernutilou . "!>' ;'.. \_ f]1'Kep. lron&.Steei. l':* ¦. - (., .;,HIt.),. Iiou AStc.-t i«ld. "|. 0l |;»5.("ill 1..IKI.IV. '-'¦'. ..¦-_:

Cni¦ l"..u:.<irv nM. Kl ¦-.- 4_',; /'Int. .-.10:111. J*uir.i>. ¦¦.''._ ''¦ "s-"Hlm. Steam l-ump t»«. **** -"GSloss-Slietl .-. A lr,,:,. .- ;'."*.Sloss-^jl.ell. K. & Iron pfd. ,sNnllonnl Salt. .;uI_SutlonnlSaltpfd. <¦' *-- ..:; t1U-S. Steel...... 4r;--. 435. "* 4MH0. S. Steel pfd. vs. »l g,? 'j:'"''-Amei-icanCoitotiOil. 30<a 3f,:i ¦* s2'"*Va. nfolilia lien.


¦"".\ ;..-i.:.inliii:i L'licni pfd. 11S

EOXDST "= ri. T."f:n. rep.. 3CS lin.-icii-.« Vsl 4-<'_ 10bV S _.., Kefini.coui*. -.(¦', J..-X Uni_ed.4's...lC15_US Jt*«, r-*_.lOT'i Mexican Cen 4's... F4l > :". coupon. ..20R Mexican <"'ii lst i" *.'llSiH ¦.. - ii ¦¦* *.?.u Minh&St Louis t'_ 10:.'^,

!>. jn.t3H M U" .. i-i".i .'s, I,--.112 MK&T2d'_. SlJs¦>.coupon.*;. J'Y Ceuu_.I 1st's...l0">._

V I-;,-. .,.._i>toie_,....n7l. N V Cen cen »£-?«'.1C9l S5'a Sronp..ii.i07X NJ Cer. eeneral _'s.3S0*_A1clii.ou_rencrai4'_ !0S"__ KorDieru Pac. 4's.;.104i_,AlclilsonndJusU's.. 9_ Norttaernl'aclCcS't. "2?£Kal-4-Ol.io .'...lOi -." A kVconsol 4'!....:C2XUaltiOliioSJi's**" '"o';, Beadiue jjeneral 4's SODalt .v Oliioeonv ""*:?:¦'. m LA I >l cousol3's.ll5"_ChiihJ:i Sonth'n'.d'a '.f.T**_Cen of Ha 5's. con ''.ii

-lt I... Sl" 4's...i. & S W lft's.

Cen .f Ua Istln.... 7i st l. i s W JJ's. ,S_c .ii of _» _M l:i. 26 San An fc.Al'ass... 85}_ClKS J_ 01iIo4i_'s.. 3H7 Soutlicrn l'ac 4's.... 92!.ClilciAJtS.S's. ?4-V Soutliern llya's.ll*"<4

li ii .V -..> :ie»-4*., 98 Tex &l'wcitic :.sl's..H9CM'fcSt'l'gen-l's, !10_. T. St L_.*.V4'5. slS'C.t X ..¦.'< c.n-ol 7'.-. ¦.:.'.*'U Union Pacific 4's...103}_C 11 I >*. P 4'.-.10BS lHion l'm- .".mv 4's 107VjCCCfcStr.gcn?'_ 10! \V:.b:i_"u _sfs.<1<u,.Chicago Term 4's... <-;;*^, Wabash "d's.IliColomdoSouthn4'. >'.-U Wabash Bel. Ii. M-ViDenverfcKioG 4"s..lO'_iK WestShore 4's.1122.Eiic prior llen Vs. 9S Wheel A 1. l.iie 4's. 8»hvi. genernl4's. 6S Wlsconsln Cen 4's.'. SbJ.l*t>V____ienCitist's 103 MiOI's. Ul(."ou 'lol< 4's. 653*


common, 'S<:^r'i2i\";'i: do. oreferred, ,"iiOOTi. Seaboard 4's, S-VfcCcfS^U.

RICHMOND STOCK MARKET.Richmond. ya.. Oct. 11, 1!»01.

SAL.ES.Virginia-Carolina CliemicaJ preferred.20

shares af l-<»-: 10 shares .-u V.m'..: _.'!shares at l_.ii'-: L'O shares :;i i"_<>'-'..

Virffinia Centurles-^-5100 at :'iV.*.; $1.S00 at0G<_.Richmonfi Trust aiul Safe Dci.iosit Co..


To InvestorsWe are authorized to offer for sale the most desirable

IZ^Testi Grace S>1bi.'»<a©'S C;o2?s'2.^s]^¦, 3L*ot;

in the city. The property is most attractiyely located in the very bestresidence section, and offers an opportunity for improvement such as israrely given to investors. The let has a front of SO FEEi, and extendsback to a paved alley in the rear. Handsome residences built here wouldbe eagerly taked.

O- L-. & W. L.-. DENdpM;82. E. MAIN STREET.


Ccptvsits in sotis ofSavings Bank je? Richmond, j cne dollar

1117 EAST MAIN STREET, allowed.Ke*t to tictel Lexinrjton. } LOANS MADE ON RU1. ESTATE.

Opp.^ite « Richmond Dispatch." I N'EGOIMBLE rAPES DlSCGUNTED.

