folheto who are the sdarm

PEOPLE OF THE VICTORY: The Seventh-day Adventists Reform Movement Quem são os adventistas do sétimo dia movimento de reforma? Quem são os adventistas reformistas? Se estas perguntas fossem feitas a pessoas numa rede social na internet ou a pessoas passando por uma movimentada praça, é possível que algumas respondessem com frases parecidas com estas: “Eles são um movimento de reforma política?”, “são membros de uma sociedade secreta?”, “não são aquele grupo que só come verduras?”. Algumas pessoas talvez diriam: “acho que são aquelas pessoas que seguem a lei de Moisés e o Velho Testamento.”, “eles acham que são salvos pelas boas obras que fazem”, ou “em minha opinião eles são uma seita. Cuidado com eles!”. Para muitas pessoas desinformadas essas podem ser possíveis respostas. Mas elas não apresentam a realidade sobre os adventistas do Movimento de Reforma. Não podemos condenar as pessoas que dão tais respostas. Provavelmente elas nunca tiraram tempo para ler algo sério a respeito ou jamais conheceram um cristão adventista do movimento de reforma de perto. Os adventistas do sétimo dia movimento de reforma são pessoas estranhas com idéias fanáticas e doutrinas erradas? No que eles acreditam? Como eles vivem e se comportam? O que eles oferecem para a sociedade? Quem de

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PEOPLE OF THE VICTORY:The Seventh-day Adventists Reform Movement

Quem so os adventistas do stimo dia movimento de reforma? Quem so os adventistas reformistas? Se estas perguntas fossem feitas a pessoas numa rede social na internet ou a pessoas passando por uma movimentada praa, possvel que algumas respondessem com frases parecidas com estas: Eles so um movimento de reforma poltica?, so membros de uma sociedade secreta?, no so aquele grupo que s come verduras?. Algumas pessoas talvez diriam: acho que so aquelas pessoas que seguem a lei de Moiss e o Velho Testamento., eles acham que so salvos pelas boas obras que fazem, ou em minha opinio eles so uma seita. Cuidado com eles!.

Para muitas pessoas desinformadas essas podem ser possveis respostas. Mas elas no apresentam a realidade sobre os adventistas do Movimento de Reforma. No podemos condenar as pessoas que do tais respostas. Provavelmente elas nunca tiraram tempo para ler algo srio a respeito ou jamais conheceram um cristo adventista do movimento de reforma de perto.

Os adventistas do stimo dia movimento de reforma so pessoas estranhas com idias fanticas e doutrinas erradas? No que eles acreditam? Como eles vivem e se comportam? O que eles oferecem para a sociedade? Quem de fato so? O que faz esse povo ser o povo da vitria?

Where Did the Seventh-day Adventists Reform Movement Come From?Os adventistas da reforma so uma famlia culturalmente diversificada de crentes que fazem parte de um movimento mundial presente em 130 pases ao redor do globo. Por cem anos eles tem tido lutas e vitrias e declaram ter uma misso especial.O nome Adventista do Stimo Dia - Movimento de Reforma inclui trs crenas vitais. Adventista reflete sua convico na proximidade do retorno de Jesus. Stimo Dia se refere ao Sbado bblico que desde a criao tem sido o memorial do poder criador de Deus. Movimento de Reforma reflete o fato de serem um movimento de pessoas que, pela graa de Deus, trabalha pelo retorno pureza das doutrinas bblicas e por um melhoramento de si mesmos e do mundo.

Abbreviated history of the Adventism Origin

The Seventh-Day Adventism have it origin in the United States of America with a little group that studied the preaching of William Miller (1782-1849). Miller was born in Pittsfield, Massachusetts on February 15, 1782. At the age of 34, he abandoned Deism to join the Baptist Church. After some time he begun to proclaim the soon retur of Jesus. His preaching caused great excitement. Its calculated that only in America there was between 50 thousand and 100 thousand of people waiting for Jesus Christ Second Coming. Miller revised his calculations and after examined a Hebrew calendar he finally came until October 22, 1844 as the correct date to that event.

But Miller commited a mistake in his interpretation. All the believers that are studying the prophecies with Miller waited the day 22 anxiously. Then the day come, but nothing happened and the believers was disappointed. This episode became known in America as the Great Disappointment, and caused most of Miller followers to abandon him. Factions developed, but one little and faithful group survived. A group formed by eleven people that including Ellen G. White, James White and Hiran Edson, after a deep study of the Bible in comparison with Millers calculations discovered that October 22 was a correct date. They found that Millers mistake wasnt the date but the interpretation about the event.

