for sale - evols at university of hawaii at manoa:...

1 ijiili ovfiijiTr V V ! I W . H K 1 Wib VOL VIII.-N- O. G8 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. TUESDAY. AUGUST 14. L888. PRICE 5 CENTS. lTTV business 0ants. i3E 3&&rtismwtts. eial Advertiser f Walker & Eedward, S. N. CASTLE. J. B. ATHERTON. G. P. CASTLE. Sugar Plant For Sale. LEWIS & CO.; FORT STREET, Importers, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in .s PUBLISHED 1 nn CASTLE & COOKE, Shipping and Commission Merchants, i:rlsEB,suth;::::3oo per nioui" vear 5 00 Groceries and Provisions. 6 00 Contractors & Builders Brick, Stone and Wooden Building " Estimates Given. Jobbing: Promptly Attended to. 76 KING STREET. -- IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN-- 4IC u- '- tSTlce House Oootls n Specialty a 181-t- f Gre nerval Meiclaandise. WIIUS GAZETTE CO Bi Honolulu. H. I. Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Box 423. 211 tf -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- - The Entire Plant of the STAR MILL CO. Kohala, is offered for sale. Tbe machinery is in perfect working order, and consists of One 26x43 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r, etc., complete. One pair of boilers, 6x20. One Double Effect. 6 and 7 ft. Pans. One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump. Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine. Together with the usual assortment of ClarlneJ Cleaning Pans, Coolers and other MMcblnei usually found in a well appointed Mill. Alao, a 11 limber of California and Islaud Mules, Cane Carts and General Plantation Implements, Delivery will be given after next crop has been harvested, say about July 1. lSb9. lor further particulars apply to J oli ii Hind, Kohala Sugar Co., d. Mckenzie & co., Commission Merchants, SHIP CHANDLERY, Naval Stores and Groceries, Bricks, 1.1 in e and Cement. Grove Ranch Plantation, R. Halstead's Plantation. A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai, G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps. Haiku Sugar Co.. Paia Plantation, Papal kou Sugar Co. Park Beach Hotel r CfTLT A M OK BINDER, Opposite Kapiolanl Park, Waiklkl. goier ami Klank Book 1" ML jUuufHCturer. Families and Ships supplied on most reason able terms. Island orders solicited. ltf Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco. Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford. The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston. D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines. The New York and Honolulu Packet Line The Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco. Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines. Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson SEWIISTG jVXv-CHIJSTE- S. tf Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479. No. 26 FORT STREET, opposite Oceanic Steam- ship wharf. 216-l- y Hewers & cooke, ...Mi0ri to Uwer 4 Dickson) Manager Star 21111. Kobala, Hawaii. tr a T mm mm- Wm A n,i Dealers iu -- """ Finest Bathing Place on the Islands. Elegant Rooms, gas and water In each, Extensive Grounds, well shaded; The Table is supplied with the best the market affords. Billiard Room and Bowling Alley Attached. FOR SALE. .jllKIndiofbuililliW Materials ;ST STREET. Honolulu- - ltf B. LEVY & SON, Importers, Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchants In Foreign and Domestic FRUITS AND PRODUCE. EUXOLULU MARKET, cesiori to WiUUm McCandless.) We have again on hand a few of our exception- ally superior STJUF BOATS, In sizes from 18 to 24 feet. . Dealers in Ut Ik'' i, 1 ' Gk "WEST & CO., No. 105 Fort Street, Honolulu. New Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets, . ISTEW TABLES. New Diningroom Furniture, New Bedroom Furniture, New Picture Mouldings and Frames, Easels, Brackets, Etc. Full Information given to tourists as to the best routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities; also current rates for horse hire and guides on the other islands. 5,.t Queen Street, Fish Market, .hipping orders carefully attended U-oc- tarnished to vessels at short toublM of all klnda supplied to ltf !i!fiuue No, .n. Busses and carriages wili be furnished at spe- cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggage wagons will meet every steamer. Special rates for permanent boarders. Jf wagonette will be provided for the use of guests at special rates. J. ALFRED MAGOON, As these boats peak for themselves, we invite Inspection. Price as low as any. We have also several 70-l- b. Clinker, Copper fastened Recreation Boats, with oars and row- locks complete, capable of holding three per sons; just the thing for an impromptu regatta, spin round the harbor, lake or river. Price rooi $50 to SOU. Also, a light Baggage Express with two short portable cushioned seats; handy for business or a family out of town; and one strong hand cart, t'hep for cash at J. A. DOWER"9, Printer's Lane, Punchbowl st. Mutual Telephoue 325. P. O. Pox 4C. 252-l- m We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds In our line, and make a specialty in packing all kinds of fruit for long distance markets. Hawaiian Island patronage will receive special attention. 623 and 630 Sansome St., San Francisco. P. O. Box 1742, E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu, 11 m Agent for Hawaiian Islands. Steam Candy Factory C. N. ARNOLD, Prop. torney " at " Law, C MeKtant Street, Honolulu. ltf 30-l- m UU VAILLANCOURT ASI1F0RD, i Ex. " DEUTSCHLAND " We have in our employ a first-clas- s Upholsterer just from the States, who thoroughly understands all of the latest fashions in his line of work. Laml3reqriins a Special t y. We have in our employ as good a Piano Tuner and Polisher as ever did work of this kind here. :o : Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order anil repaired. Lambrequins Cornices and Cornice Poles and Picture Frames made to order. j Solicitor, Aicent to TnKe AtknowledijmeutH, L.K. A ND WKultol Building, adjoining General I ' ...... 7.'tii T EC IS S T. WATERHOUSE, Importer and Dealer In National Brewery ! 13 .A. K 3i R Y. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam. 71 Hotel Street. Both Telephones 74. Wre have the exclusive Agency for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in this country, of Native Woods, equal to a Martin! IEU1 MERCHANDISE All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan. jto. Queen Street, ITonolulu. ltf fi. HACKFELD & CO., K ALT HI VALLEY, WHITE BROS.' Portland Cement. BLACKSMITH COAL, FIRE BRICKS, FIRE CLAY. COAL TAR. STOCKHOLM TAR ! STEEL RAILS, F. W. STAPLES, WIRE NAILS. FILTER PRESSES. Sugar Coolers. G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street. bid Commission Agents JUST RECEIVED FOR SALE ! -- INVOICES OF- - Ccr, Fort 4 Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf Is now one of the Permanently Established Industries of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and the Company to whose Enterprise its Existence is due have for the first time solved the problem of Brewing in this Country a BEAVER SALOON, prwt. Opposite "Wilder A Cos, H.J.K0LTE, PROPRIETOR. EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE, Innches Served with Tea, Coffee, I'nre, Wholesome, Palatable fialv. Corrugated Iron, 6, 7 and 9 Feet Long. For Sale by H. HACKFELD & CO. wter, Ginger Ale or Milk, fa from 3 a.m. till 10 p.m. IRON TANKS, 1 . P. CLOTH, HUBBOCK'S PAINTS, CORRUGATED IRON, ETC. -- And Jiittt Iaudetl In Fine Order.- - iRequisite8 a Specialty. ltf E. W. FRAZER, For Sale By- - Barrel Shocks and Heads, Ax Handles, Pick Handles, Hoe Handles, Cana! Baarows, Nests Trunks. Galvanized Barb Wire, Galvanized Cut Nails, Galvanized Cut Spikes, Galv. Clinch Boat Nails, Iron Cut Nails (asst'd) Horse Shoe Nails. ltf ii Mm TAILOR, H. G. CRABBE, J King and Alakea Sts., Honolulu. charge, good workmanship and i Ifurtnteed. ltf That it possesses these qualities! in a very marked degree, and Is a beverage admirably adapted for consumption in a tropical climate, is admitted by all who have tried it. It was pre- dicted at the outset that GEHMANIA MARKET. HAY & GRAIN Second-han- d Iron . Safes. Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber, Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum, Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing, Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dost. ""rPP. . . . PROPRIETOR, THE STEAM BEER H. HACKFELD & CO. 215 A. H. BASEMAN, BOOK BINDER, Paper Kuler and Blank Book Manufacturer, Wishes to notify the public that he has removed to larger quarters, No. 13 Kaahumanu Street, rrt street, Houolulu. p MUTTON AND VEAL, 1 Sansage, Pork, Etc., Z Honolulu, King Street, OF THE 66 ithnd. Shipping served Electric55 Kerosene Oil. Bbort on ltf National Brewery Co. Opp. the old Police Station. 32-l- m LU IRON WORKS CO., "Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil, Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each). Plaster, Rosendale Cement, PortlandCement, Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns. 'team Engines, Brass Would soon find tavoi in the community after it had been given a trial. 185 1212 Up Stairs. " tastings. SUN FIRE OFFICE, OF LONDON. Established 1710. h L!tf ve.r description mad to fc - Wtntlfeiltion Pald to 8P8' black-J- . executed on the shortest Marine Meat Market ' - In the course of a few snort months tbe pre diction has been amply realized. Cumberland Coal. - Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones, Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black, Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, y, Ox Bows, Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks), Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches. Fort St.. opp. O. S. S. TVharf, TEE ROYAL SALOON, u na Merchant Streets ifcrtbe Management of I ?. MILTON Proprietor. The Reasons Why It IIhh Achieved Succe Are otFar to Seek. icTW.y of tbe be8t Wines, UC. Lee on draught at Insurance effected upon every description of property at current ratea of premium. Total Sum Insured in 1885 327,333,7p0 by the Local Agents, and paid with pmomPUtude and liberality. The jurisdic tion of the Local Tribunals recognized. , G. W. Macfarlane & Co. lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands. THOMAS LINDSAY Has Kemoved His Manufacturing Hand Carts, Baby Cat riages, Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five ExtensionTop Carriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage. C. BREWER & CO. Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton, Fish, Sausage, and Vegetables ltf Also, a supply of Salt Meats on hand at all times. ii TtleHioue 55. "Shipping and Families supplied at shortest notice and with belt attention. Scientific Experience and Practical Skill began the work and have carried it through. A Cool and Healthy Site was selected for the Works. An Absolutely Pure Water Supply has been ob- tained from an artesian source 070 feet deep. The ingredients used In the manufacture are the best which the MARKETS OF THE WORLD AFFORD. THE MACHINERY is of the most modern and Improved type. . GULBERT-WALL- EE, Manager. Bell Telephone 6. Mutual Telephone 147. P, O. Box N. 448. men mm Jewelry MARchant, D. McKENZIE. Manager. H. E. Mclntyre & Bro., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN .. Groceries, Provisions and Feed EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS. New Oooda received by every pacfcet from the Eastern Stales and .Europe, tf'resh California Produce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PostofSc Box No. 416 Telephone No. 2 0apl7 45-t- f 8- - Q. Thrum) From Nuuann Street to BTXTTVrrnni H. EAOKFELD & CO.." Thomas Block, King Street. 8lr. ..... 4'2-l- y "onouuu. tartioular attention paid to repairing. eett

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Page 1: FOR SALE - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Plant For Sale. ... We have in our employ as good

1 ijiili ovfiijiTrV V ! I W . H K

1 Wib


lTTV business 0ants.i3E 3&&rtismwtts.eial Advertiser

fWalker & Eedward, S. N. CASTLE. J. B. ATHERTON. G. P. CASTLE.

