fragile x syndrome.doc

Carlgren Fragile X Syndrome Matts Carlgren Mrs. Reimer Genetics 12BH November 1, 2006 1

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Fragile X Syndrome

Matts Carlgren

Mrs. ReimerGenetics 12BH

November 1, 2006


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Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a family of genetic conditions which can impact

individuals and families in various ways. These genetic conditions are related in that they

are all caused by gene changes in the same gene, called the FMR1 gene (March of

Dimes); it is the most common inherited cause of mental impairment.

In 1943, two scientists named Martin and Bell were the first to show that a

particular form of mental retardation (later known as Fragile X Syndrome or Martin-Bell

Syndrome) was X-linked (genetic disorders that are due to mutations on the X

chromosome). In 1969, Herbert Lubs developed the chromosomal test for Fragile X in

order to accurately identify affected patients. Testing was not done widely or extensively

until the late 1970’s (March of Dimes).

FXS is the most common cause of inherited mental impairment. It is a single

gene disorder carried by either a mother or a father. This impairment can range from

learning disabilities to more severe cognitive or intellectual disabilities (sometimes

referred to as mental retardation). FXS is the most common known cause of autism or

"autistic-like" behaviors (Fast). Symptoms also can include characteristic physical and

behavioral features and delays in speech and language development.

Fragile X Syndrome is X-linked due to a mutation in the FMR1 gene. In 1991 the

FMR1 (fragile X mental retardation 1) gene that causes Fragile X was identified; it is the

gene that contains the genetic information for how to synthesize FMRP (fragile X mental

retardation protein).  Fragile X Syndrome occurs when FMRP is missing. Scientists are

not sure what the real function of FMRP is but their guess is that it revolves around

protein synthesis. It is not essential for survival but evidently does play a major role in


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how humans function. Consequently, if FMRP really has no vital contribution to cells

then its absence should not create any symptoms related to FXS (Jewell).

Fragile X Syndrome is not an infectious disease like the common cold,

tuberculosis, or athlete's foot. Diseases like these are caused by viruses, bacteria, and

fungi. Infectious diseases are often passed from one person to another through personal

contact. Fragile X Syndrome is not caused by a problem with nutrition.  A person's diet

may contribute to heart disease, the formation of gallstones, or heartburn. Nutritional

diseases are often caused by someone eating too much of or too little of a particular

nutrient. Instead, Fragile X Syndrome is transmitted from parent to child through the

genetic information (DNA) that is present in the sperm and eggs.

A change or mutation in a gene on the X chromosome causes the Fragile X

Syndrome. Chromosomes are packages of genes that are passed from generation to

generation. Most individuals have 46 chromosomes, two of which are sex chromosomes

(an X and a Y). Females are made up of two X chromosomes while males contain an XY

combination. Genes are given names to identify them and the gene responsible for Fragile

X Syndrome is called the FMR1 (fragile X mental retardation 1) gene. The mutation is in

the DNA (the chemical that makes up genes), of the X chromosome. Since females have

more X chromosomes than males they are more likely to be carriers although not

necessarily affected by it.  The gene appears in three forms that are defined by the

number of repeats of a pattern of DNA called CGG repeats. Individuals with less than 60

CGG repeats have a normal gene. Individuals with 60-200 CGG repeats have a

permutation, meaning they carry an unstable mutation which can expand in future

generations when associated with other potential Fragile X carriers. Individuals with over


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200 repeats have a full mutation which causes Fragile X Syndrome (Hagerman). The full

mutation causes the gene to shut down a methylate region of the FMR-1 gene.

Premuations display few or no symptoms of FXS while the full mutation significantly

magnifies symptoms. Normally, the FMR-1 gene produces an important protein called

FMRP. When the gene is turned off, the individual does not make fragile X mental

retardation protein (FMRP).  The lack of this specific protein is believed to cause Fragile

X Syndrome.

