frameworkless web development in clojure

Frameworkless Web Development in Clojure Andreas ’Kungi’ Klein 24.01.2015 Andreas ’Kungi’ Klein Frameworkless Web Development in Clojure 24.01.2015 1 / 21

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Frameworkless Web Development in Clojure

Andreas ’Kungi’ Klein


Andreas ’Kungi’ Klein Frameworkless Web Development in Clojure 24.01.2015 1 / 21


1 Web programming in Clojure

2 HTTP Abstraction

3 Routing

4 HTML Templating

5 Authentication

6 Conclusion

7 Bibliography

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Web programming in Clojure

What’s I like?No dominant web frameworksNo framework dependent paradigmsJust plain clojure data structures and functionsThe full power of clojure is available in every ”step”

Web programming from the bottom up

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What’s nice to have for web programming?

The typical web framework offers:Web Server / HTTP abstractionMiddlewares

SessionCSRF Protection

Request RoutingHTML TemplatingAuthentication(Database abstraction)(Communication with the frontend)

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Clojure’s libraries

Feature LibraryHTTP Abstraction RingMiddlewares RingRouting Clout / CompojureHTML Templating Hiccup / EnliveAuthentication Friend

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What is Ring?

Ring is the most widely used Clojure interface between web servers and webapplications.Similar technologies in other languages include

Plack (Perl)Rack (Ruby)Clack (Common Lisp)WSGI (Python)

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Ring concepts



HTTP Request

Ring Request


Ring RequestHandler


HTTP Response

Ring Response


Ring Response

Requests, Responses, Middlewares, Handlers, AdaptersAndreas ’Kungi’ Klein Frameworkless Web Development in Clojure 24.01.2015 7 / 21

Ring exampleExample project.clj:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0"]

[ring/ring-core "1.3.2"]]:plugins [[lein-ring "0.9.1"]]:ring {:handler ring-example.core/handler}

Example Ring handler(ns ring-example.core)

(defn handler [request]{:status 200:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}:body "Hello World"})

Start withlein ring server

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Request / Response

Requests and responses are maps (see ring spec)(require '[ring.mock.request :as mock])(mock/request :get "/hallo")=> {:server-port 80

:server-name "localhost":remote-addr "localhost":uri "/hallo":query-string nil:scheme :http:request-method :get:headers {"host" "localhost"}}

(handler (mock/request :get "/hallo"))=> {:headers {"Content-Type" "text/html"}

:status 200:body "Hello World"}

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A middleware is a higher order function that enhances a handler. The firstargument is a handler-function and the middleware itself returns a handlerfunction.(defn wrap-content-type [handler content-type]

(fn [request](let [response (handler request)]

(assoc-in response [:headers "Content-Type"] content-type))))

Usage(def app

(-> handler(wrap-content-type "text/html")))

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Adapters translate from a concrete web server to ring requests and responses. Forexample ring.adapter.jetty as the name suggests connects ring to jetty. Thisis where most of the magic happens:(defn- proxy-handler

"Returns an Jetty Handler implementationfor the given Ring handler."[handler](proxy [AbstractHandler] []

(handle [_ ^Request base-request request response](let [request-map (servlet/build-request-map request)

response-map (handler request-map)](when response-map

(servlet/update-servlet-response responseresponse-map)

(.setHandled base-request true))))))

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Clout is an HTTP matching library using the same syntax as Rails or Sinatra.(require '[clout.core :as clout])(require '[ring.mock.request :as mock])

(clout/route-matches "/article/:title/author/:name"(mock/request :get "/article/clojure/author/rich"))

=> {:title "clojure" :name "rich"}

(clout/route-matches "/article/:title"(mock/request :get "schnuff-schnuff"))

=> nil

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Most of the time Clout is used through compojure. Compojure combines ring andclout through a concise syntax.(require '[compojure.core :refer [GET POST defroutes]])(require '[ring.util.response :refer [redirect-after-post]])

(defroutes app(GET "/article/:title" [title]

(str "Found article " title))(POST "/article" request

(let [article (create-article (:body request))](reqirect-after-post (str "/article/" (:id article))))))

Compojure routes are ring handlers.

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Hiccup is a literal translation from HTML to clojure vectors and maps.(use '[:head [:title "How much do I love clojure?"]][:body [:h1 "Very Much!"]])

=> "<!DOCTYPE html><html>

<head><title>How much do I love clojure?</title></head><body><h1>Very Much!</h1></body>

</html>"It also provides some CSS selector like shortcuts.[:div#id.class-1.class2 "Schnuff!"]=> "<div class=\"class-1 class2\" id=\"id\">Schnuff!</div>"

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EnliveA completely different strategy to HTML templating is provided by Enlive. Itworks with selectors and transformations.Suppose the following HTML exists in test.html:<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">

<head><title>This is a title placeholder</title></head><body><ul></ul></body>


(use '[net.cgrand.enlive-html])

(deftemplate main-template "test.html"[foo][:head :title] (content (str "Enlive starter kit: " foo))[:body :ul] (do-> (add-class "item-list")

(append (html [:li "Item 1"]))(append (html [:li "Item 2"]))))

deftemplate creates a function which returns html.

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Friend calls itself an ”extensible authentication and authorization library forClojure Ring web applications and services.”

Works very well with ring/compojureProvides role based authentication

Friend contains two mayor conceptsCredential functionsAuthentication workflows (e.g. OAuth, HTTP Basic Auth, Login Form, …)

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Credential function example

A credential function returns either nil or a map representing the credentials like

{:username "joe" "bcrypt hash"}

(defn bcrypt-credential-fn[load-credentials-fn {:keys [username password]}](when-let [creds (load-credentials-fn username)]

(let [password-key (or (-> creds meta ::password-key):password)]

(when (bcrypt-verify password (get creds password-key))(dissoc creds password-key)))))

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Workflow exampleA workflow function either returns an authorization map containing the userscredentials or it delivers an error page depending on the kind of workflow. Theinteractive-form workflow for example delivers a login page in case of failure.See the following simplified example from the friend source:(defn http-basic

[& {:keys [credential-fn realm] :as basic-config}](fn [{{:strs [authorization]} :headers :as request}](when (and authorization (re-matches #"\s*Basic\s+(.+)" authorization))

(if-let [[[_ username password]] (extract-username-password ...)](if-let [user-record

((gets :credential-fnbasic-config(::friend/auth-config request))

^{::friend/workflow :http-basic}{:username username, :password password})]

(make-auth user-record{::friend/workflow :http-basic::friend/redirect-on-auth? false::friend/ensure-session false})

(http-basic-deny realm request)){:status 400:body "Malformed Authorization header for HTTP Basic authentication."}))))

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Putting it together(ns

(:require [cemerick.friend :as friend](cemerick.friend [workflows :as workflows]

[credentials :as creds])))

;; a dummy in-memory user "database"(def users {"root" {:username "root"

:password (creds/hash-bcrypt "admin_password"):roles #{::admin}}

"jane" {:username "jane":password (creds/hash-bcrypt "user_password"):roles #{::user}}})

(def ring-app;; ... assemble routes however you like ...)

(def secured-app(-> ring-app

(friend/authenticate{:credential-fn (partial creds/bcrypt-credential-fn users):workflows [(workflows/interactive-form)]})

;; ...required Ring middlewares ...))

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Frameworkless Web Development

What’s great about Frameworkless?Small libraries can be composed easilyCommunication between these libraries is easy because plain old clojure datastructures are usedSystems become easier through separation of concerns

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