food safety: severe storms & hurricanes -- usda, 2007

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  • 8/8/2019 FOOD SAFETY: Severe Storms & Hurricanes -- USDA, 2007

    1/12 A Consumers Guide To Food Safety

    A Consumers Guide To

    Food Safety





    U.S. Department of AgricultureFood Safety and Inspection Service

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    A Consumers Guide To Food Safety

    Food Safety During An Emergency

    Did you know that a ood, re,

    national disaster, or the loss of

    power from high winds, snow, or

    ice could jeopardize the safety of your

    food? Knowing how to determine if

    food is safe and how to keep food safe

    will help minimize the potential loss

    of food and reduce the risk of food-

    borne illness. This Consumers Guide

    will help you make the right decisions

    for keeping your family safe during an




    Keep an appliance thermometer in

    the refrigerator and freezer. An appliancethermometer will indicate the temperaturein the refrigerator and freezer in case ofa power outage and help determine thesafety of the food.

    Make sure the freezer is at 0 F(Fahrenheit) or below and therefrigerator is at 40 F or below.

    Freeze containers of water forice to help keep food cold in thefreezer, refrigerator, or coolers afterthe power is out.

    Freeze refrigerated items suchas leftovers, milk, and fresh meatand poultry that you may not need

    immediately-this helps keep themat a safe temperature longer.

    Plan ahead and know wheredry ice and block ice can bepurchased.

    Store food on shelves thatwill be safely out of the way ofcontaminated water in case ofooding.

    Have coolers on hand to keeprefrigerator food cold if the powerwill be out for more than 4 hours.Purchase or make ice cubes andstore in the freezer for use in therefrigerator or in a cooler. Freezegel packs ahead of time for use incoolers.

    Group food together in thefreezerthis helps the food staycold longer.

    Power OutagesWe practice basic safe food handling in our daily lives, but obtaining and

    storing food safely becomes more challenging during a power outage or natural

    disasters such as hurricanes and foods.

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    Never taste a food to determine itssafety!

    Keep the refrigerator and freezerdoors closed as much as possibleto maintain the cold temperature.

    The refrigerator will keep foodsafely cold for about 4 hours if it isunopened. A full freezer will holdthe temperature for approximately48 hours (24 hours if it is half fulland the door remains closed).

    Food may be safely refrozen if itstill contains ice crystals or is at40 F or below.

    Obtain block ice or dry ice to keepyour refrigerator and freezer as

    cold as possible if the power is

    going to be out for a prolongedperiod of time. Fifty pounds of dryice should hold an 18-cubic-foot fullfreezer for 2 days.

    If the power has been out forseveral days, then check thetemperature of the freezer withan appliance thermometer orfood thermometer. If the food stillcontains ice crystals or is at 40 F

    or below, the food is safe.

    If a thermometer has not been keptin the freezer, then check eachpackage of food to determine itssafety. If the food still contains icecrystals, the food is safe.

    Discard refrigerated perishablefood such as meat, poultry, sh,soft cheeses, milk, eggs, leftovers,and deli items after 4 hours withoutpower.

    When in Doubt, Throw it Out!

    Photos Courtesy of National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration/Department of Commerce

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    A Consumers Guide To Food Safety



    TO KEEP OR DISCARD Do not eat any food that may have

    come into contact with ood water.

    Discard any food that is not in awaterproof container if there isany chance that it has come intocontact with ood water. Foodcontainers that are not waterproofinclude those with screw-caps,snap lids, pull tops, and crimpedcaps. Also, discard cardboard juice/

    milk/baby formula boxes and homecanned foods if they have come incontact with ood water, becausethey cannot be effectively cleanedand sanitized.

    Inspect canned foods and discardany food in damaged cans. Candamage is shown by swelling,leakage, punctures, holes,fractures, extensive deep rusting,or crushing/denting severe enoughto prevent normal stacking oropening with a manual, wheel-type

    can opener.


    Thoroughly wash metal pans,ceramic dishes, and utensils(including can openers) with soapand water, using hot water ifavailable. Rinse and then sanitizethem by boiling in clean water orimmersing them for 15 minutesin a solution of 1 tablespoon ofunscented, liquid chlorine bleach

    per gallon of drinking water (or thecleanest, clearest water available).


