foreign office files for japan and the far...

FOREIGN OFFICE FILES FOR JAPAN AND THE FAR EAST Series One: Embassy & Consular Archives - Japan (1905-1940) (Public Record Office Class FO 262) Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034) Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601) Contents listing Publisher's Note Chronology, 1900-1923 Technical Note British Ambassadors to Japan, 1905-1957 Supporting Comments Britsih Prime Ministers, 1905-1957 Contents of Reels - Part 1 British Foreign Secretaries, 1905-1960 Detailed Listing - Part 1 Emperors of Japan, 1868-1989 Contents of Reels - Part 2 Japanese Ministers and Officials, 1900-1960 Detailed listing - Part 2 British Embassy and Consular Staff - Japan, 1905-1958 FOREIGN OFFICE FILES FOR JAPAN AND THE FAR EAST SERIES 1 - Part 1 - 2

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FOREIGN OFFICE FILES FOR JAPAN AND THE FAR EAST Series One: Embassy & Consular Archives - Japan (1905-1940) (Public Record Office Class FO 262)

Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034) Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601)

Contents listing

Publisher's Note Chronology, 1900-1923

Technical Note British Ambassadors to Japan, 1905-1957

Supporting Comments Britsih Prime Ministers, 1905-1957

Contents of Reels - Part 1 British Foreign Secretaries, 1905-1960

Detailed Listing - Part 1 Emperors of Japan, 1868-1989

Contents of Reels - Part 2 Japanese Ministers and Officials, 1900-1960

Detailed listing - Part 2 British Embassy and Consular Staff - Japan, 1905-1958



Through the complete files of the British Embassy and Consular Archives in Japan this project documents the immense political, social and economic changes in Japan since the beginning of this century.

Part 1: Imperial Expansion and the Rise of Capitalism concentrates on the years 1905-1920. Immediately after the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905) Japan acquired significant and increased recognition around the world.

Theodore Roosevelt conducted the Peace Treaty at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA. The Great Powers opened embassies in Tokyo and Japanese legations in London, Washington, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Rome and St Petersburg were raised to the status of embassies. Sir Claude M Macdonald was appointed as the first British Ambassador in Tokyo in November 1905. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1902 was renewed and revised.

The last decade of the Meiji era witnessed the growth of a new confidence, and intensification in national pride, experimentation in the realms of literature and art, imperial expansion spheres of influence in Manchuria.

The diplomatic offensive against China and the "Twenty One Demands " of 1915 brought further territorial, commercial and economic advantages, but awakened British and particularly American eyes to the consequences of Japanese opportunism.

Japan sent a strong delegation of sixty members to the Paris Peace Conference at the end of the First World War. Japan was given a permanent seat on the newly created Council of the League of Nations. This amounted to full recognition of Japan's status as a world power.

From 1918 Japanese troops were involved in the Allied interventions in Siberia. Japan took part in the important Washington Conference, 1921-1922. Japan took part in the important Washington Conference, 1921-1922. The Anglo-Japanese Alliance was replaced by a 'Four Power Treaty' with Britain, France and the United States. This rise to world power status was already well recognised by 1920 with the 'Four Power' discussions on loans to China, continued involvement in Siberia, discussions on the future of India and a regular exchange of ideas on all the major issues of the time. This exchange of ideas is well documented in the Foreign office files covered by this microfilm edition.

Throughout the entire period these files are packed with information on all subjects. The data and assessments give us a fascinating insight into the views, policies, decisions and actions of the Japanese, British, Americans, Soviets, Chinese and other nations involved all over the Far East.

Subjects featured include the First World War, the Russian Revolution, Railways in Manchuria, Customs Duties and Tariffs, Commercial Legislation, Trade Marks and Patents, International Trade and Shipping, Treaty Negotiations, Immigration, Taxation, Prize Courts, the boycott of Japanese Goods in China, Fishery Limits, Industrial and Perpetual Leases, the Japanese Red Cross Society, Japanese Prisons, Trade Restrictions during the First World War and Prohibitions on Trading with the Enemy.

A fuller flavour of the subject contents of these files is given in the detailed listing. The material is arranged chronologically, but correspondence to the Japanese is contained under separate piece numbers from Correspondence from the Japanese.

The following is an example of a typical entry. It is an extract from the Minutes of a Meeting of the Most Influential Men held at the House of Marquis Katsura on 14 March 1909: "Marquis Inouye declared the meeting open and explained the reasons for it being called which may be summarised as follows: He was happy to say that owing to the friendly relations existing between Japan and England, and to the Political Alliance, and the daily drawing closer of the bonds uniting the two countries which, on the economic side, was leading to the formation or consideration of joint commercial undertakings whose fruitful results would, he believed, add to the permanence and value of the Political Alliance, the joint Anglo-Japanese Hydro-Electric undertaking assumed a considerable national importance, intensified owing to the fact that owing to the present commercial depression in Japan, a difficulty had arisen at an advanced stage of the negotiations, viz: the Japanese side found it difficult to raise their half of the capital. At this juncture, the British side had come forward with an offer to find four-fifths of the capital if necessary, but he was of the opinion that the Japanese side should make a great effort to provide all of their half, especially as the money market is now easing "

Another example concerns the careful watch on suspect persons and suspicious firms after Japanese entry into the First World War. It refers to the frequent visits of G Kiehl to No. 19 Gochome Hirakawa Cho where he is met by other Germans: "There is said to be a German Reference Library at this house which is where I believe the late Dr Scriba's widow lives. It would be interesting to know whether the Germans use this library as an excuse for meetings or whether the books in the library are consulted with a view to preparing material for Propaganda." March 11, 1918.

A final example is the following Confidential Note from the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, January 29, 1919: "The Japanese Government have not been unmindful of the report that Chinese coolies enlisted in the Bolshevik forces have been engaging in the horrible acts of carnage and devastation in Russia. No effective measures, however, have yet been found to see to the release of those coolies from Bolshevik association. The action contemplated in the proposed telegram from the British Government to their representative at Peking, text of which His Excellency the British Ambassador was so good as to communicated to Mr Shidehara on January 20, does not seem to the Japanese Government to serve the desired end. The summons to be made by the Chinese Government to the Government of the Soviets for discharging the men from the Bolshevik army might be wholly ignored or peremptorily rejected, and, in that event, the Chinese government would be placed in a peculiarly awkward position. If, on the other hand, such summons is readily accepted, then it should be presumed that the Chinese so discharges are in all probability entrusted with the sinister mission of Bolshevik propaganda in China and elsewhere. The repatriation of more than ten thousand men given to lawless habit and anarchic tendency would no doubt be a source of grave danger to the public order and security, particularly in a country which is inadequately equipped with police organisation. In any case, it appears in-advisable, in the interest of both China and the Allied Powers, to proceed to any definite course of action, until fuller and more precise information of the actual conditions of those coolies is obtained."

Part 2: The Early Twenties - Growth of a New World Power covers the years 1921 to 1923 inclusive and features


important files on the Anglo-Japanese Alliance, Arms Traffic, China, Drugs, the internal political situation in Japan, the Pan Asiatic League, the Safeguarding of Industries, Siberia, Socialism, Trade Marks and the Washington Conference of 1921-1922 on Naval Disarmament and questions in the Far East. There is also material on the Dutch East Indies, The Great Earthquake of 1923 and the requirements for Earthquake Relief. The files in this second part are arranged in a different manner from part 1. The chronological arrangement is replaced by a system of subject files arranged in alphabetical sequence for each year. The Detailed Listing gives a comprehensive list of all these subject files.

The following are one or two examples of the kind of material contained in these files. A 14 page report of January 1921 highlights the special advantages enjoyed by Japan in Manchuria and assesses the principle of equal opportunity for all nationalities in the region. The report states that: "The practical monopoly which Japan possesses of the foreign import trade of Manchuria can obviously be only due to certain special local advantages enjoyed by Japanese goods in competition with those of other countries which do not obtain for them elsewhere in China where Japanese trade makes proportionately a far poorer showing than in Manchuria. These special advantages, in the order in which they will be dealt with in this report, are proximity to the market, presence in Manchuria of a large Japanese population, demand for Manchurian produce in Japan, reduced Customs duties on railway borne traffic from Japan, political influence, and control of railway and postal facilities in South Manchuria …” The report then goes on to look at each aspect in depth.

Another file on the Philippines includes the Report of the Special Mission to the Philippines in 1921 chaired by Major-General Leonard Wood. During the Wood-Forbes Commission's nine day visit to Japan in October, General Wood's comments are recorded as follows: "The relations between Japan and the United States had, he said, always been cordial and he felt confident this cordiality would increase as the years went on. Indeed it must, for, as General Yamanashi had said, upon these relations between the two nations depended in a large measure the peace of the Far East. Closer and more frequent intercourse and the frank and direct interchange of views would not only conduce to a better understanding, but also help to clear up such difficulties as might arise and to strengthen the friendship between the two countries. America wished to build up her commercial relations under conditions of free and friendly competition, and in the process she would contribute to the prosperity of both herself and Japan."

Later in the week, speaking at a dinner of Members of the America-Japan Society at the Banker's Club, General Wood said, in replying to the speech of welcome by Viscount Kaneko, the President of the Society: "… the loose and foolish talk about trouble between Japan and the US was all nonsense. The American people wished to live on the most friendly relations with their neighbours of Japan. Both countries had fought side by side for the same ideals in the Great War, and he hoped and believed they would continue to stand together for the right. The US wished to build up American trade and commerce with the rest of the world; but they welcomed every opportunity for open and fair competition, and he felt sure that that was all Japan too asked for. Strenuous commercial rivalry was following the war, and America had to look to her commercial laurels. But there was room enough for all. It would be a terrible reflection on modern civilization if the US and Japan could not meet at the conferences board and settle all or nearly all their differences …”

The files on Siberia contain a similar amount of detail. The section for January to July 1921 includes a 47 page "Narrative of Events in Siberia, 1918-1920" followed by much analysis and comment. A major feature of the period was the Washington Conference on Naval Disarmament. The Naval Attaché's Report of 26 November 1921 regarding proposals of the Conference states: "… Admiral Funakoshi told me that he had recently been to several of the Yards and private establishments in Japan really to study the labour situation in the event of a satisfactory conclusion being arrived at in Washington. He told me that at the present moment he was employing 20,000 men in Yokosuka and did not think that he would have to discharge any of them after the hoped-for limitation was arrived at. He imagined all the other Imperial Yards were much the same way, and he felt sure that for some time they would be kept busy building small craft, light cruisers, destroyers, submarines, etc…, in which Japanese Navy at the present moment was far below the ratio that would be allowed. He told me that the private yards had been warned by the Kaigunsho that soon they would have to look elsewhere than to the Imperial Japanese Navy for work, and the Admiral said that the sooner they turned their attentions to making railway material, electrical machinery, bridges, building houses, and Civil Engineering generally, the better for the shareholders.” He continued: "In conclusion, I feel that the opinion in Japan is still extremely optimistic as to the satisfactory outcome of the Conference; all the educated thinking people that I meet say a reduction of Armaments is absolutely necessary for the good of the country and consequently for the betterment of the Japanese people. The vernacular press appears to me misleading and inaccurate; the Japan Advertiser at times would appear to try and stir up strife, therefore it would seem that the only way to gather logical conclusions is by associating with the educated men of Japan whom one knows and respects …”

A Statement by Mr T Yamamoto, Member of the Diet and a Manager of the Seiyukurai (Ministerialist) Party, attending the Washington Conference as a representative of his party, dated 24 November 1921, reads as follows: "Japan is very willing indeed to agree to limitation of armaments, but there is first the question of the solution of the difficulties presented by the faits accomplis (the Far Eastern and the Pacific problems). Japan has no aggressive intentions whatever, and although there may still be militarists in this country, the Japanese recognize that militarism is impossible. At the same time she must obtain from the Powers recognition of her special rights in Manchuria and Siberia. This is not aggression in the least, but simply a condition of Japan's national existence. She must find a dumping ground for her surplus population, and she must have access to other sources for the raw materials with which she herself is inadequately supplied. These are conditions necessary to ensure her national existence, and for her to demand special rights in the Far West at her doors is only just and proper …”

He emphasizes “Japan's special duty at this juncture is to get Foreign Powers fully to grasp the fact that she has no aggressive intentions. It is with this object in view that I and my companions are going to the US in addition to the official delegates ...”

Finally he comments: “Turning from this to economic questions, the changes which have taken place in the economic conditions prevailing in America during the war and after show a remarkable similarity with the changes which have taken place during the same period in Japan.

The similarity is even noticeable in the recent rise of the price of commodities which in both countries had for a time fallen heavily. It is my intention during my stay in the US to investigate this point.”


The month of September 1923 and the ensuing period was dominated by the Great Earthquake that devastated much of Yokohama, Tokyo and surrounding districts. A Document entitled "Earthquake Relief Work and Foreign Assistance" reports on March 1924: "The disaster was unparalleled in the history of this country in the extent of the damage done. Not only were there caused very serious private losses, but the country generally was adversely affected industrially, economically and otherwise. Fortunately, however, conditions are being steadily restored to their former state, and a spirit of revival and reconstruction is in evidence in the districts laid waste by the calamity. This is in no small measure due to the powerful moral support and generous material assistance given us by foreign countries ..."

The Official Report of Captain Robinson of the Empress of Australia gives dramatic details of events of the first day of September at Yokohama: "It was then realised that the whole of the town, including the Foreign Settlement and Residential District on the Bluff had been destroyed. Fires could be seen burning fiercely all along the foreshore and in all directions for miles inland. Later, glares in the sky in the directions of Tokyo and Yokosuka showed that they were burning too. We put out lifeboats with all the men available and sent them to the shore of the Bund to pick up survivors, all the Europeans among the ship's company who could be spared, and several passengers who volunteered, forming search and stretcher parties for the injured. This work was continued all through the night and was at times a task of considerable danger."

There are very full and detailed reports on proceedings in the Diet throughout the period. Weekly analysis of the political situation in Japan, details in the personalities involved, and the achievements of the various sessions provide an excellent picture of Japanese politics. The following small extract is from a letter from Sir Charles Eliott to the Marquess Curzon of Kedleston, March 2, 1923: "The chief feature of the proceedings in the Diet during the last week has been the debate in the Lower House on universal suffrage. A big demonstration in Tokyo and a strong newspaper campaign in the larger towns in its favour preceded the debate but there is nothing to show that popular sentiment is stronger than last year. After very disorderly scenes in the House the proposal was rejected yesterday by a large majority."

All these extracts give a flavour of the contents of the subject dossiers. There is a wealth of intelligence gathered by a highly trained diplomatic corps. These files provide an interesting foil to the US State Department Central Files for the period.

This guide contains contents reel, detailed listings and additional background material on the major events, personalities and officials of the period.

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Our microfilm publications have been prepared and produced in accordance with recommended and established guidelines for the production of microform of superior quality. These conform to the recommendations of the standard guides to good microforming and micropublishing practice.

Attention should be drawn to the nature of the original material. A few manuscript documents consist of faintly legible correspondence and records written with a variety of inks, pens or pencils and on paper which has become severely discoloured or stained, or which is so thin that there is show through that renders the original document difficult to read. A few items consist of carbon copies of documents and these again pose problems where the original is very faint. Occasionally volumes have been tightly bound and documents are partially obscured in the inner margin resulting in a small amount of text loss or distortion. These original characteristics present difficulties of image and contrast which stringent tests and camera alteration cannot entirely overcome. Every effort has been made to minimise these difficulties. The material is clearly foliated. Each frame is filmed with a vertical strip target identifying the relevant Public Record Office piece number in Class FO 262.

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"These British archives provide invaluable analyses of Japan's social, economic and political development, and fully document her changing relations with Britain and the Commonwealth." Gordon Daniels Reader in Modern Far Eastern History University of Sheffield President, European Association of Japanese Resource Specialists "The Japanese and Asian Studies material offered by Adam Matthew publications will be welcomed by scholars working in this area." Dr Kaoru Sugihara Chairman, Japan Research Centre School of Oriental and African Studies University of London

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Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034)


REEL 1 FO 262/1466: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1905. ff 1-276 FO 262/1467: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1905. ff1-281

REEL 2 FO 262/1468: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1906. ff 1-279 FO 262/1469: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1906. ff 1-238 FO 262/1470: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1907. ff 1-165 FO 262/1471: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1907. ff 1-173

REEL 3 FO 262/1472: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1908. ff 1-271 FO 262/1473: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1908. ff 1-223 FO 262/1474: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1909. ff 1-285

REEL 4 FO 262/1475: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1909. ff 1-249 FO 262/1476: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1910. ff 1-240 FO 262/1477: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1910. ff 1-219

REEL 5 FO 262/1478: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1911. ff 1-266 FO 262/1479: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1911. ff 1-232 FO 262/1480: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1912. ff 1-290 REEL 6 FO 262/1481: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1912. ff 1-250 FO 262/1482: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1913. ff 1-271 FO 262/1483: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1913. ff 1-150

REEL 7 FO 262/1484: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1914. ff 1-309 FO 262/1485: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1914. ff 1-242 FO 262/1486: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1915. ff 1-271

REEL 8 FO 262/1487: Correspondence to Japanese, January - December 1915. ff 1-280 FO 262/1488: Correspondence from Japanese, January - December 1915. ff 1-454

REEL 9 FO 262/1489: Correspondence to Japanese, January - May 1916. ff 1-260 FO 262/1490: Correspondence to Japanese, January - May 1916. ff 1-284 FO 262/1491: Correspondence to Japanese, September - December 1916. ff 1-297

REEL 10 FO 262/1492: Correspondence from Japanese, January - August 1916. ff 1-300 FO 262/1493: Correspondence from Japanese, August - December 1916. ff 1-261 FO 262/1494: Correspondence to Japanese, January - April 1917. ff 1-368

REEL 11 FO 262/1495: Correspondence to Japanese, April - August 1917. ff 1-323 FO 262/1496: Correspondence to Japanese, August - December 1917. ff 1-346

REEL 12 FO 262/1497: Correspondence from Japanese, January - June 1917. ff 1-360 FO 262/1498: Correspondence from Japanese, June - December 1917. ff 1-373

REEL 13 FO 262/1499: Correspondence to Japanese, January - May 1918. ff 1-375 FO 262/1500: Correspondence to Japanese, May - September 1918. ff 1-375

REEL 14 FO 262/1501: Correspondence to Japanese, September - December 1918. ff 1-350 FO 262/1502: Correspondence from Japanese, January - July 1918. ff 1-320 FO 262/1503: Correspondence from Japanese, July - December 1918. ff 1-247

REEL 15 FO 262/1504: Correspondence to Japanese, January - June 1919. ff 1-401 FO 262/1505: Correspondence to Japanese, June - December 1919. ff 1-377

REEL 16 FO 262/1506: Correspondence from Japanese, January - August 1919. ff 1-285 FO 262/1507: Correspondence from Japanese, August - December 1919. ff 1-198 FO 262/1508: Correspondence to Japanese, January - June 1920. ff 1-294


REEL 17 FO 262/1509: Correspondence to Japanese, June - December 1920. ff 1-223 FO 262/1510: Correspondence from Japanese, January - June 1920. ff 1-203 FO 262/1511: Correspondence from Japanese, June - December 1920. ff 1-258

REEL 18 FO 262/2033: Correspondence concerning Municipal Taxes imposed upon holders of perpetual leases, December 1905 - November 1911. ff 1-391 FO 262/2034: Correspondence concerning Municipal Taxes imposed upon holders of perpetual leases, July 1912 - July 1914. ff 1-153

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Part 1: Imperial Expansion and the Rise of Capitalism. (FO 262/1466-1511, 2033-2034) Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920


REEL 1 FO 262/1466 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir Claude M Macdonald, the British Envoy, and then Ambassador, to Baron Komur Jútaró, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Count Katsura Taró, with Notes, Memoranda, reports and Other Papers, 4 January 1905 - 30 December 1905 including material on: ~ The Case of Bowden Brothers against Imperial Marine Transport Company ~ The Seizure of the British Steamships the Sishan and Eastry ~ The Proceedings of the Sazeboprize Court in the cases of the steamships Sishan and Nigretia ~ Regulations concerning the immigration of Chinese Labourers into Formosa and activities of the Sino-Formosan Emigration Company ~ Visit of Sir Michael Hicks Beach to Tokyo ~ Visit of HM Ships from the British Squadron on the China Station to Yokohama and other Japanese ports ~ Detention of the British Steamship Crusader ~ Legislation on Patents, Designs and Trade Marks ~ Visit of HRH Prince Arthur of Connaught ~ Enquiry to obtain statistics on copper production and other enquiries for commercial introductions ~ Railway Laws ~ Sir Edward Grey taking over from the Marquess of Lansdowne as Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs ~ The decision to raise the status of the Diplomatic Mission to that of an Embassy and the selection of Sir Claude M Macdonald as His Majesty's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to HRM ~ Japanese order for submarine boats from Vickers Maxim at Barrow ff 1-276

FO 262/1467 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Baron Komura Jútaró, and Sir Claude MacDonald, the British Ambassador, with Notes, Memoranda, Reports and Other papers, 2 January 1905 - 28 December 1905 including material on: ~ The Blockade of the Liaotung Peninsula ~ Import duty on petroleum and kerosene oil ~ Japanese Government leather purchases for the military ~ Replies to requests and acknowledgements of receipts of letters and notes from Sir Claude M MacDonald ~ Economic features of Japan since the outbreak of the War with Russia ~ The Immigration Restriction Act ~ Seal fishing ~ The Proceedings of the Prize Court in the Cases of the steamships Isthington, Nigretia and Sishan ~ Russian prisoners of war ~ Technical specifications on a new type of Russian field gun captured by the Japanese in Manchuria ~ Railway Mortgage Law ~ The Church Missionary Society in Japan ~ Winter Clothing used by the Japanese Army in Manchuria ~ The capture by the Russians of the steamship Oldhama ~ Count Katsura taking over responsibilities for Foreign Affairs whilst Komura is in America ~ Protection of British and Japanese Trade Marks in China ~ A visit of HM Ships from the British Squadron on the China Station ~ The return of Komura from the USA and Katsura relieved of his post as Acting Minister for Foreign Affairs ~ The visit of HRH Prince Arthur of Connaught ~ Sir Claude M Macdonald being officially recognised form November 17 as Special Ambassador to HRM ff 1-282

REEL 2 FO 262/1468 Correspondence to the Japanese with Notes, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 1 January 1906 - 18 December 1906 including material on: ~ The export of leaf tobacco ~ The Aliens Act, 1905, and immigration into the United Kingdom ~ Chinese-Japanese relations and Sea Trade ~ Japanese legislation to protect seals and the sealing industry ~ Visit to Manchurian battlefields by officers serving the Government of India ~ British observations of Japanese military operations in Manchuria ~ Sir Edward Grey, Metternich and the Berlin Conference on Wireless Telegraphy ~ Trans-Pacific Cable Laying ~ The Japanese Government and the Prince Line Ltd.: Claim concerning the seizure ~ and detention of the steamship Saxon Prince by the Japanese warship Akashi ~ Woollen goods and consumption tax, tariffs and trade ~ Capture and detention of the steamship Linsluden by the Japanese Cruiser " Sado Maru ~ The Treaty of Portsmouth: Japanese and Russian discussions over the ownership of the South Manchurian Railway ~ Blood-sucking insects ~ Congratulations to Admiral Togo ~ Coolie Immigration Traffic and Japanese Authority in Formosa ~ Jiu Jitsu instruction in Western Australia ~ The International Exhibition in Christchurch, 1906, and Educational methods and Equipment in Japan ff 1-279

FO 262/1469 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Count Hayashi Tadasu and Henry C Lowther, the British Chargé d' Affaires, and also, Sir Claude M MacDonald, the British Ambassador, with Notes, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 2 January 1906 - 28 December 1906 including material on: ~ Visits to arsenals in Japan ~ Japanese representation in Korea ~ Postal and telegraph services in Japan ~ Thanks for British contributions to the relief of dependent relatives of Japanese soldiers and sailors killed or disabled in action


~ Chinese immigrants ~ Protection of patents and trade marks in Japan ~ Arrest of British citizens in Korea suspected as spies ~ Exportation of leaf tobacco ~ Tariffs and trade at Dalny ~ Education in Japan ~ The Famine in north-east Japan: relief contributed by Singapore and Australia ~ Problems in obtaining information on operations from the Japanese General Staff ~ Conference on Electrical Units and Standards ~ Recovery and suggested return of stray torpedo ~ Sazebo Prize Court and the capture of the steamship Mukden ~ Russo-Japanese agreement on Manchurian railway ~ Laws relating to seaman and merchant trade ff 1-238

FO 262/1470 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Henry C Lowther, the British Chargé d' Affaires, Sir Claude M MacDonald, the British Ambassador and Count Hayashi Tadusu, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 3 January 1907 - 27 December 1907 including material on: ~ Rifles in use in Japan ~ British mining operations in Korea ~ Visit of General Booth of the Salvation Army ~ The Merchant Shipping Act, 1906 ~ Assault on two British ladies by a Japanese soldier ~ Ships' cargoes and contraband ~ British honours bestowed upon Japanese officers ~ Trade marks in Japan and taxes on woollen goods ff 1-165

FO 262/1471 Correspondence from the Japanese with Notes, Memoranda, reports and other papers, 7 January 1907 - 26 December 1907 including material on : ~ Seizure of the Saxon Prince ~ The extermination of rats ~ Mining in Korea ~ The Korea Daily News, the Tai-Han Mai-il Shin-po, Mr E T Bethel, and misrepresentations of the actions of the Japanese and Korean Governments in the media ~ South Manchurian Railway and British tenders concerning supply of railway material ~ Trade Mark Regulations ~ Trade Disputes ~ Telegraphic Communications ~ Japanese immigration into Canada ff 1-173

REEL 3 FO 262/1472 Correspondence to the Japanese, in particular to Count Hayashi Tadasu and General Viscount Terauchi, with Notes, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 9 January 1908-29 December 1908, including material on: ~ Proposed bridge over the River Yalu at Antung ~ Kerosene oil in Japan ~ Textiles consumption tax ~ Japanese immigrants ~ International law and powers of prize courts ~ Cases considered by Japanese prize courts ~ Japanese law regarding qualifications for the practice of medicine and surgery in Japan ~ Papers to be carried by merchant shipping ~ Trade marks, legislation and cases concerning trade marks ~ Construction of an electric tramway at Dairen ~ Mineral rights in the Liaotung Peninsula ~ Site for the Vice Consulate at Dairen ~ Boycott of Japanese goods in China ~ Duties of Commercial Attachés ~ Customs scandal at Dairen ~ Japanese emigration into Canada ~ Conference to discuss the establishment of an International Prize Court ~ Claim brought by the Newchwang Land Investment Company ~ Establishment of a British Vice Consulate at Osaka ~ Construction of new consulate buildings at Nagasaki ~ Import duty on crude oil ~ Viscount Terauchi becomes Minister for Foreign Affairs ad interim ~ International Conference on Electrical Units and Standards ~ Trade Marks in China and Korea ~ Customs duties on soaps ~ Universities and Schools in Japan ~ Proposed University for Chinese Students in Hong Kong ~ Japanese Regulations for the Inspection of Passenger Steamships ~ Customs duties and tariffs on rubber goods and caoutchouc ~ London Maritime Law Conference ~ Diagnosis Tallies of Different Armies ff 1-271

