for 8ale and if proposals · 2017. 12. 13. · b. b. f.wehave received a brochure in rhymestyled...

THE EVENING STAR. .y For '.acctioh S4LH" advertisements .ee fourth page of 'o-day'a Stab. LOCAL NEWS. AMUSEMKRTIt.V:.. TOIUGHT National I hiatbb -l'bp Richlngs Enrlish Opera Troupe m "Linda di Chamounix" thisevening. Fall of a Hiiluimo.-This morning the gable »-nd ol the w»-il iiduvd re-irlence of m* Brereton family cornerol ?th and F sTMts, was observed to split lrom the roof to *be oo - torn ot tbe it uiintiiion, c%u-ed by th* excava¬ tion ol a foiled* icn tor the u^w four storj marble front bui rii nt proposed to be erected by Hie pin- A; I e ry on hj adioining lot, which excavation ex'«»iid* helo» the fouudttion of the Brereton h u-e. Officer Grant, of the eanitary polic-, erne 'he danger ran into the Brereton bonne ad notified the inmates, and a general scpmper ot 'he occupants occurred, some of them jumpng 'rom the tops of thestair- waystothe «....»* "elow. Msj or R ch&rds was notified and mm* lately detailed a force to keep passers b* n'o' rtantrer and sent for th-» Hot k and Ladder Co.. who came anda'.rntcbed their guard ropes arooud tbe building. The jewelry store of Mr. Hopkins, was soon emptied by the citizens and police, and th« property placed in char ire of officer McElfresh, of the Fourth Ward. The grocery store was untouched, as 'he oanger was too imminent to justify any one entering tnere, and the police would not permit it About fifteen mmutes from the t me tbe breaks was noticed." the granite sills of the 7th street front of the house gave way and fell, and portions of the north gable end, whore the bricklayers and laborers bad been at work, also fell, fortnna'ely with¬ out hurting any one. The building is badly damaged throughout, and much of it will bave to be taken down to make the necessary repairs. It not possible yet to tell what the less will be. It is said that the strata of sand. Which it will be recollected was taken out of the excavation made for the 7th-street sewer. Tons tinder tbe northwest corner ot the build- ine, which gave way. This af ernoon, Mr. Brereton is encaged in Temeving his stock, while a careful watch was kept on the wall, the fissures in which seem to be increasing in size. During the morning there were large crowds of persons about tbe building, and at one time it was with difficulty that the street cars and ether vehicles passed. -. The May Festival, (repetition) by Profes¬ sor Marini. on Friday night, was a very bril¬ liant affair. The fine hall.withits cicely waxed floor and handsome decorations, was filled by a very fashionable assemblage; and the scene, when the procession ofbeaut'ful and brilliant¬ ly dressed children (May Queen andpirty) entered the room. wn~- a'traeiiv* in the ex¬ treme. Ibe following programme was car¬ ried ont with superb effect. the pupili. one and all. showing a wouderfni proficiency un¬ der the training of Professor Marini and his accomplished aid. Mr. H. Bates Grand Entiee.Godde~« of Liberty, Mt3s Kitty Borrows ueen of May, M'f s Ella Har¬ vey If-t Maids ot Honor, Miss LiUy Bruff, and Miss McCierir out; 2d Maids of Honor, Miss Laura Pettibone and Miss Martti Greason; Crown Bearer. Mis.- AnuieCabnrri. Corona¬ tion of the Queen. Fancy Dances.La llano- la. Miss Norbeck; Highland Fling. Miss White; Crscoviejine, Mis-, Heiberger and M is er Clark: Ki Bolero, Jkliss Flora Cook Highland F ling, Miss- AnnieG.aburri:Sailor's Hornpipe, Master Harbaugh; Mrs. McGowan's K«el, M iss Cook. Cacbuca. Mis? Johnson- Village Hornpipe. Miss Gabnrri; Sicillienn*, Ml-s Cook and Master Heiberger; Cachuca, Miss Heiberger: Highland Fftng, Miss Cowing; L& ^molenski.Misses Nor'oeck and Cook;C -chiwa. Jklis> ft'oyes: I>a. Bayadere, Miss Cook: Medley, Miss Ella JVorbeck; Les Lenders, (Queen's Set. After the above programme was completed tbe floor was cleared for visitors, and some hours were spent very enjoyably in "Cripping it on the light faatistic toe." The managers of tbe Ball, a:- below, were most assiduoas in providing for the enjoyment of the guests: Reception Committee..Lt. W. S. Mine, Lt. Geo C. Reld. Lt. 1) P.Mannix, .T. C. S'rana- ban. C. L. Miller, 1. >. Bnrritt. Floor Manager..H. Bates, assisted by D. A Clark. Floor Committee..A. E. Gonld, 1>. W Mid. dleton, F. A. Foster. Wm. Aber, Geo. W. Ev¬ ans. Geo. F. Lamborn. A Raid owFightiwg Alley No a .Sun¬ day morning, about 1 o'clock, Sergeant Bar* ker, with a platoon of the Seventh Ward po¬ lice. made a descent upon the fancy residents and visitors in the alley between 3d and 4^ and E and F streets south, and saptured thir¬ teen women and eleven men without distinc¬ tion of color, and carried them to tbe station bouse. The females were charged with lead¬ ing a lewd and lascivious course of life, and the men with being disorderly. The locality baa been complained of by the respectable neighbors, which caused the raid. Justice Handy fined them all in sums ranging from two to ten dollars. Eight of the party were sent to tbe workhouse in default of payment of lines. The Fiphing Season Over..The Alexan¬ dria Gnz*tl" says..The fishing season may now be said to be over, as we understand the lew seines which have been woi ked since the 20th of ibis month, will be closed and cut out to-day. During the last week quite large it n- bers "of shad and herring bave been sent to market, and the fishermen «ay there are plenty of fish in the river yet. The gillers will still continue to catch shad. Sturgeon are now canght in numbers. . Raid ok Louse Alley .Last night the po¬ lite of tbe ?th ward made a descent upon tbe alley, between 3d and 4)f streets, aartb of Maryland avenue, and arrested twelve men and six women, all white: the men for dis >nl- ?rly conduct and the women for a lascivious life. The fines ranged from three to five dol¬ lars each. The women were out of funds and were sent to the workhouse. B. B. F .We have received a brochure in rhyme styled 'The Trouble ome Trio," which aeems intended as a defence of the poetical effusion ot B. B. French, Esq., in praise of the President. This effusion the. author of tbe brochure seems to regard as tbe cause of Mr. French's losing bis place ol Commissioner of Public Buildings through tbe action of Con¬ gress. - . T Left Towj .Hon D. S. Gooding, Marshal «r this District, was very unexpectedly called to Greenfield, Indiana, to the death-bed of his Mr. Gooding and hl« family left tbe city last evening for lndtana. . . P»Excursion .Tbe excursioa of th« Ryland Chapel folks to Glymoat, which was to bave taken place on Wednesday next, May 3&th, is postponed until Fridav. June 7th. . PoLica RbpOrtp . Saturday, the police re¬ ported ?9 arrests in tbe District, and the fines amounted to .*->50.46. Yesterday, the arrests were 3«, and tbe fine* sua. ? "The Black CROOK"at Wall's Opera House' 'Wednesday evening. E* AND MUCH NEEDED. N HOFFMAN'S SHUTTER HOLDERS, < For holding Shutters on a W at three different angles, and dispensing with strings or hooks.) For sal.- by JOHN R. ELVANS A CO., uiy 25-:« 309 Pennsylvania avenue. WALAD (BEAM m Prepared for Dressing Salads. < HOSSE A BLACK WELL'S V1NKOAR. In handsomely ornamented derant« rs. TURKEY FHJ8. th fin»*»t in the market, large an) with thin «kin><. LAYER RAISINS-very large NECTARINES. N*. W. Bl'RCHKI.L. corner 14th and F struts, n»T 25 mider Ebbitt Honte. ^TltASUOURG MEATS, in ^mall faiiey jar-, ami ^ pot np b\ rrohHc A: Black well, of Louiio,ii. Assorted ENGLISH TICKLES. ITALIAN SAUSAGE. PARMESAU. STILTON CHEESE, ate I ( IIEDDER CHEESE. (.enuin'* and <»fl'»ist <inality. e N W. BUBCfiELL, corner 14th and F «treetx, a*T 25 under Ebbitt il<m»e. ^LATK MANTLES. "" BUILDERS' DEPOT, MS SEVENTH STREET, Opposite Centre Market. my il 1m IH. W. HAMILTON A CO. ' *>OK BOSTON -To sail, positively, ou TUEg- f DAT. 2^th insf.. the snlfD»lid A 1 Parket Schooner JULTA A. dALLOCK. Crowell^-, now loading for the above p.-,rt,*B® «ud will sail alove. Fur freight applv to HARTLEY « BROTHER, 93 and 99 Water str-et. n»> 14 It* Georgetown. D. C. ^ICFLSIORI EXCELSIOR CHASTE LLAR'V HAIR EXTERMIN ATOR : ' FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. Tothe ladieK eemelally, this invalualil.. «iepi!a> <ory re<t>nHiten<U itself as being an alnmst Indis j>»-u»al>le artlrle to female beauty, is easily ap- plisd. does not burn or injure the skin, but acts directl* on the roots. It is warranted to remove SBperflnoHs hair from low foreheaiU. or from anv other part of the body, completely, totally andra li rally fitirpatiuc tb«* same leaving the *Wlu #<>ft. emootb and nafnral. Tlii< is the only article uted by tbe Frvtich, and is the ouly real effectual drpilatwr> in existence, rrioe 75 cant# per pai k- agg sent poet paid, to any address, on roceipt of an ifKRGKE SHUTT8 * CO., Chemists. apS DAWeol) UOi Kiver street. Troy, N. Y. JAMES OUILD. DEALER IN NEW AWiHC C OND HAND FURNITURE. Old Furniture repaired. Reupholxtered aTi<f>'arnish«»d. lJth and B streets, (near the e»R«| > Highest price paid for ftocond-haad furniture. je I If* CITY ITEMS. * * ' .' I ' Lim Dttok Suit*, ahrnnk it soap, for Kwinatm i»r fio, at Hennlnit'a One Price Otothing more, on toe corner of JgerenU btreet and Maryland avnne. . 1 will sell 18 oarai Gold Watohe?, perfect time-keepers, Gold Chain, Ooral Jewelry, Silver Spooni. at greatly reduced prices- Yon cannot boy a Watch or Chain at any of jew. elerf, in this citv as cheap by 50 per cent, as yon can of 1. Alexander, 240 Pennsylvania avenue, near 13th street. 2 « Bronchitis .The usual symptoms of this disease are Comgb, Soreness ot the Lanes or Throat, Hoarseness, Difficulty ot Breathing, Hectic Fever, a spitting of Phlegm or Matter, and sometimes Blood. It is an Inflammation oi the fine skin lining the inside of the whole of the Wind Tubes or Air Vessels which mn through every part of the L<ungs. Jayne's Expectorant immediately suppresses the Cough. Pain, inflammation, Fever and Diffi¬ culty of Breathing; produces a free and easy expectoration, and effects a speedy cure. Sold by all Druggists. w s.m. Whit* Shifts, #1.75, $2, f*2.S0;good Cotton Half Hose; 2 pair for 25 cents: gauze Under - shirts, 50 cents to Si 50, Gray's Imitation Linen, and Byron Collars,25 cents per box, at Franc's, 494 7th street; between D and E streets, three doors above Odd Fellow*' Hall. tf)-l: Ecohomy is the highway to wealth.ther# fore economise and buy your Gent's Furnish¬ ing goods at Franc's; Good Cotton Half Hose. 12){c; Gauze Unriershirts from 50 eeuts to $2 50; good White Sbirts, SI.75, $2, $2 50. 49i 7th street, between D and E, near Odd Fel¬ lows' Hall. 10-1: . For Gknts* Furnishing Goods and Shirts made to order go to Franc's. 494 7th street, between D and E streets, three doors above Odd Fellows' Hall. 10-1: Mat au Pibds..Pour cors. ognons, inverse osgles, etc., conseil Dr. White, Pennsylvania avenue, No. 424, pre* roe 4^. Etabli 1881. . No Bkttkr Investment can be made than in Clothing at the present reduced prices at the Great Central Clothing House, 440 Seventh street, opposite the Post Office. .. « Go and See those fifteen dollar suits, re¬ ceived this morning, at the Great Central Clothing House, 460 7th Btreet, opposite the Post Office. Owe Hundrkd Suits at twenty dollars just received. Cail and look at them at the Great Central Clothing House, 4«<l 7th street, oppo¬ site the Post Office PjfNjtTEs can be hid in any quantities at the Star ollice counter. DEr.MtTMK.VT OF T1IK INTERIOR. I'SITED STATES P ATEXT OFFICE, W A-aliXGTON May lrt, 1.3>7 "Mi tlx- tition of HENRY KITCIIlfc. of N"« ark. N w.l ri.,\ praying for the extension or a p it-ill ll iiiitci to nini thi 23d ilit> «,f August IH.VJ. for an improvement in Padlock, lor seven years fi- in tin- expiration of said patent. %vlifch tak-s place i.n tin- i'fel 'lay of An east. I(ji7 : It i- ordered that tin- said petition t>e heard at tiie Patent wffic-«n MONDAY, the 5th day of Vuuu-t iit yt .it 12 o'clock m.; ana all persons are'notifi-d r.' appear and show cause, if any they have why - i'l . t t i.-n ought. iiot to he granted. 1'iTsons < |>po<injr the extension are result I to ti in the 1'atent office their objections, specially -'t t' l th in \ti iting. at least tiren'y day* h Tore the 'is' 'h nine. all testimony file Iby either party to < u.-i a' tin -ait! hearing must he taken a id trans¬ mitted in accordance wifli the rules of the otlic-. which v. ill be f'nrnislietl nn appli nation |t. positions and other papers .relied upon as tes f iin.ny must be tiled in the «fHce twenty'lay ¦> b !tc the day of lieaiing; the arguments, l'f unv. within f. « i!;in V after filinc tiie testiln ny. Ordered, also, that this notice be published in the Republic ari anil the lutelligenc r. Wa.-hington. I> P., wid in the Advertiser.Newark, S.'J once h we. k for three successive weeks: the first of -aid publication* to be at lea-t si\ty days previous to the day of hearing. T. C. THEAKER, Commissioner of Patents. P S.."Editor? of the ahtiYr papers will pie , «¦ copy and semi their bills to tiie Patent Office. v\ itli a paper containing this notice. my 27-\v-'!n DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. I'XI TED STATES PATE ST OFFICE. Washington. May 17. ls;7 '»n tiie petition of CHARLES WATT, 'if Pntn- y. England, ami BURGESS. of Rover's Ford. I*. una praying for the extension of a patent granted to them the isth day of July. ISM. anil ante dated the 19th day of August. 1*5."'. r i~-u*-d the 5th day of October. IMS. and again reissued in two divisions the7tli day April. ]s(3, for an improve merit in rn.