for rare event meta-analysis - cytel event sme... · 2018-08-06 · application to 2 x 2 tables...

Combining Confidence Distributions Rare Event Meta-Analysis Brinley Zabriskie and Chris Corcoran Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA for Pralay Senchaudhuri Cytel Software Corporation, Cambridge, MA, USA

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Page 1: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

Combining Confidence Distributions

Rare Event Meta-Analysis

Brinley Zabriskie and Chris Corcoran Utah State University, Logan, UT, USA


Pralay Senchaudhuri Cytel Software Corporation, Cambridge, MA, USA

Page 2: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

What Is a Meta-Analysis?

What Is a Confidence


Confidence Distributions

in Meta-Analysis


Page 3: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

What Is a Meta-Analysis?

. . . Study 1 n=326�

𝑂𝑅 ↓1 =7.63�pval=0.004

Study 2 n=44�𝑂𝑅 ↓2 =2.43�pval=0.49

Study 3 n=570�𝑂𝑅 ↓3 =2.24�pval=0.14

Study 9 n=333�𝑂𝑅 ↓6 =4.74�pval=0.06

Combined Info

𝑂𝑅 ↓𝐶 =1.80�pval=0.009

Cerebral Microbleeds (CMBs) Example

Page 4: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

Average Treatment Event Rate: 9.3% Average Control Event Rate: 3.6%

What Is a Meta-Analysis?

Random sample of 500 systematic reviews in 2009 demonstrated that over half included outcomes with event rates of < 5%

Cerebral Microbleeds (CMBs) Example

Page 5: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

What Is a Meta-Analysis? Cerebral Microbleeds (CMBs) Example

θ  95% CI p-value

Peto Odds Ratio

1.83 (1.17, 2.87) 0.008 (significant)

Mantel-Haenszel Odds Ratio 1.71 (1.14, 2.57) 0.010


Inverse Variance (0.5 continuity correction)

Odds Ratio 1.80 (1.16, 2.80) 0.009


DerSimonian and Laird (0.5 continuity correction)

Odds Ratio 2.46 (1.22, 4.97) 0.012


Conclude the presence of CMBs may increase the risk of sICH

Page 6: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

Simulation with Rare Events (baseline probability: 0.7%)

Rates Differ Between TRT and CTRL

Can we lower the Type I Error rate by using methods better suited for

meta-analyses with rare events?

What Is a Meta-Analysis?

Page 7: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

Point estimate

Interval estimate

Distribution estimate

𝝁 Population Parameter

What Is a Confidence Distribution?

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. . . + + +

Singh et al. (2005), Tian et al. (2009), and Liu et. al (2014)

Confidence Distributions in Meta-Analysis Cerebral Microbleeds (CMBs) Example

p↓c (θ)=F(c)[w↓1 h(p↓1 (θ))+…+w↓6 h(p↓6 (θ))]

Page 9: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

Combining Confidence Intervals

Tian et al. (2009)

Θ risk difference p↓i (⋅) an exact method h(⋅) logit w↓i  based on sample size

of study

p↓c (θ)=F(c)[w↓1 h(p↓1 (θ))+…+w↓6 h(p↓6 (θ))]

Combining p-value Functions

Liu et al. (2014)

Θ log odds ratio p↓i (⋅) Fisher’s exact test

(mid-p) h(⋅) inverse Normal CDF w↓i  based on event rates

Combining p-values Fisher (1932)

Θ - p↓i (⋅) Fisher’s exact test (mid-p) h(⋅) log w↓i  none

Confidence Distributions in Meta-Analysis

Page 10: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

Confidence Distributions in Meta-Analysis Cerebral Microbleeds (CMBs) Example

θ  95% CI p-value

Combining Confidence Intervals

Tian et al. (2009)

Risk Difference 0.03 (-0.0002, 0.058) 0.054


Combining p-value Functions

Liu et al. (2014)

Odds Ratio 1.73 (1.12, 2.62) 0.014


Combining p-values Fisher (1932)

- - 0.016 (significant)

Conflicting conclusions as to whether CMBs increase risk

Page 11: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

Confidence Distributions in Meta-Analysis

Relatively Fast, ↑ Error Very Slow, ↓ Error Very Fast, ↑ Error

Rates Differ Between TRT and CTRL

Page 12: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,


Modification 1 Liu et al. (2014)

with logit and weights

Θ log odds ratio p↓i (⋅) Fisher’s exact test (mid-p) h(⋅) logit w↓i  based on event rates

p↓c (θ)=F(c)[w↓1 h(p↓1 (θ))+…+w↓6 h(p↓6 (θ))]

Modification 2 Liu et al. (2014)

with logit and no weights

Θ log odds ratio p↓i (⋅) Fisher’s exact test

(mid-p) h(⋅) logit w↓i  none

Modification 3 Tian et al. (2009)

with Liu et al. (2014) weights

Θ risk difference p↓i (⋅) an exact method h(⋅) logit w↓i  based on event rates

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θ  95% CI p-value

Modification 1 Liu et al. (2014)

with logit and weights

Odds Ratio 1.69 (1.16, 2.33) 0.010


Modification 2 Liu et al. (2014)

with logit and no weights

Odds Ratio 1.22 (1.37, 3.07) 0.001


Modification 3 Tian et al. (2009)

with Liu et al. (2014) weights

Risk Difference 0.01 (-0.008, 0.054) (non-significant)

Cerebral Microbleeds (CMBs) Example

Conclude CMBs may not increase the risk of sICH

Page 14: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

Rates Differ Between TRT and CTRL

Can we lower the Type I Error rate by

using methods better suited for

meta-analyses with rare events?



Fairly Fast,

↓ Error

Page 15: for Rare Event Meta-Analysis - Cytel Event SME... · 2018-08-06 · Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465,

Thank you!

K. Singh, M. Xie, and W. E. Strawderman. Combining Information from Independent Sources through Confidence Distributions. The Annals of Statistics, 33(1):159-183, 2005.

D. Liu, R. Y. Liu, and M. Xie. Exact Meta-Analysis Approach for Discrete Data and its Application to 2 x 2 Tables With Rare Events. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109(508):1450-1465, 2014.

L. Tian, T. Cai, M. A. Pfeer, N. Piankov, P. Cremieux, and L. J. Wei. Exact and efficient inference procedure for meta-analysis and its application to the analysis of independent 2 x 2 tables with all available data but without artificial continuity correction. Biostatistics, 10(2):275-281, 2009.

R. A. Fisher. Statistical Methods for Research Workers. 4 edition, 1932.