    Thoroughly wash countertops withsoap and water, using hot water ifavailable. Rinse and then sanitize

    them by applying a solution of 1tablespoon of unscented, liquidchlorine bleach per gallon ofdrinking water (or the cleanest,clearest water available). Allow toair-dry.

    Saety o Food in Containers

    Exposed to Flood Waters

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    POUCHESUndamaged, commercially

    prepared foods in all-metal cans and

    retort pouches (for example, exible,shelf-stable juice or seafood pouches)can be saved if you do the following:

    Remove the labels, if they arethe removable kind, since theycan harbor dirt and bacteria.

    Thoroughly wash the cans orretort pouches with soap andwater, using hot water if it isavailable.

    Brush or wipe away any dirt orsilt.

    Rinse the cans or retortpouches with water that is safefor drinking, if available, sincedirt or residual soap will reducethe effectiveness of chlorinesanitation.

    Then, sanitize them byimmersion in one of the twofollowing ways:

    Place in water and allowthe water to come to aboil and continue boilingfor 2 minutes, or

    Place in a freshly madesolution consistingof 1 tablespoon ofunscented, liquidchlorine bleach per

    gallon of drinking water(or the cleanest, clearestwater available) for 15minutes.

    Air-dry cans or retort pouchesfor a minimum of 1 hour before

    opening or storing.

    If the labels were removable,then re-label your cans orretort pouches, including theexpiration date (if available),with a marker.

    Food in reconditioned cans orretort pouches should be usedas soon as possible, thereafter.

    Any concentrated baby formulain reconditioned, all-metalcontainers must be diluted with

    clean, drinking water.

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    A Consumers Guide To Food Safety



    Use bottled water that has notbeen exposed to ood waters if it

    is available.

    If you dont have bottled water,you should boil water to make

    it safe. Boiling water will killmost types of disease-causing

    organisms that may be present. If

    the water is cloudy, lter it through

    clean cloths or allow it to settle,

    and draw off the clear water for

    boiling. Boil the water for one

    minute, let it cool, and store it in

    clean containers with covers.

    If you cant boil water, you candisinfect it using household

    bleach. Bleach will kill some, but

    not all, types of disease-causingorganisms that may be in the

    water. If the water is cloudy, lter it

    through clean cloths or allow it to

    settle, and draw off the clear water

    for disinfection. Add 1/8 teaspoon

    (or 8 drops) of regular, unscented,

    liquid household bleach for each

    gallon of water, stir it well and let

    it stand for 30 minutes before you

    use it. Store disinfected water in

    clean containers with covers. If you have a well that has been

    ooded, the water should be

    tested and disinfected after ood

    waters recede. If you suspect that

    your well may be contaminated,

    contact your local or Statehealthdepartment or agriculture

    extension agent for specic advice.

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    If food has spoiled in a refrigerator orfreezer and odors from the food remain,they may be difcult to remove. Thefollowing procedures may help but mayhave to be repeated several times.

    Dispose of any spoiled orquestionable food.

    Remove shelves, crispers, andice trays. Wash them thoroughlywith hot water and detergent. Thenrinse with a sanitizing solution(1 tablespoon unscented, liquidchlorine bleach per gallon of water).

    Wash the interior of the refrigeratorand freezer, including the door andgasket, with hot water and bakingsoda. Rinse with sanitizing solutionas above.

    Leave the door open for about 15minutes to allow free air circulation.

    If odor remains, try any or all of thefollowing:

    Wipe inside of unit with equalparts vinegar and water. Vinegar

    provides acid which destroysmildew.

    Leave the door open and allow toair out for several days.

    Stuff both the refrigerator andfreezer with rolled newspapers.

    Close the door and leave forseveral days. Remove paper andclean with vinegar and water.

    Sprinkle fresh coffee grounds orbaking soda loosely in a large,shallow container in the bottom of

    the refrigeratorand freezer.

    Place a cotton swab soaked withvanilla inside the refrigerator andfreezer. Close door for 24 hours.Check for odors.

    Use a commercial productavailable at hardware andhousewares stores. Follow themanufacturers instructions.

    Food Saety: Removing Odors

    rom Rerigerators & FreezersRefrigerators and freezers are two of the most important pieces of equipment

    in the kitchen for keeping food safe. We are instantly reminded of theirimportance when the power goes off, ooding occurs, or the unit fails, causing

    food to become unsafe and spoil. The odors that develop when food spoils can

    be difcult to remove. Use this information to learn how to remove odors fromunits or how to safely discard an affected unit.