Technically, Fragile X Syndrome is an X-linked dominant condition with reduced

penetration (referring to its partially recessive nature). FXS is an "X-linked" condition,

meaning that the gene is on the X chromosome. Since a woman has two X

chromosomes a female with a permutation (CGG count between 55 to about 200) or full

mutation (CGG count exceeding 200) has a 50% chance of passing on the X with the

mutation in each pregnancy (see chart on Pg.10). . If she has a premutation, and it is

passed on (to either males or females), it can remain a premutation or it can expand to a

full mutation (March of Dimes). If she has a full mutation and it is passed on (to either

males or females), it will remain a full mutation. In many X-linked conditions only males

who inherit the abnormal gene are affected due to unknown reasons, however in Fragile

X Syndrome females can also be affected. Additionally, in other X-linked conditions all

males who carry the gene are affected, however in Fragile X Syndrome, unaffected males

can carry the gene in the premutation form and have no symptoms of Fragile X

Syndrome. Males with the premutation will pass it on to all of their daughters and none

of their sons (they pass their Y chromosome on to their sons) (March of Dimes). Since it

is an inherited genetic disease, FXS is already evident at childbirth.


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FXS is a rather common inherited cause of mental retardation. It is estimated that

1 in 3600 males have the mental disability caused by Fragile X. For some reason it is

less common for females to receive FXS (1 in every 4000 to 6000 cases) and its effects

are slightly milder than that of males (Hagerman). FXS is also known as the most

common single gene cause of autism. Between 2-6 percent of all children diagnosed with

autism are reportedly linked with the Fragile X gene mutation. Concurrently,

approximately one-third of all children diagnosed with fragile X syndrome also have

autism (Autism Society).

The majority of males with Fragile X Syndrome will have a significant

intellectual disability.  The spectrum ranges from learning disabilities to severe mental

retardation and autism. Autism is defined as being a complex developmental disability

that usually appears early in children (three years of age), which is the result of a

neurological disorder that hinders functions of the brain, most noticeably in areas of

social interaction and basic communication skills. Although the behaviors of people with

FXS or autism compare and contrast, these diseases are genetically expressed by the

protein FMRP and autistic status appears to be associated with developmental outcome.

Other clinical abnormalities associated with Fragile X Syndrome include attention deficit

hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and anxiety disorders (Autism Society). In addition,

males with FXS have a variety of physical and behavioral characteristics.  However, no

male has all of these characteristics. Physical features such as enlarged ears, a long face

with prominent chin, and large testicles (in post pubertal males) are common. 

Connective tissue problems may include ear infections, mitral valve prolapse (clinical

syndrome of the heart where two flaps, the left atrium and the left ventricle, don’t close


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evenly allowing a small amount of blood to leak back into the left atrium), flat feet,

double-jointed fingers, hyper flexible joints and a variety of skeletal problems.

Behavioral characteristics in males include attention deficit disorders, speech

disturbances, hand biting, hand flapping, autistic behaviors, poor eye contact, and unusual

responses to various touch, auditory or visual stimulation (Fast).

The characteristics seen in males can also be seen in females, though females

often have milder intellectual disability and a milder presentation of the behavioral or

physical features. Much less is known about girls with Fragile X Syndrome; only about

half of all females who carry the genetic mutation have symptoms themselves and about a

third of the females have a significant intellectual disability.  Others may have more

moderate or mild learning difficulties. Similarly, the physical and behavioral

characteristics are often expressed to a lesser degree.

A DNA test for Fragile X was developed in 1992. This blood test is accurate and

can detect both carriers and fully-affected individuals. It can be ordered by any physician;

the blood sample is then sent to a lab that offers the test. It usually takes several weeks to

get the results. Because the symptoms of Fragile X can be quite subtle, especially in

young children, and because it is so frequent in the general population, many medical

specialists recommend that testing for Fragile X be considered for any individual with

otherwise unexplained developmental delay or mental retardation. Most major medical

centers in the United States offer the Fragile X test. It costs about $200 but may be

covered by health insurance (Hagerman). For more information about testing, talk to your

doctor or genetic counselor.