FO 262/1473 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly Count Hayashi Tadasu, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, and his successor Terauchi Masatake, to Sir Claude M MacDonald, the British Ambassador, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and other Papers; 7 January 1908-28 December 1908, including material on: ~ Japanese Telegraphic Communications ~ Japanese emigration, especially re: Canada and British Columbia


~ Trade marks and patents ~ Proposed electric tramway at Dairen ~ Merchant shipping legislation ~ Regular inspection of passenger steamships ~ Consumption tax on textiles ~ Conference to discuss the establishment of an International Prize Court ~ Disturbances at the Works of the Oriental Forest and Lumber Company at Lino-Mura: telegrams from the Governor of Miyazuki-Ken ~ Boycott of Japanese goods in China; especially with regard to state of affairs in Hong Kong ~ Physicians practising in Japan ~ Projected Hsinmintum-Fakumen Railway ~ The misappropriation of the National Loan Redemption Fund ~ Communications exchanged between the Japanese resident at Seuol and the British Consul-General regarding the arrest and condition of the fugitive Korean, Yang Ki Tak, who had taken refuge in the house of a British subject ~ British and Japanese regulations concerning shipping ~ Japanese and American policies and relations concerning Pacific islands ff 1-223

FO 262/1474 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Horace Rumbold, the British Chargé d' Affaires, Sir Claude MacDonald, the British Ambassador, and Baron Komura Jútaró, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers; 2 January 1909 - 18 December 1909, including material: ~ British Merchant Shipping Act, 1906 ~ British regulations concerning foreign ships docking in British ports ~ British ports ~ Tariffs and Trade ~ Cricket ground in Yokohama ~ Blockades and Contraband ~ Laws of Naval Warfare ~ Trade Marks ~ Japanese small-arms ammunition ~ The Japanese-American Commercial Treaty of 1894 and differential tariffs for Britain and America ~ Enquiry about banking arrangements in Manchuria ~ Customs Duties on rubber and caoutchouc ~ The Yokohama Public Garden ~ Lord Kitchener's visit to Japan ff 1-285

REEL 4 FO 262/1475 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Baron Komura Jútaró, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Horace Rumbold, the British Chargé d'Affaires, and Sir Claude M MacDonald, the British Ambassador, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers; 6 January 1909-23 December 1909, including material on: ~ Tenders by Foreigners ~ Enquiries for location of a site for a new hospital for foreigners in Tokyo ~ Japanese and Korean Regulations for Commercial Travellers ~ Custom duties on caoutchouc and rubber manufactures ~ Hong Kong Government's response to Chinese agitation for the exclusion of Japanese goods ~ British regulations concerning foreign ships docking in British ports ~ Trade Marks ~ Mortality amongst employees engaged in mines and works in Japan, 1906-1907 ~ Coloured tallies used by armies to indicate the condition of wounded soldiers; suggestions for the adoption of a uniform international system ~ Convention for reciprocal judicial assistance between Japan and Great Britain ~ Postponement of ratification of the Convention regarding the establishment of an International Prize Court ~ Proof of The History of the Russo-Japanese War ~ Customs duties on soap products ~ Minutes of a meeting of the most Influential men held at the House of Marquis Katsura on 14 March 1909 to discuss the Anglo-Japanese Hydro-Electric Undertaking ~ Memorandum regarding the progress of the proposed Anglo-Japanese Hydro- Electric Company Limited ~ Perpetual leases and exemptions from taxation ~ Merchant Shipping regulations and Certificates of Inspection ~ Administration of justice and Prisons in Korea by Japanese Government ~ South Manchuria Railway Company ~ Reconstruction of the Peking-Mukden Railway ~ The Japanese National Anthem ~ Recognition of the River Tumen and the boundary between China and Korea ~ Cricket ground in the Public Gardens at Yokohama ff 1-249

FO 262/1476 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Horace Rumbold, the British Chargé d'Affaires, Sir Claude M MacDonald the British Ambassador, and Baron Komura Jútaró, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers;3 January 1910 - 28 December 1910, including material on: ~ Cricket ground in the public gardens at Yokohama ~ Storage of high exlosives at Kobe ~ Minutes of Meeting held at the British Embassy on 26 April 1910 to discuss the ~ Draft Treaty of Commerce and navigation between Japan and Great Britain ~ Establishment of the Formosan Tea manufacturing Company ~ Death of King Edward VII ~ Trade Marks and Patents ~ Consumption tax on imported textiles ~ Litmus paper tests for explosives ~ Floods ~ Transactions with the Provisional Government of Portugal ~ Failure by the Imperial Railway Administration to call for tenders from British firms ~ Commercial Code of Japan


~ Provisions of the Land Investigation Law ff 1-240

FO 262/1477 Correspondence from the Japanese, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers:6 January 1910 - 28 December 1910, including material on: ~ Storage of explosives ~ Railways in Manchuria ~ Proofs and revisions to The History of the Russo-Japanese War ~ Recognition of Japanese Passenger Steamer Certificates ~ Duties on caoutchouc and rubber products ~ Draft Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Japan and Great Britain with annotations ~ Notes regarding the new Draft Treaty of Commerce and Navigation ~ Enquiry about proposed International Opium Conference ~ Convention between Japan and Russia ~ Annexation of Korea to the Empire of Japan ~ Consumption tax on textiles ~ Industrial Property, Trade Marks and Patents ~ Tariff system in Japan ff 1-219

REEL 5 FO 26/1478 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Horace Rumbold, the British Chargé d' Affaires, Sir Claude M MacDonald, the British Ambassador, and Baron Komura Jútaró, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers;1 January 1911 - 30 December 1911, including material on: ~ Explosives ~ Sealing industry ~ Korean Land Investigation Law ~ Railways ~ Tenders for electric machinery for the Osaka Mint ~ Budget ~ The case of the British steamship Taisang ~ Perpetual Leases Question ~ The Convention between Japan and Russia for reciprocal protection of industrial and commercial property ~ Arrangement entre le Japon et la Russie pour la reconnaissance réciproque des sociétes pour actions et autres associations ~ Regulations for commercial travellers ~ Anglo-Japanese Agreement ~ Customs investigaions relating to British firms ~ Extradition Treaty between Japan and Russia ~ Russian legislative measures regarding their territorial waters. ~ The Formosan Tea Manufacturing Company ~ Cases of Animal Diseases in Japan during October and November 1911 ~ Death of Marquis Komura ~ Disturbances in China ~ Policy towards China ff 1-232

FO 262/1480 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Horace Rumbold, the British Chargé d' Affaires, and Viscount Uchida Kósai, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and other Papers, 4 January 1912 - 24 December 1912, including material on: ~ Delay in the ratification of the Declaration of London and continuing delay in reaching agreement on the International Prize Court Convention of 1907 ~ Proposed abolition of certain export duties from Korea ~ Japan's export trade of hemp braid ~ Failure to ask British firms to tender for railway locomotives ~ Findings of the International Map Committee in 1910 ~ Enquiries for the Royal Society of Medicine's Report into the various effects of syphilis and other venereal diseases ~ Tariffs, Trade Marks and Patents ~ Proposed 'Six Power Loan' to China ~ Proposed London Conference on International Rules and Regulations for the ~ Assignment of Load-Lines to Merchant Ships ~ British subjects in South Formosa ~ Tonnage dues levied in Korea on British shipping ~ Order of the British Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, 22 April 1912, regulating the importation of horses, asses and mules ~ Life Saving Appliances on Passenger Steamers ~ New site for Yokohama Country and Athletic Club ~ Death of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan ~ Steps taken against the newspaper The Islamic Fraternity ~ China Reorganisation Loan Question ff1-290

REEL 6 FO 262/1481 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Viscount Uchida Kósai, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Horace Rumbold, the British Chargé d'Affaires, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 8 January 1912 - 27 December 1912, including material on: ~ Cases of Animal Diseases in Japan from December 1911 to November 1912 ~ Tariffs, Trade Marks and Patents ~ Japanese interests and position in Manchuria ~ Policy towards China; China Reorganisation Loan Question ~ Amendments regarding the Declaration of London and the International Prize Court Convention of 1907 ~ Japanese Naval Saluting Regulations ~ British Leaseholders in Formosa ~ Counter-draft of the Imperial Japanese Government of an Extradition Treaty between Japan and the United Kingdom


~ Japanese Red Cross Nurses ~ Life Saving Appliances on Passenger Steamers ~ Korean Trade Statistics, 1907-1911 ~ Deteriorating health of the Emperor of Japan and series of regular medical bulletins; Death of His Majesty the Emperor of Japan ~ Perpetual Leases ~ "Principle of the Open Door" concerning commercial questions in China ~ Seal fishing ~ Revised Draft of Convention for the Mutual Protection of Japanese and British Industrial Property in China ~ Reorganisation of the Foreign Settlements in Korea ff 1-250

FO 262/1482 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Horace Rumbold, the British Chargé d'Affaires, Sir W Conyngham Greene, the newly appointed British Ambassador, and Katsura Taró, Baron Kató Takaaki and then Baron Makino Nobuaki, who all served in turn as Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports & Other papers; 2 January 1913 - 30 December 1913, including material on: ~ Reorganisation of Foreign Settlements in Korea ~ Statistics regarding cases of animal diseases in Japan between December 1912 and November 1913 ~ Statistics regarding Japanese passengers sailing between Japan and Canada ~ China Reorganisation Loan ~ Proposed extension of the Peking-Mukden Railway from Chinchou to Chaoyang ~ Trade Marks and mutual protection of industrial property rights in China ~ Question of recognition of the Republic of China ~ Coinage and currencies of foreign countries ~ Japanese larch seeds ~ System of inspecting cargo vessels in Japan ~ Abolition of import duties on rice and paddy from Korea ~ International Telegraph Regulations ~ Policy towards China ~ Treatment of prisoners in Japanese gaols ~ Japanese bonds ff 1-150

REEL 7 FO 262/1484 Correspondence to the Japanese mainly between Sir W Conyngham Greene and Makino Nobuaki and Kató Takaki, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 5 January 1914 - 30 December 1914, including material on: ~ Naval salutes ~ Railways in China ~ Japanese interests in Manchuria ~ Seal fishing ~ Plan to unite Pacific shipping services ~ Japanese medical colleges ~ Case of Captain Froggatt ~ Perpetual leases ~ Trade Marks and patents ~ Outbreaks of War in Europe ~ Policy towards China ~ Communications from Sir Edward Grey concerning the hostilities in Europe and safeguarding mutual interests in the Far East ~ Policy towards German forces and port of Kiachow ~ Loss of the British Steamship Glenfarg ~ Prize courts and the release of innocent cargoes ~ German minelaying and submarine activity and counter-measures to be adopted ~ British fire insurance companies in Japan ~ Cargo on German ships in neutral ports ~ Prevention of supplies of rubber, antimony, manganese, wool, lead, plumbage, chrome and copper from reaching the enemy ~ Requests for Japanese banks to refrain from any steps which might assist the enemy ff 1-309

FO 262/1485 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Makino Nobuaki and Kató Takaaki and Sir W Conyngham Greene, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 9 January, 1914-22 December 1914, including material on: ~ Statistics of Japanese passengers sailing between Japan and Canada ~ Perpetual leases ~ Cases of Animal Diseases in Japan between December 1913 and April 1914 ~ Nanchang-Kiukiang Railway ~ Japanese interests in Manchuria ~ Policy towards China ~ Abolition of Foreign Settlements in Korea (Protocol signed at Seoul on 21 April 1913) ~ Funeral of Her Imperial Majesty the Empress Dowager of Japan ~ Amendments to the merchant Shipping Regulations ~ Railway construction and commercial interests ~ Case of the SS Suikoko-Maru ~ Statistics on Japanese vessels fishing for sea-otters and fur-seals ~ Tariffs and customs duties ~ Japanese aims in eliminating German influence from China ~ Terms of Japanese Declaration of War ~ Apprehensions of the British Minister at Peking ~ Cargo on German ships in neutral ports ~ Case of Gurra Datta Kumar and other Indians ~ Telegraphic Communications ~ Control of seditious publications transmitted to India from Japan ff 1-242


FO 262/1486 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir Conyngham Greene and Kató Takaaki, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 1 January 1915 - 16 July 1915, including material on: ~ British cargoes at Tsingtao ~ Prevention of supplies crucial to the war effort from reaching the enemy ~ Instructions to Japanese Banks so as not to assist the enemy ~ Telegraphic Communication ~ Motor cars in use at the British Embassy ~ Cargo interned from German vessels at Tsingtao ~ Kiaochow Customs ~ Restrictions on the export of raw rubber and manufactures rubber goods ~ Policy toward China ~ Railway contruction and commercial interests ~ Wool imports from Australia ~ Measures introduced to further enforce the blockade on Germany and counter the German submarine offensive ~ Japanese larch ~ Japanese counter-draft of the Treaty of Extradition ~ Escape of the German prisoner Diehn ~ Trade and commercial interests in China ~ Prohibitions on trading with the enemy in China, Siam, Persia and Morocco ff 1-271

REEL 8 FO 262/1487 Correspondence to the Japanese, with notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 17 July 1915 - 31 December 1915, including material on: ~ Attitude toward vessels transferred from enemy to neutral flags ~ Prohibition on trading with the enemy in China ~ Transmission of enemy funds from Japan to places abroad ~ Restrictions on the export of coal ~ Japanese output of rifles and munitions of war for supply to Russia ~ Trade Marks ~ Consideration of shipments of beans and bean oil to Rotterdam ~ Export of tungsten ores from Japan ~ Prize courts ~ Activities of German firms in China ~ Exports of wool tops ff 1-280

FO 262/1488 Correspondence for the Japanese, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 12 January 1915 - 30 December 1915, including material on: ~ International Telegraphic Communications ~ War Material ordered by the Imperial Government from America ~ Statistics of Japanese passengers sailing beween Japan and Canada ~ Prohibition on trading with the enemy ~ Motor cars in use at the British Embassy ~ Safe conducts from Tsingtao for German doctors and their assistants ~ British shipping at Tsingtao ~ Instructions to Japanese banks so as not to assist the enemy ~ Official statement by the Chinese Government respecting the Sino-Japanese negotiations now brought to a conclusion by China's compliance with the terms of Japan's ultimatum delivered on May 7, 1915, especially with regard to Kiaochow and the Shantung Group; the extension of railway leases; South Manchurian Railways; Hanyehping mines; Non-alienation of China's coast, South Machurian mines and settlement rights and land ownership ~ Japan's demands; Japan's revised demands; ultimatum and outcome of the negotiations between Japanese and Chinese governments ~ Alleged German shipments of gold from China to United States of America ~ Arrangements for deliveries of cargoes at Tsingtao ~ Fishing for seal skins and sea-otters. Letters and statistics ~ Regulations for foreign insurance companies ~ Export restrictions on certain goods ~ Alleged violation of neutrality of Panama by British and Japanese Warships ~ British views on the negotiations between the Japanese and Chinese Governments ~ Japanese Larch ~ Prize Courts ~ Documents regarding the negotiations between Japan and China ~ Question of the deportation of Bhagwan Singh ~ Possibility of a closer Russo-Japanese rapprochement ~ Reopening of the office of the Chinese Maritime Customs at Tsingtao ~ Custom duties and tariffs ~ Supply by Japan to Russia of rifles and munitions of war ~ Question of transfer of enemy funds abroad ~ Investigation of a species of the mosquito family ~ Export of woollen manufactures goods ff 1-454

REEL 9 FO 262/1489 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir W Conyngham Greene, the British Ambassador, and Ishii Kikujiró, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 1 January 1916 - 25 May 1916 including material on: ~ Foreign chartered accountants in Japan ~ Policy towards China ~ Trade and customs duties ~ Exports of tungsten ores from Japan ~ Prohibition of enemy trading ~ Instructions to merchant shipping


~ Activities of German raiding cruisers disguised as merchantmen ~ German submarine warfare ~ Export of woollen goods ~ Searches of merchant vessels ~ Interview in Stockholm between Japanese and German ministers and possible peace overtures from the enemy ff 1-260

FO 262/1490 Correspondence to the Japanese, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 26 May 1916 - 2 2 September 1916, including material on: ~ Export restrictions on tungsten, wolfram and scheelite ~ Contracts for delivery of high speed steel ~ Chinese salt revenues ~ American involvement in possible recontruction of a consortium in China ~ Draft Russo-Japanese Agreement ~ Prohibition of trade with the enemy ~ German submarines ~ Certificates of interest for imported goods ~ Case of Mr I J Herman ~ Swedish Victualling Commission and the case of the Swedish steamship Liguria ~ Export of woollen goods to neutral countries ~ Statistics concerning traders in Japan ~ Controls on the exporting of antimony ~ Shipments of boots from Osaka and investigation into the involvement of three Germans ~ Activites of German firms and traders under cover of neutral firms and devious methods to penetrate the blockade ff 1-284

FO 262/1491 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir W Conyngham Greene and Terauchi Mastake, with Notes, Translation, Memoranda, Reports and Other papers, 23 September 1916 - 28 December 1916, including material on: ~ Export of consignments of woollen goods ~ Consideration of 'unfriendly' newspapers ~ Defence of the Realm Regulations ~ Prohibition of trade with the enemy and lists of ‘approved’ firms ~ Question of reprisals against prisoners of war ~ Fur-sealing and the fur trade ~ Disinfection of hair used in the manufacture of shaving brushes in Japan ~ Exclusion from Japan of ‘unfriendly’ newspapers and periodicals published in the Dutch East Indies ~ Approved firms in China and Siam ~ System of collection of commercial intelligence ~ Proscribed list of 81 'unfriendly' newspapers and periodicals ~ Recommended firms in Japan as importers of jute from British possessions ff 1-297

REEL 10 FO 262/1492 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Ishii Kikujiró and Sir W Conyngham Green, with Notes, Translation, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 6 January 1916 - 25 August 1916, including material on: ~ Statistics on Japanese passengers sailing between Japan and Canada ~ Prize Courts ~ Trade in wool tops ~ Cable censorship at Hong Kong ~ Prohibition of trade with the enemy ~ Trade in antimony ~ Careful watch on activities of suspect persons, firms, cargoes and vessels ~ Coinage and currency of Japan ~ Consignments of dynamite imported by the firm of Kanamaru ~ New procedures for HM ships stopping suspicious vessels ~ Capture of the German vessel Derfflinger at Alexandria ~ Laws and regulations re the control of exported and imported plants ~ Export of tungsten ores ~ Memorandum on enemy traders in Japan ~ Procedure for boarding merchant ships ~ Control of the export of rubber manufactures goods ~ American involvement in the possible recontitution of a consortium in China ~ Chinese Reorganisation Loan ~ Exclusion from Japan of ‘unfriendly’ newspapers and periodicals ~ Certificates of interest ~ Commercial Code of Japan ff 1-300

FO 262/1493 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Terauchi Masatake and Sir W Conyngham Greene, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 25 August 1916 - 30 December 1916 including material on: ~ Careful watch on activities of suspect persons, firms, cargoes and vessels ~ Exclusion form Japan of "unfriendly" newspapers and periodicals ~ Export of tungsten ores ~ Statistics on Japanese passengers sailing between Japan and Canada ~ Japanese larch seeds ~ International Telegraphic Communications ~ Export of tallow from Australia ~ Timber used in railway sleepers ~ Restrictions applied to foreign mail, telegram and postal orders ~ Export of copper from Japan to Sweden ~ British Government Yen Exchequer Bonds ff 1-261

FO 262/1494


Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir W Conyngham Greene and Motono Ichiró, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 3 January 1917 - 20 April 1917, including material on : ~ Export of tallow ~ Export of woollen goods ~ Approved Firms in China and Siam ~ Activities of Templeman Steamship Company and its intermediaries ~ Regulations regarding censorship of posts and telegraphs ~ Careful watch on activities of suspect persons, firms, cargoes and vessels ~ Investigations of firms suspected of acting as intermediaries for enemy business ~ Trade in seal skins ~ Recommended list (published in The London Gazette, 8 December 1916) of persons and firms for the export of goods to China ~ Case of Mr A Greppi ~ Ordinance for Siam mining concession ~ Proposed suspension of Japanese imports into Holland and Scandinavia of all raw and waste silk ~ Coinage and currency in Japan ~ Shipments of coolies across the Pacific to Vancouver ~ Policy towards China ~ German raider 'at large' in the Indian Ocean ~ Additions, removals and variations in the British Statutory List regarding trading with the enemy ~ Recommended list (published in The London Gazette, 16 February 1917) of persons and firms for the export of goods to China ff 1-368

REEL 11 FO 262/1495 Correspondence to the Japanese with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 20 April 1917 - 18 August 1917, including material on: ~ Shipments of coolies ~ Additions, removals and variations in the British Statutory List regarding trading with the enemy ~ Cover addresses for enemy correspondence in Holland ~ Export of woollen goods ~ Embargo on fish products supplied to Denmark and Sweden ~ Approved Firms in China and Siam ~ Invention of paravanes used by submarines for clearing minefields ~ Export of tallow ~ Possible requisition of Japanese shipping for Allied war services ~ Intermediaries operating on behalf of enemy firms ~ Careful watch on activites of suspect persons, firms, cargoes and vessels ~ Co-operation between Japan and Britain regarding prize courts ~ Situation in Russia ~ Prohibition of trading with the enemy ~ Recommended list (published in The London Gazette, 18 May 1917) of persons and firms for the export of goods to China ~ Licences for the export of morphia ~ Statutory list for the Netherlands East Indies ff 1-323

FO 262/1496 Correspondence to the Japanese, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 18 August 1917 - 31 December 1917, including material on: ~ Approved firms in China and Siam ~ Export of woollen goods ~ Programme of Nippon Race Club - Autumn Meeting ~ Co-operation between Allied Naval Powers ~ Co-ordination with American Naval Forces ~ Careful watch on activities of suspect persons, firms, cargoes and vessels ~ Additions, removals and variations in the British Stautory list regarding trading with the enemy ~ Additions to the Netherlands East Indies Statutory List ~ Steel material required for completion of steamers intended for ultimate delivery to the British Government ~ Exports of fishing nets to Scandinavia ~ Tariffs on goods entering China across the Russian frontier ~ German announcement about treating hospital ships as legitimate targets ff 1-346

REEL 12 FO 262/1497 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Motono Ichiró and Sir W Conyngham Greene, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and other Papers, 5 January 1917 - 12 June 1917, including material on: ~ Question of requistioning Japanese vessels for use by Allied Powers ~ Statistics of Japanese passengers sailing between Japan and Canada ~ Export of woollen goods ~ Additions of intermediaries operating on behalf of enemy firms ~ Co-operation between Naval Forces of Allied Powers ~ Exhibition of British war films in Yokohama ~ Control of the export of rubber goods ~ Regulations for the control of prostitiutes ~ Case of Mr A Greppi ~ Australian tallow ~ Co-operation concerning prize courts ~ Purchase of enemy vessels lying in Chinese ports ~ Nippon Glycerine Manufacturing Company Limited ~ Enquiry regarding Jaluit Gesellschaft ~ Supplies and drugs from the Japanese Red Cross Societies ~ Careful watch on activities of suspect persons, firms, cargoes and vessels ~ Ordinance prohibiting trade with enemies ~ Secret treatment of patented inventions connected with national defence ~ Shipments of Chinese coolies


~ Coinage and currency of Japan ~ Seditious publications ff 1-360

FO 262/1498 Correspondence from the Japanese, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 12 June 1917 - 29 December 1917, including material on: ~ Tarak Nath Das and publications "Is Japan a Menace to Asia?" and "Japan's Great Mistake" ~ Export of woollen goods ~ Intercepted letters and careful watch on activities of suspect persons, firms, cargoes and vessels ~ Export of fishing nets and other fishing implements from Japan to Sweden, Norway and Denmark ~ Detention of six Indians and one US citizen of German origin on board the Empress of Asia ~ Question of requisition of Japanese shipping ~ Shortage of shipbuilding materials ~ Statistics of Japanese passengers sailing between Japan and Canada ~ Purchase of enemy vessels lying in Chinese ports ~ British Statutory List of Prohibited Traders ~ Ordinance prohibiting trade with the enemy ~ Enquiry regarding machine tools for shipbuilding ~ Supplies and drugs from the Japanese Red Cross Society ~ Volume V of the Official Guide to Eastern Asia ~ Policy towards China ~ Export of ferro-tungsten ~ Notes exchanged between the Japanese Special Ambassador and the Secretary of State of the United States (November 1917) ~ Export of tungsten ore ff 1-373

REEL 13 FO 262/1499 Correspondence to the Japanese mainly between Sir W Conygham Greene, the British Ambassador, and Motono Ichiró, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 1 January 1918 - 14 May 1918, including material on: ~ Revision of guarantees and bonds re exports to Russia ~ Contracts re printing paper ~ Increases in parcel post ~ Revisions to the form of Certificate of Survey for Sea-going Steamships under the Indian Steamships Act of 1884 ~ Trade Marks ~ British Government Yen Treasury Bills ~ Food shortages ~ Statutory List for Batavia ~ Activities of intermediaries in behalf of enemy firms ~ Shipments of Rangoon rice ~ Nickel exports to Russia ~ Shipments of tallow from Australia ~ Spring meeting of the Nippon Race Club ~ Export of woollen goods ~ Careful watch on activities of suspect persons, firms, cargoes and vessels ~ Frequent visits of G Kiehl to No. 19 Gochome Hirakawa Cho where he is met by other Germans ~ German submarine menace ~ British Statutory List ~ Protocole des Ambassadeurs ~ Approved firms in China and Siam ff 1-375

FO 262/1500 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir W Conyngham Greene, the British Ambassador, and Gotó Shinpei, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 14 May 1918 - 7 September 1918, including material on: ~ Shipping of paper parachutes via Sweden ~ British Statutory List ~ Lists of Importers and Users of Electrical Material (Allied or Neutral Houses) ~ Shortage of materials for shipbuilding ~ Approved firms in China and Siam ~ Additions to the Statutory List for the Netherlands East Indies ~ Japan's requirements of raw materials from the British Empire ~ Japan's ability to supply raw materials to the British Empire ~ Enemy deportees from China ~ Export of woollen goods ~ List of persons who should be carefully watched ~ Question of Allied intervention in Russia ~ Cases of Trade with Enemy (reported in The Japan Advertiser, 28 June 1918) ~ Additions to Statutory List for Mexico and Uruquay ~ Proposals for Allied intervention in Russia ~ Declaration of the British Government to the peoples of Russia ~ List of Articles Embargoed for Sweden ff 1-375