-ess of Treating Wood and other vege¬ table substances in th* manufacture of Paper Pulp, fc r seven years from the expiration of said patent which takes place on the l<»th day of August, 18-fT It is ordered that the ^aid petition be heard at th»- Patent Office on Monday, the 5th day ol August next, at 12 o'clock M.; and all persons are notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why riK ii said petition ought not to be granted. Persons opposing the extension are required t<> file in the Patent "Office their objections. specially set forth in writing, at least twenty days before the dav of bearing: all testimony filed by either party to be iiw'4 at tiie same hearing must be taken and transmitted in accordance with the rules of the of¬ fice. which will be furnished on application. Depositions and other papers relied upon as te-ti mony must be filed in the office twenty davs before the day of hearing: tin-arguments, if any, within ten ten days after filine the testimony Ordered, also, that this notice be published in th>- Republican and the Intelligencer. Washington D . '...and in the Norristown Republican. Norristown. Penna.. once a week for three successive weeks: the first of uaitl publications to be at least sixty tlavs previous to the tlay of hearins T r THEAKEK lny 27-w3w Commissioner of Patents. B O O K S ! BOOKS THE UlEAl'EsT BOOKS IX TIIE WORLD. WAVFRLY NOVELS.Each number complete volume in itself.usually sold by book agents at 30 cents P'-r No., only 25 cents; to he complete in 25 Nos. Now is the time to subscribe. WAVFRLY NOVELS.Five volumes bound in one, printed on good paper. . Waverly." "Rob Roy,'' "The Monastery," "K-nelworth,7' and '"The Pirate;"'all for §1.50. DICKENS* WORKS.Illustrat'-d. from .$1.50 to Su'.&O. Each volume complete in itself. THACKARY S WORKS - Beautifully illus trated. large prir.t, from ,fl.25to -51.50 per volume. A Lot of ENGLISH BOOKS just received, to which the attention of the reading public is re¬ spectfully invited, at the Hudson Taylor Book Store. IfRENCH A RICHARDSON, my 21 tf 334 Pennsylvania'avenue. H1SKY ! WHISKY !' WHISKY !!! A RARE CHANCE. AT LEAST .50 PER CENT SAVED. Jnst received a large lot of line RYE WHIS¬ KIES from the best Went Virginia distilleries, which I will offer at the following reduced prices, via:.At $2.30- 43.26, $4 and 45 per gallon retail. Wholesale purchasers will find a great deduction from the above prices. I will also offeraOIN at 12.76 per gallon retail, superior to any Gin sold elsewhere than at this bouse for less than $4.60 the gallon. Received besides a large lot of Imported SHER RIES direct from Europe, and in bond at New York, transferable to Georgetown custom house; 100 casks of Cadiz SHERRY and 90casks of Cette or French SHERRY. The Cette Sherry, such as the New York, Philedelphia and Baltimore houses have been selling to city dealers, according to their generosity. at from $3. $150. and $4 per gallon. I will sell same article at $2.60 per gallon retail and $2 per gallon wholesale. C. GAUTIER, ap2 ly Inlp-Tter, '2&4 Penn'a avenue. ATTENTION, PARENTS" hlMv intend participating in snd bi st ass the Maj' Festival on Monday, can find the cheapest >ssortmen< of BOYS HATS in _ M CUNNINGHAM'S, n y ^3 It 7th St., between I and K o PI AN OS. NE Rosewood iEolian PIANO, made by Gilbert; $175. One Rosewood PIANO, made by Meyer;! $100. I One almost new Board man A Gray, with Stool and Cover: $250. For sale upon easy terms. A large lot of Steinway A Son's and North Amer¬ ican Piano Co.'s Instruments has just been re¬ ceived at the ware rooms of W. G metzErott ,t CO.. sole aeent of Steinway"s Pianos, and Ma¬ son A Hamlin's Cabinet Organs. inv 9 ^ O F F E E . A FACT .Now is the time to economise. Try the celebrated P P. COMPANY'S EAST INDIA COF¬ FEE, only 15 cents per pound. To he had of HORATIO BROWNING, No. 353 Penn. avenue, Washington, D. C, general depot. 195 Chambers street. New York. JOSEPH R. BEACH AM. ap2<-lni* Proprietor. PASTURE FOR HORSES AND COWS on the farm of Geesboro, well fenced, wa-, tered and shade, on the most reasonable terms Apply to R. DUFFY, at the Na-4 tioaal Race Course. my2ft-lm* |Mi'ORTANr TO CABINET MAKERS. au w price,!' *1*1 "" " 324 D St.. between 10th and 11th. Housefu rnishino goods or every description. ' 8. F. SAVAGE, an U-t( 324 D, between 10th and Uth ats. a *ggs " WANTS. ^\TANTED.'Two first-class journeyman BVR- £ AppJy 457 Stlintrwjt, ne»i; K ^ , niy 27 n* M. OAtTO. W^TKD-A TOUNtnSWTOB W A ITI NT'i ON TAHL8 in an Eating llou^e. Oall at 4 2* K, bHween 8th and 9th streets. It WA NTED-By a resp^tacl*girl,a~SITU ATION put cook in a boarding-house, eating-house ,or private f unity Address O G , Star omZ7 It* \\r ANTED.A ^ITTvATION , l.y a mildle a^ed v v woman, to tak" charge of a child or cbildr-.i No objection t*» travel Best of referrnoe given. Addre** J A , Star Office my 3T-2t* WANTED.A good fenial. COOK, (white o* black ) Apply immediately at No 64 0 I street north, between 3d and 3d at1? References required m'l? 2t WANTED.A neat, tidy white GIRL, to do th work in a small family. Oae who can coin recommended will find a comfortable home by :\p ply ins at No. 252 9th st , near N St. north. It* 'l*lrANTKD.A'hITTIATION-by a MARRIED v v MAN, sober, Htudy , and industrious to drive town, or any ctb*r kind of labor No objection in going to the country. Good reference given if re quired A ldress by letter to LABORER, Star Building, for two days It* .tfT7irtn"TG~#»,000 -Wanted, a COPART i(PO»UU" NER with the above capital in an old paying business where twice that amount U now invested. Address, with real uauie and refer¬ ence, TOBACCONIST, Lock Bo* 53 City PostOt fice. my VW WANTED-ROOM and BOARD, in a quiet pri vato family, in Washington, Georgetown, or Alexandria, for a ladv. Retirement and a home are the objects sought Address, for three days, giving lxation nnd terms, which must be moderate, P. H. S.. Bo* *i0 Star Office Wanted.ROOM and BOARD, for a lady and daughter, five year* old; convenient to the Patent Office*. Terms must be reasonable. Address Mrs. II B C., City Post Office. Wanted.A PLACE for a first classchambermaid. Address " Mary," Box 2 Star Office, for three day.*. my 27 2t* WANTED.Every one to call and see the great¬ est curiosity out. now on exhibition free of charge at 407 ;«1. at., bet. D and E. m 25 3t* WANTED.At 233 1 Rtreet. betw»en Hth and J9th, a competent white NURSE, to leave the 25 2t* I^WO UN FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED, suitable for housekeeping. Location, between 6th street, N Jersey live.. and G st north. Rent p lid in advance, if desired. Addrens No. 52 La. avenue mv25-3t* tl'ANTED-An AMERICAN WOMAN as hous- vv keeper: one who understands making desserts and has good references. Apply at No. 391 C street, between 3<i and 4S streets. my 25-3t* VVANTED.20,000 Ladies to know that they " can buy at l>ODGliAS8 & HltO.:S Hoop Skirt Manufactory, 503 Ninth street, corner I), a SKIRT of 20 sprines for tiO rents; 25 springs for 75 cents, and 30 springs for 95 cents. my 24-6t* W[ A fs T E1). A respectable mi.Mir aged WHITE it WOMAN. to take charge of a house and do work of a small family Washing given out. Ref erence required. Aildress J. B. MINES, U. S. Patent Office, or call at No. 203 £2d street, after 4 o'clock p. in. my 24-3t* WANTED To" BUY.For Cash. A SQUARE OF * v (itt(ilM) in the northern part of the city or on Capitol Hill. STA11R >t METCALF. Plant's Building. my 22-tf corner New l'ork av. and lath st. %*/ A NTED.Ladies to know that the best and »v cheapest place Hoop SKIRTS. Cull SETS, and SH<>1 LDEJt BBACES, is that of CHS. BAl M, 40 La. avenue, between titli and 7th ,-ts. (joods are warranted to fit or no sale. m2it tf \\ A NTE® TO BU Y-By~E. S. .11"sTlTT-iTaTlian vv and lieiiTlenien's second hand Clothing. Un d( i' liitiiiiju l'i'dding. Boots and Shoes. Ac., fk< .. at y*4?.j Ttli street. I»etween L and M st« north \. I!.No matti-r how much they may have lv.n worn. niyt-im' \\' ANTK1>-\YANTKD-MEN f<.r tl»- I'nir -d v ? Mate.* Anuy at 401 t.' street, near Baltimore Kiilmii'l 1 >..!'« ,t. niy3-lin V\'.\NTK1».\ Fiirni-hed ir<»LSE ceutrnllj lo vv ..;«t. d.even to nine rooms. A r'-asouald" relit will be paid Cood l-efert»l:ees Notify l,ox l.)« P room No. 5 .'.'Ionization Building. 411 Pennsylvania avi-niie. apl9 \V AN T KD.N-vv and Cast-off CLOTH 1N» i "id v* <i»il I> and any other articb- of \:<ln>- at tlie old e-tablished Merchant Pawnl-ro k'-i « ^toi'- <d l«. FI'LToX ,v C< i.. 502 9th -rreet.:? doors north of Prima, avenue. Sole Agent for SINGERS SEWING MACHINE. de22 1> W" ANTED.10.000 1,A DIES to kn..vv that at the new Stamping Rooms, 4T59 9th street, op juwite Patent Office, they can find the b--t selected as-..ctinei!t of Patterns ever offered here for Cloaks. Capes, Aprons, .los^ys. Waists. Yokes. Bands. rappers. Slippers. Pincushions, and Initials. Also, designs tor Pillow Cases. Ottomans. Chair Covers, Pianos, and in short, every variety of pat t> rii- thev are daily issivd. We have a French Machine and a Practical Stamper, and have re¬ duced tie price to FIVE CENTS PER WIDTH We make and stamp nnu pattern brought u-. Braids. Silk and Working Cotton very low. de 15-tf J^INES ON THE GRAVE CIGAR. Who that has smoked Havana's fragrant weed. And seen the clouds ascend In graceful curls. But feels the world's dark picture all recede. And hopes gush brighter as each puff unfurls? The choice aroma of the ..Grape Cigar,"' Will spread like inc,*n«e sprinkled on the hearth; "Tis sw;eet as evening, when each peeping star Receives its homage from the flowers ot earth. Its fi'tnes enliven, renovate and cheer. Refresh the path mortality must tread. Like scented groves iu nature's wild's appear. To raise enchantment and relieve the head. The high and low. the rich and poor. And all who wish to pass a pleasant hour away, Should call on WELCH at his famed C^ar Store, His superior stuck a visit will repay. The "GRAPE CIGAR" is made by the be->t work¬ men. of Choice Havana Tobacco, and is decidedly the best ten cent cigar offered for sale in Wash¬ ington. All lovers ot good Cigars should call on P H WELCH my 14-lni 430 Pa. av.. bet. and 6th sts. yy HOLES ALE BONNET T~HOUSE! C. W. THORN. Wholesale Dealer and Jobber of STRAW .4ND MILLINERY GOODS. 4^7 !»TH STREET, near Pennsylvania avenue Washington, D. C. Positively no Goods sold at retail. my 17 eotf i ' BEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF BLACK . T GUI PI" RE. LACES. TRIMMINGS. Bl T TONS, Ac., at DAVIS & GAITHERS. 20 Market Space. C 'RKAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF I STRAW GOODS At DAVIS A- GATTHER'S. 20 Market Space, Hemstitched handkerchiefs, war RANTED PURE LINEN, for DAV'S & GAIT1IER S. 20 Market S pace. IF YOU WANT TO BCY GOODS AT PANIC PRICES go to DAVIS & GAITHER S. 20 Market Space. Best $1.25 KID GLOVES IN THE MAR KET. in all sizes, at DAVIS Jt GAITHER S. my £5-3t 20 Market Space. GREAT BARGAINS IN fVI GOOD BOOTS AND SHOES an be had at llEILBl'RN A BROS, 506 SEVENTH STREET. who have commenced to run off their very large stock at the following low figures: Men s good SEWED GAITERS, $3. Men s fine BOX TOE GAITERS, «6. Men s LASTING TIES AND GAITERS. $1.75 to $3. BASE BALL SHOES AND SPIKES. $3 100 pairs LADIES CONGRESS GAITERS. *1. 100 pairs LADIES LACE GAITERS. $1. Very fine GAITERS. $2 to JJ3. OPERA TOE GAITERS, all sitea. Misses and Children's SHOES all style#. Bl SKINS and SLIPPERS very cheap. SARATOGA TRUNKS CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST, at 506 SEVENTH STREET, one door sooth of Odd Fellows' Hall, my 25 fit* stone stepg at entrance. LABIES DESPAIR NOT!-Yon are not » in eurfiblt.Rtli'f is at hand.At No. 179 south B street, opposite the Smithsonian Institution, where you can obtain the celebrated Madame Bovin's Female Alterative Pills; also. Dr. Velpau s Periodical Drops, a never failing remedy in remov¬ ing all irregularities and obstructions. To Mar ri<*d Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will in a short time brinir on the monthly period with reg¬ ularity. Caution..They should not betaken by females during pregnancy, as they are sure to bring on a miscarriage. To be obtained onlv at 179 south B street, Island. myJ5-3t* Largest stock.greatest variety. Of NEW AND SECOND - HAND^jm^. PIANOS. PARLOR ORGANS. MELO IBNi DEONS, and every article In the MusiclTYie Business, for sale or rent on easy terms. JOHN F. ELLIS, my 22-eo3t 310 Penn. avenue, near 10th street. BRAZILIAN PEBBLE ' ' , , . , J A SPECTACLES. Carefully suited to every eyesight, By I, ALEXANDER, 240 Penna. avenue, between 12th and 13th sts. Also, a fine assortment of Opera Glasses. ky~Brazilian Pebbles inserted in frames to order. my 3 1m NEW BOOKS.The Invincibleg, an explanation of the phenomena commonly called Spiritual¬ ism. Elsie Magoon, by Mri. Frances Dana Gage. Over Saa, by Henry Morford. May Day and other Poems, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Pendennls, Dia- mond Edition; illustrated. Brinton on Intectiiial Obstruction. Harrison on the Steam Boiler. my » FRANCE TAYLOR. rkANTE'8 PUROATORIO, translated by Lonji JLr fcllb*. Mead's American Grape Culture, n- lastrated. H orwood's Law and Practice of Naval CourtsJWartial. May Day Md other Poems, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Thf Re!*n of Law, by the Dukeof ArcyJ; The InvigiWee, or rfplrifnalism Explained Miss Rarenel'ii Con version from Be oeMion to Loy»ifr. by JTW. D* Forest. Sowing the Wind, a novel, bjr I. Lrnn Linton, .T* ' . rEANCK TATLOB FOR 8ALE AND RENT. l^OE JtKNT.A SWAM. HOORI? PURMISHKP, * St 8 H. between 4t^ and 5th streets.mjr 27-3t* BARBKR HHOP POK RUMT,«-Ap»l y at theofllee of tbe Kirk wood House my 27-tf t[H>R KENT.One or two furnisl<'»d rooms, in a private family. in Georgetown. Referen « re¬ quired Ad Ires* A. M , Star oUc*. my 37-eott* Ij^OR RENT.Furnished or Unfurnished ROOMS, .t4vO I' street, between 6th and 7th sfree's my 27 3t* F'OR SALF--A GROCERY AND I.IOUOR S i ORK, >itnat"d on L street. between I Jtn and 20fh streets A pply on the premises my 27 3t* FpOR RKHT-Two or four nnfnrnished rooms suitable for housekeeping, corner 12th and O streets north m27 3t* |T<;R SALK-GOOD WILL and>IXTORE8~of 1. Cigar Store and Houm. House And St'ire far rent 437 l.Jth street. m 27 St» l^OR RENT.A FRAME H0U8H, with stable. 1 on C street, between 31 ,»nd 4*4 street*. Inquire OR the premises. No. 2'J1, Island m> 27 3t* I^OR REN'T.Severe! nicely furnished HOUSES JF STARR A MKTOALF, Plant's Building, 1117 27 tf New York avenue and Ifith st. l^OR URNT-A STORE ROOM , corner of 8th aod ; street, and fixtures for sale. Inquire of i « kDMONSTON, on the premises, bi-tween 6 and 8pm ra) tf tf F^OR RENT.The Beyond and third FLOORS' suitable for two families for housekeeping, in "r'"!. splendid brick house on 7th st.,ix»ruer oiKBt. Reference required. m 27 2t* PLEASANT ROOMS POR'OBNTirkMEN-On reasonable terms Capitol Hill Restaurant, corner of aouth A street and N"W Jersey avc ""<. my 27 3t* F^OR RENT.A new Frame HOUSE, uont.iiuin? MX ro* ins, witb garden and yard. situated on Maryland avt-nue between 10th and 11th street east. Inquire at Mrs. Miller's Grocery Store, next d<>or. m> 27 5t* F^OR RENT, AND FURNITURE FOR SALE. A HOUSE often rooms and bath room, near the Capitol. Large shad> yard and a stable R«ut $'V> a month. 