frequency planning and ramifications

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  • 8/8/2019 Frequency Planning and Ramifications








    Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fr Informationstechnik Berlin

    Takustrae 7, D-1^195 Berlin, Germany


    This paper surveys frequency assignment problems coming up in

    planning wireless communication services. It particu larly focuses on

    cellular mobile phone systems such as GSM, a technology that revo

    lutionizes communication. Tradi tional vertex coloring provides a con

    ceptual framework for the mathemat ical model ing of many frequencyplanning problems. This basic form, however, needs various exten

    sions to cover technical and organizational side cons traints . Among

    these ramifications are T-coloring and list coloring. To model all the

    subtleties, the techniques of integer programming have proven to be

    very useful.

    The ability to produce good frequency plans in practice is essential

    for the quality of mobile phone networks. The present algorithmic

    solution methods employ variants of some of the traditional coloring

    heurist ics as well as more sophis ticated machinery from mathemati cal

    programming. This paper will also address this issue.

    Finally, this paper discusses several pract ical frequency assignment

    problems in detail, state s the associated mathematica l models, and alsopoints to public electronic libraries of frequency assignment problems

    from prac tice . The associated graphs have up to several thous and

    vertices and range form rather sparse to almost complete.

    Keywords: frequency assignment, graph coloring.

    2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 05-02, 05C90, 90-02,


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    More than a century ago, in the early 1890s, several researchers started toexperiment with wireless communication via radio waves. In 1909, Marconiand Braun received the Nobel Prize in Physics for their pioneering work onthe wireless telegraph. Continuing improvements of the equipment resultedin the establishment of wireless (long distance) telephony as well as radioand television broadcas ting. In the last 50 years, the radio spec trum hasbeen explored for wireless communicat ion in many different ways. Nowadaysradio waves are not only used for the already mentioned applications, butalso for cellular telephone networks, radar, navigational systems, military

    communication, and space communication.All these applications use frequencies in the radio spectrum to establish

    wireless communication. The frequencies tha t are applicable are limited,however. They range roughly from 3 kHz to 300 GHz, corresponding towavelengths between 100 km and 1 mm. Interference of radio signals callsfor a strict management of frequency use at all levels: global, national, andregional. At the global level, the Internat ional Telecommunication Union(ITU) regulates the frequency use, whereas national agencies do the samewithin a country. They issue licenses to use certain frequencies for specificapplications. Figure 1 gives an overview of which frequencies are currentlyused for which applications. For example, the most popul ar applica tions,radio, television, and cellular phone, use frequencies in the very high frequency (VHF) spectrum and ult ra high frequency (UHF) spectrum. Newapplications such as the much discussed Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) have to be fitted into the spectrum, whereas licensesfor hardly used (ancient) applications can be retracted.

    Figure 1. The radio spectrum applicable for wireless communication

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    Wireless communication between two points is established with the use ofa transmitter and a receiver. The transmitter emits electromagnetic oscillations. These oscillations can be modulated either via the amplitude or viathe frequency itself. The receiver detects these oscillations and transformsthem into either sounds or images. When two transmitters use frequenciesclose to one another (or to their harmonics), their signals may interfere. Thelevel of interference depends on many aspects such as the distance betweenthe transmitters, the geographical position of the transmitters, the powerof the signals, the direction in which the signals are transmitted, and theweather conditions. In case the level of interference is high, the signal'squality may be so poor at the receiver that a proper reception is impossible.

    (The strength of a signal in comparison to the sum of the strengths of theinterfering signals, also called noise, is expressed by a signal-to-noise ratio.)

    The commercially usable radio spectrum is very scarce. As a consequence, frequencies are typically reused by many transmitters within one andthe same network. A high performance of a network can only be achieved bycarefully planning the assignment of frequencies to transmitters. The selection of the frequencies in such a way that interference is avoided or, secondbest, minimized, is called the Frequency Assignment Problem (FAP). Theconditions to be satisfied by a frequency plan vary depending on the application. Therefore, it is not surprising that many different approaches havebeen suggested in the literature to solve this problem. All models, however,have one feature in common: in some way or another they are generalizationsof the well known vertex coloring problem in an undirected graph.

    In this paper, we survey the evolution of frequency assignment problemsfrom standard vertex coloring to advanced models aiming at the minimization of the interference in a cellular radio network. Section 2 gives a glimpseon the technical side constraints that turn frequency planning into a hardcombinatorial problem. The presently very important application of GSMcellular phone networks serves as our example. Next, we turn to the mathemat ical aspects of frequency planning. In Section 3, the development ofmathematical models for frequency assignment is discussed. The theoretical

    and practical hardness of the problems is the topic of Section 4. We discussthe computational complexity of the presented models and characteristics ofpractical instances. Finally, upper and lower bounding techniques appliedto the optimization problems at hand are discussed in Sections 5 and 6,respectively. Th e paper closes with remarks on the current st ate of theoryand practice of frequency planning.

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    In this section, we concentrate on terrestrial mobile cellular networks, an application that has revolutionized the telephone business in the recent yearsand is going to have further significant impact in the years to come. Evenin this special application the frequency assignment problem has no universal mathematical model. We focus on the GSM standard (GSM standsfor "General System for Mobile Communication"), which has been in usesince 1992. GSM is the basis of almost all cellular phone networks in Europe. It is employed in more than 100 countries and serves several hundredmillion customers. The new worldwide standard UMTS (Universal Mobile

    Telecommunication System) is expected to become commercially availablearound 2002. UMTS is frequently covered in the public press at presentbecause of the enormous amounts of money telephone companies are payingin the national frequency auctions. UMTS handles frequency reuse in aneven more intricate manner than GSM: frequency or time division are usedin combination with code division multiple access (CDMA) technology.

    2.1. Channel Spectrum

    The typical situation in GSM frequency planning is as follows. A telephonecompany (let us call it the operator) has acquired the right to use a certainspectrum of frequencies [fmin, fmax] in a particular geographical region, e.g.,a country. The frequency band isdepending on the technology utilizedpartitioned into a set ofchannels, all with the same bandwidth A. The available channels are here denoted by 1,2,..., AT, where N = (fmax fmin)/&-In Germany, for instance, an operator of a mobile phone network owns about100 channels. On each channel available, one can communicate informationfrom a transmitter to a receiver. For bidirectional traffic a second channel is needed. In fact, if an operator acquires a spectrum [fmin, fmax] n e

    automatically obtains a paired spectrum of equal width for bidirectionalcommunication. One of these spectra is used for mobile to base station(up-link), the other for base station to mobile (down-link) communication.

