frish vegtable

Avare kai (val beans) Beans In the India region of India, bean pods are cut into small pieces and cooked as spicy curry in Pongal festival season, along with bajra bread; it has been a very special delicacy for centuries Depending on the type of legumes, they vary between 5 and 8.6 grams of fibre per 100 g (30 ounces) serving. When you eat dried beans, they are not entirely digested, so the undigested material lies around in the colon, where bacteria attack it and start to feed on it. In the process, lots of chemicals are released, which tell your liver to cut down its production of cholesterol and your blood to speed up clearing out dangerous LDL

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Avare kai (val beans)


In the India region of India, bean pods are cut into small pieces and cooked as spicy curry in Pongal festival season, along with bajra bread; it has been a very special delicacy for centuries

Depending on the type of legumes, they vary between 5 and 8.6 grams of fibre per 100 g (30 ounces) serving.When you eat dried beans, they are not entirely digested, so the undigested material lies around in the colon, where bacteria attack it and start to feed on it.In the process, lots of chemicals are released, which tell your liver to cut down its production of cholesterol and your blood to speed up clearing out dangerous LDL cholesterol. Plus, fibre can actually mop up cholesterol from the intestine and whisk it out of the system.

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Also, chemicals that block formation of cancer cells are released. In fact, beans are concentrated carriers of protease inhibitors, enzymes that can counteract the activation of cancer-causing compounds in the coloBhringal( Eggplant/Aubergine

Benefits of Brinjal Brinjal is high in water content and potassium. It is supposed to possess many medicinal properties and is used as a remedy for cancer, hypertension and diabetes.

Benefits of Brinjal

1. Eating brinjals roasted on fire after putting some salt into it cures excessive phlegm and wind humor of the body.

2. Soup made up of brinjal and tomato increases the appetite and helps in digestion.

3. Eating soft brinjal after baking it on fire and with raw sugar on empty stomach in the morning, cures the enlarged spleem due to malaria.

4. Taking soft and baked brinjal with honey in the evening helps in having a sound sleep. Using it for some days cures insomnia.

5. The use of brinjal destroys the stones in its initial stage.

6. If brinjal is taken in its mashed form or as soup with asafoetida and garlic, it cures flatulation.

Nutritional InformationTotal Fat 27.5gSaturated Fat 5.2gCholesterol 16mgSodium 62mg


Total Carbohydrates


Dietary Fiber 4.9gProtein 8gSugars 11.4g

Facts About Brinjal

Brinjal is not beneficial for person having excessive bile humor and one who has acidity problem. Pregnant woman should avoid its use. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, all parts of the plant can be

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used to stop intestinal bleeding. The fruit of the plant is used as an antidote in cases of mushroom poisoning.

Chow chow

Chow chow is rich in Vitamin C and potassium, and 1 cup counts for around 40 calories. The vegetable in itself is quite tasteless but chow chow bhath and chow chow koottu seem to be quite popular, especially in the Andhra cuisine. Curd is a dairy product produced by bacterial fermentation of milk. Fermentation of lactose produces lactic acid, which acts on milk protein to give yoghurt its texture and its characteristic tang. It is a nutritional food with unique health benefits. It is nutritionally rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.

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Cucumber is a fruit that came from the same family as pumpkin, zucchini and other squashes. It has a dark green rind and white succulent flesh. There are 2 types of cucumbers the pickling varieties and the slicing varieties. The pickling variety is relatively small (2 - 4 inches long).Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A 180 I.U.

Reported Health Benefits :

Cucumber is best natural diuretic known, secreting and promoting the flow of urine. Helps in kidney and urinary bladder disease. Liver disease

Pancreatic disease

The potassium content of cucumber makes it highly useful for conditions of high and low blood pressure.

Cucumber contains erepsin, the enzyme that helps to digest protein.

The high silicon and sulphur content of the cucumber is said to promote the growth of hair, especially when the juice of the cucumber is added to the juice of carrot, lettuce and spinach.

A mixture of cucumber juice with carrot juice is said to be beneficial for rheumatic conditions resulting from excessive uric acid in the body.

Cucumber juice is also valuable for helping diseases of the teeth, gums, especially in cases of pyorrhea.

The high mineral content of this vegetable also helps to prevent splitting of nails of the fingers and toes.

Cucumber, radish and bitter gourd are beneficial in diabetes

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Varieties and Benefits of CucumbersCucumber belongs to the same plant family as melons, zucchini, pumpkins, and winter squash. In many countries cucumbers are an important staple; worldwide, they rank ninth among vegetable crops with multiple...

The health benefits of cucumberIt is the New Year already and soon in my country it will be summer. The summer heat just seems to last endlessly and thousands of people will be trying out all methods to beat the heat

Drumstick (Pods)* Food Value Minerals and Vitamins

Moisture - 86.9% Calcium - 30 mg

Protein - 2.5% Phosphorus - 110 mg

Fat - 0.1%Iron - 5.3 mg

Vitamin C - 120 mg

Fibre - 4.8% Small amount of Vitamin B Complex

Minerals - 2.0% * Values per 100 gm's edible portion

Carbohydrates - 3.7% Calorific Value - 26

Tonic for Children :- The leaves serve as a tonic for infants and growing children. For better results, juice should be extracted from leaves, filtered and mixed with milk. This mixture becomes an excellent tonic for healthy and strong bones and for purifying bloodstream.

Pregnancy and Lactation :- Taking this tonic regularly by expectant mothers will provide them with necessary calcium, iron and vitamins. It will also help them overcome sluggishness of the

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uterus, facilitate easy delivery and reduce post delivery complications. A vegetable prepared from leaves increases breast milk after child birth. The vegetable is prepared by boiling the leaves with salt and water. The water is then drained off and they are smeared with ghee and eaten.

