for cash! cutlery, $13,000 worth

2,500 it ni Wi i T w. a A8.-- : Ural Estate. ACRES (F rotta. saw for kh i ibv . - : aeru and ntotn'a IT A- -y tea Wotblrg 13 P' " " " 111. l" of th tract r N Tbs. aw rnt w Alrwcily th Batirosd I win ar ta mm or aa. u u a iw. ...n her ir. Fayue -- oaaiy. on ae a hi ii la tlx reon -- noraoecvllie. rrem'.lring hf IS a- -1 imprcr e. niireei wns VrslEned at ' Depot for tBrthe. m.lana it. mB iltelm B - vb. rrMUriu Herald. E ; ia Ta; end Joorral ,nl taint Lu dry. Lard. toad, that piu.. tract trad allien from WnV-- y tnj ,ix't acre, with rm-- a oa copy four lime- - w-- 'nrwar-- i btlit o8T fa anto to tb-- at bidder, oa 13 14 3 Mve"uber ooy rarm. au- - ufeJ to lb Ba 'y rono 'w . ., i,.. .l from b U mtudo con- - tamng 1!0 cr, . watch ITS It c hp and urrd- -r go d Thle place prevent, tu potior loduwormit to o !oolg tr a tncailaa for farming pa' p... i ara.-nt- r. rdae-- , brtat la aa uni--e- toaih-- ha tin a and orchard, tf of c Be Trass One-thi- rd cash, Ut balance la one and tw r, wttb ialerrrt ALA .At the name time and pia, I wi am for earh js. or Hin. Ce'tie, ate , riser with ai and Kit has Foroutsr ms. s r form - sr. . - it.wtwi Wear . H .V llarsaiu. T HATI two k- - and fori? tirea () 1 acrrt af d able Creek See (.rice f Stanton'e Waaler bj ra.Unton tka rTl-wlla- n and FOR hilb. high, teara Bead water. B'rnondei. tk A k? Tmn d for LBVtf Hondred and Si! Aera af Art an- - : mw- - sow from ctehiT U eaa bou-rv- d aoea dead 1. and in a Saa oeadltf caltiawllaa Pot apply ta p. u , rmrawem. m. For TENNESSEE f.enaa4ektM FDbn-ibe- wib- - to sab, arra enrf r. t TH al ike tract af L.AJCD wk-- a k reelkra foar baMr--d an ' rorte eTn "''.. s oa tl- - Meo.pkia and Ohio Ba Iroad. awd wHMa tw- - mi.- -, ot aacl-e- ; Depot. Toe imprverm-u- u ooD-i- of a Bw- a- j la ib It'll three roiai keWw ttaira and rw akaee. Or. Bae F,.a r.ea-- . ana an ir. w' ua nra-Mt- aetata d.tctmlaaawaeli a b rwa . TrpiCrtm S. T. MOOU MBwa MOORE & HUCHES Hier tocsatej ibenjerleea for tl,e tranta (,fn?ra' Ltmi Jpfify Business IK THI 8TA1S mm wt:l PAT TtXES oa 1 m ib- - rweal I of fHtedleade. Tb e wtlt make peraeaai Uad. n. part of tke Ibv eoy ano pot can rem. ca oa M i I. M lun ot ind, agaa ""T x.mtnatl ne ate. and rep rt la ' - m.r.-- t r - in- - eon nuvci.q.-- . , ,Me an1 p any patlcnlar tract, a'ul any deira (. infanauiea tn r y.rd le : aad In eae. wkei earn m wlah ta brlna tketr la Into ma ilt teee will oon-fa- to b .ee t mb-- r dialiati aawa it and wir ra ' tor-du- er Ir either tke plant Horn or wiM land, of tkoe wnod-- ai alone I. Macb Sv lend In tkla State naa km leeeteed from aale fr tke Ivt See yearn, b.rme n reported aad aeerll .wed. and -- hub ky an act lal Cos tea a. w v atiui il la lb-- s-- t. and w, be anbl-- rl to eatry la 're meeitka. Tke ll'U of tke e land. con. lain deal Ibat baa kecavTnmk:e erexe it. r- - rttvaa and the akoee Srm fr,n tbr eaperience ar precilen! aareeeata eaw at wnom bat been enraard h pakttc ware-y- of the Slate for many year, aad to. c ker lt S'llr and Seiai Land Breiae rirg. harirte thai (araed an ex aa.iee knawledae or land tbaoanshoaa t ,e St l. w.l be orenated to I" ine-- el m .r--r ebrti ui oi4i. of Swaaa L . ofT-r- f.r tale, or eub!-- ct toeMry eliker far a altpalated ohare of !tie land or c mout-- i ,t .: . iJ tneeeted. P rnnae eanilna bonea In Arkaneei wir And at thl' am-- -, plaf rt? wad or fanaa with f .m d- -- th-- .t c tnal ttey can Thee r mm ; -. p. a ta a'ljoi!ii" of impr ate , be at onre dtr ct-- d to cceap ot and eer Warrant! or locate tb-- m Any In tka abate hue w.u W- Ark erc M.rkbtni Meat, W Wm R A Valuable Plantation for OK 70S PLIVIB Six and a half miles south of Mem phis. plantation contamt CtS i TBIS - eteareel. and a g j fenoe. It boa a gaod gin hot b ea. kc.. f eton- - er anl ap--l cljterand g a.- - lot.. rena. far T'e hen:tb and . . tb-- r. t baelr.g been a ca e near t4 a i aae eeA dtwtf eem-ni- .. a smtab a wkicb cellei:: water, atock. Pre-i- i . qa ring Rarte Enquirer ceffft Valuable Pltl VE.T rcn.t ritor O L ' n hat ; oo tud A bee tar my and leg and n Of aad S It the tke w nd. mm aal MllVr Bd A" .xc with or F. for Sale 'aula Iol. fraatl g on in or re o.n i meet three . ' the Io pi .it eniiBi--. n- ceae.ry. of the beet ne-- t cr ... wttk brei Free 818 per aeee. -d ca-- balance j a 'w It- and weaty fonrm-3'.h- from date. i h in- - ur-- t. Apply to B B. ORNE. Cabor-atnn- a SlacMncs. P Imparlant to Planters & Millers. F ELTON'S 1HPROVED PorUWe (.nst Mill. J Improsemen: oa ali t'ttenU- - PillS .ejeof the p all the Into 'to he f finer It la t. tnpge; nat ktt long been u Iy that oommnnity 1 1 to la tjaalt ojrtleii that a rt a:- - n akiM can ran it kr p tt a ord r T- -r are of the ataet character, the- atre I mpl' ul ataet. aae) aok uabv. to re oat of order It wi' S' mI wfc-- at cra. oata baclw btt drug, rraah aad gratd era aad cob admirably, or -- a- ami cob mot be wrj Tbe i mill, with powr.. will gr.u f rooa Roc to or tup-ri- o- corn meal per boar an1 rTtoB eart to baa of good reel for rtock. an-- bat Utile attenttaa, aad may be run be gla-b- n 1 1 m1 of xie na- - The large aixe iratne ut. wi!" grrad .war twioe that per hoar. Tbe net it a .t la grgadlnf a e Frtc- - ge. . for twaan aa. larg- - tixe atsri. We barer u. -- et; tbe at Mbfl-oipn- Loni e -- a Teareato-- e Kentucky, and a at Tawko A ear. kaanr ta r- offe. ed for an.' Ih a ut--n to -- oagag to tbe .ale of Mill. .ad 9 tt. ritrhtt Mid on AH ord-r- e'nmaiaaieattoaa. aad fo- - HH aHi aa: aa wvi a nrpi ir r- - too.i. to it oawtt B F. S a Williami tVinmmtoaaa-- ' are oo. io T--nt rpHS rekC t- - wa Mi' SALF. C.aap-Gron- brgm ''",".; their errp lerlt y We hate oo Land firty an ilxee aad of tawa Alas IS aad 12 feat p- ic in. P o- - aad atteaMl qn.iny.e,.iiiiy. tntineat tlr-W"- , Sale orchard tMi.tllglpgl pbeaicr rndttl-.- n'o'e Lacing rraatad. Other reqst.iie detuned portion and erindta. turfaaro daraote harder graaad tooether hu.hel. w.uiaat amount heated tramal. featare (BBS; Rlatm Itobaak. portion compet-- nt ro,rr Btcht-an- Dang Horror Premium Cotton aumfy--t Dtara M callec lag B 1 mt B c. at. Caaer a reoenl txc. eg earl aa tbe bee, kotta, ttc., rata, the a irirw;. Koa. laeSSI aaaa errri wT.t (fHufdiiciul. lledlcal College, rr g tf Pr-- Ta .r j Oovn will c0jm,tA ui atONP X A tbe lSth iBstavt.: a: u Co.rfc- - Bci M I OtawWr at Si It,. .Ta Tamil T .urltyn and Smi-d'- t. w ira' tb P ..lowhaahy of natlea at IS a kt .Pro-- f ., k M Trill H-- f ewe at tl a ar The p ,bilc i'.t.H athnd tblo ooarae, be fJkreraea the tnottth. lm L. HARXS. Ibaaa. BYRDS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE ABt ScIcbUHc Acadcu.v. MEMPHIS. rtri HE a ot- Inttitatl to I tab d atit now ta iwo--'tl opt t. .o at 082 Sdt etre--t, wh-- r. 5 n,: wi, for ;h- - M ani., Mirty oetit. ii". The n ud eg Elect ion are tneii. i.e. lu" itatl..-- . and tho a in a'! depa- -; aloe ent'-m-- Taro- - A 'oa-- a, Bnq. Rank; M unt Meatrt. F. Lone a v Mraa a Beat.. Wrlea-- i a Oo Cjn Teruit aept-t- m ; BtOSI D D K EL F WBItirr, M. D fi'- - , rt OXrysSB F. JOKBS, M D. tint) DorriLASS, DancrjTillr, Sale. iiaajnil'i AHllX.'.AS. aatatpTmred. BCRNABDO S. LATHAM. ttion ita' and ra rkitoorri pteab'e aceornme-tttte- g appikatweao JENNINGS RETVOLD. Gin B VClailHG, wLiioii owteneod perait-nil- y portaratarly ana. .ii I q. W t akOa; ore t3" Preetden-- , Ormmerr.t! ni'jderate M C-- 'Tiee win oo enner, aad will continue ut M B of Ft D eg Obatatrtao aad tf. BL. Profaawor of Aaatomt D P.ofeoaurar Satg if rwrnoretrat'T cf Ar- - T. X ARABLE. D.. Curator af the Mn- - Tka Saa for tha ea Ira -- on roe it 10 pa-a- to lUtrtcalattoa Pe-- ; Orad-iatiu- Pec. $28: ipirj aad Dtaoaciloa, $10. to ba taken once gtadua-t-i- in op--a from the lot it A r iluoaaan Oaarte of Lecture, free ta all ttadcat. ih- - by ear. Prof. ", oa raateeu ta tRiojas wi-- - lpArteiwit, wrbtob h. fu'ly locebt In coaeoe. wi:' bw .taring ta taoui b o tobar naai atan .a M rat, thr llto of tb atouth. CLIBICtL tarSTWCTTOyi. Trw atetapbi, Lgoartt Aaeaya aa ta taewther. of he cltaa at; tigwt aad -- oc . micai wi'l eltee is the ware, af the lawltiiriwi aa two data W d: ead ty and S.tar Str ef eeery wet Taa ta aae at tk ra.s. of aa rioucota, l' oi Ilea a -- re aatun- - of pa'ien-- i aer-- y mir-nti- g tptnlMH are perf na-d it pree-ao- e ae the and patten tt auff-.i- from (r-- at a let of 4it-.i- pteaorrlbed for, and .:i,.- - ai 41 p aaat, wi a oi-- t n- - - a a n :. a a a ma- - be br pt trenlar eat g. Tb- - College pa- - -- eoaae aa e, Cbnalca" and Fa ... hirti Appartu it, aaS atra-- yt ng Lt rate the a.arae af toaaeea a aaeh hraneh Oa -- tot- fart boa; togorw tlana well addraao r t K D L SHANKS. M D Botanico Iedical College. Twetch Annua THF ktased i: aatavFIR"T HOfOAl FACCLTT BeaBagSgRaBaaaVaxSi i NVrltlnj: College. NOVEMBER and. eaaaoattBae eixreen eke. Atnpt j.cct -d ch'ml-- t: an-- J apfaara a. an exun ire tnatotst- an: patholocicnl na-e-r- aa tha fcrte and eaeoaaaral of a tali atrpa or Profeao-- r wiu man a libera; and dta n F a CFLTT: O. W MORROW, M D., Pi iifoaanr at PhyaAoiotry. L BHBLTOK, B. Prorea. r te-- . ar B "rt lor rta. .B V r if RROM.M D Pi.t-ia.c- T 0 OATLB, M. D - - Pt rcry. 1 ....-- It Mfri I c - a. m. rt M isr? Only abut 'r I 0. ftr; L of it a to hp I l m- j a r i o la t i l : , . a OiiOkhWij , . , fl, M . M 1 An Oc - - i r da a. i to d-- ' - . IN wlo nni al i . re D. . Profnaaor of Caaaaaatrp of and at aa I Ftrac. . juits tUo mialt PTof-ae- ar 1 1. i r,iTLE of the Ftr-u.- tr T ltaaa la I Matter fyzct oqz UK rtooii 'Jtt fo Sr $ Of XnsUi i We, TcnB. CAPITAL, :::::: 160,000 J05JTB H-- at A. W. BOTUO, SaxT. Mat BlU, Janna Corrcr, a. m. hn, I. . DIUCTOU: iM. Alltaan. aV. H Oanteer. Jwwt Jai w. t MMi J a. Arm. and riree oetll llHnaatraet. Meapnlt Teon. bettdred Land It" deadene.' chara-te- etgt). waahera, 4 preoeat B :al Prol-aa- lacipla. haBSi b arroeakry ISS7, w experience V -- f aad Meek-- on.vMrtD- - Cle Fiaamr laatttntoa 0 ..son TXU1X, Vatdx, AUowar. MEMPHIS ISSVBAWE CenPiST, Memptiis, Tennessee. CAPITAL $150,000. Sam. ltfosby, Pres't; Bon May. Seo'y on JErrxmaox iruil Pl HECTORS. A. O. RaUui, Sam Houv, Q 0. ATCtsaoK, T V. Witaiaaam, i. O. UUUUV, T. B. J. J. aAVtlMI. m 1 tl HOIE IXSlRA!CE COMPANY. OF MEMPHIS, TENS. ACTHOKIIKD CAPITAL I OBASA KT CAPITAL $309 000. -- 1HASTKHR J b t- - Ll L af ISbo-'o- b. u make P t. nni. ; " A. Owen, orrios ere of T Jle Mariu- - 1 ..pulim; la new of wMcb lT baee arraacea witn tb foilowwii Companlet, lor by niear. ot riti-- OoanmercU', Ltaama Capita SJ BOO on. KurjUier Fira, " x.uwi mro Int matlana! LUa, " 1.600 O0 tmckerbocaer Life, Slaaaa, " SkO.opn P - Fire " SS At ineannnaJaaMMmiaaTaaSw, tkeiothl-vtaat- , Diracaera aad Ootncliltae acre r eeled far Ike eaaolnf pear : mac eta aa. JAMRS B. THOIUrTON, L i. DCPRBK, SCO at OolAMT, TBOS Mc AD AM, sTEpnics b. rrnns, t b MrLfor. BKKBT S. SXXG, JOS B AKB1S1 i, at, JAMBS B"T, I.V.VI COMMITTII. 8 B. '.TIS L J. Drrui. H. a, f IMS. .Medico. SMaaaxer a X. GRANT, S . j. B. THilRKTON. Raq AUttaladftp 8 P. SAKCBBAII B. And at a mee-lin- of tne new Dirro tt ot :' be lltk intt., the Knowing odkeer were looeac, aar -l JAMBS B TBORKTOR. ;eo r grant, nee i - IS Mr ADA R OrFlCB No S Maoaaoa elra- -t carter Irrai: anaaaaa ruand 5g iug ar.H &eur4o THEODORE I RANEE, DYEING ESTJtHl.lSHMfcNT, EAat Side Shelby Street, POUB D. OB SOUTH OF ! SUN STARBT, FoTaarrlp Fprrmaa af rtwinnn-'- i far Mr Teaadae i Artr 1 art Par lUut t NS Ladlea' a ,d timtaemea a olotbea of Silk and rl.E Crape aad Caafcmere, Saawia of ewetj and Salaaaa - Real ta new, an-- ! belter tkan aay Dicing Rata in l e nooib. Iry--e .eery ktad of tnffa, acuitdmi: to patt.m-- . and flni.I.e. th o equal to ww. Bcmaeeea apota mr etaia troa ot Oram IB try wae. wnkal inlsrtng taa co or or mot. Be Hat teana gid r Smtbea Cnttalae. in Silk and oronlee Taile a Para- aad laiiaa. ry B French Dye-Hous- e & Scouring ESTARLISHMEVT. JIRS. L,KlltPF ii A TING retnrr.-- ftvm Rnrop- -. woi inform the cilttaaeaf Mempble, that tke la again r par-- xl lo Silkt. M rim. and a.el u to any tna;e aeair- -. a i alt. Repair. 8c nr antl Dye Sautb aien't -- Snow. a, Booker. Pareeol.. Rtl.nana aad d Or ataof eeert d tcriptt a drt-- ta toe the thojteat notice, and on reaeoaoLl-Ma- S L KCMPF. faer-- n w at 1. 1 tmn, R a OtA Male gttifttitj Sfforations. H0rE, SIGN, '.M ORMMEXTAL PAINTING, DECORATING, cc W. it a PASSMORE ejlARKSthit method of infenatngthect-.menio- f Mem l pbtataat be baa prrmanenily oateO himaelf here io ca-r- y or. tbe ab Te b u. iat a, and aaeotee tkoae tt axay faror bim wllk tbetr paironage that all work er, 'rutted to htmwtn bare kit tinrt PERSONAL ATTEN nOk in the tciacttoa aad preaarailoa of the mate-ria- l aa veT at tke faitkfnl egtcatton af tka wo k Ko exer- tion be parr-: on kit part to glee and perro-- ib wo. k thoroughly, and ai the aaaie time t Mi jcg -- xpert o- - w.rrenia btm In ratmr that bit -- o-. t -- eci t ani; be comprled with to tke rslire aatttfactio: f tboee who mat patronlxe They mat -- lto rest .i tr,tt aay cnoert.ken byhiD wilibe prompt For naliflcationa, he bg. lea ealo refer tb Copt C. B Cbnrck Capt. T. Krwe'l. Mr W Capt. J Goalee Capt. A'geo, Mr. G Pnlller aop k t aVweexra g sto,- - cdnit ARCHITECTTJRE. anderatgaed retpeetfi. ir aneoncot-- r the TBR f Men phi. and ur- - aadirg count y, that be it to p:o-- . t t iflcatt r. of building. .f eeery decern Uon. e.timae the coaji tnd .apertntee.d t tot, of on characrer of baUdtng, draw coitraci tbeptrttao. h. kr He will alec ..tend to tbe n, arentenl of brick-wor- I plee'ertag, excartttoa. or emba .kment. Be., to tbe I p earing and of oartrjing of lute : r one Ci r.PHI WHIH CS tLE NTE A yi CRtlKfR BtKFHV ATI! CANDY MANUPAUTOBY. rKT.t.T would Wwtfi'CTfatlly i form hi Mitjcs tvl tb ptiMtc rnr'lT. th b TBaDDftvi:' orrti U.ij itotaOd. a fl SB lafpT- - i of U I IB, ill b h Will ' ! at tb' v can b RDd wrractJ tg ! ivws' "atisfsc- - fon. Gir hlLU a ca 1, as u cas rt th-- frmi aard (rh at D -- CRLLT'R, TfA-l- r- Vft ft ' t - " 3'W a ftinnia Ti ii XEW CITY DIUECTOIW. 1857--,- 8. BY J. B. MOSEL ttZt, ( i NOTICE. THE THIRD AND LAST f WILLaUend at Cnaon Depot m Woo I 7th. aad at Sr. en B tn on Tne-- . R r.iag S n oa Buadar u- - 14th. ot Rw, m tate trouble iaa'Aa.P AT fr. fb . mu mm ea ra ar a -- ; hi aal e ,' tint. r- -a - X vili t.:ve tbe at wna d f t im is m. T ctsntart. a latl a f c KICRARD H 9t rhl ft I'UKt Y. f r PBIS. w compare fator- - city if Carriage Bfi3Mtonrs. t arri?jre Fmctrj. "tHB bnlereigned have Factory i . otreel, b twe-- n Waebinmou Adauia "teta, wi they pteparev. Man a actor, k- - -- ir Carriage, at the . a noraca. work doaa b rm be (Baracti.d, aad . abort af pairaai onl It L B a OO liHEAT -- ;i Tkl WESTEU.V CARRIAGE EMPORIUM! M. WIELL fc m at tb o!l m UeH at mt fet M- - asvd Hme4, awra r. b ronac: a arr rtrne-n- t of Carrire disc., of tbtarroWTi BSABfewCtnT-- . Tby-.-t ii of rTATYi!of U. aR Ita for iat faron.'. sjvd ir toyHae cblrg to bmj to rxmrn ttHr pnrrbaSoOB, eisewhert. avpl'T -J- "A.W00DRUFP, CARRIAGE R EPOMI rO.R V, Noa. 3 Hxchange Bnildinga, CTT to s"T , i w lodia TTST p- -r B Ia ,1 1X1 Ml w mr rt' B. W. HuU4t, Sioo.ouo. E for pe Tt ere are AI ge ay err Sr. Ij 4 be nom- - wrelDRt'FP -- Vtti? Restaurant TJNTON STHSBT. frteada Benton furnal ai.rfcet. .kicg onldotw iMFBRWrrLF. ATDLFTT, m. aacRAircR m' stair McNAMEE & CO.. Gat t& Strntu Pipe Fitters, Brtwiea ShcPoy and M.-;-a alreeta, Oa Scttl t'rfrt. op"on DarsI, jiit'O Co.'t tH 'htT pre pr-p- to do ary la their ith ounct .a'lty and dl.patcb. qr for tb ajb of oraal "e alar tBancfB-a- r fl Steam G aaget aai W hf ttrlet attAto lor. to wben work Bsar:mtat tl lot: tba ntlt -- r.t0 and and will Huk tott tt conn ai.d oad par - two, ate SaJ the in eawt dia Bat - - ..- o6 Crjt, aot t manner. bb to merit a hars of pti' ic t ubi OM HCSnTJ r; but roa wtjje tr- -, REMOVAL. TBON. JH4RRIR HAS remoeed hia "tock of WATCaLES, JBMELRT, SOU'S. Be Be. to 277 MAIN STREET, tb ntore aceayl--- by C. Blair, Ron. octiT-i- m Pianos, SHADES, sc. I oEwHal, . - it t "ATI wttk ret erralk al-- trask ihe Nortb. h.v taken la w. carlo, Scri.ri PBS aer-- o" tuitec Cbaaual'.-- n fltt'ti hope Melodeon", FurnitTire, CARPETS, CURTAINS, d wtjere much r.l'.a day. aUud wrk leetlue .epe-b- w to',rtow Flaae Woven C.t-pet- - Cwrial- - Sewed. 8h--- he wl am bow I.Ibr asd aSbriog who rati favor eat patron My st with to rarsiab ood sr-tl- ra .peVv. hit ertlge-- i PnWayw WINKLER, wb waa all far taslrf rer.t i Jndo- - r a it n u- work IcTf i ane d a new to oka. -- eer it for ac--' i I R.ek g - p .. , i,ci- - - u ,tt t . A. 1 g at ef re . ech I re o to a 1 with their ga a f at wk I C F i0 at ta rdern aa it Hi"., ga woi- - oath- - wb f.vwr ae trl h snail. Ai. kiadi f Manr-a- ta suao to or ter. B B. aasaateasi roe tTtl, Vottm.s. SWAN & CO.'S LOTTERIES iWBW ACH BRILLIANT SCHEME Capital Priie 860,000. follvtM Sckeme will be dra--n r THK Acdrm, lt-fr- . Manacen o e Jort S.irr. la eacb of tbr LotUrW. nr 5IjLt A DtJCoT A, ., la arhUb cltf loaf naea potaoad tba.r pnnrlpal oflca. CtiABS ei To be drawn In tke Cttjr of Aasaata, kVeare la, U pablK, ' oa SATCKDAT, Koeataeer 7. IS61. OLiA8 OB. To be drawn In tke dtr of Aaata. iWrfU, ta pabtic. on SATTJKDAT, KoTemker 14. IStT. oa, To be drawn la tne cut of AagnelA. leaerf la, In SATJBDAT, Noeembet 11. To ba draws la taa city at Aaiatu. Oaortla, la pabllc, oa s T. Kr AT, Heeerabrr , 1BS7, aa tka ptaa of Single .umbers! 0.480 rriioaa : 2 Nearly One Priie to Every Nine Tickets. il 1 1. M II I I, M SCHEME, TO tl DRAWS EACH SATURDAY IN NOVEMBER. 1 Priae af . at I m . I a a .. 6 lit. M SM S.Sot I 000 600 APPR'XIMATION Prlneaot. (MO Prlie- - of Aprox'tlng to too Prtxeara 1 i M 126 1(e) W 60 3) .. , ' wO nrtwafeva s nnllii r tan s to SO 100 15 10 000 6, too 600 101) S' SS0 whole 810; HaiTes, ss oo; and PLAN Or THE LOTTERY. The N nmbrre from to 60 COS. correapaading with theae Hamnert os tbr Ttckeu printed oo teparate aitpa of pa- per, an encircled with email Un lobe, aad placed in ace Tt- - Brrt fl Prtxea. Uniiarly prlatal and piod m wbeet. Tt.. whoel. are tb-- n reTolted. and aaaaber 1.0 000 0,000 from toe whorl of aambera, and at the tame uue a Prior 1. drawn from tne olhor whe-- l. The amber and Pnae .reopened and exbiblicd to the audience, and reantt red by the Ciaakdurn tbe Pi lie being placed againat the Number drawn Thla operation repeated autil all ibe rites ar drawn oat ArpkuxlXATlON PkllEt Tbe two preceding and the two tncrjee-Hnf- f Numbert to tkoae drawing tbe flrat P'ir- will be entitled la the SS Approximation Ptaat. Forrxatnp;. it Ticket No MSSOdrawaih SaOtOOFrue. llMI 1IMS. 11251. 11S62, will acb neentltl.d to $600 It Ticket Ko. 660 draw, the IfSOoOPrtxa, UveeeTKkeit amtered 648. 641, SM.SM, will be eatltiod to SJ0P, and ao aa acooidiUI la tbe oLoei acbama. ty- - T! 5.000 Prraet of BBJ wRl ba 1ST ulned by tbe koMaRare of the anntb-- r that drawa tke 800.000 Prixe. For -- xomper. if tbe Nan-her- o drawing 800,000 Print tuda i',b Ko then all tne Tickett where tbe number anda in til, be entitled to tap. it taa Kamber auda with Mo ben all tke Tickett where the number enda in 1 will be entitled to 80. and ao oa to 0 OartlBcatee of Pockaaaa will he aoM at tka following rate, which a tka riot OertiSeate ot Package of 10 Whole Ticket. $m 00 10 Half 00 00 0 Quarter SO 00 18 Biahtk 10 00 Ipoatraddrfa for lb Ticket. recalptof which Whips, they win forwarded by Bret mail. Purchaeera can hate Ticket, ending ta Qgcr- - :ht-- mat deatgnata. Tke iiti of drawn number, and priaea will be fotward-a- d to purchaarrs maedialt .5 after the drawing Purcbaaera will plena, write taakr aoga aaret pitta, and 1te their Pott OfSce. County aad Stale (3 Remembt-- r that every Prise it draws and in MB wilboul iducta. t-- an ai.aakaad aaaar. soo earn any an- tt- - drawing other Prmea at tbe no aal Uakt of h i bawa. 1SI7. . 