frame an energized approach to adaptive change, smart process and lasting results

FRAME an Energized Approach to Adaptive Change, Smart Process and Lasting Results Deb Nystrom, REVELN Consulting Knowlege Management Institute, Arlington, VA Thursday, March 27, 2014 @dnrevel @REVELNConsults @AgileChange @ChangeTools

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As presented for the March 27, 2014 KM Solutions Showcase™ Conference: Arlington, Virginia, USA People are innately social, so why not use innately social methods to empower informal and formal knowledge management practices? Learn how to FRAME an approach to adaptive, people centered change and knowledge management. The session will include Open Space Technology (OST), a flexible, energy-led method useful for problem solving as well as learning, providing timely, KM friendly results. If you aspire to an organizational culture that values giving and shared learning, then review this OST-assisted session set of slides for insights.


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FRAME an Energized Approach to

Adaptive Change, Smart Process and

Lasting Results

Deb Nystrom, REVELN Consulting Knowlege Management Institute, Arlington, VA

Thursday, March 27, 2014

@dnrevel @REVELNConsults

@AgileChange @ChangeTools

Page 2: FRAME an Energized Approach to Adaptive Change, Smart Process AND Lasting Results

Disciplines – Which Lense?

•  Change Management, •  Project Management, •  Knowlege Management, •  Organizational Learning •  Organization Effectiveness /

Organization Development •  Group Dynamics - Groups & Teams

Facilitation @ChangeTools

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Views of Change Management

Mariana Tomas Flickr-cc

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« I will adapt. »

« Many change projects fail, and the most commonly cited reason is neglect of the human dimensions of change. This neglect often centres around a lack of insight into why people are unhappy with organisational change, a poor appreciation of the process of change, and a limited knowledge of the tools and techniques

that are available to help. » Statement from a university 2008 Change Toolkit Photo: by frankula Flickr-cc

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Adaptive Change •  Think about a recent

“adaptive change” you’ve made successfully?

•  How did it feel at first? •  Were the a few

emotions or many? •  What made a difference

in helping the change succeed?


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Adaptive vs. Technical Change

•  Technical change involves installing solutions to problems for which you know the answers.


•  Adaptive change is about addressing problems for which you don’t yet know the solutions, often requiring not only changes in behaviors or preferences, but also hearts and minds, which can result in the transformation of the system.

Source: Fullan (2003, 2005) cites Heifetz and Linsky (2002) to distinguish between technical and adaptive change.

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Flexibility, Adapting to Change To Reach the Real Finish Line

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F – Flexibility, The Real, Far Further Finish Line

•  Sustainability & Reinforcement are The Real Finish Line in Change Projects

•  2014 Study: Only 44% reported that resources were allocated to this effort.

•  Process AND Project Results


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Flexibility/Adaptability to Change

Definition •  Responds positively to and champions

change to others; •  Demonstrates an ability to incorporate

innovative practices into the workplace to enhance effectiveness and efficiency.


University of Michigan, Business & Finance

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Flexibility, Adapting to Change To Reach the Real Finish Line

John Kotter’s 8 Steps Step 1: Increase Urgency Step 2: Build the Guiding Team Step 3: Get the Vision Right Step 4: Communicate for Buy-In Step 5: Empower Action Step 6: Create Short-Term Wins

Step 7: Don't Let Up Step 8: Make Change Stick @ChangeTools

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Source: William Bridges – Transitions

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Outdated or Classic? Kurt Lewin


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Mash-Ups? From a Change Toolkit: Beginning • when the new way feels comfortable, right and the only way Example: having a baby. After a few months in the neutral zone of turmoil, you come to a stage when you cannot imaging life without your new baby. @ChangeTools

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Vision Resources Action Plan

Skills Incentives Change

Resources Action Plan

Skills Incentives Confusion

Vision Resources Action Plan

Incentives Anxiety

Vision Resources Action Plan

Skills No Change

Vision Action Plan

Skills Incentives Frustration

Vision Resources Skills Incentives False Starts

Complex Change Model – Dr. Mary Lippitt

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Organizational Change Change Models

S Kurt Lewin’s 3 Stage Model: Unfreeze, Change, Refreeze

S Bridges Three Stage Model (Endings, Neutral Zone, New Beginnings)

S DVF Model for Change S Preferred Future, Planned Change Model S Dr. Mary Lippitt’s Complex Change Model S  Jeffery M. Hiatt ADKAR Model (Prosci) S Daryl Conner’s Change Curve S  John Kotter’s 8 Stages of Change


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Organizational Change Large Scale Change References:

