four cups 4th cup

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Post on 07-Aug-2018




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  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


     The Cup of Praise• “Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am th

    and I will bring you out from under the yothe Egyptians. I will free you from being sto them, and I will redeem you with anoutstrethed arm and with mighty ats o

     !udgment. I will take you as my own peopI will be your "od. Then you will know thathe Lord your "od, who brought you out under the yoke of the Egyptians.# Ex.6:6-7

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


    Cup of Sanctication-Weekendservices

    • Cup of e!i"erance- Small grou

    Cup of #e$e%ption- Growth Tr• Cup of Praise- Dream Team

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


     The &n-'i"e$ 'ife – “The thief$s purpose is to stea

    kill and destroy. %y purpose isgive them a rih and satisfying

    life.# ohn *:* – +o$,s u!ti%ate p!an for ou is a !if



    Why do so many people live

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


    / 0e !et our past cripp!e us. – %y guilt overwhelms me&

      it is a burden too heavy to bear.

      %y wounds fester and stink 

      beause of my foolish sins.  I am bent over and raked with pain

      'll day long I walk around (lled with

    Psa!% 12:3-6

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


    / 0e !et cu!ture $ene us. – “'m I now trying to win the

    approval of human beings, or "od) *r am I trying to please

     people) If I were still trying to please people, I would not be servant of +hrist.# +a!.:*

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


    • / 0e tr to $o it a!! a!one. – “There was a man all alone

      he had neither son nor brother.

      There was no end to his toil,

      yet his eyes were not ontent with his wea

      “-or whom am I toiling,# he asked,  “and why am I depriving myself of en!oym

      This too is meaningless&

      a miserable business# Ecc!.3:2

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


     The Cup of Praise• 4

    I will take you as my own people/awill be your "od.# – 0. It begins with a alling

     – “"od, who (rst saved us and then allethis holy work. 1e had nothing to do wi

    was all his idea, a gift prepared for us inlong before we knew anything about it.

     Ti%.: (essa8e)

     – I want to make a dierence

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


    5. It stan$s on a cause – “3ut my life is worth nothing t

    unless I use it for (nishing theassigned me by the Lord 2esus

    work of telling others the "oo4ews about the wonderful gra"od.# 'ts 56:57


    Doing something that makes a

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


    1. It sprea$s fro% %e to 9e – “ Two people are better o8 than one,

    they an help eah other sueed. If  person falls, the other an reah out help. 3ut someone who falls alone is

    trouble.# – El.7:906

     – With people who want to make a die

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


    •  0hi!e the 9ere eatin8 esus too;

  • 8/20/2019 Four Cups 4th Cup


    •  esus @i%se!f 9i!! $rin; the na! cup 9ith ou athe %arria8e feast. – Let us re!oie and be glad and give him glory

    wedding of the Lamb has ome, and his bridmade herself ready. -ine linen, bright and legiven her to wear.# ;-ine linen stands for the

    righteous ats of "od$s holy people.<

      Then the angel said to me, “1rite this: 3less

    are those who are invited to the wedding su

      of the Lamb# =ev.09:>9