As the group of those who believed the Sabbath and the Second Coming grew, it became apparent that they could carry out their mission more efficiently if they would organize. The first organizational step would be to pick a name for this growing movement. After many names were discussed, the appellation Seventh-day Adventist was chosen. It clearly described the denominationthose who keep the seventh-day Sabbath and look forward to Jesus soon coming. In 1860, they formally inaugurated the Seventh-Day Adventist Church.

The Seventh Day Adventist denomination was organized at Battle Creek, Michigan in 1863. Some years ago started send missionaries to all continents of the world. This is an abbreviated history of the Adventism formation. From its formation in 1863, would begin in Europe 51 years after, in 1914, a religious movement knowing by Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement.Origin of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform MovementFrom the beginning, the Seventh-day Adventist denomination announced its stand as follows: "We, the undersigned, hereby associate ourselves together as a church, taking the name of Seventh-day Adventists, covenanting to keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus." J. Loughborough: The Great Second Advent Movement, p. 352.

The same position was confirmed by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United States during the American Civil War.

In 1865, the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists reaffirmed their original stand:

"Resolved that we recognize civil government as ordained of God, that order, justice, and quiet may be maintained in the land; and that the people of God may lead quiet and peaceable lives in all godliness and honesty. In accordance with this fact we acknowledge the justice of rendering tribute, custom, honor, and reverence to the civil power, as enjoined in the New Testament. While we thus cheerfully render to Caesar the things which the Scriptures show to be his, we are compelled to decline all participation in acts of war and bloodshed as being inconsistent with the duties enjoined upon us by our divine Master toward our enemies and toward all mankind." The Review and Herald, May 23, 1865.

As this position of total obedience to the commandments of God was not practiced during World War I (1914-1918), a great crisis came upon the Seventh-day Adventist Church. While 98% of the members decided to obey the instruction of the officers of the denomination, taking part in the war, 2% decided to remain faithful to the law of God, upholding the original position, as taught and practiced up to that time. These faithful believers were disfellowshipped from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Europe because they chose to uphold the church's original position in regard to keeping the Law of God (all Ten Commandments).

In a booklet published by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Germany, they announced the following:

"In all that we have said we have shown that the Bible teaches, firstly, that taking part in the war is no transgression of the sixth commandment, likewise, that war service on the Sabbath is not a transgression of the fourth commandment." Protokoll, p.12.

In the Seventh day Adventist Encyclopedia, Commentary Reference Series, the following explanation is given:

"On the German mobilization, in August, 1914, the SDA's of that country were faced with the necessity of making an immediate decision concerning their duty to God and country when called into the armed service (see Germany, V; Noncombatancy). After counseling with the few SDA leaders locally available at that time, the president of the East German Union Conference informed the German War Ministry in writing, dated Aug. 4, 1914, that conscripted SDA's would bear arms as combatants and would render service on the Sabbath in defense of their country. . . . Admittedly, the three SDA leaders in Germany took a stand concerning the duty of SDA's in military service that was contrary to the historic stand officially maintained by the denomination ever since the American Civil War (1861-1865)." The Seventh-day Adventist Encyclopedia, Commentary Reference Series, Vol. 10, p. 1183, Edition of 1966.

The adventist writer Gerhard Pfandl declare: From the beginning, Seventh day Adventists in Europe experienced a number of difficulties, especially in the realm of Sabbath observance and military service. Children were required by law to attend school on Sabbath, and the work-week ended on Saturday afternoon. Adventist young men who complied with the required military service frequently went to prison for their refusal to work and fulfill their duty on Sabbath.

At the beginning of World War I, when the government placed additional pressure on our leaders, church leaders in Germany buckled and instructed church members to fulfill their military duties on Sabbath as other soldiers do on Sunday. This position on combatant service, as well as doing duty on Sabbath, stood clearly in opposition to the traditional position taken by Adventists in the past. When the German members were confronted with this new position, many began to protest vigorously. Particularly in the city of Bremen the opposition became very vocal against the churchs leadership. This situation caused the leadership to react with further actions and they disfellowshipped the protesters.