R. A. PATURSOX, Pre3. L. Z. MORRIS, Ylcc-Pres. JAMES M. BALL, Cosiiiar.

& W, Braooh & Oo.BANKERS and BRGKERS.

Members ol New Vork Cotlsn L'xchsiijc aad

Clilcsjo Fiosrd of Iradc |New York Corrcspondenls:


t new york;Private Wires to-* BO:sTO.\.aad


John L Williams & Sons,BANKERS



FATALlTiES !N PULASKIFireman Killed ia Resr-Ead Collisioa.A Boy

Killed By Thrcsliing Machine.(Spocla.' DIspatcli t-j Tbe Time* )

DUBL1X, va., October 11..A rcar-end collision caused by an engine crash-ing- Into a freight train that was stand¬ing ori the main track at iliis place Hiismorning. caused the death of FiremanFrank Lavindexv of the colliding engine.His home was ih Pulaski and he was

married in September. The wreck as toproperty is not a sericus cne, and thctrack was clearcd In a few hours.Fred Klrg, a young man, 22 years of

age, was icstaritly killed this afternoon onthe farm of H. L. Wysor. of thls county,by tho ovrturning; of a threshlng ma¬chine.

Rcftiblican Candidate.(Speclal Dispatch to The Times.)

ROANOKE, VA.. October 11..R. H. An-gol, prcsident of the Central Manufactur¬lng Company, a Republican. but one ofthe most prominent and popular citizensof the city, has announeed his candidacyfor thc House of Delegates, ln oppositiontn John "Wood. tha De:coo.ra.tlc ncvmin*c»


Members of' New York StockExchange.

Private Wire to New York

10 shares at 142;STATE SECURITIES. Bld. Asked.

North Carolina 4's. C. J910.. 105North Carolina 6 s. C. 1919.. 13DVa.'.Ts. new. C. and R.. 1032.. 96 96%Va. Centurics. 2-3. C. and R... 90VJ 90%CITY SECURITIES.

Rich. City 5"s. R.. 1920-1022.. lisRieh. City 4's. R.. 1920-1930.. 100RAIROAD BONDS.

Ga. Pac: lst O's, C, 1922.120Ga.. Soull.ern anci Fla., 1:.4.'>.. 111G. and A. R. R. Con. .Vs. 107N. and XV. Ry. 4's, .11)00. 10114 ...

Pet. Class.A iVs. R. C 1920.. Tn;Pet. Class B O's. R. C. 1920.. 125Rich. anci Meck. lst 4's. UMiS.. S2Seaboard Bond Certiilcates... Sl% S2%W. N. C. lst O'S, C. 1914- l->RAILROAD STOCKS.

Atlantic Coast L. of CoriniiOO 155 1C0Norfolk and Western com:.100 50K. and P. and Ii., F. andP. Connection .70 130

Seaboard Air Line pfd'.100 50% 50%BANK A..D TRUST CO. STOCKS.

American National .100 110Citv .25 3u'i ...

First National .100 175Metropolitan .2-". :. 25Pet. Sav. and 1ns. Co-20 55 05Plariters National .100 305Rich. T. ano S. Dep. Co:..100 142 142%Savings Bank Of Rich.25 45State Bank of Va.100 100Southern Trust Co.100 108Uniori Bank of Rich.-.50 10jVirginia Trust Co .100 12S ...

INS. COMPANIES.Va. Fire and Marine .25 3S ...

Virginia State .25 20 2S.UISCELLANEOUS.

Amer. Tob. Co. pfd, S's..:.10O 140 150Oid Dominion S. S. Co.100 120 130S. I. and S. Co. 1st bonds tis. 100.S. I. and S. Co. Con. 4%'s- 75 ...

S.-S. S. an.l I. Co. pfd. 7's. .100 .< . 82Va.-Car. Chem. pfd. S's.. .100 120% 121Va.-Car. Chem. com.WO 59 59-;*


_Longberry.74 ®'j*Mixed . 74 ®7oShortberry ."4 «i?75No. 2 red . 75Va. bag lots . 00 ©74

CORN.White fVa.) bag lots. 05%No. 2 white. 05%No. 3 white . 0"No. 2 mixed . 031*.No. 2 mixed . 03No. 3 mixed . 03

OATS.No. 2 mixed . 40No. 3 mixed . S9%No. 2 white . 41%Winter seed . 50 @54RYE . "> CrfUO


Dull; fancy, 2:*ie.; strictly prime. 2%e.;prime, 2ft2>-ic.: Spanish,-75ff77c.; machinepicked, l%(S>l%c.PETERSBURG. VA.. Oct. 11..(Re¬

ported bv Martin &: Son.l-l'KA.Ntns-Markct verv qui: t in Virginians: shell-Itig stock. l'v/iiv.; prime, 2<g!2%x: extra.ish: Buyers offering 77%c: scllers askinghigher prices.

COTTON MARKETS.NKW YORK, Cet. 11..The cotton

markot. opened easy with prices CfiU pointslower iri sympathy with .surprisinsly weakLivcrpool cablcs ano" some foreign sel!in__rorders. Following the call expdrters be¬came free buyers. devoting attentionchiefly to near months. This supportcaused shorts lo turn for cover. andwithin the first hour prices were back tolast night's closing Hgures, with tlie un-dertorie lirm. But later prices settledpoint by point under scatterinjr sales forprofits. Small. cstnliates for to-morrow'srcceipts and tlie large clearances for ex¬port caused a further decrease in portstocks. which led to a further generalbuying.At the close the market was stcady in

tone with prices 2^(0 points lower. Noone attem'pted to account for the debres-sion abroad". iriasmuch a? receipts on thisside continue v'erl ight, the weeklv statis-ticial statement from Livcrpool. thes'trongest received here in many months;the crop reports unfavorable, tlie weaihei-forecast predieting colder weather it; tliecotton belt.-and the demand for spot cot¬ton throughout the South very active.