REEL 14 FO 262/1501 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir W Conyngham Greene, the British Ambassador, and Uchida Kósai, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 4 September 1918 - 30 December 1918, including material on: ~ Careful watch on activities of suspect persons and suspicious firms ~ Reorganisation of the Siberian Railways ~ Allied intervention in Russia ~ British Statutory List


~ Export of woollen goods ~ Approved firms in China and Siam ~ Armistice with Bulgaria ~ American Expeditionary forces in Siberia and Russia ~ Recommended list of persons and firms for the export of goods (published in The London Gazette, 23 May 1918) ~ Summary of a plan for the management of the Chinese Eastern and Trans- Siberian Railways in Allied Military Zones ~ Prince Fushini's visit to London ~ Speech in Tokyo to mark the signing of the Armistice ~ Morphine, cocaine and opium trade and morphia smuggled into China from Japan ~ Shortage of Allied railway rolling stock ff 1-350

FO 262/1502 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Motono Ichiró and Gotó Shinpei, his successor at the Japanese Foreign Ministry, and Sir W Conyngham Greene, the British Ambassador, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 5 January 1918 - 20 July 1918, including material on: ~ Reports of conditions in Russia ~ Shipment of tea chests to India ~ Statistics of Japanese passengers sailing between Japan and Canada ~ Rangoon rice trade ~ Abuse of diplomatic pouches by Russian Bolshevik agents ~ Patented invention for protection against mechanical mines and submarines ~ Résumé of telegrams received from the Japanese Consul General at Vladivostock respecting the situation in that region ~ Importance of forestalling German designs on the Baltic Provinces ~ Trade marks and patents ~ Exports of sodium nitrate ~ Denunciation of the Italo-Japanese Commercial Treaty of 1912 ~ Japanese support for the British Red Cross ~ Woollen trade in Shanghai - a dispute concerning Carl Grubanu & Son and the Deutche-Asiatische Bank ~ Japanese importation of German goods in wartime ~ The Telegraph Law and the Wireless Telegraph Law ~ America-Japanese relations and Japanese involvement in Siberia ~ Japanese armament supplies to Czechoslovakian troops at Vladivostock ff 1-320

FO 262/1503 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Uchida Kósai, the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Sir W Conyngham Greene, the British Ambassador, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 20 July 1918 - 28 December 1918, including material on: ~ Ship construction ~ Sino-Japanese relations and economic co-operation ~ Contraventions of the Trading with the Enemy Prohibition Ordinance ~ Japanese support of the British Red Cross ~ Quinine and cinchona bark supplies to the Allies ~ Visit of HIM Prince Hgashi-Fushimi to Britain via Canada ~ Proposed arrest of Bolshevik leaders in Vladivostock ~ Statistics of Japanese passengers sailing between Japan and Canada ~ Alleged plot against Prince Arthur of Connaught during his visit to Japan ~ Proposed reorganisation of Trans-Siberian and Chinese Eastern Railways ~ Coal shipments to Europe via Indian ports ~ Political situation in Siberia ~ Repudiation of acts by Russian terrorists ~ Nitrate of soda requirements of Japan ~ Mail for prisoners of war in Japan ~ Japanese military expedition to Siberia ff 1-247

REEL 15 FO 262/1504 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir Conyngham Greene, and Uchida Kósai, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 2 January 1919 - 27 June 1919, including material on: ~ Payments of enemy prisoners of war in Japan ~ Paris Peace Conference ~ Estonian and Lithuanian crises ~ German attacks on British hospital ships ~ Telegram from Balfour regarding control of troops in Siberia ~ Approved firms in China and Siam ~ Trading with the Enemy contravention: Suzuki & Co and Carl Walter & Co ~ Woollen trade and the export of tin from Japan ~ Japan and the German-Hindu Conspiracy Case: details concerning conspirators in Japan ~ Nippon Race Club - Spring Meeting 1919 ~ Wireless telegraph messages; ship to shore ~ Freight charges on the South Manchuria Railway ~ The Crawford Incident concerning South Manchurian Railway Guards ~ British honours for Japanese armed forces personnel ~ Loans to China ~ Meeting of Blockade Committee and the resumption of trade in some areas ~ Japanese policy concerning Siberia and co-ordination with British policy ~ Trading with the Enemy (Extension of Owner) Act: statutory list of white and blacklisted companies ff 1-401

FO 262/1505 Correspondence to the Japanese, with Notes, Translations, memoranda, Reports and Other papers, 27 June 1919 - 31 December, 1919, including material on: ~ Chinese coolies repatriated from France to Tsingtao ~ Inspection of captured or surrendered German submarines ~ Construction of war memorials


~ Losses in maritime tonnage sustained during the war by Allied and associated powers ~ The sale of arms to firms at Helsingfors - the Arms Convention ~ The International Labour Conference ~ Expulsion of a Japanese academic from India due to connections with the Indian Revolutionary Party ~ The future of India ~ Abolition of flogging in Korea ~ Legal obligations of shipowners in Japan ~ Treatment of detained mails ~ Validity of Japanese passports ~ First publication of the Taisho Nighi-Nighi Shimbun ~ Purchase of property in Tsingtao ff 1-377

REEL 16 FO 262/1506 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Uchida Kósai and Sir W Conyngham Greene, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 6 January 1919 - 6 August 1919, including material on: ~ Japanese Involvement in Siberia ~ Interference with freight traffic on the Siberian railway ~ Rangoon Beans ~ Payments to German prisoners of war in Japan ~ Shanghai Peace Conference ~ Organisation of the Trans-Siberian Railway ~ Coinage and currency of Japan ~ Supply of quinine and cinchona bark ~ The Konshin Maru Incident - Murder in Korea ~ Japanese investigations or American and British business, economics and social organisation ff 1-285

FO 262/1507 Correspondence from the Japanese, with Notes, Tranlations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers, 16 August 1919 - 5 December 1919, including material on: ~ Salt monopoly in Japan and proposed Canadian imports ~ Sopwith aeroplane manufacture in Japan ~ Japanese good wishes to the Canadian people and Government on the laying of the cornerstone of the Canadian Parliament ~ Presence of British representatives at Japanese military manoeuvres ~ Request for teaching materials regarding England for Japanese schools ~ British-Japanese-Chinese relations and discussion, re Tibet ~ Industrial statistics and details for Japan, 1910-1918 ~ Organisation of the Siberian railways ~ Japanese maritime losses during the war (with tables) ~ Russian emigration to Britian via Japan ~ Japanese laws regarding the accommodation and treatment of seamen ~ Loans to China ff 1-198

FO 262/1508 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir Charles Eliot, the newly appointed British Ambassador, and Uchida Kósai, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers; 1 January 1920 - 24 June 1920, including material on: ~ Arms sales to China by Italy ~ Wireless telegraphy in China: interest of Marconi and Mitsui ~ Trade dispute between British firms in Shanghai and the South Manchuria Railway Company concerning steel plate ~ Portuguese activity in Macao: Sino-Portuguese relations ~ Arms Traffic Convention: Arms traffic control ~ Opium trade in India and elsewhere ~ Chartered Accountants in Japan ~ Paris Peace Treaty enforcement ~ Quarantine regulations ~ Central European relief and reconstruction ~ Fur sealing ff 1-294

REEL 17 FO 262/1509 Correspondence to the Japanese, mainly between Sir Charles Eliot, and Uchida Kósai, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers; 24 June 1920 - 31 December 1920, including material on: ~ Arms Traffic Convention ~ Turkish prisoners of war ~ Passport formalities ~ Nippon Race Club - Autumn Meeting 1920 ~ Turkish peace Treaty ~ Oil Tanks of the Asiatic petroleum Company in Tsingtao and Jardine-Matheson ~ Case of G L Shaw and the jurisdiction of the Japanese Penal Code outside of Japan ~ Wireless telegraphy ~ Australian War Museum present to Japan ~ Judicial assistance ff 1-223

FO 262/1510 Correspondence from the Japanese, mainly between Uchida Kósai and Sir Charles Eliot,with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers; 4 January 1920 - 16 June 1920, including material on: ~ Allied War Memorial ~ Discovery of mines at sea ~ Seal population figures ~ Enemy shipping captured during the war by the Imperial Navy ~ Repatriation of prisoners of war


~ The Dredging of Macao by the Portuguese ~ British-Japanese-American-French discussions of Chinese loans ~ Ship's navigation lights ~ Trade dispute: Heath & Co of Shanghai and the South Manchura Railway Company regarding cancelled orders for steel plate ~ Japanese sphere of infleunce in the Far East and the fear of Russian Revolutionary attitudes spreading eastwards ~ Statistics of Japanese passengers sailing between Japan and Canada ~ New consotium for loans to China ~ The Temperance movement in Japan ff 1-203

FO 262/1511 Correspondence from the Japanese, with Notes, Translations, Memoranda, Reports and Other Papers; 18 June 1920 - 28 December 1920, including material on: ~ Omsk Gold Minig Company ~ Japanese administraion of Tsingtao ~ Dealings with the League of Nations ~ Repatriation of Turkish prisoners of war in Liberia ~ Medical practice in Japan ~ Renewal of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance of 1911 ~ The British American Tobacco Trust and appeals for compensation following the the tobacco tax legislation in Korea ~ Statistics of Japanese passengers sailing to and from Canada ~ The G L Shaw case and the jurisdiction of Japanese law outside of Japan ~ The Canadian Trade Commissioner ~ Italian arms sales to China ~ The Hindu Association at Yokohama ff 1-258

REEL 18 FO 262/2033 Correspondence concerning municipal Taxes imposed upon Holders of Perpetual Leases, 13 December 1905 - 4 November 1911: ~ Leaseholders ~ Tax on income from Perpetual Leasehold property in Japan ~ Land Tax and Property ff 1-391

FO 262/2034 Correspondence concerning municipal taxes imposed upon holders of perpetual Leases, 2 July 1912 - 20 July 1914.Files are arranged by topics, the date sequence within each topic appears in reverse order. The main topics are: ~ Japanese Juridical Persons ~ Leaseholders ~ Land Tax and Municipal Tax ff 1-153 < Back


Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601)


REEL 19 FO 262/1512: Subject Files on the Aaland islands through to the Ayan Corporation, Volume 1. 1921. ff 1-616 FO 262/1513: Accounts, Volume 2. 1921. ff 1-257

REEL 20 FO 262/1513: (continued) Accounts, Volume 2. 1921. ff 258 501 FO 262/1514: Anglo-Japanese Alliance, Volume 3. 1921. ff 1-283 FO 262/1515: Arms Traffic, Volume 4. 1921. ff 1-292

REEL 21 FO 262/1516: Subject Files on Banks through to Business Tax, Volume 5. 1921. ff 1-206 FO 262/1517: Subject Files on Cables through to China, General, Volume 6. 1921. ff 1-646

REEL 22 FO 262/1518: Subject Files on China, Political through to Chinese Labour Corps, Volume 7. 1921. ff 1-754

REEL 23 FO 262/1519: Subject Files on Cinema Films through to Consortium print, Volume 8. 1921. ff 1-329 FO 262/1520: Subject files on Consular Agents through to Consular Staff, Native, Tamsui, Volume 9. 1921. ff 1 399

REEL 24 FO 262/1521: Subject Files on Consular Leaves and Moves through to Consular Service, Japanese, Volume 10. 1921. ff 1 375 FO 262/1522: Subject Files on Contracts through to Customs, Volume 11. 1921. ff 1 329

REEL 25 FO 262/1523: Subject Files on the Dairen Consulate through to the Dutch East Indies and Japan, Volume 12. 1921. ff 1-513 FO 262/1524: Subject Files on Drugs, Volume 13. 1921. ff 1-440

REEL 26 FO 262/1525: Subject Files on the Economic Situation through to Exhibitions, Volume 14. 1921. ff 1-437 FO 262/1526: Subject Files on the Far Eastern Development Company through to the Fraser Case, Volume 15. 1921. ff 1 247 FO 262/1527: Subject Files on Germany through to India, Customs, Volume 16. 1921. ff 1 246

REEL 27 FO 262/1527: (continued): Subject Files on the Indo-Japanese Association through to Ireland, Volume 16. 1921. ff 247 471. FO 262/1528: Subject Files on the Japan Advertiser through to Kovacs, Martin, Volume 17. 1921. ff 1 - 634 FO 262/1529: Subject File on Japan, Political, Volume 18. 1921. ff 1- 143

REEL 28 FO 262/1530: Correspondence and Papers to and from the Japanese, 1921. (This volume only includes general and miscellaneous items. Other papers are to be found in the relevant subject dossiers), Volume 19. 1921. ff 1-202 FO 262/1531: Subject Files on Labour through to Lunatics, Volume 20. 1921. ff 1-285 FO 262/1532: Subject Files on Macao through to Museums, Volume 20a. 1921. ff 1-553

REEL 29 FO 262/1533: Subject Files on Nationality through to Nurses, Volume 21. 1921. ff 1-306 FO 262/1534: Subject Files on Office of Works, Accounts through to Overseas Trade Circulars, Volume 22. 1921. ff 1-226 FO 262/1535: Subject Files on the Pan Asiatic League through to the Premiers Assassination, Volume 23. 1921. ff 1-363

REEL 30 FO 262/1536: Subject File on Passports, Volume 24. 1921. ff 1-363 FO 262/1537: Subject File of Press Cuttings through to Publications, Volume 25. 1921. ff 1-491

REEL 31 FO 262/1538: Subject Files on Quarantine through to the Russo-Asiatic Bank, Volume 26. 1921. ff 1-306 FO 262/1539: Subject Files on the Safeguarding of Industries through to Shaving Brushes, Infected, Volume 27. 1921. ff 1-507

REEL 32 FO 262/1540: Subject Files on the Shaw Case through to Silk, Volume 28. 1921. ff 1-363 FO 262/ 1541: Subject Files on Siberia. Nos 1-199, Volume 29. 1921. ff 1-416

REEL 33 FO 262/1542: Subject File on Siberia. Nos 200-424, Volume 30. 1921. ff 1-354 FO 262/1543: Subject Files on Socialism through to Sweden and Japan, Volume 31. 1921. ff 1-285 FO 262/1544: Subject Files on the Tamsui Consulate through to Trade Marks, Volume 32. 1921. ff 1-322

REEL 34 FO 262/1545: Subject File on Treaties through to Typists, Volume 33. 1921. ff 1-431 FO 262/1546: Subject File on Uniform through to the Vladivostok Consulate, Volume 34. 1921. ff 1-204 FO 262/1547: Subject Files on the War Ships Case through to Yasuda, Z, Volume 35. 1921. ff 1-381

REEL 35 FO 262/1548: The Washington Conference, Volume 36. 1921. ff 1-588


FO 262/1549: Subject Files on Abbey, E.G. through to Accounts, Osaka, Volume 1. 1921. ff 1-455

REEL 36 FO 262/1550: Accounts, Seoul through to Subject File on Anniversaries and National Fete Days, Volume 2. 1922. ff 1-319 FO 262/1551: Annual Reports through to Subject File on the Ayan Corporation, Volume 3. 1922. ff 1-656

REEL 37 FO 262/1552: Subject Files on Bankruptcy Law through to Business Tax, Volume 4. 1922. ff 1-219 FO 262/1553: Subject Files on Cables through to China, Political, Volume 5. 1922. ff 1-711

REEL 38 FO 262/1554: Subject Files on China, Postal Service through to Consortium, Volume 6. 1922. ff 1-763

REEL 39 FO 262/1555: Subject Files on Consular Agents through to Consular Staff, Native, General, Volume 7. 1922. ff 1-572 FO 262/1556: Subject Files on the Consular Service, Japan through to Customs, Volume 8. 1922. ff 1-312

REEL 40 FO 262/1557: Subject Files on the Dairen Conference through to the Department of Overseas Trade, Volume 9. 1922. ff 1-357 FO 262/1558: Subject Files on Despatches through to Doctors, Volume 10. 1922. ff 1-298

REEL 41 FO 262/1559: Subject File on Drugs, Volume 11. 1922. ff 1-509 FO 262/ 1560: Subject Files on Earthquakes through to Fortifications, Volume 12. 1922. ff 1-357

REEL 42 FO 262/1561: Subject Files on the Geneva Conference through to Ivanov, Volume 13. 1922. ff 1-311 FO 262/1562: Subject Files on the Japanese Consular Service through to the Korean Railways, Volume 14. 1922. ff 1-538

REEL 43 FO 262/1563: Subject Files on Labour through to Lord Northcliffe, Volume 15. 1922. ff 1-393. FO 262/1564: Subject files on the Mails through to Mariners, Notices to, Volume 16. ff 1-340

REEL 44 FO 262/1565: Subject Files on Marriage though to Museums, Volume 17. 1922. ff 1-402 FO 262/1566: Subject files on the Nagasaki Consulate through to Outfit Allowances, Volume 18. 1922. ff 1-464

REEL 45 FO 262/1567: Subject Files on Palestine, Destitute Natives of, through to Publications, Volume 19. 1922. ff 1-524 FO 262/1568: Prince of Wales, Volume 20. 1922. ff 1-524

REEL 46 FO 262/1569: Subject Files on the Quadruple Treaty through to schools, Volume 21. 1922. ff 1-408 FO 262/1570: Subject Files on Sealskins through to Shipping, Volume 22. 1922. ff 1-517

REEL 47 FO 262/1571: Siberia, Volume 23. 1922. ff 1-609 FO 262/1572: Subject Files on Siberian Concessions through to the South Manchurian Railway, Volume 24. 1922. ff 1-354

REEL 48 FO 262/1572: (continued) Subject files on the South Sea Islands through to Subsistence Rates, Volume 24. 1922. ff 355-519 FO 262/1573: Subject files on the Tamsui consulate through to Typists, Volume 25. 1922. ff 1-654

REEL 49 FO 262/1574: Subject Files on Uniform through to the Young Womens Christian Association, Volume 26. 1922. ff 1-584 FO 262/1575: Correspondence and Papers to and from the Japanese, 1922. (This volume only includes general and miscellaneous items. Other papers are to be found in the relevant subject dossiers). ff 1-87. FO 262/1576: Accounts, Dairen through to Accounts, Nagasaki, Volume 1. 1923. ff 1-215

REEL 50 FO 262/1576: (continued) Accounts, Office of Works through to Accounts, Yokohama, Volume 1. 1923. ff 216-559 FO 262/1577: Subject Files on Adams, Will through to Aviation, Volume 2. 1923. ff 1-648

REEL 51 FO 262/1578: Subject Files on Barristers through to the Budget, Volume 3. 1923. ff 1-163 FO 262/1579: Subject Files on Cables through to China, Customs, Volume 4. 1923. ff 1-542 FO 262/1580: Subject Files on China, Garrison through to China, Loans, Volume 5. 1923. ff 1-73

REEL 52 FO 262/1580: (continued) Subject Files on China, Political through to Cinema Films, Volume 5. 1923. ff 74-582 FO 262/1581: Subject Files on Claims through to Consular Fees, Volume 6. 1923. ff 1-378

REEL 53 FO 262/1582: Subject Files on Consular Housing through to Consular Office, Allowances, Volume 7. 1923. ff 1-398 FO 262/1583: Subject Files on Consular Salaries through to Customs, Volume 8. 1923. ff 1-415


REEL 54 FO 262/1584: Subject Files on the Dairen Consulate though to Drainage of Compound, Volume 9. 1923. ff 1-331 FO 262/1585: Subject Files on Drugs through to the Dutch East Indies and Japan, Volume 10. 1923. ff 1-655

REEL 55 FO 262/1586: Earthquake (casualties), Earthquake (compensation), Earthquake (relief measures), Volume 11. 1923. ff 1-723

REEL 56 FO 262/1587: Earthquake (Tokyo and General), Earthquake (Yokohama), Volume 12. 1923. ff 1-727 FO 262/1588: Subject Files on Earthquakes through to Ex-Service Men, Volume 13. 1923. ff 1-274

REEL 57 FO 262/1589: Earthquake Papers. 1923. ff 1342 FO 262/1590: Subject Files on Factory Law (see also "Labour"), through to Humphrey, S.G. Volume 14. 1923. ff 1-396 FO 262/1591: Subject Files on Ijuin, Baron (see also "China, Political") through to Insurance Companies, Volume 15. 1923. ff 154-365.

REEL 58 FO 262/1591: (continued) Subject Files on Intelligence, Straits Settlements through to Isogai, Mr. L. Volume 15. 1923. ff 154-365 FO 262/1592: Subject Files on the Japanese Consular Service through to the Korean Railways, Volume 16. 1923. ff 1-511 FO 262/1593: Subject Files on Labour through to Lighting and Heating, 1923. ff 1-348

REEL 59 FO 262/1593: (continued) Subject Files on the Lincheng Bandit Case through to Luncheon Allowance. 1923. ff 349-574 FO 262/1594: Subject Files on the Mails through to Museums, 1923. ff 1-314. FO 262/1595: Subject Files on the Nagasaki Consulate through to Outfit Allowances. 1923. ff 1-485

REEL 60 FO 262/1596: Subject Files on the Pacific Banking and Exchange Company through to Publications. 1923. ff 1-516 FO 262/1597: Subject Files on Quarantine through to Russia and Japan (see also "Siberia", "Saghalin" and "Joffe"). 1923. ff 1-165 FO 262/1598: Subject Files on the Safeguarding of Industries Act through to the Save the Children Fund. 1923. ff 1-165

REEL 61 FO 262/1598: (continued) Subject Files on Schools through to Siberia. 1923. ff 166-656 FO 262/1599: Subject Files on Siberia, Concessions (see also "Russia and Japan") through to Summer Rent. 1923. ff 1-466

REEL 62 FO 262/1600: Subject Files on Tada (Departure from Tibet, see also "Tibet") through to Typists. 1923. ff 1-476 FO 262/1601: Subject Files on the United States and Japan through to the Yokohama Consulate General. 1923. ff 1-482

< Back


Part 2: The Early Twenties - Growth of a New World Power (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601) Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923


REEL 19 FO 262/1512 Subject Files on: ~ Aaland Islands ~ Accounts Law ~ Afghanistan ~ Alimoff, Mrs Z ~ Allowances, Outfit ~ Amoy Affair ~ Animals, Importation into UK ~ Annual Reports ~ Apcar, Mrs D A ~ Arbitration ~ Archives ~ Armaments ~ Army, Japanese ~ Association of British Creditors of Russia ~ Australia and Japan ~ Austrian Bonds ~ Aviation ~ Ayan Corporation. Volume 1. 1921. ff 1-616.

FO 262/1513 Accounts. Volume 2. 1921. ff 1-257.

REEL 20 FO 262/1513 (cont.) Accounts (continued) Volume 2 (continued) 1921. ff 258-501.

FO 262/1514 Anglo-Japanese Alliance. Volume 3. 1921. ff 1-283.

FO 262/1515 Arms Traffic. Volume 4. 1921. ff 1-292.

REEL 21 FO 262/1516 Subject Files on: ~ Banks ~ Banque Industrielle de Chine ~ Bennett, Mr A R ~ Bolivia and Japan ~ Bolshevism ~ Bose, Rash Behari ~ Brazil and Japan ~ British Industries Fair ~ British Standard Exporter ~ Budget ~ Business Tax Volume 5. 1921. ff 1-206.

FO 262/1517 Subject Files on: ~ Cables ~ Camphor ~ Canada ~ Canadian Trade Commissioner ~ Cancellation of Contracts ~ Census ~ Chambers of Commerce ~ Chancery, Reconstruction of ~ Chile ~ Chile and Japan ~ Chile and Japan ~ China, Cables ~ China, Customs ~ China, Famine ~ China, General Volume 6. 1921. ff 1-646.

REEL 22 FO 262/1518 Subject Files on: ~ China, Political ~ Postal Service ~ China, Railways ~ China, Salt ~ China, Wireless


~ Chinese Eastern Railway ~ Chinese Labour Corps Volume 7. 1921. ff 1-754.

REEL 23 FO 262/1519 Subject Files on: ~ Cinema Films ~ Claims ~ Clarke, R K ~ Coal ~ Commercial Counsellor ~ Commercial Counsellor's Staff ~ Commercial Diplomatic Service ~ Colombia and Japan ~ Commercial Diplomatic Service, Japanese ~ Commercial missions, Japanese ~ Confidential Print ~ Consortium ~ Consortium Print Volume 8. 1921. ff 1-376.

FO 262/1520 Subject Files on: ~ Consular Agents ~ Consular Body ~ Consular Housing ~ Consular Instructions ~ Consular Office Allowances ~ Consular Salaries ~ Consular Staff, European ~ Consular Staff, Native, General ~ Consular Staff, Native, Hakodate ~ Consular Staff, Native, Kobe ~ Consular Staff, Native, Osaka ~ Consular Staff, Native, Seoul ~ Consular Staff, Native, Tamsui Volume 9. 1921. ff 1-399.

REEL 24 FO 262/ 1521 Subject Files on Consular Leaves and Moves through to Consular Service, Japanese. Volume 10. 1921. ff 1-375.

FO 262/1522 Subject Files on: ~ Contracts ~ Copyright ~ Costa Rica and Japan ~ Court ~ Criminal Code, Japan ~ Crown Prince of Japan ~ Customs Volume 11. 1921. ff 1-329.

REEL 25 FO 262/1523 Subject Files on: ~ Dairen Consulate ~ Deaths ~ Denholm, Dr ~ Death, Japanese Officials ~ Decorations ~ Department of Overseas Trade ~ Despatches ~ Destitute British Subjects ~ Dickinson, G N ~ Diplomatic Colleagues ~ Diplomatic Salaries ~ Disarmament ~ Doctors ~ Dutch East Indies and Japan Volume 12. 1921. ff 1-513.

FO 262/1524 Subject Files on Drugs. Volume 13. 1921. ff 1-440.

REEL 26 FO 262/1525 Subject Files on: ~ Economic Situation ~ Ecuador and Japan ~ Embassy Grounds and Gardeners ~ Embassy House Furniture ~ Embassy Medical Officer ~ Embassy Staff ~ Enemy Property ~ Enquiries


~ Entomology ~ Exhibitions Volume 14. 1921. ff 1-437.

FO 262/1526 Subject Files on: ~ Far Eastern Development Company ~ Finance ~ Finland and Japan ~ Food, Inspector of ~ Forestry ~ Formosa ~ Fortnightly summary ~ France and Japan ~ Fraser Case Volume 15. 1921. ff 1-247.

FO 262/1527 Subject Files on: ~ Germany ~ Germany and China ~ Germany and Japan ~ Gibbes ~ Gray Boris ~ Great Britain and the United States ~ Greece and Japan ~ Greg, Major J.R. ~ Hakodate Consulate ~ Health Reports ~ Heath Case ~ Hill Murder Case ~ Hudson Bay Company ~ Hunter Case ~ India ~ India, Customs Volume 16. 1921. ff 1-246.

REEL 27 FO 262/1527 Subject Files on: (cont.) ~ Indo-Japanese Association ~ Insurance Companies ~ Insurance Stamps ~ Intelligence, Strait Settlements ~ International Trade Exhibitions ~ Interpreters ~ Introductions ~ Inventories ~ Ireland Volume 16 (continued). 1921. ff 247-471.

