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  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



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  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Your Numerology Chart Made Easy

    Table of Contents

    Personal Letter from Lisa ........................................................................................................................................... 3

    Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................... 4

    Life Path Number ................................................................................................................................................... 4

    Destiny Number ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

    Power Name Number ............................................................................................................................................ 5

    Soul Urge Number .................................................................................................................................................. 6

    Personality Number ............................................................................................................................................... 7

    Attitude Number .................................................................................................................................................... 7

    Birth Day Number .................................................................................................................................................. 8

    Maturity Number ................................................................................................................................................... 8

    Meaning of Numbers ............................................................................................................................................. 9

    A note about Master Numbers. ........................................................................................................................... 13

    Reference Sheet ................................................................................................................................................... 13

    Thank you! ........................................................................................................................................................... 14

    Work With Me ...................................................................................................................................................... 14

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Personal Letter from Lisa

    Dear Readers,

    Thank you for being a member of the free psychic insight community. My hope is that is a place that that helps you remember your connection toyour own inner Source and Light.

    Each one of you that is reading this has a special purpose to fulfill. Fulfilling your purpose

    isn't just for you. When you share your gifts with the world you make a difference in

    someone's life and please G-d.

    Nothing makes G-d happier than seeing one of us reach out and do something kind for

    another fellow human being. G-d is also pleased when we are happy and we can't be trulyfulfilled unless we're living an authentic life.

    So many times we seem to say, "Okay G-d, I'll take over from here" and make up a new life

    for ourselves. But when we do that we find that we struggle and life doesn't go so well.

    When we are aligned with our authentic self and living our life on purpose we will be the

    happiest and most fulfilled. It is at this point that is life seems to work effortlessly.

    Understanding numerology, and in particular calculating the numerology numbers for yourchart, can show you who you are meant to be in this world, your life purpose, where your

    gifts lie, your challenges, your hidden desires, what motivates you to succeed and more.

    This is one part of the puzzle. There are plenty of other resources to help you find your

    way on . 

    I hope you enjoy this complimentary numerology eBook.

    Warmest Regards,

     Lisa Jill Jacobs  (founder of

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Numerology 101


    In this e-book you will learn about the 7 most important numbers in your numerology

    chart, how to calculate them and a summary of each number vibration.

    Life Path Number

    The first number we will look at is your Life Path Number. This is the most important

    number in your chart. You need to follow this number to live a fulfilling life.

    To calculate this number you add up the digits of your full birth date.

    (month + day + year.)

    For example: If you were born on January 16, 1967

    You would add 1 (January) + 1 + 6 (date) + 1 + 9 + 6 + 7 (year) = 31.

    31 can still be reduced so we would then add 3 + 1 = 4.

    We would say this person has a 4 life path (you can read below what this life path

    number means.)

    Destiny Number

    Your second most important number is your Destiny Number. It is called your

    destiny number as this is what you are destined to achieve.

    To find your destiny number, add up the letters of the name that is on your birth

    certificate. Even if you don't use the name given to you at birth it will still carry an

    influence in your life.

    Use the chart below to find the corresponding number to the letters in your name.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    A B C D E F G H I

    J K L M N O P Q R

    S T U V W X Y Z

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    For example: Let's look at our current President's birth name to find his destiny


    Barack Hussein Obama

    Barack = 2 + 1 + 9 + 1 +3 + 2 = 18

    Hussein = 8 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 9 + 5 = 32

    Obama = 6 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 1 = 14

    Barack's destiny number is 1 

    Power Name Number

    The third number we will discuss is your Power Name Number.  Your power name is

    the name you go by today. We arrive at this digit by adding the letters of the name you

    use in your everyday life.

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Louise Hay's power name is 7  (Remember 7 is the number of spirituality so this makes

    sense. You can read more below about what each number signifies.)

    Her first name adds up to 27. We get this by adding the letters of her name (see chart above.)

    Louise = 3 + 6 +3 + 9 + 1 + 5 = 27

    Hay = 8 + 1 + 7 = 16.

    We then add 27 + 16 to get 43. 43 can be further reduced so we would add 4 + 3 = 7.

