for the hive

For the Hive! Prologue The Communal Hive, a combination of red and blue citizens, has always been in disarray over the feud between the two sister Queens. Due to the sugar shortage, the Blue Ant Queen (Mary Ant- Twanet) declares that her Blue citizens are far superior to the weaker Red Ants. She decrees that what little sugar they have will only go to her people. Her sister (Red Ant Queen Ant-Tonia) is opposed to this action, and leads her Red Ant citizens in a rebellion against the Blue Ants. After declaring their independence, the Red Queen appointed Colonel Morrison (loyal to the Red Hive and the former military leader of the Communal Hive) the task of training the newest recruits to the Red Ant army. Colonel Morrison’s second in command, Major Mordecai, accompanies him as he trains the new soon-to-be soldiers. Level 1 Tutorial (Pre-Mission) (Unlock Worker Ant, Soldier Ant, Wasp, Grub) “Alright maggots, form up!” Ordered Colonel Morrison as he marched up and down their ranks. “Queen Ant-Tonia has assigned me to get you pathetic excuse for soldiers into fighting shape, so listen up and don’t interrupt me!”. The Colonel began explaining to the new recruits the objective of their mission. “Your mission is to collect as much sugar as your tiny splinter-small arms can carry, IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?” “Sir, yes sir!” shouted the recruits. “Make sure to move fast,” Added Major Mordecai, “The enemy isn’t going to wait around while you’re dilly-dallying.” The recruits began to form up in twos, marching in formation towards the giant sugar cube. One by one they each carried small bits of the cube back to the hive. 1

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The complete story for the Time3up original game, "For the Hive."


For the Hive!


The Communal Hive, a combination of red and blue citizens, has always been in disarray over the feud between the two sister Queens. Due to the sugar shortage, the Blue Ant Queen (Mary Ant-Twanet) declares that her Blue citizens are far superior to the weaker Red Ants. She decrees that what little sugar they have will only go to her people. Her sister (Red Ant Queen Ant-Tonia) is opposed to this action, and leads her Red Ant citizens in a rebellion against the Blue Ants. After declaring their independence, the Red Queen appointed Colonel Morrison (loyal to the Red Hive and the former military leader of the Communal Hive) the task of training the newest recruits to the Red Ant army. Colonel Morrisons second in command, Major Mordecai, accompanies him as he trains the new soon-to-be soldiers.

Level 1 Tutorial (Pre-Mission)(Unlock Worker Ant, Soldier Ant, Wasp, Grub)Alright maggots, form up! Ordered Colonel Morrison as he marched up and down their ranks. Queen Ant-Tonia has assigned me to get you pathetic excuse for soldiers into fighting shape, so listen up and dont interrupt me!. The Colonel began explaining to the new recruits the objective of their mission.Your mission is to collect as much sugar as your tiny splinter-small arms can carry, IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?

Sir, yes sir! shouted the recruits.

Make sure to move fast, Added Major Mordecai, The enemy isnt going to wait around while youre dilly-dallying.The recruits began to form up in twos, marching in formation towards the giant sugar cube. One by one they each carried small bits of the cube back to the hive.

NOT GOOD ENOUGH! shouted Colonel Morrison, Ive seen slugs move faster than you. But we dont have time to teach you the details. Moving on! Next is teaching you the basics of com-

Suddenly the colonel was cut off my Major Mordecai. Colonel enemy ants are moving in on the entrance to our Hive! shouted the Major.

What?!!? growled the Colonel. Well what the hell are you standing around here for men? Follow the Major up there and defend your HIVE!

The Major led the troops up to the entrance of the hive, where a small battalion of blue soldier and worker ants were charging towards the sugar cube. A great battle had commenced, with both sides fighting for the resources. In the end Major Mordecai led the battalion to victory driving the blue army away from the red hive.

Tutorial (Post Mission)

After the battle, Mordecai approached Colonel Morrison to inform him of his victory.

Weve defeated the enemies, sir! The major said, exhausted from the battle.Thats a good job, son. Said the Colonel as he coughed heavily.

Were you injured in battle, sir? asked the Major.

No son, it would seem my time has come, time me for to be at peace. said the Colonel.