1 trr All communltlorj ttrictly coaSdentla! iaiOl for Tick-- t. or C-- rtllcatesof 1 a . I d - 1 t : . ' i 1 r t S. SWAN a CO.. Atlanta. Sa. r-- o- Monuotwery. Ala , ar At-la- Ba ana baee Lb'lronler- Ailed, aad rave time, by aAdr. rot 8 bwan a Co at either at tbaea ctt fce. A Sal of the numbert that are drawa root the wlarea. wlih the amount of tbe prise that each one la enr titled to, will brpnblub- -i tlur eeery drawing mthefol lowing paper. : New Orleac- - Delia. Mobue -i Staodard. Kaabeillt Goaette Atl.Bta Iat Kew Trk W.etly Day Rot. Sataanak Mamint Move, Blchnaad Dlapath, Kew Tork D it patch, and Paulding?-"- ) Ctaeion. .rM Tke .reaet iBvtntioa ol tne igel PERFECT PK'I'EclIHK PROM THB ELEMENTS WEST'S PATENT CEMENT FOB ROOF I 5 G. iol -- cxlt-er now prpard to oott roofs ot TBI with s Dr mad beu-- r srtic;r thsa tt: tVfore knowo The pnbic sr sfu taVivt oar GoTern-mn- t tO'i-Ua- c pxprrinfitiac. .nd tbst 1! bAU be, tn stady of Aicluirci and Bulgers tor poaro to dip' tood tn m1 out to trr A- - -- rt. aoihli t'toAS the Vttyt ns ot metAVi re tb j brr mm a f - 7rif- J el. d OH tieS l roo'e or ( -- r f 7 000 an tbo-.- I s - " ., " " 4 0J0 7 I la N a 7 I S " " v g it a A. Ma-- ireet. alLer, an, be Of oaro permanent w.- - i g d afhafh aTrX toaeiber with a aarge hat. xpanatoo R SABA o ar-- ,. irn found Bttaat I la, lime 01. are ao great In cbangrabircinnalea ring rrpolrad great ex b Mag at ore aot flre prow, aad caaaat be ofo the rarioat Co I be - broarkt One fr rooStg, do not a f the weathe-- , but they run wbea il a eg wbea froaty. and af er aae or two yar. It, .ad wortfcleoo; bercat, tka loren' o c hat lab.- d tw. nty peart to oom- - ,.tr; Jifflcuitita- an 1 teouf rience. or.c numrru. wbt- bad be n. ! a - that tb Cement ib the SM known The c mblnttooa a tnal it I. calculated for entire new covering oTor old tbiuglet witboc lag tate traaRha. aeeming around eys nd ary llgbit Covering ca Ate Thla Cement by na preteato motel roof, from r itt ing, aad realtta the exuem o of beat t my thing gfur lnrcr ltd for entlr-- t metal and tha oat --a rue of wood em It. apptaraace it rich palace rth humbercotug' routaea having --ee. r--d t be right to the Stat f Tenner. e win .ell righto of Territor, , by Counttaaoi taewua, reatcriable terma. Tbe oakacriher a alto pared to cover roof, af bnird ra aay part eg the Slate, at ehert notice. Thb rof io bow betr.r pat on In i hie city, for the beae-d- t or all oanoerned. aad warranted to excel all other node, or The .utseriber In tb-- r tt eg Mrtapbw year, aad kaa bad kit mode of roof IBB teasel ao to it- - q aal I tie., which baa proved eetiefar .,rv which a a umber ut the moot prominent c; Linen, can teotlfy. See of the folmwuig boot aaad It, boatt. f lor furtb-- r tnf en.ttlun enqntre at the eg aaatpooa ater be .eon io J L Morgan. A Wtlck rating hating rented Roane. Ko 8 Block. Taun , or ad rest, ax 220 P O W SrrBD'VNT a CO . - i.ttta. to W S. Bennett Attached It a ante freto eoha L. Morgan, kaq , loct. ky which mat be area tha opinion at Br. Bamako -i ire n-- rt ai writer Arebi ith thla uf rootling without a la aatiafac'ory to all. hr.Mrrtig, Batch 12. IPaT. Mr. W. S lumn : Wbea ta Phi edripkla Pa , t few oat. ago. I cl. d spaa Mr Sam I Btooa the cele hrated An bitect. aad author cf the Stoma oa Arch o -- dare I aated hit apiaaan aa to the dumb! ity ao , ot Weot'o Patent Bo-a- ancb yea ata aatag ra the city ot tvmph... and be told nee that he bad un heattation la tat Ing to me that it it a good and durable roof, tnd to g. that it. adeocateo claim it to he ; farther taring that a aung 11 on a Sot bclidlug for hlataelf aVropectfu'iy. JonK L MOBQAM, Architect. MlMfHII. March 2, 1887 W S Bbrrett. Ki . Dear Ntr; Tha fee wtthn oar tnows-da- c of the darabittty. ate , at Weat'a Saitani Cecicat. ar theae : The bunding you entered tr ao la. Vprorg, we am happy la etaie hot aa.wercd oar expect, tioco. We caa t reertnmeud It to tke public fo all rood or pgrpuaaai aa a llgrbt, cheap. See aad wale, proof rraof It doe aot pet MMt arid run from tb. efp-ci--f the beat of the .n ; nor d ea tt harden aad creel free, tbe i Bbrti of tbr ood. Any wiabiag to BBPR more at t hit articit, caa call at our K S. SBCOB a CO.. Carriage Manuracurrw, Monroe St., Mempkta. Tmn . v untti Tew , Dec. 8. SSS. To Wtaow it mat CoaczRu: Tha la to certify tba-- S Bennett, cowered two roof o for ate taat Spring, will :..d W . p.:-- rt b.leanic I'rm ot ml roi.f which arrgiti ,g perfrri .attnfaetiaa. H. .Ino -- ed a dormant wtudaw. which leaked Sadly, and baa oatB-- lie -- kill carpeatera to prereat 1U leaking be aaacrodrO In mak'W perlectlt light. Idomo-- t heerrally reeaanat' no ka aval' af routing to the public bay all rnetlag purpoee., tnd It to ba perataaant Oxtureacal a S re and water D COCK RE LL. Proprietor Commercial Hotel. ScrEtR'DT'a OmcE, MLraia a Ohio BBJ Sirgi Tiara., Fw IS. 1967. ( Mr BtarrtCTT Dear Sv: Our Company bating i iroabled eery much a lib leaky cart, pat auto, of Patent PaiHt upon them, aad aa far aa my knowledge ex 'eada I can cheerraltF roaanxoaaaad It ta any wba wkak a try root af aay tort. Tour. Ajc , H COFFIN. Superintendent. McatPHia, Trwp , Jon. 14, 1867. To the PUBLIC : S Bennett mod appllceiioa t a- - laa- ruauaer to oooer our bmldtoaa with Weot'o it being a new thing thoaght we wont-Ti- t; bad it applied to oar Brack am r b Shop and ingit. altacb. the Fowadry. They bate peotd al tnire at a wot. r proof root, batiag witbavnd Mama tte greataat atorma, and are gjeing good eatiafactlou Re can aaly add, trr It any you wir ba iattaSad. CrRTIS a KN.PP, Iron Pouadero. McBPHlg. Jon. 14. 1887. air. Bowawtt has dona aaaar ana oil mi aal at tweSm tor me m ha peculiar way. with Cotton otna) coated w.t It is . lae o Lea rreack d upon at a in boot, of which appear, to he Coal Tar aaaVaata tnd appear, to prom Ibe pea - wy. wen a ownexrauot ta-- cloth n teatacta it frc-- tb- - li nuance of in- - air -- nd i.r Tb. waRMt tbe 1 pnef mrauaa quail 'aaa SaatBot loouify and run Irom the erfecte a 01 ine ran tunon-- r i nor dear it kaaRaRS 1. il. col-- l of wmtor. P a RRRILT an. Importait ta Dealers ii Matebes. r..- - up:---.- . : w at. ...m the put.-,- i0,t tr,j hit- - at al' ttawe In ttor at 118 UNION STRT-E- BOSTON, A large Block of Wood, Box, Block At Card aTatchca .CPBBIOB to then of tay .t her gaaasftcture, an Ct at lach prior aa win atut tka elinet pseeba.-- rt Beiar tb cide t, moot ud Mtentlv tntnifaelu.ert la tb- - Tn teel ptate we are enabied l ogVr evtra lnShcenoentt io parch' 1. Order, r.itkfat and fatn'-all-y aarwered. Match, woirant'd aa r e nted BTAB, PEABSOM, CABLTOK B CO. aur.'2-- 1 a 3m CJKYENTT-FIV- E barr I choice Mo' . v in. for .ate low .y at can art PI nrrRvrvw IB ER. Unck .VaSain. ANDREW JACK Tb o44 rarter af tm OommmttUi Boiel, MaKKt 'fait 'tl lo iR'niM tn fat rVtHla tri pt tw, that be ha ai fa la 014 Usd. aodwt. .trr arfbat7 to lit from tfa riper, to tb OmiT i ot ; .ir any IVf r'aoe, at r revtoa. ne ta RACK' tm tfa at porraoot wfagasafa fae wll in fat prla-- at 1 1 jm tatea m aura.y el.-- . I f rj rriifsfal "l "H 1? 0' rtnonPRb Ta oar Friends and Pairoas. SG to tr k'rtageat eioti y ma-k- et . and ao tri - I er within ibe tt ninety dm. we ma. t 'I our Pry CoM for caeb ren'y. -- Oart'i-nda av. hither' o dean with na on i reditfwt hop est think at to ut tta rredn ajajBSH hwaT ion. i it'toa tt tbe fleet law of ant are We ell far oa k esclctteeiy irom thli ', sad i gTea'.h pel e. POPS a BBOq . tl Id 288 Bain f.raet. Mrmphli. Tub. , nerve eenrer epwo Handre-- l and V fly tbla. D'aa do . do. For aad lalo ing., who ale iow to tbe tet by HANCOCK, CLARK CO. T"VVR Bend red p4c atoreTing an arradae l C Ka) n tlt oad 'uilf oolia BaaUrOBoB Bop For tale low hv KCOCE p P- -T ck. Clear Bid Bara j A I'm re in H I gg ; ., B n CLARK SO iteroet nu,,., ,b,u mi'b, Guthrie F.r by HANCOCK, CLARK TD Haridred baft Bps Coa ' 'OS For by St- ft. Th .re of Work A B OO. a Oa.' sale B CO. APE B For - ate by SCOCK. CLARK B CO. OBTWHtraeieeei and Fifty Iti No. I Leaf Lard -- i S'a. Candle. aurtt a .e a:Bg rt.tite B4MOOCC, CLARK B 00 Jast H CGARJ, IMntpa fro-- a Jt . doer Berth 'lEa Mots pnj 3ooi5 ,j ousts. lalr6ts, jctotlrp, Jcr. GREAT iAMAIKtr! DRY 600D6 At Oraatly Prices FOR CASH! $13,000 Worth Still on Hand. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, Ladies' White Goods, Black and Fncy Silks Hosiery, Embrotdrrcd Sett4, Bs, Collars, Ac. Kid and Silk, eiores. Men's and Youths' - Clotxaing, too M tout BOOTS .V SHOES, 800 soo satinetts, a- - e HATS AND CAPS, Tweeds, and Jeans. FINE CLOTHS, Ticket. jjoeskiiis Uassimeres GALVANIC SILK, C OTTOS JND WOOL SHIRTS & DRAWERS, silk aid Uses l amoric Htnukerckiefr, TICKINGS. SHEETINGS. SHIRTINGS. DRILLINGS. COVERS, TOWELLINGS, TABLE CLOTHS, PLAID LINSEYS. SHIRTING FRONTING, RtW fiD LINEN. Planters' (Joods. KENTUCKY TWILLS AND LINSEYS; GEORGIA PLAINS AND KERSEYS; 0SNABURGS, BLANKETS; HEAVY BROGANS, MUD BOOTS; WOMEN'S HEAVY SHOES. Saddles, Haisess. Bags, Bridles, b- - SON, Received. Reduced ' eSaCao waV'-- : a' Terms Cash, or City Acceptance, J. L. TAYLOR, a. w. jtokkiua. Near the Morriss, Wsrd tt Sannoner. F&LL AND WINTER GOODS, XV Worpham gABWOWTR. E witjld Te'y rnKtu'lT to tL pvinAU rr ot DET GOiiDA f aerml j tbAt trwvriow rc-- cetTiin our new t cav r AND WINTER fiOOD. We are prepared to offer PLANTERS treat tndacrmenta. aaaortrtvot at . BLANKETS, KERSEYS. OS NA B U RGS snd BROGANS, Oomprieee all tne tartetko. that aradeelrableaae durable. In the Fancy Department, Will be faond all tb narelt'ao of the aeaaca. Tbe .t eniion of the Ladlea to an examination af our a aoriment of SILKS. ERSROIDkRIBS. ate., it reaper aolicitnl WATCHES, ataortment aTblfkyi oooowowe-ine- be 1 ex in .u L ro CASH STAPLE IN AND DRY GOODS. QC1CK SALBS AND SMALL PROFITS IS ICR MirrTO. invite the alieniloa ot tha people of km .ad WE to oar la ge to--k of FAIX AND GOODS which OM are otvr ng at prtr wo think, that cauaol fail to be npo 'Oiat-- oeptl-da2- CANDEE, MIX &. CO. F i-- x ra a 1 ar i STREET, ITS tbe apectal attenUca of purchaeera to their I very large gtoc F&LL IND WINTER GOODS. We have aa i gaat as-g- . injaat of ca-t- for nrs as celebrated rAbBoyra tr pftemr SITES, varying rrowi 81 to 8188 ISO LACE SKITS, al! stylet and quailtiee. ALL KINDS OF DRESS GOODS. A SESEBAL LISg OP LACS. TBIBatTMOS, EMBRnll'ERIES. RJBBOKS. gloves, biiiibbi SHAWTJI. MANtTLtJlS, ETC ETC. ova gToCR or SQOBS, BATS, OSXALM Rtla, COTTOK TACKS, i.euts One Clolblng. tic., ! mare complete tHan we bare erer terror ihown. bara a Itrge lot of am hUncy Kratucky Twirl" and Blk'a celebrated t, ae. CAKDKE, BIZ B BeoS-eti- 1357. Fall MEMPHIS, Utankets 1858. Winter COSSITT, HILL tk TALMADGE, Hare rr"ceiTel a !ar4Tr 3 tract cf STAPLE AND F4NT Y DRV GOODS Ker. Lin". h ry and Gotu, itowieg Tts: -- Strine-- l ani Pioi l rt -- -. , r.., pi ain ant fiatd, a quanta; Go'd acfal Twcdt, J out, Sal.n 'ta and Cat icv-re- Bd Bl.uketi o i ie 4 It 4 lt-- 4 and IS 4; Negro Bianketa both wh cior-- d. Bine, lira n and Brows Mackinaw BtankeU ; Pianae.a, both plal an,! twtlwtl t--a .rte-- c 'oea Shaker Op we. and pr'ateal F taaelt oe.,rtd colon Cotton Te eeu, Ct hn-- . Pncto. Irish Lo tu. Jaco- net. Bwl-- MurUnt, u eol TJeLavtoea, Mer aore A Ipaocsa. Totttkrt tci'k ail Stack cf DRESS GOOD'.. DBEad kliiaovu. CRATATS, R BILU. ttc., Ba. have aiao received, ccmiieu aiack-o- f Btwts, Shoes, Hats, Caps aid Ssdalery. bUo Invite atlaotlcn to car la ye atack ef CLOTHING Ronnfactutadeyp-til- t for thla market, liar fact 'or b mug and ,ng LOW, ar not nrpot b toy bonnet in th- - in any arkt we larlto tbe attwutlonof Merebtem ta oar rock, and sat them to examine our Geala sad prtr a, belie. ma it wtll he for thetr latere. t io make their of Ba. COS-,I- niLL a TtLM ADvB 210 ane Main-- , corner of too. oepiru-taw.- DRY GOODS. ORES aad Od al R ' , and Cio k of til the o n. t'y oa f r and s Bn h G Dom'-aiK- t Styles for the Season. Bsada Bt) Idler g nataRii, Cinhmeree. faaey. oolon. Proch Cblnta Rt-nl- Dreoa-- .. Cloak., Lodl- arid Shtwt. Fan Lavtlot ttaoe Lac Hunltos, Sirapear, Ttlencle-Bae- e and White Lamh'i Woni, Merino sad Oottoa, af iud a mer . an manufoetne, Irish si. rat aball sad La'l'i' far Sho-- o Cltth. and C Bailment Ken- l, ky Twitit nd I la at Blonkeu and Bea'y-Mad- e Clotbtnt Hill, I apt, Brretnt S e t. an A II which can a lew foe catb POPE A BROS., eefl-l- m BBS Main atreet, Memphis, Tens. ATTEJtTIO!. DOCTOR rrioB o'd rabul pht.ictni, tb Bo imc X P'hic, thr Hyd opalhlc asd 'h, Rctortic en and all bet i of tbe art, la IBS af Menrpbio an reepeetmrtt reqw ntod to a'aevarbte tn the Biebatige beH4-- e ef Meat bm one grnorai r. bd. THCReDAT. tt 18 oSrto-- k, a at, 9th for the prerronet of tnkias into rlo.t ran eoevariea tte e "pal . tr cat .nd Su'te. of at, ft, and is tb pr. ev intra aa e--i io the c . of tl.'i' New prCortr-- ar 4 IKv wee a have inrover-- 1 etllrt tltrer in nd 1 en. ttr. beat' ' ooerd rats for other, lo he earn- - V B Caeaiato an thit av-- day. - - DEALER r , - - and ; t ; ; i and Tin . . I . ' t rrlcr- lo i.-- t trt eerttt ttawlw .Jaat Race! d FIPTT rf B H P0TTRS Bats aoaet . rxV T..ird dtesr scrth of w ..robin. hfiBraBBa rial Itotos. RICH AND ELEGANT JE WELR Y AT W holesale and Retail. ATM aaw la my anew, aad am caaataatry reciting IH from Hew Tor, taa lariat and meat aetact .lock of V A I r A Si B i RVBLRT eear ooTertd aa taa city of Mempble. conoltting a HEAVY GOLD, & PLATED WATCBEJ, FINE COLD JEWELRY, roeapriataf all (a eaaar it. UUtt ityut. CAM BO, LATA, and riaiei ,.vi-- o . , ., RRACELETS ANO EAR DROPS! Ladt-- e' Sold Ckaina, erery etrt.ty ; Tart. Fob and Onard CkahM i Ckaaed and Plain (l ed EUMO i Bacl.y'iPt.m era DUaaat Pointed Gold Pent; feet.:'! "leeeo Sol lane and Stndo ; ' 8 day aad BO h ar CLOCK--S Catiore, Stleer and Piabat TTara. Pratt Saaketi, Spoont, Knlte. and Pctkai I AccoetSeon.. Pi tinae. Potka't Catlrry Tog Ik-- r w ib a large aal earl d aortreni or noTloae of eery aearrtptaaa All at wni.a, i ell at U pr cent leea tka it ear oth-- r konae In tka cl.y Walonea cafef ey topatrig aad wtrrt' tad. Ail ajneaaf tio.d aad atiear work manufactured to or- - Maaaalc Jeweia and Jewelry aa bard aad made Warder. Tti' m el 1 SSakAta, p4 tn llavlm strret, atnaphU. Tstia. V: WJTJEJWEMjR 1. THE BAZAAR. MOKBT SATED by baelnf tonr WATCHBS and T. J. H A RRI S ST7 Maim Strebt, LIST OF T ALI ABLE PRESENTS, NO PARTIALITY. purcbtter at the lime of tale, a entitled to a EACH worth from 88 twtvta to 8100. Haaey Sold aad Slim Watraeai Bra ifni Dttm.nd Bingo ; Bteh Sella .1 Baoatc, Coate., Baaaaelled aad Jet Jewelry ; Bear t Vaat akat Fob Chalao ; Qoalp- - POM, Sol'ono and Sttrta lava eaad rVlngo, Bar Dtoaa, ao., Ave. 8((0 n"a Year .BAND GIFT' EMEBPRISE. Apprnittlntr tli- - ntrlt rf yrcfmln tmt .,., tbe op Of MPTDI'baa. aaftt flMBtaV llHtt OTDttthlOR ! dT to ojy patron for rit i"reu mn4 pTosrr-rft- T, hrr r n- -' ciudtri to drvof a larft iMttuttl Of mj proftts to 3t cts. GIVEN AWAY aa aa extra ln acaaatwt far aO to hoy their Jewelry at 277 Main Street. Noticx Tha pabl c will readi y noon examtna- - Uon af my a loco that I iiaaw, 'a great eot poo-- tbot ftdl- - 11 to ca-- r. out, to the eery letter, my niln , aad tat atoctly op to mr odt ntaeooenl.. I am not 10 adrertm Jewelry aad Gift that wa baee not aa taut, aoram I f rood to bay at high and aatraeocat at I parcha a oHrtw goo a f CA8B. Tka akoee art tag aba faar Ual 1 canttanily em- ptor a tarca am nat af capital, keepiag It a tin baying in large ota for ra-- h and . Hag rheap CS-Sr- prod La ana epardy telea DlSiSOU TIO. A' the lit Jane, low, the Srm ezittlng b -- V Jl iweea F. H. CLaVBJI aad A 0 WTJBZACH wa. di -- 1 :rel by matoal oaaaaak. F a. Clark it charged wttk tbe aetuotaeat .of tha kwaahaaaa af Ut arm af F. H. Clark a Oa. F. H. CLARE A. 0. WTJRZBACH. NEW FIRM. r the irl of F. B. CLARE a 00. F. H CLARK. JAS 8 WTLKTBB, taaawg ml 4 .UUK OUR NEW FIRM. It aflbrda me p'aoeur. ta announce to my frtoada aad tae pabtic that I bate with ne aay former aertaer, JAS. S. WtUUMB, an. my aaolt. tant. THOS. HILL, goadar the faauUiar atyleot t B. olabk a co. The new Srm will ttart with an eflclent force La each mechanical branch, tbe WatCb aapertlriou of Mr. Wilkin, . Rio kf tn at all tlaoeo eg the at Ieat at lot at tbe tain- - quklltp oad elyie of good, can be parc- ha-. la Phila'leiphia or New Tork. I am thankful for tk libera: patronagv itcpded to aae taring fit Bft-e- ei tenra' rtgQfhiiiii :n Metnpkia, aad my aim wtll ue to merit lie coctin canoe. F. H.CLAJLK. FATABLISHED 1841. 0CB aim haa beta to keep pace wife oar growing city, rumiih I hoao who want Sonde In our line with food article., and at faar price.. Our at tort men year. hi. been bat Mttto tf any behind our Rue tern , - extotult. thit ieaooc than oter. Oar leading brand- - are. Sret M0HR1E3 w.taD StNNONER, purpoaaa. that w, net; -- jt lm Ko. 2r6 I general i.fper.i-- I fV we barawerery eartety la . ttxtnr. a, VkAi t meat Beboded toe. IK II II 11 1, CbBIIIIIX' i1A''klcarsaa.tyle 1 and rati- - i,l JJ TT M - UVVtriJ rrrataaen trj wiil the 'Bay aad llllull aV 111 Shronoaaeler, git log the to mlnate In and o" pr oa - C aa manufactory. W. to t will Our FANCY WIN- TER NT of VN CO Bro We hrotk b--ts two for 1 BM t- tnr JEWELRY. Out oaaoriment ka tbjo haportant branch to kept fall y frequent roeetpta af all the aaw ilytea, whether of rr.reilS Oc3iOliC ! hi Wt bate tuAdr thit hrajtek of onr butlnett a itody for fearo, not only potla oarte'v-- t with regard to the dif- ferent qnalltret and napTlla of the tllflercut ttylei and but of the ktatg beat ef'.h'e to our market Our tencrttnrnt, for naanber of ye .rv b been iarge, 1. , we bate recently man maty aidltloat of vox own tmrorutioa We caa farsbtb :tii fHtT I-a- J Good tbe l.adl. mm to ra $10 to tion. A'.ao, the ' ttlFLB We Linteyt. - - and Tr.IMMINOS. We mi e- -t 212 ode en !. SILVSB CREAT CIFT aae. the W. aay aeaawaaBoafel it tke t, 01 , 'rtstols, DBRRINSER aad COLT, of aa tlxaa. artment of tha Had m BnaeraJ aa. AIM, a roll aa- - SILVER GOODS. Tea and Coffee Seta, Fit oh an. So'leu. Cup, Carter,. 1111, Fork. Ladle, wttk geaay oboerw Fancy AltMts. all coia Ih. SILVER PLATED (.OOIW. Unit. Cation. Cxaerretticki. Tea and CoflVe Sett. Rperj-De- i. Cake aad Fruit Boaketa Spoon., Fork, LarSlet, Pitch-er- Sobieu. Cap, aUaara Be. fie. O TJ T ti 13 n. "V . A tall e .- -: at of Paoka I snd Table, front tke hart makers, with a great estvty ol Fancy Good. OTJB MECHANICAL BRANCH. AU klada of Watch work soar in tha stoat faithful Jewelry pall ail, and new made lo order. Plata and o omental j Sooii for L.elg a, Ooarat, ae., n aay atvp , hteacel Pkxhoa af all ilai inia-dwt-y F. B. CeLABat A OO. I JL W JaEb.ii-- v iaaSPRlNG STOCK V JKWBLBT Brtr gtrVe SII.VKRWARR Cois Sue. SILVRB PLATED 0O-1- Brt quality. 