founded 1977 volume 2011, issue 2 april-may , … h e 3 9...

T h e 3 9 0 5 C e n t u r y C l u b I n c . Founded 1977 Volume 2011, Issue 2 April-May , Priceless Meet Me in ..... A push of the power button and a turn of the knob start up the familiar sound of static. Slowly the dial is turned and then through the noise we hear “CQ CQ CQ”, a sound we all like to hear. The chance to talk to some one we do not know in a different location across the town, state, country or even around the world. Like a great book we are transported to a different world far from the seemly small kingdom we call home. Every time we pick up the microphone we embark on another fun adventure. Making new acquaintances, learning about new places and maybe even finding out you have more things in common than you would have dreamed of. We have all put in time and effort learning and studying in order to pass a simple exam. We have obtained the awesome privilege to operate your very own Radio station. After a few contacts and friendly advice, you come to realize the tremendous resource you have to make friends all around the world. You are now part of the ultimate Social network. As time marches on those contacts become long lasting friendships. Pretty soon you become curious. What do your friends look like? After all, all you know is a voice. Every now and again the opportunity arises to gather together with your friends and have fun. Travel to and experience many of they things you have up to now only talked about. One of those opportunities is the infamous Eyeball. An Eyeball is the chance to meet face-to-face, exchange ideas and test a few of them out and to just have fun. We as a club have had some great Eyeballs in the past. If you ask any member that has ever been to one they will tell you they have had a blast. An even tougher question you could ask is which one was the best. This year will be no exception to the Eyeball tradition, Fred Caswell WB1I has done a fantastic job in arranging this years Eyeball. The last issue of the Centurion had all the details or you can visit our website One other advantage to going to the Eyeball is to hit the open road and see new sights and explore the world between you and the final destination of the best experience to be had. One can also try and test out operating mobile. Passing out good cheer to those that are unfortunate and destitute because they cannot join in the fun. Now is the time to make arrangements to go to the eyeball and see what all the talk is about. Check out the website!

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Page 1: Founded 1977 Volume 2011, Issue 2 April-May , … h e 3 9 0 5 C e n t u r y C l b I n c. Founded 1977 Volume 2011, Issue 2 April-May , Priceless

The 3905

Century Club Inc.

Founded1977 Volume 2011, Issue 2 April-May , Priceless

Meet Me in .....A push of the power button and a turn of the knob start up the familiar sound of static. Slowly the dial is turned and then through the noise we hear “CQ CQ CQ”, a sound we all like to hear. The chance to talk to some one we do not know in a different location across the town, state, country or even around the world. Like a great book we are transported to a different world far from the seemly small kingdom we call home. Every time we pick up the microphone we embark on another fun adventure. Making new acquaintances, learning about new places and maybe even finding out you have more things in common than you would have dreamed of. We have all put in time and effort learning and studying in order to pass a simple exam. We have obtained the awesome privilege to operate your very own Radio station. After a few contacts and friendly advice, you come to realize the tremendous resource you have to make friends all around the world. You are now part of the ultimate Social network. As time marches on those contacts become long lasting friendships. Pretty soon you become curious. What do your friends look like? After all, all you know is a voice. Every now and again the opportunity arises to gather together with your friends and have fun. Travel to and experience many of they things you have up to now only talked about. One of those opportunities is the infamous Eyeball. An Eyeball is the chance to meet face-to-face, exchange ideas and test a few of them out and to just have fun. We as a club have had some great Eyeballs in the past. If you ask any member that has ever been to one they will tell you

they have had a blast. An even tougher question you could ask is which one was the best. This year will be no exception to the Eyeball tradition, Fred Caswell WB1I has done a fantastic job in arranging this years Eyeball. The last issue of the Centurion had all the details or you can visit our website

One other advantage to going to the Eyeball is to hit the open road and see new sights and explore the world between you and the final destination of the best experience to be had. One can also try and test out operating mobile. Passing out good cheer to those that are unfortunate and destitute because they cannot join in the fun. Now is the time to make arrangements to go to the eyeball and see what all the talk is about. Check out the website!

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Ham Wanderings-2010/2011By Glen Felt WT0A

I will start with a short recap of the Ms/La eyeball which has been covered in previous issues.

Dwayne KD4POJ, Dwayne Jr. and myself embarked on the journey southward in early June with a stop at the OK/KS line near our friend Bill, WS4Y’s scorpion ranch which he allowed us to use for a stopping point both on the trip down and on the way back.