Cotton futures openOl easy; closed'steadv. . Opened. Closed.Oct< ber .S.OO 8.03November . . 7.!»7 S.02December . S.01 S a>January .¦s"" S.04February .7.9S S.9.|March . -US 7.99Anril . 8.02 ..9Mav . '.." '.JSSiiot cotton closed quiet: middling up¬

lands s7-lCc.; middling gulf, Sll-10c;sales,' 707 bales.

Cetion steady: middling. $7Wc.: nrtrecipfs. 0o0 baloc; stock. 4.29:' bales-sales. 797 bales; stock, St'i.f.i:' babsTotal Lo-dav.Net rc.-cipts." ....,'-">2 bales;

cj.port to Great Britain. 12.J M:bales: toFrance, 9;750 bales: to the Continent, i!,-459 bales: stock. -:::0.317 balesConsolidated.Net receipts. 2. 1,9.12 bales,

export to Great Britam, 51301 bnb.s: to

Frar.ee, :'2.-lii baics; to the Continent, .6,-

"";|-otaiesince September lst-Xi-t ^ceirits,S5S.10S bales: export to Great Britain.'ii-:'.'.il bales; to France. iG.S^Js bdc*.. to

tbc Continent, 202.945 bales.

.!he following are the total net receiptsof rbttori at all ports smce September 1.

*:,01:. .Bales.

girS^'::::::::::.::;::::;::!!MSavannah . H*.2g)Charleston .M*iWilmington . -i'-.vNorfolk .'?,%%Baltimore .;. =-.J:'new York. '.¦]::::Boston . i'"-;Newport News. 2Philadelphia . -¦";'Brunswick . .>.!£?,Fei'sacola-. ~'l°*

Total .^.S5S.10SPETERSBURG. VA.. Oct. ll.-(Rc-

ported by Martin & Son.j-COi fOXs-Quiet at S-lic.

CKTCAGO MARKET--CHIC\GO. ILL-., Oct. 11..The Govern-

ment rcilort' of a'slight decrease£n.thecondition of the com crop was. a^eckledlv bullish factor in an otharwise beansnmarket io-d'av, affecting wheat as mucha" [t did coriK 'Do cember con,i closed^^c.hlgher; December '-vheat "^c-*.\^l._'.m> December oats a shade depiess^o.ProvislomTclosed from 5r.12V-o. higher.The lcadi"g features ranged as follows:.Uie ieaau.b

^^ High Lqw close<WHEAT.Nc. 2.

GS 0SV. 68 GS!/.Oct .. 0S i^'-- ";;. i." '!

Bee. 09% -10^ 09'jMay.-» ««w

COcf"K0" "

K« ^5^ ooV. 55,;'See- :::::: U p :¦¦«*pMay ..'_ 5tf* oii,JL ^ °°/'-'

OATS.No. 2.

^ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ I I 11 IMESS PORK.bbl.?an' "*!!!l5.66 15!6s l4!S7V& 15'.05May 'I!....15.07*6 15.15 14.97% 15.15LARD-100 lbs.Oct .0-30 0-37% 9.30 9.37^jan .S.S7 8.97% S.S2U S.97UMay" .S.S7% &97% 8.85 8.97%SHORT RIBS.100 lbs.

SS; ::::::-%P S f:?i% f:iF

May.-.87i/_ 7.65 7.9_V_ 7.f._.Cash ouotations were as follow . Flour

steady. No. :i snring . wheat. GTtSUS-'Ji.c.:jJJo. 2 red. GO-Xc. -No. 2 oats, 35%<_?30p.:T«.Ti.> 2 white, :,.v*./.lV"i,e.: No. ;s white ;.TV_«f.:.SMc. No. rye, 5o4i_5^c.v Fair to choicemalting barley, uSSESJc. No. 1 tlaxseed.$1.47: No. 1 northwestem. $1.52. PrimeTlmothv seed, $5.5*5. Mess pork. per bar¬rel. $13.85@i:_.no; lard. per 100 pounds.$!..35@_.-7. short rib sides (loo'sc), ..S.^VitS.40; dry salted should.rs (boxed),§7.t;'[email protected]; short clear sides (boxed),_*.S._0®--i.»0. "Whiskey, basis of highwlnes, 81.30. Butter stead'y: creamery,I4©2___c.; dalry. 13*_fc_!)cl Cheese steadyat '.VJjfi.lO-Tic. Eggs iirm; fresh, 17.0c. Re-ceipts.Wheat. 170,lK)<) bushels: corn. 200.-000 bushels; oats, 20i),000 bushels; hoss,10,000 head.

irnr.TIMOKI. AiABICET'BALTIMORE, MD.. Oct. 11..Flour

quiet and unchanged. .Wheat firmer, butverv cTull; spot. 72.4@72&c.; the month.7__«@72:-<.c.; November. i-h'fi-i'c.;. De-cenioer, 73t_-fr73.se.: southern by sample,l50©73c Corn dull: mlxed. spot and themor.th, ¦"'.'..''f-.'i'.iu.c.; year, 5t**&@57c.;southern white corn. G0@6*_c. Oats Iirm;No 2 white, '..Oy.640c. Rye dull; No. 2nearby. 55c. Butter, eggs,, cheese anu

sugar, firm and unchanged.

