frontier research, global impact....

Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。

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Page 1: Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。2018年11月,贝克尔·弗里德曼经 济研究所宣布与清华大学经济管 理学院合作成立经济与金融联合

Frontier research, global impact.前沿研究,全球影响。

Page 2: Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。2018年11月,贝克尔·弗里德曼经 济研究所宣布与清华大学经济管 理学院合作成立经济与金融联合


A Critical Time for Economic ResearchBFI-China aims to produce new insights on the key policy challenges facing China today, and to create a robust dialogue around those findings with Chinese policymakers, business leaders, and other stakeholders.

Over the past four decades, China has experienced a period of unparalleled, historic change. The country’s economic growth has been nothing less than astonishing, with per capita income increasing by 900 percent since 1990, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty and into the global middle class.

Today, China is the world’s second-largest economy and leading manufacturer, an economic leader whose markets are increasingly globally integrated and whose companies are among the world’s most innovative and dynamic. Despite this progress, Chinese policymakers now confront a set of complex challenges as they seek to catalyze a second economic transformation that ushers in a new era of sustainable growth.

How can China’s government and financial institutions, which have been a critical element of its unique economic success, evolve to become more efficient and adjust themselves to a more challenging international environment? What is the future of Chinese financial markets amid the intricate interactions between market mechanisms and policy interventions? And how can China maintain access to the affordable energy needed to power growth without suffering the effects of dangerously high levels of pollution?






Page 3: Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。2018年11月,贝克尔·弗里德曼经 济研究所宣布与清华大学经济管 理学院合作成立经济与金融联合


A World-Class Research EffortThe Becker Friedman Institute, in partnership with the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, launched BFI-China to bring the rigor of Chicago Economics to the forefront of addressing these challenges. This groundbreaking partnership between UChicago economists and Chinese researchers and institutions produces and disseminates new insights on the most critical economic policy challenges facing China today.

To bridge the gap between research and impact, BFI-China actively delivers its research findings to key audiences in relevant and accessible formats. Leading voices in economic policy, business, the media, and academia are showcased at BFI-China events, including a new series of virtual seminars to discuss research relating to the Chinese economy.

BFI-CHINA INITIATIVES · Chinese Economic Growth Initiative · Macro Finance Research Program (MFR-China) · Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC-China)





BFI-CHINA研究项目 BFI-CHINA研究项目 · 中国经济增长模式研究项目 · 中国宏观金融研究项目(MFR-China) · 芝加哥大学能源与环境政策研究所中国中心(EPIC-China)

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Page 4: Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。2018年11月,贝克尔·弗里德曼经 济研究所宣布与清华大学经济管 理学院合作成立经济与金融联合



In November, 2018, the Becker Friedman Institute announced a new partnership with Tsinghua University’s School for Economics & Management, forming the Joint Research Center for Economics and Finance. The Joint Research Center is a first-of-its-kind collaboration that supports frontier economics research, as well as faculty and doctoral student exchanges. It hosts regular workshops and forums to share results and discuss areas of mutual interest. The Joint Center’s seminar series is a premier forum featuring well-established economics scholars discussing frontier research, methodologies and issues related to policymaking in China.

In the spring of 2020, the Joint Research Center announced its inaugural award of 10 new research grants. Each research team receiving awards includes faculty from both the University of Chicago and Tsinghua University, with topics ranging from trade dynamics to energy, housing, and more.


Tsinghua University President Qiu Yong (left) and University of Chicago President Robert J. Zimmer (right). 顶图:清华大学校长邱勇(左)与芝加哥大学校长罗伯特·齐默 (右)在签约仪式上

Left: Dean of Tsinghua University’s School of Economics and Management Chong-En Bai. Right: BFI Director Michael Greenstone. 下左:清华大学经济管理学院院长白重恩致辞。下右:芝加哥大学贝克尔·弗里德曼经济研究所所长迈克尔·格林斯通致辞


Tsinghua University-University of Chicago Joint Research Center for Economics and Finance


Zhiguo He, Fuji Bank and Heller Professor of Finance, Chicago Booth, Director, BFI-China; Program Director, MFR-China

Yi Lu, Professor of Economics, Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management


Chong-En Bai, Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor, Department of Economics; Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

Michael Greenstone, Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, the College, and Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago; Director, Becker Friedman Institute and Energy Policy Institute at UChicago