Respiratory Disorder :- A soup prepared from drumstick leaves is highly beneficial in the treatment of respiratory diseases like asthma, bronchitis and tuberculosis. This soup is prepared by adding a handful of leaves to 80 ml. of water and is allowed to boil for five minutes. It should then be allowed to cool. A little salt, pepper and lime juice may be added to this soup

Infections :- Drumstick soup made with leaves and flowers as well as boiled drumsticks are highly valuable in preventing infections of all kinds such as that of the throat, chest and skin. This is because drumstick has antibacterial properties very much like penicillin and other antibiotics.

Sexual Disorders :- A soup made with drumstick flowers boiled in milk is very useful as a sexual tonic in the treatment of sexual debility. It is also useful in functional sterility in both males and females. The powder of the dry bark is valuable in impotency, premature ejaculation and thinness of semen. About 120 gm. of the powder of the dry bark should be boiled in 600 ml. of water for about half an hour and 30 ml. of this. mixed with a table spoonful of honey, should be taken three times daily for a month to cure these conditions.

Digestive Disorders :- Drumstick is also valuable in digestive disorders. A teaspoonful of fresh leaf juice, mixed with honey and a glassful of tender coconut water, is given two or three times as a herbal medicine during the treatment of cholera, dysentery, diarrhea, colitis and jaundice.

Urinary Disorders :- A tablespoonful of coagulated fresh leaf juice, mixed with a glass of fresh juice of cucumber or carrot, is an effective medicine for scanty urination and constant burning in urethra due to high acidity of urine. A teaspoonful of the juice with 10 gm. of rock salt once daily, is used to cure excessive urination of non diabetics.

Beauty-Aid :- Fresh leaf juice applied with lime juice is useful in the treatment of pimples, black heads and keeps one's face fresh.

Chili pepper contains impressive list of plant derived chemical compounds that are known to have disease preventing and health promoting properties. Chillies contain health benefiting an alkaloid compound in them, capsaicin which gives strong

spicy pungent character. Early laboratory studies on experimental mammals suggest that capsaicin has anti-bacterial, anti-carcinogenic, analgesic and anti-diabetic properties. It also found to reduce LDL cholesterol levels in obese individuals.

Fresh chili peppers, red or green, are rich source of vitamin-C. 100 g fresh chilies provide about 143.7 mcg or about 240% of RDA. Vitamin C is a potent water soluble antioxidant. It is required for the

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collagen synthesis in the body. Collagen is the main structural protein in the body required for maintaining the integrity of blood vessels, skin, organs, and bones. Regular consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps body protect from scurvy; develop resistance against infectious agents (boosts immunity) and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals fro the body. helps remove harmful free radicals from the body.

They are also good in other antioxidants like vitamin A, and flvonoids like beta carotene, alpha carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthins. These antioxidant substances in capsicum helps to protect body from injurious effects of free radicals generated during stress, diseases conditions.

Chillies contain good amount of minerals like potassium, manganese, iron, and magnesium. Potassium in an important component of cell and body fluids that helps controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Manganese is used by the body as a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase.

Chillies are also good in B-complex group of vitamins such as niacin, pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), riboflavin and thiamin (vitamin B-1). These vitamins are essential in the sense that body requires them from external sources to replenish.Chilli peppers have amazingly high levels of vitamins and minerals. Just 100 g provides (in % of Recommended daily allowance)240% of vitamin-C (Ascorbic acid), 39% of vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine), 32% of vitamin A, 13% of iron,14% of copper, 7% of potassium, but no cholesterol.

1) The superior fiber found in Okra helps to stabilize blood sugar by curbing the rate at which sugar is absorbed from the intestinal tract.

2) Okra's mucilage binds cholesterol and bile acid carrying toxins dumped into it by the

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filtering liver.

3) Okra helps lubricate the large intestines due to its bulk laxative qualities. The Okra fiber absorbs water and ensures bulk in stools. This helps prevent and improve constipation. Unlike harsh wheat bran, which can irritate or injure the intestinal tract, Okra's mucilage soothes, and Okra facilitates elimination more comfortably by its slippery characteristic. Okra binds excess cholesterol and toxins (in bile acids). These, if not evacuated, will cause numerous health problems. Okra also assures easy passage out of waste from the body.

4) Okra fiber is excellent for feeding the good bacteria (probiotics). This contributes to the health of the intestinal tract. These are similar to the ones proliferate by the yoghurt in the small intestine and helps biosynthesis of Vitamin B complex.

5) Okra is good for summer heat treatment. Okra is a supreme vegetable for those feeling weak, exhausted, and suffering from depression.

6) Okra is used for healing ulcers and to keep joints limber. It helps to neutralize acids, being very alkaline, and provides a temporary protective coating for the digestive tract.

7) Okra treats lung inflammation, sore throat, and irritable bowel.

8) In India, Okra has been used successfully in experimental blood plasma replacements. To retain most of Okra's nutrients and self-digesting enzymes, it should be cooked as little as possible, e.g. with low heat or lightly steamed. Some eat it raw.

Other benefits reported:

Okra is an ideal vegetable for weight loss and is storehouse of health benefits provided it is cooked over low flame to retain its properties. This also to ensure that the invaluable mucilage contained in it is not lost to high heat.

For adding bounce your hair, boil horizontally sliced Okra till the brew become maximally slimy. Cool it and add a few droops of lemon and use this as the last rinse and see your hair spring back to youthfulness and jump.

Okra is an excellent laxative treats irritable bowels, heals ulcers and sooths the gastrointestinal track.