8 Tn I alt every eonentoa of oighL . - t mikori. PlSTlilA Fail aeoertaoent FOCKBT AND TABLE CUTLBBT. CLOCKS. CAKES. FAKCT dOODS Making by far the heat aartment tTr aPhred is tkl. market r. H CLARK a CO , mxrSS Ko I Clark't MarMe Block. IMPROVED SPECTACIaaES ACCCBATSLT adj aated ta th. eye, ne a. U oalt tbe vtoans. wit beea t rjetauloaing that mre ' weak- - eM or fttagao to the organ geoerailf o mplune' of by wearer of common giaaa bat taaMlnf 'be weartr ; -- f thU Improved Spectocir to portue the moot axinnu j rataovm-nt itber by asp or candle light, with eaae aad taiurerttoa, by ' i CHBN. MTJXLEB, Optlotan, nr the firm or 0HRN. MULLER & BRO., a. Wsalsiale nat Retail Biam m, Watchers. Jewelry. A IMPROVED oPECTA t LES, Ar idtna mt., gf. ixia and FVonf Mom, OPPOSPPBl B. aTTSTTTjlMiVS OPTIC R. MEMPHIS PARnCCt,AJt attention peM to the repairing AO A uf by CjjaL ra inednot to aRBSSBPraa; an esse i l.r.ced wcrxrean. Ireii.r hr . tceil,-- l ;. . , r, - - ,r' p'aip lu thit branch of the buaib, ft. tt hav ngag-d a e, Wa'chmtk- -r ml can flatter onr aelre la aaying that then tt bo Honor. Rait er West, that caa buaat at s batter Clock, carefully repaired and warraatod Jewelry ane Spectacle. f every deecription mode to order. Old Jewelry neatly repaired, arid Specta- cle Glume, married la old frame to lull every tight F. 8. The aunietoai ooaiplilt ta of who bat been lo poo d npan by tadlvkiuali peddli f thrnagb Ibe couatry an Inferior aiie af opectaciet, repreaeatlrf th-- m to the irapt n gia.nei, ren.ler it aeonaary we naaaasi castkrn the public agalntt torh TendTt, lLrolect I tha tapul.tnnn of our lliiwt. AU tpi cl a ie. Uaep. i a ": outer of the rui. w CniLS rlAN MTLLER fc KBO. THE SPHEKEOTYPE. 'I 'a ' tnd by far u e al important 1. meat in Photography n t h. recently patented e known aa tbt BPBRBSOTTPB, which a aot only qw and any at tta piidiuioii. bat greatly tu Prior te aB. Tbt BiiBtsimni a proof tslnt time. air iud watts, and far richara of tone, warmth cf xereiiion tnd dirLtoattitai hot t o aqusl is fast the U on,., io trjca that tbe pict'iee. or imjaTe. aeetct isgpiff -- t In air, entirely (a dipt id rut of th- - beck ground For thu piaur we have the rxclrtalre rltht for .u,- - ore o.'o i aar tu me ttrtoti ttyie ny out Artiti, FBOP. REMINOTOW. tint rnaaalat with tbe Aetf.L which MI rdce him at aO limit to prod oar tapevtor F Ii. CLARK BOO . Wo i fliaeh'n Bar! '. B -- k TobCf"s HWiSKiaX FOB SAM IT Rob't. H. Ball, 14 vrAraorr-rit- ., Cincinnati, O. H. G McCOMAS, NO IS STCABOBB marlt-l- y IKBr, CLbCUtATI, OHIO I0 REWARD PORtdtrtWy noBSB, blind iaeay fa Mo NET B CO. k TO pmai Hofires. jariltoau ant) (Etttltrj. glgrirttitttral mplfmcnts. AWK8, SMITH CO.'S BCLLBTHI. LOOK A-w- -aC Trdc, 1807 I PLANTEHf , MECHAKKS I VOIR INTEREST. HAWKS, SMITH St CO., LMPoaraas and draxibs im CUTLERY, IfiRlwrLTTRiL IMPLEMENTS, Noa. 804 and 800 Main-s- t. ALSO AOBRTS PCB " Berriafg " Patent Salamander pares ! HAY1KG aaw rioaliod taa greater partloa of ear tbe SIRING TRADE, ky recent arrttait from Europe aad tke Baotrra Cttlea, wa are prepared to offer greater aaaweoatenu to Ike M- rchanta, PUnura and Mechauicaof the Soatkwaet taaa hate hltnorto beea of- fered tn tktt market, far proof of which wa reapectpally oo lcit the mtprctioo of our .lock and prioaa. Io rktw at thla. we hare placed aaroettea a a paartloa tocaVrtaek ltidnoemenu to I boa- - who may Metnph t for the a or making thetr porchaa-1- aa win deter them from . eking another mart, I to far at leatt aa oar bnnaeoo la enemrncd To fnliy cur-- y oot thla obiect we kate made inmaimt arraar aa--a . with the beat manufacturer! m BnglanJ and in tha roejntry, ta he regat.rly .applied wttk a fall .lock of Good, to oa, Use, aad win farniah tkoae wba may rotor aa with tketr erdrrt, with good, at aa lew dmr-- a t any bowaata taa ceantry. Sooth or Woat Oar .lock crraprl tea-- Far the l ounlrr Trade. BotVad and Charcoal Irou Oaatlnga, Bulia. Fhlladalpha aad gfaaattat Malia, Buat'taad Calllna' Axaa aad Ratcawu, Lag. Trace. Stay and Stretch Ckaina. Bright and half bright catuneaH Hoao, Ba akta Oollaro, kora aad aako, Oot lea, wool aad Jim Crow tarda. Flow Line., B- -d Cordt, ( atnaa Ltaaa, he., LmltTtlle. Ciaclnnati trxl New Tork Slftara, Mora Scot la aad Be led Grtaeaataeoa, n't Table and Pocket Cutlery, all pat Icona. lr. lt LA-- . not Hinge., 3LC.. Well Wbatla and Well Bear beta Tearther with eeery aiude ewjtad to the at the country I .. Agricultural Department Wa kate made tbe beat tMerl luoio front the moot acnt ouAnufacturert of rtery article aaoaaaary for the planting coeamuiiliy, Inriodtng OottoB Cane tnd Srun Tfaaa. Cane Knlrea, aad Briar Hooka, Flow aad Wagon Ccalna, Fan BLlt.Corn Miiia Cora SheCort, Corn and Cb ra, Straw Cutt-r- a. Bay and Manure Porta, Raxee, tto , (train cradtoo, and s. ythea. Patent and rnnrnon Chumt. Hamea. Oollaro. Siuretr-o- a, he., Pruning Seen and Ctloe!., S.rdti Implement, of '! kin do. Boll a Sp-a-r't wroagkt aad caat Plowe, Allen'. Cotton Flew- - and Script ro, Toewth- -r with . fu'l -- to. k of 'he eeiehrateo) Avery aad LI I SUE0Ion a Co Plowa, which hare tar aaweral year, paat gleen tuck unleeraal oatlofaciioa Wa are rally pre- pared to keep olwaye oh band a larg ttoek of theae Prow, together with tbe extra Potato tnd Cutting,, to oa to be able to aupply our plan trr. with them at aa lime., la the oekctton of oar at act of Sanaa In tha Mechanical Department W. hare paid BMSR partecuiar aliottoa to ibe inter. to of our mechauuca Wa bare iilllli l Hah Okaaan oa am beat tailed to thit market, aad caa tafely guaranty aauo- - Oar ttoek to that 8i Ham a fall aad in Rnlldinc Materials 'teeerbrat-- diagee, PS Axle Pul ind fihutter Fai Fean White .nd Mioeroi Kn- -h L.ka and Latchaa, Cloei mm Btctro-Plate- d Cottage, Rural and Mortaa or! ot Front aad a tor. Sear m euiau-.- g Lo. Ii aad Furuitur. door aad Sate Hingea aad Latchaa, Bultt and H,.k., kradt Screw., Be. Tha goptibaiin in our Looiooaa a at Oar guaertiotoi. of one of tbe partner, who baa for yean, In thit city, glten B hit careful attmtton, and be- - llenng that thu branch of oar buttneta req.iret more tfcaaordtaar, care, both ta the 0 eerier, of the good, and to ailing oraen, ha a aaiimiaid to aae bit beat en- deavors to .uch goad, aa aball reke all our ad win hold erery Lai tic ment to aaerlt their WewouM rail panic to our ttoek ot Tooll, ikr clAUty at all which we caa roily guaranty aouiprla-- -t Carpenttr's Tools Union Factory planet. Rule, a.. Spear a Jakeon', Hand and Pannell Saw I, Butcher', caat ttets Chiaela wet) File, Barl mr a Co. "t Fllea. Wetberby't Chi-e- it ant Draw Knit, Cam 'a celebrated " " Spirit Level 1 Bnlea andSuaav. Aogwc Auger Blttl, Serewejrlreea, he. Rlachsmith's Tools. Feck't LonltTlllr Kewcomk'n Hew Tork Beilawo, Bdtd Bug and Tic, Armitagr'i Mouwhole Anvtla, Cceley't warranted Aaeti, , Hann and Sled nammeta, Blackratth Tongoee. Farrier.. BiBOiii, Catre and Placet. Tinners' Materials. Beat Charcoal Tta Plate 1 C, " "It, " Leaded Ra.Bai. Plate 1 0, Bar Tin, .Spell re, la.. Iron Brata and Cotpe atoll Copper, SceWerlnrlront, Be.. Raned and Braaiera 8 caret Otrppar, toilet aad Charcci Sheet Iron. Rna. luiitatnon, knot, and Ooivernboed Tr, Bar Lead. Rite'. Copper Tackt, he We would aiao call the altentlo of Rail read aad Leva Contractor, to our atock of Rarrow,, Am1! Shovel, tad Boring Macblnet Mattcnrka. Fie, be Having a thoroagb knowledge of our buolneo. in all it, brtn-he- t, we re determined to glee It our en tiro oiten-tto- n. ant ohall attend nerMoaiiy t, ;1 tb. order., aad to the tranMctioo of our hutlnt. In eeery partlcniar. aad by ae d.Uig Batter oart. it- - tt wt can get ..tla.-ae-tto- HAWKS. SMITH a CO., febl MM and 888 Matn-- nt OSTRICH FEATHERS, ARTIFK IAL FLOWER?, FASCY O4tVk0:iT)a aao LtCli TRYI1I. FOR B0.WETS! TO THE MF Bf H A !Ti OF MSMPHI8. TE1V1V. 4af iHr.: r ba a lint- mannfa- - aawsfaS iorj m ra- - , a 1 iiB1 in - w Tors. rbt h ore ,ff. red i Jw.. Mtaitu'an thouaand e. mat' f-- manufacturing fb BBd .-- aa'noatt. their Wore atoms HEKeER-o- SMTTH Reoadwat T-- rR WHITLEY'S PAT EXT PORTA RLE lIRCt LAR SAW MILLS MARVPACTr-BE- D BT CLARK gfc AVERY, St. Imim. Me. AGEJIT AT MEMPHIS, TENN., G McLEAN. HATING taken tke A genet for th aal of the above Saw Mlllt. I am prepared to 811 all oedem f,r MilU. with wlthoat power to drtr laest oa tke thortrtt notice Pertone wuhn-- g to purcknoe Mlllt, and alio deelroqa that they ahaald be tei up aal put into oporiUoo, caa be We i - to prte own work, all tn ask of peraona wishing to parchae Mlllt it tn exattlo oar work buying etoewker, aa we think they wtll free the preference trier inch examination. We are laSed our Mill, will w more lumber, and In bettor ttyle la the tame number af bo-- rt than any other Saw Mi: wliMcr to purcaaa Mm wifl peaaaa me at Hera phi. Teaa S. McLKAK. . RcLE AM , BOILER MAKER, Black Smith and Sheet Iron Worker, Corner Front Mtm taat tacAeaf er-- f ., ME'irHIS TE a , ge in B. I nnd r Ib wn ei for tbe la J una in will I n B Co. Jolt 1 rjf Rgt- - b ie b ! tore ,ty of nt B fo or oa w SBCOKrt-HAN- for new work nWu- - of awery est. war. N-- .ho car rf and bLmneya, Brtcb-- n. Fire Beda, Rcir- - Pipe. Conerennera Fo MeUlle aadSleaai-bo- at Work general. Alan. Bank Sarea, Fireproof Shntt, Saawa' tei i, cteternt. Be M BearJerl It the iborteet notice, t'een.,' Ig BROWS, fntar tTt Meuipbia and CO., before .Vot ice. atrocit-.e- alt n rne IB th - Sail ne Mr. a ttt In employ The bail l -- vooducted under ttyle S B B WILLIAMSON IrJtVT. Jt H. HOEFEK LCOEJNG-QLAS- S & GILT FRAME MA.lJTJj?afACTT jETE. . Fruuea ed Sum-- OLD All work warrant d. Oil Pointing, and Pre. three on hand for tale, Washington attest, below mvT-dl- Sale of the Western MILITARY ASYLUM, .4T IIARBODBrBi., K.;TM kT. AGENT for 1 win ollbr IO aOi on At pr-- a Li- to tbr bigb at brftlrr. On Ik 12 H Day ? Not 185T, tbe Iftivj tveoati. rMi1 by the CnttJ States aa a Military As. lam. Tb !ao4 cuusibU of abont iRtfC tj.n f HrnsdaCarg ttmn imHT i wh nurjtr bm'dii . atia g iv., ard a aiiurpti paia peciaernaknTre torn in GaBery, wb- -r pic-- w rhrjl I r tt it. Wm. mt af 8. lb th- - ou-- i trt f Us water- - pTop-rt- wa ajwrt b tb it wavi one of tb- - m trt cat bra'ed nacaa la tbr Suet! t- It ta a4mlrabtr to och parpakv, betna sitM e4 la pwrtoray antf Irealtbroorintrf, aad !b tb- - a TiTsted aad bcpltabl ramnilij It ia derm i ur. Ita pr.pertT more particularly, a I aw it laaa rxteaaiv- - ly kaoa otb- r lot tlmn ta the West. At tlw taat um plao wtQ be tRa a U-- g qaaa awntf tTmm' Trainable Furniture af every km1, toa- - ber with tt, ct, eoaaiattsBof HORNEM, CATTLE, A"., asd tanng theaa a ember of ealuoblt cat ta of the lidn-ae- y breaj. Tebwi orltLE. Tk laad ant Impn utoaatt will h tu to ae 'bird la hand aad the i lailadi i to two qual anaaal paynvtri. tut p-- T cent. Intereat ftotsth- - dae or iBie, md the lit, win a. n:ain-- d by Soveraraent until tbe taat it kaseax. The wll' o. , o'd for c.nh. tdo BiiBr j. sr fce nri ps 300 RecelTett. K Itai colls EklWi ID rtle Twine Sngtr.C. ff. Boli'ne.. Mil'., Str and diet . r, T I I II.. ... Bn. w n t.,' ... Seem, Aing-- r. Sod I Mantard. Caiaapa. g M'.ch t exchtcg. miala.roo n Lhe LMlag Theatre. the mbcr, pprajrP-e- tr, m Watr.BC avtapird a a b a any aad lire u d boartng tha patateat property i rTPCRS H, J" Oeiecery aratS-S- Just '1 atter trtlcten una. try D. a TOMNSRMI BBJ nand So BUsslbsippI Report. Si i iwre mr too ; tae teen me aas ta tkren tin ktre intt raetvd nnply of " Fl-- fjoorro i atBH tu i rtu-- t rity ea. w pa It retar ibe anta vcelua!. orrd tbi lei, mlt ELS walptrl BBS lamb, ror ms h co. BELLS BELLS. We bate la flora a teaoliful aaeeorttaenl af SUPERIOR TONED BELLS, from Stty to See bnndred ponndt. Cam a I fo-- placutlan LOVXBS, ORSILL a CO , Max. I and Id Preat Bow. FAN MILLS. Wa Jaat ta race-p- i of thirty mil etae WARRANTED FAN MILLS. Speak aaick ; Flrat octal Brat tot od LowNgs org ' a en . .agS Koa. I aad 14 Proal Row atjr-iiiFiiD- n FISHING TACKLE. GeRttfilfl WaW datfairO t pevTid tbrmarT Wttk fxjsi jQtat SUMMER FISHING. A RB .net ed to ca'l and aetact fr,ra aar aa . the OoOawiug iriKtoa of tbe a aal It to-- : Woo 0e are for Walking Cone Boaw, aowaff Preach . I 4 and 6 amto; rare Rnruak Rode, 1 4 aad 6 a nta; Arttaetal FMoa. Mia now Mice, aad ovary ether eaep-t- of arttSdal balti German Si Iter aad Braat Beelo, Sr all Btwkai Sindwich Boxea and F t.koj Ltaaa of SUA, Liaaa Sea Grate and Cattoa. Saparlor l Lub-ik- Eirby tud carllale FISH HOOKS! UOWMBS. ORG! LI. fc CO , Mat It aad id Preat Bew, atfli ttylea NAILS. Three thaaaaad kegt NAILS AND SPIKES, aaacrted Mara, al fateraide rataa, ta Iota to the trade, furcaab. Quality warraatod. L0WMBS o as ILL a CO., aagS Xaa. IS aad If Front Bow. Rich's Safes Tested. THB bttorroo. partiea who hare parchaaed from at SAPBS, made byStearaah Mortla.ajgoag. laraDy rnteve.ted la ever, mult teat las their are proof quaittrea. Wa tberefor tntlte ouch, aa well on tag pn ic geaerelry, ta tn Intpectloa of Mr S McMano.' Sate at iroea la rum. ar hit ttor- -, morning. Jane 18. Althoagl. the boaka aad ii- - oonutu.d Thurocay other val.ol ea were nmiiif from tb a.r to tt thandoument to the burn ing aoilding yet the few loon paper, left ,n it, and the on perfect otditloB of lb. IB tenor, it ly it.biiah lu .a parte. Fire-Pro- of quolitte aa though Ih- - bock, had beaa allowed t remain The Safe its ltd to may be one 11 oa r old wik la fraatef oar atorea. Met. 1 oad 14 Proat Row Beraphla tj Paw rowVR ORAii.t. ret iBuiHinj Iglatf rials. LIMBER the aaae-- t i mcml la 8 tbe xaep oooitaatiy on baud a f -- aere! aae rtment of BUILDING LUMBER, SILLS, JOICE, WBATHBB BOARDING, STCDINS. SHEETING, DRT CTPBSS tar! POPf.tB, t la. I It la , and 2 in. . Dried Picon of, Teiiow , in- -, Poplar and Gum, aal ll la . ALSO a I ,t r Shing ra, cedar and kawwi, 4xSifxSxl8sl2 tech B E COcrtBAX, "riS-'- y Centre La. 'lag .nd C. 0 MOO RA 1 HALITE AH R. 11.11 WAR Pr AMrvn atit i Ull" A U.litlilU JIUali, Door, Sash and Blind ManafactorT, LU.ltBER 1 ?, SECOND STREET. SOUTH OF UNION, M M Via TETJw. KLOORINS, Waaiberewarda, 9aarn. Saab, BlUvda. lbaar 7raaaea aad Caaiaco, Mantle, mga, Co UK- Lain Work, Baaeboarda, Taja- - mg. Scroll Work. Shelving. Bcx-i- . Be . and eeery de. wripuwu ,ef Surding Mtterial dreooed and llllflaaaad. alaay oa band and nude to order. MOORE H tLSTBAD k CO. M. B The bigheat caab price paat tar all kind- - of Lamher wtl ly J WEIJ-R- R j. KBWIM WELLER afc ERWI, Hemnhis Factory AND LUMBER YARD, Oawrfo tfrref are rt. ajtasiaa taat Okw Drpof, KBBP for tile abd make to order Door., Kloda. Saab, ' Prastee, Moulding, an -- verythmg In that line, of tbe be t mater l.Lg worxmautblp They ar alto prepares ta kind, c haw to erect ev-- e IpUaa are ramliita In lay abelre St ' otoer k.bbiu. aom i Bating eiochin 'i-- r w.ll aoea T ti PACKING WIXE2 of oil ktado, letter than ever borate made in city e rite- - nd oihcr lj irdert from the couatry promptly tturndnd to. 1.1IBER W1RD. H. MULVORD, hq Door antl Blind Manufaxirurer, SASH. Doo'. r ;d, aad MeUi ling kepi on band aad to order. DO IBS AND Wiwyyow PBAMIS, Worked Floorings, Ceilings, Bad all other taachiae work la kit liter will be fntnianea to Buiilee on tkort settee R T, OK BC1LDINS TAKBaT. Ottic Manufactory oa tdam. a'reet Bear Mem phi. tad Charleston rUiirood Depot, Memphtt Teaa. VICTORIOUS OVER PAIN. BR.llif)i ARCTIC LIM.MEM. BXBRV BnsTsSB ' aisasa a i aB Ih' aa.dl. ofoetuee Lo. tW -- r.r. Talsad X AgoT or rAjs ' ticAawao or bwRiiA . IS or cWoibl X,-- m are Ua quMau-a- a uiTfj4ai bi tbo BVtjoptr-i- tr rvaKtlOal p tbta at Owatst far ibo Mt-tr- n t garri.a Ha ire - tntai'tl taW iattir stiMiBl tsf tba tb aat It HAS tl. avB--l iUiHawsser teate.1 dur-ini- r taro awful Wtatrn id tla of elerrt--! tt, il ta bvt cotn ing iBi't gtwral a in r aao-t- of ti dtib-- t gh be aa! ita BBBtvrrloua owna ar - - --mmr W " elvCltisTg THE AFFLICTED REJOICE Ba.5 MM - HI 2l; 6ea..HilidiDjurr. BTItMM and TTrTH sawtf bat raated la tirtuea aad ar rejoicing in freedom from hmf PAIN aad HictAM. inch otaejr ilikklii had Biknl to ear. Hare ro. the IwaOKn. itilTlr! rrAKotLLA, E or TfrOTH ACHS At ywa ailiictwl with tHJ totks atif lenn. frc-- m EKl :.--! M'BAIN-UlKN- s. kVLS. Plljlif THE ARCTIC will aftord kierybudj la liable to For the, rim-lf- IJMUL j kept oa band, fan .l in.meume r mf frnm death. follow aawed LLVMEYT AND eOAlwDS. ealent, tieouU Every hrmt and railroad ahould IL Who that ha beard the ttirieoi aaajuadi atttrad by tbe teakkml nialrreed tnrrtiaia ef etplo-to- tn-- -- oh K core CA It it not. tk) tarinul which !.or- - hog the mow A oo I. Ihe be and i of relieving liroiU hewen-- t iu i. roLuLgirraL lto THE MOTHEES' COlTPaaurllON. ES Ac. . GOOD FOR MAN BEAST. rf Bait. wrxi. F- - SWtl-- V. rvPATLV. I0IJ, ETH, kt. No arwnrr, Every keeper, er .ne rnnint; HORSES. hooUl he ailbaut UJa taloa M reuerdy. Far ante aH ipetabie DrurapaU and Pea tor- - Pneet th T.iuim-i- t. 71 reoti. 60 tod 81 hot tbt dollar ttle eonuin. a. met acr- -t Ore-ce-nt bottle. and nun Blwatt Bt ntcl.en. tl,. Itoir. EXTR.0RDIVt8Y AXXOlXCEMEVr. Fnev n.rrhooer of a solar bollM tb" ARlTIC I reeeiveo. at Pr. eap-t- w. - STAIFS JOCRVAL. of York, for en. rer Tn Journal n 'aenw illaamrrl roia- -- eCD n a in her Oeo beaulnfulij ea wbi-- toinieej rotteen rare., paper, and hlledwiib evtginai twottor ln, the '.Sara last -- rilr. of tbe eaualry tert.ncal. J and full penieulan of tint --nTeel ad en torsgpw, ef wbtra thai oiler aortaa ps - - An AGENT WANTED to FTFJTT TOWN aad TJUACE. BRAUii Bl IUUIV ,"''nl'-Na- w Voa. IwrKJV No 371 be eddraaead to St. Loot.. Cammuauaatiaa. ahonU oiwnyi weak. Tal WARDS -- e3 sesrphr.,1 Etrya--cilrpi)- y l esatj. TAKEN p bT T. "' ' " - thetltr da- - of 8epfemb-r- . a BAT BOSS, 8 "T T yearn old IS ffetoa gei Ike - tht ee- ost tact the am s--H Go m io pi tn..... .... He I',. ,1 Bteam Nimj.- - AND jwron printed JONES, other rn.t.1. Twkwa e by Aadrr-- Hill m. 'bn xdth Sep- tember. a "RS MI'LB for yeses o1 14s baadt high, wail- - npnt oo left m.rkt ol la Sd civil as. often traita TTir 1J. pure Ic.rf treat, nTI' New F.S, eery day tSST BAT 10 wttk rKn one tsrvarn Tavior'i utl Mack amok dowa her dark bay or year iri w. iff-- - nr of mane be I i Ain Sy of at tb L on of H tt t lb - a ter - r S Ha 'an ml- "id .aci ;.-- -- ot a 0 7 r- - ii t: l in id aad tal. Ttiundat Sl'Orach S.l-- Deao --. ,o tbe 'ttb Crvtt Dutrtre frrar mil, fr a""'' ' th atoeet Pbank B ad. A S. Oct II -- wet Rail r gbbv oouc-- y Paints aad Oils. LARGE luppty of all )ot retwlrad aad Bar Mdb by WABB ajOMaV, Baeast BBS Melu-a- l Rrew aTlonF. LOT af new Fox- - In sta- r- and far nale ky A wit FLorajroT, cooper a lbakj f MTT rfi TC PROF. II ASK EM.' APO'tilTB and tf.dy cape far Rhenmatlam aad Deafaoae. Rnaipeloa. Rroackt- - tit. Tetter, Ringworm, Scud H art, ojcrt.a. and !tt. k - or I tn fra 1 v SO aotaute.. f.1 ai Pllee, TVattbaehe. fhr-nl- c Stiff Jotata, SpraAaa aad Latm-ae- ta man nf beel a kin-l- of Sarea. Prerktea aad Cratape arel Callc, Paine af ever, darriptaoa caaaat ra- - I ttantaaeooaly. Psice, Mc.; SI snd $2 per bottle. II a the only ral Hair tntlgo-ato- t that wi'l make grow wbea rrerythmg toe falio ; ei-- aa tbe head white and tt--o rroea Daadt-a- T la Ma minuua, aad make II a aklnr. f aawy -- t Tki. wo i tn fai oil hi karotbata Mo burning or n. itf ring oeatataono. at with other Lot t no and Lmi tana It a pgaaaant at take It. It eacqaera Fire; ooihiaa aad boa. in aareer. Sma or Scoidin Sr. Thit l operateo on of B ectrkci't ; tbou- - tf mlrocaioaa caret bote beea pr(orm-- d by tt ol erer tke land. Gae everything erne, ibea git. thia Oil one fill, and a wtl ho eaatnneed Indareat pi i aaaa, seabee . perthaaa a botu. aball baee It free Friead. ggdBxl -- o loam f, aead far a bottle of H.