    Soul Urge Number

    The fourth number is your Soul Urge Number. This number reveals what motivates

    and drives you in your life. This number is also called your hidden desires number as

    people won't know this about you. It's a very important number as it will drive much

    of your behavior.

    To find your soul urge, we add the vowels of your name.

    If we stick with Barack Hussein Obama's name as in our example above, we would add: a(1) +

    a(1) + u(3) + e(5) + 1(9) + o(6) + a(1) + a(1)= 27 = 2 + 7 = 9.  

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Personality Number

    The fifth number in your chart is your Personality Number. This number is found by

    adding the consonant letters of your name. Your personality number is what you

    show to the world and how others perceive you.

    If we take Marianne Williamson as our example we would add:

    M(4) + R(9) + N(5) + N(5) + W(5) + L(3) + L(3) + M(4) + S(1) + N(5) = 44/8

    Interesting, 44 is a master number. This isn't really a huge surprise when we look at

     Marianne's mission in this life.

    Attitude Number  

    The fifth number in your chart is your Attitude Number. This is found by adding your

    month and birthday numbers.

    Example: If you are born on September 3rd. September is the 9th month and you were born on

    a 3 day, so we would add 9+3=11. You can reduce that further so we add 1+ 1 = 2. Yourattitude number is 2.

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Birth Day Number

    The sixth number in your chart that we will look at is your Birth Day Number.

    This is the number of the day you were born on. Using the same example if you were

     born on September 3rd your birth day number would be 3. (For all of the examples in

    this eBook, I have put the month first and the day of birth second.)

    Maturity Number

    Your seventh number is your Maturity Number. This can be found by adding your

    life path and destiny numbers together.

    Your maturity number shows where your focus will be as you get older. It reveals

    what will be important to you in your life as you mature. This number begins to showitself at the age of 35 and is in full force by age 50.

    So now you know what the 7 most important numbers are in your chart and how to

    find them.

    You can use the blank pages at the end of this e-book to calculate your own

    numerology numbers.

    Once you calculate your numbers you will want to have an understanding of what

    each number means and how it shows up in your life.

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Number Meanings for 1-9

    Each number carries its own energy vibration. Below is a brief summary of what each

    number means. The meanings below are for the life path numbers. The numbers vary

    a bit depending on where they show up in your chart but the general vibration of a

    number will be the same no matter what their placement.

    Number 2

    The digit 'two' represents teamwork and togetherness. A two life path (and

    also if you have many two's in your numerology chart) value relationships.

    Being in a committed relationship such as marriage appeals to you.

    Relationships feed your soul and you need them in your life like a fish needs

    water to be truly fulfilled.

    If you have a choice of working alone or with a partner, you will choose to

    work with someone. You are a good collaborator. Two is all about team

    work so you like to be a part of a team and contribute to the overall goal.

    You don't have to be in the limelight or take all the credit. In fact, you prefer

    to be behind the scenes and not have any fuss be made about you.

    You dislike conflict and will avoid it at all costs. You desire harmony and will

    do what it takes to achieve it.

    Number 1

    One represents individuality, and independence. If you are a one life path,

    you are an original thinker, speak your mind and have a pioneering spirit.

    You prefer to work on your own, are unique and not afraid to stand out. In fact you like standing out because you like being noticed. You're not afraid

    of the spotlight. People with this life path are known for being tough on

    them. You have an inner critic in your mind asking, Am I good enough? For

    this reason you drive yourself very hard and are competitive. If you know

    someone in your life who is very driven in their work and constantly pushing

    themselves to do more, and be better, chances are they are a 1 life path or

    have a lot of one's in their chart. One does can seem critical and tough on

    those around them but this is just because they are perfectionists and havehigh standards for themselves.

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Number 3Three is the creative trilogy. If you have this digit prominent in your chart

    you are gifted with creativity. You may be a talented writer, actor, artist,

    designer, photographer, or speaker. Three is the number of communication

    so you will most likely have a gift for communicating. You love to socialize

    and have many friends. When you go out, people notice your captivating

    smile and eyes. You have a way of lighting up any room. 3's are attractive.

