flux rss en

Identify the RSS icon on the website . Select your industry, e.g. “Banking” 1 2 On Jobup.ch as an example To create a predefined RSS feed

Upload: anne-laure-divoux

Post on 14-Jan-2015




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Page 1: Flux rss en

Identify the RSS icon on the website .

Select your industry, e.g. “Banking”



On Jobup.ch as an example

To create a predefined RSS feed

Page 2: Flux rss en

A web page in XML format opens asking you to choose among different solutions to subscribe to this feed.

Select in the menu . We recommend Google Reader or NetVibes but you can also choose your browser, etc.


Thanks your RSS feeds, you can get all the latest jobs right to your desktop and instantly see when a new job matching your key words is added on the website(s) you watch.

To create a predefined RSS feed

Page 3: Flux rss en

Write your key words in the search fields1

Then click on the RSS icon


On Optioncarriere.ch as an example

To create a personalized RSS feed

Page 4: Flux rss en

You can either copy/paste the URL in RSS readers like Netvibes , Google Reader, etc. or you can select in the menu the tools you want to use to subscribe to the RSS feed.


A web page in XML format opens asking you to choose among different solutions to subscribe to this feed.

To create a personalized RSS feed

Page 5: Flux rss en

Start by creating an account on www.netvibes.com1Click on “Add content”, then on “Add a feed ”2

Using tools like Netvibes and Google Reader, you can create entirely new websites with only the content you like (job ads, news, etc) !

i.g. Netvibes

And paste the URL3

with NetvibesTo create a personalized RSS feed

Page 6: Flux rss en

Click on “Add feed”4

Click on the + of the RSS icon and the window with the job ads appears in the selected section.


You can name the different sections by clicking on “Edit” and add other feeds.


with NetvibesTo create a personalized RSS feed