Scorpion Ranch is Bill’s second digs and contest station in south central Kansas and has two useable houses on it. From there the KS/OK line is easy access at Elgin KS.

We stayed near the AR/LA line on the second night and made contacts from both of those states.

The eyeball was, as previously reported, an event beyond compare. Many fine folks in attendance, good food and just generally a good time.

We had intended to try to get to the Ga/ Fl line but after a close brush with heat stroke at the antenna shoot out and the likelihood of being jammed on 75 meters we decided to head back to cooler climes.

Going back trough Arkansas gave us the opportunity to operate from Hot Springs NP.

There is a great place to park for the 40 meter net right by the observation tower but since they close that area by 75 meter net time you will need to find another spot within the park to operate from.

Back to Scorpion ranch just in time for another rain storm and back to Friend, Ne working some contacts on the fly.

By midsummer I was still not all traveled out for the year, so decided to take a few things up to Dwayne, in ND and help him finish the changes to his 160m inverted L.

First stop was ND/SD/Mn line where I pitched my tent right at the marker. Unfortunately I forgot the camera this trip so have no pictures. Drove on up to “Frostbite Falls” and operated from Voyageurs NP, This park is unusual as it is mostly comprised of a large lake and the trick is to find some dry land within the park. The mosquitoes were even larger than at the tri state. Deep Woods Off toweletts seemed to work best.

Then it was on to Minot where the Lipscomb family housed me and fed me well for four days. On Saturday Dwayne and I drove up to the International Peace Gardens to meet up with Tom VE4HQ and attend a small Hamfest that the local clubs hold there. It is easy to operate from the international line within the park.

Next stop was Theodore Roosevelt NP, a really pretty place, like the Badlands but with trees. I stopped at the MT/WY line on a last minute request and then at my cousin’s place in Rapid City. Operated from Wind Cave NP park and back to Gwenda’s for the night. Driving through the Black Hills late at night when you’re real tired is not a good idea.

Wandering Ham

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Badlands NP was next. There is a primitive campground in the west end of the park that is convenient as long as you are not fussy about the conveniences. The wildlife in both Wind Cave and Badlands is fascinating. Saw a couple of huge prairie dog towns, coyotes, antelope and had buffalo wandering through the campground.

Stopped at Pierre, the SD capital as that seems to be a rare one and then a long day’s drive home.

My first trip in 2011 was to Colorado to visit my friend Harold KC0IFW who had been in the hospital a long time. Since it was not clear when I might get to visit Harold, I planned the trip to stay within a half day’s drive of Denver for a week or so. This gave me opportunity work some new tri state lines.

The OK/KS/CO is easy access just drive 10 miles west on state line road from Elkhart, KS.

OK/CO/NM is just as easy but a little confusing on the map. About 2 miles east of Kenton, OK is a sign that says CO thataway, or something to that effect.

Just follow the pavement to the end, cross a cattle guard go another mile on a good dirt road and you are there.

Ed, WA6RZW allowed me to park in his driveway a couple days while we were waiting for word from the hospital or Harold’s family. I was blown out of my chair in Ed’s shack by a huge signal on the 160m net. That turned out to be Sid K0SCH and he was only 8 miles away, so visited him and his wife Terry the next day.

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Leaving Ed’s, I still wanted to stay near Denver, so went to the CO/WY/NE line and then up to Torrington, WY to see John WK7K. While there we went to the WY/NE/SD line. That one is just as tricky as it looks on the map. While the terrain is not bad, there is a lack of real roads and a lot of places you can make a wrong turn. I recommend a local guide.

While in Wyoming, I also got to meet Doug, WA7WXQ and his wife Kim, KB7HNN at their ranch.

John was a great host and I was able to see a lot of his ranching activities. I should have said ranch work but John makes it look so easy.

After visiting at John’s I stopped at the Co/Ks/Ne line on the way home.

Happy Post Script:

About two weeks after that trip we got word that Harold was doing much better and could have visitors, so John and I decided to meet up at the KS/CO/NE line and travel to Denver to see him.

Harold was doing great and we had a really nice visit.

We also had lunch with some of the Aurora area hams and stopped at HRO.

See you at the eyeball


“Harold KC0IFW in hospital in Denver, on the mend”

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“Running Mobile”

by Ron Belanger-K8PGM

I’m sure many members have left the comfort of their favorite chair and the amenities of a warm shack to venture out and run mobile. This is not a “How To” article but just a sharing of anecdotes while running mobile by a “Newbie.”