-k- rl 'a kncctric OH. Cooouliatooa aad adTtcgt-- n gratta at tbe Beaaa, No tl Fl, e elreet. o ae offe t d wt'h Acnt- - Rhecoititm or Coatractloa of tb Mnactea, ohoald tr lb Elect HEaMSBl Bath Br particular the dlree- - patiytagee-- h 0 tl - No peeldero ooll tbt Oalt BraSSl.t. .n-- C untrt Mr- - chant are Arenta. wb ktti e aad aar- - t.n.ale g 0 ry Tne pr B0WIRR OP COC RTRRPRTTB? t Btert ketl e baa Pr fer.r Hnokail't Btoctne Oil " oaoar. o. tbe ol w aad a 'ret uf 'be fltaa, .ad tk. etae baa b'a portrait aad ttwaat era, to Mali rfi it whicn la F erg-- ty Waee.e oad Retail Mo fl Pin. ttrewt, two 'root Fed' lb elreet St. Loolv Drug . la" aad M'reheata ouppii. d at Wool ea ale on liberal retata Drutglaia Berchaa't daeirtof a tap. ply of thu p. pa'a- - aad wwaderral Remed, by ealiag n peraoa. or addrraalref ky lett-- r, Prrfweor Haaherl. fl Pane at react, ft lateoa, wkU hat. thetr oriot. prompt,) tiled and fo warded tBMBBl CASH 4 SO SS00. or SIS SSaer dxraaa. tt la ale fan ty pit rp c.ire-.- ptuhtd, tad a rarlwty of op-r- o Litvaa-ip- n F a Bt'i, Be , raralakod gra-ai- t ibpIi . head ka year Jidtra; rwa wMI Snd it earea aad pot. For aale Wh leaa'e end Sal1 ty SBO. C H RP IN a CO . tVagflaU. US M.ln atreet 1, na For oole alee tr S MANSP' aTUk a CO . artf-la-wlt 297 Mata atraat THK W A A H I N 6 T 0 It ttEJI EDIES PURELY YEGETABLE. Rawer to . Cartas tka brief period they bat TBBBB beer re he gabltt. have t.toti ood in wtaainr rem.'kakle eooBg ever aaaatrlne b.v aa incuroh br the moat ewtoeat af tk- - awdteai Taa wahaaeteai BaaowAiea ore foar in ttab, r, rut The V ash I net on Purifier, Coed la row oect Ion with The Washington salve, Win effect fatal earea to ail tbe wortt tut ma m folltwi g! lee. tee Scroteta, Bait Rbt Syphiiit Itch Whl'loe, Fit a. la, p.- par tbe The acta with great fore, oa IH iom or of Are curt live la tb tnd of a titular naiaro in the St it Joint, S iff .' . I e ri Lepeaty, mmm, Woroo. Serrfuioa Clseta, Bry.irariaa, tt Waabioftaa Purser irrtfreiaritle Liver, The Washintfon Khenmatie Eeniiiie!i. INTERNAL EXTERNAL. taranibi tubjojbad dlaeam Sprolaa. Set. ra.n. bide, Croup, Keck m the Cbat. Buniaaa, H.-- d Boat, Cwntr-cte- d Sioewa, Faralyata. In oil ca.-- wh. e Et'erno: ttton 10 reui'ree! no dt c n ooaal watkiaaxan The Wob'ng'-- n Remeeltrt w'il :n he J mf fl as low pakagr. ov "a. gpcent and jar. i laea act LUTit Ulu mill tor Ra. unial.iin ore up al aad 82 aale. wboleoot and re all, ot f kiestoB Beawdje, MS Poidra. Kew MICKLEJUHN B CO.. EwFraalebv Ckaadlera Co., S k Co, rF. lata a Co., sad Jehaeoa a Long CHERRY For of ( 01 (iBS, COLDS, BOAaUEtESS, BR0M HITl3i.H H00PIC COrtiB, cRorr, astbha, and csssrnrTios. AXrtPOR THE O.l.lEK IN ADTANCED STAl Bead not to UFB every tow of Stat do ill of nd P'ooiog ry mplattua at tbe trade-- , aad bui'ding. of deacr ; ta the and up oiorvt a wi ry he the Also, n ARCTIC kap twenty tlenc aaat Se rty. Mercurial Dteee-e- a, tot at bKad tb AND Froat Po.tio Mump., Lurpo, S'lmri the Salve tad 0 and put .a holloa S For th. Drpat tbe Wa Ma. .trt-- Oriean. aataUM worth the ratpld Carts apeak Sawing seraer. r ConSl rp-t- ve PATIIXTS perle-aee of III aad. fewer ret tbe rnimuthe anw where which bate aot am ag bwi notoe li.lnc trpby at ita tictory ev v tbr tubiv and daagerom 'ttoeaar af the throat aad lamgn. While it to Ibe moot p .weir, aaitdot yet ka wb to man tor thr f nnd ut of tbe pclmo- - Bary orttu-- , it 1. .too the pteaaenteet aad oaf at remedy that can be employed for infaau aad young prr-u- a Pa- - enla tboU'd hat 1 in nte-- e a, rta I tbe toartious rrrnrmy that rettlTp-- h tSetu nnp epa tt. W ban aknadair. rruunda too- - tbr Cubbbt Ptctorai. oavea aei i.-- o bt the con.amptiori, ,;n tatiiau e tt cor--- i Keep tl ky yon. and iBiayaf aaaat wail- - they ar enr-- I bar. a t aegaret them aatU no bamin am caa anaaker t a I hxerawrtka cauk. r thai, taateaed ea ibe titai., eate you All ka..w tbe f.t.l ty oi tket know too Ibe virtue OR fdbfc. ii more fan an.nre taeta it in .tin be Wetptre aecnit. aocar. a tatl to prodae a tbe moat perr--ct peon tbt . and tka- - aflo'd tkoae who bo it tke beat agent which aat tktil -- aa tsrakvh for th-- u care. by DB. J. 3. A TER, Practical snd Antlyrlcal Chemitl, Lcwfl, Bat. Sold by B. F. FAkVNBhWOBTH B CO. JunlT-law- ly A YEH Vatnartic rpRIaiftmof Cbm rheyibood OIL! PECTORwAL, tnd nee be t.tne-- t pert tt hi man Innumerahle pr. f. virtre-- a wbtcb a io m un- - to rial chill! Sv- - , in Ii can .. era teet to j tbe Hktj Xzw ft seed 8. bale men. bar tbe Tbt la to I cm iiiim dlr-- e ton and of 'betrcurmof 'be 1 ' ' ol Th wi ey tar tta ef bt on of to t.a ef fr- m fool St h. luelgention. d of tbe aad anting her. from. Lost all Ftorr van tad Cutanevnsn eh lwm evocaa.r lne. oi Bell. They alas to ate tbe lover O M IS, tbe mrer, rl L LI arc inina-'a- e. wnei -- r w ti w Pat' E. oea by '.IWlv pr Bi o.a I been both In when was T.e trr beea trod thit tsrpa r sr. thr tne bat. he., n Bew Para t Sred the d there Mr haw it. Pttparrd by DB J. . AT Lowwl. Baaa M per Five Riw. B. PARSSnrORTfl OO REED'S PATENT STEAM ENCINE. II s lmnrot d grne, ror pa. S'll on, medal. to th ttgre. and rope w- -l m e.ber s nuiag about cent is latl. And A asm Is r. pairt. he H mr by irttin 'he ileam la o rim of the at 'h. as n time dhahl ib. sort and th from tt- - n onr two with ton, aad the ra lueti.thai have nta I ah-- d IB nt ealte totucfacnoi.. aad at prepared t d ;:seai Bm ibo and ef an alar, to two b. The Btalerreae. to tower, an tire np.n the with ail th pips ready f..- - R :len aim t p'aa. b- -r ciaAr. them rr a d Th In la lar eate, paeaia: heew tnd tb . n leba. of Sr. tte a and imp it Th whoto In mount d oa ranee oieni te ahtp to til par. of n, and csb par tn operation lb arlt- - ince oe exp. nee. ar SEED B BIRKSBCK, City. M VIS ERF1DES I CLSARBST AND MOST B L IS PROr. C0LL0DE0TYPE. Mo otkee FICTTTBB aa hi CALL At THR Taker no by will a Daaa oa tke- - I at day M oo. dfaJ t M tt 1 1SST .WO one of which a laxni awe ty w - ' - - w - about 15 hands t.lgb, S 18 year, otd, bik man and AND BEE THEM. aad h- Fitr-a- n THOMAS, A Beadarbet, partecMy Mt Fiatntoary taat NEGRO nou THE utr Igunnr persntne-tt- v etr Bp l null I' on -. ea sand, to leer im ef foe and an hwe aal nel aa rtwema-k-- s. wpt in, to bay wtl vt! to tkrorn a rsD Bita ALEX TFR f. a ;le er nl' :; can baee aoea e own tubed .a t.lkltao, ta trae meaaa of hoaith human bolt from die. apt, and preoertlng life Tha I ck under 'be at aha r are ton oual.n new of It tea and mere la notni.g cexiam nt ot the tick either la thr eat Dr. Rod wit baa rerwaded la prodnctng throw r -r- ratwu to tb. world oa Rod way' a Ree-- f Rettef Rerae-tau- ne k- . . alor. Thaw. Boaatdleoara aot only ..'ebliahed facto aa l hey bate never yet ff-o- la tbete opeetol -- rricoev Ut trui'f-i- ' bat. lacy are facto ee- - toattaaawa a ocieoee a- - they baee In ail .ri-- ,n .t.-- D, U, ' anea tli eberi 00 tka of to can ta the ru - " aad ore Flrat StfUiral. Three Great Light MANKIND aklilrul guBR Sewaad power burner ana. arelTfo-'lx"rfM- t. teieac. they kiee oftea tried aever deniea ready . Groat XAi-cA- BADWAT'S la to be ated in U coo where ham a body i. tetaed wttk tk torturing paaga ar mm an matter what the caa. or 0k pahk may ba. or where may local d an application f the Bead. either rateaiy , or axuo. aolly ae aa alleviator, will in t few uunut-- a ndai tha to eeaa aad px. sack Headache, Mil naa 'br Arteetlo.. Tlk laiiia. Strain a, Tooibaah., Bo-- Shat Waaad. PMaoatag a thaw by tb bit or ttlngo of Reptl.eo, of T. gel. ate or Mln-r- .l by In aO etae. end under oil etr- - Harioti aboaw the btmia tyateta it by aaak. railed o. o In ce- - of Siltoutitea . Trot 00 Skip feever. T no. Ft toe. Fewer .ad Ague, "car'et and ail Maligaoat Fever a small Fas,'t Belief met in mtm Bad- - po.HI core tl, atek with lhe diasrdee. aad tbe orotem ttaV thee- - mo,ig- ant gew- - CSel-t-rd- Rt Xexat. BADWAT'S RBSCLATORS The 1aeotyf tbeee wwaderful PIIU a aaw era ib aad a aew in the eric of la theae Ft .a ae giipia palua or iaek- - rabta U d 'h' naturally, eevinx tha Uwar aad ether la a one! bea. by tnowre thoa. who take hem 1 good aad a One or tw eaaro atodway'i win obewe ail of llttapeyaaa. . to, ladtgeitton, Cootieeneaa. Uver m MHaac-ol- aad win car -- tteer in man at woman Lad ire tee 11 bar lew, may rely .pea m cor and if Badwat'a Bfaaaxaaaa are taken 1 Beert do of Radway'a Brgulator, thai l ba . atlto row tb and InSrm AH C wba taa them ar detjrt ted with tb happy ekaan tkwy erpenerec. in a few bwan. Tk diapirlled metoB-cho- iy feel .nd ith ark aad twkuitalad. Third Great IVilcht. BADWAT'S RBNOTATtMS BBSOLTBhT. Cure Salt tea Clear. Ta Imln mlxtu-- ckltla. Dyapepaia. Serat, aypthu. I'oa- - Ap. P.XV. BC BBd 00 01.01- - tb itatl aad diaeoaaa, tter label ttaf by hereditary tranamigatoa or It ek egi Mood by expo, are the wot that will work aaak curt m old law aim aa Radway'a Bntlian. he 1 rett wMt la t few i B of ot to or ngo 'a Beaotathaf mmm- - 1 iunri or Incanetw-er- - th I hi odr paaatteake. with Badway't I wi'l .-n remote tke ataVrulty. Barak Hammond, of is Ett Tblriy-aeeo- treat. I t ! co th to two tears, aba aa 1 ihai a pint of la d turinf the uaht She waa cured to I day, by the -f oad Revel vent I A tore ,eg of twoute-oo- e year, catad Ot Rod way 'I Beirer Mr T H Kiigo. of nrhitanritngm Dahl.iceoga. Sa " rbai a poay- - ' tn who rr l wen rear. had j with toe ies, that real. ted -- e ry ktad of tenet tne t, woe cured in three alike by Badway't Eetoruiaaar. Tlio Tlirot- - Great Lii.b taa BADWAT'S R..CLATORS BBSOLTBMT antnahaataaaldiiiiiiri, and where Ibe Uaa or tb body it a rapil otate cat or tr-- . .rilrrr, with vtcee ef eilkwr by of tbe law. of ance, rxeeee and trdabjeace of Ike paMkon.. ba tran.nn,tka. aa at Srrarala, Cwoaaaaap Hon Rhi nmaibwa. Boat, Ftu. aad oUer heir koa whKh a loag lis ,w tne. try kaa ao oountrruitt richly on a-- a 4 ttey t lh 01 ,t the.-i- rlS lahentori. TV I m thir nceree a BO die., caa wilk'taad; tketr P-rt win ta living body every of dTS ' renorat tbe wboi. iyt m with boat til :tbrt .ir aadonrirvtb .m i'i importrlea. To ibe wty-are- r wh., I. wtrh ' tie. we invite you " M try " theae Betaerll. Wt wlB I vourfc for tbete With man, liaoaia of etae- -t have and Ml tbe 'tec t of tb"ThreeSre.t " ataj fa fRwf rule t' rem tbrra. which they ar try tb Aimircty 1 the thrae eiaat aa wowqweror. aad Sraad ail BADWAT a CO.. Fu't-- a at. M. T. CpTke B. B B ktotdtta are toed by Primal 1, Storekeeper. jure 11 -- daw I Son'h American Fever tk Agu emedy ! Is a ( neap, Safe Peraaieit ( ire. InaaxasaaV - ej .. lf ao ISO JUOA PRE.'EJiTI. E tbr OF of inng iiiaordera. .nd Biliou and Intermittent Fevers. S . he7-!- tt c PRICE ONE DOLLAR BOTTLE. Fills. contoii wll: aot, ilk m :.e , ,1 f in b more be dr. acred t treat reeril ta IB Ma I tree sad la Am bntt Lrooa of th wBlcS enter tat !t sr . f y. lm ef In in a aboard ba other. Pail a. A with aaw aVrt It cud can ka ikt iiaad wter. the ... tn - ' Tb ta. Bv of the Pie- Point Bonne aehrw tn oa- - tha' speak ae c 1 pr,wr a y a. neatest Is snd Bo oral .sit and Le all tloa .tag tha car- - sad tbta and th ,at rc-- p,oct M Bn- - to aa to tbe - oi nic of thm .l imp.- a !. BJ '.a Bwl , to eon tae fnrt...i-- . rm.'ios t -- art oaiy thy cur-- ever, dav e i i ng body, by b ut af yur S A Fcvr o- -d -? Ja nat ale. aad that . un a one 'b of the Hanee of . baffl -- lta. br--t ef nkUl WbU tkwy peadncr Juou Tosngt w bo been fr.a t be and aow-rt- -tl err eta, rb-- y are, at the aa- -r tits, dim.a fever tb paat month, wa aat I i the nfaa taat beat pby a that ha em- - aad h ware --eve re a any I for Brt-- e Bugar coated, tkwy are pt-- ever knew; oitnoat inonuat b--f wae ca ant take; and being purely an free fruert , tbe Srtl . ce ; th day id, it tay riak of harm. Cn a nawe ki at mad and it inter - -- tr- i t be Btrn .? uch exalt rspling the Sine- - then every ig of th d p in ore and ao the eanptev n n-- wiw boa left hlra and he baa i a rots nth. Many pht.l laaa have an--t Trwty yort. ol tf-t- r neeaee u ibe public noil af TORE. Jan. 1SSS. L. M. y o,ber. bin tent me the r nf w- - the d hter tbe A far h ir that my coatr lm- - aww. md Pevaw. aad It njennriy tk re.ief ct my n onfa-nn- ailornn- - mod a perf-- ct cure and gal Agent below aawatrd nwaaaed tsmah llmaaa. rtiflcfe f - Naa-o-e. Inorttoa I, ref Dii'BUB wh n ! Kin-- ! bv purlry- - ng th bloc nod ncip-e-d ctparen invearer, rxh-hie- M.flcnrer Cheatt-- t. iwrdtd and treved twenty a.Vtn-- - rtseoTiBf "Tb!ro biiBdrvd ruaolag Ihrrs from er Boliera. attached aunta', Interna Parity Ba- aed rarib. tkrosgb centre, tlvteg wbli witttut Apply aaktriat. nerix-r- m Foua-lr- BiLTIJl nuiuwr. Workt. fRLabtr MARK MCLtrS. MART. hating B.a-rr- y Tak-barr.- a TL fat oolwa, tUI TCVCNG ZM Farias, awTM. aoennag rktdutf filociouo treataaost facul- ty, .abject practice probaht laiSa CMBbiaed BroaaaRBR oeocBcul .UeCeeCleei dkaraaa Ra.iw.j-- Remedre. "" medica! RRADT RELIEF Special Remedy x. Relief, drink, UBIcted otrmfort B1e.!y Sprain., Sca'da, Wound. Btaaio, Ceil, Inoetrto, potanrtn accbleet tortured taaaa tad aad THIS preparation prooertieo. qaoak. Blllouo Fever, aaaaleo raiaaa Bea", aBaaUd afalnot etbnabe prtacigd ukiag .totaach expe-tr- operate haweaa. ergaaa aataral oatditioa Ber-Jat- eatfrtgy diMtoinr emptcjen aikitma diteaae weakening prcaBpi regular period! ttreaftb weak, feeble, )tone happy Humor.. Rboim, Halt. Made.. Dropsy niCptlon. chronK healthy laocBiaied emedy Badwa. patient etotaor Mead, toitent ratwTIbd atBwabaf efhrctaailr Baarty Relief, Bceoivent BKLiEP eaaaohai abrobea dowa, laoculated OBaBRBS health, utoaaaay redltacv caaoaif he.t,,tee poet-ri- iy trtnltart ctpacity ,xaawrnd eradlca'e particle matter, health; ecaylnr dibbled crippled eftteoev gltnew. Llgtltn Ceattaed Power, Reooedvw. Rulers, Ba-ter-a dleea. ai4 Bja tariocs forms PER coticlirK.n Cuiattve. searty article QeeBft, tbenineitn, remedial ifiall Btlkeai etmutent Fetor. preventlne. oatdbyakV raieacerrte, FI Btrtgraala. snmate. aaoafbn. wbea avalartoai ATYeatlat'yS LBDBAHB Jiwaa. TtwtlaaaBlntt graAaJtotanrj tZJoxrtijriodRl faBtowaaf at Induatry. .tgiih imperii oatrtint fallowing oipUintt perfected formidable dangeron'1 inmate, Incuo.r; heataa daring November attark-- d. parosywaa pl..'d children. exrerierecrd evpected .sdi.n-i.- -;intr-d- , natttae .oboioatialeel parcsyami character SttteW eminent waated appnranc- - certify PRASB. ooirantr. aceder.lgn. Beaaedy coovic'inr. Iniermiltifng flicted, oaraelvn faatlM. n Rearil-urn- Appetkto Bn.ine- - Enatent amount PnWon BA9B batara appetite .yftets. dU'lBf with much re reooan-weu- d to tha pR. m a tat rR BLBBBT CONEL1S. ICTSnOW, M'Tc-ar- CBABIBSJ GALR. BENSBTT. Jamaica. M. T.. pt. rt. las. Mb S sat Druggltt, Xtoar Sir: haw. seed tbe Strath Auaeimn Remedy, ae highly raatl mnailnd by joe, boU lot aryonif and and we beea car I tn brat medicine far th 'Milt aaei fennrest. I sot have yas which .1 woald wt be lby ooaed rvacf - nt recoec arer ded it be Tost, teapectfnrry k an rartt.l u t- -. a ami it-- v- BMJt ton. Irritabtltty, tad Ext- - t.- -. w j ISM wt, d tWtred ernpiaaat. arialrtg fee, a jLeaica. T . M.y !er atate of the bgdy or cbotrae tan r tt. taactaae. Ux a a Leobard Ototr Sir: Mt o Do re t b put "8 by unpr deal r with Menu, , we. .a ctr.l wih chil-- B BBd ft ver very 1 111 ' make pvedll oa k 'or .If tit M. , .,ti-g beard -i- BBaBwEta a.aaiy lax- - n j 1 c tnd SS arttae-- 1 11 it a b w k t esarcu; k want b.t i a Box. toe fl F. B ,irst an wucn ,od En II ottr tin rvu seat ita per oil, Thli ard out s.tb cyliade- - ng pnaasre bow demand B power ndre,i en ai being g efrtctive 'e Be a the the lerfiee, i reagaat t form a be c- et; to. J. THE BTER P ARB'S pond Oka , g fr a (, r , - or lm t ban an t intend keep. n . Jo gre oieewhwa. A k M m o long the galnr r ood retulta Ata the or It b M'liwao protect purgation, y The at i and the will aay,: to. , beaa la th tbe by from unncrud. who and ef ICS la nr the i - to or. Fee, R- - (- -..- of ba lo of tad to wb ap ii WH WM. J Cart ill, Be ka d. Vllrv- - 1 the ebeald -- ead It if aim aer. -- erp ae wis ire, need to trt It ertei taxing ana aw- - g"1 a naif botrie, .be wi. perreeiiy rend, ggrd I ehatrfss.. anpectfnt'y. jouft t i .K OCV OB the In print, pe an a thai uus reate-t- v . J . C0DW.5B enrol! Hit, nan aaaar have thetr rirrae cure at the Frer end Ag - aaaa S K kt be added lu tb be at bt gtrBrirr- - to oral BU fJ- - ... 8. A Leosabs Ran tenwr Hovstt gaahgas) tesrvre trrock. o' Fevr and Ague. I had nearly At .paired ef Sodleg tay 'Ion. olh htn a bn trr r ii r 1 r ' ..a ee hM I a anwwt and perm eaet 28, f them Strr Tom -- newt ber pnoeea antt nrltkoat b.tiaf a nr urn of te,- c aiot .d can rrcsntgarnd the 8 A. Fever and Aaoan B-- m tr an n colnahre tor tb. ent- - a ran, , BOBT P l" LFtt. Ntw TORE. Dec I IV'S Cr T," W.t-r-.- ts. Two aikrewtnc CTrerlce of Fred', Henry Bhrier. are aawaaf bo pecaltar raae la wofcaa I permanent car caa be iMiawA aotwifaatasdakfl tBaBt nr.r rsl p-n- 11 I mmm tt 'be. lata th enrea w. n perfected, .bey were ogiged in tha CbBtsv-- ,cai w rkn ..f cnaa praner a lo ot mi. n.y. Attor bavia-b- Irrwklid witb Fewer and Agar rer nenrty a wbol- - month, and .wallowed ta af Qnsanata, m tcqoliitora of trlnw, me to try bwUM what la called the Seat America! Fewer oad Attn and nun -- nongk It worked Ike . ch.rut. I took St only one day and that Baa the last I aaw of tk fwr. It I with great pi eater tk I ttate taa met ' bn.St of all wheat It may cooes m, anal wish everybody tke an lorcceeai in ometeemr tel. dl traainf II i which a liAly enoSfh, if they w,n r.llo my 'l" FRED'E L HRRTLB, Aoa-tsa-t. ISS8 14 Whippto-- e. I nnv. had be Fevvr ir--d Aae which kept me t h.rfree. sBabk- to work I irrad a r.rast-I- of wltkoBt ending arty mat. ca il sty factory bo. vu mt botf of tbe Sdth Arner.can Fe- ver tad Agne a stedv. wtlch t have ated and after rruatt day Land rrrlf atlrely cured I bare bad oo attach Sept SS. ISB. SS McKibbeu-r- t Tree otto ,11. mmm I to which I recover. w e The ceet'fleatM ef Br. J O rrerterhUl. ftSAsraS, a Jtmaica. T.. oad thnoyi norreed tb- - ngb him. will k nod witk much tatet-- t. net only Etaa the very r aba baract-- r nf ike parti a. ha that ti-- nierl neater t--n unfavorable CUm- -' tare a of l rt . i , . i ; t af , t . ; when other rem-Jl- bad b--r- uneet wit Vt lUISb S Br a A. Lrobarp. M psf aw: lallmg yB wUl And nnm certlflcafe. the good efgrrct, of yon aaed Kin ib tbt. .lace It Elwea ben to evary J IJaBt hat Med it. aad tb .or- - Hi incr ow a. it haxonaai known. I tats the rn-tS- fl rr to "" "J' Stephen H ndendn of tiilo p'aoe. a hatta to . wttr'i .inter wttk lltt fwd ret alt a when snad t' htmnelf and wir Br 8 bt an aid mas a very luigil aad I. wl kBoWP Ttuty yoan, Br" J 'S 8. SMDH-JTIL- L. Jamaica, M T . t SS tSSS Br A F. Star mg. ef tha city, has cauaaated o ih puhiaaii a of tb folkrwtn, racti over ka which tae la an crrob. rated br the Rev L. M ik of L of who wan acejualt'tetl wt t a'l tt rtnumttarce MX S A Llot.tlB-liea-- Rr rbwre--e- l na I heard of n rsowr bnt ll BBIII ling Sl mh. it Mu ttrsH. who ii nsfP-rtB-S r-- e s urn. " k of ehttR, mt arer. eoatracted la lb low ground!, near Newark M. J I gave alia on keel lie of your Snath Amertcas Fwowr aad AaTae and H easts, tt p' ng OBI to aay that th dine one hot beea brok'B ap by it aae, sad perruineot ran .rreid Truly ponra, Kew Ton. Nov. A. 106. A F I am acquaia'crd witk the facta art forth ra tbe rwrs tsetse aa eaa inw Supt Pre Fega A .oeaav of kh aboe BOBbSBM ant -r ire. M L.M tl Hns. of WARD k - M owMa Wa leee'e Axe mi. Cordage. Oakum Jrc a CO . 122 Pr-- ai Btr-- a'. Kew Tors. SMITH. Ttkotrpe'oclaa Street M--w flrie-- n rstBnfao. or a. Ba, afgar tor full aw-- ijiMist at BssHthk and Tarn: kc ,vy t o an an agyravsMt ale PEASJT, JONES, a'. OtXePBR QaBrass, oal