FO 262/1528 Subject Files on: ~ Japan Advertiser ~ Japan, Consular Service ~ Joffre, Marshal ~ Kamchatka ~ Kanda, Baron ~ K Form Reports ~ Kobe Consulate General ~ Korea ~ Korea, Chienatao ~ Korea, Monthly Reports ~ Korean Customs Duties ~ Korean Railways ~ Kovacs, Martin Volume 17. 1921. ff 1-634.

REEL 28 FO 262/1530 Correspondence and Papers to and from the Japanese, 1921. Volume 19. 1921. ff 1-202. (This volume only includes general and miscellaneous items, other papers are to be found in the relevant subject dossiers).

FO 262/1531 Subject Files on: ~ Labour ~ Language Officers ~ Larch Seeds ~ League of Nations ~ Leases ~ Libraries ~ Life Certificates ~ Lighting and Heating ~ Lord Nortcliffe ~ Lunatics Volume 20. 1921. ff 1-285.


FO 262/1532 Subject Files on: ~ Macao ~ Mails ~ Mallik, M C ~ Manchurian ~ Manchurian Grain ~ Mandates ~ Mariners, Notices to ~ Marriage ~ Matches ~ McGlew ~ Meteorology ~ Mexico and Japan ~ Military Attaché ~ Mine Clearance Committee ~ Mining Laws ~ Mongolia ~ Motor Cabs ~ Motor Car ~ Municipal Officials, Japanese ~ Munitions ~ Museums Volume 20a. 1921. ff 1-553.

REEL 29 FO 262/1533 Subject Files on: ~ Nationality ~ Naturalisation ~ Naval Attaché ~ Navigation ~ Navy, British ~ Navy, Japanese ~ News Services ~ Nippon Race Club ~ Novak ~ Nurses Volume 21. 1921. ff 1-306.

FO 262/1534 Subject Files on: ~ Office of Works, Accounts ~ Office of Works, General ~ Oil ~ Omoto Kyo ~ Orak Goldfields ~ Osaka Consulate ~ Overseas Trade Circulars Volume 22. 1921. ff 1-226.

FO 262/1535 Subject Files on: ~ Pan Asiatic League ~ Passport Control Officer ~ Peace Terms, Germany ~ Peking Legations ~ Pensioners ~ Permits ~ Perpetual Leases ~ Persians ~ Peru and Japan ~ Philippine Islands ~ Piskersgill ~ Piesse, E L Major ~ Ports, Japanese ~ Premier's Assassination Volume 23. 1921. ff 1-363.

REEL 30 FO 262/1536 Subject File on Passports Volume 24. 1921. ff 1-363. FO 262/1537 Subject Files on: ~ Press Cuttings ~ Press Laws ~ Prince of Wales ~ Prisoners of War, Siberia ~ Propaganda ~ Publications Volume 25. 1921. ff 1-491.

REEL 31 FO 262/1538 Subject Files on: ~ Quarantine ~ Quinine ~ Railways, Japan ~ Ralph Moller, S S


~ Registration ~ Rice ~ Rodgerson, J J ~ Romania and Japan ~ Russo-Asiatic Bank Volume 26. 1921. ff 1-306.

FO 262/1539 Subject Files on: ~ Safeguarding of Industries ~ Saghalin ~ Salvation Army ~ Schools ~ Scotch Whisky ~ Sealskins ~ Sedition, Japan ~ Shangtun ~ Shaving Brushes, Infected Volume 27. 1921. ff 1-507.

REEL 32 FO 262/1540 Subject Files on: ~ Shaw Case ~ Sheikh Siddik el Kadiri ~ Shipping ~ Shipping Legislation ~ Siam and China ~ Siberia, Concessions ~ Silesia ~ Silk Volume 28. 1921. ff 1-363.

FO 262/1541 Subject File on Siberia. Nos. 1-199. January - July 1921. (includes Narrative of Events in Siberia, 1918-1920, 47pp.) Volume 29. 1921. ff 1-416.

REEL 33 FO 262/1542 Subject File on Siberia. Nos. 200-424. June - December 1921. Volume 30. 1921. ff 1-354.

FO 262/1543 Subject Files on: ~ Socialism ~ Sopwith Aviation Company ~ Sources of Supply, Foreign ~ South Manchurian Railway ~ South Sea Islands ~ Soviet ~ Seyeshima, Count ~ Stationery ~ Straits Settlements ~ Student Interpreters ~ Sunday School Convention ~ Suspects ~ Sweden and Japan Volume 31. 1921. ff 1-285.

FO 262/1544 Subject Files on: ~ Tamsui Consulate ~ Taxation ~ Telegrams ~ Tibet ~ Timber ~ Tomas, Jacques ~ Trade Bulletins ~ Trade Facilities Act ~ Trade Marks Volume 32. 1921. ff 1-322.

REEL 34 FO 262/1545 Subject Files on: ~ Treaties ~ Tsingtao ~ Tsingtao Properties ~ Turania ~ Turkey ~ Turkey and Japan ~ Turkish Prisoners ~ Typewriters ~ Typists Volume 33. 1921. ff 1-431.


FO 262/1546 Subject Files on: ~ Uniform ~ United States and China ~ United States and Japan ~ Uruguay and Japan ~ Venereal Disease ~ Venezuela and Japan ~ Visits of Warships ~ Vladivostok Consulate Volume 34. 1921. ff 1-204.

FO 262/1547 Subject Files on: ~ War Ships Case ~ Warships, Movements of ~ Weights and Measures ~ Wheeler, Dr ~ Wireless ~ Writs ~ Yap ~ Yasuda, Z Volume 35. 1921. ff 1-381.

REEL 35 FO 262/1548 The Washington Conference. Volume 36. 1921. ff 1-588

FO 262/1549 Subject Files on: ~ Abbey, E G ~ Accounts, Dairen ~ Accounts, General ~ Accounts, Hakodate ~ Accounts, Kobe ~ Accounts, Nagasaki ~ Accounts, Office of Works ~ Accounts, Osaka Volume 1. 1922. ff 1-455.

REEL 36 FO 262/1550 Subject Files on: ~ Accounts, Seoul ~ Accounts, Shimonoseki ~ Accounts, Tamsui ~ Accounts, Tokyo ~ Accounts, Yokohama ~ Addis, Sir Charles ~ Afghanistan ~ Alcohol ~ Amoy Affair ~ Andrews Case ~ Anglo-Japanese Alliance ~ Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce ~ Anniversaries and National Fête Days Volume 2. 1922. ff 1-319.

FO 262/1551 Subject Files on : ~ Annual Reports ~ Archives ~ Argentina and Japan ~ Armenia and Japan ~ Arms Traffic ~ Army, British ~ Army, Japanese ~ Austrian Bonds ~ Australia ~ Australia and Japan ~ Aviation ~ Ayan Corporation. Volume 3. 1922. ff 1-656.

REEL 37 FO 262/1552 Subject Files on: ~ Bankruptcy Law ~ Banque de l'Indo-Chine ~ Banque Industrielle de Chine ~ Barristers ~ Becker, J E de ~ Biletoff ~ Blind ~ Bolivia and Japan ~ Bolshevism ~ Bose, Rash Behari ~ Boxer Indemnity


~ British American Tobacco Company ~ British Industries Fair ~ Budget ~ Business Tax Volume 4. 1922. ff 1-219.

FO 262/1553 Subject Files on: ~ Cables ~ Canada ~ Cancellation of Contracts ~ Cemeteries ~ Charts, Admiralty ~ Chile and Japan ~ Chile and Peru ~ China and Japan ~ China, Customs ~ China, General ~ China, Loans ~ China, Political Volume 5. 1922. ff 1-711.

REEL 38 FO 262/1554 Subject Files on: ~ China, Postal Service ~ China, Railways ~ China, Salt ~ China, Wireless ~ Chinese Eastern Railway ~ Christian Movements in Japan ~ Cinema Films ~ Circulars ~ Claims ~ Commercial Bank of Siberia ~ Commercial Counsellor's Staff ~ Commercial Diplomatic Service ~ Commercial Missions ~ Commercial Missions, Japanese ~ Commercial Relations ~ Confidential Print ~ Consortium Volume 6. 1922. ff 1-763.

REEL 39 FO 262/1555 Subject Files on: ~ Consular Agents ~ Consular Corps ~ Consular Fees ~ Consular Housing ~ Consular Instructions ~ Consular Leaves and Moves ~ Consular Office Allowances ~ Consular Office Furniture ~ Consular Salaries ~ Consular Staff, Native, General Volume 7. 1922. ff 1-572.

FO 262/1556 Subject Files on : ~ Consular Service, Japan ~ Consular Staff, European ~ Consular Staff, Native, Nagasaki ~ Consular Staff, Native, Tamsui ~ Consular Staff, Native, Yokohama ~ Corpses ~ Court ~ Customs Volume 8. 1922. ff 1-312.

REEL 40 FO 262/1557 Subject Files on: ~ Dairen Conference ~ Darragh Incident ~ Debts, Inter-Allied ~ Decorations ~ Department of Overseas Trade Volume 9. 1922. ff 1-462.

FO 262/1558 Subject Files on: ~ Despatches ~ Destitute British Subjects ~ Diplomatic Colleagues ~ Diplomatic Housing ~ Diplomatic Service


~ Diplomatic Salaries and Allowances ~ Doctors Volume 10. 1922. ff 1-298.

REEL 41 FO 262/1559 Subject File on Drugs. Volume 11. 1922. ff 1-509

FO 262/1560 Subject Files on: ~ Earthquakes ~ Economic Situation ~ Embassy House Furniture ~ Embassy Medical Officer ~ Embassy Staff ~ Embassy Staff, Native ~ Enham Village Centre Fund ~ Enquiries ~ Evidence, Taking of ~ Extradition ~ Extraterritoriality in China ~ Extreme Thoughts, Law for control of ~ Egypt ~ Fiji ~ Finance ~ Fisheries ~ Foreign Consuls, British Subjects as ~ Foreign Office ~ Foreign Officers in Japan ~ Foreign Settlements in China ~ Foreign Troops in China ~ Form A ~ Formosa ~ Fortifications Volume 12. 1922, ff 1-357.

REEL 42 FO 262/1561 Subject Files on: ~ Geneva Conference ~ German Representatives in China ~ Germany and Japan ~ Gibbes ~ Grimble, J R ~ Grylls, Miss F ~ Guardianship of Infants ~ Gubernational Conference ~ Guillemard, Sir L ~ Hakodate Consulate ~ Health Reports ~ Heath Case ~ Hokkaside ~ Hong Kong Daily Press ~ Hong Kong Strike ~ Hospital Dressings ~ Hunter Case ~ Imperial Hotel ~ India ~ Indians ~ Indo-Japanese Association ~ Insurance Companies ~ Intelligence, Straits Settlements ~ International Finance and Exchange Ltd ~ Interpreters ~ Introductions ~ Inventories ~ Invitations ~ Ireland ~ Ivanov Volume 13. 1922. ff 1-311.

FO 262/1562 Subject Files on: ~ Japanese Consular Service ~ Japanese Government ~ Japan, Political ~ Joffre ~ Judgements, Execution of ~ Juvenile Law ~ K Form ~ Kobe Consulate ~ Kobe Harbour ~ Korea ~ Korea, Chientao ~ Korean Customs Duty ~ Korea, Forestry


~ Korea, Monthly Reports ~ Korean Railways Volume 14. 1922. ff 1-538.

REEL 43 FO 262/1563 Subject Files on : ~ Labour ~ Language Officers ~ Larch Seed ~ League of Nations ~ Leases ~ Libraries ~ Library ~ Life Certificates ~ Lighting and Heating ~ Liquor Monopoly ~ Loans ~ Lord Northcliffe Volume 15. 1922. ff 1-393.

FO 262/1564 Subject Files on: ~ Mails ~ Malta ~ Manchuria ~ Mandates ~ Mariners, Notices to Volume 16. 1922. ff 1-340

REEL 44 FO 262/1565 Subject Files on: ~ Marriage ~ Marton, K ~ Meteorology ~ Military ~ Mining ~ Mody, J H N ~ Mongolia ~ Motor Cabs ~ Motor Car ~ Munitions ~ Museums Volume 17. 1922. ff 1-402.

FO 262/1566 Subject Files on ~ Nagasaki Consulate ~ Naturalisation ~ Naval Attaché ~ Naval Limitation Treaty ~ Navy, British ~ Navy, Japanese ~ News Agencies ~ Nicholson, J J ~ Nippon Race Club ~ Office of Works, General ~ Oil ~ Okuma, Marquis ~ Oriental and Hokusei Maru, collision of steamships ~ Osaka Consulate ~ Outfit Allowances Volume 18. 1022. ff 1-464

REEL 45 FO 262/1567 Subject Files on: ~ Palestine, Destitute Natives of ~ Pan Pacific Scientific Congress ~ Pan Pacific Union ~ Paracels Islands ~ Passport Control Officer ~ Passports ~ Peace Terms, Germany ~ Pensions ~ Pepper, Murder of ~ Permits ~ Perpetual Leases ~ Philippine Islands ~ Pilferage ~ Poland ~ Premier's Assassination ~ Press Summary ~ Prince Regent ~ Prisoners of War, Siberia ~ Property, Custody of ~ Propaganda, Japanese


~ Publications Volume 20. 1922. ff 1-524

FO 262/1568 Prince of Wales. Volume 20. 1922. ff 1-524.

REEL 46 FO 262/1569 Subject Files on: ~ Quadruple treaty ~ Quarantine ~ Quinine ~ Railways, Japan ~ Ralph Moller ~ Red Cross ~ Registration ~ Rice ~ Richardson, Murder of ~ Rodgerson, J J ~ Ross Smith, Blake Flight ~ Safeguarding of Industries Act ~ Saghalin ~ Salvation Army ~ Save the Children Fund ~ Schools Volume 21. 1922. ff 1-408.

FO 262/1570 Subject Files on: ~ Sealskins ~ Secretary of State ~ Sedition ~ Seeds ~ Semenoff ~ Seoul Consulate General ~ Shackleton, Sir E ~ Shantung ~ Shaving Brushes, infected ~ Shaw Case ~ Sheikh Siddik el Kaderi ~ Shipping Volume 22. 1922. ff 1-517.

REEL 47 FO 262/1571 Siberia Volume 23. 1922. ff 1-609.

FO 262/1572 Subject Files on: ~ Siberia, Concessions ~ Siberia, Fisheries ~ Siberia, Military Intelligence ~ Siberia, refugees ~ Sopwith Aviation Company ~ South America and Japan ~ South Manchurian Railway Volume 24. 1922. ff 1-354.

REEL 48 FO 262/1572 Subject Files on: (cont.) ~ South Sea Islands ~ Soviet ~ Spitzbergen ~ Stationery ~ Straits Settlements ~ Student Interpreters ~ Suspects ~ Subsistence Rates Volume 24 (continued). 1922. ff 355-519.

FO 262/1573 Subject Files on: ~ Tamsui Consulate ~ Taxation ~ Telegrams ~ Telephones ~ Tibet ~ Timber ~ Tobacco Monopoly ~ Tokyo Municipal Scandals ~ Tomas, Jacques ~ Trade Facilities Act ~ Trade Marks ~ Trade Representatives ~ Treaties ~ Tropical Medicine


~ Trust Law ~ Tsingtao ~ Turkestan ~ Turkey ~ Turkish Peace Treaty ~ Typewriters ~ Typists Volume 25. 1922. ff 1-654.

REEL 49 FO 262/1574 Subject Files on: ~ Uniform ~ United States and Japan ~ Vladivostok Consulate ~ War Material, Vladivostok ~ Warships ~ Washington Conference ~ Wilson, Field Marshal Sir H ~ Wireless ~ Wrangel Island ~ Writer's Rank ~ Writs ~ Yamagata, Prince ~ Yap ~ Yokohama ~ Young, Robert ~ Young Women's Christian Association Volume 26. 1922. ff 1-584.

FO 262/1575 Correspondence to and from the Japanese, 1922. (This volume only includes general and miscellaneous items. Other papers are to be found in the relevant subject dossiers). ff 1-87.

FO 262/1576 Subject Files on: ~ Accounts, Dairen ~ Accounts, General ~ Accounts, Hakodate ~ Accounts, Kobe ~ Accounts, Nagasaki Volume 1. 1923. ff 1-215.

REEL 50 FO 262/1576 Subject Files on: (cont.) ~ Accounts, Office of Works ~ Accounts, Osaka ~ Accounts, Seoul ~ Accounts, Tamsui ~ Accounts, Tokyo ~ Accounts, Yokohama Volume 1 (continued). 1923. ff 216-559.

FO 262/1577 Subject Files on: ~ Adams, Will ~ Afghanistan ~ Agrarian Problem ~ Air Attaché ~ Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce ~ Anniversaries and National Fête Days ~ Annual Report for 1922. ~ Armistice Day ~ Arms Traffic ~ Army, Japanese ~ Asiatic Students' Association ~ Australia ~ Australia and Japan ~ Austro-Hungarian Archives from Shimonoseki, see Cyphere ~ Aviation. Volume 2. 1923 ff 1-648.

REEL 51 FO 262/1578 Subject Files on: ~ Barristers ~ Belgium and Japan ~ Biles, Sir John, (see also "Shipping") ~ Biletoff, A ~ Birch, Indian, ( see also "Korea") ~ Blind ~ Bolshevism ~ Bose, Rash Behari ~ Boxer Indemnity ~ British Industries Fair ~ Budget


Volume 3. 1923. ff 1-163.

FO 262/1579 Subject Files on: ~ Cables ~ Canada ~ Cemeteries ~ Chambers of Commerce ~ Chartered Bank (of India, Australia and China) ~ China and Japan ~ China, Customs. Volume 4. 1923. ff 1-542.

FO 262/1580 Subject Files on: ~ China, Garrison ~ China, General ~ China, Loans Volume 5. 1923. ff 1-73.

REEL 52 FO 262/1580 Subject Files on: (cont.) ~ China, Political ~ China, Postal Service ~ China, Railways ~ China, Salt ~ China, Wireless ~ Chinese Eastern Railway ~ Cinema Films Volume 5 (continued). 1923. ff 74-582.

FO 262/1581 Subject Files on: ~ Claims ~ Clipstone, J S C ~ Coltman Shooting Case ~ Commercial Bank of Siberia ~ Commercial Diplomatic Service ~ Commercial Missions ~ Commercial Missions, Japanese ~ Confidential Print ~ Consortium ~ Consular Agents ~ Consular Fees Volume 6. 1923. ff 1-378.

REEL 53 FO 262/1582 Subject Files on: ~ Consular Housing ~ Consular Instructions ~ Consular Leaves and Moves ~ Consular Office, Allowances Volume 7. 1923. ff 1-398.

FO 262/1583 Subject Files on: ~ Consular Salaries ~ Consular Service, Japan ~ Consular Sites, Sale of ~ Consular Staff, European ~ Consular Staff, Native, General ~ Consular Staff, Native, Kobe ~ Consular Staff, Native, Tamsui ~ Consular Staff, Native, Yokohama ~ Corpses ~ Court ~ Criminal procedure, Code of ~ Customs Volume 8. 1923. ff 1-415.

REEL 54 FO 262/1584 Subject Files on: ~ Dairen Consulate ~ Darragh Incident ~ Davidson, Mr C J ( see "Embassy Staff") ~ Décanat ~ Decorations ~ Department of Overseas Trade ~ Despatches ~ Destitute British Subjects ~ Diplomatic Colleagues ~ Diplomatic Housing ~ Diplomatic Salaries and Allowances ~ Diplomatic Service ~ Doctors ~ Drainage of Compound


Volume 9. 1923. ff 1-331.

FO 262.1585 Subject Files on: ~ Drugs ~ Dunbar, Miss E (see “Industrial Workers of the World”) ~ Dutch East Indies and Japan Volume 10. 1923. ff 1-655.

REEL 55 FO 262/1586 Earthquake (Casualties) Earthquake (Compensation) Earthquake (Relief Measures) Volume 11. 1923. ff 1-723.

REEL 56 FO 262/1587 Earthquake (Tokyo and General) Earthquake (Yokohama) Volume 12. 1923. ff 1-727.

FO 262/1588 Subject Files on: ~ Earthquakes ~ Economic Situation ~ Embassy House Furniture ~ Embassy Medical officer ~ Embassy Rebuilding ~ Embassy Staff ~ Enham Village Centre Fund ~ Enquiries ~ Esmond, Frederic (see "Industrial Workers of the world") ~ Eta ~ Ex-Service Men. Volume 13. 1923, ff 1-274.

REEL 57 FO 262/1589 Earthquake Papers: ~ Japan Times Earthquake Editions ~ Kokusai Service Foreign Telegrams ~ Kokusai Service Local News ~ Information Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Bulletins ~ Emergency Relief Bureau - pamphlet ~ “Earthquake Relief Work and Foreign Assistance” ~ Captain Robinson, Empress of Australia - Official Report ~ Miscellaneous private letters ~ Lists of Killed, Missing, Saved, etc… 1923. ff 1-342.

FO 262/1590 Subject Files on: ~ Factory Law (see also "Labour") ~ Finance ~ Fire Extinguishers ~ Fisheries ~ Foods ~ Foreign Consuls, British Subjects as ~ Foreign Office List ~ Foreign Officers in Japan ~ Forestry ~ Form 'A' ~ Formosa ~ France and Japan ~ Free Port ~ Friendly Societies ~ Gibbes, S ~ Glen, R R ~ Greece and Japan ~ Han-yeh-ping Iron Company ~ Heath Case ~ Hospital Dressings ~ Hudson Bay Company (see "Kamchatka") ~ Humphrey, S G Volume 14. 1923, ff 1-396.

FO 262/1591 Subject Files on: ~ Ijuin, Baron (see "China, Political") ~ Immigration (see "United States and Japan") ~ Immigration, Chinese (see "Passports") ~ Imperial Hotel ~ India ~ Industrial Workers of the World ~ Insurance Companies Volume 15. 1923. ff 1-152.



FO 262/1591 Subject Files on: (cont.) ~ Intelligence, Straits Settlements ~ Interpreters ~ Introductions ~ Inventories ~ Ireland ~ Isogai, Mr L Volume 15 (continued). 1923. ff 154 - 365.

FO 262/1592 Subject Files on: ~ Japanese Consular Service ~ Japanese Government ~ Japan, Political ~ Joffe (see also "Russia and Japan") ~ Judgements, Execution of ~ Kamchatka (see "Fisheries") ~ "K" Form Reports ~ King's Birthday (see "Court") ~ Korea ~ Korea (Bilborough) ~ Korea, Forestry ~ Korea, Monthly Reports ~ Korea, Customs Duties ~ Korean Railways Volume 16. 1923. ff 1-511.

FO 262/1593 Subject Files on: ~ Labour ~ Landownership by Aliens ~ Language Officers ~ Lantern Slides ~ Larch Seeds ~ League of Nations ~ Libraries ~ Life Certificates ~ Lighting and Heating 1923. ff 1-348.

REEL 59 FO 262/1593 Subject Files on: (cont.) ~ Lincheng Bandit Case ~ Local Government ~ Local Vice-Consuls (see "Student Interpreters") ~ Luncheon Allowance 1923. ff 349-574.

FO 262/1594 Subject Files on: ~ Mails ~ Manchuria ~ Map of the World ~ Mariners, Notices to ~ Marriage ~ McGovern, W ~ Meteorology ~ Mexico and Japan ~ "Mikado" ~ Military Attaché ~ Mining ~ Mody, J H N ~ Motor Cars ~ Motor Engines ~ Munitions ~ Museums 1923. ff 1-314.

FO 262/1595 Subject Files on: ~ Nagasaki Consulate ~ Nationality ~ Naturalization ~ Naval Attaché ~ Naval Limitation Treaty ~ Navy, British (Cruise of Foxglove in South Sea Islands - see “South Sea Islands”) ~ Navy, Japanese ~ New Zealand ~ News Agencies ~ Nippon Race Club ~ Nyhuus Case ~ Office of Works, General ~ Official Correspondence ~ Oil ~ Osaka Consulate ~ Outfit Allowances 1923. ff 1-485.


REEL 60 FO 262/1596 Subject Files on: ~ Pacific Banking and Exchange Company ~ Pan Pacific Scientific Congress ~ Pan Pacific Union ~ Parcel Post ~ Passports ~ Peace Terms, Germany ~ Pensions ~ Perpetual Leases ~ Persia ~ Phillipine Islands ~ Pilferage ~ Piracy ~ Plants, imports of (see "Quarantine") ~ Press (see "Publication") ~ Press Correspondents ~ Press Summary ~ Prime Minister ~ Prince of Wales ~ Prisons ~ Protocols ~ Publications 1923. f 1-516.

FO 262/1597 Subject Files on: ~ Quarantine ~ Railways, Japan ~ Representation Allowance Certificates ~ Roumania ~ Round the World Flight ~ Ruhr Occupation ~ Russia and China ~ Russia and Japan (see also " Siberia", "Saghalin" and "Joffre") 1923. ff 1-288.

FO 262/1598 Subject Files on: ~ Safeguarding of Industries Act ~ Saghalin (see also "Russia and Japan") ~ Sanchi Sect ~ Save the Children Fund. 1923. ff 1-165.

REEL 61 FO 262/1598 (continued) Subject Files on: ~ Schools ~ Scotch Whisky ~ Sealskins ~ Season Tickets (see "Consular Housing") ~ Seeds ~ Shantung ~ Shaving Brushes, infected ~ Sheridean, Mrs Clare ~ Shipping ~ Siberia 1923. ff 166-656.

FO 262/1599 Subject Files on: ~ Siberia, Concessions ( see also "Russia and Japan") ~ Siberia, Fisheries ~ Siberia, Refugees ~ Sinclair Concession (see "Saghalin") ~ Singapore Naval Base ~ Social Conditions ~ Socialism ( see " Japan, Political") ~ Sources of Supply ~ South America and Japan ~ South Manchurian Railway ~ South Sea Islands ~ Soviet, Crisis in relations between H M G and Soviet (see “Vladivostock Consulate”) ~ Soya Bean ( Mr Archer's report on, see under "Manchuria") ~ Spitzbergen ~ Stationery ~ Strachen & Company ~ Student Interpreters ~ Subsistence Rates ~ Summer Rent 1923. ff 1-466.

REEL 62 FO 262/1600 Subject Files on:


~ Tada (Departure from Tibet, see also "Tibet") ~ Tamsui Consulate ~ Taxation ~ Telegrams ~ Territorial Waters ~ Tibet ~ Tobacco Monopoly ~ Tokyo Consulate ~ Tokyo Reconstruction ~ Trade ~ Trade Commissioners ~ Trade Facilities Act ~ Trade Marks ~ Trawling Regulations (see "Shipping") ~ Treaties ~ Tropical Medicine ~ Tsingtao Properties ~ Turkey ~ Turkey and Japan ~ Turkish peace Treaty ~ Typewriters ~ Typists 1923. ff 1-476.