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    A Consumers Guide To Food Safety

    IF ODORS REMAINIf odors cannot be removed, then

    the refrigerator or freezer may need to

    be discarded. If you need to discard therefrigerator or freezer, discard it in a safemanner:

    Childproof old refrigerators orfreezersso children do not gettrapped inside. The surest way is totake the door off.

    If the door will not come off, chainand padlock the door permanentlyand close tightly, or remove ordisable the latch completely sothe door will no longer lock whenclosed.

    It is unlawful in many jurisdictions todiscard old refrigerators or freezers withoutrst removing the door.

    Depending on where you live, yourappliance will be picked up by your solid

    waste provider, a recycler, a retailer (if youbuy a new unit), or program sponsored bylocal or regional utilities.

    Rerigerator FoodsWHEN TO SAVE AND WHEN TO THROW IT OUT FOOD Heldabove40Fforover2hours

    MEAT, POULTRY, SEAFOODRaw or leftover cooked meat, poultry, sh, or seafood; soy meat substitutes DiscardThawing meat or poultry Discard

    Meat, tuna, shrimp, chicken, or egg salad DiscardGravy, stufng, broth DiscardLunchmeats, hot dogs, bacon, sausage, dried beef DiscardPizza with any topping DiscardCanned hams labeled Keep Refrigerated DiscardCanned meats and sh, opened Discard

    CHEESE Soft Cheeses: blue/bleu, Roquefort, Brie, Camembert, cottage,

    cream, Edam, Monterey Jack, ricotta, mozzarella, Muenster,Neufchatel, queso blanco, queso fresco DiscardHard Cheeses: Cheddar, Colby, Swiss, Parmesan, provolone, Romano SafeProcessedCheeses Safe

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    FOOD Heldabove40Fforover2hours

    Shredded Cheeses Discard

    Low-fat Cheeses DiscardGrated Parmesan, Romano, or combination (in can or jar) Safe

    DAIRYMilk, cream, sour cream, buttermilk, evaporated milk, yogurt, eggnog, soy milk DiscardButter, margarine SafeBaby formula, opened Discard

    EGGSFresh eggs, hard-cooked in shell, egg dishes, egg products DiscardCustards and puddings Discard


    FRUITSFresh fruits, cut DiscardFruit juices, opened SafeCanned fruits, opened SafeFresh fruits, coconut, raisins, dried fruits, candied fruits, dates Safe

    SAUCES, SPREADS, JAMSOpened mayonnaise, Discard if abovetartar sauce, horseradish 50 F for over 8 hrs.Peanut butter SafeJelly, relish, taco sauce, mustard, catsup, olives, pickles SafeWorcestershire, soy, barbecue, Hoisin sauces SafeFish sauces (oyster sauce) DiscardOpened vinegar-based dressings SafeOpened creamy-based dressings DiscardSpaghetti sauce, opened jar Discard

    BREAD, CAKES, COOKIES, PASTA, GRAINSBread, rolls, cakes, mufns, quick breads, tortillas SafeRefrigerator biscuits, rolls, cookie dough DiscardCooked pasta, rice, potatoes DiscardPasta salads with mayonnaise or vinaigrette DiscardFresh pasta DiscardCheesecake DiscardBreakfast foods wafes, pancakes, bagels Safe

    PIES, PASTRYPastries, cream lled DiscardPies custard, cheese lled, or chiffon; quiche DiscardPies, fruit Safe

    VEGETABLESFresh mushrooms, herbs, spices SafeGreens, pre-cut, pre-washed, packaged DiscardVegetables, raw SafeVegetables, cooked; tofu Discard

    Vegetable juice, opened DiscardBaked potatoes DiscardCommercial garlic in oil DiscardPotato Salad Discard

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    0 A Consumers Guide To Food Safety

    Frozen FoodWHEN TO SAVE AND WHEN TO THROW IT OUT Still contains ice Thawed

    FOOD crystals and feels as Held above 40 Fcold as if refrigerated for over 2 hours


    Beef, veal, lamb, pork, and ground meats Refreeze Discard

    Poultry and ground poultry Refreeze Discard

    Variety meats (liver, kidney, heart, chitterlings) Refreeze DiscardCasseroles, stews, soups Refreeze Discard

