friday, 18 may 2018 inside: enews - namcol college .pdf · gives everybody the opportunity to take...

EDITORIAL TEAM: Rholene Bok Freddy Kaukungua Fransina Matsi Vimbai Karumazondo Private Bag 15008 Katutura, Windhoek, Namibia Marketing & Sales Unit 2030 Independence Avenue Tel: + 264-61-320 5213 NAMCOL to launch DOSOM ENEWS INSIDE: NAMCOL TO LAUNCH DOSOM COLLEGE SAYS GOODBYE TO RETIREES TVET LEARNER PREPARE FOR FINAL EXAMS MUSING OVER A CUP OF TEA HINANIFA FINALLY TIES THE KNOT Friday, 18 May 2018 NAMCOL is set to introduce the first Open and Distance Learning qualification in Namibia next year with the introduction of the Diploma in Open School Operations and Management (DOSOM). It will be a fully online course and it is hopeful that it would be available for international students as well, thus the possibility for NAMCOL staff to also study this programme. On Wednesday, a stakeholder engagement was held to ascertain opinion on the proposed programme from various stakeholders but no objections were received about the introduction of the course. Many discussion were about the requirements and the content. With regards to requirements, it was recognized that only people with high cognitive skills would be able to do this programme, thus the minimum requirement would be a degree or Level 7 qualification. The diploma is pitched at Level 8 of the NQA qualifications framework.

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Page 1: Friday, 18 May 2018 INSIDE: ENEWS - Namcol College .pdf · gives everybody the opportunity to take part in the cleaning. A national clean-up ... like backlinks, is critical to generating

EDITORIAL TEAM: Rholene BokFreddy KaukunguaFransina MatsiVimbai Karumazondo

Private Bag 15008Katutura, Windhoek, NamibiaMarketing & Sales Unit2030 Independence Avenue

Tel: + 264-61-320 5213

NAMCOL to launch DOSOM






Friday, 18 May 2018

NAMCOL is set to introduce the

first Open and Distance Learning

qualification in Namibia next year

with the introduction of the Diploma

in Open School Operations and

Management (DOSOM).

It will be a fully online course and it

is hopeful that it would be available

for international students as well,

thus the possibility for NAMCOL staff

to also study this programme.

On Wednesday, a stakeholder

engagement was held to ascertain

opinion on the proposed programme

from various stakeholders but no

objections were received about

the introduction of the course.

Many discussion were about the

requirements and the content.

With regards to requirements, it was

recognized that only people with high

cognitive skills would be able to do

this programme, thus the minimum

requirement would be a degree or

Level 7 qualification. The diploma

is pitched at Level 8 of the NQA

qualifications framework.

Page 2: Friday, 18 May 2018 INSIDE: ENEWS - Namcol College .pdf · gives everybody the opportunity to take part in the cleaning. A national clean-up ... like backlinks, is critical to generating

eNEWS 18 May 2018 2

NAMCOL STAFF support Deo

NAMCOL staff last week took time off to support Deo Tsausab

at the funeral of his father recently passed away.

In preparations for the final exams, TVET learners

wrote mock exams and according to the HIV/

AIDS teacher, Mrs. Bellla Swartz, more than 50%

failed the HIV/AIDS exam, while eight ladies did

extremely well and were awarded with tokens of

appreciation yesterday.

TVET learners prepare for final exams

COLLEGE SAYS GOODBYE TO RETIREESThe College said goodbye to two colleagues, Jack Kauta and Tauno Shivute recently after they reached the retirement

age of 60. Speaking at the event, the Director wished them all the best in their future endeavors and thanked them for

their dedication and contributions for making NAMCOL the institution that it is today.

As part of the NAMCOL Tanganyika Group, Shivute worked at NAMCOL for 20 years, while Kauta worked for 8 years.

Page 3: Friday, 18 May 2018 INSIDE: ENEWS - Namcol College .pdf · gives everybody the opportunity to take part in the cleaning. A national clean-up ... like backlinks, is critical to generating

When my mom passed, I felt anchorless. Even though I was

35 years old at the time, I wanted my mother. The anchorless

feeling was so strong I was seriously contemplating having

a child without a husband. Fast forward 6 years later, and I

still feel anchorless. My mother’s brothers have been great

during this time and their wives and ex-wives (minus one)

have been very supportive.

