fourth through seventh chakras

© 2014 Finding the Midline, Ltd. 1 The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Chakras Fully opening the channel to a life well lived I. Introduction: In our last talk we discussed the first three Chakras: Muladhara Chakra, located at the pelvis or base of the spine, constituting our very foundation. Muladhara Chakra represents the building blocks of our life, including our bodies, health, physical and monetary state, our survival and our ability to satisfy our needs. 1 Because this first Chakra is involved with our foundation, it is associated with issues such as grounding, nourishment, trust, health, home, family, and prosperity. 2 In creating a life well lived, we must establish this foundation in order to live with the confidence necessary to experience positive emotions, recognize and choose to engage in meaningful activities, and cultivate nurturing relationships. Without the confidence that comes with a sturdy, dependable foundation in life, we are likely to miss the worthwhile opportunities life presents. We also looked at the second Chakra, Svadisthana Chakra, located below the navel, at the root of the reproductive organs. It pertains to our ability to develop relationships with others, sexuality, pleasure, and desire for enjoyment and gratification. It is the center of sensation and feeling, emotions, movement, change, and desire, including the desire to connect. 3 An open Chakra at this level is vital to experiencing positive emotion, as well as all of life’s potential. Finally, we discussed the third Chakra, Manipura Chakra, located in the solar plexus area. It is associated with fire, vitality, willpower, self-esteem, and personality. Here we develop a desire for self-expression. This third Chakra is where we desire to convert our energy into action and develop a sense of ego and personal power. This allows us to take risks as we engage in self-expression. 4 Manifesting our strengths in meaningful, engaging activities requires that this Chakra be open. Tonight we look at the remaining four Chakras in the seven-Chakra system: the fourth Chakra, Anahata Chakra (located in the area of the heart; pertaining to our social skills, including our compassion and capacity for love); the fifth Chakra, Vissudha Chakra (located in the throat; pertaining to our communication skills and our creativity); the sixth Chakra, Ajna Chakra (located between the eyebrows; associated with intuition, psychic perception, clarity, and wisdom); and the seventh 1 Judith, Anodea ((2004 ed.) Wheels of Life. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, at 60. 2 Judith, Anodea ((2004 ed.) Eastern Body Western Mind, Berkeley, CA: Celesital Arts, at 57. 3 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 106. 4 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 172-173.

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The Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Seventh Chakras Fully opening the channel to a life well lived

I. Introduction:

In our last talk we discussed the first three Chakras: Muladhara Chakra, located at the pelvis or base of the spine, constituting our very foundation. Muladhara Chakra represents the building blocks of our life, including our bodies, health, physical and monetary state, our survival and our ability to satisfy our needs.1 Because this first Chakra is involved with our foundation, it is associated with issues such as grounding, nourishment, trust, health, home, family, and prosperity.2 In creating a life well lived, we must establish this foundation in order to live with the confidence necessary to experience positive emotions, recognize and choose to engage in meaningful activities, and cultivate nurturing relationships. Without the confidence that comes with a sturdy, dependable foundation in life, we are likely to miss the worthwhile opportunities life presents. We also looked at the second Chakra, Svadisthana Chakra, located below the navel, at the root of the reproductive organs. It pertains to our ability to develop relationships with others, sexuality, pleasure, and desire for enjoyment and gratification. It is the center of sensation and feeling, emotions, movement, change, and desire, including the desire to connect.3 An open Chakra at this level is vital to experiencing positive emotion, as well as all of life’s potential. Finally, we discussed the third Chakra, Manipura Chakra, located in the solar plexus area. It is associated with fire, vitality, willpower, self-esteem, and personality. Here we develop a desire for self-expression. This third Chakra is where we desire to convert our energy into action and develop a sense of ego and personal power. This allows us to take risks as we engage in self-expression.4 Manifesting our strengths in meaningful, engaging activities requires that this Chakra be open.