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At this point of time there is currently no miracle cure available to get rid of the

crippling effects of FXS. However, there are alternatives towards helping patients

improve their lives by assisting them come to terms with their disability and overcome

various obstacles. Management includes such approaches as speech therapy,

occupational therapy, and physical therapy. The expertise of psychologists, special

education teachers, and genetic counselors may also be beneficial. Drugs may be used to

treat hyperactivity, seizures, and other problems. Folic acid has been found to improve

hyperactivity and attention deficits in some pre-adolescent males with fragile X

syndrome. Establishing a regular routine, avoiding over stimulation, and using calming

techniques may also help in the management of behavioral problems. Children with

mitral valve prolapse in their heart valve may need to see a heart specialist and take

medications before surgery or dental procedures. Children with frequent ear and sinus

infections may need to take medications or have special tubes placed in their ears to drain

excess fluid. Mainstreaming of children with fragile X syndrome into regular classrooms

is encouraged because they do well imitating behavior. Peer tutoring and positive

reinforcement are also encouraged. Doctors must first evaluate the different

characteristics of the patients before administrating a long term treatment plan.

Recent studies have focused on a number of critical areas. The role of FMRP's

RNA partners, many of which have now been validated through in vitro assays, is of

primary importance. Also being examined is the function the various domains of FMRP

and its translation of polyribosome on the mRNA as a messenger ribonucleoprotein,

basically an RNA-binding protein, which is still relatively unknown (Hagerman). Fragile

X is also known as the most prominent cause of autism; hopefully when FXS has been


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uncovered there could be more scientific advances that could help to lessen or even

possibly get rid off the effects of autism (Jewell). National Fragile X Foundation

(Scientific and Clinical Advisory Committee), and The Fragile X Research Foundation

are the current research experts in this field of genetic disorders. There are many

independent researchers (doctors, scientists, authors) that provide information to these

foundations and that keep private information. Once all these contributors start to work

like a team can most progress become evident.

Although Fragile X Syndrome might appear to be a very rare genetic it is not too

distant as one might think. Since there has been no grand or frequent exposure revolving

essentially all genetic disorders, the public seem to think that it doesn’t really exist.

Nevertheless, it is a very common and misunderstood Syndrome. Even if there is no cure

it does not mean that people suffering from its debilitating affects can’t get better. With

better research, medication, and individual therapy being provided, scientists have been

able to assist patients in improving their standard of living by developing their motor

skills and mental capacity. Another common misconception is that their IQ decays or

goes in “reverse,” while the real truth is that they are moving forward just like us but at a

much slower rate. Even though FXS puts one’s behavioral patterns of movement and

physical characteristics off balance from what is considered normal, they should not be

excluded from society. Without enough funding and attention, this relatively unknown

cause of mental retardation might remain unsolved and continue to plague other people’s

lives in the future as well.


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Fast, Dale, "Solving the Puzzle of Fragile X." The National Fragile X Foundation. October 6, 2006. Saint Xavier University. October 27, 2006. <>.

The official Fragile X Syndrome website. Everything one would need to know about the disease in both brief and extensive insight is covered here. Its content is aimed towards helping people or families that have Fragile X Syndrome by finding out valuable information about how to treat and cope with its effects. There are several possibilities of donating, contacting, fundraising, and becoming a member of the site.I used a lot of info from this site to explain what it is like to live with FXS and how it is defined in scientific terms.

Hagerman, Paul J, “Diagnosis, Treatment, and Research.” Fragile X Syndrome. 2002. Johns Hopkins University Press. October 27, 2006.

A book dedicated to treating and uncovering FXS. Since it happened to be a book, the information available exceeded any other source I had come upon. There were step by step procedures for diagnosis chapters and several different ways of treating FXS depending on the individuals need. There was so much to read about that the real challenge became narrowing down the info that I wanted do use in the research project.

Jewell, Jennifer, "Fragile X Syndrome." eMedicine. September 13th, 2006. Undefined. November 1, 2006. <>.

Everything in this article on the web is set up in a power point format. The author wrote mostly about the clinical aspects of FXS. What I found most useful on this article were the gene facts behind the disease and the vast bibliography the author had chosen to collect all her resources. It was easily read and quickly tells the reader what they are dealing with within minutes of entering the website.

Unknown Author, "Quick References and fact Sheet: Fragile X Syndrome." Professionals and Researchers. March, 2006. March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation. October 27, 2006. <>.

Although informative, the title suggests that it is an easy overview of FXS. It’s the first site that I used in order to get familiar with the genetic disease. Cause, symptoms, and inheritance are the main topics discussed in the article. The website is dedicated to prevent and help genetic diseases in infants and the non-profit organization seems to have legitimized information. There is a close resemblance between this website and the National Fragile X Foundation except its content is much more to the point and shortened.