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Post on 30-Nov-2021




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Page 1: FOR CASH! CUTLERY, $13,000 Worth


it ni Wi i T w. aA8.-- :

Ural Estate.


rotta. saw for kh i ibv

. - : aeru and ntotn'a ITA- -y tea Wotblrg 13 P'

" " "111. l" of th tract r


Tbs. aw rnt w Alrwcily th BatirosdI win ar ta mm or aa. u u

a iw. ...n her ir. Fayue --oaaiy. on aea hi ii la tlx

reon --noraoecvllie. rrem'.lring hf


a- -1 imprcr e.niireei wns VrslEned at ' Depot for tBrthe.

m.lanait.mB iltelm B -

vb. rrMUriu Herald. E ; ia

Ta; end Joorral,nl taint



toad,that piu..

tracttrad allien from WnV--y

tnj,ix't acre, with rm-- a

oacopy four lime-- w--

'nrwar-- i btlit

o8T fa anto to tb-- at bidder, oa13 14 3 Mve"uber ooy rarm. au- -

ufeJ to lb Ba 'y rono 'w .

., i,.. .l from b U mtudo con- -

tamng 1!0 cr, . watch ITS It c hp and urrd- -r go dThle place prevent, tu potior loduwormit to

o !oolg tr a tncailaa for farming pa'p... i ara.-nt- r. rdae-- , brtat la aa uni--e- toaih--

hatin a and orchard, tf ofc Be

Trass One-thi- rd cash, Ut balance la one and twr, wttb ialerrrtALA .At the name time and pia, I wi am for earh

js. or Hin. Ce'tie, ate , riser with and Kit has Foroutsr ms. s r form - sr.

. - it.wtwi Wear . H

.V llarsaiu.T HATI two k- - and fori? tirea ()1 acrrt af d able Creek See


f Stanton'eWaalerbj ra.Unton tka

rTl-wlla- n








tkA k?


d forLBVtf Hondred and Si! Aera af Art an- -

: mw- -sow from ctehiT U eaa bou-rv- d aoea dead

1. and in a Saa oeadltf caltiawllaa Potapply ta

p. u , rmrawem. m.




FDbn-ibe- wib- - to sab, arra enrf r. t

THal ike tract af L.AJCD wk-- a k reelkrafoar baMr--d an ' rorte eTn "''.. s

oa tl- - Meo.pkia and Ohio Ba Iroad. awd wHMa tw-- mi.- -,

ot aacl-e- ; Depot. Toe imprverm-u- u ooD-i- of a Bw- a- j

la i b It'll three roiai keWw ttaira and rw akaee.Or. Bae F,.a r.ea-- . ana an ir. w'

u a nra-Mt-

aetata d.tctmlaaawaeli a b rwa .

TrpiCrtm S. T.


Hier tocsatej ibenjerleea for tl,e tranta(,fn?ra' Ltmi Jpfify Business


mm wt:l PAT TtXES oa1 m ib-- rweal I of fHtedleade.Tb e wtlt make peraeaai

Uad. n. part of tke







ca oa M i

I. M

lun ot

ind, agaa""T

x.mtnatl neate. and rep rt

la ' - m.r.-- t r - in- - eon nuvci.q.-- .

, ,Me an1 p any patlcnlar tract, a'ul any deira (.

infanauiea tn r y.rd le : aad In eae. wkei earn

m wlah ta brlna tketr la Into ma ilt teee will oon-fa-

to b .ee t mb-- r dialiati aawa it and wir ra ' tor-du- er

Ir either tke plant Horn or wiM land, of tkoewnod-- ai alone I.

Macb Sv lend In tkla State naa km leeeteed fromaale fr tke Ivt See yearn, b.rme n reported

aad aeerll .wed. and --hub ky an act lalCos tea a. w v atiui il la lb-- s-- t. and w, be anbl-- rl

to eatry la 're meeitka. Tke ll'U of tke e land. con.lain deal Ibat baa kecavTnmk:e erexe it. r--rttvaa and the akoee Srm fr,n tbr eaperience arprecilen! aareeeata eaw at wnom bat been enraard h

pakttc ware-y- of the Slate for many year, aad to.c ker lt S'llr and Seiai Land Breiae rirg. harirtethai (araed an ex aa.iee knawledae or land tbaoanshoaat ,e St l. w.l be orenated to

I" ine-- el m .r--r ebrti ui


of Swaaa L . ofT-r- f.r tale, or eub!-- ct toeMryeliker far a altpalated ohare of !tie land or c mout-- i ,t

.: . i J tneeeted.P rnnae eanilna bonea In Arkaneei wir And at thl'

am-- -, plaf rt? wad or fanaa with f .m d- --

th-- .t

c tnal ttey can

Theer mm

; -. p.



of impr ate ,

be at onre dtr ct-- d to cceap

ot and eer Warrant! or locate tb-- m

Any In tka abate hue w.u W-



Meat, W Wm R

A Valuable Plantation forOK 70S PLIVIB

Six and a half miles south of Memphis.

plantation contamt CtS iTBIS - eteareel. and ag j fenoe. It boa a gaod gin hotb ea. kc.. f eton- - er anl ap--l

cljterand g a.- - lot..rena. far T'e hen:tb and. . tb-- r. t baelr.g been a ca e

neart4 a iaae

eeA dtwtf








Pre-i- i

.qa ring

Rarte Enquirer ceffft

Valuable PltlVE.T rcn.t


O L 'n hat ; oo



bee tar







aadS It











for Sale'aula Iol. fraatl g on

in or re meet three . '

the Io pi .it eniiBi-- . n- ceae.ry. of the beet ne-- tcr ... wttk brei

Free 818 per aeee. -d ca-- balance j

a 'w It- and weaty fonrm-3'.h- from date. i h in- -ur-- t. Apply to B B. ORNE.

Cabor-atnn- a SlacMncs. P

Imparlant to Planters & Millers.F ELTON'S 1HPROVED

PorUWe (.nst Mill.

J Improsemen: oa ali t'ttenU- -

PillS .ejeof thep all the

Into 'to he f finer It la t. tnpge;nat ktt long been u I y that oommnnity

1 1 to la tjaalt ojrtleii that a rt

a:- -

n akiM can ran it kr p tt a ord r T- -r

are of the ataet character, the-atre I mpl' ul ataet. aae) aok uabv. to re oat of orderIt wi' S' m I wfc-- at cra. oata baclw btt drug,

rraah aad gratd era aad cob admirably, or -- a-

ami cob mot be wrj Tbei mill, with powr.. will gr.u

frooa Roc to or tup-ri- o- corn meal per boaran1 rTtoB eart to baa of good reel for rtock. an--

bat Utile attenttaa, aad may be run be gla-b- n1 1 m1 of xie na- - The large aixe iratne ut.

wi!" grrad .war twioe that per hoar. Tbe netit a .t la grgadlnf a e Frtc- -ge. . for twaan aa. larg- - tixe atsri. We barer

u. -- et; tbe at Mbfl-oipn- Lonie -- a Teareato-- e Kentucky, and a atTawko A ear. kaanr ta r- offe. ed for an.'

Ih a ut--n to --oagag to tbe .ale of 9 tt. ritrhtt Mid on

AH ord-r- e'nmaiaaieattoaa. aad fo- -HH aHi aa: aa wvi a nrpi ir r- - too.i. to

it oawtt BF. S a Williami tVinmmtoaaa-- '

are oo. io T--nt

rpHSrekCt- -




C.aap-Gron- brgm

''",".; their errp lerlt y

We hate oo Land firty anilxee aad of tawa

Alas IS aad 12 feat

p- ic in.


o- -

aad atteaMl







pbeaicrrndttl-.- n'o'eLacing




and erindta.turfaaro daraote harder

graaad tooether



heated tramal. featare(BBS;

Rlatm Itobaak.portion

compet-- nt



Premium Cotton


Dtara M calleclag B 1 mt B c.

at. Caaer a reoenl earl aa tbe bee,

kotta, ttc., rata,the

a irirw;.Koa. laeSSI

aaaa errriwT.t


lledlcal College,rr g tf Pr-- Ta .r j Oovn will c0jm,tA ui atONPX A tbe lSth iBstavt.: a: u Co.rfc- - Bci

M I OtawWr at


.Ta Tamil T .urltyn and Smi-d'- t.

w ira' tb P ..lowhaahy of natlea at IS a kt .Pro-- f., k M Trill H-- f ewe at tl a arThe p ,bilc i'.t.H athnd tblo ooarae,

be fJkreraea the tnottth.lm L. HARXS. Ibaaa.



ScIcbUHc Acadcu.v.MEMPHIS.

rtri HE a ot- Inttitatl toI tab d atit now ta iwo--'tl opt

t. .o at 082 Sdt etre--t, wh-- r. 5 n,:wi, for ;h- - M ani.,



ii". The n ud eg Elect ion are tneii.i.e. lu" itatl..-- . and tho a in a'! depa- -;

aloe ent'-m--

Taro- -A 'oa-- a, Bnq. Rank; M

unt Meatrt. F. Lone a v Mraa a

Beat.. Wrlea-- i a OoCjn Teruit aept-t- m



D K EL F WBItirr, M. D

fi'- - , rtOXrysSB F. JOKBS, M D.










ita' andra








perait-nil- y




I q. W

t akOa;



Preetden-- ,




C-- 'Tiee win ooenner, aad will continue


M B of Ft

D eg Obatatrtao aad

tf. BL. Profaawor of AaatomtD P.ofeoaurar Satg if

rwrnoretrat'T cf Ar- -

T. X ARABLE. D.. Curator af the Mn- -

Tka Saa for tha ea Ira --on roe it 10 pa-a- tolUtrtcalattoa Pe-- ; Orad-iatiu- Pec. $28:

ipirj aad Dtaoaciloa, $10. to ba taken oncegtadua-t-i- in op--a from the lot it

A r iluoaaan Oaarte of Lecture, free ta all ttadcat.ih-- by ear. Prof. ", oa raateeu ta tRiojas

wi-- - lpArteiwit, wrbtob h. fu'ly locebt Incoaeoe. wi:' bw .taring ta taoui b o

tobar naai atan .a M rat, thr llto of tb atouth.CLIBICtL tarSTWCTTOyi. Trw atetapbi, Lgoartt

Aaeaya aa ta taewther. of he cltaa at; tigwtaad --oc . micai wi'l eltee is the ware,af the lawltiiriwi aa two data W d: ead ty and S.tarStr ef eeery wet Taa ta aae at tkra.s. of aa rioucota, l' oi Ilea a --re aatun- - of pa'ien-- i

aer-- y mir-nti- g tptnlMH are perf na-d itpree-ao- e ae the and patten tt auff-.i- from (r--at

a let of 4it-.i- pteaorrlbed for, and.:i,.- - ai 41 p aaat, wi a oi-- t

n- -









ma- - be br pt trenlar eat g.Tb- - College pa-- -- eoaae aa e, Cbnalca" and

Fa ... hirti Appartu it, aaS atra-- yt ngLt rate the a.arae af toaaeea a aaeh hraneh

Oa -- tot- fart boa; togorw tlana well addraaor t K D


Botanico Iedical College.Twetch AnnuaTHF ktased i:

aatavFIR"T HOfOAl






NOVEMBER and.eaaaoattBae eixreen eke.

Atnpt j.cct -d ch'ml-- t: an-- J

apfaara a. an exun ire tnatotst- an: patholocicnlna-e-r- aa tha fcrte and eaeoaaaral of atali atrpa or Profeao-- r wiu man a libera; and

dta nF a CFLTT:

O. W MORROW, M D., Pi iifoaanr atPhyaAoiotry.

L BHBLTOK, B. Prorea. rte--.

ar B



rta. .BV r ifRROM.M D


T 0 OATLB, M. D- - Pt rcry.

1 ....-- It


I c


a. m.




Only abut







a to


I l m-








l :








fl, M .






i r

da a.



' - .

IN wlo



. re

D. .

Profnaaor of Caaaaaatrp

of and

at aa I Ftrac.

. juits



PTof-ae- ar

1 1. i

r,iTLEof the Ftr-u.- tr

T ltaaa



fyzct oqz UK rtooii 'Jtt foSr


Of XnsUi i We, TcnB.CAPITAL, :::::: 160,000

J05JTB H--at A. W. BOTUO, SaxT.

Mat BlU,Janna Corrcr,a. m. hn,I. .

DIUCTOU:iM. Alltaan.aV. H Oanteer.Jwwt Jai

w. tMMi J a. Arm.

and riree oetll llHnaatraet. Meapnlt Teon.bettdred










Prol-aa- lacipla.






V -- f

aad Meek--

on.vMrtD- - Cle

Fiaamr laatttntoa





MEMPHIS ISSVBAWE CenPiST,Memptiis, Tennessee.

CAPITAL $150,000.Sam. ltfosby, Pres't; Bon May. Seo'y

on JErrxmaox iruilPl HECTORS.

A. O. RaUui, Sam Houv,Q 0. ATCtsaoK, T V. Witaiaaam,i. O. UUUUV, T. B.

J. J. aAVtlMI.m 1 tl



--1HASTKHR J b t- - LlL af ISbo-'o- b. u make P

t. nni. ; "

A. Owen,


ere of TJle Mariu- - 1

..pulim; la new of wMcb lT baee arraacea witntb foilowwii Companlet, lor by niear. ot

riti-- OoanmercU', Ltaama Capita SJ BOO on.

KurjUier Fira, " x.uwi mro

Int matlana! LUa, " 1.600 O0

tmckerbocaer Life, Slaaaa, " SkO.opn

P - Fire " SSAt ineannnaJaaMMmiaaTaaSw, tkeiothl-vtaat-


Diracaera aad Ootncliltae acre r eeled far Ikeeaaolnf pear :

mac etaaa.JAMRS B. THOIUrTON, L i. DCPRBK,SCO at OolAMT, TBOS Mc AD AM,sTEpnics b. rrnns, t b MrLfor.BKKBT S. SXXG, JOS B AKB1S1 i, at,


8 B. '.TIS L J. Drrui. H. a, f IMS..Medico. SMaaaxer a X. GRANT, S . j.

B. THilRKTON. RaqAUttaladftp 8 P. SAKCBBAII B.And at a mee-lin- of tne new Dirro tt ot :'

be lltk intt., the Knowing odkeer were looeac, aar -l

JAMBS B TBORKTOR.;eo r grant, nee i

- IS Mr ADA ROrFlCB No S Maoaaoa elra- -t carter Irrai:



5g iug ar.H &eur4oTHEODORE I RANEE,

DYEING ESTJtHl.lSHMfcNT,EAat Side Shelby Street,

POUB D. OB SOUTH OF ! SUN STARBT,FoTaarrlp Fprrmaa af rtwinnn-'- i far Mr Teaadae i

Artr 1 art Par lUutt NS Ladlea' a ,d timtaemea a olotbea of Silk andrl.E Crape aad Caafcmere, Saawia of ewetj

and Salaaaa - Real ta new, an-- ! belter tkan aayDicing Rata in l e nooib. Iry--e .eery ktad oftnffa, acuitdmi: to patt.m-- . and flni.I.e. th o equal to

ww. Bcmaeeea apota mr etaia troa ot Oram IBtry wae. wnkal inlsrtng taa co or or mot. Be Hatteana gid r Smtbea Cnttalae. in Silk and oronlee Tailea Para- aad laiiaa. ry B

French Dye-Hous- e & ScouringESTARLISHMEVT.

JIRS. L,KlltPFii A TING retnrr.-- ftvm Rnrop- -. woi inform the

cilttaaeaf Mempble, that tke la again r par-- xl loSilkt. M rim. and a.el u to any tna;e aeair--.

a i alt. Repair. 8c nr antl Dye Sautb aien't --

Snow. a, Booker. Pareeol.. Rtl.nana aadd Or ataof eeert d tcriptt a drt-- ta toe

the thojteat notice, and on reaeoaoLl-Ma- S

L KCMPF.faer-- n w at 1. 1 tmn, R a OtA Male

gttifttitj Sfforations.H0rE, SIGN, '.M ORMMEXTAL


ejlARKSthit method of infenatngthect-.menio- f Mem

l pbtataat be baa prrmanenily oateO himaelf hereio ca-r- y or. tbe ab Te b u. iat a, and aaeotee tkoae ttaxay faror bim wllk tbetr paironage that all work er,'rutted to htmwtn bare kit tinrt PERSONAL ATTENnOk in the tciacttoa aad preaarailoa of the mate-ria- laa veT at tke faitkfnl egtcatton af tka wo k Ko exer-tion be parr-: on kit part to glee andperro-- ib wo. k thoroughly, and ai the aaaie time t

Mi jcg -- xpert o-- w.rrenia btm In ratmr that bit--o-. t --eci t ani; be comprled with to tke rslire aatttfactio:

f tboee who mat patronlxe They mat -- lto .i tr,tt aay cnoert.ken byhiD wilibe prompt

For naliflcationa, he bg. lea ealo refer tbCopt C. B Cbnrck Capt. T. Krwe'l. Mr

W Capt. J Goalee Capt. A'geo, Mr. G Pnllleraop k t aVweexra g sto,- - cdnit

ARCHITECTTJRE.anderatgaed retpeetfi. ir aneoncot-- r theTBR f Men phi. and ur-- aadirg count y, that be

it to p:o-- . t t iflcatt r. of building..f eeery decern Uon. e.timae the coaji tnd .apertntee.d

t tot, of on characrer of baUdtng, draw coitracitbeptrttao. h. kr

He will alec ..tend to tbe n, arentenl of brick-wor-

I plee'ertag, excartttoa. or emba .kment. Be., to tbeI p earing and of oartrjing of lute

: rone Ci


MANUPAUTOBY.rKT.t.T would Wwtfi'CTfatlly i form hi Mitjcs tvltb ptiMtc rnr'lT. th b TBaDDftvi:' orrti U.ijitotaOd. a fl SB lafpT- - i of

U I IB, ill b h Will ' ! at tb' v can bRDd wrractJ tg ! ivws' "atisfsc- -

fon. Gir hlLU a ca 1, as u cas rt th-- frmi aard(rh at D --CRLLT'R,

TfA-l- r- Vft ft ' t - " 3'W a ftinnia Ti ii



ttZt, (



f WILLaUend at Cnaon Depot m WooI 7th. aad at Sr. en B tn on Tne-- .

R r.iag S n oa Buadar u- - 14th. ot


m tate trouble


AT fr. fb. mu mmea ra ar a -- ; hi



,' tint.

r- - a - X vili t.:ve tbe at wna df t im is m. T ctsntart. a latl a f c

KICRARD H9t rhl ft


Y.f r


wcompare fator- -


Carriage Bfi3Mtonrs.

t arri?jre Fmctrj."tHB bnlereigned have Factory i. otreel, b twe-- n Waebinmou Adauia"teta, wi they pteparev. Man a actor, k- - --

ir Carriage, at the . a noraca. work doaa brm be (Baracti.d, aad . abort af pairaai

onl It L B a OO


M. WIELL fc mat tb o!l m UeHat mt fet

M- -

asvd Hme4, awra r. b ronac: aarr rtrne-n-t of Carrire

disc., of tbtarroWTi BSABfewCtnT-- . Tby-.-t

ii of rTATYi!of U. aR Ita for iat faron.'.sjvd ir toyHae cblrg to bmj to rxmrn ttHr

pnrrbaSoOB, eisewhert. avpl'T-J-"A.W00DRUFP,

CARRIAGE R EPOMI rO.R V,Noa. 3 Hxchange Bnildinga,


to s"T , i w

lodiaTTST p--r B Ia

,1 1X1



mr rt'B. W.







ere areAI


ayerr Sr.




nom- -


-- Vtti? Restaurant








m. aacRAircR m' stairMcNAMEE & CO..

Gat t& Strntu Pipe Fitters,Brtwiea ShcPoy and M.-;-a alreeta,

Oa Scttl t'rfrt. op"on DarsI, jiit'O Co.'ttH

'htT pre pr-p- to do ary la theirith ounct .a'lty and dl.patcb.

qr for tb ajb of oraal"e alar tBancfB-a- r fl

Steam G aaget aai W

hf ttrlet attAto lor. to



Bsar:mtat tl


tba ntlt--r.t0









par-two, ate SaJ


eawt dia Bat

- - ..-

o6 Crjt,aot t manner.

bb to merit a hars of pti' ic t ubi

OM HCSnTJ r; but roa wtjje tr- -,


TBON. JH4RRIRHAS remoeed hia "tock of WATCaLES, JBMELRT,

SOU'S. Be Be. to

277 MAIN STREET,tb ntore aceayl--- by C. Blair, Ron.

octiT-i- m


SHADES, sc.I oEwHal,

. - itt "ATI

wttk ret erralk al-- traskihe Nortb. h.vtaken la w.




aer-- o"


Cbaaual'.-- n



Melodeon", FurnitTire,CARPETS, CURTAINS,


wtjeremuch r.l'.a




leetlue .epe-b- w to',rtow Flaae Woven C.t-pet- -

Cwrial-- Sewed. 8h--- he wl am bowI.Ibr asd aSbriog who rati favor eat

patron My st with to rarsiab ood sr-tl-ra .peVv.hit ertlge-- i PnWayw WINKLER, wb

waa all far taslrf rer.t i

Jndo- -






work IcTf

i aned a new



it for ac--'







.., i,ci- - - u ,tt t




g at ef re. ech I re

o to a 1 withtheir ga a f

at wkI C F i0

at ta rdern aa it


ga woi- - oath-- wb f.vwr ae trl h snail.Ai. kiadi f Manr-a- ta suao to or ter.