何治国,Fuji Bank and Heller金融学讲席教授,芝加哥大学布斯商学院;BFI-China中心主任;MFR-China研究项目主任

陆毅,经济学教授,清华大学经济管理学院 指导委员会

白重恩,Mansfield Freeman讲席教授,经济系;清华大学经济管理学院院长

迈克尔·格林斯通,Milton Friedman杰出教授,芝加哥大学肯尼斯·格里芬经济系、本科生学院和哈里斯公共政策学院;贝克尔·弗里德曼经济研究所和能源与环境政策研究所所长

Zhiguo He, Fuji Bank and Heller Professor of Finance, Chicago Booth, Director, BFI-China; Program Director, MFR-China

Page 5: Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。2018年11月,贝克尔·弗里德曼经 济研究所宣布与清华大学经济管 理学院合作成立经济与金融联合

China is a vast country that has changed rapidly over the past four decades. The Chinese Economic Growth Initiative conducts ground-breaking research to provide a better understanding of the factors driving China’s extraordinary economic expansion. A second objective of this Initiative will be access for Chinese and US researchers to reliable data about the impacts of its institutional structures on economic growth.

To facilitate this work, BFI, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, and Tsinghua University have formed a collaborative research project to explore the role of various institutions in China’s economic growth model. This collaboration leverages a unique combination of Chinese administrative and commercial data to produce rigorous, world-class economics research.

Key questions this Initiative explores include:

1. What are the costs and benefits of the current system?

2. How could the institutional foundation of the China Model impact long-run business growth?

3. How can current institutions at provincial and local levels work better in terms of economic efficiency?

4. How has the transformation toward large firms in China increased efficiencies?

For more information, visit:


Chinese Economic Growth Initiative


Chang-Tai Hsieh, Phyllis and Irwin Winkelried Professor of Economics and PCL Faculty Scholar, Chicago Booth

Chong-En Bai, Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor, Department of Economics; Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

Zheng Michael Song, Professor, Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

“This partnership includes collaborations with both the Chinese government and the private sector to develop a systematic approach for analyzing real-time data from multiple sources. The goal is to improve the measurement of China’s current economic status, which will hopefully make the Chinese economy more transparent.”

— Chang-Tai Hsieh, Faculty Co-Director



中国这个幅员辽阔的国家,在过去四十年中发生了巨大中国这个幅员辽阔的国家,在过去四十年中发生了巨大的变化。中国经济增长模式研究项目将开展开创性研的变化。中国经济增长模式研究项目将开展开创性研究,以更好地了解中国经济非同寻常增长的驱动因素。究,以更好地了解中国经济非同寻常增长的驱动因素。这一研究项目的另一个目标是让中美 两国的研究人员这一研究项目的另一个目标是让中美 两国的研究人员获得可靠的数据,以了解中国的制度结构对经济增长的获得可靠的数据,以了解中国的制度结构对经济增长的影响。影响。



— 谢长泰,学术主任



谢长泰, Phyllis and Irwin Winkelried经济学讲席教授,芝加哥大学布斯商学院

白重恩,Mansfield Freeman讲席教授,经济系;清华大学经济管理学院院长




1. 当前体系的成本和效益如何?1. 当前体系的成本和效益如何?

2. 中国模式的制度基础如何影响企业的长期成长?2. 中国模式的制度基础如何影响企业的长期成长?

3. 现有国家和地方层面的机构如何在经济效率上更好地发挥作用?3. 现有国家和地方层面的机构如何在经济效率上更好地发挥作用?

4. 中国企业向大公司转型的过程中是如何提高效率的?4. 中国企业向大公司转型的过程中是如何提高效率的?

Page 6: Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。2018年11月,贝克尔·弗里德曼经 济研究所宣布与清华大学经济管 理学院合作成立经济与金融联合

The Macro Finance Research Program (MFR-China) explores financial market evolution, banking reform, debt, and reform of state-owned enterprises. Researchers investigate the many questions facing China’s increasingly dynamic financial markets—from privacy issues to credit worthiness and systemic risk—including the emerging challenges facing China’s regulators. This research will provide important insight for Chinese policymakers, as well as build resources for future research.

As regulators are growing their new teeth in China, it becomes particularly valuable to have researchers explore systematically the costs and benefits of the proposed restrictions and to study the potential impacts of financial regulation on the future growth of the Chinese economy.