327 north B street, Capitol Hill my 27 3t* .m^R~ rent-four well furnish e o J- ROOMS communicating oil second and tliirl floors, one block from Capitol and street cars. Terms moderate. Apply at No. 371, coi ner of 1st and E streets, Capitol Hill. my 27-2t* EORGETOWN REA L ESTATE AND HOUSE f AGENCY, 100 Bridge street .We now have a number of desirable Properties fur sale in price from $2,000 to $'2.»« Also, LOTS for sale, and several IHH'SES for rent. mj 27 lin* ORME A HOOPER ON i: HANDSOME FURN I SHE D S A LOO N PARLOR and BED ROOM, coiumunicatiiig, on first floor, suitable for a club of four Also, communicating ROOMS on second and third floor, with hot and cold water. $30 per mouth with Hoard. Apply at No. 4T»9 9th St.. bet. E and F. in 27-2t* l^oR SA LE.Forty two hundred and twenty feet J of t.l.'Ol Ml, improved by three shanties. now renting for ..yl.S per month, situated on E street north, near New Jersey avenue. Price .*sj(). on liberal terms. STXRItA METCALF. ( Plant s Huildiiig. I my 27 tf New York ave. and l.*ith street. j^oHSA LE-Two n at COTTAGE HOUSES. con tainiiig five looms each, situated on Est. north, between North ' .ipitol -t. and New Jersey avenue jS.'WO cash and .«i"> inoiitblv until paid. STARR A METCALF, (Plant's Building ! iny27-tf New York avenue ami 15th st. l^ojj RENT.That ie-itable B~RICK~ iYhUSE 1. three stories and basement. No. 1 ()** Green st. i.l orffetK.wn. I». <Thi-house contain- ni'ie rooms and I ath rooms.with tras and water throughout.and I as a large yard attached with stable aii'l ''arria_re House. Pos»es-ion will be given imni' diatelv For t. rni' apply to THOM \> GREEN. No. »:S K »t . >i 4 **0 J4ih st.. WiMliington. D. C. my 27 !w* ^ TORE-ROOM FOR ISBNT.With Fixtures for .. butcher's business. <an»<age Cutter and Stuffing Machine complete Apply tu vt door, at paint and oil -lor". No. j-'iO E st.. I»et. iitii uml 13th. luiVot* LM'IIN ISHED JIOOMs.Suitable for liou-ek'. p 1 ing. at No 4T4 C street, corner C and North Capit td uear Bnltiiui>re Depot. Spacious garden and fruit tree* attached. mv 25-tt^ rp W t'ET. EG ANT SI1" MM El! PVRLol iS. tint M. floor. south flout. for -insie gctitleuien or for honsekt eping: furniture ivw; ga». hydraut. Two smaller rooms for houst kcu per, 492 E street, be¬ tween Mh and fith sts. my 25-3t* l/l RN IS1IE^I>~B<m»M FOR RENT..1Two gentle 1 men can l«- ac<-onimot|aTe«l with a very pleasiiut and nicelj furnished FRONT ROOM, in a private family, a few minutes" walk from the Departments. Rent moderate Inquire at 1 *"'2 K street, third door frein 18th street. my 25 3t* L'l'ir RENT. A handsome (FOUNTRY RE<I. r DEN' E. with two acres of ground. 2l» mile trom the city, on the road passing (Henwood Cent etery. The house has ten rooms, and ha-been re¬ cently painted. pap-red. Ac. For terms, etc., ap ply to Iir TUCK ER. 3H*» (' street north. m25-'!t* VKW YORK AVENUE. i^i Between 14th and 15th streets. 4 BEAUTIFUL LOTS, next to Plant's New Building, on 1. -2. 3. 4. AND » YEARS' TIME. Only ONE THIRD CASH. A great chance for speculators or builders. For sale at R. M. HALL'S Real Estate Exchange. ni> 26 tf 71 Louisiana avenue, corner 7tn st. l^OR RENT.A HOUSE on the Heinhtsof George- I town, situated on Stoddart street. Apply to Mrs JOHN HARRY. Congress street, above Stud dart. my 24 t>t* F^oR RENT.A large, handsomely-furnished 1 RON T ROOM. on second tioor. Also, a very desirable DOUBLE ROOM on first floor, at No. 21 Indiana avenue, between 4H and 3d streets, oppo¬ site City Hall. m 24 3t* L^OR RENT.BRICK HOUSE. No. 410 k~Tt. i lietween 9th and 10th street*, with six rooms gas and water. FRAME HOUSE, with six rooms on 11th street, between O and P streets. Inquire o JOS. F. K ELLEY. Reel E-tate Agent, office 3ti3 Sth st. west, near North I st. my 24-3t HA R I;'"* H A N C E~~F o R A SMALL IlfVE ST MEN'T.The subscriber will rent for on- or more years his WOOD AND COM, Y\RD VNo his CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, all upon the same lot. and so arranged that one person can con¬ duct both. The stock will be sold at net cost, and the place rented at a fair rent. T. DRl'RY. m 24 St* Fa. av.. bet. 17th and 18th st-". 1^<»R RENT.Pleasant FURNISHED ROOMS. at 4*2*2 12th street, near New York avenue, my 23-6t* r^(*R RENT.From the 1st of June next, a FUR¬ NISHED HOUSE of twelve rooms. Apply at Room No. 15 first floor Poet Office Department, from 9 a. m. to 2 p ui. my23-6t* OFFD'ES FOR RENT.A HOUSE suitable for OFFICES, or dwelling, fronting on La av.« tith. and D streets, furnished with all modern ini provenients. Apply to MRS. A. SIMPSON. No. 4. Louisiana avenue. my 2'?-4t* FnirrST:NT-Brick STABLE AND CARRI AGE Hol'SE. in a central location. Possession given immediately. For terms. Ac., inquire of W. L. WALL k CO.. Auctioneers and Commi-.-ion Merchants, my 23 Corner 9th street and Penn. avenqe. F^OR SALE.-WE HAVE FOR SALE A FARM of ]S0 acres, about a mile beyond the Navy Yard bridtre;it is fine arable land, well fenced, and di vided into mowing pasturage and tillage with the Oxen Branch running through it. We will divide %it into 40 or 50-acre lots, to suit purchasers, or will sell the whole at .?.'X) per acre, upon very easy- terms. There is a .-mall House upon a 40-acre lot. D. L. WELLS A GO. my 23-lOt Corner Louisiana ave. and 6th st. 170R RENT. FURNISHED - That desirable JT RESIDENCE. No. 275 I street, between 17th and 18th west. Bent in advance. DOWNMAN A MAGRUDER, m 22-lw No. 2 Intelligencer Building. FOR RENT.A Three-gtory BRICK HOUSE, furnished, on C street south, between 2d and 3d sts.. Capitol Hill. Inquire of F. FAIRFAX, at the house between 3 and 4>s o'clock p. m. my 21 -6t* STORE FOR SALE-STOCK, GOOD WILL, and FIXTURES of the best stationery store in the city. Inquire of SMITH BROS. A CO.. 464 7th street, opposite Poet Office. my 21-lw FOR RENT AND FURNITURE (nearly new) FOR SALE at #200. Three completely fur¬ nished ROOMS suitable for housekeeping. Rent if 15 per month. No. 271k10th street, between O and P streets. my 21 -St* FOR RENT.In a very healthy and desirable situation in Georgetown, a Furnished HOUSE, containing 12 rooms, kitchen and cellar, with a pump of good water, a large garden and some fruit. Inquire at 94. corner of Fayette and 4th streets, Georgetown. D. C. my 21-2w* For SALE.A new two-story HOUSE, on the Island; $ino cash, the balance in monthly in- gtallmentfl of $10. STARR A METCALF, Rooms 12 and 13, Plant's Building, my 20 tf New York avenue and 15th st. Lots for sale on liberal terms- Located on 22<1 street west, one half square from street cars. Good fronts and depths. Price Rooms 15 and 16. Plant's Building, my 20-tf lath street ana New York avenue. FOR SALE-A very valuable LOT OF LAND in Prince Georges' county, Md., having the District line as one of its bonndaries; four miles from the Center Market; good soil; well watered; the whole truct having a southern exposure. Ten J^res of it are arable, and no better location can be found for a building site. Wood land adjacent can be had in any quantity to suit. Apply to the owner, across the Eastern 3ranch, near tne National Race t onrse, on the farm adjoining those of Col. John H. W heeler and Thomas Jenkins. Esq. my 15-13t* REUBEN MEITZLER. Bricks for sals.Seventeen thousand good, all hard, second-hand BRICKS for sale very cliemp Also, STONE DOOR SILLS and GRAN ITE POSTS and one IRON DOOR. Apply to D. A. GARDNER, 460 New York avenue, near the corner of 15th street, or to WM. HUNTER, north side old burial ground, on 14th street, near Bonn dary street, where the articlee are. my 18-tf FOR SALE.Lot No. 3, in Square 59, on 23d street west, between E street north and Virginia avenue. Said Lot is 15 feet front, 137 feet 2^ inches deep, and improved by a new first-class Wood House, containing five rooms. Also, two small Houses on the rear of the lot, containing two rooms each. The three houses rent for about $40 per month. Price 92,900. ImmMiat^ jioiweMlon^iven »P 19-tf 465 9th street, between E and F. AT PRIVATE SALE.A desirable two-story BRICK HOU8B, containing ftverooms, with a good dry cellar ander kitchen; well located, a few - blocks from the Capitol. Apply on the premises, 4th street east, between K nod B sts. north, Oapitof uui. - * mjr FOB SALE AND RENT. If OR SALE.A comfortable RESIDENCE for a family in the town of < ain'»n lg». Md. Th-- projierty ig well improved. In excellent oondltf**, and anuni; the MwtdiHiirtM* hOflfflt^ad* in th ¦ > tl la^e. It will be sold at A low figure. To * gentle mnn w hn desires a comfortable hnm- for hi< fnmih , in one of th" most aen- able Tillage* in Maryland, w hi»re honnehoM ¦ xp tip s a1* not halt as gre it a> in * city , the opportunity is a rare one. M ' W-Oiv-h, Editor of the Stnr. who knows th- property w«*ll, will give information concerning it to any mjui rt m my 15 If |,V 0 R S A~1_K R. M HALLS REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, No 71 Louisiana av-nue. , omer 7th stfef A lovrly COUNTRY RESIDENCE. n ;ar the city, about it) minutes drive from th" Capitol Biilting, improvenvnta of every kind, fine liouse with 1* i corns and hath room, lite stable large orchard* pf peach. pr:»r and apple Also. nn« assortment of grape* anil email fruits. beautiful shade and <rna mental trees lawn. &<. , Ac. About arr^* of land of first quality. Will be wold on easy term* Pric« £ I'3,000 my 81 eo3t TVMCEL Y FURNISHKl) ROOMS IN A NKW 1 * House, lath room aud wator closet*, and all the modern improvement* in th» house; pleasant neighborhood, and earn pan the door Ajiplyat No 479 I> street l>etween 1st aad 2d streets my 21 eoOt FOR R'R NT.Snail HOUSE, neat'> Forui shed to a party without children, $3# per month ("all at 295 8th street. l>olow M, af»<«r 6 p m m 23 eo2t* |,\!R SAIjK.A twoxtoey BRICK HOt'SK n"ir * Uifi n>rthea*t boundary of ti>e city; 4 r wrai uil ha',1*. with large lot of ground enciose 1 Prv-e ^t.OOO. Inquire 347 3d st. inh 25 tf PERSONAL. QfC Ann IN V EST IN DEFERRED NOTES, aeoured upon Real Estate. MITCHELL A HON. Real Estate Broker* niy 25 it S. K. corner Pa and 15th stre*t. 1r YOU WANT TO GET A GOOD HOOP~~SKTRT atljl. a nice Corset at 75 cents, and Millinery Goods of all description# at cost, call at once it Mm. STERN'S Hoop Skirt Factory and Corset Depot. 512 Seventh st., bet I) and K. ray 24 3t* ffl? f FOR TUB LATEST STYLUS OF SKIRTS, tjp I best material, always on hau l and made to order. Skirts altered and repaired, at S. F. SHREVE'S H oop Skirt and Corsut Manufactory. 253 7th street, bet M atid N st*. my it lm* zAn more of niose French wiialk .J If" BVNE CORsKl'S. Fit warranted or no sale, at CHS. BAUM'S. my 20 tf 49 Louisiana avenue. IMPORTANT TO PARENTS. SHOULDER BRACES made to order for Misses and Children, at CHS. BAl'M'S Hoop Skirt and Corset Manufac¬ tory. 49 Louisiana avenue, between 6th and 7th streets. my 2" tf Cj I WII-L BUY A GOOD HOOP SKIRT OF -2$ tj? I springs, at BAUM'S my 9 tf 49 Louisiana avenue. rl '11 E "GRAPE l '|i; \i: niaile by p Fl m WELCH. 430 Penu a avenue, bet. 4*4 and 6th sts.. is decidedly the bent ten cent Cigar offered for sale in Washington. my 8 lm* MANY SMOKERS. PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE ui( wood s i n i: \rn ph i: \ e.\ ri vf.s. 499 SEVENTH <TREET. my t-lin* Opposite t>. 1 <I Fellows' Hall. \* <»C CAN NEVER MAKE THE TBI I' .mTtu chu or Samaritan liunibugs. See Dr. DA KB Y. 4"*0 7tlj i-t H<- is the his»ln*~r authority Hit) pri \ ate rooms are opposite Hdd F<dlow>' Hall. my I lru* JT.HN D. Cl.AKK. A l'TOi;N KY AND « "I V >1.1.LOR AT LAW AND NOTARY IM Bl.IC. No. 3'Jj 12th street west. de 14 i\ LOST AMD i?OUND. ¦ usT.A Black and Tan TERRIER. Had a cd *_i lar on marked . 11 E. ({uinn." \ libera! re ward will be given ll returned to 173 1> -treet. 1^1 and'. It CTIl \ V KD AWAY oil the iii»tiint. a ila:k I ii MARE, medium siz. white ltiud te> t and carries mane on ii-it side. A suitable rewartl i! I la? given it returne* to JOHN UM Ho IT. cor tier of ;»t'n ami '> st5. iny27-lt C^AME*T(> M T PREMISES on the 25tb ' > a RED COW. with horns, white mi hei b.t. k The owner ij requested to com forward. pr«'Ve property pa\ ( barges, and take her awa\ W. H. 1'KTTIT. mj S-SI* Spring Hit! Farm, above (i.- rj. towa LOST .In* entre Market. thi« morning. I'oCKET j B<'<'K .containiiijf between .isand Si". ILniin it Dr. II 15. Noble's card. Leave at El.VANS £ CO.. and will receive nward. my 24-3t" REWAKIC.Lost, on the 25th in-t., be V*"*' tw"i'ii ltiggs \ Co.'s Banking house and S nd street. #7Mn seven .*10 notes aud one «¦'> note. The above it-ward will be paid if returned to the Star Office. in> 25-2f IOST.<>n the 22il. between Uniontown and i Georgetown, on the line of the cars, a Ladieg' tiuI.D WATCH. English mak Anyone return- ingsanie to l»r ANTISELL. Penti'a av.. will be suitably rew arded. in '34-3t * Q REWARD.Lost, on the morning of the i5d O instant. a Black NANNY (JO AT. blind in the left eye; a little gray hair on the face. Tlie above reward will be paid for her return toGEO. KRO N Eli. No. 133 4;a street, bet. Virginia avenue and E «t.. Island. ui24-3t* LOST.At the National Theatre, or between there and Willard's. last evening, a BRACE LET. marked "M. A. F'. to R. R.. Birthday Gift. lSo7." The finder will be liberally rewarded by leav¬ ing the same at \N illard's Hotel. fe 22-tt BOAKDINQ. I^CliNIsHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. IN A A healthy and agreeable location, for the summer months. Apply at Star office. my27-eo3t* HOARDINtr..Two gentlemen, or « gentleman and hi- wife, can find accommodations in a pri vate family. at No. 23 14th st. west, corner of W. near Meridian Hill. References re<itiired. m27 tf noARDINi; . FRONT PARLOR, handsome 1 y furnished, with BOARD for two. at ijiaO per month. BAi. h. I'A KLoU. tor two,at >'40 p-r month. Apply F". street, near loth st. my 27-3t* DESIRABLE Rooms, in a pb-asant location with Table Board. Terms moderate. Apply at No. 349 20th street, west,*.