Protein and oil contained in the seeds of Okra serves as the source of first-rate vegetable protein. It is enriched with amino acids on the likes of tryptophan, cystine and other sulfur amino acids.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. This anti-inflammatory activity may curtail the development of asthma symptoms. A large preliminary study has shown that young children with asthma experience significantly less wheezing if they eat a diet high in fruits rich in vitamin C. 1/2 cup of cooked Okra contains over 13 mg of vitamin C.

Diets high in insoluble fiber, such as those containing Okra, are associated with protection against heart disease in both men and women.

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The insoluble fiber found in Okra helps to keep the intestinal tract healthy, decreasing the risk of some forms of cancer, especially colon-rectal cancer.

Eating plenty of flavonoid and vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables such as Okra helps to support the structure of capillaries.

Sweet Pumpkin



Percentage of

RDAEnergy 26 Kcal 1%Carbohydrates 6.50 g 5%Protein 1.0 g 2%Total Fat 0.1 g 0.5%Cholesterol 0 mg 0%Dietary Fiber 0.5 g 2%

VitaminsFolates 16 mcg 4%Niacin 0.600 mg 4%Pantothenic acid 0.298 mg 6%Pyridoxine 0.061 mg 5%Riboflavin 0.110 mg 8.5%Thiamin 0.050 mg 4%Vitamin A 7384 IU 246%Vitamin C 9.0 mg 15%Vitamin E 1.06 mg 7%Vitamin K 1.1 mcg 1%

ElectrolytesSodium 1 mg 0.5%


340 mg 7%

MineralsCalcium 21 mg 2%Copper 0.127 mg 14%Iron 0.80 mg 10%

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Magnesium 12 mg 3%Manganese 0.125 mg 0.5%Phosphorus 44mg 5%Selenium 0.3 mcg <0.5%Zinc 0.32 mg 3%

Phyto-nutrientsCarotene-α 515 mcg --Carotene-ß 3100 mcg --Crypto-xanthin-ß 2145 mcg --

Lutein-zeaxanthin 1500 mcg


Pumpkin is a storehouse of many anti-oxidant vitamins such as vitamin-A, vitamin-C and vitamin-E.With 7384 mg per 100 g, it is one of the vegetable in the cucurbitaceae family with highest levels of vitamin-A, providing about 246% of RDA. Vitamin A is a powerful natural anti-oxidant and is required by body for maintaining the integrity of skin and mucus membranes. It is also an essential vitamin for vision. Research studies suggest that natural foods rich in vitamin A helps body protect against lung and oral cavity cancers.

It is also an excellent source of many natural poly-phenolic flavonoid compoundes like alpha and beta carotenes, cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Carotenes convert into vitamin A inside the body.

Zea-xanthin is a natural anti-oxidant which has UV (ultra-violet) rays filtering actions in the macula lutea in reitina of the eyes. Thus, it helps protect from "age related macular disease" (ARMD) in the elderly.

Rich in B-complex group of vitamins like folates, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin and pantothenic acid.

It is also rich source of minerals like copper, calcium, potassium and phosphorus.Pumpkin seeds are good source of dietary fiber and mono-unsaturated fatty acids which are good for heart health. In addition, they are very good in protein, minerals and many health benefiting vitamins. For example 100 g of pumpkin seeds provide 559 cal, 30 g of protein, 110% RDA of iron, 4987 mg of niacin (31% RDA), selenium (17% of RDA), zinc (71%) etc... but no cholesterol. The seeds are an excellent source of health promoting amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan is converted to GABA in the brain.

The pulp, leaves and flowers, in various combinations, are applied on painful and swollen joints.

Tamarind is use as a gargle for sore throats, and as a drink to bring relief from sunstroke.

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The heated juice is used to cure conjunctivitis. Eye drops made from tamarind seeds may be a treatment for dry eye syndrome. Tamarind seed polysaccharide is adhesive, enabling it to stick to the surface of the eye longer than other eye preparations.

Tamarind is used as a diuretic remedy for bilious disorders, jaundice and catarrh.

Tamarind is a good source of antioxidants that fight against cancer.

Tamarind reduces fevers and provides protection against colds. Make an infusion by taking one ounce of pulp, pour one quart of boiling water over this and allow to steep for one hour. Strain and drink tepid with little honey to sweeten. This will bring down temperature by several degrees.

Tamarind helps the body digest food

Tamarind applied to the skin to heal inflammation

The red outer covering of the seed is an effective remedy against diarrhea and dysentery.

Juice extracted from the flowers is given internally for bleeding piles.

Other uses: Tamarind juice is a great cleanser of brass, copper and other metals.


Health Benefits of Tomato :1. A large consumption of tomato can help improve skin texture and color. 2. Tomato is a good blood purifier.

3. Tomato helps in cases of congestion of the liver (protects the liver from cirrhosis) as well as for dissolving gallstones.

4. Tomato is a natural antiseptic therefore it can help protect against infectionNicotinic acid in tomatoes can help to reduce blood cholesterol, thus helps prevent heart diseases.

5. Vitamin K in tomatoes helps to prevent hemorrhages.

6. Tomato contain lycopene (the red pigment in tomato), this pigment is a powerful antioxidant that can also fight cancer cells.

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Nutritive Values of Tomato : Per 100 gm. Vitamin A : 1,000 I.U. Vitamin B : Thiamine .06 mg.;

Vitamin C : 23 mg.

Vitamin K : amount uncertain

Calcium : 11 mg.

Iron : .6 mg.

Phosphorus : 27 mg.

Potassium : 360 mg.

Protein : 1.0 gm.

