fotofinish pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии sriracha...

FotoFinish Pink Самые интересные цветочные новинки 2020 Classification: PUBLIC All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission. © 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant VarietyProtection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. 1

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Page 1: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

FotoFinish Pink

Самые интересные

цветочные новинки 2020

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Page 2: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Семенной ассортимент

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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Межвидовой гибрид бегонии БоулерBegonia Interspecific Bowler

• Сильнорослые бегонии с бронзовой листвой и крупными

белыми цветками

• Прекрасное ветвление, округлый габитус

• Растения чуть меньше, чем в серии Топхэт

• Можно выращивать в кассетах с крупной ячейкой, но

лучше- в горшках d 11 – 14 см

• Готовая продукция хорошо смотрится в больших кашпо и в

подвесных корзинах

Вид семян: Дражированные

Габитус: Округлый

Размер растения в саду: 40-50 см ширина,

30-45 высота

Bowler Bronze Leaf

White 70080130

Bowler Bronze Leaf


Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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Бегония клубневая ЛимитлессBegonia tuberhybrida Limitless

Тенелюбивые растения широкой гаммы окрасок

• Очень крупные, махровые и полумахровые


• Широкая цветовая гамма

• Цветение на 7 дней раньше стандартных


• Для получения оптимального габитуса

растений требуется минимум ретардантов

Вид семян:


Габитус: прямостоячий

Размер растения в саду:

35 - 40 см ширина, 25 - 30

см высота

Рекомендуемый размер горшка

9 - 11 см, кашпо 11 - 14 см, подвесные корзины d 20 см


Dark Red70089787

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Sunr ise70089795



LimitlessCompact Salmon Shades70089780



Limitless Compact

Velvet Red70089785


Dark Rose70089782


Salmon Rose70089793


Cream Shades70090040








Page 5: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Куфея ШрирачаCuphea Sriracha



• Замечательные жаростойкие и засухоустойчивые

растения класса Премиум

• Компактные, хорошо ветвящиеся растения

• Применение ретардантов с момента посева придаёт

растениям более «опрятный» вид

• Высокая однородность по габитусу внутри серии

• Хорошая альтернатива вегетативно размножаемым


Вид семян: Обычные

Габитус: прямостоячий

Размер растения в саду:

30-35 см ширина, 35-45 см


SrirachaLavender Bicolor


Sriracha Lavender Bicolor

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Рекомендуемый размер горшка

9 - 11 см, 11 - 14 см

Page 6: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Обзор всех окрасок в серии














Sriracha Lavender Bicolor

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Page 7: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

• Новое поколение в серии Супер Парфайт

• Мега- крупные цветки ярких окрасок

• Мощные и хорошо ветвящиеся растения

• Быстрое нарастание вегетативной массы

• Долгое сохранение декоративного вида

в цветниках

Вид семян: обычные, дражированные

Габитус: округлый

Размер растения в саду: 20-25 см

ширина, 20-25 см высота

Venti Parfait

Blueberry Eye


Venti Parfait

Strawberry Shades


Venti Parfait Strawberry


Venti Parfait Strawberry


Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Рекомендуемый размер горшка

9 - 11 см, можно выращивать в


Гвоздика китайская Венти ПарфайтDianthus chinensis Venti Parfait

Page 8: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Обзор всех окрасок в серии


Venti ParfaitCrimson 70038525

VentiParfaitCrimsonEye 70027330

Venti Parfait Strawberry Shades 70064365

Venti Parfait Blueberry Eye

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Page 9: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Бальзамин ИмараImpatiens Imara


• Первый бальзамин Уоллера с высоким уровнем

устойчивости к ложной мучнистой росе1

• Надёжное цветение весь сезон

• Компактные растения

• Лёгкое и экономичное производство

• Подходит для выращивания в условиях высокой

плотности культуры

Вид семян: обычные

Габитус: округлый

Размер растения в саду: 25–30 см ширина,

25- 30см высота

Imara Red Star70085103

Imara Pink70085088

1 Данные подтверждены независимыми исследованиями в Северной Америке и в Европе, в т.ч. в 2017 и 2018 годах в Корнельском университете

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Page 10: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Обзор всех окрасок в серии


