front cover linked to research

Front cover linked to research

Upload: angel-chan

Post on 14-Jan-2017




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Page 1: Front cover linked to research

Front cover linked to research

Page 2: Front cover linked to research

My music magazine links to my research into the history of indie because I wanted to show the diversity the indie genre shows in my magazine as a result of looking at it’s history.

Page 3: Front cover linked to research

My music magazine links to my research in artist branding because I think it reflects the unique sense of style each artist has, that also fits with the kind of sub-genre their indie music fits into. It has been demonstrated in my magazine by the simple but generic look that would be classed as indie. Like hipster and hippy fashion.

Page 4: Front cover linked to research

The edgy look my artist has, reflects my research into the artist profile of her background and includes the shades and the bracelets that's shown in my research as well.

Page 5: Front cover linked to research

Thanks to my audience research I know the colour scheme is mostly aesthetically important and I have used the blue colour as the main colour as there is a link to the artist name. Also my audience would like to see indie artists names mentioned on the cover as I have done.