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Unknown Author, “Defining Autism.” Autism Society of America. November 2006.Unknown. November 26, 2006. <>.

Although a different subject, the Autism Society of America website is a spin off compared to the National Fragile X Foundation research site; only difference is that it’s about autism. There’s donation links, contact links, and a FAQ link. The usual treatment, research, and characteristics of autism stuff are covered here as well. The site is well constructed, probably the official one for the research of autism, and FXS is also mentioned here as it is closely related to the website featured neurological disease.


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IntroductionI. Fragile X Syndrome

Pg. 2-3A. Name and Brief HistoryB. How Is It CausedC. Proteins Affected

Pg. 3 A. Specific Type of Mutation

Pg. 4-6A. Other Parts of Body AffectedB. TreatmentsC. What to Do In Order To Mitigate effects of FXS

Pg. 6-7A. Ongoing Research to Identify Other Mutations Associated to FXS

Pg. 7-8A. The identified Causing GeneB. Research Conductors

II. ConclusionIII. BibliographyIV. OutlineV. Diagram.


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This is the display of a punnet square involving the gene that causes Fragile X Syndrome. The simulation illustrates what could potentially happen if either a mother or a father were carrying the FMR1 gene and then passed it on to their offspring. In Diagram A, the father has the FMR1 gene which he then passes on to 50% of his offspring, two daughters. In Diagram B, the mother has the FMR1 gene which she passes on to 50% of her offspring, one girl and one boy.


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Hellhound On My Trail

©(1978) 1990, 1991 Lehsem II, LLC/Claud L. JohnsonAdministered by Music & Media International, Inc.I gotta keep movinI gotta keep movinBlues fallin down like hailBlues fallin down like hailUmm mmmm mmm mmmmmmBlues fallin down like hailBlues fallin down like hailAnd the days keeps on worryin me

theres a hellhound on my trailhellhound on my trailhellhound on my trail

If today was Christmas EveIf today was Christmas Eveand tommorow was Christmas Dayspoken : Aow wouldn't we have a time baby

All I would need my little sweet rider justto pass the time away huh huhto pass the time away

You sprinkled hot foot powder mmmmmmm around my doorall around my door

You sprinkled hot foot powder all around your daddy's door hmm hmm hmm

It keep me with ramblin mind riderevery old place I goevery old place I go

I can tell the wind is risinthe leaves tremblin on the treetremblin on the treehmmm hmmm hmm mmm

All I needs is my sweet womanand to keep my company hey hey hey heymy company


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You gotta’ stay away You gotta’ stay awayFragile X is on my trail Fragile X is on my trailUmm mmmm mmm mmmmmmFragile X is on my trailFragile x is on my trailIt’s no threat even if you inhale

There’s a genetic disease on my trailFragile X is mostly maleFragile X is mostly male

I can not change the DNAI can not change the DNAEven if tomorrow was chistmas dayspoken : Aow the FMR1 gene is nasty baby

All I’d need is some understandin’To get along huh huhSo we all get along

You give me pills mmmmmmm to change my bodyChemicals in my body

You give me psychotic therapyTry to open a subconscious door hmm hmm hmmBut it don’t change my thinkin’ And I sure still act slow

An I sure still act slowI can tell that I’m not normal

So what if I like to grin I like to grinhmmm hmmm hmm mmm

All I need is some understandin’And a friend to keep me warm hey hey hey heyMy fragile heart

BIG TIME GAMBLER (E. Harrington)


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I'm a big time gambler That's why I'm always on the moveI'm a big time gambler That's why I'm always on the moveAlways tryin' my best to win But somehow or other always lose

Started gamblin' Friday nightJust as soon as I got paidBut before the game was overI lost every dime I madeI say I'm a big time gambler I've got Las Vegas in my veinsAnd when it comes to races Bettin' on horses is my thing(that's why I've always got the blues)

Like most big time gamblers You know they've always got the bluesJust like most big time gamblers You know they've always got the bluesYou know they never stop gamblin' Until they lose their socks and shoes

I’ve got autistic behaviors That’s why I move in a grooveI’ve got autistic like behaviors That’s why I move in a grooveAlways doin’ my own dance How come you dont gimme’ a chance