Calories : 20

White Pumpkin

Benefits of White PumpkinWhite Pumpkin or white gourd has many benefits which come very handy in our daily life problems.Here some of the benefits of white pumpkin are given. It is an excellent brain tonic – enhances memory and is useful in all psychological and psychiatric disorders. In chronic thirst and intestinal worms, the seed oil is used in a dose of 10-20 ml with great benefit. In bleeding piles and bleeding disorders, the fresh juice may be taken from time to time. The ash of the seeds is useful in colicky pain. Dose : ½ tsp twice a day with ghee (clarified butter). In constipation, a confection of the flesh of the fruit may be taken habitually. It is one the useful benefits of white pumpkin.

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As a coolant drink, the juice beats the heat in summer and relieves thirst and urinary retention. In chronic fever, it relieves burning sensation and reduces body temperature. In burns, the flesh of the fruit is applied locally. The juice of the leaves may be used to relieve burning sensation. This is one of the useful benefits of white pumpkin. The seed oil is used as a coolant in headache associated with burning sensation.

Vegetables/Gourd Vegetables

Oblong in shape, and 1 to 2 metres in length, ash-gourd has a smooth rind that's an ashy green with white flesh, and big, flat, oval seeds (like the red pumpkin). These gourds have been cultivated since ancient times in countries like India, Malaysia, China, and Papua New Guinea.

In India, the ash-gourd is offered to the gods in religious ceremonies. It is also considered to be effective in warding off evil spirits and the evil eye -- hence it's hung outside newly constructed homes and buildings.

Ash-gourd is now found around the world. In the US, ash-gourd is available pretty much year-round in Indian and Asian grocery stores. It keeps well for a long time and is thus ideal for exporting. What contributes to its longevity is the chalky wax on its skin which prevents micro-organisms from attacking it and preserves it. Uncut pumpkins can be stored for almost a year without refrigeration.

Ash-Gourd and Health Quick Facts

Ash-gourd is loaded with nutrients. It's an excellent source of vitamin B1 (thiamine), a good source of

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vitamin B3 (niacin), and vitamin C. It is also rich in many minerals like calcium. Its high potassium content makes this a good vegetable for maintaining a healthy blood pressure.

Containing almost 96% water, this gourd is a dietician's delight. Be sure to include this vegetable in your weght-loss diet.

In Ayurveda and other traditional eastern medicine, ash-gourd is used as a general tonic for its restorative properties.

In Ayurveda, ash-gourd is also used as brain food - to treat mental illnesses and nervous disorders such as epilepy, paranoia, and insanity.

Ash-gourd is alkaline in nature and hence has a cooling and neutralizing effect on stomach acids and as such used effectively for treating digestive ailments like hyperacidity, dyspepsia, and ulcers. Ash-gourd juice is a popular home remedy for peptic ulcers. Ash-gourd juice is also used to treat diabetes.

Ash-gourd is also useful in treating respiratory disorders like asthma, blood-related diseases, and urinary diseases like kidney stone.

Every part of this fruit is useful. Ash-gourd leaves are rubbed on bruises to heal them, while the seeds are used for expelling intestinal worms. The ash made from burning the rind and seeds are mixed with coconut oil and used to promote hair growth and to treat dandruff.

Inexpensive and versatile, ash-gourd is a healthful vegetable that should definitely be a part of any nutritious diet.

Bitter Gourd

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Avail from us an extremely nutritious and premium class Bitter Gourd that is appreciated all over the world for its freshness and high quality. The offered product is procured from reliable vendors and is processed at our state-of-the-art unit under the guidance of agro experts. It is free from any microorganism and appreciated for its nutritive contents and health benefits. Further, this bitter gourd seed is packed and delivered under the favorable condition that helps in retaining its original properties. It is offered in different packaging and can be customized as per the demands of the clients at pocket friendly price

Bottle Gourd

Nutritive value:

Food Value Minerals and Vitamins

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Moisture 96.1% Calcium 20 mg

Protein 0.2% Phosphorus 10 mg

Fat 0.1% Iron 0.7 mg

Minerals 0.5% Small amounts of Vitamin B Complex

Fibre 0.6%

Carbohydrates 2.5%


Calorific Value 12

*Values per 100 gms edible portion

Benefits of Bottle gourd and Bottle gourd juice The cooked vegetable is cooling, diuretic, sedative and antibilious. It gives a feeling

of relaxation after eating it. Bottle gourd is very valuable in urinary disorders. A glassful of fresh juice prepared

by grating the whole fruit should be mixed with teaspoonful of lime juice. It should be given once daily in the treatment of burning sensation in urinary passage due to high acidity of urine. It serves as an alkaline mixture.

The juice of bottle gourd is a valuable medicine for excessive thirst due to severe diarrhoea, diabetes and excessive use of fatty or fried foods. A glassful of plain juice with a pinch of salt should be taken everyday in this condition. Its use during summer prevents excessive loss of sodium, quenches thirst and helps in preventing fatigue.

Mixture of bottle gourd juice and sesame oil acts as an effective medicine for insomnia. It should be massaged over scalp every night

The Gourd fruit juice is used in the treatment of insanity, epilepsy and other nervous diseases.

The juice of the fruit is used in the treatment of stomach acidity, indigestion and ulcers.

Bottle Gourd helps in constipation. Bottle gourd is not only rich in essential minerals, iron, protein and trace elements; it is also rich in fibre. Fibre is known to be missing in the modern diet, the absence of which is the cause of not only constipation but other digestive disorders like flatulence and even piles. Hence diet using different preparations made from this vegetable are useful.

pointed Gourd

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Also known as

parwal, patol, parval, patola.

Culinary Uses

· It is used as ingredients of soup, stew, curry, sweet, or eaten fried and as dorma with roe or meat stufings.· Parwal can be is cooked in variety of ways such as a boiled for soups and stews, curried or fried.· Parwal soup is traditionally prepared for sick people in Nepal· In the cuisines of South Asia and the West Indies, it is often prepared with potatoes and served with yogurt on the side or used in subzis.· In Indonesia, pointed gourd is prepared in various dishes, such as stir fry, cooked in coconut milk, or steamed.