    It is customary to ignore the subtle difference between channels andfrequencies and to use the words as synonyms.

    2.2. BTSs, TRXs, and Cells

    To serve his customers an operator has to solve a number of nontrivial problems. In an initial step the geographical distribution of the communication

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    demand for the planning period is est imated. Based on these figures, acommunication infrastructure has to be installed capable of serving the anticipated demand. The devices handling the radio communication with themobile phones of the customers are called Base Transceiver Stations (BTS).They have radio transmission and reception equipment, including antennasand all necessary signal processing capabilities. An antenna of a BTS can beomni-directional or sectorized. The typical BTS used today operates threeantennas, each with an opening angle of 120 degrees. Every such antennadefines a cell. These cells are the basic planning units (and that is whymobile phone systems are also called cellular phone systems).

    The capacity of a cell is defined by the number of transmitter/receiver

    units, called TRXs, installed for its antenna. The first TR X handles thesignaling and offers capacity for up to six calls (by time division) . AdditionalTRXs can typically handle 7 or 8 further callsdepending on the extrasignaling load. No more than 12 TRXs can be installed for one antenna ,i.e., the maximum capacity of a cell is in the range of 80 calls. That is whyareas of heavy traffic (e.g ., ai rports , business centers of big cities) have tobe subdivided into many cells.

    2.3. BSCs, MSCs, and the Core Network

    In a next planning step, the operator has to locate and install the so called

    Base Station Controllers (BSCs). Each BTS has to be connected (in generalvia cable) to such a BSC, while a BSC operates several BTSs in parallel.

    Every BSC, in turn, is connected to a Mobile Service Switching Center(MSC). The MSCs are connected to each other through the so called corenetwork, which has to carry the "backbone traffic." The location planningfor BSCs and MSCs, the design of the topology of the core network, theoptimization of the link capacities, routing, failure handling, etc., constitutemajor tasks an operator has to address. We do not discuss here the rolesof all the devices that make up a mobile phone network and their mutualinterplay in detail. This brief sketch is just meant to indicate that telecommunication network planning is quite a complex task.

    2.4. Channel Assignment , Hand-Over

    We have seen that the TRXs are the devices that handle radio communication with the mobile phones of the customers. The operators in Germanymaintain networks of about 5,000 to 15,000 TRXs and have around 100

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    channels available. Thus, the question arises how to best dis tribute thechannels to the TRXs.

    An operational mobile phone emits signals that allow the network toroughly keep track of which cell the mobile phone is cur rently "listening"to . This is done via so called control channels. If a call arrives, the network searches for the mobile phone. The device answers to the cell it waspreviously inactively listening to. Provided spare capacity is available, themobile phone is assigned to one of the TRXs of the cell. If the phone moves(e.g., in a car) the communication with its current TRX may become poor.The system monitors the reception quality and may decide to use a TRX

    from another cell. Such a switch is called hand-over.This short discussion shows that a mobile phone typically is not onlyin one cell. In fact, some cells must overlap, otherwise hand-overs were notpossible.

    2.5. Interference

    Whenever two cells overlap and use the same channel, interference occursin the area of cell intersection. Moreover, an tennas may cause interferencefar beyond their cell limits. The computation of the level of interference is adifficult task. It depends not only on the channels, the signals' strength and

    direction, but also on the shape of the environment, which may stronglyinfluence wave propaga tion. There are a number of theoreti cal methodsand formulas with which interference can be quantified. Most mobile phonecompanies base their analysis of interference on some mathematical modeltaking transmitter power, distances, as well as fading and filtering factorsinto account. The data for these models typically come from terra in andbuilding data bases but may also include vegetation da ta. Such da ta arecombined with pract ical experience and extensive measuremen ts. The result is an interference prediction model with which the so called co-channelinterference, which occurs when two TRXs transmit on the same channel,is quantified. The re may also be adjacent-channel interference when twoTRXs opera te on channels tha t are adjacent (i.e., one TR X operates onchannel i, the other on channel i + 1 or i 1).

    Real ity is still a bit more complicated than sketched before. SeveralTRXs (and not only two) operating on the same or adjacent channels mayinterfere with each other at the same time. And what really is the interference between two cells? It may be that two cells interfere only in 10% of their

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    area but with high noise or that they interfere in 50% of their area with lownoise. Wh at if interference is high but almost no traffic is expected? Howcan a single "interference value" reflect such a difference in the interferencebehavior? There is no clear answer.

    The planners have to investigate such cases in detail and have to comeup with a reasonable compromise. The result, in general, is a number, theinterference value, which is usually normalized to be between 0 and 1. Thisnumber shouldto the best of the knowledge of the plannerscharacterizethe interference between two TRXs (in terms of the model, the technologicalassumptions, etc., used by the operator).

    2.6. Separat ion and Blocked Channels

    If two or more TRXs are installed at the same location (or site), there arerest rict ions on how close thei r channels may be. For instance, if a TRXoperates on channel i, a TRX at the same site is not allowed to operateon channels i 2 , . . . , i + 2. Such a restriction is called co-site separation.Separation requirements may even be tighter if two TRXs are not only co-site, but also serve the same cell. Separation requirements may apply alsoto TRXs that are in close proximity.

    Moreover, due to government regulations, agreements with operatorsin neighboring regions, requirements from military forces, etc., an operator

    may not be allowed to use its whole spectrum of channels at every location.This means that, for each TRX, there may be a set of so called blockedchannels.

    2.7. A fi rs t Step into Mathematics : The Interference Graph

    A feasible assignment of channels to TRXs clearly has to satisfy all separation constraints. Blocked channels also must not be used. What should onedo about interference?

    On our way to an adequate mathematical representation of all technicalconstraints, let us first introduce the interference graph G (V,E). G has a

    vertex for every TRX, two vertices are joined by an edge if interference occurswhen the associated TRXs operate on the same channel or on adjacentchannels or if a separation constraint applies to the two TRXs. With eachedge vw E, two interference values, denoted by cco(vw) and cad(vw), areassociated; the number cco(vw) is the co-channel interference that occurswhen TRXs v and w operate on the same channel, while cad(vw) denotes

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    the interference value coming up when v and w operate on adjacent channels.In general, cco(vw) > cad(vw). If a separation constraint applies to v and wthen a suitable large number is allocated to cco(vw) and cad(vw).