Tonight we look at the remaining four Chakras in the seven-Chakra system: the fourth Chakra, Anahata Chakra (located in the area of the heart; pertaining to our social skills, including our compassion and capacity for love); the fifth Chakra, Vissudha Chakra (located in the throat; pertaining to our communication skills and our creativity); the sixth Chakra, Ajna Chakra (located between the eyebrows; associated with intuition, psychic perception, clarity, and wisdom); and the seventh

                                                                                                               1 Judith, Anodea ((2004 ed.) Wheels of Life. St. Paul, MN: Llewellyn Publications, at 60. 2 Judith, Anodea ((2004 ed.) Eastern Body Western Mind, Berkeley, CA: Celesital Arts, at 57. 3 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 106. 4 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 172-173.

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Chakra, Sahasrara Chakra (located at the top of the head; associated with our spiritual consciousness).

II. The fourth Chakra: Anahata Chakra.

Anahata Chakra, is located at the heart. It is associated with our social skills, nurturing relationships, self-acceptance, compassion and capacity for love.

A. Anahata means “unstruck” and refers to sound that occurs without two things

striking, symbolizing a lack of violence or conflict, or being unhurt or clean. This Chakra represents a person free from the wounds of the past, emotionally fresh and able to avoid being overwhelmed by past wounds in order to flow with what life throws at him or her.5 This doesn’t mean that such a person has never been wounded, only that the person has processed the wounds and is no longer bound by any negative emotions or habits associated with the pain of those wounds.

B. This Chakra relates to the Air element, representing the least dense form of

matter. Air is associated with openness, expansion, and knowledge. Air in relationships refers to spaciousness, the ability to avoid clinging and let go. Air also represents the breath, Prana.6 For significant personal relationships to survive and flourish, these traits must be developed.

C. Anahata Chakra is represented as the color green because of the way green

plants reach for the sky from their roots as they grow.7 Anodea Judith writes that we do the same thing as we expand into relationships, reaching down in a manifesting current to our supportive foundation as we extend beyond ourselves in a liberating current.8

D. This Chakra has a seed sound of Yam. E. We first explore the physical components of this Chakra:

1. This Chakra is associated with excessive characteristics of asthma,

coronary disease, and lung disease.9

                                                                                                               5 Wheels of Life, at 196. 6 Wheels of Life, at 196-197. 7 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 228. 8 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 228. 9 Wheels of Life, at 43.

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2. The fourth Chakra relates to the Thymus gland, as well as the lungs, heart, circulatory system, arms, and hands.10

F. We now look at the basic psychological components of this Chakra:

1. As mentioned, this Chakra is associated primarily with love.11 2. A healthy functioning of this Chakra results in a person being at peace

and having a strong social identity and a sense of self-acceptance.12 When this Chakra is activated, a person develops the capacity to love and increases knowledge.13 Compassion and positive relationships are enhanced.14

3. Deficiencies in this Chakra can manifest as shyness, loneliness, a

feeling of isolation, bitterness, and being critical.15 A person with excessive characteristics may be co-dependent, have poor boundaries, and be jealous and possessive.16 The “demon” of this Chakra is grief.17

4. In part due to its association with the expansive liberating feelings

associated with self-acceptance and love, this Chakra connects to Rajas and Sattva Gunas.18

G. Anodea Judith describes how to reclaim this Chakra, suggesting that a person

work to deal with family trauma and abuse, develop self-love, and resolve issues of rejection.19

H. Fourth Chakra exercises include breathing exercises and yoga poses such as

chest opener (clasping hands behind back, locking elbows, and bending over);

                                                                                                               10 Wheels of Life at 43. 11 Wheels of Life at 43. 12 Wheels of Life, at 43. 13 Iyengar, B.K.S. (2011 ed). Light on Pranayama. Uttar Pradesh, India: HarperCollins Publishers, India, at 39. 14 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 15 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 16 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 17 Wheels of Life, at 43. 18 Wheels of Life at 43. 19 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 246-283.