Sugar Plant For Sale.LEWIS & CO.;


Importers, Wholesale and RetailDealers in



Shipping and Commission Merchants,i:rlsEB,suth;::::3oo

per nioui"vear 5 00

Groceries and Provisions.6 00

Contractors & BuildersBrick, Stone and Wooden Building "

Estimates Given.

Jobbing: Promptly Attended to.76 KING STREET.


4IC u- '-tSTlce House Oootls n Specialty a

181-t- f Grenerval Meiclaandise.WIIUS GAZETTE COBi Honolulu. H. I.

Bell Telephone No. 2. P. O. Box 423.211 tf -- ALSO, AGENTS FOR- -

The Entire Plant of the

STAR MILL CO.Kohala, is offered for sale. Tbe machinery is

in perfect working order, and consists of

One 26x43 Mill with Engine, Trash-carrie- r,

etc., complete.One pair of boilers, 6x20.One Double Effect. 6 and 7 ft. Pans.One Vacuum Pan 6 with Blake Pump.Three Weston Centrifugals and Engine.

Together with the usual assortment of ClarlneJCleaning Pans, Coolers and other MMcblneiusually found in a well appointed Mill.

Alao, a 11 limber of

California and Islaud Mules,Cane Carts and General Plantation Implements,

Delivery will be given after next crop hasbeen harvested, say about July 1. lSb9.

lor further particulars apply to

Joli ii Hind,

Kohala Sugar Co.,

d. Mckenzie & co.,

Commission Merchants,SHIP CHANDLERY,

Naval Stores and Groceries,Bricks, 1.1 ine and Cement.

Grove Ranch Plantation,R. Halstead's Plantation.

A. H. Smith & Co., Koloa, Kauai,G. F. Blake's Steam Pumps.

Haiku Sugar Co..Paia Plantation,

Papal kou Sugar Co.Park Beach Hotelr CfTLT A M

OK BINDER, Opposite Kapiolanl Park, Waiklkl.goier ami Klank Book

1" MLjUuufHCturer. Families and Ships supplied on most reasonable terms. Island orders solicited.ltf

Union Fire and Marine Insurance Co., of San Francisco.Etna Fire Insurance Co, of Hartford.

The New England Mutual Life Insurance Co., of Boston.D. Weston's Patent Centrifugal Machines.

The New York and Honolulu Packet LineThe Merchants' Line, Honolulu and San Francisco.

Dr. Jayne & Sons Celebrated Medicines.

Wilcox & Gibbs, Remington and Wheeler & Wilson



Mutual Telephone 292. P. O. Box 479.

No. 26 FORT STREET, opposite Oceanic Steam-ship wharf. 216-l- y

Hewers & cooke,...Mi0ri to Uwer 4 Dickson)

Manager Star 21111.

Kobala, Hawaii.tra T mm mm- Wm A

n,i Dealers iu --"""

Finest Bathing Place on the Islands.

Elegant Rooms, gas and water In each,Extensive Grounds, well shaded;

The Table is supplied with the bestthe market affords.

Billiard Room and Bowling AlleyAttached.

FOR SALE..jllKIndiofbuililliW Materials

;ST STREET. Honolulu- - ltf

B. LEVY & SON,Importers, Wholesale Dealers and

Commission MerchantsIn Foreign and Domestic



cesiori to WiUUm McCandless.)

We have again on hand a few of our exception-ally superior

STJUF BOATS,In sizes from 18 to 24 feet.

. Dealers inUt Ik'' i, 1 '

Gk "WEST & CO.,No. 105 Fort Street, Honolulu.

New Pianos, New Organs, New Parlor Sets,. ISTEW TABLES.

New Diningroom Furniture, New Bedroom Furniture,New Picture Mouldings and Frames, Easels, Brackets, Etc.

Full Information given to tourists as to thebest routes of travel, for scenery and curiosities;also current rates for horse hire and guides onthe other islands.

5,.t Queen Street, Fish Market,

.hipping orders carefully attendedU-oc- tarnished to vessels at shorttoublM of all klnda supplied to

ltf!i!fiuue No,.n. Busses and carriages wili be furnished at spe-cial rates for excursions. Busses and baggagewagons will meet every steamer. Special ratesfor permanent boarders. Jf wagonette will beprovided for the use of guests at special rates.


As these boats peak for themselves, we inviteInspection. Price as low as any.

We have also several 70-l- b. Clinker, Copperfastened Recreation Boats, with oars and row-locks complete, capable of holding three persons; just the thing for an impromptu regatta,spin round the harbor, lake or river. Price rooi$50 to SOU.

Also, a light Baggage Express with two shortportable cushioned seats; handy for business ora family out of town; and one strong hand cart,t'hep for cash at

J. A. DOWER"9,Printer's Lane, Punchbowl st.

Mutual Telephoue 325. P. O. Pox 4C.252-l- m

We are prepared to fill orders of all kinds Inour line, and make a specialty in packing allkinds of fruit for long distance markets.

Hawaiian Island patronage will receive specialattention.

623 and 630 Sansome St., San Francisco.P. O. Box 1742,

E. L. MARSHALL, Honolulu,11 m Agent for Hawaiian Islands.

Steam Candy Factory

C. N. ARNOLD, Prop.torney " at " Law,C MeKtant Street, Honolulu. ltf 30-l- m


We have in our employ a first-clas- s Upholsterer just from the States, whothoroughly understands all of the latest fashions in his line of work.

Laml3reqriins a Special t y.

We have in our employ as good a Piano Tuner and Polisher as ever did workof this kind here.

:o :

Furniture and Mattresses of all kinds made to order anil repaired. LambrequinsCornices and Cornice Poles and Picture Frames made to order.

j Solicitor, Aicent to TnKeAtknowledijmeutH, L.K.

A N DWKultol Building, adjoining GeneralI ' ...... 7.'tii T EC IS


Importer and Dealer In

National Brewery !

13 .A. K 3i R Y.F. HORN,

Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker.Rich and Delicious Ice Cream made by Steam.

71 Hotel Street.Both Telephones 74.

Wre have the exclusive Agency for the VERY BEST GUITAR made in thiscountry, of Native Woods, equal to a Martin!IEU1 MERCHANDISE

All of Our Goods Sold on the Instalment Plan.jto. Queen Street, ITonolulu. ltf








Sugar Coolers.

G. WEST & CO., 105 Fort Street.

bid Commission Agents JUST RECEIVED

FOR SALE !-- INVOICES OF- -Ccr, Fort 4 Queen Sts., Honolulu, ltf

Is now one of the Permanently EstablishedIndustries of the Hawaiian Kingdom, and theCompany to whose Enterprise its Existence isdue have for the first time solved the problem ofBrewing in this Country aBEAVER SALOON,

prwt. Opposite "Wilder A Cos,H.J.K0LTE, PROPRIETOR. EX. BARK JAMES S. STONE,Innches Served with Tea, Coffee, I'nre, Wholesome, Palatable

fialv. Corrugated Iron,

6, 7 and 9 Feet Long. For Sale by


wter, Ginger Ale or Milk,fa from 3 a.m. till 10 p.m.


1 . P. CLOTH,



--And Jiittt Iaudetl In Fine Order.- -

iRequisite8 a Specialty. ltf

E. W. FRAZER,For Sale By- -

Barrel Shocks and Heads,Ax Handles,

Pick Handles,Hoe Handles,

Cana! Baarows,Nests Trunks.

Galvanized Barb Wire,Galvanized Cut Nails,

Galvanized Cut Spikes,Galv. Clinch Boat Nails,

Iron Cut Nails (asst'd)Horse Shoe Nails.

ltfiiMm TAILOR,

H. G. CRABBE,J King and Alakea Sts., Honolulu.

charge, good workmanship and iIfurtnteed. ltf

That it possesses these qualities! in a verymarked degree, and Is a beverage admirablyadapted for consumption in a tropical climate,is admitted by all who have tried it. It was pre-dicted at the outset thatGEHMANIA MARKET.

HAY & GRAINSecond-han- d Iron . Safes.

Oak Lumber, Ash Lumber, White Pine Lumber,Walnut Lumber, Cases Matches, Oakum,

Pitch, Tar, Cotton Waste, Italian Packing,Metalic Paint, Fire Clay, Marble Dost.




BOOK BINDER,Paper Kuler and Blank Book

Manufacturer,Wishes to notify the public that he has removed

to larger quarters,

No. 13 Kaahumanu Street,

rrt street, Houolulu.p MUTTON AND VEAL,1 Sansage, Pork, Etc., Z

Honolulu,King Street, OF THE

66ithnd. Shipping served Electric55 Kerosene Oil.Bbortonltf

National Brewery Co.Opp. the old Police Station. 32-l- m

LU IRON WORKS CO.,"Downer's" Oil, "Belmontine" Oil, Lard Oil,

Gasoline, in Drums, (2-- 5 gallons in each).Plaster, Rosendale Cement, PortlandCement,

Dairy Salt, Bales Excelsior, Tubular Lanterns.'team Engines,

Brass Would soon find tavoi in the communityafter it had been given a trial.185 1212Up Stairs." tastings.


