from our spiritual leader coming events cantor …...2015/09/07  · september 2015 elul...

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776 Volume 19, Issue 8 From Our Spiritual Leader Cantor Henry Shapiro Tashlikh When we think about the High Holidays, we think about repentance and atoning for our sins. Besides all the prayers, fasting and soul- searching, there are a couple of physical ceremonies that represent separating from sin. Though they have their controversies, one has fallen out of favor and one has become accepted in every Jewish community. One old problematic custom is kapporot, which is a ceremony that supposedly transfers ones sins to a chicken and then slaughters it. While this is still done today in some communities, it has been discouraged by many classic Rabbinic commentators. The reason is obvious, it smacks of superstition or magic and seems to have pagan origins. And besides, what do you do afterwards with the chicken? The other universally observed ceremony is Tashlikh. The word ‘tashlikh’ derives from the Hebrew root שלך, which means to send. In this derivation it means to cast, as in casting away sin. It comes from verses by the prophet Micah 7:18-20 where it mentions casting sins into the depths of the sea. Water plays an important role in purification in Judiasm, as in the mikveh or washing hands before meals. This practice therefore is more in line with Jewish thought. Using a large body of water such as a sea, lake or river with fish in it, implies the water is an active and living force. Coming Events Friday Night Shabbat Services 6:00 PM Saturday Morning Shabbat Services 9:30 AM September 5th Selichot at Temple Emanuel in the South Hills 7:30PM September 8th High Holiday Q&A and prep 7:00-8:00PM September 13th Erev Rosh Hashanah Services 8:00 PM September 14th 1st day Rosh Hashanah Services 8:30AM September 15th 2 nd day Rosh Hashanah Services 8:30AM September 20th Tashlich @ B-Y Park 10:00 AM September 22nd Kol Nidre Services 6:30 PM September 23rd Yom Kippur Services 8:30AM & 5:45-7:56PM Shofar & break-fast 7:56PM September 28th 1st Day Sukkot 9:30AM October 4th Erev Shemini Atzeret w/Yizkor 7:00 PM October 5th Shemini Atzeret w/Yizkor during Torah Service 9:30 AM Erev Simchat Torah - w/Live music and refreshments! 7:00 PM

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Page 1: From Our Spiritual Leader Coming Events Cantor …...2015/09/07  · September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776 Volume 19, Issue 8 From Our Spiritual Leader Cantor Henry Shapiro Services

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776 Volume 19, Issue 8

From Our Spiritual Leader

Cantor Henry Shapiro

Tashlikh When we think about the High Holidays, we think about repentance and atoning for our sins. Besides all the prayers, fasting and soul-searching, there are a couple of physical ceremonies that represent separating from sin. Though they have their controversies, one has fallen out of favor and one has become accepted in every Jewish community. One old problematic custom is kapporot, which is a ceremony that supposedly transfers ones sins to a chicken and then slaughters it. While this is still done today in some communities, it has been discouraged by many classic Rabbinic commentators. The reason is obvious, it smacks of superstition or magic and seems to have pagan origins. And besides, what do you do afterwards with the chicken? The other universally observed ceremony is Tashlikh. The word ‘tashlikh’ derives from the Hebrew root שלך , which means to send. In this derivation it means to cast, as in casting away sin. It comes from verses by the prophet Micah 7:18-20 where it mentions casting sins into the depths of the sea. Water plays an important role in purification in Judiasm, as in the mikveh or washing hands before meals. This practice therefore is more in line with Jewish thought. Using a large body of water such as a sea, lake or river with fish in it, implies the water is an active and living force.