However, it is the minus one that gives families, wives,

mothers, kin, cousins, daughters, and Christians a bad

name. Last week my uncle became very ill and his daughter

wanted to see him. She and another cousin were barred

from the house and the cops were called. Words, curses,

and accusations were stated. My uncle’s wife declared his

brothers illegitimate and my cousins “not Chinns”. She went

further and blasted the entire family in several Facebook


My sisters and I are used to this behavior. My uncle’s

daughter is used to it. My other cousins are not. They got

some belly laughs when stories were relayed to them, but

they haven’t bore the brunt of it. One cousin said, “I want you

all to know no matter what Martha [AN: our grandmother]

did, we are all cousins in the end. ‘Momma’s Baby, Daddy’s

Maybe’ is what we’ve seemed to discover today. We know

one thing for sure, we are the granddaughters of Martha

Meekins!!” Another cousin replied, “And the granddaughters

of Malachi Chinn.” My response: Nothing’s changed for

me, y’all are my sisters and cousins period. I’ve discovered


The fabulous Phylicia Rashad once said, “Where the women

go, the culture goes.” This is a sentiment that I agree with

(for the most part). Women, by society, are charged to keep

and nurture the home. Men are there to protect and provide

for the environment that children can learn and grow in

that is created by women. It is the woman who brings the

family together, and fosters the atmosphere to create bonds

between family members, whether blood or adopted. It is

heart wrenching when one nut ball can come along and try

to ruin and slander a family that was built over 75 years ago.

My grandparents were married before the children came. My

grandfather accepted them. All of them look like him (except

one, he pulled more from my grandmother). My grandfather’s

name is on all of their birth certificates. They called him

“Dad” and he called them his. To drag this into a Momma’s

Baby / Daddy’s Maybe is a disrespect to nut ball’s in-laws,

her husband, and her child with him.

The Bible states in Proverbs 14:1 that Every wise woman

builds her house but the foolish plucketh it down with

her hands. Martha Louise Meekins Chinn built a house

for Malachi Fred Chinn that is still enduring. Her husband

passed in 1972 but is still praised in 2018 as a good and

wise man. One day I hope I am a wise woman and people

will consider my husband blessed. I understand it is difficult

and the work is not always easy. Especially when you have

a petty side.

eNEWS 18 May 2018 3

Musing Over a Teacup

“Shout out to all the wise women who are building their homes. And may those homes withstand, stones, rocks, bricks and boulders hurled by the foolish at it.”

“Where the women go, the culture goes.” - Phylicia Rashad

Momma’s Baby, Daddy’s Maybe

Page 4: Friday, 18 May 2018 INSIDE: ENEWS - Namcol College .pdf · gives everybody the opportunity to take part in the cleaning. A national clean-up ... like backlinks, is critical to generating

eNEWS 06 April 2018 4

HINANIFA FINALLYTies the KnotAfter a protracted courting, Regional Manager for Southern Region, Clemence Hinanifa recently finally tied the knot, or noose around his neck, with his longtime girlfriend, Bianca in a ceremony held at Omutupa Village in the Okakarara District. Colleagues and friends traveled to witness this much anticipated event.

Page 5: Friday, 18 May 2018 INSIDE: ENEWS - Namcol College .pdf · gives everybody the opportunity to take part in the cleaning. A national clean-up ... like backlinks, is critical to generating

eNEWS 18 May 2018 6

Judith Britz

I fully support the idea because our environment is dirty and it gives a bad impression to tourists visiting the country.

Lizelle Cloete

Good, places (towns) are very dirty. Everyone should be part of the cleanup process. I am going to Gibeon that weekend and will ensure that my hometown in clean.

Bernhard Harupe

Very good idea as it became necessary to keep our towns clean. The fact that it is a public holiday gives everybody the opportunity to take part in the cleaning.

