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Tony Suharsono Fracture

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Post on 17-Sep-2015




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  • Tony Suharsono


  • Epidemiology

    Trauma is the leading cause of death in the USA

    for those between the ages of 1 37, and the

    fourth leading cause of death for all age group

    (American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeon)

    Fracture can create significant change in oness

    quality of life by causing activity restriction,

    disability, and economic loss

  • Definition

    A fracture is a break in the continuity of bone and is

    defined according to its type and extent

    A fracture is a break in a bone and can occur at any age

    and in any bone

    Fractures occur when the bone is subjected to stress

    greater than it can absorb

    When the bone is broken, adjacent structures are also

    affected, resulting in soft tissue edema, hemorrhage into

    the muscles and joints, joint dislocations, ruptured

    tendons, severed nerves, and damaged blood vessels

  • Types of Fracture

    A complete fracture involves a break across the entire cross-section

    of the bone and is frequently displaced (removed from

    normal position).

    Incomplete fracture (eg, greenstick fracture), the break occurs

    through only part of the cross-section of the bone.

    A comminuted fracture is one that produces several bone fragments.

    A closed fracture (simple fracture) is one that does not cause a

    break in the skin.

    An open fracture (compound, or complex) is one in which the

    skin or mucous membrane wound extends to the fractured


  • Types of Fracture

    Open Fracture

    Open fractures are graded accordingto the

    following criteria:

    Grade I is a clean wound less than 1 cm long

    Grade II is a larger wound without extensive soft

    tissue damage

    Grade III is highly contaminated, has extensive soft

    tissue damage, and is the most severe.

  • Clinical Manifestation


    The pain is continuous and increases in severity

    until the bone fragments are immobilized

    Loss of function




    Swelling and discoloration

  • Patofisiology

    Hematome or inflamatory stage

    Immediate formation of a hematoma at the site of fracture

    Amount of bone damage, soft tissue injury, and blood vessel determining

    size of the hematoma

    Providing a small amoun of stabilitation

    1-3 day

    Fibrocartilage formation

    Fibroblast, osteoblast, and condroblast migrate to the fracture site as a

    result of the acute inflammation and form fibrocartilage

    Periosteal elevation and granulation tissue formation create a collar

    around and end of each fracture fragment

    Early formation of fibrous tissue called the primary callus

    3 days to 3 weeks

  • Pathofosiology

    Callus formation

    Granulation tissue matures into a provisional callus as a newly formed cartilage and bone matrix disperse through the primary callus

    Proper bone alignment is essential during this stage. If it slowed or interupted, the final two stages cannot occur.

    2-6 weeks


    A permanent callus of rigid bone crosses the fracture gap between the periosteum and the cortex to join the fragment

    Trabecullar bone gradually replaces the callus along stress line

    3 weeks-6 months

  • Pathofisiology

    Consolidaton and remodelling

    Unnecessary callus is resorbed from the healing bone

    The actual amount and timing of remodelling depend on the

    stresses imposed on the bone by muscle, weight bearing, and


    6 weeks to 1 year

  • Diagnostic Procedure

    X Ray

    Menentukan lokasi/luas/jenis fraktur

    Dua posisi (AP/Lat), dua sendi terlibat

    Bone Scanning

    Menunjukkan tingkat keparahan fraktur,

    identifikasi kerusakan jar lunak


    Jika terdapat kerusakan vaskuler

  • Goal of Management Fracture

    Prompt and thorough assessment of the client to

    discover all injuries

    Reduction and stabilization of the fracture with


    Observation for complication

    Remobilization and rehabilitation

  • Thorough Assessment Assessment and treatment are performed simultaneusly

    during emergency management of fracture

    During primary assessment, the rescue focused on airway management, bleeding and manisfestation of shock

    Any potential life threatening injury must be stabilized immediately

    Most fracture do not pose a serious treat to life, their management becomes a secondary priority in trauma care