Being located in the Eastern Panhandle of West Va. affords me the opportunity to work a couple of different state lines and they are for the most part within 20 minutes from the house. MD/PA, MD/WV, and WV/VA lines are the easiest to reach from here and all with decent places to park. There is a Tri-corner of MD/PA/WV but it is very remote. I’m not sure I’d work that area alone and unarmed! You might be able to hear “banjo music” off in the distance if you really listen. Recently I had the pleasure of borrowing the club, WU0B and running it around the area. I knew that I was scheduled to be on the Eastern Shore of MD for a long weekend and Glen (WT0A) was nice enough to loan me the club. That afforded me the chance to work the DE/MD line on 40m one night (Fri) and 75m on another (Sun). Knowing that DE can be a desired contact did not prepare me for all the calls and I’m glad I was able to help out the members but I now suffer from writer’s cramp!

Monday night had me back home in WV and I wanted to take full advantage of running a portable/mobile club. So I drove the 20 min. to the “State Line” store at the VA/WV line and set up for the evening. I set up at

the far end of the parking lot and near the road where you can clearly see the “West VA” sign and thought I was well out of the way. It wasn’t long when someone taps on the window wanting to know what I was up to and after explaining my status the fellow walks away and I “ass-u-med” all was well. It wasn’t long before a VA state trooper showed up and starts his approach with hand on holster. Now that’s a vision that will get your attention, like right now!

After what I thought was a somewhat tense conversation with the officer and expecting to be told to leave immediately he made a call on his radio then continued to listen to what I was doing. I invited him to have a seat and much to my surprise he accepted my invitation and stayed for about ten minutes. He found it all very interesting and we had a nice visit. When he was about to leave I asked if when he canceled the “back-up” call if it was to a VA or WV officer since I was on the line. He laughed and told me that technically “I was 2 car lengths into Va.” Does that technicality mean I have to void all of those calls? He did have a good bit of advice for me however and suggested the next time I use the spot I should stop in and ask the storeowner for permission. Good point!

I’m sure there are other members out there with better stories that we’d love to hear about, especially us “Newbies.” In my short time running mobile, I have found it to be plenty of fun and one needs to be innovative. While I was operating in Trenton NJ last Summer I found a parking garage with an open top level and a view of the capital building, I did the same thing when I went to Columbus, Ohio. On the way home from the Trenton trip and headed back to Maine someone asked if I was going up to

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the NH capital? A quick look at the map had me headed to Concord and then making the cut back into Maine. I’ve found running mobile to be great fun and wish I could do more of it. With summer coming on we’ll be leaving for Maine soon (May) and I hope to work as many of you as I can while running the roads of New England. Then again for those of you attending the “Eyeball” you’ll have your own opportunities to run the roads of New England and New York. Have fun and be safe!

“Hooked on Mobile” By John WK7K

Although I was originally licensed in 1961, I had never once operated mobile. Glen, WTØA, had come to spend a couple of days with me hoping to have the opportunity to see a friend of ours in a hospital in Denver, CO., and also hoping to operate mobile from the WY/NE/SD tri-state corner. His trip to see the friend in Denver had to be rescheduled, but the trip to the tri-state line was still a go. Glen asked what I knew of the topography of that area, if anything. I was familiar with the general area and told him what I knew about it. Although Glen was driving a four-wheel drive pickup, it is kind of a “low-rider, city” four-wheeler. After considering what Glen was facing, I made the decision to accompany him to that location with my four-wheel drive pickup, equipped with earth-grabbing, sod-tearing knobby tires and a 10,000 pound winch, a real ranch four-wheel drive pickup. I figured better to go along with him than get a “rescue me” phone call in the middle of the night!!

With the permission of the rancher who owned the land, and the assistance of a GPS unit, we were finally able to locate the tri-state marker.

Sitting out there, in the middle of nowhere, accompanied by coyotes and a few cows, sharing a light supper of summer sausage and cheddar cheese, and enjoying a far-ranging conversation, we made many contacts on the 40 and 75 meter SSB early nets. And then it happened.I was hooked, plain and simple.

Blame it all on Glen. I do.John WK7K

Editors noteApparently John was, indeed, hooked. He met me again two weeks later at the KS/NE/CO line to give it another go.