    Being well groomed is important to you. You can be high maintenance if you

    have a 3 life path. If you know or see someone who always has their

    makeup, hair and clothes done to perfection chances are this person has a 3

    life path or has many 3's in their chart. This life path also can make a

    difference in other people's lives by a smile, their choice of words and how

    they speak. They have the power to uplift and inspire others.

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Number 6Six is the number of Family and Love. If this is your life path number family

    will be very important to you. You like to nurture the people closest to you. If

    you don't have a family of your own, your co-workers will become your

     family and you will nurture them. You have a loving heart. You desire to

    create a family of your own. A harmonious, comfortable home is very

    important to you. Your home is your sanctuary. You like to decorate it so it

    reflects your unique style.

    Number 5 A five life path is all about freedom. Someone with this number doesn't want

    to be tied down. They like change, variety and adventure. And they

    absolutely cannot stand to be bored. If you have this for your life path

    number, you may have difficulty making decisions and committing to any

    one thing whether it is your hobby, mate, or job. You can lack focus and

    seem to scatter your energy at times. Enough focus. Meditation is especially

    great for this life path number.

    Fives are free spirits and like to be spontaneous, and have fun. A five loves

    adventure so if you want to treat your 5 partner, take them some place

    special, some place they have never been before or do something new.

    Number 4Four is all about work. 4's can be serious and therefore need to remember to

    take time out to relax and let their hair down so they enjoy the moments of

    their life. Meditation and walkinggv in nature are wonderful for anyone with

    a 4 life path for this reason. Four is the teacher. If you have a life path 4 youwill learn about something until you are an expert and then turn around and

    teach it to others. You make natural teachers, therapist', detectives,

    engineers and computer technicians.

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    Number 9Nine is the Humanitarian number. This number means you want to servehumanity in some way. It is important to you that your work has meaning

    and benefits others. You have a desire to raise the consciousness of others. If

    this is your life path, it shows that the relationship with one or both of your

     parents was not easy. A nine in this placement in your chart means you are

    here to forgive them and anyone in your past who you feel has hurt you. A 9

    life path also means that you are an old soul.

    Number 8

    Eight is the number of Manifestation and Success. If this is your life path

    number you came here to learn to stand in your own power and be


    You like the finer things in life and do not mind working for them. An eight

    life path is the hardest worker of the bunch. A lot of 8's in your chart means

    you have the potential to be a big success or failure. You have a lot of

    manifestation power but need to channel it to your advantage..

    Number 7

    Seven is the number of Spirituality. If this is your life path number or if your

    chart has many seven's in it, you like to think about the mysteries of the

    universe. You ponder the bigger questions such as, why am I here. You are a

    big thinker and good at analyzing. You require a lot of time alone to be with

    your thoughts and rest; more so than any other number. Spending time in

    nature is especially good for you.

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    A note about Master Numbers

    The numbers 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99 are referred to as master numbers. If

    your life path, destiny, personality, or birth day is a master number you don't have to

    reduce it. Having a master number means that you are not meant to sit back in this

    lifetime; there is work to do. You are here for a greater purpose.

    To read more about master numbers and their meaning you can go to 

    The meaning of a master number is a magnified vibration. So if you have a destiny

    number 22, you can also read about the number 4 vibration to find out more about

    who you are and what you have come here to achieve.

    I hope you enjoyed this numerology e-book.

    Thank you for being a part of the free-psychic-insight community. If you have any

    questions or comments, I would love to hear from you.

    Reference Sheet:

    My Life Path Number is 

    My Destiny Number is 

    My Power Name Number is 

    My Soul Urge Number is 

    My Personality Number is My Attitude Number is

  • 8/20/2019 Free Numerology eBook



    My Maturity Number is 

    Thank you!

    I hope you enjoyed this numerology e-book.

    Thank you for being a part of the free-psychic-insight community. I would love to hear

    from you! E-mail me at [email protected] 

    Work With Me

    My gift is spiritual coaching and akashic record reading. I am here to talk about

    these issues with you: What is your gift to the world? What is holding you

    back from living the life you desire? How do you get unstuck? How can you

    manifest abundance in your life? How can you improve your relationships? I

    will happily answer these questions and any others you may have.

    You can learn more about me and sign up for an akashic record consultation at:  

    Peace and blessings,

     Lisa Jill Jacobs

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]