focus group media

Focus Group Sam Johnson

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Post on 16-Apr-2017




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Focus Group Sam Johnson

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My focus group will consist of both males (17) and females (19) aged 37-52 all from kent. The majority of people were middle class people as these are the people who read regional magazines (however some were lower and upper class). I devised my group by asking my parents friends, my friends parents and their friends if they would help contribute and be part of my focus group. We arranged a day for the meeting to take place for those that agreed to help me. Where I asked them, questions about the magazines they read, what they like and dislike and what they would want from a magazine.


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Where, When and What Is Included In My Focus Group Meeting

I took down contact information from all the people in my focus group when I asked them if they would take part. This meant I could set a date time and place for us all to meet and discuss magazines. I decided to meet in a conference room where my mum works as I could use it for free, as well as it being open environment which allowed us to discuss everything openly in a private room. This also allowed the date in which the meeting took place flexible (as I didn’t need to reserve a room) as not everyone could make certain dates, so we found one date that suited everyone.Furthermore before the meeting I needed to decide what I needed to find out from my focus group in order to make my research beneficial. So I concluded that I needed to ask about existing magazines, likes and dislikes, what they wanted from a magazine and what they think I can do to make my magazine better than any current magazinesSo I decided to make a questionnaire which could help me easily obtain plenty of clear, useful information. Such as what people are looking for in a magazine, what their likes and dislikes are and what they like to read. I also decided asked about what existing magazines they read and like in order to gain an idea as to what people look for.

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What Existing Magazines They Read And Like

I decided to collect and compile four magazines, which I then showed to my focus group and asked for feedback on what they thought about the aesthetics of the magazine, its contents and what their favourite magazine was.

Over 50 % of my focus group said they liked Kent life the most, ranking Cornwall today next, then Northern life and the finally Journeys. They said this as the photos for kent life and Cornwall today ere welcoming and had a soft feel to them with the writing not overpowering the images however still eye-catching whereas there other two magazines weren’t as aesthetically distant.

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Questionnaire for Likes and Dislikes How old are you? 25-30 31-36 37-42 42-47 48-53 How often do you buy regional magazines?Daily weekly fortnightly monthly every few months never Do you currently read any regional magazines?Yes no If ‘yes’ please specify what magazine(s) you read below ___________________________________________________________How much would you consider paying for a magazine? (please specify) ________________________________________What would you look for in a magazine?Fashion sports music nature beauty other (specify)________________Any other comments that you think my magazine could include/look like/have__________________________________________________________________________

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Results of questionnaire What I learnt from my questionnaire is that 22 out of 36 of people that took my questionnaire

are between 42 to 47, so this will more than likely be my target audience The vast majority of people read a regional magazine monthly with all but 3 people having

never read a regional magazine. With the people who are currently reading a regional magazine 41 % of them said they read kent life.

Everyone said that most current magazines are little expensive so they therefore don’t read them as often however said they would if they were a lot cheaper. With an average price across the group of £2.09.

As for what they would look for in a regional magazine 31% circled fashion, 39% circled sport, 57% circled music, however was suggested that local music would be good,48% of people circled nature and 8% circled beauty. I also received a lot of results which were not suggested as an options such as local events, places to visit and maybe a local news section.

From any other comments many people spoke about what colours and what my magazine should visually look like

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Conclusion for the meeting

From my focus group I've decided My magazine will be one where my main focuses will be on local events, music, along with plenty of nature, places to visit in kent and local news/updates in the south east.

My magazine will cost £1.00 as my focus group thought that most magazines are overpriced so by undercutting them hopefully I would get a wider audience.

when having a conversation at he start of the meeting people wanted a magazine that is welcoming so therefore I will ensure my magazine as bright and inviting, with eye catching images.