What do you mean, sir? Asked the Major.The Colonel began to wrap himself in silk. before wrapping it over his head, he imparted one final pearl of wisdom to the Major. Its time for you to take command. I have faith in you boy. Now lead our hive to victory.The Major walked away from the wrapped cocoon. From within he could hear mumbling. What kind of jive is this?! Major Mordecai walked through the giant corridor, surrounded by the Elite Royal Guards. He made his way to the end of the hall and kneeled. Before him was the Red Queen. The Queen was wearing a sparkling coat, around her neck glittered the Royal Red Crest. Upon her head rested a magnificent crown of gold with red gems. She held a scepter made from thin pieces of wire wrapped around a large red gem. The gem was polished so that it shine when it touched the light.Arise, Major, said the Queen, Your performance on the battlefield was most valiant.

Thank you, my Queen. said the Major as he rose to his feet.

This Blue Ant invasion has come as a surprise to our hive. If we cannot defend our own homes, how can we defend the resources that nourish us? Major Mordecai, you have shown us that the Blue Ants are not unstoppable. Who better to lead our campaign against the advancing blue army?. Queen Ant-Tonia then sat up from her throne, declaring With the power invested in me as the red queen, I promote you to leader of the red army! Venture forth, and stem the flow of blue tyranny that my sister has created. Oh and while youre out grab, us some food..

Level 2 Picnic Table (Pre-mission)(Unlock Dung Beetle)

As the Major and his forces march onward from the Red Hive, he spotted a picnic table. Once his troops reached it they overheard the sounds of battle.Hold men!, Commanded the Major, You two, come with me!

They made their way to the sounds of the commotion, where they found a large beetle surrounded by a battalion of Blue Ants. It quickly became evident that the beetle was in no trouble. He threw ants to and fro, all the while speaking in a thick Russian accent.COME ON, YOU PUNY EXCUSE FOR SOLDIERS! GIVE ME REAL CHALLENGE! Should we help him, Sir? asked one of the scouts.No, I think hes got this covered. said the Major nervously.

As the Beetle slayed his final victim, his eyes met with Mordecais. The Beetle then slowly began to walk toward Mordecai and his team. As he inched closer, the Major and his scouts readied for battle. But before they had time to react, the beetle spread open his four massive arms and shouted, Hello comrade, Ive been expecting you!Wh-What? asked Mordecai, confused.

The beetle then came closer and began to tell them his tale.My name is Boris, and I come seeking your aid. My home was devastated by the Siniey ant. I smash as many as I could, but they keep coming. So I escape with strongest beetles from my home. We hear of your great victory against Siniy Ant, so we set out to find you, so we may smash Siniey ant together! So, what you say comrade? Can we strong beetle fight alongside your army?Siniey? What does siniy mean? Mordecai questioned.Siniey? It means, a how you say, Blue! So what you say comrade? Boris responded.Major Mordecai took one look at the battlefield below and back at the large beetle standing before him.Uhh.. Im going to say yes. he replied sheepishly.

GOOD! We defeat puny Siniey together, side by side. I give you hug now. Boris replied jovially.

What?! Major Mordecai ran away from the jolly beetle intent on giving him a crushing hug.

As Boris moves in to give Mordecai a crushing hug, he finds his eyes are drawn to the advancing Blue Ant battalions marching across the table.Hug will have to wait comrade! Boris shouted as he turns toward the marching ants. WE HAVE SINIEY TO SMASH!

As the Major leads his forces into battle, he notices that instead of charging toward his troops, the Blue Ants are marching toward a large picnic basket.We have a new objective boys! shouted the major, FOR THE HIVE!

Level 2 The Picnic table (Post mission)

With the help of Boris and his beetles, the red ants came out of the battle victorious. As the red forces began to celebrate, a scout reported in from the The Great Desert. Sir, Private Ry-ant reporting with my analysis from the Great desert, sir panted the young scout.

Boris the beetle pushed his way through the crowd of ants surrounding the Major. What is going on comrade?It seems that the blue ants have a forward base located here. The Major pointed down at the map. The Great endless sea of hot sand with no end in sight.So we go to smash them into desert sea, da? Boris said as he stomped his left feet against the ground. The ground shook with the impact, throwing some of the ants off-balance.Well theres nothing out there, so they must be up to something. Mordecai said, rubbing his head. We should go investigate. Whatever they're doing cant be good for the Hive. DA, WE GO NOW AND SMASH SINIEY ANT! NOW, NOW, NOW! GO!! Boris roared, causing a few of the ants to cover their heads.

Ok, ok, Boris stop Rush-ian me! Mordecai jested.