    The modeling of frequency planning problems as mathematical optimization problems has a long trad ition . Metzger [44] appe ars to be the firstto bring frequency assignment to the attention of the operations researchcommunity. Hale [27] compiled an extensive classification of the frequencyplanning problems of that time, phrased many of them in the graph coloring framework, and introduced notions such as T-coloring. In this section,we discuss the major generalizations of graph coloring introduced over theyears in order to cover more and more aspects of frequency plann ing. Wediscuss a few theoretical results obtained for these problems. It soon turnedout, though, that the various generalizations are not able to completely address all the requirements in practice. As a consequence, other modelingapproaches were proposed, some of which are discussed in Subsections 3.5and 3.6. Alternative ways to model frequency planning problems are presented in Subsection 3.7.

    3.1. FAP and ColoringOne of the main difficulties in operating a wireless network is that signalswithin the same geographical region may interfere, resulting in a loss ofqual ity of the received signal. In case the signal-to-noise ratio drops below a certain value (depending on the technology used), the signal may betoo poor to enable communication. In part icular, signals tra nsm itt ed a tthe same frequency in the "same area" (what this means needs definition,the precise definition again depends on the technology employed) lead tosubs tant ial interference rates , the co-channel interference. To avoid theseinterferences, t ran smit ters in the same area have to opera te on different frequencies. Hence, neglecting all other aspects, the FAP may be reduced to

    coloring the vertices of a graph. Here, every vertex represents a transmitterand two vertices are connected by an edge if their transmitters are in thesame area, i.e., their signals interfere if they are transmitted at the samefrequency. We call this resulting graph the conflict graph, which clearly is aspecial case of the interference graph. Colors simply correspond to frequencies.

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    Now, a conflict-free coloring of the vertices corresponds to an ass ignment offrequencies to the trans mitt ers without co-channel interference. Note thatspecific channels do not play any role in this assignment, only the fact thatneighboring vertices are assigned different frequencies is importan t. As aconsequence, the minimum number of frequencies needed to obtain suchan assignment is given by the chromatic number of the conflict graph G.If we define the span of an assignment (denoted by sp(G)) as the difference between maximum and minimum channel number used, then clearlythe minimum span equals the chromatic number of the graph minus one(cf. Hale [27]).

    3.2. FAP and T-Coloring

    The signal-to-noise ratio does not only depend on the co-channel interference, bu t also on the adjacent-channel interference. Even farther away frequencies can influence the reception qual ity of the signal. In parti cular ,frequencies tha t are harmonics may cause interference. So, in genera l notonly frequencies that are equal cannot be assigned to neighboring vertices,but certain distances between the frequencies have to be obeyed. The consequences of this extension of the FAP for the vertex coloring problem aretwofold. First , to measure distances, the colors have to be ordered. Assuming the channels are evenly spaced in the frequency band, the channels/colorscan be numbered 1 to N. Second, a finite set Tvw C Z is associated withevery edge vw e E. This set contains the forbidden distances for frequencies fv and fw assigned to v and w, i.e., fv fw $. Tvw. Typically Tvw issymmetric, i.e., t e Tvw

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    ing the span of a T-coloring (denoted by SPT{G)), however, is quite differentfrom minimizing the span of a coloring. Figure 2 shows an example. Thegraph displayed in Figure 2(a) has chromatic number 3. By adding 1 to theforbidden distances Tvw for the edges of the cut S({a, c}) (the sets Tvw aredisplayed along the edges vw in Figure 2(b)), we obtain a (more general)T-coloring problem. In this case, spr{G) > x{G) ~ 1- Moreover, no solutionexists that minimizes both, the span and the number of colors, simultaneously. Every solution that uses only 3 colors has span at least 4 (for instancethe coloring / = (1, 3,5,1)) , whereas every solution with span 3 uses 4 colors(e.g., (2,4,1,3) or (3,1,4,2)).

    (a) coloring problem (b) T-coloring problem (c) list-T-coloring problem

    Figure 2. Example coloring, T-coloring, list-T-coloring

    The special case of T-coloring, where Tvw = { 0 , 1 , . . . , d(vw) 1} for somed(vw) for all vw G E has received a lot of attention. The values d(vw) arethen called the separation distances and the constraints reduce to \f g\ >d(vw) for all vw e E.

    3.3. FAP and List-T-Coloring

    Another aspect that plays a major role in frequency planning is the

    (un)availability of certain channels at some transmitters. For example, GSMnetworks in different countries can be licensed to use the same frequencies.To avoid unforeseeable interference in border regions, network operatorsmutually agree not to use particular parts of their frequency bands in theseareas. In general, this leads to a set of blocked frequencies Bv for everytransmitter v. This generalization of coloring is known as list-coloring. List-

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    coloring was first discussed by Vizing [58]; Erds, Rubin, and Taylor [22]independently brought the problem to the attention of a wider public. Tes-man [53, 55] combined list-coloring and T-coloring to list-T-coloring. Figure2(c) shows an example with list-T-chromatic number xT{G) = 3 and list-T-span spir(G) = 4. The above mentioned T-colorings are the only oneswith span 3 and are both forbidden. Except for the sets of forbidden colorsdisplayed at every vertex, we assume in the example of Figure 2(c) thatall non-positive integers as well as all integers greater or equal to 6 areforbidden.

    3.4. FAP and Set-Coloring

    So far, every vertex of our graph corresponds wi th a single trans mit ter needing one frequency. In practice, transmi tter s are often bundled at the samelocation (or antenna or site, cf. Section 2). The different transmitters at thesame site are usually assumed to be technically identical. Hence, the verticesin the constraint graph have the same neighborhood (except for their mutualrelation), and so, combining them into a single vertex is an attractive wayto reduce the graph size. In this reduced graph, multiple frequencies have tobe assigned to a single vertex. The distance enforced between the frequencies assigned to the same vertex is called the co-site distance. In the mostsimple case, where only co-channel interference is considered, the problem is

    known as set-coloring (cf. [48]). Tesman [54, 55] also combined T-coloringwith set-coloring resulting in set-T-coloring. Many results for set-coloringand set-T-coloring concern the coloring of every vertex with exactly k colors,i.e., fc-tuple colorings [51].

    3.5. Fixing the Span and introducing Interference Thresholds

    In all problems discussed above, the objective is either to minimize thenumber of used frequencies or to minimize the span of the used frequencies.In practice, however, licenses for frequency bands are usually bought forlong-term periods and no extension (reduction) of these bands is possible.

    Increasing demand for communication sooner or later leads to a shortage offrequencies, i.e., a minimum span or minimum order frequency plan needsmore frequencies than are licensed. Hence, models such as list-T-coloringdo not really satisfy the needs for implementable frequency plans.