Health benefits

· Pointed gourd contains vitamin A, B1, B2, and C. It also contains minerals like calcium, phosphorous, iron, copper and potassium. · From the ayurvedic perspective, pointed gourd is excellent for balancing Kapha. It helps purify blood tissue, enhances digestion, and stimulates the liver.

Ridge gourd

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It has assumed the reputation of the most tasteless vegetable to eat among children. But despite of the fact that it doesn't taste very good, it has many health benefits such as:

A nutrition powerhouse: Ridge gourd is loaded with nutrients such as dietary fiber, vitamin C, riboflavin, zinc, thiamin, iron and magnesium. It is also low in fat and calories.

An ideal weight loss food: Being low in saturated fat and cholesterol and high in dietary fiber, it becomes the ideal choice for anyone who wishes to lose some weight quickly. It also has a very high water content, making it a very low calorie vegetable (only 60 calories in 100 gm of cooked ridge gourd).

Cure for jaundice: The juice prepared from ridge gourd is a natural remedy for jaundice. The juice can be prepared by pounding the bitter ridge gourd and squeezing it through a cloth. You can also eat powder made from bitter ridge gourd seeds and dry crusts when curing jaundice.

Blood purifier: Because of its blood purifying properties, it helps to purify, restore and nourish liver protecting it from alcohol intoxication.

Lowers blood sugar level: It contains insulin-like peptides, alkaloids and charantin, which help to lower blood and urine sugar levels without altering blood insulin levels.

Good for stomach: Cellulose in ridge gourd helps to overcome constipation and also aids in curing piles.

Skin care: When ridge gourd/loofah is allowed to mature and dry on the vine, it can be harvested as a sponge. Everything (skin and seeds) is removed from them except for the main network. Loofah sponge has been used traditionally as an exfoliating product when bathing. They are very good for removing dead skin cells leaving the skin smooth and conditioned. They can also help stimulate the skin thus making it healthier and more vibrant. The blood purifying properties make sure that you stay away from pimples and acne. Loofah sponge can also help control body and foot odor.Loofah sponge, being a natural fiber, will attract the growth of mold and microorganisms if not cared for properly. It is therefore important to keep loofah sponge clean by making sure you rinse out all soaps or salt residues and allow it to air dry after use.

Strengthens immune system: A glass of Ridge gourd juice mixed with other healthy vegetables in the morning can help to strengthen your immune system against any infection.

Snake gourd

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We are one of the well-known exporters, processors and suppliers of Snake Gourd which is widely appreciated by our valuable clients. This is procured from reliable local vendors under the strict supervision of our quality inspectors. The offered product is pure, unadulterated and processed in our state-of-the-art processing unit by giving utmost importance to hygiene. Moreover, our valuable clients can obtain the offered range at a highly cost-effective price


Vegetables/Flower Vegetables

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Health Benefits of Cabbage :1. Cabbage contain phytonutrients, works to protect the body from free radicals that can

damage the cell membranes. Phytonutrients also signal our genes to increase its production of enzymes involved in detoxification.

2. Cabbage may lower the incidence of cancer, especially in the lung, stomach and colon prostate.

3. Cabbage is a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener.

4. The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcer.

5. Cabbage is rich in iron and sulfur.

6. Juice of fresh cabbage is effective in treating fungus infection(due to it sulfur content).

7. Cabbage can lower serum cholesterol.

8. Cabbage contain Sulforaphane, a substance that can increase the production of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes. Sulforaphane works by stimulating the production of glutathione, the body's most important internally produced antioxidant which plays a role in liver detoxification.

9. Red Cabbage has more phytonutrients than the green cabbage. The vitamin C content of red cabbage is 6-8 times higher than that of the green cabbage.

10. Red cabbage contain anthocyanin (red pigment/color) is an antioxidant that can help protect brain cells, thus can help prevent Alzheimer's disease.

Nutritive Values of Cabbage : Per 100 gm. Vitamin A : 80 I.U. Vitamin c : 50 mg.

Calcium : 46 mg.

Phosphorus : 31 mg.

Potassium : 140 mg.

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Carbohydrates : 5.3 gm.

Protein : 1.4 gm.

Calories : 24


Cauliflower is one of the cruciferous vegetables, it has a compact head usually about six inches in diameter that is composed of undeveloped flowed buds. The flowers are attached to a central stalk. Cauliflower lacks the green chlorophyll found in other members of the cruciferous family of vegetables like broccoli and kale because the leaves of the plant shield the florets from the sun as they grow

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.Vitamin A : 900 mg.Vitamin B : Thiamine .11 mg.;

Riboflavin : .10 mg.;

Niacin : .6 mg.;

Vitamin C : 69 mg.

Calcium : 22 mg.

Iron : 1.1 mg.

Phosphorus : 72 mg.

Fat : .2 gm.

Carbohydrates : 4.9 gm.

Calories : 25

Health Benefits of Cauliflower:Cauliflower just like the other cruciferous vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, kale) contains a

substance that can help prevent cancer.Cauliflower contains phytochemical, called indoles, which may stimulate enzymes that block

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cancer growth.

Cauliflower contains glucosinolates and thiocyanates these substances help increase the liver's ability to neutralize a potentially toxic substance.

Cauliflower is a blood and liver detoxifier.

Cauliflower contains Sulforaphane. Sulforaphane is a substance that is formed when the cauliflower is chewed, this substance trigger the liver to produce enzymes that can remove cancer causing chemicals. Sulforaphane can also stop the spread of cancer cell, even in the later stages of their growth.