“Some History”

By Steve N6RSH

First licensed in 1974 as WN6FHM, a novice ticket. I didn’t upgrade or retest so it expired in two years. Then in 1987, I rejoined ham radio as KB6ROH (novice), the N6RSH (tech) about a year later. Got general ticket in 1989. In the mid 90s I got a job delivering liquefied gases and took my Kenwood TM-631 and a 2m/1,25m antenna on a vicegrip mount in the truck with me all over southern California. I was big on 220MHz. That band is very popular in the big cities and almost nonexistent elsewhere. Then in 2005 my brother-in law Larry KL7MH talked my wife and me into moving to Nebraska (best move I ever made!!) When we sold the house in Rancho Cucamonga, Ca I had a little money to get a rig for my truck. I settled on an Icom 706mkg and the Tarheel antenna. Years ago I hated WAS nets because I thought it was like cheating. Then early one AM when traveling through Nebraska

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I got into a QSO with AL7QQ and another station and they convinced me to look into the 3905ccn. A few days later when I was in Wyoming I listened to the net while driving to SLC for Cabella’s I listened to the net. I don’t know what got me to check in, just to help stay awake I guess. I couldn’t believe how addicting it became….seriously. At first I was having trouble keeping up with the QSL cards (I had discovered the web site and the great logging program). Then it was suggested that I get a QSL manager. They said I should put a request for help on the chat reflector. I couldn’t believe how many responses I got. Rick WB5FDP convinced me to use Dean N7XG as my manager to help him refine his QSL manager software. It has worked out very well, Dean is a fantastic QSL manager.

Steve N6RSH

From Dave AD7DB:

“When operating, I use a small pad of paper on a clipboard with the pen tied to it with a string. I have a small LED light which I affix to a drink holder rather than using the dome light to conserve battery power. I occasionally start the engine to keep the battery charged as I don’t want to get stranded with a dead battery. Paralleling batteries also increases time between charging and leaving the engine off sometimes helps with reception. I always carry a cell Phone just in case I need to call AAA.

Local electrical noise can be a problem, staying away from large power lines helps. Scout the areas for quiet spots, trees and some bushes can tend to absorb RF like you

wouldn’t believe. I ran into problems one night in Phoenix until I moved away from some Palo Verde. At campgrounds and in forested areas scout around for the best clear spot. I generally keep the windows up and the doors locked, especially when operating alone at night. Local wildlife like coyotes can give you a start, but are generally harmless.”

From N7JY:

I won’t go into the physics of antennas. This is just the “casual use of simple logic” to quote a ham friend of mine. There are some things you can’t change, and a few things that you can. Here goes.

Make sure you have a good ground connection; the lower the resistance, the better. That skinny little wire isn’t going to do the job. Use some flexible woven strap and keep the connection from the rig to the chassis ground as short as practical. Consider Ohm’s Law. In any series circuit, the voltage is dropped across the resistance. And since current is equal in a series circuit, most of the power will be “used up” wherever the most voltage drop is. The radiation resistance of the mobile antenna is pretty low, just a few ohms. You can’t change that, but you sure CAN change your ground resistance. Make a good connection and keep it clean and tight. You can’t afford to waste power here. Heat won’t make a decent RF signal!

The same thing is true about your coax. Skip the little stuff and spring for some good ½-inch cable. Keep the resistance down (not to be confused with characteristic impedance) and more of your signal will reach the antenna and less of it will turn into heat. You probably have already committed to your choice of

Mobile Operating tipsFrom our Members

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antenna. But if you need to make a choice, be careful to pick one with a relatively high Q.

Antennas that have a nice flat SWR across the whole 75-meter band are going to have a low Q, and that’s not good. One crusty old guy I know calls them “dummy loads on a stick.” Q is inversely proportional of the wire resistance (1/R) in the antenna coil. Larger coil wire means less resistance and thus a higher Q. Some antennas take it to an extreme and use silver plated tubing for the coil, but you may not need to do that.

The whole thing about antennas with a high Q of about 200 (or even more) is that they will have a low resistance in the loading coil. This is important because if it has a low resistance, it won’t turn as much of your RF into heat.

And finally – make sure the transmitter has some decent power available to it. If you are going to use your car’s cigarette lighter outlet, you can really improve it by running some heavy gauge wire to such an outlet. The idea is to minimize the voltage drop when you key down and the transmitter starts pulling 10 or 20 amps. Make sure the voltage (and power) doesn’t have to be shared any more than necessary with the copper in your power feed.

More tales and tips from Dave and John in an upcoming issue.