Started huntin’ Friday nightBut all women look in frightBut before I charm them overI lose every dame in sightI say I might be a little special, Mother say its allright Too bad your hearts don’t ring or sing When you see me shaking that darn thing

Like most X-Linked Cases Folks think I’m insane Just like most X-Linked Cases Folks think that I’m insaneI’d better move out of this place I’d better find me the next comin’ train

THE BLUES AIN'T NOTHING BUT??? (White - Williams)


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Oh the blues ain't nothin' but a woman wanna see her man (2x)Cause she wants some lovin', you women will understand

Oh the blues ain't nothin' but a low down heart disease (2x)Just lovin' your man, he's so hard to please

Oh the blues ain't nothin' but a woman lovin' a married man (2x)Can't see him when she wants to, got to see him when she can

Oh the blues ain't nothin' but a good woman feelin' bad (2x)Always downhearted, blue, disgusted and sad

Oh the blues ain't nothin' but a feelin' that will get you down (2x)Fallin' out with your man, you feel like leaving town

Fragile X’s ain’t nothin’, but syndromes make them bad(2x)I’d try to tell you why, but no one would understand

Fragile Hearts ain’t nothin’, but heart diseases make me sad(2x)If I got me some medication, I truly would be glad

Fragile minds ain’t nothin’, but ESL tests make me mad (2x)My given name is bobby, but I always spell it brad

Fragile friends aint nothin, but u don’t make them cry (2x)Always trust them baby, they would leave you if you lie

Fragile genes ain’t nothin, but doctors let you down (2x)Next time they telling you something , go ahead and leave that town

Master of Puppets-By Metallica

End of passion play, crumbling awayI'm your source of self-destruction

Veins that pump with fear, sucking darkest clearLeading on your deaths construction


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Taste me you will seeMore is all you need

Dedicated toHow I'm killing you

Come crawling fasterObey your Master

Your life burns fasterObey your Master


Master of Puppets I'm pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreams

Blinded by me, you can't see a thingJust call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream


Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you screamMasterMaster

Needlework the way, never you betrayLife of death becoming clearerPain monopoly, ritual misery

Chop your breakfast on a mirrorTaste me you will seeMore is all you need

Dedicated toHow I'm killing you

Come crawling fasterObey your Master

Your life burns fasterObey your Master


Master of Puppets I'm pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreams

Blinded by me, you can't see a thingJust call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream


Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you screamMasterMaster


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Master, Master, where's the dreams that I've been after?Master, Master, you promised only lies

Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughterLaughter, laughter, laughing at my cries

FIX MEHell is worth all that, natural habitat

Just a rhyme without a reasonNeverending maze, drift on numbered days

Now your life is out of seasonI will occupy

I will help you dieI will run through you

Now I rule you too

Come crawling fasterObey your Master

Your life burns fasterObey your Master


Master of Puppets I'm pulling your stringsTwisting your mind and smashing your dreams

Blinded by me, you can't see a thingJust call my name, 'cause I'll hear you scream


Just call my name, 'cause I'll hear you screamMasterMaster

Caster of Plaster

Everyone betrays, hushing me awaythey’re my source of self destruction

People stare with fear, draining all my tearslooking at my face construction


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Poke me you will seeyou don’t know how I feel

You’re a dreadful foolKarma laughs at you

Try thinking fasterMy heads like plasterwho’s the evil casterrelay my Syndrome


Fragile X Syndrome is pulling my stringsTwisting my mind and blocking my dreams

Marked with X’s I’m labeled with thingsCall me a name, I’ll make you scream


dare call me names and I'll make you screamFragileFragile

Needless to say, My IQ’s in delayFriends and foes becoming clearerPain monstrosity, mental miseryeating chalk in front of teachers

Poke me you will seeyou don’t know how I feel

You’re a dreadful foolKarma laughs at you

Try thinking fasterMy heads like plasterWho’s the evil casterrelay my Syndrome


Fragile X Syndrome is pulling my stringsTwisting my mind and blocking my dreams

Marked with X’s I’m labeled with thingscall me a name, I’ll make you scream


dare call me names and I'll make you screamFragileFragile


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Fragile, Fragile, I get confused by seeing argyleFragile, Fragile, my parents give me sighs

Laughter, laughter, all I hear or see is laughterLaughter, laughter, laughing at my life


The world is full of hate, some discriminateI bite my shirt without a reason

I drift from day to day, I’m like you in many wayswhy can’t we exist together?