Orange Imp.70078042


Orange Star70072427




Purple Imp.70078047


Red Imp.70078040


Red Star70085103




Salmon Shades70078043



Imara Mix 70082997

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Page 11: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Пеларгония Пинто Премиум Pelargonium Pinto Premium


• Хорошо ветвящиеся, сильные растения

• Замечательный вид растений в местах продажи и в саду

• Крупные цветки с плотными лепестками на коротких


• Широкая гамма окрасок

• Улучшена окраска Deep Rose Imp – насыщеннее цвет и

более раннее цветение

• Доступность семян в 2020 г ограничена

Вид семян: в специальной оболочке (Coated)

Габитус: округлый

Размер растения в саду: 30-35 см ширина

35-40 см высота

Pinto Premium

Deep Rose Imp.

Pinto Premium Deep Rose Imp.70045935

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Рекомендуемый размер горшка 11 - 14 см

Page 12: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Обзор всех окрасок в серии

Pinto PremiumCoral70006966

PintoPremium DeepRed70006959



Pinto Premium DeepScarlet 70020522

Pinto PremiumLavender70006965

Pinto PremiumLavender Rose


Pinto PremiumOrange70058303

Pinto PremiumOrange Bicolor


Pinto Premium RoseBicolor 70041412

Pinto PremiumSalmon70000819

PintoPremiumSalmonSplash 70006957

Pinto PremiumViolet70006956

Pinto PremiumWhite70020520

PintoPremium WhitetoRose


Pinto PremiumMix70056148

Pinto Premium Deep Rose Imp.

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Page 13: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Пентас БихайвPentas Beehive

• Первый пентас из семян со стелящимся габитусом!

• Отличная альтернатива черенкам

• Исключительная декоративность стелящихся растений в

соло- посадках и в смешанных контейнерах

• Идеальное растение для жаркого климата

• Ярко-белые цветки великолепно сочетаются с тёмно- зелёной


• Рекомендуемый размер горшка 9 - 11 см, кашпо 11 - 14 см,

подвесные корзины d от 20 см

Вид семян: дражированные

Габитус: стелящийся

Размер растения в саду: 30-60 см ширина

25-30 см высота

Beehive White


Beehive White

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Page 14: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Петуния ФотоФинишPetunia Spreading FotoFinish


• ФотоФиниш - совершенно новая серия с идеальными

характеристиками по габитусу и времени цветения

• Экстра раннее и программируемое цветение

через 9 -10 недель после посева

• Ранние продажи – высокая прибыль!

• Стелящийся/округлый габитус

• Ретарданты практически не нужны

• Цветение очень обильное

• Рекомендуемый размер горшка 9 - 11 см, кашпо 11 - 14

см, подвесные корзины d от 20 см

. Вид семян: дражированные

Размер растения в саду: 60-90 см ширина и 25-35 см высота






Rose Morn70083160

FotoFinish Salmon

FotoFinish Blue

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Rose Star70083162







Rose Star



Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Обзор всех окрасок в серии

Page 16: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Петуния миллифлора ФлешФорвардPetunia milliflora FlashForward


• Миниатюрная полуампельная петуния превосходно подходит для

подвесных корзин, композиций в контейнерах и для продажи в

кассетах с большими ячейками

• Невысокая чувствительность к длине дня, цветение через 9 -10

недель после посева

• Опрятные растения развиваются равномерно и не заглушают

соседей в смешанных композициях

• Обильное цветение всё лето даже при непростых погодных


• Серия ФлешФорвард вскоре заменит серию Пикобелла


• Рекомендуемый размер горшка 9 - 11 см, кашпо 11 - 14 см,

подвесные корзины d от 20 см









Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Вид семян: дражированные

Габитус: Полуапельный /стелящийся

Размер растения в саду: 45-60 см ширина

15-25 см высота

Page 17: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet


Pink Glo70098898





Sky Blue70098900





Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Обзор всех окрасок в серии

Page 18: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Петуния миллифлора ПикобеллаPetunia milliflora Picobella


• Миниатюрные цветки на изящных растениях

• Отличное дополнение к ассортименту летников

• Легко и недорого выращивать – короткое время культуры

и не нужны обработки ретардантами

• Растения не капризные, замечательно смотрятся на

клумбах и в контейнерах

• Рекомендуемый размер горшка 9 - 11 см, кашпо 11 - 14 см,

можно выращивать в кассетах

• Окраски Salmon Improved и Lavender Improved улучшены

по показателям ветвления и насыщенности цвета

Вид семян: дражированные

Габитус: округлый

Размер растения в саду: 20-25

см ширина 20-25 см высота

Picobella Lavender Imp.70054309

Picobella Salmon Imp.70035049


Salmon Imp.