Cauliflower with turmeric could be an effective therapy to prevent and also to inhibit the spread of established prostate cancer.

Cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables contain indole-3-carbinol, a substance that can affect the metabolism of estrogen in the body and can prevent breast and ovarian cancer.

Cauliflower is also helpful in the following cases:Kidney and bladder disorders Asthma

High blood pressure


Bad Complexion


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Vegetables/Tubular Vegetables

We are renowned as one of the recognized Traders, Exporters and Suppliers of Fresh Fruits, Spices, Coconut Products, Dry Fruits and Vermi Compost. Our product range comprises Banana, Lemon, Mango, Green Chilli, Chili Powder, Garam Masala, Coconut Shell, Semi Husked Coconut, Cashew nut and Black Pepper. Further, our product range is procured from some of the trusted vendors of the industry, who are known for their high quality standards across the market.

Beet Root

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm. Vitamin A : 20 I.U. Thiamine : .02 mg

Riboflavin : .05 mg

Niacin : .4 mg

Vitamin C : 10 mg.

Calcium : 27 mg.

Iron : 1.0 mg.

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Phosphorus : 43 mg.

Fat : .1 gm.

Carbohydrates : 9.6 gm.

Protein : 1.6 gm.

Calories : 42

Red Beet is unique for its high levels of anti-carcinogens and its very high carotenoid content. Red beets are high in carbohydrates and low in fat and it is an excellent source of folic acid. It is loaded with antioxidant that helps the body against heart disease, certain cancer especially colon cancer and even birth defects. Betacyanin is the pigment that gives beets their red color; this pigment is absorbed into the blood corpuscles and can increase the oxygen-carrying ability of the blood by up to 400 per cent. Don't throw away the green leafy tops as they can be cooked like spinach and are also rich in beta-carotene, folic acid, chlorophyll, potassium, vitamin C, and iron.Health Benefits of Red Beets:

Beet root is a traditional treatment used for leukemia. Beet root contain an amino acid betaine which has an anti cancer properties. Red beet therapy, consisting of consumption of approximately two pounds of raw, mashed beets daily, has been favorably reported for cases of leukemia and tumors (includes cancer). Research also shows that beet juice can help inhibit the development of colon and stomach cancer.

It is believed that red beets when used eaten regularly may help against certain oxidative stress-related disorders.

The fiber in red beets help reduced serum cholesterol by 30 to 40%.

Beets can help in normalizing blood pressure.

Beets helps to keep the elasticity of arteries, when consumed regularly it can help prevent varicose veins.

The iron content of red beets, though not high but is of the finest quality that makes it a powerful cleanser and builder of blood. This is the reason why beets is very effective in treating many ailments caused by toxic environment and surrounding.

Beet root is recommended for pregnant women because it contain folic acid that can help lower the risk of spina bifida and other neural tube defects in newborn infants.

Beet juice helps stimulate the function of liver cells and protect the liver and bile ducts.

Beet juice is highly alkaline which makes it effective in the treatment of acidosis.

Drinking beets regularly can help relieve constipation.

Beet juice and carrot juice when combined is excellent in the healing gout, kidney and gall bladder problem.

Red beets can also help in the following problems; Headaches, toothaches, dysentery, lumbago, skin problems, menstrual problems, etc.


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Carrot Carrot

Carrot is a vegetable grown for its edible root. Raw carrots are eaten in salads and are mixed with some viands.Carrot contain carotene, a chemical that is converted into vitamin A by the body, it helps prevent night blindness.Health Benefits of Carrot:1. Carrot can enhance the quality of breast milk.2. Carrot can improve the appearance of the skin, hair and nails.

3. When taken daily it can lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

4. Raw contain beta-carotene, a strong antioxidant that can prevent cancer.

5. Carrot juice when taken everyday prevent bodily infections and is claimed to be valuable for the adrenal glands (the small endocrine glands situated above the kidneys).

6. Carrot can help improve eyesight.

7. Carrot can help increase menstrual flow.

8. Carrots can regulate blood sugar.

9. Carrot can promote colon health, because carrot is rich in fiber.

Carrot is also helpful in the following cases : Obesity, Poisoning of the blood, Gum disease, Insomnia, Inflamed Kidneys, Liver, Gallbladder, Alzheimer's disease, Colitis, Ulcer Painful urinationVitamin and Mineral Content :

Vitamin A - 12,000 I.U, Vitamin B; Thiamine B: .06 mg.

Riboflavin: .06 mg.

Niacin: .5 mg.

Vitamin C: 5 mg.

Vitamin D, E, G, & K

Calcium: 39 mg.

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Iron: .8 mg.

Phosphorus: 37 mg.

Fat: 0.3 gm

Carbohydrates: 9.3 gm.

Protein: 1.2gm.

Calories: 42

Elephant yam

elephant yam health benefits: • The trace minerals and key minerals present in elephant yam include copper, zinc, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium and potassium. • The fiber content in elephant yam is naturally high and therefore, it is usually considered a slimming food, as it promotes weight loss and reduces the levels of cholesterol in the body. If elephant yam is cooked in the right way, it can be eaten without any fear of weight gain.

• It has a cooling effect on the body, which is why it is good for people who suffer from hypertension. • Elephant yams are very high in omega 3 fatty acids; they help reduce the bad cholesterol in the body and increase the good cholesterol instead.• People who are undergoing treatment for piles are usually advised to eat high amounts of elephant yam. • The anti-coagulating properties present in yam can prevent the blood from clotting.

• The glycemic index of yams is on the lower side, which is why it is good for people who are suffering from diabetes.• The consumption of elephant yams is good for women, as it increases the estrogen levels in their body, thereby, helping them to maintain their hormonal balance. Since yams are high in Vitamin B6, it can provide relief from pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) too. • Elephant yams can help reduce irregular bowel movements & cure constipation.