The reformers, or the seventh day adventist reformers, suffering several persecutions and a lots of them died as martyrs during the I and II World Wars for defend the original bible principles and the original faith of the first adventists, including the Gods commandments not murder and keep the holy Sabbath. A lots of them was took and put in authorities hands, or in prisons as enemies by his own brethren and leaders of the main adventist denomination. But the reformers never denied their faith and survive until today. For this reason, we can call them people of the victory.

In 2014, a century after the I World War, the Seventh Day Adventist German Unions wrote officially a formal apologize directed to the reformers pioneers, their sons and grandsons, recognized that the church in 1914 committed serious mistakes. Unfortunately today the same position of combatancy and a liberal theology continues in the main SDA denomination in opposition of the adventist historic doctrines.

The Reform Movement of the adventists as a spiritual movement, was born at Europe in 1914. In 2014 the SDARM celebrated its 100th anniversary as movement and its church as an international organization has been in existence for over 80 years. Actually its present in all continents. The Reform Movement was organized in a global level as a General Conference in July 1925 in Gotha, Germany. The main objective of this church was and is still to continue with the original teachings of the Seventh Day Adventism.

The Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement General Conference, its main administrative organization, first operated from Isernhagen, Germany, and then Basel, Switzerland. After World War II, the headquarters was moved to the United States of America, and in 1949 was incorporated in Sacramento, California. Because it was deemed more advantageous for a worldwide work to be situated on the eastern side of the U.S.A., the headquarters was temporarily relocated to Blackwood, New Jersey, before moving to its permanent location in Roanoke, Virginia, U.S.A. If you desire to know more about the history and the martyrs and pioneers of Reform Movement, read the books The history of Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement by Alfons Balbach, and And Follow Their Faith

Why are the seventh day adventist reform movement the people of the victory? Because during the last 100 years they have faced a lot of persecutions, troubles, two world wars but never lost their faith in Jesus promisses. They coud be disapeared during the I and II World Wars but God has protect them and guide them untill the present. Their history is a special and blessed history. So it should be presented to their sons and to the world.

What Do Seventh Day Adventists Reform Movement Believe?

A denominao dos adventistas do stimo dia movimento de reforma se compe de pessoas. Cada pessoa tem seu modo peculiar e nico de pensar. Cada indivduo, segundo sua cultura e formao, expressa ideias diferentes e tem diferentes maneiras de expressar pensamentos e de agir em questes individuais ou coletivas. Porm em meio a toda essa diversidade humana existe um fio uniforme de crena que une cada adventista reformista em uma s f. Por isso a sua igreja tem uma identidade peculiar. Desde um ao outro polo geogrfico, do Brasil China, dos Estados Unidos ao Congo, da Romnia frica do Sul, do Peru s Filipinas, da Ucrnia Austrlia esse fio comum unifica a igreja mundial.

Em harmonia com seu nome os adventistas do stimo dia movimento de reforma so cristos que creem na Bblia, adorando a Deus, especialmente no stimo dia da semana e que se preparam para o breve retorno do Senhor Jesus Cristo.

Como cristos eles acreditam e proclamam as grandes verdades fundamentais da Bblia defendidas pelo cristianismo ao longo dos sculos. Entre elas a Divindade revelada nas pessoas do Pai, do Filho e do Esprito Santo; a autoridade, infalibilidade e inerrncia da Bblia como nica regra de f e prtica do cristo; a salvao unicamente pela graa; os meios de graa que so o batismo, a orao, a comunho na ceia do Senhor, o estudo e meditao na Palavra de Deus; o retorno visvel de Jesus Cristo a esse mundo para buscar a Sua igreja, e a crena na Nova Terra como morada eterna dos salvos.

Entendendo que tem um chamado proftico (conforme Apocalipse 14:12, 12:17 e 18:1) como povo remanescente e uma mensagem especial para esse tempo, os adventistas do stimo dia movimento de reforma, buscam restaurar e apresentar ao mundo importantes verdades bblicas que foram esquecidas ou modificadas ao longo da histria da igreja crist. Assim sendo eles acreditam e proclamam de modo peculiar: o grande conflito entre o bem e o mal, o santurio celestial e o juzo investigativo, a volta de Jesus, o milnio, o sbado do stimo dia, o dia do Senhor, a separao entre a lei cerimonial e a lei moral de Deus, a igreja remanescente e o selamento dos 144.00, o dom proftico, estilo de vida cristo, o casamento original como estabelecido por Deus no den, o estado do homem na morte dentre outras doutrinas fundamentais.