A national clean-up

campaign has been

proposed for 25 May 2018

in response to the country

becoming an eyesore

because of rubbish lying

around everywhere. ENews

spoke to some colleagues

to gauge their views:

VOX POP our voice

Deborah Eises

Good idea, but i believe that Namibia is a clean and on that day we will just be touching up to ensuring a cleaner environment.

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Get to know your colleagues. In this edition we introduce you the dynamic Northern Region team. The rest of the team will appear in the next edition.

eNEWS 18 May 2018 8




““Constant effort and

frequent mistakes are the

stepping stones to genius”

Elbert Hubbard

“Coming together is a

beginning, keeping together

is progress and working

together is success”

Henry Ford







“As a prisoner for the Lord,

then, I urge you to live a life

worth of calling you have


Ephesians 4:1

“God is the river of life that runs

through you. The rock of hope

beneath you. The eagle of glory

above you. The spirit of grace

within you. May he open up the

heavens and pour his blessings

over you and your family”.

“Love expects no reward.

Love knows no fear. Love

divine gives and does not

demand. Love thinks no evil,

imputes no motive. To love is

to share and serve”.





“In the end it is the

decisions we make that

truly define who we are.

Dream it, believe it and

achieve” Unknown.

“Life’s blows cannot

break a person whose

sprite is warmed at the

fire of enthusiasm”

Page 7: Friday, 18 May 2018 INSIDE: ENEWS - Namcol College .pdf · gives everybody the opportunity to take part in the cleaning. A national clean-up ... like backlinks, is critical to generating

eNEWS 18 May 2018 9

Why is Branding Important?So what is branding? And why is it so important for your business?

Branding goes way beyond just a logo or graphic element.

When you think about your brand, you really want to think about

your entire customer experience…everything from your logo, your

website, your social media experiences, the way you answer the

phone, to the way your customers experience your staff.

Let’s look at 10 reasons why digging into your brand is important:

Branding promotes recognition.People tend to do business with companies they are familiar with.If

your branding is consistent and easy to recognize, it can help people

feel more at ease purchasing your products or services.

Your brand helps set you apart from the competition.

In today’s global market, it is critical to stand apart from the crowd.

You are no longer competing on a local stage, your organization now

competes in the global economy. How do you stand out from the

thousands or millions of similar organizations around the world?

Your brand tells people about your business DNA.Your full brand experience, from the visual elements like the logo to

the way that your phones are answered, tell your customer about the

kind of company that you are.Are all of these points of entry telling

the right story?

Your brand provides motivation and direction for your staff.A clear brand strategy provides the clarity that your staff needs to be

successful. It tells them how to act, how to win, and how to meet the

organization’s goals.

A strong brand generates referrals.People love to tell others about the brands they like. People wear

brands, eat brands, listen to brands, and they’re constantly telling

others about the brands they love. On the flip side, you can’t tell

someone about a brand you can’t remember. Additionally, a strong

brand website strategy, like backlinks, is critical to generating

referrals or viral traffic.

A strong brand helps customers know what to expect.A brand that is consistent and clear puts the customer at ease

because they know exactly what to expect each and every time they

experience the brand.

Your brand represents you and your promise to your customer.It is important to remember that your brand represents you…you are

the brand, your staff is the brand, your marketing materials are the

brand. What do they say about you, and what do they say about

what you’re going to deliver (promise) to the customer?

Your brand helps you create clarity and stay focused.It’s very easy to wander around from idea to idea with nothing

to guide you…it doesn’t take long to be a long way from your

original goals or plans. A clear brand strategy helps you stay

focused on your mission and vision as an organization. Your

brand can help you be strategic and will guide your marketing

efforts saving time and money.

Your brand helps you connect with your customers emotionally.A good brand connects with people at an emotional level, they

feel good when they buy the brand. Purchasing is an emotional

experience and having a strong brand helps people feel good at an

emotional level when they engage with the company.

A strong brand provides your business value.A strong brand will provide value to your organization well beyond

your physical assets. Think about the brands that you purchase

from (Coca-Cola, Wrangler, Apple, Ford,)… are these companies

really worth their equipment, their products, their warehouses, or

factories? No, these companies are worth much more than their

physical assets…their brand has created a value that far exceeds

their physical value.