FO 262/1601 Subject Files on: ~ the United States and Japan ~ Vladivostock Consulate ~ War Material, Vladivostock ~ Warships ~ Waseda Incident ~ Washington Conference ~ Weisenthal, P ~ Wireless ~ Women, Traffic in ~ Writs ~ Yap ~ Yokohama Consulate General 1923. ff 1-482. < Back


Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034) Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601)


1900 Boxer Rising. Japanese troops play an important part in rescuing the legations at Peking. Japanese gain much credit amongst the Western owners for their responsible actions.

1902 Anglo-Japanese Alliance (1902-1905, renewed twice to 1921)

Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905). Japan emerged victorious and acquired Formosa, Korea and special interests in Manchuria. She regained Shout Sakhalin which had been cede to Russia in 1875 in exchange for the Kurile Islands. Siege of Port Arthur. Highly disciplined five month defence by the Third Army commended by General Nogi Maresuke.

Battle of Mukden (23 February-16 March). Battle of Tsushima (27 May). Forces under Admiral Togo destroy the Russian Baltic Fleet. Theodore Roosevelt conducts Peace Treaty at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, USA (5 September). Anglo-Japanese Alliance renewed and revised. Sir Claude M MacDonald appointed as first British Ambassador in Tokyo (November).

At the end of the Russo-Japanese War, Japanese legations in London, Washington, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Rome and St Petersburg were raised to the status of embassies.

Russo-Japanese Convention signed. Secret clauses divide Manchuria into Russian and Japanese spheres of influence.

Ito Hirobumi assassinated in Manchuria by a Korean nationalist fanatic.

1910 Japan annexes Korea, Rise of socialism in Japan, Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Japan, and Great Britain.

Renewal of Anglo-Japanese Alliance for a further ten years. Repression of socialist movement in Japan. Death of Komura Jútaró. Chinese Revolution.

1912 Death of the Emperor of Japan. He is succeeded by his son. Start of the Taisho Period. 'Nanking Constitution', aims at the establishment of a 'democratic republic' in China. Sir W Conyngham Green replaces Sir Claude M MacDonald as British Ambassador in Tokyo.

1913 Abolition of the import duty on rice and paddy produced in Korea. Adhesion of British Crown Colonies to the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between Japan and Great Britain. Reorganisation of Foreign Settlements in Korea. Proposed extension of the Peking-Mukden Railway.

1914 Outbreak of World War 1. Japan declares war on Germany. Death of the Empress Dowager. Japanese capture the port of Tsingtao.

1915 The "Twenty One Demands" diplomatic offensive against China "to settle outstanding questions". Japanese are determined to take advantage of the favour with which they are regarded by their Western Allies. Japan succeeds to the German concessions around Kiachow and Shantung becomes a Japanese sphere of influence. The leases acquired in Manchuria by Japan from Russia in 1905 are extended for 99 years. Japan also secures a substantial interest in valuable iron and steel concerns and an assurance that China will not cede any further coastal regions to another foreign power. Japanese-American relations suffer as a result of Japanese policy towards China. Discussions concerning the possibility of a closer Russo-Japanese Rapprochement.

1916 Increased export restrictions to help blockade against Germany and enemy trade. Discussions on the Chinese Reorganisation loan.

1917 Allies place increasing demands on Japanese shipping and shipyards. Japanese financial and industrial concerns and a host of new entrepreneurs reap the benefits of continued demands of the Allied war effort. British very concerned to block activities of intermediaries operating on behalf of enemy firms in the Far East. Russian Revolution.

1918 Japanese troops involved in Allied intervention in Siberia, Rice riots in Japan due to inflation. End of World War 1.

1919 Japanese send delegation of sixty members to Paris Peace Conference. Demonstrations against Paris Peace Conference in China. Discussions on the future of India. Continued Japanese involvement in Siberia. Japanese investigations of America and British business, economics and social organisation. Peace Conference at Shanghai.

1920 Political Affairs Bureau of the Japanese Foreign Ministry split into Bureau of Asian Affairs and separate Bureau of European-


American Affairs. Change in emphasis becomes evident with promising new Foreign Ministry recruits now being sent to consular posts in China rather than to Washington, London or some other European capital. Creation of the League of nations. Japan if given a permanent seat on the Council. This amounts o full recognition of Japan's status as a world power. 'Four Power' discussions on loans to China (Britain, United States, France and Japan). Discussions on the organisation of the Siberian Railways.

1921 Increasing industrial unrest in Japan curbed by the police. Washington Conference (21 November 1921-6 February 1922). Anglo-Japanese Alliance replaced by 'Four Power Treaty ' Britain, the United States, France and Japan - mutual guarantees for each other's Pacific territories; collective guarantee of China's independence; undertaking by Japan to restore Kiachow to China; discussions for Naval Treaty.

1922 Naval Treaty limits the replacement of capital ships by Britain, America and Japan and establishes a 5:5:3 ratio.

1923 Japanese Cultural Work Division established, the Great Earthquake in the Yokohama-Tokyo area.

< Back


Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034) Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601)


Rt. Hon. Sir Claude M MacDonald - Nov 1905 - Dec 1912 Rt. Hon. Sir W Conyngham Greene - Nov 1912 - Dec 1919 Rt. Hon. Sir C N E Eliot - Jan 1920 - Feb 1926 Rt. Hon. Sir J A C Tilley - Feb 1926 - May 1931 Rt. Hon. Sir Francis O Lindley - May 1931 - May 1934 Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Henry Clive - May 1934 - Aug 1937 Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Leslie Craigie - Aug 1937 - Dec 1941

[After the Second World War Sir Alvary Douglas Frederick Gascoigne served as Political Adviser from 17 June 1946; followed by Sir Maberley Esler Dening as Political Representative from 24 August 1951 until his appointment as Ambassador in 1952.]

Sir Maberley Esler Dening - May 1952 - Sep 1957 Sir Daniel William Lascelles - Sep 1957 - Mar 1959

< Back


Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034) Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601)


Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman - Dec 1901 - Apr 1908 H H Asquith - Apr 1908 - May 1915 H H Asquith - May 1915 - Dec 1916 D Lloyd George - Dec 1926 - Jan 1919 D Lloyd George - Jan 1919 - Oct 1922 A Bonar Law - Oct 1922 - May 1923 Stanley Baldwin - May 1923 - Jan 1924 Ramsay MacDonald - Jan 1924 - Nov 1924 Stanley Baldwin - Nov 1924 - June 1929 Ramsay MacDonald - June 1929 - Aug 1931 Ramsay MacDonald - Aug 1931 - June 1935 Stanley Baldwin - June 1935 - May 1937 Neville Chamberlain - May 1937 - May 1940 W S Churchill - May 1940 - Aug 1945 Clement Attlee - Aug 1945 - Oct 1951 W S Churchill - Oct 1951 - Apr 1955 Sir Anthony Eden - Apr 1955 - Jan 1957

< Back


Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034) Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601)


Marquess of Lansdowne - Jul 1902 - Dec 1905 Sir Edward Grey - Dec 1905 - Dec 1916 A J Balfour - Dec 1916 - Oct 1919 Marquess of Curzon - Oct 1919 - Jan 1924 Ramsey MacDonald - Jan 1924 - Nov 1924 Austen Chamberlain - Nov 1924 - June 1929 Arthur Henderson - Jun 1929 - Aug 1931 Marquess of Reading - Aug 1931 - Nov 1931 Sir John Simon - Nov 1931 - June 1935 Sir Samuel Hoare - June 1935 - Dec 1935 Anthony Eden - Dec 1935 - Mar 1938 Viscount Halifax - Mar 1938 - Dec 1940 Anthony Eden - Dec 1940 - Aug 1945 Ernest Bevin - Aug 1945 - Mar 1951 Herbert Morrison - Mar 1951 - Oct 1951 Anthony Eden - Oct 1951 - Apr 1955 Harold Macmillan - Apr 1955 - Dec 1955 J Selwyn Lloyd - Dec 1955 - Jul 1960

< Back


Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034) Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601)


Musuhito (Meiji Era) - Oct 1868 - Jul 1912 Yoshihito (Taisho Era) - Jul 1912 - Dec 1926 Hirohito (Showa Era) - Dec 1926 - Jan 1989

< Back


Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034) Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601)


JAPANESE PRIME MINISTERS, 1901-1960 Katsura Taró; Jun 1901 - Jan 1906 Saionji Kinmochi; Jan 1906 - Jul 1908 Katsura Taró - Jul 1908 - Aug 1911 Saionji Kinmochi; Aug 1911 - Dec 1912 Katsura Taró; Dec 1912 - Feb 1913 Yamamoto Gonnohyóe; Feb 1913 - Apr 1914 Ókuma Shigenobu; Apr 1914 - Oct 1916 Terauchi Masatake; Oct 1916 - Sep 1918 Hara Kei; Sep 1918 - Nov 1921 Uchida Kosai (Acting Prime Minister) - Nov 1921 Takahashi Korekiyo; Nov 1921 - Jun 1922 Kató Tomosaburó; Jun 1922 - Aug 1923 Uchida Kósai (Acting Prime Minister) - Aug 1923 - Sep 1923 Yamamoto Gonnohyóe; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924 Kiyoura Keigo; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Kató Takaaki; Jun 1924 - Jan 1926 Wakatsuki Reijiró (Acting PM) ;; - Jan 1926 Wakatsuki Reijiró; Jan 1926 - Apr 1927 Tanaka Giichi; Apr 1927 - Jul 1929 Hamaguchi Osachi; Jul 1929 - Nov 1930 Shidehara Kijúró (Acting PM) - Nov 1930 - Mar 1931 Hamaguchi Osachi; Mar 1931 - Apr 1931 Wakatsuki Reijiró; Apr 1931 - Dec 1931 Inukai Tsuyoshi; Dec 1931 May 1932 Takahashi Korekiyo (Caretaker PM) ;; May 1932 Saitó Makoto; May 1932 Jul 1934 Okada Keisuke; Jul 1934 - Feb 1936 Gotó Fumio (Acting Prime Minister) ;; Feb 1936 Hirota Kóki; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Hayashi Senjúró; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Konoe Fumimaro; Jun 1937 - Jan 1939 Hiranuma Kiichiró; Jan 1939 - Aug 1939 Abe Nobuyuki; Aug 1939 - Jan 1940 Yonai Mitsumasa; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Konoe Fumimaro; Jul 1940 - Oct 1941 Tójó Hideki; Oct 1941 - Jul 1944 Koiso Kuniaki; Jul 1944 - Apr 1945


MINISTERS, 1901-1960


THE NAVY, 1900-1945


AND FORESTRY, 1925-1943





ASIA, 1942-1945


MINISTERS, 1905-1960










WELFARE, 1938-1960




JUSTICE, 1901-1960


AND COMMERCE, 1943 - 1945






LABOUR, 1947-1960


MINISTERS, 1901-1960



AND FORESTRY, 1945-1960












INDUSTRY, 1945-1949






SECRETARIAT, 1901-1960


BUREAU, 1902-1960


Suzuki Kantaró; Apr 1945 Aug 1945 Higashikuni Naruhiko; Aug 1945 - Oct 1945 Shidehara Kijúró - Oct 1945 - May 1946 Yoshida Shigeru; May 1946 - May 1947 Katayama Tetsu; May 1947 - Mar 1948 Ashida Hitoshi; Mar 1948 - Oct 1948 Yoshida Shigeru; Oct 1948 - Aug 1951 Masutani Hideji (Acting PM) - Aug 1951 - Sep 1951 Yoshida Shigeru; Sep 1951 - Sep 1954 Ogata Taketora (Acting PM) - Sep 1954 - Nov 1954 Yoshida Shigeru; Nov 1954 - Dec 1954 Hatoyama Ichiró; Dec 1954 - Dec 1956 Ishibashi Tanzan; Dec 1956 - Jan 1957 Kishi Nobusuke (Acting PM) - Jan 1957 - Feb 1957 Kishi Nobuske; Feb 1957 - Jul 1959 Masutani Hideji (Acting PM) - Jul 1959 - Aug 1959 Kishi Nobuske; Aug 1959 - Jan 1960 Masutani Hideji (Acting PM) ;; - Jan 1960 Kishi Nobusuke; Jan 1960 - Jul 1960

< Top

JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTERS, 1905-1960 Komura Jútaró; Sept 1901 - Jul 1905 Katsura Taró; Jul 1905 - Oct 1905 Komura Jútaró; Oct 1905 - Nov 1905 Katsura Taró; Nov 1905 - Jan 1906 Komura Jútaró; - Jan 1906 Kató Takaaki; Jan 1906 - Mar 1906 Saionji Kinmochi; Mar 1906 - Sep 1906 Hayashi Tadasu - May 1906 - Aug 1906 Saionji Kinmochi; Aug 1906 - Sep 1906 Hayashi Tadasu; May 1906 - Aug 1906 Terauchi Masatake; Jul 1908 - Aug 1908 Komura Jútaró; Aug 1908 - Aug 1911 Hayashi Tadasu (Acting Minister) - Aug 1911 - Oct 1911 Uchida Kósai; Aug 1911 - Dec 1912 Katsura Taró; Dec 1912 - Jan 1913 Kató Takaaki; Jan 1913 - Feb 1913 Makino Nobuaki; Feb 1913 - Apr 1914 Kató Takaaki; Apr 1914 - Aug 1915 Ókuma Shigenobu; Aug 1915 - Oct 1915 Ishii Kikujiró; Oct 1915 - Oct 1916 Terauchi Masatake; Oct 1916 - Nov 1916 Motono Ichiró; Nov 1916 - Apr 1918 Gotó Shinpei; Apr 1918 - Sep 1918 Uchida Kósai; Sep 1918 - Sep 1923 Yamamoto Gonnohyóe; - - Sep 1923 Ijúin Hikokichi; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924 Matsui Keishiró; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Shidehara Kijúró; Jun 1924 - Apr 1927 Tanaka Giichi; Apr 1927 - Jun 1929 Shidehara Kijúró; Jul 1929 - Dec 1931 Inukai Tsuyoshi; Dec 1931 - Jan 1932 Yoshizawa Kenkichi; Jan 1932 May 1932 Saitó Makoto; May 1932 - Jul 1932 Uchida Kósai; Jul 1932 - Sep 1933 Hirota Kóki; Sep 1933 - Apr 1936 Arita Hachiró; Apr 1936 - Feb 1937 Hayashi Senjúró; Feb 1937 - Mar 1937 Sató Naotake; Mar 1937 - Jun 1937 Hirota Kóki; Jun 1937 May 1938 Ugaki Kazushige; May 1938 - Sep 1938 Konoe Fumimaro; Sep 1938 - Oct 1938 Arita Hachiró; Oct 1938 - Aug 1939 Abe Nobuyuki; Aug 1939 - Sep 1939 Nomura Kichisaburó; Sep 1939 - Jan 1940 Arita Hachiró; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Matsuoka Yósuke; Jul 1940 - Jul 1941 Konoe Fumimaro (Acting Minister) - Mar 1941 - Apr 1941 Toyoda Teijiró; Jul 1941 - Oct 1941 Tógó Shigenori; Oct 1941 - Sep 1942 Tógó Hideki;; Sep 1942 Tani Masayuki; Sep 1942 - Apr 1943 Shigemitsu Mamoru; Apr 1943 - Apr 1945 Suzuki Kantaró;; Apr 1945 Tógó Shigenori; Apr 1945 - Aug 1945 Shigemitsu Mamoru; Aug 1945 - Sep 1945 Yoshida Shigeru; Sep 1945 May 1947 Ashida Hitoshi; Jun 1947 - Oct 1948 Yoshida Shigeru; Oct 1948 - Apr 1952 Okazaki Katsuo; Apr 1952 - Dec 1954 Shigemitsu Mamoru; Dec 1954 - Dec 1956 Kishi Nobusuke; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Fujiyama Aiichiró; Jul 1957 - Jul 1960


< Top

JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR HOME AFFAIRS, 1904-1947 Yoshikawa Akimasa; Feb 1904 - Sep 1905 Kiyoura Keigo; Sep 1905 - Jan 1906 Hara Kei; Jan 1906 - Jul 1908 Hirata Tósuke; Jul 1908 - Aug 1911 Hara Kei; Aug 1911 - Dec 1912 Oura Kanetake; Dec 1912 - Feb 1913 Hara Kei; Feb 1913 - Apr 1915 Okuma Shigenobu; Apr 1914 - Jan 1915 Oura Kanetake; Jan 1915 - Jul 1915 Okuma Shigenobu; Jul 1915 - Aug 1915 Ichiki Kitokuró; Aug 1915 - Oct 1916 Gotó Shinpei; Oct 1916 - Apr 1918 Mizuno Rentaró; Apr 1918 - Sep 1918 Tokonami Takejiró; Sep 1918 - Jun 1922 Mizuno Rentaró; Jun 1922 - Sep 1923 Gotó Shinpei; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924 Mizuno Rentaró; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Wakatsuki Reijiró; Jun 1924 - Jun 1926 Hamaguchi Osachi; Jun 1926 - Dec 1926 Adachi Kenzó; Dec 1926 - Mar 1927 Hamaguchi Osacchi; Mar 1927 - Apr 1927 Suzuki Kisaburó; Apr 1927 - May 1928 Tanaka Giichi; - May 1928 Mochizuki Keisuke; May 1928 - Jul 1929 Adachi Kenzó; Jul 1929 - Dec 1931 Nakahashi Tokugoró; Dec 1931 - Mar 1932 Inukai Tsuyoshi; - Mar 1932 Suzuki Kisaburó; Mar 1932 - May 1932 Yamamoto Tatsuo; May 1932 - Jul 1934 Gotó Fumio - Jul 1934 - Mar 1936 Ushio Keinosuke; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Kawarada Kakichi; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Baba Eiichi; Jun 1937 - Dec 1937 Suetsuga Nobumasa; Dec 1937 - Jan 1939 Kido Kóichi; Jan 1939 - Aug 1939 Ohara Naoshi; Aug 1939 - Jan 1940 Kodama Hideo; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Yasui Ejii; Jul 1940 - Dec 1940 Hiranuma Kiichiró; Dec 1940 - Jul 1941 Tanabe Harumichi; Jul 1941 - Oct 1941 Tójó Hideki; Oct 1941 - Feb 1942 Yuzawa Michio; Feb 1942 - Nov 1942 Tójó Hideki (Acting Minister); Nov 1942 - Jan 1943 Yuzawa Michio; Jan 1943 - Apr 1943 Andó Kisaburó; Apr 1943 - Jul 1944 Odachi Shigeo; Jul 1944 - Apr 1945 Abe Genki; Apr 1945 - Aug 1945 Yamazaki Iwao; Aug 1945 - Oct 1945 Horikiri Zenjiró; Oct 1945 - Jan 1946 Mitsuchi Chúzó; Jan 1946 May 1946 Omura Seiichi; May 1946 - Jan 1947 Uechara Etsujiró; Jan 1947 May 1947 Kimura Kozaemon; Jun 1947 - Dec 1947

[Ministry was abolished in December 1947.]

< Top

JAPANESE FINANCE MINISTERS, 1901-1960 Sone Arasuke - Jun 1901 - Jan 1906 Sakatani Yoshio; Jan 1906 - Jan 1908 Matsuda Masahisa; Jan 1908 - Jul 1908 Katsura Taró; Jul 1908 - Aug 1911 Yamamoto Tatsuo; Aug 1911 - Dec 1912 Wakatsuki Reijiró; Dec 1912 - Feb 1913 Takahashi Korekiyo; Feb 1913 - Apr 1914 Wakatsuki Reijiró; Apr 1914 - Aug 1915 Taketomi Tokitoshi; Aug 1915 - Oct 1916 Terauchi Masatake; Oct 1916 - Dec 1916 Katsuta Kazue; Dec 1916 - Sep 1918 Takahashi Korekiyo; Sept 1918 - Jun 1922 Ichiki Otohiko; Jun 1922 - Sep 1923 Inoue Junnosuke; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924 Katsuta Kazue; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Hamaguchi Osachi; Jun 1924 - Jun 1926 Hayami Seiji; Jun 1926 - Sep 1926 Kataoki Naoharu; Sep 1926 - Apr 1927 Takahashi Korekiyo; Apr 1927 -; Jun 1927 Mitsuchi Chúró; Jun 1927 Jul 1929 Inoue Junnosuke; Jul 1922 - Dec 1931 Takahashi Kirekiyo; Dec 1931 - Jul 1934


Fujii Sanenobu; Jul 1934 - Nov 1934 Takahashi Korekiyo; Nov 1934 - Feb 1936 Machida Chúji; Feb 1936 - Mar 1936 Baba Eiichi; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Yuki Toyotaró; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Kaya Okinori; Jun 1937 - May 1938 Ikeda Shigeaki; May 1938 - Jan 1939 Ishiwata Sótaró; Jan 1939 - Aug 1939 Aoki Kazuo; Aug 1939 - Jan 1940 Sakurauchi Yokio; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Kawada Isao; Jul 1940 - Jul 1941 Ogura Masatsune; Jul 1941 - Oct 1941 Kaya Okinori; Oct 1941 - Feb 1944 Ishiwata Sótaró; Feb 1944 - Feb 1945 Tsushima Juichi; Feb 1945 - Apr 1945 Hirose Toyosaku; Apr 1945 - Aug 1945 Tsushima Juichi; Aug 1945 - Oct 1945 Shibusawa Keizó; Oct 1945 - May 1946 Ishibashi Tanzan; May 1946 - May 1947 Yano Shótaró; May 1947 - Jun 1947 Kurusa Takeo; Jun 1947 - Mar 1948 Kitamura Tokutaró; Mar 1948 - Oct 1948 Izumiyama Sanroku; Oct 1948 - Dec 1948 Oya Shinzó; Dec 1948 - Feb 1949 Ikeda Hayato; Feb 1949 - Oct 1952 Mukai Tadaharu; Oct 1952 - May 1953 Ogasawara Sankuró; May 1953 - Dec 1954 Ichimada Hisato; Dec 1954 - Dec 1956 Ikeda Hayato; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Ichimada Hisato; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Sató Eisaku; June 1958 - Jul 196

< Top

JAPANESE MINISTERS OF WAR, 1900-1945 Katsura Taró; Oct 1900 - Dec 1900 Kodema Gentaró; Dec 1900 - Mar 1902 Terauchi Masatake; Mar 1902 - Aug 1911 Ishimoto Shinroku; Aug 1911 - Apr 1912 Uehara Yúsaku; Apr 1912 - Dec 1912 Kigoshi Yasutsuna - Dec 1912 - Jun 1913 Kusunose Yukihiko; Jun 1913 - Apr 1914 Oka Ichinosuke (Army); Apr 1914 - Mar 1916 Oshima Ken'ichi (Army); Mar 1916 - Oct 1916 Yasuhiro Rokuró (Navy); Apr 1914 - Aug 1915 Kató Tomosaburó (Navy); Aug 1915 - Oct 1916 Oshima Ken'ichi; Oct 1916 - Sep 1918 Tanaka Giichi; Sep 1918 - Jun 1921 Yamanashi Hanzó; Jun 1921 - Sep 1923 Tanaka Giichi; Sept 1923 - Jan 1924 Ugaki Kazushige; Jan 1924 - Apr 1927 Shirakawa Yoshinori; Apr 1927 - Jul 1929 Ugaki Kazushige; Jul 1929 - Jun 1930 Abe Nobuyuki; Jun 1930 - Dec 1930 Ugaki Kazushige; Dec 1930 - Apr 1931 Minami Jiró; Apr 1931 - Dec 1931 Araki Sadao; Dec 1931 - Jan 1934 Hayashi Senjúró; Jan 1934 - Sep 1935 Kawashima Yoshiyuki; Sep 1935 - Mar 1936 Terauchi Hisaichi; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Nakamura Kótaró; - Feb 1937 Sugiyama Gen; Feb 1937 - Jun 1938 Itagaki Seishiró; Jun 1938 - Aug 1939 Hata Shunroku; Aug 1939 - Jul 1940 Tójó Hideki; Jul 1940 - Jul 1944 Sugiyama Gen; Jul 1944 - Apr 1945 Anami Korechika; Apr 1945 - Aug 1945 Higashikuni Naruhiko; - Aug 1945 Shimomura Sadamu; Aug 1945 - Dec 1945

[Ministry was abolished in December 1945.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR THE NAVY, 1900-1945 Yamamoto Gonnohyóe; Oct 1900 - Jan 1906 Saitó Makoto; Jan 1906 - Apr 1914 Yasuhiro Rokuró; Apr 1914 - Aug 1915 Kató Tomosabusró; Aug 1915 - Oct 1921 Hara Kei (Acting Minister); Oct 1921 - Nov 1921 Uchida Kósai; - Nov 1921 Takahashi Korekiyo (Acting); Nov 1921 - Mar 1922 Kató Tomosaburó; Mar 1922 May 1923 Takarabe Takeshi; May 1923 - Jan 1924


Murakami Kakuichi; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Takarabe Takeshi; Jun 1924 - Apr 1927 Oakda Keisuke; Apr 1927 - Jul 1929 Takarabe Takeshi; Jul 1929 - Nov 1929 Hamaguchi Osachi (Acting); Nov 1929 May 1930 Takarabe Takeshi; May 1930 - Oct 1930 Abo Kiyokazu; Oct 1930 - Dec 1931 Osumi Mineo; Dec 1931 - May 1932 Okada Keisuke; May 1932 - Jan 1933 Osumi Mineo; Jan 1933 - Mar 1936 Nagano Osami; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Yonai Mitsumasa; Feb 1937 - Aug 1939 Yoshida Zengo; Aug 1939 - Sep 1940 Oikawa Koshiró; Sep 1940 - Oct 1941 Shimada Shigetaró; Oct 1941 - Jul 1944 Nomura Naokuni; - Jul 1944 Yonai Mitsumasa; Jul 1944 - Dec 1945

[Ministry was abolished in December 1945.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR DEMOBILIZATION, 1945-1946 Shidehara Kijúró (First Demobilization); Dec 1945 - May 1946 Yoshida Shigeru (First Demobilization); May 1946 - Jun 1946 Shidehara Kijúró (Second Demobilization); Dec 1945 - May 1946 Yoshida Shigeru (Second Demobilization); May 1946 - Jun 1946

[Ministry abolished June 1946.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS OF JUSTICE, 1901-1960 Kiyoura Keigo; Jun 1901 - Sep 1903 Hatano Takanao; Sep 1903 - Jan 1906 Matsuda Masahisa; Jan 1906 - Mar 1908 Senke Takatomi; Mar 1908 - Jul 1908 Okabe Nagamoto; Jul 1908 - Aug 1911 Matsuda Masahisa; Aug 1911 - Dec 1912 Matsumaro Itaru; Dec 1912 - Feb 1913 Matsuda Masahisa; Feb 1913 - Nov 1913 Okuda Yoshindo; Nov 1913 - Apr 1914 Ozaki Yukio; Apr 1914 - Oct 1916 Matsumuro Itaru; Oct 1916 - Sep 1918 Hara Kei; Sep 1918 - May 1920 Oki Enkichi; May 1920 - Jun 1922 Okano Keijiró; Jun 1922 - Sep 1923 Den Kenjiró; - - Sep 1923 Hiranuma Kiichiró; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924 Suzuki Kisaburó; Jan 1924 - June 1924 Yokota Sennosuke; Jun 1924 - Feb 1925 Takahashi Korekiyo; - - Feb 1925 Ogawa Heikichi; Feb 1925 - Aug 1925 Egi Tasuku; Aug 1925 - Apr 1927 Hara Yoshimichi; Apr 1927 - Jul 1929 Watanabe Chifuyu; Jul 1929 - Dec 1931 Suzuki Kisaburó; Dec 1931 - Mar 1932 Kawamura Takeji; Mar 1932 May 1932 Koyama Matsukichi; May 1932 - Jul 1934 Ohara Naoshi; Jul 1934 - Mar 1936 Hayashi Raizaburó; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Shiono Suehiko; Feb 1937 - Aug 1939 Miyagi Chógoró; Aug 1939 - Jan 1940 Kimura Naotatsu; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Kazami Akira; Jul 1940 - Dec 1940 Yanagawa Heisuke; Dec 1940 - Jul 1941 Konoe Fumimaro; - - Jul 1941 Iwamura Michiyo; Jul 1941 - Jul 1944 Matsuzaka Hiromasa; Jul 1944 - Aug 1945 Iwata Chúzó; Aug 1945 - May1946 Kimura Tokutaró; May 1946 - May1947 Suzuki Yoshio; May 1947 - Feb 1947

[Ministry of Justice was abolished in February 1947 and the position of Attorney General established.]