tjaval stoues.V.-IBMINGTON. N. C. Oct. 11..Spirits

turip-.'Uine iirm at .'':;. _'''.".-!-_e.; receipts.4.}-' Rosin Iirm at Oo&Ooc. receipts. 1barrels Crude turpentine iirm at [email protected]; receipts, 110 barrels. Tar iirm atsl .-¦ir receipts. 103 barrels.sA-Ai*NAli, GA.. Oct. Jl.-Splriis tur¬pentine iirm at **-V_.c.. receipts. uOO casks:sales 371 casks; exports, none. Rosinfirm and" unchahgad: receipts, 2.075 bar¬rels, sales, 549 barrels; exports, l,u00 bar-

r°i1SHARLESTON*. S. C. Oct. 11..Turpen¬tine.Nothing doing. Rosin iirm and un¬



Lynchburg. Va.. Oct. 11, 1901.The new year in tobacco has opened' in

Lynchburg and the fwarehouses are-.ex-

..ectirie heavy reetip.sat an-early date.The offerings lor the ;;ast.v.eek have iu.lboen large, but prices have been satis¬factory.Quotatlon*. are ns follows:

DARK Gl-L-.DJ---.

Cumrnon. dark lug- .S 2.50'SS 8.0UMedium dark lugs . t<'St. 3.10Good dark lugs . 3.S0® 4.50

Leaf.Cohimbn dark leaf. ?!.50© 5.00Medium ,00@ ">.:.'.<Good dark leaf. t>XK^p S...UFine dark leaf . 10.00© 11..0Extra flni dark leaf. ll.-mi U_.0Biaeit wrabpers . ir>.00*_j 25.00


L"\.1___iion . 2...0.J 3.00Medium bright . 3.50*ai -t.vn

Good. 4.00?? f..'J0

Common eutters . 5.00"_p C.00Medium eutters. S.Wti.i 7.00."Jood eutters . OAHX& 9.00Fine eutters. lti.OiKtf 12.50

Bright Wrappers.Common. 8.00@ 10.00Medium. 11.00^ 15.00Good . VS.ttton 20.00Flno . 20.00© 30.00

fclahogany Wrappers.C-ood .,....14.000 20.00Meaiuin . lO.-Oftf 14.00Common . T.00@ 10.00

DANVILi.K 'tYHi. *"'"-' .--.I'l.-i.-

Danviile. Va.. Oct. 11. 1901.The market siands as ioiiows:_\tajor jiowarc, cniei ui 1'olicc, has a

letter addressed to Lit: Cummins, whicnhe wouid be giad to turn over to theperson t'or whom it is intehded by ap¬plication at police headquarters.Noudoscript goods.S '2.u6@)$ 4.C.Gn-nu'pjrs . 4.50® 7.C3Smokers.Commcu . 3.50*3 G.GOGood. . O.OOfa' ROOFlne . S.OOTii 0.50

Cutters.Common . S.OO'gi 10.00

Good. lO.OtK.*' 12.50Fine . 12.000 22.50

Fillers.Common. 3.0nff 4.S0

Good. 4.0016 S.00Fine. S.OO© 12.00

Wra p *..-*---.

Common . 8.00*0)12.00Medium . 12.50m 17.50Good . 17.50**** 35.00Fancy . 35.00© 55.00

PETERSBURG TOBACCO ATARKFT.Petersburg, Va.. Oct. 11, 1901.

fRerorted by Martin i_ Sr >..lNothing doing ir. tobacco. A few prlrtr

Ines have been sold at S2.G0.Prices quoted are:

Common lu^s.S 3.50*f*fS 4.00Good lugs . 4.50-tI --"'>

Long leafy lugs . 5.50.. 7.00Short leaf . 5.00*3) ,:,;">.Medium leal' . 0.50® 7.D0Medium to good shioping loaf S.O0*?. 10.00Flne to very Hne shipplng ^ ^^short .«¦_¦-».:..... ^.,,wr',?Medium wrappers..... ll.OO«B J..>

Fine wrapner. .-... * 13*O0;__) 1S.00


ARRIVED.Steamer Albemarle. Glover, Norfolk,

merchandise and passengers, Old Pcmin-i-jii L.lne.

SAILED.Steamer Yemassee, O'Neil, Philadelphia.

Pa., merchandise and passengers. ClydeLine. , .

Steamer Albemarle. Glover. Norfollr.merchandise and passengers, Old Domin¬ion line. ¦_Steamer Pocahontas, Grav-ps. .Tames

River landings and Norfolk, merchandiseaml passenger. Virginia Navigation Coin¬

pany._PORT NEWPORT NEWS. Oct. 11. 1001.

ARRIVED.Steamer Orthea, Glasgbw.Barge Dessong, Providence.

__A1LED.Barge Virginia Palmer, Allyn'a Point.Schooner M. D. Cressy, Boston.Steamer Archtar, Hamburg.


.Varsity AroVses a Spirit of Pritl-* in ihe Gameto-Duy.

(Special Pispatch to Thn Timos.)CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA., Oct. 11..