Established 1710.h L!tf ve.r description mad tofc - Wtntlfeiltion Pald to 8P8' black-J- .

executed on the shortest Marine Meat Market' -

In the course of a few snort months tbe prediction has been amply realized.

Cumberland Coal.-

Straw Wrapping Paper, 20x30in., Grindstones,Hair Mattresses, 40x25 lbs., Lamp Black,

Three-quart- er Rubber Hose, y, Ox Bows,Franklin Stove Coal (in bulk and in casks),

Drain Pipe 3, 4, 6 and 8 inches.

Fort St.. opp. O. S. S. TVharf,TEE ROYAL SALOON,

u na Merchant Streetsifcrtbe Management of


?. MILTON Proprietor. The Reasons Why It IIhh AchievedSucce Are otFar to Seek.

icTW.y of tbe be8t Wines,UC. Lee on draught at

Insurance effected upon every description ofproperty at current ratea of premium.

Total Sum Insured in 1885 327,333,7p0

by the Local Agents, and paidwith pmomPUtude and liberality. The jurisdiction of the Local Tribunals recognized.

, G. W. Macfarlane & Co.

lm Agents for Hawaiian Islands.

THOMAS LINDSAYHas Kemoved His Manufacturing

Hand Carts, Baby Cat riages, Sashes, Blinds, Doors, and Five ExtensionTopCarriages the best ever consigned to us and a First-clas- s Carriage.

C. BREWER & CO.Beef, Veal, Pork, Mutton,

Fish, Sausage, and Vegetablesltf

Also, a supply of

Salt Meats on hand at all times.

iiTtleHioue 55.

"Shipping and Families supplied at shortestnotice and with belt attention.

Scientific Experience and Practical Skill beganthe work and have carried it through.

A Cool and Healthy Site was selected for theWorks.

An Absolutely Pure Water Supply has been ob-

tained from an artesian source 070 feet deep.

The ingredients used In the manufactureare the best which the MARKETS OF THEWORLD AFFORD.

THE MACHINERY is of the most modern andImproved type. .



Manager.Bell Telephone 6. Mutual Telephone 147.

P, O. Box N. 448.

menmmJewelryMARchant,D. McKENZIE. Manager.



Groceries, Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Oooda received by every pacfcet from the Eastern Stales and .Europe, tf'resh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PostofSc Box No. 416Telephone No. 2 0apl7

45-t- f8- - Q. Thrum)

From Nuuann Street toBTXTTVrrnniH. EAOKFELD & CO.."Thomas Block, King Street.

8lr. .....4'2-l- y "onouuu. tartioular attention paid to repairing.


Page 2: FOR SALE - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Plant For Sale. ... We have in our employ as good


THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY.By Slutljoritt). ceding the said day hereby appointed forholding said election, for the pnrpose ofreceiving evidence of the qualifications,and of registering the names, of personswho may not have been previously regis-tered by the Inspectors and who mayclaim a right to vote; and also for the pur-pose of correcting, when necessary, saidlists."

4. For the purposes of, this election theDistrict of Honolulu shall be and herebyis divided into three polling precincts, di-

vided as follows :


Wardl; Ward 2; Ward 3.


Ward 4; Wards.


retrogression. The issue, therefore, isexactly the same as a year ago. It isbetween the party of the Palace and theparty of the people, between honest andresponsible government on the one hand,and corruption and one man power onthe other. If Mr. Wilder is elected, itwill be because the people still have con-

fidence in the principles enunciated lastyear. It will not prove, of course, thatthey think the present government isperfect or that they are satisfied withthe conduct of affairs in every particular,or that they believe in a "hard and fast"support of the present Ministry. No oneis so foolish as to think that. Fortun-ately, party lines are not yet drawnclosely enough in these Islands for that.The election of Mr. Wilder will prove,however, that the voters for Nobles ofOahu do believe that the present Legis-lature and Ministry have the good of thecountry at heart. We advise every onewho does not share that belief to votefor Mr. Lucas. All they have to do toget rid of the present government is toelect enough men of his stamp. It is aneasy and simple remedy.

cess of this industry when it is scientifi-cally gone into. As the coffee is generallyworked now, no care is taken of the plants,they are left to take care of themselves.

R'ep. Kamauoha was in favor of thebounty system. Its results would be seenattmce. He moved an amendment to sec-tion 1.

Rep. Ileleknnihi said it is natural forpeople to look on any new thing with sus-picion, which is particularly the caseamong Hawaiians. He approved of en-gaging in new enterprises.

Rep. Kinney said hundreds of thousandsof dollars had been sunk m sugar. It took15 or 20 years to learn how to raise caneand get the sugar out of it. If. the Govern-ment had started it, imported persons atfirst who understood it and introducedthe best machinery, the result would havebeen different.

Rep. Kamauoha's amendment was putand lost.

The motion to indefinitely postpone thefirst section and the bill was put and loston the following division :

Ayes Robiuson, Waterhouse, Foster,Luhiau, Wight, Notley, Wall, Naone, Gay,Paehaole 10.

Noes Austin, Thurston, Young, Smith,Townsend, Hitchcock, Baldwin, Bailey,Richardson, G. N. Wilcox, Dole, Deacon,Kamai, Kinney, Kauhane, Kamauoha,Paris, Daniels, Helekunihi, Horner, Ka-wain- ui,

A. S. Wilcox, Rice 23.Clause 7 of Section 2 was referred to a

select committee, consisting of the Minis-ter of Interior, Nobles Young, Smith andDole, and Rep. Deacon.

The remaining clauses and sectionspassed, when the further considerationwas deferred to await the report of thecommittee.

Duties of Governors Second reading ofthe bill to provide for the performance ofduties hitherto pertaining to Governors,with amendments submitted by committee.

Honolulu Street Rail way Third rea iing, distressing results to tiunder vote of reconsideration, 4th inst.

Noble Young moved to strike out of sec-tion 2, lines 5 and 6, the words "and theircontract to abide by, observe and per-form." The amendment was withdrawnand the further consideration of the billdeferred.

Second reading of the bill: to amendSections 12 and 16 of Chapter XLIV. of thesession laws of 1882, and to insert thereina new section to be called Section 1GB.

'Section 1Gb. No such licensed personshall place, maintainor permit to be placed,upon the premises used by him for thesale of spirituous liquors, under the pro-visions of this license, any screen, blind,shutter, curtain, partition, or painted,grained or stained glass window, or anyother obstruction, in such a way as to in-

terfere with a view of the business con-ducted upon the premises."

Noble Smith moved to amend the clausemaking an exception in the case of hotelswith regard to hours of closing. Carried.

Rep. Kinney moved to strike out Section1GB.

The discussion of this motion was inprogress when the House adjourned to 10o clock I uesdaj' morning.

Trouble in Corea Tlie U. S. S. JuniataAshore.

Through the kindness of Mr. J. II.Paty we have particulars of serioustrouble in Corea.

The steamer City of Peking arrived inSan Francisco with the following amongher Oriental news: A serious emeutehas occurred in Corea, owing to the revival of an old prejudice about mission- -

anes. home evii-uispose- a uninesespread the report that American missionaries had purchased Corean childrenand boiled them down for medicine.This aroused the ignorant masses, andthe authorities had to gather the mis- -sionaries into Zeoul for safety. The peo- -pie then seized nine Corean officials andbeheaded them in the street.

The foreign men-of-w- ar at Chemulpowere hurriedly telegraphed for, and theAmerican, Russian and French vesselseach sent a force of men to guard theirrespective quarters.

me u. s. . Juniata (wnicn was recently at Honolulu), ordered fromChemulpo to the scene of the troubles,went aground near Gough Island andwas not yet off when the City of Pekingsailed.

No further advices had been receivedfrom Corea up to the time of sailing.There had been a report that the King ofCorea intimated to the missionaries thatit was his intention to prohibit thepreaching of Christianity.

fcince the above was written we find inour regular exchange, the Hongkong

Sixty-thir- d Day.

Monday, August 13.

The House met at 9 o'clock, the Presi-

dent, Hon. W. R. Castle, in the chair.Absent: Ministers Green, Thurston,

Ashford; Nobles Robinson, DowsettYoung, Jaeger, Smith, Foster, Wight,Notley, Wall, Townsend, Hitchcock, Bald-

win, Bailey, Campbell, Widemann, Makee,Wilcox, Bertelinann; Reps. Hustace,Dowsett, Kalaukoa, Kauhi, C. Brown, F.Brown, Kinney, Maguire, Kauhane, Paris,Nawahine, Daniels, Wilcox, Nakaleka,Kapaehaole.


Noble Waterhou3e presented a petitionfrom S. H. Mekapu, supplementary to hispetition or report of June 14. Referred toSanitary Committee.

Rep. Helekunihi presented a petitionfrom Huelo, Maui, for a wharf. Referredto Public Lands and Internal Improvements Committee.


Noble Smith read the report of the bill,introduced by Rep. F. Brown, July 2, toamend section l.OJb of tlie (Jivil Code.Recommend that the bill be laid on thetable. Adopted.


Coffee. Second reading of the bill intro-duced by the Minister of Interior, June30. to encourage the cultivation of coffee,with the majority and minority reports ofthe Committee thereon, presented respect-ively, July 21 and 23, thereon. The bill wastaken ud section dv section.

Noble Baldwin moved the first sectionDass. -

Noble Wight moved the first section andthe whole bill be indefinitely postponedHe supported the policy recommended inthe minority report ol the Committee, encou raging small growers by bounties.