Syzuki Yoshio (Attorney General); Feb 1947 - Oct 1948 Yoshida Shigeru (Attorney General); Oct 1948 - Nov 1948 Ueda Shunkicki (Attorney General); Nov 1948 - Jun 1950 Ohashi Takeo (Attorney General); Jun 1950 - Dec 1951 Kimura Tokutaró (Attorney General); Dec 1951 - Aug 1952

[The position of Attorney General was abolished in August 1952 when the Ministry of Justice was re-established.]


Kimura Tokutaró; Aug 1952 - Oct 1952 Inukai Ken; Oct 1952 - Apr 1954 Kató Ryógoró; Apr 1954 - Jun 1954 Ohara Naoshi; Jun 1954 - Dec 1954 Hanamura Shiró; Dec 1954 - Nov 1955 Makino Ryózó; Nov 1955 - Dec 1956 Nakamura Umekichi; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Karasawa Toshiki; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Aichi Kiichi; Jun 1958 - Jun 1959 Ino Hiroya; Jun 1959 - Jul 1960

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JAPANESE MINISTERS OF EDUCATION, 1903-1960 Kubota Yuzuru; Sep 1903 - Dec 1905 Katsura Taró; Dec 1905 - Jan 1906 Saionji Kinmochi; Jan 1906 - Mar 1906 Makino Nobuaki; Mar 1906 - Jul 1908 Komatsubara Eitaró; Jul 1908 - Aug 1911 Haseba Sumitaka; Aug 1911 - Nov 1912 Makino Nobuaki (Acting); Nov 1912 - Dec 1912 Shibata Kamon; Dec 1912 - Feb 1913 Okuda Yoshindo; Feb 1913 - Mar 1914 Ooka Ikuzó; Mar 1914 - Apr 1914 Ichiki Kiyokuró; Apr 1914 - Aug 1915 Takada Sanae; Aug 1915 - Oct 1915 Matsumaro Itaru; Oct 1915 - Sep 1918 Nakahashi Tokugoró; Sep 1918 - Jun 1922 Kamata Eikichi; Jun 1922 - Sep 1923 Inukai Tsuyoshi; - - Sep 1923 Okano Keijiró; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924 Egi Kazuyuki; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Okada Ryóhei; Jun 1924 - Apr1927 Mitsuchi Chúzó; Apr 1927 - Jun 1927 Mizuno Rentaró; Jun 1927 - May 1928 Katsuta Kazue; May 1928 - Jul 1929 Kobashi Ichita; Jul 1929 - Nov 1929 Tanaka Ryúzó; Nov 1929 - Dec 1931 Hatoyama Ichiró; Dec 1931 - Mar 1934 Saitó Makoto; Mar 1934 - Jul 1934 Matsuda Genji; Jul 1934 - Feb 1936 Kawasaki Takukichi; Feb 1936 - Mar 1936 Ushio Keinosuke; - - Mar 1936 Hirao Hachisaburó; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Hayashi Senjúró; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Yasui Eijii; Jun 1937 - Oct 1937 Kido Koichi; Oct 1937 - May 1938 Araki Sadao; May 1938 - Aug 1939 Kawarada Kakichi; Aug 1939 - Jan 1940 Matsuura Shinjiró; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Hashida Kunihiko; Jul 1940 - Apr 1943 Tójó Hideki; - - Apr 1943 Okabe Nagakage; Apr 1943 - Jul 1944 Ninomiya Harushige - Jan 1945 - Feb 1945 Kodama Hideo (Acting Minister); Jan 1945 - Feb 1945 Kodama Hideo; Feb 1945 - Apr 1945 Ota Kózó; Apr 1945 - Aug 1945 Matsumura Kenzó; - - Aug 1945 Maeda Tamon; Aug 1945 - Jan 1946 Abe Yoshishige; Jan 1946 May 1946 Tanaka Kótaró; May 1946 - Jan 1947 Takahashi Seiichiró; Jan 1947 May 1947 Morito Tatsuo; May 1947 - Oct 1948 Shimojó Yasumaro; Oct 1948 - Feb 1949 Takase Sótaró; Feb 1949 May 1950 Amano Teiyú; May 1950 - Aug 1952 Okano Kiyohide; Aug 1952 May 1953 Odachi Shigeo; May 1953 - Dec 1954 Andó Masazumi; Dec 1954 - Mar 1955 Matsumura Kenzó; Mar 1955 - Nov 1955 Kiyose Ichiró; Mar 1955 - Nov 1955 Nadao Hirokichi; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Matsunagra Tó; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Nadao Hirokichi; Jun 1958 - Jan 1959 Hashimoto Ryógo; Jan 1959 - Jun 1959 Matsuda Takechiyo; Jun 1959 Jul 1960

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE, 1903-1925 Kiyoura Keigo; Jul 1903 - Jan 1906 Matsouka Yasutake; Jan 1906 - Jul 1908 Oura Kanetake; Jul 1908 - Mar 1910 Komatsubara Eitaró; Mar 1910 - Sep 1910


Oura Kanetake; Sep 1910 - Aug 1911 Makino Nobuaki; Aug 1911 - Dec 1912 Nakakóji Ren; Dec 1912 - Feb 1913 Yamamoto Tatsuo; Feb 1913 - Apr 1914 Oura Kanetake; Apr 1914 Jan 1915 Kóno Hironaka; Jan 1915 - Oct 1916 Nakakóji Ren; Oct 1916 - Sep 1918 Yamamoto Tatsuo; Sep 1918 Jun 1922 Arai Kentaró; Jun 1922 - Sep 1923 Den Kenjiró; Sep 1923 - Dec 1923 Okano Keijiró; Dec 1923 - Jan 1924 Maeda Toshisada; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Takahashi Korekiyo; Jun 1924 - Apr 1925

[Ministry abolished April 1925 and replaced by two separate ministries, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, 1925-1943 Takahashi Korekiyo; - - Apr 1925 Okazaki Kunisuke; Apr 1925 - Aug 1925 Hayami Seiji; Aug 1925 - Jun 1926 Machida Chúji; Jun 1926 - Apr 1927 Yamamoto Teijiró; Apr 1927 - Jul 1929 Machida Chúji; Jul 1929 - Dec 1931 Yamamoto Teijiró - Dec 1931 - May 1932 Gotó Fumio; May 1932 - Jul 1934 Yamazaki Tatsunosuke; Jul 1934 - Mar 1936 Shimada Toshio; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Yamazaki Tatsunosuke; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Arima Yoriyasu; Jun 1937 - Jan 1939 Sakurauchi Yukio; Jan 1939 - Aug 1939 Godó Takuo; Aug 1939 - Oct 1939 Sakai Tadamasa; Oct 1939 - Jan 1940 Shimada Toshio; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Konoe Fumimaro; - - Jul 1940 Ishiguro Tadaatsu; Jul 1940 - Jun 1941 Ino Tetsuya; Jun 1941 - Oct 1941 Ino Hiroya; Oct 1941 - Apr 1943 Yamazaki Tatsunosuke; Apr 1943 - Nov 1943

[Ministry abolished in November 1943 when Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce re-established.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, 1925-1943 Takahashi Koreiyo; - - Apr 1925 Noda Utaró; Apr 1925 - Aug 1925 Kataoka Naoharu; Aug 1925 - Sep 1926 Fujisawa Ikunosuke; Sep 1926 - Apr 1927 Nakahashi Tokugoró; Apr 1927 - Jul 1929 Tawara Magoichi; Jul 1929 - Apr 1931 Sakurauchi Yukio; Apr 1931 - Dec 1931 Maeda Yonezó; Dec 1931 - May 1932 Nakajima Kumakichi; May 1932 - Feb 1934 Matsumoto Jóji; Feb 1934 - Jul 1934 Machida Chúji; Jul 1934 - Mar 1936 Kawasaki Takukichi; - - Mar 1936 Ogawa Gótaró; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Godó Takuo; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Yoshino Shinji; Jun 1937 May 1938 Ikeda Shigeaki; May 1938 - - Jan 1939 Hatta Yoshiaki; Jan 1939 Aug 1939 Godó Takuo; Aug 1939 - Jan 1940 Fujihara Ginjiró; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Kobayashi Ichizó; Jul 1940 - Aug 1940 Kawada Isao (Acting Minister); Aug 1940 - Nov 1940 Kobayashi Ichizó; Nov 1940 - Apr 1941 Toyoda Teijiró; Apr 1941 - Jul 1941 Sakonji Masazó; Jul 1941 - Oct 1941 Kishi Nobusuke; Oct 1941 - Oct 1943 Tójó Hideki; Oct 1943 - Nov 1943

[Ministry was abolished in November 1943 and the Ministry of Agriculture and Commerce was re-established.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR AGRICULTURE AND COMMERCE, 1943 - 1945 Yamazaki Tatsunosuke; Nov 1943 - Feb 1944 Uchida Nobuya; Feb 1944 - Jul 1944 Shimada Toshio; Jul 1944 - Apr 1945 Ishiguro Tadaatsu; Apr 1945 - Aug 1945


Sengoku Kótaró; - Aug 1945

[Ministry abolished in August 1945 and eplaced by two separate ministries, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY, 1945-1960 Sengoku Kótaró; Aug 1945 - Oct 1945 Matsumara Kenzó; Oct 1945 - Jan 1946 Soejima Senpachi; Jan 1946 - May1946 Wada Hiroo; May 1946 - - Jan 1947 Yoshida Shigeru; Jan 1947 - Feb 1947 Kimura Kozaemon - Feb 1947 - May1947 Hirano Rikizó; May 1947 - - Nov 1947 Katayama Tetsu; Nov 1947 - Dec 1947 Hatano Kanae; Dec 1947 - Mar 1948 Nagae Kazuo; Mar 1948 - Oct 1948 Sutó Hideo; Oct 1948 Feb 1949 Mori Kótaró; Feb 1949 - Jun 1950 Hirokawa Kózen; Jun 1950 - Jul 1951 Nemoto Ryútaro; Jul 1951 - Dec 1951 Hiokawa Kózen; Dec 1951 - Oct 1952 Ogasawara Sankuró; Oct 1952 - Dec 1952 Hirokawa Kózen; Dec 1952 - Mar 1953 Tago Kazutami; Mar 1953 - May 1953 Uchida Nobuya; May 1953 - Jun 1953 Hori Shigeru; June 1953 - Dec 1954 Kónó Ichiró; Dec 1954 - Dec 1956 Ide Ichitaró; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Akagi Munenori; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Miura Kunio; Jun 1958 - Jun 1959 Fukuda Takeo; Jun 1959 - Jul 1960

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, 1945-1949 Nakajima Chikuhei; Aug 1945 - Oct 1945 Ogasawara Sankuró; Oct 1945 - May 1946 Hoshijima Niró; May 1946 - Jan 1947 Ishii Mitsujiró; Jan 1947 - May 1947 Mizutani Chózaburó; May 1947 - Oct 1948 Oya Shinzó; Oct 1948 - Feb 1949 Inagaki Heitaró; Feb 1949 - May 1949

[Ministry was ablished in May 1949.]

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JAPANESE MINSTERS FOR INTERNATIONAL TRADE AND INDUSTRY, 1949-1960 Inagaki Heitaró; May 1949 - Feb 1950 Ikeda Hayato - Feb 1950 - Apr 1950 Takase Sótaró; Apr 1950 - Jun 1950 Yokoo Shigemi; Jun 1950 - Jul 1951 Takahashi Ryútaró; Jul 1951 - Oct 1952 Ikeda Hayato; Oct 1952 - Nov 1952 Ogasawara Sankuró; Nov 1952 - May 1953 Okano Kiyohide; May 1953 - Jan 1954 Aichi Kiichi; Jan 1954 - Dec 1954 Ishibashi Tanzan; Dec 1954 - Dec 1954 Mizuta Mikio; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Maeo Shigesaburó; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Takasaki Tatsunosuke; Jun 1958 - Jun 1959 Ikeda Hayato; Jun 1959 - Jul 1960

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR COMMUNICATIONS, 1903-1943 Oura Kanetake; Sep 1903 - Jan 1906 Yamagata Isaburó; Jan 1906 - Jan 1908 Hara Kei; Jan 1908 - Mar 1908 Hotta Masayasu; Mar 1908 - Jul 1908 Gotó Shinpei; Jul 1908 - Aug 1911 Hayahi Tadasu; Aug 1911 - Dec 1912 Gotó Shinpei; Dec 1912 - Feb 1913 Motoda Hajime; Feb 1913 - Apr 1914 Taketomi Tokitoshi; Apr 1914 - Aug 1915 Minoura Katsundo; Aug 1915 - Oct 1916 Den Kenjiró; Oct 1916 - Sep 1918 Noda Utaró; Sep 1918 - Jun 1922 Maeda Toshisada; Jun 1922 - Sep 1923 Inukai Tsuyoshi; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924


Fujimura Yoshiró; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Inukai Tsuyoshi; Jun 1924 May 1925 Adachi Kenzó; May 1925 - Apr 1927 Mochizuki Keisuke; Apr 1927 May 1928 Kuhara Fusanosuke; May 1928 - Jul 1929 Koizumi Matajiró; Jul 1929 - Dec 1931 Mitsuchi Chúzó; Dec 1931 May1932 Minami Hiroshi; May 1932 - Jul 1934 Tokonami Takejiró; Jul 1934 - Sep 1935 Okada Keisuke; - - Sep 1935 Mochizuki Keisuke; Sep 1935 - Mar 1936 Tanomogi Keikichi; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Yamazaki Tatsunosuke; - - Feb 1937 Kodama Hideo; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Nagai Ryútaró; Jun 1937 - Jan 1939 Shiono Suehiko; Jan 1939 - Apr 1939 Tanabe Harumichi; Apr 1939 - Aug 1939 Nagai Ryútaró; Apr 1939 - Aug 1939 Nagata Hidejiró; Nov 1939 - Jan 1940 Katsu Masanori; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Murata Shózó; Jul 1940 - Oct 1941 Terajima Ken; Oct 1941 - Oct 1943 Hatta Yoshiaki; Oct 1943 - Nov 1943

[Ministry was abolished in November 1943 and replaced by the Ministry of Transport and Communications.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS, 1943-1945 Hatta Yoshiaki; Nov 1943 - Feb 1944 Gotó Keita; Feb 1944 - Jul 1944 Maeda Yonezó; Jul 1944 - Apr 1945 Toyoda Teijiró; - - Apr 1945 Kobiyama Naoto; Apr 1945 - May 1945

[Ministry was abolished in May 1945 and replaced by the Ministry of Transport.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS OF TRANSPORT, 1945-1960 Kobiyama Naoto; May 1945 - Oct 1945 Tanaka Takeo; Oct 1945 - Jan 1946 Mitsuchi Chúzó; - - Jan 1946 Murakami Giichi; Jan 1946 - May 1946 Hiratsuka Tsunejiró; May 1946 - Jan 1947 Masuda Kaneshichi; Jan 1947 - May 1947 Tomabechi Gizó; May 1947 - Dec 1947 Kitamura Tokutaró; Dec 1947 - Mar 1948 Okada Seiichi; Mar 1948 - Oct 1948 Ozawa Saeki; Oct 1948-; - Feb 1949 Oya Shinzó; Feb 1949 - Jun 1950 Yamazaki Takeshi; Jun 1950 - Dec 1951 Murakami Giichi; Dec 1951 - Oct 1952 Ishii Mitsujiró; Oct 1952 - Dec 1954 Miki Takeo; Dec 1954 - Nov 1955 Yoshino Shinji; Nov 1955 - Dec 1956 Miyazawa Taneo; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Nakamura Sannojó; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Nagano Mamoru; Jun 1958 - Apr 1959 Shigemune Yúzó; Apr 1959 - Jun 1959 Narahashi Waturu; Jun 1959 - Jul 1960

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR COMMUNICATIONS, 1946-1949 Hitotsumatsu Sadayoshi; Jul 1946 - May 1947 Miki Takeo; May 1947 - Mar 1948 Tomiyoshi Eiji; Mar 1948 - Oct 1948 Furuhata Tokuya; Oct 1948 - Feb 1949 Ozawa Saeki; Feb 1949 - May 1949

[Ministry abolished again at the end of May 1949.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR POSTS, 1949-1952 Ozawa Saeki; Jun 1949 - Jun 1950 Tamura Bunkichi; Jun 1950 - Jul 1951 Sató Eisaku; Jul 1951 - Oct 1952

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 1949-1952 Ozawa Saeki; Jun 1949 - Jun 1950 Tamura Bunkichi; Jun 1950 - Jul 1951 Sató Eisaku; Jul 1951 - Jul 1952

[Ministry abolished July 1952 - and combined with Posts to form Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR POSTS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS, 1952-1960 Takase Sótaró; Oct 1952 - May 1953 Tsukada Juichiró; May 1953 - Dec 1954 Takechi Yúki; Dec 1954 - Mar 1955 Matsuda Takechiyo; Mar 1955 - Nov 1955 Murakami Isamu; Nov 1955 - Dec 1956 Ishibashi Tanzan; - - Dec 1956 Hirai Taró; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Tanaka Kakuei; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Terao Yutaka; Jun 1958 - Jun 1959 Uetake Haruhiko; Jun 1959 - Jul 1960

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR RAILWAYS, 1920-1943 Motoda Hajime; May 1920 - Jun 1922 Oki Enkichi; Jun 1922 - Sep 1923 Yamanouchi Kazutsugu; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924 Komatsu Kenjiró; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Sengoku Mitsugu; Jun 1924 - Jun 1926 Inoue Tadash; Jun 1926 - Apr 1927 Ogawa Heikichi; Apr 1927 - Jul 1929 Egi Tasuku; Jul 1929 - Sep 1931 Hara Shújiró; Sept 1931 - Dec 1931 Tokonami Takejiró; Dec 1931 - May 1932 Mitsuchi Chúzó; May 1932 - Jul 1934 Uchida Nobuya; Jul 1934 - Mar 1936 Maeda Yonezó; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Godó Takuo; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Nakajima Chikuhei; Jun 1937 - Jan 1939 Maeda Yonezó; Jan 1939 - Aug 1939 Nagai Ryútaró; Aug 1939 - Nov 1939 Nagata Hidejiró; Nov 1939 - Jan 1940 Matsuno Tsuruhei; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Murata Shózó; Jul 1940 - Sep 1940 Ogawa Gótaró; Sep 1940 - Jul 1941 Murata Shózó; Jul 1941 - Oct 1941 Terajima Ken - Oct 1941 - Dec 1941 Hatta Yoshiaki; Dec 1941 - Nov 1943

[Ministry abolished November 1943.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR COLONIZATION, 1929-1942 Tanaka Giichi; Jun 1929 - Jul 1929 Matsuda Genji; Jul 1929 - Apr 1931 Hara Shújiró; Apr 1931 - Sep 1931 Wakatsuki Reijiró; Sep 1931 - Dec 1931 Mitsuchi Chúzó; Dec 1931 - May 1932 Miniami Hiroshi; May 1932 - Jul 1934 Okada Keisuke; Jul 1934 - Oct 1934 Kodama Hideo; Oct 1934 - Mar 1936 Nagata Hidejiró; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Yúki Toyotaró; Feb 1937 - June 1937 Otani Sonyú; Jun 1937 - Jun 1938 Ugaki Kazushige; Jun 1938 - Sep 1938 Konoe Fumimaro; Sep 1938 - Oct 1938 Hatta Yoshiaki; Oct 1938 - Apr 1939 Koiso Kuniaki; Apr 1939 - Aug 1939 Kanemitsu Tsuneo; Aug 1939 - Aug 1940 Koiso Kuniaki; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Matsuoka Yósuke; Jul 1940 - Sep 1940 Akita Kiyoshi; Sep 1940 - Jul 1941 Toyoda Teijiró; Jul 1941 - Oct 1941 Tógó Shigenori; Oct 1941 - Dec 1941 Ino Hiroya; Dec 1941 - Nov 1942

[Ministry abolished November 1942 and replaced by Ministry of Greater East Asia.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR GREATER EAST ASIA, 1942-1945 Aoki Kazuo; Nov 1942 - Jul 1944 Shigemitsu Mamoru; Jul 1944 - Apr 1945 Suzuki Kantaró; - Apr 1945 Tógó Shigenori; Apr 1945 - Aug 1945 Shigemitsu Mamoru; - Aug 1945

[Ministry abolished August 1945.]

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR WELFARE, 1938-1960 Kido Kóichi; Jan 1938 - Jan 1939 Hirose Hisatada; Jan 1939 - Aug 1939 Ohara Naoshi; Aug 1939 - Nov 1939 Akita Kiyoshi; Nov 1939 - Jan 1940 Yoshida Shigeru; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Yasui Eiji; Jul 1940 - Sep 1940 Kanemitsu Tsuneo; Sep 1940 - Jul 1941 Koizumi Chikahiko; Jul 1941 - Jul 1944 Hirose Hisatada; Jul 1944 - Feb 1945 Aikawa Katsuroku; Feb 1945 - Apr 1945 Okada Tadahiko; Apr 1945 - Aug 1945 Matsumura Kenzó; Aug 1945 - Oct 1945 Ashida Hitoshi; Oct 1945 - May 1946 Kawai Yoshinari; May 1946 - May 1947 Hitotsumatsu Sadayoshi; May 1947 - Mar 1948 Takeda Giichi; Mar 1948 - Oct 1948 Hayashi Jóji; Oct 1948 - Jun 1950 Kurokawa Takeo; Jun 1950 - Jul 1951 Hashimoto Ryógo; Jul 1951 - Jan 1952 Yoshitake Eiichi; Jan 1952 - Oct 1952 Yamagata Katsumi; Oct 1952 - Jan 1954 Kusaba Ryúen; Jan 1954 - Dec 1954 Tsurumi Yúsuke; Dec 1954 - Mar 1955 Kawasaki Hideji; Mar 1955 - Nov 1955 Kobayashi Eizó; Nov 1955 - Dec 1956 Kanda Hiroshi; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Horiki Kenzó; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Hashimoto Ryógo; Jun 1958 - Jan 1959 Sakata Michita; Jan 1959 - Jun 1959 Watanabe Yoshio; Jun 1959 - Jul 1960

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR LABOUR, 1947-1960 Yonekubo Mitsusuke; Sep 1947 - Mar 1948 Kató Kanjú; Mar 1948 - Oct 1948 Masuda Kaneshichi; Oct 1948 - Feb 1949 Suzuki Masabumi; Feb 1949 - Jun 1950 Hori Shigeru; Jun 1950 - Dec 1951 Yoshitake Eiichi; Dec 1951 - Oct 1952 Totsuka Kuichiró; Oct 1952 - May 1953 Kosaka Zentaró; May 1953 - Dec 1954 Chiba Saburó; Dec 1954 - Mar 1955 Nishada Takao; Mar 1955 - Nov 1955 Kuraishi Tadao; Nov 1955 - Dec 1956 Matsuura Shútaró; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Ishida Hirohide; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Kuraishi Tadao; Jun 1958 - Jun 1959 Matsuno Raizó; Jun 1959 - Jul 1960

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JAPANESE MINISTERS FOR CONSTRUCTION, 1948-1960 Hitotsumatsu Sadayoshi; Jul 1948 - Oct 1948 Masutani Hideji; Oct 1948 - May 1950 Masuda Kaneshichi; May 1950 - Jul 1951 Noda Uichi; July 1951 - Oct 1952 Sató Eisaku; Oct 1952 - Feb 1953 Totsuka Kuichiró; Feb 1953 - Jun 1954 Ozawa Saeki; Jun 1954 - Dec 1954 Takeyama Yútaró; Dec 1954 - Nov 1955 Baba Motoharu; Nov 1955 - Dec 1956 Nanjó Tokuo; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Nemoto Ryútaró; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Endó Saburó; Jun 1958 - Jun 1959 Murakami Isamu; Jun 1959 - Jul 1960