The students of the University of Vir¬

ginia held a mass-meetiug in the pifblichall to-night to arouse interest in to-

morrow's game with Gallaiidet. lt was

the first of the season, and was designedto raise the proper college spirit amongnew men and revive college spirit amongtlie bld folks. Speeches were made byHead Coach Abbott and Half Back Cole¬man, captain of tho 'Varsity eleven, andothers.The students reaiize that the Gallaudet

College team is unusually strong this

year,°and it is desired that the Virginiateam shall have the support ol" the entiresttulont body.The practice this afternoon was rather

disappointing. The 'Varsity was lined upagainst the scrub for ten minutes, antl inthat time failed to scoro a touchdown.Tiic scrtibs used the close formation,

which is the style of play at Gallaudet,and the "Varsity was unable to stop it

to the satisfaction of the coaches. Theremaindcr of practice was spent iri re-

hearsing the slgnals. The. team will be

haridicapped to-mbrrow by the loss ofHarris at left tackle. Harris is now on

crutehes as a result of a sprainedt anklereceived iit Wednesday"® contest.Benet will take Harris' place while hurt.

Major Bryce Stswart Decorated.

Major Bryce Stewart. of the RoyalMunster Fusilecra. who has for tv.-o yoara

been doing stait service in South Africa,has been awarded the Distinguished Scr-*vice Order by King Edward VII. MajorStewart's name stood third on the list ofthose so-honored by this decoration, whichls only surpassed by the Vlctorla, Cross.Major Stewart ls well known in Rich¬mond, having often visited his aunt, Mrs.John Stewart, of Brook Hill.

Rev. Dr. Tracey, the cvangeKst, wlllpreach at Fairmoant-Avenue Church Sun-dav at 11 A. AL. The pastor, Rev. J. O.Babcock. wlU AH tl*e Pulpit at night.


Stocks Co ifnue Buoyant in an ActiveMarket.


Advanccs Eight Poiuts on Rumors oi aa

Alleged Deai Entire Railroad List

Shows Sharp Gains .Good BackSlatcmcni Expected.

Opinions ditler as to the cause, but theface remains thac the buoyaricy attainedby the stock market on Tnursday con-

tinutd until the close yesterday afternoon.Some hnanctal authorities c.aim that th-irise was due to manipulatiort oy proies-sional traders. Others that the generalrailroad list advanced as the result. ofheavy buying of St. Paul stock. Othersbelieve that the ineyitable turn has beenmade in the market. and lhat this is butthe beginning of a buil movement.

HUDSON'S OPINION.C. I. Hutlson & Co., the weii known New

York broKeis, in their evening ietter topatrons, stated:"The advance in stocks contlnued al¬

most uriinterruptedly to the eicse, which,consequently, was at the hightst pricesof the clay. St. Paul remained by all oddsthe buoyant feature, but there was re-

markabie activity, especially in UnionPacitic and Southern Pacitic. togetherwith uniform strength throughout therailroad list. Dealings in the aggregateapproxfmated a miilioti shares.

"It is worthy cf note that the Morganstocks, including the coalers and UnitedStates Steel. were comparatively quiet,undergoing no marke'd price changes. St.Paul's advance of more than eight points,of course, gave rise to numerous rumors.

One was that the iM'organ holdings are tobe surrendered in ret-urn tfor the UnionPacific holdings of Northern Pacific, butnothing like confirmation has been ob¬tainable concerning this or any of theother rumors, which, therefore, seem tohave been put out tor purposes of manipti-latlon."A good bank statement is expected, be¬

cause the prelimniary returns show a cash

gain of neariy two million dollars. while a

decrease in tbe loan account is believed to

have been foreshadowed."The sales yesterday represented the ,

heaviest day's business for many weeks jpast. Among the. conspicuous advanceswere the following:Sugar, from 118 1-2 to 310 1-4; Atchison

common, from 76*3-4 to 7^ 7-S: Atchisonpreferred, <n-om"S6 3-S .'to lo 7-S; Baltimoreand Ohio. from 101 1-2 to 102 1-2; St. Paul,from 15!) 3-4 to 166; Chesapeake and Ohio.from 45 5-S to 45 7-S: Louisville and Nash¬ville. from 103 5-S to 104 1-4: New- YorkCrhtral, from 155 3-4 to 157 1-2; SouthernPacific, from 57 5-S to 50 3-S.

TIME TO BUY.Town Topics yesterday made the follow-

ing statement:"Now is the time to buy on any de-

clincs in anticip.ttion-of advance that iscertain within the next sixty days."

It is claimed that the Standard Oil in¬terests. which have for some time pastbeen upon the bear side of the market.have switched and will now encourage a


A prominent Richmond broker yesterdayreceived the following query from a NewYork trader: "Do you think the bull mar¬

ket has started, or is this only a drive atthe shorts."The following answer was sent: "There

is no particubir time for buIII markets.The situation is so healthy it can come at

any time. Everybody has heen waitihgfor money to get easier. but if after itcomes plentiful the situation is as goodas it is now, then it will be too late to


Trying lo Break His Fathcr's Will.CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA.. October 11.