-, first house from I «treet. my 27-3t huge, handsomely furnished JT> ROOM, delightful for summer. The very best Table Board References required. \t No. 400 4th street, near the <°it) Hall. ni2B-3t* o\UD IN THE COUNTRY CAN BK OB t.lined by applying to Mrs. N. MAGRl'DER, Bladensburg. Application must be made in per-on. my 2.'. 4t" BOAKDIN't;.. FURNISHED RooM< BOARD, suitable for t wo gentlem» u. or gentle man and wife. Terms .*25 each r month 1 G street, between 2i»th ana 21st. my 24 3t' SEVERAL LARCE AIRY ROOMS. HAD««ME ly furnished to let. with BOARD, will be let in suits or singly. Two large parlors on first floor suitable for a club of four gentlemen. e;is. water, and bath in the house. One square from the cars, only a few minutes from Departments. Location unsurpassed for summer. Neighborhood excellent. Highest references given and required. 234 II st., near 19th my 21-eo3tiVdjt"' BOARDING.A gentleman and his wife, or two single gentlemen, can obtain u pleasant front ROOM with BOARD iu a private family from the North. luquire at No. 70 L street, between 23d and 24th. mh -AJ F ^OK RENT.Nicely furnished PARLORS and _i BEDROOMS from .$10 to %T2 per month. BOARD Sfo per week. No. 4!».Joth street, bet C and La. a venue. my 13-Im J/OR RENT.With BOARD, a largo corner front .T ROOM, with four windows. Also, two other ROOMS; all upon moderate terms. 3S9 3d street west, ccrner Indiana avenue. rnv IS-1J el FOR RENT.Two well furnished PARLORS, on the first floor, with or without BOARD. Apply 393 E St.. bet. 9th and 10th. fe 12 TABLE BOARD at No. 464 10th street, a few doors north of the avenue. Terms $25 per month. de 16-tf PIC NICS, EXCURSIONS, Ac. NOTICE .The PIC-NIC which was to have been given by the member* of O. B. Chris- mond's Brass and String Band, at Jeune- men's Garden, ha* been postponed until the 26th of May, on account of the inclemency of the weather. By order of the Committee. my 21-6t* PROF. KREIS' DANCING ACADEMY, Penn. ave.. opposite Metropolitan Hotel; Tuesday and Friday evenings, from 8 to 10o'clock. The hall can be rented for meetings. Jtc. my 10-ly A FOR GOOD CIGARS, at wholesale aud retail, go to WELCH'S, headquarters of the "Grape Cigar," 430 Pennsylvania avenue, between 4)6 and 6th streets. my 8-lm * HO. HOOD, . 33?* Pennsylvania avenue. Has on hand a large stock of fine WATCHES and JEWELRY. Solid Silver Ware, Fine Cutlery, Spectacles. Opera Glasses. Jkc.. Ac., that he will s«|| at very low price*. ap 23-tf A FLOUR, Ac. SSORTMEXT OF FLOUR COMPLETE. All grades of FAMILY. All grade, of EXTRA. All grades of SUPER. Fine and Middlings FLOUR. AT VERY LOW KATES. Assortment for Baker's use complete, AT VER Y LO H' RA TES. All kinds of Mill Feed. Hay. Straw. Ac. Ground Alum and Fine Salt, at rery law rates, by , W. M. GALT A CO., Indiana avenue and 1st street. ap 27 near Baltimore Depot. rn PER CENT. SAVED BY USING C. B. u" JEWELL'S pure unadulterated Premium New York City SOAP, Premium FAMILY SOAP, Premium FLANNEL SOAP, And No. 1 BROWN SOAP, For sale cheap for cash. Orders through the Poat Office will be promptly attended to. C. B. JEWELL, Soap aud Candle Maaufarturcr, No. 300 aud 502 G at. north, bet. <th and 5th. jall-fai CJEVERAL SPLENDID PARLOR ORGANS, © with Patent Organ Swell, and one vrith^ movable Pedal Ba». (rery convenient for organ »raetice athome.,>_w|n . *. ?5«TiVkLtVe SOLD AT C iXarj to rebuilding Storo. No. 49T Ilth st., abovs are PROPOSALS. Proposals fob furnishing article* AT THE WASHINGTON NAVY YARi>. K*tt PiTHAsTii't Ottick, I . _ WashingtohD. C . M %y 26. 14 " ( Sealed be endorse* ''Proposals." will ho received at this office until 12 » tn" 1ir-"t d»jr oljtint, U7, for the f'ilowint miiipli'-' vu'" must be of the vrni best quality, to he delivered fr-e otexpejiwe and Kovemmnnt tan, at the Washington Nary Yard, .inJ Mibj'ct to the usual tnsp^'Wttn thereat, to wit: Ewtau of Ordnnnr* 8W(P«ght hundred) Tons Cumberlaud Oeftl, run of the mine, 2/J40 pounds to the ton. 2 (two) barrel# Lard Oil, 1 (Piif ItarrH boil«1 l.inseed Oil StO(two hmidriHi and tift> » pound* Cast St»»l, i 01 three hundred ami fift> ) pounds 6h»w St*e4. Bureau \n~d* and D*(i. 30 (thirty I tons White Ash Kgg Coal Responsible security requi: -d for the prompt and faithful deliver} of supplies a»ardt*d. BUnk lorme for bids. myth furthf V H'timlars for bid J r», Vo he had at thi* nffire CALVIN O JACKSON. it»7 IS St I'ayvHxter U S. N avy. |\EPABTME*T Or AQKICU bTURB. *" Washington. D0 . May S 1MT. Proposals will oe received at this l»*partment nntii ii o clock Jane 6 d 7, far farnishiug all the materia'^ and perfcrmlng the work re<iuiredin the cotjstrncti«n of a Brick Building for the «<.* of tr.e Department of Agriculture. to be erected on Uesttrvntien ho I, in this city. acCTdlug plans and specifications that caa bo eeea at tlM office of tbe i>oa>mla»ioner of Agriculture wbtr* fun Information with regard te tbe promoted building can he obtained, said prope«al« te be either for the whole building or separately for the different kind* of work No proposal will he entertained from any par .on who is not known to he a practical bnilder Kidder* are reuut-sted to state the ¦ horteet tine possible In wbiow the bnildlng is to he compieted> the work to be commenced in three days after tbe Mgning e< tbe contract The Department reeerves the right to reiect anr or all bide, if it be deemed for the interest of the uo»numeBt to do so. and no bid wi-ll he rei el v*4 that does not conform to the requirements of the plans and apecilcationa and of thie advertise meat N'nety per cent of tne amount of work done aad materials furnished, according to contract price, /said amount to he ascertained by tha eetim*teor tbe Superintendent,; will be paid from time te time a* the work proceeds, aud ten per oeat retained nntil the completion of the contraoi and the acceptance of the work by the Deptrtment. Every proposal must be accompanist by the bond of two responsible persons, in the ion of twenty thousand dollars, that the bidder will accept an«l perform the contract If awaH«d te him, the sufficiency of the security to be certitied by the United State* District Judge. United State* District Attorney, or Olerk of the United States Ceurt. Proposals should be intriosed <n a sealed enve¬ lope, itdersed "Proposals for a Building for the Department of Agri nlture," and addressed to the Commissioner of Agriculture. my 9 SOt ISAAC NEWTOS, Commissioner. Proposals fob oattlr fob the win- NEB AGO INDIANS. Sealed Proposals will be received until Ue'olook M , on tbe 10TH DAY OF J ONE, lf»t>7, at the Office ot the Snperlntencient of *ndian Affair* for the Northern BuperUtendmcy. Omaha City, Ne¬ braska, for furnishing subsistence to the Winne- baco Indians at their reservation in Nebraska, eighty miles north of Omaha City as follows : 1.100 ponnds of Beef per day, net weight. I Hio pounds of Flour per day an J 1,600 pounds of Salt per month up to the 1st day of August. 18o7. Also, from and after the 1st day of August, 1*57, to tne 1st day of June, 1868, the following sappllee, to wit ».'4) pounds of Beef per day, net weight, and 1,500 poubda of Salt per mouth. All articles «f subsistence tarnished must be of good mallty aud subject to inspection and rejec¬ tion by the agent of the Winnebagoes. The right is reserved to increase or diminish tha nmonnt of supplies at tbe discretion of the Super¬ intendent of Indian A;:airs for the Noithern Bu peri n tendency. Also, te tei mluate the coutraot that may be en¬ tered into on giving the contractor or contractor! six weeks notice The contractor will be required to execute . good and sufficient bond in the sum of £ 104)00 for the faithful fulfilment of the centraet The party or parties to whom the award Is made must be prepared at ouca to execute the ooutract and give thfc re^ulr^d bond Separate proposals will be received fer each article of subsistence called for in this advertise- ment. Tbe right is reserved to reject any or all blda that may be offered. Bidders must give their Dames in fall as well m their places of re«tden e. Proposals must be endorsed .. Proposal* for Cat¬ tle for the Winnebago Indians." , H. B. DESMAN, my6-Slt Superintendent of Indian Affairs. BOPOSALS FOB CATTLE FOB INDIAB SERVICE, IN LIEU OF PBOPOSALS OF MARCH 27, 1S67. Dkpartment or the Interior,( , ^ _ W a^hington, April ii. ldo7 ( Healed Proposals will be received until 12 o'clock flr«t <*ay "I JUNE, 1867, at the urtioe of H-Superintendeut of Indian Affair* fer the Northern Snperlntemiency, at Omaha City, Nebraska, for the «Ieltvery at Omaha Olty of tbe following Stock Cattla, to wit: 300 head of Milk Cows for tue Winnebago ln- dians. occupying a reservation In NeDraaka. 300 head ot Milk Cowa for the 8antee Sioux In¬ dians , occupying a reservation at the moutb of tbe Niobrara. Nebraska. 300 bead of Milk Cowa for tbe Tancton Sioax In- occupying a reservation in Dakota. 100 head of Milk Cewa for the 9maha Indiana, occupying a reservation in Hchraak% 3«heaii of American Balls. The Cows must be of good quality* American Dreed,not less than three nor more than seven r®a/» old. Oows with young oalves, orcews witk calf, will be preferred. The Bulla mnit be not lew than three years old. All Cows known by stock drovera as Texas cows, Indian Cows. Mexican Cowa, or half breeds will not be received. Superintendent Desman will have the right to reject any or all bids that may be offered: also, th« right to reject any or all the cattle if ne deems that the cattle delivered are not of the roquired character. Superintendent Denman will be authorized te receive the said cattle and to give vouchers to the parties delivering the cattle, to be paid at the office of the Commissioner of Indiana Affairs in Washington city. The Cows to be delivered on or before the first day of Augnst, 1So7. Superintendent Denman will have the power to change the place of delivery with the consent of tbe contractor. The contractor will be required to ezente a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $24,000 for the faithfnl fulfillment of the contract The party or parties to whom the award Is made most be prepared at ence to execute the contract and give the required bond. Bids will not be received for a less number thaa the total number of cows and bulls called for. Bidders must give their names in full, as well as their places of residence Proposals must be endorsed, "Proposals for Cattle for Indian Service." ap 27 O. H. BBOWNINfl, Secretary. Navy department, Bi RKAf of Navigation. May 7.1857. Sealed Proposals,endorsed "Proposals for build¬ ing a Chapel at tbe Naval Academy, Aunapoiis, Maryland," will be received at this ofllee until 1 o'clock p. in.. May 28, 18o7. at which hoar the bids will be opened, for furnishing all the materials and workmanship necesaaiy for tbe constrnotion and completion of a Ohapel at the Naval Acade¬ my ground#, Annapolis, Maryland, according to plaaa and specifications, which can be seen at this office daily from 9 am until 3 p. m. Bidders must accompany their offers with guar¬ antees that they will, if their bids are accepted, enter into contract, with good and satisfactory se¬ curity in tbe fnllamonnt of the contract, within ten days from the acceptance of their offer Thev are requested to name the time in which they will engage to complete tbe building. The Burean reserves tbe right to reject nay or nil of the bids at its discretion. THORRTON A. JENKINS, my 9 eo9t Chief of Enreaa, P p BEAT WATCH BALE I sj O!* THK PerrLAR ON on TRs rerrLAR ons Piles plan, Givmr every Fatrom a Handsome and Reliablt Watckfor the low Pries of Ttn Dollars WITHOUT KI6AXD TO VALUI. And not to U pa id for unlets ptrftcilw Satisfactory ! 160 Bolld Gold Hunting Watches $1B9 to E7S0 100 Magic Cased Oold Watches ........ >10 to 630 100 ladies' Watches. Enamelled...... 100 to 300 300 Gold Hunting Chronometer do... 360 to 30U 300 Gold Hunting English Levers... 300 to 25® 900 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches . ISO to 200 600 Gold Hunting American Watches 100 to 360 too Silver Hunting Levers AO to 160 6oo Silver Hunting Buplexes 76 to 360 500 Gold Ladies' Watches 60 to 360 1,00<» Gold Hunting Lepinee.. 60 to 75 1,000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches 60 to 100 2,500 Hunting Silver Watches 36 to 60 6.000 Assorted Watches, nil kinds. 10 to 76 .9"Every patron obtains a Watch by this ar- ent, costing bat §10, while it may be worth No partiality shown We wish to immediately otsposs of thenfrov* magnificent Btock. Wertificntes, naming tbe nrti- cles, nre placed in sealed envelopes, and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the nrtldss named on their certificate,upon payment of ElO, whether It be a Watoh wertn $760 or one worth less. The return of nny of onr certificates entitles von to the nrticle named thereon, upon pay Bent, Irrespect¬ ive of Its worth, and as ne nrtfcls Tnlned less than $10 Is nnmed on nny certlficnte, It will nt once seen thnt this Is . . . No Lo'ttry but a straight forward lemtimatt Transaction, which may participated in ft'tn by th* most fastidious ' A single Oertifioate will be sent by mall, post aid. upon reoeipt at 36 cts., fivefor 01, eleven fer »j, thirty-three and elegant premium for $$, six- y six end more valuable premium fer $10, one ^u ad red and most superb Watch for 9 it. To agents or those wishing employment this is n rare opportunity. It Is a legitimately conducted busi¬ ness, duly nnthoriEed,Dy the Government, and most careful scrutiny. Try us ' open to the »ost careful eorotiny. IVy u. WEIGHT, BROTHER * 00., Importers, apzo 36t 161 Broadway, Mew York. PIC-NIC. EXCURSION. AFD TRAVELING LUXURIES. Just received, a large assortment of articles se¬ lected especially for tne above purposes. STRASBOURG, FAI8AN, BECASSES, PER- DBEUX. POTTED TONGUE, HAM, ANCHOVIES, &c., Ac.. . . Croeeee Sc Blackwel l's, Gordon's Preserves. Brandy Fruits, and Jellies, Fresh West India Fruits. . Also, a large variety of Plain and Fancy Pic-Nic and Truveliug Baskets. MAGNOLIA HAMS. We call attention to. for Sandwiches. They are mild, tender^aud < 'qoliVen Juk'1 From the Scuppernong Grape of North Carolina; light, very fruity and golden color; unexcelled for lunch use. 7. M. KING ft SON, King Place, ay1*-tf Corner Vermont av<j, and 15X tft.