Award Listing

Jon K4WIT visiting Donnie KG4ZOD at his home shack

20 Meter PSK 100 Point

VE9DH 51 20 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

40 Meter CW 100 Point

K9EA 198 40 Daniel F. Michnay 4/8/2011

40 Meter CW Officers

W8JMF 13 40 John M. Fisher 3/19/2011

40 Meter PSK 100 Point

VE9DH 72 40 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

40 Meter RTTY 100 Point

K2UNI 153 40 Keith R. Tilley 3/15/2011

K1EDG 154 40 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 4/7/2011

40 Meter SSB 100 Point

N5HDX 2757 40 Joseph W. Clark 3/3/2011

US7WW 2758 40 Bogdan “Dan” Barchuck 3/8/2011

KA9RZD 2759 40 Gerald J. Bronkhorst, Jr. 3/17/2011

KO7I 2760 40 Donald H. Jones 3/21/2011

KE7PLM 2761 40 Alexi Payne 4/4/2011

WA0RKQ 2762 40 Reynold D. “Mac” McGinnis 4/16/2011

N5THT 2763 40 Kenneth E. Hodge 4/19/2011

KD8MGI 2764 40 Jonathan C. Truax 5/16/2011

If you have pictures, adventures, stories or advice about operating mobile Please share them with your fellow members of the 3905 century club. mail to: Ricky Asper (AC7RA) 3815 south 1915 east Salt Lake City, Utah 84106or Email [email protected]

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40 Meter SSB 500 Point

KC9NCS 121 40 Lawrence E. Beske, Jr. 3/17/2011

VE6LMD 122 40 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

WA9DIY 123 40 James R. Foster, Sr. 4/8/2011

K4CNM 124 40 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 4/29/2011

KC3EV 125 40 Robert S. Scarburgh 5/2/2011

40 Meter SSB 1000 Point

VE6LMD 559 40 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

AA6MK 560 40 Michael W. Kelly 4/16/2011

W0PTL 561 40 Eric J. Johnson 5/24/2011

40 Meter SSB 3000 Point

K4NOP 135 40 Michael E. Newland 4/5/2011

40 Meter SSB 4000 Point

W9OO 92 40 Carl E. Durnavich 4/14/2011

40 Meter SSB 5000 Point

W0WSP 73 40 Douglas V. Aldrich 5/8/2011

40 Meter SSB 6000 Point

W8JMF 51 40 John M. Fisher 5/11/2011

40 Meter SSB 36000 Point

N2XTT 1 40 Peter B. Summers 3/19/2011

40 Meter SSB Clint Wise Mobile

VE9SX 36 40 Melanie A. Wade 4/23/2011

NE9DH 37 40 James Thomas Wade 5/11/2011

40 Meter SSB Clint Wise Portable

AJ4IM 3 40 James W. Padgett 5/14/2011

40 Meter SSB Nite Owl

WJ7Z 323 40 James E. Perkins 3/10/2011

VE9DH 324 40 James Thomas Wade 5/11/2011

40 Meter SSB Nomad

VE9DH 183 40 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

VE9DH 183 40 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

VE9DH 183 40 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

WJ7Z 209 40 James E. Perkins 3/1/2011

40 Meter SSB Numbers Racket

VE9SX 210 40 Melanie A. Wade 4/23/2011

NE9DH 211 40 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

KE5IAK 212 40 Stephen J. Neesley 5/21/2011

40 Meter SSB Prefix

VE3CMB 30 40 Craig McLoughlin 3/11/2011

VE3CMB 30 40 Craig McLoughlin 3/11/2011

75 Meter SSB 100 Point

WA2MCY 2963 75 William C. Paulus 3/8/2011

KJ4LVY 2964 75 Joe W. Compton 3/14/2011

KA2YDS 2965 75 David P. Richards 3/16/2011

KC4NPD 2966 75 John T. Ayres 3/24/2011

WA7VTM 2967 75 Desert Sands Remote Operations 3/24/2011

KE7PLM 2968 75 Alexi Payne 3/28/2011

WB9TFH 2969 75 Gilbert J. Van Blaricom 4/18/2011

KB9GFX 2970 75 Dennis J. Knutson 4/22/2011

AB9NH 2971 75 James E. Trible, Jr. 5/7/2011

NQ0SD 2972 75 Former SD ARO Association 5/8/2011

KD8MGI 2973 75 Jonathan C. Truax 5/16/2011

W0YV 2974 75 Timothy M. O’Hara 5/19/2011

Application for all of these great awards can be found on our website. Read the directions carefully and start gathering you cards together and join in the fun.