For more information, visit:


Macro Finance Research Program (MFR-China)


Lars Peter Hansen, David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor, University of Chicago; Director, MFR

Zhiguo He, Fuji Bank and Heller Professor of Finance, Chicago Booth; Director, BFI-China; Program Director, MFR-China

“China has demonstrated an amazing ability to innovate within its financial sector, especially in terms of financial technology. However, such innovation is not the norm among its state-owned financial institutions. While the rise of a shadow banking system can help fill the gaps left by a slow-to-respond state infrastructure, it can also give rise to risks for which China’s regulators are unprepared to face.”

— Lars Peter Hansen, MFR Program Director


中国宏观金融研究项目 (MFR-China)


拉尔斯·彼得·汉森, David Rockefeller杰出教授,芝加哥大学;MFR项目主任

何治国, Fuji Bank and Heller金融学讲席教授,芝加哥大学布斯商学院;BFI-China中心主任;MFR-China研究项目主任





— 拉尔斯·彼得·汉森,学术主任


Page 7: Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。2018年11月,贝克尔·弗里德曼经 济研究所宣布与清华大学经济管 理学院合作成立经济与金融联合

Over the past four decades, China’s rapid expansion in energy use and the dramatic growth it has fueled has transformed the country into one of the world’s most important economic powers. It has also, however, had profound environmental consequences. As policymakers continue to work toward cleaner air, water, and soil without sacrificing economic growth, it will be crucial to identify the most cost effective and efficient policies available.

To help evaluate and scale up successful policies, EPIC conducts data-driven research in partnership with local, regional, and national governments at the center of these critical issues, including in China. As a part of EPIC’s work in China, the University of Chicago and the University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) have formed the Joint Center for Energy Policy Research, which aims to generate fresh insights into pressing energy and environmental challenges. The Joint Center aims to develop new tools to tackle important priorities, such as cost-effective reductions in environmental pollution.

For more information, visit:

“EPIC-China takes the established research and existing partnerships of UChicago faculty to the next level. Alongside our Chinese partners, our aim is to conduct ground-breaking research on how to ensure access to inexpensive and reliable energy while meeting China’s ambitious pollution-reduction goals. This work could bring long-lasting benefits not just to China, but also to the rest of the world.” — Michael Greenstone, Faculty Director


Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago (EPIC-China)


Michael Greenstone, Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, the College, and Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago; Director, Becker Friedman Institute and Energy Policy Institute at UChicago




学术主任: 迈克尔·格林斯通,Milton Friedman杰出教授,芝加哥大学肯尼斯·格里芬经济系、本科生学院和哈里斯公共政策学院;贝克尔·弗里德曼经济研究所和能源与环境政策研究所所长

过去四十年,中国经济的飞速发展让数亿人得以脱贫,生活过去四十年,中国经济的飞速发展让数亿人得以脱贫,生活水平大幅提高,其成就在经济史上前所未有。 能源消耗的水平大幅提高,其成就在经济史上前所未有。 能源消耗的快速扩张驱动了经济的飞速增长,但也带来了严重的环境问快速扩张驱动了经济的飞速增长,但也带来了严重的环境问题。有鉴于此,中国的政策制定者正努力探索如何在不影响题。有鉴于此,中国的政策制定者正努力探索如何在不影响经济增长的情况下保持空气、水和土壤的清洁。为了实现这经济增长的情况下保持空气、水和土壤的清洁。为了实现这一目标,能否识别出最具性价比、最有效率的政策就成为了一目标,能否识别出最具性价比、最有效率的政策就成为了至关重要的因素。至关重要的因素。


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“EPIC-China将把芝加哥大学的成熟研究成果和现有的合作关系提升到新的水平。与我们的中国伙伴一起,我们将开展开创性的研究,探索如何确保经济可行、稳定的能源供应,同时满足中国雄心勃勃的降低污染的目标,这些工作将对中国和世界其他地区产生长远的积极影响。” — 迈克尔·格林斯通,学术主任


Page 8: Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。2018年11月,贝克尔·弗里德曼经 济研究所宣布与清华大学经济管 理学院合作成立经济与金融联合


“The groundbreaking partnership between Tsinghua University and the University of Chicago’s Becker Friedman Institute for Economics (BFI) exemplifies BFI’s mission of supporting and encouraging frontier research with important societal impact. This research will be shared not only with researchers around the world to inspire continued analysis and inquiry, but importantly will also be shared with Chinese policymakers to inform better policy outcomes for China’s institutions and its citizens.” Robert J. Zimmer President, University of Chicago