.Tlie circuit Court is engaged in hearingthe case of A. C. Austin vs. Mrs. SallieAustin, to set aside his father's wiil. Thisis the third trial of this case, the iirst ofwhich took place last N> vemb< r. whenone ot" the jurymen was taken sick andtbe trial had to be coiitinued. When thecaso was again heard, in February, ih-jurv could not agree.Dr. H. O. Austin left all of his property

to his daughter; Mrs. Sallie Austin, thedefeHdant in this suit. The plaintiff was

disinherited under his father's will, andhe claims that his sister, Mrs. Sallie Aus¬tin, used undue infiuence on their fatherin order to get him to leave aU of his

property to her.Messrs. G. XV: Perkins arid J. XV. Fish-

burne represent Mrs. Sallie Austin. audMessrs. D. Harmon, J. R. Moon, and R.T. W. Duke, Jr., represent A. C. Austin.

JUSTICE JOHN'S COURT.The Mnximism Fine Imposed fcr Carrying

Cinc^ated Weapcns.Quite a number of ctises of Carnival

dsorder were before Justice Crutchfieldyesterday. in tlie larger number of cases

a moderate line was imposed, for HisHonor is determined that the majesty oflaw and order shall be upheld.Probably the most interesting caso of

the morning was that of Dr. A. AVilliamGray Farrar (colored), who, it appears,imbibed ii little too freely Thursday. Asa. result there was a drunk and disorder¬ly charge against him and also a charge

carrying concealed weapons.a pistoland a d'.rk. Farrar was represented byOiles Jackson: and President Hewins ofthe colored Anti-Veapon League, ap-

nili llOVAL 810NIH AM> TIIKU .jL.ki, LHaKAiilO.

Sudden changes of weather are es¬

pecially trying, and probably to noiiK

tnore so tb^n io ihe scrofuious and con¬

sumptive. 1 he progress of scrofula dur-uig a normal t'ctober is comiuonly great.vVfj never think oi scrofula.its bunches,cutaiieous eruptions, and wasting of thebodiiy substahce-withoi.it thinking of thegreat good many sufferers from it havederived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, whoseradical and permanent cures of this one*disease are enough to make it the mostfanious medicine in the world. There isprobably not a city or town where Hood'sSarsaparilla has not proved its merits inmoro homes than one. in arresting ar.acompletely cradicatiriK SGrofula. which isalmost as serious and as much to bc fearedas its near relative..consumpton.

I.Y\CMRURG FAJR VIA C. & 0. ROUTE'One fare for th<=> round trip pltis 50c. for

one admission. Tickets sold October 12thto ISth inc'riisive, limited for return untilOctober 21st.

\VK WANT YOUII OJIDEKSfor coal and rrood the ensuins seaaon.

Our long experience in dhe b.isiness en-

ables us to guarantee you entiro satisfac¬tion. Office ana yara, aeventeenth Street,between Cary and Dock.


K0RSE SHOW MATINEE,Th final performance at the Horse-

show Saturday Matinee will conclude thomost successful and attractive enter¬tainment ever given in Richmond. Desir¬able seats cin be obtained by applying atonce at Branch R. Allen's. No. 01S EastMain Street

AUCTION SALES.Ftitare DaysC. L. & H. L. Denoon.

Real Estate Auctioneers,S21 E. Alain Street.



By virtue of a deed of trust dated Au¬gust 10, IS97, recored ln Richmond Chan¬cery Court, D. B. 101 B-. nase. £08. andat request of beneticiary. default havingbeen made in payment of debt secured. I*.vil*. sell by public auction. on the prem¬ises. on

THURSDAY. OCTOBER 17. 1901,at 5 o'clock P. M.. the property named |above. ano' described In said' deed as allthat certain lot or parcel of land in thecit" of Richmond. Va.. with tho BrickHouse No. cox thereon. frontius 2&A feeton tho western line of Twenty-tirst or

Pickett Stroet between Pleasant Streetand Jefferson Park. nnd running backWestwardly 150 .eet to an tllev.This property Is well and convemcntly

located for a home. or will make a rouu'investment.TERMS.Cash for expenses of saie. any

taxes due. and to pay tlie debt of >.t.iMHiwiii. interest from August 10. 15)01; tnebalance at one a:id two y-.-ars. with b percent. interest, or all cash at the optionof purchaser.

GEO. S. VASHON. Trustee.C. L. & H. L. Denoon. A'uctioneers.

j..-\.\ii sT.i'nou.M'-*--

REF0RT OF THK CONDITION OF THEDIAIE SAVINGS BANK. A I Rl_H-£._.._._>. _>. t-N tri-- ¦_0.vi..-0.*. v\ k_-l_i .1



Loans and discounts.S1C3.9S- jSDue from National Banks. _.__. 00Due from State Banks andBankers . 2.10.S 4,

Insurance premiums in courseof collection . *...>,.> 0s

Furniture and Fixtuns. IUSU.jmPremiums paid . '.'¦'":__'Suteie.. nickels and cents. _8J iSPaper currency._*'"'*.' '*.*

Total .*?l>*;'- '¦'¦¦'.- :;l

LIABILITIES.Capital stock paid in.S 4S.3S7 50Ur.diviucd prodts . !>..,-', _?_

Inc-'ividtial deposits subject to.

check . 114.030 llTime certiticatcs of deposit- U).S2r, 3Interest due depositors. .¦o's StDue insurance companies and


at.ents '. l.*»i*> 41

Total .sis-rnag st

Slate of Virginia, City of Richmond.ss. :

1. J. H. Southall. cashier of the above-named bank. d<> sblemnly swear that tneabove statement is true to the best ot rayknowledge and belief.

j. H. SOUTHALL. Cashier.