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Page 1: FOR 8ALE AND If Proposals · 2017. 12. 13. · B. B. F.Wehave received a brochure in rhymestyled 'TheTrouble omeTrio," which aeemsintended as a defence of the poetical effusionot

THE EVENING STAR..y For '.acctioh S4LH" advertisements

.ee fourth page of 'o-day'a Stab.


National I hiatbb -l'bp Richlngs EnrlishOpera Troupe m "Linda di Chamounix"thisevening.Fall of a Hiiluimo.-This morning the

gable »-nd ol the w»-il iiduvd re-irlence of m*Brereton family cornerol ?th and F sTMts,was observed to split lrom the roof to *be oo -

torn ot tbe it uiintiiion, c%u-ed by th* excava¬tion ol a foiled* icn tor the u^w four storjmarble front bui rii nt proposed to be erectedby Hie pin- A; I e ry on hj adioining lot, whichexcavation ex'«»iid* helo» the fouudttion ofthe Brereton h u-e. Officer Grant, of theeanitary polic-, s» erne 'he danger ran into theBrereton bonne a d notified the inmates, and ageneral scpmper ot 'he occupants occurred,some ofthem jumpng 'rom the tops of thestair-waystothe «....»* "elow. Msj or R ch&rds wasnotified and mm* lately detailed a force tokeep passers b* n'o' rtantrer and sent for th-»Hot k and Ladder Co.. who came anda'.rntcbedtheir guard ropes arooud tbe building. Thejewelry store of Mr. Hopkins, was soonemptied by the citizens and police, and th«property placed in char ire of officer McElfresh,of the Fourth Ward. The grocery store wasuntouched, as 'he oanger was too imminent tojustify any one entering tnere, and the policewould not permit it About fifteen mmutesfrom the t me tbe breaks was noticed." thegranite sills of the 7th street front of the housegave way and fell, and portions of the northgable end, whore the bricklayers and laborersbad been at work, also fell, fortnna'ely with¬out hurting any one. The building is badlydamaged throughout, and much of it willbave to be taken down to make the necessaryrepairs. It not possible yet to tell what theless will be. It is said that the strata of sand.Which it will be recollected was taken out ofthe excavation made for the 7th-street sewer.Tons tinder tbe northwest corner ot the build-ine, which gave way.This af ernoon, Mr. Brereton is encaged in

Temeving his stock, while a careful watchwas kept on the wall, the fissures in whichseem to be increasing in size. During themorning there were large crowds of personsabout tbe building, and at one time it was withdifficulty that the street cars and ether vehiclespassed.

-.The May Festival, (repetition) by Profes¬

sor Marini. on Friday night, was a very bril¬liant affair. The fine hall.withits cicely waxedfloor and handsome decorations, was filled bya very fashionable assemblage; and the scene,when the procession ofbeaut'ful and brilliant¬ly dressed children (May Queen andpirty)entered the room. wn~- a'traeiiv* in the ex¬treme. Ibe following programme was car¬ried ont with superb effect. the pupili. oneand all. showing a wouderfni proficiency un¬der the training of Professor Marini and hisaccomplished aid. Mr. H. BatesGrand Entiee.Godde~« of Liberty, Mt3s

Kitty Borrows ueen of May, M'fs Ella Har¬vey If-t Maids ot Honor, Miss LiUy Bruff, andMiss McCierir out; 2d Maids of Honor, MissLaura Pettibone and Miss Martti Greason;Crown Bearer. Mis.- AnuieCabnrri. Corona¬tion of the Queen. Fancy Dances.La llano-la. Miss Norbeck; Highland Fling. Miss White;Crscoviejine, Mis-, Heiberger and M is erClark: Ki Bolero, Jkliss Flora Cook HighlandF ling, Miss- AnnieG.aburri:Sailor's Hornpipe,Master Harbaugh; Mrs. McGowan's K«el,M iss Cook. Cacbuca. Mis? Johnson- VillageHornpipe. Miss Gabnrri; Sicillienn*, Ml-sCook and Master Heiberger; Cachuca, MissHeiberger: Highland Fftng, Miss Cowing; L&^molenski.Misses Nor'oeck and Cook;C -chiwa.Jklis> ft'oyes: I>a. Bayadere, Miss Cook: Medley,Miss Ella JVorbeck; Les Lenders, (Queen's Set.

After the above programme was completedtbe floor was cleared for visitors, and somehours were spent very enjoyably in "Crippingit on the light faatistic toe." The managers oftbe Ball, a:- below, were most assiduoas inproviding for the enjoyment of the guests:Reception Committee..Lt. W. S. Mine, Lt.

Geo C. Reld. Lt. 1) P.Mannix, .T. C. S'rana-ban. C. L. Miller, 1. >. Bnrritt.Floor Manager..H. Bates, assisted by D. A

Clark.Floor Committee..A. E. Gonld, 1>. W Mid.

dleton, F. A. Foster. Wm. Aber, Geo. W. Ev¬ans. Geo. F. Lamborn.

A Raid owFightiwg Alley No a .Sun¬day morning, about 1 o'clock, Sergeant Bar*ker, with a platoon of the Seventh Ward po¬lice. made a descent upon the fancy residentsand visitors in the alley between 3d and 4^and E and F streets south, and saptured thir¬teen women and eleven men without distinc¬tion of color, and carried them to tbe stationbouse. The females were charged with lead¬ing a lewd and lascivious course of life, andthe men with being disorderly. The localitybaa been complained of by the respectableneighbors, which caused the raid. JusticeHandy fined them all in sums ranging fromtwo to ten dollars. Eight of the party weresent to tbe workhouse in default of payment oflines.

The Fiphing Season Over..The Alexan¬dria Gnz*tl" says..The fishing season maynow be said to be over, as we understand thelew seines which have been woi ked since the20th of ibis month, will be closed and cut outto-day. During the last week quite large it n-bers "of shad and herring bave been sent tomarket, and the fishermen «ay there are plentyof fish in the river yet. The gillers will stillcontinue to catch shad. Sturgeon are nowcanght in numbers.

.Raid ok Louse Alley .Last night the po¬

lite of tbe ?th ward made a descent upon tbealley, between 3d and 4)f streets, aartb ofMaryland avenue, and arrested twelve menand six women, all white: the men for dis >nl-?rly conduct and the women for a lasciviouslife. The fines ranged from three to five dol¬lars each. The women were out of funds andwere sent to the workhouse.

B. B. F .We have received a brochure inrhyme styled 'The Trouble ome Trio," whichaeems intended as a defence of the poeticaleffusion ot B. B. French, Esq., in praise of thePresident. This effusion the. author of tbebrochure seems to regard as tbe cause of Mr.French's losing bis place ol Commissioner ofPublic Buildings through tbe action of Con¬gress.

- .T Left Towj .Hon D. S. Gooding, Marshal«r this District, was very unexpectedly calledto Greenfield, Indiana, to the death-bed of Mr. Gooding and hl« familyleft tbe city last evening for lndtana.

. .P»Excursion .Tbe excursioa of th« RylandChapel folks to Glymoat, which was to bavetaken place on Wednesday next, May 3&th, ispostponed until Fridav. June 7th.

.PoLica RbpOrtp .Saturday, the police re¬

ported ?9 arrests in tbe District, and the finesamounted to .*->50.46. Yesterday, the arrestswere 3«, and tbe fine* sua.

?"The Black CROOK"at Wall's Opera House'

'Wednesday evening.


< For holding Shutters on aW at three differentangles, and dispensing with strings or hooks.)For sal.- by JOHN R. ELVANS A CO.,uiy 25-:« 309 Pennsylvania avenue.

WALAD (BEAMm Prepared for Dressing Salads.

< HOSSE A BLACKWELL'S V1NKOAR.In handsomely ornamented derant« rs.

TURKEY FHJ8. th fin»*»t in the market, largean) with thin «kin><.

LAYER RAISINS-very largeNECTARINES. N*. W. Bl'RCHKI.L.corner 14th and F struts,

n»T 25 mider Ebbitt Honte.^TltASUOURG MEATS, in ^mall faiiey jar-, ami^ pot np b\ rrohHc A: Black well, of Louiio,ii.Assorted ENGLISH TICKLES.ITALIAN SAUSAGE.PARMESAU.

STILTON CHEESE, ate I( IIEDDER CHEESE.(.enuin'* and <»fl'»ist <inality.e N W. BUBCfiELL,corner 14th and F «treetx,a*T 25 under Ebbitt il<m»e.



my il 1m IH. W. HAMILTON A CO.' *>OK BOSTON -To sail, positively, ou TUEg-f DAT. 2^th insf.. the snlfD»lid A 1 ParketSchooner JULTA A. dALLOCK. Crowell^-, now loading for the above p.-,rt,*B®«ud will sail a» alove. Fur freight applv to

HARTLEY « BROTHER,93 and 99 Water str-et.

n»> 14 It* Georgetown. D. C.^ICFLSIORI EXCELSIOR


FOR REMOVING SUPERFLUOUS HAIR.Tothe ladieK eemelally, this invalualil.. «iepi!a>

<ory re<t>nHiten<U itself as being an alnmst Indisj>»-u»al>le artlrle to female beauty, is easily ap-plisd. does not burn or injure the skin, but actsdirectl* on the roots. It is warranted to removeSBperflnoHs hair from low foreheaiU. or from anvother part of the body, completely, totally andra lirally fitirpatiuc tb«* same leaving the *Wlu #<>ft.emootb and nafnral. Tlii< is the only articleuted by tbe Frvtich, and is the ouly real effectualdrpilatwr> in existence, rrioe 75 cant# per pai k-agg sent poet paid, to any address, on roceipt of an

ifKRGKE SHUTT8 * CO., Chemists.apS DAWeol) UOi Kiver street. Troy, N. Y.

JAMES OUILD. DEALER IN NEW AWiHC COND HAND FURNITURE. Old Furniturerepaired. Reupholxtered aTi<f>'arnish«»d. lJth andB streets, (near the e»R«| > Highest price paid forftocond-haad furniture. je I If*

CITY ITEMS.* * ' .' I '

Lim Dttok Suit*, ahrnnk it soap, forKwinatm i»r fio, at Hennlnit'a One PriceOtothing more, on toe corner of JgerenUbtreet and Maryland avnne.

.1 will sell 18 oarai Gold Watohe?, perfecttime-keepers, Gold Chain, Ooral Jewelry,Silver Spooni. at greatly reduced prices- Yon

cannot boy a Watch or Chain at any ofjew.elerf, in this citv as cheap by 50 per cent, asyon can of 1. Alexander, 240 Pennsylvaniaavenue, near 13th street. 2

«Bronchitis .The usual symptoms of this

disease are Comgb, Soreness ot the Lanes orThroat, Hoarseness, Difficulty ot Breathing,Hectic Fever, a spitting of Phlegm or Matter,and sometimes Blood. It is an Inflammationoi the fine skin lining the inside of the wholeof the Wind Tubes or Air Vessels which mnthrough every part of the L<ungs. Jayne'sExpectorant immediately suppresses theCough. Pain, inflammation, Fever and Diffi¬culty of Breathing; produces a free and easyexpectoration, and effects a speedy cure. Soldby all Druggists. w s.m.

Whit* Shifts, #1.75, $2, f*2.S0;good CottonHalf Hose; 2 pair for 25 cents: gauze Under -

shirts, 50 cents to Si 50, Gray's ImitationLinen, and Byron Collars,25 cents per box, atFranc's, 494 7th street; between D and Estreets, three doors above Odd Fellow*'

Hall. tf)-l:Ecohomy is the highway to wealth.ther#

fore economise and buy your Gent's Furnish¬ing goods at Franc's; Good Cotton Half Hose.12){c; Gauze Unriershirts from 50 eeuts to$2 50; good White Sbirts, SI.75, $2, $2 50. 49i7th street, between D and E, near Odd Fel¬lows' Hall. 10-1:

.For Gknts* Furnishing Goods and Shirts

made to order go to Franc's. 494 7th street,between D and E streets, three doors aboveOdd Fellows' Hall. 10-1:

Mat au Pibds..Pour cors. ognons, inverseosgles, etc., conseil Dr. White, Pennsylvaniaavenue, No. 424, pre* roe 4^. Etabli 1881.

.No Bkttkr Investment can be made than

in Clothing at the present reduced prices atthe Great Central Clothing House, 440 Seventhstreet, opposite the Post Office.

.. «Go and See those fifteen dollar suits, re¬

ceived this morning, at the Great CentralClothing House, 460 7th Btreet, opposite thePost Office.Owe Hundrkd Suits at twenty dollars just

received. Cail and look at them at the GreatCentral Clothing House, 4«<l 7th street, oppo¬site the Post Office

PjfNjtTEs can be hid in any quantities at theStar ollice counter.


"Mi tlx- |» tition of HENRY KITCIIlfc. of N"«ark. N w.l ri.,\ praying for the extension or ap it-ill ll iiiitci to nini thi 23d ilit> «,f August IH.VJ.for an improvement in Padlock, lor seven yearsfi- in tin- expiration of said patent. %vlifch tak-splace i.n tin- i'fel 'lay of An east. I(ji7 :

It i- ordered that tin- said petition t>e heard at tiiePatent wffic-«n MONDAY, the 5th day of Vuuu-tiit yt .it 12 o'clock m.; ana all persons are'notifi-dr.' appear and show cause, if any they have why- i'l . t t i.-n ought. iiot to he granted.1'iTsons < |>po<injr the extension are result I toti in the 1'atent office their objections, specially-'t t' l th in \ti iting. at least tiren'y day* h Tore the'is' 'h nine. all testimony file Iby either party to

< u.-i a' tin -ait! hearing must he taken a id trans¬mitted in accordance wifli the rules of the otlic-.which v. ill be f'nrnislietl nn appli nation

|t. positions and other papers .relied upon as tesf iin.ny must be tiled in the «fHce twenty'lay ¦> b !tcthe day of lieaiing; the arguments, l'f unv. withinf. « i!;in V after filinc tiie testiln ny.Ordered, also, that this notice be published in the

Republic ari anil the lutelligenc r. Wa.-hington. I>P., wid in the Advertiser.Newark, S.'J once hwe. k for three successive weeks: the first of -aidpublication* to be at lea-t si\ty days previous to theday of hearing. T. C. THEAKER,

Commissioner of Patents.P S.."Editor? of the ahtiYr papers will pie , «¦

copy and semi their bills to tiie Patent Office. v\ itlia paper containing this notice. my 27-\v-'!n


Washington. May 17. ls;7'»n tiie petition of CHARLES WATT, 'if Pntn- y.England, ami BURGESS. of Rover's Ford.

I*. una praying for the extension of a patentgranted to them the isth day of July. ISM. anil antedated the 19th day of August. 1*5."'. r i~-u*-d the5th day of October. IMS. and again reissued in twodivisions the7tli day April. ]s(3, for an improvemerit in rn.-ess of Treating Wood and other vege¬table substances in th* manufacture of Paper Pulp,fc r seven years from the expiration of said patentwhich takes place on the l<»th day of August, 18-fT

It is ordered that the ^aid petition be heard at th»-Patent Office on Monday, the 5th day ol Augustnext, at 12 o'clock M.; and all persons are notifiedto appear and show cause, if any they have, whyriK ii said petition ought not to be granted.Persons opposing the extension are required t<>file in the Patent "Office their objections. speciallyset forth in writing, at least twenty days before thedav of bearing: all testimony filed by either partyto be iiw'4 at tiie same hearing must be taken andtransmitted in accordance with the rules of the of¬fice. which will be furnished on application.Depositions and other papers relied upon as te-ti

mony must be filed in the office twenty davs beforethe day of hearing: tin-arguments, if any, withinten ten days after filine the testimonyOrdered, also, that this notice be published in th>-

Republican and the Intelligencer. Washington D. '...and in the Norristown Republican. Norristown.Penna.. once a week for three successive weeks:the first of uaitl publications to be at least sixtytlavs previous to the tlay of hearins

T r THEAKEKlny 27-w3w Commissioner of Patents.