The elephant yam is widely used in the treatment of patients suffering from piles.

The vegetable also suits people with hypertension as it has a cooling effect on the body.

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Yam is considered to be a healthy low-fat food so it can be consumed without any fear of weight gain.

It is a rich source of essential fatty acids (Omega-3 fatty acids) which are known to increase the good cholesterol levels in the blood.

It also act as anticoagulant (prevents blood from clotting).

Yam offers special health benefits to people with diabetes as it has a very low glycemic index.

Eating elephant yam helps in increasing the estrogen levels in women’s bodies, thus helping in maintaining the hormonal balance.

Yam is also high in vitamin B6. Consuming vitamin B6 provides relief from pre-menstrual syndrome in women.

Yam is known to contain Diosgenin, a hormonal molecule that is currently being experimented for its potential anticancer effects.

It is a natural product that is high in fiber . So it can be used as slimming food because it lowers cholesterol levels and promotes weight loss.

It is a natural cure for constipation and irregular bowel movements.

Yam also has a high concentration of key minerals. It is loaded with potassium, magnesium and phosphorous, as well as with trace minerals like selenium, zinc and copper.

Onion Big

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Just like having a good training program, proper nutrition is critical to meeting your triathlon goals. In addition to consuming the right combination of protein, carbs and fats at the correct times to fuel workouts and promote recovery, you need to pay attention to the nutrient density of the foods you eat. Onions provide numerous benefits during triathlon training.Quercetin Onions contain a flavonoid called quercetin. Quercetin may help improve maximal aerobic capacity, or VO2 max, as well as endurance capacity, according to a study published in the February 2010 “International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.” Boosting quercetin intake for as little as seven days can produce an effect, according to lead study author J.M. Davis. A 2006 study, also published in the “International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism,” found that combining quercetin with antioxidant supplementation improves time trial cycling performance. More research is needed, including at what dosage quercetin may be effective, before it can be recommended as a performance enhancer. A medium-size onion has an estimated 22.40 to 51.82 milligrams of quercetin.

Selenium Onions also are a good source of selenium. This trace mineral has possible performance-enhancing effects, according to “Practical Applications in Sport Nutrition,” by triathlete and registered dietitian Heather Hedrick Fink and others. Selenium works along with vitamin E to fight cell-damaging free radicals. The combination works better than either nutrient can on its own. Enzymes associated with selenium also are linked to proper immune function, a key concern for triathletes because vigorous workouts can trigger release of hormones like cortisol that suppress your immune system. Fink notes that research into selenium as an ergogenic aid is still in its infancy, however.Antioxidant Boost Onions also are valuable to triathletes because they are high in antioxidants. Onions are rich in vitamin C in addition to the flavonoid quercetin, also an antioxidant. Strenuous exercise such as training for and competing in triathlons markedly increases oxygen consumption as well as generation of cell-damaging free radicals, according to Holden S-H. MacRae and Kari M. Mefferd, authors of the 2006 “International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism” study. The increase in the generation of reactive oxygen species, or ROS, during strenuous exercise can create an imbalance in your cellular antioxidant defense system, causing a diminished antioxidant reserve. This increases risk

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of oxidative damage to your cells and tissues. The authors of an article published in the August 2000 “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition” recommend athletes consume a diet rich in antioxidants to help reduce exercise-related oxidative stress because scientific research has not fully substantiated that long-term use of supplemental antioxidants is effective and safe.Other Nutrients Also consume onions for their folate, potassium and calcium, recommends Melanie McQuaid, three-time XTERRA World Championship winner, in her online article “Overlooked Superfood: The Onion.” Folic acid may be especially valuable if you are a female triathlete who is amenorrheic, meaning you’ve stopped menstruating, because it can improve your vascular function, which in turn can improve oxygen uptake and performance, according to a study published in the “Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine” in May 2010. Vascular function can decrease when you are amenorrheic. Onions also have sulfur compounds that have possible anti-cancer benefits, McQuaid notes


Potatoes are rich source of vitamin C, vitamin B6, copper, manganese, and dietary fiber. Sweet potatoes are reasonably low in calories and comprise no fat. They are rich source of

beta-carotene, potassium, and vitamin A.

Potato is the most efficient food for energy production. The energy produced through potato gets stored as glycogen in muscle and liver; it functions as a readily available energy during prolonged, strenuous exercise. That’s why; it is an important part of players’ diet.

Potatoes are low in sodium, nearly fat free and easy to digest. They make active part of any diet.

Potatoes are beneficial in curing stomach ulcers and inflamed conditions of the colon.

Potatoes are also beneficial in hemorrhoid due to their high fiber content.

Potatoes might help prevent cancer in glands and organs with epithelial tissue because of their high Vitamin A content.

Potatoes make nice food for diabetics because they help to control blood sugar levels.

Potatoes help to improve resistance to heart attack and stroke. The potassium content, available in potatoes, helps in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the body cells.

Potatoes also help in normal functioning of heart and keeping a check on blood pressure.

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Radish is a vegetable with thin white skin and white flesh, this vegetable can be eaten raw ( appetizer and salads) or cooked (ingredient to soup dishes). To retain the freshness and crunchiness of this vegetable it is advised to soak it in a cold water. Radish is rich in vitamin C.Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm.

Vitamin A : 30 I.U. Vitamin B : Thiamine .03 mg.;

Vitamin C : 24 mg.

Calcium : 37 mg.

Iron : 1.0 mg

Phosphorus : 31 mg.

Potassium : 130 mg.

Carbohydrates : 4.2 gm.

Protein : 1.2 gm.

