freakonomics' print analysis

Freakonomics: The Movie is a 2010 documentary based off the book Freakonomics. It was directed by several filmmakers, including Morgan Spurlock of Supersize Me. It features a collection of 'economic' sections, applying economic theory to diverse subjects not usually covered by "traditional" economists . ‘FREAKONOMICS’ PRINT ANALYSIS

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Page 1: Freakonomics' Print Analysis

Freakonomics: The Movie is a 2010 documentary based off the book Freakonomics . I t was d i rected by several fi lmmakers , inc luding Morgan Spur lock of Supers ize Me. I t features a col lect ion of 'economic ' sect ions , apply ing economic theory to d iverse subjects not usual ly covered by "t radi t ional" economists .


Page 2: Freakonomics' Print Analysis

The green and orange colour scheme is consistent throughout the poster, and links with the image of the apple/orange shown, creating a strong colour scheme. These colours are also bright and eye-catching, therefore attracting people to watch it, and carry positive connotations which attracts a mass audience.

A neutral background has been used, working in contrast against the bright object and titles, and it works well with high-key lighting, to make the title and image stand out.

A close-up shot of an apple, cut open to reveal it is an orange inside, is used. It directs audience attention immediately to this image, as it is a strange, surrealist creation, and makes the audience wonder what the documentary could be about, which creates an air of allure and mystery around it. It is the main focal point of the poster, suggesting to the audience what the film will primarily be about - this can be a common convention in documentary posters, a minimalist image to convey the main idea. The surreal image links to part of the subtitle 'the hidden side of everything'.

As there are no people featured on the poster, this could suggest that the documentary will not be focusing on one presenter or narrator in particular, but will be more about the subject, or will have an ensemble cast.

The use of a real-life image, as opposed to an animated or cartoon image implies that the documentary will be grounded in real life and have lots of realism, which is a key convention of documentaries, despite the surrealist image, suggesting that some elements may be slightly unbelievable

Page 3: Freakonomics' Print Analysis

Bold font and capitalisation has been used to emphasise the title 'Freakonomics'. This dominates the poster and draws the eye to it, so the audience would know exactly which film's poster they were looking at. In slightly smaller, less pronounced font, is 'The Movie', to make a distinction between the film and the book, and suggesting that there may be elements which differ between the two. The titles have been placed low so you can still see the main focal point of the poster, the image.

The slogan of the film 'Six rogue filmmakers explore the hidden side of everything' is placed directly below the image, to explain it, by suggesting that the orange is the apple's 'hidden' side. The word 'rogue' implies that they won't follow typical rules, and will be more willing to change conventions than the average person or filmmaker. By telling the audience that there are six filmmakers working on the documentary, it tells the audience that it has been produced by professionals and has been influenced by many people as opposed to just one, and isn't an amateur production, implying it will be more high-budget and of better quality which could encourage people to watch it. They are going to 'explore' the 'hidden side' of 'everything'; 'explore' suggests they will be digging deep and thoroughly, which is important in an investigative documentary. 'Hidden side' seems quite mysterious, and implies there is more than meets the eye, which could intrigue the audience and by saying 'everything' has a hidden side, the audience could be amazed by the scale of it and want to learn more and watch it.

Page 4: Freakonomics' Print Analysis

By informing the audience of the directors' previous films, the audience can make a judgement on what kind of film this will be, and whether they will like it. The mentioned titles are all famous, award-winning documentaries like 'Supersize Me' and 'Jesus Camp', so the audience can also learn that the directors of 'Freakonomics' are successful previous directors and filmmakers, therefore presuming that this film will be the same and go see it

The release date is included so the audience can see when the film will be out and then go see it. Production companies of the documentary are easily identifiable as logos and easy to spot at the bottom of the poster without making it cluttered.