Subscribed and sworn to before me thisHth dav of October. 1901.




John H, DlGksrsan & Co.Maanfacturers of

Sadrfies, harness and Coliars.Who'.esalc and Retail.

1402 E. Main Sl, R1CHKGND, VA


LBXIIIglMll a-*fi712 EAST BKOAD.

prompt del1very.best Workmanship.

'Phones.New, M&5: Old, 2164.

peared in the interest of that organiza¬tion. Hewins made a very good. clearand straight-forward statement of theaims and purp'oses of his organizationand their application to the present case.

During Hewins" statement. Farrar tookout his prescription blank and wrote thefollowing note:"If vou have an enemy you must resort

to one of three things*: Scldioppetto.carbine; stiletto.dagger: stra.la-tlight."This he attempted to pass to Hewins.

but Justice John's eagle eye detected themovement and he ordered _.uit the notebe handed to him. Attorney Giles Jack¬son laborcd long and eamestly In be-half of his client. >>"t he evidently feltthat he was up ngalnst the real thing.His references to his rival attorney He¬wins as a "would-be Comtnonwealth'sAttorney,*' were well recelyed'.Finally, nfter Giles got through, J :stice

John srot into the g-irne.510 for the drunkand disorderly sqnared o" 'hit t-n-3 of

.he charge. but. in view of the threate..-ing note the regular $53 anri i-.Vr-..- .inysfor ccncealed weapons was put tro to thei'mit of the l<-w S1C0 :i-d thirty cTavs. Anappeal was *alron ..ncl the.a'T'air v. i!l comeut; in th-a Hustings Court in November.Cbmmonwealth's Attorney R-ehardso-ipobketed rhe threatening note and Far¬rar was bailed]

_JFC;/I MEcTING CALLED.The CommcD CourrcirWHI Consider tbe Bel

Franchise V.orday.x- call has been issued for a meetln*.

of the Common Councii on Monday nichtnext to consider and act upon the vetoof the franchise ordinance of the South¬ern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Com¬pany by Mayor Taylor. The votes in theCommon Councii on this measure.10 tuf». on July 3d, and 22 to 5 on Mondaynight last when the amencied ordinancewas passed along to the Mayor--1earlyindicate that the measure wiii pass th->Common Councii c-ver the Mayor's veto.Onlv a' majority of the two branches ofthe Councii is required. The ordinance willreach the Bcard of Aldermen at irs regu¬lar meeting on Tuesday night next. Asthat bodv Ls eor.-i.lerat-ly more evenlydivided there may be otiite an interest¬ing light. The last critical dlvision inthis branch was 9 to S -n lavor of tne BellCompany. Th'e r-dnrn of Mayor Allen wil!be a DOint gained by tbe r.py»*-.sition. andth'* addition of the maxfrnum vi.;e amer"''ment which has won over to the measurethe vote oi* Mr. Thomason is a pointgained by the Bell Company.

JL'RY COULD NOT AGREE.Case Against Terry in the United States Dis¬

trict Court Still Undecided.The jury,after considering the evidence

in the case of thii Governmcnt against"--. Terry, charged with illicit distilling,

for two days, waa unable to agree. The ar¬

gument in the case wa_> concluded Thurs-dav morning by Terry, who made his owndelense and laid before the court and juryan able argument which has been thetopic of the term. Terry Is from Pow¬hatan county and has" been a prisoner inthe United States Courts for severalt**-rms. His analytical argument upon thoevidence in the case- and the sklll withwhich he handled the witness was re¬markable for a man of no experlence incourts save as a prisoner. District At¬torney Allan conducted the prccecution.O. J. Percy. of Lunenburg. arraigned

before the bar for illicit distilling, pieadguilty.The Judge tempered justice with mcrcy

and sentenced him for thirty days.

Miss Annie Burton Grigg, of Jarra.fs.who has b_en visiting Miss S'l-.ie Creath.of No- i*-02 Floyd Avenue. during the Car-nrval. left vesterday evening for herhome.

AUCTION SAIjKS.Fntnro D»y s.

By C. L. & H. ti. Oenoon.R'-ai Estate Agonts and Auctioneers.

Sil Maln Street.


Very.Attractivs West-EndBuilding Lots,



Attractive Modern BrickResidence


By virtue of a certain deed of trustdated December M. IS08. and recorded ir»D. R. 136 A.. page 160. Henrieo CountyCourt default having been made in th*ipayment of a certain note secured thcre¬ln. we wiil sell at publit auction. or. thal-retni"'1?, on

MONDAY. OCTOBER 11. 1001.at 4 o'clock F. M.. thc followinjr veryvaluabie property:First.Lot of land frontlng. 41^> feet or*

the north side of Powhatan Street. run¬ning baek on Ihe western line of RobinsonStttet i:>0 feet to Winder Street. andrunnimr back on the line of the land ofJ. H Shields' estate. oblftiuely 135 feet tosaid Winder Street. on which it has j*

frontage of 432 feet.Second.All those certain lots num'oercd

74. 7.">. 7i">. 77 and 7S tn the plan of Hope-daie, having a frontage of 30 feet each onWinder Street. and lot mirajtrnl 70 lnsaid plan, frontlng t'i-1 feet on said U'alkerStreet and runninir baek between irregu¬lar lines 130 feet, moro or less. to saidWinder Street.The residence abovo-mentior.eil is an at¬

tractive Two-Story Modern Brick struc-ture. containinjj: about nine rooms. wicha!I convenier.ces and will make a verydelightful home.This property wiil be offerod in sucjj

parcels as will suit the views of bidderftTERMS.One-third cash: balance at 3.