WAVFRLY NOVELS.Each number completevolume in itself.usually sold by book agents at 30cents P'-r No., only 25 cents; to he complete in 25Nos. Now is the time to subscribe.

WAVFRLY NOVELS.Five volumes bound inone, printed on good paper. . Waverly." "RobRoy,'' "The Monastery," "K-nelworth,7' and'"The Pirate;"'all for §1.50.DICKENS* WORKS.Illustrat'-d. from .$1.50 to

Su'.&O. Each volume complete in itself.

THACKARY S WORKS - Beautifully illustrated. large prir.t, from ,fl.25to -51.50 per volume.A Lot of ENGLISH BOOKS just received, to

which the attention of the reading public is re¬

spectfully invited, at the Hudson Taylor BookStore.

IfRENCH A RICHARDSON,my 21 tf 334 Pennsylvania'avenue.


AT LEAST .50 PER CENT SAVED.Jnst received a large lot of line RYE WHIS¬

KIES from the best Went Virginia distilleries,which I will offer at the following reduced prices,via:.At $2.30- 43.26, $4 and 45 per gallon retail.Wholesale purchasers will find a great deductionfrom the above prices. I will also offeraOIN at12.76 per gallon retail, superior to any Gin soldelsewhere than at this bouse for less than $4.60 thegallon.Received besides a large lot of Imported SHER

RIES direct from Europe, and in bond at NewYork, transferable to Georgetown custom house;100 casks of Cadiz SHERRY and 90casks of Cetteor French SHERRY. The Cette Sherry, such asthe New York, Philedelphia and Baltimore houseshave been selling to city dealers, according to theirgenerosity. at from $3. $150. and $4 per gallon. Iwill sell same article at $2.60 per gallon retail and$2 per gallon wholesale. C. GAUTIER,ap2 ly Inlp-Tter, '2&4 Penn'a avenue.


hlMv intend participating insnd bi st assthe Maj' Festival on Monday, can find the cheapest>ssortmen< of BOYS HATS in


n y ^3 It 7th St., between I and K

o PIAN OS.NE Rosewood iEolian PIANO, made by Gilbert;

$175.One Rosewood PIANO, made by Meyer;!

$100. IOne almost new Boardman A Gray, with Stool and

Cover: $250. For sale upon easy terms.A large lot of Steinway A Son's and North Amer¬

ican Piano Co.'s Instruments has just been re¬ceived at the ware rooms of W. G metzErott,t CO.. sole aeent of Steinway"s Pianos, and Ma¬son A Hamlin's Cabinet Organs. inv 9

^ O F F E E .

A FACT .Now is the time to economise. Try thecelebrated P P. COMPANY'S EAST INDIA COF¬FEE, only 15 cents per pound. To he had of

HORATIO BROWNING,No. 353 Penn. avenue, Washington, D. C,

general depot.195 Chambers street. New York.

JOSEPH R. BEACHAM.ap2<-lni* Proprietor.

PASTURE FOR HORSES AND COWS onthe farm of Geesboro, well fenced, wa-,tered and shade, on the most reasonableterms Apply to R. DUFFY, at the Na-4tioaal Race Course. my2ft-lm*


auwprice,!' *1*1 ""

"324 D St.. between 10th and 11th.

Housefurnishino goods or everydescription. ' 8. F. SAVAGE,an U-t( 324 D, between 10th and Uth ats.a*ggs "

WANTS.^\TANTED.'Two first-class journeyman BVR-

£ AppJy 457 Stlintrwjt, ne»i; K ^ ,niy 27 n* M. OAtTO.W^TKD-A TOUNtnSWTOB W A ITI NT'i

ON TAHL8 in an Eating llou^e. Oall at4 2* K, bHween 8th and 9th streets. It

WA NTED-By a resp^tacl*girl,a~SITUATIONput cook in a boarding-house, eating-house ,orprivate f unity Address O G , StaromZ7 It*

\\rANTED.A ^ITTvATION , l.y a mildle a^edv v woman, to tak" charge of a child or cbildr-.iNo objection t*» travel Best of referrnoe given.Addre** J A , Star Office my 3T-2t*

WANTED.A good fenial. COOK, (white o*black ) Apply immediately at No 64 0 I

street north, between 3d and 3d at1? Referencesrequired m'l? 2t

WANTED.A neat, tidy white GIRL, to do thwork in a small family. Oae who can coin

recommended will find a comfortable home by :\pply ins at No. 252 9th st , near N St. north. It*'l*lrANTKD.A'hITTIATION-by a MARRIEDv v MAN, sober, Htudy , and industrious to drivetown, or any ctb*r kind of labor No objection ingoing to the country. Good reference given if required A ldress by letter to LABORER, StarBuilding, for two days It*.tfT7irtn"TG~#»,000 -Wanted, a COPARTi(PO»UU" NER with the above capital in anold paying business where twice that amount Unow invested. Address, with real uauie and refer¬ence, TOBACCONIST, Lock Bo* 53 City PostOtfice. my V W

WANTED-ROOM and BOARD, in a quiet privato family, in Washington, Georgetown, or

Alexandria, for a ladv. Retirement and a home arethe objects sought Address, for three days, givinglxation nnd terms, which must be moderate, P. H.S.. Bo* *i0 Star OfficeWanted.ROOM and BOARD, for a lady and

daughter, five year* old; convenient to the PatentOffice*. Terms must be reasonable. Address Mrs.II B C., City Post Office.Wanted.A PLACE for a first classchambermaid.

Address " Mary," Box 2 Star Office, for three day.*.my 27 2t*

WANTED.Every one to call and see the great¬est curiosity out. now on exhibition free of

charge at 407 ;«1. at., bet. D and E. m 25 3t*

WANTED.At 233 1 Rtreet. betw»en Hth andJ9th, a competent white NURSE, to leave the 25 2t*

I^WO UN FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED,suitable for housekeeping. Location, between

6th street, N Jersey live.. and G st north. Rentp lid in advance, if desired. Addrens No. 52 La.

avenue mv25-3t*tl'ANTED-An AMERICAN WOMAN as hous-vv keeper: one who understands making dessertsand has good references. Apply at No. 391 C street,between 3<i and 4S streets. my 25-3t*

VVANTED.20,000 Ladies to know that they"can buy at l>ODGliAS8 & HltO.:S Hoop

Skirt Manufactory, 503 Ninth street, corner I), aSKIRT of 20 sprines for tiO rents; 25 springs for 75cents, and 30 springs for 95 cents. my 24-6t*

W[A fs TE1).A respectable mi.Mir aged WHITEit WOMAN. to take charge of a house and dowork of a small family Washing given out. Reference required. Aildress J. B. MINES, U. S.Patent Office, or call at No. 203 £2d street, after 4o'clock p. in. my 24-3t*WANTED To"BUY.For Cash. A SQUARE OF* v (itt(ilM) in the northern part of the city or

on Capitol Hill. STA11R >t METCALF.Plant's Building.

my 22-tf corner New l'ork av. and lath st.

%*/ A NTED.Ladies to know that the best and»v cheapest place Hoop SKIRTS. CullSETS, and SH<>1 LDEJt BBACES, is that of CHS.BAl M, 40 La. avenue, between titli and 7th ,-ts.(joods are warranted to fit or no sale. m2it tf\\ A NTE® TO BU Y-By~E. S. .11"sTlTT-iTaTlianvv and lieiiTlenien's second hand Clothing. Un

d( i' liitiiiiju l'i'dding. Boots and Shoes. Ac., fk< ..

at y*4?.j Ttli street. I»etween L and M st« north\. I!.No matti-r how much they may have lv.nworn. niyt-im'\\' ANTK1>-\YANTKD-MEN f<.r tl»- I'nir -dv ? Mate.* Anuy at 401 t.' street, near Baltimore

Kiilmii'l 1 >..!'« ,t. niy3-linV\'.\NTK1».\ Fiirni-hed ir<»LSE ceutrnllj lovv ..;«t. d.even to nine rooms. A r'-asouald"

relit will be paid Cood l-efert»l:ees Notify l,oxl.)« P room No. 5 .'.'Ionization Building.411 Pennsylvania avi-niie. apl9\V AN TKD.N-vv and Cast-off CLOTH 1N» i "idv* <i»il I> and any other articb- of

\:<ln>- at tlie old e-tablished Merchant Pawnl-rok'-i « ^toi'- <d l«. FI'LToX ,v C< i.. 502 9th -rreet.:?doors north of Prima, avenue. Sole Agent forSINGERS SEWING MACHINE. de22 1>

W" ANTED.10.000 1,A DIES to kn..vv that atthe new Stamping Rooms, 4T59 9th street, opjuwite Patent Office, they can find the b--t selected

as-..ctinei!t of Patterns ever offered here for Cloaks.Capes, Aprons, .los^ys. Waists. Yokes. Bands.

rappers. Slippers. Pincushions, and Initials.Also, designs tor Pillow Cases. Ottomans. ChairCovers, Pianos, and in short, every variety of patt> rii- a« thev are daily issivd. We have a FrenchMachine and a Practical Stamper, and have re¬duced tie price to FIVE CENTS PER WIDTHWe make and stamp nnu pattern brought u-.Braids. Silk and Working Cotton very 15-tf

J^INES ON THE GRAVE CIGAR.Who that has smoked Havana's fragrant weed.And seen the clouds ascend In graceful curls.

But feels the world's dark picture all recede.And hopes gush brighter as each puff unfurls?

The choice aroma of the ..Grape Cigar,"'Will spread like inc,*n«e sprinkled on the hearth;"Tis sw;eet as evening, when each peeping starReceives its homage from the flowers ot earth.

Its fi'tnes enliven, renovate and cheer.Refresh the path mortality must tread.

Like scented groves iu nature's wild's appear.To raise enchantment and relieve the head.The high and low. the rich and poor.And all who wish to pass a pleasant hour away,Should call on WELCH at his famed C^ar Store,His superior stuck a visit will repay.The "GRAPE CIGAR" is made by the be->t work¬

men. of Choice Havana Tobacco, and is decidedlythe best ten cent cigar offered for sale in Wash¬ington. All lovers ot good Cigars should call on

P H WELCHmy 14-lni 430 Pa. av.. bet. and 6th sts.


Wholesale Dealer and Jobber ofSTRAW .4ND MILLINERY GOODS.

4^7 !»TH STREET, near Pennsylvania avenue

Washington, D. C.Positively no Goods sold at retail. my 17 eotf


20 Market Space.


DAVIS A- GATTHER'S.20 Market Space,

Hemstitched handkerchiefs, warRANTED PURE LINEN, for

DAV'S & GAIT1IER S.20 Market Space.


DAVIS & GAITHER S.20 Market Space.

Best $1.25 KID GLOVES IN THE MARKET. in all sizes, atDAVIS Jt GAITHER S.

my £5-3t 20 Market Space.GREAT BARGAINS IN



who have commenced to run off their very largestock at the following low figures:Men s good SEWED GAITERS, $3.Men s fine BOX TOE GAITERS, «6.Men s LASTING TIES AND GAITERS. $1.75

to $3.BASE BALL SHOES AND SPIKES. $3100 pairs LADIES CONGRESS GAITERS. *1.100 pairs LADIES LACE GAITERS. $1.Very fine GAITERS. $2 to JJ3.OPERA TOE GAITERS, all sitea.Misses and Children's SHOES all style#.Bl SKINS and SLIPPERS very cheap.


at 506 SEVENTH STREET,one door sooth of Odd Fellows' Hall,

my 25fit* stone stepg at entrance.

LABIES DESPAIR NOT!-Yon are not » ineurfiblt.Rtli'f is at hand.At No. 179 south

B street, opposite the Smithsonian Institution,where you can obtain the celebrated MadameBovin's Female Alterative Pills; also. Dr. Velpau sPeriodical Drops, a never failing remedy in remov¬ing all irregularities and obstructions. To Marri<*d Ladies it is peculiarly suited. It will in ashort time brinir on the monthly period with reg¬ularity. Caution..They should not betaken byfemales during pregnancy, as they are sure to bringon a miscarriage. To be obtained onlv at 179south B street, Island. myJ5-3t*

Largest stock.greatest variety.Of NEW AND SECOND - HAND^jm^.PIANOS. PARLOR ORGANS. MELO IBNiDEONS, and every article In the MusiclTYieBusiness, for sale or rent on easy terms.JOHN F. ELLIS,

my 22-eo3t 310 Penn. avenue, near 10th street.


, , . , J A SPECTACLES.Carefully suited to every eyesight,By I, ALEXANDER,240 Penna. avenue, between 12th and 13th sts.Also, a fine assortment of Opera Pebbles inserted in frames to 3 1m

NEW BOOKS.The Invincibleg, an explanationof the phenomena commonly called Spiritual¬ism. Elsie Magoon, by Mri. Frances Dana Gage.Over Saa, by Henry Morford. May Day and otherPoems, by Ralph Waldo Emerson. Pendennls, Dia-mond Edition; illustrated. Brinton on IntectiiialObstruction. Harrison on the Steam » FRANCE TAYLOR.

rkANTE'8 PUROATORIO, translated by LonjiJLr fcllb*. Mead's American Grape Culture, n-lastrated. Horwood's Law and Practice of NavalCourtsJWartial. May Day Md other Poems, byRalph Waldo Emerson. Thf Re!*n of Law, by theDukeof ArcyJ; The InvigiWee, or rfplrifnalismExplained Miss Rarenel'ii Con version from BeoeMion to Loy»ifr. byJTW. D* Forest. Sowingthe Wind, a novel, bjr I. Lrnn Linton,.T* '. rEANCK TATLOB

FOR 8ALE AND RENT.l^OE JtKNT.A SWAM. HOORI? PURMISHKP,* St 8 H. between 4t^ and 5th streets.mjr 27-3t*BARBKR HHOP POK RUMT,«-Ap»ly at theoflleeof tbe Kirkwood House my 27-tf

t[H>R KENT.One or two furnisl<'»d rooms, in aprivate family. in Georgetown. Referen « re¬

quired Ad Ires* A. M , Star oUc*. my 37-eott*

Ij^OR RENT.Furnished or Unfurnished ROOMS,.t4vO I' street, between 6th and 7th sfree'smy 27 3t*

F'OR SALF--A GROCERY AND I.IOUORS i ORK, >itnat"d on L street. between I Jtn and

20fh streets A pply on the premises my 27 3t*

FpOR RKHT-Two or four nnfnrnished roomssuitable for housekeeping, corner 12th and Ostreets north m27 3t*

|T<;R SALK-GOOD WILL and>IXTORE8~of1. Cigar Store and Houm. House And St'ire farrent 437 l.Jth street. m 27 St»l^OR RENT.A FRAME H0U8H, with stable.1 on C street, between 31 ,»nd 4*4 street*. InquireOR the premises. No. 2'J1, Island m> 27 3t*I^OR REN'T.Severe! nicely furnished HOUSESJF STARR A MKTOALF,

Plant's Building,1117 27 tf New York avenue and Ifith st.

l^OR URNT-A STORE ROOM , corner of 8th aod; street, and fixtures for sale. Inquire of

i « kDMONSTON, on the premises, bi-tween 6and8pm ra) tf tf

F^OR RENT.The Beyond and third FLOORS'suitable for two families for housekeeping, in

"r'"!. splendid brick house on 7th st.,ix»rueroiKBt. Reference required. m 27 2t*

PLEASANT ROOMS POR'OBNTirkMEN-Onreasonable terms Capitol Hill Restaurant,

corner of aouth A street and N"W Jersey avc""<.my 27 3t*

F^OR RENT.A new Frame HOUSE, uont.iiuin?MX ro* ins, witb garden and yard. situated on

Maryland avt-nue between 10th and 11th streeteast. Inquire at Mrs. Miller's Grocery Store, next

d<>or. m> 27 5t*

F^OR RENT, AND FURNITURE FOR SALE.A HOUSE often rooms and bath room, near

the Capitol. Large shad> yard and a stable R«ut$'V> a month. 327 north B street, Capitol Hillmy 27 3t*.m^R~rent-four well furnish e oJ- ROOMS communicating oil second and tliirlfloors, one block from Capitol and street cars.Terms moderate. Apply at No. 371, coi ner of 1stand E streets, Capitol Hill. my 27-2t*

EORGETOWN REA L ESTATE AND HOUSEf AGENCY, 100 Bridge street .We now have

a number of desirable Properties fur sale in pricefrom $2,000 to $'2.»« Also, LOTS for sale, andseveral IHH'SES for rent.mj 27 lin* ORME A HOOPER


on first floor, suitable for a club of four Also,communicating ROOMS on second and third floor,with hot and cold water. $30 per mouth with Hoard.Apply at No. 4T»9 9th St.. bet. E and F. in 27-2t*

l^oR SA LE.Forty two hundred and twenty feetJ of t.l.'Ol Ml, improved by three shanties. nowrenting for ..yl.S per month, situated on E streetnorth, near New Jersey avenue. Price .*sj(). onliberal terms. STXRItA METCALF.