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Shibata Kamon; Jun 1901 - Jan 1906 Ishiwatari Bin'ichi; Jan 1906 - Jan 1908 Minami Hiroshi; Jan 1908 - Jul 1908 Shibata Kamon - Jul 1908 - Aug 1911 Minami Hiroshi - Aug 1911 - Dec 1912 Egi Tasuku; Dec 1912 - Feb 1913 Yamonouchi Kazutsugu; Feb 1913 - Apr 1914 Egi Tasuku; Apr 1914 - Oct 1916 Kodama Hideo; Oct 1916 - Sep 1918 Takahashi Mitsutake; Sep 1918 - Nov 1921 Mitsuchi Chúzó; Nov 1921 - Jun 1922 Miyata Mitsuo; Jun 1922 - Sep 1923 Kabayama Sukehide; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924 Kobashi Ichita; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Egi Tasuku; Jun 1924 - Aug 1925 Tsukamoto Seiji; Aug 1925 - Apr 1927 Hatoyama Ichiró; Apr 1927 - Jul 1929 Suzuki Fujiya; Jul 1929 - Apr 1931 Kawasaki Takukichi; Apr 1931 - Dec 1931 Mori Kaku; Dec 1931 - May 1932 Shibata Zenaburó; May 1932 - Mar 1933 Horikiri Zenjiró; Mar 1933 - Jul 1934 Kawada Isao; Jul 1934 - Oct 1934 Yoshida Shigeru; Oct 1934 - May 1935 Shirane Takesuke; May 1935 - Mar 1936 Fujinuma Shóhei; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937 Ohashi Hachiró; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Kazami Akira; Jun 1937 - Jan 1939 Tanabe Harumichi; Jan 1939 - Apr 1939 Ota Kózó; Apr 1939 - Aug 1939 Endó Ryúsaku; Aug 1939 - Jan 1940 Ishiwata Sótaró; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Tomita Kenji; Jul 1940 - Oct 1941 Hoshino Naoki; Oct 1941 - Jul 1944 Miura Kunio; - - Jul 1944 Tanaka Takeo; Jul 1944 - Feb 1945 Hirose Histada; - - Feb 1945 Ishiwata Sótaró; Feb 1945 - Apr 1945 Sakomizu Hisatsune; Apr 1945 - Aug 1945 Ogata Taketora; Aug 1945 Oct 1945 Tsugita Daisaburó; Oct 1945 Jan 1946 Narahashi Wataru; Jan 1946 May 1946 Hayashi Jóji; May 1946 May 1947 Nishio Suehiro; Jun 1947 - Mar 1948 Tomabechi Gizó; Mar 1948 - Oct 1948 Sató Eisaku; Oct 1948 - Feb 1949 Masuda Kaneshichi; Feb 1949 - May 1950 Okazaki Katsuo; May 1950 - Dec 1951 Hori Shigeru; Dec 1951 - Oct 1952 Ogata Taketora; Oct 1952 - Mar 1953 Fukunga Kenji; Mar 1953 - Dec 1954 Nemoto Ryútaró; Dec 1954 - Dec 1956 Ishida Hirohide; Dec 1956 - Jul 1957 Aichi Kiichi; Jul 1957 - Jun 1958 Akagi Munenori; Jun 1958 - Jun 1959 Shiina Etsusuaburó; Jun 1959 Jul 1960

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CHIEF OF LEGISLATIVE BUREAU, 1902-1960 Ichiki Kitokuró; Sep 1902 - Jan 1906 Okano Keijiró; Jan 1906 - Jul 1908 Yasuhiro Ban'ichiró; Jul 1908 - Aug 1911 Okano Keijiró; Aug 1911 - Dec 1912 Ichiki Kitokuró; Dec 1912 - Feb 1913 Okano Keijiró; Feb 1913 - Sep 1913 Kuratomi Yúzaburó; Sep 1913 - Apr 1914 Takahashi Sakue; Apr 1914 - Oct 1916 Arimatsu Hideyoshi; Oct 1916 - Sep 1918 Yokota Sennosuke; Sep 1918 - Mar 1922 Baba Eiichi; Mar 1922 - Sep 1923 Matsumoto Jóji; Sep 1923 - Jan 1924 Satake Sango; Jan 1924 - Jun 1924 Tsukamoto Seiji; Jun 1924 - Aug 1925 Yamakawa Tadao; Aug 1925 - Apr 1927 Maeda Yonezó; Apr 1927 - Jul 1929 Kawasaki Takukichi; Jul 1929 - Apr 1931 Takenouchi Sakuhei; Apr 1931 - Nov 1931 Saitó Takao; Nov 1931 - Dec 1931 Shimada Toshio; Dec 1931 - May 1932 Horikiri Zenjiró; May 1932 - Mar 1933 Kurosaki Teizó; Mar 1933 - Jul 1934 Kanamori Tokujiró; Jul 1934 - Jan 1936 Ohashi Hachiró; Jan 1936 - Mar 1936 Tsugita Daizaburó; Mar 1936 - Feb 1937


Kawagoe Takeo; Feb 1937 - Jun 1937 Taki Masao - Jun 1937 - Oct 1937 Funada Naka; Oct 1937 - Jan 1939 Kurosaki Teizó; Jan 1939 - Aug 1939 Karasawa Toshiki; Aug 1939 - Jan 1940 Hirose Hisatada; Jan 1940 - Jul 1940 Murase Naokai; Jul 1940 - Oct 1941 Moriyama Toshikazu; Oct 1941 - Jul 1944 Miura Kunio; Jul 1944 - Apr 1945 Murase Naokai; Apr 1945 - Oct 1945 Narahashi Wataru; Oct 1945 - Jan 1946 Ishiguro Takeshige; Jan 1946 - Mar 1946 Irie Toshiró; Mar 1946 - May 1947 Sató Tatsuo; Jun 1947 - Feb 1948

[The Bureau was abolished in February 1948 but was re-established at the beginning of August 1952.]

Sató Tatsuo; Aug 1952 - Dec 1954 Hayashi Shúzó; Dec 1954 - Feb 1957 Hayashi Shúzó (Director); Feb 1957 - Jun 1958 Hayashi Shúzó; Jun 1958 - Jul 1960

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Part 1: Correspondence to and from Japan, 1905-1920 (PRO Class FO 262/1466-1511 & 2033-2034) Part 2: Detailed Correspondence for 1921-1923 (PRO Class FO 262/1512-1601)


EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1905 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt Hon Sir Claude M MacDonald Secretary of Legation - George H Barclay Naval Attaché - Capt W C Pakenham Military Attaché - Lt. Col. C V Hume Japanese Secretary - John H Gubbins Second Secretary - Thomas B Hohler Medical Officer - Edwin Baelz Inspector (Escot) - Peter Peacock Hakodate: Vice-Consul - Ralph G E Forster Kobe: Consul - Henry A C Bonar Vice-Consul - John B Rentiers Shipping Clerk - Angus MacDonald Nagasaki: Consul - Frank W W Playfair Shimonseki: Consul - Ernest A Griffiths Shipping Clerk - A W McLean Tainan (Formosa): Consul - Alfred E Wileman Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Arthur M Chalmers Yokohama: Consul-General - John Carey Hall Vice-Consul - E M Hobart Hampden Shipping Clerk - George Hodges

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1906 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Claude M MacDonald Councillor of Legation - George H Barclay Naval Attaché - Capt. Thomas Jackson Military Attaché - Lt. Col. C V Hume Japanese Secretary - John H Gubbins Second Secretary - Hon F O Lindley Third Secretary - Robert H Clive Medical Officer - Dr H Wunsch Inspector (Escort) - Peter Peacock Hakodate: Vice-Consul - Ralph G E Forster Kobe: Consul - Henry A C Bonar Vice-Consul - John B Rentiers Shipping Clerk - Angus MacDonald Nagasaki: Consul - Frank W W Playfair Shimonoseki: - Consul - Ernest A Griffiths Shipping Clerk - A W McClean Taninan (Formosa): Consul - Arthur E Wileman Tamsui (Formosa); Consul - Arthur M Chalmers Yokohama: Consul-General - John Carey Hall Vice-Consul - M Hobart-Hampden Shipping Clerk - George Hodges

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1907 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Claude M MacDonald Councillor - Henry C Lowther

1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920

1921 1922 1923 1924 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936

1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952

1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958


Naval Attaché - Comm. C J T Dormer Military Attaché - Col. C V Hume Japanese Secretary - John H Gubbins Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe Second Secretary - Hon. F O Lindley Third Secretary - Robert H CLive Medical Officer - Dr R Wunsch Clerk and Accountant - A W McClean Dairen: Vice-Consul - H G Parlett Hakodate: Vice-Consul - Ralph G E Forster Kobe: Consul - Henry A C Bonar Vice-Consul - John B Rentiers Shipping Clerk - Angus MacDonald Nagasaki: Consul - Frank W W Playfair Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Shimonoseki: - Consul - Ernest A Griffiths Shipping Clerk Tainan (Formosa): Consul - Alfred E Wileman Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Arthur M Chalmers Yokohama: Consul-General - John Carey Hall Vice-Consul - E M Hobart-Hampden Shipping Clerk - George Hodges

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1908 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Claude M MacDonald Councillor - Henry C Lowther Naval Attaché - Comm. C J T Dormer Military Attaché - Lt. Col. Richard W Boger Japanese Secretary - John H Gubbins Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe Second Secretary - Hon. F O Lindley Third Secretary - Robert H Clive Medical Officer - Dr R Wunsch Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Dairen: Vice-Consul - H G Parlett Hakodate: Consul - Ralph G E Forster Kobe: Consul - Henry A C Bonar Vice-Consul - John B Rentiers Shipping Clerk - Angus MacDonald Nagasaki: Consul - Frank W W Playfair Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest A Griffiths Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke Tainan (Formosa): Consul - Alfred E Wileman Tamsui (Formosa): - Consul - Arthur M Chalmers Yokohama: Consul-General - John Carey Hall Vice-Consul - E M Hobart-Hampden Shipping Clerk - George Hodges

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1909 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Claude M MacDonald Councillor - H G M Rumbold Naval Attaché - Capt. Charles Dundas Military Attaché - Lt. Col. Richard W Boger Japanese Secretary - John H Gubbins Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe Second Secretary - Robert H Clive Acting Second Secretary - M W Lampson Medical Officer - Dr William Hughes Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Dairen:


Vice-Consul - John T Wawn Hakodate: Consul - H G Parlett Kobe: Consul - Henry A C Bonar Vice-Consul - John B Rentiers Shipping Clerk - Angus MacDonald Nagasaki: Consul - Frank W W Playfair Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Osaka: Vice-Consul - A R Firth Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest A Griffiths Shipping Clerk - Alfred A CLarke Tainan (Formosa): Consul - Ralph G E Forster Tainan (Formosa): Consul - Arthur M Chalmers Yokohama: Consul-General - John Carey Hall Vice-Consul - E M Hobart-Hampden Shipping Clerk - George Hodges

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1910 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Claude M MacDonald Councillor - H G M Rumbold Naval Attaché - Capt. Charles Dundas Military Attaché - Lt. Col. Richard W Boger Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe Acting Second Secretary - M W Lampson Third Secretary - Nevile Henderson Medical Officer - Dr William Hughes Clerk and Accountant - A W Mclean Dairen: Vice-Consul - John T Wawn Hakodate: Vice-Consul - H G Parlett Kobe: Consul - R de B M Layard Vice-Consul - John T Wawn Shipping Clerk - Angus MacDonald Nagasaki: Consul - Arthur M Chalmers Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Osaka: Vice-Consul - Ernest H Holmes Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest A Griffiths Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke Tainan (Formosa): Pro-Consul - Harry Walter Arthur Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - John B Rentiers Yokohama: Consul-General - John Carey Hall Vice-Consul - Thomas J Harrington Shipping Clerk - George Hodges

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1911 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Claude M MacDonald Councillor - H G M Rumbold Naval Attaché - Capt. Sir Douglas Brownrigg Military Attaché - Major John A C Somerville Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe Second Secretary - Third Secretary - Nevile Henderson Medical Officer - Dr William Hughes Clerk and Accountant - A W Mclean Chemulpo (Korea): Consul - Athur Hyde Lay Dairen: Consul - H G Parlett Hakodate: Vice-Consul - E L S Gordon


Kobe: Consul - R de B M Layard Vice-Consul - John T Wawn Shipping Clerk - Angus MacDonald Nagasaki: Consul - Arthur M Chalmers Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Osaka: Vice-Consul - Ernest H Holmes Seoul: Consul-General - Henry A C Bonar Vice-Consul - George P Paton Constable - Shadrach T Huntley Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest A Griffiths Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke Tamsui (Formosa) : Consul - John B Rentiers Yokohama: Consul-General - John Carey Hall Vice-Consul - Thomas J Harrington Shipping Clerk - George Hodge

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1912 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Claude M MacDonald Councillor - H M G Rumbold Naval Attaché - Capt. Sir Douglas Brownrigg Military Attaché - Lt. Col. John A C Somerville Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe First Secretary - D Crackanthorpe Third Secretary - Edmund St J Monson Medical Officer - Dr William Hughes Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Hon. Attaché - Major A O L Kindersley Chemulpo (Korea): Consul - Arthur Hyde Lay Dairen: Consul - H G Parlett Hakodate: Vice-Consul - E LS Gordon Kobe: Consul-General - R de B M Layard Vice-Consul - John T Wawn Shipping Clerk - Angus MacDonald Nagasaki: Consul - Arthur M Chalmers Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Osaka: Vice-Consul - Ernest H Holmes Seoul: Consul-General - Henry A C Bonar Vice-Consul - William M Royds Constable - Shadrach T Huntley Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest A Griffiths Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - John B Rentiers Yokohama: Consul-General - John Carey Hall Vice-Consul - Thomas J Harrington Shipping Clerk - George Hodges

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1913 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir W Conyngham Greene Councillor - H G M Rumbold Naval Attaché - Capt. Hubert G Brand Military Attaché - Lt. Col. John A C Somerville Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe Second Secretary - Lord Kilmarnock Third Secretary - Edmund St J Monson Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Hon. Attaché - Lt. W Bowle-Evans Chemulpo (Korea):


Consul - John T Wawn Dairen: Consul - H G Parlett Pro-Consul - W B Cunningham Hakodate: Vice-Consul - E L S Gordon Kobe: Consul-General - R de B M Layard Vice-Consul - Hugh A F Horne Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Ralph G E Forster Osaki: Vice-Consul - Ernest H Homes Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur M Chalmers Vice-Consul - C J Davidson Constable - Shadrach T Huntley Shimonoseki: Consul - Arthur Hyde Lay Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke Tamsui (Formosa): Consul Yokohama: Consul-General - John Carey Hall Vice-Consul - Thomas J Harrington Shipping Clerk - George Hodges

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1914 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir W Conyngham Greene Naval Attaché - Capt. Hubert G Brand Military Attaché - Lt. Col. Hon. A C Somerville Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe First Secretary - Lord Kilmarnock Second Secretary - Edmund St J Monson Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Hon Attaché - Lt. W Bowle-Evans Chemulpo (Korea): Consul - John T Wawn Dairen: Consul - H G Parlett Pro-Consul - W B Cunningham Hakodate: Vice-Consul - George B Sansom Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - Hugh A F Horne Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - John B Rentiers Shipping Clerk - John A Marston Osaka: Vice-Consul - Oswald White Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - Gerald H Phipps Constable - Shadrach T Huntley Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest H Holmes Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Thomas J Harrington Yokohama: Consul-General - Arthur M Chalmers Vice-Consul - Colin J Davidson Shipping Clerk - George Hodges

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1915 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir W Conygham Greene Councillor - Herman C Norman Naval Attaché - Capt. Edward Hilary Rymer Military Attaché - Lt. Col. Everard Ferguson Calthrop Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe First Secretary - Lord Kilmarnock


Second Secretary - Count Charles Bentick Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Hon. Attaché - Lt. W Bowle-Evans Chemulpo (Korea): Consul - John T Wawn Dairen: Consul - H G Parlett Pro-Consul - Robert Boulter Hakodate: Vice-Consul - George B Sansom Karatsu: Consular Agent - John P Carr Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - Hugh A F Horne Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - John B Rentiers Shipping Clerk - John A Marston Osaka: Vice-Consul - Oswald White Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest H Homes Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Thomas J Harrington Yokohama: Consul-General - Arthur M Chalmers Vice-Consul - Colin J Davidson

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1916 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir W Conyngham Greene Councillor - Herman C Norman Naval Attaché - Capt. Edward Hilary Rymer Military Attaché - Lt. Col. John A C Somerville Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe First Secretary - Charles Wingfield Second Secretary - Count Charles Bentick Vice-Consul - Gerald H Phipps Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Hon Attaché - Lt. W Bowle-Evans Dairen: Consul - H G Parlett Hakodate: Vice-Consul - George Sansom Karatsu: Consular Agent - John P Carr Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - Hugh A F Horne Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - John T Wawn Shipping Clerk - David Waddell Osaka: Vice-Consul - Oswald White Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - W B Cunningham Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest Holmes Shipping Clerk - John A Marston - Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Thomas J Harrington Yokohama: Consul-General - Arthur M Chalmers Vice-Consul - Colin J Davidson Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1917 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir W Conyngham Greene


Councillor - Herman C Norman Naval Attaché - Capt. Edward Hilary Rymer Military Attaché - Lt. Col. John A C Somerville Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe First Secretary - Charles Wingfield Second Secretary - Charles Bentinck Vice-Consul - Gerald H Phipps Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Hon. Attaché - Lt. W Bowle-Evans Dairen: Consul - H G Parlett Hakodate: Vice-Consul - George B Sansom Karatsu: Consular Agent - John P Carr Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - Hugh A F Horne Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - John T Wawn Shipping Clerk - David Waddell Osaka: Vice-Consul - Oswald White Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - W B Cunningham Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest H Holmes Shipping Clerk - John A Marston Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Thomas J Harrington Yokohama: Consul-General - Arthur M Chalmers Vice-Consul - Colin J Davidson Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1918 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir W Conyngham Greene Councillor - Herman C Norman Naval Attaché - Comm. Fitzmaurice Acton Military Attaché - Lt. Col. John A C Somerville Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe First Secretary - Charles Wingfield First Secretary - Charles Bentinck Vice-Consul - Gerald H Phipps Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Hon Attaché - Lt. W Bowle-Evans Dairen: Consul - H G Parlett Hakodate: Vice-Consul - George B Sansom Karatsu: Consular Agent - John P Carr Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - Hugh A F Horne Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - John T Wawn Shipping Clerk - David Waddell Osaka: Vice-Consul - Oswald White Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - W B Cunningham Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest Holmes Shipping Clerk - John A Marston Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Thomas J Harrington Yokohama: Consul-General - Arthur M Chalmers Vice-Consul - Colin J Davidson Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1919 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir W Conyngham Greene Councillor - Herman C Norman Military Attaché - Brig. Gen. Charles R Woodroffe Japanese Secretary - E M Hobart-Hampden Commercial Secretary - Edward T F Crowe First Secretary - Charles Wingfield First Secretary - Charles Bentinck Vice-Consul - Gerald H Phipps Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Dairen: Consul - H G Parlett Hakodate: Vice-Consul - George B Sansom Karatsu: Consular Agent - John P Carr Kobe: Consular-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - G P Paton Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Thomas J Harrington Shipping Clerk - David Waddell Osaka: Vice-Consul - Oswald White Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - W B Cunningham Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest H Holmes Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - William M Royds Yokohama: Consul-General - Arthur M Chalmers Vice-Consul - Colin J Davidson Shipping Clerk - Alfred H Clarke

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1920 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir C N E Eliot Councillor - H Gurney Naval Attaché - Rear Admiral James C Ley Military Attaché - Brig. Gen. Charles R Woodroffe Asst. Military Attaché - Major J W Marsden Japanese Secretary - H G Parlett Commercial Attaché - Edward T F Crowe Commercial Secretary - Hugh A F Horne Second Secretary - Laurence Collier Third Secretary - James L Dodds Consul - Colin J Davidson Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Clerk and Accountant - A W McLean Dairen: Consul - E L S Gordon Hakodate: Vice-Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Shipping Clerk - J Will Karatsu: Consular Agent - John P Carr Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - G P Paton Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Oswald White Shipping Clerk - David Waddell Osaka: Vice-Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Otaru: Consular Agent - Peter Joss Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - W B Cunningham Shimonoseki: Consul - Ernest H Holmes Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - George B Sansom Yokohama; Consul-General - Arthur M Chalmers Vice-Consul - Gerald H Phipps


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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1921 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir C N E Eliot Councillor - H Gurney Naval Attaché - Capt. J P R Marriott Military Attaché - Brig. Gen. Charles R Woodroffe Japanese Councillor - H G Parlett Commercial Councillor - Edward T F Crowe Commercial Secretary - Hugh A F Horne First Secretary - J H S Birch Second Secretary - James L Dodds Consul - Colin J Davidson Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Archivist & Accountant - A W McLean Archivist - H E R Warton Hon Attaché - Robert R Glen Dairen: Consul - E L S Gordon Hakodate: Vice-Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - A Carnduff Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - G P Paton Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Oswald White Osaka: Vice-Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - W B Cunningham Shimonoseki: Consul - George B Sansom Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Gerald H Phipps Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - R Boulter Shipping Clerk - David Waddell

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1922 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir C N E Eliot Councillor - H Gurney Naval Attaché - Capt. J P R Marriott Military Attaché - Lt. Col. F S G Piggott Japanese Councillor - H G Parlett Commercial Councillor - Edward T F Crowe Commercial Secretary - Hugh A F Horne First Secretary - J H S Birch Second Secretary - James L Dodds Third Secretary - Count J E de Salis Third Secretary - K T Gurney Consul - Colin J Davidson Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Archivist & Accountant - A W McLean Archivist - H E R Warton Dairen: Consul - E L S Gordon Hakodate: Vice-Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - A Carnduff Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Oswald White Osaka: Vice-Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Otaru: Consul Agent - R Joss Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - W B Cunningham Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Gerald H Phipps Yokohama:


Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - R Boulter Shipping Clerk - David Waddell

< Top EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1923 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir C N E Eliot Councillor - C M Palairet Military Attaché - Lt. Col. F S G Piggott Japanese Councillor - H G Parlett Commercial Councillor - Edward T F Crowe Commercial Secretary - Hugh A F Horne First Secretary - J H S Birch Second Secretary - K T Gurney Third Secretary - H F B Maxse Consul - Colin J Davidson Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Archivist & Accountant - A W McLean Archivist - H E R Warton Dairen: Consul - E LS Gordon Hakodate: Vice-Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Oswald White Osaka: Vice-Consul - George B Sansom Otaru: - Post temporarily closed Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - W B Cunningham Shimonoseki: Acting Consular Agent - T C Robertson Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Gerald H Phipps Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - R Boulter Shipping Clerk - David Waddell

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1924 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir C N E Eliot Councillor - C M Palairet Military Attaché - Lt. Col. F S G Piggott Japanese Councillor - H G Parlett Commercial Councillor - Sir Edward T F Crowe First Secretary - J H S Birch Second Secretary - K T Gurney Third Secretary - H L Baggallay Consul - Colin J Davidson Chaplain - Revd L B Cholmondeley Archivist - H E R Warton Dairen: Consul - E L S Gordon Hakodate: Vice-Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Oswald White Osaka: Vice-Consul - George B Sansom Otaru: - Post temporarily closed Seoul: - Conul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - W B Cunningham Shimonoseki: Acting Consular Agent - T C Robertson


Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Gerald H Phipps Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - R Boulter

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1925 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir C N E Eliot Councillor - C M Palairet Naval Attaché - Capt. Guy C C Royle Military Attaché - Lt. Col. F S G Piggott Japanese Councillor - Sir H G Parlett Commercial Councillor - Sir Edward T F Crowe Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom First secretary - M D Peterson Second Secretary - J H Le Rougetel Third Secretary - H L Baggallay Consul - Colin J Davidson Archivist - H E R Warton Dairen: Acting Consul - V L P Fowke Hakodate: Vice-Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Oswald White Osaka: Consul - W B Cunningham Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - P D Butler Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Taihoki (Formosa): Pro-Consul - P C Nicholls Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Gerald H Phipps Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - R Boulter

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1926 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir J A C Tilley Councillor - C F J Dormer Naval Attaché - Capt. Guy C C Royle Military Attaché - Major Leslie R Hill Japanese Councillor - Sir H G Parlett Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - R Boulter First Secretary - M D Peterson Second Secretary - J H Le Rougetel Third Secretary - H L Baggallay Consul - Colin J Davidson Archivist - H E R Warton Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - Oswald White Hakodate: Vice-Consul - H H Macrae Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobé: Consul-General - Ralph G E Forster Vice-Consul - Alexander R Ovens Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Osaka: Consul - W B Cunningham - Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay


Acting Vice-Consul - V L P Fowke Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie - Taihoku (Formosa): Pro-Consul - P C Nicholls Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - E H de Bunsen Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Shipping Clerk - W T Johns

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1927 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir J A C Tilley Councillor - C F J Dormer Naval Attaché - Capt. C V Robinson Military Attaché - Major Leslie R Hill Japanese Councillor - Sir H G Parlett Commercial Secretary - George Sansom Commercial Secretary - R Boulter First Secretary - M D Peterson Second Secretary - C B P Peake Third Secretary - P Broad Consul - Colin J Davidson Archivist - H E R Warton Hon. Attaché - N R M Tilley Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Clerical Officer - B C Flynn Clerical Officer - R C Jackson Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - Oswald White Hakodate: Vice-Consul - H H Macrae Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consular-General - William M Royds Vice-Consul - Alexander R Ovens Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Osaka: Consul - W B Cunningham Seoul: Consul-General - Arthur Hyde Lay Vice-Consul - V L P Fowke Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Taihoku (Formosa): Pro-Consul - P C Nicholls Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - P D Butler Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Shipping Clerk - W T Johns Clerical Officer - T W Taylor

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1928 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir J A C Tilley Councillor - C F J Dormer Naval Attaché - Capt. C V Robinson Naval Attaché - Cmdr. E J Allen Military Attaché - Major Leslie R Hill Japanese Councillor - Sir H G Parlett Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - R Boulter First Secretary - N H H Charles Second Secretary - C B P Peake Third Secretary - P Broad Consul - P D Butler Archivist - A R Craig Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Clerical Officer - B C Flynn


Clerical Officer - R C Jackson Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - Oswald White Vice-Consul - H A Macrae Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - William M Royds Vice-Consul - Alexander R Ovens Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Clerical Officer - G T Edomndson Nagasaki: Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Osaka: Consul - W B Cunningham Clerical Officer - A W Taylor Otaru: Consular Agent - F H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - Colin J Davidson Vice-Consul - V L P Fowke Shiminoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Taihoku (Formosa): Pro-Consul - P C Nicholls Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Shipping Clerk - W T Johns Clerical Officer - T W Taylor

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1929 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir J A C Tilley Councillor - C F J Dormer Naval Attaché - Capt. C V Robinson Naval Attaché - Cmdr. E J Allen Military Attaché - Major Leslie R Hill Japanese Councillor - Colin J Davidson Japanese Secretary - W J Davies Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - R Boulter First Secretary - N H H Charles Second Secretary - C B P Peake Third Secretary - P Broad Consul - P D Butler Archivist - A R Craig Clerical Officer - B C Flynn Clerical Officer - R C Jackson Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - W B Cunningham Vice-Consul - H A Macrae Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - William M Royds Vice-Consul - Alexander R Ovens Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdindand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Osaka: Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Clerical Officer - A W Taylor Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consular-General - Oswald White Shimonoseiki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - G P Paton Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul Shipping Clerk - W T Johns


Clerical Officer - T W Taylor

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1930 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir J A C Tilley Councillor - Colin J Davidson Naval Attaché - Capt. C V Robinson Naval Attaché - Cmdr. E J Allen Military Attaché - Major Leslie R Hill Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae First Secretary - W R C Green Second Secretary - P Broad Third Secretary - R H S Allen Consul - P D Butler Archivist - A R Craig Clerical Officer - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - R C Jackson Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Diaren: Consul - W B Cunningham Clerical Officer - E J Edmondson Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - William M Royds Vice-Consul - Alexander R Ovens Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Osaka: Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Clerical Officer - A W Taylor Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - Oswald White Vice-Consul - C H Archer Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - G P Paton Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - W J Davies Shipping Clerk - W J Ham Clerical Officer - J R Donaldson

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1931 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir J A C Tilley (until May 1931) British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Lindley (from May 1931) Councillor - T M Snow Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. Montague G B Legge Naval Attaché - Cmdr. Cyril B Evington Military Attaché - Lt. Col. Hugh James Simson Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae First Secretary - W R C Greene Second Secretary - P Broad Second Secretary - W J Davies Third Secretary - R H S Allen Consul - P D Butler Vice-Consul - W J Davies Archivist - A R Craig Clerical Officer - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - F L Clarke Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - M B T Paske-Smith Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - William M Royds