Fobie Baldwin approved of the principleof the bill. It is intended that a company,with sufficient capital, will be formed totest in a practical way the cultivation ofcoffee in this country. The company willintroduce the best machinery, the latestimprovements and the most approvedmethods. It would be impossible to reach.a t 1

these results dv aisiriDnimg aia among alanre number of cultivators. Notwithstanding the fact that coffee has been raisedhere for 40 years, the industry is really inits mlancy. I'lantations pay twice asmuch, man for man, in wages now as theydid twenty years ago, and get lower prices,and vet the pronts on sugar raising aregenerally speaking better now than thevwere then. The reasons are, better appliances and more economical methods operating on a large scale and requiring capitalto introduce and keep up. The UnitedStates had spent millions of dollars onsorghum farms for the development of thatindustry, lue object ot this measure isnot, as some persons assert it is, to subsidize Mr. Forsyth. It is to encourage thisimportant industry in the way most likelyto be of permanent advantage to the country and at the smallest expense to thegovernment. The bounty plan, to be ofany effect, would involve hundreds ofthousands of dollars. There is no estimating where its cost would end.

JNoble Wiueuiann was sorry that nameshad been mentioned in this discussion.But since Mr. Forsyth's name had beenmentioned, he would say that he believedthe bill to be to encourage that gentlemanand for no other purpose. Coffee growson the tree and there is very little ma-chinery required about it. Such is not thecase with sugar. Coffee raising had beencarried on here 40 years ago, and so profitable was it at Hanalei that one extensivecultivator invested and lost all he had in it.The plantation had all the machinery required, but the enterprise died an ignominious death. In 1856, 57 and '58, theblight struck the plant, and spread overthe country. If the plant was generallystarted again it would be struck again inthe same way. ror these reasons hewanted to keep his hands off coffee. Tosay that the Government can stop the sub-sidy when it becomes burdensome, "that'sall in my eye.'' The title of the bill shouldbe changed to read for the encouragementot a certain com pan v to cultivate coffeeand not encourage anyone outside of thatcompany.

Isoble Smith said he was in favor of thebill, for two reasons, (1) he believed in thefuture of this country, (2) the wealth anddevelopment of the country dependsmainly on its agricultural industries. TheHon. W. H. Seward said in the U. S. Sen-ate, in 1851: "The Pacific ocean, its shores,its islands and the vast region beyond willbecome the chief theatre of events in theworld's great hereafter". Before manyyears, steamers will be running from hereto San Francisco in 4 days. In fact,there are steamers on the Atlantic nowthat would make the jmssage in that time.We are now depending on two or threeindustries. Great Britain and the UnitedStates are spending millions on the encouragement and development of new industries every year. The state of California,an empire in itself as to extent, owes itsmarvellous progress of late years, not toits gold mines, but to the development ofits agricultural resources. There are otheragricultural products that might be cultivated as profitably as cane or rice in theseislands. Tobacco had been raised here andwith excellent success, except that thoseworking it had failed in properly curing it.

juimster Thurston said the hon. NobleWidemann's ideas seem to be alwavs revolving within the circle of 40 years ago.The Noble's attack upon Mr. Forsyth wasan attack upon him, the Minister. Peonlehad been experimenting a little and talkinga great deal about coffee culture these 40years. Now. we Dronose to ee ahead anrJdo something. A maioritv of the committee and a majority of the House had agreedthat coffee cultivation ought to be encour-aged. The only question now is the methodto be adopted. The provisions of this billare in the line of the measures adopted hvother countries. The reform Governmenthas come into power for something morethan stopping the Kaimiloa. The Government is not supposed to sit like an old henon a nest and. do nothing. The wav toprogress is to do something. The BritishGovernment had gone into tea raisim? inIndia, and now India is raisine one-thir- dof the tea crop of the world. That Government had in the same manner, at enor-mous outlay, made cinchona one of thegreat staples of India and Jamaica. Coffeecan be raised here, and we propose to startit.

Noble Wight said he was anxious to encourage cottee cultivation but could notagree with the Minister of Interior thatthe best way to do it is to subsidize nersonshaving capital enough of their own.

Usual noon recess, one hour.

Afternoon.The Coffee bill continued.Noble Young said he ras in favor of the

bill, with perhaps amendments whichNoble Smith would no doubt be able tosupply. It would be of jrreat advantage ifpeople could see the necessary machineryand improvements in operation. Everysmall farmer in the ennnf ru will v,o iQ,fited by the company's experience.

Noble Richardson thought it was time toget out of the old ruts and start somethingnew.

Ret). Kauhane aDnroved of tVithe Government encouraging irulutrip! fthis kind. He recalled a statement, hvMr. Armstrong. vears acm thotifiouj- o " o uau tuiho rnnntrv tr rltnanH j.tu w " -f- cT uvuwtiu. vii wile or two in- -dustries. He had good hopes of the suc- -


And Hoards of Inspectors for theSpecial Election for a oble for theIsland of Oahu, to be held on Wednesday, the 22d lay of August, 1888.


1st Precinct (comprising Wards 1, 2 and3), polling place, House of Engine Company No. 4.


Pierre Jones, Chairman;E. O. Schumann,II . S. Kila.

2d Precinct (comprising Wards 4 and 5),polling place, Bell Tower.


C. T. Rodgers, M. D., Chairman;J. M. Kaneakua,M. D. Monsarrat.

3d Precinct (comprising Wards 6, 7, 8

and 9), polling place, Armory Honolululiifles.


W. O. Atwater, Chairman;S. Mahelona,J. A. Dias.


1st Precinct, polling place, Court House,Ewa.


Alexander J. Campbell, Chairman;Victor Kapule,L. K. Halualani.

2d Precinct, polling place, Court House,Waianae.

INSPECTORS.C. Aniemann, Chairman;J. Kekahuna,W. Arnemann.


1st Precinct, polling place, Store of Aka- -

na, Laie-wa- i.


C. N. Kalama, Chairman;J. Kaluhi,M. Kaanuu.

2d Precinct, polling place, Court House,Waialua.


Frank Halstead, Chairman;P. M. Naahuelua,R. C. Steward.


Polling place, Court House, Kaneohe.INSPECTORS.

A. Kaulia, Chairman;M. Rose,Jas. Olds. '

The following Hoards of Inspectors ofElection are hereby designated to be theBoards of Inspectors to ICegister Votersfor Noblej in their respective Districts :


The Board of Inspectors for the 2d Precinct: C. T. Rodgers, M. D., Chairman.

DISTRICT OF EWA AND WAIANAE.The Board of Inspectors for the 1st Pre

cinct: Alex. J. Campbell, Chairman.DISTRICT OF WAIALUA AND KOOLAULOA.

The Board of Inspectors for the 2d Precinct: Frank Halstead, Chairman.


LOKRIN A. THURSTON,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, August 8, 1888. OA


For a Noble for the Island of Oahu, toFill the Tacancy Caused by the Death

. of the Late Hon. Samuel G. "Wilder,and of the Rules and RegulationsGoverning Such Election.

In accordance with the power vested inthe Cabinet by Article 80 of the Constitution, to make and publish all necessaryrules and regulations for the holding ofelections prior to the passage by the Legislature of appropriate laws for such purpose,notice is hereby given :

1. That an election will be held on theIsland of Oahu, on WEDNESDAY, the 22dday of August, 1S88, to fill the vacancy inthe office of Noble for said Island, causedby the death of the late Hon. Samuel G.Wilder.

2. That the Rules and Regulations gov-erning the administering of oaths, the registration of voters and holding elections forNobles and Representatives published bythe Cabinet in conformity with said Article80 of the Constitution, on the 25th day ofJuly, 1887, as amended on the 8th day ofAugust, 1887, except as hereby modified,shall govern such election.

3. Rules 15 and 17 of the Rules and Regulations above referred to are hereby repealed so far as may affect the electionhereby ordered, and the following rulesshall govern the matters therein referredto, viz: "Rule 15. The chairman of eachBoard designated to register voters forNobles shall at least seven days before theholding of the election hereby ordered,make out from the Register of Voters en-

titled to vote for Nobles, a correct alpha-betical list of all the persons qualified toTote for Nobles residing in the precinct forwhich he is appointed, and cause copies ofthe same to be posted at the place in suchprecinct where the election is to be held ;

And at the same time he shall in likemanner from such Register make out listsof all persons qualified to vote for Nobles,residing in the other precincts or wards re-

spectively in such election district, andshall send to each chairman of the Boardsof Inspectors in such district a copy of thelist of persons qualified to vote for Noblesresiding in his precinct or ward."

"Rule 17. The Boards of Inspectors de-

signated to prepare lists of voters for No-

bles shall hold at least two sessions ofreasonable and sufficient length, at someconvenient place in the district, not lessthan four nor more than seven days pre


Ward 6; Ward 7; Ward 8; Ward 9.5. The polling place for the First Pre-

cinct shall be House of Engine Companynumber 4.

The polling place for the Second Pre-cinct shall be the Bell Tower.

The polling place for the Third Precinctshall be the Rifles' Armory.

W. L: GREEN,Minister of Finance.

J ONA. AUSTIN,Minister of Foreign Affairs.

L. A. THURSTON,Minister of Interior.

CLARENCE W. ASH FORD,Attorney General.

Honolulu, August 4, 1888.01 1230 3t

Registration Notice.The undersigned Board of Inspectors

appointed to register voters for Nobles inthe District of Honolulu, will be in sessionat the office of Mr. M. D. Monsarrat from2 to 4 p. m. on Wednesday, August 15th,and Saturday, August 18th, and at the office of Dr. C. T. Rodgers from G to 8. p. ra.on the evenings of the same, days.

Only those persons who are entitled tovote for Nobles and who were not so registered at the last election need presentthemselves. C. T. RODGERS,


(57 1231 Inspectors.

Irrigation Notice.Office Water Works, )

Honolulu, July 27, 1888.)

Holders of water privile es or those paying water rates are hereby notified thatthe hours for using water for irrigatingpurposes are from 08 o'clock, andfrom 4 to G o'clock . m.

CHAS. B. WILSON.Supt. Water Works.

Approved :

L. A. Thurston,Minister of the Interior.

54-- tf


Pacific Commercial Advertiser.

Be just and fear not: 'Let all the ends thou aim 'at at beThy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.