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Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), Bridge Pose (Setubhanda), and Fish Pose (Matsyasana), by way of example, as well as certain themed meditations.20

I. In Chapter 69 of my book Finding the Midline I tell a story of watching a man

walking down the street, apparently “down and out” and with a terrible limp. As I watched him, my own problems dissolved as I felt a sense of compassion. I describe how often we can develop a sense of compassion by focusing on what we are grateful for. If we concentrate on the good fortune we’ve experienced, it becomes easier to access our innate empathy and love.21

III. The fifth Chakra: Vissudha Chakra.

Vissudha Chakra is called the “purification” Chakra.22 It is located in the throat. It is associated with our ability to communicate, our self-expression, and creative identity. A. Vissudha means “purification” and refers to our movement from the material

world into the spiritual realm. This Chakra represents an ability to begin to sense the vibratory nature of the world and its mysteries, including paranormal activities and telepathic episodes.23 When we look for ways to do something meaningful, to serve in some way, it is important that we have a strong sense of what is going on around us – what the world needs from us based on our own unique package of strengths. This is an important reason for clearing flow through this Chakra.

B. This Chakra relates to the sky element, representing Spirit space, or ether.

Vibration consists both of the subtle vibrations of sound as well as the invisible ethereal plane, where thoughts and emotions reside.24 If we are unable to sense the ebb and flow, the give and take, of the world around us we are far less likely to make choices that serve those vibrations. This is true in our family, in our workplace, and in our community. To make choices that serve these important components of our life, we must be attuned to them.

C. Vissudha Chakra is represented as the color blue, the color of the sky and

representing inspiration. Anodea Judith explains that with communication we transmit information through the symbolism of words, patterns, or electrical impulses. We also think in symbols and so we can develop an ability to make

                                                                                                               20 Wheels of Life, at 214-226. 21 Dorgan, William (2013). Finding the Midline. Winter Park, CO: LuHen Publications, LLC., at 216-217. 22 Wheels of Life, at 239. 23 Wheels of Life, at 242-244. 24 Wheels of Life, at 242-244.

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connections out of these symbols. This allows us to manifest ourselves in the world to the full extent of our potential.25

D. This Chakra has a seed sound of Ham. E. We first explore the physical components of this Chakra:

1 This Chakra is associated with excessive characteristics of sore throats,

neck and shoulder pain, and thyroid troubles.26 2. The fourth Chakra relates to the Thyroid and Parathyroid glands, as well

as the throat, ears, mouth, shoulders, and neck.27 F. We now look at the basic psychological components of this Chakra:

1. As mentioned, this Chakra is associated primarily with

communication.28 2. A healthy function of this Chakra results in people being able to express

themselves and be creative.29 When this Chakra is activated, a person becomes more intellectually alert, is better able to understand things, and becomes clear in speech.30

3. Deficiencies in this Chakra can manifest as fear of speaking or even

aphasia; interference with the ability to speak.31 A person with excessive characteristics may talk too much, not be able to listen, or stutters.32 The “demon” of this Chakra is lying.33

4. Words can expand Consciousness in the world. Because the throat lies

in the gateway between the mind and body, this Chakra has

                                                                                                               25 Wheels of Life, at 235-238. 26 Wheels of Life, at 43. 27 Wheels of Life at 43. 28 Wheels of Life at 43. 29 Wheels of Life, at 43. 30 Light on Pranayama, at 39. 31 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 32 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 33 Wheels of Life, at 43.

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transformative powers. In part for these reasons, this Chakra connects to Rajas and Sattva Gunas.34

G. Anodea Judith describes how to reclaim this Chakra, suggesting that a person

work to deal with guilt and shame, habits of trying to keep secrets, lying, yelling and screaming, and an inability to listen.35

H. Fifth Chakra exercises include reciting Mantras, playing charades, engaging

in periods of silence, and yoga poses such as shoulder stand (Sarvangasana), and Plow pose (Halasana).36

I. In Chapter 70 of my book Finding the Midline I describe two very popular

yoga teachers in Denver who teach from the heart. Whenever they give an instruction or tell a story, they do so with a passion and joy.37 This is no doubt a reason why they are so popular. These two are a great example of how speaking truth creates relationships. People are drawn to the legitimacy of their teaching.