B B.aasaateasi






Capital Priie 860,000.follvtM Sckeme will be dra--n r

THK Acdrm, lt-fr-. Manacen o e Jort S.irr.

la eacb of tbr LotUrW. nr 5IjLtA DtJCoT A, ., la arhUb cltf loaf naea potaoad tba.rpnnrlpal oflca.

CtiABS eiTo be drawn In tke Cttjr of Aasaata, kVeare la, U pablK,

' oa SATCKDAT, Koeataeer 7. IS61.

OLiA8 OB.To be drawn In tke dtr of Aaata. iWrfU, ta pabtic. on

SATTJKDAT, KoTemker 14. IStT.

oa,To be drawn la tne cut of AagnelA. leaerf la, In

SATJBDAT, Noeembet 11.

To ba draws la taa city at Aaiatu. Oaortla, la pabllc, oa

s T. Kr AT, Heeerabrr , 1BS7, aa tka ptaa of

Single .umbers!0.480 rriioaa : 2

Nearly One Priie to Every NineTickets.

il 1 1. M II I I, M SCHEME,TO tl DRAWS


I m.


a ..

6 lit.


S.SotI 000





Prlie- - of Aprox'tlng to too Prtxeara 1

iM1261(e)W603) ..

, ' wO nrtwafeva s nnllii r tan







S' SS0

whole 810; HaiTes, ss oo; andPLAN Or THE LOTTERY.

The N nmbrre from to 60 COS. correapaading with theaeHamnert os tbr Ttckeu printed oo teparate aitpa of pa-

per, an encircled with email Un lobe, aad placed in ace

Tt- - Brrt fl Prtxea. Uniiarly prlatal andpiod m wbeet.

Tt.. whoel. are tb-- n reTolted. and aaaaber




from toe whorl of aambera, and at the tame uue a Prior1. drawn from tne olhor whe-- l. The amber and Pnae

.reopened and exbiblicd to the audience, andreantt red by the Ciaakdurn tbe Pi lie being placedagainat the Number drawn Thla operation repeatedautil all ibe rites ar drawn oat

ArpkuxlXATlON PkllEt Tbe two preceding and thetwo tncrjee-Hnf- f Numbert to tkoae drawing tbe flratP'ir- will be entitled la the SS Approximation Ptaat.Forrxatnp;. it Ticket No MSSOdrawaih SaOtOOFrue.

llMI 1IMS. 11251. 11S62, willacb neentltl.d to $600 It Ticket Ko. 660 draw, the

IfSOoOPrtxa, UveeeTKkeit amtered 648. 641, SM.SM,will be eatltiod to SJ0P, and ao aa acooidiUI la tbeoLoei acbama.

ty-- T! 5.000 Prraet of BBJ wRl ba 1ST ulned by tbekoMaRare of the anntb-- r that drawa tke 800.000 Prixe.For -- xomper. if tbe Nan-her- o drawing 800,000 Print tudai',b Ko then all tne Tickett where tbe number anda

in til, be entitled to tap. it taa Kamber auda withMo ben all tke Tickett where the number enda in 1

will be entitled to 80. and ao oa to 0

OartlBcatee of Pockaaaa will he aoM at tka followingrate, which a tka riotOertiSeate ot Package of 10 Whole Ticket. $m 00

10 Half 00 000 Quarter SO 00

18 Biahtk 10 00

Ipoatraddrfa for lb Ticket. recalptof which Whips,they win forwarded by Bret mail. Purchaeera canhate Ticket, ending ta Qgcr- - :ht-- mat deatgnata.

Tke iiti of drawn number, and priaea will be fotward-a- d

to purchaarrs maedialt .5 after the drawingPurcbaaera will plena, write taakr aoga aaret pitta, and

1te their Pott OfSce. County aad Stale(3 Remembt-- r that every Prise it draws and

in MB wilboul iducta.t-- an ai.aakaad aaaar.




an- tt- - drawing other Prmea at tbe no aal Uakt ofh i bawa.




trr All communltlorj ttrictly coaSdentla!iaiOl for Tick-- t. or C-- rtllcatesof










. 'i




S. SWAN a CO.. Atlanta. Sa.r--o- Monuotwery. Ala , ar At-la-

Ba ana baee Lb'lronler- Ailed, aad rave time,by aAdr. rot 8 bwan a Co at either at tbaea ctt fce.

A Sal of the numbert that are drawa root thewlarea. wlih the amount of tbe prise that each one la enrtitled to, will brpnblub- -i tlur eeery drawing mthefollowing paper. : New Orleac- - Delia. Mobue -i

Staodard. Kaabeillt Goaette Atl.Bta IatKew Trk W.etly Day Rot. Sataanak Mamint

Move, Blchnaad Dlapath, Kew Tork D itpatch, andPaulding?-"- ) Ctaeion. .rM

Tke .reaet iBvtntioa ol tne igelPERFECT PK'I'EclIHK PROM THB ELEMENTS


FOB ROOF I 5 G.iol -- cxlt-er now prpard to oott roofs otTBI with s Dr mad beu-- r srtic;r thsa tt:

tVfore knowo The pnbic sr sfu taVivt oar GoTern-mn- ttO'i-Ua- c pxprrinfitiac. .nd tbst 1!

bAU be, tn stady of Aicluirci and Bulgers tor poaroto dip'tood tn m1

out to trrA- - --rt. aoihlit'toAS the Vttytns ot metAVi re

tb j brr mm a

f - 7rif-J el. d OH tieS l

roo'e or ( -- r


7 000




-" .,""














a A.

Ma-- ireet.alLer, an, be Of oaro

permanent w.- - i g d afhafh aTrX toaeiber with a aarge


xpanatoo R SABA o ar-- ,. irnfound BttaatI la, lime

01. are ao great In cbangrabircinnalearing rrpolrad great ex

bMag at ore aot flre prow, aad caaaat beofo the rarioat CoI be - broarkt One fr rooStg, do nota f the weathe-- , but they run wbea il aeg wbea froaty. and af er aae or two yar.It, .ad wortfcleoo; bercat, tka loren' oc hat lab.- d tw. nty peart to oom- -,.tr; Jifflcuitita- an 1 teouf

rience. or.c numrru.wbt- bad b e


! a

- that tb Cement ib the


known The c mblnttooa atnal it I. calculated for entire newcovering oTor old tbiuglet witboclag tate traaRha. aeeming aroundeys nd ary llgbit Covering caAte Thla Cement by na

preteato motel roof, from r itting, aad realtta the exuem o of beatt my thing gfur lnrcr ltd for entlr-- t

metal and tha oat --a rue of woodem It. apptaraace it

rich palace rth humbercotug'routaea having --ee. r--d t be right to the Stat

f Tenner. e win .ell righto of Territor, , by Counttaaoitaewua, reatcriable terma.

Tbe oakacriher a alto pared to cover roof, af bnirdra aay part eg the Slate, at ehert notice.

Thb rof io bow betr.r pat on In i hie city, for the beae-d- tor all oanoerned. aad warranted to excel all other

node, or The .utseriber In tb-- r

tt eg Mrtapbw year, aad kaa bad kit mode of roofIBB teasel ao to it- - q aal I tie., which baa proved eetiefar.,rv which a a umber ut the moot prominent c; Linen,

can teotlfy.See of the folmwuig boot

aaad It, boatt. flor furtb-- r tnf en.ttlun enqntre at the eg

aaatpooa ater be .eon io J L Morgan. A


rating hating rented

Roane. Ko 8 Block. Taun , or adrest, ax 220 P O

W SrrBD'VNT a CO . - W S. Bennett

Attached It a ante freto eoha L. Morgan, kaq ,loct. ky which mat be area tha opinion at Br. Bamako

-i ire n-- rt ai writer Arebiith thla uf rootling

without a la aatiafac'ory to, Batch 12. IPaT.

Mr. W. S lumn : Wbea ta Phi edripkla Pa , tfew oat. ago. I cl. d spaa M r Sam I Btooa the celehrated An bitect. aad author cf the Stoma oa Archo --dare I aated hit apiaaan aa to the dumb! ity ao , otWeot'o Patent Bo-a- ancb yea ata aatag ra the city ottvmph... and be told nee that he bad un heattation la tatIng to me that it it a good and durable roof, tnd to g.that it. adeocateo claim it to he ; farther taring that a

aung 11 on a Sot bclidlug for hlataelfaVropectfu'iy. JonK L MOBQAM, Architect.

MlMfHII. March 2, 1887W S Bbrrett. Ki . Dear Ntr; Tha fee wtthn

oar tnows-da- c of the darabittty. ate , at Weat'a SaitaniCecicat. ar theae : The bunding you entered tr ao la.Vprorg, we am happy la etaie hot aa.wercd oar expect,tioco. We caa t reertnmeud It to tke public foall rood or pgrpuaaai aa a llgrbt, cheap. See aad wale,proof rraof It doe aot pet MMt arid run from tb. efp-ci--f

the beat of the .n ; nor d ea tt harden aad creelfree, tbe i Bbrti of tbr ood. Any wiabiag to BBPRmore at t hit articit, caa call at our

K S. SBCOB a CO..Carriage Manuracurrw, Monroe St., Mempkta. Tmn .

v untti Tew , Dec. 8. SSS.To Wtaow it mat CoaczRu: Tha la to certify tba--

S Bennett, cowered two roof o for ate taat Spring, will:..d W . p.:-- rt b.leanic I'rm ot

mlroi.f which arrgiti ,g perfrri .attnfaetiaa. H. .Ino

--ed a dormant wtudaw. which leaked Sadly, and baaoatB-- lie -- kill carpeatera to prereat 1U be aaacrodrO In mak'W perlectlt light. Idomo-- t

heerrally reeaanat' no ka aval' af routing to the publicbay all rnetlag purpoee., tnd It to ba perataaantOxtureacal a S re and water D COCK RE LL.

Proprietor Commercial Hotel.ScrEtR'DT'a OmcE, MLraia a Ohio BBJSirgi Tiara., Fw IS. 1967. (

Mr BtarrtCTT Dear Sv: Our Company bating i

iroabled eery much a lib leaky cart, pat auto, ofPatent PaiHt upon them, aad aa far aa my knowledge ex'eada I can cheerraltF roaanxoaaaad It ta any wba wkak atry root af aay tort. Tour. Ajc ,

H COFFIN. Superintendent.McatPHia, Trwp , Jon. 14, 1867.

To the PUBLIC : S Bennett mod appllceiioa ta- - laa- ruauaer to oooer our bmldtoaa with Weot'o

it being a new thing thoaght we wont-Ti- t;

bad it applied to oar Brack am r b Shop and ingit.altacb. the Fowadry. They bate peotd al

tnire at a wot. r proof root, batiag witbavnd Mamatte greataat atorma, and are gjeing good eatiafactlouRe can aaly add, trr It any you wir ba iattaSad.

CrRTIS a KN.PP, Iron Pouadero.McBPHlg. Jon. 14. 1887.

air. Bowawtt has dona aaaar ana oil mi aal at tweSmtor me m ha peculiar way. with Cotton otna) coated w.tIt is .

lae o


d upon



in boot, of which appear, to he Coal Tar


tnd appear, to promIbe pea- wy. wen a ownexrauot ta-- cloth n

teatacta it frc-- tb- - li nuance of in-- air -- nd i.r Tb.waRMttbe





'aaa SaatBot loouify and run Irom the erfecte a01 ine ran tunon-- r i nor dear it kaaRaRS

1. il. col-- l of wmtor.P a RRRILT


Importait ta Dealers ii Matebes.r..- - up:---.- . : w at. ...m the put.-,- i0,t tr,jhit- - at al' ttawe In ttor at

118 UNION STRT-E- BOSTON,A large Block of

Wood, Box, Block At Card aTatchca.CPBBIOB to then of tay .ther gaaasftcture, anCt at lach prior aa win atut tka elinet pseeba.-- rt

Beiar tb cide t, moot ud Mtentlvtntnifaelu.ert la tb- - Tn teel ptate we are enabied logVr evtra lnShcenoentt io parch' 1 .

Order, r.itkfat and fatn'-all-y aarwered. Match,woirant'd aa r e nted

BTAB, PEABSOM, CABLTOK B CO.aur.'2-- 1 a 3m

CJKYENTT-FIV- E barr I choice Mo'. v in. for .ate low .y




PI nrrRvrvw I B ER.


Tb o44 rarter af tm OommmttUi Boiel,MaKKt 'fait 'tl lo iR'niM tn fat rVtHla tript tw, that be ha ai fa la 014 Usd. aodwt..trr arfbat7 to lit from tfa riper, to tb OmiT iot ; .ir any IVf r'aoe, at r revtoa. ne ta

RACK' tm tfa at porraoot wfagasafa fae wllin fat prla-- at 1 1 jm tatea m aura.y el.-- .

I f rj rriifsfal "l "H 1?



Ta oar Friends and Pairoas.SG to tr k'rtageat eioti y ma-k- et . and ao tri -

I er within ibe tt ninety dm. we ma. t'I our Pry CoM for caeb ren'y. --Oart'i-nda av. hither' o dean with na on i

reditfwt hop est think at to ut tta rrednajajBSH

hwaT ion. i it'toa tt tbe fleet law of ant are Weell far oa k esclctteeiy irom thli ', sad i gTea'.h

pel e. POPS a BBOq .

tl Id 288 Bain f.raet. Mrmphli. Tub., nerve eenrer

epwo Handre-- l and V fly tbla. D'aado . do. For




ale iow to tbe tet byHANCOCK, CLARK CO.

T"VVR Bend red p4c atoreTing an arradae lC Ka) n tlt oad 'uilf oolia BaaUrOBoB Bop

For tale low hvKCOCE

p P- -T ck. Clear Bid Bara jA I'm re in H I gg ;




SO iteroet nu,,., ,b,u mi'b, GuthrieF.r by


TD Haridred baft Bps Coa' 'OS

For by


ft.Th .re of




a Oa.'sale



For - ate bySCOCK. CLARK B CO.

OBTWHtraeieeei and Fifty Iti No. I Leaf Lard-- i S'a. Candle.


a .e





CGARJ, IMntpa fro-- a Jt .

doer Berth



pnj 3ooi5 ,j ousts. lalr6ts, jctotlrp, Jcr.


DRY 600D6At Oraatly Prices

FOR CASH!$13,000 Worth

Still on Hand.


Ladies' White Goods,Black and Fncy Silks


Embrotdrrcd Sett4, Bs, Collars, Ac.

Kid and Silk, eiores.

Men's and Youths'- Clotxaing,too



BOOTS .V SHOES,800soo satinetts,

a-- e


Tweeds, and Jeans.

FINE CLOTHS,Ticket. jjoeskiiis Uassimeres



SHIRTS & DRAWERS,silk aid Uses l amoric Htnukerckiefr,










Saddles, Haisess. Bags, Bridles,b--




' eSaCao waV'--: a'

Terms Cash, or City Acceptance,


a. w. jtokkiua.

Near the

Morriss, Wsrd tt Sannoner.





E witjld Te'y rnKtu'lT to tL pvinAUrr ot DET GOiiDA f aerml j tbAt trwvriow rc--

cetTiin our new t cav r AND WINTER fiOOD.We are prepared to offer PLANTERS treat tndacrmenta.

aaaortrtvot at .BLANKETS, KERSEYS. OS N A B U RGS

snd BROGANS,Oomprieee all tne tartetko. that aradeelrableaae durable.

In the Fancy Department,Will be faond all tb narelt'ao of the aeaaca.

Tbe .t eniion of the Ladlea to an examination af oura aoriment of SILKS. ERSROIDkRIBS. ate., it reaper














invite the alieniloa ot tha people of km .adWE to oar la ge to--k of FAIX ANDGOODS which OM are otvr ng at prtr wo think,

that cauaol fail to be npo 'Oiat-- oeptl-da2-


i-- x ra a 1 ar



ITS tbe apectal attenUca of purchaeera to theirI very large gtoc


We have aa i gaat as-g- . injaat of


for nrs ascelebrated rAbBoyra

tr pftemr SITES, varying rrowi 81 to 8188ISO LACE SKITS, al! stylet and quailtiee.








ova gToCR or


i.euts One Clolblng. tic.,! mare complete tHan we bare erer terror ihown.

bara a Itrge lot of

am hUncyKratucky Twirl" and Blk'a celebrated t,

ae. CAKDKE, BIZ BBeoS-eti-







Hare rr"ceiTel a !ar4Tr 3 tract cf




h ry and Gotu,itowieg Tts:-- Strine-- l ani Pioi lrt

- -

-. , r.., pi ain ant fiatd, a quanta;Go'd acfal Twcdt, J out, Sal.n 'ta and Cat icv-re-

Bd Bl.uketi o i ie 4 It 4 lt-- 4 and IS 4;Negro Bianketa both wh cior--d.

Bine, lira n and Brows Mackinaw BtankeU ;Pianae.a, both plal an,! twtlwtl t--a .rte-- c 'oeaShaker Op we. and pr'ateal F taaelt oe.,rtd colonCotton Te eeu, Ct hn-- . Pncto. Irish L o tu. Jaco-

net. Bwl-- MurUnt, u eol TJeLavtoea,Mer aore A Ipaocsa.

Totttkrt tci'k ail Stack cfDRESS GOOD'..



have aiao received, ccmiieu aiack-o-fBtwts, Shoes, Hats, Caps aid Ssdalery.

bUo Invite atlaotlcn to car la ye atack ef

CLOTHINGRonnfactutadeyp-til- t for thla market, liar fact'or b mug and ,ng LOW, ar not nrpot btoy bonnet in th- - in any arkt we larlto tbeattwutlonof Merebtem ta oar rock, and satthem to examine our Geala sad prtr a, belie. ma it wtllhe for thetr latere. t io make their of Ba.

COS-,I- niLL a TtLM ADvB210 ane Main-- , corner of too.



aad Odal R '

, and Cio kof til the o n. t'y oa

f r ands

Bn hG

Dom'-aiK- t

Styles for the Season.Bsada

Bt) Idler g

nataRii, Cinhmeree. faaey. oolon.Proch CblntaRt-nl- Dreoa-- ..

Cloak., Lodl- aridShtwt.Fan Lavtlot ttaoeLac Hunltos, Sirapear, Ttlencle-Bae- e and


Lamh'i Woni, Merino sad Oottoa, afiud a mer . an manufoetne, Irish si. rat aball sad

La'l'i' far Sho-- o

Cltth. and C BailmentKen- l, ky Twitit nd I la atBlonkeu and Bea'y-Mad- e ClotbtntHill, I apt, Brretnt S e t. anA II which can a lew foe catb

POPE A BROS.,eefl-l- m BBS Main atreet, Memphis, Tens.

ATTEJtTIO!. DOCTORrrioB o'd rabul pht.ictni, tb Bo imcX P'hic, thr Hyd opalhlc asd 'h, Rctortic

en and all beti of tbe art, la IBS afMenrpbio an reepeetmrtt reqw ntod to a'aevarbte tn theBiebatige beH4-- e ef Meat bm one grnorai THCReDAT. tt 18 oSrto-- k, a at, 9thfor the prerronet of tnkias into rlo.t ran eoevariea ttee "pal . tr cat .nd Su'te. of at, ft, and

is tb pr. ev intra aa e--i io the c .of tl.'i' New prCortr-- ar 4 IKv wee a have

inrover-- 1 etllrt tltrer innd 1 en. ttr. beat' 'ooerd ratsfor other, lo he earn- -

V B Caeaiato an thitav-- day.






- -











t rrlcr- lo i.-- t trteerttt ttawlw

.Jaat Race! d

FIPTT rf B H P0TTRS Bats aoaet. rxV T..ird dtesr scrth of w..robin.


rial Itotos.



W holesale and Retail.ATM aaw la my anew, aad am caaataatry reciting

IH from Hew Tor, taa lariat and meat aetact.lock of V A I r A Si B i RVBLRT eear ooTertd aa taa cityof Mempble. conoltting aHEAVY GOLD, & PLATED WATCBEJ,

FINE COLD JEWELRY,roeapriataf all (a eaaar it. UUtt ityut.


LATA,and riaiei ,.vi-- o . , . ,

RRACELETS ANO EAR DROPS!Ladt-- e' Sold Ckaina, erery etrt.ty ;

Tart. Fob and Onard CkahM i

Ckaaed and Plain (l ed EUMO i

Bacl.y'iPt.m era DUaaat Pointed Gold Pent;feet.:'! "leeeo Sol lane and Stndo ;

'8 day aad BO h ar CLOCK--S

Catiore, Stleer and Piabat TTara. Pratt Saaketi, Spoont,

Knlte. and PctkaiI AccoetSeon.. Pi tinae. Potka't Catlrry

Tog Ik-- r w ib a large aal earl d aortreni or noTloaeof eery aearrtptaaa All at wni.a, iell at U pr cent leea tka it ear oth-- r konae In tka cl.y

Walonea cafef ey topatrig aad wtrrt' tad.Ail ajneaaf tio.d aad atiear work manufactured to or- -

Maaaalc Jeweia and Jewelry aa bard aad made Warder.Tti' m el 1 SSakAta,

p4 tn llavlm strret, atnaphU. Tstia.


T. J. H A R R I SST7 Maim Strebt,


purcbtter at the lime of tale, a entitled to aEACH worth from 88 twtvta to 8100.Haaey Sold aad Slim Watraeai

Bra ifni Dttm.nd Bingo ;

Bteh Sella .1 Baoatc, Coate., Baaaaelled aadJet Jewelry ;

Bear t Vaat akat Fob Chalao ;Qoalp-- POM, Sol'ono and Sttrta

lava eaad rVlngo, Bar Dtoaa, ao., Ave.

8((0 n"a Year.BAND GIFT' EMEBPRISE.Apprnittlntr tli- - ntrlt rf yrcfmln tmt .,., tbeop Of MPTDI'baa. aaftt flMBtaV llHtt OTDttthlOR ! dT to

ojy patron for rit i"reu mn4 pTosrr-rft- T, hrr r n- -'

ciudtri to drvof a larft iMttuttl Of mj proftts to 3t cts.

GIVEN AWAYaa aa extra ln acaaatwt far aO to hoy their Jewelry at

277 Main Street.Noticx Tha pabl c will readi y noon examtna- -

Uon af my a loco that I iiaaw, 'a great eot poo-- tbot ftdl- -11 to ca-- r. out, to the eery letter, my niln , aadtat atoctly op to mr odt ntaeooenl.. I am not10 adrertm Jewelry aad Gift that wa baee not aataut, aoram I f rood to bay at high and at I parcha a oHrtw goo a f CA8B. Tka akoee

art tag aba faar Ual 1 canttanily em-ptor a tarca am nat af capital, keepiag It a tin baying inlarge ota for ra-- h and . Hag rheap

CS-Sr- prod La ana epardy telea

DlSiSOU TIO.A' the lit Jane, low, the Srm ezittlng b --

V Jliweea F. H. CLaVBJI aad A 0 WTJBZACH wa. di --

1 :rel by matoal oaaaaak. F a. Clark it charged wttktbe aetuotaeat .of tha kwaahaaaa af Ut arm af F. H.Clark a Oa. F. H. CLARE


NEW FIRM.r the irl of F. B. CLARE a 00.



It aflbrda me p'aoeur. ta announce to my frtoada aadtae pabtic that I bate with ne aay formeraertaer, JAS. S. WtUUMB, an. my aaolt.tant. THOS. HILL, goadar the faauUiar atyleot t B.olabk a co.

The new Srm will ttart with an eflclent force La eachmechanical branch, tbe WatCbaapertlriou of Mr. Wilkin, .

Rio k f tn at all tlaoeo eg the at Ieatat lot at tbe tain- - quklltp oad elyie of good, can be parc-

ha-. la Phila'leiphia or New Tork.I am thankful for tk libera: patronagv itcpded to aae

taring fit Bft-e- ei tenra' rtgQfhiiiii :n Metnpkia, aad myaim wtll ue to merit lie coctin canoe.


FATABLISHED 1841.0CB aim haa beta to keep pace wife oar growing city,

rumiih I hoao who want Sonde In our line withfood article., and at faar price.. Our at tort menyear. hi. been bat Mttto tf any behind our Rue tern

, - extotult. thit ieaooc than oter. Oarleading brand- - are. Sret

M0HR1E3 w.taD StNNONER,purpoaaa. that w, net; -- jt lm Ko. 2r6 I

generali.fper.i-- I fV we barawerery eartety la. ttxtnr. a, VkAi t




IK II II 11 1, CbBIIIIIX' i1A''klcarsaa.tyle 1

and rati- - i,l JJ TT M - UVVtriJ rrrataaen trjwiil the 'Bay aadllllull aV 111 Shronoaaeler, git log the to mlnate In



























t- tnr

JEWELRY.Out oaaoriment ka tbjo haportant branch to kept fall

y frequent roeetpta af all the aaw ilytea, whether ofrr.reilS Oc3iOliC

! hi

Wt bate tuAdr thit hrajtek of onr butlnett a itody forfearo, not only potla oarte'v-- t with regard to the dif-ferent qnalltret and napTlla of the tllflercut ttylei and

but of the ktatg beat ef'.h'e to our market Ourtencrttnrnt, for naanber of ye .rv b been iarge, 1.