Attention is called to a card fromMr. Kaulukou, published in anothercolumn, and stating that he intends torun. An editorial of yesterday is therefore not so malapropos as we feared itmight prove. We are rather glad thanotherwise to leain that Mr. Kaulukou isreally a candidate, for it may divide theenemy, and he will run a great dealfaster than we think he can, if he intends to get there.

One of the most animated debates ofthe session took place yesterday when theCoffee Bill came up for discussion in theHouse. Mr. Baldwin made a very fulland convincing speech and it was fol-

lowed by several others which wrere exceedingly effective. The Minister of theInterior and Mr. Widemann, as usual,freely hinted their mutual contempt.Mr. Thurston's language was perhaps atrifle too picturesque, but it must beadmitted he had strong provocation.The bill with some changes passed itssecond reading, so that its final successis practically assured.

The Reform or Liberal Convention,met Saturday night, adopted the sameplatform upon which they made theirnominations last year, and nominated aman who was pledged to support thatplatform. Every man who happens tobe in the possession of his facultiesknows that this means that the Conven-tion have (ostensibly at least) nominatedor intended to nominate, a man substantially in accord with the majority of thepresent Legislature who were nominatedand elected on the same platform.When the Republicans or Democratsnominate a representative, it is not generally understood that he is going tovote contrary to his brother partisanson all matters of party policy, and if theConvention intends that he shall, it generally has sense enough to say so. So,if the present Convention had wantedMr. Wilder to vote to sustain Royalvetoes, to keep governors to swell thecivil list, to abolish the volunteer forces,tolegislate in the interests of the Chinese,and so in general to oppose the policy ofthe present Ministry' and Legislature,theConvention would have said so. Thetruth is, it did not want anything of thesort.

There is no use in trying to obscure orconfound the real issue involved in, thecoming election. The question is simply :

Can a candidate stand on the principlesenunciated in last year's platform, andbe elected by the people ? There is noquestion here of missionary or anti-missionar- y,

whatever that may mean. Thecandidate who runs against Mr. Wilderrepresents of course the King's party of

m Vifft or quick raising. Isuperior to all otw iT, "J,ai BifcJeolutely pure and i ZVZnin ?A

T"muB power, it i U1ek.fstrengthhght, sweet, moqst ptei?!


tinUJSCUltS, m

noyai iakiur v0,organs. It willdeterioration. climate rProf. H. a. Mott, V S tl 1uurr examining r?rt;i,..COwdprs nf iho ,ln;. "i.tne Pnnc:- 2

'The Roval taking p0;y;i1 UyaDd the lment. Su.J

"Because of the facilities Ifor obtaining perfectly j uw cSlWlor other reasons depudt HWproportions of the

upon tk.same, and ipreparation, the R.voi u..,.:doul.tedlv the tinrp;,;.i "" .

powder offered to the'D"- - UEXUY A. MOTT D

5 1221-l- v ' '" Iis- - ('0ver!.nin:tv

Firs An illd;

-- OF-

; Jloiiolulu Ari

At Park Beach Hutel,

On Thursday, August

First Musses leave corner Hotel aaj f nat 2 p. iu.. direct to the Pkuic Grontievery uan nour inereatler.



And can be purchased at the FiiitLeoaUPersons not uavmg tickets for tie rcu;

will be charged 50 ceuti each w;iy.

Ou arrival Opening cLonis liy the

"The Day of Our Lord.'' After which tbtrlbe social

Games for tan iDancing in the atternoon and evemL.J

intermediate singing by the Cluh.

Complimentary Tickets rsn be tlplication to J. Uartram, J. Ilubaah.t'h.

and II. J. Nolte, which have to he preset

the cate. tC-- 3 satuj&Lde

Tlie RisdonIron and Locomotive

Corner of Ueal and Howard Streets,

.Calif"!San Francisco.


In all its branches.

Steamboat, Steamship. Land Ermines fc

High Pressure or Compound- -

nmn,f rrccrrc r.r nil tinds built eec;

ith hulls ot wood, iron or compose.


"visibleSTEAM LAUNCHES, Barges anc1 Steam W,

to the tnstructed with reJerencethey are to be eraj loyed. Speea,

draft of water guaranteed..1 Ci.ftn.SUGAR MILIUM am .''"B" ,::,.. Aia

made after the most VV ew.connected eBoiler Iron Work

.or Of !ll"-- 'WATER PIPE.

size, made 1

for shipmentground

HYDRAULIC luvtii-"h"CD- tl d rives

Pines made by this eatabthat q l, .r i nr m.iCfllueij! wort II1JU1AU v - od

work bein? far supers -SHIP WORK. Ship and Steam

pun-- iat 8

Winches. Air and CirM

after the most appro c-- ,f.

SOLE Agents and mann $JCoast of the Home Safety j

Acting ru-- .-PUMPS-Dir- ect bn It wi

citv works' purposes,Davy Valve Motion, 6"P""pump.


J. N. S. Williams.. ;--; .t

Room No. 3, upstairs, tl4UAgent ioru41 -- 3m

Filter PresKeceivea.--Just

rHOlUfn PRESSES. ut4j-

a ilw - and"1?, .tfdt--'A f""" ' frw; in tandUcgprovements for facuiing aplcnre on

Prices ana rt:i- -ks.

A sent Kisdon iro -it. 12

mi.n T.ivflri)Ool and I;

don and Glol

9 fiHAssets 112- -

Tet Income-.- .

Claims F-- -

leton jr. L.- -

ao! 1

up-- -.

Everything said above about the issueinvolved is plain enough, and need nothave been said at all, if it were not forthe fact that certain individuals havebeen endeavoring to sow dissension inthe Liberal camp by the stale and sillyshout down with the missionaries!Fortunately most of the trash comesfrom certain unknown persons wTho en-

deavor to hide their political affiliationwith the King under an anonymoussignature. "Civis" in the Bulletin is afair illustration of this sort ol politicalcowardice and charlatanism. Reason-able men can afford to pass by theutterances of anonymous politicians, asa rule, but they are sometimes worthrefuting, because, as the history of theUnited States proves, a senseless partycry will sometimes carry an election.It is not always safe, however, to trustto the stupidity of the people and theshouters of nonsense sometimes find thatthey have cut their own throats. Somay it be with all those political recre-ants who are trying to divide the partyand obscure the issue in Honolulu thisweek.


We do not hold ourselves responsible for thestatements made, or opinions expressed by ourcorrespondents.

A lienionst ranee.Mu. Editor: In this legislation for

Hawaiians, now in process of en- -

actment, l notice two measuresof pernicious immorality. Thereis the "Act to mitigate," seekingto make easy the way of the transgressor; and the "Bill to amend the divorcelaw," making it easy to rid one's self ofthe obligations of the marriage covenant,Those of us who are working for the up- -

lining or tne Hawaiian pBopie areamazed that in any corner of Christendom, there should be found in this ageof advanced civilization, Christian men,upholding and advocating such legislation. Are our legislators ignorant thatthe " Contagious Diseases Acts," afterwhich the Hawaiian act was modeled,from the day thev were passed till theday they were repealed, were denouncedas a disgrace and a shame to the BritishParliament? Laws may have littlepower to make men good ; but they maycontravene uod's law of retributivejustice, and foster vice rather than repress it. The British law was erasedfrom the statute-boo- k in 18S6, aftertwenty years of persistent agitation andpetition ; so easy is it to decree iniquityby a law, and so dirhcult to undo thewrong. ' Some of the worst abusesunder these iniquitous acts have beencommitted in the (jovernment regulationof vice in India. But now after onlyone short year of public appeal, sorecently as this last June, a resolutionwas presented to Parliament demanding

.it "1 j "1 j 1 1 1 j mtne immediate ana total aoontion oi thisiniquity throughout the Indian Empire,and on its first presentation it was car-ried, without one single vote against it.It is high time that Christian people inHonolulu should demand in languagethat cannot be misconstrued, that thisiniquitous "Act to Mitigate" shall bewiped off at once from the Hawaiianstatute book. How many Christianpeople are there in Honolulu, who carein the least for the bodies or souls ofthese licensed women ? Why not relieveat once the Trustees of the Queen's Hos-pital from their obligation to keep thewomen that are to be found in the wardsof. that institution, month after month?There they are supported at the publicexpense, under the guise of Christiancharity ; then sent out again to ply theirlegalized, nefarious trade. Will no oneutter a word of remonstrance?

C. M. Hyde.Honolulu, August 8, 1888.

He Will Run.Mr. Editor : What you have stated in

your issue this morning, that " it is nowunderstood that" I am "not going torun " as a candidate for Noble at thiscoming election, is not true. I herebyask your leave to allow me to say that Iam going to run as a Noble,.....and in so

1 T 1aoing l oniy comply with the goodwishes of mv numerous friends Vnthnatives and foreigners who have re-quested me to place my name before thepublic as such candidate.

.X T TrJ. Lj. jvaulukolvHonolulu, Ausr. 13, 188S.

Latest Foreijrn News.The number of deaths from cholera in

Hongkong from the 18th to the 30th ofJune was 192.

A change is rumored in the JaDaneseCabinet, and a new Minister will be ap-pointed to England.

A number of wealthv merchants inTokio are forming a company to cultivate indigo in the Bornean islands.

There was a dangerous row. but nobody killed, in the Negro DemocraticNational Conference at Indianapolis.Cleveland and Thurman were endorsed.


B0ILDERS OF STEAM MapHU.rress, ot June 30th the stateement thatthe Juniata left Shanghai "hurriedly onthe 21st at 9 :30 p. m., but went hard andfast ashore just above the Kajao Creek.bne got otl again on the night of the 22ndand proceeded to sea." The same paperquotes Shanghai native papers of June23rd in the statement (following an ac-count of the child-steamin- g reports andtneir results) that " the Corean olticialshave arrested and executed several persons guilty of disseminating these false-hoods, and the foreign buildings wereprotected by. an armed force until the21et June, when the ridiculous ex-citement subsided." One Shanghaipaper said it was the Japanesewho were falsely accused of buviner children to cook and eat. and that severalpersons were killed and injured in apopular commotion arising from the reports.