    One possible solution to this problem consists in fixing the span andintroducing interference thresholds . The set of available frequencies F is

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    fixed to only those tha t are licensed by the network opera tor. Let Fv :F \ Bv be the set of available frequencies for a specific vertex. Probl emssuch as list-T-coloring can become infeasible, because interference cannot beavoided by any frequency plan. Consider, for instance , the list-T-coloringproblem of Figure 2(c). Suppose tha t the span is fixed to the frequencies{1,2,3,4}. Since spT(G) 4, no feasible solution for the list-T-coloringproblem exists.

    Now, the quest ion is how to evaluate such "infeasible" plans. First ofall, hard and soft constraints are distinguished. Hard constraints are thosefrequency separation constraints and frequency blockings that have to berespected by any frequency plan, whereas violation of the soft constraints

    can be accepted if there is no bet ter choice. Among the soft cons tra ints,acceptance of violation is measured with penalty functions. In general, for apair of neighboring vertices v, w defining a soft const raint, a penalty functionPvw ' Fv x Fw -* K+ evaluates the interference level for every pair of frequencies assigned to v and w. For our application GSM, we have hard separationconstraints and soft co- and adjacent-channel constraints (cf. Sections 2.5and 2.6). If / and g denote available frequencies, then the penalty functionpvw has the following format in this context:

    ( cco(vw) if / = g,

    Pvw(f,g)=l Cad(vw) if | / - 0 | = 1,[ 0 otherwise.

    How the interference values cco(vw) and cad(vw) are determined has beenindicated in Section 2.5. A precise description goes beyond the scope of thispaper. Area-based and traffic-based ratings of interference are most oftenused. For more on this topic we refer to [20, Section 2.3] and the referencestherein.

    Given the interference values, mainly two solution approaches to theFAP are investigated. Frequencies are assigned to the vertices in such away that the hard constraints are not violated and either the total penalty

    incurred by a solution or the maximum penalty incurred by a solution isminimized. Which of these directions is better suited for the situation depends on the intention of the operator. Consider, for example, the coloringproblem (i.e., only co-channel constraints are considered) in Figure 3 andsuppose F = {1,2} is the set of available frequencies. Penalty values are

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    displayed at the edges. In case the total penalty is minimized, a and d areassigned the same frequency, b and c get the other. The total penalty as wellas the maximum penalty is 1+e. In case the maximum penalty is minimized,a and c are assigned the same frequency, b and dobtain the other. Now, themaximum penalty is 1 e but the total penalty is 2 2e. Which approachresults in the better choice?

    a 1 b

    c 1 dFigure 3. Example interference penalties

    In Section 3.6, we discuss the minimization of the total penalty, whereas theremaining part of this subsection deals with minimization of the maximumpenalty. To minimize the maximum penalty incurred in a solution, t he

    following approach is often applied.Instead of computing a solution, where the maximum penalty is min

    imized, we search for a solution, where the incurred interference does notexceed a given threshold value P. Thus, if p u w (/,

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    3.6. Minimizing InterferenceInstead of minimizing the maximum penalty, the total penalty in an assignment is often minimized. The most common way to model this so-calledminimum interference frequency assignment problem (MI-FAP) is by formulating it as an integer linear program. Various formulations are proposedin the literature, see, e.g., [41, 20]. The most natural one generalizes an integer programming formulation for vertex coloring. Consider MI-FAP withouthard separation constraints and in the case that pvw(f,g) can only take twovalues, 0 and pvw, depending on whether \f g\ $. Tvw or \f g\ e Tvw.Moreover, we assume that only one frequency has to be assigned to every

    vertex. The formulation uses binary variables xvf, indicating whether frequency / e Fv is assigned to vertex v, and binary variables zvw, indicatingwhether \f g\ Tvw is violated. Then MI-FAP reads as

    (1) min ] P PvwZvw,vwE

    such that

    (2) > , / = 1 Vv e V,fFv

    (3) xvf

    + xwg

    < 1 + zvw

    Mvw EE,f Fv,gF

    w:\f -g\ T


    (4) xvfe{o,i} VveV,feFv,(5) zvwe{0,l} MvweE.

    The objective function (1) sums the total penalty involved in an assignment.The constraints (2) model that precisely one available channel has to beassigned to every transmitter. The inequalities (3) enforce that if / Fv isassigned to v and g G Fw is assigned to w and |/ g\ Tvw, then zvw has tobe equal to one. Since pvw > 0, zvw only equals one in an optimal solution if\fg\G Tvw. Finally, the constraints (4) and (5) guarantee that the variablestake binary values. This formulation involves only soft constraints. Hard

    separation constraints can be reflected by fixing the according variable zvwto zero. If all positive pvw-values are equal to 1 the 0/1-program above findsa channel assignment with the least number of forbidden distances.

    The formulation (1) - (5) can be extended to general penalty structuresand arbitrary number of frequencies to be assigned to a vertex by introducingZvwfg variables for all vw E, f e Fv , g Fw (see [41, Section 2.6]).

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    assumed that a complete assignment with some interference is prioritizedabove assignments that are interference free but do not satisfy all requestsfor channels. This priority for complete assignments is due to the networkoperator's wish to offer wireless communication to as many customers aspossible, tolerating some degradation in quality.

    An alternative is to retain the quality of the offered connections, but tocompromise on the availability of the service. This means that we assignfewer frequencies than requested to some antennas, but that the interference in the resulting network stays below a required signal-to-noise ratio.The objective in such an approach is to maximize the service availability orequivalently minimizing the network blocking probability. In both, Chang

    and Kim [16] and Mathar and Mattfeldt [43], formulas for the blocking probability of a vertex are derived, resulting in a nonlinear objective function.As in the case of minimizing the interference, formulating the problem as aninteger program is the common way to handle these problems. Since nonlinear integer programs are out of reach for the current algorithmic machinery,the nonlinear objective function is linearized or a simplified objective is selected that minimizes the number of requested but unassigned frequencies(for more information, see [41, Section 2.5]).

    The interference in all models considered so far is based on the relation of two transmitters. However, the signal-to-noise ratio depends on alltransmitters in the same region simultaneously. Although the binary relations between the transmitters restricts the interference levels, it cannotavoid an incidental exception of the overall interference due to this effect.Fischetti et al. [23] show that bounding the overall interference level at areceiver can be modeled as a linear inequality that can be added to theformulation (6) - (13).


    In this section, we discuss the hardness of frequency assignment problemsfrom a theoretical as well as from a practical point of view. We summarize

    results on the computational complexity and present the main characteristicsof several sets of benchmark problems.