, we bate recently man maty aidltloat of vox owntmrorutioa We caa farsbtb :tii fHtT

I-a- J Good tbe l.adl. mm to ra $10 to tion.A'.ao, the ' ttlFLB



- -













aay aeaawaaBoafel






'rtstols,DBRRINSER aad COLT, of aa tlxaa.

artment of tha Had m BnaeraJ aa.AIM, a roll aa- -

SILVER GOODS.Tea and Coffee Seta, Fit oh an. So'leu. Cup, Carter,.

1111, Fork. Ladle, wttk geaay oboerw Fancy AltMts.all coia Ih.

SILVER PLATED (.OOIW.Unit. Cation. Cxaerretticki. Tea and CoflVe Sett. Rperj-De- i.

Cake aad Fruit Boaketa Spoon., Fork, LarSlet, Pitch-er-

Sobieu. Cap, aUaara Be. fie.

O TJ T ti 13 n. "V .A tall e .- -: at of Paoka I snd Table, front tke hart

makers, with a great estvty ol Fancy Good.OTJB MECHANICAL BRANCH.AU klada of Watch work soar in tha stoat faithful

Jewelry pall ail, and new made lo order. and oomental j Sooii for L.elg a, Ooarat, ae.,

n aay atvp , hteacel Pkxhoa af all ilaiinia-dwt-y F. B. CeLABat A OO.

I JL W JaEb.ii-- v


V JKWBLBT Brtr gtrVeSII.VKRWARR Cois Sue.SILVRB PLATED 0O-1- Brt quality.

8 Tn Ialt every eonentoa of oighL. - t mikori.


Making by far the heat aartment tTr aPhred is r. H CLARK a CO ,

mxrSS Ko I Clark't MarMe Block.


ACCCBATSLT adj aated ta th. eye, ne a. U oalt tbevtoans. wit beea t rjetauloaing that mre

' weak- - eM or fttagao to the organ geoerailf o mplune'of by wearer of common giaaa bat taaMlnf 'be weartr ;-- f thU Improved Spectocir to portue the moot axinnu j

rataovm-nt itber by asp or candle light, with eaae aadtaiurerttoa, by ' i

CHBN. MTJXLEB, Optlotan,nr the firm or


Wsalsiale nat Retail Biam m, Watchers. Jewelry.A

IMPROVED oPECTA t LES,Ar idtna mt., gf. ixia and FVonf Mom,

OPPOSPPBl B. aTTSTTTjlMiVS OPTIC R. MEMPHISPARnCCt,AJt attention peM to the repairingAO

A uf byCjjaL ra inednot to


an esse i l.r.ced wcrxrean. Ireii.rhr . tceil,-- l ;. . , r, - - ,r'

p'aip lu thit branch of the buaib, ft. tt havngag-d a e, Wa'chmtk- -r ml can flatter onr

aelre la aaying that then tt bo Honor. Rait er West,that caa buaat at s batter Clock, carefully repaired andwarraatod Jewelry ane Spectacle. f every deecriptionmode to order. Old Jewelry neatly repaired, arid Specta-cle Glume, married la old frame to lull every tight

F. 8. The aunietoai ooaiplilt ta of who batbeen lo poo d npan by tadlvkiuali peddli f thrnagb Ibecouatry an Inferior aiie af opectaciet, repreaeatlrfth-- m to the irapt n gia.nei, ren.ler it aeonaary

we naaaasi castkrn the public agalntt torh TendTt,lLrolect Itha tapul.tnnn of our lliiwt. AU tpi cl a ie.

Uaep. i a ": outer of the rui.w CniLS rlAN MTLLER fc KBO.

THE SPHEKEOTYPE.'I 'a ' tnd by far u e al important1. meat in Photography n t h. recently patented e

known aa tbt BPBRBSOTTPB, which a aot onlyqw and any at tta piidiuioii. bat greatly tuPrior te aB. Tbt BiiBtsimni a proof tslnt time.air iud watts, and far richara of tone, warmth cfxereiiion tnd dirLtoattitai hot t o aqusl is fast the Uon,., io trjca that tbe pict'iee. or imjaTe. aeetct isgpiff

--t In air, entirely (a dipt id rut of th- - beck groundFor thu piaur we have the rxclrtalre rltht for

.u,- - ore o.'o i aar tu me ttrtoti ttyie ny out Artiti,FBOP. REMINOTOW.

tint rnaaalat with tbe Aetf.L which MIrdce him at aO limit to prod oar tapevtor


Wo i fliaeh'n Bar! '. B -- k




Rob't. H. Ball,14 vrAraorr-rit- ., Cincinnati, O.


NO IS STCABOBBmarlt-l- y


I0 REWARDPORtdtrtWy noBSB, blind iaeay fa




pmai Hofires.

jariltoau ant) (Etttltrj. glgrirttitttral mplfmcnts.






HAWKS, SMITH St CO.,LMPoaraas and draxibs im


Noa. 804 and 800 Main-s- t.

ALSO AOBRTS PCB" Berriafg " Patent Salamander pares !

HAY1KG aaw rioaliod taa greater partloa of eartbe SIRING TRADE, ky recent arrttait

from Europe aad tke Baotrra Cttlea, wa are prepared tooffer greater aaaweoatenu to Ike M- rchanta, PUnura andMechauicaof the Soatkwaet taaa hate hltnorto beea of-

fered tn tktt market, far proof of which wa reapectpallyoo lcit the mtprctioo of our .lock and prioaa. Io rktw atthla. we hare placed aaroettea a a paartloa tocaVrtaekltidnoemenu to I boa- - who may Metnph t for the a

or making thetr porchaa-1- aa win deter them from. eking another mart, I to far at leatt aa oar bnnaeoola enemrncd To fnliy cur-- y oot thla obiect we kate madeinmaimt arraar aa--a . with the beat manufacturer! mBnglanJ and in tha roejntry, ta he regat.rly .appliedwttk a fall .lock of Good, to oa, Use, aad win farniahtkoae wba may rotor aa with tketr erdrrt, with good, ataa lew dmr-- a t any bowaata taa ceantry. Sooth or WoatOar .lock crraprl tea-- Far

the l ounlrr Trade.BotVad and Charcoal Irou Oaatlnga,Bulia. Fhlladalpha aad gfaaattat Malia,Buat'taad Calllna' Axaa aad Ratcawu,Lag. Trace. Stay and Stretch Ckaina.Bright and half bright catuneaH Hoao,

Ba akta Oollaro, kora aad aako,Oot lea, wool aad Jim Crow tarda.

Flow Line., B- -d Cordt, ( atnaa Ltaaa, he.,LmltTtlle. Ciaclnnati trxl New Tork Slftara,Mora Scot la aad Be led Grtaeaataeoa,

n'tTable and Pocket Cutlery, all pat lt LA-- . not Hinge., 3LC..

Well Wbatla and Well BearbetaTearther with eeery aiude ewjtad to the at thecountry I ..

Agricultural DepartmentWa kate made tbe beat tMerl luoio front the moot acntouAnufacturert of rtery article aaoaaaary for the plantingcoeamuiiliy, Inriodtng

OottoB Cane tnd Srun Tfaaa.Cane Knlrea, aad Briar Hooka,Flow aad Wagon Ccalna,Fan BLlt.Corn Miiia Cora SheCort,Corn and Cb ra, Straw Cutt-r- a.Bay and Manure Porta, Raxee, tto ,(train cradtoo, and s. ythea.Patent and rnnrnon Chumt.Hamea. Oollaro. Siuretr-o- a, he.,Pruning Seen and Ctloe!.,S.rdti Implement, of '! kin do.Boll a Sp-a-r't wroagkt aad caat Plowe,Allen'. Cotton Flew- - and Script ro,

Toewth- -r with . fu'l -- to. k of 'he eeiehrateo) Avery aadLI I SUE0Ion a Co Plowa, which hare tar aaweral year,paat gleen tuck unleeraal oatlofaciioa Wa are rally pre-pared to keep olwaye oh band a larg ttoek of theaeProw, together with tbe extra Potato tnd Cutting,, to oato be able to aupply our plan trr. with them at aa lime.,

la the oekctton of oar at act of Sanaa In thaMechanical Department

W. hare paid BMSR partecuiar aliottoa to ibe inter.toof our mechauuca Wa bare iilllli l Hah Okaaan oa ambeat tailed to thit market, aad caa tafely guaranty aauo- -

Oar ttoek to that 8i Ham a fall aadin

Rnlldinc Materials'teeerbrat-- diagee,PS Axle Pul ind fihutter Fai

Fean White .nd Mioeroi Kn- -h L.ka and Latchaa,Cloei mm Btctro-Plate- dCottage, Rural and Mortaa or! otFront aad a tor. Sear meuiau-.-

g Lo. Ii aad Furuitur.door aad Sate Hingea aad Latchaa,

Bultt and H,.k., kradt Screw., Be.Tha goptibaiin in our Looiooaa a at Oar

guaertiotoi. of one of tbe partner, who baa foryean, In thit city, glten B hit careful attmtton, and be- -llenng that thu branch of oar buttneta req.iret moretfcaaordtaar, care, both ta the 0 eerier, of the good,and to ailing oraen, ha a aaiimiaid to aae bit beat en-deavors to .uch goad, aa aball reke all our

ad win hold erery Lai tic ment to aaerlt their

WewouM rail panic to our ttoek ot Tooll,ikr clAUty at all which we caa roily guaranty aouiprla-- -t

Carpenttr's ToolsUnion Factory planet. Rule, a..Spear a Jakeon', Hand and Pannell Saw I,Butcher', caat ttets Chiaela wet) File,Barl mr a Co. "t Fllea.Wetberby't Chi-e- it ant Draw Knit,Cam 'a celebrated " "Spirit Level 1 Bnlea andSuaav.Aogwc Auger Blttl, Serewejrlreea, he.

Rlachsmith's Tools.Feck't LonltTlllrKewcomk'n Hew Tork Beilawo,Bdtd Bug and Tic,Armitagr'i Mouwhole Anvtla,Cceley't warranted Aaeti, ,

Hann and Sled nammeta,Blackratth Tongoee.Farrier.. BiBOiii, Catre and Placet.

Tinners' Materials.Beat Charcoal Tta Plate 1 C,

" "It," Leaded Ra.Bai. Plate 1 0,Bar Tin, .Spell re, la..Iron Brata and Cotpeatoll Copper, SceWerlnrlront, Be..Raned and Braaiera 8 caret Otrppar,toilet aad Charcci Sheet Iron.Rna. luiitatnon, knot, and Ooivernboed Tr,Bar Lead. Rite'. Copper Tackt, he

We would aiao call the altentlo of Rail read aad LevaContractor, to our atock of Rarrow,, Am1! Shovel, tadBoring Macblnet Mattcnrka. Fie, be

Having a thoroagb knowledge of our buolneo. in all it,brtn-he- t, we re determined to glee It our en tiro oiten-tto- n.

ant ohall attend nerMoaiiy t, ;1 tb. order., aad tothe tranMctioo of our hutlnt. In eeery partlcniar. aadby ae d.Uig Batter oart. it- - tt wt can get ..tla.-ae-tto-

HAWKS. SMITH a CO.,febl MM and 888 Matn-- nt


FASCY O4tVk0:iT)aaao



iHr.: r ba a lint- mannfa- - aawsfaS

iorj m ra- - , a 1 iiB1 in - w Tors.

rbt h ore ,ff. red i



thouaand e.mat' f-- manufacturing fb


.-- aa'noatt. their Wore atomsHEKeER-o- SMTTH

Reoadwat T-- rR



CLARK gfc AVERY,St. Imim. Me.


HATING taken tke A genet for th aal of the aboveSaw Mlllt. I am prepared to 811 all oedem

f,r MilU. with wlthoat power to drtr laest oatke thortrtt notice

Pertone wuhn-- g to purcknoe Mlllt, and alio deelroqa thatthey ahaald be tei up aal put into oporiUoo, caa be

We i - to prte own work, all tn ask ofperaona wishing to parchae Mlllt it tn exattlo oarwork buying etoewker, aa we think they wtll free

the preference trier inch examination. We arelaSed our Mill, will w more lumber, and In bettor ttylela the tame number af bo-- rt than any other Saw Mi:

wliMcr to purcaaa Mm wifl peaaaame at Hera phi. Teaa S. McLKAK.

. RcLE AM ,

BOILER MAKER,Black Smith and Sheet Iron Worker,

Corner Front Mtm taat tacAeaf er-- f .,

ME'irHIS TE a ,


B. I nnd r

Ib wn ei

for tbe laJ una in willI n B Co.

Jolt 1

rjf Rgt- - b



! tore

,ty of







for newwork nWu- - of awery


war. N--





bLmneya, Brtcb-- n. Fire Beda, Rcir- -Pipe. Conerennera Fo MeUlle aadSleaai-bo- at

Work general. Alan. Bank Sarea, Fireproof Shntt,Saawa' tei i, cteternt. Be

M BearJerl It the iborteet notice,t'een.,'






.Vot ice.atrocit-.e- alt n rne IB th


Sail ne Mr. attt In employ The bail

l -- vooducted under ttyle S BB WILLIAMSON

IrJtVT. Jt


MA.lJTJj?afACTT jETE. .Fruuea ed Sum--

OLD All work warrant d. Oil Pointing, and Pre.three on hand for tale, Washington attest, below


Sale of the WesternMILITARY ASYLUM,

.4T IIARBODBrBi., K.;TM kT.AGENT for 1 win ollbr IO aOi onAt pr-- a Li- to tbr bigb at brftlrr.

On Ik 12 H Day ? Not 185T,

tbe Iftivj tveoati. rMi1 by the CnttJ Statesaa a Military As. lam. Tb !ao4 cuusibU of abont

iRtfC tj.n f HrnsdaCarg ttmn imHT i

wh nurjtr bm'dii . atia g iv., ard a aiiurptipaia peciaernaknTre torn in GaBery, wb- -r pic-- w rhrjl I r tt




th- -ou-- i

trt f Us water- -pTop-rt- wa ajwrt b tb it

wavi one of tb- - m trt cat bra'ed nacaa la tbrSuet! t- It ta a4mlrabtr to och parpakv,betna sitM e4 la pwrtoray antf Irealtbroorintrf, aad!b tb- - a TiTsted aad bcpltabl ramnilijIt i a derm i ur. Ita pr.pertT moreparticularly, a Iaw it laaa rxteaaiv- - ly kaoa otb- rlot tlmn ta the West.

At tlw taat um plao wtQ be tRa a U-- g qaaaawntf tTmm'Trainable Furniture

af every km1, toa- - ber with tt, ct, eoaaiattsBofHORNEM, CATTLE, A".,

asd tanng theaa a ember of ealuoblt cat ta of the lidn-ae- ybreaj.

Tebwi orltLE. Tk laad ant Impn utoaatt willh tu to ae 'bird la hand aad the i lailadi i to twoqual anaaal paynvtri. tut p--T cent. Intereat

ftotsth- - dae or iBie, md the lit, win a. n:ain-- d bySoveraraent until tbe taat it kaseax.

The wll' o. , o'd for c.nh.tdo BiiBr j. sr fce nri ps


K RarfU.fiItai colls EklWi

ID rtle TwineSngtr.C. ff. Boli'ne.. Mil'., Str and

diet . r, T I I II.. ... Bn. w n t.,' ...Seem, Aing-- r. Sod IMantard. Caiaapa. g











Watr.BCavtapird a


a any








H, J"



'1 atter trtlcten una. tryD. a TOMNSRMI

BBJ nand So

BUsslbsippI Report.


i iwre mr too ; tae teen me aas ta tkren tin ktre intt raetvd nnply of " Fl-- fjoorro iatBH tu i rtu-- t rity ea. w pa It retar ibe anta vcelua!. orrd tbi lei, mlt

ELS walptrlBBS lamb, ror ms h co.

BELLS BELLS.We bate la flora a teaoliful aaeeorttaenl af

SUPERIOR TONED BELLS,from Stty to See bnndred ponndt.

Cama I fo-- placutlan

LOVXBS, ORSILL a CO ,Max. I and Id Preat Bow.

FAN MILLS.Wa Jaat ta race-p- i of thirty mil etae

WARRANTED FAN MILLS.Speak aaick ; Flrat octal Brat tot od

LowNgs org ' a en .

.agS Koa. I aad 14 Proal Row


FISHING TACKLE.GeRttfilfl WaW datfairO t pevTid tbrmarT Wttk

fxjsi jQtat

SUMMER FISHING.A RB .net ed to ca'l and aetact fr,ra aar aa

. the OoOawiug iriKtoa of tbea aal It to-- :

Woo 0e



Walking Cone Boaw, aowaffPreach . I 4 and 6 amto;


Rnruak Rode, 1 4 aad 6 a nta;Arttaetal FMoa. Mia now Mice, aad ovary ether

eaep-t- of arttSdal baltiGerman Si Iter aad Braat Beelo, Sr all BtwkaiSindwich Boxea and F t.kojLtaaa of SUA, Liaaa Sea Grate and Cattoa.

Saparlor l Lub-ik-

Eirby tud carllale


Mat It aad id Preat Bew,atfli


NAILS.Three thaaaaad kegt

NAILS AND SPIKES,aaacrted Mara, al fateraide rataa, ta Iota to the trade,furcaab. Quality warraatod.

L0WMBS oas ILL a CO.,aagS Xaa. IS aad If Front Bow.

Rich's Safes Tested.THB bttorroo. partiea who hare parchaaed from at

SAPBS, made byStearaah Mortla.ajgoag.laraDy rnteve.ted la ever, mult teat las their are proofquaittrea. Wa tberefor tntlte ouch, aa well on tag pnic geaerelry, ta tn Intpectloa of Mr S McMano.' Sateat iroea la rum. ar hit ttor- -,

morning. Jane 18.Althoagl. the boaka aad

ii- -

oonutu.d Thurocay

other val.ol ea were nmiiiffrom tb a.r to tt thandoument to the burning aoilding yet the few loon paper, left ,n it, and the

on perfect otditloB of lb. IB tenor, it ly

it.biiah lu .a parte. Fire-Pro- of quolitte aathough Ih- - bock, had beaa allowed t remain

The Safe its ltd to may be one 11 oa r old wik lafraatef oar atorea. Met. 1 oad 14 Proat Row Beraphla

tj Paw rowVR ORAii.t. ret

iBuiHinj Iglatfrials.

LIMBER theaaae-- ti mcml la 8 tbe

xaep oooitaatiy on baud a f --aere! aae rtment ofBUILDING LUMBER, SILLS, JOICE,


DRT CTPBSS tar! POPf.tB, t la. I It la , and 2 in.. Dried Picon of, Teiiow , in--, Poplar and Gum,

aal ll la . ALSO a I ,t r Shing ra, cedarand kawwi, 4xSifxSxl8sl2 tech

B E COcrtBAX,"riS-'- y Centre La. 'lag .nd

C. 0 MOO RA 1 HALITE AH R. 11.11WAR Pr AMrvn atit iUll" A U.litlilU JIUali,Door, Sash and Blind ManafactorT,


KLOORINS, Waaiberewarda, 9aarn. Saab, BlUvda. lbaar7raaaea aad Caaiaco, Mantle,

mga, Co UK- Lain Work, Baaeboarda, Taja- -mg. Scroll Work. Shelving. Bcx-i- . Be . and eeery de.wripuwu ,ef Surding Mtterial dreooed and llllflaaaad.alaay oa band and nude to order.

MOORE H tLSTBAD k CO.M. B The bigheat caab price paat tar all kind- - of

Lamher wtl lyJ WEIJ-R- R j. KBWIM

WELLER afc ERWI,Hemnhis Factory

AND LUMBER YARD,Oawrfo tfrref are rt. ajtasiaa taat Okw Drpof,

KBBP for tile abd make to order Door., Kloda. Saab,'

Prastee, Moulding, an -- verythmg In thatline, of tbe be t mater l.Lg worxmautblp They aralto prepares ta kind, c haw

to erect ev-- e IpUaa are ramliita In layabelre St ' otoer k.bbiu. aom i

Bating eiochin 'i-- r w.ll aoea


PACKING WIXE2 of oil ktado,letter than ever borate made in citye rite-- nd oihcr

lj irdert from the couatry promptly tturndnd to.


hq Door antl BlindManufaxirurer,

SASH. Doo'. r ;d, aad MeUi ling kepi on band aadto order.DO IBS AND Wiwyyow PBAMIS,

Worked Floorings, Ceilings,Bad all other taachiae work la kit liter will be fntnianeato Buiilee on tkort settee

R T, OK BC1LDINS TAKBaT.Ottic Manufactory oa tdam. a'reet Bear Mem phi.

tad Charleston rUiirood Depot, Memphtt Teaa.




' aisasa

a i


Ih' aa.dl.


Lo. tW

--r.r. Talsad X

AgoT or rAjs ' ticAawao orbwRiiA . IS or cWoibl X,-- m

are Ua quMau-a- a uiTfj4ai bi tboBVtjoptr-i- tr rvaKtlOal p tbta atOwatst far ibo Mt-tr-n t garri.a

Ha ire -tntai'tl taW iattir stiMiBl tsf tba

tb aat ItHAS tl. avB--l iUiHawsser teate.1 dur-ini- r

taro awful Wtatrn id tlaof elerrt--! tt, il ta bvt cotn

ing iBi't gtwral a in r aao-t-

of ti dtib-- t gh be aa! itaBBBtvrrloua owna ar -

- --mmr W " elvCltisTg







BTItMM and TTrTH sawtfbat raated la tirtuea aad arrejoicing in freedom from PAIN aad HictAM.

inch otaejr ilikklii had Biknlto ear. Hare ro. the IwaOKn.

itilTlr!, E

or TfrOTH ACHS At ywaailiictwl with tHJ totks atiflenn. frc-- m EKl :.--! M'BAIN-UlKN- s.

kVLS. PlljlifTHE ARCTICwill aftordkierybudj la liable to

For the, rim-lf-


j kept oa band, fan

.l in.meume rmf frnm death.




AND eOAlwDS.ealent,tieouU

Everyhrmt and railroad ahould

IL Who that ha beard thettirieoi aaajuadi atttrad by tbeteakkml nialrreed tnrrtiaia efetplo-to- tn-- -- oh

K core CA

It it tarinulwhich !.or- -

hog the mow

A oo I.



i of relievingliroiUhewen-- t iu i.roLuLgirraL lto






Bait. wrxi.F-

- SWtl-- V. rvPATLV.I0IJ,

ETH, kt. No arwnrr, Everykeeper, er .ne

rnnint; HORSES.hooUl he ailbaut UJa taloa

M reuerdy.Far ante aH ipetabie DrurapaU and Pea tor- -

Pneet th T.iuim-i- t. 71 reoti. 60 tod 81 hottbt dollar ttle eonuin. a. met

acr--t Ore-ce-nt bottle.






tl,. Itoir.

EXTR.0RDIVt8Y AXXOlXCEMEVr.Fnev n.rrhooer of a solar bollM tb" ARlTIC

Ireeeiveo. at Pr. eap-t- w. -

STAIFS JOCRVAL. of York, for en. rer TnJournal n 'aenw illaamrrl roia- -- eCD n a in her Oeo

beaulnfulij ea wbi--toinieej rotteen rare.,paper, and hlledwiib evtginai twottor ln, the '.Saralast --rilr. of tbe eaualry tert.ncal. Jand full penieulan of tint --nTeel ad en

torsgpw, ef wbtra thai oiler aortaa ps - -


BRAUii Bl IUUIV ,"''nl'-Na- wVoa. IwrKJV No 371

be eddraaead to St. Loot..Cammuauaatiaa. ahonU oiwnyi

weak. Tal

WARDS --e3 sesrphr.,1

Etrya--cilrpi)- y l esatj.TAKEN p bT T. "' ' " -

thetltr da- - of 8epfemb-r- . aBAT BOSS, 8 "T T yearn old IS

ffetoa geiIke - tht ee- ost tact theam s--H Go m io pi

tn..... .... He I',. ,1


Nimj.- -






Twkwa e by Aadrr-- Hill m. 'bn xdth Sep-

tember. a "RS MI'LB for yeses o114s baadt high, wail- - npnt oo leftm.rkt olla Sd civil











daytSST BAT 10

wttk rKnone tsrvarn Tavior'i

utl Mack amok dowa herdark bay or year iri w.

iff-- -









on ofH

tt tlb

- a ter - r

S Ha 'anml- "id

.aci ;.-- --

ot a 0 7 r- -






aad tal. Ttiundat Sl'Orach S.l-- Deao --. ,o

tbe 'ttb Crvtt Dutrtre frrar mil, fr a""'' 'th atoeet Pbank B ad. A S.

Oct II --wet Rail r gbbv oouc-- y

Paints aad Oils.LARGE luppty of all )ot retwlrad aad Bar

Mdb by WABB ajOMaV,Baeast BBS Melu-a- l

Rrew aTlonF.LOT af new Fox- - In sta- r- and far nale kyA wit FLorajroT, cooper a lbakj

f MTT rfi TC


APO'tilTB and tf.dy cape far Rhenmatlam aadDeafaoae. Rnaipeloa. Rroackt- -

tit. Tetter, Ringworm, Scud H art, ojcrt.a. and !tt. k- or I tn fra 1 v SO aotaute.. f.1 ai Pllee,

TVattbaehe. fhr-nl- c Stiff Jotata, SpraAaa aad Latm-ae-

ta man nf beel a kin-l- of Sarea. Prerktea aadCratape arel Callc, Paine af ever, darriptaoa caaaat ra-- I

ttantaaeooaly.Psice, Mc.; SI snd $2 per bottle.