Level 3 The Sandbox (Pre-mission)(Unlock Butterfly, Bumble Bee)

They reached the border to The Great Desert. Suddenly, as they began their trek through the shifting sands, they were ambushed by a squad of unknown assailants. Major Mordecai felt a sharp jagged blade against his throat.

For a commander thats in charge of such an grand army, you were easily taken by surprise. said one of the assailants. The queen put you in such a high regard, I was expecting more of a challenge from one such as you Major Mordecai.

The queen?! The Major said with shock. Who are you and what do you want?!My companions and I are none of your concern, and you would do well to know who is in charge here, Major. the assailant hissed.

Maybe you should look around. said the Major. You're surrounded, and quite outnumbered.

The assailant glanced around and saw a dozen ants pointing their spears at her. She ordered her soldiers to stand down, but kept her blade on the Major. Ive underestimated you, Major, the mysterious warrior said as she lowered her blade. I am Maya, leader of the Red Queens Special Mantis Assault. We were sent to investigate a Blue Ant archaeological dig site located deep in the Great Dessert.Archaeological dig site? What could the Blue Ants want to dig up in this barren wasteland? Mordecai questioned.

We dont know, but its our job to find out, not yours. Maya replied snarkily.

Your objective is our objective Maya, we will support you in anyway we can. Just lead the way. said Mordecai valiantly.

Your assistance is not needed, just stay out of our way ordered Maya.

Very well. said the Major.

The two groups split up and headed into the vast desert.

Why did you let little temptress go? If it were me, Id crush her and then go find more siniey to smash. growled Boris.

Thats not how we do things around here Boris. If the Queen has sent them on an important mission, who am I to stop them? replied the Major with a gruff voice.

As Mordecai marched his army through the Desert, he began to hear the sound of battle. The Major led a recon team composed of himself and Boris to investigate. After reaching the top of the dune, they saw the dig site Maya was sent to gather intel on. Down in the digsite the Major spots Maya and her team in combat with a large Blue Ant force.

Look theres Maya and her team! It looks like theyre in trouble. shouted Mordecai.

I SMASH YOU PREDATEL (Traitor)! roared Boris as he charged down the dune. Boris wait! Ah fine. CHARGE MEN! FOR THE HIVE!! shouted the Major.

As Mordecai and his forces charged toward the battle, he spotted a wounded soldier and went to his aid.

You, solider, what happened here?! he panted.

We were overpowered, sir. said the wounded soldier. Our orders were to capture the enemy base, but we didnt know how fortified it was. And we didnt know that He would be here.

That who would be here? Mordecai pressed.

The soldier passed out before he could say anymore.

The Major gently lowered the soldier back down and looked up at the enemy base.The Major was shocked, but was confident he could lead his troops to victory.They attacked the blue dig site, and were quickly stopped in their tracks by a new foe.Youve come a long way. Major Mordecai, I presume? A sinister voice echoed through the battlefield.

Whos asking? The Major said with determination.

I, Baron Von Botfly, of the Blue Hive, have come to crush your rebellion against our Queen and our Hive. Your time is at an end, and what a short ending it will be. the Baron said, practically spitting his words.

The Major watched as his new adversary turned and took to the skies.

He then turned to his forces, to give them some inspiring words.

Ok ants, this is going to be our greatest challenge yet. We may not all make it out of this, but if we work together we can- we can- what in the world is that sound?! the Majors speech was interrupted by a gentle sparkling sound. Suddenly a fleet of Butterflies swooped overhead and began to dispense healing powder onto the wounded army below. Alright maggots! yelled a familiar voice I want you to dispense that healing powder on the double! Now MOVE, MOVE,MOVE!

Colonel Morrison?! Is that you?! yelled the Major.

The Colonel then swooped down next to the Major, revealing to now be a beautiful butterfly with long golden locks of hair. Thats right Major! Who were you expecting? Yer mother?

But Colonel youre alive! And youre...beautiful said the Major awkwardly.

Beautiful?! What are you gabbin about? I aint beautiful! the Colonel growled. I will have you court martialed if you say one more word! Its time to win this battle. Across that field lies a feeble little excuse for a blue monarchs play toy. Get your act together and ATTACK!!! yelled the Commander, power resonating in his voice.

Level 3 Sandbox (Post Mission)

When Mordecai finally caught up to Boris, he saw him fighting the Blue Ant cockroach commander. He jumped to assist his ally, only to be thrown aside by Boris.