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75 Meter SSB 100 Point (continued)W0USS 2975 75 Daniel P. O’Hara 5/19/2011

N0GSA 2976 75 Brenna R. O’Hara 5/19/2011

75 Meter SSB 500 Point

WA9DIY 111 75 James R. Foster, Sr. 3/11/2011

K4CNM 112 75 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 3/14/2011

KA2YDS 113 75 David P. Richards 4/30/2011

75 Meter SSB 1000 Point

K1EDG 529 75 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 4/7/2011

K4CNM 530 75 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 5/23/2011

W3NZ 531 75 Edmund B. Redington, Jr. 5/23/2011

75 Meter SSB 2000 Point

NN7I 226 75 Donald J. Anderson 3/7/2011

WJ7Z 227 75 James E. Perkins 4/28/2011

75 Meter SSB 3000 Point

K4NOP 87 75 Michael E. Newland 5/23/2011

75 Meter SSB 4000 Point

W0WSP 58 75 Douglas V. Aldrich 5/8/2011

75 Meter SSB Clint Wise Mobile

VE9SX 22 75 Melanie A. Wade 4/23/2011

NE9DH 23 75 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

75 Meter SSB Clint Wise Portable

AJ4IM 1 75 James W. Padgett 4/22/2011

75 Meter SSB Dictionary

VE9DH 29 75 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

K3CD 30 75 Thomas J. Edmonds 5/8/2011

75 Meter SSB Nite Owl

K4CNM 367 75 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 3/22/2011

W6XLR 368 75 Richard G. Sauneuf 4/3/2011

W6LJK 369 75 George N. Huett 4/5/2011

VE9DH 370 75 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

75 Meter SSB Numbers Racket

WJ7Z 169 75 James E. Perkins 3/10/2011

NW4M 170 75 Kevin E. Qualls 5/25/2011

75 Meter SSB Prefix

VE3CMB 18 75 Craig McLoughlin 3/11/2011

80 Meter PSK 100 Point

K1EDG 53 80 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 5/14/2011

K2UNI 54 80 Keith R. Tilley 5/16/2011

80 Meter RTTY 100 Point

K2UNI 66 80 Keith R. Tilley 3/26/2011

K1EDG 67 80 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 4/7/2011

VE9DH 68 80 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

160 Meter SSB 100 Point

KD8MGI 570 160 Jonathan C. Truax 3/13/2011

KM8EMA 571 160 Montgomery County ARES 3/15/2011

KC8OKW 572 160 David A. Andes 3/15/2011

KE7PLM 573 160 Alexi Payne 3/28/2011

VE6LMD 574 160 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

N7JY 575 160 John L. Bartholomew 4/5/2011

AB9NH 576 160 James E. Trible, Jr. 5/7/2011

NQ0SD 577 160 Former SD ARO Association 5/9/2011

160 Meter SSB 500 Point

W3NZ 26 160 Edmund B. Redington, Jr. 4/5/2011

W0WSP 27 160 Douglas V. Aldrich 5/8/2011

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160 Meter SSB Alphabet

W0WSP 27 160 Douglas V. Aldrich 5/8/2011

160 Meter SSB Certificate Hunter

W0WSP 13 160 Douglas V. Aldrich 5/8/2011

160 Meter SSB Nite Owl

KB8UEY 37 160 Robert D. Lunsford 3/5/2011

160 Meter SSB Officers

W0WSP 27 160 Douglas V. Aldrich 5/8/2011

Master Degree

KD4POJ 59 Dwayne E. Lipscomb, Sr. 3/2/2011

Net Control Operators

K4OEY 144 Jamie Lucas 3/15/2011

KE5ZCF 145 Gary E. Brewer 3/22/2011

WB0PYF 146 Raymond A. Myers 4/2/2011

KC9NCS 147 Lawrence E. Beske, Jr. 5/3/2011

K1EDG 148 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 5/5/2011

Net Controllers Basic

K8PGM 282 Ronald G. Belanger 3/14/2011

Net Controllers Journeyman

AD5XD 106 Milton O. Withers 3/14/2011

Net Controllers Magna Cum Laude

K7MI 5 Larry E. Gillespie, Jr. 4/14/2011

Triple Play

VE9DH 7 James Thomas Wade 5/11/2011

VE9DH 7 James Thomas Wade 5/11/2011

Alphabet 40 and 75 Meter SSB

K3CD 583 75 Thomas J. Edmonds 4/5/2011

W0PTL 584 40 Eric J. Johnson 4/14/2011

K7BSU 585 40 Roger M. Sharp 4/17/2011

K1EDG 586 40 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 5/14/2011

K4CNM 587 40 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 5/15/2011

K4CNM 588 75 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 5/15/2011

K9EA 589 75 Daniel F. Michnay 5/19/2011

Bakers Dozen

KB8UEY 2165 40 Robert D. Lunsford 3/5/2011

KB8UEY 2166 40 Robert D. Lunsford 3/5/2011

N7JY 2167 40 John L. Bartholomew 3/7/2011

KH2CZ 2168 40 Armando A. Balan, Jr. 3/12/2011

KA1GEU 2169 40 Christopher T. Seeber 3/14/2011

KB8UEY 2170 40 Robert D. Lunsford 3/15/2011

W8JMF 2171 75 John M. Fisher 3/19/2011

K4CNM 2172 75 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 3/22/2011

K4CNM 2173 75 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 3/22/2011

VE6LMD 2174 40 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

VE6LMD 2175 40 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

VE6LMD 2176 40 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

VE6LMD 2177 40 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

VE6LMD 2178 40 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

VE6LMD 2179 75 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

VE6LMD 2180 75 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

K1EDG 2181 75 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 4/18/2011

K1EDG 2182 75 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 4/18/2011

K1EDG 2183 75 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 4/18/2011

K1EDG 2184 75 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 4/18/2011

K1EDG 2185 40 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 4/18/2011

W9OO 2186 40 Carl E. Durnavich 4/30/2011

W9OO 2187 75 Carl E. Durnavich 4/30/2011

W9OO 2188 40 Carl E. Durnavich 4/30/2011

W9OO 2189 75 Carl E. Durnavich 4/30/2011

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W9OO 2190 75 Carl E. Durnavich 4/30/2011

