from individual research to the rise of the rzeszÓw school of diachronic semantics :


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  • 1. THE STATE-OF-THE-ARTS OF DIACHRONIC SEMANTICS AND G.A. KLEPARSKIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCIENCEThe 19th c particular interest in diachronic semanticsThe first decades of the 20th c the 19th c fascination continuedThe 1950s Chomskyan linguistics semophobia The 1980s cognitive linguistics comeback of studies in the semantic change of wordsPoland: Rzeszw School of Diachronic Semantics

  • 1. THE STATE-OF-THE-ARTS OF DIACHRONIC SEMANTICS AND G.A. KLEPARSKIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE SCIENCEMy first encounters with the phenomenon of change of meaning student daysMy first monographic study 1985 Katholische Universitat Eichsteatt (Germany)My publications:monographic works, handbooks, scripts, editions, papers, reviews and prefaces

  • 1a. G.A. KLEPARSKIS MAJOR DIDACTIC/ PEDAGOGICAL PUBLICATIONSKleparski, G.A. and E. Krukowska (1994) collection of tests for college/university students,Kleparski, G.A. (1999) Anglo-Saxon culture handbook for the college/university students,Kleparski, G.A. (2000) Anglo-Saxon culture handbook for the college/university students,Kleparski, G.A. and J. Wok (2000) examination entrance tests for the college/ university studentsKleparski, G.A. and A.M. Pietrzykowska (2005) university handbook for college/ university students,Cymbalista and Kleparski (2007) English pronunciation handbook for college/ university students,Osuchowska and Kleparski (2009) academic writing script for the college/ university students,Kleparski, G.A., A. Dziama and M. Martynuska (2010) Anglo-Saxon culture handbook for the college/university students

  • B.A. Program: Elements of Historical GrammarElements of Academic WritingM.A. Program:Elements of ParalinguisticsIntroduction to SociolinguisticsPostgraduate diploma studies:TranslatologyABC of StylisticsTeachers Training CollegesTeaching at Pre-school Level1b. G.A. KLEPARSKIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY CURRICULA

  • 1c. G.A. KLEPARSKIS MONOGRAPHIC STUDIESPublished in Germany and Sweden:Kleparski (1986), Pustet Verlag, GermanyKardela, H. and G.A. Kleparski (1990), Umea University Press, Sweden Published in Poland: Kleparski (1990), Lublin, KUL,Kleparski (1997), Lublin, KUL,Grygiel and Kleparski (2007), Rzeszw, UR

  • 1d. G.A. KLEPARSKIS CHAPTERS/ PAPERS REVIEWS/ PREFACESOver 100 publications, including:5 chapters in book publications,more than 40 research papers published in Poland,17 reviewed conference presentations published in Poland,18 reviewed conference presentations published in electronic periodicals,4 non-reviewed research papers published in edited volumes.

  • 1e. G.A. KLEPARSKIS EDITION OF COLLECTED VOLUMES/ EDITION OF DICTIONARIESedition/co-edition of 2 dictionariesedition of 7 volumes of Studia Anglica Resoviensia yearlyedition/co-edition of 4 volumes of conference papersedition/co-edition of 4 monographic volumes Galicia Studies in Englishco-edition of one volume of In Medias Res yearly


  • 2. FROM G.A. KLEPARSKI (1986) TO THE FORMATION OF RZESZW SCHOOL OF DIACHRONIC SEMANTICS2a. COMPLETED Ph.D. DISSERTATIONS (7):Grygiel, M. (2005) Towards a Cognitive Theory of Semantic Change: Semantic Development of English Historical Near-Synonyms of MAN/MALE HUMAN BEING in Panchronic Perspective (University of Rzeszw).Kietyka, R. (2006) Towards a Historical Account of English Zoosemy: The Case of Middle English and Early Modern English DOMESTICATED ANIMALS (University of Rzeszw).Kochman-Haadyj, B. (2008) Historical Derogation of WOMEN TERMS and its Socio-cultural Causes and Conditions (University of Rzeszw).Cymbalista, P. (2008) Semantic Development of Selected Items in the Macro-Category HOMO FABER in the English language (University of Rzeszw).Kopecka, B. (2009) The Scope and Nature of Metonymically Conditioned Meaning Transference Related to the Macrocategory HUMAN BEING (University of Rzeszw).Wodarczyk-Stachurska, A. (2010) Sociolinguistic Value as Reflected in EFL Dictionaries (University of Rzeszw).Dick-Bursztyn, M. (2010) Grammaticography and its Problems as Reflected in Current Lexicographic Work (University of Rzeszw).