( Plant s Huildiiig. Imy 27 tf New York ave. and l.*ith street.

j^oHSA LE-Two n at COTTAGE HOUSES. containiiig five looms each, situated on Est. north,

between North ' .ipitol -t. and New Jersey avenuejS.'WO cash and .«i"> inoiitblv until paid.

STARR A METCALF,(Plant's Building !

iny27-tf New York avenue ami 15th st.

l^ojj RENT.That ie-itable B~RICK~ iYhUSE1. three stories and basement. No. 1 ()** Green st.i.l orffetK.wn. I». <Thi-house contain- ni'ie roomsand I ath rooms.with tras and water throughout.andI as a large yard attached with stable aii'l ''arria_reHouse. Pos»es-ion will be given imni' diatelv Fort. rni' apply to THOM \> GREEN. No. »:S K »t . >i4 **0 J4ih st.. WiMliington. D. C. my 27 !w*

^TORE-ROOM FOR ISBNT.With Fixtures for.. butcher's business. <an»<age Cutter and StuffingMachine complete Apply tu vt door, at paint andoil -lor". No. j-'iO E st.. I»et. iitii uml 13th. luiVot*LM'IIN ISHED JIOOMs.Suitable for liou-ek'. p1 ing. at No 4T4 C street, corner C and NorthCapit td uear Bnltiiui>re Depot. Spacious gardenand fruit tree* attached. mv 25-tt^

rp W t'ET. EGANT SI1" MM El! PVRLoliS. tintM. floor. south flout. for -insie gctitleuien or forhonsekt eping: furniture ivw; ga». hydraut. Twosmaller rooms for houst kcu per, 492 E street, be¬tween Mh and fith sts. my 25-3t*l/l RN IS1IE^I>~B<m»M FOR RENT..1Two gentle1 men can l«- ac<-onimot|aTe«l with a very pleasiiutand nicelj furnished FRONT ROOM, in a privatefamily, a few minutes" walk from the Departments.Rent moderate Inquire at 1 *"'2 K street, thirddoor frein 18th street. my 25 3t*L'l'ir RENT. A handsome (FOUNTRY RE<I.r DEN' E. with two acres of ground. 2l» miletrom the city, on the road passing (Henwood Centetery. The house has ten rooms, and ha-been re¬cently painted. pap-red. Ac. For terms, etc., apply to Iir TUCK ER. 3H*» (' street north. m25-'!t*VKW YORK AVENUE.i^i Between 14th and 15th streets.4 BEAUTIFUL LOTS, next to Plant's New

Building, on1. -2. 3. 4. AND » YEARS' TIME.


A great chance for speculators or builders.For sale at

R. M. HALL'S Real Estate> 26 tf 71 Louisiana avenue, corner 7tn st.

l^OR RENT.A HOUSE on the Heinhtsof George-I town, situated on Stoddart street. Apply toMrs JOHN HARRY. Congress street, above Stud

dart. my 24 t>t*

F^oR RENT.A large, handsomely-furnished1 RON T ROOM. on second tioor. Also, a very

desirable DOUBLE ROOM on first floor, at No. 21Indiana avenue, between 4H and 3d streets, oppo¬site City Hall. m 24 3t*L^OR RENT.BRICK HOUSE. No. 410 k~Tt.i lietween 9th and 10th street*, with six roomsgas and water. FRAME HOUSE, with six roomson 11th street, between O and P streets. Inquire oJOS. F. K ELLEY. Reel E-tate Agent, office 3ti3Sth st. west, near North I st. my 24-3t

HA R I;'"* H A N C E~~F oR A SMALL IlfVE STMEN'T.The subscriber will rent for on- or

more years his WOOD AND COM, Y\RD VNohis CIGAR AND TOBACCO STORE, all upon thesame lot. and so arranged that one person can con¬duct both. The stock will be sold at net cost, andthe place rented at a fair rent. T. DRl'RY.m 24 St* Fa. av.. bet. 17th and 18th st-".

1^<»R RENT.Pleasant FURNISHED 4*2*2 12th street, near New York avenue,

my 23-6t*

r^(*R RENT.From the 1st of June next, a FUR¬NISHED HOUSE of twelve rooms. Apply at

Room No. 15 first floor Poet Office Department,from 9 a. m. to 2 p ui. my23-6t*

OFFD'ES FOR RENT.A HOUSE suitable forOFFICES, or dwelling, fronting on La av.«

tith. and D streets, furnished with all modern iniprovenients. Apply to MRS. A. SIMPSON. No.4. Louisiana avenue. my 2'?-4t*

FnirrST:NT-Brick STABLE AND CARRI AGEHol'SE. in a central location. Possession

given immediately. For terms. Ac., inquire ofW. L. WALL k CO..

Auctioneers and Commi-.-ion Merchants,my 23 Corner 9th street and Penn. avenqe.

F^OR SALE.-WE HAVE FOR SALE A FARMof ]S0 acres, about a mile beyond the Navy Yard

bridtre;it is fine arable land, well fenced, and divided into mowing pasturage and tillage with theOxen Branch running through it. We will divide

%it into 40 or 50-acre lots, to suit purchasers, orwill sell the whole at .?.'X) per acre, upon very easy-terms. There is a .-mall House upon a 40-acre lot.

D. L. WELLS A 23-lOt Corner Louisiana ave. and 6th st.

170R RENT. FURNISHED - That desirableJT RESIDENCE. No. 275 I street, between 17thand 18th west. Bent in advance.

DOWNMAN A MAGRUDER,m 22-lw No. 2 Intelligencer Building.FOR RENT.A Three-gtory BRICK HOUSE,

furnished, on C street south, between 2d and 3dsts.. Capitol Hill. Inquire of F. FAIRFAX, at thehouse between 3 and 4>s o'clock p. m. my 21 -6t*

STORE FOR SALE-STOCK, GOOD WILL,and FIXTURES of the best stationery store in

the city. Inquire of SMITH BROS. A CO.. 464 7thstreet, opposite Poet Office. my 21-lw

FOR RENT AND FURNITURE (nearly new)FOR SALE at #200. Three completely fur¬

nished ROOMS suitable for housekeeping. Rentif 15 per month. No. 271k10th street, between Oand P streets. my 21 -St*

FOR RENT.In a very healthy and desirablesituation in Georgetown, a Furnished HOUSE,containing 12 rooms, kitchen and cellar, with a

pump of good water, a large garden and some fruit.Inquire at 94. corner of Fayette and 4th streets,Georgetown. D. C. my 21-2w*

For SALE.A new two-story HOUSE, on theIsland; $ino cash, the balance in monthly in-

gtallmentfl of $10. STARR A METCALF,Rooms 12 and 13, Plant's Building,

my 20 tf New York avenue and 15th st.

Lots for sale on liberal terms-Located on 22<1 street west, one half squarefrom street cars. Good fronts and depths. Price

Rooms 15 and 16. Plant's Building,my 20-tf lath street ana New York avenue.

FOR SALE-A very valuable LOT OF LANDin Prince Georges' county, Md., having the

District line as one of its bonndaries; four milesfrom the Center Market; good soil; well watered;the whole truct having a southern exposure. TenJ^res of it are arable, and no better location can befound for a building site. Wood land adjacent canbe had in any quantity to suit. Apply to the owner,across the Eastern 3ranch, near tne National Racet onrse, on the farm adjoining those of Col. JohnH. W heeler and Thomas Jenkins. 15-13t* REUBEN MEITZLER.

Bricks for sals.Seventeen thousand good,all hard, second-hand BRICKS for sale verycliemp Also, STONE DOOR SILLS and GRANITE POSTS and one IRON DOOR. Apply to D.A. GARDNER, 460 New York avenue, near thecorner of 15th street, or to WM. HUNTER, northside old burial ground, on 14th street, near Bonndary street, where the articlee are. my 18-tf

FOR SALE.Lot No. 3, in Square 59, on 23d streetwest, between E street north and Virginia

avenue. Said Lot is 15 feet front, 137 feet 2^ inchesdeep, and improved by a new first-class WoodHouse, containing five rooms. Also, two smallHouses on the rear of the lot, containing two roomseach. The three houses rent for about $40 permonth. Price 92,900. ImmMiat^jioiweMlon^iven»P 19-tf 465 9th street, between E and F.

AT PRIVATE SALE.A desirable two-storyBRICK HOU8B, containing ftverooms, witha good dry cellar ander kitchen; well located, a few -

blocks from the Capitol. Apply on the premises,4th street east, between K nod B sts. north, Oapitofuui. - * mjr


family in the town of < ain'»n lg». Md. Th--projierty ig well improved. In excellent oondltf**,and anuni; the MwtdiHiirtM* hOflfflt^ad* in th ¦ > tlla^e. It will be sold at A low figure. To * gentlemnn w hn desires a comfortable hnm- for hi< fnmih ,in one of th" most aen- able Tillage* in Maryland,w hi»re honnehoM ¦ xp tip s a1* not halt as gre it a> in* city , the opportunity is a rare one. M ' W-Oiv-h,Editor of the Stnr. who knows th- property w«*ll,will give information concerning it to any mjui

rt m my 15 If

|,V 0 R S A~1_KR. M HALLS

REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE,No 71 Louisiana av-nue. , omer 7th stfefA lovrly COUNTRY RESIDENCE. n ;ar the city,about it) minutes drive from th" Capitol Biilting,improvenvnta of every kind, fine liouse with 1*i corns and hath room, lite stable large orchard* pfpeach. pr:»r and apple Also. nn« assortment ofgrape* anil email fruits. beautiful shade and <rnamental trees lawn. &<. , Ac. About 4© arr^* of landof first quality. Will be wold on easy term* Pric«£I'3,000 my 81 eo3tTVMCEL Y FURNISHKl) ROOMS IN A NKW1 * House, lath room aud wator closet*, and allthe modern improvement* in th» house; pleasantneighborhood, and earn pan the door AjiplyatNo 479 I> street l>etween 1st aad 2d streetsmy 21 eoOt

FOR R'R NT.Snail HOUSE, neat'> Forui shedto a party without children, $3# per month

("all at 295 8th street. l>olow M, af»<«r 6 p mm 23 eo2t*

|,\!R SAIjK.A twoxtoey BRICK HOt'SK n"ir* Uifi n>rthea*t boundary of ti>e city; 4 r wrai uilha',1*. with large lot of ground enciose 1 Prv-e^t.OOO. Inquire 347 3d st. inh 25 tf


NOTES, aeoured upon Real Estate.MITCHELL A HON. Real Estate Broker*niy 25 it S. K. corner Pa and 15th stre*t.

1r YOU WANT TO GET A GOOD HOOP~~SKTRTatljl. a nice Corset at 75 cents, and MillineryGoods of all description# at cost, call at once itMm. STERN'S Hoop Skirt Factory and CorsetDepot. 512 Seventh st., bet I) and K. ray 24 3t*ffl? f FOR TUB LATEST STYLUS OF SKIRTS,tjp I best material, always on hau l and made toorder. Skirts altered and repaired, at S. F.SHREVE'S H oop Skirt and Corsut Manufactory.253 7th street, bet M atid N st*. my it lm*zAn more of niose French wiialk.JIf" BVNE CORsKl'S. Fit warranted or nosale,at CHS. BAUM' 20tf 49 Louisiana avenue.

IMPORTANT TO PARENTS. SHOULDERBRACES made to order for Misses and Children,at CHS. BAl'M'S Hoop Skirt and Corset Manufac¬tory. 49 Louisiana avenue, between 6th and 7thstreets. my 2" tfCj I WII-L BUY A GOOD HOOP SKIRT OF -2$tj? I springs, at BAUM'Smy 9 tf 49 Louisiana avenue.

rl '11 E "GRAPE l '|i; \i: niaile by p Flm WELCH. 430 Penu a avenue, bet. 4*4 and6th sts.. is decidedly the bent ten cent Cigar offeredfor sale in 8 lm* MANY SMOKERS.

PREVENTION BETTER THAN CUREui( wood s i n i: \rn ph i: \ e.\ ri vf.s.

499 SEVENTH < t-lin* Opposite t>. 1 <I Fellows' Hall.

\* <»C CAN NEVER MAKE THE TBI I' .mTtuchu or Samaritan liunibugs. See Dr. DA KB Y.4"*0 7tlj i-t H<- is the his»ln*~r authority Hit) pri\ ate rooms are opposite Hdd F<dlow>' Hall. my I lru*

JT.HN D. Cl.AKK. A l'TOi;N KY AND « "I V>1.1.LOR AT LAW AND NOTARY IM Bl.IC.No. 3'Jj 12th street west. de 14 i\

LOST AMD i?OUND.¦ usT.A Black and Tan TERRIER. Had a cd*_i lar on marked . 11 E. ({uinn." \ libera! reward will be given ll returned to 173 1> -treet. 1^1and'. ItCTIl \ V KD AWAY oil the iii»tiint. a ila:kI r« ii MARE, medium siz. white ltiud te> tand carries mane on ii-it side. A suitable rewartl\» i! I la? given it returne* toJOHN UMHo IT. cortierof ;»t'n ami '> st5. iny27-lt

C^AME*T(> M T PREMISES on the 25tb '

> a RED COW. with horns, white mi hei b.t. kThe owner ij requested to com forward. pr«'Veproperty pa\ ( barges, and take her awa\

W. H. 1'KTTIT.mj S-SI* Spring Hit! Farm, above (i.- rj. towa

LOST.In* entre Market. thi« morning. I'oCKETj B<'<'K .containiiijf between .isand Si". ILniinit Dr. II 15. Noble's card. Leave at El.VANS £CO.. and will receive nward. my 24-3t"

REWAKIC.Lost, on the 25th in-t., beV*"*' tw"i'ii ltiggs \ Co.'s Banking house andS nd street. #7Mn seven .*10 notes aud one «¦'>note. The above it-ward will be paid if returnedto the Star Office. in> 25-2f

IOST.<>n the 22il. between Uniontown andi Georgetown, on the line of the cars, a Ladieg'tiuI.D WATCH. English mak Anyone return-ingsanie to l»r ANTISELL. Penti'a av.. willbe suitably rew arded. in '34-3t *

Q REWARD.Lost, on the morning of the i5dO instant. a Black NANNY (JO AT. blind in theleft eye; a little gray hair on the face. Tlie abovereward will be paid for her return toGEO. KRON Eli. No. 133 4;a street, bet. Virginia avenue andE «t.. Island. ui24-3t*

LOST.At the National Theatre, or betweenthere and Willard's. last evening, a BRACELET. marked "M. A. F'. to R. R.. Birthday Gift.lSo7." The finder will be liberally rewarded by leav¬ing the same at \N illard's Hotel. fe 22-tt