    4.1. Computational Complexity

    In view of the A/'P-hardness of vertex coloring [39], it is not surprising thatall presented versions of frequency assignment are NP-haxd as well. There

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    are stronger results. For instance, list coloring is A/'P-complete even for special graphs for which the vertex coloring problem can be solved in lineartime, e.g., for interval graphs [10]. Also the (negative) results on the approximat ion of vertex coloring [8] have direct consequences for frequencyassignment.

    Besides vertex coloring, many other J\fV-comp\ete problems are closelyrelated to frequency assignment: maximum clique, minimum edge-deletionfc-partition, maximum fc-colorable subgraph , maximum fc-cut, min imum k-clustering sum, and maximum frequency allocation, to name a few. Foreach of these problems, computational complexity results can be transferedto various FAPs. From the results for minimum edge-delet ion ft-partition,

    collected in Ausiello et al. [7] (see also [20, Section 3.2]), for instance, wecan derive that

    deciding whether an instance of MI-FAP allows a feasible assignmentis A/'P-complete,

    MI-FAP is strongly /P-haxd,

    unless V=JstP, MI-FAP is not in AVX, and

    unless V=NV, an approximation of MI-FAP within 0(\E\) for |F| > 3is impossible in polynomial time.

    The last two results directly follow from the J\fV-haxdness of finding a feasible

    solution. However, even in the case that a feasible assignment can be foundeasily, these resu lts are valid. This shows that the complexity of solvingMI-FAP is not solely governed by the feasibility problem.

    4.2. Prac t i ca l Ins tances

    Even though all variants of FAP are theoretically hard, instances arising inpractice might be either small or highly structured such tha t enumerativetechniques, such as branch-and-bound or special purpose methods, are ableto handle these instances efficiently. This is typically not the case. Frequencyassignment problems are also hard in practice in the sense that nobody is

    able to routinely solve large, practically relevant instances to optimality orwith a good quality guarantee.

    In many areas of optimization most of the companies using optimization techniques are very reluc tant to publish da ta of real instances. Theyeven refuse to publish slightly modified data, fearing that competitors may,nevertheless, gain insight into what they are doing. The situation is much

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    more positive in the FAP area. Several sets of benchmarks for frequency assignment are available. A compilation of many of these benchmarks can befound at h t t p : / / f a p . z i b . d e , the FAP web site. The benchmark instancesorig inate from different applications and therefore also involve different models. For each set, we discuss their origin, the frequency assignment variantto be dealt with, and the most important results.

    Philadelphia benchmarks: The Philadelphia instances were among thefirst discussed in the literature [5]. The original instance and certain variants have been widely used to test algorithms and lower bounds for the Minimum Span FAP (MS-FAP). The Philadelphia instances are characterizedby 21 hexagons, representing the cells of a cellular phone network aroundPhiladelphia (see Figure 4). Until recently, it was common practice to modelwireless phone networks as hexagonal cell systems. For each cell, a demandfor frequencies is given. Figure 4(b) shows the demand (in channels) for theoriginal instance PI . The demand vectors of the other instances, in conformity wi th [57] denoted by P2- P9, can be found at FAP web [21]. Theobjective is to find a set-T-coloring with minimum span. In the basic model,interference of cells is characterized by a co-channel reuse distance d. No interference occurs if and only if the centers of two cells have mutual distance> d. In case the mutual distance is less than d (normalized by the radius ofthe cells), it is not allowed to assign the same frequency to both cells. This

    pure co-channel case is generalized by replacing the reuse distance d by aseries of non-increasing values d , . . . , dk and corresponding forbidden setsT C ... C Tk. The following relation holds:

    where dvw is the distance between the cell centers. For the Philadelphiainstances, the sets T J are taken as T-? = {0, . . . , j } . For instance PI, thevalues d , . . . , d5 are 2-\/3, -\/3,1,1,1,0. So, frequencies assigned to the samesite should be separated by at least 4 other frequencies, whereas frequenciesassigned to neighboring sites should be at a distance of at least 2, andfrequencies assigned to a second and third "ring" of cells should still differ.For the other instances, the reuse distances can be found in [21], where theresul ts presented in the literature are also summarized . By now, all instancesare solved to optimality.

    CALMA benchmarks: The military usage of field phones also leads toFAPs. These FAPs have the property that each connection consists of two
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    in the conflict graph is in between 1200 and 5500. We have to assign onefrequency to every vertex. The instances as well as the results can be foundin [21] (see also [3]). All minimum span instances can be solved quite efficiently. Also, all but one of the minimum order ins tances are solved tooptimality. For the MI-FAP instances, the results are more diverse. Atthe end of the project, only uppe r bounds were available. By now, 7 outof the 11 instances are solved. For the remaining ones, lower bounds havebeen found differing between 57.3% and 98.2% from the best known solutionvalue.

    COST 259 benchmarks: COST (COperation europeenne dans le domaine

    de la recherche Scientifique et Technique) is a European Union Forum forcooperative scientific research. The COST 259 project on Wireless FlexiblePersonalized Communications ran from the end of 1996 to the beginningof 2000. Working groups on Radio System Aspects, Antennas and Propagation, and Network Aspects were formed and dealt wi th different aspect sof mobile radio communications. The subgroup SWG 3.1 of the NetworkAspects working group compiled a library of GSM frequency planning scenarios. The intention was to allow comparisons of available frequency planning methods as well as to stimulate and to support the development ofnew methods. In total, 32 realistic GSM network planning scenarios werecollected and served as benchmark for comparing algorithms within COST

    259. The scenarios together with several contributed frequency plans arepublicly available at [21]. The primary objective is to minimize the totalinterference. The solutions and the lower bounds contr ibuted so far leavespace for improvements.

    Tables 1 and 2 show various characteristics of selected benchmark instances. Besides B2, several other B[d] instances exist, differing in theaverage and maximum number of TRXs or in the propagation model, forexample. Instance B2 is, in fact, the instance BRADFORD JSTT-2-EPLUS of theCOST 259 project. Table 1 contains figures concerning the underlying GSMnetwork, namely: the number of sites in the planning area; the number ofcells (no site hosts more than three cells); the average number of TRXs per

    cell; the maximum number of TRXs per cell; the spectrum size or, in thepresence of globally blocked channels, the sizes of the contiguous portions inthe spectrum; the minimum number of channels available in a cell; and theaverage number of non-blocked channels in a cell. Notice that in each of thescenarios with globally blocked channels, the resulting gap in the spectrumexceeds the maximal required separation. Thus, there is no direct coupling

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    between distinct contiguous portions of the spectrum.