Stay out of this comrade, this is between me and my brother! shouted Boris.Your Brother? said the Major, confused.

The Blue Ant commander took this chance to throw Boris off balance and giving him an opportunity to signal a transport.

Look at you Boris, said the Cockroach, taking commands from a such a puny ant. I taught you better than that. As he was speaking, a giant dragonfly swooped down across the field, kicking up sand and making it impossible to see. Til we meet again Boris, dosvidaniya (goodbye), brother.

While the Colonel tented to the units, the Major and Boris exchanged words with the villainous Baron Von Botfly.

This loss is of no matter to me. You were lucky this time, Major. Be warned, your end is near and I plan to be there during your last moments, MUUUAAAHHHH! laughed the Baron as he flew away.

Who was that? asked Boris

Trouble. said Mordecai.

After Botfly fled the field, Mordecai and his troops secured the dig site, he and Boris reunited with Maya to discuss what to do with the prisoners.

No thanks are necessary. said the Major smugly. I am just doing my job.I wasnt going to thank you, but I will admit your performance in taking the field was remarkable. said Maya Half my squad will take the remaining prisoners back to the hive, the other half shall remain here to assist you in your campaign. What about you? Will you be joining us as well? Mordecai inquired.

Oh, are you going to miss me if I dont? Maya said with a smile.

The Major became flustered, What? No, no i just meant that I.. I mean the army could use your particular set of skills to know.. Boris would miss you.

What? I would no miss this siren of battle, this is most certainly not true said Boris.

Uhhh.. *Cough* So anyway, yes, we could use you in our campaign. Um, Boris, so how exactly do you have a brother that is a cockroach? Mordecai questioned the beetle.

Da, it is true. His name is Cheslav, he is my elder brother. said Boris sadly. But now he goes by rank of captain. He has ants that call him Captain Cockroach. And fights for filthy Siniey. He was one who lead Siniey in attack on my village.

Yeah, but that doesnt answer my question on how he is your brother, shouldnt he, a beetle? the Major boorishly asked.

What are you trying to say, Mordecai? Maya the Mantis said, looking confused.Um.. nevermind. a blush quickly crossed the young ants face.

Well, moving on, Ive been inspecting the dig site and I think I may be able to track down this Baron.

Thats great! Where are they heading? asked the Major excitedly.

Not sure but It seems like theyre heading north. replied Maya.

Theyre heading back to the blue hive. said Morrison butting in. I want each and everyone ready for the worst that these blue tyrants will throw at us! IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?!

Who is pretty nurse lady? asked Boris.I. Aint. Pretty! Is that how you talk to your superior officer maggot! Morrison roared.

Ive never had a superior officer who was more feminine than me. said Maya with a smile.

I will have you court martialed if you say one more word, missy!Alright all troops move out. commanded the Major.

Level 4 Under the Sofa (Pre Mission)

After following the trail of the Baron and Cheslav, the Major and his team pressed onward into unfamiliar territory in hopes of capturing Baron Von Botfly. But as they passed under what appeared to be a giant wall, they found themselves in a strange land where there were no trees or soil. But a soft tan-ish material covering the ground, and multiple suns hanging overhead.

Chto eto? (What is this?) asked Boris confused.

Everyone, stay on your guard, I dont like the looks of this. said the Morrison.Are you sure this is where Botfly ran off to? asked the Major.Yes, I am an expert. replied Maya.

Botfly! said the Colonel with fire in his eyes, As in Baron Von Botfly?!

Yeah, do you know him, Sir? asked Mordecai.

Know him? That cruel monster was competing with me for leadership of the Communal Hive before the war. He is a ruthless monster who has no regard for insect life. I watched him take nectar from a larva once! the Colonel lamented.

Why didnt you stop him? asked Maya.Save your question till the end of the lecture MAGGOT! the Colonel roared.

Now listen Major, if were going up against this bug, you better be ready for the fight of your- Morrison began before being cut off.

CHESLAV! interrupted Boris.

Cheslav?! shouted the Colonel angrily. I wasnt gonna say Cheslav! What in ant hell is a Cheslav?

He is my brother! And he fights for Siniey, so I will smash him! roared Boris as he charged after his brother.

Boris wait! yelled Mordecai Ok Ants, ready your weapons and follow that beetle!The army followed the rampaging beetle into a small cavern.

Whoa, Major! shouted the Colonel, Me and these other flying sissies wont have a lot of room to maneuver in there!