Coming Events

Friday Night Shabbat Services 6:00 PM Saturday Morning Shabbat Services 9:30 AM September 5th Selichot at Temple Emanuel in the South Hills 7:30PM September 8th High Holiday Q&A and prep 7:00-8:00PM September 13th Erev Rosh Hashanah Services 8:00 PM September 14th 1st day Rosh Hashanah Services 8:30AM September 15th 2nd day Rosh Hashanah Services 8:30AM September 20th Tashlich @ B-Y Park 10:00 AM September 22nd Kol Nidre Services 6:30 PM September 23rd Yom Kippur Services 8:30AM & 5:45-7:56PM Shofar & break-fast 7:56PM September 28th 1st Day Sukkot 9:30AM October 4th Erev Shemini Atzeret w/Yizkor 7:00 PM October 5th Shemini Atzeret w/Yizkor during Torah Service 9:30 AM Erev Simchat Torah - w/Live music and refreshments! 7:00 PM

Page 2: From Our Spiritual Leader Coming Events Cantor …...2015/09/07  · September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776 Volume 19, Issue 8 From Our Spiritual Leader Cantor Henry Shapiro Services

Parkway Jewish Center

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776

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Rabbi Isaac Klein in A Guide of Jewish Practice suggests that “Tashlikh gives us a chance to reflect on water’s purifying effect on the body” and also “even as the body is purified, so ought our souls be purified by repentance and the appeal to Gd’s help and mercy”. The Tashlikh ceremony is most commonly done after services on the 1st day of Rosh Hashanah though it’s perfectly fine to do it the 2nd day or indeed, anytime before the end of Sukkot. The custom at PJC is to hold it the Sunday morning between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. Please join us on the morning of September 20, 10am, at B-Y park in Trafford. Cantor Henry Shapiro

Saturday, September 5, 2015, 7:30 p.m. at Temple Emanuel Selichot - South Hills I’m participating in a joint service in the South Hills, PJC has been invited to join. 7:30 — Traditional Mincha Service led by Beth El 7:45 — Dessert Reception 8:20 — Havdalah 8:30 — Service 9:00 — Songs from the Jewish Heart and Soul - Traditional Klezmer and Jewish Music with Cantor Henry Shapiro Douglas Levine - piano Roi Mezare - clarinet

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Parkway Jewish Center

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776

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Parkway Jewish Center

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776

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From the President’s Desk………………………….Robert E. Korfin I’m looking forward to seeing you and your family at High Holiday Services in September. If you haven’t received your High Holy Day tickets yet, they should arrive very soon. Hal Lederman and his Ritual Committee met to work out the details for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We are hoping to make the services as meaningful and enjoyable as possible. You may notice that our driveway is in much improved condition. My thanks to Shirley Holtzman Schwartz for staying on top of the folks from Wilkins Township. With her urging, they cleaned out and filled the potholes, cracks and craters left from years of driving and Pittsburgh frigid winters. And speaking of driving, we hire a security guard who assists in getting as many cars into our lot as possible. Please respect him and help him do his job by following his directions when parking. Last year our services moved along at a very nice pace. We finished the services at a good time. But it’s not about the speed. These are in fact the High Holy Days; they are a time for reflection and introspection, and that shouldn’t be rushed. Come in with a good attitude, relax and take it all in. The beautiful flowers up on the bema don’t arrive at PJC by osmosis. Thankfully, they are donated each year. Pauline and Charlie Davis annually donate the flowers at Rosh Hashanah, in memory of Pauline’s beloved sister Rosalie Brody. Laurie Barnett Levine and Arnie Levine will again donate the flowers at Yom Kippur, in memory of her parents, Ruth and Harold Barnett and Arnie’s father, Joseph Levine. We don’t take their annual donation lightly. They have the thanks of all of our Parkway Family. One more thing about the services…..It doesn’t matter when you arrive, but it would be wonderful if you stayed until the end so we call all leave the sanctuary together. Finally, from my family to your family comes our wish for a Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year for all of us. And then we’ll talk again…

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Parkway Jewish Center

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776

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Kiddush & Oneg Shabbat Sponsors PJC sisterhood Diane Bloomfield Bob Caplan Margie Moidel Linda Tashbook Lynda and Marvin Heyman Jack Silverstein Leslie and Charlie Rubin Edy Dickman Tammy Blumenfeld Efrem Schwartz Kiddush Oneg Sponsorships Sisterhood invites you to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other Simchas by sponsoring an Oneg Shabbat or Saturday Morning Kiddush. You can also sponsor in memory of a loved one’s Yahrzeit. For more information, call Diane Bloomfield at 412-373-9240 or Leslie Rubin at 412-371-8437