S  Theory U, Otto Sharmer S  The Change Handbook, Editors: Holman, Devane S  Whole Scale Change, Kathie Dannemiller,

Dannemiller-Tyson S  Managing at the Speed of Change, Daryl Conner S  Leading Change, John Kotter


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Factors? •  Stable team •  Right number of

people •  Clear vision •  Well-defined

roles and responsibilities

•  Appropriate rewards

•  Recognition and resources

•  Strong leadership Photo: by Wade Brooks, Flickr

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The single strongest predictor of group effectiveness

Article: Adam Grant, Givers take all: The hidden dimension of corporate culture, April 2013 (McKinsey)

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The highest-performing teams invest extensive time and energy in coaching, teaching and

consulting with their colleagues, fostering a “giver” culture

Photo: by Ekaterina Sotova Flickr.jpg

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Anti-Fragile Some things benefit from shocks; they thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors and love adventure, risk, and uncertainty. ...Yet, there is no word for the exact opposite of fragile. Let us call it antifragile.

Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder - Taleb, Nassim Nicholas

M i c h e l l e R o g e r s ,

2 1 s t C e n t u r y M e d i a


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“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent ....It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” ~ Charles Darwin

Photo: by praline3001 Flickr

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Photos: Sponge, by rob.knight Flickr cc

_______ Beyond Resilience


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Adapt to a VUCA World

•  Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous – Bob Johansen

•  Includes “Black Swan” events – Nassim Taleb

•  “Large-scale unpredictable and irregular events of massive consequence.”

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Key paradox: “Our focus on removing or minimizing randomness has actually had the perverse effect of increasing fragility.”

Photo: by Tamsin Slater, Flickr

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“It is as if the mission of modernity was to squeeze every drop of variability and

randomness out of life— with the ironic result of making the world a lot more

unpredictable, as if the goddesses of chance wanted to have the last word.”

― Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder

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Model by Stephen Denning, the former Program Director of Knowledge Management at the World Bank His original model, Organizational Tools for Changing Minds – is posted on “There’s No Such Thing as Leadership? Pull, Influence and ‘Open Space’ vs. Power” -

Vision,  Storytelling,  Persuasion,  Conversa4ons,  Role-­‐Modeling  


Tradi&on        Ritual  Management  Systems  


Coercion      Threats      Fiat      Punishments  


Negotiation Strategic


Incentives Control

Systems Promotion.....

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Summary Simplicity FRAME 1.  Start the Conversations, Share the Concepts AND

Research Results > Energy, Process, Project, Sustaining Results

2.  Start with Yourself: Model Individual, Group & Team

Help-Seeking & Giving 3.  Build aspirational values

through connecting with other with Other Givers! 4. Hire “Givers,” Model & coach “Matchers,” and Screen out “Takers”

Fire Hydrant Conversation, by ohhector, People by Radarsmum67, Flickr

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Freedom is actually a bigger game than power.

Power is about what you can control.

Freedom is about what you

can unleash.

~ Harriet Rubin

"Freedom" by Dee Teal - Flickr cc

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What is Open Space Technology? & KM Solutions Showcase™

H. H. Owen’s assumptions: •  If the boss orders it,

not much will get done.

•  The best way to get something done is to give it to those who have a passion for it.

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Open Space Technology Principles:

1. Whoever comes are the right people.

2. Whatever happens is the only thing that could have.

3. Whenever it starts is the right time.

4. When it’s over, it’s over.


The Law of Two Feet

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What challenged

you? What

inspired you?

What surprised



Reflection &Wrap-Up

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Partial Biography •  Book: Antifragile: Things That Gain From Disorder,

Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 2012 (Has a Facebook page)

•  Article: Givers Take All: The hidden dimension of corporate culture. April 2013 | by Adam Grant , McKinsey Quarterly

•  Visit Deb’s TOOLS page for a newsletter preview, links to Books & Articles including “Change and Anti-Fragile” & KM Solutions Showcase™

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“Organizations are webs of participation.

Change the patterns of participation, and you change the organization . . .

At the heart of participation

is the mind and spirit of the knowledge worker.

~ John Seely Brown

& Estee Solomon Gray @ChangeTools

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...Put simply, you cannot compel enthusiasm and commitment

from knowledge workers.

Only workers who choose to opt in —who voluntarily make a commitment

to their colleagues —can create a winning company.”

~ John Seely Brown & Estee Solomon Gray, “The People Are the Company” – Fast Company

Cited in Beyond Performance Management, by Jeremy Hope & Steve Player (2012)

Deb Nystrom