Comrades stop! yelled Boris as he pointed toward the distance. Look, is another Siniey base and food item!

Directly in the center of the battle field was a giant potato chip.

Ok ants, new objective! Dont let them capture that food! ordered the Major as he led his forces into battle.

Level 4 Under the Sofa (Post Mission)

As the battle came to an end and the Blue Ant base was captured, Mordecai and his team began to search for any sign of Captain Cheslav.

He is here. I smell him! growled Boris.

I dont think so Boris, this place is deserted. Im sorry. said the Major apologetically.

Is not your fault comrade ant. Is Boris fault for not running faster. Said Boris gloomily.

There may still be hope. said Maya as she placed her arm on the ground.

What are you saying, temptress? You know where Cheslav is? queried Boris.

No, but I think he left a slight trail that we could follow. she replied.

If temptress can find Cheslav, then I could smash Cheslav and give her big hug as thank you! Boris replied joyfully.

Thats not necessary, Boris! said Maya, fearing for her life, Just give any hugs you want to give me to Mordecai.

Mysterious special forces mantis with keen tracking skills? Fratricidal beetle with muscles of steel and a heart of gold? What the hell sort of company have you been running with while I was gone Major? asked the Colonel.

The best kind Colonel. said the Major Ok Maya, lead the way. he said while giving her a smile that was quickly returned. Ok ants lets move out!

Level 8 Trashcan ( Pre Mission)

As they approached Captain Cockroaches lair, they found there were no guards, no entrances. They could see no easy way around or into the giant cylinder of trash. Before making a move of their own, the Major sent out a scout team to search for a safe way into the fortress. After they left, they heard an intimidating voice.

So it finally comes to this, Boris echoed Cheslavs voice from within the trash can.

Where are you Cheslav? Show yourself. yelled Boris, looking up at the giant cylinder wall.

HA, HAH AH! Come and get me brother, I await you past the cylinder wall. Cheslavs voice taunted him.

Boris began moving up the trash can, his fear of heights being blocked out by his will to find his brother. Wait, you overgrown, thick headed, ladybugged, numb skulled behemoth. shouted Morrison, Its obviously a trap!

But was too late, Boris was beyond shouting range as he made his way into the dark deep cylinder canyon.

Hes going to be surrounded if we dont help. cried the Major.

Let the scouts come back from their reports first, boy, then we attack ordered the Colonel.

No! Im going after him who's with m-started Mordecai.


Im not going to let my friend fight on his own. asserted the Major.

The Colonel is right Mordecai. You're going to risk yourself and your men for just one bug? asked Maya with concern.

Ill go on my own then! said Mordecai, blind with passion. Before anyone could say anything more, he was gone, sprinting up the giant wall. Maya attempted to follow, but was held off by the Colonel.

Let him go, theyll be fine. Well catch up once the scouts come back with their report. he said serenely.

A few minutes later, Private Ry-ant returned with his analysis.

Sir, the enemy has a secret base located on the other side of the cylinder wall. We also spotted the Major and Boris at the base fending off waves of blue enemies, sir. He reported dutifully.

Alright maggots, you heard em. Our destination is the other side of this silo of food. Your commanding officer is over there, lets go reunite ourselves with him! ordered the Colonel.

OORAH! yelled the battalion as they charged the wall.

Level 5 Trashcan (Post Mission)

While the Colonel led the Red Ant army into battle, inside the trash can Mordecai and Boris were locked in combat with Cheslav and his bodyguards.

You have nowhere to run to now Captain. said the Major. Da, this ends now! growled Boris.So it seems, brother. said Cheslav as he signaled his guards to attack.

Mordecai fought off the guards as Boris charged at his brother. As the Major battled, he could see Boris and Cheslav had fought up the wall of the can and were now on the rim.

Why, brother? Why you burn our village, kill our people, WHY!?!! cried Boris as he fought.Hehehe, they were WEAK, same as you. Thats why! replied Cheslav.

With a burst of strength Boris picked up his brother.

Dosvidaniya, brother. shouted Boris before hurling him from the top of the can.. Boris made his way back to Mordecai. Its over comrade, my brothers evil ways will not haunt our people anymore.

Im glad this is all over. said the Major, exhausted.

Oh Im afraid this is far from over. said the sinister voice of Baron Von Botfly as he swooped down toward Boris and Mordecai. Mordecai dove out of the way, quickly standing to confront the Baron.