IV. The sixth Chakra: Ajna Chakra.

Ajna Chakra is the command center Chakra.38 It is located between the eyebrows. It is associated with intuition, psychic perception, clarity, and wisdom. A. Ajna means “command” and refers to a person’s ability to see both inside

themselves as well as connection outside themselves. It refers to the ability to perceive images and then form inner visions from which we command our reality; i.e., creative visualization.39 As we seek to fully express our strengths in the world, this Chakra, when functioning fully, optimizes our ability to correlate our strengths and desires with service; i.e., meaningful engagement and accomplishment. We are capable of far more intimacy in our relationships with others as we deepen our sensitivity to them.

B. This Chakra relates to light as an element because we must be able to see so

we can convert what we see into the visions that then become our language, actions, and emotions – our life.40 We are able to see connections to a higher

                                                                                                               34 Wheels of Life at 43; 238. 35 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 302-336. 36 Wheels of Life, at 266-271. 37 Finding the Midline, at 218-219. 38 Wheels of Life, at 44; 196. 39 Wheels of Life, at 281-282. 40 Wheels of Life, at 283-284.

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purpose throughout our daily experiences. This ability wisely informs us as we make choices that bring more positive emotion, meaningful engagement and accomplishment, and richer relationships.

C. Ajna Chakra is represented as the color indigo. Indigo represents the

knowledge that we are now figuratively building a rainbow in the world. We see enough of the pattern to see where we are going, as well as where we’ve been and where we are now. This feeds our visualization about how to live our life.41

D. This Chakra has a seed sound of Om. E. We first explore the physical components of this Chakra:

1. This Chakra is associated with excessive characteristics of headaches

and nightmares.42 2. The sixth Chakra relates to the Pineal gland, as well as the eyes, base of

the skull, and the brow.43

F. We now look at the basic psychological components of this Chakra: 1. As mentioned, this Chakra is considered our command center.44 2. A healthy function of this Chakra results in a person being intuitive,

imaginative, and self-reflective.45 When this Chakra is activated, a person develops control over the body and a spiritual aura.46 A person’s psychic ability and skill in interpreting experiences are enhanced.47

3. Deficiencies in this Chakra can manifest as hallucinations, delusions,

and difficulty concentrating.48 A person with excessive characteristics

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          41 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 343. 42 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 43 Wheels of Life at 44. 44 Wheels of Life at 44. 45 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 46 Light on Pranayama, at 39. 47 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 48 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11.

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may have poor memory, poor vision, be unimaginative or live in denial.49 The “demon” of this Chakra is illusion.50

4. Because a person with a functioning sixth Chakra can see connection

with the world, this Chakra connects to Sattva Guna.51 G. Anodea Judith describes how to reclaim this Chakra, suggesting that a person

do dream work and visualization practices, among other work.52 H. Sixth Chakra exercises include various forms of meditation.53 I. In Chapter 71 of my book Finding the Midline I describe a commercial during

the Olympics showing a young swimmer watching a gold medal performance and then setting her vision for winning the same event at the next Olympics. I point out how meditation and practicing mindfulness helps sharpen our own ability to visualize and create the life we want.54

V. The seventh Chakra: Sahasrara Chakra.

The seventh Chakra, Sahasrara Chakra, is known as the “thousand fold” Chakra.55 It is located at the top of the head. It is associated with our spiritual consciousness and connection to that consciousness.

A Sahasrara means “thousand fold” and refers to a crown of a thousand-fold

lotus atop our head. This lotus represents the infinite unfolding pedals of a lotus. Each petal is full of intelligence and Divine possibility.56 When we’ve established flow all the way between this Chakra and our foundation we are fully present in the world, living the life of well-being we’ve sought to create. From a spiritual perspective, we are now connected with the Divine – the objective of yoga.