SUPREME COURT OF THE HAWAIIANthe matter of the hanVmntriv of

Wong Leong and Company of Honolulu. TheCreditors of said Bankrupt Company are herebynotified to come in and Drove their debta beforesuch Justice of the Supreme Court as shall besitting in Chambers at Aliiolani Hale. Honolulu,on FRIDAY, the 17th day of August, 1888, betweenthe hoars of 10 o'clock In the forenoon and noonof the said day, and elect one or more assigneesof said bankrupt Company's me court. HENRY SMITH,

Doputy Clerk.Honolulu, Aug. 8, 1883. 65-- 5t

SUPREME COURT OF THETn tho mnttprnf the

Bankruptcy of ANTONIO FKANK VIEEKAof Honolulu, Oahu.

Creditors of the said bankrupt are herebynotified to come in and prove tlieirdehts beforesuch Justice of the Supreme Court as shall beeettinj? in Chambers at Aliiolani Hale, Hono-lulu, on FRIDAY. th 17th rkv nf Ancrnst. 18S8.between the hours of ten o'clock in the forenoon and noon of the said dav. and elect one ofmore Assignees of the said liankrupr.s estate.

By the Court :HENEY SMITH, Deputy Clerk.

Honolulu, August 11, 1888. 67--4t

NOTICE.To Holders of Wailuku Sugar Co.'s


CAPITAL STOCK OF THE YT.T.VZVTHE Co. having been increased frc-i-- 240,-00- 0

to $265,000 on July 25, 1888, by vcte . itsstockholders, holders of this stock are r j 3 dto present their Certificates of Stock toth rr us-

urer at the office of C. Brewer & Co., to 1 ' s 3

increased value stamped thereon. ,

P. C. JONE- -,

GO 1230-2- W Treat urejr

Page 3: FOR SALE - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Plant For Sale. ... We have in our employ as good



kVMVi 44.31441.1 tlia.wy cAcieu a radical cnangefrom the intensely oppressive weatherMr. Kaulukou is going to run.

1rTi.-tla- y Hope the rain will be over before the

fur M"ui uml that had held sway an unusually longperiod for the season. It came duringArion picnic.

for Kahului, Mr. Sachs gives fair notice to his debtorshp.s;;. as to his terms. This CELEBRATED BEERor 5

Westeniayers' pianos at Messrs. E. Hoff--Clark

Sunday night last, a gusty and showeryspell up till midnight increasing, in thesmall hours of Monday morning, to aregular westerly gale with torrents ofrain. Daylight introduced the sight of a

ON ACCOUNT OF REMOVAL !schlaeger &. Co.'s..XJ" for Koolau, There was no business in Supreme Court Comes all the way ou ICE from

St. Louis.Chambers yesterday.-- :o:-

J ,1 tor Waianae

SisffirKoolau.Trie steamer W. O. Hall, due to-da- y,

will probably have accounts of the present

good deal of damage on land along witha very lively time on the water. Peopleflocked to the harbor front to see theshipping made to a great extent thesport of the elements. The heaviest feat

storm from the other islands.Creditors of Wong Leong & Co. are noti 3r E 1ST TJ I N" Eot the gale was probably its action upon

the U. S. S. Omaha. This ship wasfled to appear and prove claims in Supreme Highest PremiumForeign Forts Court Chambers on the 17th. torced trom her moorings at the naval ) Awarded Wherever Exhibited.- -Z Kimberley. S America.

Look out for Mr. Sachs' new advertise-ment to-morr- received after outside

anchorage, and drifting toward the Fort-stre- et

wharf came in collision with theBritish iron bark WroolIahra. A goodBourke, CLEAEAICE SALEpages of this issue were printed.

Creditors of Antonio F. Vierra are notiueai oi damage was done on board bothvessels, and the warship had not got

net apical wim meir ciaims Deiore aNewcastle.

out; oi ner wrong position last night.There was a somew hat disastrous com OFSupreme Court Justice on Friday the 17th.

Francisco. I5y advertisement elsewhere it will bekostfi.V, San plication between the German barkPrintzenberg and the Wilder steamerMokolii. Several other large vessels gotfiV hrens. Hongkong seen that round trip tickets to the Arion

r : - cr s ? - Book -picnic aiioru a saving oi torty cents per GoodsStationery - am Fancy;S?f&by.,Sa Diego, Cal. into scrapes more or less serious, whilehavoc was wrought amongst pleasureboats and small cratt generally. ShortKorelzn forbids attempting a record of theJct Wbere from. Due.multitude of incidents of the boiling


an Francisco. Aug"ptTovnend..Aug

'an Francisco. Aug

bay.Ashore, heavy losses occurred through

30 out the district from Palama to Waikikian rrancisco.Augin trees, fences and other susceptible im-provements. A fine papaia tree close to Plush Sets, Ladies' Work Baskets,7' .Bremen ov 2,

:r' New York ov 10

SCemen . July 25bept 15 the Mutual Telephone Co.'s building

LiverpoolIn Plush and Leather;was uprooted. Of course all depressions

in streets and sidewalks were markedw York ceuiHongkong Aug 25S merica.. . .uncertain with pools, while the gutters ran. rivers

and too often encroached in breadthAmerica.,s America.. i as well as length upon the roads

Bisque, Glass and Parian Ware, Opera and Marine Glasses, Telescopes,Up till dark Monday evening twoand a quarter inches of rainfall was

".'.San Francisco. "n;e;. Newcastle July

registered on the plains. Telephonesgave forth symptoms of derangement

passenger.The King has received an autograph

letter from Emperor William of Germany,conveying the intimation of his father'sdeath and his own accession to the Im-perial throne.

The Board of Inspectors for Nobles inHonolulu District will be in session at theoffice of Mr. M. D. Monsarrat from 2 to 4p. m. w, to enroll voters for No-bles not registered at the last general elec-tion.

Some Portuguese yesterday morningtried to initiate a campaign against thenominee of the Iteforju Convention. Mr.Schmidt and his immediate friendspromptly refused any encouragement tothe movement.

The return match between the Vandaliaand Omaha for Saturday having fallenthrough, a baseball match was arrangedthat day between the Honolulu and theU. S. S. Omaha nines. It resulted in aneasy victory of 17 to 4 runs in favor of thehome team.

Rev. I. Goodell, Koloa, Kauai, favors uswith copies of lithographed music andwords entitled: " Ka aha Itibine Bulu.Beritania music na I. Goodell; Hawaii naE. W. Lyons." It appears to be a Hawa-iian Blue llibbon ode, prepared jointly bythe gentlemen named.

earlv in the storm wraith s career, m"Van Francisco. Aug

San Francisco. SeptColonies AugColonies Sept

.Hongkong Aug



certain instances tolling out something Muisio . Boxes,:u like a fire alarm tor several seconds at atime. The street electric lighting r rancisco. Aug

'"?L..',ViM'ft Sound. .Aug tem cut weird capers the early part ofjie. 'n Francisco. Aug the night, intermittently flaring in and TOYS, BOOKS, LVBUMS,flashing out until, about 10 o'clock, even

the isolated lamps, that had in spellsglowed brightly while many aroundiHlPl'lNTc NOTKS.

is now due from Ma- - them gave only an occasional sputter ofsparks, "doused" their uncertain ''glim"and left the town in complete darkness... Hiait. And other things too numerous to mention. All the above Goods

will be offered at theWhile the electric light current was on,much damage was inflicted upon tele-uhene- s.

whether from crossed wires or ,7LOWEST PRICES EVER QUOTED IN THE KINGDOM.?

tcrW. (i. Hall 1S Vue tuls af"'",'ajM:tui ami Hawaii,

it Coronet is a fore-and-a- ft

utxt, ami not a fore-top-sa- il

.. J reported.

jhi Coronet's gig is pronounced,( the rint in the world, by H.t Prince of Wales.

moisture conduction, or both. No lessthan thirteen instruments are reportedburned out on the Bell line, but theMutual office claims immunity on its :o:- -

circuits. The storm had moderated con For Sale on Draught, atSiderablv at dusk, vet there was no settlement "by long odds at midnight.

: u the somewhat slight damage.. ivtlie bark Woollahra on Mon-ht-- r

sailing has been post-;:cver- al


i..;ant Kngineer Ned Everett ofiv.-- h:is been transferred to

The above Goods are New, Fresh and of the Latest Designs, having THE "PANTHEON."been imported ex recent arrivals and were selected expressly lor the trade.SPECIAL BUSINESS ITEMS.30--if'.La Hou as thief Engineer, in

Kemernber this is the last week of the

The Other Side of the Omaha Kow.Our reporter lias been requested to

give the other side of the story, in thematter of trouble between a policemanand men of the U. S. S. Omaha on boardof that vessel, the account reported atthe police station, which appears in theBulletin, being the side of the police.According to that account, Oilicer Ke-ut- ui

and another policeman were taking

Opportunity for 'an Investment!:Kr. Kearney, lYMgneu.::o:fietonu, none of the vesselsri to leave yeterday, attempted..sou of port; but they will leavei tie weather moderates.

UlUIlllllUlU Licajauvt oan. ci wvuj oiv..Last week to get Bargains at Sachs OPEN EVENINGS.great Clearance sale. Do not miss the op

portunity. mil ;i:our.K xv. c.joxks--JiTs: nflcrs For Sale the well-know- ni:peiit !.y the hrigantine W. CJ.

: hi Francisco on Sunday were,i T. A fon lt 1199 bans (102,020

Kahuku lt.iiHli Property,If you have not had any Bargains yetfrom Sachs' mammoth Clearance sale, gothere at once, as this is positively the last situated in the District of KAW, HAWAII.

;;ir;W.C. JSproiill 211 bags:hinr. Ilvtuan Bros 300 bags week of sale.

Last chance this week, to buy a hand- - 106 Fort Street.W. H. Graenlialgli,snmR T,nfft or Embroidery Dress, at half!5s. sutrar, and 1504 bags (150,-10- 0

rt M. . Orinbauin & Co. 310lbs.) rice; Sundries 1311

IIk 1 ricn Ditmstin Villlltprice at Sachs' Clearance sale, positivelylast week.