Botfly! Come down here and fight me, you coward! shouted the Major.HA HA, It would seem Ill have to cut this meeting short Major. I lose one, you lose one Major. The Baron said as he flew away.What are you talking about?! Boris come we need to go after him. said the Major as he turned toward his ally. Boris?!I cannot move comrade. said Boris, holding his chest.Boris, youre hurt! said Mordecai, panicked.Im sorry comrade, you have to continue fight. It was honor to fight beside you.

Dont say that Boris, youll be fine. Mordecai said with tears in his eyes.

Im sorry comrade, is my time. I have one request.Boris wheezed

What is it? Mordecai choked.

I can have hug now, da? Boris asked.

Da, dosvidaniya comrade. Mordecai said while hugging Boris.

Colonel Morrison and the rest of the red army began to overtake the trash can, reuniting with Mordecai.Mordecai! We captured the blue base! yelled Maya, but withheld her joy with the sight of Boris. Boris... is he-Yes. said the Major. It was Botfly, he attacked and... he got Boris. said the Major with tears in his eyes.Im sorry, son. said the Colonel, as he put his hand on the Majors shoulder. He was a brave bug, and his death will not be in vain. We will march our forces down to the Blue Hive and end this war for our Queen, for Boris, and for the Hive! rallied Mordecai.

As the amy cheered over their leaders inspiring words, the can began to shake and move.

Whats happening? yelled Mordecai.I think its an earthquake! cried Maya.Soon the whole can flipped over, and the contents spilled into another can. Mordecai and his company fell into the new container. Upon landing, the Major hit his head and blacked out.

When the Major came to, he was being carried on a stretcher by a few of his men.

Whats going on, here? He asked.

Ah, you're okay. said Maya, relieved.. It seems we have been relocated back outside by the fleshy titans that roam this land.

Well that's convenient, we should be getting close to the Blue Hive. Mordecai remarked weakly.

We are, son, only a few miles away from their base and the Barons Fortress of Calamity. said the Colonel with a voice as sweet as honey. BUT WERE NOT THERE YET MAGGOT, SO GET OFF YOUR BEHIND AND LEAD THIS ARMY he shouted with a voice as rough as sandpaper.

The scouts report that Baron Von Botfly has fled to the blue hive. said Maya.

Finally! Now we finish this! said Mordecai.

Excellent! Alright troops, form up! the Major said to his troops. Were getting close to winning this war. Now lets go for the Hive!

The red army charged toward the Blue gates. Mordecai could hear the menacing voice of Baron Von Botfly.

You are quite the resilient bunch of insects, said the Baron. Was losing one of your own not enough?

Youll pay for what youve done to Boris! shouted the Major

I dont think I will Major. You see there are bigger things happening here that you cant even fathom. Im afraid your quest will be all for naught. Your little group of rebels won't stand a chance against my elite guard. Your campaign ends here Major, MUUUAAAHHHHH. the Baron cackled wickedly.

Suddenly a horde of insects attacked out of the gates.

Blue hive (Pre Mission)

The army of the red hive held back the forces of Baron Von Botfly, and were able to push their way to the borders of the Blue Hive.

What are you doing you insolent fools? Theyre insignificant soldiers. I will not tolerate failure! I will not see my dreams crushed because your lack of ability to follow orders! Hold them here or Ill see to it that none of you will return home! shouted the Baron to his forces. Good job troops! the Major said while rallying his soldiers. We have em on the run. Now keep pushing.

As they pushed their way into the grass, the Major spotted the Baron through the smoke of battle. Mordecai sprinted towards the Baron as he began to retreat to the sky. Got you! the Major said as the Baron took off towards freedom.

Get off me you pathetic worm. The Baron zigzagged so fast that Mordecai couldnt hold on. He lost his grip and began to fall towards the ground. He couldnt believe that it was all going to come to an end like this. Not dying in the heat of battle, but from falling to his death.

Its all over i guess, I had a good ru-, Mordecai was cut off in mid thought. Is that how I taught you how to die maggot!? You're not getting off that easily. Colonel Morrison swooped down under Mordecai and snatched him out of the air.

Colonel, you saved me? Mordecai said holding back a tear.

Hmp! Course I did, lets finish this battle together so- WAS THAT A TEAR I FELT ON MY WING MAGGOT?!roared Morrison.

What? N-no,no Sir. said the Major I think it might be raining.

From below he could see his forces moving in the direction of the blue hive on the horizon.