12 and IS mouth.C. I.. DENOON.HENRY S. HFTZRER.

Trustees.C L. & H- L. Donoon. Auctioneers.

Bv E. A. Catlin. Auctioneer.No. {J North Eleventh Slrcet.

lapfeot Lot,40X199 FEET.

Auction Sale ofi!!7 GROVE AVENUE.

At the reouest of the owner. who de-sires to realize. I will sell at public auc¬tion. upon the premises. oa

TUESDAY OCTOBER 13. 1001.at ."> o'clock I'. M.. that most cligibly lo¬cated LOT on the south side of GroveAvenue between Beech aml Morris Streets.ou whicli there is a medium Frame Dwelt-in= in good repair. The LOT FRONTS 10FEET BY 191) Feet T<> AN ALLEY. Toomuch cannot be said about the location ofthis property; Its altitude makes it .;.-Ifcrhtful during ihe warm months. am adjacenl t>> the beautiful H>>wrzer Monu¬ment Park. The neighborhood i-i utn-.-f-celted and it is very convenfent :<> ihocar lines, yet far enough removed toavold the' noise aud dust. Ihe size :a

very attractive for a handsome ret idenceei- the erectlon ->t' Hats, which would haveample iight and every condition t'> makathem pay handsomely on the Investment.I therafore commend! it t<> home-seekersamf investors alike.TERMS.Usual.

E. A. CATLIN. Auctioneer.By A. L. Adamson,

Reui i-.sti-.n- Aucctonuer.Manchester, Va.





COUNTY. VA.By virtue of a deed of trust dated Sep¬

tember 23, 1800. and- recorded in D. B. 1)8,page ".'Ao. default having been made irtthe payment of ono «f tho notes securedtherebv and being requestetl so to do bvthe holder thereof, I will sell at nublinaurtion. in front of Cheste-iieid Court-

MOXPAY. 1-1TFI DAY OF OCT. 1001.(that beins court day) at 12 o'clock M..The above Farm. contalning IR4 acres.

more or less. frohting .on the Goode'uBrldge Road. about one mil- from thdF. and P. R- R-. and adjoining the landjof t.ee B. Lester. Good. stronc land.about one-half cleared. upon which is a

large dwelling. barns. cuthouses and.large orchard: the other half is in oafcand nine timber, a large part of which taoriginal growth.TERMS.Cash . _,

A. I.. ADAMSON. Trustee.

By T. M. Wortham & Co.,Real Estate Agents and Auctioneers,

1013 E. Main Street.


iioo Detached Fraaia OweiiiogNO. 1711 TAYLOR STREET.


By virtue of a certain deed of trust tome." the undersigned. dated April S, l.SOO.and duly recorded iu Henrieo CountyCourt iri D. B. 131 A.. page 164. defaulthaving been made in the payment of a

sum of money thereiu secured. and' beingrcquired by the benenciary thereunder so

to do. 1 will sell, on the premises. on

TUESDAY. OCTOBER 13. 1001.at 3 o'clock P. M., ths property describedin said (feed.The house contains 7 rooms, is a, well-

constructed Frame Dwellinjc: the Lotfronts 23x120 feet to an alley.This is an opportunity for a bargain.TERMS.Cash as to expense? of sale-,

any taxes that may be duo. and enoughto pay a note for $200 and interest fromMav 16. 1001. Balance cash.

T. M. WORTHAM. Trustee.,_,.-¦..-'-¦*

Bv E. A. Catlin, Auctioneer.No. 0 North Eleventh Street.

Centrally Located BrickDwelling.AT AUCTION"

Wednesday. October iS'h.iaOJ^AT 3 O'CLOCK P. M..


At the time named I will sell the above-mentioned property. lt is in excellenlcondition, convenient to business. a goodrehter, comfortable home, a car-faresaver and within reach of moderalameans. lt has two stores anc» basementYou are invited to inspect it. aad If it iswhat you want do not fail to attend th«sale, for if you are wi'iinfc to pay eoit otimprovements. will throw in the iot.TERMS. Usual.

E. A. CATLIN. Auctioneer.

By the Valentine Auction Co..Auctioneers.



In pursuance of an order of the Unite*Sta,tes District Court for the Eastern Dis.rrist of Virginia. tn the matter of >. S.Hntzler. bankrupt. T will sell at P«bU«puction at his bar-room. Nos. oOS and «IUNcrth Sixth Street,MONDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 11TK,commencing ac 11:30 o'clock. his ctitir*stock.viz. in part: Whiaxeys. Brandies,Wlnes, Gin, Beer, &c. Cigars. Tobacco*Bar Decantera and Glassea. Iron aafa,Barrel Rack. Handsome* Oak Back Bar,witb three large Mlrrors. flne Bar Coun-ter and Oyster Counter. Beer Pump.laxge Refrigerator (flne one) Nat.ocajCash Register. city and State Ucen3P9 fo*eonducting the bar and* tobacco business.Wlll also sell lot of Chalrs, Tables. Emp-

I tv Bottles, Book Accounts. etc.iy oou R B ULLMAN. Receiver,1 The Valentine Auction Co.. Auctioneer^