34-3- m

r Drink Moxie at the Elite."Horn's genuine Butter Scotch.Genuine Butter Scotch (Horn's) for

Police Court.Monuay, August 13. CHAS. J. FISHEL'S PRICE LISTcoughs.

llsiTartsen, Domingo Saneo and Fortat Graenhalgh's, 10GMagazinesstreet.hi. ft each for drunkenness.

:ii:aa, twenty days' liard labor FOR THISOlsJl Ti) tor tNiviiiimr Irnm

Last Week of Our Inventory Sale !iri, cruelty to animals. V. defendant. The offense was

-;- ,.rini:inL' a calf. Found cruiltv TSTOTICE.o O

The Ahupnaa of K.thuku, being Royal PatentNo. 2791, issued to Chas. C. Harris, containingan area oi 18-1- . OSS Acres, by actual survey,boundaries having been settled, forms the majorpart of this rauch.

The land has over six miles of sea coast withgood fishery and boat lauding, and extendsfrom the sea to the crater ef Mokuaweoweo,summit of Mam. a Loa.

The upland country is suitable for the raisingof sheep, goats or cattle, there being open tractsoi two to three miles in width by miles inlength.

The Ranch Buildings are situated on the Gov-ernment road froiu Kau to Kona and are aboutseven miles from the Kaalualu lauding, towhich there is a good cart road.

The Stock now on the Ranch consists of aherd of remarkably gentle

CATTLE,most of it being from milking stock, numbering2000 head, more or less, of the followingbreeds: DURHAM, from "Cherry Prince," im-ported by Theo. II. Davies; "Martin Bolton."imported by Thos. Cummins; "Ohelo," im-ported by lion. L. McCully, and "Romeo," im-ported by Bowley Bros. AYRSHIRE, from Dukeof York. TOLL ANGUS, from the importationof Cbas. G. Hopkins, and Hon. Jas. I. Dowsett,HOLSTEIN. from importations of Hon. L. Mc-Cully. And

HORSES,among which are 30 well broken saddle horses,20 brcod mares and 10 colts from the follow-ing well-know- n Stallions: "El Capitan," Im-ported by W. U. Bailey, Esq., "Kossuth," and"Jupiter."

All the buildings and implements for a com-plete ranch will be found on the estate.

SK3 for further particulars apply toJ. O. CARTER.

Honolulu, August 7, 1888. Ct-- 5t 1 231-- 3 1


,(fa.e Xatnaili, an inmate of Luna- -9 VHJ .........,.4 f .1 : - 152 dozen Ladies' colored bordered Handker 230 doz Gents' full finish Balbrigan Under-

shirts, either lone or short sleeves, allchiefs BO cents per doz c each84 doz Ladies unbleached Balbrigan Hose, silk sizes

Gents' white cotton Undershirts ,.A LL BILLS RUNNING SIX MONTHS AND 5cclocked and full finished at 25cover, and not paid by August '22, 1388, willInsane Asylum on the

sotW.E. II. Devenll, keeper offor violent insanity. It is in hands of a collector without Gents' white linen Shirts, linen bosoms andbe placed In the

two deserters on board the ship, andwhile the other ofFicer remained in theboat Keumi took the deserters on boardhandcuffed. Then, when Keumi hadunshackled the men, "a dozen or so ofthe Omaha men jumped on Keumi andkicked and punched him unmercifully.He received an ugly blow over the eye,and to save himselt went overboard."

The statement made for this paperon behalf of the Omaha men given be-

low is a good deal different from theabove account. It is asserted that onlyone man a captured deserting marinenamed Patten beat the policeman anddrove him overboard. Previous to takingPatten on board as prisoner, the police-man had him handcuffed and beat him,in fact cowhided him. The Omaha menallege that the police habitually abusenaval prisoners at the station. One in-

stance is given where a man-of-war- 's

man was challenged to fight by a police-man on duty.

Blue Klbbon League.At the semi-annu- al meeting ot the

Blue llibbon League, held last eveningin the parlor of the Y. M. C. A., the fol-

lowing officers were re-elect- ed for theensuing half year: Rev. H. H. Gowen,President; Mr. P. C. Jones, Vice Presi-

dent; Mr. N. Logan, Secretary; Mr.John Magoon, Treasurer.

Committees were appointed: Enter-tainmentMessrs. P. C. Jones, L. P.Hanson, W. O. Atwater, S. D. Fuller, J.N. Keola. Visitation Messrs. Geo. P.Castle, J. C. Marchant, J. N. Keola.Outlook Messrs. P. C. Jones, W. W.Wright, S. D. Fuller, D. Douglass, W.E. llerrick.

The Treasurer reported no receipts, noexpenditures and a balance cash on de-

posit in the Postal Savings Bank, since

Gents' full finished silk clocked Hose83.25 per doz(C8-l- N. S. SAU11S.further notice. cuffs I1

A Very Large Stock of School Hats at 25c. Each.mat the unfortunate personweeks ago pushed a woman

Sfcrtlu'r and broke her hip-join- t.:;i,anl Kikila are granted nolle"..SOU 4 Pll!irftt nf tr nr., nr. Gents' linen Collars (standing) 10c each

A full line of all wool Overshirts and all woolUndershirts from l up

Linen hand made Tidies 15c eachBlack Bilk stripe Grenadine 20c per yardLadies' Jersey Waists from 75c up

Misses' and children's Ilose, full finish and silkclocked in pink and blue, from size 4 to 8,at 25c per pair

Gents' fine Pajania Suits from 83 upJ;T- - They both plead guiltyp at' however, and are fined

ltfDavl9 is nnc $ 30 for assault!v;onhis wife, Ellen Davis.

176 doz Children's colored Hose lOc pr pairFine Turkish Bath Towels 3 for 50c

jj;1. wen her spouse surprised her,ji ja respects by striking her in 7--

We have made a REDUCTION in all our Departments. .3REMEMBER THIS IS OUR LAST WEEKiinu ivi Clli UtilC; rora the Fashion Stables,

-i- ionmi guilty is fined $26 20. OF OUK


ne Hawaiian Gazette. SaleGrreat Inventory- Have Just Received ex S. S.

' Alameda'

N. Z. Smoked Haddockj AND

New Zealand Potatoes8ftf

For Rent or For Sale.

'1- -

hjPS HH , :

j ! I 1 j CC

:. W h :i 9 tq o :rH : 3 a h s :

: o 2 - :W : 2 g ljmm Zx mn : tjui 5 2 V

"LEJ : o 5 g M--: W h :

h n '

i tw !z;



February 15th, ot fZ4.The entertainment committee will

provide a special programme, includinginn fnr tlie onenins of the fall MILLINERY HOUSE.

ei-t- fCorner of Fort and Hotel Streets.

A PLEASANT COTTAGE rj&LX in Perfect Order.

t's Gazette contains ten fullUw8 published are that to ex-i;eraf- or

the completion of theay and that relating to thej?. Two judicial decisions

.Jf. PuMished, and news sum- -others are given. The

C' Proceedings of last weekare espec-leSatK-ninrU,erep- ort

rtbTnonce are 1)0111 ofh fu'l n,ormer there ap--sof Reform Walr4v 1

'T!111111' cn ven-t- C

for Noble inLofvotinn, UlI,der deceased.

0 pari the 0ther dePart'i- - 'fL Tr are u to the usual

of the weoklvPfrticUll.rlyL tool--

e Kp ry and the news

JUST RECEIVED! City Market. A few minutes walk from the Post Office.Apply to


DAVIS & WILDER,Tinker, Family ButcherJosephAnd For Sale at Unusually Low es,


that he has improved facilities forJL public IMPOETERSMilwaukee Beer deli veeing the Choicest Meats, etc.,and he herebysolicits those families be has not served beforeto give him a trial. Grocers A Provision Dealers.


and winter campaign, on the 1st ofSeptember.

Bad Accident to an Omaha Officer.

A serious accident happened at thePark Beach Hotel, Waikiki, Saturdaymorning about 2 o'clock, to Mr. Trott,paymasier's clerk of the U. S. S. Omaha.

He was having a week's parole on ac-

count of rpoor health, taking asecond story room over the bil-

liard hall, situated in one of thebuildings belonging to the hotel. Atthe time named he arose and went out

l js thought in a state of somnamb-ulismand falling over a low verandarailing was precipitated on the galvan-

ized roof of a shed, thence rolling off andfalling upon the beach. One of his legswas broken by the rugged fall, so badlythat one of the bones of the lower limbprotruded. Dr. McGrew being calledgave the earliest possible treatment tothe injured man, after which the latterwas removed to the Queen's Hospital.His ankle was in a bad way at our lastaccounts, it being conjectural whetherthe foot would not have to be amputated.

Ten years ago the black tea manufac-tured in Japan was too inferior for theEuropean trade. The quality is nowimproved, and trial shipments are beingmade to London and Russia.

The United States Senate has agreedto Hawley's amendment to the Armyappropriation bill, appropriating $1,000,.000 for establishing a gun foundry atWatertown Arsenal, Troy, N. Y.


Cottage to Let.In Pints and Quarts.

Promptness, dispatch and cleanliness ishis motto, serving the best Beef, Mutton, Veal,Lamb, Ponk, etc, the market affords. His CornedBeef and

Cambridge Sausages,Fresh daily, and cannot begot at any shop in

town but the City Market.

X2TN. B I am prepared to deliver meat with-in a radius of three miles of the city.

Telephone 2S9, both Companies.

m CITY MARKET, Nuuanu St.

ICjJ,? 1urtuguese called"Carth'

in 3'terday, ad-- a

he lmten testimonial, inAfcr the noble! ,vtfo Con!. question

NoUeaTthH iand.asa candi"

'?r nlj 1TT election.

p11 nnaer ..that h had the

W. C. Peacock & Co.,

The Large Credit SaleAT THE STORE OF MESSR3.