Calories : 20

Health Benefits of Radish :1. Beneficial for the teeth, gums, nerves, hair and nails. 2. Stimulate appetite.

3. Relieve nervous exhaustion.

4. Respiratory problems

5. Digestive problems

6. Relieves constipation

7. Runny nose

8. Helps to reduce overweight or obesity and dissolves gall stones.

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9. Helpful in cases of tuberculosis.

10. Radish also has a mild diuretic effect, increasing the production of urine by the kidneys.

11. Good for diabetics just like cucumber and bitter gourd.

Sweet potato

Health Benefits of Sweet Potato :1. Sweet potato is rich in Vitamin A (betacarotene) and Vitamin C. Both Vitamins A and C are

powerful antioxidants that work in the body to remove free radicals, this free radicals are chemicals that damage cells.

2. Sweet potato is good for stomach ulcers and inflamed conditions of the colon.

3. It is beneficial for low blood pressure.

4. May be helpful for hemorrhoid because of its high fiber content.

5. Sweet potato is a good food for people involved in heavy muscular work, since this food is high in vitamins and minerals.

6. Sweet potato may help prevent cancer in glands and organs with epithelial tissue due to its high Vitamin A content.

7. Sweet potato is a good food for diabetics, because it helped stabilize blood sugar levels.

Nutritive Values : Per 100 gm. Vitamin A : 7,700 I.U. Vitamin B : Thiamine .09 mg.;

Riboflavin : .05 mg.

Niacin : .6 mg.

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Vitamin C : 22 mg.

Calcium : 30 mg.

Iron : .7 mg.

Phosphorus : 49 mg.

Potassium : 300 mg.

Fat : .7 gm.

Carbohydrates : 27.9 gm.

Protein : 1.8 gm.

Calories : 123


Health benefits of Taro Taro or dasheen corms have more calories than potatoes. 100 g provides 112 calories. Their

calorie mainly comes from complex carbohydrates known as amylose and amylopectin. However, they are very low in fats and protein than in cereals and pulses. Their protein levels are equivalent to that of other tropical food sources like yam, cassava, potato, banana etc.

The corms, however, are free from gluten. They feature high quality phyto-nutrition profile comprising of dietary fiber, and antioxidants in addition to moderate proportions of minerals, and vitamins.

It is one of the finest source dietary fibers; 100 g flesh provides 4.1 g or 11% of daily-requirement of dietary fiber. Together with slow digesting complex carbohydrates, moderate amounts of fiber in the food helps gradual rise in blood sugar levels.

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Taro leaves as well as yellow-fleshed roots have significant levels of phenolic flavonoid pigment antioxidants such as ß-carotenes, and cryptoxanthin along with vitamin A. 100 g fresh taro leaves provides 4825 IU or 161% of RDA of vitamin A. Altogether, these compounds are required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes, skin and vision. Consumption of natural foods rich in flavonoids helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.

It also contains good levels of some of valuable B-complex group of vitamins such as pyridoxine (vitamin B-6), folates, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, and thiamin.

Further, the corms provide healthy amounts of some important minerals like zinc, magnesium, copper, iron, and manganese. In addition, the root has very good amounts of potassium. Potassium is an important component of cell and body fluids that help regulate heart rate and blood pressure.


Tapioca is a starchy grain extracted from the cassava plant. Tapioca grains are fairly nutritious, making tapioca pudding a more nutrient-rich food than other common puddings. You can enjoy tapioca pudding either warm or cold, and in both ready-to-eat containers or from dry-mix packages. The U.S. Department of Agriculture, or USDA, provides nutritional values for tapioca pudding based on a 4-oz. serving in ready-to-eat, refrigerated form.

Calories One container of refrigerated, ready-to-eat tapioca, weighing 110 g, contains 143 calories. The

U.S. Food and Drug Administration bases nutrition labels on either 2000- or 2500-calorie diets. A serving of refrigerated tapioca provides about 6 to 7 percent of the daily caloric needs for a typical adult.

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Most of the caloric value in tapioca comes from its carbohydrate and sugar content. Each serving of refrigerated tapioca contains about 24 g of carbohydrates -- over 16 of which come from sugar. Most adults need about 225 to 325 g of carbohydrates each day, but the Institute of Medicine recommends that less than 25 percent of your total caloric intake should come from simple sugars.

Fats Tapioca contains a small amount of fat, with 4.27 g per 110-g container. About 3 g exist in the

form of healthy unsaturated fat, while just over 1 g is saturated. Saturated fat can increase serum cholesterol levels and increase cardiovascular disease, and the USDA advises consuming less than 10 percent of your total calories from this heart-harming fat. Unsaturated fat can reduce serum cholesterol levels and improve your cardiovascular health. Tapioca contains just 1 mg of cholesterol per container.

Protein A container of tapioca contains 2.15 g of protein, or about 1 to 4 percent of the typical adult's

daily need for this nutrient. Protein plays a central role in tissue growth and repair, and you should obtain about 10 to 35 percent of your calories from protein.

Minerals and Vitamins Tapioca offers an array of vitamins and minerals. Each container of refrigerated tapioca

contains the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, magnesium and selenium. Tapioca also contains 160 mg of sodium, or about 7 percent of the USDA's recommended daily limit for adults. Tapioca contains vitamins C, E, K and B vitamins.

beet root

The range of Beet Root processed, exported and supplied by our company is acknowledged both in national and international markets for its quality and freshness. This is processed with the help of hi-

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tech machineries in a hygienic environment. Our agricultural experts closely examine every product before packaging so that only flawless products reach at the client’s end. Further, the offered range is highly demanded in the market for its medicinal and nutritional value. We pack this beet root under the utmost favorable conditions so that it retains its original taste and freshness till long time.