    Table 1. Scenario characteristics COST 259 benchmarks

    Three further figures are given for each scenario in Table 1. These areeasiest explained in terms of the carrier network that is obtained if each celloperates only one TRX. Then, every carrier in the network corresponds toa cell, and the graph underlying this network reflects the relations amongthe cells. For this graph, the average degree (average number of adjacentcells), the maximum degree (maximum number of adjacent cells), and thediameter (of the largest connected component) are listed.

    We point out a few peculiarities of those graphs. Looking at the columnshowing the average number of adjacent cells, we see that in general a cellis adjacent to surprisingly many other cells. The maximum degree columnreveals that some cells may be adjacent to more than half of the othercells. The last column shows that the cells are rather "nearby" in almostall scenarios (recall that the diameter in a connected graph is the longestshortest path between two vertices).

    More graph-related figures for the carrier networks (where every TRXis represented by a vertex) are displayed in Table 2. In the first column, thelabel of the associated scenario is given. The next block contains information on the graph, namely, its number of vertices, its edge density (that is,

    number of edges relative to the maximal possible number of ' " ' 2 ' '), theaverage degree of its vertices as well as the maximal degree, and the sizeof a maximum clique. The third block addresses the minimum separationrequirements as specified by the labeling d, the co-channel interference labeling cco, and the adjacent-channel interference labeling cad, respectively.For all three labelings, we list the total number of edges involved.

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    Table 2. Characteristics of carrier networks COST 259 benchmarks

    Table 2 shows that, in all the carrier networks, the average degree of a carrieris significantly higher than the number of available channels. This is anindication that a great deal of coordination among the channel assignmentsfor different cells is necessary in order to produce good frequency plans.Moreover, the size of the maximum cliques in most carrier networks is largerthan the number of available channels. Hence, every feasible assignment forthose carrier networks must .incur interference.

    ROADEF'2001 challenge: This challenge is a follow-up of the CALMA

    project. It considers frequency assignment problems with polarization constraints, i.e., in addition to the assignment of frequencies, also a polarization direction, horizontal or vertical, have to be assigned. The requiredfrequency separation distances depend on the polarization. The data sethas again been made available by CELAR. More information can be foundat the ROADEF'2001 web-site [47].

    Miscellaneous: Several other instances are used in the literature to test algorithms for solving frequency assignment problems. We refer to [41, Section2.2.4] for an overview of the instances and their application. An instancethat is not mentioned there, is the CNET France Telecom benchmark pro

    vided by Caminada [15]. It contains raw data of a GSM network such asdetails of base station locations and propagation information.


    The AfV-haxdxxess of both, solving an FAP and finding solutions that are

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    guaranteed to be close to optimal, justifies the development of (fast) methods which neither certainly produce close to optimal assignments nor evenfeasible assignments. These heuristic approaches are the topic of this section.

    Analogous to Section 3, this section is broken into subsections for thevarious models. We star t with a discussion of some coloring heuris tics ,followed by heuristics for T-coloring and list-coloring. Finally, state-of-the-art me thods for interference minimization are considered. For a detailedsurvey of heuristics for frequency assignment we refer to [2].

    5.1. Coloring Heuris t ics

    Heuristics for the vertex coloring problem have been studied extensivelyfor years. Such heuristics can be applied to FAPs res tric ted to vertex coloring, but they can also be adjusted for more advanced problems such asT-coloring or list-coloring. Many heuristics have a greedy nature. The twobasic types are sequential coloring and maximal stable set coloring. In bothcases, the vertices are ordered in advance. In the sequential coloring approach, each vertex is colored with the least color not conflicting with thepreviously colored vertices according to the given vertex order. In maximalstable set coloring, one color at a time is assigned to as many vertices as

    possible according to the vertex order, i.e., for every color maximal stablesets are greedily construc ted. Popular orderings are lowest degree last orhighest degree first. In [35], 13 variants of these polynomial graph coloringalgorithms are compared. Without exception, there exist infinite classesof graphs for which each of the algorithms performs poorly. On the otherhand, some versions of these heuristics have been proven to produce optimal assignments for special cases in polynomial running time. These cases,however, do not seem to appear in the prac tice of frequency ass ignment. Werefer to Toft [56] and the references therein for more information.

    Another heuristic that has been applied in the context of frequency

    planning problems is the DSATUR algorithm developed by Brelaz [13]. Ituses the saturation degree of a vertex: the number of different colors assignedto its neighbors. Repeatedly, the vertex with highest saturation degree isselected, ties are broken by highest degree, and the least possible color isassigned to thi s vertex. The major difference between this algori thm andthe greedy algorithms described before is that the order is not static butdepends on the previously assigned vertices.

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    74 A. EISENBLTTER, M. GRTSCHEL AND A . M . C A . K O S T E R5.2. Heu ris tic s for Minim izin g th e Spa n

    The first heuristics for minimizing the span have been proposed as early asthe 1970s for the Philadelphia instances, see [12, 60]. Similar to the sequential coloring approach to vertex coloring, the frequencies are assigned to thevertices according to some order of the vertices. In Sivarajan, McEliece,and Ketchum [50] several variants of this greedy algorithm are tested on 13Philadelphia instances.

    More generally, Cozzens and Roberts [18] extended the greedy sequentialcoloring algorithm to T-coloring. Tesman [53] generalized this algorithm toA;-tuple-T-coloring. For special classes of graphs, these algorithms provide

    the optimal span (cf. [45] for a survey). Wang and Rutherforth [59] use agreedy algorithm as starting heuristic only, then a local search procedure isapplied, where the assignment of two vertices is interchanged as long as theobjective function value improves.

    The DSATUR algorithm has been extended to T-coloring by Costa [17].

    More elaborate, but also more time-consuming heuristics for minimizing the

    span such as simulated annealing, tabu search, and genetic algorithms aredescribed in [31].

    5.3. Heuris t ics for Interference Minimizat ion

    For interference minimization, a wide variety of heuristics has been applied.Like for minimizing the span, we distinguish fast heuristics from more elaborate, but rather time-consuming ones.