    Fish, shellsh, breaded seafood products Refreeze Discard

    However, there will be

    some texture and

    avor loss


    Milk Refreeze Discard Maylosesometexture

    Eggs (out of shell) and egg products Refreeze Discard

    Ice cream, frozen yogurt Discard Discard

    Cheese (soft and semi-soft) Refreeze Discard


    Hard cheeses Refreeze Refreeze

    Shredded cheeses Refreeze Discard

    Casseroles containing milk, cream, eggs, soft cheeses Refreeze DiscardCheesecake Refreeze Discard


    Juices Refreeze Refreeze. Discard

    if mold, yeasty smell,

    or sliminess develops

    Home or commercially packaged Refreeze Refreeze. Discard

    Will change texture if mold, yeasty smell,and avor or sliminess develops

    VEGETABLESJuices Refreeze Discard after held


    Home or commercially packaged or blanched Refreeze Discard after held

    Maysuffertexture above40Ffor6hours

    and avor loss


    Breads, rolls, mufns, cakes (without custard llings) Refreeze Refreeze

    Cakes, pies, pastries with custard or cheese lling Refreeze Discard

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    Got Food Safety Questions?

    ASK KAREN! The FSIS automated

    response system can

    provide food safety

    information 24/7. Visit

    USDA Meat andPoultry HOTLINE

    1-888-MPHotline (1-888-674-6854)

    English & Spanish

    10:00-4:00 ET

    TTY: 1-800 256-7072

    AskKa re




    Got Food Safety Questions?

    Still contains ice Thawed

    FOOD crystals and feels as Held above 40 Fcold as if refrigerated for over 2 hours


    Pie crusts, commercial and Refreeze Refreezehomemade bread dough Some quality Quality loss

    loss may occur is considerable


    Casseroles pasta, rice based Refreeze Discard

    Flour, cornmeal, nuts Refreeze Refreeze

    Breakfast items wafes, pancakes, bagels Refreeze Refreeze

    Frozen meal, entree, specialty items(pizza, sausage and biscuit, meat pie, Refreeze Discard

    convenience foods)
  • 8/8/2019 FOOD SAFETY: Severe Storms & Hurricanes -- USDA, 2007


    A Consumers Guide To Food Safety

    Food Saety Contacts or Areas Afectedby Severe Storms and Hurricanes

    Consumers with food safety questions

    can phone the toll-free USDA Meat and

    Poultry Hotline at 1-888-MPHotline (1-888-

    674-6854); TTY, 1-800-256-7072.

    The Hotline is available in English and

    Spanish and can be reached from 10 a.m. to

    4 p.m. (ET) Monday through Friday. Record-

    ed food safety messages

    are available 24 hours a day.

    Consumers can also ask safe food

    handling questions by logging on to FSIS

    online automated response system called Ask

    Karen, on the Food Safety and Inspection

    Services Web site:

    E-mail inquiries can be directed to

    [email protected].

    Additional information about USDAs

    food safety efforts can be accessed on the

    FSIS Web site

    F D AFood and Drug Administration

    For information on safe food handlingfor foods other than meat, poultry, or eggproducts, call FDA's toll-free information

    line at 1-888- SAFEFOOD or 1-888-723-3366. FDA emergency number, staffed 24hours a day,301-443-1240.

    C D CCenters for Disease Controland Prevention

    Call 1-800-CDC-INFO or1-800-232-4636, TTY 1-888-232-6348,

    for information on hazards, safe cleanup, and preventing illness and injury.Available in English and Spanish,24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    O T H E REnvironmental Protection Agency

    EPAs Safe Drinking Water Hotline:1-800-426-4791

    Federal EmergencyManagement Agency (FEMA) Food and Water in an Emergency

    F S I SUSDAs Food Safety and I nspection Service

    General Disaster Assistance Site:

    The U.S. Department of Agriculture prohibits dis-crimination in all its programs and activities on thebasis of race, color, national origin, age, disability,and where applicable, sex, marital status, familialstatus, parental status, religion, sexual orientation,genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or be-

    cause all or part of an individuals income is derivedfrom any public assistance program. (Not all pro-hibited bases apply to all programs.) Persons withdisabilities who require alternative means for com-munication of program information (Braille, largeprint, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDAs Target

    Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To le acomplaint of discrimination, write to USDA, Director,Ofce of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave., SW,Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720- 6382 (TDD). USDA is anequal opportunity provider and employer.[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]://