Lavender Imp.

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Обзор всех окрасок в серии




Lavender Imp.70054309





Rose Morn70024118


Rose Star70024119


Salmon Imp.70035049



Picobella Salmon Imp.

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Rose Imp.70059270




White Imp.70067200


Damask White Imp.

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Цикламен КиотоCyclamen Kyoto


• Сильный мини цикламен с уникальной окраской

• Долгое сохранение товарного вида

• Можно выращивать вместе с цикламенами из

серии Мидори для расширения ассортимента

• Рекомендуемый размер горшка 9 - 12 см

Вид семян: обычные

Габитус: прямостоячий

Размер растения в саду: 15 -20 см ширина

и 15-20 см высота




Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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• Самая ранняя и однородная горшечная гербера из


• Синхронное цветение, на одном растении всегда

раскрыты от 3 до 5 цветков

• Компактные герберы с короткими цветоносами

хорошо переносят транспортировку

• Максимально долгое сохранение товарного вида в

местах продажи

• Рекомендуемый размер горшка 11 - 14 см

Вид семян: SatinCoat

Габитус: прямостоячий

Размер растения: 20 см ширина и 20-25 см высота

Jaguar White

70066066Jaguar White

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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Deep Orange


Deep Rose




Fire Dark Center


Lemon DarkCenter




Rose DarkCenter70000973 70019516 70000979 70007957 70019523 70000984 70000970


Rose Picotee70000977





JaguarYellow DarkCenter70000969



JaguarScarletShades Dark Center70019518

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


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Вегетативный ассортимент

Classification: PUBLIC

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant

Breeders’ Rights and may not be propagated or reproduced without authorization. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.


Page 25: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Калибрахоа Кэлли Дабл

Calibrachoa Callie®Double

Для горшков d 9 – 14 cм и

подвесных корзин

Callie® Double


Callie® Double


Callie® Double


Callie® Double


Page 26: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Обзор всех окрасок в серии

Callie® Canary Callie® Burgundy Callie® Coral Callie® Dark Red70080958 70035959 70073020 70068741

Callie® Light Blue Callie® Mango Callie® Orange Callie® OrangeSunrise

70008012 70003301 70060642 70018467

Callie® Purple Imp. Callie® Rose with Eye Callie® Lavender Callie® Painted Pink70080988 70007858 70073676 70018437

Callie® StОбычные berry70073025

Callie® White70052153

Callie ® Deep Yellow70035954

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Callie ® Canary

Page 27: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Георгина Далегрия

Dahlia Dahlegria

Размер растения в саду: 25-40 см ширина

и 45-60 см высота

Dahlegria MagentaBicolor70089162

Dahlegria RedImp.70089151


Dahlegria Sunrise

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Dahlegria Red Imp.

DahlegriaLight Rose




- Прекрасная толерантность к мучнистой росе!

- Для горшков d 12 – 19 cм

Page 28: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Обзор всех окрасок в серии

Dahlegria Tricolor70082922

Dahlegria Magenta Bicolor70089162

Dahlegria Orange70082927

Dahlegria Orange Yellow Tip70082923

Dahlegria Pink Flame70082925

Dahlegria Red Imp.70089151

Dahlegria Scarlet Fire70082926

Dahlegria Sunrise70089160

Dahlegria White70082924

Dahlegria Magenta Bicolor

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Dahlegria Light Rose70089164

Dahlegria Sunset70089152

Page 29: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Георгина Хеппи Дейз

Dahlia Happy Days


Для горшков d 12 – 19 cм

Габитус: округлый

Размер растения в саду: 25-35 см ширина и 35-50 см высота

Happy Days Halo70089149

Happy Days Purple Imp.70089150

Happy Days Halo

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Happy Days

Purple Imp.