What Are the People Like?

If I ask you whats the rainbows color you probably answer me that a rainbow dont have only one color but several colors. In fact in a similar way the adventists of Reform Movement as a people arent of a unique color or they dont speak only one idiom, and dont have only a unique culture. They dont come from of one nation but from all continents of the world including little or great territories, islands, isolated tribes or exotic places. And in all this diversity we can affirm that the adventist reform movement are a happy people.

The seventh day adventists reform movement are formed by a great variety of cultures, countries, peoples and different ethnic groups. They spoke different idioms around the 130 countries where they are represented.

From a humble and little beginning with tears and blood of theirs martyrs, the SDARM groused up from a group of 4.000 people in 16 countries of Europe to several thousand of friends, sympathized and baptized members spread around the world. These people worship in little or great churches and study their sabbath bible lessons in different idioms each week

According to SDARM General Conference website the SDA Reform Movement ( has already reached 130 countries and territories. The countries where the SDARM had the largest membership are: Brazil, Romania, Peru, Ukraine, Philippines, China, Moldova, United States of America, Congo, Angola and India.

In present, their world church is geographic divided in eight regions: African Region, Asian Region, Central American Region, Eurasian Region, European Region, North American Region, Pacific Region, South American Region. The world administrative structure is organized in 14 unions, 24 fields and 20 missions.

Counting the baptized members with all children, teenagers sabbath schools students subscripted and not subscripted in local churches and groups around the globe, they register over 100.000 people in each sabbath service all weeks.

In 04/21/2015 Their world headquarters registered the following estatistic informations: - Sababth School Students: 66.677. - Worldwide baptized membership: Almost 40.000. - Churches and groups: 2.713. Total of workers: 1.576 (Ministros: 303, Pastores: 367, Obreiros: 906)

The SDARM Church conduct some institutions as ministries and tools to help the mankind and to proclam the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ to all people around the world. These instituitions are of different areas as Education, Welfare / Social Work, Health, and Vegetarian Food

What Is the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Church Like?

The services in the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Church can change a little in its program from continent to continent or from country to country. But in general lines they have three services per week. A prayer service (generally on Wednesdays), an worship and evangelistic service (generally in Sundays), and the main service, the service of worship, praise and doctrine (on Saturday), the Sabbath Service.

All the services are public and the entrance is free. They are opened to all, without distinction of age, sex, culture, social level, economic level, racial, religious or cultural differences. Everybody is free to worship with the seventh day adventists reform movement. At church there are a lot of songs, the Bible study and moments of prayer. The music is so special. They dont use rocks or pop rhythms, neither drums and dances is present in their worship with sacred music, but, there are a lots of harmonious solos singers, duets, quartets, vocal groups, choirs, instrumental bands, orchestras and in each country you can feel and listen its cultural marks, but always with a sacred identity that brings you to a calm and peaceful adoration.

After some period of music and prayer the minister or a lay preacher conduct the congregation in the Bible study that can vary from 30 to 40 minutes. The sermon is the main part of the service, when the Gods Word is opened and His message is listened with attention.

In Sabbath service, generally in Saturday morning, they have a special division of the service in two times. The first time is reserved to collective study of the Bible in the Sabbath School. The Sabbath School is a world bible school present in 130 countries. One of the greatest schools around the planet where the students can study in their local language the same bible lessons during a week and in Sabbath can review and discuss freely about the matters of the lesson in little or great classes in their local churches. This way, all Bible, from Genesis to Revelation has been study since 1925 for several times. Each quarterly a new series of themes are detailed studied. The doctrines, histories and prophecies of the Bible are studied by all students in their special classes. And all age (children, teenagers and adults) has its specific lessons and classes. Since babies until the old people have specific supporting. In fact the Sabbath school lessons are an important food for the spiritual health of the church.

In the second time of the Sabbath service the congregation studied the Bible together listened the minister or a lay preacher proclaim a sermon based on Bible.

All church members are invited to serve the Lord and help society around them with their gifts that are received freely from God. So, all years during the churches reorganization lay members are elected to assume officials positions in leadership and administration of their local churches. There are different departments and ministries int the church as: elders, deacons, preachers, Sabbath school teachers, churchs director, church secretary, churchs treasurer, Sabbath school director, music director, missionary director, media director, youth director, welfare director, health director, children director, family director and etc.