“清华大学与芝加哥大学贝克尔·弗里德曼经济研究所之间这种开创性的合作伙伴关系完美地体现了BFI的使命:支持和鼓励有重大社会价值的前沿研究。这些研究不仅会在全球的学者间传播来推动学术研究的进步,更重要的是,我们将会与中国政策制定者分享研究成果,从而为中国的机构和民众带来更好的政策。” 罗伯特·齐默 芝加哥大学校长

People · 人员 About the Director · 学术主任

Chong-En Bai Mansfield Freeman Chair Professor, Department of Economics; Dean, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University 白重恩

Mansfield Freeman讲席教授,经济系;清华大学经济管理学院院长 Lars Peter Hansen David Rockefeller Distinguished Service Professor in Economics, University of Chicago 拉尔斯·彼得·汉森 David Rockefeller杰出教授,芝加哥大学 Chang-Tai Hsieh Phyllis and Irwin Winkelried Professor of Economics and PCL Faculty Scholar, Chicago Booth 谢长泰 Phyllis and Irwin Winkelried经济学讲席教授,芝加哥大学布斯商学院

Michael Greenstone Milton Friedman Distinguished Service Professor in the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, the College, and Harris School of Public Policy, University of Chicago 迈克尔·格林斯通 Milton Friedman杰出教授,芝加哥大学肯尼斯·格里芬经济系、本科生学院和哈里斯公共政策学院;贝克尔·弗里德曼经济研究所和能源与环境政策研究所所长 Zheng Michael Song Professor, Department of Economics, The Chinese University of Hong 宋铮 教授,香港中文大学经济系

Zhiguo He Director, BFI-China In the spring of 2020, Zhiguo He, the Fuji Bank and Heller Professor of Finance at Chicago Booth, was appointed as director of BFI-China. He is a well-known expert on Chinese financial markets, with published research on the Chinese stock market, local government debt, shadow banking, and interbank markets. Professor He received

his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the School of Economics and Management at Tsinghua University before receiving his PhD from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in 2008. He has been named a 2014 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow and has won numerous awards for his outstanding scholastic record. In January 2020, he testified at the United States-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) Hearing. Before joining the Chicago Booth faculty in 2008, he was a post-doctoral fellow in Bendheim Center for Finance at Princeton University, and also worked as a stock analyst at the China International Capital Corporation in Beijing.

2020年春,芝加哥大学布斯商学院Fuji Bank and Heller金融学讲席教授何治国被任命为BFI-China主任。何治国教授是中国金融市场领域的知名专家,在中国的股票市场、地方政府债务、影子银行和银行间市场等领域发表了多篇论文。何治国教授在清华大学经济管理学院获得了学士与硕士学位,并于2008年在西北大学凯洛格商学院获得博士学位。凭借他杰出的学术贡献,何治国教授获得了2014年的Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow以及其他诸多奖项。2020年1月,何治国教授在美国-中国经济与安全审查委员会(USCC)的听证会上作证。在加入芝加哥布斯商学院之前,何治国教授曾于普林斯顿大学Bendheim金融中心进行博士后研究,并曾担任过中国国际金融公司的金融分析师。


Affiliated Scholars · 其他学者

Page 9: Frontier research, global impact. 前沿研究,全球影响。2018年11月,贝克尔·弗里德曼经 济研究所宣布与清华大学经济管 理学院合作成立经济与金融联合


Email: [email protected] •


The Becker Friedman Institute for Economics serves as a hub for cutting-edge analysis and research across the entire University of Chicago economics community, uniting researchers from Chicago Booth, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, the Harris School of Public Policy, and the Law School in an unparalleled effort to uncover new ways of thinking about economics. We put those ideas into action by translating rigorous research into accessible and relevant formats, and proactively disseminating it to key decision-makers around the world. More information can be found at


贝克尔·弗里德曼经济研究所作为整个芝加哥大学经济学界的前沿分析和研究中心,将布斯商学院、肯尼斯·格里芬经济系、哈里斯公共政策学院和法学院的研究人员联合起来,通过前所未有的努力来发现经济学的新思维方式。我们把严谨的研究转化为容易理解和实用性的形式,最终将这些思考付诸行动,并积极传播给世界各地的重要决策者。 想了解更多信息,请访问 。