    In [11], a variant of the DSATUR heuristic is used for minimum interference GSM frequency planning. Roughly speaking, the saturation degree nowkeeps track of how many channels from the spectrum are no longer available for each of the remaining unassigned carriers. The spacing degree sumsthe separation distances to unassigned neighbors. So, this degree representshow much impact assigning all of a vertex' still unassigned neighbors wouldhave on its own assignability. We repeatedly select the vertex for which the

    saturation degree is maximal among those for which the spacing degree ismaximal. In this way a vertex for which the assignment has a large impacton its neighbors is handled before its neighbors are. Moreover, vertices withhigh saturation degree are assigned as soon as possible. Another extensionof DSATUR, called DSATUR with costs in [11], deals with the marginal costof assigning a frequency to a vertex in a par tia l assignment. The verticesare sorted according to these costs and the frequency of minimum cost is

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    Many other techniques, from genetic algorithms to neural networks, havebeen applied to MI-FAP. For the CALMA minimum interference benchmarks, for example, a genetic algorithm with optimized crossover turnedout to produce the best results [40].

    The running times of the heuristics differ substantial ly. The fastestamong the methods computes an assignment within a few seconds to minutes, whereas the more complex methods have running times up to a fewdays on realistic planning scenarios. The tendency in pract ice is to usethe fast methods within the interactive planning cycle; the more complexmethods are sometimes used to generate the final frequency plan.


    As outlined in Section 5, various heuristics seem to be capable of solvingfrequency assignment problems in a satisfactory wayat least compared tosome of the trad itiona l planning methods employed in practi ce. From amathematical point of view, a comparison with results of someone else orsome other heurist ic is insufficient. One would like to know be tt er ! Is itpossible to give a provable quality guarantee for a heurist ic solution? Inprinciple, th is is of course doable. However, coming up with acceptablequality guarantees for frequency plans appears to be quite difficult (bo th intheory and practice); further ideas are needed badly in this area!

    All the optimization problems associated with frequency planning discussed in this paper are minimization problems. Heuristics find feasiblesolutions for such problems and the best of these solutions is hoped to yielda good upper bound for the objective function value of a minimum solution.To substantiate such a hope, a good lower bound for the optimum valuemust be found. We show in thi s section how lower boun ds for some of theversions of the frequency assignment problems can be obta ined. We alsoindicate how big the gap between upper and lower bound can be, despiteserious efforts.

    6.1 . LP Lower Bounds for Coloring

    We begin with describing the LP approach to combinatorial optimization,one of the most successful methods for the solution of integer programs.The idea is simple. We formulate the combinatorial problem as an integer program, drop the integrality constraint, and solve the resulting linear

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    program. One hopes that the optimum LP value is a good lower bound forthe optimum value of the combinatorial problem.

    Let us describe this approach for the weighted clique problem (finding aset of pairwise adjacent vertices in a vertex-weighted graph with maximumtotal weight). Let a graph G (V,E) with nonnegative weights Cv,v V,be given. Observing that a clique and a stable set intersect in at most onevertex, it is trivial to see that the integral feasible solutions of the followingLP

    S stable,

    are exactly the incidence vectors of the cliques of G. Denoting by w(G,c)the maximum weight of a clique in G and by S the set of all stable sets inG we have


    The LP value u>'(G,c) is sometimes called the fractional (weighted) cliquenumber. Employing the duality theorem of linear programming we obtain

    Observing that for each S G S, each subset of S also belongs to

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    discusses these results in depth. In this subsection, we focus on one of themost interesting ideas to derive lower bounds for minimum span T-coloring.

    Consider a T-coloring problem with separation distances d(vw) for allvw G E, i.e., Tvw = { 0 , . . . , d(vw) 1}. A feasible solution of this T-coloringproblem is an assignment / : V -> Z + such that \f(v) f{w)\ > d(vw) forall vw E. Let us assume that / is a feasible T-coloring, and let ix bea permutation of the vertices in V such that n(v) < n(w) if f(v) < f{w).Hence, vertices with a larger color succeed those with a smaller color in theordering, whereas the ordering of vertices with identical colors is arbitrary.

    Let us define a complete graph G" on the vertices V of G with edge

    weights d'(vw) = d(vw) ifvw G E and d'(vw) = 0 otherwise. The order ndefines a Hamiltonian pat h in G", and if we assume that / has span k, thenthe Hamiltonian path has weight at most k. In this fashion, every feasibleT-coloring of G gives rise to one (or more) Hamiltonian path(s) in G", andin each case the span of the T-coloring is bounded from below by the lengthof the associated Hamiltonian path. Hence, a Hamiltonian path in G' ofminimum weight provides a lower bound on the span of any T-coloring.

    Finding a Hamiltonian path of minimum weight is traditionally done bysolving a Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). Therefore, the lower bound derived this way is known as the TSP bound. This relation between T-coloringand the Hamiltonian path problem has first been observed by Raychaud-

    huri [46] and is later used by Roberts [49] and Janssen and Kilakos [32, 33].The TSP as well as many of its variations have received considerable attention in the literature (see, e.g., [36] for a survey and [6] for recent progress).TSPs are typically solved using integer programming techniques. Note thatalso a lower bound on the minimum weight of a Hamiltonian path providesa lower bound on the minimum span of a T-coloring.

    The TSP lower bound for the minimum span of a T-coloring has aremarkable (nasty) property. Induced subgraphs of G may provide betterTSP bounds than the TSP bound of G. Consider the example in Figure6(a). The values at the edges denote the separation distances d(vw). The

    corresponding graph G" with weights d'(vw) is displayed in Figure 6(b). AHamiltonian path of minimum weight in G' is given by a, b, d, c with weight1. Hence, the TSP bound is 1. If we, however, restrict us to the subgraphinduced by a, 6, c, a TSP bound of 2 is obtained. So, the T SP bound mightbe improved by restricting the bound computation to a "dense part" of theconflict graph. In [33], this technique is used to prove the optimal value ofPhiladelphia instance PI, for example.

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    Figure 6. Example TSP lower bound

    Recently, Allen, Smith, and Hurley [4] proposed another way to improve theTSP bound. Consider again the example in Figure 6. On the Hamiltonianpath a,b,d,c, the length of the subpath b,d,c is 0, although a separationdistance of d'(bc) = 1 exists. So, the bound can be improved by forcingthat every path between b and c has weight at least d'{bc). In [4], theTSP integer programming formulation is augmented by introducing so-calledexcess-variables in order to guarantee this property of the minimum weightedpath.

    6.3. LP Lower Bou nd s for Minimi zing Interference

    For the MI-FAP, lower bounds can be derived by the linear programmingrelaxation of (1) - (5). In the linear programming relaxation, the integralityconstraints (4) and (5) are replaced by xvf > 0 and zvw > 0, respectively.This relaxation provides a lower bound on the optimal value. Com putationa lexperiments with this lower bound, however, did not yield satisfying results(cf. [1]). Also, the linear relaxation of other formulations (cf. [34, 41, 20])did not provide strong lower bounds. The poor quality of the LP boundis mainly due to the freedom to select frequencies fractionally. In this way,

    interference can often be avoided almost completely in a fractional solution.The branch-and-cut approach for integer programming could not be

    successfully applied to MI-FAPs either. The major obstacle seems to be thatfor both, the linear relaxation and the integer program many solutions with(almost) identical objective function value exist. In fact, there often existpermuta tions of a solution with the same objective function value. Thesesymmetries lead to many equivalent branches in a branch- and-cut approach.