Vice-Consul - Alexander R Ovens Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Vice-Consul - S A Ringer Osaka: Consul - R McPherson Austin Clerical Officer - A W Taylor Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - Oswald White Vice-Consul - C H Archer Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Taihoku (Formosa): Pro-Consul - J D 'A Norton Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Alexander R Ovens Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - R L Cowley Shipping Clerk - W J Ham Clerical Officer - J R Donaldson

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1932 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Francis O Lindley Councillor - T M Snow Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. Montague G B Legge Naval Attaché - Cmdr. Cyril B Evington Military Attaché - Lt. Col. Hugh James Simson Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae First Secretary - W R C Green Second Secretary - A D F Gascoigne Second Secretary - W J Davies Third Secretary - E E Crowe Consul - P D Butler Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - W E D Massey Hon Attaché - J H Walrond Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - Gerald H Phipps Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Fukuoka: Consular Agent - B W Cahusac Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - Reginald McPherson Austin Vice-Consul - C H Archer Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Clerical Officer - J R Donaldson Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Vice-Consul - S A Ringer Osaka: Consul-General - Oswald White Vice-Consul - R L Cowley Higher Clerical Officer - A W Taylor Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - William M Royds Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Alexander R Ovens Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Vice-Consul - D W Kermode Shipping Clerk - W J Ham

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1933 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Francis O Lindley Councillor - T M Snow Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. John Guy Protheroe Vivian Naval Attaché - Cmdr. Cyril B Evington Military Attaché - Col. Ernest Arthur Henry James Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae Second Secretary - A D F Gascoigne Second Secretary - W J Davies Second Secretary - E E Crowe Acting Consul - C H Archer Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - W E D Massey Hon. Attaché - J H Walrond Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - Reginald McPherson Austin Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - Gerald H Phipps Acting Vice-Consul - W W McVittie Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Clerical Officer - J R Donaldson Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Vice-Consul - S A Ringer Osaka: Consul-General - Oswald White Vice-Consul - R L Cowley Higher Clerical Officer - A W Taylor Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - William M Royds Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Alexander R Ovens Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Acting Vice-Consul - D F MacDermot Shipping Clerk - W J Ham

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1934 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Francis O Lindley (until May 1934) British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Henry Clive (from May 1934) Councillor - T M Snow Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. John Guy Protheroe Vivian Military Attaché - Col. Ernest Athur Henry James Air Attaché - Sqn. Ldr. Roy W Chappell Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae First Secretary - A D F Gascoigne Second Secretary - W J Davies Second Secretary - E E Crowe Consul - P D Butler Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - W E D Massey Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - Reginald McPherson Austin Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - Gerald H Phipps Vice-Consul - C H Archer Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Clerical Officer - J R Donaldson Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer


Vice-Consul - S A Ringer Osaka: Consul-General - Oswald White Vice-Consul - R L Cowley Higher Clerical Officer - A W Taylor Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - William M Royds Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Alexander R Ovens Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Acting Vice-Consul - D F MacDermott Shipping Clerk - W J Ham

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1935 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Henry Clive Acting Councillor - C E S Dodd Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. John Guy Protheroe Vivian Assistant Naval Attaché - Cmdr. E George Campbell Ross Military Attaché - Col. Ernest Arthur Henry James Air Attaché - Sqn. Ldr. Roy W Chappell Commercial Secretary - George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae Second Secretary - H A Clarke Second Secretary - E E Crowe Consul - W J Davies Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - W E D Massey Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - Reginald McPherson Austin Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Hakodate: Consular Agent - A C Denbigh Karatsu: Acting Consular Agent - M C Adams Kobe: Consul-General - Gerald H Phipps Consul (Grade II) - C H Archer Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Vice-Consul - S A Ringer Osaka: Consul-General - Oswald White Acting Consul (Grade II) - H A Graves Higher Clerical Officer - J R Donaldson Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Acting Consul-General - R L Cowley Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - Robert McKenzie Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - Alexander R Ovens Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest H Holmes Acting Consul (Grade II) - H H Thomas Shipping Clerk - W J Ham Higher Clerical Officer - A W R Taylor

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1936 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Henry Clive Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. Henry Bernard Rawlings Naval Attaché - Cmdr. E George Campbell Ross Military Attaché - Col. Ernest Arthur Henry James Air Attaché - Sqn. Ldr. Roy W Chappell Commercial Secretary - Sir George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae


Second Secretary - H A Clarke Third Secretary - G W Harrison Consul - W J Davies Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - W E D Massey Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - Reginald McPherson Austin Higher Clerical Officer - A W R Taylor Hakodate: Consular Agent - A C Denbigh Kobe: Consul - Alexander R Ovens Consul (Grade II) - H A Graves Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Vice-Consul - S A Ringer Osaka: Consul-General - Oswald White Consul (Grade II) - Henry H Thomas Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - Gerald H Phipps Clerical Officer - J R Donaldson Tamsui (Formosa): - Consul - C H Archer Yokohama: Consul-General - Ernest Holmes Consul (Grade II) - D W Kermode Vice-Consul - W W McVittie Shipping Clerk - W J Ham

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1937 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Henry Clive (until August 1937) British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Leslie Craigie (from August 1937) Acting Councillor - J L Dodds Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. Henry B Rawlings Assistant Naval Attaché - Lt. Cmdr. A D Merriman Military Attache - Major Gen F S G Piggott Air Attaché - Wing Cmdr. Roy W Chappell Commercial Councillor - Sir George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae Financial Adviser - E L Hall-Patch First Secretary - H A Clarke Third Secretary - G W Harrison Consul - W J Davies Vice-Consul - H R Sawbridge Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - J M Clague Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - L H Foulds Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Hakodate: Consular Agent - A C Denbigh Kobe: Consul - Alexander R Ovens Consul (Grade II) - H A Graves Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Vice-Consul - S A Ringer Osaka: Consul-General - Oswald White Consul (Grade II) - Henry H Thomas Higher Clerical Officer - A W R Taylor Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - Gerald H Phipps Clerical Officer - J R Donaldson Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - W H Sainton Tamsui (Formosa):


Consul - C H Archer Yokohama: Consul-General - Reginald McPherson Austin Consul (Grade II) - D W Kermode Vice-Consul - W W McVittie Shipping Clerk - W J Ham

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1938 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Leslie Craigie Acting Councillor - J L Dodds Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. Henry B Rawlings Assistant Naval Attaché - Lt. Cmdr. A D Merriman Military Attaché - Major Gen. F S G Piggott Asst Military Attaché - Major G T Wards Air Attaché - Wing Cmdr. Walter E G Bryant Commercial Councillor - Sir George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae Financial Adviser - E L Hall-Patch First Secretary - H A Clarke Second Secretary - A A F Haigh Third Secretary - P H Gore Booth Consul - R L Cowley Vice-Consul - H R Sawbridge Vice-Consul - F S Tomlinson Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - J M Clague Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - L H Foulds Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Hakodate: Consular Agent - A C Denbigh Kobe: Consul - Alexander R Ovens Consul (Grade II) - H A Graves Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Vice-Consul - S A Ringer Osaka: Consul-General - Oswald White Consul (Grade II) - Henry H Thomas Higher Clerical Officer - A W R Taylor Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - Gerald H Phipps Clerical Officer - J R Donaldson Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - W H Sainton Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - C H Archer Yokohama: Consul-General - Reginald McPherson Austin Consul (Grade II) - D W Kermode Shipping Clerk - W J Ham

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1939 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Leslie Craigie Councillor - J L Dodds Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. Henry B Rawlings Assistant Naval Attaché - Lt. Cmdr. A D Merriman Military Attaché - Major Gen. F S G Piggott Military Attaché - Major G T Wards Air Attaché - Wing Cmdr. Walter E G Bryant Commercial Councillor - Sir George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae Commercial Secretary - O C Morland Financial Adviser - E L Hall-Patch First Secretary - J T Henderson Second Secretary - A A F Haigh Third Secretary - P H Gore Booth Consul - R L Cowley


Vice-Consul - H N Brain Vice-Consul - F S Tomlinson Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - J M Clague Clerical Officer - R M E Kennedy Chaplain - Revd C K Sansbury Hon. Attaché - I Morrison Chemulpo: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Dairen: Consul - L H Foulds Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Hakodate: Consular Agent - A C Denbigh Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Vice-Consul - S A Ringer Osaka and Kobe: Consul-General - Alexander R Ovens Consul - D W Kermode Consul (Grade II) - L H Whittall Higher Clerical Officer - A W R Taylor Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - Gerald H Phipps Vice-Consul - A J de la Mare Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - W H Sainton Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - C H Archer Yokohama: Consul-General - Reginald McPherson Austin Consul (Grade II) - W W McVittie Shipping Clerk - W J Ham

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1940 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Leslie Craigie Councillor - J L Dodds Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. D N C Tufnell Military Attaché - Major G T Wards Air Attaché - Group Capt. Walter E G Bryant Commercial Councillor - Sir George B Sansom Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae Commercial Secretary - O C Morland Acting Comm Secretary - A J de la Mare Financial Adviser - E L Hall-Patch First Secretary - J T Henderson Second Secretary - P H Gore Booth Third Secretary - C H Johnson Third Secretary - F L Simpson Consul - R L Cowley Consul (Grade II) - H N Brain Consul (Grade II) - F S Tomlinson Probationer Vice-Consul - E T Biggs Probationer Vice-Consul - F H Crowther Probationer Vice-Consul - K A Geary Probationer Vice-Consul - H C Hainworth Probationer Vice-Consul - R T D Ledward Probationer Vice-Consul - J O Lloyd Probationer Vice-Consul - J R V Mason Probationer Vice-Consul - L Pickles Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - J M Clague Clerical Officer - R M E Kennedy Chaplain - Revd C K Sansbury Hon Attaché - I Morrison Dairen: Consul - L H Foulds Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Hakodate: Consular Agent - A C Denbigh Jinsen: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Vice-Consul - Frederick Ringer Osaka and Kobe:


Consul-General - Alexander R Ovens Consul - D W Kermode Acting Consul - H A Graves Acting Consul (Grade II) - R G H Watts Vice-Consul - S P House Higher Clerical Officer - A W R Taylor Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - Gerald H Phipps Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - S A Ringer Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - CH Archer Yokohama: Consul-General - Reginald McPherson Austin Consul (Grade II) - W W McVittie Vice-Consul - T E Bromley Shipping Clerk - W J Ham

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1941 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Leslie Craigie Councillor - W E Houston-Boswall Councillor - W B Cunningham Naval Attaché - Capt. D N C Tufnell Assistant Naval Attaché - Paymaster Lt. William R Michell Military Attaché - Brig. Brian Reginald Mullaly Asst Military Attaché - Capt. Philip Gerald Parker Air Attaché - Group Capt. Walter E G Bryant Commercial Councillor - O C Morland Commercial Secretary - H A Macrae Financial Commissioner - E L Hall-Patch First Secretary - J T Henderson Second Secretary - P H Gore Booth Third Secretary - C H Johnson Third Secretary - F L Simpson Consul - R L Cowley Consul (Grade II) - H N Brain Consul (Grade II) - F S Tomlinson Probationer Vice-Consul - E T Biggs Probationer Vice-Consul - F H Crowther Probationer Vice-Consul - K A Geary Probationer Vice-Consul - H C Hainworth Probationer Vice-Consul - R T D Ledward Probationer Vice-Consul - J R V Mason Probationer Vice-Consul - L Pickles Archivist - J M Tabor Clerical Officer - J M Clague Clerical Officer - R M E Kennedy Chaplain - Revd C K Sansbury Dairen: Consul - L H Foulds Clerical Officer - G J Edmondson Hakodate: Consular Agent - A C Denbigh Jinsen: Consular Agent - W G Bennett Nagasaki: Consul - Ferdinand C Greatrex Osaka and Kobe: Acting Consul-General - H A Graves Acting Consul - D F MacDermot Acting Consul (Grade II) - F S Tomlinson Vice-Consul - B C MacDermot Higher Clerical Officer - A W R Taylor Shipping Clerk - J S Waddell Otaru: Consular Agent - S H Dawes Seoul: Consul-General - Gerald H Phipps Shimonoseki: Consular Agent - W H Sainton Tamsui (Formosa): Consul - C H Archer Yokohama: Consul-General - Reginald McPherson Austin Consul (Grade II) - W W McVittie Vice-Consul - S P House Shipping Clerk - W J Ham


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[During the period January 1942 to June 1946 nobody was posted to Japan because of hostilities during the Second World War.]

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1946 Tokyo: Political Adviser - A D V Gascoigne

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1947 Tokyo: Political Representative - A D V Gascoigne Assistant Political Rep - I T M Pink First Secretary - R G H Watts Second Secretary - P A G Westlake Second Secretary - E H St G Moss

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There is no information for 1948.

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1949 Tokyo: Political Representative - Sir Alvary Douglas Gascoigne Assistant Political Rep - I T M Pink First Secretary - R G H Watts First Secretary - H C Hainworth First Secretary & Consul - K A Geary Second Secretary - P A G Westlake Second Secretary - C P Scott Economic Adviser - E R Lingeman First Secretary (Comm) - A J Goodman First Secretary (Comm) - H C Lepper Second Secretary (Comm) - L S J Hill Administrative Officer - P V St J Killick Second Secretary (Admin) - J Quine Financial Adviser - H H Thomas Councillor (Information) - H V Redman First Secretary (Info) - E C Blunden First Secretary (Info) - A R Boyce First Secretary (Info) - G Madgwick Archivist - J M Clague Accountant - B A M Buchanan Naval Attaché - Capt. Tidd Assistant Naval Attaché - Cmdr. J N D Gray Kobe: Consul - H R Sawbridge Seoul: Consul-General - Capt. V Holt Vice-Consul - S E Faithful Pro-Consul - J Hammond Yokohama: Acting Consul-General - L Pickles Acting Consul - G J Edmondson Acting Consul - M Ellerton

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1950 Tokyo: Political Representative - Sir Alvary Douglas Gascoigne First Secretary - C P Scott First Secretary - H C Hainworth First Secretary & Consul - J C O'Dwyer Consul - K A Geary Second Secretary - P A G Westlake Second Secretary - P V St J Killick Third Secretary - G M Toplas Minister Commercial - E R Lingeman First Secretary (Comm) - A J Goodman Second Secretary (Comm) - E C Penson Third Secretary (Comm) - D A Roberts Second Secretary (Admin) - J Quine Financial Adviser - H H Thomas


Councillor (Information) - H V Redman First Secretary (Info) - E C Blunden First Secretary (Info) - A R Boyce Archivist - J M Clague Kobe: Consul - M E Taylor Vice-Consul - T G Watson Acting Vice-Consul - Cmdr. A J Bell Seoul: Envoy & Consul-General - Capt. V Holt First Secretary & Consul - S E Faithful Pro-Consul - J Hammond Yokohama: Acting Consul-General - H R Sawbridge Acting Consul - L H Williams Acting Consul - M Ellerton

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1951 Tokyo: Political Representative - Sir Alvary Douglas Gascoigne Councillor - G L Clutton First Secretary - A J de la Mare First Secretary - H C Hainworth First Secretary - P A G Westlake Second Secretary - F W Williams Second Secretary - J P Waterfield Minister Commercial - N S Roberts First Secretary (Comm) - A J Goodman Second Secretary (Comm) - E C Penson Third Secretary (Comm) - D A Roberts Financial Adviser - H H Thomas Councillor (Information) - H V Redman First Secretary (Info) - A R Boyce Consul - J C O'Dwyer Acting Vice-Consul - G M Toplas Labour Attaché - G F C Matthews Shipping Adviser - R E M Le Goy Naval Attaché - Cmdr. J M D Gray Military Attaché - Brig. A K Ferguson Asst. Military Attaché - Lt. Col. J G Figgess Air Attaché - Wing Cmdr. R A C Barclay Kobe: Consul - M E Taylor Vice-Consul - T G Watson Acting Vice-Consul - Cmdr. A J Bell Seoul: Envoy & Consul-General - Capt. V Holt Chargé d’ Affaires - A C S Adams First Secretary & Consul - S E Faithful Second Sec & Vice-Consul - J E Morris Vice-Consul - G Blake Pro-Consul - S Relton Yokohama: Consul-General - H R Sawbridge Acting Consul - M Ellerton Vice-Consul - R J Poray

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1952 Tokyo: Political Representative - Sir Maberley Esler Dening (until May 1952) British Ambassador - Sir Maberley Esler Dening (from May 1952) Councillor - G L Clutton First Secretary - J P Waterfield First Secretary - A J de la Mare First Secretary - E C Smith Ross First Secretary - P A G Westlake Second Secretary - J Quine Third Secretary - R H Ellingworth Third Secretary - D C Symon Minister Commercial - N S Roberts First Secretary (Comm) - A J Goodman Second Secretary (Comm) - E C Penson Financial Adviser - H H Thomas Councillor (Information) - H V Redman First Secretary (Info) - A R Boyce Consul - J C O'Dwyer Acting Vice-Consul - R L Janaway Labour Attaché - G R Calvert Naval Attaché - Capt. H W S Browning


Naval Attaché - Comdr. D G D H Wright Military Attaché - Brig. A K Gerguson Asst. Military Attaché - Lt. Col. J G Figgess Air Attaché - Wing Comdr. R A C Barclay Kobe: Consul - C V Woodforde-Booth Vice-Consul - T G Watson Seoul: Envoy & Consul-General - Capt. V Holt Chargé d' Affaires - A C S Adams First Secretary & Consul - A H Birch Second Sec & Vice-Consul - J E Morris Vice-Consul - G Blake [In Communist hands from mid 1952.] Yokohama: Consul-General - H R Sawbridge Acting Consul - M Ellerton Vice-Consul - D W M Pierotti

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1953 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Sir Maberley Elser Dening Councillor - A S Halford First Secretary - A J de la Mare Second Secretary - H A H Cortazzi Second Secretary - F W Williams Second Secetary - J Quine Third Secretary - R H Ellingworth Third Secretary - D C Symon Third Secretary - C S R Gifford Third Secretary - W Bentley Minister Commercial - N S Roberts First Secretary (Comm) - H J Legg Second Secretary - E C Penson Financial Adviser - H H Thomas Councillor (Information) - H V Redman Second Secretary (Info) - J R Greenwood Consul - L Pickles Acting Vice-Consul - R L Janaway Labour Attaché - G R Calvert Naval Attaché - Capt..H W S Browing Naval Attaché - Cmdr. M N Tufnell Military Attaché - Lt. Col. J G Figgess Military Attaché - Lt. Col. P G Parker Air Attaché - Wing Cmdr. R A C Barclay Kobe: Consul - M B Thresher Vice-Consul - R J Bray Moji: Consular Agent - T Malcolm Osaka: Consul-General - A T Oldham Yokohama: Consul - K A Geary Vice-Consul - D W M Pierotti Acting Consul - M Ellerton

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1954 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Sir Maberley Esler Dening Councillor - A S Halford First Secretary - M A C Silverwood-Cope First Secretary (Hong Kong Section) - W J Anderson Second Secretary - H A H Cortazzi Second Secretary - K C Parsons Second Secretary - A A Darwood Third Secretary - R H Ellingworth Third Secretary - D C Symon Third Secretary - C M James Third Secretary - W Bentley Third Secretary - C F Hill Minister Commercial - H N Brain Commercial Councillor - J E Chadwick First Secretary (Comm) - C Blyth Second Secretary (Comm) - E C Penson First Secretary (Fin) - A J Phelps Second Secretary (Fin) - E L Hampson Councillor (Information) - H V Redman Second Secretary (Info) - J R Greenwood


Consul - L Pickles Vice-Consul - B S Picton Vice-Consul - P M Reid Administrative Officer - R J Molland Labour Attaché - G R Calvert Cultural Attaché - R A Close Naval Attaché - Cmdr. M N Tufnell Military Attaché - Brig. Ralph D Neville Military Attaché - Lt. Col. P G Parker Air Attaché - Group Capt. SS Murray Kobe: Consul - M B Thresher Vice-Consul - R J Bray Moji: Consular Agent - T Malcolm Osaka: Consul-General - A T Oldham Vice-Consul - J R Greenwood Yokohama: Consul - K A Geary

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1955 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Sir Maberley Esler Dening Councillor - A S Halford First Secretary - R T D Ledward First Secretary - M A C Silverwood-Cope Second Secretary - R H Ellingworth Second Secretary - D C Symon Second Secretary - K C Parsons Second Secretary - A A Darwood Third Secretary - C M James Third Secretary - W Bentley Third Secretary - C F Hill Third Secretary - R E G Burges-Watson Minister - H N Brain Councillor (Commercial) - J E Chadwick First Secretary (Comm) - C Blyth Second Secretary (Comm) - E C Penson First Secretary (Fin) - A J Phelps Second Secretary (Fin) - J M Furley Smith Councillor (Information) - H V Redman Second Secretary (Info) - J I McGhie First Secretary & Consul - L Pickles Second Sec & Vice-Consul - P M Reid Attaché & Vice-Consul - B S Picton First Secretary (Hong Kong Section) - W J Anderson First Secretary (Labour) - G R Calvert Cultural Attaché - R A Close Naval Attaché - Capt. F B Baker Assistant Naval Attaché - Lt. Cmdr. C T D Williams Military Attaché - Brig. R D Neville Asst Military Attaché - Lt. Col. P G Parker Air Attaché - Group Capt. S S Murray Civil Air Attaché - E S Ainley Administrative Officer - R J Molland Archivist - C H Tarrant Moji: Consular Agent - T Malcolm Osaka & Kobe (Kobe Office): Consul - A W R Taylor Vice-Consul - D H C Bakes Osaka & Kobe (Osaka Office): Consul-General - A T Oldham Consul (Commercial) - F G C Robinson Vice-Consul - J R Greenwood Vice-Consul - R A Kidd Vice-Consul - C S R Giffard Vice-Consul - E A Owen Yokohama: Consul - K A Geary Vice-Consul - C G Hampden-King

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1956 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Sir Maberley Esler Dening Councillor - R T D Ledward First Secretary - B J Greenhill First Secretary - J G Hart


Second Secretary - J M Furley-Smith Second Secretary - R H Ellingworth Second Secretary - D C Symon Second Secretary - K C Parsons Second Secretary - A A Darwood Third Secretary - C M James Third Secretary - W Bentley Third Secretary - C F Hill Third Secretary - R E G Burges-Watson Minister - H N Brain Councillor (Commercial) - J E Chadwick First Secretary (Comm) - C Blyth Second Secretary (Comm) - E C Penson First Secretary (Fin) - A J Phelps Second Secretary (Fin) - J M Furley Smith Councillor (Information) - H V Redman Second Secretary (Info) - J I McGhie First Secretary & Consul - L Pickles Second Sec & Vice-Consul - P M Reid Attaché & Vice-Consul - B S Picton First Secretary (Hong Kong Section) - W J Anderson First Secretary (Labour) - G R Calvert Cultural Attaché - R A Close Naval Attaché - Capt. F B Baker Assistant Naval Attaché - Lt. Cmdr. C T D Williams Military Attaché - Brig. R D Neville Asst Military Attaché - Lt. Col. P G Parker Air Attaché - Group Capt. S S Murray Civil Air Attaché - E S Ainley Administrative Officer - R J Molland Archivist - C H Tarrant Moji: Consular Agent - T Malcolm Osaka & Kobe (Kobe Office): Consul - A W R Taylor Vice-Consul - B A Attwood Osaka & Kobe ( Kobe Office): Consul-General - D J Cheke Consul (Commercial) - F G C Robinson Vice-Consul - R A Kidd Vice-Consul - R Brereton Vice-Consul - E A Owen Yokohama: Consul - K A Geary Vice-Consul - M A Smith

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1957 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Sir Maberley Esler Dening (until September 1957) British Ambassador - Sir Daniel William Lascelles (from September 1957) Councillor - R W Selby First Secretary - B J Greenhill First Secretary - J G Hart Second Secretary - A E Bell Second Secretary - A A Darwood Third Secretary - C S R Giffard Third Secretary - W Bentley Third Secretary - C F Hill Third Secretary - R E G Burge-Watson Minister - W Harpham Councillor (Financial) - D O Henley First Secretary (Comm) - C Blyth First Secretary (Comm) - J A Turpin Second Secretary (Comm) - E C Penson Second Secretary (Comm) - B Oates Councillor (Information) - H V Redman First Secretary (Info) - A F R Harvey Junior Attaché - D W Warren-Knott First Secretary & Consul - L Pickles Vice-Consul - F R Lancaster Attaché & Vice-Consul - A V E Gray First Secretary (Hong Kong Section) - W J Anderson First Secretary (Labour) - G R Calvert Cultural Attaché - Dr L R Phillips Naval Attaché - Capt. W W Muir Assistant Naval Attaché - Lt. Cmdr. C T D Williams Military Attaché - Col. J G Figgess Air Attaché - Group Capt. R C Keary Civil Air Attaché - E S Ainley Administrative Officer - R J Molland Archivist - C H Tarrant Moji:


Consular Agent - T Malcolm Osaka & Kobé (Kobé Office): Vice-Consul - B A Attwood Osaka & Kobé (Osaka Office): Consul-General - D J Cheke Consul (Commercial) - F G C Robinson Vice-Consul - R Brereton Yokohama: Consul - K A Geary

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EMBASSY AND CONSULAR STAFF, 1958 Tokyo: British Ambassador - Sir Daniel William Lascelles Councillor - R W Selby Head of Chancery - R W Selby First Secretary - P A G Westlake First Secretary - J G Hart Second Secretary - C F Hill Second Secretary - A E Bell Second Secretary - W Bentley Second Secretary - A A Darwood Third Secretary - J S Whitehead Third Secretary - J N T Spreckley Third Secretary - R E G Burges-Watson Minister - W Harpham First Secretary (Comm) - C Blyth First Secretary (Comm) - J A Turpin First Secretary (Comm) - A N MacCleary Second Secretary (Comm) - E C Penson Second Secretary (Comm) - B Oates Councillor (Information) - H V Redman Second Secretary (Info) - A F R Harvey Junior Attaché - D W Warren-Knott First Secretary & Consul - L Pickles Vice-Consul - J O Chubb Attaché & Vice-Consul - A V E Gray Pro-Consul - D H C Bakes First Secretary (Hong Kong Section) - W J Anderson First Secretary (Labour) - G R Calvert Cultural Attaché - Dr L R Phillips Asst Cultural Attaché - W R McApline Naval Attaché - Capt. W W Muir Military Attaché - Col. J G Figgess Air Attaché - Group Capt. R C Keary Civil Air Attaché - E S Ainley Administrative Officer - D F Burden Moji: Consular Agent - Brig. A P Campbell Osaka & Kobé (Kobé Office): Consul - W C Butler Osaka & Kobé (Osaka Office): Consul-General - D J Cheke Consul (Commercial) - F G C Robinson Vice-Consul - R Brereton Vice-Consul - B A Attwood Yokohama: Consul - K A Geary

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