Page 30: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Обзор всех окрасок в серии

Happy DaysCherry Red

Happy DaysHalo

Happy DaysLemon

Happy DaysOrange Flame

Happy DaysOrange Red

Happy DaysPink

Happy DaysPurple Imp.

70053908 70089149 70053907 70082942 Bicolor 70037236 70089150


Happy Days


Happy Days


Happy Days


Happy Days Halo

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Page 31: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Георгина ГрандалияDahlia Grandalia

Для горшков d 13 – 15 см

Размер растения в саду:

30 - 40 см ширина и 30-50

см высота

Grandalia Pink Yellow70059450

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Grandalia Hot Pink Ice

Grandalia Hot Pink Ice70083242

Grandalia Yellow Imp.70003513

Grandalia Yellow


Page 32: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Георгина СинсеритиDahlia Sincerity

Для горшков d 10 – 15 см

Цветки огромные, 15 – 20 см в диаметре!

Размер растения в саду: 40-45 см ширина

и 45-60 см высота

Sincerity Peach70089136

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Classification: PUBLIC

Sincerity Rose


Sincerity Lagoon Blue70089158

Sincerity Rose Bicolor70059450

Page 33: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Межвидовой гибрид пеларгонии Мокси!

Pelargonium Interspecific Moxie!

• Мокси - «Маленькая сестра» пеларгонии Каллиопе

• Устойчивая, миниатюрная и прекрасная!

• Рекомендуемый размер горшка 9 – 13 см

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Moxie! Hot Pink70074767

Moxie! White Imp.70080236

Moxie! Rose Splash70020544

Moxie! Dark Red70069760

Moxie! Pink70065930

Moxie! Violet70065934

Moxie! Scarlet70074800 Moxie! White Imp.

Page 34: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Петуния ДеккоPetunia Dekko

Габитус: почвопокровный

Размер растения в саду: 45 - 60 см

ширина и 25 - 30 см высота

Для кассет и горшков диаметром 9 – 14 см

Dekko Banana70083317

Dekko Banana



All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Dekko Magenta70083314

Dekko Red70083316


Page 35: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Обзор всех окрасок в серии

Dekko Banana70083317

Dekko Magenta70083314

Dekko Red70083316

Dekko Purple70061519

Dekko Red70008026

Dekko Bright Pink70061518

Dekko Light Blue70071607

Dekko Star Coral70066651

Dekko Rose Star70020321

Dekko White Imp.70071612

Dekko Banana

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Dekko Blue


Dekko Deep Lavender Vein70076420

Page 36: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

Петуния Сангуна ПатиоPetunia Sanguna Patio

Для кассет и горшков диаметром 9 – 14 см

Компактные и аккуратные растения для

клумб и контейнерного озеленения

Габитус: округлый

Размер растения в саду: 25 - 35 см ширина и

25 - 30 см высота

Sanguna PatioRadiant Magenta

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Sanguna Patio

Radiant Magenta70083305

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Обзор всех окрасок в серии

Sanguna Patio

Radiant Magenta70083305

Sanguna Patio

Purple Vain70076417

Dekko Banana

All photos are either the property of Syngenta or are used with permission.

© 2019 Syngenta. Some or all of the varieties may be protected under one or more of the following: Plant Variety Protection, United States Plant Patents, Utility Patents, and/or Plant Breeders’ Rights and may not be

propagated or reproduced without authorization. Syngenta is licensed to sell the liner contained in Kwik Kombos products under Dümmen’s U.S. Patent No. 7.891.134. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Classification: PUBLIC

Sanguna Patio

Light Blue70071613

Sanguna Patio

Blue Vein70061517

Sanguna Patio


Sanguna Patio

Radiant Dark Blue70071614

Sanguna Patio

Pink Morn70055259

Sanguna Patio


Sanguna Patio


Sanguna Patio

Twirl Purple70055263

Sanguna Patio


Sanguna PatioRadiant Magenta

Page 38: FotoFinish Pink · 2020. 5. 20. · Обзор всех окрасок в серии Sriracha Lavender Bicolor 70058804 Sriracha Pink 70036329 Sriracha Rose 70036330 Sriracha Violet

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