Has been postponed to

MONDAY, AUGUST 20At lO o'clock a. m., when a Large

Assortment of

Miscellaneous Goods

THE FINE COTTAGE ON JTHE- r n; .1 Ucst.i,!.Merchant St., w iUIL streets. For further particularsapply at R. MORE & CO.'s. 73 King street.

40-- tf

uiisiueration. TO LET.Choice Berkshire Pigs !t.. LOST.lU8e Note.,.

The FIre-pro- of 15 rick BuildingNo. 58 Nuuanu street, with Lot' iaWill be offered. km IMlFOE SALE. rear of same, at present occupied by McLeanGOLD WATCH WITH THE MONOGRAMA H. M. O. on case. The finder will be lib-

erally rewarded on leaving the article at theHawaiian Hotel. 15

Inquire of Bros. For particular enquire on the preznlsei.47-2- w

FRANK Oahu College.Jas. F. Morgan,

AUCTIONEER 55tfWorkedtod7atVome at 962

Page 4: FOR SALE - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Plant For Sale. ... We have in our employ as good



- rr - - -I

s. foster & oo.J Australian Mail Service. B.F.EHLERS & Co. GRANT) A ivnvTi4fs "UAllImporters and Wholesale Dealers in


Groceries & ProvisionsFOR SAN FRANCISCO,

rhe new and fine Al steel steamship



ji the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

Aug. 26th, 1888, r Being overstocked in LACES, we will sell them atuXJSAN FRANCISCO.and 28 California St., REDUCED PRICES. I Popular Millinery HoiAnd will leave for the abve port with malls and

ispassengers on or about that date.For freight or passage, haying SUPERIOR


Wm. (r. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

SPECIAL ATTENTION Paid to Selecting andPacking Goods on Foreign Orders. HAWAIIAN GAZETTE 104 B-o-

rt St.. Honoll.2TCareful Attention given to all Commissions

and Satisfaction Guaranteed BOTH IN PRICEAND QUALITY. 168-l-y 12o6-l- y For Sydney and Auckland. Book and Job Printing Establishment g SACHS

27 Merchant Street, Honolulu, H. I.LOVE'S BAKERY,3fo. 73 Xuunuu Street.

MRS. ROBT. LOVE, - fProprletress.METROPOLITAN To Commence on

The new and One Al steel steamship

"ALAMEDA"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be

due at Honolulu from ban FranciscoEvery Description of Plain and Fancyor or about

PACIFICHardware Company, LI


.BIRGhA-IlSrS- !

MONDAY, AUGUST 6,Bread and Crackers, August 30 1888 18-- FRESH Meat Company,

And will have prompt dfcpatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Soda CrackersA N D ; TAKE NOTICE!


Saloon. Bread Win. G. Irwin & Co.,New Lines of

Lamps, Chandeliers and Lanterns, 81 IiINJ STKEET,AGENTSAlways ou llaud.


At Lower I rices tliau ever before I

FOOK LOT & CO.,G. J. WALLER, The ENTIRE STOCK, including New Goods Receiv.,1 o

Australia, and will be offered at Cost and Less than CostIsland Orders Promptly Atteudedkto.172-Si- u

113 Nuuanu Street, opposite Emma Hall


New invoice of

ShelfHardwarePlows and

General Merchandise.


JEWELRY ! JEWEL11Y ! Chinese & Japanese Goods,

Rnnn IiMa Qnln ft C TVFire Crackers, New Designs In Cups and

Saucees, Tea, Cigars, and all kinds of FancyGoods

At Greatly Iteduced Prices.--JUST RECEIVED- -

NEW GOODS AND DESIGNS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL All Goods will be marked in Plain Figures and Sold for CasNovelties and Fancy Goods! Univ.

Regular shipments by every steamer. 60 In large variety.

Look at our Price List Circular,REMOVAL.POST OFFICE BOX NO. 255.

BUTCHERS"7. ur.c C meiiuuu out a lew 01 me many Karains offered. The?BUHACH ! J

WATCHES,Gold Chains, Lockets, Pins,

Diamonds, Plated Ware.

Kukoi and Shell Jewelry.


We Guarantee for Two Weeks On

60-2- W

Opposite Hopper's and two doors from LucasMill, Fort street.

Particular attention paid to all orders, an!satisfaction guaranteed. 38

Beware of Imitations,Which are being put upon the market.

Navy Contractors.

CHU ON & CO,WENISTER & CO.,a Fort stret. ios tt THE GENUINE BUHACH qq rj,Q jjx ECKART'S

WOLFE & CO., KING STEEET,Have Just Received an Assortment ofImporters and Ilealera insold onlj by

C. 'BREWER & COMPANY,FOR YOUR Groceries, Provisions and Fee

Chinese & Japanese Goods(Limited). Benson, Smith & Co.SUCH ASJEWELRY !



Dupee Hams and Bacon, Kits Pig Pork, Kits Salmon Bellies,Kegrs Holland Herriner. Kes Sauerkraut. Limbenrer CheeseSole Agents In the

Mettamurets, Smoked Sausages, Green Cheese, Pork and Beans,

Boston Brown Bread, French and American Peas, SugarlCOMMISSION AGENTS. TT A WAIT AN TST, A lmS WnerG yU WlU SUVer' I Have a8ta"?y on hand Silk, Satin, I

.nxxA Tkira VTrape un- - "jS ,otni Embroidered and barrels sprouts, balmon, Oxford Sausage, Curried Fowl,jyiwmwuuo, nemstltcnea Silk and (irnsa P.WL Tan e and H r Km h Olivo nil P,Vlrl0l O iwa Ovfttprs.

FOR THE Handkerchiefs, Silk and Crape Shawls Germea, Rolled Oats, Pearled Wheat, Oat Meal, Corn Meal

and Scarfs. Cracked Wheat, Oats, Bran, Corn, Wheat, to?;,LIST Or OFFICERS:' Made up in a neat, artistic fashion.

2sss? Buhacli ProducingP. C. Jonat. Jr President and nese TeaJ. O. Carter Treasurer andW ares.

oew, vases, bronze and Lac- -

Ij?resii ijrapes, picKea every clay ana soia iort--Hon. W. r. Alien Auditor All goods are warranted to be all that Is claim- - i QUered

2!ed for them, viz; the very beet goods made. Ivory, Sandalwood and Tnrtnl Cleave Your Orders, or King-- np 194 or 319.and Mfg. Co. Card Cases, Paper Cutters, Fans andHe has also received, I A i V j o-- ,


Hen. C. R. Elihop. Hon. H. Waterbouse

BONE MEAL!!vjuiu auu oiiver jewelry, setting withTiger Claws. Cats F.vpb nnd Amu.

STOCKTON, CAL.78 augl2tf

A NeW IaVOke Of ClOCkS ch, ?s carf Pins, Ea'rrings, Bracelets,' JOHN NOTT,Claus SpreclceU Wm. G. Irwin. An assortment of Chinese and .Tnnn.I T1DOQ "M?'b-"MiVlrc- i r A J a

Which are very ornamental as well as useful. " - " vyunusiues 100 nu--oeiyo orderB for this Celebrated Fertilizer CLA OS SPEECKELS & CO.,

Chinese Mattinsr a snecialtv.Ebony and Marble Furniture in sftS3T Prices all adjusted to suit the times.


Ban Francisco:The following ia a report of the compo-

nent parts, as obtained by Chemical analylaoies, iiairs and Settees.

r. 7A full assortment of Flower PnfR ArtiBANKEE8.HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS

ficial Flower Baskets, Lacquered andBamboo Goods. Etc.DEL MONTE New Goods received by every steamer.

sis:Water 8.10 per centOrganio Matter 29.18 "Silicious Matter. 4.65 'Lime 81.79Phosphoric Acid 23.11Oxide of Iron 85

. Carbonic Acid 1.89JAlka Baits 52

c puuuu are respectiuny invited toinspect our goods.Draw Exchange on the principal paris of theworld. MILLING COMPM

Mercury on Vessel Bottoms.Will receive deposits oa open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.


DADORItfl hPRrf n C Intercot rtmatrraA In thai Eonings Department subject to published rules and B6St RoHGI FlOUT Germicide Paint

1100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prom

and Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co.,Agents or the Hawaiian Islands.


reguiauo18. 17oc3tf


Stovies, Ranges and Housekeeping Goods.rpHE MARINE GERMICIDE PAINT IS AN

HONOLULU MARKET. Meals Superior to all Others 3&K,&32S?22:cles, Coral, Sea Grass. Teredos. nil nil MurlrnParasites, and an unfailing preventive ol ruston iron or steel.

9mPlumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron jGonsalves & Co., zSS2t..$Sk ?IT?&has been phenomenal. The D. S. Navv Yard at

(Successor to Wm. MeCandless.)

No. 6 Queen Street, Flsb Market, Ho-

nolulu, 11. 1.20 tf Sole Agents Hawaiian Islands. I Mare Island is rising Germicide exclnivlvIn ftsii laall t 1 a. 11 i '.o.iiijs ii, KiiiiBi. ilb Deal paint. Of 460A i n JM fOOO A - - -icoio iu xooo, may una inai uermjclde came outnineteen to one better. It Is stated that th v0ai



100 Small Bags


authorities at Washington are at. nut 004,.4 At - . ' - WW UK



Choicest Beef, Mutton, Pork, Fish, etc.,Always Kept on, Hand.

28-l- m Agents for the Hawn. I.Bark IDeortschlaiid,This lot is from a new district and are advisedas being excellent. Also,

SO Kegs ChoiceWONG SAI,

T AILOE,No. 46 1-- 2 Merchant Street.

Family and Shipping orders CarefullyFAMILY C0ENED BEEF Attended to.

From Europe, an assorted cargo of

NEW GOODS,Which they offer to the trade

At Lowest Market Rates.209 tf

100-l- b. each. 75 and 77 l.irif StreiotLive Stock Furnished to Vessels at sbortnotice. White and Flannel Pants,H. May & Co. jiimwoiiu vttnw i3flins, anaUnderclothes, made cheap.

10-i-mTelephones 3STo. 212 Boll Teleplione JSfo. 27"