So be part of the Seventh Day Adventist Reform Movement Church as a member, never is monotone for who like activities and work using they talents and gifts to help the next one and Lords work.

What Is the Seventh-day Adventist Reform Movement Mission?

A misso dos Adventistas do Stimo Dia - Movimento de Reforma anunciar o evangelho e a mensagem da breve volta de Jesus a todo mundo atravs de evangelismo com diferentes meios como a pregao, a educao, o cuidado da sade e auxlio humanitrio aos mais necessitados. sua misso tambm viver como um corpo de crentes cujo amor por Cristo leva preparao de si mesmos, suas famlias, sua igreja e suas comunidades para a breve volta do Senhor Jesus Cristo. Mediante uma diversidade de dons e pelo testemunho de vida, motivados pelo evangelho da graa pregam a todos a salvao que vem unicamente atravs da f em Jesus e proclamam o evangelho eterno no contexto das trs mensagens de Apocalipse 14:9-12 e de Apocalipse 18:1-4. Convidam todas as pessoas a aceitarem Jesus Cristo como Salvador pessoal e unir-se Sua igreja, educando-os na preparao para Seu breve retorno.

Alm disso, sua misso consiste em:

Amar a Deus sobre todas as coisas e ao prximo como a si mesmos.

Demonstrar o fruto do Esprito conforme descrio de Glatas 5:22;

Descobrir seus dons espirituais e us-los no servio abnegado em favor da igreja e da comunidade;

Fortalecer as famlias e incentivar o relacionamento social;

Promover a oportunidade para a educao crist e preparar sua juventude para uma vida de servio cristo;

Alcanar as pessoas no evangelizadas, com as boas novas do evangelho eterno.

Este compromisso refletido em uma vida disciplinada que inclui:

Estudo pessoal da Bblia e orao;

Adorao em congregao;

Administrao do tempo e dos recursos materiais;

Vida saudvel;

Cooperao mtua e responsabilidade pessoal;

. Participao em pequenos grupos.

Seu mago de valores consiste em: Conhecer plenamente a Jesus Cristo;

Refletir o carter de Cristo em sua vida diria. 2 Corintios 4:6;

Partilhar alegremente Sua mensagem;

Viver de acordo com a autoridade das Escrituras Sagradas - base para a sua doutrina. 2 Timteo 3:16-17;

Dedicar-se orao e adorao reverente. Efsios 6:18 e Salmos 95:1-7;

Alcanar a sociedade com as mensagens dos trs anjos. Apocalipse 14:6-12 e Apocalipse 18:1-4;

Ajudar outros a desenvolverem um relacionamento pessoal com Jesus. Joo 17:3;

Aceitar outras pessoas sejam quem forem, sem comprometer suas crenas. Lucas 15:1-7;

Suprir continuamente as necessidades de outros. Glatas 6:9-10 e Mateus 25:31-46.

Desenvolver os talentos e dons de todas as pessoas pertencentes ao corpo de Cristo. Efsios 4:11-16;

Seus Mtodos Os adventistas do stimo dia movimento de reforma trabalham para cumprir sua misso com os mtodos de Cristo (curar e ensinar, e ento pregar) sob a guia do Esprito Santo mediante:

Afirmar o princpio bblico do bem estar da pessoa no seu todo, fazendo da preservao da sade fsica, mental e espiritual e a cura das enfermidades fsicas e espirituais a prioridade do seu ministrio em favor dos pobres e oprimidos, cooperando com o Criador em Sua obra de restaurao;

Reconhecer que o desenvolvimento harmnico da mente e do carter essencial ao plano de redeno divino. Advogam e promovem o crescimento de uma compreenso e relacionamento maduro com Deus, Sua Palavra, e o Universo criado;

Aceitam a comisso evanglica de Mateus 28:18-20, proclamando a todo o mundo a mensagem de um Deus amoroso, plenamente revelado no ministrio reconciliador da vida e morte expiatria de Seu Filho Jesus.

Sua Viso Em harmonia com as grandes profecias da Bblia, vem como cumprimento do plano de Deus de restaurao de todas as coisas, a plena harmonia com Sua perfeita vontade e justia.

Crem que o cumprimento da sua misso mediante o poder do Esprito Santo resultar em uma igreja espiritualmente forte e progressiva que exemplifica o apelo do Salvador: "Assim brilhe tambm a vossa luz diante dos homens, para que vejam as vossas boas obras, e glorifiquem o vosso Pai que est nos cus."