                                                                                                               49 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 50 Wheels of Life, at 44. 51 Wheels of Life at 44. 52 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 375-388. 53 Wheels of Life, at 305-310. 54 Finding the Midline, 220-221. 55 Wheels of Life, at 44; 319. 56 Wheels of Life, at 319-320.

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B. This Chakra relates to the element of thought. Anodea Judith points out that this Chakra is about merging with Spirit and recognizing our own true nature.57

C. Sahasrara Chakra is represented as the color violet. Violet is the color of

spiritual mastery.58 D. There is no seed sound for this Chakra. E. We first explore the physical components of this Chakra:

1. This Chakra is associated with excessive characteristics of confusion.59 2. The fourth Chakra relates to the Pituitary gland, as well as the central

nervous system, and the cerebral cortex.60 F. We now look at the basic psychological components of this Chakra:

1. As mentioned, this Chakra is associated primarily with thought.61 2. A healthy function of this Chakra results in a person being aware, wise,

and understanding connection to something bigger. A person has self-knowledge as well.62

3. Deficiencies in this Chakra can manifest as learning difficulties,

spiritual skepticism, materialism, or apathy.63 A person with excessive characteristics may be overly intellectual and vulnerable to spiritual addiction,64 The “demon” of this Chakra is attachment.65

                                                                                                               57 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 392. 58 Wheels of Life, at 44. 59 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 60 Wheels of Life at 44. 61 Wheels of Life at 44. 62 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 63 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 64 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 11. 65 Wheels of Life, at 44.

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4. Because at this point a person has found spiritual connection as well as self-knowledge, this Chakra connects to Sattva Guna.66

F. Anodea Judith describes how to reclaim this Chakra, suggesting that a person

engage in meditation and visualization practices, among other practices.67 G. Seventh Chakra exercises include meditation.68 H. In Chapter 72 of my book Finding the Midline I describe how my friend

underwent a surgery and very tiny, sophisticated instruments the surgeons used during the course of that surgery that, frankly, blow my mind in terms of the genius involved with inventing such things. These instruments allowed the surgeons to find something that, if left undiscovered, would have caused severe problems for my friend down the road. The purpose of this story is to demonstrate how Spirit is everywhere once we are able to see clearly through the clearing and activation of all seven Chakras.69

VI. Conclusion.

A life well lived requires positive emotions, engagement, meaning, accomplishment, and nurturing relationships. We’ve seen where success in creating a life well lived requires that we study ourselves to identify and then use our signature strengths.70 The Chakras are a fantastic map of how to build our life of well-being. Working with the Chakras can help us work through patterns of thought and behavior we have used for years that get in the way of our ability to experience those things that make life worthwhile. These patterns can cause us to perpetuate negative attitudes which interfere with relationships and meaningful activity, as well as our moods. Having this information is great but how do we make the information part of our lives? Understanding yoga philosophy and engaging in its practices is a great way to bring this about. First, yoga is about creating connection; union with the Divine, which includes connection to our own true nature, including our special gifts and talents, as well as connection to each other.

When we look at yoga this way we see that yoga is tailor-made for creating a life well lived. By understanding its basic tenets for living with others in family and

                                                                                                               66 Wheels of Life at 44. 67 Eastern Body Western Mind, at 421-436. 68 Wheels of Life, at 340-343. 69 Finding the Midline, at 222-223. 70 See, generally, Seligman, Dr. Martin (2011). Flourish. New York, NY: Free Press.

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community, and by engaging in its practices, we necessarily create connection. Out of that connection comes the indicators of a life well lived. We experience more positive emotion and engagement. We find meaning and express it in what tasks we undertake. Such a person draws to them nurturing relationships. Where do we find these practices? The answer in large part can be found in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, the subject of our next series of talks.