Donation Contacts: Donations to the Marilyn Markowitz/Phyllis Stein Memorial Library Fund can be made by calling the shul office. Mazel tov to: Amy and Norman Mayer, on the Engagement of their Daughter, Jamie Beth to Matt Dimetrosky Risa and John Kosko, on the Engagement of their Daughter, Erin to Matt Lavalley


2 Myrna and Bob Korfin Gail and Alan Levine

Coleen and Scott Reifman Donna Wolfson and Jack Silverstein


3 Diane Bloomfield

Erin Mazer Coleen Reifman

4 Steven Goppman 9 Adam Sandler

10 Efrem Schwartz Amy Irving

12 Shirley Holtzman Schwartz 13 Jeannette Kline

Mel Torme Ben Savage

15 Amy Mayer 16 Robert Caplan

Belva Schiff Peter Falk

17 Sandy Goppman Murray Goppman

Cass Elliot 20 Red Auerbach

Rob Morrow Leonard Cohen 24 Anna Rubin

Sheryl Sternberg Shel Silverstein

26 Alisa Jacobson George Gershwin

28 Al Capp 29 Scott Reifman 30 Fran Drescher

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Parkway Jewish Center

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776

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September Yahrzeits Week of August 28, 2015 - 13 Elul William Hoffman, Mitchell A. Michaelson, Lenore Caplan, Sidney Garfinkel, Morris Kessler, Jack Morris Week of September 4, 2015 - 20 Elul Harry Seiner, Isidor Ackerman, Sherman Cohen, Dora Lederman, Herman Bloomfield, Herbert Klein, Melvin Harris, Max Leff, Mollie Gertrude Maysels Stanley Glaser Week of September 11, 2015 - 27 Elul Esther Feinberg, Sidney Schaer, Jennie Berkover, Murray Kaye, Max Levine, Herman F. Mervis, Morris Izenson, Alexander Kain, Emil & Cacilia Kaplan, Saul Klawansky, Norman Lucker, Bertalan & Fannie Kain, Jacob & Sarah Leah Sokal, Gertrude Zubin, Magda Kain Berkowitz & Family, Fred A. Goldberg, Louis Lipsitz, Samuel Temeles, Harold Weinberger Week of September 18, 2015 - 5 Tishrei Rudolph Peritz, Rev. Israel Horowitz, Eli Klein, Barney Moldovan, Ronald Fischman, Abraham Zlatkin, Sarah Welner, Perla Kinast, Gertrude Tell, Abraham Goodman, Elaine Goldberg, Albert Hyman Week of September 25, 2015 - 12 Tishrei Ruth Gumerman, Ada Klein, Evelyn Rosenthal, Ruth Barnett, Rose Chosky, Sylvia Morris, Alfred L. Reel, Blanch S. Sachs, M. Bernard Moskovitz, Selma Luterman, Jeff Caplan, Rose Rose, Max Joseph Birkenfeld If the name is printed in Bold, a Yahrzeit Plaque will be illuminated in the Sanctuary during the Yahrzeit week. If you would like to place a Yahrzeit Plaque in the Sanctuary, please call the Synagogue Office at 412-823-4338 between 9 am and 1 pm daily.

Refuah Schleimah A Speedy Recovery to ... Micki Kessler, Zach Cain

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Parkway Jewish Center

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776

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Library News Elul is the last month of the year......the shofar is blown each day of Elul to remind us Rosh Hashanah is coming--- a time to transform ourselves. We have 30 days to change toward a positive...for example if you do a mitzvah , or read about Judaism for fifteen minutes, give one compliment and repeat this function for thirty days you are more likely to maintain this new act. Thus, you have effected a change for the new year! Listed are books that speak to the spiritual and social journey proposed by experiencing the true meaning of the month of Elul---begins August 16th on the secular calendar. 1) 60 Days--A Spiritual Guide to the High Holidays---Simon Jacobson 2) Do Unto Others--How Good Deeds Can Change Your Life--Rabbi Abraham Twerski, MD 3) Words That Hurt, Words That Heal--Rabbi J. Telushkin 4) Angels Don't Leave Footprints --Rabbi Abraham Twerski, MD 5) Days of Awe--a Treasury of Jewish Wisdom for reflection, repentance and renewal--Shumel Yosef 6) Happiness and the Human Spirit--The Spiritually of Becoming the Best You Can Be--Rabbi Abraham Twerski, MD 7) The Bridge to Forgiveness--stories and prayers for finding G-d and restoring wholeness--Karyn D. Kedar All of these books will be on one shelf for ease of access. L'Shana Tova Betty Ann