II a the only ral Hair tntlgo-ato- t that wi'l makegrow wbea rrerythmg toe falio ; ei--aa tbe head

white and tt--o rroea Daadt-a- T la Ma minuua, aad makeII a aklnr. f aawy --t

Tki. wo i tn fai oil hi karotbata Mo burningor n. itf ring oeatataono. at with other Lot t no and Lmi

tana It a pgaaaant at take It. It eacqaera Fire;ooihiaa aad boa. in aareer. Sma or Scoidin Sr.

Thit l operateo on of B ectrkci't ; tbou- -

tf mlrocaioaa caret bote beea pr(orm-- d by tt olerer tke land. Gae everything erne, ibea git. thia Oilone fill, and a wtl ho eaatnneed Indareat pi i aaaa,seabee . perthaaa a botu. aball baee It free Friead.ggdBxl -- o loam f, aead far a bottle of H.-k- rl 'a kncctricOH. Cooouliatooa aad adTtcgt-- n gratta at tbe Beaaa,No tl Fl, e elreet. o ae offe t d wt'h Acnt- -

Rhecoititm or Coatractloa of tb Mnactea, ohoald trlb Elect HEaMSBl Bath Br particular the dlree- -

patiytagee-- h 0 tl - No peeldero ooll tbtOalt BraSSl.t. .n-- C untrt Mr- -

chant are Arenta. wb ktti e aad aar- -t.n.ale g 0 ry Tne pr

B0WIRR OP COC RTRRPRTTB? tBtert ketl e baa Pr fer.r Hnokail't Btoctne Oil "

oaoar. o. tbe ol w aad a 'ret uf 'be fltaa, .ad tk.etae baa b'a portrait aad ttwaat era, to Mali rfi it whicnla F erg-- ty

Waee.e oad Retail Mo fl Pin. ttrewt, two'root Fed' lb elreet St. Loolv

Drug . la" aad M'reheata ouppii. d at Wool eaale onliberal retata Drutglaia Berchaa't daeirtof a tap.ply of thu p. pa'a- - aad wwaderral Remed, by ealiag nperaoa. or addrraalref ky lett-- r, Prrfweor Haaherl. flPane at react, ft lateoa, wkU hat. thetr oriot. prompt,)tiled and fo warded

tBMBBl CASH 4 SO SS00. or SIS SSaer dxraaa. ttla ale fan ty pit rp c.ire-.- ptuhtd, tad a rarlwty of

op-r- o Litvaa-ip- n F a Bt'i, Be , raralakod gra-ai- t

ibpIi . head ka year Jidtra; rwa wMI Snd it earea aadpot.

For aale Wh leaa'e end Sal1 tySBO. C H RP IN a CO . tVagflaU.

US M.ln atreet 1, naFor oole alee tr S MANSP' aTUk a CO .artf-la-wlt 297 Mata atraat


Rawer to . Cartas tka brief period they batTBBBB beer re he gabltt. have t.toti ood in wtaainr

rem.'kakle eooBg everaaaatrlne b.vaa incuroh br the moat ewtoeat af tk-- awdteai

Taa wahaaeteai BaaowAiea ore foar in ttab, r, rut

The V ash I neton Purifier,Coed la row oect Ion with

The Washington salve,Win effect fatal earea to ail tbe wortt tut ma mfolltwi g ! lee. tee

Scroteta,Bait RbtSyphiiit


Whl'loe,Fit a.



par tbeThe acta with great fore, oa

IH iom or of

Are curt live la tb tndof a titular naiaro

in theSt it Joint,S iff

.' . I





Woroo.Serrfuioa Clseta,


ttWaabioftaa Purser

irrtfreiaritle Liver,

The Washintfon Khenmatie Eeniiiie!i.INTERNAL EXTERNAL.

taranibi tubjojbad dlaeam


ra.n. bide, Croup,

Keckm the Cbat. Buniaaa,

H.-- d

Boat, Cwntr-cte- d Sioewa,Faralyata.

In oil ca.-- wh. e Et'erno: ttton 10 reui'ree!no dt c n ooaal watkiaaxan

The Wob'ng'-- n Remeeltrt w'il :n heJ mf fl as low pakagr.ov "a. gpcent and jar. i






tor Ra. unial.iin ore up alaad 82

aale. wboleoot and re all, ot fkiestoB Beawdje, MS Poidra. Kew


EwFraalebv Ckaadlera Co., S k Co,rF. lata a Co., sad Jehaeoa a Long



cRorr, astbha, andcsssrnrTios.


Bead not toUFB every towof Stat

do ill of nd P'ooiog ry mplattua attbe trade-- , aad bui'ding. of deacr ; ta the

and up oiorvt a wiry he









Se rty.

Mercurial Dteee-e- a,

tot at bKad




Po.tioMump., Lurpo,


Salve tad 0and

put .a holloa S

For th. Drpat tbeWa Ma. .trt--Oriean.


the ratpld Carts




r ConSl rp-t- ve PATIIXTS

perle-aee of III aad.fewer ret tbe rnimuthe anw where which bate aotam ag bwi notoe li.lnc trpby at ita tictory ev v tbrtubiv and daagerom 'ttoeaar af the throat aad lamgn.While it to Ibe moot p .weir, aaitdot yet ka wb to mantor thr f nnd ut of tbe pclmo--Bary orttu-- , it 1. .too the pteaaenteet aad oaf at remedythat can be employed for infaau aad young prr-u- a Pa- -enla tboU'd hat 1 in nte-- e a, rta I tbe toartious rrrnrmy

that rettlTp-- h tSetu nnp epa tt. W ban aknadair.rruunda too-- tbr Cubbbt Ptctorai. oavea aei

i.-- o bt the con.amptiori, ,;n tatiiau e tt cor---

i Keep tl ky yon. and iBiayaf aaaat wail- - they ar enr-- Ibar. a t aegaret them aatU no bamin am caa anaaker t a

I hxerawrtka cauk. r thai, taateaed ea ibe titai., eate you

All ka..w tbe f.t.l tyoi tket know too Ibe virtue OR fdbfc.

ii more fan an.nre taeta it in .tinbe Wetptre aecnit. aocar. a tatl to prodae a tbemoat perr--ct peon tbt . and tka-- aflo'd tkoae who boit tke beat agent which aat tktil --aa tsrakvh for th-- u

care. byDB. J. 3. A TER,

Practical snd Antlyrlcal Chemitl, Lcwfl, Bat.Sold by B. F. FAkVNBhWOBTH B CO.

JunlT-law- ly

A YEHVatnarticrpRIaiftmof Cbm




tndnee be t.tne-- t pert tt

hi man Innumerahle pr. f.virtre-- a wbtcb a io


un- -


rial chill!Sv- - , in

Ii can ..


to jtbe Hktj Xzw

ft seed 8.bale




Tbt la to Icm iiiim dlr-- e ton

and of 'betrcurmof 'be 1

' ' ol


wiey tar

tta ef



to t.a ef

fr- m fool St h.

luelgention. d of tbe aadanting her. from. Lost all Ftorrvan tad Cutanevnsn eh lwm evocaa.r

lne. oi Bell. They alas


ate tbe loverO M IS,


rl L LI arc inina-'a- e. wnei --r wti w

Pat' E. oeaby


pr Bi o.aI been


when was


trr beeatrod thit tsrpar





Bew Parat


the d there Mrhaw it. Pttparrd by

DB J. . ATLowwl. Baaa

M per Five Riw.B. PARSSnrORTfl OO


PATENT STEAM ENCINE.II s lmnrot d grne, ror pa.

S'll on, medal. to thttgre. and rope w- -l

m e.ber snuiag about cent is latl. And A asm

Is r. pairt. heH mr by irttin 'he ileam la o

rim of the at 'h. as n time dhahl

ib. sort and th from tt- -

n onr two withton, aad the ra lueti.thai have nta

I ah-- d IB nt ealte totucfacnoi.. aad at prepared t

d ;:seai Bm ibo andef an alar, to two b.

The Btalerreae. to tower, an tirenp.n the with ail th pips ready f..- -

R :lenaim

t p'aa. b- -r

ciaAr. them rra d Th In la lar eate, paeaia:heew tnd tb . n

leba. of Sr.tte a and imp it Th whoto In

mount d oa ranee oieni te ahtp to til par. ofn, and csb par tn operation lb arlt- -

ince oe exp.






Taker no by will a Daaa oa tke-- I at day M oo. dfaJ t M tt 11SST .WO one of which a laxni awe ty w - ' - - w -about 15 hands t.lgb, S 18 year, otd, bik man and AND BEE THEM.


Fitr-a- n THOMAS,







NEGROnou THE utr Igunnr persntne-tt- v etrBp l null I' on -.

ea sand, to leer

im ef foeand an hwe aal nel aa rtwema-k-- s. wpt in,to bay wtl vt! to tkrorn a rsD Bita


f. a


er nl' :; can

baee aoea e own tubed .a t.lkltao, tatrae meaaa of hoaith

human bolt from die. apt, and preoertlng life ThaI ck under 'be at aha r

are ton oual.n new of It tea mere la notni.g cexiamnt ot the tick either la thr eat

Dr. Rodwit baa rerwaded la prodnctng throw r-r- ratwu to tb. world oa Rod way' a Ree-- f Rettef Rerae-tau-ne

k- . . alor. Thaw. Boaatdleoaraaot only ..'ebliahed facto aa l hey bate neveryet ff-o- la tbete opeetol -- rricoev Uttrui'f-i- ' bat. lacy are facto ee- -toattaaawa a ocieoee a- - they baee In ail.ri-- ,n .t.-- D, U, '

anea tli eberi00 tka of to can

ta theru -

" aad ore



Three Great LightMANKIND

aklilrulguBR Sewaad power burner ana.


teieac. they kiee oftea triedaever deniea ready .

Groat XAi-cA-

BADWAT'Sla to be ated in U coo where

ham a body i. tetaed wttk tk torturing paaga armm an matter what the caa. or 0k pahk

may ba. or where may local d an application fthe Bead. either rateaiy , or axuo.aolly ae aa alleviator, will in t few uunut-- a ndai tha

to eeaa aad

px. sack Headache, Mil naa'br Arteetlo.. Tlk laiiia.Strain a, Tooibaah., Bo--

Shat Waaad. PMaoatag a thaw by tbbit or ttlngo of Reptl.eo, of T. gel. ate or Mln-r- .l

by In aO etae. end under oil etr--Harioti aboaw the btmia tyateta it by aaak.

railed o. o

In ce-- of Siltoutitea . Trot 00Skip feever. T no. Ft toe. Fewer .ad Ague, "car'etand ail Maligaoat Fever a small Fas,'t Belief met in mtm Bad--po.HI core tl, atek

with lhe diasrdee. aad tbe orotem ttaVthee- - mo,ig- ant gew- -


The 1aeotyf tbeee wwaderful PIIU a aawera ib aad a aew in the eric of

la theae Ft .a ae giipia palua or iaek--rabta U d 'h' naturally,eevinx tha Uwar aad ether la a

one! bea. bytnowre thoa. who take hem 1 good aad a

One or tw eaaro atodway'i winobewe ail of llttapeyaaa. .

to, ladtgeitton, Cootieeneaa. Uverm MHaac-ol- aad win car

-- tteer in man at woman Lad ire tee11 bar lew, may rely .pea m

cor and if Badwat'a Bfaaaxaaaaare taken

1 Beert do of Radway'a Brgulator, thai l ba. atlto row tb and InSrm AHC wba taa them ar detjrt ted with tb happy ekaan tkwy

erpenerec. in a few bwan. Tk diapirlled metoB-cho- iy

feel .nd ith ark aad twkuitalad.


Cure Salt tea Clear. Ta



ckltla. Dyapepaia. Serat, aypthu. I'oa- -Ap. P.XV. BC BBd 00 01.01- -

tb itatl aad diaeoaaa, tter labelttaf by hereditary tranamigatoa or

It ek egiMood

by expo, are

the wot that will work aaakcurt m old law aim aa Radway'a Bntlian.

he 1rett wMt la t few i






ngo 'a Beaotathaf mmm- -

1 iunri or Incanetw-er- - thI hi odr paaatteake. with Badway't I

wi'l .-n remote tke ataVrulty.Barak Hammond, of is Ett Tblriy-aeeo- treat. I

t ! co th to two tears, aba aa 1 ihaia pint of la d turinf the uaht She waa cured to I

day, by the -f oad Revel ventI A tore ,eg of twoute-oo- e year, catad

Ot Rodway 'I Beirer Mr T H Kiigo. ofnrhitanritngm Dahl.iceoga. Sa " rbai a poay--

' tn who rr l wen rear. hadj with toe ies, that real. ted -- e ry ktad of tenet tne t,

woe cured in three alike by Badway'tEetoruiaaar.

Tlio Tlirot-- Great Lii.b taaBADWAT'S R..CLATORS BBSOLTBMT

antnahaataaaldiiiiiiri, and where IbeUaa or tb body it a rapil otatecat or tr-- . .rilrrr, with vtcee efeilkwr by of tbe law. ofance, rxeeee and trdabjeace of Ike paMkon.. ba

tran.nn,tka. aa at Srrarala, CwoaaaaapHon Rhi nmaibwa. Boat, Ftu. aad oUer heir koa

whKh a loag lis ,w tne. try kaa ao oountrruittrichly on a-- a 4 ttey

t lh 01 ,t the.-i- rlS lahentori. TVIm thir nceree a

BO die., caa wilk'taad; tketr P-rt winta living body every of dTS' renorat tbe wboi. iyt m with boat

til :tbrt .iraadonrirvtb .m i'i importrlea.

To ibe wty-are- r wh., I. wtrh' tie. we invite you " M try " theae Betaerll. Wt wlBI vourfc for tbete

With man, liaoaia of etae- -t have andMl tbe 'tec t of tb"ThreeSre.t " ataj fa fRwfrule t' rem tbrra. which they ar trytb Aimircty 1 the thrae eiaat aa

wowqweror. aad Sraad ailBADWAT a CO.. Fu't-- a at. M. T.

CpTke B. B B ktotdtta are toed by Primal 1,Storekeeper. jure 11 --daw I

Son'h American Fever tk Aguemedy !Is a ( neap, Safe Peraaieit ( ire.


-ej.. lf ao


of inng iiiaordera. .nd Biliou and Intermittent Fevers.S . he7-!-tt c PRICE ONE DOLLAR BOTTLE.


contoiiwll: aot, ilk m

:.e , ,1 f


b more be dr. acred t

treat reeril ta IB Ma I

tree sad la



Lrooa ofth wBlcS enter tat !t

sr . f y. lmef In

in a aboard baother.

Pail a.A

with aaw aVrtIt cud can ka ikt iiaadwter. the ... tn - '

Tb ta. Bvof the Pie- Point Bonne

aehrw tn oa- - tha' speak


c 1

pr,wr a




snd Bo oral.sit and


tloa .tag thacar- - sad

tbtaand th




M Bn- -to

aa to tbe -

oi nic of thm.l imp.- a !. BJ '.a

Bwl , to eon tae fnrt...i-- . rm.'ios t -- artoaiy thy cur-- ever, dav e i i ng body, by b ut af yur S A Fcvr o--d -? Janat ale. aad that . un a one 'b of the Hanee of .

baffl --lta. br--t ef nkUl WbU tkwy peadncr Juou Tosngt w bo been fr.a t be andaow-rt- -tl err eta, rb-- y are, at the aa--r tits, dim.a fever tb paat month, wa I i the nfaa taat beat pby a that ha em-- aad h ware --eve re a any I

for Brt-- e Bugar coated, tkwy are pt-- ever knew; oitnoat inonuat b--f wae ca

ant take; and being purely an free fruert , tbe Srtl . ce ; th day id, ittay riak of harm. Cn a nawe ki at mad and it inter

- -- tr- i t be Btrn .? uch exalt rspling the Sine- - then every ig of thd p in ore and ao the eanptev n n-- wiw boa left hlra and he baa i a rotsnth. Many pht.l laaa have an--t Trwty yort.ol tf-t- r neeaee u ibe public noil af TORE. Jan. 1SSS. L. M.

y o,ber. bin tent me the r nf w-- the d hter tbe A farh ir that my coatr lm- - aww. md Pevaw. aad It

njennriy tk re.ief ct my n onfa-nn- ailornn- - mod a perf-- ct cure and gal

Agent below aawatrd nwaaaed tsmahllmaaa.


- Naa-o-e.

Inorttoa I,ref

Dii'BUB wh n !

Kin-- ! bv purlry- -

ng th bloc nod





Cheatt-- t.


and trevedtwenty

a.Vtn-- -


"Tb!ro biiBdrvd ruaolag

Ihrrsfrom er

Boliera. attached






tkrosgb centre,tlvteg


Apply aaktriat.

nerix-r-m Foua-lr-

BiLTIJl nuiuwr.




B.a-rr-y Tak-barr.- a

TL fatoolwa, tUI TCVCNG ZMFarias,


aoennag rktdutf

filociouo treataaost facul-ty, .abject practice probaht


CMBbiaed BroaaaRBRoeocBcul


Ra.iw.j-- Remedre. ""


RRADT RELIEFSpecial Remedy


Relief, drink,

UBIcted otrmfort


Sprain., Sca'da, Wound.Btaaio, Ceil,

Inoetrto,potanrtn accbleet





THIS preparation




aaaaleo raiaaaBea",


etbnabeprtacigd ukiag.totaach expe-tr- operate

haweaa. ergaaa aataraloatditioa

Ber-Jat- eatfrtgydiMtoinr emptcjen


weakeningprcaBpi regular period!

ttreaftb weak, feeble,

)tone happy

Humor.. Rboim, Halt. Made..







patientetotaor Mead,toitent



efhrctaailr BaartyRelief, Bceoivent


abrobea dowa,laoculated

OBaBRBS health, utoaaaay

redltacv caaoaif

he.t,,tee poet-ri- iy

trtnltart ctpacity,xaawrnd

eradlca'e particlematter, health;


dibbled crippled



Power, Reooedvw.Rulers, Ba-ter-a dleea.



tariocs forms



searty article QeeBft,tbenineitn, remedial ifiall

Btlkeai etmutent Fetor.preventlne. oatdbyakV

raieacerrte, FI Btrtgraala.snmate. aaoafbn. wbea avalartoai

ATYeatlat'yS LBDBAHBJiwaa. TtwtlaaaBlntt


tZJoxrtijriodRlfaBtowaaf at


.tgiih imperii

oatrtint fallowingoipUintt perfected

formidable dangeron'1 inmate, Incuo.r;heataa

daring Novemberattark-- d. parosywaa

pl..'d children. exrerierecrdevpected

.sdi.n-i.- -;intr-d- , natttae.oboioatialeel parcsyami

character SttteWeminent waated appnranc--

certify PRASB.ooirantr. aceder.lgn. Beaaedy

coovic'inr. Iniermiltifngflicted, oaraelvn faatlM.




Bn.ine- -

Enatent amount







with much re reooan-weu- d to tha pR. m a tatrR



CBABIBSJ GALR. BENSBTT.Jamaica. M. T.. pt. rt. las.Mb S sat Druggltt, Xtoar Sir:

haw. seed tbe Strath Auaeimn Remedy, ae highly raatlmnailnd by joe, boU lot aryonif and and webeea car I tn brat medicine far th'Milt aaei fennrest. I sot have yas

which .1 woald wt be lby ooaed rvacf- nt recoec arer ded it be Tost, teapectfnrryk an rartt.l u t- -. a ami it-- v- BMJt

ton. Irritabtltty, tad Ext- - t.- -. w j ISMwt, d tWtred ernpiaaat. arialrtg fee, a jLeaica. T . M.y

!er atate of the bgdy or cbotrae tan r tt. taactaae. Ux a a Leobard Ototr Sir: Mt oDo re t b put "8 by unpr deal r with Menu, , we. .a ctr.l wih chil-- B BBd ft ver very 1

111 ' make pvedll oa k 'or .If tit M. , .,ti-g beard -i- BBaBwEta a.aaiylax- - n j

1 c





it a

bw k t


k want b.t i a

Box. toe flF. B


an wucn,od


ottr tin rvuseat itaper

oil,Thli ard out

s.tb cyliade-- ngpnaasre


Bpower ndre,i

en ai beingg

efrtctive 'e Be athe

the lerfiee, ireagaat t form


c- et;to.



P ARB'Spond Oka

, g fra (, r , -or

lm t

ban an t intend keep. n .

Jo greoieewhwa.

A k







ood retulta

Ata the

orIt b











aay,:to. , beaa
















R- - (- -..-








J Cart ill, Be

kad. Vllrv- - 1 the

ebeald -- ead It if


aer.-- erp

ae wis ire, need to trt It ertei taxing ana aw- -

g"1 a naif botrie, .be wi. perreeiiy rend, ggrd I ehatrfss..

anpectfnt'y. jouft

t i .K OCV OB theIn print, pe an a

thai uus reate-t- v




C0DW.5Benrol! Hit,

nan aaaar have thetr rirrae

cure at the Frer end Ag -



kt be added lu tb beat bt

gtrBrirr- - tooral BU fJ- - ...

8. A Leosabs Ran tenwr Hovstt gaahgas)tesrvre trrock. o' Fevr and Ague. I had nearly At

.paired ef Sodleg tay 'Ion. olh htn a bn

trr r ii r


r '

..a ee hM I a anwwt and perm



f them

StrrTom newt ber pnoeea antt nrltkoat b.tiaf a nr urn ofte,- c aiot .d can rrcsntgarnd the 8 A. Fever andAaoan B--m tr an n colnahre tor tb. ent- - a ran,, BOBT P l" LFtt.

Ntw TORE. Dec I IV'S Cr T," W.t-r-.- ts.

Two aikrewtnc CTrerlce of Fred',Henry Bhrier. are aawaaf bo pecaltar raae la wofcaa

I permanent car caa be iMiawA aotwifaatasdakfl tBaBtnr.r rsl p-n- 1 1 I mmm tt 'be. lata

th enrea w. n perfected, .bey were ogiged in tha CbBtsv--,cai w rkn ..f cnaa praner a lo ot mi. n.y.

Attor bavia-b- Irrwklid witb Fewer and Agar rernenrty a wbol- - month, and .wallowed ta af Qnsanata, mtcqoliitora of trlnw, me to try bwUM

what la called the Seat America! Fewer oad Attnand nun --nongk It worked Ike . ch.rut. I took St

only one day and that Baa the last I aaw of tk fwr.It I with great pi eater tk I ttate taa met 'bn.St of all wheat It may cooes m, anal wish everybodytke an lorcceeai in ometeemr tel. dl traainf II iwhich a liAly enoSfh, if they w,n r.llo my 'l"FRED'E L HRRTLB,

Aoa-tsa-t. ISS8 14 Whippto-- e.

I nnv. had be Fevvr ir--d Aaewhich kept me t h.rfree. sBabk- to work I irrad a r.rast-I-

of wltkoBt ending arty mat. ca il styfactory bo. vu mt botf of tbe Sdth Arner.can Fe-

ver tad Agne a stedv. wtlch t have ated and after rruattday Land rrrlf atlrely cured I bare bad oo attach

Sept SS. ISB. SS McKibbeu-r- t



,11. mmm Ito which I

recover. w


The ceet'fleatM ef Br. J O rrerterhUl. ftSAsraS, aJtmaica. T.. oad thnoyi norreed tb- - ngb him. will k

nod witk much tatet-- t. net only Etaa the very r

aba baract-- r nf ike parti a. ha that ti--

nierl neater t--n unfavorable CUm- -' tare














. ;

when other rem-Jl- bad b--r- uneet wit Vt lUISb S

Br a A. Lrobarp. M psf aw: lallmg yBwUl And nnm certlflcafe. the good efgrrct, of yon aaed

Kin ib tbt. .lace It Elwea ben to evary JIJaBt hat Med it. aad tb .or-- Hi incr ow a. it haxonaai

known. I tats the rn-tS- fl rr to "" "J'Stephen H ndendn of tiilo p'aoe. a hatta to .

wttr'i .inter wttk lltt fwd ret alt a when snad t'htmnelf and wir Br 8 bt an aid mas a very aad I. wl kBoWP

Ttuty yoan, Br" J 'S 8. SMDH-JTIL- L.

Jamaica, M T . t SS tSSS

Br A F. Star mg. ef tha city, has cauaaated o ihpuhiaaii a of tb folkrwtn, racti over kawhich tae la an crrob. rated br the Rev L. M





who wan acejualt'tetl wt t a'l tt rtnumttarceMX S A Llot.tlB-liea-- Rr rbwre--e- l na

I heard of n rsowr bnt ll BBIII ling Sl mh. it Mu

ttrsH. who ii nsfP-rtB-S r--e s urn. " k of ehttR,mt arer. eoatracted la lb low ground!, near NewarkM. J I gave alia on keel lie of your Snath AmertcasFwowr aad AaTae and H easts, tt p' ng OBI toaay that th dine one hot beea brok'B ap by it aae, sadperruineot ran .rreid Truly ponra,

Kew Ton. Nov. A. 106. A FI am acquaia'crd witk the facta art forth ra tbe

rwrs tsetse aa eaa inwSupt Pre Fega

A .oeaav of kh aboe BOBbSBM

ant -r



L.Mtl Hns. of

WARD k- M owMaWa leee'e Axe


Cordage. Oakum Jrca CO . 122 Pr-- ai Btr-- a'. Kew Tors.SMITH. Ttkotrpe'oclaa Street M--w flrie--n rstBnfao.

or a. Ba, afgar tor full aw--ijiMist at BssHthk and Tarn: kc ,vy t o

an an agyravsMt





QaBrass, oal