So our battle finally comes to an end. The Major thought to himself

The Colonel dropped the Major off at their forward command base, right outside the Blue Hives Fortress of Calamity. Mordecai! Maya cheered as she gave him a long hug. I saw you fly up with the Baron. I thought you died.

I cant die yet, we have a bug to squish. Mordecai said with a smile.And a Hive to capture. The Colonel added.So whats our plan, Mordecai? Maya asked.Well, the Blues Hives layout is almost exactly like our own. The difference is the Barons Fortress of Calamity standing in our way to the Blue Hive base. The fortress is very well fortified, so expect to be attacked from atop the tower. explained Mordecai.

Everyone knows where to go, Major. Were all with you. Maya said, sincerely .

I think you should address the men, son. said the Colonel.

Right. Mordecai agreed.

The Major made his way down to his army and stood on top of a hill so all could see.

Men!.. Weve been together since the beginning. Fighting side by side. We fought together, bled together. Some we even lost. But were not done yet. One more. One more obstacle stands in our way to victory. And its right up there at the top of that tower! Now, are you ready to make history?! the Major yelled.

OORAH! shouted the troops in unison.Show our hive, OUR QUEEN why we are the best. ARE YOU WITH ME!! rallied Mordecai.

OOORAAAHH!!! cried the waves of troops.

FOR THE HIVE!!!!! roared the Major.


My Queen, the Red hive army is at our doorstep. What are your orders? asked the Baron.WHAAAAAT?! HOW INSOLENT ARE YOU?! This isnt good! If they have gotten this far, they can make their way into the hive. What's to stop them from capturing me and my throne! We have no choice, we must negotiate for pea- The Blue Queen started.PEACE!!? PEACE!!? How can you talk of peace? You were the one who dubbed these wretched vermin to be below us! You ordered the attack on their Hive! Now you talk of peace?! You are just as weak and pathetic as the one who leads their ranks. said the Baron.How dare you speak to your Queen in such a manner?! Guards, seize him for his treacher- began the Blue Queen before the Baron struck her, knocking her unconscious and off her throne. It would seem I may have to hasten my plans. Guards ,take her majesty to the dungeon. Now as my first act as the new leader of the Blue Hive, I order all forces to eliminate the Red army. Oh, and do bring their misguided leader to me. I would like to finish him myself. MUHAHAHAHA! laughed the Baron SHOW THEM MY POWER!

Level 10 Blue Hive/ Fortress of Calamity (Post Mission)

As the battle was coming to an end, Mordecai and his companions made their way into the Blue palace. Queen Ant-Twanet, your rule has come to an end. Surrender peacefully and you will not be harmed. said the Major.

Muuuaaahh! the Queen is not in charge anymore. cackled the Baron.

What happened to the Blue Queen? the Major asked.

She is alive, for now. HA! laughed the Baron.

This is insane. You would kill your own Queen?! Mordecai asked, bewildered.

She is no longer Queen! There is only me now! Under my rule, there will be no Red hive or Blue hive, only THE hive. I will build a kingdom to triumph over both. This loss is no matter to me. Once I finish with you, I will rebuild an empire in my image. My kingdom will be heard of from the beyond. They will cry when they hear my name. They will run in FEAR at the very sight of me. ALL WILL KNOW THE NAME BARON VON BO-- Before the Baron could finish his speech, he was crushed by Boris, who crashed through the ceiling of the Blue Palace.

Privet, comrades! said Boris with a smile.

BORIS!! B-but how? You died in my arms! Mordecai screamed.

Neit my friends, Boris can never be defeated by puny bug, I merely sleeping. said the Beetle.

But you were stabbed and- Its good to have you back Boris. said Mordecai finally learning to hold his questions.

What now? asked Maya.

Well, we go home maggot. Our work here is done. said Morrison.

The room cleared, until it was just Maya and Mordecai left.You did a great job leading this army. I have to say youre a great leader. Maya said admiring the Major.

You're not too bad yourself the Major said, blushing.They came together in a passionate embrace.HEY! You give her smoochy so easily, where is mine? Boris interrupted.WHAT! Wait Boris you're joking, right? N-no the hug is one thing. But this is too far, ahh NO! yelled the Major.Ahaha! Hmm I feel like we forgot something. thought Maya.

Meanwhile in the Dungeon...

Hello? Is the battle over? Can someone let me out now? Hello!!!...This sucks cried The Blue Queen.