BOAKDINQ.I^CliNIsHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. IN AA healthy and agreeable location, for the summermonths. Apply at Star office. my27-eo3t*HOARDINtr..Two gentlemen, or « gentlemanand hi- wife, can find accommodations in a private family. at No. 23 14th st. west, corner of W.near Meridian Hill. References re<itiired. m27 tf

noARDINi; . FRONT PARLOR, handsome 1 yfurnished, with BOARD for two. at ijiaO permonth. BAi. h. I'A KLoU. tor two,at >'40 p-r month.Apply F". street, near loth st. my 27-3t*

DESIRABLE Rooms, in a pb-asant locationwith Table Board. Terms moderate. Applyat No. 349 20th street, west,*.-, first house fromI «treet. my huge, handsomely furnishedJT> ROOM, delightful for summer. The very bestTable Board References required. \t No. 4004th street, near the <°it) Hall. ni2B-3t*

o\UD IN THE COUNTRY CAN BK OBt.lined by applying to Mrs. N. MAGRl'DER,Bladensburg. Application must be made in per-on.

my 2.'. 4t"

BOAKDIN't;.. FURNISHED RooM<BOARD, suitable for t wo gentlem» u. or gentleman and wife. Terms .*25 each p« r month 1 Gstreet, between 2i»th ana 21st. my 24 3t'

SEVERAL LARCE AIRY ROOMS. HAD««MEly furnished to let. with BOARD, will be let insuits or singly. Two large parlors on first floorsuitable for a club of four gentlemen. e;is. water,and bath in the house. One square from the cars,only a few minutes from Departments. Locationunsurpassed for summer. Neighborhood excellent.Highest references given and required. 234 II st.,near 19th my 21-eo3tiVdjt"'

BOARDING.A gentleman and his wife, or twosingle gentlemen, can obtain u pleasant frontROOM with BOARD iu a private family from theNorth. luquire at No. 70 L street, between 23dand 24th. mh -AJ

F̂ OK RENT.Nicely furnished PARLORS and_i BEDROOMS from .$10 to %T2 per month.BOARD Sfo per week. No. 4!».Joth street, bet Cand La. a venue. my 13-ImJ/OR RENT.With BOARD, a largo corner front.T ROOM, with four windows. Also, two otherROOMS; all upon moderate terms. 3S9 3d streetwest, ccrner Indiana avenue. rnv IS-1J el

FOR RENT.Two well furnished PARLORS, onthe first floor, with or without BOARD. Apply393 E St.. bet. 9th and 10th. fe 12

TABLE BOARD at No. 464 10th street, a fewdoors north of the avenue. Terms $25 permonth. de 16-tf

PIC NICS, EXCURSIONS, Ac.NOTICE .The PIC-NIC which was to have beengiven by the member* of O. B. Chris-mond's Brass and String Band, at Jeune-men's Garden, ha* been postponed until the26th of May, on account of the inclemency ofthe weather.By order of the Committee. my 21-6t*

PROF. KREIS' DANCING ACADEMY, Penn.ave.. opposite Metropolitan Hotel; Tuesdayand Friday evenings, from 8 to 10o'clock. The hall

can be rented for meetings. Jtc. my 10-ly


FOR GOOD CIGARS, at wholesale aud retail, goto WELCH'S, headquarters of the "GrapeCigar," 430 Pennsylvania avenue, between 4)6 and6th streets. my 8-lm *

HO. HOOD,. 33?* Pennsylvania avenue.Has on hand a large stock of fine WATCHES and

JEWELRY. Solid Silver Ware, Fine Cutlery,Spectacles. Opera Glasses. Jkc.. Ac., that he will s«||at very low price*. ap 23-tf

A FLOUR, Ac.SSORTMEXT OF FLOUR COMPLETE.All grades of FAMILY.All grade, of EXTRA.All grades of SUPER.Fine and Middlings FLOUR.

AT VERY LOW KATES.Assortment for Baker's use complete,AT VER Y LO H' RA TES.All kinds of Mill Feed. Hay. Straw. Ac.Ground Alum and Fine Salt, at rery law rates, by

,W. M. GALT A CO.,Indiana avenue and 1st street.

ap 27 near Baltimore Depot.rn PER CENT. SAVED BY USING C. B.u" JEWELL'S pure unadulterated

Premium New York City SOAP,Premium FAMILY SOAP,Premium FLANNEL SOAP,And No. 1 BROWN SOAP,

For sale cheap for cash. Orders through the PoatOffice will be promptly attended to.

C. B. JEWELL,Soap aud Candle Maaufarturcr, No. 300 aud

502 G at. north, bet. <th and 5th. jall-faiCJEVERAL SPLENDID PARLOR ORGANS,© with Patent Organ Swell, and one vrith^movable Pedal Ba». (rery convenient fororgan »raetice athome.,>_w|n . *.?5«TiVkLtVe SOLD AT C

iXarj to rebuilding Storo.

No. 49T Ilth st., abovs are

PROPOSALS.Proposals fob furnishing article*


K*tt PiTHAsTii't Ottick, I. _

WashingtohD. C . M %y 26. 14 " (Sealed be endorse* ''Proposals."will ho received at this office until 12 » tn" 1ir-"td»jr oljtint, U7, for the f'ilowint miiipli'-' vu'"must be of the vrni best quality, to he delivered fr-eotexpejiwe and Kovemmnnt tan, at the WashingtonNary Yard, .inJ Mibj'ct to the usual tnsp^'Wttnthereat, to wit:

Ewtau of Ordnnnr*8W(P«ght hundred) Tons Cumberlaud Oeftl, run of

the mine, 2/J40 pounds to the ton.2 (two) barrel# Lard Oil,1 (Piif ItarrH boil«1 l.inseed OilStO(two hmidriHi and tift> » pound* Cast St»»l,i 01 three hundred ami fift> ) pounds 6h»w St*e4.

Bureau \n~d* and D*(i.30 (thirty I tons White Ash Kgg CoalResponsible security requi: -d for the prompt and

faithful deliver} of supplies a»ardt*d. BUnklorme for bids. myth furthf VH'timlars for bid J r»,Vo he had at thi* nffire

CALVIN O»7IS St I'ayvHxter U S. N avy.

|\EPABTME*T Or AQKICU bTURB.*" Washington. D 0 . May S 1MT.Proposals will oe received at this l»*partment

nntii ii o clock Jane 6 d 7, far farnishiug all themateria'^ and perfcrmlng the work re<iuiredinthe cotjstrncti«n of a Brick Building for the «<.*of tr.e Department of Agriculture. to be erectedon Uesttrvntien ho I, in this city. acCTdlug t«plans and specifications that caa bo eeea at tlMoffice of tbe i>oa>mla»ioner of Agriculture wbtr*fun Information with regard te tbe promotedbuilding can he obtained, said prope«al« te beeither for the whole building or separately for thedifferent kind* of workNo proposal will he entertained from any par

.on who is not known to he a practical bnilderKidder* are reuut-sted to state the ¦ horteet tine

possible In wbiow the bnildlng is to he compieted>the work to be commenced in three days after tbeMgning e< tbe contractThe Department reeerves the right to reiect anr

or all bide, if it be deemed for the interest of theuo»numeBt to do so. and no bid wi-ll he rei el v*4that does not conform to the requirements of theplans and apecilcationa and of thie advertisemeatN'nety per cent of tne amount of work done aadmaterials furnished, according to contract price,/said amount to he ascertained by tha eetim*teor

tbe Superintendent,; will be paid from time tetime a* the work proceeds, aud ten per oeatretained nntil the completion of the contraoi andthe acceptance of the work by the Deptrtment.Every proposal must be accompanist by thebond of two responsible persons, in the ion oftwenty thousand dollars, that the bidder willaccept an«l perform the contract If awaH«d tehim, the sufficiency of the security to be certitiedby the United State* District Judge. United State*District Attorney, or Olerk of the United StatesCeurt.Proposals should be intriosed <n a sealed enve¬lope, itdersed "Proposals for a Building for theDepartment of Agri nlture," and addressed tothe Commissioner of 9 SOt ISAAC NEWTOS, Commissioner.

Proposals fob oattlr fob the win-NEBAGO INDIANS.

Sealed Proposals will be received until Ue'olookM , on tbe 10TH DAY OF J ONE, lf»t>7, at theOffice ot the Snperlntencient of *ndian Affair* forthe Northern BuperUtendmcy. Omaha City, Ne¬braska, for furnishing subsistence to the Winne-baco Indians at their reservation in Nebraska,eighty miles north of Omaha City as follows :1.100 ponnds of Beef per day, net weight.I Hio pounds of Flour per day an J1,600 pounds of Salt per month up to the 1st day ofAugust. 18o7.Also, from and after the 1st day of August, 1*57,to tne 1st day of June, 1868, the following sappllee,to wit».'4) pounds of Beef per day, net weight, and

1,500 poubda of Salt per mouth.All articles «f subsistence tarnished must be of

good mallty aud subject to inspection and rejec¬tion by the agent of the Winnebagoes.The right is reserved to increase or diminish thanmonnt of supplies at tbe discretion of the Super¬intendent of Indian A;:airs for the NoithernBu peri n tendency.Also, te tei mluate the coutraot that may be en¬

tered into on giving the contractor or contractor!six weeks noticeThe contractor will be required to execute .

good and sufficient bond in the sum of £ 104)00 forthe faithful fulfilment of the centraetThe party or parties to whom the award Is made

must be prepared at ouca to execute the ooutractand give thfc re^ulr^d bondSeparate proposals will be received fer each

article of subsistence called for in this advertise-ment.Tbe right is reserved to reject any or all blda

that may be offered.Bidders must give their Dames in fall as well m

their places of re«tden e.Proposals must be endorsed .. Proposal* for Cat¬

tle for the Winnebago Indians.",


OF MARCH 27, 1S67.Dkpartment or the Interior,(

, ^ _W a^hington, April ii. ldo7 (Healed Proposals will be received until 12 o'clockflr«t <*ay "I JUNE, 1867, at the urtioe of

H-Superintendeut of Indian Affair*fer the Northern Snperlntemiency, at Omaha City,Nebraska, for the «Ieltvery at Omaha Olty of tbefollowing Stock Cattla, to wit:300 head of Milk Cows for tue Winnebago ln-dians. occupying a reservation In NeDraaka.300 head ot Milk Cowa for the 8antee Sioux In¬dians , occupying a reservation at the moutbof tbe Niobrara. Nebraska.300 bead of Milk Cowa for tbe Tancton Sioax In-

occupying a reservation in Dakota.100 head of Milk Cewa for the 9maha Indiana,occupying a reservation in Hchraak%3«heaii of American Balls.The Cows must be of good quality* AmericanDreed,not less than three nor more than seven

r®a/» old. Oows with young oalves, orcews witkcalf, will be preferred. The Bulla mnit be not lewthan three years old.All Cows known by stock drovera as Texas

cows, Indian Cows. Mexican Cowa, or half breedswill not be received.Superintendent Desman will have the right to

reject any or all bids that may be offered: also, th«right to reject any or all the cattle if ne deemsthat the cattle delivered are not of the roquiredcharacter.Superintendent Denman will be authorized tereceive the said cattle and to give vouchers to the

parties delivering the cattle, to be paid at theoffice of the Commissioner of Indiana Affairs inWashington city.The Cows to be delivered on or before the firstday of Augnst, 1So7.Superintendent Denman will have the power to

change the place of delivery with the consent oftbe contractor.The contractor will be required to ezente a

good and sufficient bond in the sum of $24,000 forthe faithfnl fulfillment of the contractThe party or parties to whom the award Is

made most be prepared at ence to execute thecontract and give the required bond.Bids will not be received for a less number thaa

the total number of cows and bulls called for.Bidders must give their names in full, as well

as their places of residenceProposals must be endorsed, "Proposals for

Cattle for Indian Service."ap 27 O. H. BBOWNINfl, Secretary.

Navy department,Bi RKAf of Navigation. May 7.1857.

Sealed Proposals,endorsed "Proposals for build¬ing a Chapel at tbe Naval Academy, Aunapoiis,Maryland," will be received at this ofllee until 1o'clock p. in.. May 28, 18o7. at which hoar the bidswill be opened, for furnishing all the materialsand workmanship necesaaiy for tbe constrnotionand completion of a Ohapel at the Naval Acade¬my ground#, Annapolis, Maryland, according toplaaa and specifications, which can be seen at thisoffice daily from 9 am until 3 p. m.Bidders must accompany their offers with guar¬

antees that they will, if their bids are accepted,enter into contract, with good and satisfactory se¬curity in tbe fnllamonnt of the contract, withinten days from the acceptance of their offer Thevare requested to name the time in which they willengage to complete tbe building.The Burean reserves tbe right to reject nay ornil of the bids at its discretion.

THORRTON A. JENKINS,my 9eo9t Chief of Enreaa,


p BEAT WATCH BALE Isj O!* THK PerrLAR ONon TRs rerrLAR ons Piles plan,Givmr every Fatrom a Handsome and Reliablt

Watckfor the low Pries of Ttn DollarsWITHOUT KI6AXD TO VALUI.

And not to U pa id for unlets ptrftcilw Satisfactory !160 Bolld Gold Hunting Watches $1B9 to E7S0100 Magic Cased Oold Watches ........ >10 to 630100 ladies' Watches. Enamelled...... 100 to 300300 Gold Hunting Chronometer do... 360 to 30U300 Gold Hunting English Levers... 300 to 25®900 Gold Hunting Duplex Watches . ISO to 200600 Gold Hunting American Watches 100 to 360too Silver Hunting Levers AO to 1606oo Silver Hunting Buplexes 76 to 360500 Gold Ladies' Watches 60 to 3601,00<» Gold Hunting Lepinee.. 60 to 75

1,000 Miscellaneous Silver Watches 60 to 1002,500 Hunting Silver Watches 36 to 606.000 Assorted Watches, nil kinds. 10 to 76.9"Every patron obtains a Watch by this ar-

ent, costing bat §10, while it may be worthNo partiality shown

We wish to immediately otsposs of thenfrov*magnificent Btock. Wertificntes, naming tbe nrti-cles, nre placed in sealed envelopes, and wellmixed. Holders are entitled to the nrtldss namedon their certificate,upon payment of ElO, whetherIt be a Watoh wertn $760 or one worth less. Thereturn of nny of onr certificates entitles von to thenrticle named thereon, upon payBent, Irrespect¬ive of Its worth, and as ne nrtfcls Tnlned less than$10 Is nnmed on nny certlficnte, It will nt once b«seen thnt this Is .. .

No Lo'ttry but a straight forward lemtimattTransaction, which may 6« participated

in ft'tn by th* most fastidious '

A single Oertifioate will be sent by mall, postaid. upon reoeipt at 36 cts., fivefor 01, eleven fer»j, thirty-three and elegant premium for $$, six-y six end more valuable premium fer $10, one^uadred and most superb Watch for 9 it. Toagents or those wishing employment this is n rareopportunity. It Is a legitimately conducted busi¬ness, duly nnthoriEed,Dy the Government, andmost careful scrutiny. Try us 'open to the »ost careful eorotiny. IVy u.

WEIGHT, BROTHER * 00., Importers,apzo 36t 161 Broadway, Mew York.

PIC-NIC. EXCURSION. AFD TRAVELINGLUXURIES.Just received, a large assortment of articles se¬

lected especially for tne above purposes.STRASBOURG, FAI8AN, BECASSES, PER-DBEUX. POTTED TONGUE, HAM,

ANCHOVIES, &c., Ac... .

Croeeee Sc Blackwel l's,Gordon's Preserves. Brandy Fruits, and Jellies,Fresh West India Fruits..Also, a large variety of Plain and Fancy Pic-Nicand Truveliug Baskets.

MAGNOLIA HAMS.We call attention to. for Sandwiches. They aremild, tender^aud <'qoliVen Juk'1From the Scuppernong Grape of North Carolina;light, very fruity and golden color; unexcelled forlunch use.

7. M. KING ft SON, King Place,ay1*-tf Corner Vermont av<j, and 15X tft.