W9OO 2191 40 Carl E. Durnavich 4/30/2011

NW4M 2192 40 Kevin E. Qualls 5/11/2011

K4CNM 2193 75 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 5/11/2011

K4CNM 2194 75 Clarence N. Meese, Jr. 5/8/2011

W8JMF 2195 75 John M. Fisher 5/11/2011

W8JMF 2196 75 John M. Fisher 5/11/2011

NW4M 2197 75 Kevin E. Qualls 5/11/2011

KE5IAK 2198 75 Stephen J. Neesley 5/21/2011

Bakers Dozen Cert of Appreciation

N6RSH 753 40 Steven D. Panattoni 3/5/2011

WT0A 754 40 Glen K. Felt 3/5/2011

N6RSH 755 40 Steven D. Panattoni 3/7/2011

N6RSH 756 40 Steven D. Panattoni 3/12/2011

N6RSH 757 40 Steven D. Panattoni 3/14/2011

KF4PAF 758 40 Jesse A. Cox 3/15/2011

N6RSH 759 40 Steven D. Panattoni 3/19/2011

NA9TC 760 75 North American Truckers ARC 3/22/2011

W9JAY 761 75 Jay W. Fadness 3/22/2011

W9JAY 762 40 Jay W. Fadness 3/31/2011

W9JAY 763 40 Jay W. Fadness 3/31/2011

N7JY 764 40 John L. Bartholomew 3/31/2011

WB1DSJ 765 40 Robert E. Crossette 3/31/2011

KF4PAF 766 40 Jesse A. Cox 3/31/2011

AJ4IM 767 75 James W. Padgett 3/31/2011

K5DUG 768 75 Rowland Doug Thompson 3/31/2011

W9JAY 2181 75 Jay W. Fadness 4/18/2011

NA9TC 2182 75 North American Truckers ARC 4/18/2011

AJ4IM 2183 75 James W. Padgett 4/18/2011

KI4MMK 2184 75 Fritters Corner Radio Club 4/18/2011

W9JAY 2185 40 Jay W. Fadness 4/18/2011

AJ4IM 2186 40 James W. Padgett 4/30/2011

AJ4IM 2187 75 James W. Padgett 4/30/2011

AJ4IM 2188 75 James W. Padgett 4/30/2011

AJ4IM 2189 40 James W. Padgett 4/30/2011

W8EMT 2190 40 Michael L. Stevens 4/30/2011

W8EMT 2191 75 Michael L. Stevens 4/30/2011

KF4PAF 2192 40 Jesse A. Cox 5/11/2011

W9JAY 2193 75 Jay W. Fadness 5/8/2011

NA9TC 2194 75 North American Truckers ARC 5/8/2011

W9JAY 2195 75 Jay W. Fadness 5/11/2011

WT0A 2196 75 Glen K. Felt 5/11/2011

W9JAY 2197 75 Jay W. Fadness 5/11/2011

W9JAY 2198 75 Jay W. Fadness 5/21/2011

Canadian Call Area

W9OO 12 North Carl E. Durnavich 4/30/2011


Certificate Hunters 40 and 75 SSB

W8JMF 444 40 John M. Fisher 5/11/2011

W8JMF 444 40 John M. Fisher 5/11/2011

W6LJK 546 40 George N. Huett 3/27/2011

VE9SX 547 40 Melanie A. Wade 4/23/2011

NE9DH 548 75 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

Crossword Puzzle

W3NZ 16 Edmund B. Redington, Jr. 3/9/2011

W3NZ 16 Edmund B. Redington, Jr. 3/10/2011

W3NZ 16 Edmund B. Redington, Jr. 3/22/2011

DX 40 and 75 Meter SSB

KB8UEY 204 40 Robert D. Lunsford 3/5/2011

K3CD 205 75 Thomas J. Edmonds 3/17/2011

NW4M 206 40 Kevin E. Qualls 5/11/2011

National Park - Tourist

W8JMF 3 John M. Fisher 5/17/2011

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Officers 40 and 75 SSB