Se voc deseja conhecer mais sobre o povo da vitria, acesse: www.sdrm.orgPara receber gratuitamente um curso bblico, escreva para:


Horrio de Funcionamento: Seg sexta das 11:00 s 15:00Algumas opes do cardpio: Na lista figuram panqueca de batata, lasanha de jaca e pizza de tofu. Alm dos pratos, h tambm salgados. O enroladinho de ricota com cenoura e a esfiha de legumes com soja custam R$ 2,50 cada um. Para beber, prepara sucos de abacaxi e de laranja (R$ 3,00, com 500 mililitros). Batida com leite de soja, cada bebida sai por R$ 4,00.


ENDEREOSrtvn Cj P Qd 702 E Br Rdio Center s/n lj 33,Braslia,DF-BrasilEste natural pertence Igreja Adventista do Stimo Dia, por isso no abre aos sbados, no serve bebida alcolica e a nica protena animal permitida o leite. No buf de almoo dirio (R$ 30,90 o quilo), sempre h arroz integral, refogado de legumes e muitas saladas. Entre os quentes, eventualmente pode ter bolinhos de glten recheados de azeitona, almndegas de soja, estrogonofe vegetariano e torta de tofu. A partir das 17 horas, a casa monta mesa de sopas e massas (R$ 22,90 o quilo). A refeio pode ser acompanhada pelo suco de abacaxi com hortel, couve e limo (R$ 6,00 a jarra de 500 mililitros). Para encerrar, musse de maracuj (R$ 2,90).Instalado na regio central de Braslia, no Setor de Rdio e TV Norte, nosso restaurante ao longo de 21 anos, tem cumprido seu papel, que o plano de Deus: apresentar uma alimentao natural e saudvel ao povo.De domingo a sexta-feira, apresenta um cardpio rico e variado, o qual sempre atrai no s a muitos do nosso povo, dos irmos adventistas, dos curiosos, dos enfermos, daqueles que primam por uma alimentao saudvel, e tambm de grupos filosficos que no aceitam usar de nenhuma forma, produtos de origem animal.H clientes que esto almoando diariamente conosco 15 anos a fio.Boa sade de SP

Boa SadeR. Tobias Barreto, 809, Moocatel.(0xx11) 6605-6452.

Uma das poucas opes na zona leste, apresenta uma balana logo na entrada. Os clientes entram, pesam-se e depois se servem no buf de pratos vegetarianos, po feito na casa, saladas, sopa e massas. Nenhum tipo de carne servido na casa, que pertence igreja Adventista, mas freqentada por um pblico diversificado. 90 lugares. Seg..a sex. e dom.: 11h s 15h. Prato principal: carne de soja.

Escola Missionria

3/44 Edward StreetRiverstone, NSW 2765AUSTRALIA

Editora Missionria EMVP

Nossa empresa encontra-se no mercado de publicaes desde a dcada de 1940, trabalhando num segmento especfico do mercado livreiro: orientando leitores a manter hbitos saudveis de vida.

No Brasil, a obra de publicaes comeou logo depois de uma conferncia realizada na Lapa, SP Capital, em 1928

Em 1932 foram impressos dois livros, os quais trouxeram ricas bnos para muitas almas. Eram: "O Caminho Sade", dos escritos de E.G.White, e "O que nos Trar o Futuro?", um estudo sobre as profecias relacionadas com a segunda vinda de Cristo.Em 1934 surgiu outra revista, intitulada: "Por que est abalada a Terra em toda a parte?", e, com esse material dois livros e duas revistas , iniciou-se, em 1937, a obra de colportagem na cidade do Rio de Janeiro.Com a publicao do livro "A Sade Depende da Cozinha", em 1942, ficou completa uma bonita coleo de trs volumes, tanto encadernados como em brochura, e com isso a colportagem ganhou grande impulso.Como os livros eram impressos em grficas particulares, deu-se os primeiros passos para iniciar uma oficina grfica, e, em julho de 1946, foi comprado um terreno no Belenzinho, em So Paulo - SP, onde comeou uma pequena oficina de encadernao. A guilhotina para cortar os livros era manual, e o lombo deles era feito a martelo. Em 1947 foi impresso um novo livro: "Bebe para Curar-te". Foi um sucesso na colportagem!

Centro de Sade den - Breaza Romnia

The SDARM has approximately 40,000 members worldwide and are represented in 130 countries.