    The only exception this rule is a cervical spine injury

    Suspected injury to extremity should be carefully splinted

    Extensive bleeding can occur even with close fracture

  • Management of Fracture


    restoration of the fracture fragments to anatomic alignment

    and rotation

    closed reduction or open reduction may be used to reduce a


    Usually,the physician reduces a fracture as soon as possible

    to prevent loss of elasticity from the tissues through

    infiltration by edema or hemorrhage

    Before fracture reduction and immobilization, the patient is

    prepared for the procedure; permission for the procedure is

    obtained, and an analgesic is administered as prescribed

  • Management of Fracture

    Closed Reduction

    bringing the bone fragments into position

    through manipulation and manual traction

    The immobilizing device maintains the

    reduction and stabilizes the extremity for bone


    X-rays are obtained to verify that the bone

    fragments are correctlyaligned

  • Management of Fracture

    Open Reduction

    Internal fixation devices may be used to hold

    the bone fragments in position until solid bone

    healing occurs

    Internal fixation devices ensure firm

    approximation and fixation of the bony


  • Internal Fixation

  • Management of Fracture


    After the fracture has been reduced, the bone

    fragments must be immobilized, or held in

    correct position and alignment, until union


    Immobilization may be accomplished by

    external or internal fixation

  • Management of Fracture

    Maintaining and restoring function

    Swelling is controlled by elevating the injured extremity and

    applying ice

    Neurovascular status (circulation, movement, sensation) is

    monitored, and the orthopedic surgeon is notified

    immediately if signs of neurovascular compromise are


    Isometric and muscle-setting exercises are encouraged to

    minimize disuse atrophy and to promote circulation

    Participation in activities of daily living (ADLs) is encouraged

    to promote independent functioning and self-esteem

  • Factors That Enhance Fracture Healing

    Immobilization of fracture fragments

    Maximum bone fragment contact

    Sufficient blood supply

    Proper nutrition

    Exercise: weight bearing for long bones

    Hormones: growth hormone, thyroid,

    calcitonin, vitamin D

  • Factors That Inhibit Fracture Healing

    Extensive local trauma

    Bone loss

    Inadequate immobilization

    Space or tissue between bone fragments


    Local malignancy


  • Complication of Fracture

    Fat Embolism Syndrome

    Fat embolism is a potentially life threatening

    complication of long bone trauma, blunt

    trauma, and intramedularry manipulation

    This syndrome manifest anywhere from 4 hours

    to several days after injury or orthopedic


    Fat globules, release from bone marrow, can

    embolize and occlude blood vessels in the brain,

    kidnes, lungs and other tissue

  • Complication of Fracture


    Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bone, most commonly a result of direct contamination from open fracture, penetrating wound, or surgical procedures

    it takes 10 to 14 days from the time of infection exposure before radiographs will demonstrate visible changes

    The most common causative organism is staphylococcus aureus

  • Complication of Fracture

    Compartment Syndrome

    Compartment syndrome develops when the presure in a

    muscle compartment exceeds the intraarterial hydrostatic

    pressure, causing collapse of capilaries and venules, which

    lead to iskhemia and tissue necrotic

    The exact pressure at which this develops is unclear, but

    intracompartment pressure greater than 30 mmHg generally

    are considered greatly elevated

    A grace periode of about 6 hours exists before irreversible

    soft tissue demage occurs

    It is important to suspect compartment syndrome early

  • Complication of Fracture


    Delayed union and non union

    Avascular necrosis of bone

    Reaction to internal fixation devices

  • Assessment

    Neurovascular assessment

    Use five P to evaluate limb circulation,

    sensation and motor function

    Pain : a description of pain is helpful





  • Assessment

    Inspection, the injured area for the following:


    Disrupted skin integrity

    Extremity position

    Edema, swelling, or echhimosis

    Range of motion

    Symmetry, alignment, deformity

  • Assessment

    Palpation, the injury to identify the

    following :

    Skin temperature


    Bony crepitus, joint instability

    Peripheral nerve function : sensory and


  • Nursing Diagnose

    Acute pain

    Impaired physical mobility

    Risk for peripheral neurovaskuler


    Risk for imbalance fluid volume

  • Nursing intervention

    Teach patients how to control swelling and pain

    associated with the fracture and with soft tissue

    trauma and

    Assess neurovascular status frequently

    Encourages them to be active within the limits of

    the fracture immobilization

  • Nursing intervention

    Teach exercises to maintain the health of unaffected muscles and to increase the strength of muscles needed for transferring and for using assistive devices

    Teach patients how to use assistive devices safely

    Patient teaching includes self-care, medicationinformation, monitoring for potential complications, and the need for continuing health care supervision