WJ7Z 918 75 James E. Perkins 3/10/2011

W0PTL 919 75 Eric J. Johnson 4/8/2011

NW4M 920 40 Kevin E. Qualls 5/11/2011

W6XLR 921 75 Richard G. Sauneuf 5/8/2011

K1EDG 922 75 Lloyd Ed Garrison, Jr. 5/14/2011

Pick 30

W0WSP 49 Douglas V. Aldrich 3/15/2011

VE9SX 50 Melanie A. Wade 5/11/2011

Poker Players 40 and 75 Meter SSB

W0WSP 149 75 Douglas V. Aldrich 3/2/2011

WA4ERU 150 75 John R. Amos 3/5/2011

WJ7Z 151 40 James E. Perkins 3/22/2011

KT4CB 152 40 John V. Spillman 3/31/2011

Solar System

W0WSP 28 Douglas V. Aldrich 3/15/2011

W0WSP 29 Douglas V. Aldrich 3/15/2011

WAS 40 75 and 160 SSB

K7BSU 1338 40 Roger M. Sharp 3/10/2011

VE6LMD 1339 160 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

VE6LMD 1340 160 Larry Dubois 3/31/2011

VE9SX 1341 40 Melanie A. Wade 4/23/2011

WA9DIY 1342 75 James R. Foster, Sr. 5/4/2011

W0PTL 1343 75 Eric J. Johnson 5/7/2011

WA9DIY 1344 40 James R. Foster, Sr. 5/15/2011

WAS Caps 40 and 75 SSB

K8YJ 166 75 Thomas A. Coulson 3/15/2011

VE9DH 534 40 James Thomas Wade 4/23/2011

WAS YL 40 and 75 SSB

WJ7Z 216 40 James E. Perkins 3/1/2011

NC7Z 217 75 Robert H. Wakefield 4/16/2011

NC7Z 218 40 Robert H. Wakefield 4/16/2011

VE9DH 219 40 James Thomas Wade 5/11/2011

W8JMF 220 75 John M. Fisher 5/17/2011

Work 30

KA9RZD 87 Gerald J. Bronkhorst, Jr. 3/26/2011

AA6MK 88 Michael W. Kelly 5/19/2011

As you can tell Going mobile is not as difficult as it might seem. Especially when you have so many terrific friends will to help out with all kinds of tips, hints and tricks. I personally have been bitten by the mobile bug and continually strive to improve my results of operating from many locations across this great land of ours. I am forever grateful for the opportunity to operate my very own radio station and to meet so many talented people, I like to call my friends. I hope everyone will take time to share your thoughts and experiences with your radio, mobile, portable or fixed. I am always interested in how others got started in this hobby and to find out what they have learned along the way. I am looking towards hearing about the eyeball this year and I hope everyone in attendance will have the great time that has been planned. Everyone have a safe trip to and from the eyeball. I would like to thank Glen, WT0A for writing and gathering all the articles for this issue of theCenturion. Job well done Glen and many thanks. I welcome all comments and questions about this issue, the club or it’s operations. Your can reach me at: [email protected] or

Ricky Asper (AC7RA) 3815 south 1915 east Salt Lake City, Utah 84106

Thanks and 73’s

Notes from the editor