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Opening Event: New Holocaust Center

Sunday, October 18, 2015 | Squirrel Hill Plaza: 826 Hazelwood Avenue | 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Presenting In Celebration of Life

An exhibition to honor Pittsburgh Holocaust survivors


The 1st Annual Holocaust Educator Award to Dr. Barbara S. Burstin

For more information visit our website: or contact Samantha Chilton (412.421.1500 or

[email protected]).

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776

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As we hear the shofar blast and reflect on its resounding call, make this the year you start planning for

your child's trip to Israel! Reduce the cost of a trip to Israel for your teen or young adult by up to $5,550.00* by combining the Jewish Federation's Passport to Israel and Israel Scholarship programs. For more information, please contact the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh at 412-992-5208 or via email at [email protected]. Coming Soon! "Lech L'Cha"- An Israel Teen and Young Adult Travel page on The Passport to Israel program is funded by the Sholom Comay Family Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. The Israel Scholarship Program is funded by the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh's Annual Campaign, with additional funding for need-based scholarships funded by The Stanley and Flo Mae Moravitz Israel Scholarship Endowment Fund of The Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh. *If combining a non-need scholarship of $1750.00, need-based scholarship of up to $3000.00, and Passport to Israel matching dollars up to $800.00, for qualifying trips.

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Parkway Jewish Center

September 2015 Elul 5775/Tishrei 5776

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Re: Allan Schwartz

Thank you to one and all for the prayers and mention in The Scribe for good wishes and for Allan's recovery. Did you notice lately, btw, that it never rains but it pours? November of last year we had the automobile accident in Florida and he spent part of November and most of December in medical facilities. We returned for the New Year and recovery and Thank God, that was our blessing. Then, last month - hospitalization for E-coli! Who/What/Where/When/Why and a million other questions! Allan is on the way to another recovery but still has residual effects as the infection was in the bloodstream. Me? I did a lot of reading on a subject that I had only heard about on TV or saw references to in newsprint.

Briefly: we all have it but younger persons don't have too much immunity built up and older people - heck, like everything else with age…

well, everything changes and we become more susceptible. Oh, well - main thing is … it could always be worse…..Shirley Holtzman Schwartz

Fall Learning at PJC Sept 8th - 7-8pm High Holiday Q&A and prep For those of you who have questions about the Holidays or want to review Hebrew or anything else for your aliyah. Come for this open session. October Hebrew Review and Beginner Class Following the holidays Cantor Shapiro will hold a short beginner Hebrew class. The first lesson will be a general review open to all. More info to follow. Adult Bnei Mitzvah Class Interested in having a bar or bat mitzvah? Contact Cantor Shapiro about starting a group/cohort and scheduling a class time.

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center

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Parkway Jewish Center 300 Princeton Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15235


Or Current Resident

Congregation Sha’ar HaShamayim 412-823-4338

Cantor Henry Shapiro, Spiritual Leader ([email protected] or [email protected])

Officers President Bob Korfin

Board Members Marvin Heyman Mike Jacob Ira Mazer Harold Bloomfield Donna Wolfson Committee Chair Persons

House Chair Alan Levine Ritual Chair Hal Lederman Cemetery Chair Arnie Levine & Syma Levine

Office Administrator Gail Levine

Sisterhood Officers President Laurie Barnett Levine Vice Presidents

Membership Susan Mazer Program Vera Greenberg Fundraising Vacant Catering Leslie Rubin & Diane Bloomfield

Corresponding Secretary Vacant Financial Secretary Amy Mayer Treasurer Lynda Heyman Auditor Lynda Heyman

Scribe Staff Editor Harold Bloomfield


[email protected]