  • 2. FROM G.A. KLEPARSKI (1986) TO THE FORMATION OF RZESZW SCHOOL OF DIACHRONIC SEMANTICS2b. ADVANCED Ph.D. DISSERTATIONS (3):Grecka-Smoliska, M. (70% ) Metaphor in the Field DOMESTICATED BIRD in the History of English (to be defended in 2010).Wicawska, E. (40% ) The Historical Metaphorics and Phraseological Value of BODY PARTS in English.Duda, B (40 % ) Sex euphemism in the history of English

    2c. G.A. KLEPARSKIS M.A. AND B.A. SUPERVISION (200/150):B.A. works supervised: c. 200M.A. works supervised: c. 150

  • 2. FROM G.A. KLEPARSKI (1986) TO THE FORMATION OF RZESZW SCHOOL OF DIACHRONIC SEMANTICS2d. G.A. KLEPARSKIS MEMBERSHIP IN Ph.D. AND HABILITATIONSCHRIFT BOARDS (5):Suchostawska, L. (2003) A Cognitive Semantic Analysis of selected Polish Verbal Particles Expressing the relations into-out of and to-away from. (University of Wrocaw).Czapiga, A. (2006) Antropomorficzne metafory odzwierzce w jzyku angielskim, polskim i rosyjskim. (University of Rzeszw).Pociask, I. (2007) Nauczanie medycznego specjalistycznego jzyka angielskiego na lektoratach pielgniarskich szk wyszych. (University of Rzeszw).Kaliczak-Makowska, N. (2009) Aspects of Text Analysis. A Cognitive Linguistics Perspective. (Maria Curie-Skodowska University).Jankoic, K. (2008-Habilitationschrift) The Role of English in the Context of European Integration. (University of Szczecin).

  • 2. FROM G.A. KLEPARSKI (1986) TO THE FORMATION OF RZESZW SCHOOL OF DIACHRONIC SEMANTICS3 philological periodicals:Studia Anglica ResoviensiaGalicia Studies in EnglishIn Medias Res6 conferences

  • 3. G.A. KLEPARSKIS PRESENCE ON INTERNATIONAL LINGUISTIC SCENE1984-1985 University of Eichsteatt, Germany(Kondrad Adenauer Stiftung)1994 University of Washington, USA (Fulbright Grant), 1995 Shoreline College, USA (Fulbright Grant) 1996 University of Uppsala, Sweden, (Swedish Academy of Sciences Grant)1996 University of Umea, Sweden, (Swedish Academy of Sciences Grant)1997 University of Rome, Italy. (University of Rome Grant) 2003 University of Kalamazoo, USA. (Medieval Studies Institue Grant)2006 Ivan Franco Lviv University, Ukraine. (University Mobility Grant) 2009 afrik University in Koice, Slovakia.

  • 3. G.A. KLEPARSKIS PRESENCE ON INTERNATIONAL LINGUISTIC SCENECo-operation with other academic institutions:University of Pozna,University of d,University of Washington (USA), University of Glasgow (Great Britain), University of Umea (Sweden), afrik University (Slovakia), Ivan Franko University (Ukraine)

  • SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYCymbalista, P. , G.A. Kleparski 2007. Steve and Eve Can Read Tea-Leaves, Peter: A Practical Guide to English Pronunciation. Lviv: Eurosvit.Czapiga, A., G.A. Kleparski 2007. Tomcat, kocur and : In search of metaphorical extensions in the field CATS in English, Polish and Russian [in:] G.A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 4, pp. 51-60.Grecka-Smoliska, M. 2008. Bird metaphor in Polish and English: A preliminary overview, [in:] Language, Literature, Culture and Beyond: Festschrift for G.A. Kleparski on his 50th Birthday. (R. Kietyka, D. Osuchowska, E. Rokosz-Piejko eds). Rzeszw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiewgo.Grecka-Smoliska, M. 2009. On how people, animals and birds of feather flock together: The scope of zoosemy in Polish and Russian, [in:] Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. M. Grecka-Smoliska, G.A. Kleparski, A. Wodarczyk-Stachurska. Chem: Wydawnictwo TAWA.Kardela, H., G.A. Kleparski 1990. Approaching diachronic semantics: The Componential vs cognitive account. Umea: Umea University Printing House.

  • SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYKietyka R. 2008. On Zoosemy: A Study of Mid.E. and E.Mod.E. DOMESTICATED ANIMALS. Rzeszw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego. Kietyka, R. 2009. A panchronic account of verbal zoosemy, [in:] Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. M. Grecka-Smoliska, G.A. Kleparski, A. Wodarczyk-Stachurska. Chem: Wydawnictwo TAWA.Kleparski, G.A. 1986. Semantic Change and Componential Analysis: an Inquiry into Pejorative Developments in English. Regensburg: Verlag Friedrich Pustet.Kleparski, G.A. 1990. Semantic Change and Semantic Components: A Study of English Evaluative Developments in the Domain of HUMANS. Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL.Galicia Studies in Language: Historical Semantics Brought to the Fore. M. Grecka-Smoliska, G.A. Kleparski, A. Wodarczyk-Stachurska. Chem: Wydawnictwo TAWA.

  • SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYKleparski, G.A. 1996. Semantic change in onomasiological perspective [in:] Male and Female Terms in English, G. Person and M. Ryden (eds.), pp. 41-91. Umea: Acta Universitatis Umensis.Kleparski, G.A. 1997. Theory and Practice of Historical Semantics: The Case of Middle English and Early Modern English Synonyms of GIRL/YOUNG WOMAN. Lublin: Redakcja Wydawnictw KUL.Kleparski, G.A. 2000. Metonymy and the growth of lexical categories related to the conceptual category FEMALE HUMAN BEING, [in:] G.A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia, vol. 1, pp. 17-26.Kleparski, G.A. 2002. First Facts First: An Introductory Guide to Great Britain and the USA. Rzeszw: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.Kleparski, G.A. 2002. Lusta mint a diszno: A hunt for correlative zoosemy in Hungarian and English [in:] Grzegorz A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 1, pp. 9-32.

  • SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYKleparski, G.A. 2004. CDs, petticoats, skirts, ankas, Tamaras and sheilas: The metonymical rise of lexical categories related to the conceptual category FEMALE HUMAN BEING, [in:] Ch. J. Kay, J.J. Smith (eds.) Papers from the Glasgow Symposium on Linguistic Categories. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 71-84.Kleparski, G.A. 2007. Despotic mares, dirty sows, and angry bitches: On Middle English Zoosemy and Beyond [in:] N.H. Kaylor and R.S. Nokes (eds.), Global Perspectives on Medieval English Literature and Culture, pp. 93-116.Kleparski, G.A. 2008a. Dolce vita, doce Angelina: Romance foodsemy with the Italian accent [in:] G.A. Klpearski, A. Uberman (eds) Aspects of Semantic Transposition of Words, ss 33-40.Kleparski, G.A. 2008b The joys and sorrows of metaphorical consumption: mozarellas, prostisciuttos, muttons and yum-yum girls foodsemy with a Romance accent, [in:] Studia Anglica Reoviensia 5, pp. 41-55.

  • SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYKleparski, G.A., R. Kowal 2001. Getting out of linguistic lobster pot is a two-way experience: Some remarks on aggression and verbal communication [in:] U.S. Bahri (ed.) International Journal of Communication: A Review of Cognition, Culture and Communication, pp. 213-220. New Delhi: Bahri Publications.Kleparski, G.A., B. Lipczyska 2000. Nonverbales: Gesten und Raumbeziehungssprache Ausgewahlte Probleme Pasralinguistischer Untesuchungen [in:] Grzegorz A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 1, pp. 27-38.Kleparski, G.A., M. Martynuska (2002) Political correctness and Bequemlichkeitstrieb [in:] Grzegorz A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 1, pp. 47-51.Kleparski, G.A. i A.M. Pietrzykowska 2005. A Thematic Guide to English Interactional Gambits. Rzeszw: Wydaniotwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego.Kleparski, G.A., B. Kopecka 2007. The trumpet put me in a bad mood: Some remarks on the mechanism of metonymy in current linguistic analysis [in:] G.A. Kleparski (ed.) Studia Anglica Resoviensia 4, pp. 169-181.

  • SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHYKleparski, G.A., A. Dziama 2009. Yiddish element in American English: The case of female/male specific terms, [in:] In Medias Res, G.A. Kleparski (ed.) vol. 1, pp 67-80. Kochman-Haadyj, B. 2008. Historical Derogation of WOMEN TERMS and its Socio-Cultural Causes and Conditionings. Rzeszw: Ph.D. Dissertation.Kopecka, B. 2009. The Scope and Nature af Metonymically Conditioned Meaning Transference Related to the Macrecategory HUMAN BEING. Rzeszw: Ph.D Dissertation.Kuda, M. 2009a. On the Edibility of Aliens: The Case of Sauerkrauts, Kapusniaks and Potaoheads, [in:] G.A. Kleparski, E. Rokosz-Piejko, A. Uberman (eds) Galicia English Teachings, pp. 83-90.Kuda, M. 2009b. Eating the Foreigner (with a Pinch of Salt): More on Foodsemic Ethnonyms, [in:] G.A. Kleparski (ed.). In Medias Res, pp. 107-115.