formatting documents

Formatting Documents Chapter 3

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Formatting Documents. Chapter 3. Formatting a Document. The formatting applied to a document can affect: How the reader interprets the document How easily the document is read The overall impression of the document Proper formatting is crucial in creating a professional-looking document. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Formatting Documents

Formatting DocumentsChapter 3

Page 2: Formatting Documents

Formatting a Document The formatting applied to a document

can affect:› How the reader interprets the document› How easily the document is read› The overall impression of the document

Proper formatting is crucial in creating a professional-looking document

Page 3: Formatting Documents

Margins Margins

› White space around the text on a page› Affects the amount of text that a page can

contain Smaller margins leave more room for text To change the margins

Click Page Layout ⇒ Margins ⇒ Custom Margins

Page 4: Formatting Documents

Indenting Paragraphs Indents

› Decrease the width of lines of text in a paragraph

› Often used to set off paragraphs such as a quotation Page Layout ⇒ Indent Left and Page Layout

⇒ Indent Right› Can also set by dragging markers on the


Page 5: Formatting Documents

Practice: Training Complete page 77-78

Page 6: Formatting Documents

Space Before and After a Paragraph

Space between paragraphs makes the text easier to read and helps distinguish where paragraphs begin and end.

The default formatting for a paragraph is no space before (above) the paragraph and 10 points of space after (below) the paragraph.

To change space before or after a paragraph› Page Layout ⇒ Before and Page Layout ⇒ After

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Line Spacing Line spacing

› Default is 1.15 lines of space› Double space adds more space between

lines of text Click Home ⇒ Line and Paragraph Spacing

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Practice: Training Complete page 80

Page 9: Formatting Documents

Tab and Tab Stops Tabs

› Used to position text within a line› Align text into columns of data

Tab Stop› Specifies a location within the line of text› Default is every half inch

To display the Tabs dialog box› Double-click a tab stop on the ruler› In the dialog box type the Tab Stop Position› Select the appropriate Alignment and then select Set› Repeat this process to create as many tab stops as


Page 10: Formatting Documents

Selecting a Vertical Block of Text

Select Vertical Text› Hold Down ALT key and drag mouse


Page 11: Formatting Documents

Practice: Training Complete pages 82-83

Page 12: Formatting Documents

Hanging and First Line Indents

Hanging Indent› The first line is farther left than the rest of

the paragraph Used for lists, outlines, or bibliography pages Click the Paragraph group Dialog Box

Launcher ⇒ Indents and Spacing tab ⇒ Hanging ⇒ type indent amount in the By box

First Line Indent› The first line is farther right than the rest

of the paragraph

Page 13: Formatting Documents

Bulleted and Numbered Lists

Bulleted List› Each item is a separate paragraph formatted with a

hanging indent› Select the items in the list

Home ⇒ Bullets› Used when each item is equally important

Numbered Lists› Show a priority of importance› Select the paragraphs in the list

Home ⇒ Numbering Increasing Indents

› To increase the indent of the bullets or numbers Click Home ⇒ Increase Indent button

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Practice: Training Complete pages 86-87

Page 15: Formatting Documents

Headers and Footers Header

› An area at the top of a page› Insert ⇒ Header

Footer› An area at the bottom of a page› Insert ⇒ Footer

Printed on each page of the document

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Adding Times, Dates, and Page Numbers

To add a page number at the insertion point› Design ⇒ Page Number ⇒ Current Position

If header or footer not yet created› Insert ⇒ Page Number ⇒ Top of

Page/Bottom of Page/Page Margins Date & Time

› Insert ⇒ Date & Time› Select Update automatically check box

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Adding and Editing Graphics

Add a graphic or picture› Insert ⇒ Picture› Then apply format as needed (i.e. Center,

etc.)› When inserted a Format tab is added to

the Ribbon

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Screenshots and OpenType Ligatures

Screenshot› Insert ⇒ Screenshot

OpenType› Scalable font format that was developed

by Microsoft and Adobe› Two or more letters combined into one

character Right-click the selected text and select Font Select the Advanced tab and then select

Standard Only in the Ligatures box

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Practice: Training Complete pages 93-94

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Pagination Pagination

› How a document is divided into pages› To change insert a page break

CTRL + Enter Insert ⇒ Page Break

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Creating Footnotes and Endnotes

Footnotes› Included in research papers to cite sources› Place the insertion point in the text where the

footnote number should appear References ⇒ Insert Footnote

Endnotes› Appear on the last page of a document› Common method of references for a research paper› Place the insertion point in the text where the

endnote number should appear References ⇒ Insert Endnote

Page 22: Formatting Documents

Practice: Training Complete pages 95-96

Page 23: Formatting Documents

Templates Template

› Master document that includes the basic elements for particular types of documents

› To create a template Type and format text in a new document Select File ⇒ Save As to display a dialog box Type the file name and select Word Template in

the Save As Type list Click Save

› To create a document using a template File ⇒ New ⇒ My templates

Page 24: Formatting Documents

Practice: Generic Memo Complete pages 97-99

Page 25: Formatting Documents

Creating an HTML file HTML

› Hypertext Markup Language› File format for documents viewed using a

browser› More versatile because Word is not needed

to view it› File ⇒ Save As and then select Web page

type in the Save as type list Click the Change Title button to give the

Web page a descriptive title

Page 26: Formatting Documents

Creating a PDF Document PDF

› Portable Document Format› Preserves document formatting› File ⇒ Save As ⇒ select PDF in the Save As

Type list

Page 27: Formatting Documents

Practice: Contini Picnic Complete pages 100-101

Page 28: Formatting Documents

Assignment Exercise 16 page 114