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    Moreover, the addition of cutting planes merely drives the solution to another solution with same objective value.An exception from these negative results is obtained for the CALMA

    MI-FAP instances. In [42] (see also [41]), integer programming is successfully applied after aggregation of frequencies to obtain lower bounds . Asan alternative to integer programming, a dynamic programming algorithmbased on a tree decomposition of the conflict graph is appl ied. Not onlylower bounds could be derived using this approach, but also some of theCALMA problems could be solved to optimality (see [41] for more information). This method heavily depends on the specific structure of CALMAfrequency assignment, and this clearly limits the applicability to other fre

    quency planning problems.

    6.4. A Semid efinit e Lower Bo un d

    Semidefinite programming is the task of minimizing a linear objective function over the convex cone of positive semidefinite matrices subject to additional linear inequalities. Significant research efforts in the recent yearshave revealed that many of the algorithmic approaches to linear programming can be tailored to work for semidefinite programs efficiently as well,see Helmberg [30]. In this subsection, we present a lower bound for the GSMfrequency planning problem based on semidefinite programming.

    Let us modify (in fact, simplify) the frequency planning problem by dropping the adjacent-channel interference (i.e., by setting Ead := 0),

    dropping the local blockings (setting Bv := 0 for all v V), and

    cutt ing down the required separation to 1 (setting d(vw) := 1 for all

    vw e Ed).

    Clearly, this problem is a relaxation of the original frequency planning problem and an optimal solution of this problem yields a lower bound. All threesimplifications together lead to a problem which is essentially the same asfinding a minimum A;-partition of the vertex set of the graph G, where edge-weights are derived from d(vw) and c^.

    A partition V\,..., VkofV into at most k = |F| many disjoint sets hasto be determined such that the sum over the edge-weights in the inducedsubgraphs G[Vi\, 1 < i < k, is minimized. The edge-weights are defined asfollows. Set M = Y,vweEco C + 1. The edge-weight function /i : E M- 1+is defined by vw c%w in case vw G E

    co and by fxvw = M in case vw eEd.

    (Note that E = EcoU Ed and Eco DEd = 0.)

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    There exists a feasible solution to the relaxed frequency planning problem ifand only if a minimum ^-partition has objective value less than M. Moreover, if the objective is less than M, its value is a lower bound for the originalproblem.

    The min ^-partition problem can be formulated as an integer linearprogram with an exponential number of constraints (cf. [20, Section 6.2]).An alternative formulation exploits the following properties of vectors ofEuclidean length one (unit vectors) in Mn, n > 1. First, for any k, 2 < k j^ j- . Second, there exist k unit vectors satisfying (ui,Uj) = Frr[24, 37]. Consider, for example, afc-simplexin Rn, centered at the origin andscaled such that all vertices have a Euclidean distance of1 to the origin. Thevectors pointing at the vertices of that simplex have the desired property.

    Hence, we may fix a set U = {ui,... ,uk} C Mlvl of unit vectors with

    (j, UJ) = ^ j for i ^ j (and (u,, ui) = 1 for i = 1, . . . , k). These k vectorsare used as labels (or representations) for the k partite sets in G. The min^-partition problem can then be phrased as follows. We search for a function4>: V >-> Uthat minimizes

    (uj y (*-i)W).)) + i .v,wV

    Notice that the quotient in the summands evaluates either to 1 or to 0,depending on whether the same vector or distinct vectors are assigned tothe respective two vertices.

    If we assemble the scalar products ((t>),({w)} into a square matrixX, being indexed row- and column-wise by V, then the matrix X has thefollowing properties: all entries on the principal diagonal are ones, all off-diagonal elements are either or 1, and X is positive semidefinite.

    Notably, every matrix X satisfying the above properties defines a &-partition of V in the same way as 0 does. This can be seen as follows.Since X is a positive semidefinite matrix, there exists a matrix C such that

    X = CTC. We claim that C contains at most k distinct column vectors.For the sake of a contradiction, let us assume that ci,... ,Ck+i are k + 1distinct column vectors from C. Then (ci,Cj) = j ^ for all i ^ j and(ci,Ci) = 1 for all i has to hold. According to the above statement, however,the k + 1 unit vectors may only have a mutual scalar product as low as(k+i)-i ~ ~T > F=T- A contradiction. Therefore, the columns of C mayindeed serve as the vectors assigned by , representing the partite sets.

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    The combinatorial problem to minimize (14) may be relaxed to a semidefiniteprogram. First, the explicit reference to the set U is dropped, and theproblem is rewritten as

    Then, we replace the constraints (17) by Xvw > -j (note that Xvw < 1is enforced implicitly by X positive semidefinite and Xvv = 1). The SDPrelaxation of the problem now reads

    In [20], this bound is tested successfully for the COST 259 benchmark instances using recently developed software for semidefinite programming bySturm [52], Burer, Monteiro and Zhang [14], and Helmberg [29].


    Frequency assignment is an important problem in wireless communicationwith direct consequences for the quality of service and indirect economicimpact, e.g., via the choice and util ization of equipment. There is not jus tone frequency assignment problem. The questions to be addressed dependstrongly on the technology employed, government regulations, etc. Thus,

    modeling issues arise, and the mathematical problems to be solved varyfrom technology to technology, frequency band to frequency band, or evenoperator to operator. Focusing on the GSM technique, we have surveyed inthis paper the mathematical questions arising in this context, many relatedto coloring problems in graphs . Practical frequency assignment problemsare large and hardnot only in theory. Data from practice are available,









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    so th at th e structu re of practica l instances can be studied. Although theutilization of optimization methodology has resulted in considerable progresscompared with traditional planning techniques, the solution machinery isnot in a satisfactory s tate yet. There are often large gaps between upperand lower bounds on the interference, for instance. Much bette r qualityguarantees for the solution methods applied to instances from practice needto be achieved. The only path to progress is further research addressing theissues involved. That is, investigating the mathematical models described inthis paper instead of continuing to study the traditional problems in coloringtheory, a nontrivial challenge.


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    Received 4 January 2001Revised 7 June 2001