I would appreciateif I could initiate

a new task to undertakeIt’s my turn to humiliate

Try thinking fasterMy heads like plasterWho’s the evil casterrelay my Syndrome


Fragile X Syndrome is pulling my stringsTwisting my mind and blocking my dreams

Marked with X’s I’m labeled with thingscall me a name, I’ll make you scream


dare call me names and I'll make you screamFragileFragile

Effort in Use of Resources

In order to rewrite the song Master of Puppets by Metallica, I needed to

efficiently use whatever resources available to stay true to the material as well as blend in


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some of my own creativity. Only with the help of both human and digital assets in my

repertoire was I able to successfully produce new material fitting of a genetic disease.

Hopefully my attempts at introducing Fragile X Syndrome in front of a live audience will

prove to pay off as a major accomplishment to be proud of.

The first source that I set out to pursue was the actual song I initially set out to

perform. I had all of Metallica’s music on CD’s, sheet music for guitar, but no lyrics. I

searched the internet for Master of Puppets and found the actual lyrics on Metallica’s

official website. This was a tremendous adversary for covering and establishing new

lyrical content to my new writing on. Along side with my Research paper, I made sure

that each chorus, verse, and interlude had the same flow and rhythmic punch as the

original while still being changed literally. Meticulously, I made sure the song made

sense and could be presented without offending anyone while also containing an edgy

feel to its message.

Since I am going to play guitar on both the recording and the live performance I

sought to find some interactive material to play along with (this way I could play along

with a back up track, resembling that o the rest of my band). After doing some research

online I found a midi playing software program called Guitar Pro 5. Guitar Pro was

designed to be used as a replacement for sheet music. One can go online to download

“tabs” (notes based on a number system) or create new innovative tracks with hundreds

of digital instruments to experiment with. What makes the program even better is its

function of playing the midi score while reading the notes with the help of instruments

creating distinct sounds which mimic their contemporary models. It’s definitely a key

element for being able to keep track of my playing and see how much faster I can get (the


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program has tons of features like simplified scales, tempo speed, metronome, alternate

tuning, instrument effects and volume, and so on). Without this program it would have

taken a much longer time to improve my skills on the guitar, due to master of puppets’

demanding rhythm section and diverse style.

Computers were never designed to give any feedback to struggling musicians,

which is why I decided to contact Scott Myrene as my third source. Scott is the bassist of

a rock band called The Boss Martians and has provided with insightful feedback on my

material. Scott was the one to tell me to practice with a metronome and play along with

songs so that I can play by myself without any assistance. He has analyzed my lyrics,

inspected my guitar playing, and asked questions on where all my work is headed. He’s

acted as a director by organizing my thoughts and concentrating on the substance that

matters and what not. With his aid I have been assured that my accomplishments within

this research project are at top notch level so that I don’t have to worry about



Ellis, Karen, “Science through Music.” Educational Playground. 2006. 1997 Educational Cyber playground. December 14, 2006.


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A huge Online Based site full of links to all kinds of things related to cyber stuff, mostly science and music though. It’s very informative, including detailed lessons on how to integrate science, math, physics, etc into a song and make it work right. It’s so vast that I only browsed through the science/history in music link. Overwhelming information.

Williams, Lynda, “How To Make Science Karaoke.” Science Entertainment. December 2006. Science Entertainment. December 14, 2006.

Big Science music site written by a physics/go go girl teacher. Has the usual music links, song spoofs, and how to create your own science songs (even has categories for different subjects in school). What really stands out in this site though is the online and interactive karaoke machine on the website. It shows u how o make the songs digitally step by step and how to make a PowerPoint presentation on a song in which it is incorporated into the presentation.

Unknown Author, “About Cakewalk.” Cakewalk. November 28, 2006. 12 Tone Systems. December 14, 2006.

This is the Official website for a home studio program called Cakewalk. It’s compatible with a pc and has such a vast variety of instruments, effects, samples of songs, and interactive downloadable material that is updated as much as possible (on the site itself). There is also an online manual for every version of cakewalk (I have home studio 2) with contact info incase a customer has questions concerning their product.